• BO 11).„* • AiYvICIA'~, itatasoN:a recot;cnEuit, Ifni permaneutly longed In the TOWN OF ROCHES TEO: 'Pninipt attention given tO all cane,' excepting vetrn2roteAelonnlh - engaged. Office: Adjoluing the "31:melon 'lonic" In the iil Clevelind' and I'itt•burgh Itallroad Depot. !tech r*. • ftorafMti . • DNIINIFTRAToit's Nostes,..4,etterA .of AdwitnlActi. V lbw on the rotate nI DAVID SLAINDITAtti Iate of -Ibtholki thwtwhip, Bearer county. -doe'di- s - Myth:: becolzranted to the untierripleth all pen.our, Indebted th the raid estate. are retthcotcd to make ittuntall. ate toyment; and Howe Laving claims of demands ::•crtinrt tho el.. tate of raid decedent will make known It • *AM MV4IIOIII , Id A 11(lA ItET STA U6IIT Atinirs. •- • -] TINST3IA.N, Adnir. tyliftl7;at. vt-hr; corirr OF et 13thIONI PLEAS OF BEA- Y Elt COISNTY, No. tut I.larEti Tenn. hog. Rolleitrutter ve. Elias Porter, libel In divorce, a six trbe hubpti.l4l3 and otiiiA Kubucartt, letneci In tblm ode, horn returned N. E. I. the dvfeadant above nametT.l: , hereby untitled to atpear In Court. on the firetlionday o - September, 161, to answer the cot:1- 01bl'. ut the libelant. J. S. LITTEI.I.. njy31.6.1%it. , • It 0 J II6 • . 8* new PREMIUM,jk , of • •ellver Nodal , t • • WAS AWAZDID ill • ___Jk •♦ BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE, •• a r the N. 11. Mote Aseteuiteral !Adel!. yar, holden in Mesas. Septa% IBM • _ • 1 . -inAnitETTy• lirgetable Hair Restorative Antares Grey Usti to Its Nitwit Cola., pto-' inotts the n zeirdi of the Mk I .dhangeo thu dhor want° mimic sedan s cites_ Thliedztrild unmoral s 'Prllritatil4 - . Mgr Wang eon la a mambo Domodnz. It coondne nolnjuMpopulat anne Ingredients, , 44 /11 1 1 1• : , Ind te the mostid renv. Ode ardela thloughout the - - 4 -. rSoniaet, Wee; orth. and At i L . • . ... - : - 1111r0 • . . R. BARREIT .co„ ProPrielpfe; KANCHESTIA 1121. SOLD Er D1:U00,111T8 OEIIEBALLT An WO'S —.7011N MOORE, Beaver: MORGAN CRAIG, New lirl ghton. Unnafa:Gnt "Beyond the Mississippi :" . A ComPlele HiNtory — V the New Stat or an d T er . • i—ritories,frlria. the Ant Ricer to th),- -- Oreat Oceim. By ALBEBt D. 121c11414.)50N. Oar 20,000 tbpies gold in ono ,Youth.} 4. Ltt's and adventure on Prairies. Motnatalns and the Itch' Coast MIA prer 200 Daerfpfitre and Anfographic l uwi er the Scenery. Cefifs, • Lamle, Mina, 'talk' and eurioeitire • , of The New Stales and ' Zrritorie a. ' To psi wmectlve end , , , rants and settlers in the"Par'Wn.st." [Wit vast and fertle region will prove }.'an invaluable a4sistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full,autheade and reliable guide to cl !- Llama. soil, products, means of travel...tc., &a. AGENTS WA.IITED.-Send for Circulars and sap . ourterms, nada full desualption of the works ' Address • .NA'CIONAL PUBLISHING CO_ . jy3l'67:4w. • 50711inor St, Philadelphia, Pa. A. M'GAUAN =I GROCrIES and 111 , 01TLS10:15, *nib Ado at Main thrtivtj NEW BRIGHTON, PA- ; BIVOI. NEW GROCERIES. 'TIRE 'UNDERSIGNED, THANKFUL 'ro Ins . 1, Mende and'enstomers for the generous patronage Heretofore extended to him, taken pleaeure In Inform• Ing them that he has recently made large additional° 'his stock, and that he manor bell . , 04 6 4::0001 . 1Plig Of the very bet qttsfit Is low as &clam be porches ;ed west of littobutt: Ws stock embraces the best of COFFEEI, I TEAS, SUGARS,. SYR• UPS, MOLASSES. Rpm ti TT IC • RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, . SOAPS, CANDIES; RA.I - CURRANTS, . FIGS, dia!, And in fact everything In my line that Is alma, kept Ina well regulated Grocery Store. PEEP of all kinds kept on band; and the hest brands of PAIIILI „PLC/T.3l'cm always be obtained ;at my store. • All Foods delivered if Karam' ' , „Wl9 tr 7 .51310N SNITOER. 1 - FURNITURE. AND CHAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES as otrp T s.* NuivrAcimut •ND WARRANTED ) PARLOR, • LIBRARY, • DINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS, In Every Variety and \ Style t SCHOOLS, HOTELS, STEAMBOAT, and PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PUNNISUSD ON MOST AEASONASTA TERMS. T. /1. YOUNG & CO, 113 a 40 Smithfield otrket.• marzolstiha Pittsbur g h, PAL mavir, Buuw.. . NEW sToat, NE ITEM New Grocer:tea WILSON & BROWN DESPICe'rPITLLY ANNOUNCE TO nom my- Am manna friend,. and the pnbtle getterally, that thel Intend opening a Now Grocery Store, on • BRIDGE STREEI'. BRIDOEWATEIL. i t vadjoining the Dry Goode Etdra ot A. O. Herat, oo the day of March. It to their hiteutlon of having at all thae*, tall aaeortmeat of tho BEST FAXILT GROCERIES, . . us:llV beg keret° state that they are .determined to cow with ail other dealers in th e town or neighbor hoops as thdpfitoek of Goods are all new. and taught ,at the late great reduction, and selected with the gmat est care byltr. nAlTrf BROWN. whose knowledge el the business cannot be questioned, haring been with il(r. Amber Haney foe many years. They eaff partittelar attention to their stock of Teas • and"Ceiree.as they flatter themselves they hare some thing extra to offer as t_price and quality. . • The beet brands of runny Fl •or always on hand. Produce taken at all times at full et prices. dB wars delivered. WILSON & /kid:smite% Peb. iIM--ty. •• f1~,.71C male Principal and HK restate itastatant rev for Rochester Ynblic School.. Election 16th of As;;. ttdd. School to commence drst Monday of September. /.. By order of Baud of Directors. • It. W. SEELY. , Secretary. Beaver Salt Manul - attiring Co. THIS COMPANY IS 1 4 :OW 'MAMITFACTURYNO, and psired to well a superior article of Paha their works. oo n Creek. 4 mile from th e Ohio river. All orders left at the Works, op letters addressed to M.- li. French,. - Beaver„ , slll receive prompt, atteation.: • , 'LIyIT6I. t DMINISTERKD BY Dit.'I4IDRItAY., Bittookwa -11. 1711, Pa.. 3n extracting teeth. t I have added to my many other facilities (or the,successfnl prueeettlon or my proferelon. tide invaluable path-killing agent. All branchee of Dentistry performed, h 3. the beet and most modern style. All work done as tchea_ply, and fifty per cent. better than at any 'other Stemn Dental Establish. Meld in the tsars. , • [myntktf 'c. r witcren 2, -! W. L. DEVISOR. WINTER' AND BENSON • (SUCCESSORS TO C. F. WLITER,) I,EA LEES .IN 'WATCHES , CLOCKS , ZNWELBT, ' Silver _and Plated Wares, Musical liunrnmenta, Notions, .tc.. ,Cc. • 4•iff - Special attention given to the repairing of Watch- Clocks and Jewelry. Store: Cur. BROADWAY & APPLE STREXTR, •' NEW BRIGHTON, PA. Banirtli LUMBER, LUMBER. - XIE BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST CONVE- Went place to buy Lumber,ia at the - SAW AND PLANING; MILL • Of WM. D.kVIEPSON. on the Blg,l3claver„ a half mile above the Bridgewater and Rochester ,btidge, IN NORTH BRIDGA'WATER, Bear& Countyi 4 Parneylvanizi: Constanilv on hand—a large lei of sawedilumber, timber and logs, lath and shingles. All kinds of lum ber planed.. A -kiln for the drying of !anther attached.' Patrons ef this yard are guaranteed satisfaction. jetr67:tf, - Notlee , to the Inhabitants of New Brighton and Elsewhere. • Ihive this day associated with me in the ,prietlee of medicine, my eon. Dr. W. G. Stewartotlitx on, Bridge street. opposite public square, when" we may be con sulted at all hours. • 1110.5. ISTEWATIT. • Jet's' Ist, 1867. Dr. Thos. gtewart having bad an exierlenceof tep yeaN in the investigation and 'treatment of Female dis eases. and weakness, has at the request of many of his. friends, consented to spend 'Monday's at his office, on Jefferson street, op alto the idethislist Church,' New Ca.'tic, and Thursday, Friday and - satirday of each week, at his office, in New Brighton, where he+ will almost exclusively devote his "attention to the treat ment of disown peculiar to females. Persons wishing to visit the Doctor for consultation or treatment, wilt find him at his offices as above" stated, from 9 a. m. 'to 10 p. m., where he will wait . on them with pleasure. Those requesting will be furnished with the names of many who have been treated by him. +'• Correspondents will address the Doctor' at lieW Brighton, Pa:, P. O. Box I‘l3, wherealltommunicatitms will receive prompt attention. julyT67:Gmos. • • CARPET STORE • Renioval.. • VOALLUM BROTIIIRB Will remove on March let, 1867, from 87 Fourth street, to their new and elegant Warehouse . , • NO. 51 Firma STREET, Amyx WO OD ST., • PITTSBURG,' Built by thc rh for the secomerodettion otfaetr Urge and lnEreaeinn business. MIVIng eery superior 4setlities hoe businms, . they will keep constantly on band a Tar assortment of all Goods_pertalning to the Carpet business, which they offer at Wholesale or Re. Asti to the trade end public at loweit market rains. • • muirirrly] McCALL I OII BROTHERS.. NEW ARRIVAL IVlrri 1 ha. fel toorz-ei, • • IN BRIDGEWATER, PA 25,000 Bolts of WALL PAPER, Of the latest Styles and Pai;erns just received Rom The subscriber a,, , min ttuinks his numerous friends for their former Patronage. Anticipatintt their wants and nudes, I visited New York and dos* eekxted one .of the largeat stock of VARIETY GOODS, &C., Ever brotigbt tethls county, eoneLating of . Traveling Sacks, LadieZ;Batehelit, Fahey floods, 'Cisildress i s Carriages, Books, Stationery, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window) /Ma; Biggs, Brushes,. Etc.. All of ;which I wig sell cheaper than they can be pur chased for in the bay. Give pie a call helve Purchas ing elsewhere. HARDWARE STORE! J. S. 7 171.N.A.1NT5, NEW =MINTON, PA., HARD W ARE; I4ON, NAILS , .OLL33, J ;AND , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS; BLACKSMITHS' : TOOLS, MASONS'. TOOLS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, BENT FELLOWS* SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS Sr, HINGES,• PICIFS,MATTOCKS & .110 ES, COUNTER & PLATFORM SCALES, TABLE & POCKET' CUTLERY, HORSE SHOES & NAILS, TIRE & CARRIAGE BOLTS & NUTS, • CORN minutes, STRAW cH7FrrEali. ALso, PAINTS, O.U,S, VARNISUES, AND PUTTY. AGENT TOR EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FIBE•BRICK WORKS. janV67. BROWN. * Teachers Wanted. LAUGHING GAS NEW YORK B. MULTIELM. Bridge atreet, • Bridzeirater, Ps. r DILALEOX SHOEMAKERS TOOLS, SADDLERS' TOOLS, I'LASTERERS'. TOOLS, 3ILNERg' TOOLS BEAVER FEMALE EiENIN/IUItY. ♦ND MUSICAL INSTITIJTE. Tll6 FALL TRIM OF 14 WSW OPENS SXIT. 113 Daglish. aad Oraawitat• Ltd Departinenta. provided with thievery brat Inainte.. tore, A lady vocalist. Mn. litag, will give specild at. widow . tq vood music. • . After somasy yeani of /wow* we feel it 113111100011111- 17 to say more than to notify thci_ public of the time our opetdig. •For Ca t alog u e. &Odra* D. AERTICW, Preet., bard. irarellq• _ SEA ISLAND SHELLS. -•, _ • v, . .. PIC;BNS WISHING TO - ADORN G A RDEN Prs and mounds. or ornament Cemetery lots; would do Well to apply at Lukens' Wharf Beet, Re- . chest/r, - where a splendid tot of Washed SRAISLAND SHELIA has just b'-,• ritaired,'and are ferule. .leMll7:if. W.ll. WRENS. D. A. Deoarme, VIANUPACTURER OF, AND DEALER 111; ALL Jai kinds of CIOAlle, Tonaccos, SNUFFS, &C. - &c.— Prices moderate. Motto: Quick ialee mailman profits. Shop on the corner, nearly opposite the Post Mice, Bearer. Pa. 1n1y17,137.1f. RATQft'S NOTlCe—Lettegi of Adrift ovation on the estate of .Isuata • Duress* late of 0 7,1 b Beater, deed, having been granted to ' the un to el au persona linoleum itbetmielses Indebted m eafd es te, are requested to -make Immediate pay pent; end Vitae having claim sigabiat -nine will resent them preiverly autbentlosted for midmost. /01111-PITIVAN, Aduer. • jyetT:Gt... • . I Oblo tp. Noti4 e. NruncE IS ITEREBT GWEN THAT Tait DTT &reigned-citizens of Beaver county will_2zln thq next annual session of the Pennsylvania Tot' the creation of a corporate body with banWZl discourage privileges under the name and style of the "Binver County Banking and Safe Deposit Almelo don," to be located in Beaver, Beaver county, Pa. -The specified object of said Assortham to be the receiving of deposits In money and valuables. at the rink of the Association, for Which a reasonable charge will be nude, to be ?metaled bylaw. reenbing deputes and discount ing in accordance with the mune= of other ' associations. 'The amount awoke! to bodily tiVal l z il l dollars,--mcith the privilege of increasingto one hgthdred tluntsind dollars. argon irsaciAr, a. &goat, w. w. IRWM. r. brawn. .10IIN CAMIT.Y. a. O. BUTAX. V. WETAXII, H. BIM. .11: c. WILIION., . I.IEO. W. /11.A.MILTON, it. S. HA DEALER IN GROOMES dot PROVISIONS, NAB MIT =en v= A nuran 'MIN 01 Cranberries, Ilominy. . Pinned Peaches. ' Turkey Primes, do Tomatoes, ,_ Layer Malski. do Green Corn, Seedieell RaillinA4' Driedo Plums, do Curranta, l . ~ d Cesz os; P Chem; • Sweet Potatoes, . ' Pickles, .Zio. 1 Mackerel. , Also. a prim swortment of Teas, Sugar and Mete FlBP — Ternm Strictly CASII. _ A. 8. BARNEY, imv2POS . Bridge street, Bridgewater. J. & IL PHILLIPS, 28'&28 ST; GLAIR ST., 2 2) .1. - ttgla:oll.7l..llN, 1=D451.. 7 atandsetorera and Dealers In FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS, ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, ' Transwent Green 011 'Cloth, tor 'Mallow shades. Trinparent Windpw BUFF HOLLANDS, • r SHADE FIXTURES. TASSELS- CORDS, &c., &c Au°, DX1.1.188 India Rubber Machine Ilelting;flese, Strap Psalm. Casket; Tubing, Cermet ; Clothing., and Itabber goods genenills. ' • nen :tamed Leather Beldam. Tare Leather. Belt Hooks, Wrens, Lubricating Steam Peeking. ae. Agents for the Universal Mother Triage,: A general runottesent of above tanned goods al 4.ways on hand. Ipir Orders respeettulli sollf.lted 1 and prompUy filled. DATIV:otk E. PENT STEWART U. A. WILSON. SPRING AND SUMMER • f,' BOOTS AND SIIOES. • WILSON & STEWART, TtrorLIERKsPECTFULLY INFRON TUE lic, that they have have Jost received direct from the mannatetnrent, the largest and best selected SPRING AND SUNNED. STOCK OF Ladies', Gent's, Boys' and uhildrsn's Boots and Shoes. GAITERS AND SLIPPERS • An of the latest styles, that have ever - been brought to Ws ttounly, and which they arc prepared to sell AS CHEAP, LPL NOT CHEAPER, Than they can be bought in the city of Pittsburg. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same, and invite purchasers to call and examine our goods and prices Wore purchasing elsewhere. We have a shop connected to do all repairing. ' dE Goods Warrantor. WILSON& STEWART, In the Diamond. ',Want Rocuirrzu,Px. DAWSON & RICHARDSON • BOAVOr t Pali., Pa. Ty vs JUST OPINED LAGS STOVE or. mu. GROclifiLES. y J 1' . 1 ' ;iOIIONI3, 1 L , - BOOTS & smazi, ' ' HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, QURENSWARE, • TINWARE, NAILS, I t Dllll3B, &C. 1 , Window Obis/takelees. aud double . ..cialotteittlon ;old to Ault& Orders -foe • , alga ediulkor Mos. &e. • Also. LINSEED OIL, - CRUDE BURNIAO OIL, BENZINE, - • COALE% PATENT DRYER, Pallas of all "lairs, Gram!. Dry and la l e""ae wtU do well to dill sad eseadne oer stock. or Pants beine pulthastyr eleewbere. 'Also. Cliolee Breads of Moor lierrel sad to Sutra AU kinds of Country produce Wan In caboose Ibr Goods. Remember the piece, Ant door above tbe Cutlery: opposite 11. side of West. T.U. S. j. CRO NEW iliiti SEEM :' , OMPTAIIIT.LY 0 A COMPLETE AND WELL • ASSONTED eIfOCK 'OF j. ORE, GZO. W. DAWSON. I. x. *rims, JOHN XOOlO4 /0= H. MAXIS, H. I.Z.NDZISOZ, D. slawasv. J. WZTAHD. J. ,Z. HAZII4/L. RVEY, Balmoral and 1 Hoop Skirts, ILOSIERY, GLOVES, to. Woes aid Hoye'-♦ largo stock of the latest styles BOOTS & SHOE Men'ajWoakezes old Chlldrenho Gum Sl i ms, Clwyd Beady-WadA Clot!Ling, SCHOOL MKS STATIONIEST. Hardware. A large and well Vitt.iut p11 7 1174333:Rf"E9 Carpoutors' Tools, of all Kinds, BUILDING IiARDWARE, BUTT, 'THAI HINGE, BCRZW, BUTTBB fILNGIS. BOLT, WOKS, " NAIL, to Pskkto OM* orders d Carprobers, Contactors mar t HARDWARE, COAT'S PATENT DYER, GROUND, DRY AND IN OIL Pabiterimill do ivoll to aka/nine - oat Stock and Psi tee Doors parchaalm elsewhere. • Cita•c•oeseleal. ♦ Frei and ran ouppty Gonstandy on hand in Teri krcest. prima CARBON OIL, All kinds of grain and eosetgpodom Caked to ex atop Ibt 111r8. J. CROSS. OaDveyanceratid Agent of can Del Show sad the Rochester DWI Company. Renienitmir the PIN*: CROSS i neil STCYFEW;;, R o'cli e s t er, Pa. Burn DOOR Alsorrair, ROC4,,EST , ..., AT LOWEST MAE Dry oo4s, CVSIIIII2I 3=l BROWNE BLEAC ; ED MUSLIN, PRINTS, GINGHAT/IS, DELAINE, ALPACOAS, IF COBREGS, ENCH MERINOS, FLAANIII4 Plain . Burred, . WOOL .DigLAINES pill Colors, BLACK SILK, KING, I . TABLING, . OWELING, CHECK, EANT;-,_: . TWEEDS, - ' • ATINETC. ' CA I 8 a 88, BROADCLOTII, CLOAKING, r' - j NOTIO-N S, HATS AND "CAPS, ilboes../e.. Window- Gi • lams. Of a 8 Maas, sad _Doable Streams. SPECIAL ATTENTION GLASS AND NAILS, LInEED OIL, BENZINE, PAINTS OF ALL COLORS, WHITE LEAD, PUTTY, CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR, IN BARRELS AND SACKS LARD OIL, QUEENSWARE, 13ToNE WARE!, .1k.0.,.dc0 O r AU tielm7 geode delivered free at Icasege..as, .sours Sims= ARM NEW YORK STREET, jeatTray H!tIDCZWATEit , MARBLE WORKS. &CO. TIMID WOODRUM 31.8Mr/ACM= AND JLF DRALER , Whin and Aria:lca iLoasmeats. AesA Rosa. Abe, mak to pitr. Piero igh, xis a call t ltV e . a4 w te De. 'a i a ll =e .• • : • DAVID :110011.11W, I STRZET, • • • N. itILLICA. W. DOM. 01111. MMUS. .t • Itt-,4111.1.ER. & C 0.,.. • Roohostee Plainlmpish and Door Mi ll . • • Roo'heitoi* Bowies. do., Pa • (NSAR RAILROAD DEPOT.) 111:ANUPACIliabiREI • OP.• Siding, .Ivl Planed Lumber, Dantateg, Shelving, Doors, Sash. Shatters, ar, CONTDACTDRS AND atapzus. . , . Also proi ni e i tc uagic Hre of Clarke a RhineUtidlife Patent Weather Patented Nay Is; !,for, the ex. tarkw of houses, This siding consists in ftming the various Otto of hostas ore level ee ta= rano serves its entire width with layer or edge, made with a anftabk; Inouldlpg to impart a neat Sold Mildred appeatanos. Shop rights for the nsaanacture and use °Lads aiding in Deem Axiturgr will be sold rimiceib ilwrirL s 7 bad ranch --!-- 111411111 ° agri the Lumber then Wonr now facilities .for its inieuracture, we *el confidence fa inviting our old friends and prarcuis to call and azatnine for them. 'wive!, bears euntncting elsewhere. (arainttf PA., HAND FOR SALE M= • rALLsTos souiipuyi ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP" . In 'FsMt, Beaver County, Pa iyarmei refitted and enlarged toy Meek of rl er7 and tools, and. having secured Ike of thet best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all work done So give entire satlataetion.l I have od d different peMro and stiles of Segbies, Pl= Rulls, and am prepared to make or repair all time ot meehinery. au reasonable testae. POWs AND PLOW CASTINGS. 1 hare all the best pher re rtenia that nit this market, wog which is Ore "0 Welwyn," which has been xna_plo* of the county err the last Men years. There am Ave sixes of this plow. all 'of which frusoulleture and keep for sale, also "Patera Lever"--right and lett— "Nrmntsin and lest -"Stria) and nearly all the different kinds in use. • , COOKING, )711111ELThi AND lIRATRSO STOVES. , . Raring made *Moat imorftnt ho l e. .o.ntir on the "Clinurs," be which or wood can be supplied without lifting lids, and hating two places for pipe, either or both of which can be used at tba same time with a ventibition to lhe oven. thus having the advan tages of a Cooking Stove. Bake oren, - and Franklin Stove combined. This Stove has been in IXastani use for twenty Yes* and many of them . after ben. IO for this period of dine, are now in good order: Mere is bat • mall portion of this stove that aver`burns and this is eastiyand cheaply replaced. To cake them still more imdm, we are now putting in tile or Ire brick lining. Our other patterns are the Keystone and Premium: Parlor Stoma, I t= snuff beating Stoves, Franklin Stove!, Jenny Una's; Ae. Grate and Orate Fronts, Fenders , Iron Ratline of Tarioneetyke. Wagon Boxes, two Irons. The Renders, Corn Shama, Force .and Cistern Turnps,Sad Irons, Petal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet lion and Tinware, al ways on baud and made to order. maniac. tem and keep for sale, almost everything trottedin the machinery or hardware UM In addition to earal Stoves; were a now insideg two new patters. No, 7 • de. of the Great Republic, which are taking captive, the best cooks and house. wives in the country. Second bunt stoves always for solo thew. Ta r o good new engines, suitable kw sow-mil For strop pur poses now on hand, and will be sold zeasonable, rearlrB7-I.Y. 'JOHN TBORNILZY., CUTS A. MOOT NOW IS THE TIME I,olt GRAND CLOSING OUT BoOts and Shoes IN 13X.AVEtt WIISON & DICKEY WOULD RESPECTFULL Y Worm the public in general of their Intention to close out their extensive stock of Fall and Winter Boßoots and Shoes, to prepare for • Spring Stock, 0 3 0- of I„ ~ Ladies'; Gent's, Boy's ; snd Children's I . Shoes,,Gsiters, Stippers,As., • _ .. _„. wawa ' 11 be sold at cost4W below cost, 16. we are bound to:keep up the Stade, and that to the entire sat isfaction of our eustouiers ig arn. trerro o Ve. WILS ' - • 3 doors gent at SB. Andessou's Store, , Bearer. Pc'. AT MOORE'S i DRUG STORE, DRITGS, IWE'eclickliLeles, CSE ICAI.6S, LIQUORS, WINES ) TOILET ARTICLEn t SOAPS, PATENT 'MEDICINES to Vail varitit'S. all et the qualll7. and sox c h e ap. . tbaa caa be bmOt at may other - ' Stole einem „ Thiponces rem& 1111 s. SI iamb per bor. Meow loan% 111; Mgt% LAMPS & LAMP TRIXIMig_I3, STA. TOMMY, WINDOW WAIN EVer (Owed outside titiarwis wows Dm emoa Mt mid casspet than tags a ll m uoywbese Let thOse Into doubt this sad lee, had %el trill doubt to more. • J. 1100118. 13tifiwfiratia.sI OP IN BEAVER, Nal be found' the text seeartsseat at PTIRF And 13i-undies; FliOnts,, AND DYE STUFFS* nreu-FJSEFJ• The lamest, Stock et, D . - . . . DOCTOR A. V. AOMIsoN., , i ~ .. '. . BEAPAR, _PENN'''. . ' la tie iiii 'lnt kiagnaia reareftr SP ill .011, e4 A iew aoore wet at 'bet gongs noon, , its . W.lti. . 1 • BEAVER.' ACADEMY - . 'Session 14 Weeks. rim niirrrtrniiis =MN I'ILTIMCCEN9TCT. ettettol of Orr. IL T. Taylor 'A. , 'll‘, deOf the peat leer, vitt be reopened the 9th of Sept. .No piths vat t ai = to a dd Imo to the beet =No- Tref ilmftb=l4.R. T dim! DA L, MOUT. itee'Llioerd. J: C. Wneox, 34,0. ' • . • tlyrg. PROPAIPSTBASTPRE! *msoai ar. UNIDERV,9OD, I .watiumas hxb Min DiLSIXIIII TE S 9 CHOICE PAY GROCERIES NO. 15, 801.1 TH WEST DIAMOND, (Mtjobdog Depler lIoWJ \ City Pa. fat One of the ebeepost WI best ‘l7lwilesale,aad t i • Storytbe two cites. Call and exanthrrozur, SPRING FASHIONS..!. 1867. BRIDGE STREET, BRIDGEWATER, • • Nicw ASSOICTIORT YILLINZRY WILL RE emceed at my old fomd. Welt occupied by Mr. o'~rsdayOlarch 14M. I wish to Worm my old and as many - new-one. es will please pa souls* me, that I am now. receiving an entire new `lash of Williserr, of the latest Spring Styles, and will se phesied with an cult call. ' b 181141.7. . S. REF.. Inn r. m'am own (GRAHAM & Fa c 'shiOnable Batters, No. 52 _`St. Clair Street, BetareenLibetty and Penn lita., i oini. St. C% r , Rot& PITTSBURGH, P 4. HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, Ot ta was and quality, at tba wry !meat F)uau. J. M. .1-1 a r t_o n-, a. a. witsoirJ, nirrEßs HIS simian To nu: CITIZENS or .N.! BEAVER AND 'VICINITY. _ Artificial Teeth perfectly fitted. Articalated= Steed and to suit every individual, on fine Gold, Sliver , English sod Ail/whim Vulcanite. Teeth extracted without pale hytan entirely new_ pro oseic.no Ethai . Chlotobrm , Nicrons.oxide or arty other ansetbede weed to connection with tne appellants. fillrollice on Third street, Id door east al 11. B. Anderson's stole. / Ifebifilitent. DRUGS! DRUGS ! T a l c PLACE TOGIST ALL THB POPULAR 1 • Mont - Modkines, Perfisineiy, 110., 4 ' ILT JOSEPH M. DEVENNY'S DRUG STORE, Broodwiy; New Brighton. NIXED ?ADM ad PUTTY slaws on hand. rsysioians PrescitipUone Carefully compounded at all boors of tee day told oleo. U019't17:301. SPRING & S I MMER r•c:›cloi,fist • , lIAVK JUST RECEVED A 'NW STOCK OF GOODS, I' the I LATEST STTiSS, For Spring and Sum*er Wear. GentlenienvikFutifishlngGoods CLOTEIING 'lltiOE TO ORDER In latest end most tutdonable styies, and at Sheet nodes. . • 'aeltrao—my99ls7 UNION - - ; AGRICULTURAL WORKS, • . • ROCHESTER,PENIA A. D., SMITH ./k CO.; . _ rao*zirre9siL • . • - . IkfANUIPACTITRE MOWERS, REAPERS. Railway or Endless Chain, and Lever Power of various ayes, 'Members and Seimrators. Farm Mills Cider Mils. Cane Rills and Sorghum ];rapers Corn Shane:., Power s for Churning. and all other Agricultural • • - . . • MEPAIRLNG eitkionnto Of ail kinds done on abort notice. Machines of any kind built larynges. Having bad an imperiesee at Aileen years in Patents and Patent lionmrs, we ism prepared ta take Models. rpaze ts licatkomi, ac." for parties denting to hike. out . • I Raving lilted try °or Factorlwith NZW ARM IMPROVED )ucartizajr; likleates . the beet liastern mikes, fa mean. and map none but the beat Meclunies ; we are pro pared to wort Intim best:style and manner. RATAng seta:red the aerd"oet of A FIRST CLASS PArraRN ImultEß, we arw obi* ptred,to make an ityks of Patterns. attention paid to Regidrini: Mowing md, rilA utu itarldnea and nrechinery M general. e and bope by attention and are to merit, the a patronage st parties wishing work done. Orders tram distance ALL WORE ozzi r a n) woded to. • " ' Address ' 11. swan 1 00; grieres4 • Rochester. Pa; AND DENTIST. CONSTANTLY; ON 'ANA WILLIAM nziett. Stowait's Row. Bridge sheet. N.OTTcj.~ r. . • I- BAIDGIWATE:II:, ' : it.. Ai : Ii AT ner. if Havokobte . l.4this loiter the eris;aseop' STILES do 7-511ALLENBERGIE14 W!ft Oda day. Disaolvid by Mutuil *Mnsent; Jfkini Elontse itaittg 'sold . Ma ettlzi Imeregt in the .L. seuie. The entlertdp.M- 'sill Am enntinee dieb bl4 4 . , at old mow. ander the tame of ~ . . . Shalletberger Bros • : . And win sh i n t o lout. to a star gyeatCr even coalldem and latrolkaga of the onot a , oug ty. • S. SHEALLIENBERGER "ei beflxe. ghe Lls EXCLVSITE PERSONAL 9TTE417703, TO THE B USIXBSS, , _._. . , Am th ro itoutimtahnot th...fi.fut.i. . ji unD cP A PERMAS'ENT ANDP/top. . !TABLE. TRADE IpmyCIPLES STRICTLY lIVORABLY AND PR6GRESSIVE. iers • Seine • few of the geterir tor oc to ti Theyl adpt, as esisential ) , ci suttees : -7 • • To buy and. Sell elenely for oak er Irs u l ti tient. In ordra to command nu, loweet prime ead b t u markets. To exercise nod taste and great dieeriminatloe ad stock.: buying t eboice goods, and in keeplegi wad mt. M. TO Carefully avoid the practice of mierepoleat: log. or of deceitfully concealing the: real. quilt goods. in order to effect rule*. ty or. And dnalh. in all .rvepeees, to do an booed and le the business. which win best serve the inteivetel • the conainunity, and to this end they ark tbe emote. • agemcnt of liberal patrrerre. Shallenbergei Bros. evcctsaos to STILES & SHALLENBERGER, Bridgev . vater r .Peinisii, PINE IBM GROGEtE Quammare, Hardware, :LULA WINDOW GLAS4'WOOD AYD NW)! Litt; 'LIMA PISA GE= - - Country rrOdribe 0P T 6210011 ZOE% Family Gniceries Fern G and olivine& 1111 . ) te tin nor branch of our b 'knee, and will include nail found ln well frizzirbeil More, nub , - • FLOUR - lAN FEED, BACON, RC ' A • AND COIJNTRY PRODUCE. eitpoct to to* a ( 3 / I gAT - " • And will wjat en* , email pendts. wpodenl to le g . &mule to GO cer 1001 Lie. Mnemonic: new • It 4 Fine Teas and Cotbet( WUI oleo bp, koalas .smisif• la Qua Ong W are' and Glasnarek . . bleat paiathenee sin' be given to tldi breed Gil° . . trade. TtlOllC LSI want of the _ BEST QUALIIT OF w ` Or. wui duo. cos A Large Stook of . the Lay Tea, Dinner o Chan:die: sl g iin/ 6 / urciLE ' . 6rrik We Day 1n am Tort tend Pil lot rms . utii44l to "°de*.yiare,Willo arivire YABIZiir gooks 47erar and rsier 11111- Wash Tabs rad Boards. x o bers, Cotisa 301 IN • !AZ, ?fo od BA Bolliagfr es Woe sad atress_Boses, . " Th er oo th e o Pail lasks.. "x„,ket. 8 mica and , a, 4,106 - Porcelain Beaks. gr...." alit • ipaba nfis. sad WILL' - "Fitodort .ol.4 , weasel& • • Table CarlegVer g owirfiga ir Aad a vaststiot 4adka goons , •"", stock. • a_,'SIBIALLENIBEIRG , wrens • • . £PO:4 SILkLULNBERGVAIIIIO(I, DRALlttis IX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers