a rtrialalta I A th e old Anoro WV:Me I on. Tanta wait 1,701v14,461 0 imor wiloc a og le 4;00 a thq MKT ea be flailsbea: .1 opp ainicod=o, AP anis oak. ... • . ...1 ce haired' Of lochfor. tei- L of ite title ropetift4: l Y Inaklioa. To Wars . ktIPPVIPAIII" 1 4.44. 1 xa ' 14 0. Iw o. of the unbar, not for pubikatioa. bat ' A xpty Wand 110POSIUM . V OO and couunonlesalons should be addressed 10 J,XETAND ~1 / 2141nr ,toeridoi. r • LAUGHING OAS , raINISTERED BY DR. MURRAY. BRIDOILWA Pi.. In estralitag teeth. I bare elided to lay - oily ottrer fadlltlca Ibr the neceeefal praetwalon „ To mmie°, tide InnhuMe pita-MOW agent. Ali "`M of DentlAtry Performe d la the best and most an style. All work done se elle:till]. and.llß9 per t better then at any other Steam Dfttal Estabitbib• pas trot alto. ) [myol6:tf •' " • . r . Fo - r' .. ; Siikle. pal sFE ISLAND, eolvittit*a 'A Acittl ..' LOO Peach Trees, bearing 150 Apple Treed, bear ji. choice fruit, 10 Pear'lenCirees,ls Chem Trnes. 3V% .With Tree m,•l Tree...and Grape in e% all tivirg tith NI Acres of 11111ble gnnind, good llonme oth m roomm, good Barn and Stable, nit all the ucc e,trt Oet llou rem connected, - TERMS. $l,OOO drn, theibalann In two %Tars: arn6t] _ I nEsny MM.; ET. LAI.II4IIING, GAS: our. NU. TIC THAT. u‘s.vt BF;EN't3CFI7IIiNG GOW ound rnlsertni.of toothache, nod drone ofex: trs:ll.o. tart you wilt:Mid -that Dr.• Chandler .S., Co: play to r... 1 1 , ,,,, rc , ni by. -andse or the great pain dt.troyin :I.‘llatlN(. GVI mate their extrac t ...kni:l; I SG:11;1y 001 pllciao,nu,r,,p.orraftohreinretrinnuantn. beetposelbla v.:imp! wl nt rewoup.iilo tennis as by any pod Dim t;,4". 4taUgiligfiCtn:or Station: Italiaic;. fli.l' :::: .. 1 !...kr 67 —l3'. . • T. J. CIIANDLIM & Cu. Coal :aid but Goal for Sale. uSDERSIGNED TILVNKFUJI. FOR •TRE 1 patronay heretofore bestowed upon - him, takes I;‘,.ar, intbrming the citizens ofßoctester, Deaver and srtrroandinar country, that he. lo , u 3 word to furnish an excellent article of Coal `Nat Coal. on short notice, either delivered, or at 0 , wk. on 'the hest of terms. 4 The Bank is located ; il'lM:ky'a Rum near Rochester, Pa. Orders left i me, or et the Store of Thomas Allison,in 13ridgewa 4e; or at Me Prothoentary's office 111 Beaver, will lm paroly hgd. L'ajd Seely is Akcnt,. 'MOLTER. Pa. _• C lyre7:l l Bridgewater, Pa. 110WL.'S SE WING 3I ACII INES Tar: rNDERSION ED,TIAVIND RETIRED FROM e x; t u doring ',latices, in Bridgewater, Pa., will in he future, devote hit: sehols time and attention to the llowe's Unrivalled Sewing Machines. Ills iiicroota Is In inn building formerly occupied by hon ol ?ad Mr. Miller, ns a Milo; Shop, These Machtuca .a in price front stie, to byand will be - dclivpreo In pill's* to persons purchrtilit them. An expert - r:cod verson will accompany each machine, sold, and ti , rarzhnolwill be thoronaklyttristrtteted In its use. P. liven posing nu:4am; Abedles,, faschino i. 'ilk. thread and all articles needhil in sewing, and thaw of them at nimonable rates. Thankful to the pitillc for favors heretofore irsilved; eulicits, in his its butiness, continence pf the !-dte. eiptlsagitf. JOgEPR tuAuN. • SPRING FASHEQNS I " 1867 • . . 'I tRIDGE STREET, BRIDGEWATEII; 111 . yEw ASSORTMENT MILLINERY WILL. BE fi opened at my old stand, lately occupied by Mr. (nth, on Thursday. March 14tn. I wish to inform my V. kends, and as many new ones as will please pa -Isitt me. that I am now receiving .an entire new Aof Millinery, 'of the latest Spring Styles, and will bp;mstl with an early call. • • co 13'67: I .r. . MRS. S. REES. I, RAILROADS. MTV., FT. WAYNE &CHICAGO RAILWAY On end inCr Nor. 9.5 th, 1%7, leave Slailaxls dilly, an,expeptAliagalisayi, Chicago at IV, r..x. leaves asiry:l -- littehurgh .161'. M., leaves TItAtNN U 01240 Nprr -- - - EXP'II. (45.%m IGrdrm•t. . . ke , in , ,10 1 r1 . . 1140 . , . rt. WIM).} , T . . •• • 210 Ymeno',ll 405 414 I . . • •• • • t•AMAx lirlytuo , ppct Semi a.ikyl • 71 5 vat, ..... . 719 ..... . .. 1443 I'vrt . . Irarai Yn:'Jin Lt . . ..• 11 7 Wirasw • . . . . . I.'t% 1 tnot:111 . • . • •• • 432 Wart 7110. TItAI~.• Ufll ill ME 720 A y ,1011rx; 4.5 1 1rx .9 - ‘1.‘31 tottl . 1240 AN IV2s.tx ; G5O P*l ' 255 810 . Rl5 ' 127 1 1 :SW 901 050 12.11 rat I 441 014 • 11Yi81 141 ) :: 010 1 1030 $ 1140.. 2249 723 11311 . 115 rm 101 1927 11234 237 . 413 ! 015 .141 $ 405 r 213 liito eloa I pi, ,- 1105.1 244 525: 1105 1115 ! 310 • 1101) ' 125. .1150 . 3'91 t9IOA •I . 1153 L ,1223r31 : . 34 3 • ' n3O F.lO ' 113 510. P 2.2 'IIOZ 205 . 013 2:15 $ 014 I 039 . 10.1.1 2.52 04) 11000 . 1100 335 ! 7:10 1115 . . ‘ll;mr.Li..o , Iler.,outh . t4r4:e.t . . . Fe{ Warm El Wert ..... . rirr Eacytue • 'lin , ' t Au t. t Ica Ilion . auton 1012211 :_! IW ; i7!l MEI 'lt he I .r. Illt%l arkli , . itnAlt 54 , 1 ; 201 .... 2)4) 1145 in 1140 YuuuF.lnwa, Ne to. -(n.,.tle and 1-.rle Wale Venatt..town al 2:20 p. tat New Castle, li:113 p.M; arrh ea wt Pittsburgh. 0:00 p. m. lteturning.leave. l'itisbnyzh a. In: arr. nt .N. Ymnezt•town,!/: 10. Young...lrma. New Castle and l'111:11nr..11 Aneemten. tluion leaver ymirdp.tievn. a.. tn; New A 7a. tie. 1:20 4 in: arrive'. at .111..,h,t t y, lIV.OII a. m. Ertl eg. Aces .111. , :zheny, 1:V0 p. zn: az rivet; New C 20 ps'et; ",:211p. tn. ° Clevilland Ya:ln_a r,,~u.lr•.,c•• Pitt4;tirfth. 14:30 a. m: Homewood. 11 . 10 IR. ; 11;al a. :a. Arrives 4t I , "..nnrstowa. 12:50 p. rn. 10:1‘1'' Yetin tt'vtown'.".:3o p. List en re it. ; Homewood, p. tn. firri‘ cx Intstetrgh, tels p. ' T. P...MYEIIIk, Genera Ticket Agen.:. YITTSIII*IOIII Mi nod alter Nov. 1547. traip4 will leave Stal'oya o . 2,, lyrSnuttapi rsolotrd) ns follamt. MEM= MAIL EXT..' S. I Z.AIL. Ac 0r , 111.1 I • cciil 'Alert ds,r) 011A:411101r)1'' I f 1.4. F:3l 141' I 5:1 4 .1:15 -1114 1010 111 I 1 54 , , 1110 .254 i I GI 4 .1144', 25 4 2 • . lttOrm • 415. I • • ~. . Gomtri NORTII. , __ I . I il lA " . IR T :Cr ' B. ' ;ACCON 1 ' 85 , 11An' 410 rxlli ''i - 1115 015 -• • 7lfi.tx yl2olr.v &52 ' 810 •,12.31 718 - 8.10 137 . Btll 10Q.! ..1150, 815 ...,.. Irs, °alma 'troll , . . '. iMAl7,;lE3iei.riPiP'i. iAet ox 1 1 150 ex I '6lOAx 11016 Am ..... h 200 . 1 02.5 1101 .... ...... .. 308 1:13 1158 ... i 415 615 :14 :IVY ' 700 oat• • 2 ; OM .1 . 000 00 0 0 i i G 53 12 'I F 3 • 015 dor.io KIST. - . 1---- II Milli' IFalt's.[Exp'e. Acct . ---- •11 15AX1 ' I 60rx 864 e, .Z 5) ` 122,,, 'ooo' 615 E e 56 era 910 • 111,41 14 cm. • 1111.. . • I.‘lllo 411 h I Fir.ri 14), NIte . r . Ntiburzh r n•hhnh ..; ;ah..1M...; %Ors M. 00) f 't 840 111 11172 61 1 inr, NO Th fuscaUwAs BRAND . „ : . 1 .1.,-., . . ,„, m4.)rit t:610) 6 . t i, 1 pa and I - %-ltifs r. R. ittreptt deetift 1M ' II M'ecllle t 4 l47: iwlt - = 41, .~ ~- El k . .- ;C EMI l)4 orl lu , _ OH wait , ;rape* zddb • EV/lE. '" • ,jlo9 , elt !Meta ~ q)(1,14 C I O • N. il2:Woirolikroeil Nese dorßeeo[l 41N • / 111 , - SatitlMl .PA:s : .DWd'LLHIO AHD STORE srainizi E . • TROHEINGS„- CLOTH, c.. IN, EVERY yeanrry OP wryia 'AIiD PRICE $60,000 ! $60,000!f $60,000 MI CONTROLLER'S 'O'FFICt City of Allegbentw.Deventber 12811w181117: rt.''' E CITY OF ALLEGHENY DESIRES TO Ell fact a LOAN 01 UM; 'Bonds for Mitch will 'if leaned In enme artiooo oath, inatarinz-10 yawn *too fr n u t au r i t, e gi s lit. se Vi *co i niza in at j t u e , he a t a al si l i t i lp l a . l , i Nen* of aiz per cent. per 1111111=1: ' • • For term apply to or ado en • ' . IL B. FRANCia, - City lAnitroller. deelB'67:3m . WALL PAPER WALL PAItER No. 107 Market St., rear sth, • Anttsburib. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXHIBITA large colleetion of NEW PAPER lIANDINGC, • Borders and Decorations for Dwellings, k Churches, Sz,c.. which, together with a large assortment of WINDOW SHADES, we are prepared to dispose of at tho.lowest possihie price-FO JOS R R. KES CASH. Call aORO. ad see. . IlliG janW6B:l3m. WALL PAPER: FOR Is6B Spring Supply ut . Reduced Rabe NOW OPENING. • THE BEST SELECTED STOCK Ever•bronght to this city tor cnny yeirs Patterns' New, For gale, Paitorsi. Colors Bent!alfnl, Chambers, And Prlockll.ovett Chnieheni.. &e. • Thos l e luninglauses tower. and MEIittIANTSIIIIiIN.GTOSNI.L AGAIN 0110PLD CALIAND rirAait t sz TUE E BE/til t:3 Marais= of wan Paper before:7ln else where. DECOIV I \TIVE ItORDERS, ;• - - MoViDiz6iff -;TiNit iCir4trie .11-; OAK AIcrI?IIPICOVINZiI..`" ; C'•• rzi PLOS ROUNDS\toi PAWS F AkiY , SHADE OF COLOR, Stile and Niel , Co nick and '1 is L • • Ceilings, •Bprders & Fillings, Flooc. anal 431p14 irrperk. • OF AIL 01313CMIPTIONS: Siiidle A so' Hit, 50 ST.c-PrrirstligllGHt fettlf67:3ln. =1 123 M 23E 990 kw .215 rm 200A31 1040 525 ; 910 12%)rx 51r..) 1'458; 165 1;:7) I th",o 146 717 ; e!*l .214 7' t Y4O I £9ll 7•S 912 ; F;4O , 701 1•AO ' :1024 wo 1.70' iloos •11010, 610 '11 , 91 ,rl5 640 ' 1150 7? I re—N..311115 •!Lifis 11142 gio 211 11251rx 1013 155 1151.1 (45 NO 1255.04 59:4 401 VP 1211 419 245 7NI 105 I 113 1710 Tr. cto 11121) frxi s. exp ROCIIES ITALIAN&AMERICAN stoli um EsTe.,iv ii•Evrotrgs RJ3 ,.x.titntr. nriss,,lsTwlt; ANT WALE fOST . 4; • #.70/I.cEM MIT LOTS. . ALSO H FOR T4t: Phpaix , Hydraulic igeln,4l4ll. t7 l • A PERSONS PAIRINO MORLIENTS OR Headstonoe, give us a call and examine our stoelt 7 I :min./43 purchasing elsewhere. 'We have always on ' hand a large and superior Stock of Sulfated work. ' which we are selling lower than can be bad An the city or can be had from Waging agents through the coon ttrrqq es S bettar obeware purc ot w amm ing ts„ . all and daannbte for your . fob 96 uTiyh~: iol7' A 'C.F. , D t - , Y _ '` 1000 6C.IWYE. , . , • • irtEALEP6 AND M FLOUR Lif GUNN WWl.llNri-....ty._ u50:4 sTeactoixu,. i11ar411:266 New Effigllt.tra, Pa. , Airlwco em elphia !Wpm clot Agent. 4 . :;;;;; ,, '-‘ •s • " :(;) 'IC Ali 171 t:'44:l7Pfl•F; - $1 1,7 - .• •'_ , tit Ur; t)" 11 • :;t .• r • ' cfl < fr i;! f`~' :art ! ," 1 :i3-4f,.:,:1.'..ri'frf;'.:1?:,• . !...::. ME ESE 14: vi,fs MOVNE! MARBLE WO W. H. Mars DF.SLETi IC AND • " • :PALVNUFACTURtR 9F Cti-trid Stun©s •-: • • - - Of a anperior quality on hand AT, arSi, WILSON E ::1 r R:";f(^ ..T.t • f'„ ,••• ---11 7 : , - It' • - • .• • mt•l' 4 , 10 S • r!,•.; r; ri) I-47P _,- .~i.i°fix`} ~'~. s,r , ::2"!'. i.i ; RIRIE • 404, *Mr , fflitovias intii,iwouur oip .* why oloiliathii at* al imbetatbiiirooll ' r , .440wItilViletkeuetecevirtattliell &eV; - ' 7; A As* Of tbe Whine; it tweak of the-1210'c ~..' -1.% Ifieh plinth frois IttlitOltstestlittsishiVe: a • • r —,, , !47:27' . • i` , : ;':: •. " . .. 10 . ;,: • .! I, Tb•ensO,PlecilkaitAlergUniell.febt . 14 ft er ed ll on4 F 2 14 solllo•Pb.is " - 1 i .. :; And 'blip:l92g stet !hitohl,.ead the Itheio6lollllll* Obill hioillder tailed etidlos sllll.lle. 7'; :. ;-: . - 7': • Thilifilititmothe 'tjetteetdia st4iakefl,:' —_, ~ , . 1118 tnothr• Omit hibut's iiit*Otifri4iiterred 1 2 . ", Tye liasheia that ,iii4er ink tifiit*w .tnia • i , !iiilt,.alf,laelrfaitik6o 0 w.ei4 l o Or milt * . 7 • The Wield °herbals° check:Mt wbosei brow, v ie irlseee • eye. i,j.:'''. .. ';.• ~.: ~ '.... -. :-, : ri-.,... : : - ..k. ..-. Shone liesetyleiid pleasnie4ter tritniteluc . tif ; :-- - ana l gue Atilt thetneihory of these who Wiwi her a n *died ! Are alike ban the innitts of lid thin, Ttie'haOo of the king that the ieepire hid' ;, -. . The brow of the Priest thit the odhe **wail ; ' .--::.- 'Moo of the rakeand the heirtwllhe twit e,,,.., .. • . Are,hlddeti stid,h)4 to the dwitttOi thegrints, • • • . •• - The peanut :rhos.. fat to sow end to tWap ;.' -,, The heoltuss; •wito elliebetiotrltly his • &ate . " up. the INV :' • • • .. The beggar, who wandered to search of hip bread, ' Dive faded awayllke the give that Ire treed. ; , • " The saint Who enjoyed the communion of heaven, The sinner who Mirada* remain untorgivett, , „, • The wise and the foolivh, the guilty mid Just, Ilave quietly rulngied their bones in the due , , the niuldtude goes, like the linwers.or t weed I That withers onty to let others suctieid, I . • So the multitude cornea, even those We beho 'k'b repeat every tale that hss oftaiateenteld. ; For we aro the same oar fathersleve been . ; ' Wo see the same sights our fathers have - We drink the IMMO stream and 'view*. a And run the fame course our fathers hare Tlie thoughts we are thinking our fathers wmild Wok: From death ion shrinkfng ov fadess" would sista. To the life we are clinging they also wouldelLg ; lint It speeds tor us all, like a bird on the'wlng. They loved, but the story we cannot unfold ' • They ' , Corned. but Onto heart of the haughty is cold They grteved,but it it wan from the it slambent wtll t ome. They'joyed:but the twitter of Melt gladness is duttib: They died, Die l they died ; and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their.brow, Who make to their dwelling a transient ibede, Meet the things that they met on thelrpllgrlinage road. Yea! hope and devondeocy, pleasure and pain. - We mingle together In sunshine and rain And the smiles and the tea* the song and the dirge, Still followed each other, like surge upon surge. ' .1 Ms the winli of an eye, 'tie the dnitglit a a breath ; From the blossom of health to the paleneei of death; From the gilded saloon to the bier and the sbrond— Oh . Why should the spirit of motial'heprond V • EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. Qt. L. EB4ATIAUT,:-.10t4., INEW •itttMeßi • ' A Orresporahmt sends us the .IbUowing , at. I ticla upon the sound questien • The tiers of the Argus tutie don ntls noticed, pra. berbart does not think I .14n sound on thit wend question, proposed some time pea.... ~, I Tie trailicsniy position untenable, but I do Mot see it that way i .and of course he will cheer fully. giant me tile privilege to sustain myielt ifl ctn. .1 • Tie sayfii , "We bold that :Where there is no car, there clan bend sdniici If by any cause the air be so Agitated as to produce, sound-' waves forcible enough to act upon the ear, within their 'limit, sound will, 'NI, produted; but if no ear is within the limit of those sound waves, then no sound will be produced. A million persons devoid of the sense of hearing Might be within the limit of those waves, yet all Would be silence; bOt the instant, s pafect ear aunessithin their hmit the silence would he broken—Sound would follow." ER ME I=l I agree that the instant a perfect car comes within their limit, then the sound will he heard, which clearly shows that sound existed or it could not have been heard: tither sound had been *fore produced, or the ear produc ed it. Now does Mr. Eberhart think that the ear acts on anything by .which sluna-waves are.produeed? If the ear does not produce the sound then it existed before coming in contact with the ear, or it could never get an existence.. Does be not use hearing and sound as synonimmis words? There is quite a cliff: ' crence between the non-existence of Round, and its not being heard. The , car is the or. gnu by, which we perceive sound, and not that li by which it,is produced. • Let Ili Illustrate the position by a parallel ex4mltlf- ' • &Trim a box of candies stand otimy shelf; 1 would they be sweat it rid . tiOdY Is. permitted. ) I,e'taritethertni • ' • • Following' the•saMe coitlll)ig Xiteetdogr hp would ha, to say the Ortiality: we 'pall kites doeti not exist..nib, some rte. is peiinlitedio, tssktfienqiiittfthit itieMent,:.*Y , ireuld 4be- • 1 Orin that i qitality, ,Now,thla le, falireasoning and•to melt iavoticipsive. , lEsonnddoeirttnt, or may not :briiit ‘ btfore ltisbeard,:theetilidy can not te sweet borers KlS•testnd. *Tllastrate by another s exareple.: , If some •p ertbtneq, as meek, should be opened' IMO the sitmoiphere, would It perfume tbs . :4lf ito*Ofie wt 1 with= in a 6 04,Pi1te.4 Of 'A.?. all, ARBLE an The question linnOrrotad it , be =ldled by any oiler! But word& it love ; its odoriferous •qbalities fr'omtlio It1;01).„„ I saY'it nelthet.*Old a trai falling to tie rcuria,, fill'to . produce notioltheterialug, no ear may be "iiithinirear-; ing dlslance: Tref. Tyndall *alieliertbniur an operitionin',iliich ho ntiograshes light of a burning einaleby'nouria; cannot Ace how PnW EtWirhart ~cart i.econelle . that with thibiy'ef . souna.: for In: this case it 'caked bentrietlarrnn 51159 Our mend's article is, in our opinion, vast: ly morfacetious than logical., • Si' admill that thriOnient a'perfect sceUll oomeit'!Rith - - iii, Ifie IrMlior infltienct of imUitilu i tect , i,'sdulid is heard ind cialin's WA .ti is prole? the prc- EM ' • . • -,4-‘ al; ''r.a.ll , , 1• - • • • %;+ I DI • nc c. : t r-7 441111101 , 3 , ME *Nordifl;o4t 6. Par Replp. 7 I'. gecnia4t , 40, 1 ; ,9! , 0! i tft?e, iEer • F- ciiiilo4 , r hi,o 4 . l oe* psi sound! *mu this oh 0 41 #0;' l're/F 4 - the Orgal or nth( inbrat Munk- CoMPhk**m the e4d.itm7.., 0%40, *limn wit')tatikluisourig' sir...PretieFe by 9u . ::*--"" Pizereeitild li.l • ly perfidy's that ly PAM. its ; —andlerhllill-, ohr ediFeellm cal *sit Is to anitli the diUtOtKr (Irina,' Orittauni I. IV4 o**s mous terniv.lance question,- 0 triestit f ing senteloci elms henti r ' clarion - 18.6MM • . 'dissaireeable. , The void is srreett le /411/4, not, use them es e3M;e. im l / 4 . Inasmuch as sweet is lit iiin,?yepili.„ senting, a s'inality ponseased ..,./etsfirThute4 Clit air to candies, we must pre . % .3lll,okletnrs. illustration wholly - humpg . 1;o:,111.0Peint at Imo. His perfumery . it _on is *On& ly inapplicable, 10*e_ In'-,. „ ‘ - *cinibutids two.particu'arqualilks S' 144 : Wet objects, the exister and limit' lefts Upts smolt, with the, Tprtiis by whfch ottuse mind , these Illustrations ‘. the' qtkettiett„ lll 4 l l samuKtieinitet.nr,sto I. ”" W O.ll O lteral# To reconcile' ,bl 4 flerefiesettOY.glitt ! . 113 8,** 1 )1 1 4. 1 4 Ott" is t rar Co i'`' 6614. at that the glass , lent:concession of I* air charge of the cannon, whit their action sport. the - drum I sound., • Noluitbilis of r We bale reeelvellAvm alyscs of problem No,An t t 'Ma t but for wint . Of rooisi! forego Its publresitiottl • Nri.2 of Jan. 29th. l'il. 11e dueing 2 Bops an& decimal of ad acre, we ta at $125 per acre is worth worth 4200. we should* feerof lumber at $42 pert tained times - in .$4200,* , Hence, at $42 per lit - i , should be given for a 4: , 2 It and 16 P.. Worth,M No. 8 of Jan. 20t10 -...,' I I In a cube of centier.. ,:2 c". aro 8 cubic 'feet. - Delliiith waste leaVea7.2 cubic:tea inehei. The wire Li tabeAtiii, diameter. Wire in shape find the *oldne of a e3l thearea of the beset - .b area of the base fo04: square of the. radinaht 0; X. V., Davies liegelcipii : circle one-eiglitaf sa' . sixteenth of an inch t :whia ly is .0025 of do in& ' T) square multiplied* 3.1 of an inch; which expr hi contents of - - aninch in ' ace of Copp. inchei of vit etefas .0122. ' which we fin. time5...,11.1/ Itei 61'19'7 - ilwar;B44 I,' Ifthe be. nrei..-id ed. ()Waco., like dime) ' we say 4001 the siPliare tim()S4oo.. 0 is 86, - sa. oy, there! teraisclv Ani 001e,l lons In* in ii. No. 2 Of Iti One 12%k, 108900 ti. iliOncter 9k, 0 to teal, wtu be . the One-half wil!cti* ter, 'tin4.er repo which letsg, that.' ground. 'l6l to 3021 by the •by the dia l dempussions, iq f the carp/vete e ocs !!!Z3 NE •• • .• I 1 and "eleni• an- ' raper •of Jan ata ollllged to •r: ; • 1 . . -.Perches 33.8 scrag 'which :di For a, farm manylluksand it' pchi -100 ' lttnes' feet:of himbOr Malang 38 A. on a aide. there ;10. cent for 124418 Cubic." ' oh - loch i VHparkal. 'To ••••;:iro multiply . '"eltltude. The . AtiPtTing. the lA.' V. Prop: Pirt.Tains ;der`, ;pretend &anal .ecraatwa; and the 4t*es: .9.1207. (*.Often@ or sot ,.th tor in• and mid f • ' Xit..! . .t• - - '.l `' - ) ' • ; •Lt .) .9 ' • IP 6, r, .- 1;"4..: 00: •,•,,,:, ~.ji E 1 lid if.' '.l' $ • . il ' 5: • .., ..,.,„ ~.,,,,.. •.- --, -- ... , 3:T . w.:cro:; t Lfitt: 7:, ,i h 7 l: z?! S' S' ME ISM iit1*?:.•!71,7-,1 1 ,;;y • : ,, : . 'r. !, t 4:1 • . sT:irs't lit!" 71,!-:"74 - - A ;7 ; sl:3 - 1" . ' O s" 1 4k" Intotallblisst v-p-.6.5-erzlitnvm.l 11111 RI MUM 114• i'9 vela -Jumiluurnent--<.l : 11: Same`':e ago, fit licte*Pafigt.e4)tifitiltX In Vie Senth, there steno a' tam' eiWtt vigartals 401. titer; with flit gloti"ollitialtlt hi hisTace; Rat laid,t -- "Toil'secOie 4 .-Yoti !worse - lent/ Yians old. .rhaverfotight Awn ibuojed battles have fourteen waned' pnray F ilierfutvit lincl - miTtrdilis*-5 ,12 -HAW OA; l ett itta , loadF of trim- fbr' 3 breia, Lana* !rgAr tii&cang* heaven' takkoi-wileiwitheietstockings 'or glace ou . thy,feataidd. with onlY fekrasoi , for my dot t 1 - 1 1 ".*:, 1 estria l °F . EgYPiel.: 111 kfti .f.ci!likt"fiih Ktlirlifirr upon ri* WP:S 4,l"* t 'WA thtturatadterii3en that ttria t veils yif; my antis 'finibie4Ced'`friy .00 4 11101-`: Be' Y. 04 teilA bow could I:survive -M tiertaia - I answer, - that, neat to ti ... 0 laini 'mrpbleiiceortradAliweeniy 110,10~1Watt4 'vigor, to the fact - , pint f vizor #ront tr. dily of srirituous ,Ifqtior In 04 r- • the • at inquired the name • of h speak tiiikidrerr( and learned the it was Colonel Lebmanousky, of whosilentures on the Life and Clanicter of Napoleon . I had read retlitltS. '1.14t a. deidrti to 'iecarne further ac quainted ifffli pis strange history. Mid 'n, ,slight, secklent which he met vnth' the very mat - 414, listumd him to became my patient, itud:ski - afilitdecl the the desired apportu So soon as relieved the pain which ha , snf. r fered,`lsis'enreel into a conversation 'trent Which 'I the following facts : - an oMcer under Na pedean, but ` ,, had become a minister of the fatitheran fibiltetc, liedre) nemberid all the scenes of Bonatiartes times, and desdrlbed thetwirliti •irrinderflilinterest He was in deed aremarkable man for, although past -climulare and ten, he retained the erect , tyre, - and lirnfittep, and activity of eut officer of fitty. • His skin - had' all the softness and . 4 1ennaey of.raidelle life, while the nags r of his gigantid frame., the quickness,of Ids eye, end the powerOf hbr %mice, all indicated that it , wmild•baves tieen no diffitult thing for him, bad circninitances rendered lt necessfify, to resume his place on the war horse, and again lead Intik his-troops to the deadly combat*. Hie lectures I had heard represented as In tensely Interesting. Such I can well conceive ithat thdy Were, for;besides possessing a mem ory of remarkable tenacity, and unnsully relelyutterancti, !oiled means, such as per haps no alibi' living man, certainly none in this country'possessed, of knowing the men and thingewhereof• he 'palm Hisaettnaint ance With Bonaparte commenced On-first en tinft the Arno; when he fiend himself a 'privet soldiers nder that distinguished man astis For twenty-three• yenta - he him In stations of trust, • Which Intimate relations'neims - RO/hl3l borboixi of that ch ously issued decrie', this institution,wheuit , _ sliduld extencl•thcir arms to it Acinity. I remiriderVlitaxaball 'Bonn, the governor of Xs.drid: of %hit decree,' and be directed me to lfroceed4(4 'destroy it. I informed him !beery venient, the In Polish Lancers, waslnsufficient for *altos don't= but that if be would give me Frio additions) regiments, I would Undertake the work. lie atecrding lyfirve me the tiro required regiments. one Ut'whieb, the 117th, was under the command' or Colonel Do Lilo, who is now, like myself, a minister *of the gospel.' lie is pitstlie of one lof the; Evangelical churches in ,Marseilles, France. "With these troops I prpreesiell forthwith • to the Inquisition which was situated about five miles•froni the city. It was surrounded by.a wait of great strength, and defended by . about 400 'soldiers. When we arrived at the _walls, I addressed one of thesentinels, and summoned the inquisitors to surrender, to the imperial army; and to open the gates' of the Inotnisition. • ' 'The' , Sentinel, who was standing on the ( wall, appeared to enter into conversation, for I a few moments, with some one -within, attic close'of which lie presented his musket and shot (the of my men. This was the' signal ror Attack, and I orilered my troops to fire I ripijia Apse Who appeared upon the walls. • 'it was soon obvious that it was .an -m -erino' Warfare.' The walls were -covered with the soldiers of the holy office. There 'Was also a•tesstwork uponthe Wall, behind whiel: they kept; except us. they partially exposed themselves in Wier to discharge their-mus kets: Our' troops were in open plain, and expestedta a (I.lfrjletive Are. We had no camidri, vidr could we seat; rho walls, and the gates suceessful!y• resister) rltempts at fore ing.them: 1 saw that it was' necessary to change the meidfi ofattack, and directed soma trees to be cut down and trimmed and brought to Me' grOund, to -14 used as battertvg-uuna.- Two of these were taken np.by dethaliznents , eittatipn, as Minerms as could work to ad "iieuillge, and brodg,ht•to bear upon the walls tote. ewer which' they could eiert t regardless of the deadly tire which 'trite Poiir edema' them . ' . Prise:fitly the walk began to I trete - ble; and finally a brearh was 'mnde and the Imperial troaA 'tithed Into tho lithe Vie met with ad 'tickling full of Mit eflltdetery. Thai 'lnquisitor-General, follOWed by 'the colifersors, all - came out !of their rooms, as we Were milking our! war to eha interior of the Inquisition, and with long 'Rigs and their arms crossed overtbeli Intuits, end•thelrlitigers - resthig •on thett• aboulders,l as though they , had been 'Martel*, the noise of the attack and dstbllle, tug had' but Just learned wha6wairggoing on r7:ThitJaddres sed themselves to lierlaugnage of rebuke; to theiFoivu Soldiers, iijingMVhislo you; lgyt our friendd, the Frenehr. • • .1 • - "Their intentions, appixintlViero te matte us think that Mil defense - I-mei wholly. nett ' ;limited by theirwhoPlug that they could product let Air minds abelleftlidt •tbcy-were filendlyoberwmild lrriiiitietteropportunl ty,•am4 the Iceirdeston and'. idtwelct to ea-, optl, . *as 100 shelltriv la suc ceed. I caused theM *4OllOO Midergtited and all the tiddler" of the. l'iltulsitkiti 'to be meowed*. clieoners. We - .roeeedcd -Jo examine the Olson -house. We lat - throtigh room after•roosit allow- and wax tiewijat• IWl4 . bitudatee ' caukillaccirer one - Went. Otbruelly,lo* beenpractice& thate4lnOthlift thoeepecit 4 Iler littera which -WW.eXpOell ,a'finitip . at :lequsitlon.Thersored rolgthlitienee - and aphilidorotf erg", hand. Arehliecterel ' propgrtiona-were.perhet.: and marble flticirommn highly foollsbed mid A' ex- Therewtrad 'ame the. t rk and ritif.l9i` tuniflt4tastorr 't.wbere were those b'oivid tortAtec orwhieh id bad been ttoikind 'Mogi dungeons in Wbki hallow belngs were thild to behuteld alivef '. 'We searched in vain. The holy Eigkeis 15 El of ascii -7 IC • ?V.! 10 3r: Fl".;*/ Aft' I al 4 it a ..sl.v so' ' - iitt, tie i ....-, advilialbj•-tne, Irth Iliiittle-thicia no e had more einael . , anal Agee-be thne.4 iiketwr.pexued p • n jea,witt watcb sod welt thetet is ny hrotth: wptCh' - it passes Afore frealy . t rts•eliewherc. g. -' ''' •'I , -"I repliedto hhrtr;: , ' tett please, Cid- Mid ; end, he ardered - ,water tcr,be been,gh, tiewdingly,.._ Thigabs.of Warta° .eto re large ItudirkittitlftlaT lrAlithed; and - perfectly adjust- ot r ,n 4 lien the' witter-Atad' Item 'pourej ' (Wei ] Ost Adrarowitatfltd thelliasalisfeeLion 'Of•itto rlnqUisitomtsear9faiexamituttjon, walk made., ,of eve seam' q; hamarblo to weir the L . ter pissed thwingli. r P,•esently Coionci De l Lilo excliluied that helm) foisted it l. Hy 'the !Ade 9( chic of these slabs the • water paami 1 throttglil.freolf.!'lltdleAting 1M *alSCithltt. ' Ijlt' ] ncatlk ' All handit'n6W were at work-I;sr ft.r. Ether qiki•lvely; the eflicere with their twerdi and Inersoldletirwitli their bayonets seektrig to clear opt the yam • awl pry.up' the slab.— ] Others, with the/ butt* of thitir Muskets. Coln . - I mencedstriktnttho slab with all their. atighti,, to break ] it, while the„priests remonstrated ajpslitst our desecrating. their holy and beau tifulluAilp:. : ' -.. . ' ' ' "While thin , ah,ragetl.,a.s:l)gller.. rho was ' , hammering -with tbst. butt 7tif his • musket, 'struck-a sming and the marble slab flew-up. . -Thett.tim faces of the Incintsitors grew pale ; and as liels"azzer; when the hand appealed written upon th e p wall; to did "these ~:ese qt of I ' Bell dquak,e in every bone, joint, aqui. sinew.] NV .;, foaled ' beneath the marble dab, now partly raised and ?MS' a staircase. I steppcsl to the alter-and:took from tessndlestick one of the candles, four , feet in length, tvittch'was burning, that I might explore the re A ums 1;e• neath. As I was doing this,l was arrested by , ono of the Inquisitors, who laid Ms' hand gEn ' tly on my arm, an(hvith a very demure and holy loot mid:, "My son, you must not take that wtth your profane anl bloody hagd; it is hills' "'Well, vi,7.11,'1 said. 'I want something that is hely, to see if it will •not;.shed light on in iquity; I will bear the responsibility.' • "I took the candle and pripeded down the staircase. I discovered why 1110, water re vealed to us this passage. , Under the floor watt a tight cening,except at the traP-d00r, , 1 which could , not be readout-cinae ; hence 1 the success cf Colonel De , Lie's experiment. .1 "its we reached the foot of the stairs; we entered a large Square wpm; which was call ed the Hail of Judgatent. In the cee.ter of it wags larg4lock; with a chain ] fastened to it. On this they ' had been ac customed to place the accused,, chained to hit seat. On one stile of thanoom Was. an elevated scat.- ' called the Tittapp ,bf- Jthigment ',This the Inquisitor-Gemara occupied, and on either stdeWeriseats; leas alevate4 for the - priests; when aniptged, „in, the business of the Holy Irlqdisition. From this room we proceeded Id' the tlght,,arlko l Malt * access to small cells,- of the Ml mi .ii El lye, to rocanamillt icii• °theta lo occupy.' To* pm vent this practice being offensive to those who occupied the - Inquisition, there were flues or tubes extending to the open air,-suf ficiently capacious to carry off tbe odor from those deenving bodtes; ‘• -. 1 • .* In these cells we found the. remains of some who hatipaid the debt - of nature. B= o .l oilitetti Ida been dead auparently but a short time, while of 'others • nethieg remained but their Immesst.ill elugned to the floor of their dungeon ! In'others we found living suffer ers of every ate and both sexes, from the 'rating man and maiden to those of threesclere and ten years;all air naked as when they were horn into the world. • ' ; - 1.. ;I: "Our gradient lizmedittalY applied- them. selves to releasing m these captives fro their chains. They stripped themselves of a part of their own They in- order ttdiVer these wretched bodies, and were. eiceedingly anx iousto bring them up to -the liglitJof day. But aware of their danger, I insisted on their wants being supplied, tingl4heir being brought f mdually to the light' , as_ they could bear ' '''When wo had examined the dells; and opened the doors of those who yet Nrvived, we proceeded to explore another room on the left. Here we found the instrumtnts•of tor ture, (lever) , Rind which the Ingenuity of men or devils could invent. At the eight of them the fury'. of- our soldiers refused any longer,t4 be restrained. Theyideclared that, every Inquisitor, monk andieldier, of the es tablishment, desefted to be put to' the ter tura We did net attempt any lotige.r.,ta re strain them. Accordingly they AL b n:Acorn menced the work of torture upon tbo Ingo's ' item. I remained till 'I saw tour different 11 k de of torture 'applied to them, and then rat red from thd awful scene, which ended stet So ong as one (remained upon wheat they multi wreak revenge. , . I ' "At ‘OOll at the poor sufferers in the cells of thelnquitdtion could with safety be brougld. out of their gloom to the light of day, (news Inning been spread far and near that numbers Tsai been rescued .from the Inquisition) all *lmbed been deprived of ftionds by the' in quisitors, carne td inquire - .1( theirs' wire al the number. And what a meeting was there I litmierons victims , who - . had been burl idive•fdr thaey 'years, **re _now -re stored to the activoworld ; &flamelike tam found here a eon, and.therea daughter:, here s sister, and there a bwethsr ; but 130M8 algal could recognize . no entiriving frjetulti "The scene was such atlas tongue , can de : : scribe: - When - the worst of .teqognition was ova, to' complete - the 'business in which I had engaged, I went to - Madrid et/tablet a large ' #arititaref guttposider. _This I placed un-. derneath the edifide and in its vaubajind we applied the slow thatch. There was I ajeyful shout-him thousands of excit.edbehelders, OS the walls and niguisive turrets of that proud edifice fell, Enid smoke and flame,. to rise neiL, .-. , er more in defitusce of th e attributes ofjliefied I . and mercy; for the Inquisition was no more I finis Banani, In recant spe_eeli on. Mar 'Nation *Alt" I' belleVe the • peoplei of th e linked States liave4iffere9 to the world more valuable Jurors:Batten 'aril* the last forty yenta than all Europe put together. - • "13 . ' add a little 11t bin to ancoLher, "does you sitooluitutter efer give ytiri of merit P' -4"1.14011. 1 / 6 does," :was -66 • fe : Joinder e "he giyes "eft* - day, andsais,/-anPriAtlver , • - - I . . - 7,* !I! ~ • - t • '• ; : 44t; elections conutqltl;:ttOeidottAgfpring. elections witether, sttn.rints d ..ppot ' . •or not. . 1. Tun pessanta In Britiviy.4sinec„ . .telleTe that the great Napoleon hull! alive, jual as &imp DOMOCratarierAst , in 'voting fo• Andrew idekson &thin country.- . • . ma lam KIS 1.-iuliid,wirasimialiniptirsar • - , I ,` ...-, - 4 ,_ iits-,i4. .,. __,,, t _ ii. tF ier64lll tile t* . a l °l o ll ßlK. 1 1 . ,• , sefiewee,sse-Ise'esith sabaeipstat * • '• . 1 ', iAtOMPAP I S9.I 4 /1 1 011 - sansallitt ,r ! r i l te 4 : 4 Vo te4 3l.7l ! l ;. 4 T,Pdrip• ler" — ' islapailea! ti• 43 1.,,, , ,,•• 4: l ' , • '• ';•;•4 1- ' 'I ic,li t illisslintriesh: • , 1 R5M 41461 MP.= A., ,-. A . •, ~ LA Sid 4,l l o: ' I .l lk l Ue. ' ' - . ! lii. :i&a<Walr e it t : 1 17 . 04 1 . IP 0 , 0 i4***lntlirdilstaliiierle i• 4 - ,L. , .., 3 • , •• •- , r.- r •1 7 Millecikinkso. l6ol o ildaitilibanie acittithrtatlogyliptbrinsidiltnitbli** - 1 •;;....•iztri i • .4. ......,-,) . • - iii ,- -,. • -,r v." . „: ~." 1i. , 441.7.ri tht r.;;J:a! ,ti fit clap t s 'sal 4 a 10, 0 ,- ,:t ,- --> ItOor to moon .. Op , 1 . This is thitArsy.thateihit flaker*Tranete ' 1 atm ftioug blierszk'rt - ; •T he - ekkitisulektoio MilfirdoOlietislr" . and :tbsorderly til:ThextoltdoolsONlOlMlliO * - that Monday tatltAif PAIV4IIII4 . .l xtem4 approached.bf troYal,b4m 1 to be ninsitsid fofdyingtettiteitt • I,Pcondnet. Bnrptii•Wair.snetty'katidifer' d r. '" - bad hesitate' d. a anninent: , •Whstwlthatl: prisoner offereditim st , dollarifta ~....tja;•44 " • 11e• .. ..cute.4,1111n Awl 149kIAllii, t,,9-4 ,1 1 As.E o l* try. Tliatii - as aii he Itildir.'-' • , -: :r! VI I Mr. Williams. - I will explain:bigli r rintr" Honor. You see infant') htr finnirha, - ii sx- - tremsly intserriblis, • "fts, - I.'stiviid" ' 4. , j) . 7 4 , lire In- anniftrtfanipAfew, ra ', aiid inivacatnai.ey_ou rog,j(kiWoolAiitill n,• troll how and why,. ' One fpar,sgotkli ' I was fciplisit enotigh to prfidsettiOr 0 - G ally aru slit tieCapted nit. '•••l4lAiiiitisti•l fti ...t: ed her..buttimOrtd eseperienteleere , 1 . , me iteitdirt.i_k,•lk l6 9..tolr e sls,. .., isivrll.. -,Tll T th.o9 - Z i Psu , q. ll .ln" . , teddea ptis3orinefitrags cr;•and , - wont so ter`terte , teach* Btintisk , r , But the atm:By:wore 44.sed,,I;trledte illus''. ir 1 reLwith rher 4n tlles' io.,hreskihaergigFr z , l'inEnt... Alt r/wl.3e, she w" 14) 10411,1r i.rel: I told her I was iithrortlqi ter: ma I winild'resign' lier sod lire tird* . # heisted! ' • She adolit,teol the unsrosibititt=blikt - to give me Alp. I toatiati- , but ' She replind, by Calling tae In ni_tarl4.r,4 4 llS , ' ed: I did not wiskitoit4 liar,: ?!1 4121 ? •-. ' . father. and, nanny - , bratu s i_, - mt„lia , • • • 4 i . came of. last t .oneircA ,th li•et4'. , .1 . , • roAding the-76445. AA Illicate4 '• -,:' ; lion to 111.1 sad act thdt'hight`i•Oung,(n'en been fined by 3;(111 in oio dai for-be, and disorderly : •antrohe addia, 4 Y.ln n, If vim word sti'Clt a ptirson, Tr:edict not lov iii•)trual:”.-4,_.- . lAt thwie, words my heart RBA.•)loorfile4'mitli, . , r%•, and Itnid het she was Perreal9 tight,— • Then I kr..c.i.• what to do. I. said In myself. • r ' Willgc•id the greitt flistiPe, end' Wilistsk him ~----• to fine ono 85 for being dpiiik...lhd &Order- - ip ; then will my , eager:avant ha inarely.lro. . ken,. I 'innae to Chicago yestenliky ;I asked,. . the pol ken= An arrest ! toe, - anti notv I n here. Now, ;,ettligrk *h ny a. Ind happy: See' ' me for being tittrn:: : and disorderly:llo poll will make inc happy forever. • It will awe! . , I in the'paPers and . nip b etroth e d will A nnlis I me. Here arc thc• 11•Ortrihilary r •• . , Justice-L-I'am ilide4d surprised to so ski ; much wicimine.is, and -cunning in _one so young. DiJ you think. tir e fhtd, this..Const v - outta'ti: :n.dnix:iyin,z,nirrionifjniald I iflt- , or. Toil lire str•••.tenced• to the StridoWtlirßri••.! twenty daPs. While Vide intisteCtiparsroni 4 • wioketl mum!, and zereemember that 014 .it-- - not the place to get separated from poly, bet ~, trothed. If 8110 wa. poor wife, it. v(o4ll.ber !t different thing: •• • •- - , ••: - •:: Titup Aentimentallst In Co;Art: , •: "What is your prize?" . , r - "111. y• name Norte on - the Gerinart Rifle! • "Where 414 yozA poke fr . eip4 "1. • "I c;ame frau the 1:0i417' b• t where b unktiditel '• •r• • - 02. 'Maguire iron' OPP i; 0 — - • vyaf ,tim married ?" • • i'lf ' 6 fttvkellie o'doek ono. stirligiit' I ever shall remember." "How ninny children have rddl" ••• "There's Doll and Bet and 'Soli and .If.alc, • and—" . "What Is your wiPfihampt" "0. no. I never mention .her." "Was your wife good•looking ?".. • "She was all my fancy painted ker. " "Did ran- wife trdtt on badly?" "Oft In the tidily !debt!! "What pterlssiods have you ?"• • "Old Dog 'rray." > • • (r‘Vnat do you propose to do with hith ?' "Send hhn - ro the othersule of.Tonlan" "How do yottpropose. to make a living?" "Pull of uty ;coat arlitlull up my aleev . w s lt..i - The Jud,ge could not stand any more and , accordingly shut hint up-lor three months.' Whht lE,*ty Does the Itettezieb-' ' ;- .4 lug t • = • • •••• - • • . 0 Our Democratic initionentii• tie constant!, crying out for retrenchment and reforna,. bet t . when it is propovd practically to enter oft, the perforntanee Cr such wort, the • Democ racy arra missing when their votes are needed: It is conceled;that the affairs of the' Natioctal administration arc conducted entirety •under. the inspiration of -Deshocratte • irtience. Every Der irtment but tint of . War , con trolled by the Democracy. Tile moment ,;141* war ended. Congress began to cnbdown • gull. lie expense-s, whit.; Gies. Gitant lest nil time' In mustering out large* bodies of men. • The last Congress ga retrenched, as to be.nble kf redtce taxation seine #120,000. 0 90. This feet Is never alloived to seltbelretbilf lay' in ant of our Democratic coteruparsries .An titer singular fact is that therese.nt Oongresr. hoe reduced the estimates for appropriations tia• 'carry on all.tbo Departments of the. Ooverif: ment- ,The'stim imbed by filo State • Depart; mutt has bffltiot matertally - teducdt; thisSeeraf taryoftheNevy wastompelled tovedVie tatt timatet $ . 20,000,00—1he ow - 49130( Tem-. ury - giartment have been 'so' cOrtalied Con''as to saver $5. - 2,000,000. The*" art p ctlcal evidence of the disposition-4 e Republican Cougreep In; • retrene,b,-Init•• to stteh - caCtil The Pc,laleirao..nOlvT.,,;Altuk: ••• •-•L lliaturoiLlFeaav:*. •-% ti We see Mal dour titost"tiOtfafti. itlisltedj Democratic iknakOt 'has iiffered Pro' • 1 viding the nccepaq : precautions of. , 4 ,to prevent the intermarrying' of blac.ka, whites.- Tito meivemetit; we infer; td - sant hgainaf Withatural tteeedit lira; Ind br origin with the Deutocract , or a , neighboring v county, ivb . o.baqs doub • tkessautrer.l4 some by , marriage Ugnco t'4o motive 4: s4ittg for the passagoofthia bill. We tato . Atvor hi:4llllaP,goll4lWestrtetis•ototlttottent slim on thisstifijeWfirtho thc. •••• wasacti t)t th_p qiiepitliglowparty :are gent., refinorend decent • m9u, who nowt . law to rstrain them triimpottypting the rice. If its dlitlontibrt oht Dena:Wade Mad' tab,' Protected frotoSbeirlowninclinaticaCit is . tie iittle•as the RepuhlicariVrity of tim Senate. eau' dcitci pa'es the bill Ift et it Ilitle• . hard • that. whttri atiitsPi loohot,. *dims lawlitiotiklitorpied: to -orcrentAttr - • lodging ..thomextvoill tp•onais• dung•hairt. Neverthelevt thepemocruzr. haver their protection: carAtg Rive o f 4 1 ,1e 1 0 1 ;LI nrEitate:or qkrstip:lirt lc.gisferin Thlch 410641hatpadir,„;...hstiaeuierrdp . • - rAT soc *t_ca ow scon - • e , s- • °r IbeitenntisCYNlter joined nbiltintapary:latinejiAars,tOcinsli- • ;, Ay ;what - Awn" pat nalidtst tow • heltssogrn• .141.otAtOl e ttlig the Ds l4 9crailo 1 partyltithti efrontd-tewatir s tKototal „ 'Tat Proiident is determinedloAtietition • • ,Hnncock in Lottisitp. nottelthalamliit the. , poor...fooled• tmd stckencd soldier Nrants,,h , cmape the tliFgracc a his present , r.: lion.• 1111 ~ ..-10,••••••••••, -, APM.•••••••• , '" •• .0. ' 1 * •••• •• • . ,-... " nt • +N. ) - , 0 • ' rowr ' ! -. , :; . It )101 11 17.'.': ,' IEI EMI MEM II ) 1 ‘3y,- Ei2
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