6 . The. Beaver lvgpq , HEAVER. JULY'B, IN! 1,4,egil avid 111116;cellasteopo. uow a tatier clreulatCon than nay parer patillsthed In the county pivertleere will promote Mete own Inter- Sr .acarlsx thhi Ia utlnd. _ , ... stAints OVA , • : wralsavai . * • ..____ _..... TI N& 3w. I Ow. 881.1 6m. ly. (me pqopre-40 lines— .22 00!13 00 $5 00 1 $a 000 00 Two F(iitarrio AMI 800 7 00 10 on is on Thaw w i narve . 500 400 9CO 11-00 18 00 Font xquitrem aMI 8 olio so 15 00 21 00 0,001815 rolnmo 17001000135010 on 25 00 11 If ontomo... .. ,-.. . , JOAO 14 -00 17 OD 05.0030.Q0, 0 1 , 0 column Admlnbtratoni` and Executors' 'Notices 13 no apeclit Nativs, iwr line, ...... 10 g.:4-I';wina:nts lobe made Quarterly,eaccot Transient' Advero4lll::, which mud he paid in Advance. Stole of the Thermometer foe the week ° Aug on the 41b of Ju ly 7. A. Ili Juno .V , 13 deg. , RI deg. •63 deg. 1 llO. ' R og. F 5 dog. - 09 deg. .. ca, . Gil eg. 137 deg. 69 de.; Jlih ; - l. 72 . eg. • • ~‘ .9I deg. , Id dpi'. - 9. . 77 deg; ' - '9l dog.' 77 deg. H. NI deg. 99 deg. 71; deg, • 4, 80 deg. 00 deg. • 77 dog. _ Wm. Bitiatrarir, iu nth street, Chroul (le loillillitr, littiberg., tho authorized agent for Tile MOWS thatclWlJ • . :I) cjt ate wttention of ' the public 1t directed to the fol. 4 ,,,ing new advertisements. which appear Cur the unt time la TLI1: Arts today, tyrl , ral lioticO—John Canghey. • i'l7 - noway Account—Chippewa, Township. ter insianod N4 lll-1;i. Uoopa. Cashier. . trio Mcchanics--John Armstrong. irs lags, Lc..--John W. mime! witte Bitters--Alfred Spoor. f echool liellco-4. L. Gilliland. &Cy. Thrliriloaalo te the t.Toutsty Comieilltee Selected for the Ensuing' Year., ltrtir.rt rano- -11Mtry LIMB, (Chlimitutl Geo. W flouelion, A. lt. Moore. • PoIpiIEW4ITICII 11011 N" , Samuel Moorhead. i!leeryßotta-L. J. 11. A m -on Tr -C. W l reiter. M • o vi:n Tr-- W. 11. Foote:. ilniewroN re-W. A. laird.' --Joldt tottaivuto.s Tr --Milian PAW. .I , ;(.;sNoigi" Tr --Samuel AlcAlatomy, . EA, r ST(INI -S:111111.1 N. MeVelfeJl. YHA 41.1.11: .1r --John 11. Wilson. ' hd. room nor..a•-•Phillit Rene). rit;roofrii 11Hrt -...lneiro 'Rorke: td.t'LkEt•rt•-J. 11. firlmblu. ; Rod. 111 CUTII.II raNKFUUT LINT liteattllCOM• Mc(IVILY uttrc-:liohnti , tlt•mtr.llll . - Robert C. &oft • 1111M75,TRY Tr--Aamuel Gormley. ommuTe,—Davld 51Butos le -Sherlock Motto. • ' - of TP !tubed Cooper. ~,,, Darker. J. C.. It El. , IrAr 11. Wilde. C. )Itatlck. 't et. t 4 't n-Ileory (loitring. 'EW GBIJLPIC notko-Wm. D. ihkin. ttilf tiEwlextitY Tr-JlllllCe WIKUOCk. . • unto tr. -Gr. J. firnmgc 1%111+:115ot( -Cluitutterlin 41.11t0. l'iof 1J PH 111111.0 110110-Inha )t. ebroliet. PCCANRI Te-4Niver ' • " - • jn , cdraein Croce.'Cloo. flpeyeret. ' vot• II 6. 4 T611, Tr--J. J. Foalor. tiAN•now re---Irtmea • dot rit.lsrmitelre--N.A. met:on:nick. CLklit noun—James Reed; llcellaw of Itepublleas County Commit ose.—The Ilepubllcan Committee for Boaver county, ibu present year, wIU bold In, Uri* meeting In WS pr, on Saturday July Mb. RI IP. U. A . full spend• iuco 14,ourncetly regneste4l, uabuelnese of luuportaico Id be Drought before It. H. Ilia!, audnuan. waling ponoone desiring to study * Gannon Mad 'l4, Mil/ find good instructtoo it the Normal Belloo4 The Strawberry. Ice-Cream and Floral Angst! held is the afore le treat. of the raddenee of Thermion 3uasteri, Eel., on Tuesday evening of lad week, was .0 attended, and generously . patronized. The sem tur, a as taken In Iran piles made on the oecaelon. IntonUug to teach school. should, If poor Apt MI tg.111) . /tt. the NtItIIAL f3CitOOL, at 'A ill pro-.e.,0f great Vll,llO to the • _ - Politolt of Cep. Gront.=—We balre recarred li !he TlclinFr .OYh kt r Ramie', No. Vi Fifth Picot, 111161 , qgh, klarAbaire line- engraved portrait of general Grant. It is a Pplcuiltd work of art, and Ia by 411 NM; tire c u ret strlklug and poifect hkeneaa of , 1111,•1! that has yet reached this pithlle.— lai price hi low—ieotning within the reach of alt—and imp trka..ther with Ha excellent finteh find the Illustri owe character of the original ehould give it a place In the parlor of every Ileum Ip the land., At 'A. , rrml ftnnusl c1i.1,100 of Poet No. IIA, 0. A ,ItorliePter, Pa., on Thursday craning Mire The I..llwit:g bilkers wore elected to serve for the. en witni.; Fh moulhn : 0 A. Pendleton (re.eloeten) P. C.; Pred. Bench -ITt. s C.. Seth. W. Whites°ll, J: V. C. Daniel ht, wet (Lc elected) P. A. ; Junes U Calking (nl eortnii I* ift enrlstreplu.v glum°, o.l):Jack rm nlmtni, 0. ll.; ' Jno. 11. Rekl, I 3 ; William flittl , vaowl,tl U. H. Al lthe rrgnt nt dt tho County Bop'ta meeting o !tir coroaduce nu Pormanein Certficatei will be hold o the Scheolhoune, ilk Beaver, on the 16th' 1014 4 f a t Om boo:action of Ituportaat buelneee. • A Witte Yield of Stratarbeirleo.—Medan. J. teE Xngie 14 Industry township. this COppty, bavo a anon berry patch of about nno and a fourth nom.— The quantity of berries taken faun .this Vita this rear wee areuty•lise bushels. Thitk grottes•part of them were Fold ,mbokaln to Pittsburgh dealers.— from the same gronpd the Messrs. Jingle last year cathelmi about It; bushels of strawberries. The eoll was in better condition taut year than tide. A Terrific Illtnnader 1140111111.-,oli left tionday lietwron 4 and G o'clock In tho idternoon, a very heavy thunder dorm towed over lids place. A locust troe ht‘ar the reridence of Mt. Aaron lloorelu Beaver Wee wino* with lightning and .itivered to piece*. The rod tm lhn renhieuce of Mt. Solomon Zrutu on the river hank conductuil an electrical diecharge to the ground. Ric building war nulnjured. A tologroph poll neer ion wee next struck. The lightning followed the rlrt+fir a dletanco of about one unfired yard+, doing earn iw Iran damagi to eight or tee roue In its pae• 'rte• !jut litho rain fell during the storm. The Montana TIP .—we were rejoiced the tool day to matt e a copy of the Montana Post, pub liolv.a at llonna, Montana. from our old Wend Mr. Win linhertaon. Mr. it. is a Beavir county rian-a pf A ItohertFon, ; Reg „the. prevent Collector for It& dibble! -net we earireatly ‘ bono that he In. enjoy. ire ee.it health and at the eame time. rcalliing heavy di% t IN" In bin hurthera operatkma. The lhef la dittly and •la well filled. with local n•wn. It dingo the unmea of ()rant and Col. let for l'reelarnt and Vico. l'reeident. "Long may It 1 1l 0 " in do bailie for the good mule., Ins 'marginal 4.1 !Mr. n. nays : "The Allot/ reathce inc regular f rate * week." • The fuming liarreset—ThitNew %ne. a review 01 the crop tediewleft°63llll4xl"llß* come! to th• conclusion that, es regards the Southern `ltto• heutd =tided °emir, them will belr64ls4l truln agricultural luiluetiy of that mutton In 1968 a " r 'r teener which wilt 6 Ihr &wards real:wild:the l ' 4 elerily et the ii 4 4lus, toy In heinghtg. 4 #°_ c. 44c1411 "Ittotte largely In one favor.- The w i s est crop of the Mica. booth I. beteg harroeted, lea In WPC, end '4 ' 4 Wit it) estisfeetory. The emu Mrrer looked bet nr. Cotten to also towered as 90/711111116411411" ' , V Yr three million Wire Is eousldered reasonably Tire caste Ia &leo le Seto undaliall, end one Wu' 6t4 ,6, 14 ." 4610 holmium. ite of eusar are reported, le ANMY thoeued to WT. At the Nettie, !POW 4 Ote ate weather, the faadtng exOPO tae Peelideleg• 4 Y vie bcter jractie pnwang.stod, atlihersis, UM - I Non fivothbly. 'there M uu time. far CCDII „ 4 ulbleo sk to, th e whole yloldlog to th e ~,L 494l" litaterosh a pram of Wealth which Meares -. ,_. 1 "/It le all eetsultnuate of trade, 'The rePortii emkr in the wheat pawl,* istrlteiti the .. 4 te'ePt' aro femoral& filth...mese, load Were Iluo th , t SIA ?Pos roatt ?Pose's New York pronto w Nam torlarre Wet Map re cm do. . , qow The. #l)!2_ • ilkatai-, atilat4_ errei of the Waver Odutstyllabbalb - Sebeall Amakiisiialr win be tlit/VEL .ChtiriklandieWliMert;Sialeliar ead:Friday, July,l4b e ) gal 1744 AN.. Ibe:•iialb;Tio4 tie pregreimaie aslopleilar ,11 • " MiuMnali ,-- • atmeasia.4 -' - sum, 4. *onow. 9.01N-flanday School rower keetlug.. , Ili.(10--Orgaateatkai arid Baslasea. •• , 26 .: 10 • :- Wier•VerWWrorte Caning tWfondlUOY. 4 . 6 42 . rao* 4 11.80-.lledreii rer:Guaart : Can did= ci theSeaday Sitaireatee.“. ; ILSO—DerotioNal Exercises. to build up a achooll" - '•Eiribleskeori; alibied by climb* of the Difireition, " • j - ;Beelsw,by :: Ects. *isms • 8.15--"Theitarirdif Beirsi4 - Libiirt: lti elsissrder. sserairiaS;itirlisessireisett. I t em uirki 'timbers (41 . i j CPO — lustenaWiliAsiesilass.shiretered. • •ThEriday ETC IIII 4 I, Addreesei. -• , • s'act44arceel4•l4l,i..Alfgeti • ' 8.411--Address by Er. • (Melt: !Tile wars ' Guth° lland!Y 8 0. 001 ." • ' '''; ' " Fildrer 142S116011•': EEO LEE! -M -Prayer Mooting. . M.-Pllible Clews:" Brief Remarks!y Doti. • ; gates, reviewed b Mr. Gilbert. Cisseee:" Ilem s orks by Delegates. reviewed by Mr. ,Gilbert. ' 4 11.00—Blackboird. Naps, Objects, Elderly.. Lo. DOM E 32 • 2.00-I)crmtlonnl Exertlaes. 11.15—Ilethode.of Mottling preented end cosel4- oral in epee Vonvenlki. &011—Dfketn and Excallanclee In Teliabl, Welly stated. 3.9o—Addr9, p7 . 311(r. (plbeit "The Preparation Teischere." '' r . 44W-lilletellaacene Weighing answered. . ' Friday E F eideg. ~ • 4ddrei.see Dy goy. Mr.TaylorOtiv. kr. Gilbert. end others. ; - In addititm to the above tbo following "Incidentals" will take place at the limos and places monitorial Wodnoday Evening, Jury 15th. Sunday 'School Weaeliene Sociable, at the Wino of Prcit R..T. ; Taylor, In fleaver i r 1 Saturday Afternoon, ink 18 Sunday School Shiktren's Sochibio ! at the house of Jobn F. Dravo, Itsg„ ty Beaver. •' •-• Sunday Morning Jodi .10th sandal , School - Scram, -at Bridgewater . 14. Church. : Santini After'notm 'JUN 104. Sunday School Chlldren'a lic-I.lalon, In rtechytcrl 4 an Church, at Ilrldimalcr. '. Sunda Evening, July . 10th.• • ~s!appy.y ISsbool t3e..zwin, at,NasgZactitp4,Xcilgo4lcit P. (Muck ! • , Mt. Editor i In looking over some unwell/MN I gathered during the two years I was In the need; men'u Barcali In Georgia, Lfound the fot k owlng fella of Slavery which I ,end to you with the auppoeltioti that it may be of hitt:feet to your raiders t 41 41,4 . IXII CAnffe, • ^ - To liktonciall %mai Jan: For tirlitiye• Baird Turnkey's L'orrectiou, lilaglstmtat fit. ,' Menial Was a young colored woman to the employ of Mr. elmTe, and who. without the feat of law before her eyes, presumed to teach some I colored children to ellstbiguiskA from It. Yoe this offence she was arrested and thiown Into Jail as a felon, and d nix cornedwi--that leWhippid on the bare back—th the amount of one aitharged to the abavo hill, and which varied from 30 to 00 lashes, well laid oti by a stout animai wearing the . otitertid ' embitinee tit a man. Theo' bill. together with the fee of akW YU, had to be Mianah's nude, ft aliatitnapting.to more than one hundred dollars In gold. The cantle° bielOC/ as given to me by . "Uncle Dilly," as he is calledtbst. fe Dkuuth's anele 7 -is full of interest, and goes for to show the brutalising influences which filaveryexerted, but it Is too lengthy to giro In this article. A few mouths previous , to DianabW errest, a colored man--. •Linclel'ordy"—aged 'd years was arrested for the *arm °Muse, thriva into Jell, received 00 lashes on the bare back, and fined tat 1 10 was lncarc?rated It days, when his brother slaves paid his' IMO, upon Which h. was rdeated=antta/Ithintaacountrywhich bodat, of its &damn and Its christianityt What cause have we for gratitude to God that the barbarous Institution has been abolished 1 a. L. U. Sad Accident In Stralsenter.—A very melan choly acelJent °centred, near the railroad bridge, In brain:Ater. thbvaranty, Moast Winkle, 'evening.— A Mr. • Davison, of the firm of Mak A Davison, in company with his sun aged about twelve years, went lute the creek on that evening for the purpose of bath ing. Choy had been In but a short time, when both got IMO wa er beyond their depth, and before assist ancecould rendered they both rank to rise no more, alive. The bodies or both rather and eon have beeirtecomial.. Mr. Davison had Just • brought His family from Pittsburgh to "cheater the day before, and Intended mskinglhe inner Place bin future honk. Ile is said to have been a s gentraman of considerable maims, and partial lin-aging largely In the ramie feet:ging brain° s In Rochester it no tibtatit day.— l'ho melancholy accident has occasional a deep gloom among the Mistivra and friends of the deceased ,per eons. . P 010.11111111114 In iteenterco—Oe hot Thurs day evening the Mends of Omni sad Ceiba, melding tumid nearlionrawood, this county, raised a Pole In horior of our standard bearers. On it , is a beautiful flag some ten or twelve fbetin length and'abont seven feet In Width, and a streamer twenty-etz feet in length. ?ha Pole 1p ninety feet ahove group! imam as !straight as an arrow. Quito a crowd of Mealy Republicans were present on the occasion. Short aid spirited ad dresses were delivered by Messrs. Boyle, Weimar and Wallace.; This, we believe, Is the Snit pot* raised by either political _party in the county In the..* : amt cam paign, and we congratulate the Homewood Itepubn case e n being the lint to open the ben t 1 0. L EISEIMART, • ChAlnuan • 01110 CORIIIESPONIDENCIE.. 1:1 - ETEn BANDUBLY: 01110..JVLY 8/). 113G3. 7b the Editor of The Argue Dean Sin : Somo enquiries have been made by some of my Deaver friends, to know the result of the Bowaher murder Wet 'Mow ran to elate to them. through tho Argus, that she was tried _on 'ono of tho three Indic Imelda at the May term. After ton days In empanelling a Jury and trying the use, rho - was acquitted. , She was tried• far the murder of her eon W 11l isz4.• It ulna proven that be ;rep' the Leticia orAreenk, but idrunkenThiskiantostltleit that ho sold him Arsenic, which left n doubt in tho minds of the Jury. She is In Jail to answer for the murder. of her two daughters, Olive and Fannie. A strong chittn of evidence was produced on tho fowl' trial, and the Connell for the Slate .oro fouldout uMir ability to Con% let her., l'ubllc pplulon itlstrong against her. The weather been exceedingly warm-for the past few days. Crops look Gni: ;--they umirr looked more promising. The prospect of the new crop of wheat, has brought nom down from $ll to $lO, and wheat hall caste tidwu Ti eta. per'barbedi i . Tim fruit crop to gimd, the coalition of. peach es—theyiwere killed'"rooiand branch" by the bird freeze tn March. • . , Extentive preparations are being made leiceleboto the Ith to an oßproprietd minium.. The performances tvlll bo Condacted nailer the "auirplees . of the Are De pertinent. Quito a number of Vire, Hose, an Hook and Ladder Companies are expected, and f 6 a Mae Delfclubs. Merge premium will bo paid to the beet • performers in each I will elites, hoping that the Botivcrites wlll enjoy ii pleasant' 4th: • ' ' " Aid borr.i! Ilashicas NoUcc.—The CAkati7lrlbua6 Con tains the kollowlog advenisetneut, and ea* tlae.ateßi• Ilea of DesiOciste to It; z., V. H. GRANT (haat di Collis. Masers,. Washington. D. C., .re• spetifolly Inform the mottle of_tbe united Share. that they will be engaged In woolen mane old rotten Lem (pudic bltfee, milli slier (ho loth dhy of November. Mil The peeler member of the firm having eonsid etable extwrieuee In the boviness, thinks that, by the help of his ;anther, all walk will be dune In a estlabe• • tory manner. Ilefeten6e —clent9 ids iitAkiter, rani button, 11. E. Lee. and oil& dlatitiguialcd mums of tb• &MC 10010W1619a. „ Tiuu l 4ll/ 15 1 7MWAMmocon. &valved layman, I'. C. Linitinzi. Ja fkauTzsa t'ouPA3l ! ef John •lloplow: 17nota Ortanwstrad. . • i„.., 1 niiir a t t i= 11 11 1.1 1 1. lir pi ... i t 41111114 109 4". 'l. • 1 is *bat John eays,.ls Bucyrus real, of JJ.. a .. Of all the actions men we've Seen. Exist* now or long "Mee deed, . - No one rui ima• known so mean . As Lt ir f • :.. • adttreh=t' —,, -e a 1 7;r: A rebel aiding Copperhead ;• 7 . A growling, slandering, - ' • ' Scowling, pandering, .! . • Vicious States' rights Copperhead. • From him the docenCia; of life And antis miurtodes hare tied; • . , . Ile fine In fretful, eicticuut strife ; A WO. touchy, Cop \ perhead : A negro fearing Copperhead : %A VitletithVAlVri"al ) • -ff a-2, ....'LLlOsniesmot. ' ._r _: • 'llll • r,._ 1. Oft tipurned, oft, whipped, • Doughfaeed, cringing Copperhead. ,When "Savo the Dillon," the cry. - And thonstmds for the Union bled, • The nation's right he did deny Tosapsttselfv-41*DopperhepAl, 1, • f* • A Boit °PLAIN* dopeifiesdi, A Golden Circle Copperhead ; A ocheming, Screaming, flying, - old. Callaalan . C9frrhddd. , ...„ . When Sot:them it Iseietinte dettignek Their twlplaskprisonors• Attend. to Whed, And Libby nekton undermined; Who then approved t The Copperhead ; ' Te soldier shooting, • Thipatriot hooting' perked t, • The war abasing, - AP/ Pl4 11 4 1 g; : 1 , , Crime excusing vidpi ' FDead. Who scoffed at Pillow's blotbdilral". . And Audelwamilitiyintirdervidilsed I t Who victory's bdur did long delay? The traitorous, trescheroukCoppesbead. Tho crime creating Copperhead; Ansaseluatink Cooterbesd ; The strife exciting, ; Wrath invithig, • .. Death delighting Co pperhead. • When widows mourned their leriely lot. And orphan children wept, their dead ; Who said their Just deflects., they got - The Northam rebel Copperhead. The *Mow Reboiling Copperhead The grief deriding Copperhead Tho Wee.' eentipicieg. City firing,• Booth admiring Copperhead, ` Nor woman's grief, nor orphan's tears, • Nor even a Natio:AU . • Are sacred from the,: On and sneer°, of every brutal Copperhead ; km% chitichmipezeing Copperhead ; Each Katcher cursing Copperhead r Each Union hating, • , • War - creating, • . • ilepuillatiwg Coppetbaid, Crawl to your ddrighill'irifirr: For General (Irani with conquering Wad Marches to crush the thing man Call. In politics, a Copperhead ; Democratio'CoOperttead; • vile fanatic Copperhead ; A murder jeering, Widow sneering. tailiwel.n.Cheeldfg CPMK;Ftletlk. Dr, EOM* 110 1.00 11.0$ ---....i. ems Attention Post 09.T.The members of brat No. Oil 0. A. U., of Heaver. Pa., aro mqultehad to meet 1p their Ball to Beaver. on Wahmeday arming July 13th. at Elif i P. M. A fall attendance is *nested, ae beet nem of Importance will be branriht before the rod. 111 order of C. A. Gmarif.! O. V. C. , J2O. lat . trozi. P. A. pro tem. The 41111 of 0,114$ the Soldier/1 9 Orphan Schbol at Plialllipslburgh.—DriPecild of Ikv. W. G. Taylor._a goodlyaosniblo,MAh9Cill• zcno of thew villages assend.kd•wlth tho:.Soldlorie Orphan School and participated In the lOallvlllet Of .tho'oecadou. • " . . At ibont; lour ceelock &sumptuous Manes woo Nei- ea up In the specious dining ball; and handrails par took. to satiety. /NUM licifirtargra the whole Mak panyrepalred to the orchard ; wicete a iostfnia had se, been erected rind se* , psnparod. Tice meeting w lai Organised istitie,*. , 9 1., )hurray to the chair, a electing M. Woyand, Esq., ticey. J. F. Dmvo, f addressed the Thrown of Orme, and the school ea "Hall 'flume Happy Day." One of the yourlg ladles read an address of welcomer;:eud the . retied 'tumid the audience with another song. At this point a call was Made for rernarks, when Um : , following gentlemen responded in short speechtes. In the following order : He: 4:• Murray, Rev. .'ernlsoo. Lieut. Harrah, Esq., J. P. We've, B. J. Cross, M. Wcyand, - F.sq., and 11ev. W. 0. Taylor. The meet ing was then favored Wlth a song by the school. The following . tonsts were thou read bitty) Dee) , jet. „Thei dap. we cOehrato -- , ,the Mot july msy It be Commemorated until the end of time. 2nd.' The Revolutionary Fathers—may 'their deeds and names be ever cherished by American citizens as Owlets legacies. Srd. Our RePtibilaintistltnitinui—may they he per petuated and extended to all the nations of tho earth. 4th., To the Union Beldlsaa of the late war—whose heroic deeds have preserved to us the fairest, the freest government eis' r devised by human :wisdom • • , . sth. To Hon Andrew G. Curtin. Gov. Geary, ant their co-laborers ip originating and teetering the dot diem' Orphans' Bebe°la of rehneyivania 2 .-their zener one devotion andaeltecerificing efforts in behalf of the children of those -- who fbll in defence Ist trmantlibertY. entitle thew tea Place among aid coiddryls betiefse- Tothe &Odds' Orphans'—We meet with You to day, to tondos - you one sympathise and our prayers.. Rev. W. G. Taylor and irreily-Adthilbl Arid . devoted to the trust committed to tlielr keeping:—they - have well earnod, and are entitled to the gratitude and con fidence of every good citizen of this commonwealth. The Guests Joined with the setaiol in singing that Or noel old Nat(oual hymn—tho Star ppaagied Banner. And the meeting Was disculecod with the benediCtiOn by Rev. Jemboa. . • • The citizen" present departed** their twine& well pleased that they bad brayed lite oppreaalve hcat. abd breathing a hearty prayer fix the PreoPertti of teeth". ere and children. - - • • • Magi and Goods for Campaign Purposes: . —!Attentlon is called to the advertisement in another col :nein'ofJ.lillalitock. Bolas on hindecnrandwilllcep a fell supply oe,all u ecceirary campaign goods. These will consist of all descriptions of Flags—silk, bunting, and printed muelln,all sizes—with or without names of candidates—medals, pini, chains, badger, banners, trunsparnueles, portralta, Le., &c. Ills is the most extensive and well appointed estabibhme* of the kind in Pittuburgb; and we turr o e.every , , reason to . belfevo tEit his prices Will be found rutlisfectory" . 49 ell: - Local political clubs will find it to their. interest to call at Mock's, opposite the - Post 7 ollicci in Pittsburgh, when in search of gcxxls for their organizations. A Heavy Hall EitOrta;—W• are Informed by persons residing north told north-west of Beaver, that a very hCalryhall star Lined user that section of the country, on l;wt Sunday evening:between four and Ave o'clock. The bailpetit nued to descend for übcl4 half en hoer, kuockind upplos. • cherries, plume, ,ta, from the treestu Its descent, and In some placka com ing with such force its to break the :glees in' expoimxt windows In houses. A heavy wind and min auccetad Um hail storm, Which laid the whin and spat so com- McVey, that the hey-mak lug which was nonteniplatod tide , week, will.bei considerably retarded, • Whether the groin is injured permanently or not, we would not venture to say; but coo think no material injury will • result from i the itorm, . in thla reapect. • • IP4blllo Eianittiatkon.—An examination lambda for tk.o New Brig_hton schools, will be held In the l'll4is fiChniitlbatiplatAgeW l ßrlgittot4on Ow now entornMr orittli,,ainMettelniAltliniboutiM 1061w/it A: M. All pardons Intereetml, arc reepeetfully Invited to !Mend. x,l66BJuuu Thin Delo; about the "rant whorl farmers ore p3ek- Obit the cash for trielr wdbl; there aro reporte of very extestlive eroulluanone of thlevee, who are organizing for rale.; through the wore-growing ellettlete. oxpeC• Hug In plunder Li:refitment' howls. ,~larr`iazc~: MITCHELL-611AI l'ti -- On Thut.duy July id, ,bY tbo Bev. D. U. A. 14.1c1.4.au, Ur. Itobt. ti. Mituineli and Übe B. .6 tukce../14 Scar - Ft CO, .pig; Mr 0` irt - 1 0 ' f on Standard An inniber. ixdamP. - Sinica'a BTAPIDMOV/7101 1411htli recom mend= uy plonk:tang DA9pft oft ac. ;count or its Unita PfoPartles,3ts. purity. and is daliciOna flavor. - • . . ly. • ' • THE ,BEBTAIIING YET. I The Medical Pro%Won, alter having dun knaglily tcslal Speer's wineeehave iniroduced thtsn into their practice, on aceonnt!or their !pttrity.iHis !ttSunulankleut %Ire equally as pure, and 'only neotlet/idal to g commend them. : I i • Sold by all Ipuigiatit.. . "NEVER To kin% TO iniiiii,"-L-Aftot new ly ruining your hale lei Matins':of lard prep. =lion under OW tuutmi-uol guts° or "oils," apply "Barret'a Vegeesbl9llatr Ik%torative," which not only renown but restores It to its original eottiitetenditistro.—TinTu Hank Er pron. , 11EAVIt ft . (CISII2tECT WEEKLY f) • heats*: 401 7, P; Kal. Plonr par bh).. attri 1 309 an •1 . 95 3 - ,1r1e41 Apples peinane 240 Muter pet lb 23 Dried Peaches mixt. 4:3l MUD! Per Pr 1-• • • 2 9 Wheat per bee ~ !LAP shouners .... 14 Corn perbon. WLlrd es peen, 18 Oius Tallow ptlib 11 riii.fieed sir. bits; AF S Ilan per bits ... .. SAO Woos Putatuni ' 11,00 1.40 'Curd Mad: .. : . 1,10 .i‘.tly:...,l4l . 4ag:E:gt.L . J-__!. MEW N 4, 8 MAGICEPAL (1868) in quarter also No.l in Kitts and by the pound, at Shallenbergeillios. , . I`,lo>XlCSti Fancy CrliC -ors o ull Preserved Peaches in Ilea` Vy Syr up, ". - • .. Imperial Prunes in airtight' boxes, Sardines, :I. : • Pine Apple ill cans, English Pickles in jars, EivnahAlotitatdprerwal,l'i :For -4a7e.ty: ti ,-„ Shallenbeter Brod.). LE= Doeson's Hythiplio Omioni ::For sale low, - .74 , at Shallenb6zor . ft •"'N Glassvare, Wood and Willow. ware, a full assortment at the low• est cash rates., for , oak at ,110 Validly Grocery of fihallenherger Bros. EB9: It. ALL TOILING I'EBSONS , vas and should obtain a good odtica• tion. Fur pattleolato, ladei. A. Cooper, Mo d_ of thy Kato Normal licboolakillaboro, Fa. Executor). Nottee.—WhOve lettoraleetanien try upon the caste of Thomas IL Elliott, late of Marlon lowest/lo,llmm. county, VO, deed., _have been maned to . tbo ondoroltttox; to North Sewickley to.tataildp..la Vorsone in debted to saki estate,. are hereby MOW to` make 1* mediate payment, and those Lath* Was, to wand et* ArAYPXARS I3 44/4" ; • A dentsalstrittOght Notlee.-4,lotters .41.. Malkin -se she Antal* 'dr ei QV, deed.. late of Marion toirnehip. sounty, having boungratited to leaden lot pod, all *Tws Indebi4A of mid estate, are " smite& iske immediate po mrut. and those has g claims against the sang% will Kermit them prugerly_authentlattad for settlement. : . ADAK ITELFSI I / 4 'AdFlet. ; PAWFORSI4 HEAR BITTERS. wqw. ccamo tc initatitseibitsL ma cure or t sn Cstilla andirelrerCkEtrer Complaint, Neuralgia. hick Ileadacno and I General Debility. One of the meet Vearant Wales tanur In the market. TER GIOLIiEN NEAL WINE prrrs made gum" the pets laird of the grape. • Var ladles -or the sick _room, Ws Is mai of the best remedies ever (A rmed Wthe rotate. and needs may to be tried to come into Mumma U. 1 0• 11•111.p0.11 . 9Ctly plus Dad free from sphitmrs ruisture., , almiunctered ard n ,phjlt • ' DIERKEFI: di .BPECK, _ 2 , O. ow B7pliTt_tyln , 1:11 tiT/41.91T. Pohl by Druggists eyorralrae. Jt.117'63:6m. • I=l=l CROFT , & PHILLIPS, Real pdats and Insurance Brokers, - 139 FOURTH STREET, _ PITTSBURGH, PA: UTE [LAVE A PRINTED REAL I.ITATI±I REGIS U. 7 COM:MAW a tun 'description of bcatlo tt price and terms of all (ho moopertles entrusted to our care fw-eale, Thews onnsislof rums, (hist, Mills, Lloulei, Late, Eton:4:43ml Dind.Onal Works; Coal In. tare Waangrn,„l4Wa, , and Kulmrban l'roperty: 'This Register we orbit three Mum, a year, on tint of May, Soptember and Jan uary. Vertles wlehnig to buy or sell Real Basta, no mat,. ter where Um location should not fell to consult our Reglabor. a or; Aids Om 'bo had bl:)lotHling : 13 a our address. nay numbei now ready. • • u 67:11. • J FLOUR DOWN! • - z . 1 filuesor DEn WIJIT.R: WHEAT F LOUR, WARRAIiTEp EQUAL TO "DAYTON.SNOW FLAKE. i i 2.5 lbs. lick, *-1•50. • 50 lbs. duck, 8 00. Maid, 12 00. • J. - caoss & co:. e - • notheeter; Jun9,.20, 18113: . • NOTICE IN PAILTITIOS. • NlTifit OUPIIANE! COURT OF HEAVED COON TY. .In the molter of the touGUun. of the rod us tatetr Jamas xiceaskei 3 O•44.,, _ s . To the licks and kgul reprcomdatlvee of Fuld deed., CO wit: 'John . ItcCat' Ake,. Amor, Inter Married with David IteCague, Who Is :duce dead but leaving home. via : David hictlaguir. Naucrintermar Tied with Ell White el Manuel, county,, children of William an other brOlher Orldetedent, via : - John, Willi m, Ajox: angler and Thancy whose rosteenee are unknown, one a slater intermarried -with John Dolan, who le Auto dead, but left Noe surviving him, lowa ; John, WO ifamolareee, blimet-Itosanao, Mery, Ann, hionth Mar: tha,ll:lMargardtJ. Dolan, whose tesidctleol ore .un known. Martha; Moore a slates' cif • dixedenl, who Is since dead, leoviog isene,vis : Jan, 4ose l eElltaro. :OM liokurt And Nancl, 1.1111;. MOM tnoth • sister of decedent , intermarried with Dem Drou die, of 131111113VAle, Mercer county. Ila.. Martha, Inter married wthi•i-- Ragoy et .Indkata,•' Roney, inter married w i th Minna, of Indiana, Jaw ;who m aiden near Blakeirllle, Mercer, county, l'a., Mary, in termarried with Johnston. of Indiana, 1 Andrew V,,Mlilid.WheeeireproeenhativaearoJohn, te 4 wi oad McOaskeiy; alad!likalbj. , Interwar. tied' with iiieberis,Jane, intermarried with -- Horner, and Fanny,. latersuorried with — 7 — children of another brother,l6 wit: John McClaskoy, who roaides In Virginia, Mary, Intermarried 'With Beller., sad-Melloaa, • Inkerpoottied .with who Mikes in Wen* • odd :el • • ! Greet. • Yok ing el:Mica Guit an. Inquest to..make portiliori or valustOm. of the Teat estaleAnoldOlee'd.. bei held on the prefigiuni Ohlypeiraboasiohlp, Deaver coancy l'o., on the Zell day of August, Thai, alythicitilitieitud lace you eau attend Uamt Mlak ilvoppccrr 1:" JOIIN.E. . • lirtintrzli orscs, doper tune Ilte, UM. i . • J.tair.s" Warman. Co. Bup't. r! frajz Oita r israrrEU • :;• . •• ~••461• 771 AU TIM •!, Oa:1 itEirr iiN. UM F Ose Robrer'i Tonic SaftiEß, vo6d sir WALLPAPER ! WALL ,PAPETt o ! WALL PAPEIC ! Oil ,Oloths .011 Qlotlis'l Oil Ciiiths pm ... candler pa Th... J.; 119inses per gait .. 1,00 011: . • • 10 , 00169 011' • ~. 90 TIWENTT-91VE THOUSAND BOLTS OW WALL .1: PAPSH just received, and will be sold lower then can be purchased elsewhere, at B. NETTM,.tl. , .rit..ltt'S Bridgeivatrr, • Direct from England, bearing tho original pnckagna. Also, Window Windt* Satchels Truuks,.Sterisweimle Views of all poop of Inkiest , the euentry and mum the continent. -• ; - • . • 1 respectfully give ruMeo to all to 'call arid 'see the large and well selected Stock of general VARIETY UOODS. • Included In abovo. we have Looking Olormea, Cur pen, Vlethe.44.. 01. benutUul &Apr and pattern. , , , GRAND SPRING J . • 11:-:11ENCES, E Entirely Nw Stock 111,Labur o t, I'. 705; PR PU1141154 Dry „Gooch of t every ,Desoripaon. THE CHEAPEST IN BRAVER COUNTY. STRAW GOODS, MEN AND BOY'S lIATs. DAL. MORAL AND HOOP SILIIM, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERYCY GOO AND O DS, LOV TM, • FAN newt Goods aro now, hafts Dena boubt P* cash since Ibn tato &cam Cali Baty mu! Secure Bargattis, _ • • Aa aro balm ID lien at • PITTSBURGH PRICES. Stasphkg, , Plating tad Maelltne Stitching to ado, Metes IMOD Ado tq order. • • .r 1 141 movitpi TO 8110 W 000DS. tiro plooo, loom immerty occupied by 'Nelson & Exawsks, 7.118 DIAMOND. RocuEirrEit.PA. 'TAKES." A. *FORTUNE. S. J bare neared the aartlGX of WWI urrAj. AllalCdY Do311:10.- s, ai evv,g,;v:F Ma very best ft PIITSDURQII, ' Wholesale Monte for the West Per male by JOIIN MOORS. Mica. Pa. 33:1,:T.. Cr 11. 3EL'xm ZIT ES t .a. NI. 33 .19 I B. DEITLHEIBIL mottlVtly ME .OPENING,' AT _ TIIIIID - 1#1.147-; , IIEAVER, PA. • • k 1 I , MILLINERY.. GOODS I . . ......y RE u WERS. f f 1i,k1 . 13t ; BONNEtS, Era ME lENEI + I . . , ,4 I i .r s .. .• y ate: Is Jost !receiving a iine tin* of TRIMMINGS of ell kind. Drees Trlguninge. (Rug" Los fix Slim. .minE% But toils. We Elalm to hive a goal: selection always cm haspi FANCY lIANDEFACIII/3i6.AND qi.ovEs, or all ktaa. can end Collar% ladles' Smith Wealth lowne, die, ge r , ac. i • • ; 1.'.- . V4t4,:bpai - I:l(ry.', A good aaaortmantalwaye on ho nd. Beautiful pai czna of Olatnliod Wgrk tut /21 11 4 x. Ut Y kltWear. 49'44 VEIL STUFFS, Of, e*.ry Act criptl ois. NAT§ AND BONNET'S ALTBRND.CLBANBD AND DONE OVNII Altio, Dr - ek,s and Sacquce cut and niade to order.. pcsant 'sena Whalebouo qxsota, very cheap PINKING AND arAmplNu Done to order. inoee new etylee of . • HOOP SLEW= Out Giro& ate'reasoriable and carefully selected.— Xrerything destrubls 1n our lluu.lB added to our tdock as soon as tntroduccet In the market. Oar roods are wind we represent them. and our piece ne low as any Thanking our it kluiti and customers for past patron age, wo would respeellully ark e'euutlmumeo of Id same. Oleo 'us in Ludy call and Befilify weir selves, np " J. U. BENCH. Great Bargains ! DRY :GOODS AT TIIE NEW STONE OF James A. Fortune. IN THE DIMICND, PENN'A. igglailtavtL, 7 ,1 f N . I • . 1 ewSping • 0 _uu.„ s . = "4;••• X0:44:141194 CO,. " Y . f . 4133 t ' OPENDIG HUNG GOODS POI Mg F. A. Fortune's OREAP "DRY GOODS STORE El NEW PRINTS, NEW GINGIIAMS, • NEW DELAINES, NEW COBUEGS; f * - anti PLAIDS • ' Atso, - Table Dinner erneh, i - iralmtEs.‘tc Re4Ylanneli,: Flannels, ' - - -Yelloir _ • Jeans; . E 2 Cassimeies, TAVetdgt int Dr ITS,. #1 Fats and Caps, lloOp Skirts, si Balmoral Skiits, Notkdis and Fancy Articles, TriMmings,. • Bonnet Ribbons, Millinery Goods, &c., .TM. atenro ouniteleer the tuo.it complete titOck eao ofihred to the delsetra of &Rivet county, and wt. tau &azure In neaurtngour coatometeaud thaw who may Aeolis with a calf, th e th e abort ittock Ls ai.itstai. 08 Ilia. miopmmnd F. A. Fortune's CHEAPD'ITGrn; 1r) RE t=1:1 0 BIG SIGN Across Ow pavement . . CONE Er ER I'RODT ;VD BECURE • „ AROMA'S. EEL OF AT IN 'TUE DIAMOND 11043MTE11 re , NEW MUSLINS, NEW CHECKS, • . : • ‘ axitzmnsa, Tl rue.ca. IN THE DIAMOND, RO6IIii3TER, PA. (TO& GREER,: - 42~ A :AN*. dad. goipOcikiefit.. 011ec implltsidrocee Lotus a s , F ez tto el "V ii r r l49r IR. Now WhitielghT Vara " ii r p = tZkg4, panted to the oi a tq the said *Udo am reques4f Vlrni" o, u p , tarot, Sod those bevhoc dahni ut eatola 0( edit tkoolotil, sill ' , mit MAO, withut " br. litill7Pl/.4ittr =I JanlrClEtit on n , --Akti - Amos Si 1 2 4 i i toridilit it' . . 1 -- rig UNDEIO4IONNIVIIArt Titttgli our PAT. iitio t 01,04911111 NM 4 nr:::::g ie plad. width fur oteetleito or wortictintdp end , . ea aritniyttdigt pogrigkitelo. VIVO, oilier In did abut odylo. WOOt PIP IMI takto,ln' et t o] of lopluoo In flytVidet, it all Aim, Kid' I:iovi tot Mgt bet Milo d to ttli Intim Ima kill Agent lir towtreliteit timprre4 titidaz Mactittirs. and also Stowe., NAIL of wool ofer:Crow tuft l o r ated UUCPW Joss= atmA Ia tar, die•toittfie tbdr dot tTd ye_ .. . , 1 . IIAUGHINiIii #o,lojk,yi 7t, TXOMR ALL Y 1 THAT HAITI{ Jigs* trE• ppm V the untold a te i tantliiicia. •60 &nal trl ex. tritthmi, and.yon, will And that Dr. ,Chandler •Co 6pedy fo rellemlyont by the ama nt Rai MPH g: megt67pr--LAVICIIHNO GAE--a 64 that. anises thin a otattreaof pleneore,ratbee than or paha,- , - • All dental operations partanned•ty Ihm 'o.tonet, and et temeunabht tellitts•nd bangMVP usx,ln the antnty. ri.t.'"Otiteat In Datum Station, newtiptett. P ja:10 1 / 4 7-1Y. • T. J. CHANDLER • CO 17/M..IIVaisIIESIVIILY rmuUNUVISICINIW Wont, niarseTvULlX lie Infnin the etthlene Beaver sod vietalty, that be bee oilseed an °Moo W Deem, PL. he the prude.' of DooWtry. Ito Iles told coankterebleitsprlnee It. Me prodond, end Waters Ishanalt to be able to stye po t netheecUus hi toe heehaws. , . tWrOdtee In the ..yid "(Wendy now pdfd gm& Wpm, PI. AU our% sierreatni Ow nao per.. i.e. 001110101. IoPPGU:I7. it a tattnhatai 1110110...--Letter.4 of Aftehdo U adm on the amp of Jones Ammo. Woof fihooqo Dom., having boos- mato" to Poo •ooloolgo• %Id. ali Meow ti n? th,ovoo Wetted to toI4 &Ant% aro roquented to mak* lanoodloto payment .n 4 tho`oe ha vtng diatom agthtot the ease ivlll peseta thee 71 1 00/ authenticated let eettleseetete • 1101.121 t'Llitt e & fp Adni'r. . onoti • tunlThrt. . ._ '.. •. .. - ' - W. S:7 0 it Ft IN 'BEAVER, 'PA. (US. B. IT.' LUDIPSCIIftrGLY *N • Lit sonnets" tab.tter many fame litsissw. !kW/o yster; Itychester, Asylum. azil nitwit the stliolsrns WILLT Y` al u tki 4.6 W e a l * v 4 17 isfacxdur diock of • 'AN s'whtitata . cooris Which ehe °lrmo at .t cry Riwart pr4cM. 'Persons clt dige luoloWDayeabaitisutgolx.ttar fate Ur ea! g: ' zirDrWIDERY 1 Partfr oodps. VEIL STUFFS, RANDERRCIIIRFS, • RUMS riu.wszaras okovra LACR COLLARS, ittiottl . h : o =lo w all e ttiMir r iTMAttukt ph. 111 LITEIRAIRVit EWa . • . • ani aapp4 all Ilabiiiinik , llllAGA.7:lllM. WEEK IFJES, and SHEET Kt% Moo. ail. aleletia• of STATIJJWARY.. Non wilt Vi.tty areleose kr rail and examine. lbe Palma ato eve& ae win *nit yoa. Ilearesiber fAePaws: 'Tklnl • Mira% travr, nearly *moat tlao 13. y. bestiary ; leltrtiEttf. ' 4316' =EI alas j just returned fawns int East' assd is•now receiv ing a Large and Well' Selected ANsort smut or'. ' MEI Spg; and Sunmer . " lik)ode • Corner of Water out tames its., Rochester,_ GEN RAL DEALER EY ' DRY , 000D9, ' NOTIONS, i .....i HATS, _;• CAI'S, • ! , . BOOTS anti StiliiS, 1 OROtINRISS, . • t PROVISIONS, r )IAILEIWAILE, t, 'IRON, ' . NAILS and CARPENTER TOOL:4. HOPES ono OCUNI. • / - i - PACKING YAWN, OILS, i'AINTS, DRY AND IN OIL. quoons FLOUR, iLOUR, FLOUR, ICUOLZ9 ' ALE. oftelilard,li Ilbe role agency farthe °Wailed CANTON CITY MULL No► Rar.ltirtrt u 24 vicinity, we 4)11W O.mr 10 &I••el Cre rittobero MO% Wig . IFS& *O. , wnoLzsALE loins azT-tiL. Alan. turfing the agency lay iterfalo Scalp Co 11 Scaler, two offer to tbe - publle. Beth*. al tetrirtubeinr4r prierw. roort.tlng of Iltwor. Count''' , Hay, Cottle. Out, lWUlug MU and Itallroad Huth*. • . . AI" !Agents far Sorel& bone Soltitate of Limo and Maalox Pads Nr bade. • • . • r i :4f ahrgya sab wn g N Za. 4 "" tt Jlr OUR M - OTTO. CALL ONCE AND YOU WILL CALL A1t.11)! rxsys:tr,• ' Rocuorivs, rat. - ziMateft. • re. MEE . . , ' • C. Speyerer, AT' HLi OLD ' tfrAND are %12d Willow- Wale , IRE EIRE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers