The: 14'i4Vei:::.10grusi'! J. WEpt:Np:Entrow Awn rworatirrow.' Beavie e l l,Pa,, April UN IN Republican ArDITOR GENERAL .UEI. JOHN Y. nOtritwirr,,,' OF XONTOONIERY COUNTY • SURVEYOR GENERAL..., VOL. JACOB lin. CANI.OIII., • CAMIOLIA COUNTY. Tar, Republicans of Greene minty ) met lilt. week in Convention and elected conferees to meet with those from the counties °flaw mice, Beaver and Washington, emlinycing the Ticenty-fourtli Congracsional Distidct, end instructing them to vote for the r nomins. tion'of Capt. - J. B. Donley, of Greene, for Con glV4l. Capt. I DOnley is now Register in Bankruptcy for the Twenty-fottrth Distric TlTP,Re ' Ryblic,at)p of Wisconsin elected their .t icket h►stiweek by ii:MajoritY mimed: lug 7,ooo,.being n gain of about 3,000 from lest autumn and against a violent, opposition to which various factions , and cliques inside of nn r own party lent their aid. In. that State as in Michigan, 01uo, Indiana, ' Illinois, and Minnesota, the local eleOnntikif the Spring show the Republican party to be as Strong As in its pnlmiest days. , , . . WE will be but little surprised to, hear some of these days that Nasby has again mosed back to'New Jersey. The Democmtte. party are in - n majority in that Buie once more.— They km control of the Legislature. A few days ago they ,repealed the Registry Law, Iland also the .'Sunset" Law, which requires 'the polls to he closed at sunset. With these harriers down the pemoera,dY no doubt in t to vetegarly aid late , and as often as is necessary to)giind put such 'ntajorities as are needed. All this will suit Nasby, and he no doubt •minn hasten back to the "Saints Rest, which lib! Nno dersy." "•-• Dia ovidently brightening up In the vicinity of Pittsburgh. During the ,past week no leas thaO four thousand personsivlM have been out of employment for the last three inonthsin cinsequence of "strikei" for higher:wages; accepted the wages oflered by the pit-owners of the collieries on the Monon gahela :and . Youghiogheny riveni., !. These 'wages rate at from $1,50 to $4 per day, and amount in the aggregate per week to from $60,000 to $70,009. The Gazette thinks "it only : needs now that our tbrges,founderics, rolling mills, laid glass factories should be again in 'nill operation, to restore the largest measure of prosperity to the city. And the day for this generiil reneital of activity in all our lead ing matiofacturies may not be very fur dis ' tent.' WE notice that quite a large number or the substantial business men of Oil City have re. questettof Wu). L..Lay:Esq., the use of his name as.a ItcpubliCan candidate for the State Lt!gislatarti. Mr. Lay has acceded to the re• quest and will fie a candidate at the Republi can primary meetings for the nomi ation.— . - Of course at this distance we know nothing oftite chilnts of other; but we diilu ow that ,Mr. Lay is eminently qualified to fill the pos. littion.. After no ncquaibta nee of tro or three years with him, we have no hesitation in say ing that an' abler Representative *mild make could hardly be t found anywhere in the oil regions. A close thinker, a\ reedy. I debater and a practical business man,he would .Itot only_ make his mark in the Pennsylvania Legislature, but. in addition would take care,' tho'peculitir interests of his constituents in manner such as -but few others could do2 l Mr. Lay isa genuine Republican as we know from personal observation, having fonglit should° ato shoulder Avith him through one or two Political campaigns.' therefore Mr. Lay's candidacy at the present time interferai with, no established usage of the party, we carnattly hope our Republican &hulas in Ve• nano county will rally around him and make him' their legislative standard bearer in the approaching campaign. • Tin: Demeerat i s,in 1860 believed the cor nerstone- of the Government should be Sla: very. A majority of ) the people" repuniated that idea by choosing for President an avowed opponent of the .institution. Beaten at the `p oils their next move was to break up the Government; which they could not control.— To thia end they waged a bloody war against it and prolonged Ihe at toggle four years. Beat tat again they now seek to impair' :the credit of the oountry they could not cleanly. To • acciiniAshthis two plena are suggested. Onc • is to !boil the country with , irredeemable pe per money. This is known as the Pendleton scheme. The ether is to repudiqte the debt , ' contracted to put down the rebellion. This the stiggestion l hns been floating in the alrforisome time, and is now beginning to take shape. A Democratic paper which elsims'to bade a larger circulation than any • other par!r of the sante faith in the country, j rectnti • &nil : "This financial problem is too big 'a 11 ing to be handled, except in oho way : ~Thew Ole debt has gut to he ''''sponged Out." This is Brick Pomeroy's orogramnie., .While the twnschetUca are apti#eutly ditrerent, it w ill he Seen that:they ere i atendad to, and wilt if adopted brine about the same result, viz: destroy the credit of the country for all thine ' I • flo come. ' ' TUNS' unmitigated humbug, Sergeant Bates arriVed its Wash;ngtou, D. C., on .lho Pith. Wheis got pa fair as Alexandria he tied up, to giYA the WeAlugion authorities time to hi(t a. -vsolialde!! recepti,M. • 'Senator Artittio and tvo or three others of that stripe of pegitiu! A us uiut out lo greet the "Itero,n tied after making his acquabganr.e, hint to the Presidential %sa s siest. fere A.. j. r Ptt‘cS" to the ..Sergetteti o tke l triant rerpondeCand th en ) M4 !ling ese res lost it\ Cho bust crowd. This Batts ,is Wisconsin sapPerhesd in* taa ped‘tica4tOMs toile good cs le to math this ttnews‘.. 1 / 1 4 the froth hok s da ko statUd of.r, on , his if dicukuni tont beliewefit ,Tquid be . demonstrated that the Dagen tilaggasid Atter tied safely through the late rebid fitkimiSkat the country woold ageept it 'as aintoinstvn evidence that there was low wt homed to it to shot wetion. The Whole think was a stupid /Ion• to hood-wink the people, but we ,pre autnc, nobody has been in the least deceived by it It was too transparent. • Tnia impeachmenicase . is • drawing tO . tins*. On last Mon 7.).xel?,tedgfel!ce end prosecution gave nation that the taking of testimony was coneltded,y The Pnasidetit's chunsel then asked ft tannin mintmenceiliffir... arguments in order that Mt. Stanttaw, who has been ill.for sotuti days past, might be pialt• cat and oartlcipatthettrgut Wits-1 granted and Wedne y(to-day)was speed up on as the, titutito commence arguing the case. The speeches will consumeist - elitiii Week' it not a pution orate next The'decision ' will hoireverPatine thaniiikelytitcrendenal during pg.! week.. The inanagers appear contklettt tinit they have mad i jent then. case, and teat ',he President' Will depose*" 4', 1111 E . —._ Tux Legislature i6f Pitinsyl 'aide atliontmed on the 14th,: Speaker Grshain delivered a short valedictory adifres% after: which &hater Worthington of Oh ter esuritr,wits elected Speaker by a party vie. ' . In the House Mr. Nice,(Dern.) of Selinyl• kill offered a 'resolution of thanks to Speaker Tlavls, Jr. Mann, of Potter, was fn the Chair. This resolution pasiied unanimously. ResolutiOna of thanks to the chief clerk, Gen. Selfridge; asSistent clerk, Edward G. Lee; resident clerk, John A. Sntulit librarian, Wni. Cooper, and the officers of the limbic were passed unanimously. ' Mr. Wilson, of Allegheny, on behalf of the Republican mem% re ofthe Rowe, presented to the estimable la y of Speaker Davis a large and valuable Chin ' Mr. Jones, of Wilts, oh the part of the Dem• walk members, presinted Speaker Davis with n gold watch Mr. far, of Dauphin, on behalf of, the officers of the flott6, presented Speaker pasts with a heavy gold. watt:i chain, ,1 1 , • Mr. McCulloug , ► of Clearfield, on.bebalrof the chief clerk,l p °seated Speaker Davis with a beautiful gavel. AIL Linton, of 1 bets without deli ( antbria, on part of tho 'new - netion of party, presented Selfridge, Chief Clerk, with General JameS L a gold watch. 1, , • , I , Mr. Thorn, of Philadelphia, on behalf o' the page boys of he House, ,presented Gen. Selfridge a gold ltistded cane Assistant Clei j k Lee and • Resident Clerk Smut!, each remind gold beaded canes. Speakertllavisimade a brief farewell speech, profoundly thanlr lug the member* for their regards. Tun Legislature of this State, whicit are journal on the Illth passed three acts that are very important to the people of Pennsylvania I The Free Railroad bill, as it passed the Sec ond lane; the act limiting the liability in dam' ages of railroad companies, in case of loss of life to five thousand dollars, and in case of less injurylo three thonsand; and the bill for the registration of Toter% We publish an bstract of the last named act in another cell' n. The Venango Citizen in speaking of this la comes to the point in this style. '"The law in just and, right, and does not interfere w th the rigliin of one Itlgai voter. The Cop erhead papers.conileinu it most violently. T icy call it a trick to deprive certain; Democra a from voting. . That is just what it is for, todeprive about ten thouitand Deameratsfrom-cnting in Pennsylvania At every election about- that many fraudulent votesare polled by that party Is it not propet and right that they should be deprived of vo We • Liiokst the Clearfield districtLa distirted under the immediate con trol of Wallaee, the Democratic chairman, and you find that oVer; *even hundred fraudulent yoke were polled for -the Denuieratic ticket last fall.. The Law is for the purpose of pra t:ennui; these ittio errors that the.. Democrat-, Ic party sometimes make. The T...nW is such a one that tin 1 1 honest voter should object to. Some of these papers foolishly? charge that it deprives the laboring man of Ids right to vote The laboringlinan is always a resident. kis the Demoerilic loafer, that has no income ex cept that derived from' henry work on elec. Ilion daythat is deprived. Thu law in jostand 1 the party that condemns it show that they dp pend on fraudulent votes for support. The same. papers I l charge that it prevents foreign i era from wting. It does not prevent him j from voting if he is legally entitled- to 'vote, and no honest foreigner would try to vote on:et-Wise. The Law puts an end :ill frauds, and consequently an end to a great many Democratic votes." • ANOTRP:7I horrible railroad accident occur red - on the Erie road last Wednesday. While the Antrato . Express train No. 13 bound east, made up of it locomotive-tender, two baggage, postal, two drst-clasa and ono second-clasp, three sleeping and nine ladles' ear, reached Carr's stock about sixteen miles west of Port Jervis, N. 1., the rear car was thrown from the . track. The car thus thrown off dragged a short dist*, when the coupling between the forth a ; fifth ears breaking, the three aleepitig cars with , the ladies' air were precip• Mated over an embankment about 80 feet high.l - The side of the embankment was jag ged with racks and howiders, and when the cars,ftaerr oiling aver in their fall, reached the bottom It was a broken wreck, tk,heap. of splinters-4'41w% top, flooring, seats shattered, nothing left but a num 6f ruins. • I The pr.asq i ngera of that portion it the train Upon the track, and Alltaimitiirt: sur . tivors of the fearful Plunge dotWi We embatakinein, at once set to work to-rescue lhi, wounded.. At thistinui th • ladies car took tircaiqd the flames spreading rpidly, its wreck with d eight drawl bodies whi It it contained, was soon reduced . to ;wiles. fly its glare the dead•and.wounded . l • were carried up the bill autl laid upon the mattrvssestaken from the alceping-cars. ail da y break the passengers labored inew4.l sandy, extricating bodies from the ruins.. The nuniber ofdeaths is about sixteen, while the wounded,,lLlS thought, will tall bat little short of One' hundred. Tae accident woe caused by broken rail on the road. 1 A DETICIIitENT of "regilar soldiers, stil -1 stoned at 1 ; Carlisle Boirracks, this State, tool; ' into their hi,43ds the other day,' to hold a political meeting, In this meeting On. de nounced the impeachment of the President in unmeasured.terms and promised him their support as armed men . ; and this too in den anes.of the anny.regu ' lations which express' ly Oridds everything Of thiskind. 'As soon 'as their proccediOws were reporte4,.G . entinel Grant wildly ordered the detachinenf t.) be 't to the DIM= frcnli ,r. and She coin mender n( dm peat General Grier to Join his regiment in bliermiri. Their, places. at Car. ibie wag- hehliedkr iwehicilig soldiers n ho j mai undents4 (40 beqer than the datachnsmathere seerup hars - 1 A. Mlle punishment of this charaetkr for un-' necesavy otbeingen4ss 4.41 4o ibex; gond,'; and perbapa !earn them i, imam that WM 1,3 , r'• be forgotten hereafter. SEM tea let. oh' The Iteglstry Rill. _ i. • ‘... 1 1`10.f01 i lowing ii itn detract of the new bill Oosed:by I die Leglibiture, and approved by tbb Bktren*or to regdiati the eledive frau cldniilh*State i . , .:. ,k i :.- 1 - ,SecOnMitte pmrides that several asseastirs eAull *tlteitut alphabetical lista of ail Whom ey•win he,or whammy clidm to be voters uutrkl g opposite the names of housekeepers, their .. , lidence, and if they are nOthousekeep era, ir!occupation, boarding house.and the name [their employer. Nalltralitetreltlzens must s ow they illugertfrto tko - fore th it names can be. P l Sald ',VI -. t ii unless (they have voted'in Mediate at 11 preoediog elections, and the, letter N,...Wi11-ba placed Onposltitheir names... Where the pig , spoilAnly declared hisidtentiottiQ ibli - I.l*- aa Tent D t.' 4 ,Siatli be appended to the' tante rthe word ga" to such as have just- arrived at .tweni -one; and the letter It, to those who I have renioved from another dist 'et. It is the 1 duty of the County Commtssicn rs to `cause' the alPhatietleal list tube retina .IIEY the as -1 signors cum.before thelstof Septernber4and all peranim who votednt the last election in Oetober,llB67, shall have theirtiaines register- I eel, without (lather propf or goal fication, but they shall be subject to ehnllen g the same as provided in the fourth section. , On‘ . t s he list being isonipleted, the, commis- I stone shell have dupticate'Cupies made, two of which shall be given to each assessor, who , t slill, prior to August first °fever, year, .post , one copy up at the po ll s of his 'district, and keep the Other for the free inspection of all who wish to see it; and, on the . personal ap -1 pliention of any one claiming to vote, ds name shall be tlded, with the letterse. V. annexed. The judges and inspectors of elections must be provided with a list by the assessor on 'the tenth day preceding the election in October. On Saturday the tenth day next preceeding the second tues. day of October, the judges and, inspectors shall hold n session at the election place of their district, between the hours of nine anti six o'clock; to heorproof of thi right of the persona whose naniea arson the list to ask, or shall apply to be registered; and all who hare not previously been registered tnuat make proof of their right, • and on their claim being conceded the assessor is forthwith to assess a 1 personal tax pone them; , When; the session is concluded, duplicate copies of the revised list must be made out—oneto be peseted rip at I the polls, the other to be retained by the judge of election, who shall hold the same open to public inspection. In mse .of a general or presidential election, the officers mayf held I their semieffone or more slays (not exceeding 11 four) preceding the tenth day named, of which proper notice shall be given ; and where two or more districts have only one assessoiall the election officers shall, meet in the precinct giving the largest number Of • votes The election officers are required to meet again on the nest Thursday preceding any general electuin, between the same hours as before, for the-purpose of hearing any claims from per sons who wish to vote, not before registered. The Person claiming must produce a witness to his residence in the district ten days, and he must further make an affidavit stating where he was horn ; how long a citizen of' Pommy iVanta ; Where., and when naturalized. if a foreigner: present his naturalized pipers. unless he voted in the district five 'years; that lie his not moreit into the district merely to vote t that he could not appear at the former registry; that he Is not registered elsewhere; I ' that he has paid tie legal tax, and where and to whom, and lie must produce his tax receipt or make oath that it-has - been lost. Perseus voting on age are exempt from the taiationl feature. The alltievits of said claiment, are to be, preserved until election days and at its I close sealed up, with the other official papers. After the second session has ended, the new names' mgistered shall be appended to the otherlist and disposed of as beffiro provided.l It shall not be lawful to receive the voteof any one whose ;name ',islet on the registry, and any officer so doing Is liable to fine or imprisonmeut...;. ---. —-- ; Any qmilined, citizen of the tlistrict has the right to challenge jarsons whose names are on the registry, and compel them to brinxthe ; same proofs a 4 are•now required by MIT. 1 Every naturaliied citizen must -take- his pa pers, to the peillS, unless he has voted ten ' rears. When any person has deposited his ballet, a record ?,ball be made ofthe act, and anyone voting more than once the same day 'shall be liable to pithiOnneut, not exceeding 4100 fine or one! year's imprisonment, At the close df the polls, the registry lists shall he settled Up. and remain unopened un ' til after the next meeting of the Legislature, unless sequined for official use, ' . 'I Ten days preCeding a Presidential election; another session of the judges and Inspectors shall h e held; IA go through the same formula 1 provided in the third section. • At special, city, borough. - and township elections, the registry:maybe used as evidence: but the nheenci of any person's name 4111 not be conclusive against hie right to vote. The assessors. linspectors and judges shall take an with before competent authority to perform their duties faithfully-01nd they have I the right to ailiniii6ter oaths in all asses con t. necteci with anrapplieation to vote. They are I to receive the Same eomperocrition per (ley as id:present, with extra allowance for making nut the list. No Assessor shall assess a tax Within ten days preceding general or presi dential election; or he will snpject himself to ' .severe 'penalty: . • - On petition of five or ,more citizens .of the county, stating; .under oath, that they, believe frauds will lic•!oracticed in any district, the court shall appoint two persons (ono from tirch party) to act; as overseers at 'the polls. They iiill have the right to be present -with the election officersduring the \elude time the polls are open and the vote being counted; to keep a list of voters: to challenge aplicants and examine witnesses and papers; and must be afforded every faePity for the discharge of their duty. If the officers refuse, or, the over, titters aro driven from the polls, all, the votes of.the district are tali° rejected. Any officer giving a fraudulent naturalize t inn certificate shall be guil!st ankh Wade !manor ; and any person knowingly 'making use of one shall be fined not lass than. $l,OOO, and imprisoned not exceeding three years. ' Any officer.of election or overseer neglect ing to perform any duty required - by the act shall he liable Cis apenalty of $100; any as. I sensor :or election officer who shalt _enroll a 1 disqualified person.. or refuse to-enroll: isne . I qualifies; knowing, the fact.shall -be guilty of I ii.; misdemeanor, and liable to an action for , I damageel itnY_ pt.reon who shall alter,' add* , 1 tear down, orieffice, a registty list, with fraud- , ulent inteut,shall have a fine imposed notmx, ' I tveding, 0, or to ear** imprisonment : I any tax coliec o9 ter giv W ing Y a bogni receipt shall he fined not- less;than :4100, and impriehned not lass•iihtn threttnonths for every oftenee. The polls ate to be opened between sixand seven o clock In the morning, and closed at Six o'clock in the afternoon. • 1 .. - : I ~-, ~,, ;,,,,, • . - Tun elections otlast -week are very stillsfac• tory to the Republicans. It is true that by frauds in New Haven and Hartford. English (Con.) bait been elected Governor of Connect icut by an inercaiedinnjarity. but the Re , Pribliams not only again control the Le_gisla ,ture,lnit hare Increased their majorities to three in the Senate, and it majority of at least thirty in the I.Touso. We also Pita a. In EL knator in place atthe renegade Dixott.-, In pie mist ao lutvplarge gains. and the pros aects are ellUaing or sweeping tint country in `orember for the Repnblican canditbdefor Prisident.—Clutribtraburgßepasitory. Orntzusr. Guartv's ideas of economy bave again been 'practically applied through an order issued by hint for the fietting aside of ground for garden and other tiller purposis. Wherever the commatidantsOf Oita can &in. cat.. - army is mostly nu the ftinitlareind plains. Where there is plenty' al ground. and where nectsontrily, atocid many men who If ,not errtidlyed this way, would be mostly Everything purchased for and trans ported to these pointtenet inunensely 'when delivered. fiance whatever is raised is SO much pined, _to pig .nothinct of the superior Wad% &ruins from resembles in camp. • , . . TEM FOREIGN pill TILIOn i Ditilgutkin , Notiee 1 , Rallt l ikirts of- . ! .Otihe ' Twblia* ~l 04 IS_ MOW Onf IN MALT Tsui p i anupinaray. low wilt by We - ae;W pm ellatth m g rnris% .ta g a wow, seat dn; inti on the an . a* < I tho toil Watt thettidi robtaining e c rt alhe k t a . , titiiin alrw . 1 V o ir or t os st oh day or: - lir frond afttbdttil &refs! alit e til p . • Ye ttiW dretlet. 111 po ?an 011yeriga t dsot . and ft not sad by that tip o r impp bu i t„ rpoa r and To r s 1 he mey aitui rid .. to other mos kw retnement, , 3 J. IMAM, tordftianompsomrip oackkorkikt I ,..yeiti,..:Zi_ 1111. Balitilikli, l / 4 Mops to us itk bulk.k The dlterence Is that 3 the 'one Is Mined and the other is uot. The Turk's Island salt has to be grouid here when needed In Vtutlued state, but n nefrot it Is used unrefined for packing ash, meats, can, he pink/444U8 ,trade the last 0,1 - years liArlioarn by the subjoined OAK:ft 105. 18t16. 180, it, . is '''''l%,Boo` ' Ifitte — I fi itAll fish, bushels, - 003,140 241083 , '2413,368 817,880 115,949 • 988,817 It will be'Observed tlinV while . the Turks Island salt trade is stout statlonaryirlhat 'with 'Mit 411 - tnitbSi gred prOgress.• " The imports of the ,latter,into Philadelphia in crease in 18136 no less thati 29,288 sacks over 1865„ and in 1861 the large amount of. 69,780 sacks over 1866: itnd 99,013 micksbierl.B6s. In, 1868 the Turk'slsland trade seems to hove been mach depreend,l but in 1867 it bad re 'xrt'ered setnew hat; and increased 8533 buSh eht In the eaMtate it seems that ire Impor ted very con.suletably more salt altogether In 1867 _than hi'atly'provioui year. Of course, the large increase of Liverpool salt Imported exhibits the regular growth of our salt market. ' The reining ca pacity hire has not multiplied . coirimensUrately with the demands of tho trade Of the city, and therefore commerce tuitnittlly _supplies the deficiency by importing refined salt.f The steady. growth of this import has beelike one of the mist reliable features of the,tiade between 'Phila delphia and Liverpool. At the latterport the salt trade is an important that en far back as the year IMO the export of this article reach ed 445.635 tuna. ' This is. the TPlrdllCi Pan salines,.whlch are very prolific. In the yea; 1852 there were 97 salt works In England. The total product of the. United Kingdom in 1857 was 1,462,945 tons, Of which 951,766 tons were esported.. . ! The American naline4 do not yield as yet enough tosupply\quitc half the home demand. In . 1860 their en ire product Was 12,898,447 bushels.iilitle in the same rear ire Imported 14,094,227 bushels of foreign salt into all ports of - the United States. We have an important atilt region it, western Pennsylvania,, along the Allegheny, Kiskimlbetas and Beaver riv ers, where extensive works exist, using coal, and making about 900,000 bri.shels, but the product of these svorks does not increase, and all they can make is mad in west Pennsviva• nil. The Philadelphia market for salt includes eastern and central Pennsylvania, South ern New Jersey, Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and the demand for such a population increases Steadily: The Liver pool salt trade with this port is .leslined, therefore, to a much larger increase than has yet been witnessed, because, we van send a return cargo to Liverpool -while to Turk's Islands we cannot. Still the latter is the nearest, and salt is cheap there at all titues. —PM. Xort/t American. • Dit.crarr men menet' towards the Demo , critic piirty should bear in mind that the La Cnesse Deaner/a is now the roremost paper or the party. Of ha character no one needs to bo reminded. It is as;notorious as the name and deed of Wiracus Doomm both of which are continually praised and honored by the 'Democrat. A. certain' interest attaches to a paper ifice•thil; and Iv cannot resist the con clusion 'that its st;enlit in - the party must in the endlprovo a .source;of worikness to the par ty itself. Concerning its growth, Posuattor. the publisher, prints an exhibit from which it appears that while in 1862 the bitsinms of the concern wistithr CIAO. It has qr°?rn to be nearly $3OO, the present year. [`here' Mum be thonsitbeisisidecent men in the Dein otratic party who ortfltefuse longer to man tarn their connettlos • with a party which thus supports. a paSr from whose fiendish ness neither the living nor the dead are 'ex empt. —Pitts'emn. - ===ll Tne wholesale frauds-ante Penni).Waida Democratic Static Conimittee in the Sha rsw twat eleeihm having now. , been proved, the ques tion is will be dose with the guilts. fWe arc told that "the use has conclutied 4 With the ousting of a Democratic and the swearing in of a • Iletpublitsin. It strikes its that the case sildlll,l :not conclude, but C ro• mence, at that point, When !n additidu to the atrocious frauds theMsebres-.the unblushing bribery, the importation of voters, the whole sale forgery And perjury, the abuse of court rules and notarial signatures--we find- that. one whims to the frauds 'was mut-di:red In cold hipoka second kidnapped and COntined. and a third rescued from the very hands or the law °dicers, surely somethimt more than a political change et one vote in the Senate should result. L'ules.s the severest penalties of the law are Inflicted, the same thing will he done again, with Ancreasedskill in Avoid• ing detection.—.lrl7. Two STottV SattaCT—A bill fortount ling Broadway, in New York city, has pasSed one branch of the State Legislature. The plan pro poses not simply to tunnel Broadway, but to take up the whole street, in its whole width— carriage way, snlewalks and all—and to a depth of fifteen Or twenty feet ; then it is to he reconstructed by building a roof on .t he level of the present street, and making a basement story for a second Broadway under the pres ent • one, through which six railroad tracks arc to be carried ; the Waft! , of the present street to he,carried on upon the rontof the street below. This itupendous plan, it iisaid, cannot possibly be completed In less than ten years, and will cost at least ten millions, of dollars per mile. New York is naturally very much excited over the scheme. It is probably impracticable. , • Assassination Annlversari. The following order for the ohiervance of 'the anniversary of the r-,..sassiiistfrin of AliNa• ham Lincoln was iSsucal by Mr s Stanton: WAR DEP:T., WAkIINOTON CITY, April 14. Ordered:--That - as a mark of respect for the memory of the late President Lincoln, On of sorruair.ftir the national loss occasioned by his murder, the War (Mee and acietal bu reaus of the War Department be closed on 'Wednesday, 15th day of April, 1868, at 12 o'clock ntria. find that the commander 'of Washington Arsenal cause the minute gun to be fired every hair hour during the day, corn. meneifitat sunrise and ending at sunset. EDWIN 31. STANTON, SeCretaTY of WAY. Ncw 2burrtiscintnts. • A dminfaaraters Nolfee:—tett,ens of Adminti. lA. Madan on of Bgnj,g Wdson. late of New Brighbm, basin been granted to t bit undersign ed, all wombs knowing themselsee - tadebtedlo said estate, are miestid to make immediatepaymaiat, and those Imam' Gi2flitil 'Against the anato. will present them properly Antbm:gloated for settlement. • JAMBS WILSoN. Adm'r., aprtramth. , New Brighton. F FOR' SALE PEE St'EFICRIBII.II °ITEMS f'OR SALE MS Avelrrßilehton ton - whip. Dearer county. The Farm ccintabu 116 acres about SO cleaved. the balance well timbered. and tint Whole tract wider fence. The buildings are all goodflifirdt well of wider at the doer. inn tbe Auto Is well er *tared. Pruititten tY. .Puriesalon given at altnnat an time. The Fenn Is fixated . about mil ea from Yeaftatt Station. on the C. & P. IL R. , The tract Id known at the 'helm Nrat." :The asaterefarned •wel men MI basil of Rood sheep oe inederata terms. ,1 , WM. D. TATicOE. I a. c. eumon..•;.. ~•• •a p. Joivios. • DIt4WANG 3r.•p , uwrizirG4'; •• mEnnAmen bgAsmas. View for. INentn, Sketabas of Blooded Steck. lag e eveeeladikl ir e r ef and panto* sa- Worn at CrovolkPllelnlartoc* toplaci to los tilsec Ifba;• iOciapka•toncked lh India Ink or in Cokes; ligaW or Oil. • Peibill itttiTtli In painting and AM oadiWoni Alt Clad draertag 011ee and studio, tis 'lure bell ,rweat at national hotel second lone. front. tar Wu moderato. '-"-Plprirteciz M r7 Pi *ite - Le: aaa Jewe ler Tatilattileg Beiver, Penn's., • - ,—.-,z , -,chmoinokasbamakwagoid.)--.....- Owlet watebellaka4-t*ired and war , • igarThevircapaga* the pelgie iWollatiedtabd Fliiitiostrairafits4;4 lll lo l .o/4; ;t : •-apjortleAs6, .r , ' ' • 47- QuusigivVrleAtikins:r.s - rnalmc,aigs AND T romovorthit • - - - • L li ttli en:i7.ig 4:4"ilitits By ft();i:'ltitTrt.T C. Diatitsca: (iuttfii they Committee In Congreoe. The only work of the kind leaned nada ibe ;tonetion ,olkny the entharity ,Gen. Granthinteelta • It le,etliebd.ontl Jo the most itaneethaiblogiatheArtee•t eoliehed` Amain*. The author Is ono of the moetteillient wri ter/411lb. manta.. •Ate will dad - tide the. Gain wait of the sewn, s. the moat lttoetalt, .eralctuttr choice of tetttoty,Moonti to • • • ItTatit Jh 00. ir5ii6... , 8!..pb,d131 . - 44.4, Pa. BAILEY,..fAMIELL . eto.. . , Lead Pipe. theet:.4-4,13ar Lead - NANUFACTURF.II9, A:T.9O • pig .Leful, Imn ripe, Thibtei' lThsc. Steam ()cages, WJostles 'Valves. Iron Coppsi• Billks and Rath Tub . Steam Pumps, Patin Pumps and Poree*Pumps. 4n4 terry dcwriplion rfgood* for , , WATER; GAS . :41, 1 STEAM. . No. NI StnitAeld Btre et., PITII4I3I:IIGII,.PENN'A. `t - Prad for s Price List. ceNsinsier!tra souctrito PALMER. & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS AND 41Conimitsion Merchants, opera Nose Auction Room, G 0 FIFTH STREET;FJTT2iII%GGIL Boots, Shoes, uarpets, Dry Goods and Notions- AT rtuvaTE SALE DAY AND EVENING opt-22 . 1;5:1Y , . . . SMITHSON, V.A7iirHOOK Az McCLELLAND. SECOND GREAT . Eiale OP THE SEASON* AT • • Shafer's Carriage Bazaar, xlmorta,:tuell,..neAr st.,Pazyzgrgh,pa„ • ' WEDNESDAY, 3tas 61b, st in A. M. l' ik N tn.t t t l o r f an i Ch b ;o 4t . l earit t %eA A . ( i ron a .f l h i g i T e; end light iehieleittlettery deerripthin, will take place nt the time and place above mentined. Tbeom chi des arc not cotton np for auction. bet ..Tery one will be ronnd of good material, perti.etiv a.eind and dent b le. Nitta b, ing. thepionthlv aide for May. will be the Inetrnt-rver held. and treat - bargattlis nly be bad, as evern treble c put up *ill Wahl without nverter. - At I the same time will be sold it large eseellent,no ortrimnt of Ilarne-is and florae. Eptiptuent.. pos.n., needin g anythftei in this lina, Amnia not fail to attend Ow sale. fa:1:1711:0N, VANIIOOK N eprih2w.2l, Anetkineere. BEAVER COUNTY, ss: IN THE ORPHANS' COURTrIN AND FOR sAill - - , county of Itmver..he foe. the Hon. ~ ' Jntlges thereof, in the matter of the SEA IL , Petition to Partition of the Real Fe. C tate of James McCaskev. late of Chip pews township. said county.; deceaseti, and now to • wit t The Lourtprent a I.ule .1, the hefts and legal representatives of said deceased, to wit •.,.. A brothel* John 3lceaskey. residing at thrylite, Ohio. and chit. Oen of a deceased sister, Viz : Ettanor intermarried with Daniel licCegne who is now deseved, but lears lug issue:viz : Dash! MeCarne Petittioner. Nancy intermarried' with Eh White of Lawrence county. Pa.. Mary McCune. Isabella 3fcCagne, Margaret NW-ague. Eliza Ann Mccague, of Chippewa township, Beaver county. arid: iefond Children of Milian. an' other brother of decedent, to' wit: John illeCtutkey, resi dence fil • unknown, , Wllllant Alexander. Nancy' and El •atter's midencrxste unknown. Third. also an- . other sister of decedent, viz : Jane Intermarried with John Dolan whole also deceased. but left (acne M sur viving' bar, to wit :.John , William, James, Nance, Roorstals, Mary Ann; Ind Margaret a.- Dolan Whose residences are uaknown.- . also another sister de - ceased, viz: Martha Moore had Issue, to wit! Juba. Joseph. William. James, Robert and Nancy Ann Moore, of whom (Nancy Ann) resided In Hooks town but Is dead. 'The residences of the others being unknown, al.otsnother sister Whose...heir , are Marla In ter.narried with BenJ, Brandon of Liovrenci county. Pa., William who resides near Clorksitlie. 'Mercer county. Pa,,,ltoberjoirho, Is decease 1, Martha. Inter married with --.-, Hager of the. Mate of Indiana. None,, intermarried.' with .4.------ Hamm of Indiana, Jane, who lives titer Clarksville. Mercer Co., Pa., Mary, intermarried with -Jultnston of 4ndiana, also necedentleft a brother Andrew McCr.skey deceas ed whose representatives are John. James, William, and Emil ~ Intel monied with Melts, Jane intennar. Nod with rimer.. and Fanny Intermarried with--- 0 deli whose residences are unknown, deceased also left another brother who Is deceased whose. represen- Miterare ohn McConkey. Nancy tnnornumnicitioith n,llll J Mattoi. intermarried with &MB alt of t hitin nla (Collateral heirs)and all others interested to show rause If eny they bare Why an Inquest to make parti tion. ke.. of the Beal Estate of said deceased should not be awarded at an Orphans Court, to he held at Beaver in and for the county of Beaver, on the Satund Mouday of June next. , . A true Copy of 'Rule. 1. JOHN S. LITTeLL, Sheriff. Jo art A. FitAZlttr. Cork. Sheriffs Office. April .'oth, ISIS. • • BEAVER COUNTY, as: • . IN Tim 011PGAN3'• COURT DI AND FOR SAID - - D C • county, before the Mon. Judegs of raid 1 4EAL Court: . o hi l the ol t eng teorrofneTe ,pa rec rnitlat . , . deed. The. Comm, nwealth of Penn- IVIVATIL4,IO William Binith, (Petitioner,) emitting in I Washington borough, Warble...ton county, Penult., James T. Smith, whose poet octet! , address is Library. Allimbeny county, Penn a., Mary Edward', In sister), residing in Sahli . % Dwyer tp.„ Dearer county enemata, harsh McCukey. (wife of Sildrew Siet-Makey,) residing when Jut heard front In Richland county. Ohio. Nancy Culbertson. (a dater,) residing Inputs unknown, Jane Lusk, (a sh.ter,) widow. of Martha! county, West Va., andillen Parker. (a slater.) *la' oflames Parker, re- aid( when last head from in tbn Affinity' of Cadiz,' Ohl you end each of you. are hereby cited to be and timiton. Judge* *C Orphan. '• raid Orphan == held steamer: 40 and flaw the said county of Deaver. on the secondf Monday of Juno newt. INK to accept or refuse to take _the real I *fate of the said George:Smith. dee'd., at the appr ues. wag put upon It by an Inquest duly' awarded by your. said court, and returnable to June Teem IMO. (by the Sherift) and found to contain us roarbscr, to wit: Pent part'Aomataining illi seem rained at VS per sena. pillePartklttirieutuird Ilit pervirem , /ridged at , $34.137. Output C, ft sic:mud opera* ambled at • , pia acre, mud in Case of nOtl:tscceptanctatoaftme " :—. 1 61 . 1 Y 9 1e A ni ne tiriall not behold.. f . Hon.-Alex. Wi• Oar NM Wart at Waiter. Alma Term . ± che" D. P*41 .1813. 4e11t Aim 4. Vressms, Clerk .• • --1.1- g"' SberiE Sheriff's Of* e. April 25. ! 13113. ' Rants' 44-jteliestal, • - awrina .Bpelpt, Pittsburgh, " , i. l - DrA tr a t• °S P IrMIABING Goons, OL I VEU AND PLATED WARS, BRITAIUA. JA- L, passed. Wooden sad Willow Wan. Auterlcont and neigh Clocks. Tkey haws always on band Ow tallow/ 1f 'tabu Tea T tr, l4 1 Ire e (Iron Tl Der b o le tt ir te rY tot 1 13alvera. Clothes - CaMe Must,. _ - ^ <0431 3 c.• - I • ,^-n the t ber ztweivier w rax ght ixa d rrar:iv ORI.~iN4NC E. the ough- tig Ne' Wi" an flit hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That en and 215 tar the 15th ally of October, A. D. 1567, it shall not be lawful for did owner or owners otAny L swins, In per. unpile same to ran . Sat large /Within Se *Mite el the borough of time Br „Ithtnn, under the _ penalty of one dollar for the lint offence and three deflate Pa Derry oilhtse. • ' • ' - Sec. 2. That it shall be the ditty of the 'Sigh Cov et ibis or the borough illiorreald, and he is berebran thorlzect and reqnired, without any ;special warrant or other authority than this ordinance, to Feb* and secure any inch animal of the hog kind that may be found running at lam within the limit. aforesaid, and sell the same within six days after inch seiz ure, at publiesale, after haring tint given notice of ihrill43 o l;Pleviinf sale, 137 at Jeltattbran advertisements n(3110111 the most public place In fold borntigh, at least{ days b c;fore the ISO of 'stibnite, And after making such vele, mad Constable shall deduct Olt of the pia coeds thereof she amount dfthe Apo Or penalty imposed ed by the first 'section of this ordinance together with all coats, charged and expenses attendlow the sairtare. keeping, grad side of said , animals, and the balance, IA any, be shall mirror to the owner or crwaserthemot upon demand made of hint for:Lame, And 'the tine Or penalty eon:x*l4. t cues be paid by the Constable -aforeesid, to the gh Treasurer within ten days after such saki. • rovidwi, That if the proper owner or owners of such animals shah prior to said sale, pay to paid Constable the,perialty imposed by the first section of this ordinance. together with al costs, charges, and expenses attend* the keeping, and advertising of the Wit tiled it , nlll be the duty of said Constable forthwith to deliver the same to the owner thereof. tire. a. That the High Constable sisal( be entitled to receive for each and every onion or hog seized and taken in pursuance of this ordinance, the awn of fifty canto. and fur advertising and selling the seine the ad• ditlonaleam of reventv•the cents. ,J(Brill itU VR3, moo. Town Council. Attest Jour C. C kt 4101,3, Clark, • ' Approved tirpL BENJ. lIEDISQN. . , • , • Bingeo. In accordance with n reAnintinn mimed hy the Town !Council nn the 6th !la y 01 April. Ilan, the &Uwe °rip • nancc republishcit Vic the intormntinn nr all con ceived. G. G. 11:81iliTI11:T, Socr.etary. New Drightoff; Pa., Apr: Isk 18111 . 3- -It. - TIIOMPT RItTVANO R I A. Wilson, 1 (Late WILSON t STEWART.) a ii pi, gi ~ ~, . o' Bo , • TA ots . Shoes 4 4 'l . . r H i a. let .. • ~. 1 . - - ..., -f $ -.."0.... Rubbersl' 11 a atr sTAzin: j. 1! DIAMOND, '1 Itai'llESTEP, PA. !! WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER WALL PAPER ! Oil ' Cloths ! Oil Cloths ! Oil Cloths ! CAR:PETI3:2 C 3 A. Efo 2 rrr~~_S'F.4TY-FIVE. THOUSAND HOLTS OF WALL I: RATER Jur t - revel red, mud x ill be sold lower than vas be purchased 330, Dirryt from bettrinx the original pagkagea. Mao. Window Shatlec. satchc!s. Trucks. Sterooacopre Viewa of MI placro of interest in thy couutry nod upon the continent. reepeetrully vive notice to all to call and ye. , the lark and well aylectc.l Stuck or s geueol VARIETY 000115. Included in above. we hare Looking Glaotege, Car peto, Rap,. Oil :Cloth*, die, of tnaini.lful deuign and pattern. B. MULE IM amtroe:lr ORPHANS'. COURT 'SALE. VALUABLE ILAUSE AliD tan IN ItOclir:STER. IN FIIIISt'ANCE OF AN ORDER OF .TillE OR- A. plume Cnnrt or Beater county. the undermlgnc4, Admialetrators of Ow fatale of Ira Blanchard, "deed_ will expotql to pubic rate on the promise., ot TUESDAY, MA f' 5, A. D. l 1864, at 2 O'clock p. m.. the following deem iben real estate 'of en!;! deceased. viz - I. Two lots of ground situate In the beivngh of Row cheater. In the County of Beaver. anti: myl Penn's.. ailloinjug eitvh other, being lots numbe 172 and ITS In ttuuld'a Ist ruirlivhsion of lots In r Id borough, bounded on the north by lots . Nos. 119 and 120. east by lot No. 174, month by Washington street, and west by Vermont street and being each 'SO feet in width. on said rtre.t. and extending back. of equal Width. to lots Nos. 119 and 110; on which is erected a ;r3 two sto ry frame dwelling hour*, Delft/ new , *l roomy, well finished ip modern style. t Two other Jots adjoining the above, being lots No.. 119 and 120 In Gould'a let antalltdakin of lots in. said borough. bounded an the north by Jackson street, emu by tot No. 121. ?Huth by lota Nos. 17.1 and 1711, and west by Ve.tmont street, ors which 1* erected a frame stable, and other. 4int.buildingr. The property aboredercribsd is a comfortable abd beantifolly situated residence, and is weft worthy the . attention of any person wishing to purchase a pleasant Ws,• vEuMS:—Otie:tfiird of the purchase I motley Maio paid in band on the confirmation of sal* by the engirt. and the balance its Wes. equal annual paymerts with interest from date of ,clntirmation. ' r • • • c. 15. RITEST.- • . . S. 0. arris74Bl3t: "4114ishatsugors. *Ni - vv.l von 5A.x . ...E. nAs A •LARCIf tor OF, pee Domestic Wine manntaotaret3 by binwelf, at. hls vinevard• near Industry. Beaver county. Ys., vehMh , bo 4klll sell at moderate tratea..!Thls wine Is made from the Concord end Catawba Grape, and will be sold by the liott'e, gallon or keg. . Concord plants one yea old, for sale at . my vineyard. apriWtitos• CIiAItLEbiROEDEL. • DEALXII IN IMII s--. -- Bridgewater, Pa , 4 , 4 4 CYPEN.TNO i ,AT I ^ .11 PROM Etrig BRA.VER, PA. , ,•• F . finUMY Stock MILLINERY GOODS I RIBBONS. NIA:IWERI3, t ! ITS BONNETS. FRAMES, kr, Mil .J. H. Bence 1it41002 fine en& of TRIVIIMIS el ft. pry laud: Drees Telinsing., Gimps, Laces kw Tri s mine, am But tonr-,_-. R. elalin In have * goal /*leen** always one &e FANCY lIANDSTratiltEn AND oLovrQ ht all /Linda. thaland Collars, Was' Sulu, /fetich Y uma. Lc L, c., a c • Em"lroidery, A Coogi onsortowead always on Up& bwittlfal pit. terns of stiropod wort for Wl"' under wi.u, £c., de. VEIL STUFFS; Of evny description 11AT8 AND DONN IMULTERED.CLEA.NED AND DONE OVEhtIIZAP. Dresiiee and Samples cut :and made to order. Elegant French Whalebone Corset., very chum, PINKING AND SP.4.MPING Done to order. Those new styles of 1100 P SKIRTS. Onefit n& sr* sPasenable and earefalli derdfishh• hs OUT littl to added to our itork as anon int int:o6lmA 4t itIP market. tsar en 0.14 ant ettaie we ripeavent theirt s and War , peke, as lo.s Tttertltttm our (cicada and emtom..n. for pan tonne ace. we :untid reepecitnny ittAk a continuance ,it th., mune. Give ne an early call and as Oa, sot eelvee. - apnrrok:sm. J. 11. RE.".CC Geo. C. Speyerer, AT HIS OLD sTAND Corner of Water arid James sts., rt. otiliester!, GENERAL DEALER IN DRY G - ODS, NOTIONS, HATS, • - ' CAPS, - • ) BOOTS and SIIIES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, • • HARTON' ARE', • IRON, NAILS and CARPENTER Tiol,l, ROPES and PACKING YARN, PAINTS, DRY AND 1N OIL /utmus ware mad Wilda► -Ware ' FLOUR, FLOUR, Fl;OTigi WHOLESALE and nErmr, Milos the sole agency for the celebrated CANTON CITY Per ter and re - off , .r finer 4. 4 ere at li Vltti oehm burtllt rates. saving freight from t. Itltr." Also, we Eat am , WIrOLESALiAND RET 411. ', ~ • AI" having the limey for Bu ff alo Feld" rt. 'II Seeks, we oa•r to The pebne. Mike atwuuerecturt o, =1:°"16 th l .l of Hopper fteeter. ilay, f., suk.' 1. Itolling Xlll sad lit;ilroad Sealer. f . , Alm. Aut• foe Roreia Boos Sulphate of LIT• sad Plaster :e Perla brigade: - • • Pleetwr Salt Matielbetsiiiitzpio. Solt id wills on hind g g lave INV* 8 fan stockon hand*. OUB'MOTTO: CALL ong AND YOU WILL CALL AG; !): aprtltlY .- MEM ME Alivot on but
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers