T h e. win s . published EYWy Wiplodayi INE. OLD AiGU U 4IBOILO4 . kg, .44 ) THIRD ST., BEAVER, PA..fil ' i tt $2,6 per annum in Ad+ines. ..- : • - _...•;,: il i - sigoLetters and ordributione,•' It milk 411110* shall have promptaa ~, , ~ .i:; 1 •. '-• •' 1; 7 I• !%Lr t . ,„ . , , , , r J. WEYAND, tam , & Pr 0440, ~ . , k - _. Fill s't o n IP o nit d ilil ~ giirGINE •St UEPAIR SpODP, . 1 Countyii; • In Fallstotr Beane P . * t • , . - • . . . tEAT 1 N , ..i :_e it ted and enlarged my** at • t n.. • 1:: ~il ft +cid took, and hav4ifeassur. i d.,the :.,•.:- -ices of the beat of men pies. I ign pre.; , ..ecd to -warrlutt sli work Istre to give en. ire. satisfaction. I have on band dif- .. fevent•tatierne and styles Of Ensin*Pire ci i y R. ,:ts, and am prepared to utak. Of 'repair all - di: .actions of machinery, On reanQnsble terms. . I 1).. .i It l'; a'd Plow C astings ;,?' / ;. ,. :3 , • • , 1 . 1 hnv.- 1 ,he best. plow patterns tliit.t, suit t hi s n- . •, ,L, among which 'is the ' - .4lpk, rest Vest era which hat been Tux ploW,Of, our county for tha last fi ft een years'. The are live sizes of this plop ; all of which I,,Manu facture and 'keep for sale- also 'Tat* Le rer"—right, and left—;..Mountain Flag"— right and left—" Side Hill," and nriely all the dittirent kind in use. Ai% ' . i ;; 10 , • COciking, Frariklin and Sleeting Storm. , :t, i' -- . ~ - , i, • . Having niadelsererif' important liiiprore meats tknC , the s;Clinusx,4 l 'by which..igoal or w ow c*, supplied witholitkiifting litii; and having irr.O places for pipe , either orlOtti of ',which cittC be used at the. ae titir, : jrit it a at l en titat.ol3; to the oven,. thus awing lille.ad rintagei of a Cooking Stove,. ke Veen and Ftsnklin Stove combined This'stove )bits been inconstant use for twenty years.-asl4 many of them after _being need for -this period of time, are now in good .order. Therelehnt 4' unt a corlon• of this stave that ever Mints out, soil this is easily and , cheaply `replaisd. To =eke them still more lasting, we are now potting in tilcor, fire brick lining. Out, other patents are the Enterprise, . KorttOtta 'and Premium. Parlor ,• stoves, large Mid: entail • besting stoves, , Franklimodowes, Jenny:T.lllWe, etc. Grate and Grate Fronts, Fendertir. Iron hailing of various' styles, Wagon ,Bossis, two Irons. Tire Benders, Corn Shelters, Force and Cistern Pumps, Sad IrOns, Metal fiftilts for kitchen,. Sheet Iron and Tin ,ware; alOll41 -on hand and made to order. I l t: fact, I Minufac sure And keep for sale, (most everything wanted in the machinery or.htirdware-line. Secoad hand stoves airings for sale '4heap. Two' good new enginea l stiitable for saps-mill or shop purposes now on Land, and will be sold 'reason hie. ! • .-, 1 • '. - , marlhlti7.—ly. . J011 . 1+111104Nit•AT . . iL ....... Hazvtir Balms. NEW STORE, - NEW FIRM • New (krocerit* . & BROWN EMI ESPEdTPULLY announce to 'tfieir qn- R merous friends and the public genitally, that they intend opening a New Grocery Stern on • . • d • BRIDGE ST. BRITIGEW4TER,. adjoining .the Dry Gdod Store ott , _A. C. Hurst, nn the 6th day of March Ift, It is their intention of having orif4and,'l4 ell nines, a full assortment of the • BEST. FAMILY GROCERIES !. andthey-bcg leave to state that they'Atre de termined to compete with all othei,.dealeis intag toWit,or neighborhood, as .I.4eir Stick of Qoods are all•new, and bought at: Ilse late greil , t reduction, and selected .witti 44; great est care by Mr. Harvey ,Browri, whapedinowl• edge of the business cannot be qusticiOd, hay ing been with Mr. Arthur Harvey Ar :30/ They call particular, attention 40, their Bbnk of-Teas Sr. Coffee; as they tlaggr , theta- Wren they have something ext i 10 . offer in to price andquality. y • A - . . The best brands of Family Flog vilyray.s or anud. l'-cduce taken at all tin* at lull matket price•L goods delivered. - • WILSON & BROT I:Fid.leicati:r, Feb. 27, '67-Iy. H • 4-ALUABLE PROPEIITY • FOR SALE ,1 - • 'UBE undermined offers for sabitiapi tea k sumdde price his present residtuica situate lirbt or Itirer street, in -the hthrough of ,vt; "carer 4ounty Pa, The to„is 60 by , the house was built abouklwO'years at - frame, 40 by 82 feet, basing 4 good t , ml•ltitil on first Boor, ti root* and hall LL 4run.l qor, good collar under4tath. The 4 %iz : , a - gt;lnii one, and well finish** a - Bctoa `'`tern atidNnit l buildings. The is well apple,. peach and pear trees; siraw bt•Ties arid OEIIO fruit. The 'bocci is in ex ar.e.tit order; This property is vertdesirably 14444 on the bank of the Ohio, within three to notes walk of the Railroad stifien. For ruttier information inquire of the I e g - • rti t or of Rice S Rutan, Beaver, P 4 ,, •irti,',67-3t,-.• ERVIN TRAIL LAuGHIN G .g. s DMINISTERED BY DR. 1,411711R . AY, A P.c, in eds./I'4lpm teeth. 1 haye added to My many other fi(OiSties for the successful prosecution of myltrefession t 4isinaslan ble-killingagettCr.Ml branch ef Deals' ry .performe4 in the be end mod Dfae.ern style. - All work done OW etliMPlY* and npercent. better, than at any- *ter Steam theta} Establishment in the Stiste.l3a.Y9'6647 ALI ABLE WO:U S E - ~.; -7- For Sale i i i e • ' THE undensigned offers for ;his hduite and lot situated in the town, of # Boavai; Vi• The house, a large bilek, is liMated Mate . 89, en the corner ofpuffalo',lund W sll ureaand contains 7 rooms nal :sore room, In good'repair aid near lY neakti 3 Oldi'btald= agt and fruit on the lot. InquitWof 8. & J LU- 0311NISTRATOR'S NOTICE— tTTEits of adinintatiattOn of Ittxx,late of Econoiny:townshiP, "el" co., deil ? having been mated _III • peysons indebted4Oftaid "'ln* hqueeted to :take immedinteitnyment•kid on having Atimit against d *tate" will `Went gm ] to the eubeerribeelwortrli Ins" t aiiited for settlement.: - • tlfierL ntrla'67-6trL TITIE RISE ,' A • E4oOomytp.l El 49f1T IN .:1.::4: ., :. , m - .0,0.43;›54 Parra.- ',T.' , wi-or C. - lit. IL Os sad 111 4 .)INNVibilki• 4111.1isve Station idan7g SiWedep **imped as. M. . Imre' WI Waif $1 *A 1. - M. 1.1*.N .• r ' 1 ..- Ttigneti !invite% ; • ''-..: - o k. a--- - - l', - ' . • ' • . . - '.. -• 'l WI. ; swap bilos.' Ifrea, '.,.....,:„. .-6..... :_.... ,___... ~,-........ Pittebtmg :-;.. . 24til 1 7 0 -o iit 4 1 4 14111 i Rochester:.-..:' 417`•• IMO a 847 -41 - 1111. 4 +' Belem— • . 650 - •!.1047-.' 66¢a+. 412 'eg =spat ....- 715,1 4 1260 4.4 - 862 4 4 614 .": Canton. - - :804 " 128014 747 . 44 '704 44 Massillon—. 826 " ill6'" - 808 14 - 'l2ll is Orrrille .906 ".Ma i , 860 14 800 44 Wooster' - • 982 4 4 '286 a 925 ai .gm 44 hiansfield ..... 1187" 446 44 1112 " 1026 44 I ['Ai 1211 am -800 “ 1145 1. 1100 44 Cres " Lne IlDe 1240 - 14820 " 1220 em 700.au . . Bucyrus 110 11 1' 650 4 0 1242 " 788 .. U. - Sandusky 161 ." :-7110 44 124 44 . 822. :• Forest - ' 221.." 801 - " - ,164." 857 4 1 Lima 865 a . 918 " -406 4( 1022 a Van Wert ...» 6•35. 14121 ~ 406 ii 11$7 " 4 1 Fort -Wayne . - - 660' 4 1160 4 6 540 - 1 4 120nt Colombia ...; -784 " 128Stut 628 a ; Sot 44 Wassay....... 825"" 180 t 4. 711 .44 201 4, pk ymout ,h . „, - .. . 026_4. '286 4‘ . tor -id • 406 si - ValparalsOL. 1059 is 415 - 44 -936 4' 548 " [ Chicago ..4... j 1250nt 620 " 1120 4 1 800 " . ' .., '' •-• ' TRAIN s (oixa it s 7. r :. • - . :r'. Foes. Extott. Bxe7s. Chicag0.,................. —.— .......... -- iBBsnt .440.im 102Orm 7 1 20 AN i l, Valparaiso... , 521 -", 688 .44 1254imi 905 ", Plymouth ....'i 720 4 1 822 " 257.." 1085 14 ' Warsaw. —-. 11 817 '44 640 " 420 .a . 4 1183 '. Columbia-- it •904 4 , 1040 1 4 527 " 1219 rm Fort Wayne.. ,1005 44 1145 4, .700 " 125 " ' Van Wert .....11118 " 119 em _824 " 282 4 ' Lino.. "- 1217 mm '219,44 935 44 833 4 ' 'Forest - 125 • " '856 4 4-1100 " 489 •' 17 Bendus ky.,, - . 151 " 481 " 1183 " 503 " i Bucyrus i 225. 'a . 622 14 1218 em 538 " r . ~,,_- if Ail 255 " 41300 44 1250 . 606 .. ' vrelk was ji be I 815 44 616 mi 180 ill 620 46 Masslield.....l 843 " ' '656 aa 200 4 ' 657- " Wooster.-- : 508 " 850 44 282 :4 835 . 44 Orrville-....7. 1 530." 920 44 857 a 906 - 44 T- klassillon.....! 6001" 000 " 430 -.‘ 912 44 Canton - .... - ... i 616 '" 1624 •' ' 448 " 1008 " Alliance ......i - 715 " 1125 at 546 " 1100 " Salem' - • i 744. 4 •1207 rm 620. " 1182 em Rochester..... 921..'-":. 225 " 820 " 126 " Pittsburgh ...' 10r25 a 840'" 980," 280 ,- ; , - e • r ' Tr,' Eriesnd Pittsburg . Express Train limits New .Castle at 4i05 :f ariives. la 'Pittston at 6:45 p.m. . iteturningleevos Pittaborg at th.oo a.m., arrives in New CaStlo aside - I.m. New Castle and Pittsburg Ancunnutodation Train !eaves No* Cugte at 7:00 a.m.oorris • in Allegheny at 9:454.M. Returning lea Allegheny 'at - 5:30 p.nt - 4 !artists is New C at 6:20 p.m. - .1 F. IL MTEP.B Goa. TicistAirt. • OLE .0a aid filter Dee lid, 410 p daily. Sunda I J ,31. m.. B-. 1 021. , Mail: Acccili 1.--:—,.........., —....„ —4. 7 . Cleveland.... 820 ax .286ei ~...'—. 3801 , 34 4 Euclid street 881 246 " 841 4 Hudson. 985 4 840 " 600 i t Akron ..:..,.. - -, Orrville- z ; 1 Millersburg_•,::. I Ravenna:...... 1010 ' 415 " ' 586 " Alliance ...... 1110 4t 500 -46 • 680 A l . , ~... . Bayard ~ 1144 4 539 " .. . Wellsville .... 120 rii 705 " Goon XOIITII. • • ,--____4. - _ i . , _ Mimi Ex!'s. Nan. A ... x 1 ---, --- , Wellsville :... usAig 445 pie ......... ........ Bayar,d. ...... 4017 !4 616 .. - • ••• . • ... Allianee ......1125 " .644 " II . Ravenna' 1214p1 728 " 7 9 " Millersburg.. ! . 1 ; 8 44 Orrville ......- . r' ..... Akron ........' 1 ' : 4,: ..... ....... Hudson...—. 1246 9 4 808 " • . ••• • .... Euclid street. 147 Al 904 " ... .. . ... ':.• I' Cleveland..., 200 " 915 " .... :. .. t , 4 . ... . , 1:1011110 /LIT. 1 I TAIli B.xtos, EXlell. AC'cost j ___ ~..... , Belsire... ... 480rx 610sx 1040 ix .. ..... Bridgeport... 440 ''." 625 4 ' 1050 44 . •••••• Lagrange..... ' 1 ". ... .1... Steubenville. 555 I" 748 44 1158 '' . 1 Wel/Stine .... - 725!! . ea& " / 4 0Ing 7 / Smith'SFerry 747 " 907 44 202 14 isr Beaver '....... ..... 1... . Rochester ... 880; " 950 44 1 240 "I r Pittsburgh .. 910 ; 1105( 11 1 850 '.' aooo seer. Mein. Eire. Ilie'S. I 6.6c0n • • • ' —„,...• —.......—... Pittsburgh ,; 615 ax 210rir 1 4815 t 880 sat Rochester ... 780 ; " 8.25-;" 546 .• 445 " Beaver ... ... .. 4 Smith'sPorry WT.: " 401 - - 11 '6Bl " 544 .1 Wellsville ... 840'" 460 . a 725." 620 " Steubenville, - No., ggc„l.. „gm " 1 Ligrangia. mei. 1 .....,....,...4. 1 , . . ! .. .....;., Bridgeport... 1112 " '707 ." WI" - • ; Bellaire.— 1125 " 720 " 940 if 1.. TITSCA WAS BRANCH. - Leaves I , Arrives N. Philadelph4 6.50* m Ilayard, , Bayard, 1200 m, N. Philadel 2.14 P.M • . F. IL MKSBB, denial Tiokei.Ageitt. INSURANCE. AGENCY. THE. undersigned has been sppo • ted agent fqr the 2Htga insurance Comps y, of Hartford, Conc., and likewise for the Niagara Insurance Company of New Yee , . sad the Enterprise litsurartos Company of Philadelphia. Each of theta Companiee tasoro out-buildings. Stine, Manafsotorieft. &cu . .. 0. against loss by Are, en favorable torn" fir lei years or less. ' • Losses equitably adjunct., sad PrittaptiY paid'when the insurance is effected. All "bn ittors Ocninested with either Of thasiiintiaps; sibi atteadtetto With "dispitteh sad !Monty. -• WcianfraAllsai. ' '• aug22 0 66-4y Bearer. , ADMINISTItr.rOR'S NOTICit ItI3TTE RS of aitnuutstratitut on the' ofAusaniai H. 6461,1144, of nunitllitoten p., Bearer co.j "deo'd ; having'heen el to the underaigned,. iadthisd are required to Wake inutmilatelahaent,, and those having claims will lerenent ztheta k pup; orlyanthentieateml for. settlement. j' 1 ►IARSI4114.101 1 11 8 • 1 11047 tf 6 .: fehl '67.1 .4dil wstor• , ' . 's. . . ...• .. ....I, , I .: " : I --,- ' ~. . -. , .. ..... ... . . • • .- - - r , .... „ .., ? t . .. . f .i. , ,"; •r. ...,r;., ‘: _ ... ''.{.' '' , :l .1,..tt..".;::, i i..'...1 11. t - r •. • ... . • - - ~. ; , ' . .. ~. - • -", ~,,- - -•.-- "1 iy- .. - ..: , ..:-..-,:4, , ,..,.. - .1;.„ . 7-_,--....!;.-_,:.2...i., -r, , :::. r 7" r.-.:).ir-,,-, , v., •;--„, -‘,, ~ r r • ii ,„:' :-.. , , ,, et ... -. , .!.., n• t2- 7 j. -7:'. 1 ; 1.:0 . •,!..r.1. :, ".,' -...-- '-.1 , 4- •• - ' ' ull 'l. - 1 .2. - ,• N ' 401 1 1101.' '• '' A ... '-•, .. ' , .. 4. ~' tf !..:, ;.:' Ttyi 7.:.,ft , - •,, ;sr: . • Sr` tif -, (: 7 %..:4,C.: , , 5 ' --- - uer •.0 ts , ''.7• - - ' , .. 1 ; , "I- - ": e' .1 --•` -:- :' '; ''' tr.VAJ .: . ' " 'l ' 04 7 -VI • ''' •.' . (1 1 ;..... -' . tl _ z. tt ,t, 7,... '2. ,4:,.. '.' . I:3 If _ , 4. - .. .I , "..t -i' 4- ' ~ 1 • . _1 1-,... .ii. , ; .7.. . , ,-. •3 f I t . ..:; V ; ''' 4. ; .., 4 .: ..I '. -.....: 7 , I 0.; 2 ~........ •...;.• •7 " .F'-, •, , ". , • -. . ..- „ i ', -- „ - .. 41- . - ~ ,t . -- ... -..-- • i •-.- . -•,"-r:• . -.,,:. • s .." '- ' - : .- ,.; • . -.t i . - 9 • ; ' ~, l7 c 1 K ,; 7 '--• NL T :-: ..,•{:--, r; : . ". _ . .. , •,4 4 , , ,,..t; 1,•::q,.,. , 1 r l ", -, +,,,,,. ,7t 1:1 rx:?:- . ot.- roi . 'r•-): '' , Y .... , t - , , .b•ii••,„,,.:.:t•17,1:'. , t", - .•ii- 1,1!.. +•:',e,'.",:-.4- i.-r... , I r•' ,. 7., ~ ,,,i •o- . ,- . ..--rt:41'..;;4::::1 tt•--: - .R•,1 , f',. s-. 1.1 •I i. ,-,,, :' , ..1 , -, ,•..,;: i t, ~, --- ..-''..- r. ' • • - r--;•-•'-.003, ein i v - ~.,7 4 ...w.i im AHr lithi. m ill . k . • 0v „,,, , •• a -.-- i.,::z rz.:,!. • 1.:: , vr , i: 1 , .' 4 .i. - -.;:ittw 4,;, - O. ''i,l':`,i,lt.4l3 ' 4l ;r - l . ii - a -i.:71 •'- 1114 !•.?.. , k..._,... 4 2 -"- • f 9.141 .. ,-;:;- , - - ,- - - --------- • ••• #: ~ {~'. 1 • Pi • 0493, trod tc, R as Ydll t as fo 7 4 85 ~ 46 II -111thiolsof Couatritint, : 4110, , year, UNIBO7 I:l4:lisedlifi • - 4Clowitziluipalatelodeat; . ' 44.446,101r41,411.!*ht...4-liT.***. • lilil E . A ii i- li na'n! -foe Ans If i lfgt AntOnATI two: ha i n 4 i iieid.e?44 ll 44l, Sikketi /Ow, Sad pawl* NO hidepegdoe#,,, ! n il! -ti f , 4tnt eret..6,9ollftoort-kisssa . ;4l. ,Thei!..nie eil .' . o et- iln,W heti!". -heini4eme., ene... . IJ* .:Ati!l:shist„ 041.:: : 11401, 'dislike 'and maple .blaelt7board Aiiiiiai- --. This 'dies selected fos . the iwifn tittleiende444se '6 0, 1 i -1 0 44 A m ": •! I ! in g; - . 11 . lit*: Ab O mga i si e -1 0 1°14 .,/. II CaV ... 144 10° 13 4 - ii . , F4#4. 1 / I !nuldlin'i tn4es the soltockhOnso half,* ntiia:from, tha..44,, ant hays a' healt(4,. Seaeant,,loiatiOn, with snlinbls grotindlor play. and enatehts.. it Ja ; not enough that the, how . be constructed ; so : as to bi binliby, s'opeditithlennd eonvsnismt; Dui :it sliOtild be renteltbarod-, ihat. : si4ble ° remade for . exercise are,. ,41 4 $11PC;i11004--. While . it ie , true „ that • the : ntentailweltitta 1 giro* and are,etring9issed, 14.44/41.- IL sl, I not letts.trtin.,that the proper 11 . 14 /10,10i . ..4... 1 yelOinnent . -ei the:phitdeal powerio, requires fi7 vorible opportnnitities for etzereise.. -- , . The school directors of Tud‘endenoe. 40-• Berle 0104 notice fur thegood, house" snot.. ad,r and for their *ignoring . energy using On last three years. This distriei..ispoint. of I wealth aid ixopmoutekt,•is - below -isany ; ~,, ire in the eenstY ; aid yet: its hotnitte, livb of which were'. built within the, last two, ye are excelled only by thOse a. Brighton distriotolie- best in the county.. - It is' time i Jet Hiner Greene, itatioooa, Reononty, , N'rth Bewlekly. and • Chippewk 4 7ould wake The Darlington academy. in the bornagh of arlington. was leased for a term of 20 fears, refitted and . refnraished for fhe. sommon Sckeot Greleads.—These remain about the e u lait reported. There is not oie Onse in• any rural 'district, inclesed,, and play ground iinficriad. I cannot understand why It is, that parents, generally, sre so particular about improving thetrounde around their residences, by inclosing, planting shads and ornamental trees, /te„ but do not display the same taste and love of the beautiful around their school houses, The influence erected arising ;rem sultablyOmproved and ellifOnented school ground, would be very . 9ur surroundings have a great deal to dippi forming our tastes, habits end in ma king moral impressions. ,But aside fora this, theis is an attractirCnem presented by the well:lmproved school ground, that mates it a ;dice that pupils loVw to frequent.. They are not insesuiliobt tooOof beauty and advnia n iabor to - sate the, achOol house and. its starrountlings r healthful and attractive, the more may we ex-1 pact! them to lovo thkr school.and delight its sae! clam' • n building new houses,' he work completed . afitti a neat, substantial l'auee,7 . and shade 'trees plant- School directors, ii should not consider ti they are enclosed by the ground improved ed ' soo.—ill the ‘sitools were opened;, cept;one in' Hookstown ; and were generally taught in a manner satisfactory to parents and school officers. A very marked improve meat was to be seen in many Ol.them in re gard to ' order, progress,asid classification ; while some of them Sell shOtt. in 'those things. The, iniployment of inexperienced in the, private school's, dsrring the trunnuen injured the classification, destroyed order, and retarded progress in some of the schools. It is recommended that,the law be morelitrictly complied with in future. We sire pleased to learn that many if the school bisards positive ly refuse to give, the 'bellies .to unlicensed teachers, for private schools.' • ; It is the, custo;a in some districts to divide the term into ,fall and winter schools; - and the fall term is often taught by one who does not intend to teach the winter school, and cotwequently anew teacherl3mA* be employ ed. As a general thing,:the fall school is two and half months, and the winter term three-months' . Thus It will be evident to any one, ,when a nevi teacher is employed ior each term, that we (*allot expect as good progress u whets ono fouler issmployed for. the entire' term. . Irregular attendance liras one of the great est hindrances to propel's. This existed to the greats* 'Sent - in the country schools.— Such irroptlarities as was found in smny what* should not be t olerated. Such de linquents not onirstand in the way of their cwn •improveniest,. but they seriously affect the progress of others, and discourage the teschey.. Justice Io all parties demands •thst. Such pupils should be compelled to, attend regularly, or give satisfactory reasons for ab sence... • • • . The Bible was read in ail the schools, and moral instruction was given by a majority of the teachers. Tmehcri. r .!—Ao wool, these were Igliroe, and it was with difficulty dull the schools could, bo Oeventpone ,Males and ninety-neven females were emploisd.. during the winter ; term! Of thene,fortiicur bad, no previous experience; eighty-two had taught. has Ouin ono iyear ; ten liad'attended Normal- ;whim* one lumdrelandpinetaenhad read proicald'on loichs; cIM handrii*And Odlrkr,gave goner - , al eatiatnotion• ; thilq-one ;Radials, And there. pet n,saven falitres., I The number. of loon 'andnexperiemied:htalters was !vestal , than fcmasely reported ;" y their success was bet ler: Oho szalcipatad.l i The efforts made- by, then genierall3r exceeded that of some of.the• more, experienced -leathers, : which accounts forOtair,success. jig not, the . pqemesion• pf Mersey nd natural ; lqualifientions'efinir Wit Conititutes the eueoessful rteseher. but Ithe thipesitionto use thole faithfully and skillful- • lyoux . entire conse4mStio n to the work and a. rminet — loit to succeed. Thuy may be divi "4l4 Orae'Clasactinth iegsrd to Arlen,: . . • ;1 - ' 1 - ... use gains& aPrejsisiosiii,r tist.‘thead. WSW tee:Ot :* a &Ma l i r & • yeah is bale lio; '1.141i 'i ' the' second by ___......geinwt_lllrpentosertbet ligliiisVenily taselitinfObitad t iirsi Weeded NM *quo- bat. . 4 '-I • • '-'''' r. ;' '. illellieststahla _HaielliOdieseleal ha" 'rata , " lii° lll . _ .., weed ititkilliiikialiakt_ ~e4 a lit ict 'kive - , L. &Myth . , prouiPtit and thoroughly tettle f ill 1 UMW iAllilMOrplIb4MINiXiMI: ',' MO), 41146116 talliliii do:their obilsoN,'"lisenid 'aedayeao4 ;s e t ae tortsaita- are am / Inc. jo u * thirmoesiwiimidin e e t . . pram, sin-- ai1 1#1, 04 4.. 11,- yassaplosirklar • r istivo..eisO km reateette*,.le; sine . /lever ' ta te,Sig et- Mba v alurPialfreer ~ th e : raaPW,''` ! ' 4 ' L l ' 1 1 41 "*0 11 gIT* 4 11 0 . 1 1 free, 1 iffreeabia, dam 'Attest but Wehbunij-eireepie I '''• ty•;;Tbeekidt• urilWleeehiskiresi-t ' 4016 4 *at bOatat A dedt *taaatioerear *e, ~ lalltittrtet hater betieithOn *one atill. l No matter how ' beg-MesimiltisittehlOhe,hetitis bait Wag.. 1 4, 7*taioalo 44 . it was •aiike hi, _ .. _ ,r ' `iiO4, deb itraietSiits 'nay he, W hey - ihquid learn ly atti wherellOrtilißh44llfty per Comil- f oltkolo W l TSi liki llkiejEk_lbtistiminn* '‘'Critii* tom niitefw Poor Ito Mayhe, .i'lioi` of an` r ailwage attend**, ; 'and itri Maid 'Octii-‘ 2 ; d 6 .1004 , :il ,leelters -- ;of t Pa : _Pirs•ltki.-'' .l hela.. - .iiviiii&iiiiwtisie)t beivilt . ''Thli ,City in 1 Ididithigthidttitilittiddlitersit'sndlithitiP 4 i lk ." s ! i r t i,,o3l4.,__ ._ _IFI ekiCll!,•!- will fili to:day eeritiireor Sidi Men *ha hats] tat filleailitalltelastit*ev llt liWallltoirthis sed*Mile,liSite . .tt ', , ,idllirspstwbl,& Fir, tliene;to, haekei4e; ; haidAeOPe*lsiirtere; '8.0.:, ie.; I, *MS th e& elteirls4atikili4l bit iiiiPoik: li t iAlwar . ke ' iiii_ . 11 i.! '.,:frati lii -i Pifr , Ist - saitina 1'0640 do,l:anor are ',fining] ^'-• 1r,.. -" •I ' n ';',l" -. ;* ,'" . --- '• 7 "l' . 7 " - - , ;' Ma" . • ' 46l6 :ilitiberiist ht. i'LliatibtlilS; ' ' . , Ini i iiib i e their {Malik i tar!hli:didnoit]gle them, ad; 211 " 6-415•- "AltIlnit 1 ' iPti IL T. et i • - UM Ileit " e‘‘Tiiiati tataits Ititutia lean' Setate;and 'sliest 'aid merely adiPtklakeettlit_, L! , , .iiiklititSeiitiliteti,! iestk i n tr .z iiirLAirffliiiisKelittill t eetii ,wnys - a Predietlis' One; 'l9§ , ' , log, '.O l l li alkatkat*orivis listifsewikOlki Niiiiiiiiiisiveisiok, latildintsami,nitit:ll:.; .401iiihotin'aili genliallyi link 'paying -worli . 'kno w b l d li td e li r 11,4*.iiitu*"10if" te. -, ffich*f,lim*.:pimisset -Aid estittitlfa 'l!heitme sae !loigliihiiiiiiii far Ow* hit attended 11114r sttl it ' l itie;*•"ad iii".fetii . k 41.0. Welisei . *lnuntis: ..imieMiiiies end ' whirs ft einntoeWelliiMiohne many a sOlitiii On teaching and Wre . :ttO hi taagitilheti ,- tddrisesi,SeAtetatitesilifilie hilitette: • liev • gredoite faitiehei basiiiie 41 0 44 .1` . want* the . I eelves * • 4 *- : - . 1141 V- 4 ° 21 *-0 " I "1" J . P• q uan, w; G' Tailt ( rt - Pa i; 'We- oalrneri itChnimis hotAO do. '_l,9t - notittic, 4 „.4 iiiiiiiliv liana ebiairsh . ;illote tb' take' slugs Otranto& It a.' Wood,. were *seat sat giiii ni. prevent yetti SOilting .skillin some branch Oil tiektiOlit linfii . Tin'AiMiiits is imisu Wale atiareaseatbiiA we Weald ',lire skirl fart) , i,tolekitx.4 644,14. - 1. '.. : . . ' qolillied teadierit strigilge iae d `bt abondeM . the tamtpentits4- in -their . ' labors With 4 . tn. ' iivilMeiremit 'to he a 'ye;er:—“A rolling 1 businets Teta Mort reitilie maitifiyioatit.'. 9isetlva sitairise,: ter 'OS prostett the Stoa t , gethera no WaStai i 1 but is *- eolntly.l I Paietat ate* are ea iseihkei to Nish.** Is= "maw 'miaow' -- ' - t .. ''i.-- -' h ' e d . : ~ haect e d ; , fi e' shi v e re d te, amp_ ~, , and i co k terecta,":whellib, Piffle sending AO IV 0111 "" .'. ititarki.4o ; fifties' 'retraspiset, of ' - Ma , pieces. . N jart are hoseatind irldneirletel, Yee) drat - Fla lach tesithers,lolter • thin' 04 #,tiod . I l iad ; *ettr; We iiii*:eticouraged to be hoPehq :Must be constantly makinirePutation, which, I Ittleri ,.. eaen d" r !- -Idatili. . hE tese . heil t_ ', _.‘lre aril - the thttirM: Public `sentiment 'is More tit-1 it you remain hi one place, helps you 'along toritetimes'!irieliOed *pet the sineertty 4 rams. to .m& e r ee i e di g ca ti on 'G lut st, sa y ',the road •to fortune. Even a hod •tarrisir or men, iv* the* talk itiddlittent. the limit:lOU: 7 horsier period. 'oar statistical report , sh os ia a I street sweeper who has proud that his pre:mile ' his value of i - goed s editaion: and thei • * them adopt a course ebvereive of itSheit 'la- large liereasaon the *amnia paid for'private I to appear on a giveaday and, hour and' go t o . teresii aid highiat o b its.'' . " ' - ' schools last ye a r, besidei ther e Wets' • ro w I Worlrmays,bairusted, bai i'‘ property in the .-- . . good .enitiet,'Ochools supported at different I eattfidencehhus creatt I. If you eann3t fi nd 1 1 ' The riPtitlenee - and iltettitlee et the 0 111 t poinii is county. . These; togeth er with , i your work 'Where ion now are migrate; but do al; ol 'that there is attattra _tea dra ft upon the prof. Taylor's Female 'seminary and t Bea. he es,H wanes int.! all. *hen you Ihave struck' your teachers'• multi from 'other avocation; mid when we 'tern ' no ,surp v 2 atom — 'emy, at the count* seat, and the En- stem, stand by it ! ; • #4l, teachers,' We art schools o f N ew B r i g l i t ee . Boa ss t er : B ea ; IV. CoMprehend that there is : work almost obliged to license some who are tmatle_teach . 40, e ; ,B v tgo r o otor ; * me th = an d others,' are everywhere tar him who cart do it. An nal 'or leave the seluicle vi:Mititt: ' ' Theca w : il tle e adttrted ' ae NIA - -Their benign influent* is also doing Mush to i sixty year! ago, and 'got very rich there by erly, ,and werefreqttenti4ended,hy pareata dispel the goods. of tigi t Or a n ce sad preiodlee 1 graduilly • astablishinglinee of passenger con, • add titbits. School ,di ~ 4 did 'not attenti that Mm e gathered around au li i . warms ali t over that hdand.- Almost `- . 9ny . : as? Mani of these meetin - ettv they should hare It is encouragmg to know that tharioetring man "tad, htve said that he who went tlt Ire-1 ! 1 done. It is not only armoury that' Mei t eee i t i n e r ou th e p e moted th e. principles of , land to make his forinie Must be: mad, lie should hear their tea egazidned, but mod ....1)-1. who knowt hoer, and will work, can ,get rich 1 ra...rr.Y* faintish the most eottehmiVe ! !they should be present to at; with.the Si- „m en e t, : that false theories and, O re , moons ! growing potato.. in New. England, ;though be 1 Innintendeng in regard , .. 4.sitb.eiri___kud practices must an yield before the . e da ca t e d 4 hasn't a fire cent stamp to Begin With. These to:heels, and adept such C ''' .lll will Mt- intellect and the enlightened . conseients., it lis work thStwtll pay fees Onion more Pei.7.l ' mire the welfare of both'', lit,. 'qui-, their. tie- ' is M oo • uto l o b ar M A to watt." At, , ~t i i itt i I ( Ole On tha r saiLef COMMeticut Ilona; Thera I operation much i of the I „, ',." 41 - 4, i;e 4 . 41117 is mighty and will prevail," beams* the Step- artrukink4 0 , f "Pkductik! ' a " within * I I superintende rtt will bel ~ .;--,, • , , „ 1 ~.. _,-- , • nal of Goa we hers, so these improve-• thrirlae of this that Wed be bought and ; ,Private examinations positively nait :Bents end retoemsin educational depitunwete I vntde!:lM largely fruitful at a cleat profit of ed, unless the applicant wilS,sisk, air antignik:- for which we in laboring, mast wee ba g Are ome hgadvid :dollara qr more per acre. A matt my absent. front home at : ilm time.et*hilyta triaaThaatip abe t! all th a t, ephemeral Irani 'be Saes Idiebigem, declined to go gold- heating the public szaintnations4 *lAka irkikilab of Impediments and obstructions in the'vrii lathe fterdrThiesetat,eorea 'sins thwatandard of qua ' , bp; pow.' 'of progress,' met we should koow that - the' : PH k i Riles than ha_ owald_ge . t h th oll 0f.._ 17171 :, dinginocmpetent teachanY y lesion - 0 mcid .reab a up •d, yd time, sad the achievement ti,siii win a good one, sad it applifs.almoet certificates, and •others ' ' ' i n you ave, it ,as generally :decease ro . from ak ., et no b no w sub; will b e i n proport i on j o everywhere: lf you , can find nothing to d e M application , . --' , iiii - • •..•-: 1 : our esvnestnem, energy end perwmpring w hor l . ,, , . . - .. .. . The public az *ere risti ta!s* bore in the eases which we have mpoustati.--- . 7.1 0 alb a l a that h...., I. : toolbar bad'OetoteeVand mush districts iit. Who thea should be discouraged - bectalas',he • v ed4O -" sun --: swot . goi.allthe.h_ermetaude. And ilow" -- a1ane,........_. lIIIN 4.4asirsil- .‘tynitt - '114004. iince gbh, plan ...seams private schools without oat aikidos. ; :•. Professional Readin:y.—:tbe, disposition of teachers to read works on tealehing is improv ing very much., There was mare professional reading eine° last. report than in the two pre vious years. The inquiry is continually .be ing made for good works on teaching. and when obtained; an effort is mid,' to lractics their teachings. • .'• fisitatiors.--ywo hundred and seventeen yisits wore\ suede, averaging two hours each. AU the echouls were viiited,expept four, irlikk had not opened, or were simPledest, whoa the' other schools in the districts were visited.-- School &teeters and citiseei frequently se, emr.paoied me. In alnajorityArschoole, the district registers did net Atiovi - es 'many visits from school directors sad parents as they should ha** 4cote, while is some the visits were *creme. , One te e lster " allowed twenty visits from citiseneftetag the ten's.— Where the schools were moitriate . resting stul prosperous; the visits wera4nersily meetfre qaent. I did not often *Devlin,' teenier to deviate from his resider pietist — 'tunti (deur! rises:,. After' sp3nding 'Weald time in7thie way to see the oilier and classification. of the. school, and learn the teacher's ability to wk. 'en and impart instrnettiii, lipids' chars. were sometimes called. After the Aetna:is lion of the school, sad . laid* the requirefl statistical notes, snob ssmstkins were made to the teacher as were deemed neessetry, which were slings, well received. • ' It is difficult to say what I=loh of time &mild be spent la slob school. ' This dep6de entirely upon the condition, of the school which can only be known when, snaking the visit. , lithe school is not welinrganThst4 and in good working orders the' *lt PAY bily-Prib !reignite iiiitventagin but when the leashes un 'elerstands ilis business and in i aching Sid iditialY and inowsothilly, leas gam may be spent. In such schools, the higimpt aims; and expectations of school Akers bays been 'gain ed; **defter words of approval Med anceus 7 - comsat; the visit may end. If 'twee* peer% ible *make a visit of as lour near the open ing of the school, and one of ma ..re t half hours before the clinging of theterm, it doubt less would result in red*r bandit. to the , 1 sehooL, and be more , •• • -*amain:v.. intendant, than when hut . as visit, ff halls day is made; but the sh , , ens of tha term and `the distance the schools -apart, ;winder it- 1 impracticable. . , . - , Five edneattonal .. . p were held in Merest pasta eltbe eons • , and I delivered 'a4ldrceses to the .people, . ' . ed * "wakes 'a deeper interest in ed , - los, sad create a morn enlightaniktprddlin: Illbeatrlit nerd ~en the: deinaidir'-of pu , e selwieka. Three limestiags Wine well Stead . - end". aleed , di ii yes of iaterest.nma • , ' Alamselatthem the schooli gene tura ' • ' eatedidluient with vocal mule wklear , , , to the Antunst of the mestimm, ,< • ~ 5 . - ;• ; , - 1 I I ~ Oofaitylistestisf.=L- I The !eid . ..Noksief Mr : 431111 t•F itlxiirde eine held Itocheifir;bi 'oi: Flober;'anci ecratintimi.in , . on 4 dayi. TIM j'attendanCe of teachers :As; iii , hip, 'but ' ierpeetable.' 'Thit amen - ' ' there- that' is I lalwa y s sureto male Mi ifides Lett:siting pi sad pro fi table, 'th at is ,' ' niskel*,..atryetin, ,- • • . • • 7 'l,f• .• - 1; • • • - ; • , • 74 4 , e2= -. I n • F=./ .; 4 10:if ~,.`"; - • r"..; 4 ' . : • , 1 7' . 18:6 _ L.. ,••• • - for which we ark, let us' receive what is grant.: ed us, Ind malts lash good use of it flair will be etrengthened for our next aggressive movement. And thus one evil after anothe will give way before indubitable energy fini s perseirormos, until the claim of :ilia:teacher have been acknowledged, the - ow:mon schools. elevated, and no air will be .itonsliered fit to discharge . his duty as a , parent, citizen* c hristbui, without a thoro u gh My giateful acknowledgements aro - duo to the officers of 'Depritnent of !Common Schools; for their promptness in tropic-, ton of, facial *einem, to teacher"; for, the Mures'' , eitended to ma occasions, and to pont" a nd • school iiteetiers,' fo l4 :;ihek operstion end kind hospitalities. • 'Aspirations be Rich pkivig the New York pantos.) , A youPt *rites us as foliowa—and his case: s - like -that of so manj otbere , that we trisatAt, t una publ cly, scppressin his . name: , Dear Blr spoor boy. I "cola like to get rich. Now what obeli Ido ,would like to quit this section. I don't 'want torrio. :Man on my father's farm. Please give the best advice -you can, an& oblige,_ Irours,: - • Aims. —The aspiratik to be vleh—thougi by no mesas the higheetthat can impel a ca ripla6.-Is, in our view, wholesome and laudable., The youth who says, “iet me be rich enthow n : and before all considerations,i', is 'very likely to bring up in some State Pettiest; but he wh° consistently says, "Let me Bret be just, hon est, moral, diligent, useful; the, rich,",lo on the right road.' livery boy onght to coPiall to be riok,peovided he can be without =Beth- mum to I molai obligetiMi irt4-utord Pinot' . AL' • But how shall he set shout getting rich ? 7 -.. We would concisely my L• Bineyresnive neves, to owe s debt. , letheTtundamental mie4ke of emit °oppose they can pt nick dater on Money 1 named by ethers than on that earned:, jeeps°. Itivelr by themedvei. If every ybuth 4418't0 25 rearmost' to ! dar offered $10;000 fore ten yeautat seven percent: Interest, 'two-thirds of them would eagerli accept it; when the Prob able consequent* is that tiplee-fourthe of them would die bankrupts and ;paupers. Boys do not need money half DO need to know. hoW to earn and rive it. Tke ber'who, at the close of the alit .of, his laidsiend - , enco•4 B , . and 2 0,4 Mo. and latest' ad °ripened itwhere' It *lll par ' him six or' alms! Pei . ont.. Will.ila ' uoa. become rich if be liver , doses his probablywill .4Ta !ski (110 h; debt . _' 4 asZiva*a4 t Res .I"*r ijitiOas* than" that of chOoshig to pay Internet lathes' t>;aa receive *Mist &mini& im *keit' vialie j tab :anti oiir **fin /004.50-= ;44 . . itag iiiiC(S/;00 In r ind bont-1 1 4 *sided la', ' "' maatilaa: sfai 'he'.44l mealy maie‘rthiiisiber; is intik Olt $1;e0 k, id iioeniiisi l ipo4iitrectiot Make tem rO!it;oroili he to "arttY: rate cent* hniomltint Ibr oqt boy*** that whisk teethe then! Itipihrotih life reohiv in; biting 'intitaithan pnying -it. or tortaintewkink tact Ude *ma sphere; the?. L. , FMB 1 =I L: ~f ~•.~. . St.abiietthedi . •_ use that b. who far= stsrpattea, Per day more Otani, spends mast get Siosh,-311d,L.-- MILS become poo . a veryr ae ey ed truth; but We shall never be done needing lie reputation. ; Hundreds of . thousands - are not only poor but wretched to-day, simply because they fail to oomprthend or Will not heed it. WI Atuarlattm are not only , en extravagant - but ostentatious people. We habituallY spend too mach an our own stikutachs and our aelgh bora' eYes. We are continually in hOt water . sotbeeause we cannot live t t : t somfort: on our meant but. because we p r .— . in- spending More than we need or can afford • Our youth squander in extra fetid and' drinks, iri frolicii2d dieripation, which dose them brim instead of good, the means 'Which should , - be the nest egg of thew future competence.— When Cares and children 'cluster about them they kible at their hard fortune ; forgetful thatthey wiiited. the years and the means which might and should have saved them, fromprine—nt and-future PoVerty. Allithese ere very trite, I.homely truths.—_ All our boys have , beard 'tiara again and again: but how many have blithers to heart? fife :G. 8. and every other youth that en& may become rick if he with "to be , or not to be" rests entirely with tam= that his very trselesson is to dis truatemi shun by-paths and short ruts, and igeepitraight along the broisd, obvious bairn. ,• • - • A p PUlpit Ingenuity • " reacher inthe neighlrbocvi of Tillma n Mars, London, not undeserredly popular, had' just kinishedrari eihortatina strongly recom mending the Lberal support of a very ateritori f loin institution. The'llongreigition was num eriut, and the chapel was crowded to excess. The. discourse bOing liniShed, the plate was Mani' to be handed rained to the respeetive pews, when the preachermade this short addriss to thO cangreptien :- - -"irom the sympithj I have witnessed in your coaatenau oes; aad thestriet attention ym; have •hanored sir th, Mer l e is only one thing I'm afraid of that me of You may feel hi r tAlaecito give too muck ; now, it is my dutytalnform you • this jus". ithough not l fleasanti should always be inior ivirtne to generosity;' therefor* as you i r ili all be called upon in your respective Paws ? r wish to be thoroughly understood this Do person RiU think of patting • anything plate who einnot pay his debts 1"* It need not be itied that: thui stdvice , prodnied sn orniiowing . 1 • Ten ' following - story; which Mines foal Califorigat We VI, vatiatisif A gentleman; ha sing snide I lady . Preiwat of a pair of pie tole, after eeieral trials of skill they concluded . to go! through the 'forms of Wdiel. : They Wok ' 4 their position; peed at the Word,' and, to the' to • -of the lady,'the gentleman.. fell.' She , 'threw heraidf fiintically - upon - the cm* eni briciog sad kissipg it with OSert emotion' of a4dearlate, L'' 'Thhli each Magical intineake: thikiiiatillian:Mrittel, • sat'l tisk! nnliart AkMW thegfroand,land—tha; ;arta bowisiried.,, Th i f tio reips7. Atha TkTOur7. Tifejie4 inf=thit.t.im9l_ll4)Pe "Ye- bee, NI" - its* 47 41 4 eriPitizatioa' for par- P* l ,raNg4i alifshirSes 3!4 , *Nil* through, the P 11130,111 bb 1 11r4 ttia hi jilt froteetkieTirrtßill hecinaa 4 balerd•lillero4ar ; bai t lab l iat4 jaarehilata rsouthlii Utak capital for this purpose. ?is:bT}l. =WM A,dytd4Nml4 -alcktf 4 1 4',A isi* - 77 per moats ; taw* bkifir4k., eaata., liberatdißmat. Judi falearti . , p4..vartiaaree oar *hat 'l4l4as ta - a r easeavdiS o644 akifiße" 6 "." 811 " a IRWIhr. t ' B P•dal wins:* list !NA. siaisa le fell - I via rata'. - - • letadaea' 4 1111414' 115 7*Fds Sok N A t . ad otik mai** jag beatbi: • -- ' er N ausea a a = Orli OE Vika Clergy,- or Jpoirisbrtrg.„ - esa.:-; •;•- .• 4114ei: • -7 AV_ F • ..the ooVerruir.- - • - bie 'imlowiiio*lo*4497o4 mat: , •• • , 14 i 24 u e Yt'"7 , re kin Eseatiess, General in. 1 Bin: 'the ottersigitai.,.. ~„i,hit;*4.4'," srsl ebusohliiiif the ,elty lits7h4mir*.: ,: , , r , 1 17 4 t P l4 lder t 141.1 way tdr * l 4 hurt?' i"ngratiiht". 4 , 1 440 I;. 4.l4Cbyt4l,3l.litpad which r ic il s ***? 1 4 :11 upon the sui4eit of teia . ' 'Re feel tbst.thialks,ashitskofmrt*Cliidi sees to tha Wolfare,orottr.Costwesmeslilasit thiresper,lty isathe4.- site also conchicCdillitilserela , the land s newly. sjiahe.nell anti :wide ` interest upon - this *Nod, !MA i• I viork . great and 'tailing lined tetrier' twist of the'etommtinity, " - • lett' theseitMeintit; 'and $ ttiitimple . and words„ s the Chief ; Magistrate of throe million of people; 4.it . not but have - ha.'• tainoe itifinenitir, that • wedo , ;'cturse*sq - thei- f! . flesitintonar *Or tendering yott e 'ist personal and °Mehl! eapaeity;'our maitthaalr - ful *online!' of your late and 2loloi ('endorsement ofable Avery necessary and! tart' ,nieretnent..l Also, de nit 'forget' fia'• fact list while ' yotrr high:'pelitteit will le44 . great . foracto year advoeaci of - tibt Christian oause,,it will at the saute thee' pose. you to \:the eppeeltitni,lfiad mgeniftg - gr Most, formidable' influences...; = • Therofetlf.,it is that we , desire, in this hue': 'l' blew, to eueourage your heart aid strength. en yeur_hatiiis by this salutation, in thename : :!' of !elision, and, "by the isinirinee that, the Christian peophl,of liarrithurg; and .we b, liars pc the while • Etats; MI bolittily 11114 Ahankfully with yen. - • 1 ' ' Be assured Oat jet? shall not seam te•bil thankful that tits' great,. Cortitnonwtedth Pennsytiantalum i- inthe'person. lier_Vitter Magistrate a man who is. . Willing andwho ' dares tooppose. with his , penanwil halluenew"... and officichatanding the cryinglevil of intem• peranee, •and the'll horrid iniquity if the ligues 01050 . Ait4 wiTe - ive are thus gateful.. will not tail to cisme for you the. ( blessing of God and the : gift-1)f his enab li ng, gram", that, • Yon may be continually ertaiiiitd for the dia. . charge of all thelhigh •and Chrtstian*Ponli7 Vilifies to Whioli,m the proviclouce Qf 4 3044011. - ire 64 4.e 4 . • • • ri Velri!esPe4 l 47- t: t ' le Pastors ettsttil. (Ellicalid bratt.t, I The o,,exital System: Sys4e. re;v the ben•fiti! : Itivir s An. • '' *ions by Obis i ftie'et j of wheai per busbel is 60 ha ;earn saidixrriot • _l.' 432k , 1bs ; barley,l 48.. This ' • pride Or bushel Ong given, to 5n t, the pi4s per Ict#in multiply the prioe per .bushel by 1001and.divide bi the ;umber . , flimn4 lo .4 1 • bushel. I. For in4anos t At $1,50 per bushel for Wheat, what ih the pricepok•ow4al,--$l,. -50 riMltiplied by ~ 00 63*esiSt50 1 ,00 divided- by 60; the numbs :rif pounds busheligises. $2,60, which is tbe prise per eerital.' Again: The pitc !` per eental being Al.+, :to lied the • • ) grim: Per bushel, multiply the price per isms' by the, number of pounds in.a bushel ind . vide by 100, • Example: Attq.6o per eon* what is the price per bushel .of 60 poundf—.' . s2,6omulti pliedby 60, give: $160,00 dleidett . j • by 100 gives $1,50 the price per: 'bushel. The rule will be found .correct in its lipillesm cation t o o bushels i ofand.weight. n Our reader:: • - willaave much time while the new, aytein. beoomlnefamilialzed; if • they will . est this Witiole out and krr iL in a han47.1 74 41( for • ' few day S- The whrive rule is •o. 'easy th4-prple;11 . 13001 - haao`patiaiguiioalid . to the new meth Already the inerket...re....! ports-of Most Of tie - ;nit* Age igiTen .'tbn pinta: s tem, and it willhom: be uniemwedi A Question About - Lb*ltimigot • . . reases: 1 ;• , _ A singer in a L/440n eonoort asloolt 'tidbit: ,• to the Pall lan I L amts . , . . )'• ' • . :!• :- ,1 : i Can yon or any of your rea4nra WI, ma,.vdlogl ladies of title are Honed to moor .tbleem •fil "moiety" which the manager or a meads halt where I elle ollgatt l ed so a ffir•S ,er id* mil, too indecent : for Itia atop? Lila moat aditier members of my profweeionc, i haw ald mytignite au front a deoler be fasigionalteletait•elliastleg iag. 'I findthat til l : ma ineoriably willeirOge l ; that no fault . can found with aull quil#7 * I thematerial, gilsi•ilt k ii ore ' l , ll s ea°4l4 -414 , 1; ' l- ' oie open too' long ; in Cities - skirts , enough i • . roungl the waisf, , brosti enough, tbettemNi 1 • but always, mg low4he neck at t eat A# 4 4 • • oli o rea to wear , auelnet feel . iWilii,lall f to nesiltbent, Without adding . deeptiad ,i1f., 7 ,, Ince or eilk to coerigr my ehmelligire. ' Ni elteerivl _ . , ass from come riv co ea , einchsam, salt iitit% ; Er ladies Who Mend weU in t tam , Cott dn:ii4 . i, i .: , flow Is 4 unit th so ladies cariinm• dream.; C sitting on ottoma nwith geatlngsaa, .lenagheig .1. . over them, that :I Cannei . arid_ a. riot iellowegt . ; t'' wear ftn the. s i SO a *134 l4-1 0 1* : atilt - ;,,, . soma, yards ' • tiot‘viat lied iii ,. .e. , dimmer. . • • A ciss'ocise sumons.; 7 Tunny. Ifameit lbr ,Gliris---, , . i. .' ra i l ' theibittaW c l :9 , iiiitiii4iiir i 4 a , isoaf•: - .;• 1 ?loin af that pi%lit, Who ._ • front . , ~ , t, F,ransiseiito Nig ri.Vork'sasga ilia Alice Air t.l thnitainterOicanl(theen;rafatits thft-I,iteiiK.l .:, the painieheotwsrOsen 'Napo , : l . waass4., ~. , , Ilia husband and t i 4ire.l%ict #.4 itilriiiimlii,' ..' oinigrotot to en li toraia;Auid cilitessisolis isia3. ' - aismid• to 'korai. ,: After lutibst ihnik ~sl!•*ii. il , :' ,?' e t, Ppile" -in the - .WaShOS sitrertnisitsoll.; - , .. was rettivabsz• tn_tbe Mote 'Orbit, - ;:.. Rhode - -'1 , 1141a..._ tae.ilil' 1 ‘, 1 1 1 .!ft 113 4 nth three daashtsrav laNksd I.***Froly. .. Nebraska Brow*, tiestoliidelitasok_ . .._. ,' - iliillifi t •V - oodialroWit. ' IfOrlrrienti sionhi I a"( ROI al tbl f ' my lohitebbinl ShosithasC.; .Ciiiiie lam: ice- . ' . hrtiska. krul brhit I . l ilitorklit'inCitaltliie • with.l o k r imishill.. P0 1 0"‘ *41441 iti t . ' ' ,gl 7 #: * ff-,tr . V4*,lMl A . Lwift , s FE MEM ENE MB Oft 1 1311 r ,i 1. ,i '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers