II ARGUS. ,;' "Truth" Considerei ---, 4 ; • - Two weeks ago a Writer ow "Truth" made a grand flour' = ' Abe ',Wat s _ Not:exactly in tht --'" ''-'' 4. ' e have observed that the co; 1 paper, low as it has fallen it bang the communications of .• .111-'-`'. 4 ' 4 i 111P 'l outside of their' sheet, evident 1;-c , " , " '.l ;:c.c . :!•" , 't. 4, -* . 1 4 40 ' 0 •I Z . -'- •z 2 -•-••'';'- ,1 1.2-1.."' , i''a they ale worried wish his ; tpngress, seems to be in no hurry to athipu i rth., e„Aijr 2 44 , .Act i V s. , r,.. A t i, t ,. 09, t0,,... - Ike tps#!t9 have them et_cei l ipc! i prrsons ae possible . 'Why are . '.'-. ~ ..'• ; .;..reelqeupepehis,'lnsirelbei - ,i)My . Alptt • ; ;. k ;i- 2;, / i t4lBqt ... f i n , the v . - ' 4 " ,1) - , - Irture 5 1 , to . lrp: ya , tlfutiona.kcpt s .firfu,,x4 ;from - r..:.spittil, iiimilifsi irienliti in both lecalige;- oa t' s ' r°rmt.'l.::r Vtireit*e er7rlllccasion to biliiiice - TuTir . ; 11 , °1-416-496494-4411I t'' 'tiot'ititialtithilliitifTlyi: r t:Tiiiti ii-htolittj reiiii'rtr 4- 11 '.li ! 4 R ar ZP l 4 9 l.4l l- .P i tk' the: !resent instance to be eat tied bjAheitiyalitps'in tfie f itottset auk in. tle ! l'Seripte, 4 - t he gpipul that the.reconst iuct ion "15.4.7 they: Lava 11av '? n '4l.. P;f94. inviiiiirlitihi-:',i6-c.Ae'ii;rli i,;'zii:t'iOn; iiith! i " l '''-' ll t e 4 t 9c q i 'l L •A'!!! 4 ' 4l that tule4ve befernit is, wonld be -placing the ers:.°.f . A._hP-1 1 ! .. P7-7.find!' s ”. l l44c o i4S +b P;.. whole,:subject,again in the Presidents hands. r tYP EiOliAiylait Ihe' 4 ve . .to - titelige2 - (i ili t e'r I, k4.o eku-s 'P tw P ine lP r • ta•R?E'friklu r . 4w.° 04 1414i'aiiie4;riaCbilATOrlilibiliW;l8 reCeii4 l l.l4 7)?q c !` ll4- ! 4 ' uc 'YV e Y' .)VheA•LAtc, read in ifti*riiisejlikii4'oebviiili T eit;i' t:4,4pliis4l . l" T t :49 ':` ? " , ' fir- 1 gI n F l u4ti qa4P. , ' , ! 7P; ,1 4". 1 q 4 ° 7 overille:';ierOb . 7'i'vete - •df 114 iiy : 27. • ft' thect i i -f4 q ll . l i ! t l i ' r g ino • 4o '' : I Y.. e PP4k eT S d 44e,R95ti ,•14,,,,,i, t. , ...1 t .-• t. .-, ... , - t ~t ...:er it tc•as copied. But we . ttsd not time laloo k b y to _.ne amt& e anus's° 'mimeo that uouj •-••• the .• , • • :„.., :- _}- . , by• yo '4li ti; 7. '''hiii.i's 'the tw . Cliih . vetO'' n ! r- .. ?A.' htPr',.)ld, instead , Ait4e4e4:Par - i 'tne;ii - g r ereeive't . fio l ei the 'PPe'Siden ' t" . iti ----- thiti ael C - ''ll4l pointing . - P ut ' ih ?' 4 . 01124 . • .. ; AP I J.- : 6- .. ' ver,eientations : of t he „writer.- . .Tp14.3T0 Oil the hest fifteen 'non' tlie l , .;-., '• ' '_'.' ' ?• ' •...- 6 • - ..: ...; . • : . - - this • effectua ll y is,admitted:by_ . .. i , ,Trut4" int . „ - -` 1 .•' ~. pelf, for i.phis reply be abandens every., it" e e vaised:by.hinkself,except thinsipglo4und cai: - question;"andas by his -. neithier,eontra '' ted our,"stetements nor a4varie!rl a newidea on hat : . subject we consider it unneiessarz to refe4,,to iqugain. Aside from. s fey.,, extralta ti ken rem the Legislative Record, the first, i s rim r Mi.i.: niiat ion of , fruth is made up almost- ertliiii,j. of ,otherimoPle's . writings. TO some' Plect,s' thise writings arestolen - aiid,uic, i ,l witfio 4 t 11 . n. dange of a word; in otter planes the worliiiii is slight eV Alleted. and in till,it hi iv; ili;ies parts , of tleutcrices Are dove-tailed together and used by ti?i'4!itet'ar,YhOrp , as it he supposed. Others had.ntit read them befoe lie 'was 'born: '' A. friend.assisted,ulA few hours the Other..day itilooking up - some of these aut h ors, and , that we may do "Truth" no injustice -ire , publish a few extracts side beside with those_ he his: been eudevoring palm upon thi .public as his . own! Look . at them, Thomas, and may the inspec tion , do jou much gold -in the, way of teaching youa lesson that will . ' be remem bered all through life: 1 . ISE- -BEAVER L'"i4it'ilo 1 4 ?).*.tg , :vv"-'-ii aerf* rz 7 - o li'i t'rtiliateinailtii , ll674i.c... - .1 , 4411_..-... - i t. • • •-• Vrrty . Pay:':. . utoretnult . , pf considerablminagliitade a• 7113 reeppgyntade,. end • iwdiselieve that the sub ject is4oSrAn thehands ophe 'lnilitary Coin tnittnes orScsngrgs, to raise the pay of officers of the Regultir Arrnii To e,so, in our.opin iOn t ,would : „be. n , rreii wrong,. Volunteer.! otliperLgare , up sonitY , instances, during the wardunrative.pSitiennt, - ad Went . to the field . ,an4,1 . rpc511144 ter Pay lutt little more than one . lialfAtin c sunit i nt picsent, p t atd ... to regulars. ; And, novrArhess the War and th4,fighting is ol c: to al • tor Atnnt 0 per 'in addition o f° what ; the reertring would but little lesgthanontrage,andlo4e against which abut erOry, person will 'Air'plest;.. The !pay and allkance now paidrregular ()timers is said to 'be 'as follows.: , • tienArant, o§,lgok, Shcrmatl;l $14,814; Major -Gen:' Li alleck, - $7,717; ' litj or- I , Gen, Aeade,.. , . -Gen. Sheridan, $7,717; sgajor-Gen.. Thoin•is, .7,717 ; Itriga-7 ..p,517; Rosecrans, $5,517; Colonels. §4,500 ideuteu-. ant Colon - etc , ' ' s3,o'sl; - 51.Vors $3,765;- Cztp •tains, 3,040;t first liietenauts, l .W,7l3; and SeCsinil :Lieutentas; ,t 2,663. ' _ ~We don't realire pat any IlO s Per cent ad ditionil'caEbe nrgiintly needed here. The eovemor's Veto. pn•Y•edsiesday last eovernor Geary return - Pd tolhe . l3enale, wiili his objections, a'l4ll 1 •of kutherizink .' an inc ease he.capital . stock I • I of the PMineylvanikftailrdsd , company. The G gieinor's objecticatstio ere,- substantially, Chet tfie. ankind of espital contemplated was unifinited, and th 4 ilia Dirittors, instead of the;:stockholcleri, w i t:add have, the whole.con trot oftbe buiiticas kflihe Compr; : ny, and issue ita'bonds at their Option. shell, time after the ,Governor's, message Was received•Aed this bill returnedto the Senate it: was passed , uvcr the' ieio by that -hefty with the following . - ', ' 'TEAS--20. ' • - Biirivilf,'D, - Carboi, t andall, D. Skilyikill,. .0 onnetli.E. ,P -,iuloi- DiiiearriTyßioV4V, 1 Fishfr,. It ,Lancater; ,S cball , D, Lehigh, - fakir, D . , York, „ ... - llSearight,. D. Fayette, II alit_ _ a,- fl4' Perry,.: i • ISt nt imen - It, Somer.- Jackeon, D, blonttinkiset, .. Jaime*. D, ,Bucks. : . ;Taylor, It, Deaver, • Landon; It. BradfOrd. liVells_l), Union; •'. McOandles; I), lihilai reirthington,ltehester bitOotiaugby, It, ' Ord, . . i klin, .'•.l I.i A Bightim, it,:i.lleglieny, letalia%, R,Alleg beny . Billing/eh It ,' ,' Land r , :LaWrie2R, Erie, Broirti, Iti•Litivrelice:, IWhite, A.:lndiana,. . • Bratsk 11, - , Mercer; 4; Hall, Speaker,: It, Dame, D,,Diteks r :', 1 (Blair. ~ , 1 Abccnt and ,not 'evoting---Slioernakor, It, Colii:li;bs .' mAtt, It, and • Wallace, D.-4 • . .Is the re 010;from Harrisburg have been tre4,•Confiliti g iihe ! confused •and as there is 1 1 • likewise con iderabie feeling in this County in relation , i to if liafor,!ToilOr's vote on thiebill, ~ • we ibill endeai,ortoletitlein, aivrintitteretatid 'it, - what plaiie iiiiniedialifyliefore linifaic ler 'tliia''vete isle taken.' 'Tie bill Origlinted . 1 ' in the 'Senate,' tiinfr l Paise4 that body ley` a nits:einuitits vote.]• •• In . regular' order; it came . . ! : neiti l ilie House itisoassed through that ~ , . ' -brilath of 'the I ,e ! stature: It' thus went to . . • tliihtetiVeritbr; irlui: vetoed it, is we have a 1,..,, ,..,, ., . •.. risarstated, 'end iOnt it back lei tlic Senate. ~ •• , , . • . . _ rilliing th'cio by a 'two-thirds Tote, it Went t the Mee It • Immediately' after its pas • • sage in the„Senate, however, a supplemental - bßlViiiiiitilklieVoiernev's-objeetionsi• yeas' ' passed, and likewise sent, to 'the Beim for • • sonenrrence. - The: oteiginSi' - 1)ill,, after the . • thatirtroes veto, Was not • acted upon in the • ' House at all, but 'the eupplemeqtal bill 'was torketylp,in. its stead, passed, ad'we believe hakbeen approred by theOovern e r . The bill dais tpaeled littittlithe amount of capital utook andaonfers povrerion.the stock bidders which. ' ~ • . titkpriglnal billgeve.onlY, to the 'Directors. fdesiator Taylor'd : vote on ,this . (itiestion is. 1., looliii4,upOn - as --a mistake i by many: of big' i •irtifide, *rugs Wariely• attailkaby his petit . icilluidpersonalehemies; and while we never havp,,and...do not now see bow the .pnseago of . thkbilltrotild hark conflicted With any 'inter': eat of the State, iti,injurbd 'any Other - 'of our • soitiikationst we beverthelesis would have ',been ~ . ..inuteltgratifiedo to have *seen Kim cast his vote in fity,pr . of the vetcrinstead of against, it. -.To • luivAeozitliiiied in harmony the Girernor ' • eflite &lite tionld`i have met the approiral 'of •-I,httlreat, body of-his Constituents%Voting' t ililferdntly, , howevitr, and not kno ing . his reakeps Sot doing 40, it. would perha. s be,well t foir,us all to avoid „pronouncing. j dgement agalOthimiintit be has himself been heard i . ~.ottiliii subject. lie probablifelt that having 1 . seen`tiothing - wrotigin the bill originally, and havingsdpportedzit.at first, along with' the -.. outtroctiatti,it *tut his duty; to surporl, it through ill its 'different - 'Magee. Or he May, , hive tfitiuglitthitliaving voted a Month• or . . * twO 4 bliforefor a idmilarvilimited increase:Of capital Bill for thqAllegbeny Valley Road;„and. . _no objeelitat_tionaleg from any.. quarter .for doing so, consistency obliged him. to act, as • before, when alit& reqiiest was Mae by the ' Pennsy/Ilistleitiiid....:lTheak or similar , ion-.' sid . .cmiiittnemes hire induced . him,to vote as . hidttinidifiso, end an error was committed, - Billie fitie Of judgement;' and•not,of ev il in *— - teat: eln any.arrent a 'little - pittance -might ' irell a ketivesuiedtietil all-the facia connected ' with Olivetti are lidd before the pub:ie. ” Ariiir .- Demodittlethetide ' are eillabbtrilli'thltestibleet . jitst" nowi - Ore invite . their plistleelar attention tit . the vote as we .. - her writ it alisia,..- 'iliey . ool,be. able to •_-, aim& ..fro* it„;.ilint: their, party, • tholigb • . . ils4gstil i 4, 01040.4 p gtonopoiy,,,weit .to its .8 1 .:**--... bot i tatt, tißt. i iint'ione:pf - their • ''. Wgivittorii le*P.ta - tSL-swain - OW - e 4; ) • i , y-#1".. , f1w, 41-i - 1 , 1001.441.44,; 4542,4tir : 1 111 KPL 4 Alle rtiP9:illt .. . ,e... .......4441 b i oj i mix. 4 44ii • ow:mai , it z, - • ti: 4 „ T iff se ; ,a;tarTiCistesii,ot tairecting I Ofb a ~ L '' , -wholly iipii., our .men , ;they, 1 . • s oar Weil' ken"; upon their own,partv ' . Stipriseststires for. a short time et:least. f i i 1 I Hypocrisy • at lho. Ifatiltionable, end of the tirorn:iii very different rfroin typoensy in" the Icily. The modish hy- , le endeaTopt to 'appear e" more. vicious 'than he really is* * I !the former is afilaid ofi 'everything that has I show of religion in it; and would bo, t ought engaged in mane r im 'g - inal tilinntrie and, amours which& is not ~guilty of. . The Wier lasaunies a face.° -Ballo ljt ity and covers MO; It it tide .of vices O der i '. ,Iseeming • re I L.ll 011-ti, . I deporimi4.' — SPectit'' for 3V9. . . ; • . Hypocrisy ,in the count ry,end hypocris y in the town . assume, different phases, and! lidopt ditferent. mode of expression. Th innocent and compara tively , inexperienced young man, will nffeet [ a dash of folly, and at, ''tempt to create the im pression that he is_ex ceedingly - vicious.— Coinparat ively puse in eharacter and conßuet, he affects a contempt, for anyilling.good, and! while carefully. avoid-1 ing the company of re ligions •men, he will ti i dopt all,the swagger_o an old toper.and falsely 'and brazenly boast o galintries and. erimin nal, amours which acre ) never accomplished.— * C. 4, . Thus in adop ting n - sanctimonious demeador, ho is ens -14,411 to taker.lxis seat to cove r.. a mialtitudel of erns wider a seeming moral' 'deporteticnt.— Trialt. . ~ . . This it the homage' vice ever pals to fah: "Trutt" sale "thee ed by the course of Mr. Lice in the Legistatur, tracts show, them to many years aid. But "le:not this" a lir inentahle. thing;' aspic Pierce Egon; that-,the - elan of au. intent innUctient t lamb .should. 11:21tade . parchractii--the'llr- Tent "'being i pia' TY written upon. -shoal. undo the ofojpct, , at which : . it point.e. Truth." 1 . - 'lt -- pierces to' del -deridisg -agouties 'soul' and spirit , and cern4 .-the thoughts o f ' 't h e . ' g• •• • "Crushed ' to earth for a • season she- but , rises with 'Yeiroweid vigor.",--Trufh. o•And like, liberty's %baffle; ilietigh• often ballet!, is '4±4er .vrart° Truth. - . "Copsoion* .6f wrOng,truthdesires no unfair advatitage, &c., &c."—Tnah.l For freeldoM's bal tie 'though-t - "Ofien 'balled,. Ititiever - won.",--.Byrtm's ;Glow.: •' . • I. Cybite,par a g.r a p.h is stolen from the ir; a l °r 7 o3s2,l : a t:by•st„.d aa rha4 1,41440;tghi ~.wiinta: c e : insiNes an open declar- ,the honorable Member , ation of 'war, - he 'Viol I ,Of violtititik the rile's' late* thii"rules of , nll lot - -civilised ' War; _I civilised nations; .and Twill not say ho;poi- , boxterously attentpttsons his arrows. . • . But 1 , to poison his arrows 7 „whether his 1 'aliiifts but'elthei-from the in -'were i* ' * '*, -- there heront weakness of his liras not as it happened. Cause, :-or, want • of Ignite strength,Len"sh strength in his arrm l in the bow t bring Lis shafts have . ftiMn;;therit - to their ark.— entirely shbrt of 'theii *- * * tiny will mark. At leant .• theyll,not :be found ii ed and will ' not b,e- f oundkuivering in t e object quivering in the ob--!'at which • the , were b ect at '•which - theyi!einied."—Treh ter's re were almed:'-2Cuth.l l ,plifol:rayne. -,:. . . • :II ',, , , . Airent. portioh of the balance of ,the:butt coupnuniCathtn i tve tak !ma „the speeches the trial Marren ~ 11staithge; bat * Welave zteAther - patielice nor time . te /soh over t fi erni.or space to • pub li sh thetu ,when found., T As, it is we have giro* enough.thahew that, ,, Truith",has written itimseltwbhiolthead, and a stupid knave besides. l• 1.7. But .let us gck, with 40 fruth" a atep;orpeo further.,.4l, e iiminnates that we amnot As; wTliersocall ed)tor4 l , l !? w,kickhe isattrilg?t g. l & Ho knew t h at this instunatton lea; l false when he made it. andisignorant elms& to' admit It In theel'6m breath; an WeiVitit *his stofeit' . ..l36ggeielt`i V/6 ' o bit[ Ye~atitttie thie abgrti~e ' lling only "" " off urit'oo-**if hid 660 ieMeratt dint', and' I'm:frig . ' a "desire to mos:Oiy qs Muck as possible, he copiedjt withont kpown, big Willi *11 . 404 *as-, adit, ms44l4ltaa not sagaiiiir' in'tnigl; to sos_thit, of 'his _ I pno the r5.2105143,4!pgatP: ft I is"34 , lo4.f.Ml l 73falite‘iida members I . • ied Int 1141,3rAnilies' liareiti6cearldf ' f 'at'in4// 6 ottlniffii)cffilir Ey ilia' iTele'iilifilerinti' 'o44' 1,1.1..;• 'l.lO: s. ~12.0:-'4:101.43., powering'senlipients tt e cortts rlof ic an -su7:4 44610141,:zig.: of OM B Clifig liAr, •'1 : • 1. Th c .. r os4;invutTersatkiaid.i.mpirl gavimfirsgejkorg , • trict orGolumbil: ot4; . ,iliptisset* of reap or eidor i ,haa bide= 6 1 lalliffeY...4lo?rwaident's.., veto, and: the .Erat election has been lOwndei Uvula Us result, in a *publican triumph. Is. . • q. 4, In liki.manner 1 e.bill establishing' oai ierial in all ths4erri-'1 fories of the republic has been enacted:intc a law overfills veto, and Alms terminates the validity of territorial laws that disfranchise_ a man:on acconnt_of race or,color, by the oration of this bill the colored num will . have a right to vote in toloraao- despite'the', ins! friendly,statutes of the Territorial:Legislatirs, and all efforts to disfranchise the colored cal -1 in.territoricslike.New Mexico, Montana, Arizona. and Idaho, aro rendered '' useless..— This act will not enfranchise the Chinaman Californiaiti and Navada,..butit will have the, effect of attracting . them from those States to the.gold'suiaing crritories, where they will be Totem. • .. . • 3., The Military Reconstruction bill; of which we have heretofore spoken at. length,. has beconte a law over the veto. it establish es military protection for freedmen and Ilnion Men in the Eouth, fires terms Of readmissikin for the rebel States, declares the eaistinggoi ernm eats of those States provisional, and se-. cures the right , ofauffrageJorthwith to every adult colored man in all the elections therein, 4. A bill to regultte the tenure of national civil officers has become a taw over the veto. , It puts an end :to the capricious removals for political reasons that have-disgraced the pres ent Administration, and renders the official no longerwinare.dependent oh the Escrentive pleasure:-.: It deprives the . Pnident of 'much of the power he has wielded fur corrupt pur-, poses 6. The amendatory ink bI I has become a 1 the. Preiblent's IsignoCure:t It icdn. 04 the iiteotnti tai the . manniectureris tax. • - and many . other impsts, to - the: .extent of ht. ' least seventy-millions per 6.. An amendatory - tariff bill i n ns been :pas . -44,17444ctakrattateNeimitimatt. the West.• ' 7. - Nebraska has heca.formally admitted as State, despite a . Presidential veto. • Eti A bill hap been passed authorising as ia sue of loan certificates at O Bole -eyes -three: per eent.interest to the• eat eel offifty 4 mil. lions of dollars, to provide for •tne—redemp, lion of the neenring.eampoundlnterest. runes: '9. An ma has been' passed providing for Abe. suppressing ofthe abominable j institution. :of peonage. in New ,lictieo :and territer r' 10. Payment toolasebol,dorslor sloves, en-. listed as,, soldiers, ltavd been .directedto stop,. j Ilypocripy the. 'ltomitgoirice Over pay's to ,Tirttio.=-Rocliffold. , could's .Marini , No. thoughts are Suggesl Qo ay, our Represen't ;',) while the above 'ex bare been suggested et . its- go it little farther. Is not this st.latnen 4nble thing,. that of tho skia of an -innocent ilamb, should be made r.c hitenth.l7h a t pti rch nve be ing kiSritten' writ' shotild 'cads:s.„ - man--Jack 'cads Shakeepare. ;And not ..PierceEgan!' Ins' blander ; lingly'represents. ciren'.,to ithe dividing asunder, of ; soul and sp irit , and • ,of the joints and hum !row, midis s discern= 'intents of the thoughts and 'intents pf the' 'heart. 7 -kr gebrewi,' .1;4 "Truth crush ed earth shall ii!! Au& 111,(Z. - El r ' 11. A poional bitukropt . , 12.' Allfuture•dsugetrof allgislatire r later-• tegnum, such ailhappenea in 1§6.1,, at ithjaat set of - the rebellion, :his l.kcentibviate4 by the passage of_an. a . el pryryting_fnr,.lliq p/cet ., iog of every new Congress on ille.firisi'da t i el. its .term, llarch jai. - 1 : :1- .1 , .. 1 ",• : 13. Ai net has been - paised proyidin - glor tte aceeptan r eenf I:naguelslarid apt a r eke TM' iha iron-clad naval station. t - -•i -:. , • ' 14...t1n acti;has been : o'Bs,44 - e'stablishing . . a department,ef efluchticn as d par . t. - -ofthe N. !Ilona' Government .` .. i '-, 0,..` 1 " --- .. • - The followtnune!.wie.froot gee.. Geary_ to the Logi:Pat - are, relatie to the call '.of North Caroline, for a National Conventual to - anion& the Conititutton of the United Stites ; was submitted - on March -.151 ECEXOIVE, .C1143 . 1111th, March 14th, 41367. 1 ' ' :Tei'the'Seruzle and Hotta of Reprinstaiiver of lhe Cosioincialth gf PenniyliOnii( 1 .Graiittana i'A letter'dated ett laden relitved 'trine the Hon. - ,Toriathen •fiforth,GiovernOr of North Carolina, covering l iet iisafixtiOrio.inliipteirbithelegik'hitire of that - District, both of akfoli,' iteitirilint id his requeit, are herewith traniniitted to you: The of jeet isl i thereaolidieit ti to invite ..ali the StateeL-Nortb, South, Piet, tod. Weat".f=" to s National'Con;ientidn; fe: /praposilig,• . in oinstorntiti -with the' Oiniatitn= . tiotC•Of the tilted. thole* ipetc-ithettdmitai to the Constittnion: filet: the 'Alma - twilf` be pact ite len'lt fe 111 ' teito; ration of oar former happy Under ordinary circumstances rtionl4 'be tatlefieif t:i3 phnply ettbrnit this ti r oritilidailitin to the Legieliastre,ivithOnt - :iitnetent ; hue y . this instance the ice.api:fgetili to":derrivid si f t= something morn . T Tkiiiiirn l naerriu;:inirelist , ..E As .i.,, ...- .: • • . ~.. ble to a nople, eptrtt 0r , , c0 ea - ada for bcaran4 hesieliiiiy ik'fiiiit - iit4tii.t . O Of national eiinteniii ; Ma,"tit*oie, in . deltber: atit!g_upoti titla iatportOtt - tatitpe4 I . vt:on , recoikimeliCtitat Ilia teidial'intrin4nti4' I be lirrlfe:attlitslitVl4rettelorpfastiast to' fres. ' - - ,-.. t: 1 - -0...! ~ : Ile •41i , -- ,•• ~.12, - • t."- • , .P et t- t hi et - Ytittg• ilikll t t• 5 4 9i! „ir,,,r• ,i EgiTini AA ° i s : 1 , : :-, - P 6PPI I ,?tMtit .. :F a t i 4 4 .YITL• 'inthig tingAbaalt4,llX *TIMIS.* N. EljunP l 4 ll 'Slaw; ' w O-1.40.41 1/ 1 1 4 06 .# 4,11 .1 1 A 1 . 5 q.A1t,b,"Pa;.? t Af" . % l fnIOPY Mt/ i f 1 .401. 1 14 3 Pa 5 4 4#4 2 41: v t#l44 l fildo • , ... , ~, :11,,Multkr :illii4kiiirefAk a fierli ;• ;. tPAPAlMig.(7.47.l.4.lclimicuriliNhilsittil' P Ar: 1111 51 1 .- 11 4!PKIIina9r 1 !W.:tr' tAPi AieNsbilet aellir , 4 l4 xt PO thei r _ . lat,,Pai-elrelsoointroto94o AiliAToitillokspi,,uniclNAM y , . coOigi no!: AIN -Ifaikaitoltileupitt.t,t4 t•juge- '.. o "Pli•Akftt Lett!, this bikiwziffltlx akaitittocatib z .thalo,iol zonal 1 and wholastime amendments to the Constitution I. -Vat ) i 4 'es* bag ms' tireVo A ' tithe 40 4 POStig t. I - 4 • • " _ to qt!ConsAtition "11411i:we of the - stio4 -- the 1 41fil l rfthe 1114 A . ,, RoMa r at wwinile; erfaWilintrill 41418usilat Ic ll oo*Aiimettlialyimbharimitstbst tsessom'ihauldsogobeioyittaiumle VakimostbA m Akquidotersts Lattob' loe sMemilks.ooolhitiab 4imr, A; uNid.lllemptspd, l ipi dastrq.a TA • AMY SAlRMK,Mumormei,bas simiiipmptihmt * &I fuiliffrOn lortlift,4o444TOPkgiii miodiesum. is - .whit* ire 41101.14.V..:A t/z, V*4- I) *Migtliinb lasifr, mo,ommusime Arlake>kerl4 o PleOltgiffisgiiipeutr oli * lst , ;:und piow roidkomtiomil.ot ill tO,Statai the Union. earnestly beseech the citizens of Nortb. eir 0 4 , 1 , 4, °CAI:IAA •504K411-Atlitter, , _return' ykikugi4e7 benign inflgettaes:' . ff o , l o;iPierP l /44 mobil, YeLth!s. wring fir =4: • rit* u aMe.` l . l 9rrlMld .419 . Wai t, _for. _morn severe4ouditious, imul;Verhups, fem,morsi _s inus punisinient. • of , the .board of Aa, epe.etore of the Western Feniteuitary contain* literPlo4449rinlitA materials., frJr.•&!e• Ocotion. - Fhelrat• thing that Aram!' the, ict.. Mice R!. he• le ! yer le:reale ,of epuTtetadurang pant .The number -nt _the beginning of the,xetq era's ;259 and no tees , than 289, added before the. year dosed... enough haring been. discharged, toles:re the number at . 418, viz: white !miles 383, females 8, colored males 25 , • The nativity of the eonviett shows that , rieithsr, our s Own Commonwealth Ator our try deserves the.disgmee of them. DIV Penh tiylyertia gave birth_ to 1 - 11; Irel.Wl 56, Ger many 30, licotlind b. Almost one-fifth of the 1 whole are from. the British Isles; and putting in 13 . front Canada, more than one-fifth 'from 'the British dominions. New York State sup plies .15, more Win one-tenth of the whole. . _ Aliegheny . _o`enity haseene its part in. fil ling the Ponitenitary, which. May indicate eith er &larger proportion of erime,.or a etristef adutinistration oflustiee. It has sent . 155 or the vihole number 'now in the 'prison, atd of 'these it has . sent:9o in the past year. Onlyi. small proportion of theite are natives of the State...' • • On the subject:oftabits and education the statistics hardly support the old theories.— persofis without any education there* are 60, able ho ,tead 63, to read"and write 'x9ll. Of intemperate 160, crt i moderate 60, 'of temper ate-108. Matrimony stands creditable , in the :ease-4)f single persons there !are 288, , married :160; widowers 1.6. - -There are 68 tinder 20 leart,Of titS,Thrie - -.leso young .ai,lB years+ ire bet wien the age of oq and 70. years The oldest is aged 67, and his• crime, violent -libidinous ars" - '• • . , Ttietimes id* st.rt micestpuil ft•upt i olteYestr Wardg ;stu gar Ye ge e rtglh i frllMktkur. t' senteitae. 46 by patilon.. But twolt:vo died le -tag. . - Cammerristi. .5 Ediwationat Cozrespondette _ . . Ifs.' Enrros: - :•The - Citizens of Noel's bide .tten.tetit . district . convened at the pubtie school Souse', ..on thi'evening 'of the 11th inst., end were' organized y - y e!neting Thos. Hnys }:sq., Of 'nails - try; ehlirniar... - ; ' The' house tv'as well lighted cind•everyt ling ws totstftd an.f , Invi tin g in the'`. arangemetit. —4 !' 4 kith'ongh the evening was unfavorable, th at.; tendance iVas, good, - i n I ' A 7 l' ' 191!) ~bject V the 1 meeting was to hear an laddiete front the County Superintendent ,1 and reeelietncentertainment from the , school in t.vocal;nnd instranental rn ie. :,. , . I -my. Heels • not=tritmintlfts of- the fact (that tr uthere ersiebannifla musl ," kitully, volyu -1 tecredyn furnish an organ ror the etxtseien... _ 1 tlidtoacheri laiseviSlattu,itoYd, was preSent with the pujoHtt ,of:her school, and introduced the esereitimpeftbn.ivening with some e i, c a t seleethins.ef ,:tittudefiafter which- J. I. i addresseillite matinee Material . Edig l ation.' i His rettcs wareitteetioali- pole; ed and cal- Icels;iettte tnake'tho way -to duty. plain ,1 and convince alktluttiw. none of the advocitions anti .beasinestarattsactions of life do men ' l re as i bad economy-And IMittsifest as -little interest,, j , •.as iti the maisagement:of our,Common Schools, -and in - itheimesctf:education generally._ it . . 5 After thitl addrise the =Slug entertaiitteent irmrtatuattdi - .Hi : • , The audience untested attentively-for iabent -one hot schoct;.'patriotic awl i oher songs from the' iniiiila, which ' were performed , le a 1 ntanner , L etitirely, sat isfactcky ttt the - suilence• land' Veryemiditable to the school , and their ltescher:l..--;4-' l , . " - t, iii;z4pf''s'iiii;)ittle dtinghters, Flo .- Bel t.,. 1 sicti!iniii, It., ag 8 a.iid-I,fl yearetemmtive. fly,fpliiititti find suitk Seidel pleseit thWf *mild haikiretitfiCeiedit Volersensinueh' older: I- On liiiitfgreie;ic4 2 o' thiniii Wu' 'tendered to the iciO , for -. 1' ' . . .The'dhilivaii:then mailit'it few remiirlts;: iszkrdifigie Of• its!' jiesteit sititsfaetion with the isereflis'of the ieetiingt Slid - iSil - . . Mit no Aighei sh eidd l be; - kraitell' a eartiti te, - wlui ggt stould6l. teaciiincel Musitt:' . A 'nfetaiii' VW then' Mike t4i 'Ali t4et 'ill!! fiviidt Untinr;` monslY. .' i-=:''' 4 ~ I --- ~ :.. , t ::: • - It Thefinectinitben - i journed eeidentlY ,Well d i pletuiet i; and. With , w resolvei for the, * fa I•tmre:'; ''''''' • -i. - . - 4 ' ''-': '. • Altai boyd will : a select soh -, le the shove district in Ariel. EelitryfOd" Hart per month: . ____ • r . ~~Q ME 1151 414 -154 the rfutonwl fact that' he is only prompted byreyetitment, enter. upon Mite 'Timm IA (Mr State .roquir- - E t t. sit; sinitit'j. provi'sion 1 and that - ch • 11 Pi , 'his p. .. . .iii .:' : • esPitil ; 1 'and as. advoestes 7:_11.......:... •;:. - 1:; — . -- - "'-' -- 1 1 ..,. sTilins . l:-W 11HALLOI *lel: en f° '-: tt p o - en t :My a ; I) mt P° '. " la m% , 4 ; 1 . of Ra il we r oa ds the develop- ~ ,_ . , , ~ ~ i . ydo not; feel 1 p...: , ,„ al. , ct. -::...1,A 41, , A., I Im:option p• .• folly. ough yenn ha ample • e ril ' .n e word • of objection.' i On 11 : ~ i . ~, • 1 , * and So h his fla g kni , 7 1 , 'r':. n i e . • .hitiWill tisultiply-lbwilroade and - i -. , • , ' ' r• . ' . • - ''''" -:- v 4 . -a' . s ar ng Ht , all wh 1 ; .p. -e ! • "d , . . r * State, 1 heeld, with l toper i . u6i.1.,0 `; T.; ii=... i?l'ff.. F., 1 i 41 . 1. t0 1 edu o'' an. ~1. g . ; 'e. Ictio ~ .e graited. What we as I for .- ' • . ...,! ~...,_. -.... . the,editer ofthe .ocal, will trample ; tinder his! others, we are for granting; to the Peitnsyl.- , 1 ~ . , . .. , 1 . • I „ow. .r.,.., ..lExto.z. vr feot.ind..wilkiver.the dead...beam oil all iftal-sawdism:. . tit*...bitowit4itwaist that , ll... :- i i adversaries, great and smaU,,j , et still, _to his I only illiheril but sots tied - detrimiptil:„o W I W I 15 • im3pirclfit , ; :84 ng dove •' but - rite oft ii,Stikfer.a..4. atj,+. 111 We way qui'', e ars.etiime oof the Swifter, he i deny to others what it asks and reueivel for - ...._-- -...........-mow-wiartgveit -- W__ _trasriliiL =l --- yy 1 " 3 " 1 " n 't 1 41201finglialaa, isTfeiY4tatalladinijastie 1 411W 1 k 4 P• 04.16 1134n1A1 F 14M : 41 lOt iao • in fra t~iitCg f o r kari i iineWlay-Le.4dVf olltlißitittle 1 keit tAttitetepseilo itiogitiglefiart„lnt&W TI hi t s knigiatentitiamitibughoo4442g ' iimuswit."*. ra a t tikyskariplifkilirrt othle domrides in anti — • '1 ; 1 .1 I ...--- - -.00 ..,--Npaimiphoesot ...p . ...1" ; ,,,, i , • .- ,0 ,,,a . ,1 4 iiiticgdgolitter irgagfifoli9VAlh : -Vcs . 4 iiiti -it meadarithauttl, .10, JlXfa p . Alia if/titles liti,Wll.6Vittlfini - euthlulif-7reiched in reeird to this bill, wn ii - entare !to_ ane - litgiiiiisiatiffirlPTO ettCer"bo el . i, \ .., - •; c. , 7, • t•crv't , 1 . 0 'rea? ' trop, - . thatthe issaurepirtkOf taboos and en itiiityllii,idnkl(l^i'a:- !"- ' . .1 :Igs s gprigit will.iwavail-in the- fkgislatur,e-lind ,)' IfellSiiiidetoanihii!pcisliftMe'gii4 liTiiti:ei4tiva Ceitliiiiild l tite iiiifit of granting foriniiihceireitptmaeice, '441-iiifitilty na k iniilt:rtt, We' oasCgii• -- e - 114. lireitill'Olid',.;.riiiii -1 ihitlti lint% '6.3t ! ine'o,igiiiiy, i . ,41.‘ o . 446ikisi - wiliWt, any iinZzlisiy #.43i If !lttt. " iti" - -- goireadi iiiiiiise - tiklicon.ai 'ealf (t rial ', -.-.= -- - 9---T. --4ialatigni will laissincb - a.lawittae do not.l , he'll'. isefit'iii;iiiid'tlibi iioifre*iiii; is let overt` iy tare.lo4 . - tikiie is mobt 'i>f::.the past - 4' 41) , 4 1 ; 'begiltig ovgil r eittari ,- '''rti3'iiiiiiistehil Ant : ilie*iii 4.01 71 00. ! ,.4P : i #4 14 f rg4.• i s osottertio/5; ; ..!..Lightlatuit hie' atitintiiiimi titiliar of Vittiftg` ': ;_ i 2 Z- 1 :-.., ,-..:', ,• -• ;.„,;i:., , .1-... : .:. t.. .. i., !': i-"- . .ther*ple id . riiihiviiiiii,i? , :ovt . i)q yoli:fie" • • ;...e..gi ,, ? d z . ' ' " ''' . . l : . !.'" Jot* the Argue: ', .thcii . ologisti''' *hit 'evpir lieitid"Or"di?e*Med . ', l '' V- . .'•,' , :',.: ..,,i : ' - ‘' i i i _.:',''.; . - . : ;, •,-• [`, "7" '••• 9t inn 'a propesittelf .tiiii ' n 'tii , o - i • e tea . ' , 7 " , f `' . ! ) :.' 4ju uc il . r im '''. . I t ..•• , "Truth" not know tliii, hilies - itafitig 7 i i.11;e:!1 ,: t...-: _.;-1.; 13 1PV 1 4 71 7r . 1 4#C 2 :? ../ 1 8 1 ,7 1 , 7 . hood * heit with' hlit i wiligling ) Pen)ie 'corinnill.t Waited the 'pleasure bli, attanding.the cies ted itto:piper; ? What amount of ithptiierine in; eXniciSeotSeyicitil 'f•io.:4, -- Industry town'; Is &Muir hive hid lnistibiteribe himself' , rl P roth' l. 4la t ip,•* the' ?t'vening iOf tie p inst.:: 70 tint eftiritieliliiiiTiabh# rolerepinienfititen_? '. ' ' lih t g„ity- were. pdeased:with- thii peikor.eitne , 44- - *Th - i!lil alluded to Only sohnits`te ihe Peo• - ..vroultitot express:what we felt; but the lailter pie o Philadelphia hether passenger _call, snd, :order elkhited.. IP 4'elrehrnm,' 7 , 1 may .tin in - that ; cittett'Sundey:', ViethW'ili t i t egintents, and prpinpt ricss 'With avid+ 111oin; billedthis kindlieriglit or iiiii*lien!liriiii th - e 3 ;the :took parts sissigaed;them..._en far. ?ycip . 47.: ifacts of the citie. Fctiv,•air I ainderstitndthe l : o e i t x expectations that we doubtless express al/4f+; by far the'largest: portion 1 oi,the t‘ , the Itentixneufa of those *16,6t1.44-. 1 1 6 , 41 41 1 ... "gione'and -ch ''' reb Oi n k people' ci.ijP,;!U,i'aer - a ''ae ‘ivliert•;we say . that Me were Surprised . and plat, have petitioned the - Legislatere for liox'- . . 7 l ,iimi•-aor g hteo The :manner : in istlder lilt ast ofithis kiriti . .., And Why dolbayliesi it ?-- l' acquit : hid themselvei; ivitliciat, That ithe 'laboring -ettloPoOrer classes 46 0,` t e ll ye e n ii th eir e ° .-temhla .- nee of - •a faifurevedects grent ,2 . after their week's toll.int 4 pro4fdeif :art titlit etin- , l'i. e diti t rix the ta ct and : ergy of their instru- - venient and cheap*mede of lonvejan A:6 the i,',.'; . ' , A r c ,- 14A11 L Ent t, who, by .. .the n;a7; . : ei h chur:th of their thoiCe, and that ibeymay get '. - p a ses i e ' s the 4lements of a first.class tettehir. , SwaYfrom the do*gerles, nod t'empfn ion? to : The only Ara Whack to'the enjoymenfof the vice,' that 'instead' Of desecratinge ,sell= .nvening : by all who attended fol. proper 1i10.7 ittey . ay beprovided with the ordinary&en- tivea,' its theimolluess Of ifie house', in which - n -Bits for going to the house of wbrshiP• . - 4 ; 4 1 ) ,. a portion of -the 145 e. audience. Could be; If it, was'asked for'is the itifereartif the imivi , ~it d e a . gus to , witness! the performances.-' pantile owning the rays of travel for men:ctn . .; Ilhen - Oisti and trenfasiowlkellt up : . by those who -ry purpose', it:'would be wrong.- Dui 'we Snd , 'could ' not ace: prevented : others, who ;trete' that this is not so ; they are not asking .thel more ; fortunate, From enjoying the exereities' ; passage of • this ' bill for any each purp ose z, The performances were interspersed: ni, inter-, but- for 'the -purpose of enablingthe! poor '6 • ,ale :by' sweet' music discoursed frontriolin, i that icily who are not able te keep or hir citiViageit tOtake them to their. pia‘e of, - 1 , guitar and banjo by those 'who kindly tvoitin vi " - ' : teered theirSeriiceatorl Ike', occasion,' ' -.1 ship.l It is a fast, too, that the' opPinente of • • • I. . SPECTATOa, this !MB in Thillideitthia tire' theldiiggeri 'keepers.' Tht.y oppese it because it 'fill!' tend : to take the peciple away from Weir dere of : dnl' iquitY. ' I ask; does - the - bill snbroitl thelarr of .God to the people of : Philadelphia ?I Illesitiel ' diculous I Now, Itt- great Brittaln, this irer3i• qUestion m . has ,been inquired into byl•the best;; , and, • most pioni and 'religious me n in'l.,ondon:l [mernbers of the Church; too, atidafter i a felt end.therough investigation into the Moral of -.1 fect of such . a 'regulation', 'reported:tit Perlin . - , mitt : the absolute necessity of enuiielling the i itonapanitt to run their care 'on Sabath, and 1 now; no railroad company can .et. t a charts:l , 4 . 1.. . f . ~ ,,..12_.... e rvrision requiring then to.; run th eir (tars i on. that day, This requirement ' is mode - for !the Promotion .of.miu-ali.and 1 christianity Will "Triith" undertake to asY . I thatthe litat . of God has thereby been alielish t . • reti la, Great Brittim ? And when ,vre come !nearer home ho* is it ? Look. at . Pittsburgh, IThere, by idithciritY 'of low, the street cars run on Sunday, andia the city of . Washing r ton. by .Outhority of Congress. ,And in fact imeiery Oilier city inthis Country. But none' I but Truth has yet been so profane - or p,restimp tious as to declare that the law of God has I be'on repealed, • is it not a foct,"toe, -that thel members Of the , Iffferent congregations . : of ' i Pittsburgh are now asking the'p.. Wayne H. ... It. 'CO ). to run-ears from SewiCkli to ihntcliy. 111 for their aceommo lotion ? , Is it not true that ears are run front thittcity to ,certain stationit 1 on the Pentenß. It. on that:any for, the lintel purpose?' All :these thingsniettti, But it has been.lefl for "truth" to dtico;?er' that - 'melon , of Gel has been aitolished:in Providing A cheap._ and - uonvenient way of . liarefingl to church Mlthe Sabbath day, 1 . I am oPpoied te"any enactment authOriz n * • - ~ k the violati on sot the Sabbath.: But a law r go ; .._ riding for`conveyance . to - churCh is no 'stick violation. '- . : I . .. , "Truth" being "hound in the toils Olds:Own record," I propose asking him a few , gaistiori before parting with - him, privately and co,iifi: l dentially. Weald it net be welt before critici- 1 sing and falsifying the record of others, that I yoU look well to your own ? : Bid yon n o t -re main at Barri sbUrg over night I .onic . ,apon a tinii" yourself? lf so, what kind Of it record" did you leave behind iou, clean or foul.? : Tell it not in Oath! ' "titer vroantiCti,' writhei in' Pain.' - ' ' 7 Inol leave him to the tender- mercy °ills' t . t . wn . reelections; . biaitying "thaVVe`thili 'erten: string assertions w i t hout proof, ;dicismatia ... .withimftirguinent; and violerieicitsiiies With out. dignity or inotteratioi.": '-' --,•• ' -' - .1' ..! Ai-rt-"Fticitsivr" =1 Lecei bine et ' • ity o +l 4o . Whis ,ice. *why, /1 . does !1 1 , hiding 4pte4 .41-4ows ‘Teal th I The Vetoed 'Railroad In the absonco of our .regular legislative reporter, there was sea to as freak Harris... burg, on ,Thursday night list, ktotally. fahm report, to the effect that the , ilorc had 011 - 0: rider' fioverniir Getry'ireto °film "unlimited" report, in common with . our ;•,.- tetnporrariee - w 4:rut:dished the next morning: VAS: got = of st piditY, Or ' Mum:laity, on' the. part of the person left in 'charge, misled the press - endthe, entire reading public.. • ,I - I - I -• „Oily spebitit cinweipesillentotqespon•iz• plc for this ict:-Att hisletler Riven this "iticinil ing elearly narrates the facts. - lir the House I *ere *assn. kitteMpt to Override - ibto- Ikkeir= 1 1 Itor's veto. , , An eatirely , newirM ern* -intro= need, hid:pealed by tlitit''.bedy in& lizards mokulyboietirredinby the &mit :II Thialrill Fleets thw,ebjtetiona of therAilocernori)utd - thio: upshot of it is, theltsmtrpoly hie in kip deals; • trintiplied bat Ow sillily °fib* , Oorenkar base pivrikilMi.: - '..• .F. . i.; .. ir• ~ ... I.: ....1 . -X -A.q r g;Z, - The tow bill . grants ' to ;like ' Pennsylranii /LaUread Company the right to feknlkiiiiddilleik-' el attack to the. amount - o'f_'SIENO6O,4OII, 0 - , 44 ' option ' of. the stormofiww•—skotilinsuora r aid .peala the act 'of- Ntirch;- 9U; 1886, providtst forihe issue of slo'ooo'o9' 10 1 .1 c3iCakia1F:4 the capitals stock ot.rthe Company to $85:000, 000. The Companyl is understood — tO have NM , ..i . .0 - .... .:. • • , . , ' Cosiriamts;rint,-The. annual' examination 'of the New-Jersey English Sciantiforeind Mas i 1 Sic4Vlritalt4ti ts9lightstimm, ICI I.` to ot: place i last , "week....A .ccrerssysindent of the Philadel -1 his Telegraph in referring to it bestowe the ' followingeemplimentAni : for m er resident of . ; . .• . • . i thiercountirA ‘. ..,... ~ : 1.., j , .. „I. .. .;, L. I ! I . * On' thC liseeveniig'oi t h e tiztination‘ the Rev..., M.. Jelly, eiPhiladelphia wa . S pies:cut, and delivered an'addiess which will _not soon t . ,..;.. r ,,,,„,...„i ! ,,I p t.: ii.vdti..4ftini.; Th• stuAnts and audtence-manifested their appreciationliffee-, ; qu nt Alemona,trzsions ,of applause. 1$ At • . thd c i ni ' el' se of his address he congratulated.the , Board i . of ' stcesandManager4o • the Institution on th ; it geed fel tuneinlirnring the services .of such geittlemCn - tis Professors Tines and lisjpi., :- - h 1 who, under God. could i make -t e ';lnstitutel- • whitever they . pleased.! And then turning to the audience, he congratulated the citizens of . Ilightstown o 9 having, among, themjso . many' ' youngladies &a i d gentlemen who had preyed 1 thetasel4es coznioetent to appreciate isuch in . struction. . • ' .• - - - ' - CORIRESSIONAL.: ivAiiiiNGros, 2'1,11507 • '''' • ' lkir; iiarlan-reported a joint resoltiticie pro• ding tor the - registry of children in the Die.. trictorf t e • Rtabla between the ages of six and • 1 " . - eighteen years:. also the number of schools,and' tethers, tolbe reported to next Congress.— , ittr: Sherman offered,an amendment, which was ageeed to, that all, money held ',and dig :l)l63od ander itte lawesegulating disbursing ofheers of the army. - The bill passed.— " • Mr: Wilson inircidneed a bill lir l oviding that there - shall . be no derail . of the eleotterti Oran:: chiseto any 'Da, t;iiixert . of the United States b4, - any . 9tste on acce4nt of, color,; race, or plie4 ions ciiiidition - of servitude; inyt bin g in the Ceitstittttinn or Byre' to' the contrary notwith e ,Ordered to:te ininted. r 4 ol; Moore, !herr e eident'spriyateSseretary ipßu ! nnt ni livered , the veto einngeo . it the pplettenttl onstrUction bill. • IThe ntiessig*AViOng been teed, M. Ipixiii.TrioStc4ll;Zirevious question._ It `.w as ded, end lb 4 No±ise proce eded , to voloi - en question; shalliVeililltpais,.• the objection* fehe-PysLdelthirthecirtrary notwithstand • ;? -4 1'he yotetestilted yeas 114, *lsis 25, and'. • e bill , was 'raised and sent to • V t r.lllloor_ Offife4 eouenrmo esSsitkol t•ethen thelionse adjourn next /doadawit toNiveniber 1 _ I Amble. followed, in the course of which Mr. ties aside .It it settled that'on _my and had s man as Andy Johnson is con T ,ded tribe, ittltrifttlitevel:SellaY f)eople - do not lieileyoitWorili'Wlifeli Op r rn the lbandation:of iheGovoreinent by hair; the't*ilaordinti7 ejieotacle here • of getting .out ef eifice4n that way: • . • Mr. 110,7*:eatd; *ithP l ,.. the t tie 'hteT 'weeli' 4 es, a: if thajititist ! meatipis ~isek held la 'theitt". - : 1 • ' :i'LrAnie7iteatia.. wattia,eittsgehitylitill, hiperatively demanding impeachitient. - :110,... , la • i s4l.'tl o l43 9l# e Foioi4t l, 4 l :o s ii 'to :c.!*: 4.ba , Lg!li- . o4f . (i,o4oe 4 )l"i 3 4 , iipi:iiiii ,ea4itl oi; 1 .; p4aotlAndrimoiseilik,; tap inegrati;l) 4e r 'lir: insAmtlistlititV ittteitained his ' violas ttiiw,tkiiiaitist'llipeaehmetit until 'hit ith - elite' t l i tln U4 l 3Strolilf Pr1P4 1 441 . 0 0 1 1414iPt 4,4; sad referyed to a !await ,Air Maio! that it PS:# l l344!t r iikiltit4iaitittt - tieeti4vateratiin l othei. - - .4a , fa: tIM . 4 1 4) 1 Yeitit 11 i TO , Ohici.litil: Wadelia- ioxi, •I . 1 :, - ':', -I vsing made th elate- 1 )11 ! hitting -:exptitised 4 !stades' in of ar e? ; i. eat;• erev Oil of the President tin mutt HOUSE. Len 5 G. ti t , And Queensan ' t cl ‘AI • .fig ;yrn4o BRIDGE\VA - ArIPANNEDIABALUTS. 1..4114,t; . 04; eal; tallAiliptily; - foriiia* law , ; 4 ,_'--lITILEB*BII4LLk3 REEK CORN GREEK' REAS,.! . ~..• ' r 1 BEANS I'. - • •. . 1 tat ouperioe.4B drii4-iregetabl 7:-STILI4SASHALI N . !)2,3-‘,..4,-.1 ,O,AIOLA4SES ; - Genuine and choice; at STILES & SHALL. ,11.0103146-43111;thilf '• .J 1,2 STLLES* ArCIOG .MARRIED, rE , And °Veal. 'about ;to, • fiegin Lottiekee log.. vein find ouch they nfid , such MI complete ."aet...of dishes, knives, fork an spoons 'cat* wank tubs, wesh boarils soliing pints. clothes &c., at th Fantily Grooery of , • . • : STILES &. SRA T 1 ! E 4 Younglirikon . .o olongt • • &T ILES - E. 4 • .... SHALLINBEII '<lmperial - Japan : I vat-. 1 V.{,l, JUST OPENED: -0,- , , MRS. A. Milleaery Store, 110(11 . 1 1 TiR, ' ',•PA . • I. . , XiNEW and :goo l ii nasorinent'of SIMI.' .111,ILLESERY GO(illi.S. including li atiaw: end mourning bonnets; and tool wt.erp st'yle and quality. 3.1zi0 ritibanii fib era, moinet , ..l:keee,. ,straw cord, iirml ti.. 4, -crystaf, ,aluber-and jet, buil° - fringe and usumati. _ 1 , . 1 . , 1 .` /: YE.D- GO ou hnnd, or ataiope4 to-oiler 1 inert. - • F*EliCg pgittollXTEl: STAMPS - 111.liC*61. INDELIBLE "STINIPVIT, Anitatle for :dice; children's Ciothingortrranted to w on litiny); cnifon,' or woolen,goods.. Having receireii a new audiroprovrd S NG• A C .- II 1 • And the latest styles of bonnet titij Itat j Itio4 Cam; iirei:ired.iolnlter, I)lesch..istin : straw goods in ,the best manner, 4+_b ntitiee.lioOßEN . . ..rusr27'l37.--Stnos. • WALL PAPER, WINOW ,SHADES --k..,1D • f,io• rrn s ME- Loiv eta Post; 11 ble Rates,` ME .3 . Dorirey 1J 0 OK -4,1 y, p, In the- I) J. anio,da, RcenEgrEß, P.t Also School' and other Brinksl Sts6 , toFT. •Tfeckl'y papers and' MighLints.i Adel promptly attended to:' lititel6:67;rnon. TEILOSERS' 'MILE, N(iTICE! pXXCE'S . -PATEAIT L.tiTES• are iede destructable,-,4nexponsive, and zaskb pone in the " schootrooin.' Teachers oisbit'g to PPIY• their :schools,. eau purchs.e. _at s handsome 4iscoura, from retaitprieei treat • •._ • • - WMiT. CLARKI. 2d•door above Poet . (Ace• • - • 1 4/84117',67.-It.• ,• • re:iva,:re• • P/ERCE.S" NITENT iSCIIOOI,. SLATtc end Pocket. Ildernoltanduiu.i: Slate 801 l duitl Slate ,port . Books,- r'holesale and rent! ••••,. "'WU. V,. CLARKE: • '' ij d di 6 i Olive Post Office, 't - • • FOR RE SHAT,, desirable Dwelli ,g I[ut+ S' Win. V.; edarire,: 2,1 door.' Beater,, Pa,_ ' • L *6ooo Orape . , for: Sale ---0 0- 1 Year Old ! re)inexe - euilit 1,4 of . No. I " ire Offered fcki• essil at itThii . • aei!ird 4Sc ra Nursery,. 4:).tocheater, ~ • , • LEWIS STEl;piqd , ,GsMuer. :tab o r, Fines, aj A °4net FEE3Ed P•• • Bitirge ,St Bridgewater . •"TRlVissOrtmes4 - of Millinery Will be Prep? eit 'at :My old itold, occurlld by 'Mr? Oizity;,`"an 411,011 ► -vov,h,to Rill Inform myold rienas,•anii as manY nen , ones as Rleastptitiutiiac hat lem now'receismg in ttelv,stoOic.of Millinets, of-the lat eat Sirrillit!tyles, and will be.pleased.,with 1)1 early; call., • MRS. S.•.k. gErs. [I ZZI nrINTS. ftEt st tERId ar e L, - ' ~R,.P,i: 1 , p.t, • . ,ep. Sold 1)7 ' lit NBERinkl . ricEniss,7 NBER6ERII. ES BEM 10 IMI ME KOOKEN' t - 1 of ill 4A ird 1 4 1, )i . ;oar. EnquiV r ~o ;C I'os l . Oft! c ,'" bwar21767.--Itr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers