0 li veutort• Notteo.—Lettees telpeentim tee' Au estate ot David Warnockoleo'd., we of north eirtkley tp., tunird been granted to the undersiceed. all persona indebted bx,the odd estate are- requested to make Immediate perinnot. and those basing dams or demands agahnt itai estate of sdil decedent, will make ktrOWn the MAO With.lut delay. • JAMES WARNOCK. THOMPSON WARNOCK. • WORM SzeitstOre;. , mnettaw le eet saw numm. MX , unbar IHRSII&BROTHER,S. 111111118111.111 VD STINAII DMUS :t CLOTH ING, AND Gonnenoso's Fundabhlg Goods, A 0.29 ST• CLAIR STREET lypealle k City College.) P/TTSBI7III3O, Clothinx mode to order un short notice. naVATOT:I3% - _ Reineman, Mersa a Seidl% No. 49 1 1 /V1 4 4 1 door from Wood,Pittekrei, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Jswsumwxrcints,DLMONDS, t PURR Silver Ward, French Clocks, Plated ware a every description. Tea sets. Spoons, Forks. 4c.,• Watch Makers tooli sod mstertsi, and whey of the Web:s eed • tADISRICA.I4 wrerense. We oleo keep UM largest and moat varied mos Mt- meat of tha very best American made CLOCKS ! , to be found in any dty east or wort. Persona in want of any ankle in our Montt/we a wholesale or for their own use, will always And oar pilau teerer and our assortment Urger Man any to be found west of New York city. , • WATCH =PAWN°. •, to this branch of our trade (being ourselves pried elst watch makers, we pay ray special attention; we employ ll a loon of tbejerYbest Artiste In the country, and any and a fine,•delleate sad dlfcult work en trusted to our care—for this trade or individuals—my rely on getting the utmost satisfactkin- Work may be Pant to by express or othenebre. • , RilifililiAlli!lOrgßAN a BRIDLE, Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Sllrersm 4sl(7* Kurt, PITTSBURGB spr22llkli spring and - Snminer arCOCOME3 i- T .UAVB JUST RICIII.VSD A NNW STOCB OF I. GOODS, of the LATBST BTIrl!IC13, For Spring and Summer Wear. tl { aral. OPIIOOIIIOII4 Ftirnlshlipti Goode cow/unix ON 'LINA CLOTIIIIIO IADIS TO onDsn In ktin4 od met aatdotaitde atyiee, and at abort notice. WILLIAM REICH, BJUDORMATXR, PA • BAILEY, FARRELL 4 co.. Lead Pipe Sheet & Bar Lead • MILNUFACTUARBS, ALSO Pig Lead, Iron Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam Guages, - Whistles & Valves, Iron & • Copper Sinks andßath Tuba, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps • and Force Puizips. And every description of goody for . WATER, 'GAS & STEAM. No. 14r7 Smithfield Street, , PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. bend for a Price Uat. peprZl'6B:ly. .MUSIC IN • FRONT BANDS FORME= PROMPTLY • WITH Brass amiGerman Silver Instruments, BY THE SET OR rises. • Brass and Tenor Drams Cymbals • and Triangles, At prices lower than can be had at any other Houie In la this comity. Special Inducements offered to' BANDS AND TO DEALERS. ' I Seed Ibr circular and price list. HOPAW.VT, . HOENE du C.O. 58 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGIt. PA. DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS AND MRLO. deons, Sheet Music and Music Books, and Ina , porters of Mueical Instraipents and Strings. • apri'6B:lY. • Glassware Lampe, an Carbon OIL J. P. SMITH Jr, Co., alanaureno and Wholesale Daddario Lamps, Chandeliers, • . Glassware, • Carbon, ) • Lubricating . • and Lard Oils. Aim ARE PREPARED 'TO FUItNISII AT RR,. v 1 tall or to the trade all style:rot goods in oar line, "which for quality and price defy • competition. Our No. Carbon Ott, we Warrant to be pure and at least 115 degrees Are test. We have also on hands, the new potent SUN and SOLAR humeri and chimney, Z. P. SMITH dc CO., • • Liberty sf., head of .IVh, TINWARE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRAM IR ALL ILIRDS Ot ILI% Copper &. Sheet Iron Ware. . • I PROFOSS KEETIIWICVNSTAPITLY•ON HAND 1 alllitnde ot corm AND SUSIT-UtON WARE. which I will •ell Av TUE LOWEST PRICE Tin Roofiing,Spouting & Job Work Dons, to order to tb: h tro t loiotniti manna, and on truing tsotiu but the bait of =stead, aid havitup now but theta= of workmen, WE WARRANT ALL WOE SHOP oly. TJL LOW&A 2ND OP Third Stre et BEAVER, ,PA. Giro w a 02//,, add AErandmie our Abet 'ilsAaneed ware kept constantly on hand. - b 0. a LNBBOTZ. PALLSTONIOUNDRY ENGINE it REPAIR - SHOP IN F.A.IAJSTO N, BEAVER COUNTY,,^PL ITAVING relined and enlarged my mode otamehm .l.l my and tools, and hating secured the servkes et the best of isteehmles„ I am prepared to wa an rrant work done to give entire sailailetion. I have on band dlllinest damp and Myles of Swim. Fire Chef Rolls, anprepared make or repair all tkins at inseldnerh on rea to sonable terms. descrin PLOWS AND now ON3TINGS. I have all the best plow patterns_ this market among whit% Is the "Gna t W whhth has been saw plow or Moment) , tor the last At years. • ALIA almost all other Plows now or previously in use. aT01 7 149 t: STOVES I 1 I liana a aaao lttnent oft on WO and will continue to manathature large COOICL' 4 I6I, FRANKLIN AND ABATING BTOft3 1 Of the latest steles and with all the modest Imprtrro merits, which I will sell at modern rates. Among these la the GMAT REPUBLIC. The Stove has an extenelon top, which gives it a law surface without talftg up much room,and It Is rtow looked upon as one of the beet and most eeonomical, stovesatit takes lesa fuel and Is more durable than other In use.;The following Pereons,after having used this stove fora considerable length of time, may be referrd to In proof of what la here said: Dr. Isaac Winans, ) If. T. Kennedy. Ell RCM°, John Watson, Mrs, Geo. Fulton, Capt.J. S. Winans,. William • Josep Eh Robert William Eh Robert McGoware. Joseph Illackmore. Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mrs. Major Wade, Dr. J. D. McCreary. Milo N. Miller, David Lesick • Capt. James Boum, • Dr. C. R. Tuttle, William Reed. Kelly Renter, John McLaughlin, • Samuel Taylor.. Dr. Jasas . ILlarksos, Thomßeapam .JobeDunlap, . Stilton Davie, Marcus Baldwin, David Lloyd, John N. Duncan. J. V. Winans, Mrs. Rohl. Andrews, Mr. Lo ss bleyv Mr. Ca, • Frederick Ratans Benjamin Franklin. C.apt. James Johnatturt Samuel Kennedy, George Vans, John Jock/ion,. Walter Bochum, Mrs.llcPblllomp. IL T. Beeves. William noon, Jason Richardson. James McGehen. Capt. Woodion Oksuu, Thomas R. Davis, Samnal t l=, Miss H Hiram Stowe, Mar. Patterson, James MeDerwin, Samuel Dunlap, Thompson Johnston. Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Rev. Stephens, Jonathan IScHeasilu Judge Kahn., Mlom o aud Knigh nk t. San Fro. • James Knowles. • David Caihnon. Richard Sulk nuy,. Joseph l[ F e David Carr George Wilson, James Thompson. Mrs. Quay, Harrison Reed, Milton Reed, Boston Grove, William Grove Wa mes Galley, sitington Bogle. Ja Rebut Graham. Thomas Smdstuns, Milo Bradshavr, Dixon Reed. Daniel Maxwell, • J. W. rmkhonses, William Wagnes. Mr. Cheney, FICTIff Mr. Array, . David Intriberl marts's& IS MOORE'S DRUG STORE, [IN BEAVER. Noy be bond tLa beet Ihereoctoxiot 'DRUGS, es e , 01-IMM IC LIQUORS. WINER And Brandi s, Pitainte, OilN4' AND DYE STUFFSs TOILET AIt.TICLEa, SOAPS, BRUSHES. PATENT MEDICINES Peg ninietY. all of the beet quilt', and' sold cheep s* than can be bought at any other Drag More In the county. men at E igpot l eo's Femal sel la, T 5 aerate bow Memo hat's, . The Laz. t Stock of LAMPS & LAMP TRMMIGS. LANTERNS. STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY. ever oared outside of iho city,at Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere Mtn. Let those who doubt tWa call and see, and they will doubt no more. hdarin a. mooRE. LOO,? K. HERE ! LIME! IMMI THE UNDERSIONND Ifi ENGAGED IN XANU-, factoring Lime at Wiwi, 13cairce county, Pa— ttie Kilna arc known as "Power's Kilns" Fresh Lime; and. tree of stones, cm always be lad. on short notice. 1 will 560 as chcapas the cheapest All order lett at the Kilns, or letters addressed to me al Beaver, Pa., will receive prompt and carefel attention. Lime delivemd,-Whenever wanted, I ABIOS DOUTT. marZsllEtly. I G. W. PUSEY 9, , Wholesale and Retail Dealer CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIMI and TEAS, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FBUI Pickles, ac. and Conua odd az anamilafoo. NO. 49 FEDERAL STREET, Alleiltetty City, Pesten. sovlretly - - a. J. =ft- 1. A. Mateg, C. IL • P. IL avows:. • 4 : 1 11:11Y13TOMI STOVE ;WORKS 1: .?.: '!- aufabity 04dIONIN NEW -- ,i3R19r.(t0 N; PA MERRICK & CO. MULL MUSS 11 aroirmia souse, • - iIIEATINCIVTOTIEI 4 , • esuoili•rsorrn.iiii4 YSNDSq ,ate., aPe. Ruby cooilug *ave Wos,1;8.&1) TRIS STOVE TOOK MIS FIRST PREMIUM Al the State Pak as a Coal Cooking glove. andalso at thenate County Pair. We use no scrap Iron In thek numurachue, but make them exclusively ot Zity. I q • Metal b and warrant them In every respect. Theituby has the lamest oven In the market and connotes lmt little fuel In bating, owing to to our he tw.,l;liste. ORATE FRONTS 4!..*D FENDERS. We ire largely engaged In the tiannketare of Orate Fronts and Fenders. - which we mime! In an oven com mon, second InMOW and due finish. This enamel and mattes ite lustre /or a long time, VII not. burn and makes a lunch superior !Inbsh to that of Coal Tar. r ; • We l are aleo making Sheet Imo Samosa flame Ow which we have applied for a paten }pressed up in a Hydraulic ouch s. Fees. They are much lighlor ibis; coat boa. arid &Ape l' irEnnui frrovEs, We dabs the beetled. besting S toke in the mead for the lira, end use the , beet Swat. In thekeonetrue - • Our patterns are not yet complete, but it la our In endon to keep a general assortment In our One, We also toot the Premium at the County Fair kw Cason generally and we have entered in tothe bust• uesevrtut the determhiationto pee thmbest of Millets) and make gold work. We respectfullyrequest a share of the ,public pa: tronage, and would be pleased to see those wanting anything in our line at oar woks. &Mean Low to sun Ute Mom • .f sautittoz a co. soir9n747. j DEPOT • WA' waltz 3roa z. • WHI'MtIDES & DRUM, Da d it OPUID A 3Mr HARDWARE STORE, TO P&DE7I4IL 87.;. ALLEGHENY. Heir P., FL W. a C. R. R. Depoi, WIPX THEY WILL KRRP CONSTANTLY ON m ni nd, every deserlptios 4/A..RDWARR, • Locke. Binges, Nails, Glass, Sash, GnntiStones, Show els, Pieta, Axes, and all kinds of Farming and Gar dening Implements, wholesale and retail. Carpenters and Ilardw(ge Dealers mut t always get a supply of DIVITItt'Et • PATENT MUTTER HINGE AND SASH PM" Our prices and let= will be se favorable as can be found eliewhere. • Paretuutere living on the Railroads, can have their goods delivered at the Depots free of refffek•Gra. WRITRSIDeIIne.DRIIX. cossialtindres soxacrruk, mow? arrmais PA Ly• J R & PHILLIPS, U lONEERB AND iommission ,merchants, Opera House Auction Room, NO. 60 FIFTH MELT PITTiBUUGH. Boots, Shoes, tarpets, Dry GOods and Notions AT parls . iii SALE DAY AND EVENING. aprIPM.Y. • WEEDS WEE DS 11 EVERY ONE KNOWN HOW TROVBLESOMB weeds are, but there Is one Weed that there la no trouble with. that is the WEED SEWING MACHINE, you have no trouble with it. Mk machine has Man ed a reputation of which the Company may well be Nou and la now acknowledged to be the only ma. chine that h made: kt la • settled fact that it la driving all the other ma chines from the marina.. The amount sold la &stealth lag. In Pittsburgh and vicinity My per week, and the Company is telling two thousand per month. We are very glad to, bee that the agent. Mr. J. of New BrighM, bas adapted terms to suit l alt making monthly laments. Call and see _for our , . selves. HAM SPRISG, & SUMMER GOODS. Jost weaved I )14;vt Stock ot Goods, of Um West Styles, for • SPRING& SUMMER WEAR, And will be made' up to order In the moat approved styles; and REASONABLE TERMS. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ANDTEST AND ROST PARDONABLE STYLEB, AT sIIORT NOT/C - GEORGE BRAUN, apeffietem Breathe* New Brightme. R. W &W. J. SNODGRASS, • WIIOLZBALE 1D.R0 1 74C1-113T13 cow= or Velars' a& Imerweit street' earn (YBit corner below Depot,) DUMB 13 LEADS. PAINTI3, OILS, VARNISHES, DYESTUFFS, DRUG% CHEMICAL,% PROPRIETARY MEDICINE% FOR EIGN mid DOMESTIC PERFU MERIES, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLE'S, FANCY GO.ODS, eba, ebG J. C. Hammond, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP Flour, Feed,. seal im.oste GBAIN OFALL IMIDS-130IIGHT FOR CAgrz . good usortateat of the Morel kinds of pota toes always on haw. all goods delivered whet de- Wed. call and sea -a el:Connecticut street, nut the Pub lica;at ANA lincliester e r& littatTell7. DAWSON iiiRICHABOSON ::' ii . eli,i - ,6,*4 - iii 1.0'.,'"--,c1"1„. HAOLlSCiitlint of,IPIKD A LAIKii STOCK pr NOTIONS, BOOTS t SNOBS,- lIARDWARB._ • ' • • OLASSWAS, • AUSSNSWAIII• TINWARS, , , • NAILS, ' ,•DRITOS. order. . , Wiadow chair alt. aced sad dotal* streir s ...etilo. dld Atte:Woe pakl tefilling Ibir dais atiovit4i, - • ' Moto at wColots:Groluol, Deloo.fo ratchmers win do. mil to sad =polo' oar stock of Palots beton purtdowing clamber& Also. Choke Vii of Ploarin Bonet and ta fifths. All Wads of Capita produce taketi fa elebatym for - • Goode. Remember e Ade of tkpleeek, tint elect above the Mary, y elike street. FINII BEI SIMON SNITGER & CO., (At !be old said. Ord street nester, erea's.,) DEALERS 111 ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES SUCEI AS COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SYR. UPS, MOLASSES,. SORGMUM, RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, • SOAPS, CANDIES, RAI- SINS, ENGLISIL CURRANTS, FIGS, ' • PLO UR, FEED, FDA GRAIN, de., de. a T u tei r tm e re ar t h a i n receiving a Seth amaatar t i l f r from them at pod aa I lbe glrrice n r4ll l *. uleg g All sr oda wavered If malted. Jaa/A:lv. Bhallenbemer Bros. STILES & SHALLENBERGER, 13 ridowateie„ PINS FAMILY GROCERIIIB Queeneware, Hardware, JULIAWINDOA BACON; * °We. WOOD ga u Ani_WILLO KIR nag liv. Country Produce X. IVILLIZICH mutation & HARTFORD litre new Speak.' the nue, Selection et • FALL AND "(WINTER BOOTS Wbleb Write setae a& GREAT BARGAINS LOW FR1033381 Can and emit= ow Stock NO. 100 MILRENg STREET, Corner of Fifth, Pittsburgh, .I;(rdrotiy. 17. s ARTIZVALIV73, Xtetzeoftwisktie,.. 1,..,_ Otisso" and toured implements. .. IJILDERII HARDWAfWaCIUMC'd TOOLS, oa haat. Abe, • Si tbe WORLIPII ' SEAMS AMP OWEN ow* leswine sad Its toamampoinsissimen. =Pa tirlisat 136rinathra, Zirw ifttagosh Ys. ~•-- „ LINSEED OIL, __ CRUDE BURNImG BENZENE, COALE'S PATENT DRYER, . . . . R. A. Wilson, Mae WILSON 4113TEWARTJ DEALER IN _ Boots Shoes RubbetB, OLD I ) TANI DIAMON D 4 ROCUE&TER, FlTrm AND' OW UMW. inn% .7. I. ILAILITOID DEALER EX NOW-D FRESH-ARRI ~ , S. Items (ft Co's ROMESTERt - P TVS? ItIMMILIP FROM TEE EAST, at LARGER mod better mated Stock of general literchisdist Ilion embalm la au bow, consisting of j NEW RENTS, NEW DEI.AINEe; CHE ICS, "F 7 AStIMERES, — • THERMf. • . CRASH, • DRILLS, BLEACHED and BROWN HUSLINS WI lONS IN LARGE VAMETY. 1100 P ra aeuxonAL kurrs, BOOTS and BHOEBi Thuthased always In the Best. a* karat ande wive. and sold at "yea quail advance. rciware. !Phis,pieta Steekloot puicbisodla Nei; York and 01 • • HANICS TOOLS, Mi TABLE& POCKET LERY, lEg SINGES, SHUTTER 'TINGES 'ii °RUT VAWNTIr. MIrTU I 7!rI WINDOW. GLASS 'bee, single `slid doable, strength. it Pitistsigti ' 1 prices.. . aints & Oils. I MUCH RICHARD & „, • CELEBRATED. BUCK LEAD, . I as stole's%) and Mali. COLORED PAINTS, GROUND, DRY AND IN OIL. INERAL PAINTS,' LINSEED OIL, ARD OIL, ASTOIt OIL, ITRPEB77NIC, BRAWN& and CO ALB'S PATENT bRTER. 1 .Q oaks and Stationary Glrvcooelrless. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. BAOOII,IIAIII3,BIDES. snottumßs, RE88,048 FLOUR . Jo Sam sod BuaNt r eadtao h nod. * direct from Csi AU kinds ol Count* Proawm taken bs ezebaloße for goods. All berry goodiddivned het of dirge CALL AND =ARM OUR ATOM. S. I. CROSS & QO. NET YORK STRE'RT, 7111141' 1141./LiOAD CROSIIiKOJ‘ Robhest er, Pa. an 1118:// 11111 El NEW MUSLINS; an colors. HATS sod CAI'S, 1=MI!El BUTTS, CARBON Aassiiios; mutirescin Arco. Ommiter . Rallway:Tmen •4 sod atr Omettnek Aireksittarld heddeletals. llistatkaad aCaeliap node at , elms Pooadry. A AtCto:ves, Orate a hosts, Gate Ise& Lbws sea W *Hottoir-Wats, Ket tle& here mos, at at otherCestbis tided fee, on Oen notice sod of the weed Melt Ale% Andatioa`a *IWO* adeolasni New Cook Store Me bag and Wood. wldeb took tbs . Pi Curium • :At the State Vale teeeellylielS et Plttvasittl. This Stove cambium may swam Important pttodtgeo. vitlith piece It toadyism* of eltothets 'mow: In toe. Some of the merits deleted Sick Lao Vir e ILI Waa l it n : c = i r k tio I.l4lSeAre but Uttkr 711•4 sod • /MT *MOIR EXTANT. AUtorairstamakAdmilPguall47anal• We, Call Attention to 'the Following titatoosaats _ While Melm M_thi Mitt I sleet StWetil the most Crdelnoted Oooldag Stow bade in *Overt at the toan r = o ld on wry arrival bete.-1 was reconneended to the Cryoll Pa/see Stove, Oho bread ed y Yr. Andrews) es being the best I. did so, and seed ft with ood ..maisthetton. When I any Mr. An derson's now flowej was attracted by its nest appear. ands, and on exaselnlng its Oven and interior manse. wets, bend It peusassed ninny stratagem • over all I bad seta. I pandbeed. and Uwe one now in use. Ws consider $t seperior to say we have ever need.. It b all the bream cliburcand we Oda, all that could De desired isa Caglair Mom - CAP! OlLltabrnbilmattni. NociromMov. hit. gam' doe doe et Ir. Ananias's si ne w Stoves in use, Ina ul i! °443tllll tki P t " 1141136etilm s tatement. S. Halftone et. Anderson's nevi Stoves In naej can -,onle the above recommendation. , Maytag owe of Mr. Andereow's now, Steven la use, we are My salisied with Ite good qualities le all re. poets. . - Joaxes lam AND Wire. Roemer/in. Mr. lab. Baring kept beam tor a long time. and need great number of CANik Stoves of differentpatterns and style*, I consider J. J. Anderson's. new Store. in point or economy to Awl, ready coo sod WM* its ga m e ral izniar to any we have and eleven mo - lt, believing It len en Cametire fee- Lama. We have vaster Mr. J. J. Anderson's new Stoves, manniketared at the Rochester Foundry ,and having riven it a lhir trW. we And it comes rally up to 4 has been claimed nor it. It heats very _rapidly, takes but little fuel, and is amen excellent War. Mr. An'- denim may congratulate himself on having achieved quite a triumph in the line of Mares. . Very Beaver. MI. sad. Mt ii.B l linacksar. I . A. S. Harvey, DXALItt I% GRIMM= & PROYNIONS, - .11aarticlvviefs,re. I. HAVING ON litiD A UR4.11 AND WELL Tema, Rice, Coffee, . cheese, Sur o t ess. Soaps, RacoN Byrum Fish. X3Earc:tweire. . NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS. ,STONEWARE. • Pine Cime, Peck Meanness, Oak Churns 3i Bosh. M Willow Baskets, Split Basket& Pure 'Cider Vinegas. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR By the Barrel or In Sacks, constantly on hand EllrPrices - v ery low, ce l l and' see. A. 8. HARVEY, ochreils. Brldnewater. Pa. Beaver Drug store. THOS.IA. ANDERSON. DRUGGIST ! Corner 3d St. and Diamond, 3E3W4.17-If3lin ll g V e ft y' r tllntu=c7 Tis name Drugs, Meclteines, . OILS, VARNISHES, Putty, Window Ohm, In tact everythlngUsnally kept In a wen appoints d Thug and Chanties! Stare, ail at which will be sold at the lowest p.oauble Imes consistent with a dee re gard Mr Cpalltr. ~ We bope toy strtet and canted attendee to baldness to merit and receive s eendneance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon es. mayfrefttt. TBOB. A. ANDREW/IC • • - NEW, FAMILY GROCERY ♦XD PROVISION STORE are. 11Area/ awasoaa sad let► Tart Rochester, Pa. By 00.7 i& VARMAGEL Wl=ll YIT 83 POUND • • ~ • . . • . , Folds entearies and irovisiori`lish, Pier. Cheese, Bauer. Lard, apecon, 011. Pant Chienr`Vittem hr.._ am Wolaseee. Bak Tees. .Cethee. Sngara, ' Crackers. Tobacco, affirm, Qatensware, • Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, and as. orythlw ta their Una, gad they hope- . i ay ..t attention to' Lamm. . to noel& a libeled Mare of . - the per. a IL Ail Ida& Coaohy Produce' Islgoi at do sear- COE & DARRACIEL l!ociester., Oct. Ist. sca-sentir. It . :00-4.ESTER MAOLTY WORKS ! W., irm4Asaadminnifiar MIARBLE - . • MOXITMENTS, MUD 8TON88; DIA ItRIM VAN ILES, eiTONN AND MARRLS robin YOE CZNIXTERY LOTS. tZ= AGENT FOE THE i • Phenix Hydraulic Cement& ALL PERIIONfi MIRING YONOYSN7y OR iteidatoses. give .na a all and exwalne oar stock bekve purling elaewbertr. We bave always Oa band a large and duper! , or stock of ended wort. which we are sellinglow er than an be had in the city or can be had from ittroaltlng agents through the wen. try. So beware et ta, adtaud ezawWe fur your. eche. begbee . j ftb 16'6hans. June, 1868 ; No , :Arready, the fol. lowing work, Containulg 1038 closely printed, large octavo pages, well bOund in km sheep. Priee. $lO. TIRE LAW E9I`STER; cameos* an ma lAWYEIXI I2f =X 11412111) MATEO : TheStateße_'cord 13tate and (Inusty Offleero s the OfVfnennifiss;Ak riocketion, and forums°, tAe Courts fee every .Swine and linitory: TU. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY . , Cootaitikig the Oilicerecf the Federal Cr/vaunt*, A. D*4o of d he Berard likpletments, Nkttekt art the Member* of Comma the O card ?brew of Met Federal Court.: i The Collector's As&tans aim iho Law. for Coneeting Del* ErettnYng per* Vs. (r_ Mime, ancir Testimony, will Forms for emry Stages WITH MIMI OTHER MU% INFORMATION; The Wbole ronetlinting an oedM aad BUSINESS MANUAL. Of aid Newlfork Inez, Sei'y of the Nor. taloa Law 03 Published by the Merchants' Ucfou law Company (In the American ExchangeN annul Bank Balldlngl The Book will be sent,prep Md. to air addreps In U» United States on receipt of ten dollar*: or. It will liv be forwarded by express , with bill, to be paid on 6e• ery. . Important to Canvasiere With out CompetitiOn. • itatsaaws Liss EXGRAVI.IO or InwenstCkrLituver NOW READY. j THIS SPLENDID LINE EN GRAV . II7O IS 'nig RE nit of twoears' labor on the part of the ads, Mr. William E. . who stands at the head of Ids professhio In the United States. jlt is pronounced , a perfect likeness of General Grant in his best lll* pm._ jou. br the members of Ms family snd those • " 12 ° Pm hem personally stopuelnled with him for many year.. As a work of art it is herrossumbly su• parlor to all others. Mrs. Grant says : -I am delight. ed With your splendid engraving of toy husband. As a likeness Ido not think it coda aohetter." Beustor Sumner pronounces ft '"lt rare and finished work. es. anent ass tikeness." Mr. Bryant says r "ft Is really 4 noble apeetrnen of the art of engraving and snows to me to give the character of the origitud more per . fbctly than any engraving which I bare seen. Gen. Howard coresident "the Menet' striking. and the Pic' tareittigilke." Mr. llnntinghom the eminent attiet aryl: "It has a largeonassive style. and great Corti and Maned. 12bet bait thtsig about It is the trinb With • which los have rendered the indomitable spirit of the Inas." Aosta teemed in every Township* Adders'. TICKNOR A IPUILDS AGENCY, 38 SUM Street; Pittsbnrgh, Ps. Era NEW GROCERY,, •- TWO DOORS EAST OF TEM P. Q.) BEAVER PA. 1 . J. 33. C.T.J.I.RNi o (Suce esiort o Clarke,) .TVEALER ALL IEIIOB OF GRO j.jf MIES, rtotiflone, Coontity Produce, 4e.ac • FALL vrome ALL; THE TIME, And ;Coniktition (belied L •• 5 t - hzurei=r—tipt.tui ar4l:gloglr not be requited to znirdase. LIME,; ; ' Try It. 4 it. GETTOtIR SAME intolitrnß SEW i IIEON/TOA LIME KILN.," Chi. trial win ~law Nil olio out it lobe b'" uxx over bunted Ii this melody, is at least do Po cent better than Lute ;awned the old way, sad mid be sold at the same price. Come id roe band WW 2° of it Detre making emit:acts, and are AND TIME AND MONEY. *The ead la not mitre tritittior stone in barn ft. rd Boatit is outlast/ 800 Mau cinders and ashes and vs but the beat stow. Brkk Wren nod not Wit It to make thelentortor. for WI CI ll Doti lliski as us dm! every toot Jot always golfs' , . -•••:?:. - •rf i . Air lii, la E; Er. • 1 ; wig I;,2lproengt.wt,:ieTerordarod be ht anklet, eat Of to 1. I Send order* kr W. J. Dunn, Ber. P. 0 ' 0 .. or to tat "Nahum ÜbeZna s lo," Vanort; ier Bem 24l ' I i •W. ..I DUN* smansaz. ! . H l~Car hall, • DiALira . SSD 1 , I shut ta:.senitra t or' Grind Stones , , Of 11 supeciof qnstitf aik hood Conhqs,3 g lb, YOU TUB UNITED STATES; Prepared from (Metal Returns by JOHN LIVINGSTON. NEW YORK : LIME,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers