A El . - Wiliplillit owsr.3l. p A Saraham '4.l° . 491;1 ' clit s*. q•s i "Ilirall• ii i' l J r, ' r • ' ,4'''''''''''''''" ~. ' - : 1 s ' 4 ' s 7 ' 4 .; • ' 1 Sodas sad peooratkes ._-, , _ 1 naskik.Sa ,•=*allosiftion WlNuvw II Owe ett4 tie lowest a r . .I' , ca a r i ete. ilairetall. . . t, tan4*acbSthe".„ . MO 'Lan% Wit. Mid rd 011 s. • S P an) TVINIM ID AT • iv Nisilorbo wbkh ad Set to 740. r moos_ Alessi Hi deem hriteAir .11 ,11 . 11, 9 6 011161.thil larlf P I NS 11.11.4n4411 M i n 11.4 , ArAPANOTIII • . ~LI 4001$ ' - •. -MARBLE-WORKS: iRI~iI~kTER is wpQ ylrlt MAXUFA sAND Milan andAnirdean Mit& aiivp,oppo.w Bar OM!. '•• : iyareeety ' • VIVID WOODRITIT • 4 4 , '2.:e ( 81nIml)werBros. ftlet'• • ' ' - ; timmERGERt nriitilbyVatell s o .P4l lll9B . FM PBRYiROCIRIBS ' - IgaraWl47%.: 'NAHA' F4IE, BACON, ns m, URAIP, If7LLs AND Countlc 6 ,y Produce or r nzoiro yeti SIMON SNITGER do CO4 NM (At the old Wad, street Ze%vcr, reorea..) , • . KINDS Or'' vi•RovEgips, Wel! s 8 1 coVrEitf 4 ,VE.A.se SUGARS, . SYR UPS, MOLASSES, SORG HU 11, RICE, PEPPERS,IIPICES, SOAPS, CANDIES, gA.I. • SINS; Exclagn. • CURRANTS, . _ , FIGS, Fll3ll, GRMN, lit., ACT • 111141ke• etiastaatty reosisting a fresh assortment of Appt =Wm, sad titer ma; eeky upon getting tom th em as_gpodes 'market agoras. . , All 00111M01 required: . • MOP= GROCERY MEM . . T OU E J. KOHEN di BROTHERS, F GROOERy trod.TE, HOUSE, NO. ,S. 110011111 AL STREET, .1100 r P. r. 11!. liipiß.l!„l,oepot, ALLEGHENY. erk PA. COVIll i th rILALIDIA;ID OTRILIISATF!,I_WT Kilt stir* IMO own hdetesil m ailllng on no befOro oloonno quiet Me rl/ small opor d. ILO EN & DHOTFUI dont Winn . . . TBODIFLOOILAT li f lua r. W - 11 !! 7111 !. " 1 " 11411 , 11 Y rP li .4109 1 PC'#Cig I O °i8 . AT THE. RED F • ti T SHOE( STORE, PIE7III, sirinpurr. IIT .r.:. , . I;rn ji . . i i • ••• i • . b IliOt• • M. # . 4 1iiiiiiird at. ta. , rw Si mi , ZlA lis ift - i t s. , • et tlqL . rirtirill, oat 4digest ., _ midges it it 74Thoirverk If dims' *MU* alit 'la .04 1 0;11140k n i : so ibis Ibipt‘ , •• - •, a ~ • , : i ..t . .I: - . .N , f"1 , .., ,-,,; ~. :La,: , r . • ,. :1 . ' 4. ''',..,;. : „,: 11 ., 141;)%11105-#1,011111,11; tali ..- . • •,.,vogitiftoisio.wtio. .. •• ..., .... • ~•.•.,.• -. ..''" - 4,..:4.4:; • 1. 'l b ; 'is , ~.. , . .: ,—• ' , .- Osiristirowyjg -11.1 1 11 1 2 w - - - • --- - .•- - ::•i -- . • • . or. ....., - ..:,: i •:. - --.--.311.3 - ::' - ,....ii , , -.,.., ''! . • -.. -.4% ri. - 1 . :. ; , ,,L -. --.7%0 '..;:.. - i ,•::!-..'.4,..!!...- -,i......4. - ..-, , ,,..! .. .-:-.',.' '': • ....: -4:l' .: • , irri f • ' " ..: ..d. , 317, , ''' '' . ":;:, ' '....'..:- ;t• -1 .r . t . : ~ . tfr ital47 (lll; : l ... ' , 07.. . . : '... , t : . ;,:}: ". ' . "-:'• !;$l - 4 4 ,: . -;'...:A;',.'".-ri.."Zfk; 7, 2 •.... Inifikiage sod Robdii tit n 'Ovl Tv. Toe.; Uk- 1 tifr 4.,?A.g. t Int 1 • ' CHOWN irAzume GRoorsalia 1 - ti*si4F-t FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FROWN. if - 3'10 , 11 4'4d es; 0. , • . All se Cantu Piodoce au comilsake. sod retires gide. , , . • • 4 9AiLsiSTRIIIO4.- fsii• ifnurilly,. • !. MI , , _ Wliolesile and. Retail HATS, CAPS I LA I= rum ,-,lVwflenunhig, No. 179 "Vrood.Stree, PITTSBURGI3, • nOLIITRY NEROVANTS WILL +ID IT +0 V their interest to call and examine our Kock bto bre making Weir purebases, as our beillike for doing a wholesale trade are not smelled by any house in the United Widow • !,s -r • Lisositrall• MOORE'S DRUG STORE, Nay b. fount 'the best insOessent ct DRUGS,. • niteell aliments; CHEM& lOA.ZIS, . . . „ . - 1"1:TIVIC 1.14,1101 ti, WIRER Anti 13inividi.-.- a i l lrlts-s O ill to • ;. DYE STurrs: TOILET ARTICLEas, SQA H UEI; PATENT,' * ' - great variety. all dile but titian% Mid — etgd chop , sr then can be bought at any other Ding - Store In tbe .amnty. . . DllTloneO's Pemi ). Ms, 73 tints per bog Cheese man's, $1; Clark's, $l. The Largeat St of LAMPS LAMP TRIMMINGS oc LANTERNS, M- I TIONERY. 'WINDOW GLASS a Furry. Ever °Owed outside of the dty.at Moore' . Drug Store, end sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere dee. • Let those who doubt Ude call and see, and they will, doubt no more. ■=MAN =MIL . .111211071 'Rat& HIRSH&BWMERS. WHOLESALE ►XD ZREALL'iniUnIE c b.° TH v'N 0.; Gentlemen's urnishing Gentle, NO. 29 NV CLAIR STIEET: Clothing made bo order on short notice, soISTOnly. NEW FAMILY GROCERY =ENE= PROVISION BTOREI, 11. s. ..; Car. Railroad treaslag aad York SC 3 6 t .31 °cheater. a• $7 COX* D•RR ACit I.f-: i i :::;',.:'..-",-", li.it'.; KU RZ NAT U Ingit) • Irsia ar teaut?Airies. V Nov: Ci7iim. gm . _spo" . 11.1 111: 4 &;:s, "11 =0. • 4 l ele t el e X e r ri VW:a* sit bolo atts m a ta i r etea umsset. - 11.0 1,11! All Web 41110 riiibee IskM st tip MF ; ; COMlgfilAßlLsOilitk., 4 ***/slo4l,44ol,%:aser•is. . II! 111111 IN BEAVEE, •NND i. icon AND 1 0 1 1 0 0111 . ifOq City Conige4 PITTSBURGH, PA. -~ . ~~' EIVI a 'ft . _ . •tr: • • , •' • - eirt • seeei tie , : -- CM Mil El .ICrOSiitee'sllll .-- . . •. •k‘. Si •OLD ROCHESTER , PA.. 4 - el l ; „, _ _ kJ- virs v N Al ov HA LOW VE rMU M. Ewe inok inu.sesr. sw ,^ if vsuierty, • „ Delaines in Panay a' COBUBOS. • • ALPACCAS, MEMOS, GINGHAM FLANNELS, TICKING, CANTON FLANNEL, - r MEMO CHECK, , JEANS, TWEEDS. ' CARNETS. • • CASSIMERM, • LADIES CLOAKING,' WATER, PROOF . CLOTH,-.• K 4 ' BLACK staiIROWN; - HOSIERY ff fi BLEACHED sad BROWN MUSLIN, WHITS GOODS; 4110., am. ! T " • Lure ons 'Wel New Mock at Ready-IEOo Clothing, SHIRT!. assesses, -NBOTIA. • • -MT& rl zt MITA CAPS,. 80 . 4rp 8110E4 - • tf ail Wit '. Our usual Stock et Niusaraxicra,re. pae berto larbastisal by nicest itenOiaieira tho Feat, at Paaki • • , • To this d I itorialsttoiof Maititales Toole and all kinds of Banding sad lloosekeeplex, Hard. ware. Cutlery sod Nails, we would eepeolents cW the alteattos of coostntetots =Meanders. • , WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, "UM u ' ALL COLO.III, 611 . 0DNA - 11:11i . AND 11 on: TITEPIIPIVE,II7;INE and . DRYER. ME limns sands bens instee - Ally Ameba* in mien. And hi Ibbinn is in , iblidwdr• Dipartinnid. W. ere de. Ininitnell dot Se be outdone by any tow in iii• tr. I, OUR STOCK OS . Cifr rooe feti is h as isaskftilhil ME Ws k deliver all Um goods ter of cborg4villikesll thdo y.,l_ .; • j k thIINTILY PROMO& M MOW, Metal ; • tic l i e s=iatti l' "'O l t Patiiitilat I!EMINEM S:4. CROW* co; Ariz wijie•itiesiTßEE2; NZLZ ZAILIP.O6I). catosoixo;-_ ' vik to-m, %;# aae t .er .. 1 1 111 04141t 4. SEEM = ',.' . - -.';.:••L*- - - l- 1- , :', , ,k:.-.... , 5•r.. , L , A - - 4 10 - :, A .J. ...411.7;1:-': - . , e • ;' MIME BIM ) ME . MIS PEA JACKETS, SACK COATS, DKUS COATS. OTMCOATS.r. MIN EMI ' . • ;t ~ . - 'f.M fr.:,liesect [OE raw '• c r • • 11010i1Willikilly*MhiNt''11104. :4# '• itoW ARIENOW4 WOE -;;.., 21:2110411111- ''' ir-1" : 1111' oIILD 1 W1" / 11%p12,141F1 VNIPO. 11=t woriputoc-A2wiraimemems, DIOAXASSOMINFROOIga!'. PLATE °twns PAii1011 • TO ANY EWE OF Col,olk, .• . . Stile Patti: , l ook- 'and ,Marblesio CM Cathy; Borithli4iTillipiß::' . ;4011mic 1,1001 • OF Alt • • • ••• • • J. fihtdlei 4116-1150114 I• • • • 1141 1 11 M 1 M 111 0 6141r1111111! • , -; i 1 01:12M811; • 7,• • 5 ' 5 . AlanailieNg i'AMON *cp. . . 41,-:‘ ,. . , ,,-1, , -• . 7 , . .. . ItirANINPACIVIZES OP 11theMt CAATii 41118 , Ass. itsUrra Toe* sod $. ' is : oa r? W a rme st Eitig ~ . • . . Treat: Gam Bak Mean W '.. _Ket tles; boa roes, and WI etilse v '—_, • Ones W. en MLit* and at tire 1. w. i _best , • a. J. - Andersen's faM _ MeV Cook Stove Cod asidWoodOltddp:liNsk , ") . . First Preminni At the State Pak meetly ISM It Plttethigh. '''h Store cosibises ism sew sat lissottest prthiiPlee• which place ft thr to sdrumnatC y s .sow• hisser.: Same ot WeakUM dabbed for ON Weillaur. ses ,; 4. 1 , fien Well el Salo end Rue et Deeft " V i re i gt . tthrelt.thlOrth bld Irtirisel. NM the . .. ' ' ' ' .. • ..... Bast Luna zirrazi arias thaddlity teesin4 Rai pramptly idea. WacaN ;MOW 10 tbslallowing Stotements : - Mlle Uri in the tad I used serrthe wad Celebrated Stoves wade i nkput of the eonn= m ind on anil here.' woe nieonlastuded towpm . Pdace Store, oleo Invent. r ed *r. Anderson) as being Outbid. I did so, and used it with good satbibetion. Whoa I saw Xr. An dersen), aeirStovej was attnetedlj Its neattigweer. awe. sad on ezmadniag Its Own sad Interior armee. wente. baud it pawned many adrantages. over all I had,sees. I paler sad harems now la es*. We cnsider It teeny ne have ewer used . , It is altjhe inventor and w• think all that Wald ' De desired ts a Cooking . • Roannsear. • Soft ono on& Anderson's imeirAltovet to nso, csn oidorsapipt. Plll4brutallt=iii seer Stoves In nae, est Having one at' Anderson _ billy endorse th e above reconsuredaraioonivii. Haring one of Ilr. Anderson's sew .Stores to see, wears fay aatlelid wllli he - good ftletteats all le. pieta. - JossestietsplArts Wen. • Roma= IforAltet. Swing kept boc r tra d U rs tr t ). tad seed a greet, astaber et Cook et i ki awletyles, I madder J. J. AsdreseetaA r paha of eftootny ft Seel, seedy 'wed fee its • dee, efterkw to as aid commend It, It, will slabs Chia. Lilian. • We tuft 000 oiler. J. S. Aftlerecei new fltorft , filialndketated at the Roulettes resider, oft tufts &ft. It a Mr Wet we !ad It easel fully upto all teat sae been ela lmet IL - It - belle my _rapidly, takes bet little fad, aft to sw= a tidleettlase. :Kr. An. =way os lining addend s via* . • Dam Maw. wt. . 4'7777:111.111ai5im. r. A. S. I : Xaki r e3 r ; . • OULU. IN ' ' C : IIA; If, 'a norinm— I= • Neek,ravvra,re; ES trAvntociit_liii4to A LAIcGa AND W/44, .1.1. sifted Nan le - ' " Tem. • -: Age, , I / •;• anew Soap., , Ba - Ze1111 . 41 9 1,178Wee . gataghtlP3Voo)o:l l lr GLASS; • l'kte MO* %Oattcyoutoir • KBush.' Measure', . Winne Bloke% . : Split Baskets. :if • : - • •.•.: • Flair cider CUO/CEr -; I Ir--:FLOUR, lifillavalmettb so: Wadi , LINIV s n : •-. 101 111 11MH;;;:2; Aldagimiiir. "I* --r•-•4•-• tes the tells steht.„,____ v., • men er Ihelehli item - f". l lsKals• toblitti 10; 4.1 .14 • BIM "Lw a v 4.IIIIOIXMASIk • `; LIOZ4Y-,ef • • CSKiiMekte [4 43 . 11 7 ' WWII* l ilt - lie Nelle MOW AMWlllio ,z 47 di mi a% t he i • • •••••,, -•-„ ZAID4II ,, PLUME; :02iik: ,PalliffillVP • 1.11421711L 1 .504f4 • - - GOO . NM EIRWSfYittRICHAIIDSCIII. r 1; 7 tIC2 , 51 21141 1 1 r 0kr.4,111,1 ,rl .43 7, .1 * * _ 1 - . . Irs;' , FP fA°l! .59q . °T. EMI RE =MI rl vilotiow dins all.dsai "sad doable strew•th. Spa , dal at taatlasi Pa wl ndow te li oakaefts oders . for guys ti .} I:” t::.:•r irote ' 4:ail Cellors,. ' Orals% Dry sal hi OIL ?Feline's odd de well fo nil and exixidoe our steak el Pah* Won poubodogektoodone. . Alga. Mike of Moor to Burg tad fa Soda: uhllidoils roomy produce takes U fuluodepe. - door'itbeio the frodery, El EH AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ECM Rai UP ACTVRE 11111:4231k TAPIRS, 01 Railway or Sadleas Chain. mid Leva Paws" o 4 gado= atm, Thregamr lad likmandora, Farm • 111M1, Cider bide MU 'Meet ~oar 'Emersion; Corn flbellan i =lZrora kor Chrtlng, pad all aim Of an km& none on dtort mike. Madame of any ktell bunt &Roadies. • • Raving hltil an experience of Men Years In Patet.ta pall Patenklkiatneae, we are mewed to make Models; Jlmp ft . -., for partdesiring to take obi _ Manta. Ebbing fitted up one Factory !Mb liel4Xted bun the toest - totem mai" In peon and Sone be the' bet Machradcs. we are pre pared to ao work In the' bort Alyie and manner. •,P_lig _reared • the serried of -A FIRST CLASS PATTERN • MAKER. we are ' *Lo PrePtitbd to auk. ang tu dele ar e :Vl t e i t a rtMs- t - 0 71m .i ng , itrXaeldnes, =tiara:Minn in genera gaollett. and hope by attention and we to merit. the patronage of prae wishing. work done. Orders bout *distance p_rwlaled to. • ALL WORK W Address sierra a Go. straPV: l l . '• • ' Berbeatart Pi. ipir,E IBS Port Grape Wine, 'toed It, notiledin4e of roasrregition• for Church_sr dusomusiens Purposes. ~, , 1 t) '• MI . . . . •ie 1'4;4 . ""! L "Itt : : =I .111MONB. ' • ": • DCW BOOE4 RDWARE, GLASSWARE, • . QUEESEWARE, ,TINWARE. NAILS. DRUGS AC. ME ' 'LINSEED' OIL. , • , CRUDE BURNInO OIL, . BENZINE.. COALESPATENT Daly. *, UNION MIMI (RE)6IBTER, •PENNA., A. 111., & CO., isicorsirroaa. REPAfBnCO Al D JOBBLNG NEW AND 1MPR9,17./0 - ALSO "4'l '7l' !I ':',ii •ir r.':.! 3 t -,1". - :; . :i.'i"l.:•L - v,, , .t., , ": , :•::,•::1 - . -. .; Nunormuisj NEWJERSEY. Ipter . PVIT I / 4 TWS :RPM • Vltlajosat is eektiliell 'Smith* 411tlas Is maw from ale= 4o. thottlkattips. tablitio•Utis COlitttty.' Its• •• ." „ I:$7 1 / 10 IMUOren o 4n, P r PEI M IIB at e "MI bit SPY i 4 1.11. 74 elm • Woe the pore isles et uto Prot asides lis t aphsespediood ~lt =76 •'• •- gi leduZat . BO mg • -V - it/ 140 0 1 41 1- field muss p er / 1.. • • ass puma to die IMO allyiesilhar Is " 4 7 111.11/44 ‘ • " • •:., “iituuttitiiisligusa • • - . 4 g b ft ai amt y Ng tie ' , sty 10141M4 So Olio! - 1 41. Th Vot a lkro armory. ' II = No. 40 64 b00. Ca.; 7411 KJ IZZIM -1.. II- .., 11111 H: - 11 '5 i ,„:: 11,;•ff:: 11 :4*.t . ,,,4,,1r, - . 11 4.,..„,50:,_,...' ...,,.,..„ ...., v . 0.....,...,,,,, ..... - - -,..,, . • .-, -, ...AL.... .. .„, l - !!...V ..i." 07 16, .1 ~. ,'• . t• ',- , . •N ' - o crigNEMENT . BOND . : , Omer .4th and lirboit Streets; rl . ..., ~,.. A v - ,44.. , ....?•4 - . . - ; , - !!-,-- -''. - , I, VIIIIIIBURGH. PA. ;RATES PAID FOE GOV. VIIIIT- ad gas. 140. correrted tato • freest. pereseme psi* es depalle. Ter. else , he eds., *ales keine me Game smen's • lesolliretem. PALL ."10 ,T , JUST . lULCXIYEO A NEW STOCK , OF JL, GOMIS, of the LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL WINTilt, witut. Gesue.rest•Farabhing Goods CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER In latent and most restgosable itlla, and at short sake JOIPI ciorr CROFT & PHILLIPS, Red Estee* sod Insurance :Brokers, 139 FOURTH,sTit.t4pr. WEHAIM A PRECTED REAL ESTATE REGIS ter containing n.hll description of location. price and terms of all the properties entreated to oar care for rale. These mmilst of Farms. Grist MM. Homes. Lots; . Ltd land. Cod Works. City l Ia• tawkWestem laatoms mdallotels. Tanneries. City and Suburban. Property. 'Mk Register; wet print three times a year. on firs t of Hay, September and Jan - • 1 Pattie* wishing to buy or sell Real Estate; no amt. ter where the location. should not Call to consult our Register. a copy of whkh can be had by sending us your address. Jenesry number now ready. Jantni:lY. • - X. P. C. X.AILILIIICIE . = wrir piroms.,;.,o7:ovE WOIUD3, Cartattiry.liOdings, NEW BRIGHTON, P 4 • 1fA317,4771RERS OF AND WHOLASALr COOKING Ir!OVEN. Ruby Cooking Stove Noan s B I•!r.rt. lIIS STOVE TOOK TUE FIRST PREMIUM A • T the State Fair ea • Coal Cooking Stove, and a . .. attbenate County Fair. We sae no scrap !run In then manufacture, but malts tbetnirsclusively of No. ;1 11*. Neal, and wart them to every respect. • ' • The Ruby hid tbe hugest oven In the 'motet and consumed bat Uttht Shot In bektnjr;owtog to to our proved Orate. • ' . • GRATE FRONTS AM) FENDERS. - •we webeget, eass i o d laths masafletme of Mats Fronts sad FeVATA we enamel Is an Overcoat mos. wood ins daub. Thls enamel !v -des Its Moo loss , time, will noun oft sod makes s mach ssivogior.l4loi •to that °resat Tr. we ere sloe making Sheet ken lamer Phew (fix *Wage boy applied far • lisisailmse•••. up In • IlydrasikP press. They sre pork Wee Mar i poi Iron; and much epesper. .'.:; r.*: < .r.11!...c ;'.•.'5 RE Wit dela% 'itellatobid brother stove In lbs motel *tee sins, aid Wade IrseiStook I tlielr coadrso How Oar platens are sot y e e n t 41, 1 e; Si 'tails var.k.a, d as 'WU : kr .I='Cr'ionlr=r4to 'Ol w.m s lV4Siatis Miaow nip at toYl1'~k~f: awl btu t°ol.ll Cr iii i t it j"... itr Of rm i a. imaits ter rt.) ma tine v a i rril:i Mia Oboe ba wee IM eatio at slia inn =fake ' - - - wlLLticr,)s . l l 9l.l2r. Adartistrit% , ; ~, , ..• ,rI , . •:‘ ... • .uribmaprotroh P• =ME :INC,VSS MEI= CONSTANTLY ON 'FUND.' 111 WILLLI3I BLICIL .Josera niscurs. * PITTSBi*GH, ~,A • t steicutT. MERRIcK & CO. 11..ET41L DITALEO IY ' HEATirrio "royals. GIRATR FRONTS affil FENIDERs,.ke., ace. SUMMER' PIECES. lIEVIThe STOVES ; RE r. .. v _... t,•...~ ?flees ifri11111Wal• Ow& - altinUtlClE-41k MN ~. .. .., . , - d 4 itinmpi t. • .... 7' rcurimplirsoirsplarNh:--' 111,11 illialtita --""gcli ....aCCIZA _ , Ink l e attaitt ri. leitill. =IA nistlii' 14 7.,Tfisablat faipie . cil", a sad u 0 tbet : 7:7 l ----- • .. : , , ' mil[: B.Apzu sox. . • _4 9l l * lM;' : : . Priadp4. C! Peaty -t- Ithiliki v i . - - 1 , : . :4-.. 41 i.!:i, ~-, ' • . .. ,1 ..1“:--it r,- i 7 ' .."! 11 . , aIIMPILK •i : " l erl a sent i ebrV i e . RIG ' PA ttt. ,_._:, .:. , -;7 i SO - altrerg & co , .. 14.0 -WW,14141 Anal Near tome, WIN* 4' • Pflitutit46ll. PA., . . , - • Ltllp DVE SHAHDC PHADI alf' CLOTH, dt., may TART jiOP STYLE AND PRNZ Valaitit• •I • 1 inuvuor a NAM,* Kan in* ilitissollbs Moo *boles o viit,;AND WINTER Bocrrii ai..fslloll4, Which they Es telling at GREAT BARGAINS • ASD ticitVPRICES! CaDEMI emr:se oar Stock I NO. 100 .-,EiIARNET STREET, Corner of ifth, Pittsburgh, Pa, toTTM/7. , WATCHES FOR EVERYBODY .4 STOCK OF FINE GOT,D A}D SILTL2 W ANNE& ALI: -WARRANTED TO RUN, AND MOM!' LT WI. CLATED, .AT THE LOW' PRICE OF ,1O EACH, AND SATISFACTION GUARAXTEED. roisoliditnieudimicomiratucao.i.looldeineicusr_wwiddiatiedekesee: 12;10'.)...41:ta3,:t! HO Hold Hitsithgtawannateter W akes ZO to rs MO Gold Hunting linglish Levers gri NH Gold Hunting Dr.: Watches tm t o !To IMO Hold Minting gamic= Watches • T I to :31 GOO Oliver flues Levers 61teilti 600 Silver n Clold in to lOW Gold Henning 50 m to lOlOHiscellansoas rit ili Watches 40 to , 2.0111 Mooting Sliver Watches Lto n 6000 Assorted Watches. all kinds HIM 3 The above 'tack Ul divined of on the pope: one phiret gltittrevet7 patron a ine Goid or S 1 Wtlithfid Hther etch aw 610 without regard to nit. Co., 111 Broadway. New Yalta* to Innotdiately dispnerotthe above mamdicett sat Certificates naming the entries are placed is rcki envelopes and well mired. Holders an eotttledtefe articles named In their certificate, upon payee% one Hallam, whether It be a watch wroth IBAU worth Inn. The fermis deny dour cenbicatel tr, des you to the atticks named thereon. upon inner. irrespective of Its worth, and as no ankle 'abed r than $lO la named an any certificate. it will a:mesh seen that this is no lottery, bat a straight brined l,r tlmate Mansaction, which may be panklpsted fa ter by the most fastidious. • A angle certificate will be scat by mail, pet upon epiceipt of 23 cents, Ave for St. eleven tor tt t: r. Iy-three and elegant premium Inc n elttpiift iot MOM valuable preueltnn for slfk Me bombed ari a IsuPerb watch roe $l3. To agent' Of thine Ilheing ployment. this Ira rare opportunity. It iss trotter , ty conducted business. antlentized by the Gomm% and open to the most careful scrutiny. Weirto by Espre.s. with 6111 for eolleetion is delheylloft nq dissatisfaction can possibly otter. Tryst dress, WititiffL,BUON. CO4 laspotvo. • • I Hi Broadway, New Tut. vatriB,oB*Mos. T.. g. ,BAT.E.MAN lz SON 1 ' Druggist.. TILE ABOVE:CAME! ) FIRM HAVE RECENT!' opened a Brag Stott. on Main {1n . ..1, 1/{l.o FALLS, Pa.. wbele then, may euastaatti be wait good aaaortment of - DRUGS, MEDICINES, !PATENT MED CITIES. LIQUORS, PEItFUMERY:IOI soarp, BRUSHES of sllcin 1i FAVI ARTIC;.ES, GLASS, PUTTY, Lturs, P:AINTSS VARNISHES, DT STOFFB, TOBACCOES. CI. ons, STATION ERy, IC., And all other article! belonging to the Pr boa =I . • i • . , . .Physicians' Preocriptions , . Win be esieftilly compounded at ill banu.std Cb Inees in their line attended to prempOr. beater Talk. Pa.. Not, IL V.—neriTC:ll. I I T 1. N W WHO SALE An aro I . - • •. • DEALER IN ALL Kt K M Or • ! Tin, C. • r pper Jr. s hoet• Iron Ware. I PROPOSE KEEPING foNSTANTIN 0761.11,D. khbis of TIN, COPPER AND ,IIKEr" It" W alla. will* I wUl.seU • AT rus LOWEST PIIC6 Tin•Wling, Spouting ii Job ' Dope to-aid:lsla the ena poiabie inane, I . ' thortett sake. Eriant DODO lilt 00 belt of gostetbil, and tali • . 1 bat Übe belt at workgieu, WE ' WARRANT WOlt SHOE ON THE to ITER it'SD Of arzi.ira fistreel . • isAyeg, PA. ult;4i jormiettow. ERM t - Ti amtialniie ..f ,4014 Ofinstenily on MO , %4"'
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