11 er • , ire Bea!, JUIITAIk tlie.•ll and SINOP P, 1/41 ei 11111° '-egoCAliarpows t • 50• Per •Pg l/441421 / 1 430 irrompp M=gr osia . baring:** liallibld• ; 00 • 10 Def..* Stl Orrm ....... WWI Any... • a Am u " .. ''' at, 00T •,;,•4 ''''''' OD '' 00 ....... 01U1nni.:11Pitaf 14 00 25 00 .ri " 00 -.TA • Viil- ti tat itg":94 utivance. sodas:Per , Too , to be pride ' f•T' --- 011*41°T CIO riek miitbk Iltb or J " uly,' teng: 7 Wt . 7. A. It, - --• il:r. - 11 .... 9r. it. - • • - . ------- 44 ; - "• 41 ": - . 01. Vi '?..5.;.) '; li t . 8. 5' . VII ' : ' t i liC e t ' Il ° : M.- I t 7 00 deg, ' ' 'deg.''' . '*. 10 d eg e g: k! ; 8: 79 deg/ •.: 98 degt-c., ' IS deg. .. 87 d 9,, eg. 719 IN 78 deg. alder. (IQ,— • Is t u g . r, ,.. .„ 4 14 n deg, . ,et &eir.. .„. FireApC . o . • • .„ , ,'T TAYLOR. , • tosshan,, .Ir:i lif Ml' street, Ctiront :- wouz, Plitsbergti,9i'llii entborthed .gent ex, mom le list WI. "., f ~, . . 5,, I . .. , ; 1 r - " ------ , ovr . ADVERTIVEII9IINTS. ''.. '! 4, ittotion of the Pehlteli o. l l,tided to dia.fol,- - g o advertisements . "11U:10 - appear fot AUG lo Tar Asocra ta.day:' ~ 1 `` , t, , tee. 40 . 1000 kroptcy-B. B. Cliamb4llo, Amalg 4 0, g ourly Statemen t -41aUcalalluulk of flume " '• , 0 .0 1 7 appl goods lu..a. Foam:ie. t` , 1 raw Brad --8. J. Cron & ' . ."' 1 • (OROS Sale-J. S. Llttell. , Co ..' - . -a-. . . D og Persong going bona some in 'schen) will / wood school at Editihoto. ibe Wednew Naga 4elonglog to Illr-Uato of this place, was oud by s train 4 cars white passing along near the pdoa oq 14 C. d% P. 11. : R., The cow , or ,mtag, but !witty° tif ites,icga brOktini. 4 I Flue follection.--At 11 held; near 41. McDonald'e residence-Stone's Point--on ; roes. ofercaing of lost %vett, the of 45114 was TellitZ• khu2 the sale of eatables. it t 3 tierce' been t ß g pk.s.ant gothe4;l9s. ••• n it Normal school 14'40 prOvldod wlth.faellit lea i t eparing teachers.' It' hair iC superior Set of flf I ox TbaT BOOKS to tha cova94 brapchcs ara skied FREE. t • " . t' ....• : . --...... A good Place for Ilieticeatille Ladle*. : , 4 I ' isitthrig over a year ago. a ship, load of 1114101- left - it ofirA ul New Yorlr and make for yirashlngton risuors, ostenribly to make, themselves 'aseful and 1 ; drub, but really, we suppose to Marry Slime of the . Olt* equittterg ()Utast region. - Oat of the two ban :ol ,omen who that went.all are now mrnried 'ex ' wog Oar, Fu at lout says a totteriwrltec froot . tbet ,i 9 .. ;,...~ labile School Viteittiote.--orbe s fehUc School d place, cloud on lasi Frldag — eien ihr vs- Om of six weeks.' Those rchobaregtrentheschool s attention during .the term irtdch tuts jest closed, vcdtlmPils:lbr, having made rapid progress In Wit Ina. The vacation Will continue until August at which time the seetiovslll agate begin. gled by lifiglitalag:—During the thunder .on last Sunday ono week av, a 'young mare, tied shout 16 or r yeare,, named, bender, of Marton inrubip, Mb county, was etreck . with lightning and l netestly killed. Two other young men were severely ,elated at the esmo time, but have since recovered:— $O.l sere sitting on a porch at tho time of the glom, • The tiutritei tlfileyhtbnr - at 'Hew Yost - is -et sore" 6•tothe rendk.tou men of this region, and all the 'weie es thet they can now sea It waslheresult of a se nee eviguc Waned specially.for Pendleion's They leek mil tks OA C46oollcria of having been do ihattely sold ant. Their long faies.ind disappoint ed looks Aro pitiful I o hehold. The coliset General McPherson: who fell moral ly wanded near Atlanta, left a written record of his fob appreehition of Grant as a General. Ho Pays that cant la frank and offaide, converses well and has a toodurly rkentive memory. He is generous to a nail, humane and tree; and-a sertdlast.filend of those it Wets worthy of his contldencd, he' can be relied epee in case (if emergency.", The Remedy for Lightning Strokes:— lt the midst of the season of thunder storme, &local reporter can confer no greater benefit to the cominu tny than In ke4ing constantly before hi& readers one rf the mot of human remedies fortha effectil of con mien by lightning stroke. A. homan being struck tnctly by lightning is, in ninety-nine cues out of a tmilltigi. 'Placed ' , beyond relief; but a human being af. felta by the concussion of such a etroke can be sal4- t et,rnett,nlne times out of a hundred, by reactionar mocdieo, poet ay Ore rapid dashing of cold water ov r the body of the %letting and the application of frictio . Thory man and woman should constantly bear these Uctrin•mind. The means for this Mandl are 'dwell° c bon, on that those in the hons,„hr the field, on the legality, in, the workshop, everywhere' where. light mg reoebc B the earth to' affect mankind, the - remedy frx iti. terrible inft4.nce can alwaya , be edinmanded. Beaver County at the N. Y. epnvention. Beaver county had some six or eight informal repre r. stathcs at the New York Democratic convention.— Their earertenee therelis said to have been diversified And rich. One or two of them undertook to make Speeches in some out of the way place. While doing so they were made to "simmer down" Vouch Yens as these fmtatiMorowd aronnd Cheat ; "Dry up.", "Put Mm ont.'"itill the d---d blatheraitite," if... gm. Oth ers of them ran out of "stampat and had to beat a hasty retreat forborne, where the inner man could be supplied at a figure lower than sfi per day. And still others of them were relieved of qietr pocket books by the light.fingered gentry,' of that strong and ever reli ct& Democratic city. One of tStese, residing on the math side of the river, is reported to he/to been tht toser,if $250 by having his pocket picked.' Ms opiu m of the honesty of the Democratic party Is not so 'ratted now as it was two weeks ago. In fact he be lieve/I It now to be composed of one-third. thieves, ode -third gamblers, aid the other third, easily corra pled by Belmont's money big& Taking them all in all, the itiegnst of the Beaver county icpresentatives at New York City Mad New York Democrats, was thorough and not easily concealed. They could icoCbe hired to tsit New York, under similar circumstances stain. The EirtraY Law.—We are otters asked what is Its lan in regard to 1164 i - cattle, sheep, tc:.tt 4 brief. Ty se folltma : !tie amide the defy of all persons hay. tog itlyi i n th e i r poeseselon, "withitrfour days to de rive" to lite town clerk a particular description of the color and marks, Wirral orartlflcial, Of each stray, or stays trif writing or other sathsfactory„naarmer, who, sad for every neglect or refusal to tlloAte:same'l he dun he liable to totiiit and.. pay the! elm Of fiff;1101: t oe — "and IL shall be the duty of the town clerk, sub. , lest to tike penalty for bagiact or' ittfuter:Aftmake en. lUD( the same In hia book, for which , hashlll receive en each bead or ,horens EA estate, oacia,Ao4l,R4rie vita, end for " every sheep 'sit rieitti,Vl lie paid by lath person delivering the said netlike atorianid." If the owner presents himself Within 80 days after said thy has been thus registered on the book of the town Clerk, he Is entitled to receive his property an,Atie parr! met of the cats, the keeping, and . .-the - damage, that may bare s occurred. After the expiration of thirty, days, if no owner nrceentiblinseikeititeVicm rflitie stray shall cause an advert:lsmael desaiiiing such to he published in at least one newspaper In the county—andlt no owner shallappear and make sat hie property in said stray within niety days of ter tre'pnblication of said advertietinerthilliilitrAilekivilk e ttthe, genic shall apply,,oiiastirdr , c4.. IMVIT*I . tilt same - township,- whole regirthred Warmish , tws . _ r! rent to a Constable, who; spar giv,lne r teu do's notice , t la required to' sell the sittill--the 'money for ;4,1116.4 " b e paid into the hands of the Justice of. the Peace: °bO kl 6 Pay. all re'isonabjC i!ost. of At ping, registering, advertising, Belling, &c., and the !"(43, if liti9 ,Pf0.44:441+W traonty.- Arm rine,Rspuslisan. t . --- 11311NMIrkiwaw UsWellahlipt , _ igrotl;. two, ..emigimicein***** tex ~ 444 4eboolttbki i=i l = amt.. * , • . • . ..- • • lirfii: iiiiictiaiNefia *on: ZWT . ..:3 - .1 1 17: ° Z b rT u f a I STA , °ll ..:4404140141.K1P111.40, arrbdtrt gei ro .. 11 4 10 50 1 . 1 ; 8 4 1 10 4 0/,/#4 6 ', dt 414 ' 41'4? " - "o141:9 1 41141/PrC9r.: Perititendtut eropee ekiakinglippp" beg the ammo 'dr k; strife irdel* I This torte 0f4404, 6 *.." 4 40 1 4 1 0: 11 04 b¢oo :- . 10, besazis.4 tiaiislikwbgoliiiii.ii;*: i t " requeite d; ; ,;-.. -3 1f,, , „qt.,: zu. <,i 1; 4f k ICI 'Del 3! e:;: ii:- i to fart; alifyieneehtintle*ifiC ~o**Mic , 4.4 L Unless pronounced by the attendlitilPhridoise• ;Ra t ipecial essmh=re=entlrely foie from sore e dlietiont try Ott their return. eta yacatioe, children mast to roes. anitiiidi ire! inumatod eases pliglionviitif *ow. to*.enktreb MO& -,374 . 41*ir0 ci . 0 4 ' 1,0 0 0 and mum* Mims* flittni teedWWl W4'101414 as amidemolif inprosmids neglsetand Wausau; meat on the part of sttendbi papiciskipoo authorities of such lostlestien,and-willuet-bi.lciar chiLi r' kjej irre/14 litjtia- IL If 4 It b orne request of the mother. Irtiordirli or Moods. Ail oth ern must be rumbaed with proper care and attention. and permitted to enjoy trances at the institution. hoe from study end labor, except such as namy be petering at: 'mug/04e _.. g.° TWAIN* yeti must n 44 the detail "pried of . per i * • The 11140 . 4 radial rooms, alit play mast .'' _ ..__t° Mel/ k inder ' :,.;.. thos3 supervision, the remaining portion of the day. O le * OO tt g • 17 00 RI 110140.01 .30 00.10 00.16 00 vAtMien atioald be wavered to and from the proper 'railroad station tree of charge. All othei erzyenses of barel, and at boom, mutt be borne by their motbers or Mends. '4. No ehl4 bo deprlyzd of matt, as a limn ishreint, no Metter. whit tissOlePoeriseir have been. ''l'ii do so waddle eroet.. bismy =wet us Mr instaneembere It Is known thatvac.ation !would be spent amid bad assoelatioas and demoralizing In. ensue" If chlldreo :were permitted to go hoins prlE clpa s . or' inansgmitillqiatt le ny them OM prii tuk tiegertheitn be ibieLto ea the dearest proof of the *lett:nee of the Ws upon which the denial is based. ramb 0 1 will taki, 3 „rith. hey, Clean 1 44 In. good, condition, and kgibly.Marked with bey name, unhinge of undettlotbes mid stout ings, two drawee, hat, sack and shoes; and eseb bo7, in , like cOntlitten, - 11 change of underclothes and stockingli, twp pairs Of panto, one Jack,efectitv. end stem+ ...allptiter clothing will remain at thilnatitittiorVexcept. Set the case Of transfers.— Girls will not take their bine winter dream:se, The ankles of Clothing taken, with theirerindition. 4[11144 i 3 *lied on thi thotkits the Afilfingkrital el-trollied 'and kheckert apirropttatei tmiirtt as to care and condition:wiletkretAlle 6. Those ordered by transfer to other schools will take all their clothes, and will be lustriteted to go di rect frost their holm to the 'cheat to which . they are ordered, when their furloughs expire. Every article of clothing taken. wlth,them.wftb t its condition. will be antlered oat this s h ack rta.l retool, intion the back of the furlough teethe information of the principal of t he,school to which they an trithsfiiired. ' 'T. The objeita of vacation sticitibt bo eitilalued to the children, and the duty and nocursalkyof good con. duct and - care id chrthing - while - ablest.- PromPi.re turn, &c., carefully and repeatedly impressed upon them._ It la hoped and believed that with - few exceptions, attentloni,o,stndr mtd indusirial inatmettimpind tothe culthition of good nrnners and habits. hes been at tended with so Much success that this whitlow will be gratifying to Motheraitruittriefidsi, aid Creditable to the instittitions to which these wards of the State be long.. It is aitui avid that after: enjoying the Ceara- Sou from study. and the visits to bome sad frieitde• which vacation allows,. children will be promptly re turned in good condition gratified and refreshed, and encouraged to pursue, with renewed energy . and seal, the exercises of their m(o;l: fi ve scoots a nd homes during the ensuing year. And if, notwithstanding past filecemagements, there hopes aro even parttally realized, the fact will be regarded by the undersigned and his co-laborers as compensation,th some measure at leastribi tote Ifireierlithl*welihrt` 4l gfiedidtotUr• an4constantanzietiescfithe4ast yearAndiut an encour agement to work Witithereased energy- and beim to achieve still greater results in the future. - • lfellastrtawm . supurruertrarrm, FIE The l ßetrayol of Pendleton. . . The annexed pa . oignipb, telegmbed from New York late on MOnday night of last week by a dtsbartcned friend of 4 yonng greenbacks: to NeiOra Demnautiu pions's, tells probably the whole story of "one molt unfortunate." Thus "Mack" write.: "The opposition to Pendleton is becoming more in tense every hour and the efforts to effect his defeat are multiplying. The lloodholders seem determined to beat him, mkt( be Ishothen by any Candidate now fn the. Add against him; it will be became Money is stronger than principle in the;Couvcattiort. • • • • There Is no doild that if the delegates ad hered to their pledges and represented the sentiments of the. people, Pendleton would be n?minated: Brom what I learn to-night, however, 1 feel authorized to say that the people will be betrayed by those in whom they lave trusted to make the nomination. .1 loarolbe beet authority for saihsg that thelndiana delegation• not withstanding all their pledges and promises, will desert Pendleton after a very few ballots for. him... I f lam net misinformed the bargain is already made ; they desert him ostensibly in favor of Hendricks. but really in favor of any candidate whom the bondhold ers may present. The Pendleton men feel discourag ed to-night ; they And they hare to fight Wall street, and are hardly equal to the emergency'. 'the bond holders Ail the galleries of the - Convention with paid claquers, who attempt to overawe the Convention. They arc admitted on forged tickets. The Pendleton men have become so much enraged at this perform ance that they talk of offering a resolutkin to exclude MI outsiders and spectators. Others are in Eater of acilournthg the Convention to point; other time. and place beyond the • reach of the corrupt influences of New York city. : Notwithstanding I. th e tier-hive, distinct and positive pledges made by th Southern delegates, it has become known to yeildieloirs friends that some of the South ern delegation are in the market. At the suggestion of Mr. Vallandighem, a conference between the Ohio delegation and some of theleading'men s of th e South will be held to.night, .to locertain. how much truth there is in these reports„ • It may be that lam mistak en, but the appearances to-night at 11 o'clock are that bondholders will succeed in defeating the people." CU. A Fragment.—The writer of the following moat surely be a strong Seyniotir man to speak so of a rival candidate: The Olden come down like a wolf on the fold, Andgo bin Escort was teeming with greenbacks and ld, , And the sound of their cheers was like thunder at sea When the ballots dew lightly o'er 'packed Tammanca. Like the leaves of the forest when Summer Is green; ' That boat betting freely at sunset was seen Like the leave* of the forest when autumn both blown, That Escort next morning was slaughtered and attown, For the spirit of Wall street rode forth en the blast. And buttenholed"many a Western r te (ld. greenbacks and drinks were d may and Me Till the poor tempted delegates yielded to late, .. And poor Cinelii otttl is loud In bar will, • And the sports ale "broke" who went Tendleton's "ball," - For the might of "Young Greenbacks," unsmotc by • the sword, • flath melted like mow and bath gone by the•board. Beaver Co. Medical Society met it t h e Smite& . . House in , Brighton. Dr. W. - J. Lanett in the chair. As delegate to the State Medical Society; width met at Harriebirg In Jane, Dr. Langdt madoca4iii Mier " ' ousting report. , Dr. Jackson-reported a case of Spottairever which was listened to with marked attention, and alter Which i tnteresting retrOks were made on Mitt subjem hy Stanton, Elliott, Lanett, Winans and lair.plis. Dr. Will* rciartcd a case of stubbom ulceration in wtitclfhe' Mut itteceeded by neing,carholle aM_ "The Scarcity of working men in the fproPesition;" wag the.anbject.ol4 wan. wd itch Omit Wielded by W. J. Lug.- Dr. Stio moor . led ease of dieloratiOn hip which . been reduced, not by theme of Rapid fashioned" lodt and tackle, but withrinardpulationn Dr. Bad of smarted petpre society and on motiostwaradmi do membership. • On Molten of Dr„ Jackson the next metstiaiwili bald at.. Economy. . , Dr. Cuuninghararnoved that the sabject'fla Mon be continued. and.Plit Dr. Meginey,be requested se be prcee,tlt owl Min f 4.. On • • .On motion adjourned. • . --•„, . 1 I !tiliablZia thlarbitrif ' lairallaK i Z t iMa r ai m r `I frz7,7;: ! wZ iWbilbga l li k6 l ll !.t l / 1 , * .4,, t lia - Wt,‘ " pi 1 , 17: 7 mt . . 1 11- iir:4lnTi r iWilk V ,thi r j r l 4, bi r l ,P ,l l. ll l”,; -d !, , _ liiiiitelt.tlYl4idtitie :sepAitolkeis 4 . Ati l li tg l ajONOui7 ;i' r 4 • :I • 1 ••g•;'d n, , it ili t i a9ArtgW. 13 tk lialenl a a r r j . in. .... t WIC , l ia 4 ibliftetvi itiet',. ..,1' 1113ttIMil whets the . es „ am ak ;Ira; tt ali a l rY, i , ; # 4 ' ..1r4:1 1. 111111 trVespers of tummy voundtheit ars keesdn& Vidle hiwirk llETtelodtballatiresinitheir God "Labus t4 taur i i=r= rori l 'ln Oat *el 4 4 1 r, PP 401 1 0,:f11 4 OOP IthANghliff#M 4* egad the bricbtalterstbelsi. 1 fredlint Itteratherlemplelli gforp (tin l' - 1410:1 11 11_ 4 4 1 4715411 1 14F9040. 1ktbeilo rInP10* 1 Wm+ tta,LaplAW atter , i. • • Aid dtitt meet bs o w,. —___ ... . j.! .Ai . k.; Utt es t_., Xi L iss A t i i i ,. en "Laos mem^ se morn Prow kaki that ifiliiit iiiirit tdUs. AsClik•lstladisthinD* l 4ol)ffthifte i ilohtslia tatthipteliewith thrtheloZW tislarr pa rims that roll ttYthe lalii Ot i the West, _ ' A 4 - of #ls4* ct# o .. r ilik&,' With willows of Asa roc mt. Swell palms of wieletog while IFlerline the knee. i "Let es have PwWtii" from the ` war's wild awn". . Tbe trampeVit sham, end OW weilticittliiisid," And let tho awl MK' ithe the Mgt** at iseitib.' ; Eon over the lied where thisinio lies kiielbli , The smoke or the bettiehis swept thorn thieir. The thunders tuivi-enteol. and tbi bastes wild '4141 The &du hue been then ! and lend frog on high The rialelloi ties to the Ion) of the Pastel Ilk r f•lxr trerltArt Baal 0 1 .:Inti baiy I.o 2 .nofol**Ba4r.leßlo.4tie name of Ale 1 4 4 0 For the eel% of. the #O,ll, Cor y the sake,of. the llefoi • T u ni speentiniii,prerilnkttooks 7 .o‘pliterhiree the ; • majt - 11: Ora And out of the darkness shall mute forth the beaming IX , glorteltight Illtl.where the lbemett hire UDC: Acid !reed* chill iteete.' tilth e truth alketteeedrige, flatl*-4 1 4 ' l 4.***BLoilOkis• P4cil erzt Griot' •• • .•,,.. (From TheithireliPm.sbraillo The c l osing nerdiCll its the lieter,Ladies` Sarni nary., of , whkh the Rest D. H. A. 7 ltielean, D. D.. is Principal, took Piste in the Desidearitinek bebxeisst, They betakes! Mona,' afternoon, fun" 'Olt with an azinisination of the Primary dePl l 4 ll Xildt.which • ti under the charge-a( dlanis X, J. And. •rs. :At the' eliferebeclassei Plastid in revlinwe isereint lyeatiatiedthat;XglisandejnshaterNhanottestain- edbmo4lllmlo kb 1 ail a' tinchec of c4lldrtal and Oath. - Y • Then, a largo class in written arithmetic by Mr. E. P. XeLears. eldestpcor of therriltripsJ, rho hakilihni `lie plias spade anemia by ibis , nennikvai laompson by it severe and protracted illness. 'Tuesday .4 . 111.:tbs biasses caignitild es ear* fol lows:'-1st. Latha Ciailse•- • • *Lean, whose long experience as itetwitter of inistilleseits • Principal of slip Amplosiret Ifeadvillle, 4; are of titilealseal)i of Wc%rier; Mei islirogi In die ;Ca , 'lege at New Wilmingted,lii..lten of the High School • in Meaty of Pittsburgh, Sad now, of this &unhurt has gainedfor hiniself i jail reputation as ohs of the best educators we have. Ins classes in tne languages I and SAW lindit n r i *lthliqtlitidlt i vg= of hailed ' tiareregliti -su tau g t 4"Alirdwa. - WcOlidAt u d db of the tidied Stalin. by Mks Lis: ale X. Dever ,this being:Atlas bikes ars! appear /Teo the Pallie4uletlitatgoite sidereble Isderest was telt, by the patrons of the ;Maul In beielsrses. Bet the dignity and peer with Width site imaged, and the prionptnew and thoroughness of tfie . PttOUßin'theiedillerent itidfs were abundant proofs of her qualifications tor the position itbe Ails in thelissiltntion. 1 6th. Naturallbikisophy, by ARer - IM. Geography by Miss Dever, titl.- Lehi: . Rieder, by - pfr. Yams. ' Latin Cesar, FT keLean. eliiet - ocOrnatiy.:l4, Dr. McLean, 14h. `BMX Chsinseity‘by.Dr. Yelegla. :•.• ' • with 1.4 , Cis me Actrlisaart-,,b11 • Dr:Name 211. - nigher Algebra, (Robinson'in t by Mina Dever. 3d. Mental Philosophy. by Dr. )ticLesn. These exercises viers interepdrsed with musical per formances tinder the 'illrektlotiof Prof. P. A. Winter, whir daring the skort time In which be his been con- nected with the institution se the principal teacher of vocal and Mstramental music, has gained for himself a very satiable reputation ass teacher. as widais esteem and confidence of the community as a Chris-, tir gentleman. In conducting these exercises the Professor was assisted by Miss Mary E. McLean, who is also employed as a teleher erntSleiditOhd institu tion. The pupils engaged•irere Misses Ida Phillips. Maud Imbrie, and M. A. Wilson. The songs were accompanied by instrumental music on the organ, guitar, cornet sruhviolin t i. •• • h • • ' The Commencemerdexereisee took place on' Wed nesday evening in the 11. P. Church, and were as fol lows : Ist. Prayer by Rev, A. M. Jelly. of Philadel phia. 2d. Music-Commencement March, by Prof. Winter, Misses. Mary E., Elia L., and Gretta McLean, accompanied with cornet and organ. 3d. Piano De ett, by Miss Bentel, of Zelienople, Pa., and Miss Ren nie Barclay, of Deaver. 4. Song-"Steep'Well," by , Miss H. Beiiier. 5. `plain Deep, by Miss Courtney, of 'New Castle, Pa.,' and Miss Bunting, of Wellsville, 0. 6th. Essay, by Min Mary A. Smith, Bridgewater; Pa. Satiect-"Dreanis Not Idle Fan cies." 7th. Orchestra music, by Dr. Winter unison*. 6th. Piano Solo, by Miss Limi B. Shields. 91h. Vocal Duett-"We are Fairies of the Sea," by Misses Mary E. McLean and Rennie Barclay. 10th. Piano Duett, by Miss Ella Wainwright, Pittsburgh, and Miss V. Bentel - ZelleiMple, Pa. 11th. Piano Solo-"Girslda Welts," by M. A. Wilson. 12th. Seely-fie 1121- maglainge of the Sod," by Miss Mary Irt. Mamie. Beaver. lath. Orchestra aliife, by 'Dr- Winter and sons, piano, corbel and Mahn. 14th. Plano Dnett, bj Misses Bunting and Phillips. 15th. • Song and Cho ruin---"Elenom," by Misses McLean and Barclay.-, Doss by Messrs. Stokes and Chandler. Nth. Piano Solo-- 4 Fillegrane•Polka,". by, Mies , Maid :fifts, Greencastle, Pa. 17th. Song-" Mother. Hear the An gels Singing," by Miss Ida Phillips. Davisville, cornet accomptnlment by Prof. Winter. 16th. Piano Dacia, by MIN Clara- Dever, Fairview,lt... Va.,./oad Miss' Lama Dental 19. Violin Solo. by rtiof. _Winter. ' 201 h. Hasay-"Myeteries," and Vakdictory, Idles Mary A. Dunlap, of Bridgewater. Pa. Slat.' Mica Militatre--armnged with organ and cornet accompani-. trients by Prot Winter -by Misses McLean, Phillips and hubris. 22d. Conferring diplomas on graduating class. 23d. Address to graduates by the Principal. 24th. Class Farewell-Chorine by all the pupils of the schdlk • ' : ` ; ' These closing exarcisii were untamed to by a very, largo Assembly composed of friends of the pupils, pa trona of the school, and leading citizens of the com munal/. and together. with the examinations .of the classes, in the' opinion of many competent judges: Mei , ' have never been serpaisid in •this imansurnity-- especial ty.cana idedsili.the tact that 041ot:the pupils; appeared in public for the first time. The school is in' the second year of its existence under Dr. McLean.- Thus far it has received a liberal and increasing share • of public patronage.* gni.= exercises have abmsdantly Minns that Amp Adence in It has lot been misplaced. The Institution Is located In Beaver, tnentpateht: milee,belpyr.pliebnrgh; is of easi.acce!st by, rall from allpart4; or,thanOnntry. ' She_Dolldlnghi commodious,, with . boardor• s', map 'far" an be il :iestll. f orh a gfth ritutthi4 4 o4 l ""rpl . sad. Parents and guardians would do well to examine th 4 claims of this school before sending *elaanhere. 461J.1 S. S. S. &aver. . July 0 9 1868. The Leaks of the M. E. Church. Beaver, return thcir efe,cere thanks to the flochc.ster Rafts Band foi theiric' s By orat; of the Lents. :" ! - = ' ; " Erjr dificjeai Han Inellvl , lbr41 1 !% 11 9, • su b: Iblda mad 6 0 1 1/09, made P l°4 wtil - 3 .!'/ 1 , 8 , 11, - • " ; lGlliKear. batijobu.'..rpiootT44o: t ow*,foodi lorkiildigieddeih. 41.411:400...04 i:.00v414 blame for a bmiilied different thine which are qg 'Me'libllakatela:ttlar at fa•frati-lalT t 1011 ! r. land frequenUT at 4 ata ant a , arms tam 1 1 _.• t Dr. A. -.0 • • ' 64 ' r tgr :e‘ f . 10 - I#lo.ristbo y 14K-141.• oaqg Herald - • • measure hioinilderedbiaresoak eery khni;goblv d. or ..110ntiate the pile on - tilisar t a ,ltatilUSAls - ; .4est th ilttt hyd_rwmint itt L itand;f4es Ina • We/ just off,Ukf an& Oat I try, ho many is to : the hlntse4 how much Veed itsvalsevikbilsimlilind polnupegna.ny valuable ito wiluat,w-geod• weigWng.ScidelLpolitimed al- liddlPitraltfeli hw, although its use wouldin mar y ways be' even more valuable - than . the -half bushel.; For indium in selling Live Stock, *ewe! . wiligspaitp•tigNlttici aktittithet***LAPor enanlea tncilnyer to-welgliWrOri_ tecUy with the emiuid thnithe hasthe. nu= experienced seller at au advantage which luS la lloilltlM.4lslWl4l(noili r eiftdr4 Stand ard pSiffolihlloMe - 110111dVaVre Od. In a few simh transaction., Thiwelght opgrale perlbudifithegaireleattli IMTerent: !woman - of feeding (exactly when an. animal ceases to increase by feedler. mildw otl. er hdportant facts. can readily be determined ` "'rang.lneWVAlllr have 01.1414 n entilel.l eAtriingliceie•i&ptixl4l the Standard in this and iother countries. The above flmle.for ,Fairbanki„Nosie Co., cern& liftiOel*Seeinvilts.',Tittsburth, . BEAVER' .' , MARKETS. LI ' 1 • • • ' ,t,9). I BREptED W,ZEKLY,) - 8 6EI! ' Scans, Jul/ 8,1 flour per bbl..' ... , - .512. 00 Deg peioloz 20 Dried Apples per bus. , 2,20 'Bauer per lb , 25 Dried Peaches per tin. - 4.l3 k it= lb • .11 Whe a t per bus ~ 2,50 3 Corn per bus ..... ... - 9,1 ,Sides per lb • 18 oar --- - - --- - 19 Tallowyer lb, :-........- . 21i F liesi bti"l"l 2i(per a bui ...4 : ir o bli t at: . ,.. 1 , 3 2j 'Warms ' . ,Oalons 3.00 Wi ned Oil 70 'Cora Mal • i 1,110 Crude 011 i. • 20 NEW h ACIEREL ! NEW NO,' VACKERAL it- so it-,- q uarte F brais : ; 7434-..). No Kit* and. by the ` pound at Shallenl?erger BTOst .", Fancy'criaiiriefo 'Eas t ' I'- Preserig'Perselm;filii an , 'lmperialPrimesin*itight boxes, Sardines, , • Pine Apple inn-eas,.y FreneliMuditiAlipared, _1 For .sale ..; RiudiAntolier Bre*: _ Beason's For sale low, at , _ 81talleulierger Bros. Glassware, Wood, and Willow ware, a fiill'aissortinent at•thelow' .est cash rate s ; for - sale -at! the r.iml 1 y Grocery of- ' Shallenberger'Bros::.: 44-68:4t. : . , A 4 In tiOillraoUeei . -iiitettrot 'Anses tration on *he estate of Eve C. Grolier, dtigki., Minor Marion township. Berrar county, l a r o t o % been granted to the undersigned, all persons tri of mind estate, arc requested to make immediate Vag, merit, and those having claims against the same, •ertil present them properly authenticated for settlement: ADAM PFEIFER., • - A dminkatraterts Notlee.—Lettal of ,Admin .LlAstration on the Mime of Joseph Witherovii, den'th late Of the Borough of Fnuttfort Springs,,having bean granted to the enderelemed, al) persons indebted to mid mime are ruquested tivinakeimmedtate payment, audition herniae:dm digaltiortheleatate of mid de cedent. will narks known the same without delayA lerp18:60. • WM. R. FRAZIER, Adm'r. LOMAIIIIIIMB, X. I. Ro}dby4 M *owl— Sense, Pft-5, 1 4 1 4 and &Weal 1% ltediethelt." • . marl Erek 1 y. SPRING. 1868. CARPETS WCALLIJI ':.t. 51 .Flfiiii; r &treitte Are noie*uWa Aixt LAR:EIir STOOS. VELVETS;')"" CS SIMONCARPETS,. OIL CLOTHS, ;::: . MATTING% ;f. ~741 4 /*W: 0 1 4" 8 4,4-4 tvpa .P,44112 , r4 li ra- 4 ..P1" -51.0ifth:81teOti • . .r.ertifitrink34:- BE IM 4. ' . i J A rtio u Poll.l. co toodoit the r ust at iZo= t o= r =r us tatatZt a o. son to moo ,Mt dolpiees on' =T a ro in =law.' Nogg* to di~ea odd will bo sottomed at ttio claw fi t s Vlo 10th doiotMoak_ Maot_lo•dotk. .N. .1083 CAIIGH, Prothmotary. aim.. . - 1 _ - Tber act as a CATUAIrtIe wi hout weekestag the AM:ow& or Ikon* but on the mum give to Woe ! Illeeeorgues, rim all Melinda!, reeling,. fatalist intora tri gete rad 1 al a tt"r 1116°14' ti ilKril 1 ; won & 166 twat, st., Putt -1 bulb, AL. ibboiesele Mena. SIM - 801711177 ANCO,VIFT. for ACCOIDFT 07 OCIPPSWA.` TOWN; . glo YOU 106 16 1 AlO l PM' former year, - 114N6 Tolman% of duplicator/ad able. WO 76—I6US 46 211 Note da in • - , for advert:Wm 15 OD 2 , D. Penman, ' 760 , A l ollectOrla prarth UO5 • Ttramore's • • t - 11 al locidental avenges, ' 110-= SIM 101 jy 81Kt3t. TONIC rkyripe.xes, llse - Tonio BittOrs, R. E. SELLERS & CO,, Cor.. 2d and Wood streets, Wholesale )tgents for the West. For Gala by JOLIN stoora.,thikx, Pa jc3'67:l . WINE BITTERS ! FOR THE WEAK. • • !OR THE PALL • .• • ... . FOR THE SICKLY. • - FOR THE AGED. : • FOR P FOR: I %IND USE 11 -NO BITTERS. EQUAL TO TIIEIII Speee's litundlittil ftten, •• , ;.• —LIAM DP-- Vine Herbs and Roots. , ores - - to wail known,;wlth PERUVIAN BARK. -_ • CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, SNAKE ROOT, . WILD CHERRY BARK • and each other Howe and ROOTS as will la all cases assist Digestion, prdloote the Secretions ,of the ga t= in the natural channele.and give • Yeas; and. Old, Male ,and Female AU Aso It with wimAtiftil thiogs COLOR . • ' To the Palo white lip , BLociM AND BEAUTY . • To theithist'faCe iitie worn countenance. • „Ceres FMMit and Creates APPETITE. Try than, Use none other. Ask for BM WS STALID/RD vane: 18014,4 Druaists • and Groove. See that my signature is over the corked each bottle. ALFRED SPEER, St PAWL, N. J., Ann hnt Broadway, New York. , LlarTradeaupplled by &austere. Hollowar4, Co.. Philadelphia ; George A. Kelly. Pittabugh ; and by all'Wholeeale Dealer,. • iilC 69 . • • WALTZ PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! WALL PA r #ER, ! Oil ° I Cloths ! Oil Cloths ! Oil 'Cloths ! 1868. OS. DB - "VMS P 7 7 y. WENTY-FIVE THOUSAND BOLTS OF WALL T PAPER lost received, and will be sold lower Chet can be pneehased elsewhere. at: B. 'VTATII••IIF . 37s/ r e, Bri g x , FL, Direct from England. bearing the original packages . Also, Window Shade, Satchels, Trunks, Stereoscopic the Views meanes of all places of interest in the country stedirpte t. leitgitethasigas *ace ioall fo:kalfiuitVillie the ( Vs and well seeded Stock of Ilarteral VARIETY Included in above, we have Lookln. dem% Car pets, Rap, Oil Cloths, Re., of beantilul design and plate= • , • , ' ,33.1014,11E1bif • • ,‘) I .r -•, 1:, To ;WWI SI R; 'RHODES; 't R B. WHITE. (Local copy.) •• ROILIMR'S,'WILD CHERRY. , - ARE THE IN ,USE• BEA 17w ccry hiat in the ;Market PITTSBURGH, PA stsgtws• BTALNDARD .TONE 411:0 VIGOR • . PITTSBURGH z s • - • - Flag Manniketory Asa mamma h. CAMPAIGN GOODS! • BILE, Burnie, /13D P 11111316 innuas 3PLULGkeIi I ' ALL strai,win as wagon was at salad ?U. fl lb%lids; Pier, am=4 Ma Becher, BURK% 51Wilpiniall* UMW . &dm* Portraits, awl Oar, . - • ItiftnifbiaddiaiNsto eass.Books, Ponied Dootimeati of an kith, ho. 8 .;,‘ m I Duceptird Prk‘Lid• Address ' Jaar W. PITTOCK, . Bookseller, Mallows, sad Newsdealer, °waft Poet Orkos.ll=lllllMll.l%, n7Cosidr7 /Mier' sandlot ea nerd tents. . , CI AL R. is T Si I CiA.RPB3T€i CARP lET in t I -1 4.1.:Vier.1117): • - • .r.VI 01 . 1111r:-;i: • • •4; :•• .. '11... :1•••••••::'•:.1f . • •••, ••if.‘f• ••• • ••,,t if t . . , .i•-•%.: , ! • •• r. ,:"!• 4 , r ; `. • . • MViii ',L"..'s 7: ---- =EI EMI PftlMiOOlliOti: t'L Fortwie7o dM' DR'T GOODS , ,STOBE IN THE, DIAMOND IMI . :;f.j NEW PRINTS; - NEW MUSLINS, =SI MI NEW GINGHAMS, NEW DELAINES, • -- - . NEW COBURGS, •I: s ALso;:' Table. Dinner Crash, - Red: Flannels, White Flannels, Yellow Flannels, Jeans, Cassitneres, Tweeds, ;.' Hats and Caps, Hoop Skirts, 13zamOral . Skirts, Nod9ns and Fancy Articles, Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Millinery Goods, &c., The 'bait comPttsee the most complete dock eye offered to the chimes of Be-seet coma, sad we take *mars lekeemulacoor costomms sad those who may foot us with a all, that the above stack Is is cheap • OE s it ~ ~ ~ IF. A. Fortune's CEELPDVIG3O33 sroft ' IN TRZ DIAMOND, N . J SI 4 swirl . . Acres; thi!.paventept, CONE- EVERYBODP AND S'.ECCES : • 71-•-• BARGAINS. '.;-:: P. Li. ~ r?.. ad. : • OP:, • =I F3l MEI ri s'v, LT.L ROCHESTER PA ; • NEW CHECKS; ang TLAIDS KEILEXBE,E THE PLACE, ROCIIESTEAt,,TA. EIMMI IiEM WM elfsege4W. ateralise ni aot o tdr• -- ariVoirce — "dtiidele 1. All dental apendloimmarlained in tbs bergloThia_ ratanier, and it reilstall4o WIN 11)10 , low aid, In ass aoontr. • • • • 1 for_osa) me Statkin; Roebeeler, p*. J 4.1g1r.4S in Sa . . • A. MANDL= idoo4. zoo mexixisrmaw . sr*WKOW WOULD lIVI IP illii ii V l S ItirteDturrer, PM* 010 Or ;lig hot higrtaillideelaft !ID i PrtdOosaion4 aselhat te l~fto De OA g ',Vona"' noteM , IbidNeog: ' TAW !WC! ! mow, '• AU von wansixted Air ara Inv " i J.S. GOODWIN. AMegiVlVlTSsa , ""Utti M onte. 3 = teued = to Cush rrr i archiskit ---- essfr ' =V* elm Ir44,llounktigestoil Ibr lat° s nail ili r ibititraMP Caen or was* cot% libn r rage I-21! r f es. To ihA fend to wi: 'X n David Weep's, who is sine, dead eat tea g e e * vie Darkl )4,4410 Dane" Wertperristi White of inwrenes mistaty ow* of :111; • to; other brother of decedent, WI: John, WilUsa, Mag ander Slid Nancy,_iphossers inknown. Jam a sister tatermamma with iirdno Doesis.*bo le since dead. but left Leas sonnies tam to wit : John. Dfli• Dam, James. Mem Rot. Vary Aim Sarah Ms , tha„ and Yargaret J. Dolan, whose reside*, ars as knows..Xmas Illoore a. sister of deadait. who is since Ma Mac : ititih ne Wiffiaar. Jowl/ Xtalff,Alol alettl sister of decedent, _intermarried with Sea: Bran don, of fliairsyllls, Amor comty, pa., x Jots:- married with ---- Na b[ 1 1 4 'later. married with ---- Mama, of Indiana, Jaw who re sides near EllakerDev 000aty Da., Nam*. termarried with Johnston , of adkra. Auden, NeCaskey, Mice tints OgiolorEartfbem ht*J4lo, James and %Villain NeCaskey, Mid ialinnat ried with r. Anfi. ll !W o dFs.4 lol l. Horner. and kintif4- laiumarrlanswilbo—A- , • 040 1 4 children of another brother, to wit: John llct.hakey, who resides in Innanis4=ZeriMile# !Setters, aseV who resides isi Virgica—a—iiifare-''Zenstof,B*°" . I 11,kg Plls.olkni er Greeting. "Tab! notice that 'tn4 ate iota— .—. sanseea - go valnedoo of MO real Mete of laid deed.. isillbTa field on thepremisei In Chippewa tows** illimmeanuktv L i r Pt. on the 25th , day of darts*, 186 S, wigs:Aids* . O 4 lace yen can attend - Inns think t... . L , I,,r* , . AfOIIN 8. ILL. SiznirreOprer, rieeetT Jane alb WM 777.7 inlyial. I .. . . , o - IN # BRAVEt PA: Mme. 2e. N i,..e6 water, Roebeeter . Freedonorad thr exautttl. that sbe baa opens* 4 very sapetica ; 4iiiiig SPRING I - AND: SUMMER 110608 Which she oder at the very lowed prkea. ramose wishing any of the following Goode cannot 00 Wier bat by canine EMBROIDERY,; ;PAATY GooDS," • YaIL Sit'?" BANDKELNciIIE7B. DRESS TRIMXI2IOB, • GLUM ida COLAARA - • , • She deifies to call attention also to the fact that die 'has °tweeted with the VARIETY STORE. LITERARY & NEWS DEPOT, ad will sucvlyat alert kor NAME/TIM MHZ :s - , UIIIIk,ose. , I3I4JECT MIMIC. -AWN. earlstise et kiertaiONAßTur Toe will be Ter, welcome 10;011 and examine the stock. Meet its saett u wlll suit you. Itaretwther V. Rote: Telyd 8t et, nearly opposite 6817. P. Benton. Je1018:0., %. . . Otio:i.. . P.,.' -80y:cm. Has just returned tkein the, t East and is new reedy- hig a Large and Wen I Selected Assay!. anent of Spring and simmer Goods. AT ms OLD STAND Corner of Water end Jmae =I ire oc4eatibr, GENERAL DEALER IN 1 , 1 , .... , . . DRY GOODS, i NOTIONS, • HATS; . . CAPe., ~. • ' ROOTS, sad SuIES, GROCERIES; PROVISIONS. , I • .I HARDWARE, _ ; . IRON., • ; -- . ! NAM and _ ' -„ •yr CARPENTER i6oLs,. ROPES and °CUM. • PACKING YARN, -OILS, I'AINTS, DRI AND IN OIL% ens MU and Willow- , ware EEO LOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR, WHOLESALE and RET AIL. the tole egenetto: the cekbeatol NTO-N CITY MILL : iiis c i sz o anf rat alg ia_ Ilis4er t 0011 T ti z. 3r 30 3M 1:0 9 ROfitiiiiE AND RETAIL; C For cnaL Also, Milo. having the agency for Buffalo Scala Co's Sea ea , we Ictthdpaldlc, 1514010 s at mannabotarera prices consiptlng of `impel' Conldeir, Ray, CatUe, 4 / 1 99 /t 1 /4Sitsig Mn.aft . , -11 t.l I'4 • - Also, Agents for Roreka Mats finlobila of Lima and fluster Pada by Isola. Savor Salt Nasefietariag Co.'e SIN elm:see hud, welmive otenz j a fall stock on bands. • • • •0 • IL I .M O.T T :• • 4 11 / 1133 7:. lON : .:•,-.. ' , CIEM OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers