111 ---- to —.- —— -- E.Ainii Al-liiinif".-- 7 -I"bit.Contlrannual este . 41: b 0 U . S, . 11 . ):(u'e of th . c Italy ArndeloiAiiii4aetai pladiallwor The f ( k4'?., " f liattnis. FrtaatsitAgightv th2lkirtipg k irtftaistiotill ___:___._____ . :tp . tancp v'ltt,o4T.:llgv . . ,tDAI4II.i. I D'eaver: 1rTr.4.).1 1 3 .140Pix,- 1, f - i- , 4.., .. BEAVER. _Arth'ST 14, mi. IDridgewater ;D. Stanton; M. D.,124ew 11 . litOje,i'•A-..-, Sliallenimier, M. D...ltoelnastvi•-rov- 1 ` Wt sonalci. Dr , vcrVv. , AMoonp§xt= • dirtetris iitieaso , lioatsigilletillD7 , D. D., Pri,sideint ; i ll; i c, hilviiill.ecrtary ; 4ohn Cough. ey_reasurvt- • ' - 0 Yr .0 ) [IVO: COO . YkSAIMPAWS T IV 8 :Ci*Y."3"3%."(19Z Reel D.. F4ll44llery Aimee: ; • A 411;;Snotrobesior; 0-464 s.I.:T.- 0 .1: ,r% 7-... :•,•;s , -7 Nff: :!i ce :le. y p:•,, • r'-:444. 41 1 1 + A r ,. : 4% - *.tS___ . .. l A. ... ' )_. 7 41 . ,-N 1 4 . ,....,revi: teachei or tMlithenieisosllll4 l a*u4i4v.sspvc.;.lnstwow towelp'4l47,ik._lfottlhtonProfessors of Latin, bree'klliod . ,'' ihFelPl lihkTlllo.lgf?cTefr tniuwitsintg.,_onvy, Teacher of bolo sud*rencl . . The nunitskreifipupilp in site9dines ( 1, 1 4 3 - 4 ; iii i iiiii s•ear was 1 1 :A. —•' t • ' % s -- -- - ...,- ...,_•-... • ..... The'khir history , of the institetWil Is Dins briefly given: pcav,~ni c ts aptate liatipo, Vie,AGS ii- 3,llciab er e Dina ivitg aliptoprilted: te lit tte ti retYlhilvhiltr. es and Clifuy zero_ provkipl,,vate passed so.early as kith March, l&O. By the Act of February; 'IBCC; the Trustees wrejequlee4 , to erect=ditsgesim4 froth that time ktfte prei*t,thp in if ha l A t i in e x .• iSteneoffitorcrivittch WirciPq3 slltitillisa r of the ... eldest institutions in the State. For more than Ihlrty years, tince 1631, the Trustees tan electTit.hy.the pe,o4ll::4,prFlikni4Sifitteßtl o rib ur y es 4 i ...,., •,... 410 A •••L. Kati• -La ‘ 4. 1i!.., : ' , • J.: . , sa The( Vleiting Committee,after_performing the duty "r;ssigvi4f4n4 . ?titikeiitealoti4ng•reiibvt i• 1 •C';:. The.ltindersign,ed,,hehag,. thp. Ceatquittee of the True :tees to'stteiod the Anuttel examination of the it gairmy. svoilld ieAt,rtietitAlierivelf-firistie'ditlitg*u•st.. of .the.tiree,.atul that 114: e:atttl/i ere highly 4,oll.farSo ' he •ftpirlea'nintati rig the school seemedle:be , cme Of ;cheerful and 'trustful SithitilMdla On 119part - of-puptis, 41(.iiif s,l4:l4diliffeatiiira*i6ct re 4 op tai riactottfriCla ; ars. - TilirtiterAnirge hgeotidbutlit bckm i r etfte moot spleasant character...v(l the Alnizlle have been taught elf respect and eeligVecuitis Mille respecting, and Nonoring othere. The general appearanceof the school rootne.ghtpredlttat:oratteir antliffvtilrnornlghlonlealre to preserve and respect the Property of the tnititiitVnt P.rilv.!!l 3l ', , i .. ;.. r• ; • -, '-.."," .; i.--.• -- , 1. .• •4 , , 17/027zatnietation:cith4 Citi44:abOwall..llo ace 10- eona or queatirons lassfoted tot particular .ptiplla, , :a ijiaCticiabpletimirs re.iiitt4t,U, but witich cannot* . bid Krung', tuptcheuiled, hut. rather a general atid.critlbal revil;u: of the ,s;lidics pprshodt whereby' the important facfs add prlliClples of the study had ben flied 11116 tiimil. . Local 'nod ,Illiscellancous. {IIY })Nooks, JB.. 54 . Fifth street, Pittsburgh, is th,:uptyorited event for Teti Antios in that city. • • lew Advc3isena r . ."7 , r) ff ff. .r.O ( los I dun . iL,P,..N ier, ~ el lb 4 hatng Tikr - f dverti4ements, which .appear for th a t, Ira Omit In Ticu Ate to-tiax ... . _ re-Notice--ttios. Walters. r;43-116.1001.c01:1$Fet*. .SPOL . oreo-partrii..relitit—Beuchling..t. Brchi;," , '". ilirlioico's ;*wiint MaChinc—J. Braun. _gyrGrain. Vitter---j. W. Elliot ...t Sons. iv -Notice th i tni,hans - Court-4, A. Frazit,r. grellir,'"alr-tB-Liflat ~ . tr-Ssl N'nti&.S . l.Wifson'4 Brotfit prSpoiat Notices—l. & J. Bostwick. orsirchil .Noticenivspon Vole kilns, . • Tort.l:,tilotLfiliP,tlffir.up.c.'4./u?n4ttie or Be . ayersounW ' wilt ineklie (fill' iirt C'liOitso,ln - "tel'a'Wen Ottliilhik. iti ait?. ;B t t., at 4 o'clock,, T. at. A punctual atten du! ii ileifirea.„ ~:. :...., , - 11„ Ll' 1 t'iiitirr-'-th,ii- ~ - . . ~ . ' The rnani , .: of the - rienibefiftie - flefolkegrs: '.. I. '! . DrAVER W+llo—P. L. toggle, Chairman' J. S. Rutan, , Welatai ,llo3 . lo - 411,14 Air*, -14u=s• l l ' 1 ' r, „ fluitOutu TP --4 0 10 • 4) ar(1 3 , 1 .! J I } 0 art 4.:. i • ' ilaipurbs Tr b. , •• -- -k 4--'.. ,, ...,1 ; ...0, FALI.6:ION BOW—G. W. M. FioldS. l'oirt.twATT-ltAert Ilraclehaw. 6.A.;TOSE.tv),..n Tr,-.A. J. Lalyrencc, John C. Duff. - I).sioi s o i•DN Ti...,..1'T. Martin,' J.... 1-1. Neon. 1 .:: - .... :,. '. PP: gr. yrrfill. l .-A.'W:. Broois., • ' •,:,. ,•,,., 7 ,, ' (no° 'Fr- Dan i; , l Daw9on. .5. r t Imaciifilli,xt.ittirp,llfvl l :l.l4. :.• e - 41.,; pATTEt. ,,,, •I r__ ii. C. la mein. '' r- -'• - .14ict.inv.vrt:If. no ~,,-Chtt.., . Stone, JOhndton Small: YNANIKIJS TV—llenry J. Metz. , atuos Te-riCarrett. Itillik4.:,„, .•. : .11111151:1,41.KLInf Tr—Milton Clow. N Fala:unletxr Tu ,•-) Itnry-A t.a ring., Eroloin'Tp-tieiricisent,: . ,• • ;•. , I'I'LV/:1 TP4 2 1101111 Verglfilal'. Nl:w itl , il7 , ) N—M..T. Kennedy, Ben). Milde, ch M. Milli*, -Upton 4 . 9wn5f44 John C. - pOyle, Cuonzef Sart , er. SatnnenkraLrms. • - - , --.., • ... lOrour.wrEn Bono-T..1. rower, A. T. Shallenber ger. FOAL Ar. , lefabn.",' •., ,' , •-• • • • ----- , •• -,..- ---- ' ,1 . ,, -.%._P.l , te,ricli . ' HtiCil 6... T Fit. TY-1--, ....,.....- • FR/ ED ,, m Mato— Tilos:" (4. , 1&r., 11 IR 1,) 1 i)l,T—latne ,, Park. T. (1 I.Ain BO ko---.l,guttharroPnal. Pinurv-Hrito-- - 10111 1 'g. Shroadee. .11oriN Tr.—l/a:lid I:. *twit., • Iloviswrir. Tr-•\Vm.ll.l{red. . - , ' IN . , 1 ,, A . t .,..,,rax.7471.,—,131 , 1x1it.5tcr111?g. i .• _ Jric,-(, , i,N Tr--.7 - 01 , ,IP: Chrii.t.y. ~ 1%,,i FnAskyorer-=-NV. 11. Frazer. • ' *VOttitr—ThniilaA Iliggijr. , -.'•• - ' , -. - _.•-' • - ririr,rik 9 ' P—Sdmdel, - 14elpon; A: - A..;11CC0 ,, , 7. 11. Trirqble. . - .• . i ' TEIMERANet Larrenn.--ho last Thmlnlay evening * 'a temperance lecture and nit argument In defetie Of Anrrtran reforms inns .delivered In tint it:E. Clutrch of Tinilgenater, by .I . .llenry Vanier. The leptore , ls, said to have begin an ln6ererdug "' • • lisnnan Snor linottatf, isio..--On Monday oveldng of Iset week the barber shop ofdameili Amin, in Tirblite- Wpt,q - , wal broTwn lily., and porno ' t'scelve or fifteen A wn slot= The thief is said to be known, and Mee suns tau on foot for his nrrest.v, MISLANVHOLY T.-3tr.. A tidreWWright who, Mee a thOrtdietance from thin place, in Brighton town phip. While gathering herded a few days ago, fell and brake nneof her loge. The injured limb la doing weli s. hut le quite painful. Bass Ant..- 7 0u tart Fridaponeof thel3eAver base ball club.+ went up to Sewickley to play a patch gaunt vi* t t i" i cti t 4 . 4 o `v 04 +, 0:01 .fr' ' tle:c.vgAid t "A."Al t T'• tit twit ii Mgr agOz matt' 10 irk43 l o l A - 41. 1 # 4 Se widley club etznitil 9 ,'ltitber. , 11.01..—0 n last: Waduesday niternoonquite a ever ballptopny,liail.l . °yet Frm" portion 4 tb? county.— In pftitiint Lirggbrothotinablim t& (Of' , lag hail did considerable injury to corn, out, fruit, • - F;Tonit Ito nnnit:-Nre time liicfclenealty, ltlttni4l"triat tlm o.oro owned and.keptltgndependeuce, conn l Evrtug vSs Div's, W 11.4 broke') Into awl' . ‘ tolssardtmiti4i!aFt req.r!PaYe i rt 4l, elrtt ! Infd' ramitle .491141leTes.Ifiapign.' atii 621* . I t I ty.voit: T lVe areAndellted to T.. J. ecrpqry, for. awrfrnf AipplsM,n(rvet.kreass for late b ? uro t.l..oitiittkotitocrat bramong che euzirbor. a paper.voli4lll-filrs9nyft crolcawod by everT pra. A Nc* Orirn:c. 7 on 'Monday last onr neteti t"arkSV'ffe^ileltleeea.#74t,oll,lle . .ip thitt place ; Mr..N.eble Been ecennitsmenneit P 31.; 'and lie . 14 " .5 `" , ' 4 ' l PR9l l l l 4\lannit innbardson, has bee 4 rude the &- , slstant. This wlll ik a great convenient'. t the citlAyns of that enterprising and iapldly grosvint • „ c;UAIWATI.I).—The contnanuoement ezerclace of the Wuhioelon and ,letter, on College, es repotted, show that 11. It. Moore and A. S. Mown. both of this place nal e•ns of A: It. Moore, EN., graduated at that 100 - Tanen lad week. •The degree of A. It. was conferred ,apron rotue twelve' ,or fifteen pereone, including the yoting /lave niunitid• •/; • • sr 4 e 4 - •• •„ 2 .. caer Mrcrtso.lon the 15th (toimorrow) tit Meth odid Church of the Allegheny district, com mences a cramp ,Inpetlng„on the old camp pond, 'tort dtutanee icon' ET1011•Valley. Witliont• lino ring not*); of the arrangements. we Pregame It will con tinue for a weak or ten dare: • toninArienn.—We ponle,dingi4iN that Mr. Thotrine Schley, of this place, had been arreeted and brought before - ono of our Justices for neverely whip / ping one nchis children: The case Tau continued at that time until ilattirday,Ang,ust 10th, ht. which time, as Leiter the, prosecutor or the witneseeP appeared, the, OS! %la tlifeed and the ticetwolillacharged, NiimoW.Escsrn.—Litst week, a won. aged 6 or 8 !ma. of Mr. A. B. Wolf, of Brighton township, acci &Lolly Kir into i well near- the heuse. NO one Wia yownt when the accident occurred. The little fellow, all going to tho,bcttopi, (nuns up by Kane means Cr Il an other, 3i -graLping the stone in the trail; held himself and th-a commenced calling for help.. Me father heard 11 , itive. a desoendiug promptly, relieved him train ti , .. , s:ri! , fI2 position in which •he trim placed. ...., .. • • PLiente. r -The peach crop asLft general thing not t`t` a.. ranee One fii t 'minty; thieriyear. And uhth , tl,l; t. , o. there nre some orchards that will yield Amon4yhese is onoowned 1ie . ":11r. A. B. Silta,f. Br:t.thMii itownsfilp . . - 41Oh wilrylefd it is supposUd. ono' thonouttl.brishols'of plump. line peaches:— RL con;:atalite 3ik. , W. on hie good Inch, and hereby tyir to Ittiti on; serdces In ieittre of his !rah %her. It ripens. • .. 'A ilnniwn iimei-O • u . t Tittred y evet ng a Chore tittle Ittft tv,: dart: se v evil gentlen s ten , w bile ) titarid it..t .11 Pit , hanh of th . river uea: thio, place, dle.Cover tri to dead hotly of . man floattog dpwg We stream: , l. Ndther drift no i r nth' tr water. craft could be got to rOw ottf t'or the hptit.. and.it wao inrmitteil to pass on, and tP to Itryt•ent•writing we has4.l3ot beard of itt being ,'' . e , t up. The corpse V 71.4 too diston:. from tte ebove ' 1 " gne any one an idea of Itit'atze an t i (Apnea° t;,or col fri-444 ag tfratt tr . ith %el kilt Wid3 - 141 pir i'' 7 ! r . . Oti A S TRllit.—The coal diggers in'the vicinity' of Etettrnviite; Ohio, are just now ania strike, and about e.ror Iranitqd of them have thrown down the pick and tore., asi are ou the ':loaf." The employers wanted n" ti l! ; tal(ll44e.h. boort,by,tiz t lf*t Instead , of 17 . 1,6- 1 11,...rinfore. The diggers would: not Consent to ar.l prefer to be idle instead. S ue h 2thilehe y Pittabotrgti,are also said to 'be `"tatikie X";:trike.” . ..I.leretotoie they charged twetr 2 Pcents spoir Pic blacking.. A "strike," they nowitt, would worth m the public eiying thecU twenty tett+, for e ach to.) • • •• Ax ErITRAuEDINARY YIELD 01-WDEVE.—Robtjp " bait "' 4,4 4 - .4. c1fit01n.4,448 eowiV, Pft. Acirt us l i ' 1 ?ample of wheat rabsed by ,him this year, which li. ? , ,P.,„f1i'i4448. ke.,.eXCe/8 any.wheat we have ever anal. the'“e 71 ' 1 4 lthula extraordinary. In a note aCcuomPa_ning ' wheit,ll.c.SitaSsoninforms as that it is of ttte'reP - ' % .* ,... 42 n , ti or Boughton variety, and that ho obtathed ttP mei' from the Acvicultural °dice, at Walsh ington i D. Z, i lit Yearta had one quartet' sowed itin good , i ''''4u'iarl/1.1,13..that quart, he ads year ''harv,ested one 1 ~. Ta ''''`4l . o r l Y-thris pounds of the wjcit. a Pried- . c " f ''''' t ot lehigh he sends us. This Is bathe, neihbor- .1 Imre g '''SfY beAhde to t ~ I, :and is ceinly ties! y ksisield et wheit wehe , evor heaid ot.-. rta Mr. D.`e i ::t in rthanon M the matter ma tre e b looked open . 2 1t4.0 3' trno.o Istii oie og the nilen '''' 4 4 , ata, - - !"ii flt. - "! II! t : il. I . ' II :i..€ ~'~ Ceoitliari Er armies;• the 4andentierital 'atadles of any eduntitionArqpa . hue uggpsted. ' ll / IFlt ~1 8 too apt: to b e titrin ithltaelciusid"thhi gratleTinit Bead l'ennt ualAp. toed Mental Alithirttin.4e- E , Stte their ?hare dt attentlfi: = 7 r /Ain't Gran.!n . g. The classettn I.Attn werecvident lp.we veiAii in 4 ttlialAralt?, with . onfaigood k,liowledge .ot,*biettell ttlidypf Latin lartirapantljaltor thrown away. The system of the analysis of the verb impressed our mindaatagt teinitimieldabrola ttio:stiadent. „Xlted i n:thi unit, Vtnekt ghtapes .aegaitted theittaelvei i Mirk. eredlt; ane it.aenrkt; tur 'taint atadenta .who g~ve thennselves actl!nientlime,fut, their preparation fur Col lege in this ingtitution will land themselvea at goialaita vantage with thoeas , . preparne anywhere. As a prepara tory pchpid ftir tit. Claaalcs oryor advanced standing in College, wer are - laatiaded'nce-betier 'aciteoul eare-be found. , . , . _ • The Mathematical elAsee eAlbitarralial end critical; training, so necessary that the. pupil may_receive that mental diselplinewhich these !duffles ateio-lielkcalcu lated to impart": ''.•• -t- 4 ,....:::-._ .-• i inn "A classes inttliinelo.lententeri and Higher, ua well as those in-Agebtl4,4!.thilmselres and' their teacher ittusai.•` Te - left the ',Nstlidui!iiyfzeling that we -.- might sahlW c‘ratnisit.nbe ilois: .1d t astetA mid the commthiltViiallateolastntarll4#o . laid s 6 ally conducted - ' Smear mitstosbere,6 et that trainiog".4tutt :Will pink= theft" Its"basinesA. or may pnreterowith loittat thosAstudira neceSsarrte fit Mem for entering ettidat 4 Coriegm '- , ,-. ' ' - In condi:islet) wp ;oil tttat we. ditetdditiyA *owl with reference tet ProL.-Taylpr. by - whokftelf-denahlriabors tb-a gre4 v.:deka the, Acs,deinylumeen:plisced in its presynt positinin Tige_pitibliemayl be assailed. the so lan' as the institution is under hie' control none but fultittiti and competent:mai stants: will , be employed • t iri• any department. CdtomendhAr theschool to youi fdlo tering' care, and-to the continued patronage and supL port of this. and surrounding villagt...* we reapec.ifally, • submit tbeaboveasnur rot : ort.; • - - - • . • ; d. iti WA • , ‘. 4 ... • -. • -.-"• A. T. SLIALLEZeSta /UR.. -• I •- " '),-.' •• - - ...: • . -. . 1.:!,' -. , . Gotworittse7 ; • • • 1 OUR PRE rromers.—We -hiwo.thniiiar had seyenteen; Pre!' ep" e Solla OM 'pith! to)raarhPnearn bas taaam efithisdCrOufd . Out hint° Tense We print Ida fillui'9f4.notfar.;he twinopy fif 14,01* bell., or i n te Vi4intF:s4l:raffier GS' sio*piat nivaiber . z.t44l orde4 ogr Chief 14.454i . es : • ' 3 ?' F 1614114 bee ; Pt% , ,Then Senat.n• Ad9 i tafi next came on, • J e cr..n.,ea made`the thiinhcr three— •' • inipaltadirythe faux* war ipt• • •theAdit, tosncelia4l l a. ! 1.; • And ptzth, tile. Junior Adams leads. 'nett soarith,Tiolle4.Ja4PoiCiabie I 'And eightit we count Van 8nr. , 4,:s name. • ilhenikiiran'tfildAndnAer it.nrl . tntll,,Tohn Tyler dlledthe line. 'Polk vra4 the el6enth, i ir giro know,' ' Tl:l4t rri a.tmyt_hwa; ye.iloi In the row. t „. tire, theittirteeniebo fits phted— And vie:cc was, fourteenth in ti'M race. Iluchlnen; the drternitOi seen Then Lincoln as sisteeuth;camo Jopisoy, seventeentit, sud e last, . t tjdll lives Qcloio Wit illastri4 . l.ts Plitt y • . Now let us stop until we see • ; Wtio our nert.-Presidertessill be. - SABBATH Senoor Plc-xis—BM!LOON. APCZIMOi, .k.c.- 7 ,-On last Wednesday; the Sabbath School scholars of Sliaron, this county, held a picnic in a {,rove west 'of that village. After-the 'edibles disappeared, a bal loon, which was built for the occasion, Was sent nil, to the inhnite dell* of the children, as well' as all pre*. ent. The balloon was anew eight or ten fect in diami ter, 514 was constructed ay fir. Greed of that Tillage:: It aseendtalito near 'oaf of sight tat tin look:14 Inivet . than a barrel when at its greatest distance from the ground. It came to the earth at a distance of about a half mile from where it was "let loose." The balloon etas but Unle,larektplrbrititßilighto.4.4,lolt4onht' leis be used again on a similar occasion. - • , 1, CUTTING AFFRAY TN NEW BRIGIITON.-0 . 11 14.4 Sat nrday night a cutting affray . occurred in New 'high: . ton. in an casting. house or that Place. The parties to the affray wee 414.x2ILinig, pnd . a , palored, wrap whotie naine we - did learii; -A wordy altdreatien 'took pluce,between ihU•swes t arter.widdi Jong . hantcred.thq colored man out to fight.. The latter refused to go ont, but ' , .i - affatxni'affeitdith4d by Long in tin:, breast. The belligerents - were- theif nee rated, and Long arrested and - put ipthc. lock-up for safe-keeping. .0n the fol lowing morning he succeeded In getting ball,. and was set at liberty. The; folfordtt . 4 la tevcrely, though not dangerously hurt. . . tlnocutirts.—The, public -geberaily dealro know where good and cheap articles of food can Se par fut, ts . difge* tiipif#r rn ttriiit to - Ifetenil : we tiaveThaif rtccasiOft ittilkgro• cedes kept and cold by licserg. Wileon & Brown, of Bridgewater, and it affords us pleasnrd to state tint their prices are very satisfactory, and the qualitriof their grocerice not excelled anyu hero in this vicinity. Their enirgy'aia elosdlpptifstida tb baldness built therii up a fine trade already, and we bespeak for !It9ha • CURE Fox Fzu)lK- 7 Wittain the past week, we met with several friends who are tormented with those troublesome things known nit:felons. The followng recipe is said to he enure cure: "As soon as the parts begin to swell get the tinetuin of leucite, and wrap thopart,Uffeeted with a cletirsatti lasted thoroughly, with the' thletaie, and the felon is deitd:" ,An old :physician says helms known kW) be 'tried' Ina debreirreahes and it neit failed If applied In in season. •Tol=tru Peort".riloo.—We ohsetTo that the Tovrii council o f the borough oflisw ,Castle,tUte the Council of Beaver; have Come to the Conclusion that their stiiiete, commons, &c., weie not laid out for hogi to run iipOn ind;!`root up" at -On the 15th of this month their - and-hog ordinance "gl*a IMO Creel The Council of that borotighltivealsopassed an ordinance fining the owners of horses Who, leave them stand. on the Sheet longer than atialkiiodr a nt a time. or foe ty ing them to a gas post.. No hitchlog poets aro:Slowed on thepared streets: - '• • " •., • . . A S A • twoie time • _ trateCe • endlu, , on Saturday last, Mr. Thomas- Leiddy, of North Itreet, has buried Ida fottrrhildreN qf 'shots died it r yeenleri. 'kit 'Ting *ith tllie seine dis t ,e ;but we bailers &widen:66W • orthinger,L-Nero enetf Cot/relit: ;7' . P. , • el • • e - no cs-• 1 - • - Fairl44,Wirnis =O .$1 a • A toait to thee to-night ; • ' • aq b ott e rtataTtr.ll A II Put hack the wine—l dare not fate— Put back thenpatirtarbowl; _ 15 , For who bath quaffed a draft so deep; ' '`IXL reacho&WlAfitifnitindf; oi fen t .618weivi4eaear, ithin Zl3 , il.lAao. • ; • -011.11 1111114.3.7: I : And every drop but 'serves the more Tolmedmeho g ansk w II . - a t . ...47 1 0gh : 1 0 tktr i 1 11 /**o And bittsi panes lnid g • t.,; 1 ;1, AA me deeper still, .0 linteaidahfloiroile - 77 Oh press me pot to touch the cup, Wishieguelarhy ern y r. • • , • Aid And freezing orphans' pies; • is %faded"! nods AeorticOrn uoitetthiii.3/g . Then ask me not to drink; - plkteinpt. tee ,t4nAlpikre TllY,Sionk Ada ne eteraltra , nt." — • ' •"( I have thtesidsers -•"e . Like angels round my way; ;- %nal* Mee Wilke this Stars' that abbe - With undiminished Shall they be dobritbifto seennithlf,' • I A prey t2Furdtlenteg#dnk: 'And iiindered'be the lofeefin , thioLi - • . qr,ITKIA II 9 follen Pak ?-• - •,.. 7 An ' efbef.ell4 • -_Tho *ljkivritl4 the . .vialit4 .; , ' • • And Midnight:whispers fear: polar 0 ..;, 4.6, i*it.lp - .Shepassed awakes summers Meath.' In life's Incipient bloom: , ' thin i ll3- Ri ' lPiPOt.: i. *°4l4i6 L E O l t ••• Eienshimbers Isiah° innib. .1 • lortyritrn- tiRoE OF -GRAiqz- CArr. ItaWskiliSi:timvit - rI3L'iOr..LIALit week topic k alalhignigßom'..t4q Climmerei4 it state t t Cvpt. DiAacrie ) oeitilkcetuff 'EU a Pape vine f this year,wl.44k was:bearing 1294tpunplf- WTI , • This week we. have received a liOte front .tbe venerable Judge r.airn4 d'lnduatry, which he informs us that he has a-grape vine' on his gmunris which was plantoi in the' spring, of 1833—twenty nine years ago.. It . berigrapesthe.followlbg• year, - and "in • the autumn the Judge had an opportunity of test ing thqquality' of Witt:ult. Shtga ',that time it has yielded hini nn - abundait: - Crop : . each year, of an'excelicat quality. of.grapes.? %Tins sear the vine is not so well filled as in some Previous yearS, yet the Judge informs us, that, not taking-into the count . having, .lesstlian:fourigmcs upon'themi he Andsit to bear 1234 bunches. at the Pr!esent:tirne, and' this number too aftc:r taken two gallons °labelled grapes froth *tor jelly purposes. Ilefore these were taken off.he es timates that the:Vitas contained at icastll 4 9 o . bunches of grapes, all havinglnore than 4 1 Ospes to the bunch. Another ,vine. 2. or .3, years young : er a,VO . borner. grap4 productively each ymir, and this season it.can boast of between ten and twelie ,:buruired blinches. Can'this'yleld !xi: bent ',tirkfaleie: itt•this corthty P •: " . - • • • . Phiiti.*.::9EiitvinT.-7,Frp , ,ii the entahigue of theAteaver Female Seminary and Institute; under the - eflicienj Management of Pier it T::Ttiiiloi,'We heti . qnr ppteemetkfell4wFitizettcfrutPlYle4 Esq., has been elected one of the Board of Trustees. Among the pupils we notice the names of ;Miss Ellie Clarke, Miss Mary Fish er ail/MIM .}Uhitolir-*JVAtffliti from this county, and that •of Miss diary Kingsley,of Cleveland,a daughter of the Bish- , op who is so favorably known here. The musical advantages of this poirtt that 1 kiealrealraft4coo4)chattgliteinollle be increased by the addition of a time vocalist the wife of the very fine pianist and organist who takes charge of the musical department with next term. lte' firesume any informs: Lion in reference to the school may be had from Mr. Clarke.—Laterenee Journal. omlit - Istltino'sd; - • • Steamer Northwest—the Lost Bali —Rel:Welton's-ISH and 1807. 1,91 T: poplAup4Q, 1887. Enrion ARGVB: Imagine yourself; Mr. Ed itor, the sole protector of a party of Mies outward bound on a long trip. Suppose, see ondly, that loaded With coats, shawls, satchels and boxes, you have elbowed your way and '..your charge into .• the car and' are hunting seats, when.just as , the train is moving, No. 8 meekly cries out, "Did you get my bag f"— Hastily depositing your sundric4 in one India criminate nmss,, with your maiden face cover .ed' With thishes' lest you 'seeid lacking in gallatitry,len ' t odtiJat the risk tit' your precious life before you -have secured your accident-ticket, seize the." Bag," and make the train kinid the oammisserating ghultierrof gen tlemen friends, and you Iran:One,' tit least, the reproaches of the.ladifti for negligence, ; and you have our experience as we left the station of such ipagnificent- proportions at Beaver. k.. - IVA Um just ;pia Sec. ayauton'kuqt,R, d e- . na , r • ' ' xr. Ihnugi for the ofatolie gdixfflthi Wggibis , position at the request of the President—an lEnglishmen over' the wayksnindurs what will : be the •;encP,' of Johnson. A' vi rotti and very persistent attack 's:in the lunch basket indicates . the improving health cl e 6tipicirokri4intiLfrees the Con clusion that unless the fakes. are unusually ofigh,the utcamboat tos>biv,ljahsglit . usake. much orrihe li*Oar of this crowd. •—• ! No give sr kleitiitssur,-p*FoopV,,l-vould bayllingibeiftteiontlifsicitilutti hoettleach-. led to jump luto c .the...wat9r in case the boat I takes fire,_thinigh:- . .yoer'coriespondent thinks it,..rnost,get very hot.bef?rf peit.skos., 'Ai the toy brobbt` in the OteveLlad lilt pers, my mind reverted to a scene that trans pires lit;'VhOdati tillkileiltn t ote , tliiin six years sine—July 1861. I left home for Cleveland 'Ake aftinsoon of the ,IJltnulay after r the first I battle of Bull Run, when only favorable ru mors of the battlu lied reached uS. My feel ings—and they were shared doubtless by nearWittfilfe)Oht-idwett( digit tpw the war would soon be over and peace again bless dir 'auirett. : - .Thelso,Y Ufied„llicre'Stybds papers —all about the battle!" They were eagerly g ra PP4 6 0 1 Cl.vtrXinte Pelllo3k4 . read and ponder for himself the stunning intellignee of Paid first terxiblu Fa* nvexpected disitster of the war. Such gloom I have never seen set -40 dotns upon any company.. This. was; be fore we had tic4lv4thoie les:mni of adversi ty, thai are so requisite for the idevelopment iq natiOilat ISWell as indiVid4l*taUkr,.:4 thought, "Well, ii. may be providence intends } to,rgake Ol i q •- •° i /t i • so. kvArP ,as. t o9Y_l l.° 3' 1 slavery,!' though i 'had :scarcely . ; thoug ht of I.that: ( before, 1i0w.,...p j 1.,100k back and see i Si'llitt:this has ectOliVistiO; and - lime loublic • - l u3 ' th i t *4r l ihivaa 4 " • . gr a j,„ NI, itself upon ithis nation for a c sion, I can but stand anuczed. •• • . • A ramble about Cleveland reveals the beau- 1 ty of this 711 2 0- Oriiii eittVi itfiriilikt;"': Euclid street, as indeed are all the streets, is wide Snd beautiful. This port Is a great depOt for coaper and iron. ore from lake,.sijperior. toe rirogbTald er North. West, Capt. Ben. Wilkehs, for tour up the lakeS, expecting a delightful trip of which you may hear. More anon. T EI P4I t(4 / 1 81 44 1 .40 1 4f_the jeditor of the Lftyirciakes an effort to refute jny statement in y j our issue of two weeks , !ago, in regard to, his false publication of the w• c eig - Tre ci V rhi O•ti r4 s_ihat , i.Aever ,paid my rent, &c.l :I have only to say flow.: what I said !then; that that publication was !false. boarder to give his statement a color ;ing of truth, he now gets Mr. Clark to certi sfy that.. lid dollirs• thidTtiVitty ;cents, which in no sense proves that' that :amount is coming to him. In addition'the editor of the Local states thit he can furnish C° 1 4. 34 T41nN -that milk bill he Ittagsferrsfl to; yet he nays he does not iish to bring ladies in to shanshis falaFhood. A nice way to quit a troublesome. subject r. Odell. 1 ,114t . y0u can't y ff easilptltlitailtt4 your z sigc.fin 'tliecerlificategoo of, We want no counterfeiting in the case either ; Now produce them, a thing which I know to be impossible, ht ''Sitilillbiv - your own . lies, , which you ask - others to do. But-:enough ,or this. Suppm f hpwetrer,.for.argtptenVs sake; that I •1: thosiuhof $9,201 Is that 1 a crime? DitYon not )(now, and doia• not all: mo ift•iirpercon-elice in the - -county kno . (i that your of ii camlichita,`foi-tnian*,;• debt moreilci4OicOdaditid;44,ilisit. and if heis making luny effoit; tp ',Ay? oil his indebtedness, .his..dreditors have no 'knowl edge of thaltaa- c , I wouldnrke . #9, ere toto thla - at all,' but I have °Very 'rea.son to believe that Mr.' 4.l4aracan e4hefinatiotes or c4dorAs,ay.ory 1 1'641'4:which. his son-in-lot makes *ion the. -. • , EMEMICI MI 111 ..~. -.. ' ). nom!, Aug. 13,1867; EntTo Afaus': I was too hite'in receiving the last Low!, tb Write an article for - your• is sue of this week . But I . give Odell, notice, that with yearvsrudleige,LlFfte with hint{ once again in your next, when he shall hear Wither "smirk" •-". • - •of • THE publieshm4d carcfpl,,imiccepting from tire Whit 6 :Holm at Wml3lngton, any ststamenta,affecting the ;written .9h:spoken words of any nian true to.tite Union, wito,is in correspondence with the President. 4 The I garbling of S heridan's dispatches is a fit cal. culated to put all men.= their guard in ref erence to every matter '• of record novel whieli! 41 . 4;51' skihuon_hit!.FipvTlsFycon.., um: • - • • SPECIAL NtYTICE. - I Ude ehl rk6il Ati at , Imy • Mich StliOile — rgThidit; • compr . iiiO3 mwin er y,T r •• • 6,16;pi 4, 1 44 .kinda, Fa cy Goods,'"b&flie • DrearGo4,lfosie4 04,94,08N-44e-sfz. idiAsiillist a 'sottl: 'ran' early and se: dire Itargaintk Ttelnetatik Valor,: sign: he Redil44l,Water St, BriamtistaiiL:i MI EINEI 31ArLE Sunni, at Wilson & Brown's. S9ata44;l:llliri,at Wil son & Brown's. SUGAR Crum) Breakfast Bacon, at Wilson & Brown's • IVies- iieit Tea, C _ of fee and Sugar, in the market: : • CA94ED nw, .ip,onishingly cheap, at Wilson ~ Brpwn's: • , Go to Wilson & Briiira's, for If aiLq, Glaa, Soap, Baake* Spirits of 1W kinds,. &c. COVE Oystfs amp; at Wflson & Brown's. SARDINES lOC WOSOR & Brow.n';3. TEAJ TEgi Try.W)lspry& ftrtywn'&..., MATLA ,116, BrpwA's. - ALL kinds of . Frssh crackerka. Wilson & Brown's. i •' TUE best Coffee: sis' now at Wilson & Brown's. . . .. . STILX. more of the best N. O. litolasses, at & Brown's. Prim. CI Brown's. WAte 1114.- " V ' l-14(3.- 'Br°lvll.'l .traiitis, at Wilson .L BrOwn7s . . MAKE out i youi i order for what Groceries you wivnt ank send to Wilson &.33rown, wirt it will.be and delivered. Go to Wilann &, Brown'a,;for good and cheap Giocerics. - . . . • , BE sure anl give Wilion ct Brown a trial in the way of • roceries. ' Go to the 3 tulvanon Linie vanport, for the best and cheapff,.4,<l7 t • Go to*l. Bestwick's, New Brighton, and see the:iinit.lttitiraiddnOtore. ' T 1 slips; : AbeAsirpnVytker of any Stove in tho,nlarket, at L It J. Bostwick's Fnurr Gana and Sealing - wax, at I. J. Iteatwlek'iti . , l3,leniteraMin& 'Broadway, New. Brighton,, Pa. , Go to I. &IJ.".lksts;•ick's, for your 111 . t • . • Ware, at redu prices. , I. & - ,T. ticirwleic " like to "shosto . ' Weir tet4 Stoves, Gra arid —Wares. Remember the BriglPlace, AlivAl Altalip , , i,b e * . t . firlway; , New iton, a . ,' ~, StIV AR 6 VI . S I/ 011fitglitf 4SFVOI . THAT MT icirr 3g, wOTHRS,.tus left my bed an boardnd r atattiquii ttlettby; ,Warqed not to trust her on my account, as will pay_ no - debts of her eon trading. i THOMAS WM.:TWO:v . ' . tattglfq.4t. 1 , ' ' I . - - I ' r. ' -k . • -. ..) ..t . ~.: ~-* .... . _ t A DEMOCRAT THIS DAY! EII Iriziie ! .Tt, at WiLicia & NOTICE. 110MEOPATHIST,' • • .1 ill Li./ 'r SEW BIIIOIITON, BEAVER etwort f, A. • FFICB*.I‘I , ;I) RE81.14,11 LOCUST ST. . be ilMPe rf eUrifir ?god . , • I , ll 9..aPl9l;RP 4 i 9 iinttdNiti_PO!'./*Jj'; r 41„ :. • WI ByCd4 44 11 ' Vietha - lilon, 818 By Uncollected Tax' filled in Beaver, • ' wao Bram:matt lid. eta liounq debt, r. 4,491 19 i" • ! . • 13,CR055, , , •, , •AL ALILLP.B., : ,Finpoc• o ln." ..!iu . igl7 , llll3t , 31,,,e01V.114,, •. • , . • CEMETVI • LOTS: SALE OF `BURIAL LOT* IN.IIIt.A.V.KiI Cemetery,i,9.9lsclalon the eseutterygrucludr, 1112 IJ IVXDMISDAY August ma,..06.1, at Aoe thioch P. X. Pericles &wirie' :or perdissirq lute in this beautiful ,Comettiry. will biwa another op. ponce:Lily *taping SO at public add; Nitres. , number °fine lots utyarions sizes will be offered: `Persoril ksiringto do so can ex/urine the lota and--grounds precioustcl ,15yorderbt 13card of Managers: _ • •,' ' ' ' 4 . WNW' 111"clh 4 1 1.14.7 1816 e ""' " Secretary of Beak • , ::' COiltain4 , il l iiiit POlll.Abr.§alc* . . rrTfl BiTDBBIH,HIED. THABEFUL 'I I, OIC THE I. ~patninalreletheebtore'bestowed upon bitn itr t i l l o c r e. a plena nreln informing the citizens of itoeberter, visiter - 13eater and - 'inflow:ding - coantry; that be is still TPlited to furniall:nti es article of Coal and ut Coal. on Wont scilicet delivered, or nt tho e ph o on. ,tbellent or tartan.. 11,a;nk is located p'a • y's• Ann; nrati :Rat : ,! ortitftit' A X %b. 'Or 'it "the Stoic of nonfat , ' TAillioim 'ln Stilitcfro tg; Ait 44' the ProtbonotarXn olllett ,In' r. *slip be prompt)]. MM.' -• -'. • • J.,C'IIOLTER. • • IT/M/Y. 1 • ' ''' .' . -: - M l NT4wiler• -Pat'': . .„ ISEAVER . COUNTY; I'N'THIfORPHANi'VOUIrr OF BE VE7tt OLt i -1 TY; In Ilwrtliattewor theaccowni of Bobdrl Oraluun, exektttor d[-the lon will Ind teat:canal:if ifnuwis.Pair, 41;tjt now to wit Antrast ECIEIT,off- mOtiotrof.B.: Mee, Esq., the:Court appoint J..R.' I llarrah, Audttor, to distribute ttorbadoncirin the hs4ds of the Executor, "ad ehoirtv by the aforesaid account," to and amongst the partlea entitled thereto. By the Court. = - • • • JOllll A...FRAZER, • SEAL. , • • Clerk. TheiAnditor above tumMd . will meet the partirstn, terested for the purpose of his appointment, at his of fice:in ,the borough of Beaver, on Friday the "ad day of August, 16117, at 10 O'clock, a. m., at 'Which time and place persona interested are hereby notified to attend: • • f •I; • : • J. It. 11A,RRAIT, - ang7lll"Mt. "- ' ' Audito r. Trial List=-September Term 1867. I .-:, ITO: . 1 1 ° .i. DAtA r V- -.7 6.'71 :i ,:i New Brighton Borotigh „ vs. Charles Coale Same • 6 v- • 4 :Ealus - Geoice W. Cable, et. al Siunuel4enhol. . • Thomas Reed, • • Thomas.l42eill. . . Robert MorOi - ' vs. Hugh Anderson. % & Hamilton Trite " Thomas Poe and wife. Sarno. Marker:a " C. it RK. It Co. ltlehard Baker " Cnnlnngham&Pombello .Wm,oluhaston 4 " Wolter Johnston. . Ilaberthan' A: Co. ' " John graham: et. al..' Jane liannals : , " Fergus Johnston. ' • George Keelina, Thomas Clark,,et. al. , .Desota Oil CoMptal ' :" ,Davidittosell, et. al.' Thomas Joakso !", W. Morlan, , es,. al. Lq~vle C. Dayllp j &job .l'enper,lB a) : 1, nolo ' " Henry Itnnzo. WEYAND. • ongtlirkSe rtc4)llPotari• • •- (Loral copy. T V ,Rll, • • • • Gkß4t,*•D SPRING & II IDBIJ ,L" 07-4 tr 4 i r 9 S • • VV . Trthuding AND -.. SHOE EIIIP 0 E,4 L'' H! - • . ~ . • ,TWO DOORS BELO% Stitt:3 ie 9IIAALENEER .GER7S WATER S'll., St.,-b of - taro RED POST, • BIUDGEWATpX: ' .. , . , ~ ~ •c:- ii • R5.....4 HAVE,fri,MOVED To TIIR Room • , 41 - 1 . tbrinee iseciiPled b$ ill : Decillurr• on Water st., where Iwi be r 4lad' to see al, old customer% and all others favo me with a W.I; . i . . . -. . \' . . . ' I am now receiving a lamp and spar Stock of ry latest Sprint ; Styles of_Milline, ;,..s, S.c., etc,. which wilUbe sold very cheair. ' .... ..,..• , i , - 1 1 ) - - . ik %' 7 ,MlLLllsi r _Eltir ) i . :'....• . , . • . Of every deseription--Slik and Straw Bonnets.-Isolles• and Idiseoesilats, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, ice., at.. . `IIIMMI NGS, Of all kind..., for Dream* and &wanes., Gimps. Conde Laces, (Ilene Ramo Ratios, Buttons, dm ikAiiiithif 'ANU HOOP SKIRTS, CAA .INIKTe,3BEL'r, BUCKLES, - '4 : . • Gentlemen's Farnlildna , GoodS, 'Gout's it Ladies ) Paper Collars. BEN AND BOYS' HATS ANt) CATS. NECK-TIES, - SUSPENDERS. UNHERSTITIITS AND DRAWERS WHITE. bIIIRTS, COLLABS.,&c. . • „ 1-3tosiery wad Grloves, LA:WES' CIIOTHS,:ALL coLons, Si'REIGi AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS 111. CD . 811AWL8, VERY CHEAP,: Jest received, A brie lot, very cheat). - Call and ace. BONNETS ALTERED AND , LEANRD,.46I I IEATI , Stamping,_Tinking and Cloak, Cuttirig and- Making On abort notice. MEN'S §RIRT'd MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE CALL AND' SEE QE.; NO TROUBLE TO SRO* GOODS riker— • Two doors below* Stiles iisThaileTtberger's Grocery Store, sign of the BED POST Waterstmet, Itrtdge • • witde. . "WATT ICZALY: ,BRIP,Gr EWATER, ME MARBLE WORKS. , • , •.! • tAlittDlNlNXitilttl7, l 3/LAXVFACTURKWAND DEALER rti Maui - d Aineribart - Marble' : Mirdinriedtiv, 'Been swoop:At.;ride tborder. 'Piro.° give me a -call before durchaslog elsewhere* fRTY3hop appoidee '3)n Drug Store,- Bridge street: Brid t gerridere, i•; •-• • • • • .1)15:63:19 . . DAVIR WOODEM - • . - . • a ' • ' ~ g 4 • .. • i .t.. ,' !!te. n '- ;1•1..:'.'”.M..1 j '. l ; , . ~4, , ,,J lin.-,7 t .r.; -r k :,,i;•.• - ,i;:2•.•. !. • - •i : .: .! ••'1 . ...":,, ..* 1 i ffEEZIA .n 3 1:;.L. , ,10-r. I• •••••t • •.• • , •••-: . • = • - F ot ~t u• ' $6,178 48 —IN , 1117,- -,! liocit Ag, : t iff • ' , I MIDI NEW DRESS kiOODS, ' NEW7,eltiNTs, , ' • t AIUSI:11\ UM Orep.t.l* 11..ednee 1 - • i • , 44 ' • • ,- r %. k. • A 4 NEW nMII LINERY imp DS 4' . i;,. , ,- ,‘ .4 .* • t II .1`).) . .p , , • .!;.' , . .= t t • i.• z-- lIATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, &c. ElilEE 1 , 1 iiTT • • 6 6 -' thu'Aglimet 5)r,14(i,, Kiiip Sewi ng Ma v oli ine • - , • • I • I rea=fully solicit an examination - 0. the , &Aw , e LI . , . Tina Mashing is constricted on a newprinciple of merinint.on, postieselng - many: rare, and valnable im provevnents, having been examined by the most pro feisty". experts', and pronopnced to be oimplicity and perfection esithined. • ' - • ' Ina mechanical point of vied- ; the advantage we chilm for the .E3ll.tiorlls - ettipre," are— 1 , st.—The t : method of driving the Needle Bar by a compound • crank., Which produces the same action as hereWoreolitained by means of a Cam ;" but hi a more durable and noselees manner. 2d.—We ' use a rotating shaft above the table, and thus are enabled to give aH the room required under the arm; without detrimentltto the durability of -Ma chines; having a bearing. directly. .over the Newtlie Bar. 31-otir Feed Wheel is 'a frictiOn feed, and so con structed there it but one Joint in transmitting the mu- Arm .from the rock shaft to the wheel, and unlike all ,others, cannot be effected by oil or 4 , mt. •. J • 4th.—gbp -Rock Shaft Abut weskta, the Feed motion T ut alit tifivr. the Shuttle; The bead ' or this Ihrift and gent#ea are hardened toed and ad) blEtso that: wet can ken thelost 1110d4611 at .willi, 1 ' ' ' i• - •i• .• The following are_ the , principal bjectiops I urged a: galust Itewing .Machines : . I 1.- Exceislie fatigue to the Operator. -. • ': '... ' , I - Liability' tegel otrtirf order. • -'. - ••• . ad. Exuense, trouble,. and loss of time 'ln repairing. I 4. nenbacitr.td'aevFettiry illiMytion a material. s..nliaireva,bre'.mil.Se while in Operillifkl. - • e Euipire' Seising Maoiine is • Exempt from} all these Objectityris.? - -,‘ . . Itliaa_la straight n.e. die, p,erpendletilar actlgp, 'flakes the lock , or shnttle stitch, which will neither rip not . ravel, and is alike op Iptl ; 'performs pesfeet=sew,' log on every deseriptfah material, ,trOra - Leather the.llnest,lotnsook Muslin, with cotton, linen, or halk thrvvid, trwm th 4 eviiwest. in the tinott was aber..l I IT HEMS, F.a,13 LSINDS,BRAIDS, , TUCKS, QUIRTS. PLAITg, fund .! GATHERS. • Having neither ettni nor COe wheel. and thelletApors slide trie.t . i on, , it runs as smooth as glass, and ia T I Empliatically a `atoeless Mahine. ... ~, . , ~ r. ..Ik_. . .Forturi.'s 1 1) .- • : OM D G OrY : Oda StOro ... • . . ....-... .'.l . lk)Cii-PATER, I i .• MEI EMI •-.7 • r r s 4- z . i. ~..-:: • ...... • ..• •••• .....14 , 1:: — ; - ;:..'.; ‘.•!;. •:.;•.. ' ...11 - *11 . .t, . , hs 1,_1•I 1::.;.i'!. '4';', ' ° -rhicEs: _i - EN " I- E D F'n 0 Pi f 1 .., 'f. :f~ NM . - I - 1 , X 4... p. 4 ..T_Olt'S 74( ttic R.—Witereashj . tters tutstatue 4 . " 441.14W . M . ligvAla_ \V t urn . late • .. j Fran fort itoro.AlailiVirtlerttb , . . .r.!*- I granted. to the uuderst•mtttl . , al) perottjs lade tet ris M said estate are requesteeto butte ttratfealate pit .and those having mute or duotautl* a;atotit-the of said . de,cettent. win' . fiteator - prestent tliktlilitttkly autheittleatethittiitettlriuteut. • , ' • '• -, . • •• -.. ; 111Q4. iiilOltil;So l ltii'tigeediall;f ll Aug:lli:Gt. : . . ' ••• • *flelittlikW4'! l . ...........„4.-,-..„—t._ .„.:.._....._• - • " - - NOTIell:--"'" li: - A tofivir htTiii.):i that tho ttudor,Oguett eontuatiouere. uppoirited Cortrt.of - Ilnurter Sei,•touPAA Beaver eouuty, to exam ine their . rupo,:eti change-of the,line between Brighton unit Borough townstatios told reportoo to the propriety, or maktug Hi:tech:wig° iwWaiditne prayed for it the pe-. tidott ot citizens! ot palitt.townyhtp•ovill meet et tbe store of M. tblt: H. Darregh, tit &Womb toweehipi 10 A. X.,' all Th ttrm I v: tbe_224l day. of August, a3M. sad from thence rimmed to the dlschatgo tho duties et their uppolntrueut... • A. P. LACOCK,_ •.• r. • .• .; • • • DAVlD'PEttt4Utittlq. • • iii)B.EarnitraDSKAW. .• BEAVER Lamas! SEMINAR MILE FALUTEirebm.lttsciis *0 , • th•ptenibtir. t 4 ini.hdi•initage 'petpkitt to be present at the beginningnr theseation. • • • With routum,freeldy panwint,.paPeied; Ind thentotied. • ive can protnis e. in table . nacinutnoda thilttfto 'butirdealW atilt& f. A wipe obexprrtenced teittienflOtiVen-see .Prof. Anibutil ba.4 charge or the Mualeid department:it; Believing trolulleng experience. that we can give 4,eneral Satisfaction, we req.neet ali interest tad to apply ira eircular. with .4U oar Vail." in every .intk i lgalkx.. , , , anertil;ll. . 11. A. 'LEAN. , - Alf ctitc *if.' CIA • • T N l a OfeI'HANITtCOVIVNOI t .11kittift tifthc , rand , E. • Tawnsend, eanaktoao,t t (wind d' s 'ha•tament Ottiewiatinitiftuwksend.l-'-dtmeassa.tii wit: Aug,nst 3d. naH, , -on motion of B. U. unatriner -lin, Esq., the CoarrapptdnoMtta aforlan. ENl.;an AndltOr to tilatrihute tbe.PARDY inlf4 the lFxocutars%sinunittfliego ilteretbi yf v The Andlt or above appohninivilltneetthat partite - Interafted, in thilabove;innit.--at' , lo, witiec , to New obi the tifah'thty.trtAtigna;l2,l7 „, ist9eielock; Stl - hen and wliefrgati thk/uforlittAPlllb tend I ey think Diapot. - _ • - W: 81 .. 111*N. t . itott., o*/' ToTB:1: ItEimnyideieiti THAT BY VIRTUJC -11 -of tile Witt itoitAtttliatiwigheiwto thy *Odes association of ; youipany,the.tunie f eletted will es. pose to by fublibrkaliMe;oti7": 2'UE4D3 Attaust 20171, 1867, , at 2 o'clriek:P. 31.. at the Court House In the Borouiti of itenver. County allraver, the interest of Meeara. Dunn nnd,Slula,7lolpritie - undhidpd• twoltteentha in the hiese, , :itifeliinerY..Engin4; Tanta, l'ae Tubing.and fixtures of theTttniohrey 011Coutpany a tasted at. - 1014nd Run, OhltitoWneltip,Mritver•cotinty;lTa. ',Tarp Wells on 'said lease,'one a ellr;prixNe.lng .chinory and . f3tures good. The Interest sold for nott pacntentnfusreastitents there . it,fm'eosts and expenses of boring _ J. 1?..J. ALLISON, and Treayr.efCompany.• `• .•• ~-1" 3 I ORPHANS', COURT. SALE., y virrfuii,op AN ORDER OF THE ORPHANS` Court of Bearer .c4unt s j . , the tuatiersigtt Ai will, Rose to sale, at public:out-cry', on tbo . ptena n 'SA2'II7IDAII *August 814tt 1847, at 11 ,o'clock a. m. cif 6aid - 'haw. MI, the Ihnowing do- 'vcribeil real estate tit Ilenry ilPCJanan. lateof klieghe. ny county, ilemat:ed,tittiale ln lioccheeter borough., Bose vet' cautity. Pa., viz: • Lot No. el.• in (fouhre third sult-illvigion Or 'kite le said lamongh.....lantuded ninth by tfontoe street, out by lot N0.:23. south by lot Nzi. :31. and week. by lot Si ,'said lothatlhg trout of 41) led nn Monroe street,. an irt d,extenng 'back' ilivrerrim. 1:25 feet tolot.NCl.; I; .on which is,ereeted a selall houve ilf outt'room. ITElllll,S,..tme-third purelume Money hi hanampritt confirmatimt of dail6be 111,4Court:the balance - In Iwo eimuTtranittud installments filen that date; with' intntent from same time. and set:area - 1w liondand nOrtgag.e on the priani4e. The pbretiaiovto pay el - pollees of pie paring title, bond and inortenee. and all requisite scamps. For' further information, itargire at' 11. 111 CO; Beaver. Pa. ! JAVOIN.V.V..F.NTINE, . atiertiT: Guardiatt: EA EXANANATIOR :TEACHERS. To the S choolYi i reel on and Teach- -• . ers of Betivet Counts. - 'f f e tfy:4 - 1, • ',. Istir 'EXAi . III7A T TiOTCS FljEntE 4 PßEti• .1 ENT YEA ii. WILL DE HELD AS FOLLOWS: New Brighton, bum. Aug.lo, et Union S. H., Ohio district r•Fairview " itochester.boro.. •• -L" ' 16, "w rrifon Sunth•lleaver dist.. • .22 - Johnston's " • Chippewa dist., ' " " • ICKlnley's Deritagtou • 24, " Darlington " - Ileatsc dist,' 4 '" " ' Ilonntwood • l'attersun " " BelcverFalit " " i " - 50, -• Eakin's , 4free - 5 In - RtUrcknii.4ist., • ?•-.: 1-f4t. -4 - • - Oreenk "-` '=-.5")-- 115) Hanover dist.. " 5. . Independence-dist., , karidenThin "- - Moen-dist.. • "•. 7; " Dario Pulaski Pulaski . .9i, " KettlewbOd'a". , • New-SewieklOy dlit., ," .Beggs• 7; f-'redom horn., • - 31„ , " liulori ••"'" Economy diet.. " 4 Baden. Iluftewell dist., 4.,; . NSeOttistall." Warnock's Frank/M. ; ]ii; • ".. Famous The Examinations 'will commence Punctual/ St o'cloOlt. A. M., and apnliainta arrivina after that atettr will 11551. be .Witnittell frith the'class: extunkiation aj .the districts wlkre they ettlect .. ; ~ y! -Flersosis Jitaown irranond character, or .who are in can not berlicensed to tasch.• •. trainnuce_ Therm unknown to the Siipetititendent oil 'Director*, s. must. preSent certificates of good moral character. 11. S. History anti' We. t hpotr of teaching • have been added to theasnal branches, and tear:hem will be re quired to pate an examination in them. Directors are notified trot tountplor teacher , ' who do , not hold valid certificates. n' such will vat be etatained after they' commence their achool4. • • IMMIIMI , - School'llirectors'areonrnestly requested to attend the exaroination_ and select' their teachers. lem very anx ious to meet full boards at each of tho Taattnnations. so that ye tray cooler , tseAtier and Tthkei *mange- 3i (lieOrpltana' *UM . CI e TX: President, and his associate Judges of H ‘ 111 111.111." • said Court. In the matter of the:per ! titian of the teal estate of -George Smith, deed; -• The. COMmonwealth of Pennsylvania: ,To William Smith,'ltietitiottery residin,g In WAShington bow., Washington county. Pa., James T. Smith, wham Post ' °dice address IA Library;-Alleg.,heny county, Pa., - Mary Edward... a sister residing Sotrthlie.aver, tp.„ coun ty ateresaid, Sahli Aticasitey. (wife of Andrew "Mae key,) residing when last heerd.frotn s .lu.kiithilind - ty, Ohio. Nancy- Culbertsou,s histut residitig in PArta unknown. Jane Link, a sister. (widow.)' of .Maraball county, W...st irgitiM; antl,Ellon'Parker;e sister, (wife. of James Parkar.) residing when last heartrfrom, in the - vicinity hf Ton and each 'of you are ' hert.by cited to be Mid appear'berore The Ilon. Judges 0r,..0ar Auld _Orphaty Court, t o be held. at Beaver, In nad-lorlhe r euid county of rer, on the the Monday. of September next, tirtte6lo - r. refuvte to takk the 'teal estate of tho said George Smith. dee'cL, at the eaprag ment put upon it by an Inqueld awarded by' vont sell court, and returned by the Shetld to ditch, !lmn ' and found to contain as follows!, to wit ' Pitrpsrt -A." containing 176 acres &18.Perchee,, vale ued at ien per acre. • . , • Pnrpart 'Containing *crop ;& :118; re" ; elle. rained at*. - 111; 67 per acre, a Ibtrpert "C; '-containing sSacret calmed at.l.:ra,oo per acre., and in eaten( non-acceptance to .howeailet-whythe amp° should mend sold. •'r Wiwi...6' the lion. A..W. A chaon,Preoldentlor oar Bahr Court at hearer, the 10th dar.ot June A. DL 1667. JOAN A. FRAZIIi,II., Clerk.- A the'irpy of Ruh Attust . SiiEntrrs 077147 E. t :I*.ifer j . . i ice. : Register's No-:'.. A LL PERSONS INT/AMSTED 114....T11 FOLLOW, lA. ing administratimr and gnardian-ac until, whisk have been passed and filed in the Relfiste 's Office of Ilearcr.,catinty. Fs. 4 trill•takilnotke that e same will he presented to the Orphan. Court. tn. . eid at Bea ver, on Wednesday, the 4th day of.Septensbe ,A. D. 1664 i rk for confirmat on and allowance. .F4rst and cal ;recount of Michael . Mc L ublin. 4. ecutor of the • st will of Thos. 0. Rot rke, deceintoSil., 1 Eliptt*D4 final account ofitrilOrtlii atitullidpa tor.fif alit csratO of John'3loBllo, Aced. •-•- ;-., • • The ~,k„,,n t . o f •Tuo.,Forlow. iduiiii of raf tat/ of Ilanntfte:facicsiM, deed? •.„ - ' • - • • - Final account of Philip Cooper gu 1 of john /L Wilson : minor child of Seth Si Oxon. d ••• ,- Hirai account of Nathan Eakin, trator of the estate of drama !flu rray. deed.. .•1 . ,Firat 'and •Ititail.(rml and penman') seeounbsiat gar. garetta fhlieePieAdmlnlatratrts. of t4e.eldato dalseph - . • - Firet and final accountpfßobert eraerford, adsolila tnitor of the estate of Sarah Line. dee'd: - The final account or.l)aniel.Arneur, Administrator of the eatateof Meld ABMs, deed., - The drat and final (real and personal) win:ate - of Jno. Hei ves. executor of the last will of Catherine Ru. *embower*, r.-doed:• . • • • • _ • ' First and final achonnt Thnmse.Allbson. *duals atoirbf the retateof tin Geo. W. Nahum, deed. , First and Stint account of W BR:Behout and-John Reed, executors u( the last will of Elizabeth Boren deed.- • Account of J. C.,;Wilynn..tu4r a ndetztoor of the estate . of Sebastian Small, dec d. The,nceonntm of Philip L. Grim. guardian of the AR MI- nor children of Joho,Gordszi, dee'd. ' . The tutounts of fete.r Of the iota°, thlldKen 0(.1 ogeplGthearer,'¢ee , d., • • liesile•Atate etcount of \Y4‘.. C. Iltitilot, of the aitnce of Joseph ltfcx)rhell,llool_....- ;• • Firvt mid flied terounlpf. wept' Wallkeei-eittieider of the last ofJiunesl? .:Ith*ptitigk; _,; • Partial nocountot}slizabeth It t'llPrbetttfortais., iratrlx of the estate of John - Cuthbertgom: doe'd. • ' A reAsnot of Seneder 11.1flarratli, and•Chiik adminial inlet.; Phil Amelia Z. %lake, adminferfx, of the estote,iif John Blakel . 'Aleed. • Irnit3LETi3lT, Rektiter. .r ;11" :.••• Q S. LITFELL, StustilL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers