e .'Beavpriimis - j FrEAVSA. M%it. • tees. land Bliseellanoline!. es O ‘o 101bss :saw a hislielt tfreulats on vi per published In the eousityi, , , will ptainnseelakeirsswitli biter; w ow this in - -1071 - li CS or "vialT4svg"' i, SW. 1,6 w. 1 coi l &•-.-. 3 11401... ii pooorsoo ol o" :.. ::,... . ...i sr• 5 Do, figi : ..... .. is w 0 00 A wl ......... '4 . 0 00 '0 00 rth e Inmu....' tI A T 00 10 00 1 LI/P.. .... ..4,10 Pl 2 14 001 coon ...... ::0 uu,25 coy Asibtotl F.v3"c:iitors' NotWO irr roiNuitrev pFY a rrir ente Ito be !nada 0 1 ..tletiy,excelit Transient irtitchlnao be paid in Adrinee. ~___ j o ie of the T.lrrinqoineter,, I,ror , vie v l /40, otosooOr' I Itti of ATtII.,ISCS. . ..... _, ~...,„,,, 4, ------ 7 Ai_ .. r .. II t• I': x .o r., it. . •- ---- I_, 2: T.P .1, , ,, ,, -. . 37 deg. ' 30 do g. R":, 12, :IWO:. : 4l dpg, . 717 deg. 40 eg, , „ 45 deg. , . 0 . iy, di...T. , if GI dog. ' . oit ~ ~ 1 lc, Ni dt•g. ' . lig dog. ~ it G.l deo:. Go deg. !a log; ~ is, , 38 deg. '\ . GO dog. 33 dew. Was. tilinzion, Jr., 70 VIM erect, Chronl ,tinildizz; l'ltOnr.rh. Li the authorized agent for' Aaerzie eitY. _ • .I.4tW ADVVIIIIBIIIIIIIENT3. , Illr,iffion of Ow public to directed to the. 631- 0 4 , *for astvertiramenta, whil,4 appear ; tor • the irg time In Tinc Atoms to.day. - le"Drag ing VJohnatort„ • or temed. Notice-J3a. Wilfippi! AdairrZll rrtrrm far Sale 7 Win. B. Taylor, prigentg Wanted-Parmelee Co. rloctlea Salo.-Stalthson, Vanhoolt "F., CO. rrOtt!innm-New Brighton Boroagli. blattolatlon-Small t.t. Barnes. .frivellons, &a-Palmer & Phdllpa., Fundohteg Goods Sande tt, Retnerann; rrLead rarrell .1 Co. priVerb Matto, ac-P. .11stinet. irSpecid Notices t rv. , 3l Noires -John , tr:prclat Noticed-•J.' B. Clark. s e a. Tom:Thumb de Co.-If-yon biro ne'er 0 Tom thumb a troupe do not tall to go to ace !lutaurrut , at ItuchaEter. • It w . ll "Day" to an ,• • A prlaterfade. -AA quite a mambo" or tbe,reatl ,,or the Ary are interested in the mat utlactrire of wt tre tid= woeii copy an article from the .I"hiladet• 013 Scilk A/he riron, which contains figure* that wit trlsitermiur to them: The article referrad to will bs Opal fu another column.. ' Is Assistant Pont mbstreset.=On last Friday, Sne S. Campbell, or, this placo,,waa sworn in ae rogttnlstret.a In the Beaver office. • . Yte. C.IO a widowed den ghtsr of the tateCapt..l6lm py, unit'' , place, and we have acutely a doubt but Mts a AIM time, site will wake a very et Potent pnb- LoCcitl. .141 Coritirrtet Alvarded.—The Post Office Ps,iitatent Lae airttitled the centruct for carrying the 1 1 6 I,twettn this place and Vrattikfdri. Is:ptkrign sant . ' C. Gormley, Ecq. !fere celtes four him 'irl.toilars'peryeir for the service. I.lr. G. hoe had intreinfire. and no better man for the po Co, or (4 , that will discharge the duty more ilaith• lullcrnnld etty where be found. Painful ,Icciarnt.--thte day last week a Young mn of rs.attonf lolot Hobert?, residing to Brighton' voensttte, two or there mules from Ben ygr, pterdecttin tnd'cutldnnn.o a llt the bends of his &thee. itti‘ l i It. ud+irirtmht^_h wee nt the time, and his von woo trantilat.• rte tr. a /teri the are became disengaged from' the handle nod snuck tar boy on the leg b e tw e e n thd Ini , e3e.ll ankle. anti i• 1 , hi the hone. Pr. ItlcKineNt .arretatol It; (hero the painful wound. The bou . O in, tot inprva. Tire 1 . 1..1 , 1:.t.11 n . rie t', r;) , Inr, of th , f:a.117 ric• • , :41 nut nyer thit entuttr.i br inakt , ,,411 , .: annexed statement: Wee i ngti,tho iLatrol, a a young ladies' ensnare itnd 11C( . 1, I,ln fa ~ l ii•-peet the existence 4.1* tYkt. , lc-tiny tvo(Liw Itlitostgthe pupils, and Inatituting re:edi. not h e x than 471 y copies of Wont 1O• r , yr! lii droks situ room! , of en mad)* itrptit- •upposcd trteir dnughtet•s (A Lunt iniluence. on:notttefi to Ala Italian. whoee name to.' I. Art:, Wu , co:11171111H In Sati lot Week on. 1 : :4. of rh awl hAttery, preferrei against htin • , -I f9a r, ,it New Blightlin. The unknown or in-rutty ;04 if to stippos.ed that U, ~; I;infill..ll daring rare. Ot then .lltek— , i)11 ! . ell to jail In n eatriar.,e be aerated PraPl. tacrodt.setelicr I 1,;:-.;1,0 my. wa, Imprimened. n.pa!f r LawN.- Poc tmaetcrF arc required by letter, when n talbscriber does not p.vr fmni the race, oral give the reasons era• betla in;; taken. \egh•eting to do ro makes r to the publieher for the v. prf.ne miiet a pacer regularly from the 4...1 mho. whether he hannubscribed or not, is re .'4,.)•P,:.,!,,,•:!1•• to be dlnront inned 4.-roarages. (,r the publisher may continue „rd a 1 : 1 1t:111:lynieut is tnadei. and collect the ho her IL is Laren oht r,f the aka Or tV . C i r 4 :1 11P " , tt 4 tiftVn tOnt'refliFlng, to take news -I'•'h •and p, riedleuls from the iron o ffice, or ropey l I ii..llin;.! them Uncalled for, . rim a Ara i! ed. urintentionnlp?ind. introdnetlows. 7 .--Tel introdlire pereons %rho ore tato,. r.to r ch other, is to iinderhae a serious re awl always involves the Indrontement to 'I if 'hi' irflrr eh:Nifty or the other.- Thlibreepon oh,ny never he undertaken without first hit her it will he neeePtuhle to both ponies to ;:riaaintrd. Ittwoye intre(lnee the genttemin • never the contrary. or rule in hti e•ociully or otherwiee. The , hi‘Alry 4efiinette amours that the lady h' itkvarll - the ' • her et z, and that the gen- C , l , nru , L hi,pered by being pirsent.4l. '7 6 . are t!!;` lame. present the 'youngerto the older, Inowiiried, or the inferior to I , ucial ran'knr Went t"thr.nt„trier, A gentlenian should never be intro ro, tr a lady iv:hoot unit neking her pen:canton.— =ICE lleur , leuss.-7Thelecthre of this anti oceemiul ninfio upon “Itermttlicanimn I '" 4 1 1. ltra•lftm !me m.," hog evenin,g In Lafteyettft u 11, one. of *hi; ableot Otunottrues upon politic/tin th ° Pt,:tter tent , ' of flm term *Art delivered ,in tit 11- itbokind to with el6io attention by 4 "'"'n fmatent , ', And eery fteetnently had to pause tat the nr.neept.thle u . pplinnot of ins pleased atnittont tr,f,r,und no to gill! .the bubstance , Jettr , tt.,'uld ehtiil only Fay that buil,ttee to thott .tnt On much to terry Lome and think upon. r not deal In froth - ma: fusliin, but lb loch Often come with the si eight and corn , Poo.rot .4144111 amt.—Alb. Gazetii, Apra 17. tl - A Theta - ism Towns -- Rochester , t o this c/InniY. sin.i csizltt properly be called • tbriving /'".k in almost any direction, told wilt he seen houses• undo e rill! 311 couitroctlen: ;ahrT nicely•laid Ant Pound , . The inbabitente are very energetic and enter- Posing, as well as tasteful,. It is indeed surprising anti %y hat tepidity the town !Cos progressed within the lot two or three years In the way of manufacturing and rit , ral business 'ficiiitte*: - Much of 'this Success tt nwinz: to tbc raproattawhich pass through. fl'inC l i s ache tOoria: The din round the Union of . tbu Pitt. Ft. Wayne it'Chicagnand the Cies% AL , Put. rallroads ie .. quite (At, hie. Tito wharf. whet* rat tablita are.: Milli Landing. advantage . I .tebt'stcr posiwases. And last, but ant by an means 'tin, the ruling political principles are favorable to Ea tra irtuniellt d rho town Waft thw eitcnaion of "LLB lump (rt. f/Cliftlet. Wel WO tit Tire t i n . 4l2re 1 g e l it WA- =al l — Nay 'mother .of 9te s ':Coteen of the t* " : V lll **F lu f 4 0. 1vi tIg 1 4 ,1 t I F IfT " T w reppalder worth 't!ie.:priotpflitii. ngeOer: !Oen h lia;t4ge4t• colorid-gteei . ,ra# , lps, • 4 1444iin toes wIII admlrli. '"Sumilii*Thbanuoitt . er enfikring, inakiwone wish pat 'abetment., dip Were tire: the-Mtisfe for Able; *di., Abe 4 .BejesTof ueorgia'Weita"."' . Then ilteietre to:Ott:tea edStliala of l thet'AN l 4.o l . s .4. l4t YL'Ainbtelkßi., pomme, am. 'Among the literary contents, re hole "Evangeline , "Ecce 80m0,7 mo,7 with an Illustration; "A Dead Dinn's Enk,"..137 Imbibe* From:oft; 'Trail 'Dee*" a .pdare .by Florence rercf ; loilowlteepjlg,". h Aititt Allan Wier a . flaritna4it' by te tar tide on Violets, Fashionable Noveltigi4iiiatrateAk Aditortidil.*ticiPtiaMbeirealdons. &o. , ' 4 6 .16 121:5 0048 00;10 00 . 7 00 IA 00 . 00,11 . 00 18 0) 106015 00 tuto, 101 6016 50 46 oo• 0096. 00'40 on 00.40'00,Z 00 / V" ' (1041 "VaT4 l ll) $1.504 year; Four copies (with ono (iangraiing).s6.o3:. Dee er 'Aare FrDP 6 P4 IThe 01 Shat P'eoralgt. 216a4m4rdat tvintni oadradiviterevire, 14M0fAdarfirG Des= •,/e f ?stetson. 819, Wea k stpct, Pidladellayv Sample coples i b amts. " • *.n.,Orgen“6lallotheigri l l,ta,lo4/91444 iiitkitranirlialdiOleeejot miesiat"mettitddset, 1n the simPO of orii orgart k representimr.titetwA hproano, Ou r man voice;) h creeptog, or rOhOTiOirOithlelntO pub' lie favor. ) It is knorin,aa thal•Uitedelt*Organ,”. whose tones; not ot tOOOO merely or abstrattly.consideted as tech', Wt Witord ilttelmiWukt . med6 tricreite ;almost atv e'mtwoo of 469 human . joY or of sorrow, u the yrnt oi ni!icansi the teller to i . ondei how it lfvel withinlectithigandditrik, ing 1114, iturneibeingt.. altwo'renteritrit , ing gentle men, 11:1Eleber & Bro., 12 Wood street, Pittabuigh,: have it for min.; end would jib pi AN$ tu , eshtlifs tO) those who der4 ttl Witness its powers; the wonatriak :ettitelo iit..*aciaell to Ityptivr.oni ots hearts, and mingle I'W knit . er einaloncittnesYm'Oriihrwr with those r otthe human bmast, It it , said that One gentleman;,ortlitilting of man' invention, for the second tittid;,P3 self that he nen:wily addressed it —"titled morning, liwitunal L ' , - - -Eartern exchange paper. h)Ei:ftt. , R. T. TAYLOR. • More: Streei —Deaver w.ts mice fled! last week with a street ntnetclan, who &Mind w a venneance on 1114 mnsfeal "Pandora. hoz," the hand ergan: ittachgd to the Instrument was a card,herald inAln iaige letterN.Unkttili. Minn; Plrm ~11 4 -not 'holing to "any lazyVallan," bat till genuine Nati sylvania soldier who bad lost his left arm in balite while fighting for his country's freedom. Thu mangle, wobolicvo;waaethe best of.the ,hind we have pra t .* "rtindit+ intlefor ills work, • Ito tart:VA . /ver, night and sallied oat next morning with equal aureek, to.liig tp dtillare where none bit a maimed vattan could sneeeed. We would reFe-mmend him to tht:Whit - Its of our neighboring' torrtE whrch hh rt v . viol tin the coarse or his travels, as webellere he Is!deserving ot ihigiiryrovathy., Democratic Prildirx`y.netellttigar..The Dent °Croft Primary meetings fu: this county will be held oil Saturday April and lite County Conveution will ceovene •ott tort seceedlog 'Nonday -a the Court Rouse In this place. Jamuel T. liamilten, otOreene. end .I'. M. litrtford, of South Beaver. desire to be sent to the StataLogi.lature; Frunk Wilsonend E P. Kuhn. both of tl4aboionkh, wish to . tiectsaticc;*) crlmlnals of the! county ; Plenty ;Alcorn, of Darlington; thigh' Bennett, of North Sewickley, ,Thornaa &idiom ttr idoont and Thomas Russell of Bridgewalti.4rottd ltkl to be: stated in the Commissioners office ; Robert Laughlin of Otoo. Jacob rigley, of ilimewell, and .7.*n;Calboun, of Raccoon, wish to overlook tho poor of the county ; John . McCar ter , of Chippewa, would 'like to din runic auditing; C. D ilnritt. or Rochester, J. It:Blaine, of Bridgewater, and A: Fom bell, of New Brighton, feel dilmsed to " , :ett tb e Ac idetny.". On Saturday wed:, a Mr.'gol, Nicholas, a fanner resitlingin Pendleton county, West Virginia, WAS de- . liberately shot dead ;while plsswiug In his field,:by I 'returned rebel soldier by the mule of MOW:soli. ; At. chcsOu' is of those ecape gallows from WSeetern . yirginbt. ;who left there during the war for the' pur ; page lof fightirg for 'the Southern Confederacy, ;:n be boasts of, but really.to murder and steal, from Union tne.t. ) And as Mr. Nicholas Would riot mak Min In 1 1 any Way. Itot tvt.m symtanitizing iv Willie 61•11,ieverti. (Atcheson) thought Mtn to be a tit sultiet j fur Isle wrath t and for the pretenc-, as we learn, of being a witness again i st hint for stealing whisky, he ' goesjand commits the murder. The citizens of the neighborhood armed theraselvell% uon , etatted in pttr-. suit of the villain, bin at Itt;t Iceounts had hot effect. ed his capture. Mr. Nicholas I In as a quirt , w-abld Int citizen, and leaves a wits nd seven anal l chil dren.— iralealtift -1 Norm School. —A deAvaltan of genticnrn from Allegheny . raid Beaver cooittlei assembl6tat pul National Hotel of this place on Thursday of last 0....661:. (En the purposcof Illwaissing the 001:Act:fill' eStaliiish log Nornal School In the •KleyenthN*Ortnal Blefrict —composed of Allegheny, 114i i yer and Butler ; Conn.' tles, Ruth's county vras not fcpresiintcd. altholzh !to was understood that a delegation frinn that county In attendance. • . (Joh Espy, o f Allegheny, Brae salted to • the: chair. entl Geo. Al. F. Field alloluted See's; Thu plleet of the menus g via a Mated hi Chair, atter which the - following resolutleo wa.s offered ; ileaoltal, that it le ! the Pensc of ON tn2etitri that a 17. 1 .rmal Sdhool should be eatabllshed In this, the Eleventh Dlatrlet of Pa. A dlscovEdon followed which waif' participated in by 741.p.sro.Douthell, Holy, Chci TANGIO. of Allegheny; and 3Tect-rs. Lowary, McLean, Warm, Fieldt and Prof. Taylor, of Dearer. The asolution Was agreed to. . . i On motion the following rcaolutlon was adopted: 'Resolved, That the Chstrtutil. de th hi Meeting' be re quested to oppoitit three gtutternan from pelt county iiit.lie District to determine a central site for the Inca , • , th j m of a State Normal School, and that these appoint. Os he empowered to appoint as many persons as they think proper to solicitanbscriptions for the exec- Lien of suitable buildings ou the selected central loca• tion. Tan Chairman w ill announce the Committee through the press. . . . . Adjontucci to Meet infilittAurp.', on liteSnd taturday of Slay. I Wisistrrn Longevity.- 7 :The Green Bay (Wit.) Advertiser gl.oc an, account Of an Indhin woman in that cection n who recently died at the sae of l one hun dred and twenty-three yeard. . She lest a cen wheic nine44efint yeireof age. The above "reminds UP 0(4 little store recently narrated in Our hearing, by a certain Cashier, of a gentleman who, In the course of - his travels In the West., one day emerged from a neck of timber, and suddenly descried a „country tavern, upon the porch of Vvhleb, sat .one of the oldest, white-haired milt he had ever pm, and crying like a child. In answer to, an. inquiry as to the cause of his trouble,: It I subbed out that `•his father bad just licked him. 7 Upon en tering the bar-nrom; the trevtdier discovered another and much older Man; behind tit hat, 'stain . he addrmi sed: "You seem to have sumo trouble hate, stranger• your son informs me that you ha*, whipped hi in." "Yes," rejoined the landlord, excitedly, "I could; not avoid it: the young rascal was ch9sipo his grand father round a•tenttets sloaing. Mtn. I bud to interfere, stranger. 6, When will Wonders thotner-4 Coppri, head, who rises within a mite of HeaVer,l l and who, it is said, can neither read not write, is trzing to get up n "remonstrance" against the hog lair, in !teem bo' roUgh. This cop hasa fashion of raising' &lave drove 1 of hogs, ann letting them ran out, and 'grow tat otal other peoples property. List summer after being law- . fully weaned, ho turned his swine out aa awful, and trey were sete.l4l by the Constable, sad ,held until he (ecp) paid the lawful due. it would bestapposed that after being once punished for his contempt of the lair; that he would not permit his swine to run at large Spin. Dui it Wes tar So. The swine were again lib erated to haslet Oerybody, tied wails *gain seized by the This man now argues that the "Poor Mans" value should run loose where they would, sod tint Outreshou* be a taw to . cositet ~ men" to keep Weir bop penned up"; andthe remonstrance was to that effect, He says bets going to Have, saes; f law, and that tie °cad tikia it .ase Malayaa, nothln." Does tide man think the "rich mane wine would more damage when running at taro than the "poor =nen wine, would t os do all of thillpartyi who ha* attahced thew, names to the tentenatiance entertain eseirti baler? -1 • 13.1canalnatioti.—The examinatfon ' of "tecebein for 'Beam , yciterda7. f tipetibtatident Whitlows and quite iintsbetettesitiors were pre.agnt en the occasion. llcientninatiOti *cod ad: nandin. adllbredi ' Z a " o4 * Jl4o.l l "7l lftratitillitiltire . ! 4 0,4 4 AirtlettoililliMikkkfiiiitifd r 44. 1 Itml Ifni asserts tile /114i144iii0Oaatiligitlii*li;lI l'OrOtio enall)Ponaltittio l litiolrei'llaittfltilbloTM 1, my motto) la : "Trhiaiil it.w. i i lditiwithslanding s 0 2 , nti i inThitil l etesedlikaidotirAddriesitgoltr:lloll ) lot 4 0 0 0 44., lA_ _.,„ _.tigifittiftt„ . J ill 4th Itt*itia tiete ' hie , cllstaidett, tog itsnutai Isicateid, At i lti l• ilab g : lhiii.' ttiliePoltlicOl!‘ 4 o,PlarOillb' * * 4 l PAgi4 attkiA/At4. 1 ,4*.4. A 4 flfrietir*** glad enough ip give the apace fliiit,Slilat#46kiia killiiiitohinni;lit 441,1drifii*King Oat' iftiiiititiiir in thud way. The Eattdr.itliigiunied ittyleittaSOlnd: 'anbutit 'dig follaviiii, In support of the so•calietoiitii teruibie9,aiii,„ poAtitlerk: it tins Irep ebsetiiid Mid *iy oppinatinu'ln•bieU,ll 4:foit,4oes'ltivailfaccto the 310.r# of Plats{, Id *Web .q it.titnelviten it *is riot be. ilevCd Alta sound diViiiit'hiliiiledereadent of the' 'etirrergrit.i#lelle, Initeltyls lilt Om theselebrsted gone-, , who toolehis {clue MS on&tionYttilli it - lit doubtful whether even'xeini. It:living in this age of e ,, dl F 3ti P iul ka dv ,t i l i i4l i Okt V4 , ...__ AleVateittrh ,viewe as my esteemed opponent nos espous e s {: w - 3 , ,` the may go batk to the ddfli Otgood'olir Noah, and tie 1 - .millet, "in all the realittif fitedditt," And such an idea 1 advanced, sa..,'!:The eat produces ~eonnd." " Re that hit" otter `,to law let lion Oar." I defy ,044:c.- .iiiid.r.:4*oo4 l 6cYritittiott.i r tat !, '..ilutii. '"lgli ' , din hatkearti ,tri.sotmd. k .iddt,s*d. + 4i9telilifinises Nernst' Phibilehil4.' tinge 'Phi:ha ettiSt ~4 is produced by -*he. ireinnlohs,: Or ,Vlbteillig 'iimiMo o , l '. ; bodies." If 1016 d" le'predueetil by the vibrant:in o f 1 bodies. It ce.ruilnly istifeeedlogiy strange " no ear no setiod.", Out, our anthlw adds in the same conneettorn "80,114i4Aoitietaitttlitoligh *ft tO Oa' (All ' et' ihe car,`tili'd then c'el'othe'briTn.'i %int hre filthiest •page we rend: "Sounds move through this Air In it titaillar nMppor es woes on stiltsvater." And In Obn sled's tibilasoph3; and Astrenonly;tige.ll9;xv&ead: "Sound Is produced by the vibration of the particles of a sounding body." Re condones : "These vibra tions are communicated to the Mr. and by that to the I ear, which ib furnished with_ a curious appartitnre I specially adapted td rkelvo %dbl.-and convey them to 1 the braid. and thus ii excited 'the adulation of hear ing " Mark the expression a sensation of hearing. • i 0 : 10f. R , .adotils,.in hls TAl4rtielo, plat the cense, of °mid is atmcnipberic viti;ifloi; 'itin't is",:ft:is,,iliadq; th Mee : bn the adds : If Il eie be no delicately ednsti toted organ like the car to receive. the linpreaslon. them is no soun d. Now NIA he cal% togirca ie hing.• •is rminds .. 7 4 Thc d• - ' me of my school dAyeotteit, f . 4s4l • ti t° studi logic.— I Premises —Atmosplierid i illnhtibiie either produces I sound, or it does nor pr . oduct• Sound; Conclusion—it product 4 sound ; therefOte; It does nOt :product. sound —that is to say t 'it producet . veriiiii In ;an "aceonielci datexl" sense, but not In a "PhlllosnriMail" sense — 7 Prof. E. that is quita..patisfactorY.. Again; In' the I:4. • and vol. of Dick's Works. page 054 in tan article Which 1 he has been pleased to denominate "various . Nrlst in relation to sound„--we read: "sound arises fiom vt- ' Ur:dines m the air. ceirnonicated to, it. by thd vibra. lions of the tromittling body," Dr "; Dick; do rot use this langnege In au "accotmirtedatatT! mince? No Sirl fittrotlieli goy; ntheso i are utiolut4i'ts on pound." All right. Fit goon {net t. '{Priori retommendation of the fallowing work, refer to , "..drgys't of March 25110 I Prof. Peek. i,t his work on PliyAcs, says: Sound is ii inotton of matter male of affecting the ear with a serontion peetiliar to that organ. Evidently showing. II by l'is definition that we ::re- to understand that sound 1 stfey be proeluced and , still not lie, audible: or ,'Thy ' • .'nen'iii be have said "ca,!xeße of effbetitg the ear 'With. 1 a sensation peculiar to that organ." Oar opponent . says "all sound &sensation." 1 concur with him; this " far: ell 47:d:b./le...aye/di are am:ink:muted by sensation :j hot as I have etta* shown, by tlin definitions cited: and by the nnmerolr teferencea in last article. theril ' ; have been many sound that have neseernado•any im. .preselon. or 6enxniion'dp'en the ear. irvor Ito az sal thja all%ofmej pr;sensOfni irponept.,wd.npi hut little by thiegultikipOon; tilt Is eb,Ater oaf 11"_"sensa- I Don is perception by the Aenses." From which it Is evident that by ••sentatton of sound" is meant ; per -1 celvin, soundto sx.ltt i _and :by whlc It !Knot at all dif ( final tto see fit at it musThaie'pre:extatett input f tovati • must exist., lore it can pefceivc:l. ,t %yenta ask can there he any doubt as to what is nit itftaatlent 'pe culiar to the ear? Does not Olmsted say It Is "sensa tion of hearing r. And. do not all lexteozrapher ?gree that the peculiar omen of the ear is that of hear lug ? And uptin close examination. It will become ev ident, that the quotations made, by my friontl. In his closim± artiele,are not at variance with My p'coltion: with Ail map.. Per it Is certainly true that it never has been. before, claimed by any one that the ear pro dyed sound. It might bt a questioo..of debate, (and indeed htvg been debuted by melt Who Were, giants In tellectwdly), asto : whether arI y collision of holies or other, cause ever preolnees What is pmperly termed sound, until it is perceived by tit, eat; this I say has been a controvertedpolut by able men ; hat this '`aew fangled - notion of my opponent had its oriiin„ as he awaybacit in "the days of Plato; but, to my litnitedr:seareites, I confess, I have been unable to find its advocates. Ile says: "'no ear is as usees sary to the production Of sound, as . art , acid Is to the production of a salt; oc a chlorine is, to the proiln- [ lion of calomel." "The vibrations bf the air fall neon tike (Irv& ot" the ear and preutuce sound." Sty friend. in quoting from the Encyclopaedia ictritunnica. has in +do a ml.quotation, or he has not (pelted femme the same ns / have in my poss esson. If ho luts' quo ted from a different work of the same name. 1 hope he will pardon me for making Mention of the fact, Ind If It is the same, then I have not been able to find it as unwind. CM page 07th at the Selentidevreric heat men. tinned, it is stated "That the sensation of sound arises merely from a cortatn mechanical action; a. sort of f l concussion or agitation which ta • a Viva among the hod irs from which the sound emitted." Now the writer says the sound arises m the concession of bodies, and is sent nut front thong he benne...when:4, the concussion took place." He mann& ; "je: the sonic Meitner the nutting of thtt,i4eta, the roar of the 'sea, the whistling orthe wind as tabrealot on the roes and other obstacles which oppose its course, the rattling of carriages, and the Infinite - cleversity of sounds which 'twice to general from the pereasston of one object against another; in all these easel - there Is a sensible and Indeed violent agitation among the bodies from-which the sound prneenda." %ZS* all Cad see dint there to mit much comfort in tffe kncyclepae. I ttia Itritannica, to my opponent. Again, you have ob• served that lie thinks I do not mideratand the "philo sophical" genie in which he uses sound, as is evident, he infers;fiain the fact that I quote the colloquial den , niiion given by Vabster. Wetlilidnfettar, If 17d:toted bii`eoltdrystialdeffiliiien, I at lent quoldt dlithar' defi nition glean that has Any .hisiauk upda, thiltettrd in MP, fumed. Td an nther piece. • he sap s: "*paid: "A body of water, the." Is this hie ;All osoplhVal dant , don ?' - . (Dora ~irsbaler give, colloquial thititilionsf) A gn infer thinks( itlAdiAlbie I do not know Wit phildadlihically apcalting;elnuad indite:dee arc not anonpar,toororris. I amluppy tow that "I ant posted 'on OM point.— "Whcdarrefralinsdrly aqital .wcpuls . come et 'lrregular intervala,'Om*St . ..,twkitf.,etAdt "sofas 5o says tht American CxcloinuiliathitiAlti Prat E. ever heir a no i se that woe Oaf einiird? If not - , ielairlidi he refer (~, digit - 4 1 1 4;i. ° .t ,- ,' ' ' I, Ny ; ~ it 1 On now erithii.ad ' ,'. ,4 ,',. ''''*".,. *-', • -,CidOty oft peewit in "big ;c • der." lid ski 1 •1 : `, 0 0 010 told . , , , ~ . • . ._ in,the EdFdlldEdAdoPstiericana tilhAonc — orgie most impitiddit ditinectione with external - litdecia to main taincerthrptiAllkeense of healing." •, ire arc otrore that 'the Sense of hewing first: important -sense.— ' Again, baaayi : "from -denott'sliienledta C 1 r.fy;- les. we lab : titbit tumid' is " heard w when itn .. sudden or impel..4ls p,lit to the air, ,or to any other body which la in contact, directly or 'indirectly, with the ear." We cutntit that when an impulse is given to the air, in contact with the ear, if the ear be perfect, sound will be heard, This dOes nal so plainly teach pwhertyno eerie„ no mewl, is.",it_only teacher. V tend eilate;stifetonti l itria;sormil is heard. - ... ' • Wells, Parker anti (ion:sleek certainly Ito teach that. sound extant iiidcpcudent of the ear. Vomatock sapt "That sounti is conveyed to the sat by LW:motion which Oteadiindhig belly commtuticatea to the air, U prom: j Ity rid IntercaUng experiment with the ati.ptunp.” "If the readiest'. pe act on the ;late, of an, airpump, and , Montt. be extariated its'adend becotacs leafs add haw audible,netlist vacuum le formed, wilco, although the boulder Unlade tO strike the :nett, 410 sound wilt tic beard, " And he nuttier sidui:' "earestemild be taken seas not Ad Itansatit the sowed, Wank the wild an which the ruddier stinds." ;Why, this precaution: task to Helvetii[ the t mired front thfireteirer, If her dims dot think tounei IS fitildittlur 14 the illiglitz di the bell 2 , — . Parker saysposltinety: . Though the belt when struck produces.sound, it wilt ifla iliiil lirtird A behanse there fa no medium by which it may te. 'conveyed to the ear." ' ?Tom Robinaintis" anti: trotinatdetiti,Z4'fitnisklidinso plies, we loan; the time kitbag, lfy. Olmsted, id his etteueive work on Physics. says : "Air U, li , general. the medium of sound." ••And, ee'and.bu., lo gooftl! , at itscricria, a tentieniv Ail diresa liskii io all : dire:. titti:s." "Ail sounds trave l is the '' iliii. It lahlt till: =1 g e lre iii taint - 011Y. nri -- " . -- ---,, 711.* - I± — affiel th is !edstint . aloes, i t , i.. 4.- - order Veteptiim many shop Atm" • • •• ' • islut ' l t ee . i til* 4 4ll o 6 :lV l ' i le"....V**4 l kleitle/P it:ttfeee..ditfe if, iiiiiiimit*iaitiolii. IrOttilbrip-WtOticat• - --•. . • 44 - vit ;iii toilkdiiiii464:os4.42- : .r:•: . . ',.' th • • A ;sensed* tsysertintSoliirthe organ • ••• ~ :-. •ir ilidiring that iitrit;A: " .iiiikyl etelt,//tbleiitrd: o lllllhtnettssi •• ' its:.l: • -sintelk ligeldeid Le tekkiLlttekiW4 40_ ~.._ _ ..i ' . nOldelLeWt Independent of the Ay' astendsupporten by Many of the too; rrpe . ctable authors who lists' ever. writes ARtitlO stiVetki*Vittaltltibilefittclkarleltife evidences in support erthy_Pcsiltlee es •I, think they. are not neceoptsg.o v Vt i lZtellet on lionod. Perharteilif ie1y4494 0 4-Au;‘)teteittektA,e o P4POrt.. l frtS Molt' stir* OW irnisSisisiisiiin Llama od4wk it.ssis; communion:id along it by video of its it/sada. ty. as klieniiiiiiiitilonglitireftbedrolno.l3hink I beAtfirkto.,theistisfaction of el i _t„ltat by reason ing from ansfoitt,' all thereithses of hilde. f entitg'falVir and of slghtetionghe imieritatittrelkettetripp poneot midsidirtithes net like. 111 ilatlieklbetitgee" trations. knowing that they are ,nehtmitit4nnt to his side :if iitivitheitiiii.• - ' 71 ,-•-:- • "J . - 4 '''' ':-.- - .• '. . . ~,Proc.,Tyndall, in speaking of the ritnlinrity. le the mintiet hy ivl:lel'i all iensatien is _Eolitherititr. brut:US:MU' itikinetitttl qi . tiedier'iiiitect •by Ungar In th eentevre e th ers: width tZeeeiajetlik'Ple , hiefil tiNhiess the scateatunrof arrcetnesst. white bitterness Is theAilt.o.j.thetholionprteinse4 by_ittnes. , It is the motionitkeitetflitiVAilketerfnerteibilko s iiiiiirluen 1 ore, rsen,whlch announces itself in the 'brain :us the I sirloin!' the bilk ills ibis nicticha lithetrteilTy.qteeizti- Imams to the oßtic nerves which. %vixen „It 1 ..tellet. th e brain awakes thseonsciarumess of light.: 4ruf slily Tarty the clistfeel'erraeri motion Oflliesii.:by coming; l contact if Ith. the ;eV= ,n . .ei;vg , . roduces the son. ktmrt'vothirs' ilittl:Cstarril ' 1 - _,amirt*,:ifit bepre Skis tinted; gall likewise is bitter. Mask will' perferaettitillr In the slisheekifttgdie 0 4 iliOitlsse Shp odor. The ann can give light witbiii eye to be con. scient;efthe teKTAnd fiunagerutghtit7,4esl' be If sontnircsiatfeCxKlYeeettettP, edeiteek2eolie_ Pe!'; cern Its estntrem., Tomeiiits la 39 - clitt a - -e.u4 as egt .l N, desired. ',.# live withesscs were called tope kinintqlta inittieninl. foment thredi l iestify lb ilicte thlne, but the testimony (tithe ph only In pet cor.' robe - fates the'atittementi evil others,-..iiallopt not, Maierialli . differ,A arkwerdd it.. , 44=ide in the nailtirii i t4 qwloo4-in plitiol ...When you wound your Anger tho nerves which ran from the. linger to itehrain coliteitMenigence 'et the I PinTYOFA if theterterves he Krered• howevey seriouti the Ittat maybe: titgitin fitititievicioti • Wiit mai op.: yeilmnt sign :: thid : ticanise ,ito. Is fl a m er of th e in jury can be conveyed tiittibigii; ttirviAilitio Willie hes been received r I conclude for the present •bletP. pending A brief tint pointed article frdni my friend Dr. A., 1 neenny . nd.thing In :elation to it as h erxoiiins itAelf. (31)• thanks retie -Dr. litie: I hirer.) This probab:y :any Cloie the discusston - of Ws titiestiek, • .41./. te• li tamp IT-MIMI& Wert* the digeilasicee on sound, between yon and 'Prof. E. . Both have fortified your positions With strong ar a gnMents.,, Ton hare re; quested my %lows. .1Iet: they are: EyeS. :304. tont .Sue And car. are flier orrnits of seise. By . Wein _.irri t o hare sight. smelling. taste and hearing. I,4dat. is ne• cesium for sight for smith:l4llfeet orbit for taste, sound for fishing . The 11010 ea 1101 light, the nose odor , the tongue Stinsotaine nor .t eat inund. Ifs Man perfectly dinttenteis i Wahl si piano is playbig and seizes the li t tret , ef4 L bss be W il l diatingnish evert note e Thietoste 4 percieved, and noes[ Id erelite it: " I rtii lien' iiiiit '4lO car. When I any that I dt." net &can itatildscars iare bent lopped unlike the ;nosy hero of Mayne •Ried's , Scoip Hunters; bat that be Is altogether deficient. in + tercel end external. Salted is independent of the ear. , ye. by egnostithqrattention wtt ten berr Jipprociatel lorde et It. The movement of alorse Iffilepeedent ' of tLs title.: bet spur mot brittle Influence hint:. nilue.ii et; ^3* leieemnnice strueton a piano whlcb a uneducaten she owner . Will any one contend the , t t rrn ; certan notecarbnollauched /I,oin° player bt..' cause he Gannet SCI, ~.e" to. MOP ... the' heel of ma sic; yet The soinad.b: theft wb he bean It or not. ' I Two persons ere, sitting In - iji.. Mitt the Clock strikes. [ One says he licant.the foetid: Ittei alter MlL.he.heerd Ino souud. Wl:faits right? Alt sis Mae sogn _I-or Wee f it only nit irritatiOn orthe nerve of heaping? Ade he his our WAR 'Timing., off on hina."Cut you nse it to an ' 1 InCCOMldelinfisense and say thern was sound to one and none to I. other ? ,Iloesigntliing„.e.xll_ll,l3nlesa we pereeive,„4lo- i reUve.re. no lioCitit.ifounteloitexcept to him who standant ?pelmet arrlf-Imltaqu'thidesnow Copped summits ? If so thin world is a big' humbug. And to nOnCilliiioll let re apt tfalsee'lliere -uprooted . nod felled to the groutku inu would hot Make a sound wluit wouldit, Malta ' , r: - . • Dn. A. ~£ iaCttit`ith . Att.ll4lt*LUUtel.iVdii—art...littt: 181 i, R—e. Juan,' hL bhus:4l,4'4l.r. 13.4 a 'AVM'S Ma Aims Slaty , . 4an bisiglti-s; lioth of Ifoloni)leas. 1, • • By the at m, April id, I`G?,' Yr. UM Mel:lonel, of Noor Brighton, Pa., and Sibs :Vary Jane Maniutt, of Brighton - • ' Mang. PARSONS—On Saturday, April I.sth. 1908, at his residence in Britigewitter, 3tk. Addlem Parsons. On the 10th Of April, 1803. ANIsIIE GERTRUDE WRIGHT, iiged alzent two years and a half. Death bits again suddenly come :Meng, as; and Sewed ns to mourn the lois of the tirrely and'gifted. She who so lately was the light and life of the bonne hold now :lies in the silent tomb. She was, until within few hour, other death, inverfect health. and • tier light la ugh and merry voice wasbeird within end around the now desolated home. . Ent God id his all wise prortdenee,taa seen At to call her from thissin ful world in a Meg Mon*. who hatljnat l e i to look upon IM with a WIIVI joy. such as the heart of Tenth alsmeemstnelf. Baja= h came nolseePs step, and with chill (Myers drew iride . the ; 4eil that hid from her gaze immoitelif-,- ; ON: it was bard to , ;Meter up.' but why shod* we mon rn Since *6 knchy RIM die' it happy t place we knowithat she bloat:as mud spirit paradise; for on her face there yet liniereil a Ahab, as If •to tell as she was fat-happier since she had. parsed liven' earth to IleavSn. For la .one drop afliction, istitnAtlbt seemed to whisper to its of imutoilality,,eythe radiant twine, and which raises our taloned' to thit God who kindly, tyitrd Mt lire. Erse synidatautoinieseind and winter's glouid ipCcan sty:. . , "Oh I know that ire shall Meet Where partirtilitiektfid4n." thpu ar„tx,nno to mein -: •• , 'Thine fi an eitriy tomb: 4- 10 Jostle enmmonod the^ away, Thy Savior called thee h 3 tee. Optfiat 41\l'-'oticesh . . ett,VAGF..-11avIng sold m y store to Mr.l B.2"ganetly_nr.eitor bfAhL:Union II lirlirtegjtjellimmenil him to my friends, bopin; they may,extenci to him the same patrottege so Ra bheestoii ed upon me. Wm. F. CL.kIIKE. 401i8tdiii 11agn's.chen p store. • i'' • • . ' Su Cured lIIMS, at t: B. diateS GYO - Beaver, .. . .. , _ . Se one 4 iito Prize Cups.aiarileti in. A' 1 Speer for his celebnitntl Port ,grapnWine. It is the best grape, wine iiVer • pmdneed in this muitry,3li.e..atandaril_wine,..for commun• itortmrptists,itridike-twist beneflelid-for fe ;uoa3 ittylwsaklylearanns... of onrl3~i~ tic lirrtuidie 13ences,.Beaver. Ladies'aitt iiisi:es'blipp "Kid and mb •- • - roc.co, heeled, very,nice, at IL A. Wilsmia. Remember: R. A. W Ison's cheep store ,13 in tbk,DiazneW.,Recbelispi..l • • lIILL/PS, No. 60 iffth MEMRs. PALMER a; street„ritt§barijr. his* Ote,Attstjtion of our readers to their card in this week's paper.l - parties aro the-proprietors of the cel bntteil Opera Howie ;Indian Roonig; stip; 0:i hon:l4no of Ilan *got, nod: finest s nf'' EfooW ShoSti.AlryiGsods' und cinse which they.olTer .at priyate §:tintine.tidn prices." . 11end Limit cstll i Amd,oo..toti . ,‘4l6 to to. eity dal a nd examine their stock.' Tri;;• g tyl Q , jiist , ye - caved, tN andextuniv,e.- ...Gaiters !_Gaitgrsfi s . at R. A. Wilson's. • Cal Men' . .s Slippers; MIL .4.•, , Wilsczn's. 1 = GrAati Appie3, al. J. , .11.-.C/xxis „Grocery EMEMIESI M. Tay, itt dive your -money by buytim your Bootatl, Miura And Gaiters. at ILA. Wilaoredr. BettteMfitA r iti nli n g eti va ilt. al ' Children's Bak tor 46, 60, andls ets., at IL Warranted. Conntty.peoplo.wil sore inn ney by calling at R 8. *limn, for &its, Shoes and Gaitersi! Diamond, Itocbester; tn. • • Get your Hats or Bonnets done 81 , c,r; nt iltmo'i L .Benver. • . ttt. WO for men's mit' Boots, at FL A. Wit- - ) ' 44.01/4.,*0041 BEAvEs Coen% PAL—The SpringlZl!ti of, ten' weeks cpens Ms Tuesday, April 14. 18C03., Students me admitted for $lO 50 per term; to The primary dipartment for $7 00. German,' French. Latin and Greek languages are taught rtat i ,: t grir .3r4 the renowned A emY of its at Dussse?dorf, have been secured. Students attending school receive instructions for 00 per term ,; those who come for drawing only, for $4 00. •iiiiiiiPaintriglii4p.r. 4 1 411 • • • . ' ' - t . " $2,75 .or s cary oo s, a .J . son's. . • . • . _. Get your Huts An' *motets 4 - Scuur crer,-,st Bermes, *aver. .:"' • ' " - 1 '• f , . $ • Ajell if .4114-04144/04. S. Brog,ans, (sewed) afto fa 11:4::- . AVflitiMi. • Aoi 6,4q4 of 9htldre, ,3tornecn polisti Banta anqOaltett; at ,1i...V., W 1111616, SPZEIVS.PQIc,T7GRAIit WINE. This noted and ecrcllent linto4.-ftenipkirot widelt can lie tasted at all'our druggive believe td be superior, in,4slllx,rwetit; add in alt deStftible rptnl4ipsonectioinalitul exi-;eP• t ed, to puro and gerutbie liripKrrted .b)rt r w orth ten dtillarsa gallosi t ," 2t La6fiitid.misit>tplitiiitetivy calf iiiorocco Btalmors. .::;OrttatAtitcptitiiitiPlitires Bats: still offered byE. A Wllstln; Dinff tihd, ltbehester; Pa. . • One dollar loops like• n very little sum to pay; fot. a .pleparati a tt. tlud, will Oka - ouch wonder:4lo lu r e alvitgYi Atlfidv.cd by "Barrett's Vegetable,ltair now sr; tiopniar throughout the entire country. - Let no oneibc without it. i'.Th'S..iinbc,ol"drOlr.Rtriaration that received the "first premium ont gilVer medal at the . ,.Statu it 1t;66.-31;:nelicakf Wit) teaktiti-ti G I eat Bargains In I:rs :tad chi Id fens Boots and Shoe% at R. A.: Wilson's: • • - Ladies in want , of Incl,llo4vy Cal!' LaFe GOttas will do well.to:atll at B. A.; lir;i4oa s. • WE call attention to the-avortiseinont in another colibon of Messrs. Bailey, Farrell . 6 ' Co. Of Plitsbuiglt. The firm mentioned ' re do ing a large arid - SKtonsivediusiness in the man ufacture and sale of Water, Gas, and Steam Goods of every description . Their flictory is at Nps; atler.d 22 Strawberryand ware liontieltytti °Elope allt_q.J.o7 15fillthOld siteet. Tlio•Xklifniry nmitllt.tnitnitnitii elite lat. est and most Impreveditind, many Machines beingcovered be. patents, and taken 1:rh o; is.well calculated.farAurning out - 'of superior quality .. M essrs . 8.. F. '61,0. init•e on hand over one hundred tlitfe.rent vaiicties l at. styles of pimps, ranging frotit a Sitiall •isteitt dr arm' prang to int= ',crimps Omani.: i moth n,idttertion!h Theirstech . orfitting4 for iron gas, and winter pipes is the, largest in 7 ; M il'Aiteritiolipdileonaiittng of over five Minaret! different patibilis, while their stock 1 othrus.4 Socks and valves for . plumbers and machinists' ttsd cannot be excelled. By the ilso of superior" inachinery itlert B„ F. 6 Cn- - are . prepared td fill orders' for lead pipe of -. .any 'length' required; ail !it ope piece; so that fit.rmers and othefe kdfl. la} lead pipe I t ,without lin asibtinace - of nr tO6hlni r j; • Messrs. 13.,F. itt . o43. Bit eneti6tie •ci- . ;ell able business Men, and we would 're anti:lend .parties.intore.st.ed bilvnter;gast or e tc tit goods •to correspond with thrit. A very. large, stock el, Lai3ies', 11 sses' anti Children's Gaiters, at Ti . A. Wilski - '5. Call and examine. : , ...: , • • '• . _' Boots,S 1 ' • The cheapest noes - and alters to Beaver county, it'll. A: `Wilson's, DiaMond, Rochester, Pa.,, ,, utoitsittso ~M ein F : Goons —We imc! the attention of our readers to the eilre tiselunt e of Messrs ( vads.-ond Itch:minim f- ;sic). 30 Fifth.Strectvl Pliliburet, which 'a pews for the first time in this week's issue, hendsom er or ninl'e varied stock would be herd to find anrwhere;ati they" ltstve anything ln the way of il.verand.SilV . .er plated ware, Fine Table Cntlery - ,l3ritannin al' liVocklen Ware,-With a fine stock of French and. American Clocks. Rend their card, and *bbn Ytltt to to the City, give them a. call. atavEn, April t, Flour tti bbl .. :...:1 ley dps ........ Dried Applespertidal. Batts? per ... .. Dried Peaches pot ha., ',4,1.5 lirtrnek per, .... Wbeat per Shohlders " 11.34 Cora petbib:..:.. r i .111) sides per lb Oats ' tso Tallrlx per lb 12% Flax Seed per t Lartiffr. lb Deana por bus . 2.10 , Candles pi 1b..• , Potatoes • tio Plobtaks trOf 1.00 Onions _ 3,n0 Relined ..... 70 Cuts Merl . . Credo 011 • St 910111 THUMB AND pts ram', LIC! GENERAL' TOM. TatatllS TROUPE! Coastattnz or the .Um:, World-Renowned GL:stiatAL TOM THUMB and his bent ifni 'and accomplished Who 3IRS.LAyINIAMARREN STRATTON. that Inimitable sperinten . otyrit, skill, agility and cm• te drollery OrCUIMMODORE NUTT LE:3 gratolirits . "alic' ii1M10440rr.,25,:.c. and lily lidtodelS wife; ttib Impel little sprite MISS MINNIE WARREN! Positive.y one daypuly, at _TOWN HALL, Michel ter, Pa, on T7IURS/j2. f, April, 23, 1863, g* t 8 rind S P M Two Letct.„ It .. M. they itn ate 4 F a cittlac r in E i r°o 44" ° they have de gli e nearly the ngs,'lree dp. perms, Zitillyilltyond Five Million citizens 111 . Me - Old Wriiil. Brest* . Wenderfit Lit.Ltetriftaria have re tarried •to their NAGA: land, and are giving a few PALO:WELLEztexaranOtraira, ; pep! to , their Anal re •Oresnent tts private life. •.• • ... ,!.1. ~ • , ....• They are undoubted) f the most astonishing and 'de lightful Wonders of the Age I Four. beautiful and symmetricl f y , fonned-ladice sod ;Ten !ft Minit - lase; Gra td, Iritelligen% Witty,. ucated and Rh fined, ezb ttUg IM ott 'yettlish - manners of the fashionable Drawing Room...and yet only the size of three year old children I •• ,‘ -- . -• Their Unique and extpdsitely*ltantingPEßFOrt: MANCES and EXHIBITIONS never fail to chain and delight oven" *Polder,. ~. .• . . ,„., : , . , SON OS. D 'o.S. DA.NCTS, ,hie!.. in chtimetetistlc COSTUMES. MILITARY EXERCISES. COMIC La- TATIONS and DELINEATIONS, FANTASTIC GRA TIONS.• DIALOGIJAM, =tutu TRICKS;:CLASSIC STATUTM, trUNNY ‘PANTOMIMRS and BUR LESQUE- COMEDIES, eitchant• the'thildten. delight the ladies, and astonish and please the gentlemen. The !COWS of Rich and Elegant DRESSES, and the brilliant collection of Diamonds worn before the Vari ous Potentates of Europe, all of which are introduced in thesofcrpular Levees cost over Twe.N fY VIOLS- . AND MOLLARS IN GOLD I These little mites of humanity are conveyed to and. from their Hotel and Hall by their_ beautiful She I /kZe u rtairi n aktre.4 i n c lltttite d iLb a y n !.._ ji . % dren ere ecetiftterate ativiti . eit tratientP tr,, , hittitiort._• and thus avoid the crowd and .confu n the evening performaireq. VirAdmit pion 25 centt,Children under ten, IS cent Reserved Seats, 50 cents, thilegin under ten, 25 cent*. aprlAlthit. ' l . ~:, .41 • Latka t rtnership- • n: 1. H. 111 l itt INGRAM, E. r. 'gutty. '•• C UNlT:hi:lllk K illf: :titAtW l SE i Eirt . ,T=ti. : V. OFFICE; ST., e 4467:17. -5, -IN. , MII CCM!! illArcts , iff=ll2 MEEMIESEI New Spring.( i e .1"," • tY ! -e 4 V NO ADVANCE. 111 i `FIRT t4)=Dal . r .. 1 • • • tit:„ RPRING COIN FOR 1868 -- 4. ~., z. , :F.!:', - ..•(.7. 1.: . .-' ...-"i :. 1.7 ''.l i , '7' . ' , ..ri :1:: F. A. Votittute;s IP' 7. - .v.) .f.1:2- STRE, :I ~HFA~ DRY Gims r _ r• ift T DIAMOND E.str;il _ , • I ::: " OE NEW PRINTS, NEW MITSLINS, ?'.'bit\V . 6 I HEQKS, SEW 'P*IN G HAMS, NEW : YELAINES, tttkiitIMOIRJRdS, =I , Atso, Table Ditiher Red Flannels,,, White Flannels- Yellow Flanne ls tf&tris-; Tweeds,• Drilling, Hats and Caps, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, ,Notions and Fancy Ariicle, Trimmipgs, - • iannet Ribborm, Millinery Goods,c.dze., ' • ' t , . - NM I 11c Aare cotiptinee einisi istapieth Steck era tiered to the citizens of Beaver counts,lnd ire take pleasure is aneahni our castotncrezaam.e. who coikf rithl43l,.ttille, Vat! .15 Cier. t I . irA '1 ifii.. l ,l4 4 hill #ilviltitc. itEMEMBER THE FLWEr, P. A.- Fortune."s OfftliP DRYI3OODS itOltli . THE D e J. MO iAND, C - tiOdikBtEß, FA BIG, SIGN .Mmiktfor:iiiiiitterd: ~~.,~ .~ cOrt Eitnkno Asp - qsQUBB BARG AINS., UNI=I 1112= Pti ll $ 1311.4 ;1 1 -1114-444 ' ,— ;e { e, ycatnt9w.•.-11 1=... SO windt We, or rant as remain a It caved WA/01k ' caliF,' *OW Court H , IWO, of Polenta. att ,-• ~ "." 3fimilily,'l4 . . if jtantl.tee4 .-. • : 1 :41 , costiatiltl UK Illlie•bf eltkaillt craw- . ,4 •• amfl:lial. Tram: Mr of Batas co. rilr'Poc.caa dopirowirot hitylat c tiletwica . soy lot or tract In the following are nott c 9 PO berme day of /aka and mower Hy wiU be withhe from sale on a prointi.tti tin. Nowa.---All property merited with a 'IVY , re. Vied under the 4tat section/a the act of, 12/th, • . . t.,t,„ y . . i Sale L(j? ni iiifrasxes or .108 AO ,tit:refk . n , . In; Bearer Thorns Alp. (lords Thotrdin hetro, lands •j plilottsw m &Tonto • irsander'Wm tote • • Ourgoson Eltrabeth, pest in Nto Thorlynn ert letli!" - - I Young Peter, 1 hr Zaktn Alexander. I lot! ITirkstrage,l W. • floroogA Torettokip. Herron Boron. Actulvius•toto Henry William, house and lot* WlCenvir Alvin. L.t, ! 111..litreiv Wit Itylrcti lop!, (;oidoaAlsts.alosic pan,l.lnti Briqhlva 7torniA/p. Dickey Oliver.. how., VA* liridgemoter Itonnovit. Hays Joss. Hass' plast,l 1.A..- Doollossa/k94lnTss.Msts4l,lllals• rroy 0111.1 trod. ON; nomVnifl. stsl,?!.' PenterWen, stable au I tn, • Wibwin $ B. Minot lot,lfstlvo plan, Nandeoballll.% lot. Ilend.pifs, •litltebeilltidrev; knit. ' flawdosi Frootaartili lots. =IEEE ChilPnra2lowitseip. , - Beaver Marattfletiriukt:o,land•, Parnaverso Torenohtp., M'Easkey Elizabeth, land• tyons A .• ' • Enrich, Harris & Co. Hardy C A, Hardy A A, Enion Co: • ,Wangh I.yonslantes, I-16r, Thomas' John heirs. I lot, Alcorn William land, • • .IPossorny Ibionship. U.E. 2 I-Aa !Aetna *Wig; iititlit4.4o44 ~F:att/pu floronfds. LClthrit i tYSC 3.1 m Brady:erne A, Meaner Mr. t lots ; Welsh Mary, 7 loco; -• , . 1 =EI Wl.7Pknnwn:ll X1A14.119 APPIVV. 3 106 4 trpi TROtatit, - tre Thinbiuni -An easte:mliearer on co Lu3d " . honseo lot „rivetloin Borough., Stiotl ftllnnd bet. main IttARR• Industry TooneJiip. Shamaleer 'ACM* 10t.i4 ita h tensAli Boris A i n l end n Noon Ibtenshtiy. fotter R.tull lands of Ronda:loth . intend& Wto,adi T Kerr " Simlotto,l4lllotdarefT Catur't North&wiener 7btonship, Mitchel 411.111C11 heirs. land* Ramsey David.' ktritt• Welsh Henry, land, New Brighton norowpg. riesivell R hetrs.l late Albtrson n. % lot, Mend. ran" t3nnorionWin,l /ot-lloops plan' Yombea Jaws, T lots tote b Co; IA lot* Penal: E, lot, Mend. plan* means Js, ly lot. " " • Gould Marts.. house and for.: . Leslie Eliza,3 iota, tlchool plan, Scott Wm, 'l,7O:Send James.: lot% Rysn James, part of lot. tettrenson Jas heirs. 3lote, Rennie Isaac, riot, intr. & Russell, 1 4 kit, Mohan, James, part lot, Pandeedouttes _ Richard James. Jr., 1 lot, Townsend Joseph, 3 lota & land, Wilson r P . , 3 fractions of lots, Tritetlit's -We frrw.. of lots, :Rtn. Vet,i - 11111 aitaluoik. bout wok gct r Or si M g .ini?t, Fit.. eh It dwara. 1 lot, Ohio 21firantip Iteifier,Rlonsesseo,ldadJJAmith• Rossi a F, lattcl, lo . , and PLAIDS. Pittaski Township. Heider 11,1 Ind adt Jobb late Vette/man N ; R. land :$ • Jackson Thotou. land, Ehield's David bens; tothd. gobratsort Archibald, Dandles Jonnork Timor' Oscar. olt,' Shitnot Jacob. d, ' Roehertrr lioncettk Dolce' C heirs] lot. Pinrieis pie Erb A. t lot, Goollirs plin• 'load /I 0, t 10t5 , .. Kel b ler c .7 J. 110;Goord'a plan , iit A r tte ts, '• 't • anthill', e 1 lot, " " • k P.l tot, nos plan, Elder P house sod lot. Porter James, house sod lot , Penney D.l lot, Reno's. plan. Winos John, ilorepo bonee j A/ot Rollek 1 1 0 Goom p Nicholson X E.,4 lots, . Nelb . tonls..l '` • J,3 lots Flamz!'a rah RociesMr , ToirotAip Arbitrate I Reatle,old Misery* WACR ft„ botsse and Nat* Vaaktra's C Rain, lasdl Walters Lland.; - • l'arsiapnßistlaSerul I Pella 0,11 et. . R - Gordon Amanda, limo* RaingeY ABC 1 lot, Ham? • , Potter Wm.,11041: - - Raccoon Thirnakip. I Rambo 24.1.14 ad yid. Flillscr, I STATE ANDCOIifiTY TAX. Ir m a cOUNTT TRKWATIRSIVA4I.I4 AULLDII 4I 1' ma eerritrat Totrantape nattliorosalle,-' war poFc, of receiving the State and County taxes 'the TM ItiStkat Smiles% end • &keg designated beloer. NiZ Philhottburgh, )Zay It. to nooSon's Store: l Freedom, , - - • te, N'lraskeyagerfaodlteec Harmony, 13, Store; Roebeeter 60ra.. 14, Ankeura botch , j Roeheetertp., 13, Adages hotel; Bridgewater, IS, AlltotWo botelt ' ' Pula4l, 10, It. Waltueteu; Falteloa... . in, Toll MAW " Ncw Brightmi; M. Hums tae; - i1°4134 I . .- , ... ;I N t = N W ~ . 1 1 ' -I ' l il 1 111110411*4 07swrow & Oltict,' - 17. &IWO Pmt Irt ' Indrultry. 28. iPVIP mot - =l . l . C 4 4siet 7 =nair - Nerth Pen teuwy. .3, N. 11$10111P. I n i gte.wtokle .: , itt=r,.., :. Big Heuer & Gatlllee. 5, 'a Itatst 1 . do 'lb Ilealewooty a n% Harlington b0r0,.. Artdcudlt'S .0, -. Darllnetol berth . & tp., St, J. P. Hllwarttnn South Beater, 113. Jreepb lAA, oDtell; Chi tea;. ) SR, Illri. Omuta grates; POO Helmer 4 011140. I rk ler 7 . 4 I p e; lir U aketnma, July a Hot el at iog e to tu le . o• • Im o k a t o wn 4 7 Greene, 7, Hotel at Hooludown: , Ilenorgr &reties R. threat:lllgal' B. S. sbop; Frunklllet, fit R. Stern/too* Ilettemer. - Ao, Roots stgre4 Raeeotxt. ' ' ' r13.41•111441lost•-• Independence,. 14, Jobs Hdretbee't. do & Hopewell, IN J. Davie store: Hopewell, 711; at..C. Scutts: ?Mum. ' rt. Wm. Elllotrat Vir'Parateuta eau Vidal& tie Adittiatut Mien tallpe " . All lkenres tit tle prat borij Jai l /it day orJule. 1 ILBA=II,II% aprnt Irtamirer. FARM FOR SALE •-•. 1-, .., -.I ." '... ,- • ...! ..- •.. • • - IT o jed u ,•. fl IntsEltslONND. 07 t 1S fit li CON- J .:: iai tia , akreitaleiteb ire- to the Tirfaitr ,irre Mit 4o4l l't hi Blilitlibt. Tit, Ml o vir a ' Pot Ile COI , It *Pod slide et eilltl-, b f * "hetes; all ender frireei -Atif itte,liarn. The hemp) era"' . • pmn •ye *III millkilt i r .conlerlabli • , •p with • TOL of good tenterat door, intlA ••., • novtf;-t,Vza4rut, s ,i.:rmiba,"r e .7 3 P',' •,.." Worrier an d other mall fruit. xvi r o t • . s.--. 7-- , on a nubile mad, and In 1111 pletilent . ',fatherhood, ! and rooTottflif togdront:' , Ttir particulars In quire orf th tft. a i e tendeirtped, - ' • szum _1 . ~... _puoti„ rarry,.: LEM 171 lv .11$ 1 44 - at il 26 1441 IA 9 2/ ;y b 2 SI 1 - 30 6 90 II o'l O ra ,r *ll 'LOG '44 ME RE tr.trvs7:ol , HI I D Ii 19 la , 15 ' ere .1 0 s co 300 ME 1 30 - 49 I.m 6111 IE EEIM % 51 sg 1 4 VS 4 I* 1 al *on a 43 • are 5 51 3 55 1 ....8 l 50 144 111 I'7l 437 21 !WU 211 1 423 13$• 13), L... 113 1 LO 1 46 1 AO ELI 60 MI OM 1n 4 of 'l4 1 1 0 1 ae EMI MI OM EEI all FEI E fil MI 8 WI 3 ID 1 83 1 le EE IE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers