Ile Beaver Arm, j Btiscellareons: ....Ai'MRCS has new a hirdin eleenutioil 11 1 . s o paper published Intim oouniy.. .. S:roorroi pronsolediseitowsinterri besting thin heehaw • , ..-- - 7 - 1 -- , .VATES OF ADIVNIITILSINGe. • _ .._ \ *---?,---7-77-17r. 1 qw.. -111n.1.1 Gil: li r . , —-4. i--,-:,--'-, ---s-: . M ore O i11ic4... ti, (_ 11 1;fill. (V tSi 410_'$8 on in no 1 c i tol 3 ". L . .............. Va t (XI ;1; 17 4 11.% z ti o ;i: .. : ....... a or, .13, i 114 so vs ( o ,„n op rffiurib inlmt ll,- ..... I - 7 °° W . ' 5O / 5 t OS 00 : :t e a rplamtu, ..... •inWY 14 no tu , Lon i ano t i v r e coion , ....... vs) co, z 5 . ryo 80 00.40 00.75 00 ittalinletniorp• :tn . d Exckutore 'Notices •$ 3 00 ROI Nlect, ityl line, • 10 tf-tlymotents to tw.R)fideittsarterli."FePt Trallent Adrcriiting. *high mal t lro 9991 In Al27tre. IstAte or its Thermometer fur th e wal k vvenom Vac 10rh of June, hes: I 77. A. N 2. r. x 1 .9 r. at. r. 57 deg. 65 deg. - 57 dog. jot, - dog. •75 dog. 61 deg. 62 deg. 61:1 . 416g: 01 deg. 54 deg. 71 deg. / la dog. ns deg. 75 deg. 61 dog. 50 d i . ; ., 75 dog. 69 deg. Is, 67 deg. 4, st deg. 63 dog. lliirrhans,,Yr.. 70 pith street, Chront -01;,,11,ft,',,f, l'et.hurgh, la the authorized agent tor tag , that city. __. • - NEW •J% UV IR RTISERIMNTS. 1.4 geinition or the public le directed to tho rm. 0 . 4 „ f fl int' niiinitiremnnis, whtch appear kr the hi lime in Ter Anel's go-40. w .c„,,eng- Beaver Seminary and Inattt n IC. le od F.ii:tiloi r, &c..—c. L. Ebethart. re-N.OO6Ol—J. d't• Caehom, . , , . .. Ailiesrinrn-trien. Engle, 14ec'y. n sale-Jna.Vioodbitrn. • ,„., orn, cnntnictore-Abrker 'Morton. Serer.* voigents Mutle —Life of Gen. Grant.. oc't:iltr,rian tiorti Blttere—Dieraer & Speck. sr Fine Eti,•4avirg—Gen. Grant. . Witiglcian, it.c.l—Dr. C. B. 'Warrington. . rit! Lily Regh•ter—Merchants Union Law CO. irAdmini4mtarl Notice—John Mentz . typverial Notice—J. B. Clark. • tespcciat Notire—TownEend & Son., iv-Special Notice'--Jahn B. William. 1 __ —• • • AlRlcbtgan editor mutts ttr know itho "thisCo iu is they've nomi4stell with4lrantr . no Intimater i t ono sobller would have been euough.. conk Proceedings —Common Pleain.- wipo, 14(4 . 001 v 9. 9',hom:t4 Action for eject rerl. Thad byjnry. Verdict for the plaintiff. Mo. mule and entertained fot a now trial. Dootrnel.—DroWnes l at'rego6toi4im'its the m'oing of June 9th, Prink. only son ,o V. and Brown aged about it Ye Ma. He With other. 14n of shoot his own age were fn the ever IMvimming rkn from cause (cramp potent), he mint. Ilia body iv recovered in 15 or 20 minutes, but the' spark had ft Every etrott fulled to reenagtate him. Ilia fah rraF. et St. Loula r ldo., at the time. ACOIIII9I is directed to, the advertisement In an dereolumn bf Richardson's Mb of General Grant.- Tie personal history of onr candlAnte for Presklerd 4r314 be attuned by all, but particularly by Republi 'co, and no writer of winnn we' Tune any knowledge g present time, is morn (*potent than Albert 9. Richardson to make this blafory ono of thrilling fit. Address American Publishing Company, iii.riord,Tonn., or Mk* a, Co., NeWark, New Jet .l • • fatal Ill'ailread A:celdent.-001i hist Warbles tftrnmon IA the °apron fraii . on . the Pitti. Alfoit lore 11111ron't wne prysslng west, a fatal accident warted ne:lr licOnewood In this county. •An Irish, OD rtro d Ingsley., supposed to bare beet Intoxlesq, IA 111 time, was laying on or near the track, and titti tolt‘t ereid?thy!the'etietteei Writer , !no lode, She rybeels %true*. film and eft. the side Mbh far at t . ! Ho licad bat a abort i time after . the serldont occurral. The deceased lc *I , a small% iimity to lament hfs sad death. ar\.l A Molt Valuable 800k...-Mre.ll et Beadl e./ Stave's "]feu f Our Dimes." with Iti tapelj intereglig illozraphica of Lin n, Grant, NM. Gov. Aiiilho, Greoloy, Garrison, ',,Shermatt. Fhefilmi, Stanton, lkerher and eight other!, with he elect 'portraits of each, Pdperlor paper, c l ear type. ad *Wlily awl sabitintially bound. .0001 pages.— hair. tl.f.d, Library do. fd.oo. ' - • : - . . . FnlKcriptiune receivrii Ly Towne!nd & Son, Beaver feta, agent for Bearer 'ennMi. ' , ' . A Heavy riorlgno.!—A heae dditiptent hal ins her, crt , Trd for record to 'the office lot Henry Ileconterlor AlleetomY county. in the ehape d a mortstit,v foften million dollars. The rortelllte, 1 4 tuna the rittgborp, Cincinnati and St. Lome Rail ; 11 . y:company, (conpolidated) to John Edgar Tbomp• tn, of failadclidita, and Chrome W. It'Coolcoreten; t•tillie.. A I.lrui to the extent of theamOnnl, named ?liihrlitNi, and this document Is security In trust Its rton. h hoe already been recorded in throe con& A1101;tiony, and is to be recorded' In about iLlttle Tfomett.