rHE BEAVER ARGUS. • 40..W,FXAND4 „ , Aso sliornistole, Match 20th, 1867.:;.' • The ,Local ana Senator Taylor'. Vote Who Local ill in r .rronble in point oft fact. Fignrativi4 speaking it sr )tore de combat. Its i'eSzlitr,sr was 'wtrlsing, and possibly priimg, (if he ever doer snob a thing at Xl l,} while the Prue Railroad bill Was peoiing in the Sen— ate that Senat.ott l i yatylor would vote claim! ,iti .In that event bis paper would this "groined" with phrases like this : • "Senator Taylor votes against Free Railroad law;' .The i Pennsylvania, Railroad buys bim 4 Ria • ,Constituentisti betrayed,' "The people indiguant,"• &c., &o. But as Senator Taylor voted ne alt practical, sensible *Se .wotild bave done them. oeiVes or desirediheir representatives 'to do.-,thir- editor of . that..paper has been deprived. the torn._ of these ithe,tltfig-14idlirsise,and is said ` -torbite in the inbuth"ever appearances, 1!°w" :e ver liclast , week made freble. stuck on-'44irsWr Taylor for 'voting ' for the bill, ,when eveit,.person hereabopta kbews thit if he bad voted against it, just An . aspeational headings that , we bnve quotod.l&re would hive sp.' perriefirrthe Local, and "we told you sii...erou l idlsaire been seen in every ti 43 irhot PIP? 19 1 a *oath to 'eoherk,..'efes*polisted, :alai : you ? P,hs Cogincillavills 0o 'The' nnellavilla Railroad hill.,caree Art) • he Bruise on Thursday last and *aeltefeated by tire following ; • Vete. r • krts-4 'Wlikkgtoit b, &Men, itttes, 0, Berke, •• Do , 1) vac Khania!, 11,,knient, Boy 0, Nyette, Leech, R, Mercer, . Viaiinett; to; Panne, Linton, 13, Cambria, o.l4l,l6lt,RAldegteny McCreary, It; Erie Maim, 0; Columbia Magee,'l„Allegheny, Qhfeek• R, Cawford; Marsk,,D; York. , Coltivis. D, Behuylkill, maim It. Pot' a, notill4hlß,,,Allegeny, Mechling_R,Armstrdtag tom R,-Washington; Meyersi, D. Worthen, Del*, :D; McKaine,- Peter, R, Allegheny, ThipiAt:'olwlrford, ' Pillow, R, Butler, . Etring,R,, Washinton,* Rhoads, D, Berke; , Gallaher, it, Indians, Richards, B, Illorpert • norden,R, Indiana, Tharp,l Di' Northuned, Iferbbon,A,Lawrence Weller, R. Rotserset t ' Ilasnir, D, BOAS, Whaun, It, Vehaugoi Heltailt,‘D, Adinis. WilsOt t i , ":t, Allegheny, Hunt, V, Clslr*sld , • • blast , Speaker, Al 4 Jenks, D, Claribi, ' legh ny. • , BAYB-60. . 1 Adair. it. - Philadielihiet Long, 0, Cumberland. , Ansa, R. Venango, McHenry, b; Luzepe, ' Rano)). R. Delftware, hlorhirY.D Monegall..T Breen', D; Bknylkill, Marks„ 8, Philadera, Brown, -ft, Juniata, Mulls ,D. PhilidePa„, Wein, 0, Iliclte, - Quin ; TO,Philadera; Cameroto,l l 44ll4oeWs Beath 1 4 caster. PSI* Zit. r h Th 48 1 141 la WA it Robin .D, Bkuylkill t Deßrea; R, PliilaiVa, ROush, 0, •Uniciu. Donoltottgli, Xi Pa* Batterth, Malt, Dhlont'y Vogel; 0, Lehigh'. '. Boiler; 1., Dauphin, PitO.mrit B, Phils• ' aharalges. R. Chester. • Olteptt„Bi;-thilud . era, fiburona, B, Franklin, •• Greg ; . D or', A-11 1, 11 1 0ere Stob an, R.Lancaster tl i Ifood."PhilattelWit; Stunt aughlt,Ftintlin lintOPhrY; R,iPatton, gabe s. P. Philadelphia . :desphs,l3; Philaders Waddell:lß; Chester, • Kaisiody,R,Bsikneh's WestbroOk, D, Wayne, . Urns; It, Philadelphia W harks, 'll,-Millia, Kinney, R, Bradford, Wingard, R, Lyootaing. }Gino, 110, Leblgb, - Woodward.' lt, Brie, - WOO, 0, Lucerne,. Worial, 1, It, Philadera Entitso, Ceidrit, ' . Wright, R, Lycothing, • -Leo; R,•Philatielphia, , ••••1 . • • • - Quay . . ~, ~ , , 1 o'6l. Of tbivco'rty—in favor ' . . cf,,the b ill -paired id b .liciffinan of , . ~ . . . • • Dauphiti— , bpposed—and Phelan of Greene noun 4—in UtOr of the bill— paired wiii r. b - Ar l str on g o f Lancaster. OkimqA. - I ' •, . . . • • Defeated in the &Nita before, :and .. - tioVf.in the .tiouse, kill it this session, nrithonita ooubt• Wi3 are sorry that ibis itsts. ( L- tiromr f liise . Election, lie eleothiqoe Tuesday lest in Nov ‘4 l 4 ll PshiSi a thorough giniblietab ,triumpti, f Harris - 2*n is chosen CifiVornor p about- three thousand majority Over Jolui G. gin;: Deinocrat. Three Repablisie .Cooirreastnen Are sleeted bymajorities isiterieg . l l ,l:lo4 , boob: We have' tine Stste fk4iktOrli twelve, foil; ont o 400 1 ;00 - nadifopf; . :iilmi thf !lowe ' f-•bil 1 14 01 1- ofate Tike ie; the first 6leetion' ' ireTd Orme the piiiidige lOf - the '.RecOottriiellop lav(ky . doit,teititi . Over the TFeeide44lB •% , 7 1 4 , 914na &Owe OM the people of. the A ll - .46* have - air *talkie - . faith Croligtioa 'int terooliro4loll . n fiair:P.ValiOoril /oho -6 ainiiiithy :with List iIJ,. - • Conceited_ rebel opitabbe.l • - 4 • •. • 'l 44 l 6l i il l iat4 l esesmait stun* as: ithlitter Alum I . ll9 l aAsat again bsfoia ,tbe Spate last -Jvik! e.x•Pirt 9 # l /MatAr:*: 4 1 4014 , e r 9 9(49 on TbASSibMINUWa • 'bobs te, listve lip d ibitaa aliesberofiSt. nalfriSilds laiteclut /largeikictritiof I,luf that 14,y,betlieved :4at ./1-.110990r _ VFW bpd lasted ihroug!witt tbs. rebelti3n, -.ad *his l i Sitertaibe 4tio** be so* % :41945; ifi l oidd not repikiem !this r amlteeat, at, a .forelgA -Clem% -till -Ml 5 icilskOltr - ke '64 on the Uditail titi4ol6riatiirshif of . that twal'iseeki *go, ex-oer• i ttiontai: was on Moaday last Chosen to fill the vacancy. The latter is an A.adyClohasea7 Democrat, ' • . 1 . • Theo i "Sober Second - Thought." 'S • , , headquarters' at... 'pslumbittil decided progress... ;ha . 1 Centenary 7 . , , s a .7 ... 1 _ -, i ; i l . :1 I cuottibutions, will Alone , amount to "TP,41 . , .? /third„. Diartet; :commis* .of the about 1 414.4-millionsf.l , The;-preseharts L week or ten days ago, Axis ,cotemporaries,,amcong them , I , '.sVM,iiteleftreoripa, Florid% iki , Al - UT are an Uripahiatt s in !hear their neighbor,: the Vocal, Went off at "Itilf Um. hlifeez,flute i ld lit/ Wier APPA t' - toad i tho RiehoP , ig At nt l whiallickftrili hanged Iv ediolirs crnicil' on the vote in the Sea*,t ;G. • illlombia spew Aik,l'i ‘...,.- 1111,1 ,.r 1 e.,•, , -,,1. - , ..... •,.11 ii,',.. . . .. . .-- .1" . : 1 the Free 'Railroad bill. They as- c. -- . , . , =ha Walden to tams. hems, to prepare F rah Astrid, consisting of the for ancither'irear-af-laber:--ised toil.— flounced ovary Senator that voted fur Stalls of Mississippi and .Arkansia, to May .it he as the past, only more '*bald for a haw the act, and _ not moment ... .., nallanded by Brevet, lieJer:Gee.- abundant. Tandy Yours, entertain the: ides, that quite a num.- 11- U C. Ord, hilad-1 'r ut " 1 4 - Y r * " •''''..--' h '.7 . ):' : 1 - 1 - '''''". ' ~-.-• 4 NW of these same Ser.atore had . done 'l b _ burgh, g h . mu * : .1 ' ; . . " - ' .- -- -_ -_,_. - , . _ . .14 th, Coning of this 1 their outwit:in the ciommittee or ~tne St of Llmieiat.a.and Texas, to ,be whole.to have the biii properly amend -; coal ack d o 4; .. 14,. m it i 0g, ,,, 4 1, n; p .. 0 ... ed, and tailing in this, finally .voted' She idaisi, .boadipyseiera *1 ,1 4 4W-Cor-, ter it, as the'best that:couldbe - obtain- I m 3 . Ps. 2 , • ',- , ciwor ..{lapel common. ed this session'. This, they , 'averred T PP. ' - 4 d d ' , der , are , hereby elegate to ;'the was'all "gammon," but now the "sober above nan ) t ,d ms sic; c9m9 ,, , , 1de i. c comm . second thought" together with !addi- Byand of Gen. Grant. ~ . • Lionel light on the eubjeet; has shown B. 11; Tow:lapin, A . A.-G4 them' the injustice of their remrlcs,. and 'with one accord they all,excsepting the Local,' take beck their offensive insinuations, and admit that the free railruitd principle has no betterfrfends 'than quite a number .of Senators 'who' were thr r e recipients of their . abuse -- The following extract' taken. from sii % long article in the Marrisbiirg Telet graph on Able subject, evidently . viva the Senate . votn a phase which 'these= papers, never saw it hare- before,- and which no doplit brought' about: the retractions nod apologies istitmeepent ly made by them. The - Telegraph of litisitys.: Senator Bigharn, of Allegheny,, one of the most cautious and candid mer. in the Setiate„ prepared the free rail. road bill at the instance - of 'the 'Rail. toad Committee. After it bad _. been read in place, it was 'referred to' the Railroad Commiktee by Speaker Ralf, the . Senate inetracting the Committee to report the bill at 'a certain date. At' the proper time the bill was reported' Witfccertain, amendments attached.— Senators Billingtelt, Brown, of liter ter, . Coleman, Coleman Cowles Davis , Taylor, Wallace, White and Cowles , Ralf, vo• ted, in committee of the whole. against; all the amendrr.ents Jincorporated in . l ena the hill by t e Railroad Cominittees.— 'lie sane tors affereerdi in the Senate, on lls of the yeas and flies, recorded similar voles. The tecord eheWs all these facts. A majority of the Senate preferred the bill as itcame from the Railroad Committee, and the amendments inserted by tb at''Coin !wilco were adoptlid. in the Sentite.- We are bound , to respect the majesty as well as the ir.tegray at that` major , . ity. All the interests at stake. were fairly, .considered at the time. The debate elicited was one of the ablest ever had in the Senate. It is, tbore. tore, too late now either to slur those who. ..voted for the big milts final pass. age,'or to threaten any matt for his 'Vote doring the legislative stages. of the bill, because• every candid. Man who watched thoie proceedings; iti, convinced that they were hor.orably and fairly. conducted. , • , Senator Bighim s whose vote is , re corded - against the billi on . its final •pasosge . , ofeetlyaild emphatically eta ted, prior to voting, that, although the bill was not perfect, HE Deal:MD. IT TO PASS. Senate? Bigham never drops inconsiderate words in the Senate.— Re drew this bill. Notwithstanding, its skinerddiei:ts it yet contained all the important features be had created therein. Senator _Biglant taithiald his vote (although his name is first on the roll) until the yeas-and nags AO beets iii.lo; statute THAT IF IT WAS NaCteliAllY TO PAS( THIS WILL, HE WOULD VOTE FOE IT RATHER: THAN HAVE IT DEFEATED. ' The Pittsburgh Commercial, after bitterly denouncing the Senators. re, furred to by the Telegraph -for having voted for the.bill on its Gael passage, takes back its refieCtions on their in• tegrity and acknowleges theta to Ole real friends of a , general raiprosi 1 Saw s in this State; and the Gazette i the same spirit , malces 1110 of these rei • marks:: That we may do no _injustice, w. bete state ihatthe bill was originally prepared by Er. Bighain; that the ai , teratioris whieh made it offenshre were fastened on it by the Bailrcisid Cori t mittee; that in Caninittteer-ottheNtio all these altaintionswere voted aphisi by • Bißingfelt, Brown of Mercer. Cow tesi,:Thivis;lßlgliam, Graham; Lowr i , , Tayl4, , .Wallecte, White and . U511.....t. 1 AiVerwarrls l itiAbii - Skate, . the gam &maws iwowilaid as*: '- SO fox .: fora, MI our .roiniarloi toads& tilt Atapar age eith4;of -those genital:wittily withdrawn. - - .- . -. . •Ttitis . yibile -pne after iiiPthei r of th li:ii4 B fiagers 4 lici : lttioko Oftei4 l o, 14 *Pig 44*ikA their • 06 =4 14 ! ' / . 1 1 4 41 402 .thillqibeir,-, spiteful, little_ Zesai . will biollyiwitara opoti doings* pf tts iiiriiiiicadAltect,aorniani is iiiilloleat• ly latei.Ote4:ll3 i4.9[4 121 .4f3tir Ain I = • Malt rietttommazdeks. Dispatches from "IFmdongton I t week were to the eirict idea, had appointed Generals S • an, Scollskl,- Meade, • Hancock a innimmut the Sri-Dist?! timted by the Vongreironell- - . m AWL The oeleiod order, itomicieg thee e appoint:monk (than ges the oonitnioders; and Gen:Grant, after reciting the act of 00114p4418 fOt #le ; ioret safe - rent V4)3: intent Of de -ho7Stetes, tencliuleei *down: i ./ • pureemme of this ad, the A7reon. deaS•disiotathelolloming amignmen to . bemade : • • . Pirsidistrici.lition•oe Virginia, beeniusanded 40 , - Steed Magor-f .1: Schodsld " headquarters at It mind, Va. • Bond diatrid, witeastiog of No; Caroline and South Carolina, to commanded by Ilfajor-Gen. D. Tins Local of fast , week says ..that Quay voted for. tke . tree !sal *e-havena.meana of lanustrirag wbt Mr. quay's views. on Ate - ,sth— jeo hut sve dr) ittionf.'that'hi l tie not inainsted them by ; kukzi l trotit t " . :for the bill hai not Set: beep tixte . titui iQ the House of !Web balsa number., titer eiidencit'of" tit!) .Locars re* 9 1 iptileti 'cif iekistitiod. • , . liotn.ii, Yiniais , ' H be h Conf i, tr the Itr i eat set7i3not the PAUL: erence of the Itl. E: Churcb;, at million, Ohio, the: folle*ing pre _ .t.• am ble and resolutiiini' were Odepted: The state of thoccuut47,. ls at, the present time peculiar and.. ammitilotts. Twar for Lite preseri.ation if' the go o It rnment and the 'Union has closeip but the conflict bas not terminated.; it bus only- peen-trunsforrod from tee field to the forma; trom the camp: to, thcouncil. Ideas, not armies, are, the, for es , whichnow confront esehotber, an the real issue, is whether treason ,sh 11 recover what, it lost in the field or nether the sublime truths expres. se in tbe,lDeelaration of lindepend en e shall bare a distinct and einphai-, le cognition and 'application ,in the r co 1) nstruction of the government . and it _lettere sidmit.istratton. " Your cont. m tic°, therefor, offer fur : adaptiOn thfollowing resolutions : Resolved; Ist. That we hereby and emPbatically 'endorse the 'action of the thirtpninth*COugress on the question of reconitrncion ' and approve ;the measures adopted der the fleal . s'ettio cat of dud question: 1 _ • .22eso/ped. 2d, That,. believing chits a ; let o ii n vi g Yl4 ti t lbbe h ' e bret a it u l: s' ew p ii m b i il" o h u lk s il " :i wn g di n i s h b o iu r y * th rill : B times the congressional temperance and prayer meetings. .Resolvel, 24, . TWA, lie urighteowt4 owls eiralteth a natioe, but sin is a re proatth to any people," we will' riot ass to pray for our rulers, and will 1..3 , give our influer.ce and suffrap,o to ele cifto offices of nrcifli, and trust, Anon cif uaboojiing moratititegrity::::--:- Correso:mcUmee, The. following letter sb9uhl have . ,appeare, lilt woak, but amps too hate fur insertion. M. r. 111,1 i, •1367 Editsw Argto : As we arc enjoying ;.he hospitality-of ono of ih4 tng merchants of this city; to' ether with that untie accomplinhsd lady, we are minded tip- give our readers a few jottiogeof our imprrsion of the place SS also some items in relation to , the M. E. Gmfetenee now holding in, the city tut forty third annual. session. ' Massillon as twiny of your , readers.; know, is located on the line of • the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago rail road, twenty,five Miles .west of Alliance, and eigt miles , froin Can- I ton. Like most cities and towns we have visited in Ohio, it has very broad streets, and ample grounds inclosed with nearly snits dwellings,which sire .ornainented with luxuriant evergreens, many of them baying attained a large growth.!. The present population of the city is estimated at about six thousand. The people, are intelligent,' industrions,and hospital. The latter quality appearing to great adrantage, and making.a most favorable impres sion-hci the, merrhers of the Confer ences , There are several mannfactUr-, 1 lag nstiblishments rri the city, we I meniror that- of 'Brawn, Beibefing for, the minfactore of the "Ex; onkinr 4e4PerkliciNerii r and employ ,l irigover three, buil:reed men. '!'hero are - Several largo vicuna well stocked 44 - g4rsKand.doing a thriving basiT.osa., .Tbernareinliscs, several grO cerieq.andiPrettiitiOn! among thorn one lamehinisol Ow n'44 lit, Mr H. E. Dickey. ,T gentletogn •lar nishea raryt ink. iii fiia frei(h oat Iccevi'Ybrk, te - thi)_ 'grooers heft), and iii ttie ,itictuti• finartWnding. On gi: . most ,I,!**Otilible Urine. This atneicenptint e , gbOtt atringeniert*o one tfiat might be eafely imitated in some other places We know cit ' The CroArebbeis Wiliking in excel lent',intprekiical on; the , t-eornmen?ty herf;'brOie'd.ifsdfied bettringi emi nent .tolerits; andisorist manner of its INA bp 'Thompson, ttittite.- siding' oft*, lies long'-been diatin,- &shifted as bun Of, sound and varied reartiing; and more recently as one of he ',be fishiness Win in the EpiseoPal, board.' His • Sernion 'on • • Babbatb, triersang trill . .net soon be fbrgcitten bribing) Who wereiorivilegod to hear, ik TlitioCorifenaine , is also, honbred" with ,tom room. 4t 'the , -veniarable BlehoP,Motruk whale godllf 'lire: sad . e soned , ridadositaation ba're'juitly vas; Ai titled him - to-too alfeetiosti . and dude of the wools ehareb,..: Dr. j.k. ' l earreitimaii_es 7 Eleenstait of, , ialosiwsry sobtoel mar profs - of; ' - port' ht_ . :tlis'ssisrioa. ~Ql l* **l * on. taortnagsVissymoa of grew t. power. Boa- Dario hOoseholt( d heed'oisidai towsrof streagiktbseisigh, out the artisliao iworld• i nks sae* ona Commitbsee ordeeed.by the, 0:s -tereo°. have made their report*. most of !ditch ars gratifying, and show f~i~l►la - WAtibirientl 4 lo: COLO. 48, 1807. . VIM RAW DISZCATOE. Atiirre hOry 4ebate took piano,u. tne:Soonteliminy on the quo:olio:L.6f thd neW Senator front %ill/ 4 I lit 4d to his neat:, A inotion In• made .o refer his credentials to the Judi-! °WI alm!tiee; "which will - prevail to 7 rnorrow.„ The objection to bia be. ingteeeiVel was limed on the( stlteineot Al* he 'wiped Sec'. Wiry of thq Prasory fiorn ItoShan , aii'lthibinet, on the -ground had dreade4.tO reit:4mo Simter t and collect the dillies on Shiphosrd'at 91i pori of Charleston. Senator !Cow ard, who madathemotton'of,referene% claims ttait•Thomas iesigned , as . See-. rotary for,the Smile reason that: ; Cobb , And Tompson , giro. Tho Mas .was PrePeiOn,t l . l PA--0 8 di4r l °.*—tbi die" cosakm,.-atto - aceined veiy,m4Cli's#er. cisede, .is , by. no Amens *amble that heget,hjs seat th!ssession. MEE Tfir Ttiatevii Ims)inovrrobi. • • The Iroise, p , iped fil.tle, etinfiL• deuOilo fhirli T liae Stories' that gor 'cirlimeof r ieitted"in" d aft lode fivnil-the Trial:4l o that it rOttPiett to oiAer etuninittee, but coherirred With the Senate inliu• thoriziog the joint CoMmittie on ite-' trenelintimt to make atiy,,net;ded invert tigatton. It appeariid, 'heweyer, in debste that:tbe duplication of num-, bere,oliikteen.thougand dollars worth of coupons did not duplicate the con pone, and that the error was made by the Anierican Bank Note Company, and not by the Printing Bureau of the Treasury. THE NATIONAL BANKING T. Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania. intro dock in the 'Howie to-day, a bill - to so amend the National Banking lair AA to substitute legal tender notes foi National Bank notci It is the same. thing that - was pending in last Cott gress, and has' no -probability of its being acted upon until next wirter. • STEW ADVERTISE*Witi., FOr - Rgint 1- • IIE uhdersigned •offtr tortoni their trick T dwelling honse i known as the "Ilugh Andamn house' on' thirta&bet, heaver;. Pa. The house contains - , eight rooms, all in good condition: Wainr at the door, and:plenty of groom; for gardening tiro. . fTerms moderate. Mart.O. 4. 1 W. 3011NST,N. SEA ISLAM D 4IIELLS - • • . • f 1.9.013 ,wialting to adorn garefen,trulk4 4 m4rpdtg or *Oivarsiww- .Itimoir UM: yr3ald'idojycil tiiapply 011! Laken'', W . liaiThont, Frothestsr• where a splen4la lot' of waahrl BE,A • ISLAND 3.1141.1411 tit; just been-re ceived, and foesale. .1. ,• •-, - taar2o'67. . W. it IPEENS. A.D.MINISTRATOWS 1401 1 .10 E- - . .1 • j ETTERS of sdinittisirattou on the estate of Burnt Mucatt; late of South B !aver' I owlish i et' co uut y. deed. „hue ing.b peU ! granted to the undersigned, all persons iaL debted to the said eet ate,arei requested I oinakt immediate.payinent.„ and titolse having claim or demands against the eetWte of s.niti decedent will ntake•kfiown thetsamib•without delay, to •4, VEON. Exeontor, ; Enon Valley. • :Public Sal e. , • lIERE till be Oxpf*d to public sate, on T TUESDAY; 'Arum 16111. 18137, on •tho premi2cs of JesrelNlTGOttielt, in Brieitod tp. Beaver county NA.. the following- property, to .wt: I,Engine t Tools; Lumber.'Blick-1 smith Tools', and allitbe mniihineribelonging to the Six Mile Oil', CoMpany- sal*, to com mence it I 0 o'clock.ot nehl-dny. • . . ' JESSE IMAFFICEx • TEO& WILSON, • " ma r20.67--7:;1 " , ix-patio Isit TOE subaeribert will sell at publics. male,. on Ills pramiseit. near Remington Station, on the' P. .P. X.; I L C. R on TRUSS pAY, MAR 1867, his I) A .1 S . T 0.0 Ki of 10 head.: of Cows, 1 Durham 1 1 Du% Ste., ; . „ ditle to commence 14 liyA. M. -Terms made Ituoira at that lime• ' mai2o'67--2t. DUNL W12,133.1c, Male. MHZ sateseritrerAtill afar at pubis. eala, on J . FRIDAY, M ASCU- aril. 1807, at Me LIMY Stabiet • iltPtaTer, P&., Tit r ierrig OR FIFTHEN HEAD OP - 6 1 00b:11ORSES. • - ' Bali to commeltee it; ]0 A. M.; whoa ate atteadahte and i . reasonable credit wUI be given by ' ArKiNLICT. mat214117-4t r. - MBE Stockholders of "t Company, 'for efectloga *ridge over 4/ gl3eiverCieth, at - orslor Wolt Lank V Onallt, Of &A lter." are borsht ,notified at iii Election fot est PretWaat, sitC Diana tads Treas. user. 104. ka held in, the .To ~lit e, of laid Vonipapy l oa the Isst , 'AionA 7; 49Th of April Ant,. ecnnmeactig k A: 'M. -JA imittY67. 131 re tors in., 71 Chimws OtritrNeY' , ierridd foor I i Tocishreiederit • N•Lifelm.reelliP lieitlsariVio Ptit 4l Pat". ' 45(1 I .crellH : 'MP . 11l - ' 1:5116 6 4 :: : : :7 1 . . ,„ !few Imulogega -Aadiiera, of 0114141ra 'W ,l intkibilit" 04 tlooTit, q ki Jut sea *vs; .. ;Oaf our anowspo 4 p Rad abi li ty . - ',DA 'll/111013001 4 . t : 4 i I .. , O. HERRON.% editoritt. - - [ '• ' •- DOM DUNLAP; - . - , . sOs" id bill 10 - Sohool (Local Phase copy. and Dirotgon of Chippows Township.) AS.:RUSSELL wifli :5 : • Oi ea 11 1 42 tit/ "' • eetil 0 5t,147,.50 94' ' Ja Trsaa, 60 ssper cent; 6,74 oilks:2,111) 06 '4B S 1 ,exsiipt; 71 04 g ME Nap A N es i i . aip Nap • $ ' Lin, C is. , ;ph itinte4k iveft4.. aid V 4444 f . I cLua li w i lu ; t*L_ l of ion ilbsaailkita On 'A *Mit O . cum: Canief oftPadVs Oesan I 'O/p6 TATIANA, 11%/11ASEA, - WTIAGO DI CI:7IM. sjk.spas.cuppo, ._ stltaAw-, ; - DAmata, - • Passafß Ind Frei lit fteilli° l4 Rele• 434.11,Riff 'DATA T,Epal NEW TORE. March 1867- _May 10th • 8%11—'67. April 20tii " I Jane 40 Aed_overy tweet) , "days thereafter,. leiving the Baturdsy previous when tt regular. Balling Day comes on Stuulay, For further; intern's tion apply to, the , -• ' • • 110 at! AbfERICAN . STEA..I4SHIP CO . IPiesidetit, 54 Echiretig • N. CASIUNCITON, Agent; 171 Nett Warm; S.- Ai • jaar2o.67;. , =,. IL:Prigies at . The- NIWIIItOEERY SOk9 MEIMMI . , • '' !".:" " : lil ": • lND"J1T1411• , :t11 IP E-' ''F tiq ;f: I POS'I I .42p I FICE; BI~AV.~~, l~rA.:. Prime '..0111 Gov. Java" Coffee, 42 cte per lb = "Laguayra" .6 31ba for 51,60. "Hie • gibs forSl,6o, Best Ligh i t Coffee Einar, bf lbs for 51,00 " - *own J" lbs for "Loieringi" crushed, • - Of /bs for $l,OO " best •Sjrup,' per gal -.... •$1,5. Prime P. It. blelaises • 99 cts Csrolina Rice, per lb, • ' 14 . e1s New ..Ro. 1 Shore Mackerel per lb 14 etc •• 2 •• at : )4 * J o "%dap" Lair Raisins. " 3l els Fine fresh Figs small drtuns each, cis .Flue 'lmperial Teta,' per . lb . SI.BO " Oolong . 81,50 Mer2o'67. ARKEL., VALUABLE • PROPER EY . _ . • • A.'l' A. 1. 7 . 0. - 'FT' ON . N. : • 014 Ilionany,'tfie 25th day of Nis i rch, 1f47. 'the untlersignell will sell at Auction. ell hts property situate in Beaver county, Pa„ to 'wit.: • . . 1 One two story Brick house,.itiritled into two dWellings : sittutte near Lock No. 1, on. the Canal, in New•Brigbton. ; ' Two Frame Hodges, out buildings and one acre of land. more or leis, attached., situated at . tbo welLfised for a place of. public etwertainntent. ! Goto - 9retr of water on pretniaes: ' • -• • I . .one Frame Howie, with twO . lotit:attached. containing ono acte; i tnore teat wbell: . 11 now reside. Good well of water ea the prom isee. ! .• Also, Coal Lease:. runiti for !went:: eight years from March 22,1 867 , wit h Prry lege of kinewal of the lease on the same ' • • • Sale to' continence. at Henry - GreenwoOd a stand in Fallston berough , et .10 o'clock Xi on; Said day, - . • TERMIIiOne-balf caslt, balance in. twelie Months. DANIEL EITAIOB.,'. .ITRNollol . :thfqlliWl • AT IftEDUCED PRICES is •I Of our own manufacture , and warranted PARLOR. • • • LIBRARY, ' • iIIINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS . In every vAriety and etyie.,. • SCHOOLS, ' lIOTFLS, STEAMBOAT, • . and PUBLIC BUILDL\ FurniShed on most reasonable terms. T. B. VOUNG & CO, ; 38 &40 Bmttbfieli M 4 • ' mar2o'B . 7 L...6tuos. • , Pittsburg, Pa. -NEW'' SABER -SHOP !' NO, dUTTI 81IA%:i14)0-• 'TORN B. .WFLIAAMic having restored his 10 shop from Bilfteliater to Beaver, 'wish es tp inform- his former ammo's:tete and the Public gencrhat he billow to he ke4clin a 11003 , 1 ArO.OININIMIENATIONALBOTEL„ - whet" hnitlli carry on hii bealiai In geiel and fesldonable etylet 'By close attention to •bus huts, Le hopes is matt and teseive n liberal shafer of public litionatirr 'That, ,arlikihg 121 . 414'1 9 31443 4C 4 hine, oc Lair Get, In al task iattable ityle,,jkst otop,,la 'and give 'Siam w lila; 'lid he' heti satisfied di/dim Onr ilease them. tr ••'•• • • • n ' ! 4 ,•: ME - 4-toicutTAl.: ,f 1.50 per . race yeizs old;) t $4,00 per b0z..40.1m. u lb* LIT. Palest) Ovel:iefr' ekI P -.?• • • • • TIABANAI3, 'Moraine Ilapartosl,) $1,211 D Emr4 irxn- swgiNcr:tvAt49o9 A i,Anal kq ui l ol f l P74.-r:cialta. - • "14 ileor Mot* Pak elk*, • ' : • ditampra's. xt a- PA s Erroosi f. • . • : 'et" 1141 , 111Seiterlitimi epee. ellijstiy . - .stesd.; lately, elbeagest; : . 6:0114 pet . lenduitigni t MAIROU 17- *Wi -1 47 - 010. friendet!!!*s l am pnAr . plesselitSettise Air !vette* 01 in 'eattlierieti eteartiffililniest e est Spring Btylkei. snot will. bs Otosed*itirtut .arty call. • . 1 • aterl3'67.-Ij. B. A. BEES. • • . • Eirin MEM , , 1 F. CL, • .- .;i ~ Tr , wl. Opening 140 f A , 0, • Y----Ci . '. , ,t 7 0.1 - ••,- -IA ri I A FOR TWA\ , • t "-tri;-- -- ,•,-,- --- SemilL-T rad.. , .x 966,1 - ; AT' P. A. Fortune's ffl=ll CIEEILP D # . 0, YODS .STORE IN tnE DlAT►lopm ROCHESTER. ' ollf prices will astonish all favor us with as . call., . MIEW!IIII==MIMI I ' • . • Goods , d 'every, description sold . Cheaper than over, ---,.--.- B:rowi► Mum in :4 at 10. et:' Bloodied do` . • 12 1-2 Good Prints, it 1-2 a 15 • , Pants Sttiffs, Tickingi; Checks;', ,Ginghanrth;‘ Prints, • _ 2 Canton n el s; - xtva - 0., - -cettow • Daried Striped do Belmont' Skirts, Hotitt -' .B dots and Shoes, Huts and raps, - Trirnrriings; Ribbons,. Etc,' etc, etc. The prices of. the .a— , lave Goods we wittrrant less ' than the - same olasti of Gonds lean _be' bought' for west of the mountains. Dress . Goods in o:ndless variety I , Frenchn Merl GOS, Coburg:4, - DelaineS, ..! • Poplin's; ; ' Casbmeres, Etc., etc., etc., Cheaper ,than ever 1., Blankets., 4,4- . N ankri .kiatva, Agfeakt*Tgaiikw.,i--H- .!..• !: : ' • v PR Remember the place: Iviermrs cHIAP AToRE 11W TSB DI AM.9.NI): , sacwbitimtirlaitt 9 r.l .".:• • • . le •; eviiogdy, • and a .40 tier ytrt,irs I *fore-Purtt!tusigkg', ritovimerio !EOW aooDa NOW IS TNE- : .TIIIIE TO .lIQT ?RoPOsAi47. . : - • kind Scrip . m ax --. .otdolliAtaidiselfrzoi tillitir). oak 62000 servo of Agricultural c o lli e - Lind Scrip, being the baistitcs 4 the Scrip limited to thireotamooweatth stt Yeassyi -- for fie eadowboat of Agricultural V thin Btatc olleg es ii ?repots)c for the pdrobss• of 'this 1, 4 44 1 Scrip: oilkirestarto •stiko- tooid.ot-Ctolita. Aswan of dgrioullosal Laird deliw,",wl 4 recelledi at thstlurioyor tleuerWl's off i r. A t • AgnistiSsiestaiii.l2'4VeLri,.M.J Oa• liei l „ . day. April 10, 11367. Mao laid'llMEblk located in . ,Pity State .4 Territory, by the holders of tits ttrrip 44 - 1 ,juli ;or tho rioted laud (except ma. oral Lads) all Laitsd State , which Wi t , be subject to sai4;tit private eat 7. ilschpi ec ; of &tip repretiewpc a quarter - section 0 pet:: eqadita and sizty-hertr,is itattiej in blaak .s ie i will - be tramifet.ablti: without enitt , rietseas or , formal assientiteLt.l The thud,: teed sot is ! tilietturitil the 'scrip Is &twenty - 4 for 4 2 6 66 ' and e.otry, when the party holding Wm pi the blank •atid enteOhe laud in. hi l ......, .., Bids molt be Movie as per acre, still no .1,14 f. .will be received Ne I teas than eu quarter Ice'. • . tiou.• ' ' IM/MMI MEM , , The Se be imued im mediately tie payment of the money' to the Svv”y o r el., , Oa all bide for Ai lesi quantity thal, 40 , 000 acres, ape-third of the Tpittehase od. tty , mag i twpa i i4 Rif .ten nitti .the ta-• mandag two-thirdr within , thirty itsio lott„ nutificuitift of the. seetploree jot' the Dia . 0 bide:by the Soar &of Commintioners.• JACOB CAMPUtiLt.., trark'47-46- ' Surveyor tlenrpFt - For thetA Board of intmitsionter. • A: ?Jam?. NOW I$ Tam TlrtE . Fog i l . : GRAND rots. VI 7 lt.spx & DICKEY W9t7Lb ;LiSSPEcT., 11 fully, Inform the pubfic •irt general of their intention Ito clone ,out Their extensive' stock of Fell lint Winter Be and Shoe'r, to prepare for p . Spring sl ( . o k, c 4 n ;iiii ng of Ladies', Gent's. Boy's and C,hitdren't , Shoes; Gaiters Siipperi, &e., which will be sold at , COSt,'?l' . belov COst, as we ere bound" tokeep up the trude:ini that to the entire sat hittict4ou of hue custoluers.—. .511 goods troirotteed... - . DICKEY g WILSON. • 3 licars -East_ ; of . H.ll. Awleesoleu store. Resler, :h." ".+ jan9,67 I ClCrit'ors3ol Land for Sjle. _ 14ILLIstul. is : tattated in CL ipyewa tuts• Q.AlLLista ts. Rester county. Pa.. is bit ii mite ; from New . Brightiin. and.iins on its I Iro Mot hewed lochonSe,-"shitiglell Irouf. soda:maim • f four rooms. There are Otto Pesch sal sppis i trees on the premises. . Sixty or sovety • j acres of the land are:Cleared. Any toes-sq.. ing.a farm at 'a bargain. would do sell ,to cal awl: essmiue far themielres; or if, are. I wili.;sell Jay urholeiTarzn• consisting' two hundred acres of larll—a good Mtuekarid feuit' fartir ' 'hushelS -of apples wire • .grown,an thus farm the•past sess.in; l'sachrt, pease"s,bd cherries in abunilancs• - ror furiher itnformaiiort apply r DAVI!) Tllllll.Ol, - ant-the Previses, - Tete* Wlif, KENNEDY. mar4'77,--3t. 'tisw LOOK. IMRE NO .NP CESS/TY i FOR GOISO OUTSIDE' BgeS.VER . - TO;'GET GOOD GROCERIES? !pin undersigned; hni.ing :per hneed . ise fireehry *tore of , AUdersea Son, ((gr. enerly occupied by-ioseptt 'e. Wilfon.( taut Pletteefre in informhig the Public that we 'about "•relitting 'the , snore arel:nee' - • othingthe stock. anceii th e f ut uiftin? . All Kids trocoritsi . which be wilt. *east the ILnerest.l 44l2. , ble, None but the beet nrticles in thew"' kept,, . , 1 itn4l4 It is tilt desire of the, iersigW all whoWloy -favor him with their pssum a g e ' •.' Dee.- 26, 'G&3n HI NltY ri,tcat 4'. House And Lot , „ - -von , SALE. e d. undersigned deliiguing to relisquo l honse-keeplag. offerls for sale bi. cadet' e d. and convenient two story brick ,/o w , e ' f. .....tilieiV t_iront oi t : T rh a t ootwe rdet. , :le house zealot E t -°°"' newly Papered end paitited ; l os 2 5 1 shade trees le f l and Water at the iloor. has prefer t° le ., furnished. Furniture has only 4- 1111"114101.4611}pd. Polessaion gnat oso if deAred• ! - WO. S. HARES , - - at the siert otThes.ditro l l . Inartl,4l7—di, Beiteereri• ino. Tun L. ; „ ttni,Es . tirfiz undetsigne4 takirplessare in t tlfd r il f . Ladies the diec et Beaver Falls, iw s rtgloton and vicinity. that they will (It o the - lirt.of April. Net. slaw Oa we n* * eg ad 111drIC9* of new MILLINERY. jTRI.MMI. PCIr GOODS. which they will L'lr st" lula the-Publieat prices lower than the ~ TboLe eitonk 101 be on %be corner of and. Moundcsets. (in the buildloSs eee . " ,) occupied In teeeety efore, by Mt.. l A ' . .- 11113,01111% Bearer 'co., Pe• .41.. j.w.ms:4 , . 417;3100... hi1r t5. 6. 13 1 8u...._. ...1.. a tA 5 t 51 : 1 CIME in Ye that Wive been ;ening at• untokindieriee Of 11:tothsche: and iitesd d __. extraction. and you will dad Mg M. . 1 7 0 ler & Fe. tits renOrith relieve yea by the.„ ria/A w of thlt great4Pnin Agstroyar—hA a G,43 7 -4suintaltessitair erstraction a Isokr a , Olen.. re. rather thau 4 pain. ._., 41 " 4_66401 witerationa performed in the es• rablEilSnuttr., and at se tablet reasen ennis' Mrrip* best* in tbeeenoty I Meets Resver Elation. Rochester. e ja3oll7-Iy., T. 3.CITAN DIV &CO , . r, UNE Iqm-wising Lii - SING OUT OF and Shoz's MI IN BEA'SAi:II 11 !IN ed topho
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