.ießOittOr Argue.. El WEISIEEEMS _... i ~__.~_.~5,, i J. WIPTAND EtEtTOTt amp Puoynteroa. . . • Beityei., Pa.. June I*37:' eounty Aionsinattomq AseembP. NICAOLSON. HanorCr 7 Alisociate Ju •ge . .1111.t.)N I;AWRBNC ; E, Greene tp. ••• Proti3onotary. • 4011* , 41.4 l iIET. Bir.rer boro.; I • , Treasurer. 'ELI.I-:III:BAit2NE4, Horny,* 4. CoMmissioner.' • 1 Racoon tp. • BEI Iffy gommissioner Bcai - er !Joico Auditor. 6. K. SHAN KOIS". tir ; Poor House Director. SAMUEL )feMANAMY, Econotiiy tp.; TruOacs of Academy. .5 K. 1. CROSS. 'RocheAter horn.. JOHN . BARCLAY. Betuttr,boro The County 'convention,theTlek- • et, 1&c. • „ • Union Convention, which met; in this .place on Monday Was Well attended—every district in'the,connty .ending its full propor tiori of delegates--4inl was composed of oh e an intelligent:int Of • men. The proboed ingS throughout were is harmonious as con ventions of thisellantetcrnsually are, and the delegates flepantted, feeling that t hey .had dis charged/ heir dUty to their friends r.s well as their party.! " The ticket notninated aftoml otr6, and will Attdoubt reeelve, it' should, the thiPport of the party • whieli selected it. We • shall re fi'r' to it More particularly . at sonic time in the future. • - • • Oott party:friewls in llivecr 'county Were last fall encompiksed wirit ditliettliies that vowed them to lose a portion of their ticket A leading'cirizet‘ofjhe town' of Mercer, and ••••• at one time quite prominent in this District.; wal4 then the cause of the misfortune of our political friend's, and from recent: develop in that cluing, we fear that himself •I • and a few others, are again endeaviirlirg to disorganize the party•t hat lur; givedthvnt all the . poll( ieal standing they ever had, A week! or so ago, the elifiirmap of thr c•iiinty cam- ; Tnittee; who isiuntlotahtedlt a disorgnnirzer hit -elf, iSsned 'n call. tier a meeting of the I committee, indlinstead of having it puhlished in the Dirplitell! th'e,ii'on!ral organ - of the par-: ty, he .gave inntice of the meeting thTrnngh the Greenville a.' 'paper •publislied in an- titof the yjay place, and where not:one out of ererr fve•meMbera of the comiiiitter would be likely trisee it. This was . done. too onlyfire days before the time: fixed' , for tln meeting; and the eketnustances all went to SLOW that-the design was to have titit..-U - trew tutmbers attend, So that things could' be so "let up' as ita Make it not a difficult. matter to tmnstitr a'priiiion a the Itepubliiran party to. the: Dentoemey at the MI election. This. programme nits discovered in time to fins: . trite _the planri of the disorganixers, in preVent tIEj 4 I doing further harm to the - party till am manifestlyaiming to destiny. 1 1 (1"E. the commander of the Milita ry. :Diidric l 7, iatl,whirlt Mobile 'is limited, hag rir ado a report to theqovernment in which he rayi that :Image Reliefs remarks at , the inmt bfg at which the :riot normirred, were murk.- oits patriotic , a i ntl not calculated to incite tur litilenou and riAt as lii4A,netilica charge. , He alSo states i l licit ',Mayor Whin-viand:his police appreheadial. dirturbanee at the meeting.:, and tllat Y the t9rincr Well! to his home a mile and n halt dlitant, before the meeting began., that he would not biy.present 'whiny the trou ble comnninced. The police were either too Timid to. An tlltir,dtity, or chit - did nit Want to rye serve ;the peace. Ascertaining, this, he reinortid.both thiiMayor and the' police, and apPointej I;thion men . ill 4 their stead. The Preiidetit nriwi meditates -the setting aside of (}en. PoiM's appointees-and reinstating 3lay -4,W kin-p.:lnd the' old pollee. What a Prtctidentt he pc6ple have MORROW B. , Lowity. has .nri t ioun ce d lainself n enndiente for the State Senate in the district- efinipor I.of Craw fotil and lirie , anint l ey. l ISMue t iro or three thonth4 ago he positively re Intel ki he a Candidate, hut tiny . __ .......... ,f his pe - iron, -• i SecTiox 4. No person thus licensed shall; ; Mr. Caughey was declared nominated. in Compliance with the wishes ti " against the request of any wife, husband, pa- i . FOR TREASURER al glends," he espn.sses a willingness tilifore- I rent, or child, sell,. give away, or dispose of, ;' E names had... I .,„ 87 rotes Wrong or spirituous" liquors; sines ales, ; If . A ll i son ~,''' •• • ***** ;- 44 e go private inconveniences and again-take a i an?' 'A politici l tn . ,‘ , ~p e. ..,_,,.... , or . beer, to the husband of any such wife, the' .., _ , seat in the Senate. ”""1 wife of any such husband, parent of any j- . ai.r. Barnes a ait declared nominated. friends" are oeeasionally very obstreperous-1 such child, or child of any sneh pa rent. under 1 FOR essi;rafraixtrivEn . angrefuse to allow him that rest and retire- 1 r ecesitty of all the fines, and forfeitures of this ' - -- 1 ------1.- `' ----- Wm. Ewing had In votes. inentla-hich lie certainly Tight - to Lleive.— r' a ct. . ° •I J. A.•Fleinining bad „ Ara tST OF INTOXICATED rensozin J . c. elitist) , had 1 ; * la " / Lowry and his "friends" arc instances of this I ~ I i ISi :ernes 8. It shall be the, ditty of every ; ai r , Ewin g w as (lour e d nominat e d. character. • • , ;• _ • sheriff, constable, mein fleece of po- ; _ • _ • „,, ~ .4 , The Convention then voted Spin' for As , . who shall ,, Tut , p eow i s i vs n io Reserve A s ., oe i stior , ; lice,to arn.st any and e he found inttrxicated in :- 4, or public; semblY, with the following result I • • ' late o . - placesi — Darragh had 1. mei. iu the Mall of the'llouse of Iteiirsenta- I T. or in any p o llh e : 11 votes. tiies, at:Harrisburg on last Thur sday ?. Ma- I he l ve trona% or spirituous liquore,e4nes, ale i Power !.• • 10 " • ... for General S. W. Crawford pie•sided, and' or beer, arc sold, publicly k_e*- * tir disposed; Ni c h o l son h a • d . ; . .4 6 .. r e of. and to take hhn, or her, befire any magis-1 caugh e y ~. ......... 28 " Maint John C.' Harvey acted as *See retary.— , trate of the vicinity; and if vetch magistnite I _ General M'Canilless qf Philadelphia dellvt'r ,- No choice,. ' and the Toting onntinned thus is T due inquiry, deem bun, or her, too Id the animal address. It hi to be publiiibectifi.lol..... to he fully exl nined. or to answer, 1 until the 23th ballot, 'alter which Messrs. Dar. ' awl Nl:Dished to the members of the Associa-14111 1 1r ' eorreetlY. t. le magist shall CBADIC i ragh and Posve4 both withdrew. On the 24th k ion. about three lirdred of wimm were ', him or he, to be Confined un fi t be or she be an( roug I._-.; : ball Nicholson bad 4 . I then to be b In before. • et 69 rotes and CanBh7 pressen, at the meet's) An election tbi per- l en tn i r t r :l 47m B l l 7n r ierrogated, under oath, °ratan:nil- $ *);:' mairat idles t % or th e Association was then , lion, as to the , cause ofauch intoXication, And ; Mr. Nicholson was then declared the lie ld, mid nstulted In the choice of Ex-Gov.! thus ascertain from Whomlie or ,stief obtain- : nominee of the party en din fin , p reidden i , and Major John (...itor_led--tice liquor-which eauseel the, dm/heatless; iJ. S. Ratan R i ai., c hs • 1 of Ole vet. ilsrecording Seeretary. The Association f runt such esai.nination shall . not be used in ; ~,„ . ._, . , l innal _ cet. _ e Men* m l.d ust su c h intoxicated person, in ; ;-' ~ twee on lotions. reported the fol•I Aso lye d t hold it iss next annual m ing at ; pmsecution„,eleil or crinunal. • $ owing resolutions, Whichwere adopted with. Pittsburgh on May 3 1 1th 1868. - ' .fatt y . - exxst.Ti. t • outdebate. . - i I ' 1 , .----,------- _-_i- , 1 WEeT 0 • il l e• . :ems cowardice and guilty eonseieece 01 1, sh a ll 1 ,.• . / 01. • re 70; P er6°/ . 1 w h° cosy and', plea as set forth - in the Intim& of .the last nit... Administration could not be betteri illus- I shall for '1 noielenie4 U r _; l l . l; l° ,.,i fx th il is tri t., owe Coniention. meet he appm e rel. stated than in its weak attempt; hi reeeren- ' meanor, and on conviction thereof . a shail . be . 7- e. $ end this Convention -refers to said resolutions • I $ i ' or nth)) and candid statement of the Times -mend, in adranee the Stansbury opinion ' by, punished with a fine of ifot more than twenty I, repmenting that it was endorsed by G i nemi I dollars, and in default ,of cynient, with im _ I Mahe Itzrubiiiicauttni.trif ilfaveir).e..ounty.; "t; rant. By the country the Oneerpmenticnei4. ; ri ' rnnwilll °I." mot ' s I 1 !, five 4113 ' 4 1 ' Beaver county hereby p epu t ilij o ill the pli t ly o r: ( , Approved April 11th. 1861. I that this opinion would beat once and in thiet- ; . Ilicau party of the State, the name of Gear. 'W. ? ' ively felt to be a betrayal of the natio , and ; 45.; Tun :MILITARY F eitc&s or RrmaA.—The I Treasurer having fell relbuice In his ability. I , Irwin as nemulidatc for the oftlee Of State; . , luviee it pitifully s :angler to nionientariblartrt 1, strength of the active army of Russia.. which i integrity and fidelity to the,principles of our ' I rh. storm of popular indignation by lipking ; 1 in IsoB consk'ted of 580,009 men. is note. 80 0; i organization, and that the Senator mut Repre- ; yeartheßussine tinny comprised M.;800 Mil- I support him for that position. . wi h the measure talc name of the peowea ,1100. At the commencement of • th_e . preeent sentatives from this - district are instructed to! s 0 tiler, Gem. C . S. Grant. • • 1 1 ' cen t -0,- ^lin , , , , i 1,4 so ld i ers, anti 29.682 military at- $ Reeskett, That our Rep=tatives in the t - • •••--------- I ' ...: tentlants, making - a total of Meat I State Legislature be bat ( 1 / 4 last Friday, the stores were, elmed, ... in UPall theArst n this Hand all honorahl psaa' to- ynteF ree Itileiniond, Va., business of all kinds smilend- •to the eau Litton of the' Ministet :Of War , Rsius ji if g _ e _d Lew for th e e State. t° • I ea lit iseet steest of the inhabitants. especial the ' mold be raised to 1,1fe,000 mew Addine., -4111Meteri, That Gin* delegates. to 411;State la es, .44,ee engaged I deeorating the graves ; ,tlo,llF)rta/ number ot irregrilar t ree* fixed at i Convention be Instructed to vote foNllon. W. .100, the aggregate of the armed Awes id• IIL Williams,- Of Alks_beny e l ottntr'ftif Su n( Mu. C nresterate (1 d. to,ooo persons, it is l 4 - . ;,. Ibissla would represent nearly 1,5(K1,001) nom- i,preme Judge. ne the . Western eanillilate, and said, Ti,ited tfely-e4i Cemetery on that, day. batants. ; • Ila the eve* of_the . 'eholce Int% *conikied, to • -; Js. ' I ' 1 - • , - ' 1 TnE Judiciary Pounaktee of - AO Udine of 'f,tepiesentativis close 4 the ispeochisem io re:ligation, at Washington he" On the question-of hnpeachhikti the vote ; - Far Thonma, Lawirnee , .117 Mail) Against impeachment —Wil ; Wpodbrid^ Churchhill, Eldridge and.•:• 3tarshall.. So t Committee decided not to4epert in facorlif impeachment. • A reslluticin censoring the Pre . sident was, then offered and carried by- the following Tote! Phnishl4ll, 7 ltent* - 0111,, Thomas, - and -1 rence7-allßepublicitne. ISTay4. 7 .7Ektildge 3tershall, moth Democrats. After agreeing to make the abov . e.cmclusions public the einunittee adjott rned.till the 25th oC June. A nkttui. neWspapetyvalled the National Reim?lima was visited by the military at 3to bile on last Thursday, on account of the pub lication of articles prejudicial to good order. Itsfurther , publicatiOn will be prohibleed un less the -proof-sheets arc submitted to the commatultmrof the place, and if ncm,•Rary. revised by thatoffleer.' A foolish attemPt was made a. couple of weeks ago to.injure :Gen. Butler, .by :repre_ Renting that !le had written a private note to Miss Anne Surratt, in which he offered the Surratt family-his professional servicek `.Th e General, has written a fetter to a friend * de nying the statement in avers particular,?.nd characterizing the story as it . tlesery es to be —a copperhead lie. . . - Tzu trial of John H. SurrAtt did aot begin on the 21111 of May, asZiras.:detennined upon some time ago, but has'been postponed until the 10th of June. Tile absence of material witnes.ses, is the aIIISC assigned for the post ponement. • , Confiscation. to Stevens has just written a letter to a friend, in w:tich his irttsons are stated, for.desiring tip contiscationbf rebel property: Among these is the ; following one which cer tainly carries a goOd deal -Ortorce with it "You live in a ot(!ctio4 which was two or three times - invaded by thenrmies ofJelf. wilt. -In the counties of Bedford, Fulton, Franklin. eumberland, Adams and York. thew. visited almost everyfarmer and-otiter inhabi tant. plundered them of their ho ~• cattle, provisions and money, when bound, besides,: in some detached eased they laid in ashes one thrivit r .r'-village oftiix thousand people, and turned the - inhabitants bouseless into the streets to seek shelter in fence Corners. No provision•has ever beenneule or is making reimbunw the plundered Citizens. By the law of nations a OVormnent makes no com pensation for damages done byr.aa ;invading :army, unless.such goyernnient be victorious, when it always provides by treaty for pay ment. A governthent which neglects to make provision on behalf of its: plundered citizens is basely negligent of its duty." Maiglinnisnity. Mrs.• Jane G. Suisshelni. makes this point against Horace Greely, for his interference in the release of Jeff :Davis. .All must look upon it as. truth tersely and cuttingly spoken', She says: . . "Mr. Greeley may afford to he magnani mous., Ile lost nu husband, - or brother, or father, or son in the war. ' Ile lint no litriba and carries`no ballets, or the sear <Mein, in his body. Neither he, nor his,, shivered on j3elle Or praymi for death at Anderam ville. It is easy to forgive injuries exmitnit iO4,4o-ns—itetthig**eoralrytertkg•ffillill"ifii can atiord to give $3OOO to: the. head..(4' 'the rebellion, Or furnishing Material, and still make a pfollt, lint every one was' not tut fortunate. • Important Praia ,Wail is die New • „ _ Liteaii, Law. . The last Legisl a ture , passed a !cry strin gent license w. which. we judge la very lin.' perfirtly. If it is at ali :enforced: Sheriff's Constables, Policemen .Ik.e., ebeetdLatert . at once what :their duty in the premism then. See that he'act in iritiestion is not stiff eretl to be lifeless on iiur statute 'tax:ks. ntong other provisiOnsof the law referred too.' We rind the following which should be hornet; riu mind by those who selllignor as well as , 1 those who are annoyed by its use: SELLIXG Ott' GIVING To lIABITVAL . 11IWNIC- 1. slips. i • IDS. ..: , ' James Darragh...; • . ! . Shrriox' 3. No person 'd u ll se_ll, ' of, or give away, and no licensed person shall tlii-4 " -- - ` "P l ' T T l i f l oT i nl: . N L l P ehl i sTM . i''' S. G. tcaughey " ~- • suffer any pe4rn in his or her employment toti No choice- ,(sell, give aw.. ; or.dispose of, any strong or .., spirit:fa/Us liquors,. wine, ale, layer, or any otix- . Several more rota were taken with , about • . Mire of such, liquors, to any habitant drunk-' the sameresult,‘. 1 .1 result, wluip o motion the eimven atd, or to any.intoxicated per Son then being don proceeded to nominate a candidate for under the influence of any such liquors; un- 1 der.Pimally of forfeiture of„lieense. ' Prothonotary , with the following result: • ~..,.,..,. john Can:4;lloy had , - z. 51 cotes sEI.I.ING AGAINST REQUEsT• or rARESTt ....r : K- ; I , . . ' Ott CHILD. 31. 13. Welsh - ":: 1111111MINIBIENIIIMICAS - 01,11171101 4 rouillobgitts, to twat' Um county _ „. . Wooer at !,' ,-; . Bow as' 1 4 1 Nwpay sod r to order ,• . . .. oate bytv. A -I ., th C!,,,Cawairman •of the 1 cot y in te ,' ! 4 ' i Oil - mothileorlf . - P'Attetiion Esq., Gen. W. W. Irwin wag e• 11 1 to the C hair.Joh n .. a cl Slentz, A. J. Petitt, G. M.. F, .Fielaa, and I Capt. JOhnEoylqwere selected to Vice Presi dents, and D. Woodruff, IV :ati and R. Harrah were 4.hosen a** " t t.., The toWnshij*anli borough., bean • culled I over thitoTiciiiikig'peiziiiiieweiiiiii delegates. i : . .' . - - . . "Jur pF, .DELnet.trns.,, , Bearir. Borough-4): L. Imiirie; SAtutan, G. W. Hamilton and - Dr. D-31eKinney.., ' Borough 7britishi)--.11. Darragh; Cnpt. G. Weaver and. J. R. Harrah. Big Bearer Tottnshipi-4. M. Imbrie;;James Patterson. C. P. Wallace and 3L P. 3liteliAl. Biithreente.r—D, Woodruff, II Bradly and . S. Moorhead. • !! Brighton. 21ormthip-4John Roberts, John Nevin and T. k Hunter. , -Chippewa Tomnithip4ohn Wilson, J: W.. Brittain and Joseph Welsh. Darlington. Vorsuthip. C. Siturlock, S. Patterson; and Joseph Cun ningham Beakorroitwhip—Leonard Berry, Wilson Neely an Itobt. Gray.t 'Faltdon—Thiunas Henry, Samuel Kennedy and C 3. .W. Fields. ;‘ ' FrauAiiii Tompothip•,cheers .31ussei!, John 11. Beigbly. Tree dam Borough—W. W.-Kerr, - and Geo: W.''.3leCaskev. Five/torn Distriel—RObert Snead and'Ames Parks, • • r Townitliii i es,ll. Trimble, James 1 4 1 rice, Brittain, 'Edward '3lunes. Canieron and Samuel Nelson. • . Froakfort-L.Samuel ;11. Looper, David An derson and J. M. Vance: • Milanire—Themas•Rigger, A. A. Robinson and J. R. Crooks. . • ifoperecti—Samuel Sroades., Wm. 31. Reed and R. W. Scott; indeuiry- -- -John Hap, Wm. Ammon and Solomon Dillinger. Imleptndenec—ArthOr Shields and Robert Sterling. • BOOP and ' . Minns. • Jean -- Wm. Sprin ger} Robert Cooper, and Win. Slimadet • - 1 Brighton, 140 hard—Samuel Magaw, Samuel Dunbar and C. S. Barker. : V- i;;iirlithtM3. - 2n4 Wool-Benj. Bedisoe, ;•Ralph Covert and J. C. Boyle: - • Stanton and C.,W. Merrick. r, 1 • 11ror Brighton, 361 Ward-Benj. Wild, D. .... i , hire., , Forieoo.l-11enry Golirink,-jahnileB - Sea and John - Wegner. ! NorlA Sno'rklo.---Milton Clow, Hugh M. IL avid Ohio-Noble Grahani,,A.J. 7 Pett it D Clan- and -I. M. Warnock. -- • . __. .- ~Reed and John Slenta . Crain. i ,- *Pottereon.-Jiameti : . Patterson and J. E. Pl,Nr*ore-jrimei A Irons and N. P. . r '• Kerr. - Smith. . i 'pi/kaki-Gen. W.IW. Irwin and Ephraim Smi Rwholier R"'"9". It Pm(dlel4ll * ' ~, •''„ ' I i '• The different Preabyterian .Medic In, this f and F. M. Anderson. : country ha m their tk.oeransynods, orGener al Nssemblita, _in the month of May. ; Some P. Stewart. • I-ofsession, these are still in 'some have closed Ta ii' v Or in h r ' setlr .l 7 V. io . re Ser ah le i A. P. Lacock and E. - Karmen --Joseph Campbell, lasea Taggar t ; :their session. 'The :spirit of union 'teems to l'Elisha Thornburg and Monet Todd. ! pervade them al :It allows itself in an es-. ! , Bond Balig-r-O. W. Barclay. J. C. Duff. ~ change' of fniternal messages. in, passing . fro- I Speisking of- the fortheoming war on the St 1770ir :Borvegt,- Jamb Iletchey ana i Scott Mitchell; and Saran° I.4n*Telme- _ ... feral rem Honig. and in appointingepuuni , t ; , 1 te•es to center With each othe r . en plans _ ~ ~; ;0 _ we ~..v er. ~. ... __ : lied Cliona s ibe Indiana bender. Jonathan Paul. : • ' with- union. T New. School Geneml:- Assembly , plains, 1 11 .I( . _ , 111 Tly . C!fe .sn. Fa is_ Reel Commit- ,Th great leader of the In diana The name of Robert Dick& was now has adopted the' report of the Joint . Comm , , ablest iiiii.N.who is represented as drawn as a candidatil for Prothonotary. I tee on a binds of uniem. -A majority andante. Cloud, ir.• P _ .. . .., rs of tine . me. i this basis of union.- has ; one of the ablest Indian warn°, , ; it IL hawk been submitted to the: Old School Gene 1 ; Ile is about thirty-flue care of'titics . _ta n . , _ .11.. ' drawn as a candidata for Assembly.. . , I The name of T.' J; Chandler leas also with- . a minority .report on , In his 'physical appearance. e tuts ! •• On melon a comailttee of three . was tiV . ; some debate, and Is vet uncertain: The ; in- i: ship as . 1 Assembl y. ;The matter there is diet thirties previews to the , irnE MODERN MONTSZIIIII.L. 1..' '; inted by. the'elia r to report resolutions. er a ! Synod .0e the ; ' ' Reformed Preabytertlin I commanded In sevent g' l some, athletie and perfect in net u ; 11,.. i , , . , • . v. i' 1 • In- inasAucre oft Colonel Fetternutifs . command, . , dn - n : t h e en a queroe o f Mexico. on whose 1 sL He Was at - .'t ia not te !, expressing the .___ senc4 °T . ,:_ l ' h : 11-1n 4 1 .:,',, ti ...' _ t g lions favorlie• the 'airinging into one, the di- ; and tins. never been wh-Pln . ~. ~. will Fees the &tea Maxiiiiiliano _. t ea an This' Church adopted, before to jaurn ng, reso .. c n ininitee wns, "' m l(" ( ""'" 111 " 1 ' 4311 ' 4 - S. Tided IRIII . OII/1 f the-Presbyterian itelly." : Laramie hest:: apring,. et the - treaty -xualuni molly, known iii a pure-blooded Indian. J, ,t____ J; 0 • - , .. irl'ta" it as atrial - „ituli„Liimmati e lid en. ,....t . f o the news of the ----0-n-ia-oti-aa-the---Eadhike.,,--I.- Tia' s i a - a: 11 - 0 0 :14, 0 . ; and Indeed by ii111:1' ts-:-:.----Iwit.;„ li e . euts,offereel, but fe lit j h tiie ttlaratrontriar - ,.,,, ~, - - . - "au.ithat the man who luta dritien Napoleon ; rejoice In this Spirit.ef 'coming together. ; ' ; his country, should never be occupied by : the • I dam Were nomientml .by , aimlutuation,- 1 'There lit is inLekotanit of diaintegra- ; white+, our grinisoned hy_ them,( nor shoirld . mei Ids . fereign cohorts front our • Continent,. I :•These were:is fidlowa : - ~ , • and tarried:the colon; of the Republic front "I i lion at wink strion...Ohe United 'Presbyter- , their roads • cams it .Then he WAR at. bk . ' • • Assoriate .lioiye-Itt. limwrener7 ' 1 ' inns, and also amoutthe OkitielioolPresby- . head'of •but 300 warrioni of. the . Ogaidinh • Vera Crtir. to lexico, is hlo.d de : . Aril Conintistionetiph , C. Tiisan.: !• ! terians, lln tht Litt& ease, from ; the :action •• Sioux, Imt his marshnling 3,000 at Fort Phil - - se('lnbl iit of the ciM cam a s. 3tonte .He eveng- of his conin- - 2 Auditor-G- E. Shannon- .•,, "., , . .., ',..' ;of the - Attiiembli against the "Deciarationsind :ip Kearney shows the influence he has over : : (4(1°41113. petite oll ' Eur(l 11Tni1 M 4 I - Teatithony" Mem ; and in - t-the former eatie, ' °them, and his determbettion to make his ' tral.- fur centuries, and the young and !wan- :;. ~ Poor Ho ' Daretor-firunnet Wilati ~ gushed Irehdtike - ofAustrati Must expiate ill .. 1: . from the men; communion views of Some ' threat gad. Ile ls an energ;-etie and able ' 4 rruiteee of ll ea d f ‘Y -8 : J. Cr n f" 8:11(1 J°lll6 trelted.O.riegbVt l erbio mildstera,:, especuil • ly' of warrior, and he who'onquerSited Chad Will ' 'is persoottiecriines andentelties prate days • ortortez. itaeems in our times as:if histiny Barclay. : - I - , : Ilev., Mk; Metnne.alCincinnati. : What - -will off more than - he OM conquered Tecitnevh. ; could not but e. dramatic. , On 'motiOn.the •Clinvention atoutned tiff fie the result ill thine times cannot' noir- be .or BlatitHawk: or Osceola. , , I. '• ; IP. M. - I; . . .• !.= ';'" ; iiePllia. CAriaffnal4rwear e ' .". , . -• • . :, • its new rulerof - 31exice,,who has wen his . . -., , :-. ' - '' I ars re .. . .. I, ' A •pi t t s i denth i l (Alen ' tat t on - . . • tight;•to govern by the ivord„tiii well as the . • •At 1 - P M. the C i sarrentitin again. twee.' ,-•!• 1 ... --1 .. . , elittiee of the people, is pelished and lifter- ' : - : erualme.aad iliesakhe. • - • I. . • - f A writer:in the New York Efrain Po# ' ally,ckluatted- oentlema lOn r :•eenventional bled pursuant to adjnarnment. . ~. • • - : i - - - --_;;;„„,„ ..., . B. Wil son was witi s a irra :, ' We have reeenieu IBM Jill: Z. 1....-mO, h o _ . The name of S. tographer; of OW Chi", sine of the notorious : . ' lets been making an - estimate of the caimpar. ' ti:.?l,riauliitt',lntiliinaiitonrntii:tikti,Siiiitt4liiiiinc7itieiftullirnis,saisblen't as a candidate for 4wenittly, as "will; also the ( Dunut..3lenkin, rOrtes - tie i . u . it , ; - ... 4 wh ie h are -alive strength of political pitrtiasla th calm i Nee lin os• received lin accomplished- - -• -• _ mime of - .James Willmn :for ;Trcasurer„ . -- 1 ' I still a rei4.,ming Ka' told- in : Paris- . The old . !r e v , anti what the result of un election -ould at.: ): ideinie, , legal, and philosopliiial education, ' TTIE 'WEEK LI - TRE.sti.. . , On motion 'the Convention' procvedtsl to ! nor dela saa de the4sige of. aluxurious ann- :be in certain anttingenelt's whie4' are net but.siii!li lathe ease. ilow-it must hare worn .TnE 41-3.,F,T TALI - ABLE wnr.st, NE*SPAPri ' V to occur .Citing the . lien: 4 aim Con- ::yiaia With th e. AV retched •Mal erial w hieli tii ring ' . .- and wearied such a Hun 100 - 10Ve Striven - Vim • balint fora candid+ for A.iietably, w i t it the . chair, resting one be Ins knee While the • wholly unlikul... IN . TM WtIItIA • , - tanning res Ult :: i - ' : •' 7 • i othersteals areinurthe waist- of the actress_ cieratsallahe unorganized States : 'who leans on hie) obliquel supported iii some ilecticut, 'the Republicans would hurl:.;,- . :, • It conia.ns Itlnatt , or iiitere s t to 11VIVy One. • . • t • j , t ' it.% the arelies of - Mexico..we tan will toneeive ; ' 4 ' ;and it Isl.:tided to think that his Ininhearael REA 13 T'.ll E T ER„M'S , ••: ~ Ist FBA 2d :Id 4th , degree, hy,3l stool betfCen his feet Th e f a t elemeral votes to U 0 for the Democrats: ~. , • ;if New . Yorklie given to the! D ; eniec•Mrs, ; saeeek.i, woO:by , . 23 21 IS . 17 ; inu lotto face of Duitiaa ia rippled nil over with . such indomitable energy and , tt,pe'cortr ; : tl .o ololannot • . 9.40 • ,;' " L .... 10 10 10 101 a "yoe sly doe sort of smile, while his chin . the Republicans would:Still hint in the clic- - Pluck. Iwill in all probability:result in so little.: .1.:,..` e ( i . - 0 1 1 1,,,, l e" ..-• .: . 1t..41 • : :1111S: ilitoroiting indication of the life and 'r:enticopipo - - -- • !n.in "..: •:',,, ' ..' 44 46 46 46 • and eliefk are idle with triumphant dimple.. torn' college one :hundred and eighty-seven , 24 -24 27 24.1 -His head, covered an inch deep; with criap, , Votes,. to one hundred 7 and thirty-two Demn - ; eigoViat ' ;still animate:). the: ; gray hair, is sunk luxurionale i n t o , hi s a las .. crats. If New YOrk end Pennsylvankt are ' • ; nave chest, his dtillar(he 'shills shirt slepees) : both , g,iven to, tficiDeemerots, thia: would .. . Med suggests a pregna it reflection. Thi s . extra cops win be gt.l.a. nice iri. Zra rieSpiSe has produced a great milli, ; . graZMilili ears,'land buries itself in the still ;make the electral colicape stand one hundred ; arid as long as that eau rte one it is a living ; .• , .unts iv. rouxzv. 1 All orders ehonld'ada .04 to. ; • : • ends at the back of his head.. If his chest is , and sixty-one 'Republicans- to one hundred !,,,,,,, i Editor awl I'mprioor. dem: :City - nicauntillt 'has been fairly tried I. jes6 - I:4'. -; 8 - . -- - ' - PhiL* 4 : l l 4 4 ll ' '4r hat right have we to despiseor ton- : ' • ' W rer ser..atti and cho.tiert sta. . I massitje i ,trid hie legal Ininderom. his 'girth of . and fifty-eight Deniecrats. - If 'Connecticut, i , Waist s;mplyj cullosid. Ermu 'head to hip which is given to the Democrats in the list, give the j• , .'• ~:--,--7 - ...; . ...110--s!--.---7--7---,- ; and to Y-Pliaaddphio Prem. , - ': , 1 ..... . , (neck h, • has noile) - Ile !Mika like a plethoric- should go Repoitti9tri. this - - would •:-! Raccoon Township . Local Bomar ( marl Amoy; holstered in -linen and ',Ma l i.; Republicans fifteen majority, with t h e l oss to 1-.. ! ; Rogaian America. - '1 ' Account. In full rue ; the: lear" . --, I , cloth Iliihand is fat end large,: his foot fat ; them of Neil' York and l'enn.sylvnitia,. 11l • Me.SUnint4has writte'n out untipublisited in : •. • 11484, '66", and '66 . !and's , il, . Ile pixie id- Heakln is i yfehlle g ,.the Republicansithouldlose these States mid I I partiphletalirin what purports to be an argu- ! The school Directory in account sie the intidct land u re:erred-quite a maSterplece of ten T i New Jersey, and gain Covinecticuf,:. they ; meet r i a d e hy hi m i n the senate in ;tarot der Se .nity. Thifnuirestgliiiimer of pensive , would still hare a majority in' the eleCtoral • th j e ratification of the Russian 'treaty, . In no ' I - r -- ,To Cash' redoil Bondi.- initleh ef lurks - in her. eye: Otherwise tie; college • nixed ' States " trill treat 'in which he labored to embody all ;BY warrant - - fisen• sweetly composed and _demure.- I Assuming that the unorganized With Oue:ringtil hand she holds a book (per- I be su ffi ciently. rehabilitated :to ,vote at -the - [ c. . . that i. knonitt of the'llistor -and-Geographe . I.peopt., .sense is it a speech. It- is .rather 'o a f • per Treasurer, Jame, Shellito, iieeq.,:lNC. , • 64 ; 7.,1 • * i, b o w n Bo iN n G d . ; Trettsure• hark frinte Cristo )' loosely on her knee ( the' next Presidential election, the contest will be - , I ,of the i Territory. Of course, its coin (other ,le,lont in a lining struggle to reach I closio. enough to be interesting, to say. the ' too b lky foe newspaper• cirenlation; and, 1 T kyle: pe:Daptioste. last. arotind the_bigLmujiti shoulder of her corn - " least •. ~, prhbablv. he has too much sense to complain '-,„ w Pardoil.•:: The :black' cluster of 'club; that - • - *- • ' Mill tiatilisheri. do. not incur the expense of :•:"..Yr oi a t i Wi The reaaons 'he assigns!. . • : . 1 ., ,-- - she' thane so. carefidly over:. her forehead, Tun. FRRIANS.-The Bu ff alo Express Is de- i sa .--f ! - pp onental sheets to let their • readers . see ! ;• 2s MY cant. pd Treas.'Col:.t . -131tar 7 ing. swetps bla cheek, and mingles:with the gray cidedly of opinion that the Fenians arc pre,- i w h a t l e h am . s aw . t • ' spikes or' his mustache. 'She is in ordinary paring for , anot her attack on Canada- it saYs for t acquisition hare been epitomise' thus : ! .: • • , : - ii • : parlor etatinne , Ofitself-the t - picture .is not that the Fenian organization has greatly In-. 1" for the Pacific - Coast 4 , - ' 4 1.: iThe Imasession of Russian ;America :By Balance paid WU'. Ewing, Trea4rer.....: indecent, but anquiliaLinahly piquantand mig- creased:ha perfectness and strength during the I . l v in h e a , t am t t hi ng gen At. Dunes, on finding the matter more I part year. Its enrolled troops are not less I and will help us - in,seeuring the trade of the ' ' '- E - 0 • T 4. We have always had a passion for 4Viiaismc.; ti,i;roTreA:"Enivrelri;grnr v ' gossiped About than lie expeeted, :ungener- than one hundred thousand men ie all the ! & J. • I •ously tried to get-legal damages out of the I United States -- -ond the numbers may. exei'ed wending-Our drmmin. •3. Our buying this: _Tax Levied per Duplicate .I;Ai5 : . • [Planograriber. vile ailed, and every one I that. `lt has an abundance . of arras and mu -1 latidwllForintribate to the spread of :Repub: I . . . sees the picture willneed no stronger evidence 1 nitions for annrmy of that magnitnde. Thest-; betininittitationa. 4.. IL tali bother the Brit- . . , ~ • , that he deserves to gm. . Menken`s air In the - j are conveniently.. located 'at* points en the r ish - .., ; '6l lt will please the Rusahini." • - • !fly in:Omits ' - • (ark Is one of Phased ,and tranquil , content i frontier available for use at an hones notice. I; He proposeS to nanietlie ; territory Alaska. ' - Bioneratihrui - _ • -4, • Mani meat; but Dunks( is redolent of the:n=lllst- i All arms, munitions and stores that havebeen , _pi n 'A lle m . . , • I'V•iPrr cept• C,olledini Lll I . ire gallantry of i - 01 y, old Parisian - who is lin store in NeW 'York City have -gene tor -1 . !-- , _______. .•;. ; atillginewid hart. In trunk and bitanch.- I ward.under circumstances that luiveavolded I • ' i ; Itaspinalty of Treason.' r . Eillatan 4- •hs. rted that John •C. Breclanridge 1 . - - Cineisaati irlioierenticri. 'i: ' : '.-;; observation and attention on either side : of I •It I ke - s pencil ,••• - • • • the line. • Where these, ate, those - *lto are has is..+n trailing in Paris,. to see what would ; WM. MIND. Tn.; liTer:ls 66 . Balance ....„1 -to settlem e nt, to use them know, and at the propertlmewill Ibe 'done to Jcitf..Daviit, before he ventured iTo Balance due 180 • ' find them. ; , za • ' . ~ again gilder the Stripes -If this is: I Tax levied, duplicate, ISIB ' , • • • ._.._•• tto, -Mn Breckinridge will, soon be packing I - •.- • • - . The lrielident Gale to *Weigel., iiiii i.l ne tid , bnidin in New . I r. ; . , , a 'tor Mr - ' •!- jyt.mou.sforox, D. C. June; 1, 1867. I Mason , and, ~m ,Fiiiid e n , x. A t ' •' By Warrauti.. son, also, ' r. and . r, - n-1 - Loot Tax i' The President le ft at six o'clock this even - 1 dem, a ,d the whole of tlmt secession' clique 1 Exoneration'. ing on,the tai to. Raleigh, accompuded by who ..' " ft, their country for their. Couturr s I Error in Duplicate Secretity Seward and Cor Moore, his Private good," ' y now return twine, if they wish 1 r idier6 "t et t% tuv - - r Secreutry. 'His depa rt ure wail in his_ i .to du it .nd live in peace under the Govern.' ; 4 Per • . ' mg ; it ean t ras t to hi s trip to Chicago last summer :Mem t .1, :sought to ride.- Even . if - they ; Balance „,.,.i ' ~, . ! ••: • , - Then he ! Was escorted to the depot by large I should taken into court, they :will feel a' "l 3' `,"7"';'Pc „Rki I . . delegations of people of this city, while now alsweet durance that they will come out again 1 " : `, ' .s"ir - - iiiß r iir: I . tositora RN .11 • • • couple. of private carriages containing the ; side' an Sound: The case of jetl. Davis is a, jeremat. ''' • WX..tioun. - 1. Piesideritial party mended their way to the ( preeed .t. that ceVers all thetrj cases. If thej: -- ' • -- '4 Riehtinuid boat in a most unnotentations man- I head a front of the rebelliot to apprehend! -. ' . :IV EDDI\G • CA I: ES', ' [nen The Secretary of State did not make up i whom t c,Government paid 100,000, is to • - his mind, to accompany the President until a I ' ' who 'doubts , th e tail ides Vnneyi ° a le t #' J - - ) '"' 4 '.. ie , ,„ ft, c. few. hours before his departure ' The - ,party ,s a nd : nil ,raiembers of the defufiet ergan; _ • -7--• : -- ) yr:Elr-t - *ill arrive' In Richmond - at midnight. and re: j ticin ma j well deem theniaelves perfectly £l-' 1 Pin ' iE t7rDERSinICED. HATING t.. , • main in that city at the Spottswood House i-cepre. . 00,, on •,, ' ' ' 'rettBoll new bcpinished in ittt ncti.. - -IL -FIRST CLASS coNkTeTins. . divine/kinder. The train for ;Raleigh will I.lBtt*Wlili ohm and-shell-with th e same - fate- Railroad -Street, New Brighton , • l e a v e on Monday_ morning. The 'testae suite it r (kids out -' to. to. its loyal victims-hut once i . -- • - ..,„„; to ' elf r e v s- - . 4 of remits:have been assigned to the President ; Maar:fur, itis am - milted.. • That is to sat - , - ful:': wouldinform the public. that they are Immo G ii that were occupied by Jeff Davin during his j tare t hors. - will have 'learned this lesion I 111sritrnrinZtl-V.M.Ctifi;.,.. ~hor, _.„l!'4;file• recent:itait to that cite. At the White alou se I f r o m t h ~ islateholderse rebellion -:, if they :see- I sittor T actor; prices. and In n ,ptcle.tui.ort!r o •r Airee :, before the - President left , all of the Cabinet 1 ceed, a empire Is *elm if they fiiil, they !, or the city oitabiisaments. _fr e a i la r et :rem' now in the cityaireire ern hand tablet the Postif: l i Are jest a r s well off as others. Truly. i f ..„,„„ , i an milers. from a abase.* ~ fl, . 100:4 ident.threwell Chief Justice Chase was 11, ~ publics - ire ungrateful."l they are nu:pliant, - . : /(.7 ` ollE " .° l - * . t ! A '• 6 „: t44 , acc00 0 ": on present.and had a brief private interview j manse me tomake it up.7-LaSeaster.E.na.m. Being , is naivelv fitted rap fp afro ~. __ destines ot ePe t donne the coming it.1% , "1". co MUMS, . -,,. i with the President.- • - ~- _. :• _ ;_. ~- ;• i thei. , : , 1 - , Geo. 5it...10- . . 1 • •.. myaftlii ' . thl..istz. gide. , rn -o :utlfhlites to IngiportHlion: *John J. Peartion. of Dauphi cqunty. - - ... .'.. . On motif* t44lansm rattar*ln; - ' pg., Hon. l a 1 1 .! ' ~.`•' - 7 Inii - - :' , - tioveiso I c a l, C" •. t - • • • - •. - : llie ' aciai • •;, •' .4 - - -• 4 . X • t i being ,---' '' upmt - • - de it*l, : : , ort!! Iplec ::,.: ''',.` ' B O t . l :•leeted,ff : vnt oea !Fr ' ti p irawltia‘t theYreat the Charter tattle Co 1u Railioad. 1 . On-motion of C. Nerriek,the County Com : Otti'V , AVI' Instructed to. refer the, questlattot . VW:Ir.PS!lar i T9% %Sike/MP* at t t n X rilfArY i 4 4 l44o o lo.titiffillirWticif.. I , and . deterplittatioiif ()emotion .Convention 1 , - - • - ' , . IWi WARWIN, Preset. W.LW. Kr.r.n.- ,; 1- . .-- . . • • J..R. - 1 - lAnnAir e : . 1:1 t Secretaries.; ,- ._ -• DAvin l!'foopiipj. ). , . -.•-• . r. ' ! . • : - A Dwelling and its Contents .Slnk Into the Ground. :.) , • , A few diyisinee, a singular and startling accident happened near Gisardvftle. at the foot of,MohtoloY nine about six miles- from Mahannv City, Schuylkill county.. It seems that at that point a "breast" of the Boston and 112 tha- Vaal. Company's colliery bad been worked to within about twenty 'feet of them-race of theearth, and that located just above it stood a two-Bton- frame building. oc cupied by Mr. Thep's I. frets, a breaker boss nt the colliery, and his' litinili. He alas had a number of boarders, whose clothing, etc:, was in thi house._ ,' Abontlbree o'Onelt on 'Friday afternoon, as 3(nt. 3lerrisitebinson, ot-clintrhitte,wife of the 'imperhitentlent of the Illert; who was on a visit to the house, and M yers were !tithe kitchen, they felt" the 'house moving; and 'rushed ftt haste into the o air: Two minutes had_ hardly elaPaed afte they le ft the house; beforep sunk - with a surging,temqing motion into a huge - chasm 'to the depth of about eighty feet. ,1 Largemaws of earth end rock from the side" of the chasm immediate ly ,elftsed In upon the house, buryingit almost completely from tiew.•_ The crash when It went down was tirmendoun. The complete entombment of l ong, dwelling. which .. was about thirt feet long, may be intagin4 anus the Miners Journal. when we. state that the by, chaim fo ed the tinking or the mine ni l would readily hare admitted a _building over one hundred fist lin length. • The house contained seven beds and bed ding.. tour ,stores,bnreaus and other Ittntiture, besides a considerable quantity of clothing, a Sunday.Sthoollibraryi, and some money.— There was fire inl several of the stores, and, shortiy Mier the ocCurrenee smoke Was teen' laming trim the earth which covered the roof,' rendering it almee Certain thatthelmse had been set on fire. Streams of water were di rected into the cam. and It was hoped that, the house would not be entirely degtroye&T— .Fortunatel*. the startling .ocenirence was not attended by the Ims.of human life. Had it taken place at 'night ten lives might hare been lost. But it took place at nn hour when some of 31r. 31yer's children had gone to school, while the others were playing out side. I , , PRESBYTERIAN 'cuuscgr.s. Deliusmive Fire. PETROLECS CMCTEIt, Pa., June o . A most terrible fire occurred here this morning; destroying property in buildings and goo& euimateaat from forty to sixty thotisand dollars. The fire °Hewed kt the Job Tyler lionise , oupd is unquestionably the worker an Incendispy. Treaty-nine build laffe were consumed, among which was the United Nies lanpot building in the_plaeo.- The largest individual losers were William Spenee,•proprietor of the United States; .I:4k A. Baum. thy gnode dealers, whose loss Is some ten thousand differs.- 'The total amount ene etw e eee . en th e *warty will not , exceed fivelhonsand dinars; .mostly small risks - in I different oninpanies, . . Tax Republican State Central Conimittee of Marrhuid has ;Weed • eall for a Border ! State tonvention o Eepnbltan trid°l"4 banteet In Bak*Ore-ap the 12th.of neat September, and weironme. &legates, without . rfe rd -race 0r.,h010r.. - The beet to to ;make an appw. t,t/ congress In behalf of 1-outlaw&nffrae,4lawarkWest-Virgla t retitueltar: Te nsand Msoourl are in . 'bed tO participate, - " • • I .7. , , ,:,.... 'MK.. .A . 5.... 4 64" , - --", '" `- , -- . ''''.-- -'' '' ' - ' 4=4 " l" "'' ' ' 1" -r in tbel m„,„,, r ihmbirloungst.i • i- - MI, the tees Am Nay its.l • ' urn-- --- r • . , i THE caters. i 1 - oriripeossas ler a Ginseng Jail lie , town Nevada are favorable. I h uvery. .... 1,. , - -- - - . 1 .- leg planted in Oregon. , I . • Mr 4 eff . , 'II - vie, r e gardPd " a t b 4 • ' I i t ' thing lookM well. ,_ a ' rded as a eitizetf=4. a', '.. , . 1 t i n t ut, re I I a se ir e iry of w reed. a '... '. h' e n ' - try. his/cunt In boat ' -.' 1 . - ' t season is•frery back . a n d . , , r . to 7. , Imvatiolt. Fortwpy. e ' . 1 i ' (1 ''. Caml ." the fall Crops look - ell. e .: 'I: . ? el, •. t confinement for hi; it , r:, e . ' croi re progre-msin.f tinelvt ~.., i y ,*': m 6 ' li n , to trial by, court martial , I , , i c , '',. ji , t 'a r is every ' proVecil of_ 6 z : this present month a..* , y ea , yiewinibent. I released from his military runtinement and ; r handed over to the cot powers. and , His crime as a draerfer was .bad enough. grain fo p' romises a profamion,of Pencht i t , ln Ll 4 tis tin t t n ta la te n3 !h a e ug i p wr ei peri nk..i of fruits, and liilik""tril kir' ling and ent e ared the exib- ' wheat is , doing splendid. I - i and--pclence as a anklipc- wl ch his country : • in pai r i„,ii van l i all e whw, nee Igtie f‘diddedllitilote in his e ff ort- to dec ry ,` rom uo d iei, b e - 4 - 14'64f.- - 1 , -z,, ~-,., r - , v rtrofheit. tin& kaiv hutch "aid and armfort't to .._ P ln Nebraftka. they have one of the finest ' l / 4 ;444ndes.o4,nrother...dcacrter. In, 411 fror vow% thlegergrerop - ve - grain peer . military hist o ry' . had done ; and yet, -. without _ln Kansas, tkareion be unnsallYlarge t c.rells sij, muchiricti-wordof mproot, was he - ret'tit- - f ~.h . t . l an d corn raised. ~.,1 - ' ' 114 . tad from confinemet. What soldier hero% er .i.iir e r tn i ipeetg i n c aw & are ex t r i o idharify can be punishod for datertion in the Am ri- . i . r; i i can army with. this fatal. precedent., establish- Jlll 'ed ent l if Y t h h il is Bti ni bli4. :m d r o6l 474it n e o v i e j .dele lf tre e pr P i liri ncip igh le hege T Til h e e lY : mw :rll7nxt h o on a t n d fallne o tb e rs r 4r I";". .pm in'g I ;r il l D im e: , on which the military anthoridis of the I. i aware a r ir rer y..d a tt ee i ng . ~ te d Btate'i passed by the ceilmm 4 Unloadl 1 Iri MlOltlippl, the prospects of wheat and Davis be true, must it not end for eve i i i- , co , ore very fl atter i ng. . 1 1 . tort' discipline? kiwi. crop of wheat Is anticipated in But great as Was MA guilt as a dearrfrilhiq so E h fi ar 4i un. , _ '; t crime as a rebel had features of even greater b i l ~.re ol malignancy and atrocity. Placed in the hlgh- __,_:_.,_ /_.t. , __ - -. , ; Draw. ',there Rift never', Ouch a _ t!..-- est seat , in the councils - of his country,- and promitientj& the -direction of' her gm-em inent this man plotted - long and milli for her dishonor mal destruction. He was; not en insurgent.goaded to forcible resistance to unjust oppressigin, but a delibemti csinsPirti- I for who long contemplated and long planned I the ruin his!'country. Posterity , will so tregard hLtn. . • .. . • his rebel was no t I ! But, strange to wry ; t his de.:, tained a prisoner by the civil .authorities Ofj [.the land so much as a single hour! !' No soon er was he relieved front military rtatraint and made amenable tothe law ofthelandthiri haste • was made immediately to discharge' ~him. His first_ appearance in a court ofi jus tice after his bloody work of treason liadbeen . .; done was rather in the character , of a :hero than a criminaL The judge of the United ! States who mudded,' thinking the occasion j one of unusual importance from the.preSenee of such distinguishedmen assembled on the occasion, Commanded - that the ordinary run- I tine of the. opening Of his court should be omitted, thus dispensing as it Were; Iwith even the , formality of itutiee. Crowds'- of! enthuslaStic admirersawaittdltis arrivaL and, in the very temple of justice, this arch-triad; nal ivas received with plaudits -and congrat ulations.* • • Not to his political friends was roatinal this expression of admiration, 'runt approvaL There stood some who Lave his guilt, *home t2ngues and pens had told it to the World Mady to extend to him the expressiOn 'oj friendly sympathy, and to. Word hini;. too, 1 substantial - aid. Aye, thia min, dripping as It were with'the wood of half mur dered citizens, against whom 'have risen to' heaven the cries and ttura of connthus moth ers wives, and sisters, whose cheerless homes tell them daily of Mu fatal' work—who has !burdened the country with the heavy taxes ! under which it groans, and whostands before mankind as the lender of the most unjustiti able-rebellion against national authordy the world hai ever seen, is -received on- • markable occasion with the plaudits of his friends and the sympathy of his foes. - if this guilty man may thus go free, of what use is law?' Why should not less een.• spicious prisoners, andforiessf agranterintes. be - let go free. too? -Why should we not have: a earned jail a/cry. groWth l o - fwheai seen before., 4 • ' i In Alabama, they are planting wheat and ThlntgelY-!!_ ••", .• .''t —•- • e) nrylandPeach yield Will exceed last year, arid' wheatlS growing rapidly, 1 If n Missouri,t le grain erop•Will be the lar gest and finest, ver known,-, Peaches ; lis t yp beets Ella! In counties. i • •In West NI la; the' prospect or Inilf lalitomtsing. Tbe winter wheat looks well, in hot a let" qintity'wini iiirafti than usual. •,,.In V rginia, the wheat Crop lookS splendid. anti at s. corn . and tcibaccol will be at • least , equal the average: • I 1,, . • ~The;ew liampshire fari'ners are planting And so ring largely. • 7iVinter wheat not iin, ured. - ' '. • • - , . , . Tow , promises at least itui average yield of Wheat, and there are nb ,iinfavorable Indica- 1 thins relative to fruit. .' 1 _ i ~ I ;The. grain traps of California are in fine ! condition, and much more land has • been ! - lawn than • ,'! •! - ! - The ladications inConneeiciit favor agood ! fruit season, and grain is doing well there. I In .Ithode Island, the indications are that'. there Winte air utfusnallylm grain and fruit ': ertlas.! I.' :'' : ! • 1 , " ! .'Whet is growing magnificently ittlllinois. ,great quantity has been:sown. The peach;: crop is! likely to; be marvelously •abOndant,, with every other variety of fruit. ' I In !Ohl* the wheat indications were nee-! er more promising, and the provects far a ' good crop :are really flattering. Fruit has:, sakionf been better: !. The Kentucky tobacco i crop. It is! feared,. wilt prove• a fiiflure ;: the ! oat crop Will In.!' Short, the peaches were killed in the bud, and ! !! wheat ; looks tolerablY well.' ! - •! • it .In Floridai. the prospects are very discour-!! aging;lbut the uvenige,,crop will far ; sitrpasti pmvions• years'. The farmers have been drowned out by freshets: . In Georgia. an ex - truordinary wheat year f is anticipated. Oats will give an abundant , •vield. , The tiee prospects are good. Cott. lOW planting is progressing mtistactorily.--i• Grain Is being planted largely. : - -! i 'ln - I l tattlitinn, -the peach ' and '.plum trees ! have been injured by the frost. Orange s,:t10,!: . and grapes unharmed. - The prospect is dark ontlie!alluital lantisCovinz to the breaks in ._ the leYees. • • - , :. T•Thei high price of flour has oivitti'an impe7 ins again to wheat raising in New England, i and much more land has .been sown.. The yield Of luny Will la! la,4,re: The•pntipect ofii large hate of,fruit of nil Itinds bt favorable. I - • la letv Jersey the season has been back:. War& but crops are looking finely: iThe peachl prospect is good. • Strawberrles ;anti ' blackberries are in first-rate condition. -Ap ples hint pears are also - good., • '!" ' - ; I . .. --• • .... _- • - ' ... , . , . - : Tic letterof Scerrtnry McCulloch, t o b u.. ton. Atiiktiett . it - heavy balling Off in t 6 revenue fur the ecuanining 'tomtits of th, fis. oi t- year , i The' caul tmir,,,nefl will prh a b h , preen* itutleactory to the pm pie ot iarg t ir e i s itot, NFithoutjtsmfitlence that the („mits,,, esn , be J.trottght._tt)/t healthy neihd.,,i.„. d i n t Nitithout illiS• serious de nttotient i t honevis, , believin the in how opermin. agains, us to be b u tt emporary anfleteeinii, a t -lie spealla entonntlclorn - of „p r y p h ,,.. Ix eta . for a plod trotkand of the genentlgood tuna► to be enjoyed (hiring the corni ng 0 , 4 r. —Pittg. Onnftia. . I . . . • • . . /1. ~. . . . . —..---_____ t; HISTEit - • Dl - E It I sloir) , :x TR. - - _ 11 - grf.-. • 7 7, —. l RA ' • - ' ' . • . . . 1f: Ct TRAI ED ritek F. st T nseturitat ov rin .7 day. - May 31pt.'1857: a dark tlllottly ~a ymt i .ear..sid: Any Th.r4on ortnt.> infrm:oleo er.marn.. . r„,, iii,k,„.„,. , will he Merrill* rtkarded. at the Fi.bi & Door Partner, Reclmit..T. Pa. „ . . . sere.'lt. • . • V. SIII.I.Eta eel - I. PUI3LIC . 54..1..,R . .1 , reuE oralaned propoo to Pell At Public,' ..,,,_ 1. .011 today JnEMIS. Itkri. at ta wrta r k ir s 'ii'mh 1 the farm otiVllpon eitnaltmtuor. • to Chippeitx r Alp. the Engine. ktaebleet,,Took Romps! behutadue; to the likthlatid 911• Company, By order ofitte.Cempnriy. . • , . J. et NICIMIRIAM. ) ' ' 'J. BRADEN'. < M. TOWNSF:ND, i Dh; , Ewt. '. .. jtmsV;:2t -----: --.....:.._.___ II 5.. - INTERIVAL REVENUE .Tiy .._ , _ • . -,-,. . coweriole. oriv-r. 94711 111.90r.r. p, , • ' Ilituntro,N", 4une 3 . 41, teat —'. -x-tUTICEVIV ! ; FMENT OTVEN-TO .111 PEttao N s IN alt o have beft. tweeted - for, 'nem.. or Lip * , (apedal tazuttley*Exeiaelnwa oldie United slaw, Bearer Conuq•.that their Meer are non dm-v.4m** and that theGollectoraill be at the Munn itott 4 ,., Briehton..lonotith: at the Mummer 'House. %Au.' choker, June Yr.,, and at ti. W. tianniton'i , oak,. ze B,„. vet , Jane e % In pentOn or by Denary. to re.o.h saute: and if said tame. are not paid -at th , td o l b, 4... &bore tnentioned. *enema or per.o,n., : an or refusing to pay: ahall be liable to five :4;;;,,4 . and one per eentum per month additional Alarm ty amount thereof: - United Stater or . :.;ari,m a l tin& oth taken in ti payinent. . A. ItOttEttrarYS, ' le s Va• - . • (*lector. _____,...._ ... - -- Hubbard Mowers a n d &spew The Beat Machine .in the U. , S.! AT THE GREAT NATIONAL PIELiI TRIAL OP it Sowers and. Retwei.,.. held at Aaburn. N. Jt• Iv. uir ,. an d hating th ree weeko. Grand Go/d Ihtig lad highest premium was awarded to the Hoblari Combined Mower Reaper with !R•ltralce attached in the best' Combined Machine. At the: Gnu:4llw* trhd of tha Franklin Institute. held at Syrarme,, N. 'la Angus,. I. the first premium Grand Cold 11411 was awarded to the Gabbard. The Gabbard :la tad ilor d=aameseire years the first premium at the MID . Fairs. For Sale hr - • HARVEY IFeOWN. Enos yaller. Pa, • Truty'Lwrg: 4 ltl , ,11. dip- , !0 ta. . ~ PIM PREMIUMb . .4 ', Or A Silver illte.dttl- I V WAJ •IVAL*DED ,10 • . HARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Iffßy the N. 11. Rate AgTkulturaf cwt. tv 4 1011 114 ref; hoiden Lu Nashua, Sept.:4. W. • MAUR ETT , 6 Tegetable.liair Restorative &aroma Gray !fair to tt. Natarl'eraart pro._ stiotout the grosalt of star Gait chant!. V Atoatt to their orirtual nrotnie sr emu.. estes Dandrutr *WI Minors: prrush Mar tilling net t is awsperior Ihessinc. 4• It contains no Injuries. 111cm:tient% 4. „. is the mat popular and rta. A 4 able rotirk thmaritla. lb. • . Fad, 'West Nona. =d " 7" Y Mir 0 . i. R. BARRETT'S, to, Prowllß% MANCUESTLII, N. IL BOLD ET GP:Ka4►IRT . 1 1.6e3' - rs--1011N . 310011E.tkawer. N l'ltilC, New Bri4htote. ljuneVCSm : 1111. 4 , GREAT:ItAIneA sgwspANig, FORNEY'S PRES& IMI=II2 GET THE REST NT) CREArEsT NEW:WAPER ME COUNTRY. _ . . . j . . ' ' , ... a= TEX , - 'IL. a i IL , 6.: ,ii , ' • , . - A driit-flang Thnible-eheet Eight-pat., paper.eaatala lag Forty-eight minutia... . . PubliAhed Ert.ry Sibrnina. ShuthmNt toner of Set . , enth and Cheatnut *mans, Philadelphia. - - r • : •,' rndlift: t • .DAILY PRKSS • ..tl.OO tier Mttinm. • , 1.00 for xic mouth.. $.1.0.1 for Air co month. TRY-WEEKI.I:, PREs.S twr annum. • LOU for ill inoutim. 34.00 fur three nnmt TNE Sr 70)A1' . PR F. . • $l.OO for tskx. mouthp II nom: ia %Me DS tin t. 45 74 ME ; 4 . d 6.0 6.10 DP 3 1P .501 V El t 230 54 VT$ 419 Ift• K I 3$ '.", 3.3.0 • 1 314 7 '' .. .. ............. . . 4.134 19 CIL t` • ' 3 . 11197 •""'H ... . ...... 4 196 ... . . mm ' • "'t ' ..• 111 Si •,•,' . le% .1.3 19 0 ru 1 EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers