D 1 11231 11 rND CREAPEST NEWSPAPER TIIE COUNTRY. ,THE, PRESS, A tirst:elsan Donble-sheet Eighkouge : paper, eon* ingß Forky•elght columns. .Pablhihed Every.Mornhl Rou!phis. thwestOnnercf Sev .enth and Chestnut streets, 7831318: DAILYI•FR:ESS.! . SR,OO - per annuM. 24,00 far six months. $2,09 for three months PRESS 44,00 per annum. - - $2,00 for six months. 'sl,oo for three months TREEUNDAY PRE' *2:00 per annum. r 41,00 for six month. •TIIE WREIELY PRESS. TREtOST VAL 7 II.IBIR WEEKLY-lig • . IN TriE 'WORLD- It contains items of interest to every one. ICEAD TILE TE11318.. One Copy ' • E 2,00 per annum. , ' Five Copies , 9,0 0 IA M. Ten Copied " - , ' 17,50 " " Twenty Copies . , 33 , 00 IA 114 To.tbe getter up or a Clab of To or more Copies an extra copy will be given. • , -z/ All orders should addressed to.; ' ' • JOIIN W. FORNEY, • Editor and Proprietor. cor. Seventh and Chestnut fits.. Philadelphin, Pa. Jes`67:4t. CONVERSION OF 7 3-iOS• • _ TIN TiF,PIX TO NUMEROUS INQUIRIES IN BE-I gard,to the-manner of Converting the August 73:101 into the new 0.20 Gold Coupon Bond we maice the fell' lowing statement for the benefit of the hoidens cf 7 3 . 10e. who may not he infornied : ' The Government computes the ,intenuq on, both bonds in currency from the date of the' maturity of the last coupon, allowing seven and three-tentha on the 7 3-1-os, and charging slx_p_er Cent. on the Vita. For e.x. ample: You sent to Washing,ton - I,ooo' 7 3-10 Bond whiclrreachee there on , Mav ..S1 000 74 days interest (from Feb. - • 119 dayellnterest )from • (Thiess connt'ett at 366 dais - per . annum' „). .1;09 50. 1 Allowed' fur 7 3-IN, - • 1 01380 f You parGoieriatnent It•will be seen by this:that the Gold Interest is givep as enrrency, which is of itself a profit to the party con ' vetting the 7430 s nearly eight dollars per $l,OOO, aside from the fact that at the present rate of Gold, the 5 , 41 pav .ovhr a per rent. per Annum. We are convertin g, the. 7'3-1.0s•on much Wetter terms than the Government, as the present buying and sel ling rates enable us to allow the holder of the better figure than has yet been offered by any one as is ,tommissicin. . '• Weqllso evehange the new 4-20 bond for the Otherse• ries of 7 3-10-. on the most favorable terms. . • .I - Parties exchanging:through us, in addition to their, getting much betterterms than they can from the Gov-, velment. will have their 5-.. As delivered to thein il/1172C 1 dintely, Mats saving delay. 'We also register any bonds sent to tie without cluirge. 'On all , bonds sent us by express we pay charges both it'llyN• and semi bonds promptly as directed. • JAMES T. BRADY CO.. (SneceSsors to §: Jones & C 0..). • Dealers in Government Securities, Corner Four 'and Wood street.. , Pittsburgh, l'a, m ty9.,m I== SPRING* AND SUMMER': BOOTS,AND SHOES. WILSON & .STEWART, , \ lajbllLD RESPECA'FLitiAr INFROM that they have have jeet received direct tio, m the manufacturers. the larekt and beat selecte d SPITING AND SIINXF,B, STOCK OF \ . . , . . . Ladies'; G •It's,.-Boys ' and t: hildren's , Boots and Shoes. GAITERS AND SLIPPERS 1 ,' ' All of the late it Ptyl e v . . that, hive ever been brodgli to Ms count y, and which they are prepared to sell. :1. • . • • • . . =1 t i AB C11E142, ntsNo , CILEAPER t ' ' Than they can be bought in'the ciry'of Pittsburi. Thankful for past patronage..wc solicit a continuance of the same, and invite purchasers to call and examine onr,gonds and primal' before purchasing elsewhere. :SC o have a shop connected to do all repairing. 1 All Goods Warraiged. • : ' WILSON .114ETEWATiT; ' In the Diamond..., ROCHFATZII PA. etp1 4 241? J.&11. PHILL '26& 28 ST• CLAI - 1 7) 1 " rtg3131.1.1 s ay ' Atanntacturers'and Dealers in • - FLOOR OIL CLUT!!S, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHSi, -L. ENAMELED OIL CLOTHS, • TABLE OIL CLOTHS,. j• •;STAIR OIL CLOTHS; - • Transparetit Green i;rwinlowAlades. • • Transparent Window:.Steade!;! BUFF HOLLANDS, • SHADE FIXTURES. - TASSELS, CORDS, ;14.0, ALSO, DEALERS IN India Rubber Machine Ili:Rine, !lose, Steam Picking, • Casket, "Tubing, Cement; Clothing, and Rubber goods generally. Oak Tanned Leather)Selling. Lace Leather, 'Reit Rooks, : • Rivete r Lubricating Steam Pachingy&e. --igentaffor • the ,triaivereal Clothes -Wringer. A gene's', assortment of the above - riatned goodis al _ ways on hand. Orders rt . ...Teat:4ly solicited . , and promptly SAed.•• • ' E 4,ALEIC IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, HAS MST RECEIVED A:rtzstt SUITLT i'mnberrieft, Pesrbes, do Tomatoea, do . Green Corn; . : do ' Plums, - Dried Corn. do Peaches. Pickles, • 'Alpo.. o prima assortment — f, Terms, strictly. CAS m0v2816 , • Linda ! I-o l ixi.!*3 • t the "Illulianion Klins." 25 C'e e r . 13 y/Am NE‘T" SELLING THE. BEST QUALITY OF Ai Lime sEr !;43VepriCe. Our Chic., the best and i F . rt,kE no dart ashez.or Etone. ;;;•.14.i'6L3: . 1 1. , • J: Drxn. 17 AF R, RESS. Builpro . IP lire- dicl elm., VTIII . TICLITOZIS -TTIZ ..1D P., TT C3l Also; a fall Assortment of ! I VINDOI,I 7 GLASS, LEkt..w ~9 ~ .k 4 TB It: ~.I:tiiL.9.oN P S, ST., 1 Hominy. Turkey franca; I.ayer Ital. - Seedlel4s Raisins, English Currants, • Goshen Chem, Sweet Potatelee, !co. 1 Mackerel. y of Teas, Sur, .and Coffee • A. S. fIARVET, ridge street, !'SA-vt;Y4itralliehATllN 4oluirs' Bowing ez Id. • ~. ~ I AT I- ix TEI imaiono, 1111 ''RO 6 Iik . STF. II 9,PA.- (One door roan Port:ma's Thy Goods Stirs . j.esi De 1 • found a fall assortment of I , 3IEDICINES, C* MIOALs AO • I. , • • FINE LIQUORS; ) PAINTS, LINSEED • NZAT'S FOOT OIL, SPERM OIL, LARD OIL; AND PURE ANI;10 SECOND QUALITY ,WHITEI.4.IOA3Di ALSO, FINETOILET SOAPS. .. • II " • ALL VARIETIES BRUSHES, I THE BEST PERFUMERY FANCY &TOILET ARTICLE/3 u AN POPULAR PREPARATIONS . , FOR ,THE HAIR, . • All kin 'of PATENT DESEICLNIEt3 always On hand. Lao, SEGARS & TOBACCO, . . • ' ' 1 ' .1\ My entire ' ock has becir 'purchased for CASH, end is offered at the very Lo urFas Parcae. Z - 49 As ' I am If i thoronghly educated Apothecary and Chemist, physic ns and others can rely upontheir pre. scriptiorui accurately filled with:Pure Zan eines only. . . LOUTS BREHM dr: CO.: . aux2.9•66:ii L . ', FURNITURE AND CHAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES : •'• OE . OCR' jr WN RANETACEORL AND WARRANTED PARLOR; LIBRARY, " ?DINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS, In Eyery r Variety and, Style SCHOOLS, HOTELS, STEAMBOAT, and PUBLI.b BUILDINGS, FURNISHED ON MOST itEASON.ABLE TERMS T. B. YOUNG & CO,_ marar67:6m 38 a-40 Smitbleld strket, Pittsburgh, Ps. sunray samorx. STOR.Ti, EVI ;- PIIIM I‘ND New Aroeforiet, I= WILION BROWN • . DESPECTFULLY ANNOHNOR 'TO THEIR SH IM merons friend' , and the public generally, that they intend opening a New Otwery . §tore, on BRIDGE STREET, BRIDGEVirATER, adjoining the Dry Goods Store of A'. G. Hurst, on the 51h dm. of March. It 10 - their intention of haying on hand, at all Urees: a full atmortment of the . . • BEST FAMILY - GROEEBIBB, • r and they be, leave to state that they are &tertian& 4) Compete with all other dealers,in the town or neighbor: hood, as their Stock of Goode are all new, and bought at the late apt reduction, and enkead - with the great est care by Mr. IiAItVIST BROWN, while knowledge of the business cannot be questkoned; ' ving been with Mr. Arthur Harvey for many years. %Thevsall particular attention to:thelr stock of Tete and tinTee,as they flatter. themselvei they have eons& thing extra to offer as Write and quality. The beet Mande 01 =Hy Flour always on hand. Produce taken at all limes at fall market prices. 411 goods, delivered. I WILSON &BROWN* Bridgewater, Feb. 27;:1867-21y.. • X. WIi.LEW. W. DOLIIC:. CB/f. • . *:, Iffi,lllll.LER• et CO., • - ,• Rochester PlainingAssh and thioriliff. Rochester, Beaver . Pa (NEAR itAM.NOAD DEPOT.) 114ANVFACTtiREES OF, AND DEALERS IN. in Planed Lumber, ressing. Flooring, Siding, Shelving, Doors; Sash, S h atters, &c., &c. . ,• • CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. • .Also proprietors of Clarke & Rhino's:Riles Patent Weather Smiting, Patented May let, MG, for the ex .lcrio.r of howls, &c. This siding consists in forming the various stripe of boards of a level or tapering shape across its entire - vidth with lower or t IT.r - edge, made with a sultaole moulding to Impart a nest and finished appearance. 8 rights for tbe manufacture and use of this eitlinufa Romer empty will be sold reasonably,l - • - had much earnerienee in building, and the Lumbar business generally, added to oar new *Mies for its marinfactnre, we feel conildenes in in .our old friends as „nitrous to pit and Mahn 5w- - selves, baste trateactleg elnewbere: lagehretig WA.' ROSE, N., D., • PHYSICIAN. SURGEON Ai Accoucazult. • I:l3. , _pettnanently located in the TOWN - .or ItOCHEII TEL Peon) attention ,giran to all Wk. eicepting when prof Y engage& • • onicc Adloising the "Menelein Boner," in the of Clerelead. end Pitt3bargis liellroad•Depot. Roth wet, Pa:'i irilfgratt 7 11t0011F,'S''::DRUpz,STOFtE, '..,:-. 4.16rit4.-N.Filr, y be teend the best Irobitesebt. of PRUGS, Adz Liqtreas, wrEs ta rand arn.dl, 'Paints, Oils, , 1 ... TOLLATARTICTJEIS I SOAPS, IMO In great varietcr, an of the best qtuditar, and sold diap er than an be tanned at anyotherDrug Store in the comity. maDn aponeo's Female Ms, 15'i:eats per box Chees e's, $1; CARBON OIL . • -- The Lirgeet Stock of c „: LAMPS & LAMP TRIMMINGS_, .LANTIMN__ ,F 1 STA . TIONERY, WLNDOW GLASS& PUTTY. Ever offered °nettle of the oity,ai Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and see, and they will doubt ndatore. julyra J. MOORE. ENGINE & REPAIR 'SHOP, . In Fallston Beaver County, Pa. TTAVINO Tama and enlarged my Stock of =chin -11 ery and tools, and haying secured the services of the best of mechanics, I am prepared to warrant all work done to give entire sadsfaction. I have on hand different patents— and styles of Engines, Pho Clay Rolls, and am prepared to make or repair all descrip- tions of machinery, on reasonable terms. -rums AND PLOW CASTINGS. • I hive all best plow patterns that snit this market, among which is the -Great Western," which has been ?HZ plow of the mangy for the lest fifteen years. There are Ave sizes of this plow, all of which I manufacture and keep for sale; also "Patent Leter"—right and left— 'Mountain King, '—right and ltft—"Side Hill," and' nearly all the different kinds in use. , qOOIMTG, FRANKthi AND HEAT/NG STOVES. . • Having made several imutant improvements on the "Climax,' pf by which coal or wood can be snOplied without lilting lids, and having two places for pipe, either' or both of. which can be used at the same lime, with a ventilation to the. oven, thus having the advan tages of a ;Cooking Stove, Bake . oven and Franklin Stove omattined. [This Stove has been in constant use for twenty years, and many of them after being used for this period of time, are now in good order. 'Mere is but a small portion of this stove that ever bons out, and this easily and cheaply replaced. To make them still more. lasag, we. axe now putting in tile or fire brick Wag. Our of patterns are the Enterprise. Keystone and Premium. Parlor Stoves,Jsrit t n small heating Stoves, Franklin Stoves, Jenni ailing &e. Grate and Grate Fronts, Fenders, Iron various stiles, Wagon Bores. two Irons. The Bender*, Corn libellers, Force and Cistern Punts'. Sad Irons, Metal Sinks for kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tinware, al ways on hand and made to Order. In act, I manufac ture . and keep for sale, almost; everything wanted in the machinery or hardware line. • ° Second:hand Moves always for' sakicl I'let v Two good new engines, suitable for saw-militor poses now on band, and will be sold reasonable., ° JOHN THORNIkEY. =LTA A. MUT • R. A. WILIAM NOW IS TUE TIRE- FOR NMI GRAND CLOSIN_G OUT Boots and Shoes = • f 'WILSON I DICKEY 'WOULD RESPECTFULI* Inform the public in general of their intention to close oat their extenaire stock 'of Fan and Winter Boots and Shoes, to prepare for a Spring Static+ col 3:, elating of Ladies', Gent's, Boy's and Children'i Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, itio.,„ Which will be sold at cost, or below cost, as we are bound to keep up the wade, and UM to the entire eat isfactkai of oar customers. AU goods fra.rranlrcf. DICKEY' do WILSON. 8 doors East of IL B. Anderson's Store, jan9'67. Bearer, Pa. • WALL PAPER, .WINDOW SHADES Lovr est Posailile Ra.tes, , Also School and other Booka, Stationery, &Otero Damns and Magazines. All ~• promptly attendeato. [mar2696l:3m. DAdhiii and ,American Marbko. CIEC FI 3IL IC A. LS,- PIT P.• 333 AND DYE STUFFS: BRL SUES. PATENT MEDICINES FAVLSTOR FO.IIND.R.II Barge"lians I 0 le HEM "`'` IN BEAVER •: -AND:- OIL C 0711 S -AT THE -AT-- • MRS. R. DONLEY'S / DIXOC. ARD STATI&IERT STORE, In. the - Diamond, /tMn=t, PA BuDGEWATER WARBLE .WORKS DEALER IN rtAVID WOODRUFF, MANUFACTURER AND morounente, Bad Stones, &c, node to Order. Please ere me a call Debra darebasing eisewbeee , LS opposite Dr. Smith's Dreg Store, Bridge . • Bri DAVID WOODIWIN L WM3DT, X. D., • HOik-F!OP4.THIST, li*EW BRIGHTON, BEAVER: COUNIT. PA. - QFFICE AND RESIDENCE ON • LOCIIST ST between Railroad add Bridge M. (myretuo, 1111111WHI STORII sT• vorrmAzire, low Mem% Pit Dimas , IHE,A,RD:VrAIM IRON, zuzi4. oz4BB, AND AGRICITLTURn 110LMINTS, CABRIENTERS' TOOLS, • { • BLACKSMITHS" TOOLS, MASONS' TOOLS, BHOtiIrAKTMTOOI4 SADDLER' TOOLS, p141311RE43700L5, TOOLS. - SADDLERY HARDA , ARE, JOINT :FELLOViS 41: SHAM LOCKS, BOLTS & HINGES, PICKB;MATTOCKB & EOM COUNTER &PLATPOK BULBS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, Rom SHOES & NAILS STIES A CARILT4GE BOLTB & NUTS, couN i snuißs, aii4w CUTTiRB. Al3l, PAXN.TB, OILS,V ARNISHES, -AND PUTT!. _ • I AGEN ' EXCELSIOR MOWER ' AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON PIKE-BRICKWORKS. jant,'ty. NEW ARRIVAL AT Mulheinen Store, IS'BRIDGEWATER, PA. 25,000-Bolts of WALL PAPER, (-tile latmt &Amend Patterns just rtSstiVed from y NEW YORKI • The Ilebeeeeme again *oaks blariumeronsfriends for t t l a ke s gbraz te lm a g i tt ii=thselrecßts an one d the large* stack of VARIETY • GOODS, &C., Ever bright tp Eas amity, consisting of Trarding Backs, Ladies' &Wats, Fancy Goods, CAildren's Carriages; , Books, Sudo& erg, Carpeting; _ 08 MIAs. Wisuiow Blinds,. • Rings, Brushes, i ts., AU of I will sell cheaper than they out he =- dumped err In the city. Gill: me aoh betas leg elsewhere. B. Imam • - _ adage iiitree • , 1 Eridgerwater CARPET STORE • • Removal.. • • Willl-rentorei on March Ist, 1867, &out 87 - Fourth • street. to eft' • • new and elegan t Warehouse • NO. 51 firrar a , • ABOVE WOOD ST., • PITT. SBURG, • „, . Built by them expressly for the accommodation of their large and increasing busirans. • Having verpaoperior facilities for business, they will keep constantly on hand a lame assortment of all (foods pp to the Carpet btulineas, which they offer at Wholesale or Re tail to the trade and public at lowest market rates. inartMlYl McCALIXIaI BROTHERS. EDWARD FOERSTER, 1 DEALER IN - WALL -PAPER, VARIMES, FANCY GOOD S AN DTOYS, _ Gold, Glazed & Common- wail Pa , pers, Paper, Oil and Transpar ent Window Shades and . Figttires, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, at. IVIIOI4'S4LE4. RETAIL, 164 Smithfield St., Pittsbtlrgh. GEO. C. SPETEBER, Corner of Water and Janes Street, ROCHESTER, PA 1101AVING RSTUREET) FROM THZ EAST, I AM 4 4 . now openings leaps aad wen selected STOCK OF GOODS Which were !magi . ' m d eloicas. and , which Irill w aim at the wh eat nal* My Stock coosioto 01 DRY. GOODS, GRODSBISS, DA:PWARBI QIIEENSWARS, SAM CAM BOOM BROSS, NOTIONS, ite, And alt articles asnally kept in a Ant d 1 *re. • • J. L. Tsoirsos F. 8. Ruardes. ' • THOMPSON & HAMILTON, Sharon, Besirer . Co, Pa. (4TH' DOOR NORTH OF DARRAGH'S STORE.) Ma rb. NUFACMER de Iki F FANCY AND COXVON and in Handle", Tiptoe, de., ii:Ta wort warranted. Having an earerient lot et torn, imd provided with - ell =Mat fadiiiite, we Mow oureetame that all Broome malmilletared by as will be ea pop& an the WA and caraP h. as the dampest Call and see na below perchaat — Boa—Box 17, Deaver, Pa. reparettlet. utvaniuso GAS ADlitemntakm s: DR kIaiRAY. RamarwA mm. Pa.., In extracting WO. I have added to my =Otter betties Ibr the anawardkil don of my prodwrion, pe ineaMatde rib an- stmt. An breadma Thuai s try tbe bast and moat modem !bk. AU wort doses eher Ag sed zse Vaa amt. better then at wrgy other Steam meat in the *ate. - - fmrallertf S. J.CROW • • . , ISIODUI DOOR ?RR ILL. 11 W,YOZICWC R(CHESTIitit, l'At; KEEPS zo!ivrArrvr ON BANDIFOR-13thi AT L(III7ST KAMM PRIM; • r A COMPLETE.. AND . WELL ABORTED, STOCK OF Ihey Goods, Cu),IIEITLSO 131. FM BROWN it BLEACHED . MUSLIN, PRINTS, GINGHAM% DzLAINE, ALPACCAS, COBURGS, FRENCH MERINOS,' FLANNELS; .Plaia sad Barred, WOOL DsLAINES, all 'Colors, BLACK SILK.. THEING„ TABLING, ; , • TOWELING, CHECK, I • IZANT; , • TWEEDS, SATINET% CA lERdZ, BROADCLOTH, CLOAKING, • Balmoral stml ;Coop Skirts, Ivorriorts, ELOSIE . Y, .GLOYES, ace HATS AND IDAPST Ices ipttk Boys•;—a large stook, of the latest etylee ,ROOTS & SHOES. ,311. en's, Women'. and Ctdldrepi Gum Shaw, Carpet Shoes; tc-, &v. Ready-Made Clothiig., SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIOBEiY..I S . large and well mortal Stoekixatelettm, In pert, of --- - - - Carpenters' 'Oidsi of all Ludo, BUILDING HARDWARE, BUTT, FTRA HINGE, I SCREW, BUTTER HINGE, • • BOLT, 1 • LOCKS, NAIL, /Lc. indoor i Glatt es,, of lall Sixes. sad bauble 8. / "SPECIAL A Paid to lllllngiarbto of Batt lIARDWARE, GLASS AN D NAILS, LINSEE6, OIL, • . BENZINE, I , COAT'S PATENT igYER I PAINTS OF ALL COLORS, 1 I WHITE LE.D, PUTTY, , GROUND,' DRY ' AND Ili OIL , . Painters will do Well to eaamine onr Stock l and Fri ces bedlam pnrchaelng elsewhere. . cA-roct43rieies. A Fresh and Full myrdicoastantly on band sr very lowest prices. .` ~ t , • _ :\ CHOICE BRANDS OF • , FLOUR, , IN BARBELS A.,yD sAcurs . • 1 , . ; °ARBON OIL, LARD OIL; QUIMINSWILRE, !MINE WARR, ito.oto I - 1 1 1 1 FrAn Demi goat. delivered treed ehartcoan AU kinds at pita and .conntry 'produce taken to ex • .d. 2 "81 g°° NM J. MOSS Is Cot tirepoteer—Agent of Samuel tho *wheaten. land Company. Alio Agent of the Mitrelionne Vulon*twin cOntlinn7.l • • Remember the pins : critostonii. WItOILE, szooD 'truant" Moors Tim siAniciab, NEW Y 012.1 I"STREET; ' , I o'ch gte r, janriST:ly - &CO. CHEAP GOOD 1 §EEt,,THE 4 I trArni4. RECENTLY PURCHASER COM 1 4 MOS AND,FINE atoornarrr DRY GOODS, ‘. NOTIONS, • ,RARDWARR, QURENSWARE„ TINWARE. • t GROCERIES, &a. ' WE' ARE PREPARED.TO SELL AT ASTONISH INGLE i.OW PRICES! • 10 cents. , Illy N, al a. , ,win. min GOODS IN PR O PO RTI ON Calt andl see our goods. N o charges rai them. AU kinds of Country Produce in' es t:hinge kir Goods. ORII 1 DAWSON,* Inye*lhn Third street, Beaver, pa. EPIC T HA J. GOO I ' For MEI In West H al, r t o n , 8 Artifiche c th:Yesseuf Articaisted, dived; .inat to snit every individual, mounted on Inn Gold, Silver, English and Americo Vulaudte. Teeth attracted without pain by en entirely new pro w= noi et er Chlorokam, Nitntaa.oxide or any Othe ansethetie need in eonneetkon with tae appszatna. • WrOdlce on Thi rd street, 241 door east of H.. B. Andetacura store. - TENTION . (cixamt 13cots and Shoes PP . ERSONS DESIROUS OF ECONOMISLIM WILL ; find It to their interest to calk at '1 I . • i r . I—, , • . , BUSH'S" Ng -w STORE,, N WILSON & lI,NDERIV_OOD, aroia imarvisocznes, No. 15, SOUTH WEST DIA3IOIM, ; • , (Sieohdrig,Seplei Hotel,) •I Allegheny City, P a: 4 "lii" One of the .cbecoest and best Whitlock and ROWS:ores in the two chick Call and =amine, onr Stock and Prices. - • Inty29Vast WILL P. 1311.111.11 X.. Owirs Imuts. GRAHAM dr. 'IIYRZiIi, Fashionable , No. 52 St. Clair Street, I:Setaeen Liberty and Pettit Sta.;opp. SL Char Hotel. PITTSBURGH, Pit: , NATO, .CAPS gni STRAW GOODS, Of evert ; awl vitally, at the very Woad prices. ELVER . .FALLS MILL.. irBEAVER FALUI MIL COMPANY RAVE. t Z heir Nem eompleted, and in PuixematdollPer - Adam. bkaddltion to Merchant Work the 7 are. PrePare°- Ito do ag kinds of CtiStOM Work, in the best manner, as on short notice. e bigheat market price will he paid se ('ash for all (4 ' 04 10 tklitigretkat the nelyroilltm 1 • •\. . I 1 • TIE via= To slur • .caLt.4*6 ME Prints.... Gingham Brown Nisilin.. Bleached Muslin ING&SpMMEIt 4Q-cocuages JUST lIECRIVBID A NEW! STOCK OF of lie • 'LATEST STYLES. print and Summer Weary Gowen% Furnishing Goods CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ' 4 , OTIIINO MADE TO' 01CD.ER and moat tashionabla styles, and at short notice. WILLIAM IREICIL SfewarPe.P.ovr; Bridge Ftrret, 13ridgewater, Pa. !Mi my29'67 .lv- T.-94_:,,,p.- ExciArslVELY - =II BIit4I)WAY, NtSVTI4GIyri)N, ! [OprosrrE Tnr. PRESBYTERIAN Crttrucu.] nn etaigned, having bad Seventeen years cape; inhe business , feels himself folly confident, fainities for receiving goods direct from the niers. that it will be to every person's adtran tall and emanine for themselves. • (apittam .I.PEOPEE*B - TB4 STORE! IrIIOLLSALE AND =till. DEALERS IN Es,~ exi ~ .4 Grreisti I, Chancre I • ~... , 2,..... - - • ; _; . ; i ,-- 111LE,IMUIGS BIEDIEINE.i • -' -- 5 4;. i ' 2,....- -•----...• .. - •• - - lex 1 1X,7" , coriat of Diamond & Third St.e 1343a,Nreif. • . 1 , . voSTORE FORMERLY OeCIf.PIEU sy ; Ilmmllton b Apdcrson has been Awed by MEI A Full and Cciiiipletc; SiOck of • . - ; • • PURE DiIIEIS MEDICIft!, c).I:LEMCICAZ. b S : e• rrtliaL 33:). - - ' SOilkPs, - TOIL-ET. ARTICLES, Ansi ,Bmhes of All Kind PROPMET4.47 , ,,Goops . AND • ; :OYE=-71,IFFS. priVe amprepared to sell PURE l ANII sEcoND QUALITY WRITE LEAD, AND OF ALL EMS, at . 15114 burghl ) Keec • . 3186, Please Call and be Convinced! ! • i 'WINDOW GLASS.OF ALL SIZES out stoetrof Brandies, Wld.kt and other Liquors, will be found cmpbdr, and, tnd selected with great care,- dm be mlind vponn t t ly Niro an can be obtained; Rini will 1)- .old for Yo Meettudad, and Sar.rimental purT. only. PresorirOons and F l a, Receipt! Accurately 'tilled . at All • - Obit Pre.cription rind brparimont• canter the pev.onal gupervision or Nr. 1.. JI7II AI!ILTO , i, with an erpericuce of veveo 3-otrA; we ILI tir ourselves that-we can g,we e tatisl4ction in any branch uf-the bnetness. • - : • • , . . . , • f Orßemember .thoP plare—near the 1'4.-4 Office, COI' 'ner!Thlrd street and the Diaume, iktrer. , : • " • All are reirriectftilly irviteti to rill and eiatnine our_ goods and prices before purekuing_ehrwitere., Beaver, Aprti'67:ly . a. Itkionts. TRIRD STREET, (1 DOOR BELOIV•SE111NMITO r Seave Pa. - 0 PEERS TO IPRIENDS CCSTOURS a eelect Stoeof the -1 - LATE=ST STYIES , • t • i'ln \• EMBROIDERY, \ HAN DIiERCIIIEFS, . LACES,.. • RUFFLES. • 4 RIBBONS, • , BUTTONS. ' I.IOSIERt , CORSETS. - , GLOVEs, - TIDIES. B IL. SKIRTS ' nut. Thu nagigti:fretvi=lll2rlitiTrtVeLlZ ME __ - • . 'OFF EVERY DESCRIPTI.ON r: . .. , hats f+l Bonnets, very cheap Flowers in ,i-iery can.: - 1 • etsi, cheap. • Tiaiaand . Bonnets attend. - and Cleaned, cheap. , • Also, Drese•tnaking. Cloak : and Sack Cutting. &c., Madame Demorest'o t-stoiit l'arisnnd N. York, Trini. - • mod Patterns constantly on band.-' • t • PATTER S FOR SALE..• . • 'As onr stock has been pnrehtte.ed at low - pito., it i! -. offered at correspop ding Itiw ritteil.. - Girt:lts atall sad satisfy . yourself. • . _, Pr — Don't forget the place—one iloor below the Stia , :. Luny, Third street, Beaver, •I'a. . , aprli6Vlm . - N'E.W_•6 0010 ME 1111 . . . • THEIR ' THE I.I • NIiERSIGNRP. TLIAM..—Ir.:II, TO . „ 6 , -I ' friend's land enstoFe., fur. the generous Prt' ' heretofore bestowed, e plesanre hi informing:l. thatthey have just re ••ired... large and varied w' 3 , went of New Goods, consiutilfg of . - s . . . .'.' 7. CLOTHS; CASSITA IR"R AND DIiEgi•GOO PN Purchased Since . the Lute G n a t Decline ill prices.> .. i . . InufAlumna stock of made .n Clothier. of the:bet Is beat workmanship, and of the lateststi le, : just opened.: - 1 . • . i ~..,,,,,,,.,, • A full aessartment of Boots. Shoes Ikea ."'''''" u l . sal. shays kept on hand, and sold ....t the lot% et Ow :Ible rates. 4- . The helreugar-enred Hams, Side4nTtt 'andßecAn•- (together Leith an extensive stock of linter' Sovels. Ziows, Plow-shares„ Ite., ..tc., kept. and offered" ch‘' 3 , ' `; Our stack of Groceries, Tea..., and Svrurt.ar'_, , beet that can be purchased , and our assiiritnent is "e' nlarly kept up, Country Froduce, as h&etefore. taken in exchorid for Gouda, on the most favorable tem4, at the • • stand, oppoalte National 11001 Beaver. IN. THOMAS , THOMAS M'CliF.£lll 5 ( 0 . ,elSra;:tmo. -- SPRiNG . FASII.ON S! . - • . . .., - - I • BRIDGE.' STREET, BRIDGSWATER, ( ... XTE* ASSORTMENT ' MILLINERY Will FM • d tel 31:. • -LI opened at my old stand. lately occelo e • e GellY.'on Thursday. March 14th . I teLM to inform, olgl friends; and as many new ones a 4 will Pl': 4-4. P.: tionize me. that I am late receiving an mime s , „, tiock °Millinery, or the st Spring Styles, and - bb Pleased Selthmi early =IL mar I:really, • 3111'.. S. IZEr- s ' -i—L--------------- I ..--, A DMINR:TRATORS ISKlTlcE.—Lehers u f sihrih, ~ Ilk tratlem oh the estate of tit-Lenora* Pnot. g; arta:heater Borengh. Dearer county. deed,/Aged • . %Earn granted te the.undersigned. allselsOn g 43 to the saldOtute, are Trquested to inake iron _ t PaYmenr , and thnoe haring claim§ or demands AZ 3 I. . the estate (geoid decedent 1011 . '414 11 w kno w° - the without delmv, to • . - - ' - F ,. J. en0c...1....0.0 r. =OE J. B. RHODES, Wl.lO . NOW OFFiRBj. J. TI.:I3FiNCF 4 •r Zephyrs. ladies' aud-G,ut's t Cues and Cellars, Sc. MILLINERY, IL BESCE 6 THIS SEASON, IS6'7 a illi LEM =
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