ME , • . ENeewtorra Nodee.—Letters testamentsu on the rode of David Warnock. deed., Me of North fie• edam, tp., tuning been, granted to the underdened, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to makelmniedlate payment, and those hrrlng claims or demands against the estate of aid decedent, will make known the same wlitiont de/sy, , . JANES WARNOCK. • • - ' Prilol4l . BoN WWII= jeldialle. - . „, •,• , , ...• •..l ennui anise. man anise. ' nntOir. gram 1 HIRSII&BROTHERS. irsoilan . Alio mai DWAU PE • CLOTHING; _ AND ' Gs iittemeo's Firniehing Sooder • —IIO•,'29O3IkCLAIR STREET, hoe cW college.) PITTSBURGH, PA. Ciottilnc made to order on abort notice. _ _ ' Reineman, Moran I d: Seidle, ' N0. , 42 Iva st.,l door from Wood,Pitlaburgh, Wholesale and. Retail 'Dealer in WINS JEWELRY, WATCHES,DIAMONDS,PURE ' Sliver Ware, French Clocks,Plated ware of every description. Tea seta; Spoons, Forks, ae., Watch Makers tools and material, and agency of the eclairs . ' AMERICAN WATCHES. a We ke:r et tt larges b t et end moat v m ar e assort- CL,QpKs! to be an d in any city east or-West. ' Pena in want of any article In our line either a w olesale or for their own use, will always find our=lower and our assortment than any to bo found wept of New . York city; - -'WATCH REPAIRING. :To branch of our trade (being ourselves practi- Cd wa h makers) we pay ' very special attention; we empla lone of the very best Artists In the country, and an and all fine, delicate and diMenit work en trustedto our care 2 ibr the trade or individuals—may to r e e e lg t rgl i ni the ese r e ir=stketion. Work may be HEINEMAN, METRAH& BRIDLE, Who and Retaillewelers and Silversmiths, 411 irk sire et, P 17781111.11011 arn6l3:ly. I ing and Summer MI c&-cocorsts; T JUST EMMY= A' BIW STOCH OF I GOODS, of Ihi • LATHS? STILBS, Per Spring and Summer Wear J' go- - . Ginalemin's Furnishing Goods 00BIBTANTLY CLOTHING ; BUDD T.O OILDEH In %Net end conetteshkaable st7teilin4 at short notice,. MI -LBAILEY, FARRELL _di co.. ead Pipe Sheet &;‘ - 1 Bar. Lead MANUFACTURERS, ALSO . Pig Lead, Iron. Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam • , Guagea, Whistles & Valves, Iron & • ; Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps . and Force Pumps. • ! ' And every desorcption qf gc•ods for WATER, GAS • & STEAM. . r • No. 167 Siiiithlleld street;.. ' '• P,ITTSBURGEL PENN'A. Bond fora Price LW: ' tapr2Silhly. IMUSIC IN FRONT t _...... BANDS FURNISHED PROMPTLY Wl= i Brass and . German Silver Instruments. , ler !me' e ,OR PFXRI . ‘ • 1 # 0, • : Brass and Toni) Drums, Cymbal" and Trial's es, &du o Ike., At priceelower thankn had nt ahrothur sousein thl country. , 1 , ' ' Special inducemealta off red to 1 - • BANDS AND‘TO DEALERS: Band for circular and price Rat. • HOFFMAN, HOENE ' & CO. ~ 53 FI FT a STR`EIELT,' PITTSBURGII, PA. TNUALNIIS IN PIANOS, ORGANS ANII mno. deonf' t _Moot Movie and Mania Books, and Ink. porters of Instramenta and Strings. apr1118:1Y. , . I Glassware Lamps, an Carbon Oil P. S ITU IL CO., Manufacturers • d Wholeaals Dealeri 111 Lasipiy, • • Chandel ors, • GI are, • C 'Oran, lubricating . • 1, • And Lard'olls. WE ARE PREP RED TO FURNISH AT RE tan or to the de, all styles of goods In oar line, which for quality and price defy competition. Our No. 1 Carbon Oil, ate *emetic' be pure and at least lib degree's tire tent.`; We'havekalso on Wide, the new patent 131:111 and SOLAR burners and chimneys. J. P. 11_41T11 . 1: CO. Liberty SC, head of Fifth, TINIWARE;II WHOLE&&LE AN* Err= DEALZR, IN ALLYIN . DB ON rrin, Coptier Ra Sheet, Iron Ware. T PROPOSE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON RANT, all kinds of TIN. COPPER AND SIDIET-IRON WARE. which :1 will : AT TUE LOWEST meg Tin Hoofting, Spituthrg & Job Work , Done to order In the beet pofeiblo manna, and, on shorted swam. ' 4 'llelog none but the beet of tutorial, ad holing nokke but the beet of workmen, WE WARRANT ALL . 8110? QN THE LOWER END OF , T13.11* a Sit i• e e 1 . i 1 BEAVER, PA. ' I Cato us a Gat, and Examine our Eitxt. Japanned Ware kept oonatanUion hock - PAIIIIIBI%, FOUNDBI I i •••• 14' • ENGINE : 0, ErTAllt,#IlOP • - , • I tr . Anti' refitted and enlarged my Mock of - ll and tools, and having seemed the sereicea of the best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all ve on hand work done to gtWe entire sedans:Mon. :I Aa different Assaults and styles of Enema, Fire Clay Rol*, and anivrepas to zmam or .rep flictit! ticmpophuichbipionnewsoapo terms, - -• • k • • PLOW& AND PLOW Qurrniati • I bave ell Me beet plow patterns that mitt this market among which bs the "Great WarWw," which has been Ina plow of tho county for the laat Men years. Also, almost all other Plow. now or prerlonaly In nem • I have on band and will , continue to manufacture a ICrgo emortmcnt ef COOKING, lINANKLIN AND BEATING STOVES , • Of t h ee latest styled and With all the modem improa menb, which I will pelt at modern rates. Among , these is the GREAT REPUBLIC:. This Stove has au extension top, which gives it a large statute without taking up much room,and it is tigw looked upon as one of thebeat and most states' litskesiess feel and Is more durable than oth in tase,Theibikaing arsons, after having used this stove fora considerable length of time, may be referrd to in proof of what is here Bald: • • Dr. lasso Winans, M. T. Kennedy, Eli Reno, 'John Watson, 1 Mrs. Geo. Fu ton, ' Capt. d. B. WlllBllll. Wflllam Sagas Joseph Darlhig; William Stuart,' Robert McGowan, . Joseph Blaekmorta, Mrs. Joseph Martin. Mrs. Major 'Wade, "- Dr. J. D. McCreary. Milo N. Miller, David l i eslck, Capt. James Roney, Dr. C. Tuttle, Kelly Hunter. I John McLaughlin.. • Samuel Taylor, . Jas. B. Jackson. Thomas Beacom. John Dunlap. Milton Davis, Marcus Baldwin, David Lloyd, John M. Duncan, J. V. Winans. Mrs. Robt. Andrews, Mr. Lobley, Mr. Casa, Frederick Eatarar: • Benjamin Franklin. Capt. James Johnston. Samuel Kennedy, George John Jackson, Walter Buchanan, Mrs:lllePhillopty, 11. T. Reeves. William iloon, WILLIAM REICH. • .BIttiONWAFAII, P* MOORE'S - Oil G STORE, INBEA BE, . Kay be hand . biet aseortmool of., DRUGS! • . AT e el. 1 4:3 13a, e a , t ., 0 H JD* 0 *MIS, P':C3" - ' - • 1.111,U0R5, - WINSX, . ' - And