—The little' oman la irrepressi .Tno fragile to come Into the fighting gallon of t? meaty, tt pony creature whom one blow of man'a kseh Rst roaild annihilate, absolutely Swint; ;.and le , nini with the his /knee 416 'only those dare ilea she know that retribution cannot follow—what re be done with licr 1 She, le afraid or nothing, and i.?O he contiollnd by no (me. Sheltered behind her urticneN4 a+ behind a triple shield of brass, the en- Oen man dire net trinelt her. while . mike provokes him it'ionniat In which his hands ?wetted. She gets her rev way in tworythi n 7 and everywhere. At home and tlimad she In cenally dominant and Irrepressible rosily freeborn obedience and from fear..—Exchangs• Oat for Grant.—The,Wasbington Daily .Repeb—, aten le the only ltepohlican paper to the United Stairs that has adhered In the political fortunes' of President Johnson. It ha% been one of his acknowl *Nl organs nt the Is; ntlannt capitol. But the .nornt• Linens of the Chicago Cony, ntiou have pmvedl too meth for It. That !heel; 'c.n Saturday morning last, nine not whit the names of Grant and Colfax, at the imetwad. and a strem,•• editorial emphat featly mineral tug lhe Chic:l;in platform and candidates, closing With the remark that "It la only necessary that we DOW flay, Ia eirathsion, that no approve the platform, and shall drmtc all our energies to iiepre the election of the cendidaier." • , Ilratnitenue Suggeedons.—Whore thero la a Unto family we would most respoctfully suggest the 1 11 11110 y of not sending over one-half of them to the 'Pan cam fora letter at the name time, esneeiani Ilk an know that the room in which:.mall matter is dhr thinned berc, list very mud' ono. It is certainly a "ised test or one's patience when waiting to have a letter weighed and stamped for the 'Pittsburgh mail, "lint about closing," to havo 'the whole of John Smith's bnny, tight or ten to number, inquire one d iet. mother, "Is there anything hem for Mr. John smith r Another hint: Whin you do receive a lot * o , s t Meer, pane out of the distribriting room M 'Waal se pon.ible; and do 'not show your want of 'Demisting the tonventemce of Others by lialtlng Otitis the door, opening your letter; • and standing %ere, blockading the way all the while—until yin tut re II through, mid digOted Its contents. None h t 'llinctly people do this, hut It la done norm= the rialto frequently in the Pont aloe In Bearer. . . Sir nriled.— soma three months ago we received itet, ... SIM "alining tWfbativerlAsements.i*q 6 o.Tokyt r ‘ ' xu to & Co., of N0.,A3 Roo etreet.„New York. ..w4 O Preeeinled themselves as reerponsible advertisipg r ° mlie Of that city. They offerest - to pay na twenty . 11 inl lee inserting theta In um Aios, and agreed to udi the "stamps" immediately after the drat in lotion, sc e tht,enoc, sent the bill, but Seymour, 1 hell A Co. did not then, and. fine not yet ttattibtl .itl for our benefit. A few daps ago we senttko tbtk°, . 1° et Yoritior coifeetion ; Orr agent tberd M_wr . ~,t t7 Polimtly. and lere is Ma answer: "Tho firm __Mocir, Schell Sh Co. are worthless. sad I would r lire Ave cents for your claim." Reiner. - 111 1/ 11 0 143. 7 %we of mind when we got thisinformation l—. "`ltte the newwisper:press will peer these annals vott4. ' tient tr. L - aisat;=sweits• -- - we or War& loom no nisi tolls leinaille*lielAaeltliti's P AR" to Oltutee.T l To l %olieloaohmdshett MOWN tkil. U..ll.l(bum, and mini: isite **Da a MO an eeteelnlto the holirte d the Pe4Ple.' Trliiilett*Ol - new issidng from outlttisa.nartatieit ale doe , * and filiostret obsiseteei attest lite greet "reit (akin the Wiled. nodiere•.to know; amain sli ' Sateen be learned, is strong and wide wttinnled.-- 1 This len cheating elm, lire emittot be , toolweit we. tputinted with thecasmeter, (via"' sige*Ottrfeli or our publiermiat. l ItliiiiWiltityas W 101114401, well. inbinsed.itt repot totheln. Unit we may. peados pp 'bEattlite ilitenigelltY ; And espeelall7 le It 4entroble to a *lien inetstuMd in mud Wilke pan Wit* del' thy I. to be, if possible. Mere 0 1 ° 10 0 ellorhola Atli' that o f chmoosotry in'the More than In the pat. i 1111 PPRT‘the Nks,b4s•fu,FP l b, 0 4 0 1 9,*nittell, le' ' The tub of Gen1:17.41. Gunk by Hob. Hen27.o. Denstogsjikel. nln' o f :COWIN% ikon Ounneetiout .without doubt; unsurpassed's; thkipbere• tilliea or welt known es .ore (i f the jithatlirtilhint and 'power. iniefritnnt 4 111 Ininn• fits lontinOn nu -OP ',ganef Onmidnaso; which repotted the: Bid Matra' ; the. Of- thai of Gm* elite Arlo Oldie United Statosinsade tilde dniftri banana anriaintod .wlt4 .. tlro,am4p of pant:sure ; and maces. intimately and: diminish, and as no other has had, or can bare::.the (Ipportwal 0-, Seine enPginii in die 1 141 0 8 0 Y obtained Gal 'Grant's sanction. Mr. Washburue. Goal. Grant`rantamathillenn, urged ]fr. Denting M go on witird. end WO WM awl Gam.. Gitax.r,..iNti IN7OIIIIIII U =AT TM= WINO WAX IN TUC cons. Tu . :liken 'war vamp mann To tun warn ma I=irons TOVItaIIM." riimtfird . Courant says of COL Deming: "He dings to his aid all the graces of a thorough literary eitture," the three orn strong and anther mind: Ms ONO*, are chacacterizod by originality; brilliancy, breadth of view, and a splendor of diction which Ma ud-ea-and ciearly . comreys, not obscures, his thoughts, and is always beautifully fitting and appropriate." • ' With iiicbeininent qualifications of the nether:De: mines Life of,Grant can hardly fail to be the standard edition., Price, til.Ts and f 3 00; Published in tide Slate, by - Poi. 188 San PM Si... Phila.. wbo are giving liberal term 'to Agents to (urge in . selling the Work. • • . AYLOR ENi 'flints to Political Iffeetlnge.—As the season' for political meetings approaches, •it, may, be well to reprodioe the .Ibllotting excellent advice 'given -by . itorice.Gie9lo,-. some yews ago, which Republicans • might do well to heed : I. Do not fix the day for your meeting and then look np' your epeakereLthey Will already,' perhaps, have been engaged eleeiteri: for that very day—bat secure your speakers first. Let them -fix the day. I. Two prontinent speakers 'with the local'aid at your command, are amply entileient foi anyone-mass meeting. , Lot the people understand these can be re_ lied on, and do not load your bills with an array of great names only to disappoint your audience. 1. lime your meetings if possible Indoors. One Indoor meeting, even if packed, is worth halt a dozen outdoor noisy galhertim. The former is compara tively easy an the latter dltneult for a speaker to con- trot. 4. If yosinust. havo Outdoor gatherings, then seek the grove or woods, and fail not to erect a stand for your speakers, and cover that stanOrlik boards, and with nothing else. Cannes absorbs and deadens the voice, while with nothing above the speaker's bead. hie voice will waste In plc air above, impti live cases out of 'Ube vr,lll break down. ' 0. Alwrtys tint down npon your platfernt, whether to or'ont ofd oore, a piece of coarse carpet to stand -upon. Never cover with oilcloth, 'unless you expect your speaker. to bo lirelese 6. Consdine as little time as possible in prellml66.-. ries, In marching and countertnnrching. Get your procession upon the ground with dispatch and proceed; at once to the business of the meeting. . AI 7: Remember, yogi speakers, especially the moil( prominent ones, have families to support. Their time Is valuable, and It Costs them money to travel on rail= roads and stay at hotels. "Thou shalt not muzzle the month of the ox that treadeth out the corn." Couit IPrbeeedlashas—The regrdar June tauter, court commenced its semitone in thiruLace, on Monday of last week, and continued its jabots laltll Thursday,: afternoon, when it napalmed' tto 'Meet on Tnesday this week, at which time the associate Judges took pp and traniiisciid some: business which came telt thetjeoediction. Ibliewinieommtmwealth 'TICS,' Magma Or treit week t' ' • 71 Com ti. Winslow flood-7 Charge —l3e4octicm, for rfliation Ind bastardy. Settled by the parties. Melia pips. entered on payment of costs by'defendent. ' ' Corm vs. Bowl mar—lndicted fbr perjury. B. Barnes prosecuted: Continued to next term. t • •'? Coo. vs. Aostlik Mea—lndicted for pe>{jury. .E. Barnes prosecutor. Continued 011 next term. ' Corn. tis Joseph hnney-:Charge surety of thew-see. John prdene prosecutor. Defendant discharged Ind each party to pay one-half of the costa. Com. vs. Benjamin Lauilitin—Charte--Illarety of the peace. After a hearing the defendant—Laughlin —was ordered to give security in , theporne of $200,00 for good behavior for one year, pre the wets of Tornio. talon, and remain in the custody of the Sheriff until this sentence was complied with. Com. Ts. John E. Bies-4ndictment perjury. Ig .norarnis and John J. Smile, the prosecutor, ,to pay the costs, or give security for the payment of the same within ten Ow, and :stand committee until the sea -1 tence fa complied with. Corn. vs. Crary Dales—lndictment larceny.. Ig. noromis. Defendant discharged. Cot*: vs. Clark lanteny.— True bill. Verdict not guilty. Cent. vs. Jas. Akorn—lndietment adultry: True bill. Continued till next term. . . ''Seminary Exercises,—the creinination of the classes in the Ladies' Seminary Of Beaver, (Dr. Mb- Leatesy vrill commence on Monday afternoon, 22d MM., at half pist one o'clock, and be 'continued throughout Tnesday and the forenoon of Wednesday. The friendtiof education, and especially . the parents and friends of the pupils are invited to attend. The closing czarciste,,amsletitef &says fee., - by. members of the graduating class, and a musical con cert by the of school,: will be owWednesday evening, 2lth inst., in the U. P. Church. Doors open at 7 and exercises to begin at 7% P. x., • Admission/me, but 'tie expected of parents not to be toolndulgentto their very young children, and es peel:ink that they are not allowed to attend except thelfparente come veld them and take charge of them. Southern • Cialvalrf.,--Some of the rebel'wom eq in Jacknenkire revealed the disgraceral fact Ord, firth° lati decoration ceremonies honor of the Con federate dead In the cemetery at Jackson, several in dividuals among the company perpetrated sacrilege upon the graves •of , 'Crnlon soldiers, buried there by sticking thorns in their,grAves l This Infamous deed was perhaps, done to rival heathenish 'custom adopted by the rebel young men and women in the South driring l 4a war, of making the skulls andbones of the Federal died into, hormehold ornaments with pocket•knivot. General' William Jrairecei••was mar ehal of the day qn this occasion it Jackson, and 3. H. Osborne the orator • ' The former is an 'ea -Mayor of Jackson, and is the man who boasted of having spent eighty dollars in a Jollification over the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. • • • Qbltaal. ' Colfax—well chosen to presidti • - r O'er Freedom's. Congress. and to guide, As ono who holds the reins of fate, The current of its great debate ; Prompted by one too wbetand go*. . And fair, withal, to bo withstooty , • Tare, froni our northern river bar4rs. I send to Uteo my hearty thanks ,; For all the patience which has borpo .Thavreary.toot. of Itunkhrun's horn,' Ttaldsainge of the Copperhead. AO, Folly dropping words of lead! still wisely ready when the tale hangs poised to make* right prevail Still foremost, though Secession's head Be crashed, with stornfnl heel to tread The lip out from its writhing tail I As wise, Ann, faithfal to the end God keep thee, preys thy sincere friend; • • Joni G. War s&. • sand on Nasby.—The Bolla (Missomi) repress reports thaithe Democrats of Phelps eounty,blissourt, lave had s meeting pursuant to "order from the State 'Central Committee," and passed thrilling resolutions. among which wee the renewing : • .Resolved, That while we recognize in the Ron. Pe troleum- V. :flashy the true Democrat and lawless pa triot; and while we acknowledge his good intentlows, we would respectfully request- him to discordlnue writing letters In defense of the Democratic party as we sniped that emu of his' efforts are calculated to do moni q barmitini geed in some loaulties. • lii atudimpolowiroc_ i _ . Jabs 2llB rAt i l l:: irate "r•hank* iteedidaideeekiltial ite 'damnation of soldier"' graves aftribigton, *caw I eipiebni and hoped a more able and -1110- *ant pen Would give It 1011 - . Boni i.The ntondqg,wis, tim presentedaiiiiate well:ta as rp 0 it :41 . • • of wee t ; • Lorna_ Align lined. the root of the olt,platme. Resift a mop, of red. while , mid bias. The p 5. Ors were lestdowed by gage. ililette ree &Wu fst It the two moat distant pillare lip a darstaif Irts2 width • that magnificent emidien of our nationality.— 'Oh these lbws were suspended Mtge °teethe dl rent army come. ' • The speaking wee done hem the piazza. Oar- teld was specking when r arrived. then waste origin .foz fitspedO4aftif wessi'direnehm&V4tria:dad Shia pi % while Moi procession tbrmed in line and marched Vnd theierath side of the-garden, beaded by Gee. ent and nisWotber prominent Mews and athwart. t To the right 'ofMe procession were a number of ebildren—eoldlece brphane'- , -the gide were dressed he white ,wit 4 mormaing Mates—,wlictititelred the,44l. eirs gri v f l k */ th wd " l "4—, ? Acril. 1 1 11 :l In a triangular rpm betwan the home and tbi Cem etery proper, Is a sarcophagus under which repose the reniains of two Minimal unknown soldiers, whose bones haveireen gathered Qom Bull Run to Richtnond. It liprobably fifteen bet long, Biz widd and ten hie," made of. granite and ineeribedicairdlng to the above theta. On this 'oecasioa; trail sentinel plieed 'at each corner, t eed a nag planted between each men.. The m Whole onument wes wrapped fn fags and hang . with wreathes of evergreens flOvreM; What Is it that Is so Inspiring in the sight of ti else streaming hiument f Wbatis U that will cause a man to enatchnthe adore from his reeling, dying, compani on when death seems certain, and waving it In tri umph over his head, ii . yrreglythe nett -nay be- his- last act on earth ? Patriotitro, tied of - the Irobfest ee the human heart ever gave birth to, an _mod= that commondethe respect and admintilon of friends and foes alike, ono that commanded the highest re. apect from the an dent 'WO& and will dose to the end. • . • . The scene is most soul stirring. contin uos playing the dead march until the procession ar rives at and eurronnds the monument, and another dirge is chanted, daring the time is heard the Wont_ fug of a cannon planted immediately in front of the house. Some faces hero were stoical, but many were grave and pitiful, Many I dare say whose hearts have bled in secret and in spirit while those our braver bled lit erally, openly and fought and died. Tea died and that too without the privilege of being identilled.— Mere we turn oar eyes to We left and see long lines of White tombatons standing like aspdnysPecira. each representing a soul with Its sad story to tell,. Meech lng over the gently undulating ground, arc - acres npon 5411,8 with sleeping upon its bosom. There they lio in quiet and repose. Auk, as wo wend our way nearer we can rend the twines'', but the saddest of all arcs th ose marked " Unknoten.ll-: 'That noble patriot , who exclalutedite be fell and bla soul was about to tabs Its flight, Neji sweet to Mehl? one's country," but here it is robbed of the only drop of sweetness in ft—Unknown. Could each grave yield its occupant, what a story to be told, of long liagering Macao, 'of a sudden death, not a moments Warning, of a cruel ball that wounded, of sabring nnd bleeding; of long, weary, nights In anguish and pain: flow hard to die without a te'adar band 'to smooth the pillow ; not a drop of water to wet the parched Longue, not aver.a-itrange ear to pour there last dying messages. to loved ones at home. Bow many death beds a battlefield. oh ! what a his , tory of the war to bo recited ; eighteen thousand et+ d lees resting jest here. • The wave of war 111143 surged over this country and sometim is it Is hard to maitre that 'this peace has grown out of war and tbat it is severgiestssince It com menced. and tbit It lasted daring a 'period of font Yeas of cruel biciodahed; that when once was to. mull. BOW le ; that . when 'dice was waste bat. tleields are now pine groves ; where ones were them, ands marching to and fro. are nowt straggling few,. Miyhap with hoe in hand. But here It Inuit: on' the. mind with fall foice. Yes, go to Arlington or Get-. tyaburg ;,ttere can we realize the Waite of this terrible' rebellion. • Could Gen. lee have seen his old home asst looked on this day,we may support thejeackMestiwri! hive stood tenon tdm like an somming setitit.ind upon his-scril..witk a pad of leg the awful come'. views of Lie iced schtsbei. . • ft were useless to describe, words ism, weak. and exprealon too tame. to tell the story. Cam of Conamoodkatton.—Doctor W.A. Nose takes pleasant in introdrating to his Mendii and prmer patrons in Rochester and vicinity, Doctor C. B. War-, ring, who is vein:lst graduals of the Univonsity a( Pennsylvania, and ham bad manylrars practical expo. dance in all branehee of the practice of medicine,aad comes well commended as a gentleman fully compel tent in practice In his profession. .W. A. Boss.llGD. ' ' Roadster, Dena Co:, Po. , The Btffalo Awns: gives us thistolumn • I . - U. S. Grant, Simpson Grant,. - • • Saving Grant, • Usually Silent Grant s Upright Statesman Grant, Universal Suffrage Grant, . Unequaled Soldier Grant, Unaffectedly Simple Grant, Uniformly Successful Grant, • '• Unanimously Selected Grant, Uudisturbedly. Serene .Grant, Unconquerable Spirited Gran* Unimpeachable Servant Grant, Unintenrating Smoker 'Grant, Unquestionable Sound Graut, •• Unflinchingly Stendredd Thant, Unconditional Surrender Grant, I namhlgutmsly Straightfeward Grant, United States 'President Grant. Programme for Tr-wilier. Selifitta. • Music. 1. Select reading, by Mrs. tr. 2. Query : Wiw there aRa w before the flood S. j Query : Does the Moon exertatii Influence . vegetation t , Music. 4. Snit by Wes A. D. Loenard. 6. Declamation by .103._14. Sutherland. (Om: Why to It that mush cannot be mado with cold water ? • I • mite. 7. Reading Periodical, by Dr. A. W. Acbeaon. 8. Questfon for debate: Is a Republican or a Monareltitin dorm of Gov cromoot zoom conluelvo to natio streng th ', '` ' ; Qs- Maroc to feel Interested to the cause of ode ljhoso WL cation and the auccoaa of Mob:lstituto aro respectful. ly Invited to attend. ilnatitutell convene at the itibile School building on Thursday J une 18th, 1869, at 7 K P. N. Somnalnbidlains.—On last Monday night-44 about 9 P. Td., a little son aged 6 . 'or T• eaten years, of R. Talton of this plaes, got up in Ids sloep, wont out on the street and laid himself down again.. A spring wagon came along some . time attar and one or the wheels parsed wet his head and bee mating him quite Sise tbo card of Prof. 0. L Sherbert in another wi ne= of to-day's paper. So . bas considerable ever lame in Smrlneering pd Surveying, and tardily com petent to execute ill :noritentinated to hie Care: "Give Mix a call, . . "Rona & Grarit. 9 a—Nirie yenta mate a won de rfn) ebange-In some men's lives. We Were ihvored the other day with a fac-simile of a business card dis tributed by "Boggs & Grant" in isrio...n 'is as let, lows: s.:soaaa 13 : 0C.rp5;.4 :GRANT, ' • GENIAL : AGENTS,: Collect itents. Negotiate Loans. Buy and Sell Beal Estate. Eta. Eta NO: 7 85 PIN-.BEET, Sawn Second pd Thin], sAINT LOUIS, MO. What bas becom i ng lir. 800 ere do tri! Strittio name oethlijintri intaiber of the . 111 m li. a' houlliold word ; and but few persons will deny that ho tape boat peneral of Vela or any other age. !A man /rho hail energy and character enough to ram himself from each obscurity in the alturt spacri_or pine rani has emirtMly;wisdout WileTent-APF444O, over the country .his 'Saha and :`cUalif - aMiNia . , .. .. t rit =.,.:. 610401.6 4 0: . ;::::::::::::: 771 June U, 111 6 . IL CO6dlttlithe X.!, Match. SU •• , t . • ,:-1 .- i Tabled, - p Olabill it :al a senist 'Wm' lar. lot. AL i', tis*: lia fif •31 Chan& • • - etymon* r. at Di fienibiart.' I Iliondull t. - U / 1 60 11 11 1 .7 laarti. II . 144 1 ° 1 9gyin magi*, D.: 111., ~ J : ; :i • ' .' •. 1 , /Ocimanmaarmalt Iblet".6ll l pluidily eveidiqk ler • i tibiniblldelit iiiiisilliClateriV Titer l a r =g die contest, which wig conelst4-• taote.; and will, we OM, be onis..ra i gny . Igo presented by the BeilluScy ~, ,WilA bi f ,llthe ' Cats; I tlus commeneenamt Meth* 4 llfeif*llt i O Waits, to other emircises freee • :1. •,: .! t tfl.! ,- , - -..,-.. : 2 ' i • .71 1, ' i koaryMoho" Klisideliet•Xliselqo the Pregratten, 0 tthe commencement Wassubsmpf th Berm Fettles. , (Protlhat this ' dlstlngulatied for end blithe is to - edirees - the Trustees, *Lt. laid " PARA! *ls inetthainda maths! • Mend, of Oswalt's; enveueed,r , wf . next insac. it S i'clock, In the Pres ttrarth.'" : ' • As editor of the Widow ittirlsflass Astroicas In Ilse preceding the reherliskand during meet of the be endeared hitusafto #lll.ollthen ht Ids far.. end powerful 'alsiallttlt gle With tdlressthm !kid thaUnka. ranee Waldo-Mon albs Onke afth op ukailk:3l dais& Nati dossest:the, Piaui to California and Oregon Mee, he last year traveled over EnropilA thille at Ids °MM. Wes, . e. 40 / 1 4 ,14 1 havi) bees *WY • aPPTPc!aled - vaiine;ead* atium. ti Ifa;rer bid a rtre op*tunW of Itatenink to one eneitiinat in educational and literary vidrikand damning so quilted a poldslon In the - churth: 'Clothe then froth the - iturrciinding towns ono! th4111titf4444 1 r 4116 ./ 31 4 1 PP , - •-' . OVA ISTAB . DIHD IMBABERS. :ill .r. r. B. . _ --- V p, fr eemen, in'your might and gkiry. L Rile child and old twinlmry Y onth matured and man orprime. 8 tend to duty—now's the time. • 8 how Mu iattina hates+, ." - E very,on ugA •- :, •, , •. 8 ball we t le opts vilat. 9 hall recusant/ 1 / 2 black with guile. G rout in nothing. withbat name, IL obbod of tionatoriol Elmo, A exert ogninthecrown that perished 1 N of while heroes 'lvo who cherished ' T ruts and honor more than life, • ' • End haredit, toilette in thtstrlfe. N o, the natio now WM rise: AD enounce th recreants mid despise, • - El Inca Grant. e soldier endilia man ; Q militants to a our glorious van. AI aqg out yo lieneers on tho wa11.. -. 13 nfari otir . Wm* ono end e ll, , It on noreth Clothed in any-0 r t • . L Ike-this. The cause o right; • -E etablishotd onto on battle•ileld, - la coigne to ItS ; We 'cannot yield. V crate from the amanntaine.and the plains • 0 f all the land, jotrr refrains, . L cod all your often 8. the nation calls Bof volunteers to l IDS her walls. An nrm.l /Wrings from scar and far—. ' X erns ne•of led such omits to war. K 1 NKEIIY--9MITR—CIa the oth of Jane, 1883, at Glasgow. b.,. John McFall, Del, Mr. Samuel 8: Ken, :Bed, ind MLa Illary Jess BmlM of Raccoon township, Wow county, —; - . - JnLY-8111TH-r-At risidenie .01 the brides wumts, June lith. IM, by the Res. Roger Owstr, the Rev. A. M. Joni' . .• • tog- of Riebmond Presbyterian Church; Phlladel to Clara C. daughter 01. If. K. Smith- t• !1. Philadelphia. ' PROD : 3t, g.—Oft Thursday Jane 11 at the residence•of the brides parents, b rr Rev. J. Z. Moore, G. W. Prondley M. D., co Mien Liz4e.. dentr• ter of Goo. Raman, ail ofDesver toratty• 710EFIRL'W—Otathe oflda7lB6B, at the mil donee of his father 11. clochrtaz.lisq.,ln New &Tick ley AP...lleavbrzonntyrFa.t-Ide. JFAwIn tieehrlnil ' aged 18 a n , montlw _Ana la epa. ' I ThICE-011 *anti'otiJima -18111 at Ida ireablanee nearleankfart 15 aelfdrallw•lff. wiz; fee. In thiCtltn XOORE-00 rittitirlithielli Wlt&hit 1 iiat lintanat.,, • 1 . ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! • ! ! yob' cmlerd Itlth I; 13: Clark,; 134*- ver, Pa.' ' -• s: • _-t W. A. A. An the latest styles of Hats, Grant, Broad way, Dove, Saxony, Nobby, Planter, at Town• send & Sons, Beayer Palls, Pa. , . I Bsstistima..—Atr. • John. Wllibuss i, ofit of '. e very best barbers is the whale soup is still at hit post near . the • Natio' mal ; note in It hs Beaver l's., where h lint all times really to do anything to his' of Wetness 'Hair mt.. ting, Shampooing ; ring, . Curling I &c., done o n the shortest Wee and at reasonable prices, Give hint s call and yon will lie oat idled with his work. - . . Ptimily'and Pocket Bibles, Poeket Portmonies, Photograph Albums, a hand some assortment, at the Variety- Sto of Townsend & Soap, Beaver rails, -re : In view of the present low price . of i rool when - compared to - them:est of - woolen goods, It is plainly to the interest of every wool grow er to reserve a part of his present clip anal have it manufactured for his own use.l We, know better place to have ;this fweirk trona than the establishment Of kir; Jea lPon tefiacE, New Brighton, Pa. Bltfriltetil; 'Flan nels, Cloths, Yarns, &c., are manufactured here on shortnotice and the most reasonable terms, 801 l Carding, Spinnin Fulling 'and Cloth Dressing Vrompa atten ded ' , American and French . Note and Letter Pa per and Envelopes, at Townsend Eotut, Beaver Falls,.Pa. "Clothing makes the man." To be a man then; visit the tiilorshop of IL., Dig Donehoo on Third sttOoti Beaver Pa. He will make' you It stilt froth top to toe, that fit . Yon as neatly alad make you look as . genteel is you can reasonably expect or` des ire. Wall Paper, Borden% Window Papers, 0 the latest and most tasteful -stiles,- at Town send & Bons, Beaver Palls, Pa: Pring's colobrateTeromo Pictures of ei" quistte beauty, at Townsend & Sons, Beaver Falls, • , • BIITCZERING, —A." aw ARRILAGEMENr*-• Mr. Henry nicht Of .Bridgewater is extra) - ding business operations in the butchering line, to Beaver. In the tett:trete proposes to visit Beaver three times a week to supply its citizens with fresh -meats of the different kinds viz:. On Tuesday's, Thuradnes and Sat= urday'a • He buys has stock, in part, in Ohio, • aud the'nmats lie offers for.eale will beflound of a superior quality. . Halt him . as he passer your door. '4 • • Ws would calf the attention of our readers to an advertiiemint on the _second. page of our paper, relative to the remit publication by Ticknor & Fields. of Marshall's Great Line Engraving of Gen. Grant. It comes to mac companied by the highest. testimonials as to its perfection as a work of art, .and truth of expression arid chi:meter as. a likeness. This valuable engraving is sold only by, sabserip7 tier. The attention of experienced agents 74 hi vited to Itas an enterprise- in --which Ao gage Ivithout, fear_of competition. CALVORSIA Ibrantlrmitns.WO call the attention of our readers to the card of Messrs* Dinker beek„ Pittsburgh, Pa., which will be forted in isi,.-r.oluninc • Viesi tentle men have lately introduced to the public tiro new tonics, one calkd the. Golden Beal Wino Bitters.which. is a compoemd of pure itliatiindAerbsy,arol warranted. peßfacia: frinivaltd&terthm spirits tentrawased in manntlicturbig tonkts. These bitters will-be foundirery vainableur the sick' rooni ,1 mid for Wieling& The seeonif-is known as California dierb Bitters,, a compound of , striekly ppure arid-itireidirthe_demand for this tonic tesiingthe ftpacity of the tadlities for their inanuiactura. My the Bitteri and be con noci. - • . . • . V. B. °TUNS aktx4oco - • tpiatho. FE:Z2 ,T. 9114110 7 ' 2 5.. 1 13"-if ! : t 41 : 1 0 1 3TT I a Is:9 Y - 2i BEST -IN 'UBE. tree 8o e i F ; ..X Th e very fie • 4 INNEELE u Civ. 2d and Wood Whobnale Agents for the Wesif. or isle b3r. JOHN 1100R19 4 Bet - !ex, Pi. • .iyi• • iirt WALL TAPER ; WALL :PAPER_ WALL PAPER Oil Clottipo Oil.. r Cloths 1 Oil Cloths ! Cus. 11..rstWIL 63. I - Wt. 1. ais es Nt .1P MI 'P g 3 I • . • • , • Tintii-Plvs MOH BOLTS OP WALL pAP.Kaigs_tocelved, an wilk,be sold laded than can be ,pdrehisi elsewhere . 1,1171_1 •11C I S, , Bridgewa r„ Pa. Direct from England, bomb the orig inal Packages. 'Also, Window Shades, B atch Trunks, sterwswe Mews of all ply* of interest in the nouotrymtd upon the continent. I respectfully give notice to to call and POO the large - and well selected Stock general VARIETY 0001)8. Inendedia above. we have Looking Glasses, Car .pets.iittigai Oil Cloths, Et. beautiful and pittezn. • . • • B. - LIZIEIBT . rin7 trisrll'6B:ly GRAND SPRING OPENING AT .Jc:.11: .BENCE'S, El THIRD STREET, BEAVER; PA. Entirely New Mock MILLINERY GOODS I RIBBONS, ` • - 1-111013r1tAlit8, J. IL' Bence le last Melvin a floe stock of TFUINPAINGS of es- . '4=ind, Mess Trhultaits, Gimps, Laces for Tem. Buito3:l - s. We ebbs to have agood.nelention shark on band FA CT HANDILICROUIRES ANII GLOVES. cif an Fronds kin Poems, Ike., ar...ds. • Cufb and Collars, Ladles' Safes, . . • A good issortm entalways on hand. Beautiful pat ems;of s*Aped woit for ia4W,;onog7rcar. VEIL STUFFS, RATE AND BONN AL MONWLEANED DONE OYER CHEAP.' . Als9; . Dreivies an: Sacqnet! cut .and made to order. Elegintlrcnott Whalebone Concur, very (pow 3 2Yq ; ANp 8T411P130. Done to order. • nen Adak of • ~ • HOOP SKIRTS. Aims on Mild. Ilverythlng desirable is our Una is added to our stock se soon'as Introduced In . the - market. - Our goods are whet we represent them, and our prices as low de any 10nItIrgi our friends and unatonuna foe peat patron age; we wbuld' respectfully Wit sJcbetinnatiee-Of -th 'same. , • Give-, us , an eariy. call and es defy Fp* twitres, sPrTeMt.n2. Great llargai* ! DRY GOODS • .tIT THE NEW STORE. OF o • Jatibs • IN :2* -P3irgeND 3 7:: ROCHESTER,".PENN'A. Dry Goods ot- torsi „Deseription. Trueiniirkiirizt mvEr. cotarrit. 13T11AVI 4300158,145 el Alth 110T43 HATg, BAL • MORALA i r o t HOOP Sf i nT&TILIIIIINEPI3, • • FANC IBSY Y GooDsv - These Gentle ire - all-new, bistog s besa basiht Cosh since the I,ste decline. ' Sitly azu2 Secure ' ireOcrins, - As aro aro bound- to selkat T • PIT114111;liGit. sattellag,—Pkadza xen o ,LespfLoodantt older < eatehin . male; mrQe it0471011i31.11 .- TO"arrow tidoni; . Remember the. plco, room formozb' occaP led* Reim Roesler. • - -• • , • D z OFD .. • ROCUESTER, PA. • ' Fogruivi. P. 8., ilidro seamed the sar viaHair;.rr formals of Bridgoinda. = - ,c9,1 'tat YLTTt3BURGH, PA. • .11 Of may description J. IL BENCE. .-i,.--F . RES.-}14R1),(VAL , 1... , '4 etr. • at Spring Goods I .-- ..'--.'l-> ( 11;i i- A ,,5. 7 .'; ~,i'., - 'Tf ;. . - lid' CIL ,17: :.: r . FIRST. OPENII9.O - OP • SPRING GOON FOR MS na F. :.4,. Fort t ae's SEW DRY: , GOODS STOR2 IMEI IN THE. DIAMOND ROCHMITER PA NEW NEW MUSLINS, NEW CHECI NEW GINGILIAMS, NEW DELAINES, NEW. PO.BURPSI, a nd PLAIDS MEE ALSO, tale Dinnei' crash, Rea - iVIAte Yellow Fiaitals; LIIM Jeans, ...1 r dassimeres, Tweeds, MI T . ' L . . • Drilhngs, Hats and Caps, Hoop - SkiFt4sl r• . Balmoral Marta, „ 1. Notions_ and Fancy Articles Trimmings ,„' Bonnet Ribbons Millinery Goods, &c., . • The above comprises the most etimpleis Stock wr o oittrett to the eltbens of Beaver county, and we take pietist:n*li awning our Customers aaiXthose who tiny favor na with a cid]. paktho shore itock is as 41icait ae ever. o.**! aiil°t isT!PLAM F. A. Fortune's 0 SLIP-DRY GOODS £U Z INE ; IN ' , THE! DIAMOND, . .ROCIIES,TER, PA ECM! BIG -SIGN- , . _Aerose :the pavement. , . I • •• pALi 6116 (/04(Z Ly,&II.YkTI)Y. .- . B • AR ' MIME totirrT-Datif- . , 13.tsTiviirrEvlizAT r.. *Mb/ *ow • • - • Sn OAV --- • - • • Prkeillti6 /QS; .• A at. $ ••• . • • • j al • , . .4 8... f. clfoss. a pa Pei .. . Nill _. . . , f • f 1 i .•,. . ii : ,•De ~ 1 ~. a AL, , f IMIE Cash on hand ant_i.irt 15=2— ffl RialWatata; rkev floods, , • Stocks, . ands p?,4 No* and sestmtios;, • - .....• A ,411.101 Nei Akimtets. • ' ' I IrDuly ktiestill, Sword ID and The Rena Imtnamotto Company Lt the Trill i ad Patrons to an sites& ten Sold greater the of Cants Stotitkoldent • . • $2g;4609000.4)04 leSprOper etitlti3f4llS tOilittstat tiNria . l6:4l4t i e . struct on occasioned !'by the Oats& • • ?mum Niutox 17301.40,0 , mr , ~43aptig creoplo .1n eViiy - grid° pai d, ' Amounts large and small. inntereverf libel it will give a correct ides the PrOit altu j i l i sVpia •, \ wbrks,- and the sake of ginoine tiMoriraft‘ , , oldest is tho cheapest.. ~ . , , . V AO*Nit FOR IMAM CORM • • , ti A. Wynn, Beater; Pn.; A. fl. NitiOrri. . • liver. ton. Po.; C. B. Mot, BetheMor, Pa. dui H. • Me, Itooltstown; N.. . . . •i il . •- mtr63. ' . , . . MI IN BEAM, PA "UM E. •11. BEACOM BTSPECTFULLY .01 nouttcew to her many friends in Beaver. &Voss :wate r, Roamer. Freedoin.sod through the country. that she has opened a vcri eaperkw SPRING LAND SUMMER opoo! • Which ehc offere at the eery lowest grfeee. remain! wishing any of the following Goode cannot do bend hen by calling . EMB/2 0/DBE • P4NCY GOODS. - VEIL 13TtIF" HANDKERCHIEFS. - ..DRESS TRLIENZYGS. • - GLO - VES • LACE COLLARS, &c 1& ;.• • • -3 Ms denims to altatentkla alio to the rut thatb ea cinnceted with the VABIEITY STUBS, a amt will, rapift all orders for LIES. and BRUT XUSIC. -Also, all _varieties STATIONARY. Too will be TOT! Wilton , . to og and examine' the • Prices are wwb. as will salt you. Rearetarr (Ad Place: Mani litraet, Beay./ai IT narlydobosftsthe . P.' lierelostrbl • , Geo. theyeret, Has Just returned front tile , Fattyt and it ow, ink . a Lar& and Well - '" tSeketed AssOrtb , • swat - . • Spry and gums4er Goods. AT DIB OLD. STAND • U • ~- 121:11 MILAN U EX! JANUAIW 1, 'le. Arartfbsa,- 'Man; .113 Ett(at - Market vsue.4,, Total liabilities.. wsa . NEW S TrO'R • ,- Lirisuicir di Nlnstailii4llt, Corner of Water and Janne : " eta., • , I: • 1 Itloetreititer4" GENERAL DEALER IN DRY GO0b8; NOTIqNS, a 11AT 8, ., CAI' . =realm, TS an D— : GRXERIES, - "PROVISIONS, HARDWARE,_ IRON; NAILS ADA ,04airsm ROra and . PACkniCi Y ARN, .• • 0114 . . MOTS, Dm AND OU, queens wets Widow- %ma. • ' • FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR, WllothSALlCand B: MIL. • navies the:role agency tot the celebrated CARTON CITY For'Rbcheete!'atiA-eletnity,tio- deal. els at Pitteb :site, raring freight frotzr there:. • 211.131/, ..4.. . . FILLS AND BET 4IiA r •• Alan hl k the ageney foe ittlifalo Scale ' Scales, wetter to the public, Bodes st manufactireee Dumont; "t 'Prices, cone iolli rtiog ng Mill of S end Rama . lcs ower. Counter Hay, Cottle. l• • Also, .A grata tor Itoreks 411:ond 8111$01c1 of- Llaso and Fluter Pane for lands. . • irda4it Bali ianirisettithig be v. eslt tawais ciii hood, we have alwvi o kll4 WO an bintio. R ,'MV 0 YOU WILL cAu..lic All 4 =SE ME G • -a 1 Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers