NM === _ . rHE -BEkVER- • .14 NOVATfp, .1-, I *WA I.3ttt, - IS7. - i " ' . • tclillifiditiOlfiiir 7 tit driii T t ok Ti ribarte,:ot ,6„ Or" gartted - by Lhe -Preaidiat. ,March,,s,l threerdayasfter-it :qrret-roadelaw - hy Cougear,',,aw ig hehrin'AlciandtliirViitilnia; at which legal. Vetei , 04;re'Orrelnet?d onstienrit' 45 f, ° O 4 I K. 0° 61 4 ;!?!' Pts!tuir, t har..the ter ma / law, nOtI4O.R. more absolute tirae the riglit) , eicoler. elf met , ' to mote , to Alesamtria . • Isqt Tuesday.' The refusal the Judges ofElectitnitri receive their billets ivies an ;n tt en defiance . of 111 7,, the' deeperetc act of men sho,ire'evr tlient, selves to,he,a-tninorityland irheeleot ed a-Rebel Mayor by 14SLytrig loyal it eti ' ! heir rtglite. tri4Alruintlrial6o , Mtn voted fnr''the Rebel candidat* there were 56 'Radical whlto4 and more than I.,lloocirdered 'Morel? hitter, exeluded•lrem the regtiltir vot eif et pollitOt their own, bat "while the reedit 1111.trar Radical.mtijOrity, the ~ 'Rebel - 'candidate for ' Naylor; Hugh Latham, ie declared elcoted..: , .tat tihis defiance of the' la4i ie not —1; tl* bed' aciskliertitnt as I e Ise ience o e l'ari . lmdeot - to its commands. Be. *as directed` to enforce it; yot without . one, Stet) of his to pre'vent,ll,ooo !apt - voters of the United' - States'ate bar.- ished friffialie ,'B ' y Gen. Canby's order no t, Icihnsoilii—ra police force of 500 soldiers wassent to Alex tbdri" terpreser.ve_order; bat the Pres "tient, with an 'army atihisi orders, did not lend , briiiitanfo,eireente the lairs. • The ,act of the Alexandria Rebels was even worse, that) a riot --11, was s do liberate, contempt of the'6, ovi'lltYle/Itt - ' we can see l no excuse for-Mr. John- ROWS 'Miter( * ) to , Meet . disobedienee with ThUre-coidd liaiefieen no doubt Othis clutY to interfere in the AhniandriikeleCtion.,' -Thelon , declares that,itsiiroyis4i.s shall 4ply to, etections,to.ani office:: It !naked - no eiteeptiokS,t4 is 110 kiisfattt day for its provlsions git in to Operati on; it took' effect, from o;llh:tomcat .1f ifii,irseinge; and 'Jclinso ways much bound to , obey -it last, yne.sday as ho -would. year hence. • Wo are told, - but can seareelY :believe; , that t h e Attorney , • . 1 • general of the United States is of ktie . Opinion that the Preahient was not re quireditopr_evant.thia ouiragej because appointed - in t,bii district - lon - which 'Va . ginia is a part' - But whore in the law "is the,,re nay eliiuse whi4 obliges the 'President tolvet only thr i o ug h the Die. triet-Clemmaiders or the President himself, in - the matter ot. the elective french:se ? Tlieright to vote Is abso: lutei' the langkage of 103. law is un toistsbable; :the . Built ge laws exist Independentir d_f Brigadier tientrale. Yeti eveitif4e tipinio bad auy Tsai. ue,lit 'would'. be no erci so i for if Mill ' -tart' Comm4guiers are necessary ,'to the executien, "of - this portion; of-the. law why did pot the Prosidentappoint l 1 . ;them? Thetlaw d ec la r es rs that, certain l .-. ',things shell lie done, a d they- e re notr ' done- thsit hd shall app int certain offi..! l ,'era and they: are , not appointed. _ In the Alb,iatidna election the , an Aborltra - thii Goverareut haw been • iniirilted and:ifeflod, dir t ile, as the first , election bel4 louder thlaw, itswasi the ,veryease 4.1 . *blob that authority 1 eligeld ,haeie been a serted. When, • ere,Contidelitfilit, Aleigindris is bat'ani .IrosiewridelrOni the ,Oapitol.' almos t %odor ;the Wyes of. tliej eeident,; and -that :there be - permitted the ilaws:of - '7oloy-tie ielhe.Eiee u tive.tobe t ul. tili : .aPag q$ .i 114 -itlicilogioe fo the, ik tuuseaeieab' r lieW;Orlinnlt Lis i lit 1 • - r•kiabeirto ttie, disregard , ofthe etia l 'Aijghte . bill; ' cease to Surprise. Nor 1 - 41r0 iiii Intrtell - care that the , Reuel;' i;yiticiis•'o 7.4l`biiapdilis, disobeyed the law, for .iii# le. AO - 4enue. Whin!' in= -juse W -but ~l itie •theasital:"eitizeue,: ise a_look at ifiell disregard"! of the j law by - Anditeiidelnietiritis I liiatt,er which 1/29 . 40. 4 1 4#14 ,1 *.5. 'l . . 1 I . y ► Wit " t r B " ....jgc co mime lone . . re ospectlblik deelimil,fo the present. it ' 4 4: :ItPagna severity l lt 4ees qs to bold !itlover. , We know iery A 3io/1 7 0;ni ' i,i)e 0z 7 44 (Atm: to irtioni 4, 4 %11. 6 r neither, a friciijost. itow Wt#O...• eon piertlof the eotintk, tOef 'go.* ,0.r4.1v011. WAsher, • Yet .itotiv..itbaWi..4 2 g . %Mimeo 41 0 *ot-14. thit , lnfei. ought to - plutittii!tyot,O an opts kin eirtertain-' by •ebintj Of hie" , 3 :etinirndee," tio4 :of irthiCki *Oa' e*eite' :-.2fflaraarki- , th'st would _ -..him • :through-445. At least, thin :. as -.oor ... , .fetfousioil ;min- Circumstances 'moo - Vtiiigitel'induee us to •chatge Vac • : • ••-• -,•„ZgliPt VontralkufleM • :' 17 , 11 4. 046 'RectOot4rtzotioti- Bill, re 4n;tlir ap* pointed Generals, Sherman,:. imteld, P A# 'W/13***311V to J'Atpeititatad-ft the r Ace, 11.0,44.1n* .the i*itioec States. • We, sorry; titat i4taei' Of fmtrt ta•iitoas !set ! :made art aso that ''r ' f lfhitrid, i ntik ' , ' , aortid have 44: one, of Ondlect, e 'aPPretietes - tge aittiatioN.o4 deretanda how to treat rebels as wall any man in the mercies). , 111 ". - I= . --- 'r -----,-, - I ! bill , ' • Ti ' -"tRUTII CORRECTEr .1 N. ( that.pat * r .,,-„ : cosrespondent in the last ',, 'i.' ..f,, f:Th „ ,se over tkosignaturaof,"Truth," tif I mean attack upon COL Qnay. : ad ... , 1 m author of that Coma a nicatioa l ''. l, -i " ;.;;:-,, ii a , l j ,,,i ,. / 6 , ' l ' heart full of (Reappointment ail" , , 1 { v i ' -. tats , . .. r 'teepees, aid in his effort to malign atif tire bill fWas - abte : aucl 'faithful nip ,itientativeiti..4s •.(w hat. it 4 ha," poop, '''of this County, ellowe thht r ." to . cow* 'VI' ° 4411 e. 04)1P - rliel l* I6 i t4l-W 1: Th il en n in, fir 4111 4 he ie "Lekilige to ettain.ZC3; : - Quay . ll 7. -L 4.ten , ded ,_4 o -11 . pt PeCCi" :I I . -„ -- - , 1 . "..0.P1ir'R' ,, 19 1.1eiy: •Ls4will A t4i B : 4 V.o4 l :fi r iigrgi'V'in s ,l44,44 ! :4 l ; , imotelealit '• tractieg frotait, only -plays itiesr(4-. pf. :foioppod :4111 who 4,- •°r' ,44 ,'' 11 0 4 , -.4" 4 a-biti4lesaCowardlydefanter; . .and is : that ble (1005:104.41/1 1 :49i.:7-....ftg9,b...it: the .send : will sager iW :pdtdieiCatirria.- 6 :"ltq u '' ,. T i •NM' i !` l, '::":1 a1 . 4- 4‘ 114 ' 4 ; . : ~1 1- , reprelentative, *. .: ! ...., • ••;j -.," :.r.. .-• ,' titirs-'whiletbe-otiject hflihr arisen Witt : gikivi i qn fliVer With: the'peehilii,h:c:rip-, r?-' 2 ..ie1?'," ..: tbeitr-flitit4. of tbe,- . .7r4,4*., 0' thc " imunication referred - . to is, eci • ,lap : ,at that but MVO :11Vild 10 , - .4/kitt. in yto the " statements homaltri.:— ' Tint :heieiitatillnieritat arils's& laiiitti' - , 4 ily tit )e, seen: for jniitits*'** 4 .: saiiipol:. Quay c f.iv letv( 4 o'Onil: fl)i! 1 ',I, profalbiting the sale tif „mtioriciating I . liqueis is Beaver ,couniii ‘lratlr,", lam:* hotiest:antingb.to... y that huis Periltilly : oppeeetto such alaw i ltui basely and uetrutbfrilly itriptigia the motives(4*: tialty for 'endehir j. 'rig t0010i.i430 .:.the . viieile!..'ef:i) l4 " ) 1), f Stitaints, on this ..subjeet. F't; r r , - we haVeNo doubt but that; majetiti, .of the : jicople of this,eourtty . desired - the pries age of last inch slaw - 4i we :laid* , tia44 , -. _1.46, Local:con "04;444 - Oiv e I ' thiii r lbiii bin businissals to isijUrii . ttiol. Quay, and it.weeld not dO to giiie. him att,credit for tioneetiiit pnviitiee,4 . • 4nuiriberaf Distrtots in tbill'ilitity very applying to the Legislatird - for a j t of this kind ter theirioWnfpar tis'inlar localities. Both of.our repre= seatetivce, .we bavano doeht thought' and justly; too, that this kind' of i legis 'ellen: was unwlse,:and were therefore) under the:necessity of introddeing the bill referred 'to. This:.billi al We have .ciid elsewheie, will not take ciiect for one ' ' Irli r's sear after ,itelalaitage, t , c e „i, - also a bill 'pending: eabuiittiag Alio' qUestion toa voteOf the . people jut the . I nest i eigttiOn.f- 'Whit objectieh can lintel:3 to . thie ? • 'fa' there anything wrong M - thisatibiniii*on ? Is .it ad 1 3 .tiemecr.aoc ? '', , .r: :' . .:. i , .. ~i 1",.J "Truth' , telleitha,,residl'actithe-1 a-. ca/ thee wbeii. , , the ' uSu n day : Car :bill' *i3 Offered in the - Ifruia, an' timecd. - ment•was propoied by gr. -3Vilson,:tn the effect "that the bill should have : no . force unless all Pereone be Permitted : to , ride in_ :said cars, without regard:so:l - color,. -sex or -nationality;' arid that' Im°r7sitib...e.. i r*- 7 .:...1.,i --- ftstt - cr - ant . tiei, like amendment?' :HO . States here what be knows - to b untrue/or, be: I • trays an il tkor ignorance of all parital l : mentary rules. If the previous fines. aim as :yOted.'l6'r by i Col : Quay had jheen' Sustained; the_ qeestien j . wotild have been directly, upon. tiifi emend; Jaunt of lilr. : Wilson, and it carried would haVe .been part of tlie ,bill., This' is kadisa to all .who:. haVeJ the; ,least - knovrhulge of parliamentary 'law.-:-.- orraties" object, howeVer;' is not' :to state facts;nciiirepresetitations grati. ty iiiikd;spolitipn much better._ But he does not iOp bore:, biit.attacks Col g i, Quay - s beeau e of:his general " course on this same 'Sunday car' bill. • Now what are , tb facts : A hill= Was : bro't into the he sham . ") to enable - the Pas "eengin: Rail' ay - cempanles '..izik Phila. delphia to rut their care on Sunday, 1 044e:ibis;1 shape there is rio doubt i:but,:it would . :-have-passed. .Cot.-Quay 'seeing this, , a nd in order to defeat it,t a question; to end - it So as to-Submit the. trl ti questieu : to.i a vote of the people*, 46; leetlY affected bi.ii; ita 10 ,tiiin 1440 " it passed .4,,g0..,,1f „subuilitteikl there is scarcely a doubt but, tt will be voted dowtr. Having Awl 'kilted the facia, 'we:leave our iesidere to judge of Ale' motives of the correspondent : of the Local, and the *iedom of the RoP resetative. It is. passing arrange that.' "Truth" ehoeld he so horrified at the idea ofnUtimitting { 'travel, or no 'tray ! . el on ~fffaittlaY,". . ._ to the, ii,eciptii . ' Of_4;bila: adeiphia, 'when ,he Chas not eij-i,o:d to sayagairatt the running of ; these, Care wilkindayi'; : veithin a .etoue's tb*pq,aB it were of - tur, "own ' doors!, . For:: .be Surely knoies;if, hate halt not - totally' blinded him,' that . ,llasseiger ears . are ruardirig„Aol: : a.treeia . ..or _ Reittat tiyg. every. Sunday in Ahoi..isai ! . - itto:.ite' not $R a dvocate of J_Beaday,trearelotuat on the contrary have retr.onatrated against-it, but weave set: areawarkurgh uf . , .f10. *tar- with a'lJegidatarti Ibr iiiihialit ing the question t3,8:" : 90 - te' in - '. hi449 1 0 1 a0 aPtrialidjtiz 1in004 . 14'12r. .allowing curs_ , .4 1. J:.41 1- • 0 A • Sunday . ! _ Rittabargh, , . without.., - askini the - . 'peopla -: there,. ' 'whether ; ebeyi desired:them tO4O 81" .; lii:ti'irtl .. • -' - r "110: -. .rifOr " i',#iiitipsG - deitt ' again! * 4 1 4'444,:f 1 :,i .: - 1)1 M i',!Pi ii 4irikti!? .. °iiAtedi and , :.o.l4itiisk Pri11ic44 1 9.4,4 1 . ' a4 ; -th...QuAylit. request , Juntil:the 3 PAYS W I Calendar was - goner thrtiaglsr-;•with, ,',* intimating that this .bill',''seaa,favidliali, 010 Asi ::,thaatildiessi:Hice -baits 041 1 ' vacei, - 16 , .: iltlblailvAgill : dialleprilli ,114Nlititte,"' Mt ''. iii tOit.ii i Thei . 7irstisai4 r tio,:ifrefift c_idittli. : l4llC'edateoft. t r tiblii . triV :ailiet l'nit i&tiegiiefh4 ilfouias "his ass.. on 'on that stthieet was' ta restrict the operation of a MO ~a :: _. ' ~~.~' :~~= •1: ROgii34rittartVeterll% .1 • „ leek 'Waif ilttl i ka dnce4 'die:gooate' . 1)Y . B *i 0 10 MONS9A4ALIBsi 114, on Of: iiine day a similar AatiJoy Bepresauw *Live Kelly, of thisSiata i ihtbeifoueec. vihielviretittirts . that-a =registration bf ttii the vOfelii in the s iibsliorir StsY~s, ehill be midi* • ibpt.ll4','in4C.i.• di ' - • reetion .of the militaiy:Oillip*ddro. and no. one `shah-"ttPte not 1 , 90 - ste red. O be. byitallOC Th bi l l'sht - t tlief of both ;I TO**, and i4lll be itet*d' on at'etiee.: he rdlY - fait te" beeeino,:i ThiCie quother move:in . the right , di ieetiotii it:e4 Ly eery tiaterisi inie in :Abe movie or - reconstrumiou• . , Ell l' - : 1 . rrO?..:,ltailrottCliitt kaPhoStateSeniste on. Thursday last passed a Free Railioad .Law. :..The rale/lon its piatigii Was as totiows: • Apse-44essrs. ,Billingfelt; Brown, (.iteletf,) Burnet t t, (.7014tnan, Cowles; Ostaimin. Landon t McCandless; pacConatigtly,.klandail,lllde,PwV* . Yr. er, Shoeinaker,.stutsmen,Tay , Walla, White, lir,.ortts. %glen and Hall, Speaker! ' Bighani and- Gra. hint, off Alteghiny. and Brewn, , of Lawrenee, - , AIisENT--31esigre: Tisbbr `and4en. right , • • • th bare not yet seen the And are - therefore personally ,ua able to _ipeak of what it, prei „ vices or fails to provide. The PilitA burg Commercial is verit much' dissat isiled with it, and pt.onouneesit a - "bo• g 4": measure ; while ' : on 'the ' other habif,!the fact so Senator's voting for it, who are known', SP• be .inliaror of a Ga3nysfalßitiirog'id Lay, %lutes us to behave that this bi/lis hot. what . they Wanted; - but -which they accepted on the rineipie that . a irarly all admit that the bill concedes priaciple of free railroads. Gen'. Ha,rry White, of Indiana county, one bf tbo mist earnest advJeates of a Gsneral Railroad. Law - % the Senate. voted:fer t, and in doing so reinailsed that, "time, which cares all evils, will dbubtless enable the friends of fret . legiolstiOn Matter -to ramie .niany of the offeaSivu features otitis bill." A earrespondent of the Pitts. Virg Gatette under date . of: barg,ilarch Molls() writes to that pa per— "That_the Free Railroad Law was disposed of finally in the Senate:this • . morning, the friends of the bill pro , testing against its passage , but. voting 4;a: se the best that could be ob. tained." i—Front a private bongo, and since the above was in type; wo learn that the . eight seitators, who have been eonSideied the head ;and item'" of General Railroad law, 'but Who Ana* • rated for this bill, did ; so orl.). niter inakieg manystfentpla amend it, 1 it'd tailing, voted for it, on the ground' that if I the 'could j ' itneoinplieh no good it, would work n herrn, and' tho • imperfect: bill . - esider 'untended than a new - one 'passed Mikis vaathe viewtaben of Ate anbjeet g on:Thcia. bib:l6°l'(in, of this nouns ty at present. in Harrisbizre Whose •- • ,position on freel - , Tailibii-, legifila- Mon is wel t un'iloratond' hero, and ' who adfised-Secatora TaylOr,i;liihain and Other" to vote tor . -. the tug, wkov, itainti evident that it would, pasta with- - , out : their Io this etinneetion it inay be wel I to;YO.iit st"*O r . ' .131 ;" •buel l / 4 41 Bueb a •Onn - itti .ifte•pritle .rtos (W . ! - L ll 4q o and Do•o'w•hen: i t, .wur;:betoin, tbe ate,- That:. party ~intbo*nutts er voted - iCor Bighasn'a -hot -Abu '614 'Atilt jinn ;•loassint:" Toaly;. 0 . 0 - kir* - nth ci" titlft*r!rt- •-..- 7 ..iL" 1:•.•..: thu.noworAmpl/2. lionda:littoda If 'thee Falai +maul triteotritritork Itrinortior trao_been ex-' ton ded to.** aoantyAgaatki\tell-Ao laity ono tber protr itritottiaw V1120,11)1! ett; the, Liegotittare for Beotionnt.lo4 ladep3ndetux! toisaaWpal-; %a: - irlitobeveadatritelttreatanift *4 4a dent idtq:ttrit 14 . t"Oitiiaittinq, ii 4 eiien*d . tOttrio dcateitz;itriee s 'ln'ot , feiong:,tewntropAf.ol44.9.l; ttas4": ;sago: Tbolaw. sdiatieg: to jrftddadiay add Indepeadonid tdvtddbitis gal in to effect at once. - lieu: . tiff 4 whimper" Irma Abto-.Lioa#l3;rir. tbikehjeit. Thebilllisseetthiraidee by a votir - 05tiviss:r. .4, it , ai4 F 41 4 5 4 04 ."it.loo4lbit -1110for'1,4* mlltt Vair 4 - 16 (l'ess ° 01 -4 , fr9Pi Affl r ei.f , .°l 3 * * N"til atiirail: 0 . 9,lotiltst‘Ot of 01' 9 -7P;"-i iiy teii4 s c rmeent'iii.theY .. 'lune: Andric aPporthiri or 'eTiipkde ;off the ,actiVeliiies tiOn aucli tai ine le they eiliY ; ftgfik: boat; aintitiao _ tjine benita tlikOuitd*Coniptiiis , ;:p. able it : 1401'00e iiith'ejr . 46l - y *Appoitk bearing ietereat- etd rate. ‘ T ratt'elteett!, ieg Six*ceiit. per unveil, - 'W"ittiltee, mdtheeri-privellikin :fee the -picyinente the arirtir principal er -niteitat. therooi( edit tit ilUeurei tiiessid- o betid& b 3 emcee, MON; 'MOrtgag&Of w,hola or• Any- part of the road's celiac, real and pepionaL. and corporate to a nchices acqm5e4,..4414 aegkilvid• by Like -44..m0rVi. 1 1,:t gel! are to be recorded in thet. cf. Ph,j110011314 ; IC:=111 Minot , Fizav,zn l inter-i_ last sturpberolthe Xiocal doOtialutle nth y aditorittorr an sot recently passed by the Legislature, ex nd i county 9the -provisiofie or,she proved tea fourth day 1866,.entitted, An .act' relative 4ho payment of costs pod fees of conitablea , and justi,ece, of • the peaca geroor county. ivith additional aCeirrin eintaracipg 'Poe Qf elerk*i4 .7 -ediiitt; ("omit erI L - sestsiensii* diiit , atter nay: All wish to I do it slinplY to'corrcri some of We' editors milistatetheots,ear: taitjtethitig for•liiii"abusa or:PO.OI4V ;Ills:.', i rlie`CE:teferred to simPlyprii Vide hvreafter the Commitfeionerie of -lieitver county shall'plty the Maori abOVe named their Costs iftid•Aeets - in criminal cases,Where thesame ean'not bo vollePted off the parties entitled to pay: . Under-the construbtien gicen_to_ the'lttut by the present boa rd of coms miesigneriyatlleast one.littlf Abu- fees end -_ , ,coitti•of the ' °in eers. above aumcd would be. -lost.' :Telco the-..following' ease for an illastrittion't -A justice : of , the polio° issues a warrant for it mid' . demesenr.and puts it tote the,. liana of the constable for. execution: „The countable makekthe arrest, and, •por hapir, wnvey_g tilo..parfy charged with lira prAf.l qt)W,lftsic& m4130Y. digvharging his ditty. If the proSecater falls to appear or: the hill ot•ioored and the proseetitot ordered to pay the costs and fails to do so frorn any.eause, the justiee who issued the warrant, the constable who executed it:atal expended his own - money :ad dition to his time, the clerk and 'die , ' triet attorney, one studilll would re-' Cm-Sr-nothing for their lisboi.. If this Wit, an oeca.sior.al oisteneo it would :be' of no consequence, l but I.wher. it amounts at some terms ; of court (as at. the fast), ton dozen essee,involving to seme-of the officers coosiiderable sums nOttottey, it, is, of consequence and manifest i tijost ice. The ,otli cars_ refer red to had no discretion in the perfor mance of the duty imp.osect upon them by law. The clerk and diStriet rit:or• aey cannot .decline, discharging their daty, thelaiar bOo4uso t/ger of not, _beingpeid here the law imposes a'duty, in, the perfOrtraty: e of, which there is Midis. everion, just men will agree dist . the law ,filkould likewise" provide file -the pay Ment tho .officers upon Whlim tTle'iriztY it; What jastieros 01641 in requiting - the' 'etm commis sioners, for Ifißtane6; vibe reeelVe ptty for eve. ,day they work, to sit in jedgemserat anon oiher offieets,innd say that-they. Work half the time ;for nothing. and Append money of their own beeidu, -for-. Which they cannot recover. The Origin of thaetwitiolvease uot.to stated by ~ :the: ediser4.3 the , :f.O - c4l. -.Three year* Ago the' !county :;:oommisaio oozy( ;mark the.easn%flilisg. • 11141 7 .2 n t l'A t lion. Thomae,Voeniegkent preliated a bill exactly similar to. dila:one, 4niii ow signed' by Pao county pantottssioners; c very_offi- IP4 of the ; ep,urt; end,. My, reeelleethin is4 . o "AorirsOOTAPr:oPh°4r *arb ' e . NAVV.4i,tO: one, not haying the Ott. :Lien berore ant tote', largo nutif fmt;Of the po of the nonn ttyy of both partieif TI eif rodnibettef WO' itetuid, reek thii'Vonnty"lnfoittiM the ° writ:ot' }.hat'such k law bobilieved bite juit,ltiiitif the - et:lay COTIMig. sionere would sign the pezitkio' Ate A. reoiremerit - warthitsde tti Bitreke - tinitrby_elt the4enetyste floors for a raise in !ttikAr leosostitLitbe _ores:-fur 1gieflosolllaw:1! TlicalouluaisiNkitr".ol 4 versed tiioirrolingiloOn,ll44M4l 9 ll4,4 lOWswaq-ikot, orsededl; - 34) 104.44 4 . 4 140 Vide pia,b.e - icaoo, ~.:71yhoilik Lotoit- she gouractiiikekwo 104 , ,purfiggc!....l.p.pjiyie,4 t o e 4:0 :poglago.or.firpialaw.,...*tkpoil - jilt 1 as talons I,lkore,r:Ouldilio Iti 3 Oillvist,i6o, 4.i.!kfirt V. 303 410 °elit?.-"' Th"ditiir 1 ,1 11 4"?;# 1 ; 8 ' A - "18 1 .0 ikkitifei Ciiiil• (AgyAt#llsloi iiikiti:o*bie iii'fliatii6i 1,410,1rY1:7._''..' iorn'eL"iiiol4, lintel, dcsooktic e ' - ra lacy Pc 'o4littitietio ' a *p i a l''' Odorei'llo , Wrirtirittl dues . .}l2cludfnefberii 'of-diistrict'aftOtc I'IV Iffitetaiiolfrariiiiii.:•4l4"_ drat law 1. .- 't/iiiiti • e 04 dto -O - lime outibor ithi A( 'C'ciOtWiirli A Abii..rammoOlireoto3, - oatai , i tiriltaleact.::: - Thoi law l' IWO i d:ao.oftlipaped..Nrith 1 , iiiiiiirolipiog demoirfatii - Uari.:.. , . la.tio the , tirase. - Lof the Imroes .tieborkk.io,-, I tatiOfdy4b - sayj do notAlsigiii*4 1 lar of foes from the confitv; and as thi ,-- --, ;, -----------, F -- le conimisaiorattra 'knows, -- - - COVIGV.ESBiONATA. . in nepo - bt' o " i n ' Tel' 'i 71 ' .- , - 'SENATE. . : ; h i c i e l . h b a e d e . It, " a ~.a . IT, . 11 • eubmitte l d the an -nod ly ei pay im, a , ft , i t ~rt, . Samna% Ac....adeiny of Bei. ie' process - '77 - : • ed to the Committed. n o i c ij bunted and the proaeco, , P l l riating. with a mutinn-t 0 print 1,0 i It waaright.thisisti Id 1 4ltra ra co o p t i te emi n o • i me. I,; • 3 l .. Anfi ' 00c:the dec.; /4, as 4 punishment for 1 I • - • 1 1 °lli •,.*-:,:proferin without.ltimite2 On file tat on %to' recipruci .. - itist4 s ack,onf; o f t he 1 . - t* tt. betraedmatte t . i'6 4 04, • ed. IStat4 istwyetwin Itutel.orsutt.....i.aAejtawaiiiin lAlands, were refer tiralitiViiiik Iltriumher — ''e ii 1 le.,,6443°,ittreftiliattePfn-r-100iiti M4_, cis detained-merely for , the ' Ylo''''''' 11 ""-- , ' l .-I.'fr- k. t- 1 - 1 - ' roksityeesilnif a ya g ra vtt o n 0 t tt i 0.. ... 0 fif.. •iicridersos.,-fram-the.-13ommi kid case, the commiesioners may ad- jel le ° 4 9d l.l 4 fre4 f retedl,ll • o349. 411eitholrimpeavitrs 4#.4orge 91kfitir9P.V....atitlitc-T,T9,Wlte'i,thfkr I hurt; i they are satisfied by ,so doing eigtestlimProf”el ei e r Alttio.h e Fltle ttC h k-till ! th or di t it sum too h ey . tai mi ot u t u es ,„e, Prbstdertt t4itbitiailtannorintry4 P ia Itthenv,,thif.tionistisifontsrsAltialc ,the t' d • • I I ''' 1..- '' l asgraeit r eferred , .toshould , lnot, Ita pap. Mr Van Winirle . ; presented a pall-, itll-tiielyterip4Aing,w‘,4444oh.tchiAr; i tion. of citizens of -Alctiriaria, es in n g,l go, theut.,,, g ut , t h„,, enn o , ni ,d m .zi i ponirrov el la delay actioni on the joint: tio‘t4sey ~b 0 .0rmit ,0 c A k ii. ; ;,,7 , ..,;;;;;;: i resolutiokstinuiling" the-Alexandria ,rmit l e,d,And.l lagytneid4oo,-ior o u t,i 3 s, i een.tfor.a UntilAtie people of Alexan.4 and, it is, presairied; 44 ' rAtiiliiiiiiiit '414,211/(l)Vii.;PP'pOtivaity,ef being heard; • w.audea r erved, .by tbe,ni fo keferjcinla on A 4 . 11 ' su kO ut ''' ';- • ' ''' gl'n4i'dlo, tcelit4i.o;l l ll4 ",,toiiter to , Wilion 1%4 t sine,circilnk, Ito i be ievefieeti t Oci' ilia '...&)tittnititi4htsrip.iti. reeblatiore , :referzed , to.•he had., been 1 alini4kr . Tdietiliiiiii,l4oial - c?,i)lit'niithik 4 1at t 0 1 1104 b y 41:4141e g itIti° " frm" Al. 1 irtitqa,n,iat'ciYiiiciont ortheri ' ,ptilikiitir; I 11 +0 ; ,f4r4l.,:iike.asatire4 him• t her Aid. H:itviti i 1 exPlainea'•in'irri r 'ltt '- TetigAh ,°°C.°4 llov- tr . tthe rate act pt Congroilik l Ain 'tirirstintendeignaici l mtieti - f ' arg, .kba.. 4l 9*t h ._9_, 4 " - la t te• -0 0 tio!tes n 44 1 01 6 1 thistit as to j et 4:w ai titti 1 ,416 - j aw iri ct u s u riuucomraseuer l uad ,boo' s appoint ilievecipta understand th o ll.raw,fdiii. 4 .-4 , adkod in the - goY 0 - 10ctities they shoeld.: will - elose:.: - Without'sti h •a : law l_it rte i t, l- *P Vie 7 0 ?:ee :of e . ei,iiiins under Orr. w'neld soon be aktmoatrimpossible;taikit gn '"" r Y r i llv " 1 1: I‘ iirpow .in Sonya pattrir.4 the .coriety; Lo. ..,-alf:Johisson sauLtitd, people ri,f. A lai et-Any , &TT , permm tasaffixavectuato w ei andria had 4:Unsalted several. einioent Iftbwe Aro, yam ,w.b hp.,be fi evi,cortAirt. :pt cifemnfrat" mon, 'Who:had told them , 1 men tt i ou ld woot.ha w it lio tt tim *: l4n d , the ColorairpOs.pißiof'Alftaadria . Werb apeed,theirosso um)ppy, iiiir,t,be,ieltsk--ii. not.eatitled to.reto at ilielitte clectiOn l aut i ,t * 409 4 , 0 4 1,1,t , :it i z „ pi,w it oot r t ander the military hi 11.," _ ' - " 4 , recompense' or xehnitursatite4,:aiid ' Dir. T,ramtnill,..froirr -,- the - Judiciary others.sboalitieneive pay.fiir_sa:they,.lCiimtnitteat. reported ;ici, Jolbt resole-' are to 'l* . pi,tied. . 'hp lilitot6;ite:al 6 " . aPP"Vr;,at4`g one-million • -dollars tbe, Local : ta._Carieirq 144eiiiir.g t o f l fdr - the r°lief ef the destitute peciile., ii. n i vi thy l o n ie vg i r h e is lt ees i ge r .-- ,,, it of-tve,*:titti , and Southwest of any t u tt i s ok uol u e 6 nct : t t irt - 8 4 1 1 1 0 01 0 - 40 011 ).end' , 14 chier.eo,4,4 be expendFd ''o adet ; 1 the ' ridit,cir. " Certainly - a tiout i ctit ti o l the superintendence of the: Commie..! to a row io - a ittioitors il thirPrcedmaliea Bureau in 1 •,editor,, would not': object repriblietin', Courity;'' greatly! - Modified 1 010_110i; cikfood 4 ' •• .:. 1"i. 1 •tioin One patiied 'kith' disintierstic co o n. .. 4 4._ Thirnhuiriclidi. a err Howard ty - , 1 -•,, , • • -I : '8.. , rt,,,„ . .i . , ... tioth;alled. on the; J utliciary Coini»it- , Lee thiw mortang, and _tei.titied (lint' till llsB . liGtneth'iniii oe.l , he licind i were ......E twrot t•A tor l sr , 4. u u t i ce a _ uoutum , don; there i•vt;tt ii be act nifstareatiOn 'flicationitt the .Locai. of :astiveolc; °ran, a_tnP ll ,,:g , ' l .l' o - d i ' 4l 9.s e K .-Prt ien ' o f fhb. I the immured; eignatnre : 0f... Tr ligh.--; ' 3O O II I. .. 1 .- erne rfi!.4PPI npriatiOns , have It may belinteresting to some of vour I he" I[l ffi elent, to tide , fbr , !be ' aCt readers , to 4, now that , thht wr i t `l, r i, 1 ual wants•Of the freed lien anti.. loyal Ole eatits, :Who. pahlishittl;im article. tetty,ool3, 'hut `tiled' the •resolution .some months singe, i ttlider the eharact. P=t B . o loi; ,. Ithln rib l - , ninneY could liti ter ef ‘• Vindex,' is original, whilst it. Vont , . la I•eiliereing; thfr demi t dLd of the was copied fr o m illie letters of,."71011: 1 di ' ll) Y al ' li ' " 14's li "‘g abkea to exleisa us '!' .4114. ..for which the pretended tilitr st,itY 'td; 01 -liti kn., The. 'recoin - auth?t received . ' 'the . merited scorn ; 'Pe:a atlo.ol of the , CO Ol Mi tt e 0 Was $585, and eontenipt t„ef droiy 'honest' nod 1 0 7 b' feee ' Plati that'', .al4l:ed fur hi 1. - ti,en. rigtt thinking ni4in . in the'eonititunte.:lLloward '• , .' ' . , i ' - an who bas` 6ver since` b een . wan : -After disengsion bY 'Ai cesrs Stewart de dry' , abciut witli the yinteleef' Cain anti Pen.er?):' Ir. - favor. .of the • 'resoles ni),en t ilis brow: and:the curie oilJildse. lie :li . L . ' '-, -• ' 1 Wrtioklinti in him breast, and pointed 14 . tr: tpr•ogue movott to .421/00 'the it-15 allwho -meet Win' sayiiigTkiero resehttitm' by • iovreatting .1.111.1 aiipr d he goes." This' same torrespondent PrLatio,Qs. to $1:0,00.4. I , - is `rioting thy` "ii,4ttt of a nolitical. spat m i n t. 31-It• Poulittle.advoca , teci * the, ans:ll4i and" news gattiefrcr for OW Load...-. '' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 7 ' Not a w6rd l can be uttor ed; id private,- After further tilAedisiou L tiiel 1 atr.ot was disagreed ,to. he is preseni; -j iliat - is - -m -- A ll at * once , ----- ----- conveyed to the editors of the Low/. 1 1 This fact is now, 4eaorally .. kunwit, in Beaver, - and. it.is ttme.all Republicans , ehould know it" lest theyaie:hetiay ed with, .a ~kiss,auct ientetnteri when iu ibis presence,to . govern their. words and actions, tee' eferdLoglST.. Thig fapt"iS in its self:auffichiitt to excite the utmost con'tetapt of every one: : • . Will yon be_kind enciukh'ito lt.foiin knnr,reiiders whether this ' hist is ta en , froth ; ,‘Liniiiui,'" or' hoes he' new use a'diffizrZilt "dirt:lll;i ktir " 1 • • ' Artrf VIAMIX.• Mil , iPub l 9',Meetitig.;'. :. A meeting was lie!ci at 31. t: P!ensant,' Pulaski Tp:, liereh'6th, 1867, fOr the purpose ef.listening to-tin addroie by- J. I. Reed, Counvy-Superinteodent,- 1 :AI no ealrly, houi the rhouate trttOilled tooverflowing , by„.. the; young ...people of the community; together with ka iente and teacitere,frcga adjoin kr.g.die triets. 1 I . ... . . .•_ .„ , , The : teeetnig : Iva& . ofganized • by eleol,ing lir,St woOd,',.TtioteaN _ Chair m a!, !F.d,,.a D . . 041 hon it, See y.; The ,ohjoot.Of Ile .ntoOlieg . wt! then' ;lirei seeted 'Vy. . the .Chatrtripti,, ..and the apeakilr. introdeo(l,. Who proceedealb ' Addi•eitif the' hildieii t ee tin an'ttit.reittirtg,l :andiittirttetkd i‘illiitiet., on the`:-Out jiiii - Of - i‘lion tat, Mbrui linit 'rfivieal Cuittire," in '‘vihiett' he 'item/este() .;to , thOT ntiedi'of dents , and Direetbral tilinteeledircifthilvingproitierly;,toor. Oitheted *Athol buntline; andlqrnituee: TeliiiherCnitsiraiirlitteiland properly , tralifittil fbrtheL„ work. npd - ; co , operak tiotfeiltirlbent on theipert of Perenta araiDireetareamd 6614 other items es ' - eantisi:to_tho 4 Jai ..,c , n of ed (motion were :Enbraced. in the tlreer.divit , iszTlPf his aiduant.. , 4lt.ielteedleart, !Lamm or, ! to ile. lei hit be,reader.,n4h ; _tength y: riitAarh IS noneorninkti l e4uldiees gf...t,1r...8644d.-r -o< ufLiee : it t „to pa :thnt . ,904 4 , 1 3 1 ).jcet; Vri.kß akiLY. - -cti!ek4.l,.. Vr . #. i .e t s P,( 3 4q3: i i nd ~„iil At maao!sr.wort ',Y xlie atter.ttonanOtt, trp - felon . or liiii liettrerti. : ''AYe think 1 , 41X,, - .OrthY:fetiiiii . , aril`,' C.6.:lttheret•" . .ii fiii,Vili 116 ,1 3. ! i- ori,e,Plife 6 lii thatV, 4.olkitl . p . g: tei ;vtrit Ad' the' iiiiirrethe etioto a`noeinforfte 'dhly,tth'iigerd ' 'Old iniouichi%ebeelkiSfont , - eilonty t:Th- - - . 1 - BEtigiiratitT4' .• moia 11. ea* VINVIIik 1M44 1 1 P91;1P14,4L AroptiMSOITIM propainne6 a' ire, Aid disk' ostififiteOftleiVnitgrieni'lffle - le Otaii.etaftbfgliees, , ast-* upstadighttaaaraslao-.44.F4, -; . , rk; .7:1 1 /bit. antabablabill: 11-4-b.re 418tisagy lad:2ol4i by Aa atilkaa.ittalt 'ask", Immo tratlifsl,4,4libaliairco Ake canaudiaityflulabla*biasiublibedy,vA.aaalai • cobiatualtidkibai bmsblitbisCecaa*bwilf :bar airrbbkr vtillitora.befora askiiiiagih,talabk-kaire !,pauazaws abait, awl blvaikkailkirsamakimar-**** basiwtolatbaelad,' -; . . • intiiii - Z-11TZWERint4 * s a e itint Latithtek. Wriltliolivoran sloe-in ihelee ~ iblte risn Chat z, in Dorlingtotion,- Ttnedv 411 inst.; ,st 1 P.. Sibjecti notiqa; 3y, Ori g iti;Aisit of, iiietisitioit i're e M om**. tail Oa Tenon, vubtis sic respectfully invited to attend.; - Steriart, atr:stileti flit numagemeat Indidn' affairs, and Mr. Harlan !dapieti that-tiler°, was 4ily, ainre` corruption iu te In tit,, i 6 o atiy.uther depart: inset of the Guvoriiment, • 1 Afton aciri4Le tho re4OlOtilanli pied . • • • • `A. 48solti : -. tioo ,flAii*Gliiikr • i;tota'init'a6e:. on _LO 'aLops'itio n'ecos.itr) ~4. f oceinti.onts. Wont upon it o": 4 tiioitio and'. goy. vroier4t cictitrury tho4e, efitabP,..ll - the foundort4" of This •Itopublic i &e„ whieh wttsli•fittre4 tho Cum:. On roreigu:g . cla6dos. .Cho'SP:nato: into • ts;eentiVO iiessiont - ankt oor.tiottoe ailjoitrootlL , PENN IsEGISLATURE. 11.AlkittsOUtiii, Mat. 8,1867 DIEM Svriate mat at 10 9 clock. A. M; !rbe.fiillowing local billzi wiiis pass. An act relative to the paiment Of 1)11.0ei ancl road .4inntsges in rianphin • - --An .act.io incorporate : the .1i al lona. peakcooipaoy . . • act-to- - :treorpor.at 0 to . ' peep! o ' bridge company. : or, aarris erg. 'act,i.o•ineprporate the .Ameriean . die4ging;company. - An oretr.,to incorporate :the - Sitter— light Company;`. 1 . 1, • Afi 40;1,4o io cOrporatOi t fif :P4 Unioni.liotual Oil, insurance company .of .Petiootivanla," • An 4 - ok to' inaorperate.ihe I Pennayli. iania•aeciety . , fig. 44:14 i -"prevention cruelty, to anininhi. • .'' • - ~..u onaa P 1 jcpar inew. 10 7 §,P 3 M1, Al t6ll l f iee t r"X- 1 , 1 1 Ifni' yp6 1 _: • •=1 :HOUSE • . 140 RAW - 419t,- 1 1 .kirAVaddell asked aad tained:leaTe to report a bill to-in,erpßapL the relreatke CemrQnweatthx Which *as die -4iusiKalhyt.:l itefml Rrra". B .l IDoldeil, 110Kgard, , ,aed 41114, 7 013, , frefifer64 to the Committee .oe - Whys iill4 • i• t Hatufshuiett , Mareir • muttrah tti - 41tederif . 'ef i.4Quayi the : fie o **W"Tet l b' tho luitdo; the .101 --.•-neporragor , „ are:coli :of -, Assoeime . 'Judges -Mr. tieapr,To, Ariet rperate the 'WAY- Chat-end Oitf, Company. Nap se} '• 445 40044; ci . " transferr•ef.priameie. !;', , c 4441 0-Pign thlkeellnqi; Mr Wadd(4l , ---46t relotaW 4 S''!.o tax. atioe af lends- neglected betaig taxed at:the' trienLial assesstistt. =l:l==2lEN _~~ ~ _ fikio litiiimST szniuraimlnsialitistswillith e mzestAnOttN,lste of Eciittoutitowitship Scares ow; ilia% 14414 been itutel loth; • in , irk! ed,Olperi!olutindebtedtea s idi a / ir"apj~ _ those hi er lin g elitist's against- u!d estee t win ireigeat them to the autiser,iber riTtrit7,l4. tbeittleittid fi*iittleitetmt. • .. LETI, 7 4; itl4. Actilil ( rx mirld*GT—Jw. oeettly_tii.:-. • • _ . • p fig CE ,13t-, liaidgewater. •4 EWilosortme* of Millintry oii ! :b t 904. _ ) ed . : ,fti, tny iild sisnd, IoIOY timid . ilAfr. : , o** l 7:"Orr TItURS Ay , mARCH . 1 14TH. voil to .i nfer my 0.41 - 10042001/. I fii.l4O,llT pew olwtllki,Al pleasepatroo;se.toe,Ana4 firik ?ow Tefoivia g an entire nit»O oek - of MI inert', of th'e Ist. est Swing "Sqlos, and wailbe pleasoil vritltii eoily colt . .. . . ' ni0r13.67.7-49 , +. ! - ./ 11. 4. &A, REEt ; FEE.' CEROM=I--- W . P. C 11A R ■ KOlii) DOOR .above the Pass office; has just reeeiveil tifreah and carefully select, ed atecit,et : - . . - . •,. •- ; ... .- E'iae Family Groceries,- - . . adiich _are off e red to- the citi ens of Dreier and 'vicinity, at. Moderate ptiCes..harial l a uL d. arrangement's in Ph ilatlelpltic ;or rehree sup: plies, at lowest rates at which. goo§ can he parehaaed. I ant prepared to sell Inai, a bet. ter dais at goody, than. can belnand weal of theo . Ultarl3:97.—tfo. A BOOK FOR THE . MILLION., Sem Family need! it. ''"Zrery reathli. !VW hove . 1/.. Eve:ry Sc#ogi IJost woo, it. ' l •lo9.choioeSclectiona.'' embiaciaktiieimat poptilar patriotic EffuaiOnl of the day,titarp-, cat "i'neticat , Gema. - 411c! finest , Speciawai,4 Orator j„ and a fund of 'mirth and (tumor, tot the use of • scilootls. .• • . • . LYCEI.7 - M r • • . • .• . - usiiirprr lON ,11 . 00316, tr. ISO Paor4, , 12 p.n r mr, Bde l ,i4n $9 eta. .Cloth.- gilt truck, 75 Ct.l: I ,l6zzlcd!frge. -G r eat ~ inducements [ to (ob.. . . .4 "gents. Actin fell.everyt%.-hero. ~; ATtr P. GETT iiit Str P 1 . 11,likierp,I.Nrn 702' eliesfle Philaielphi3, Pl' marl • . . et, . • I • : • SlP_lti Gr Li A 'EYE 1 NE' ELROY; DIOKSON at. CO. , PIT7'SqUEGH, WllOl%Millti, cams inFnd their - slue!, open for - trade • Vr V Ism - • • ••• • . AT ea o.n a 1 .a.:P S .11' , .EL:R01' . • • :11FS 7 1.3101i750.V. f . JOLLY 7'. 511.4,3 T • mitriM7 —Brp, " ' - --- 114,11sto.tiToun'tityl. • • . klAr GINE & PA. S . . 144 4 .111nt0tt Beaver County, Ps. . . • TTAWING iv.fivled rind enlarged ory pl JAL machinery and -tools, and having war• ed the . sercio.s . of the best- of mecherticAl am prepared to warrant :all , work -dosi ro give entire saiisiaCti l pn. There on lisol ferent - patterni Med, style's , Of Engipes, rn Clay Rolls, and am prepared to make or reply ail descriptions of machinery on ret!aao. -terms. Plows. s: - d Plow . Cottingt. 1 i have all the best pion' patterns t'ast l . this - market, a•Mong _which .is the .. (ko t ;Western," irhinh \has been, rim pr‘v m'4' • county for the last fifteen years. Terttie five sizes of this . prow, ail..of ‘rhich tsar facturoind keep!. fitelsals; also oratent?•• ver.".right and left—..lll4intaia - iiing right and " -an I ntatif eU ,the different kinds in , use. Cocikl4, frOlik4-and Heating . 'laving -made seieral tm pc#4int improve -MIAS . onl the •.,Cliatuaz," by ..ifhioh C wt") 11 can supplied without lifting lide, llll lasTing , two, places for pipe, either or both of • hich can be used: at - .the sama time with' Ittatiketioalo-the :oven, thus having theta. - enitiagesof. a - Cooling Stoie, Bake Orate Franklin Stove combined ThisstoTebes b e " in conatent use for twenty years.. sni. tog, of *bent after being used for this periolq time, :lire now ittgood . order. There sr bets small:' portion •of this 'stare' that-6er bares ont„ami . .this is easily and cheaply 1 0' 11 To 134.1illePtt more lasting, we stet?". putting in tile or fire brick lining. Our pattern are the Saterprisc, ,relllitin).-- 'Parlor stoves,-4arge "awl" r ,heating stOies, franklin,st otes, Jenny &c. Grate and Grate Fronts, Feti4er' , ir°3 Sailing of various styles, Wagon Dues, 0 ,1 Ilona; Tire headers ,_ Coro Shellere,FQ.rc t 11 : ‘ , Ctistern Pumps, Sad .Irons, ; kitchen, Sheet Iron and Tin ware,dwal, 4 Land and made to Order, In fact, I mane r , l * . 0 and -keep for mile,- almost ever t wanted wanted in. thajnaohinery.or hardware five. •Second-hand etovel always for. sale - c?"; Two gobt new engines, suitable for nab; -ti of,nhoppurpoSeas now on hand, sad sh , .5 01 X isaaanable. •mar—, 18417.17:„ JOIIS'I4IO IOi I LST,. V'AILEFA.BLE:PIROTERT I . TOR 'SALE -1. 11E71 TifE undirsignell'ofreri.forsale at 3 te e " 119"ble price his present. reside. nesitust! Int Fait •or whet street, in the tiireug h e '' Beavwe, Bearer couti,ty, - Pa. The lot is a l 1 1 • 4100 feetf the house was built. about two yesotta ;sinew; lea -frame, 40 by 32 feet, httring 4 1:4 - roOltui.and kraut first floor. Ivo" su. on Impend Ifoor;-good: eillar:tuiderhosth. Tl,l Itetise is a4ded.one, Ind well finished; 11; cistern and the lot is lf . planted. in app pitabltand, kite trees,# o " . berries; and small fruit, ,- The, whole it. isti 6etePOrdei. Ibis property is eery distab 1 bank the,Obio, do° minpytit- • ifie IltillrOWetstion. Fcs Appel . info`matidu . inquire. of the unlersige• ed, Or "ornice: &Intact. •Bearer, Vtio marl,'67-2t. • ti *ft ift.L, • I '
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