II The Beaver,Argiis. BEAVEI!, .31J 4S Ittra Local and i's e BING:i A3l, JR., 51 'Fifth .street, Piitsbargh, I the witlsorizt!:l spent for Tim ARGITS ifl that elfy. cciv 4.dvertiteeme2its. 'the Atien,tiun, of the tinbili:: - is tiirectpd to tlic ',fol lowing new adverttitentenli, , OA time In THE AHErtis . l.o-day: Grocrric:.—Sittaltenberger Bros.. • Accent—Economy tciwnship, OrDonnty A:ccount—Frcadom Borough.. ' Liine—Amon Dotal: . - :or administrator's Notice—A. Watterson. ;-tr-hunther-,LstrUtier;LAlf.ns.:_lit.iiivldsun..- • Notie--eitize.n.s..of Beaver, '; • N o ticed—Wileotra'.4teicart. Brown. pnr)rilinsiire—Town gpecial NnOcei3—Wntt pcnly. . .._ , . .. . ' C O UNT Y , colsiipriTTEC. --. • Tile Pretident of the 'Union' County [. Cnns'eti tton . , held in Beaver, landau° .11, him. mittinted the fon*, • - .• 0. • .. . nam ed armtkITICTI ns the Committee, to. verre'Atts. me ensuing year: - . • . BEAVT:II. Bono—D. L. Imbrie. Chainnan, J. [ B, n u ta p, J. Weyand,',../m. Ledlie, lit . R. 'Adams... , ''. I't'--.lames'--.lames' Darra g h, J. R. nafialt: ! i l' ! ' ittanirron Tr—D. Scott. , . • • • FALtsroN Bono--G. M. M. Fields:.. - _ , CuirrEtra Tr—Robert Brnitshaw.- ~ ', - SOl'lli BISAV.F.II . Ty—A. .T. .[ . [ Lawrence, John C.Bnifr. ' Dnitit soros Tr I. P. Martin; J. 11. Veon. _ . . Bid MIAVEIT.Tr —G. W. Brown, . limo Tr—Daniel Morton. ! . • _ -[ Isnrsrnt Tr- llenjamln Totld. P kT11:11-ON Tr-11. C. Pntterson.4_, I Btu ts;rwAtr.r. Itotto—Chia, 'Stone,•Johnston Sinai]; [ l'ela:Y.l.xx Tr — . Henry J.Mets:. -.- MAntos Tr-,Thomas Phlllis. • . •• . NoirTil Stu - WM.ln' Tr—Milton Clow. , .. New Ser. - trimur Tr---Renry!Gtehring. - 1 ErOS.Oll - Tr— OPOTge Neely. . rt•tonf Tr—Thomas Ferman. N EW . itrtmrro.s•-14. - T. -Xennetiv, Benj. -Wilde, chtts. M. 3terriek, :Milton Towunend; John C. Boyle, George Barker. Samuel 3lngaw. Flom' Drier: Bono—T. J._ Powyr, A.. T.. Shallenher ger. F. M. Ander.on. , -1..., Itnenr:srze. Tr -- A. P. Lsenek. • . - . [ ' Fut:MON lion—Thos. G. Kerr. - [-' FIXEDOM Dis•r•-•-lantes Park. - ST. nun Th)110-4013.1th311 Prifil: • ; Patittrsntml: —John 31..Shroades. . Mpos,Tr—Dantel B: Short i llormyr.m. Tr —Win. M. Reed. Norms ne•rer. Tr --Roliert Sterpng. ' ! • r ,,,,,, 3 „ Ti:_ - _John C,,Christy. FE A N I: VouT--W. 11. Frazer.' ' iT. 1 - OUI It E—T11611111.4 Bigger.. 1 ~• W linr.r..t Tr--Samtiel Nelso A. A. M'eny, 'J; IL Tithllf.e. [, • •. . . I:t.,[ Amn- Dont( ofrii•ii genii lime, [hi" i'weel: tlentigiiihe.:lov4, at 25.ct0. pr bushel.' 3 - 1. FrOrn - , , :r..—There . will be an ice cream and grawher ry the'selniol 4.111. Finedoin, : on Weditetn* , • mi 11.% 3 . 1111 e '24, for the benetit of time Freedom, M. E .Santlay Scbool, cents. • Foor S3uistro.-:-Ort Tueiday of last weelColille Mr.'" '4,enrm• Irarnilton% jr.. of thi. place. who i. ouiployea : is Ohio. was erictezeti In: a shaft.: the piece of timber fell upon I.:P toot and :eilinitlied it to a very painful exteut. , Ile lielne at present. rtudhiA injury is rapidly "rizhtinef. ii:••+!If. • • • iztlz kynritnrEQ:—Tlidsfriwlirry erhp in this Vicinity cry ablttiantat ote this -Go nimo.t Itvtire NW; nil]. ' where articles of thi4 character are kept for ,a!r, siul they will found in reat protuEihn, rrides li me ten days alio were 1:0 chi:. p. 7 mart. No/n.1114 :.re•freely offered at 10 to Ifi. • Drsn.-411:111r, min ,Washini: Ps.. Avlpri shot by ntl.flt•r;' ou the nit9iro - f the i'n of Huy, died of hie wouruts;on Thursday two steOirt. w:o.- An inquoet Was held on.iiso hotly, nndremfited in ,1,11:,11 . ! in ne.crtryl i nreesiritfi puhltidied in the . .lfl!n .011 w ‘veeks ago. The Odin_ exonerates young vho fired the fatal :deo aegnits th.• ot all evil intent ita vlsi:ing the t esitienCe t the time he iepeived - the. mortal" - • Tcursu.txra Lrrrunz.—On Thursday evening a hxiibor rf the pt.opl of Beaver-gathered. tit Court m !Wen to a tenaptrantelectur Y. Matb. E:Fq..orßaden. this OnOttty. The let - lore was gnu,. and interetiair 9115; and the speaker had %Wady Liven the nuli'yect much thongbt before :oitt! , nce, v(Hed Mr: Marks thauks, after L•ch . The 'nmettiz.i. its presided over .1q 'lf. Per-4, lisq, of Itochi,Sier, and A. Wynn, . acted as Secnitary. _Orr Cat n•t::--ortr nelgittaira, Capt. Ball,' Ja.q. 1,! jaitlrd E,(1;41% Ftarted rat a cruise .I.m*u Ohio, nil Tlittrmiay t)iel2Otb, ~~ili ; a r flat !treat 10,01 county They; intrpo , Fe intrtttlarintt *LiF ott into town. of the Oltin river, and it • te•ohabie that they mitt gn clowt:a that stream as far as beforertsturning.`i hope that:they will h.t% W . , riith and make iaelity of "chink,"' be f9tt, their return. I.lr.en . Staktenratitins.—J. 1100r‘1 2 , - Esq.. of Prireas'er, has tier thank, fo‘rh swifter of the llnest mrpalierrie, (uf l;is own raking) that I.‘•c have ever teen.' Prohahly.Let one in the lot Bent us; would measure less Clan inehee in i ' !'ircumfereitee,lwhile the largest (ate tgeanred 5:•i; inehr:s around it. They were of the "Va riety A"reieulturi4t," raid were undoubtedly. the finest b...rries:and the bePt nivored . of any that :le tier met midi. • MstirtoroMlACHTEP.—thileridisi Inot twit persons of this place, who we onppnre had ixten on a lietoli - a." the slight before, Nv(le. brought before a l jnotico of the peace on mancloas was alleged that on the torte rrsolooro the , :e had slotted' the barber . ttopefa colored man named Johli and while L+naratwnt. humtetl in his door.'' Onisofthe parties 'aid to have hi en there on a visit once before—some ase nT three montho . - ago—and a...m'sleit in breitldng -in to the - opm through one of the winnows. while the own ; mu . away. Ruth of the persons were hound over 'no the man of ;f:!00 each, to appear in court and answer the nevi Per • as,--Itecollect If a hnnie weekly paper is 14 b e: , upporied, home iniliience'l itinid fin It, ~ S eery 4 .115 r sent to an eastern paper is at, the eNpeilse ,, of thp '. s tal.latirnalii A county acquirrli 'prominence through more than in aicy other way, and to every one lias an interest in his county tit heart, his home Is :Never will such a man take a paper from it,n9e until he is able to Like a seoUtal paper. Ills first Kill lie his home sheet 1110 he Win so identify his eria initre,t with that of his canniy Paper. aslto coil r hit subscription as much of alyearly duty is pay aantuf tais..—Cuttribersbtirg I VicposgOrif• A Sesertan AlarramoSztat.irrath.—The AVaTnes ,'":, nreene;rnanty, Jks . atager, Pi , YB: Mena siLsteen 'l7‘ Y , ' ;iamiiel State of Raclin lit., in this comity, married his coa.dtt. Cassandra State. After three chil d:lr, vete Isom to them, about theiear l!i.A5, State went M C a lifornia) Ile wrote ilOlllO several times ,ill' the . l ilirstnr a year or two Anti he went them, and 'then ` ` ° ' ll . Ml' .wile is?lieving,- from 'lib , r.ilence, that he I , at dead. married_ , Jonas . Ches.= sonie time in IS0).-- (be s.,ventintO the army and died i AO. %V weeks - age.. }4l r• thPl6r=l4l..band.. returned iron: California, to hi' Pr.t i•.it'e married. ned a aviilOwi i There is now ;'° 'Zzi tlistaeltin, the may•of . icattiniti their drat mt ge.:sweat II ; c ' Ex . iiwilsi rtreo)t•arNnEn.—G. it . . AV, Irwin ir.f - i lazy ; , 111 , 111v I.rioken of everyW ere as asuitable .. , ;.'".'" 'oho ;he neat State Trea..iirer, and the Itepublitii , x , :, 1, itir r•i- this Congresslonal iliarkt, we believe, lel %,,r 1 ; in ht,44.tor. The rceent rieralidican cci-nrenti°7• t •- 'r'(ll. ( aunty:among other re,olutions adopted this I i ire. • •I • , . • i4 7 ;;; )1, •••• • • Thai we heartily endorbe General - W. W.I ....,,,; .'" p' per rnlllit,. a the eanildateot the Riliuh ,- party Lir ~. 1.11,. Tica..;. , ur '. T. to be elected - 1v the next, i .... alb! • ' ' ' ' Pr,n, • •LA:int or T ' t 1 -ct • tad '744+ Woontl,row•; - (lasn in Menial firi!it. ' 'I" Tock,r;' by itißin;:er Pli Vical..Go. by H. K , Lak6; lit (id ihg v.-49gity ribg VticA l rintial ironi• -TY wliow fivor eamitll:ntributiona to the 4 1 '.14 ," 1 " Pletee addre.sa -5 ', 111 1 -, Ple or, neY ';., '7lllllllth tlie‘Ptq Office: 4.4: :::Vii"51 turn-outia de- I—tuate to convene aethe Sheol hcluse Bea.' ; ,:ti'' J. .• jxily tocalehtee ist at j ()cloth r By•order • • tov • • .i 6 direct( d to . the adverttsement anoth- N.,, , , , '" r '" , , n f th . s Argue; of Wm ..payAdion, .k..sq' ...of r.."ge‘.!alier• we 4: prepared to dp raw.' not.c.e, and is always i,eit'y to nal orders' titay be Ica - at KIS . • - . . lir ; nTrso 4.. Tizr $ O Mit; lio&si:- 2 rhe meetingnt the Conti HonsetprfirsetlissilitU A n ki • - tolerably well attended. Its object was stated by Judge App, es% who explained that the Beater Female Semina ry u lid ing was passing into a state A of dilapidation and dee:ly, and urged upon the citisems of, this vicinity.; the duty of raisinifin4a at as early a day as poaalble to put a new rti . 4 !tar Pt .I,ulda an ceir triZ t lf repairs stistra ptillietiUtondian e Mended. lila t emarks wore followed by short addres sea frOm Rev. D. P. Lowary, Bev. J.. S.- Bracken: and Prof. It. T. Taylor; all of whom appealed strongly to ''the people of Beaver and the surrounding n,elObortwaid to come 'forward with a portion of their mean; Mid thus assist in rasintitlttimtli7rilheureterCf oar town for educational purposes, "by preventing its bon ding:: for these Inca from going into further decay, and froM pmenting an unsightly appeatance to strangers who visit our place. A committee consisting of Devi. J. F; Dravo, It. T . . .Taylor, 'J. Murray, :and ' II: Thee, tsq4 waA' milioilated lolittiktionlibe Theo** at-! . -large, and solidi dountionii forlhe'parposes nattitat, i..:11,_ _, . ntr... Woot.,Tnson.:—The wool trade this spring ap pears td he opening up itite dull, not only in our own vicinity, but almost worrywheri else. Buyers . arc afraid of aMein pricis,-and am therefore _fearful to take hold o article atthey.have heed acctudoined to do. for sop . ' yeam past; and growers, Who are able. to . .. t hold.theirklips,leel disposed to wait riutil prices_ "set tle,"4hd mocks' higher figure 'Wan. hi grow offered..t-:.' Under these circumstisiCes but liiiie wool is Clitmginte hands anywhere, and; that which I; doing so frdisto command such a pike as farmers think they should have. i . - . • In Beaver but few of our merchants are paying cash for it, and those 'who are_doing..so are not prepared' to of more than from 40 to 50 cents Or ponta,: . finiiirevr Brighton from 38 tosoc.k.appimrs to be thernling rates; and at -points in.Ohlo; where-the local- papers refer to Prices, we node° that 35 to 45 ets:-Rer poiand is all that is offered. What tuna prices will take,ifauy, soon, is more than vie can nffir discern ; but to eaitheleast Of it, things do not batik flattering in this particular, compared with what they did for . a few years past. iIETILEAT TO'n2iNE Ferrar...-}-Our neighboring ' town, New Brighton, contains a retteat for insane fa:. rrtali.l , , which is now in successful operation. It is un . dor the supervision of a beard of Directors, itnewas :incorpOnded in .1564. The Directory ace as follows : - Gen. W. W. Irwin; Thcis. lir. Robb:omit, hi. D.; Wm. Kennedy, Esq.; Ron. 8,11. Chamberlin ;13. Kerithicli s M. I).; and Bcnj. Beason, Beg: Dr. Kendrick, former: ly connected with" the asylums of Ohio. Li Superintend cnt and chief-extentive officer In the inatitullon: The pprpost , s of the Retreat will he:gatherod 'from' the fol lowing, which we . clipfrom one of ihlcirealnrs:' The principal !lain of thelietreatits4e..kiirnish to the independent cites ofour citizens: a comfortable home for eltraniVinsanity. where they may receive that indi vidualized care and treatment so essential to their well .• being, and which they canuct_obtainHmi.coptat greatly. . increased expense.—in private famille - snrordina7 pub-J fie receptacles. Until the institution shall be entirely tuic(f. th this thus% howeter, enttable recent cases will bead:tinted to the Retreat. Successful results:, in scr-. eml :Astiices - of rise* Origin iirertiOY l'ectiV4* as the humanity of affording erery•failfity . ;for speedy recovery to such persons, indicate the propriety of ex tending the benefits of the instindion to them oleo.` . Tat: VitsTririlthe festival Lela hi thelleiVer Pres byterian Church, on Friday evening .last, was well ar ranged. well petroniz id; - and lit reCr7 respect a very I pleasant ailair:, All, both old and young, Seemed to enjoy themselves heartily, and after staying a conpic of hours, left w ith no mean opinion i)f festivals gener ally, and - of thla Pile Iri particular. There were three table:4 at which qreslitnents were and hard by was found a lemonade stand, -and a soda faun tain-the Istt l ter li ...idea over by J. B. Ithailes 4. — C0.-,,'and the for mer b ' `Lodge", Atitiu, 'IN ill) acted the part of — cool f' i . drink. vendor x ithont loWering hi;. , judicial character in the leash May hla Ehaquw never grow less. A Pat i Office. at the lower end of the:taom, appearOtohe do i inga fine hn5111(4.6 ; but /4 we weer- - Enin 'Alpe once or to ice by receiving letters from it that should haveheeo : s hauslei to ladies, and upon which thc eyihr7lll77i should nq'crhave looked, wo refrain from giving it,rnore that. a pa. Sing notice. ...Ober - attrartions were numeree's, hot •Ilme.and spaoel: tall us Moreteriing to them in de tail. _ The proceeds lit. tbfe . fenitiesr *lied tea about $19.5, which will' be +Died inrthe p " .bfloooka, - paPers, 1 &c., Itir'tite §64;bathlEkv.l9#l.oopnoc#4,ritlEttu,Ohniql. 1 .1774iTIM,TIIL Taut.L-itrigenninetbctKVoitper, or / ihi , .ool,info IrtikettOntiornsconpoi of Irak', attend- . 3t " " 4 . , I.iitit t , ...i.......lit:Waibing*"(„Vrttnitnalrntasi ?lig any:tirel:4g. :On the 1961itet.. hewas worn, owl at tetlimoiv. is thus reported - by telegrtaidr . to the Pittborgh Corrune.rcittfr . . i-zergenfit Cotmer reat Tie wap with Sergeant Dye on.the night nt the arras.rination, and heard one of the men in Cunt of the gloom.calf out.the time, ten tainatee to ten ; there wal nothing which elpecialbt hi 4 totspiriou: he corroborated Dye , * teeth - twiny that w h ile he amd Dye we're rettintitte to Camp Bury, nt vtreet. No. au. a middle aged lady -mised the win. dow and a,ked what war:ming ou down town ; nitnee4 and Dyo told her the PreAdent had been nbut •by Tooth. The middle aced lady was Mm. Suratt, as was stirmr, by the testimony of, etliee witnesest.and the fact being established that pi* 192,4 no . r:xcitement Or . noh4e.,Eci induce r'to it.-k'anch ' a etnestinn, ali_proof of the strunaest character that nbe anticipated just what occurred. I.7ICIIDE 1517 A MAN SEVCSTrTEARS or Anr.—An . old man named Wooster,. near seventy years' of age, mho resided in East Birmingham. jumped in the Mo nongahela river, 'jdat below Dam No. 3; on Thursday morning, und was drowned. The - facts of the ease, as far as we were able to obtain them, are as follows: On Thursdrring .Woocter and his 'Wife quarreled. when be left the'lMuse. saYing he would drown him self. His wife followed him, and endeavored to- stop him, mhstrhe,kiiocled her down.with his get and ketif on toward the rprei. gotup and fulhAredtater him to the river bank. jinit. belirte the. dani the water i.;very deep, and arrived-just in tim/to see him plunge into - the water. She immediatek raised an alarm, and cried forheip, but it was too late, as the old man had (lb:lN:cared befote assistance arrived. and his body has not yet been recovered.e , -Pilte. - Gazelle. " A CurTnto ArTnAr.-00 gatardny, last, while the steain'inat. Armadillo was laying at Roch&ter, this cor.nt'y, a cutting affray occurred vu board which may prove fatal to one of the parties.' The circumstances as we have been able to get them, arc aubstantlaUy as follows : A negro and a white man, both Connected with the lmat, had had some*trotibh - i previous to Saturday. On tharday, it is: alleged,' the.colot ed man was sleeping in his "bunk," when the white man:approaehed r wherelie was: laying, and dealt him a blow with a-stick which be lied in his band.' The colored- man retreated and was then followed by-the white one to differen t.-parts Of the boat, Another colored man,-who was a passengeron board, seeing the condition of things, hindoe= the black man a knife, and told him to defend himself 'whit it.— As seen as he was put in possession of tite!reapon,le attacked the white man and cut him very 'severely about the neck altl breast —'so severely, imbed, that his life is in danger. The white tnan is said -also to have had a knife in his baud during the encounter, but did not - get time-to neolt. 'This is the - vciskur of the affair as given by the coicired Man. They were both (the Col. bred men) arrested Plmilly after the oecnrreuce, and' brought to jail here, where they will be held for trial at the Lest term of ottecourt.' tir.OLUTIONSI orlitsrtc-r to Teklittatorrects• G.to . W. EAKIN, OF ENOLA ',once. No. 163, I. 0. OF (L T. WHEREAS. It Itt. j9eared our Heavenly Father to re-' more from ou 'entithit our worWyandnatiemod brother, Geo. W. 'lFiaidai;; .Mtn' Witesticast, : -Wo aB metidmite.of Fnola Lotlic, No 163,i. 0. OF G. 'F., do di.u.ply and sin cerely syn)pathize with the b s ereatrl mother, Alters, and friond.i of deceased 'this the . .ir , day of . affliction and borrow t. Peen:emit, Tilt in MI life mother bail lostit kind and dutiful son, hiini4eiS'alethig and indulgent broth er, anti the community - 4M dietpplat'y young'man and i4ooll citizen. • • • -.4, ~ . . , .. . . Re gigV f. 41, That 'hy. the death .of 'our:.BrOther Eakin.. our Lottqc his Igt , t, one of its most efficient members— one whit-wha hie: at lihs posj ihtil,r;dcauehti duty in 'the cause Of temperan c, n ntil rapidly failing healtlipre Rrunlrrd, Tint ada inked of reopect our Lodge-room lw draped iu monde and the ine#thers,ive!tr their, propriate badge fur thirty deys. , . • , ite,ori•ed, That thcii,c be entered on the' journal of thc-rxlge ; and that the Worth3l3ecretat7 be instruct;ut to lii4nlst the triothci dectwed with a co ,. • abe.the 03 14 1 :0,1 1 alic115 w igt al P, 3 o l o - P# l .4 cit!toil; Fraternally submitted in Faith, Elope and Chariti. - • • " T. Hearn Potatis,; Tirals E, X09na.43), - 424441401U1. I. .•. - , Sonnitrx Mud. Alm EvironA : rctit y =-Aon -SALF—ny litrvpn wishing'to rittnclutpe'a Sorghum Mill and Svap. orator can Icam rvt cro they tan be bid thenp, by tol ling at int.:once.. • E . 0 LIVLErs* F ;••• ens• Un =of et.A fertpaergrire, " "OA bly, and' are making rap d progires tdr ens atudiee. They 4nunber now 134-35 having been .ad ded within the fist two weeks. The Orphan` School in north Sewicld;_hay.ing.been itl'Peetlell, the Pe la there wOre 035 above reigned .to. Thia acceesion made it me c3aary for Mr. Tayler to procure more room for sCliolara, and accordingly another,bnilding, In addi tion ' 1 ,f, • 2•1 • , • • socuretri • Festival 1 . - A grand festlial and mustial 'entertainment will be held in Betner.pn the s cytl44.pl: ,J,ttly r 4lh,,untler t il: athSplcei, of:the-44+i 1 . 4 * Aild u tild3tat School. ._Thse - tinest andi- - ar4trruittlinalet., Ai all the delicacies of the season, will..be served on the occa ....ion. The eminent vimillst, and 'organist. Mr. IL fileber, and . other.loadlasartiata,hgraktnd coaanntcdfoes shit to Memoir:ll deportment . Athrtlsstori to nil Oda of, the Mall, taenty cents.. Yrottcds for benefit of Church. Tai DiatillerXr: Daniel Canis, of 'Brotheraval; ley tOwnnhip; Italia >iy tollec tor Mils:om, on Thureday lalt4or a violation of the In ternal Revenae lane. . . llnporAant 3 . 9iirnonF. ;- !!, . r• • - . • In the trial of John M . ; ,Surnit, new pro- . greasing in Washington,l3. C., Joseph I?ye, fonnerlya•msident of Wrshington county, this State.testified as foll4s: . Josef& ed kria etp"irod. by the prosecutlon.'"Witness ;SC Ming' sergeant in theTnited St es army, and is now stationed in Phibgelphia ; in 1865, witness belonged toy. .battery- C, Penn: sylvania artillery_ , and stationarat Camp Barry - ; the wimp is about two milei from Ford's Theater, witness and Seargeantßobert Cooper .orlthe Mitr der ; at the Abb .. ° of the murder ~~ltttess. eras in an oyster saloon; went intliAhe Oster sa loon'froM7Ford'S Theater ; witness had gone to Ford's Theater at. 13,130; flergeutt t-lOpoper was in company ; 'witness west sitting. upon some 'plank in front of the. thittie' Anil:yaw Mr. Lincoln's carriage: there ; tho stritet in front of the theatre: was liglitt.tl by a lamp ; while man* Nrlis..sittin e, there .Co.9oer was walking, np' and down while' wi t ne,s s was there' part carne. out „ of„the theatre and. went into the saloon; before they came down. ~titnwss r oScrlt there; netts' J ohn . :Wlikes • Beoi .ItoOtit one of the persons entering -into -that ..con. versation • K ' Question by Mr. Piontit:int that conversation:l; . Mr: Merrick"objeetedt.l the - rynr;stion:: It 'was proposed to give the conversation of Booth in relation to the murder, and Ahe prisonerat the lhir has not been connected yet with BoOt At t - • 3tr. Pierrebon said lt'initst • lie evident that whatever John Wilkes Bpoth sahkwould be evideke. • . Mr. Bradley inAstcti that the parties most first he c•mnccted. , • .. Judze Fi-her sahl if the • connectiiin was not this testimony woubi' be ittle(r out. He ndmittijil tl c testimonv: Witness r!!'sumetl, an I Said the first that rtiv pcared -was John -W. Booth, ronversing with . :a low, villaVons person at the end of the paS isagtk; it ; , xas a Moment bef,?reanother . p erson I joined thenti_and entered into BM converst hen ; this person was neatly_ dresied ; the, criiwilthen cable Eront.the theatre, and Bout& remarked "1 suppose he will come but now," as witars:s suppusod referring to •the Presi - dent ; the- parties in conversation r nged themselves where the President was to pass, I and Watched eagerlyfor his, appearanc,; he I did not row, and one of the. parties went, and czaahineclff.h!;"Wriagf.,:vi_d'll94thlii.-ent into the restatirant mid . ronaineti there _r enough to take a drink. MO tatne 'out Mull stepped from , thustreet into the passage loll : ing to thy stagel - Li appLAred - iu7a...menu;nt ngain; the party-above-mentioned as neatly ciresse hen SteppW atuntrcuihsiAini-Vme to Rooth froni cane qiitihiilt.c . '•• As' soon"its he called the time he moved up Tenth street to II ; he did not remain long, bat cattle down again, stopped in front of tile theldie, lohked.at the clock, anti called the time again, looking directly: at Pamth corny anion, and being somewhat excited; he then turn ed on his heed and went le` k toward II 'street ; it was then witness .thought rome thing wits wmitg:; ,ivitnesirrie:l • 411jtevi.l. vek, and had a handereltief wrapped anound it' and' his suspicions Ivan 5u nroustal that . he )undone the lOndkerehicf from about his re volver it was not king until the well-dressed, man cattle again from the direction of if street ; -the Wan. stood insfront - oft he theatre' and the tight glioneSull int , 11.13-11:Ce; there was pictured in hiS counteurneegr'eat excite -Inept, exceeding paleness, and he toll them for the third time the time—that it was • ten minutes • past ten o'clock ; witness means that at this time it was ten minutes past ten; witness saw - thedistinctly, Qtiestimi hy Mr. Pierrepont. bid you see tile man distinctly?' - Answer. Very distinctly. • • ' . Question. Do you see him now. Ans wer.- I do sir, (pointinZ to. Suratt;) there he sits; I have seem his face frequently ih my sleep, it was so - very pale I could never for get tt ; I did not see. hint since until 14tely and now; :the wan I sn.w then„was•Johnj IL :Suratt, the priwiner at the bar.; Sundt then moved up toward II street; Booth then en tered the front of the theatre; Sergeant-Coop er and I then went into an oyster mhxm; we lint not time to .cat oysters wheir we heard of the ivurder, mid We went inunedi— ately tip to II street and out II street toward . Camp Barry; on our way out a la 4 hoisted a window and askid us what '"‘ , Witness I'vasitere interrupted by an ob jection from Mr. Bradley, and the prosecu tion closed the examination !Sir/mirage Mlarlinonial Intricacy. . Au Oil City 'paper. relates the . ftillowing and vouches for its authenticity:. ' "Durilig.lhp . f . firs!. zearof the' • rel2Cllion a man living in GeOrgia came NOrtli aid join ed the Union'amiy. - lle left behind him in his Sputhern home-a wife and. two children biiy and a girl. Months passed away and no - tidings Caine to this little family of the absent husband and hither, At last there canteltwell nothent•itatcti rumor that he had fallen in soure one of thit sanguinary battles which were so frequent in those 'dark and bloody days. Tune passed on and the widOw agairtmarried, in the, full • ,bellef that bur husband was dead.• By this second .husblind she_had one.child—a Durinrr the clos ing scenes of the raellion ,her .sceohd . hus band fell in defense of the'Sontliverr -C nfed cracy. 'Since that tithe she has supported herself and i liree chi tdren.. : by ;:tetiehing-afi)r. she•whs a lads- of education aniriefiiiement. I A short time i4ac4.l 4 .slte,receiv#.4...iMelligenee which led beHo - belieie-thOt-bet4 band was and that he was in .- the oikr9g,Mils Of.2d4Witita::'-'fblerit'Sed nt the news, she gathered her means together •and.started on wary journey, in • :relt of the husband whom she had so long suppo - Sed_dtztl, net-doubtingt.hat• be would be the shuae as, of old. Last week she Anil,- ed iii this egion'and found her husband, but instead-of being rejoiced to see her,.he coldly informed her that -slid was no inure than a stranger tO hint And that leis. affections were entirely alienated froth - her: She ".,then bet Sought him to Make Shine prbvision.Tor the bringing up 'and edtication - i,f his .two child , ren. Thishe positively declined to do, and said he wantet nothing to do. with any of them. TheiMtiy inex °jade,. tutne4 sorrowfully away. yiritlLker. 4knai clifidtea,s6i sulked jottrngy southward. bhe wastint reeipient.',of mannl kitatatteritiouslrom thoseirrthis region wtio': understood the, eircunistancesolbe"...) WILLI'A4 LLOYD GARR tiON) is to be enter taineitat it pohbe . dirpieri . bl;orkn, Nebo i€ said John 1341Aht. - wil nictr.iae 7 - • - ; %ens 4101eatt Cheap, at 3,411aan Stelyart 2 61e` ,cer-el ' • - 1 4. s.-- 91 1 / 4 - : - .'• . 1 iiff: aIN P rig' 004 •4% i rods iG*• - ' ' - Call and sec them: ' - ' ' - • .. NA irti i4P - Wilh'on at btls•ft.^t Te juA reCar l el a ize litho( of Ladle!, Mistea AliiipllndlliniCalicra Ch p, .1: 30 1 ;4f ' ths ,. sg„.3al :yzi y. ~,.4 1: 1-1- a r.464: at Wiletin .t , ...4lcpriat t • A, I. 4 '''.., .." , i ' 4". . igir9o to Wilson.% Stewart's Boot, Shoe aDd 440thifitailiiistilatii. °41!4.r pArGO to Cleoly's fo4r, clotha—,rlcikka.nall and examine before finvebaltiS etieettkire. tar Wilson ibfwantrisroailling op os b, or cost. C.lll atorextinitie, nn e 6 n~SilccQ glr Lea v e your orders iFithll'irabriatitroarol4tiour Grocerfes, and they will be Promptly delivered. . • - r4?r 1 a tido Ike stM tin tututat ltmr de -cline, Why() Wheat ranilly Fkinli,—"Varrantal. f edlectlf Chi*, at a B ' Freshpti rovrn s Or - Wilson & Brown are now offering extnuireAnary inducements lutins Avg of CpFee, Zutand Sam • . t., . ..- ,' - I:2rWilson . & Brown I=;‘,the finest quality cif i'ea in the Market. , Sl7 it, . . . • •-: - , W - Gealy to on Water St., Sign of the Red Post,' Bildge ' • ... giy—Freeb tic) 1 liackgrel,. a! tir lecin ,t Drawee., M — Candle? for pie-ntps;at Wileon heroirri . 'a • . . 7, 1 0 - 6istattttl Pratt& khatt,S.Thissper thtui the Chmsra est, as NV4sors O.Prosslee s ' ;' . • ; VlT'Woet Twine Cheap.** Mineola a Brairelp OrDest Nd.l. cal:neatat Ih - 1 g rown , a . w ar ranted. . IgirTrinim4lgi at Gcalro ; all kinds fo• dm:semi and sictinem, &esp. ilßrnerinceotiated%Lye and /Vika Claoats;ai Wilson tit Brown's. Try it . .. : ' b•sig — Now:e the the film! for•Baigatn. I t toot Apes. Gallen., Slipper., se., si4l>:itirfou Si Stewart's • 112riatikligld;Noroceli natteloth,Slippors, Chtyp I' • rtt WilbonitStew:Art.4 ! .; • —• . - • „_ , - • , PIP/ keep thelvsl, INfi. 1 It.o liftilast=4 - • N -• • • ' ruL, i llfliattul.riPoivil°nn#fteyrne: Iry oo selling Bt+, Callas atlSlipp(lro at REM .Ir 7, - .ToRt received .at Gealy . o,-3 ;srge lot of Afillinery goals of every description. Call and seethem, as they Rill he "45V I Atop::: •C 4 "S l . l Iti.G.Th's Cudluss variety. au 1 31.1..5es • "Gait upd F•^_n (lealy'e-goods w iU,e tlic n...or;thent le fall. Yon will riot re et it. - PrGutty 14 on 4Va' tar. St., Sign of the Red Poet, .llrldgenAter. liubbO.rd Mowers and Reapers . The Best Machine .an the 'U..' S. ! A .T TUE GitfLlT, NAT,4O;i4IL FIELI;t 7 IMU, OF, .311uwere, anilAteafaMV,belitat - A'abitni.N.'Y. lastimr-thtett:tleeks. Graiid GokF 41 - 04:a and premium nit., awardyil to the !Lithium). Combilied Mower Z`V Reaper with evif-rake attached ne the beet Combined Machine. !At • the Grand Moidie• trial of tha Franklin Institute. held ati;yraceute; W. Y.. in Ample., lati4„ the first prominta Grand Gold Modal was awarded to-the .11ubburti. The Hubbard aboi took for ~is ?acne:tetra years the first pre:whim-at the Ohio '• 4 - For Sale by • • 11:iiitVEY M'CIVWX. • martril7:!hn Earn Valley, Pa. . Omen or &auto CAX.M. CroxrANi - . WARREN, Titultut - m. Com:Tr, Onto. , , • Specliti Meeting, or Stochhplders. li 4 -1 1 ,KHERY,TILitT A TrECIALL , tneethot nit ohstithradors ofl%oPtitY• 1611 b heittpta he ofticeott4hl cOlll',llny,., at 10 0 Olt;e1::. 7q., tot the hintt, . divr of July. A. 111. 1 4 M. fur tho nurntuzu or con.fdering, and . dolor trattiti.z mlithre, attil onat dtriblon Ar dhi:ton. of Enid caustl4l.lll. VIIVeAIy tho undo:l'4y =tat.] br recent r.ct or the fPfzi.latitxj..of renneylvattin and OWo, and 10 rtalie such ortlJr. In to laiton to said Canal, and it.t ah , ,ndot.tient in. a hole, or . in partootlboy may dem proper. . • , , • artier pi-the Board of .TheitctOri. • JAMES 211;EWicST, Warren, Ohlo s 21, : Pro.hlont, .AVILLI.I3I JONES, !House, Sign, and _OrTcamental 2 ! rir vat Zie;r4t,l Awn: pay ,Carriage Mug!, Paintog,,(C:c.,., St., 'Mew Brighton, ta. Prop° . sals• for Building aflouse.. rrIIR UNDERSIONLD COMMITTER, APPOINT, ed by the Aftricatintral; Society of Beaver eonnte. will receivo sealed proposal:. until_ SATCRDAii, JUNEII9TII, for the bulitlini of riDwellhur House on the Fair. Groinds'of etiid botiety. th - e 'foundation of of - whit-EN already eon,.tructed. F4.r further particit- Inrs.intinitoOf either of the undenk4nled. or Hoch An derson, Req., President of the Aerienitnral society. • R.14 - DONALD, W3l. A. LAIRD. Corn. MUR1.,.1.1413801.41.,.• • • •• FOR sAL - E...••.': MOD - AND SUBSTANTIAL BRICKDWRI.- 11..* ling Houre, F hunt e in Itoleivllle, conteining ; 4 rooms and hall on fire floor. 5 room on second floor. good kltehen - with ratter, rooms nn itrut floor oinked. and _varnished. All the rooms in the house pa pered, The honre (*Anted: good. cellar; 'rorch with lattice' 'siork, two.arbers oc bearing 2.111Pc s•hrnhhery and Mina fruits: thirty fruit trees set out this spring. Lot 75 - 14 - IS7 feet balm-. 411 by ?r • inquire of R. BRABF 01 0), Real F.siate Agent, 'New Brighten. - L1e13'67:1m.. , • • C. F WINTEE W. L. BY.DISOIC. 'WINTER AND BENSON, .. ; ,,(SHOCia3SOR§ TO O. F. wnaitil,) • • - EAXERS. Ill• WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, I Sliver, tind , rist4 . 4,1 Wates. X wicallu*trumento, Notinne, — Orlilivelal attention giren to the repairing of Retch ea, Cincki‘ and Jewelry. „ • . Store , : Car: BitoitniAr & Arrix STrencrs, .."‘ , LW E BRIGHTON, PA- [jinni? SPIZI.NG FASIIIONS! • 1861... - 4Rlli q e STREET, BRDGEWATER, • • . . NTEW ASSORTMEXT. MILLINERY RE• .1.11 opened at -my',old rtnnu, lately occupied by )Sr. Genty, tiallmmday, 'March 11th. 1 wish to inform my told ttiends ‘ and faunally new. um* st , t , pit,b ta' e' pa ironizc me. ihat am nowrrereivintr tin entiro new ptock of :41111nory, of the latent Spring Styieg, and will 1 pleat,tl With au aatly mar 13Vitly. 31123. S. RE)3S. 1 A DMINISTRATC)ItS.NOTIGE.—Lnnen of admini,..- /IL nation , Clll the . caul.: of SYLVSsTER. .Plinirn.LX, • Into or Itocheater Deaver eant.ty, dee'd:; hasina Iw4al wrwitiaLig theownno;iiptelL aU portions indalded loam asid;nitate, are iegee.ted ulabx inamedinte payment. and thorn having claim:: eT demands m actain.t, the eain sniadticctitad.witkinake known the rame mithont &lily •to •,• -•- ' jnne5'67.0.4. i J. clipSS • • • 'D.,. W 3t. , ,• • - rllrw4x,sultGEoN;t Akcouctittrit.' • IT 3A nernenty located in the TOtVN OF R001fF..5 . Freatpt tion'`gicerr to stir excepting lettfrz.tecetelly eneepla.' Adjoteitta the " - Mention itoni.e." In the Clevehuld end Renroad Depet; Pula elter. pa. - • • Itn.49AnTatf C ILOME . O IrSZ Ir Sr , NENV.BRIGBTo.N. BEAVER GOi ITIT. PA• (NF CE RESEDENCE LOCeST T. An; 4441 0 1.4 F. ~Z,ip . -t~?. SPII MO D B on Walcr custume ;.; I am fm 11:e :Npri Of 'ererll and mi e of albhin; Lilco', 4.., I DA.L3I Gent] Gen NEN AN bl.: I-I ois SPRING Jii.t revel BONNET Stampi etl MEM BEE Two doonil El Aiiit.kEN TRIUMPHANT I • , • .:. ' This extquelvely known, and deservedly 'plipular Machine w submitted to Alio most vigorcom test of Its euperiory. at a trial of competing marhbiw that took place Hinder . the' manazement of. the New York OPtietY, at Atiburn.M: Y.,•in July, littA. Thecomtniti, tee ormAsted of eleoen judges.. and forty Machines - were entered as eontostatits for the prize. The trial lasted three weeks and the teats were most Hiccough. The result was announced at the State Fair held at Saratoga on the 13th (if September laet. nod the (GRA. IEI CS :10 "W" 333 Hr as the machine ' - • iiraOrt To Atr, ,orirrns i ' Earl A slinflin. TWA isho can *ln* B and ie man ny of Persons them .hy app for . flower co aprlr67:3ni 7LIXECUTO ary on t bd.: of beayei grunted to It said estate• a sad t hay cif4aidlieeidel thenticated to, jcl9'67:6t ;VD) 11 amtuitary; B:W lgaver tp.! gran . ted to thel sf.ivizA intlehtej tunu , 2 , liabt pa thr same 1r E•ettlement. CEEB F A: • I ruximinFuOF - : 7 1 `r: l- = IaitBIIIIIIIIIMOADS .- .'- 4 AT. ' - n N'E'W i nbiy,Tripming ,•47$D, '1 ;};. =I 114 - E- Emr onrr-x! . 'I • . - ons neLow sTiLts s i SLIA WATER urubiaEwA TEß . •'. fl AYE nEmov TfTTIN.ROO7d • .beuterty occupied by d.J , I.Dr eNEv. L. where 1 will" Tni glad to ire alt: 4 1 Pll O , and adfoilicre AtiLit vori tau µJul a call. •;: • : • • • 1 r receiving n..inr,:c ilhii rnlcnnia Ftock of itifun.y, hu sold vt:i IVIILLINEII 7 V, . . erlpiton ntld Straw., I.lop.!wirt. Itat Itibbont , , Flovreii,] 111111111NGS, ,1 I 14 , far Dre. 1 , 1 and q, ames in. Gimp.' Car C , i., ' Ills, Eug — epe Ruffles, 13uttone..tc: ds ' II AL AND'hOOP SEIRTS' COE -• 4 1 ' ETS, HAIR NETS, IVELT, I _ I . BUCKLES,•&e. • 1 • aaf's Furnimhing 'coodS, pi & Ladies' Paper Collars.. ;. I rir, -. l3ll!:ral c ;iiii s is.V.; ll&s ? 1 Al i gi: amss s r ,, , , erw, adn.4 Gloves , ars , cncyrns, AIL coLp . Rs:, • I ' STIOES. a large lot , - er cheap. Call. and 2. CV ISA • ALTERED AND.' CLEANED, diIEAP. g, Pinking and CloakC !tin Making on short notice. dos AlATitincE sTITCBING. • I ALL ,11ND SEE )IE. • . ZOITBLE TO . . SHOW' GOODS RERIEX BEE Tht PIACI'? 1 ,t helew Stites Shallenlierger's- rocery lure, Water street, BriSkavivater. •° i * • WATT 'GkAkt.Y. I MERS,' K 1 Ay,Tllli.S! FIB' - crairm - y.m 1 It ,ND COLD MEDAL was then awarded the 4 Filmony nay nu. : nr(loci it I:Otte sirlvtltatc, ranchine is rezartiell by the. t ustuidYt - y Iron; qmpt*leuee, a." :st.. in, the World;! - • . • tared by the IncarparatO -470/apa? • JIULTIIIAN & of machine.; ea have ine to the u tj nderaigned,ovho neat • JAMBS : PAIXTEBSON,:, . . New Ga.lllc.e, .'S NOIICEI-IC,II - ert.•.vo let t ent t E;sktment, , -. .. • . el•tate of lion. ISCHT. ADAX/4.; * decd., bore., Beaver coituty,. l'u.., having. bean' 0 .tindtrbitmc4, ell pen§onm Indebted to retjneeted to make immedta, Cid. ngclatawar degnintto Afireltust kettle will'plette-prpeetittbem ket 1 lemma. 1. ' 3110.1AEL1VEltAND. E.xecutor.- _ , ,ATOlMlCtll'lLS.—Letters tekainie4t- on tke.a , tate of Jo!Rott Szurritj late of Roarer county ni.olec'd. laachigheen. , t i. I und cri Lin a , : II I PS cs in isk it 01% 111 them- 0 M bald comie. Me 114131011tird mate„ 'inen,k :out thm , e having claims, mate,; 1 resent them propffly authenti • ied. furl • T,',:.H.EI• DILL,OII. ) • 1, 1 • i , . joli: : ; 1,t,,... 4, 111 , 174. ,- ~. m 11.. ! ' 111 ME 1)1 ,i ' N -Ti; w ) R rtt 1 y HATS ; FLO , W EPI Empire Sew • , . . , . • . ... ri4pertfally. rolLtit an c tic public. ' ' Machine con:strut' rlit.•chaniste,"possessing nun ! ProremeotS. 11min - if - been e.! Pound experts. and , *now! llertection combined, !L In a : mechanical point of c~almfor the "Elamite 3lAci It t.—the Method: of del! inpinuld crank, ivhlch p lii:retorure obtained byline= tiumbli.• and nceieless manne I2d.—We use t< rotating s, tints are enabled-to give at the arm; uithont detriment chinet; having a bearing Mr.' • 124.—0nr Feed wheel Es a structed there is but one Jul ttpn from the rock shaft to , others, cannot be e ff ected by ! , ith.—The Rock Slat the al ! ao drives the Sbuttie. The I •Chutres are hardened steel can take up the lost motion The - follovrinLs are the pri gniast Sewing . )lachinos Excessive thtbme to the • . 1 %. Liability to get out of! 3d. Expense; trouble, and': 4. Incapacity to sew every 5. Disagreeable noise whit! The Empire Se -, Exempt fro Object, 11E1 'lt hm a Ptraleht needle, p the kick or shuttle stitch, sr ravel, and is alike on both si Ing on every description or the finest ISansOok thread, from the coarest to th,!, IT HENI§,i FELLS, TUCKS, QUTI4T WITH. • 4 . 11: 1 V1 , 1 1 ir,IICither S4llll tictr co t4blc frlgdpit, it clip as epic) EiiWhaOiallt a IV : rl 1 1 . A. 11 liry. Good =EI _ -All - - 1. ' 451) I - . 4 ' • (44-1.e9.S '-- - -ils - - CITESI7.:II, PA: SEEI 110 I r i • - S, INES, ,!S§ WY! NV.Ar I , • afid,l EH MEE= r,_4 l ' IBM Iffl MI e tte ed :~ P It I E S : 111 ®!4 NEW RY tiOCDS ! =llll I I flaying it:ctred t Ammo; tui tlic g Macliine • nffikin'LS by -, t.k ''ed on a,...nekv principle of y n 1 -valuable' im ,aminetrintv the most pro- . , 'htti ,to be einiplicity and I 1 1_ - - - I "lU', theadvantages vc r Ilan." any= Ow the "Needle Bar -by it 1 ucee the, came' acttun as i lot a Cam; but in a Inure' aft above the - table, and !the room required nuder rio the durability of Ma i Irectly‘ ever- the Needle. riction fded. and 1 , 4:1 con- In tram...n:lllth* ihe mo e wheel, and unlike all II or diagt. • 5' , orks the Feed!Wotion wha,rn of thy Shaft awl d . leijuetable f ee that we . , 1 1prd objections urged a- pecator. , t er • as of time in repairing. twcription of material; in operation, ne Machine is an these lons• 'endtcnlar action, makes tch Hitt neither rip nor perfolms perfect Nen . - aterial, horn Leather to ;it cotter, linen; or silk ducat number, PLAITS, mid RS. • (WbeeL, and the least pos earl , az4lB cWss MEteckitie. rtu.ne' 0 N T WEED F ! - Eu. 'F t MEM • - _•, Minn-MIR I= ~~~. Y..a H MITU &CO , # 't, 1 I 1 PllOl.l3lEl' n a 1 . • • t A'N y A M R R:.I.P.Eft K.. Itailmiy a Endless Chan and Lever rtnlitth o Vatkots sixes, "nreshe'ss rout eirerstonc Farm. I%lUls Alder Midi, Cane 111%ts and Sorghum s tletipenittirs. Corn .Shellers. Dor. POI. 'erslorlitarnint: soil all other Agricultural Machinery. ' • JOBIRM:1 I • . 0( all kinds' done on abort nottee. . ilaciincs of any kitid built for Parties ., Raving had an experience of fifteen years in Parents and Patent Business. wo are prepared , le Make Models,. Applloolous, nkpartiesl desiring to take out Patents. ; , . • ilavin,g-fitted elf oe. - r Factory - . 5 5 • V`. • - ' • IZEIV LALItc . rstymaytic-4Actiil4Eitt • • Selected from thh , beit,Rasiern malts s. &Ma, =di eMploying do but ilia best Mechanics, we are pre pared to do Nviiri th he best...`style sod manner. - Ravine secured serrkes! cif A PIRsT CLASS PATTRItI,ir MAKER. we. are 'also •irreparcd tainMlut! wry kifid orStYle of patients: . •. Particular, atten_drxutinid to ' repairing Mowing, dint, Reaping:Machines. and machinery in - genend. - • We solicit, and.hopetty attention • and ratio to merit.- ttil patronage oflpartieo .wit.hine work done. Orden, , from a dL,tance promptly attended to. _ ' .ALL WORK . WARRANTE'D.I :Address R. SMllitt.i CO. a13' 29.67 : 1 7 I • Rochester, Pa. . , Et ■ , . ,; _ •,.. ~ ~. .1 - % F p . - ck ,fl RST FPfilyl4ltllle 4 . atiny'''. Miedai ins AWATOCD TO . ..AL ig i BARRETT'S HAIR-RESTORATIVE - . Bs the M.' It. State Apletatetal treeirtyat • I . ea Felt, !rialto, In .1%. abbe" Stit.llo,.. ~ . . , . BAlt.ii-:E.TIT'.II, -i L.f ,ITlTAntable Hair Itestoratite ~ liestores OniAli to lb Miura' Color e s‘ . ' 'notes the of Due lbw t gog!. web to lb ' original organic aellon t . cites Dandruff .and Kitson I,____Preeenb4 Bair biting out i is a:superior a•reraarrt. - . It contains no injurious ingredktits. .' • - + and Is the moat popular and roll- _' . ~able article throughout tbs 4 91 p- • - • 4 4Eut.'tt'er s t u lriturg i o r r ol . - ! . , . Ur' :J. il. RRETT 011.09. Proprietm. , , , ~IItaICILESTESI3.Iti . ' .. , , . . • 807. D n •F; R r 0 . 0 18 T NEIZALL"C" , .• An - EN-Tit Oli2l ,tOOltE, Beaveb 3tORGAII CRAW, Brighton r . • " [jundiCtran Av . A - NDF.TIitiIIGNEI? AUDITORS, 0? - tit:ldor: Tat the following report urithe bola:ty Acconuts. rom 1 t 01.357 .- • ft:I! • . CR: oat. lrt isr.L.T. rp. un frr:-By Minds find in By Dnidirke 69 Iterest, canceled Is6,lZe; bit Jane t,, 1ri05.• Jno., Hayti, - 1.0..t . tax. - - 337.48 • 2.257 tA - By pdreentpd.cot By 1111/11iVS ; I and To..ater3. N 46 :. 1,1.16 81 1, •• - J arat:Litywaret Qll • - ' ichunt .fonds Int t.ellietnent j1:172 - GT:3* Jim( al c,,pi • BO NTT AC(:1:1 UST: c (moot. DIIITICTOILS IN Aa7OrNT nny'n/hip,.un .I.oCal Bounty, Fecond. • tiecal year,.en ding Mb ofTstpril;lB6l. '; ' . , : - - - .1-)It. 1 . 1 Tai linplkatclefpn. • I ilk. east pd. on 1$ . iamilable.) . .. e2,731. 85 'flinoleanddistount 1. , ' , 'on note tti.Baok ) •$G3'l 65 . - . I Tn per a c * en' 1 e . e‘6 ' 14 . - " " ! ' .We 1 hefinniTersil_med Anilitolt of Chippewa:lmp:l"MT, hidieve We nI O ePt otement to l'e jut and true to the best of Our km wlettati nod nhility. - •; , •'' JOTIN S. ItEttflON, -) - • -- + DAVID Itt.7.CLAl''. - ',.• , A r juditoq. • DA'vla T 110316,5, - -) • i - :'' .. (Loco/ Copy: ~ ~ .. - .r - . jes - 67:3w. 111 , • BOIJINTY ACCOVNIri. li, in fell !peAl. ACCOVN'i OF- MARION 'll . ;:.. for the year 11 1 06. Thri School Directors is accintht witti the District per, • Treas.urer, J. A.:Zchner • • • To_balance dne •", uf Wirentrt $1:000 0117 . Tax Idciad per Interert- • • :460 00 - plicate • 1,069 fit4-'.LOSt Tax' . ' 630 By rub. Collected ; 90 00 !Error; 12T 2 per' cent. to . I`. 1,112 35:Treasurer 'Hai pd. to the. . 1 - Treas . ! of the I ••• • Schoo..TM I'. A Blinber; Erg: 1 MEI 3el2'f;7:3‘v. ' NEW MRS , TINDERSIGft:D. ..TitANEFuL . /TO :m s 1 friends amt customers for theltenemns patronage heretofore ext.lhtlect to him. takes .plrisnre ( ininforn- Mg theln that be - Jets retentlyelnado large additions to 3. , , his stock; and t he can now mil' L. Gr- coCerlen '-- - t," . ~ , . Of the ve hest naiitn.as lOW as they can h e ym rits fl westof Pittabarg, By efOck embtatat the best or - COFFEES ; 'TEAS .SUGARS, -.SI t , UPS ,. -310I4ASSI1S; SOTZG fir ' , . RICE: PEPPERS, SPICES, SOA PS, cA.N.p.I.Es. RAI - EV-1411 CURRANTS, &o. . And fa facfeveryihing in my line that' Itrionally kept - .in a well regulated tirocery,Stbre... . VERD of all kinds kept nn and: and the held bran& of FAbiILY FLOUR can- alleys .be obtained At mt.. store. 'I . ~ All goods delivered if required: s - • - ' ' jeialiTay. - •. -- .51441).7 siirraEß . : of CO...Port ershiix rjr ILE nitursdroltEL:: Fatst i.. between.thenoderSigned.noder theatre Rama of Al,nander venu v, thistlay iliss,6l% - ed by tnntn al consent. The Intere . st of R.. A. ;Alaxander having been pnnehased by d. 4..lFevennv,' will cdnlifine the !Mrtuz l imelness at the old stand. - All demands al ainn . Pahi[ctruk ;tre .he - paid 1).5- J. M. ,Devenny. and all debt& debts dne the Orin may he NW to either rarther • of the old arm. - E. 11. ALEX-ANDER. • '. DEV,ENNY; - • :New .Tune Cal, 143- - , Harlot! sold ottt Inter, l st la the Prhp br“ , iness 'heretofore carried undo' the nun opine of A Itixan-' :der tt, Der cony. to Joseph M. Iterettny.. my former prltler; I ci . ould lrtspealr Tor him a continuation of the • Patronage td . Tay per as welt am the friers' or the old Grin. , 1•:. E.:A LEXANDEir. ;Tnnellth' • . • i F . DRUGS! D . RIJGS!!. • • . T F- - , 111 , PI - CR TO GET %II THF POI! LAR Patent .IMediein'es,.., Perfumery, - •40SEili -- M.,..'-.)DEVENNTS ;DRLTG,S`T.ORE, Broadway, New Brighton,. MIXND FAINTS and PUTTY filu . :4lyo , an band;. . . . Physicians firestiripiliiiiii 1 1 -• • 1 .. c.,trerOi'Fomppundea at all: ittvar:. 4 - 1 t the day . -tind . - '.. •'-' [ja11r.M.3917 8 ( tore ; ISLAND .SHELLS..' • R , iO 3E NV • JSOINO . : TO ;ADOTtN. O.111,1),1( • ' valks rutactr.ry woul' dti well to tlpply whero - n rponoliti let of WnAont sHELL,s train bn:nu ttCekt. 0, and »rt. Mt. calb..- 4 1 --• jr.19't4 . 31. . • ' N, • L" - virtonx s .._ i 8011, 1 7,1 TY • AcCOUNT.,. 13 . 41: t 7 .471 .• - id send hill, to Brighton- Nil. I School HENRY SCHBAX,• - ') JACOB PFLUG. .• .} Auditors, C.'\{ WAGNER, • GROCERIES. Is AT EllE .r. ,_ ' , BE - 3 27- 2178 23 00 I,nt., 83 IMII
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