tir . radii, Paintes l p Oils: , AND t - DYE STIT . Orgi TOILET ARTIoLi6, SOAPS - 1311.0 'LI 30 S'e EMI Ili 0:8. AN SUM& IN vAir,x..orrow, W BEAVER COUNTY% PA. STOVES STOVES Jason Rlckarnaoth • James McGehee. Capt. Wooddan Glenn, Thomas R. Davis, Samuel Murptty. Miss Holdabip, Riram Stowe, Mrs. Patterson, - James MeDermiti, Samuel Dunlap, Thompson Johnston.. Mr. Crawford, Mrs. Rev. Stephens, Jonathan McKenzio, Judge Reims, Richard Knight, Solomon Fronk, James Knowles, David Ctlhoon. Richard Staley. • Joseph McFerrin, David Carr, George Wilson. James Thompson. Mrs. quay,• Harrison Mead, Milton Reed, Boston Grove, William Grove. Washington Engirt James Galley. Robert Graham. Thomas Bradshaw, • Milo Bradshaw, Dixon Reed. • Daniel Maxwell,' J. W. Funlithousci„ William Wagnes. Mr. Chancy, Henry Sulhu ray rst. Mr. W. David Mitsboll. JOHN TIWOLET marlB'&9[ll PATENT 'MEDICINES In . ivitittrrtoty. all t t the n bes t stortt r a i l t e m o g llabesir Store t t he copnW Dapanco'N Female Pllls,is cent! par boat Chew" mazes, $1; Olart'a, $l. , • The Linea Stock of LAMPS k LAMP TRINOB, LANTERNS, STA TIONERY, WINDOW GLASS PITT' Ever offered outside of the'dty,allffoore's Drug. Store, and sold cheaper than can be hough L t anywhere oleo. Let Mow who doubt this call and ace, and they will doubt no more. julyl'67 - J. MOORE. LOOK._ THERE I • • HE UNDERSIGNBIT BIENGAUED IN MAN If 1. fa:taring Lime ar Vanpoti,.Beam county, His Kilns are known as the • a • • ``Power's Kilns" • Fresh Luo, and free of stones, can always bet ad, on short notice. I will sell as cheap as the cheapest,. AB order lett at the Mins, or letters ,addressed to me at Beaver, Pa., will receive prompt and careful attention. Limo delivered, whenever wanted. • . . AMOS DOUTT.' G. G.W. PUSEY, Wholesale and Retail Deder CHOION,FAXILY GROCERIES. and TEAS, • FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUIT. Pickles, . &e. EME:=;;;I;M NO. FEDERAL STREET, *leeway City; /Pears. 50r1311747 • i r P11N,q.itAir41,1 , 2%. , Ve . X.=4 ,. ...t..-01 , . O.'S. 11 " I=. KEYSTOIng =STOVE WORKS AI;• B „ NE W B RTITEETO Nil' A ME •Wt1c....--4. c9i..._.i • .11,3=4, P i tIALERS 111 4 -- ; ' ~! • 4 ., "- ' coomprojrroVils; : irro*Emo • i *ANTI mud • wwthinigiaxite, are. Rtiby CoaktnirStinie N 053,8 & STOPS.TOOK THE FIRST PREMIUM the State Fair u a Coal Cooking Stove, and also at the:late County Fair. We use no scrap irun'in their mandscture, but make them exclusively of No. 1 Pig Metal; and warrant them in every respect. The Ruby bal e h largest oven in the market and consumes but littl fuel In baking, owing to to mini prayed Gale... GRATE,FRONTS AND FENDERS. We ire lar¢cly engattcd In the numnfactore of Orate Fronts and Fenders, which we enamel in an oven com mon, second quality and lino finish. gigs enamel re tains its lastrelor a long time, will not burn off, and makes a much superior gash to that of Coal Tar. • We are - also making , Sheet Iron Summer MOW (kw which we have applied for a patent) pressed up in • Hydraulic press. They are much lighter than cast lon. and much dieaper. • We claim the heaviest beating Stove in turns ihr the sise,lind use the beat Stock in thei tion. Our patterns are not yet complete, but It la our in. enticm to keep a general assortment in our line, We also toot the Premium at the County Fair tot Castings gencraily,and we have catered in tothe bust uesswith the determination to use the/best of Pholletfl and make good work. We respectfully request a share of the public pa frontage, and would be pleased to see those wanting anything in our line at oar woke. • Odom Low to 44tt the *tee. • MERRICK ac CO. sov110417:17. - DENT HARDWARE emazz. WHITESIDES & DRUM, wive °mum A xsw HA I RDWASE STOR E S . •, 70 FEDERAL .BT., *ILLEGHEAT, Pt FEDERAL ; 'Near", P. & VERE THEY WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON bead every description of • \. 11 A R I:l',W A R , Locks, Magee, Naito, Glass, Bash, Grind Stones, Shov els, Picks, Axes, and all kinds of !Farmingg and Gar dening Implements, wholesale and retell. Carpeatots end Hardware Dealers can *ways get a supply of : D ' s PATENT MUTTER EINCIE AND BASH PULLEY; , . Oar prices and Me wM be is favorable as be Mad elsewhere. • Parehasers living on the Itailroads,Mill hive' their goods delivered Atha PePols hem of dune. ' myrefX6m. WEITESIDES et DEVIL . 0011131C=113MI BOUCITZD PALMER -4§5 -PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS otmniosion Opera House Auction Room • 60',FIPTHISTRZET PIITSBUITCLEI , Boots, Shoos, tarps* Dry Goods and I Notions AT PRIVATE BALE DAY AND EVENING. apr2V6Ekli. NEW HARDWARE STORE. 144 SMITHFIELD ST.," PITTBBURGII, PA. A vonLAt o RGE, NEW AND cONPLDTB AstioßT- t HARIIWARE, CUTLERY, de Ha end Manure Forkm, Hoes, Shovels and Scythes, with every variety of goods usually found In a , • HARDWARE STORE. Can mid amino my stook. N. 811IPY. sprlVEt&s. SPRING, tlk Ml= - GOODS. Jest seabed it Paw Stock of Goods, of the West Intles, for 1 SPRING & SUMMER WEAL And will be made up to order In the most approved styles, and ' REASONABLE - TERMS. CLOUDED MADE IA ORDER INLATEBT AND MOST PASMONAB STYLES, AND AT SHORT NOTICE. GEORGE • • , apui`esism. Broadway, IV:eis Brightes. R. W &„ W. J. SNORGRARO, • - - 1• , Y • ,. • • viummoji• iDP.• II a- C2fIEEITS among cor" • _ redoes' and Laeoek ,lareeio v Allegb (Fl* Corner below Depot,) DgALEREI Ilf . LEADS, PAINTS, '01 . 14 . VARkVISMO, DYE-STUFFS,. DRUGS, CREmacALs, • PROPRIETARY- MEDICINE'S, FOR RUIN and DOMESTIO PERFU. WIRER% - SOAPS. . TOILET ARTICLES, icturar -GOODS, 444, . . J. C, Hammond, Thar, Peed,. Meal, - dia ei OF_ALL ENDS 80136114 FOR CANT. kJ! Toon insoetosent of the Wilmot kinds of pota toes atways on Irani. All goods fiellvered when _dr sed. • Cali - ind seen. on Conneetieni street nen the Pub; c School House , la ilackaata. Pa. rjaaanklAr. ~*.h ~.~ ,• y"~ EZIE `. t ' f• in- d. .- CL 1111•1 HE =Me FRI 2 BUMMER PIECE& ‘: SEATING STOTCS illorrr Armlts AND Mill DEALER rn ALL KINDS Op pkigS,OII,,A,MCHARDSON. ~,},.. ~ . - I . Be a 7C0.F.,,-,".1 1 4;4., , ,A4.41 1 : , . 1 : . • .44„. '' • ' . - .i , - : , !,i-,,, ,- . , ,: ,::..,;,-.._.1-z ...p . T.i, ,, .. ,•4:,:,-...;,0.• EINE f#4; - ,..4. ,' , ~~;,; L _ i[avnia JUST OPENKI): A Liklital BTOCX 07 aario. • _ JPOTI3.IiBiIOESt OLtBBWARE,' . • • . ' • llRtrek AO; . , • . , Wei .40,41ia1e di Mee ted donble i striegth. Spa etentioarldte ellbarderis ex rugs mrstab Ottki • - CRUDE BURNitie Otto • BENZINE, • - • • ' - ,',,COALE'RPATENT DRYER, Mat' Of sll ColOisi Ground, Dry and In 01. ,rureluwers Pula 'do well ta cell aid eillubm our . stock ofts before purchasing elzewbere. Also, Choice Brands of Pious In Barrel and in Backs. All 'duds of Country produce taken in exchange for Goods!. Remember ;the lace, di s t door above the Oaths,. opposite side of street. , ' • .13 1 creriff• - ' ' - . R.A. Wilson , (Lite *MON a STEWART,) DEALER IN Boots__,Shoes Rubbers, OLD DTAND, • DIAMO*D, ROCHESTER, PA. 1 I - SIMON SNITGER & CO.; (At the dd stied, era street Bearer, reedeLa TIF . . ALL KINDS OP G R 0 CERIES, s um, m , 1 . . COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SYIt I . UPS, MOLASSES, SORGHUM, , RICE, PEPPERS, !SPICES, ..• SOAPS, CANDIES, RAI SINS , ENGLISh ' . CURRANT , : . * FIGS,I ' FLOUR, FEED, PISA RAIN, fe., 46. ' They are constantly readying fresh uditment of these articles, and th e ;Inbar. rely epee gettlog from the: d r:A ae trio market amts. i glEty. deliv er ed , u mama. Shallenberger Bros. BIICCISSOISS TO .• & BHALLENBERGER, Bridgewater,Pei*t'al. DXAIIRS 11111 . ' 1291 Queensware, Hardware, NAHA WINDOW GLANS, WOOD AND WILLO WANE, BACON,I7BII. GRAIN. f , Country Produce .a VAIIOV ICllOOi larintiasca I. lI►IITIOID WILLEM{ & HARTFORD, 1.127. now Opened the Wlnlrt Selection of FALL AND WINTER DOOTS 1' & Whlchl they ate eating at GREAT BARGAINS I LOW PtIZIM:33 Call and =amino our Stock. , NO. 100 IMRE* • , corner of Fifth Pittsburgh • Pa. Vf 8, vrx A: ~s. DKALER IN Il'istravcrivre,l! Iron, Nall4 Glass, land *Ameba Ikuld Implements. uumars miummuroilleaunes "OM B law4n kept on ennd. • Moth meat to the WORLD* 11111•14111 AND •nno ' OHIO BEOWan. aadl the TONINADO =HEIM • tarmat lafs•scamtwx!, new vdatike;ra; isayrak - MBE :,]L . _ ffE ',VDT WIVIIIVIZIPROX ILAST. A Law= and ticillet: asterted ? . 31cli ad ram& Ilfinamindkas liken acmes m odr wadi% ttopidit.dng • !NEW PRINTS, NEW DELLINEW I I II 8 =I it'Spring goods 1 1 !-.'; s . .R°c-- IR , :. F9u.NDRT. , _• , • 0_ ~ , • ..., . Ogignsokit-.olaaarciaWa . &,. co: co.• !, • - s " - • ". • ' • : ' • liiiiiutil u iir, ilfuiCtinii. ' oAliTnici' - .out •Idr.Cstings. - Urual . : - •, - :.,., -,: -A , ~' •.:- ~ . Cagiest sad all Mier OutUn,gt teat s elms: Vlsevlitoves. !Orate -rants. nee Harei.lAners Wdats_,l,Aollow-Ware, llet =lron genre, ib 11l other munur.9,ls3lffir*". Abso..l"le il egt ib Ti r m=btl . lini ireir . 1 4**N9 1111 . 1 .FM 0 P4. 7h P 11 ,4 -... si -: Firlito 1 : 4 6 .4411Uiti :, tits hats liiiii feabald it '.flttatingi.' This :At combines many which place WM In ' ll o= fame. E tial oil)* toertts elatmedlw ft b• 3. tie 4— .me llebl.Welliorooortlmed.Bmast7gilitle,:*.d la ' Esse of Draft. Lolly Kept I..'ll.MMlts Out - - and the . . . • Err BAltallt =Tr . ,7 , . • ' ' - - ' AISI e f An orders thaidiu, reigied iiad aiiaiiitly Ailed. ' . We;; Call Attention !to tlfm Following ..• ••" • • • Statements : -1 , , : Wilkillri.o4 iiilbe Si I need Several of the most cesetestmt cooki ng B uries made In that part of the loan on arrival berejwm . reasinsensled to the Paseo Stove, (also tomtit. Id withAndeatm as being e' th best. DM so, and me_ derson's new Btoseji was attracted by tin neat apprise, me% mad no examining Its Oven an Interior Waage' wipe. found It possessed many advantages over all I bad seen:' I purchased. and have one now In use. Ars consider It senator to any we have ever used. - It Is all the Inventordabs% and we. think, all that could tis 41---44:11" C414411 ! 4 .= 6 : atgirienvininvig. ',Abu aßtrid2 UM x' i ~~iT: ir!i..i .... ' Al =I BE . al . Cross.4c Cots., MOLESTER. . NEW bitISUNS. GINGHAMS, CHECKS, FLANNELS, all *gore, JEANS, CASSIXFAES, .• TWEEDS, CRASH, DRILLS, • BLEACHED and ' BROWN MUSLIMS. • NOTIONS liv LARGE VARIETY. HOOP and BALMOBAL bKIRTS, BOOTS and SHOES, rbttlased always in the East, at lowest cash prices, and sold at a very small advance. • iica,r4rlwareb. r t tnet andat i, Irric inn purchased in Nen! York and MECHANICS TOOLS, TABLE & POCKET Wit - BM STRAP HINGES, Pa inini tematlDT.l LOCHS IN GREAT VARIETY NAILS AT YANUPACTURGid FIGWES WINDQW GLd&9 - • I An sites, single end Cod)le strength, st, littabligh Paints & Oils. FRERCII RICHARD.: CO'S.. OELEBRA7'EjD DUCE LEAD at wholesale sad rota COLORED, PAINTS GBOUND, DRY AMY IN OLD MINERAI, PAINTS, . LARD,. OIL, CASTOR OIL, TURPENTINE BENZINE and COALE 8 PATENT DRYER. Books and Stationary p r co' a 1 e is. A COXPLETE ABSOUTXMIT, BAcON,ItANSAIDES, SHOULDERS, XESSIPORK.' LAW. Vic., so. FLOURt In snag; and Bar n fr u r iczg ..dlrect from Cot All kinds of CamtrYProduee taken exchanP the All heavy goods delivered free of am°. prIFF'IS ,tr4r.l7 - :•121q :wry S.J. - CROSS &CO. IMII NEW YORK STREET, NEAR RAILROAD CROSSING e s-t er, Pa. wow i 9 t e YiY: :.i a , 's t MEM Rocumwrznatov. Therlwg one of Xr. Anderson's new Stoves In U 350. am l ainy enakeee Capt. PendkJoton'e n EL e _ 4 . meat. iWanlian. Ruing one of Mideriotes new Stoves In nee, I can telly endorse the ante tecommendstton. Woonnow. Haring one of Yr. Anderson's flew Stove.. nee. ans AA/ satisdod with Its good qualities in all re poets. • Joszen lavist Aso Wars. Itoentwiltit t ßbi: Obi kept 'muster a long time, and uscd. greit ntunber ot Cook Stovesof different pattirii# Mid Styles. I =udder J. J. Anderson's new BUMF, txdtit economy in fuel, ready cookie an d baking:or its, size, superior to an we bare nee and rWly rec. commend it, it will ten donentire satiate; tion. - - 4 Cass...tcquits. We tirreone of Mr. J. J. Anderson's new Store& nianafactEu r iat the Rochester Totmdry , and Win • given it a Wisdom find it comes fully up to all t has been heed for it. It heats very rapidly, takes but little feel. and Is ameet exllent baker., Mr. Art. derson may congratulate blma elf on baring* achieved quite a tritrlt to the Very respectfully line of Cooking Stoves. • Beaver, or. sad. 1867. , J. S. 13nemnar. HATS and CAPS, •t. GROCERIES PROVISIONS, TS. . AI"DiG ON DAI 4 ID A LARGE AND WELL IA selected Stock of Teas, Rice, Coffee, ;. •., . Cheem > _ Sugar, Soaps, Molasses, Bacon, . _ Syrups,Fish. NAILS AND WINDOW GLASS IfIUTTB Pines Churns, Peck Measures, - • ' Oak Churns M seaeasures Willow Baskets, Spilt Baskets. CIIOICE FAMILY FLOUR 'By the Barrel of In Pubis. cotplantly on hand. 13177Pricee very low s call and tee. • A t S. HARVEY. Bridgewater. Pa. LINSEED OIL CARBON OIL A .;. S. Harvey, DEALER, IN. AVD 1_ lic rd.w'ari ®• ELexi•clvva,re. STONEWARE. Pure Cider Vinegar. ALSO octra:l9. Beavir Drug Store, THOS. A. ANDERSON. DRUGGIST ! Corms, Sd Si. and Diamond, vim, Pte.' TN FITE - TUE ATTENTION OF TUE FUELIC J. gonerttily to a fun ansonarent of • Drugs, • Medicines, P A. - I N- 1 1 1 1 8 , OIL,B, VARNISHEg , PuttY, window • Glass, &c. In fact everything usually kept in a well atipointe d Dnsg and Chemical Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest possible figures consistent with a due re gard for quality. We hope by strict and careful attention to business toinuilt and receive a continuance of the patronage so dbesally bestowed upon no. - - THOS. A. ANDERSON. - firusykrtktl. NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND Fimmuciold[i Cor. Railroad Crtoodna and Now Torllt St. Rochester, Pa. By 0011& DARRAGH WHERE NAT LIB POUND leandly thoceriespad Provision, FUN Flou regar, Cherie, , Lard, Bacon, Oil, Pure Cider Vin, gyr , ups, utter Nolassea, Salt, Toss. , Corritss. burro% Cracker., Tobacco, Oars, queensware, . Willow-ware, Wooden- and el , - VA!:their hue, and hope sties:Won to balms% .to merit a liberal share of I ' • the patronage. inaN. B. J 1.71 kinds Coontry Produce Ulm it Um mar price. COE Oi DARBAOIL • Itoclustiti Oct. lit 1861-00401:17._ ,•- r4M114 GA0 , 92 Rlts'i . , • , . • itICII . UntilitillegliilD .11.itilliCI PlilleivisED th 6 Urocery td Trcrojalop Ilitore or G. IL Be t h. ener, ceilileigitton street. Refttoster,lokos pleasure lu kmate. ly, tb it 6 , fookemnif r ugo triect ly nn ds tb an e d stnexan tlseprub d tio lo now proptvi higi woe% to furnish at the tweet 0111111ble rates all articles us li ii kept ha frisftlask tirovlalmt store. . 1 1-:.: ..tso •c: A 1 er'•%.l% ', ' 'J. SHARp . ~' . • Z. I lailleitilare An iecoteuiendingiCapt. Ellairp t o , a , 41:1111 , 1174113.°114* . t4 7._ _11"8"111141314.1"1---2:12re_, dt""Gred. I .7 4tetul tahnua llset° himiLifl .. maytrielkacta. -, It OCHES'PER WORKS! FREEZE WI: Marshall, DEntn ITALIAN&ABIERICAN MARBLE Itl/0 I,TRALC TURE lit OF iONEMENTS. HEAD STONES, 31 11113,1 i Xvx . / r POlt. CEETum. iiTO2.l E AND EEy ALorsLE. Potmi • Yf Grind Stones Ot a superior quality se boact, AGENT FOR TRH Phenix,, Etydraulic Cements. A LL PERSONS DESIRING JIONMIENTS OS 11 Headstones, grvo .us a call and (=Aline our 0- 4 k before purehaelng elsewhere. We have lbw,: °a hand large and superior stick of fint4e4 soak, which we are selling lower than can be hat in the nay or can be had from stroaling agent+ thruuna the cmn try. So beware of agents, p.ll and examine for prur selves before purchasing. teb Ittra:nm. Upholstery, WM. F. & GEO. NOBLE, (Sons o Successors to Wm. Noble, Sr.) UPHOLSTERS, FEATHER ME - RANTS. AND W dealers In Feathers, Dods and 11,11tIln,L liatrer,as of piwo curled hair, Husk with hair top, Liao ant cotton top. Husk and Straw Beds, Louvre, crib Cradle Beds, Feather Bede. Roisters and Mlles., pre Cnstdotu% Prime Goose Feathers la any , inantr. ev. ranted good. Damasks. Noreen,. Hollandd. 10.3 and Cords, Quilts, Spreads, coverlids, and all uncira timilly found in an ITultolstery Warehouse. All work warranted-as represented, and mutate. tbnn price. Cor• of Smithflold and Third its., (111011 Doc •r TIM DOOR.) spelliEdim. Sands it ReinemaL No. 30 Fifth Sreet, Pit tshur h, ROUSE FURNISHING GOODS, QILVER AND PLATED WARE, lIRITANIA.JV 17 panncd. Wooden and Willow Ware. Amudria• and French "Flocks. They hare always on hand We following Table Spoons, • Ton Setts, I Water Cook', Tca Spoon.% Gobletr,Walnut Davide Table Forka , lea Trays, I Iron Tank.. Depsert Woks, Coffee Urns, apr 'GQ:Iy EVERYBODY . LOOK AT THIS liessoils Why you should Boy your . BOOTS &. SHOES • AT TIIE ..... RED FRONT SHOE STORE, • • NO. ea 63, 63, 63, 63. .. FIFTH • SrrFLEET. • o • d , • t Ist. Thsy sell as good Gools'w the Is made 2d. They warrant every Pair hey ere. 3d. Tney guarantee the* G le to do ' food ",rtls. 4th. They repair any thlnz th y 0.41. sth. They rivit all their w ork. nuking It rust da rr.ble. 11th. Their work is the most elegant and potrel !a the City. int, Their work Is the most durable and perfect la ,the City. Bth., Yon can boy lower than at any other piles. 9th.;They ars the beet Goods and yet the low* prices. 10th. Goods custom made, and sold lea the trate elsewhere. pth. The largest assortment to select from la Oa City, lim, Icro fronblo to chow (',code. • Rentemliser.ths (beet Goods for the Wet mazer, us to be bete" • - NO. 63.) 63. 63. Provo ST. PITTSBURGH, PA ccorraray. NEW GROCERY, (TWO DOORS EAST OP' TIM P• 0.) J. D. CLARIt• (Successor to W. F. Clarks,) DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF GRO CERISE, Provintons, Country Product &al FULL STORE ALL THE TIME =I . . . And Competition / Defied ! The public generally itrenvited to rill and eto" hie stock. Irnoted is every partieularidi 1411 del not be required toVurebuse. LIAIL TrYtt• LIME , Try U. LIME, GETYOUB LIIIII,SFIto3ITIIE NES' • "MONITOR LIME KILN." One trial will convinertany ono that it 11. thlL,; LIMN ever immed In this' vicinity. is St le/' t cent better than Lime burned the oid way, sed s'W mold at the tame Dries. Come and gee it a nd trY or It before waking contracts, and are TIME AND MONEY. The cord is not mixed with the atone to Torn ?t• that It Is entirely tree from cinders and ashes, lesiLl burn =Wright:it the beat stone. Brick Wer t 2 r. :et ran it off or sift it to make their mortar. Mr 2p . :et nothing bet lime, aa we draw every four bon ; "'tau* alwitTs get It FR S 1 2 1 . LTICD delivered prompai whenever Werra LI Irg . c l to lead jeBd. ord ear ers icimiL to W. J. Dea l. Ter. P. " "Intranon Lhne Weapon, Deaver cooed. W. i DUNN.: isultilkly MBO PITTSBURGII, Pi DEALERS LY IMSSMI BEATER, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers