v_- 7. ` DER 17TAit;b 13th, 1014XiCEMMOS Drson#, Pl' lit, gat. th . sutkorifell sent for Ist - Lo • NEW ADI!F.RTISEMEIfTS The atictition•of Oho public isAlreeeed4 tke: i g Tins rieW a dieitisemeists - wkia appear ' ' t he fret tune in the -4rg I . , 03, 1,t Nor Book—P. Garrett itpo. 0,0101e:isle I.3ry.iloods-11',Btroyi ptc.k. e it to. I . • *Fine GyoeCries—Wm. *A d t ionislrater'i,Notice -- LM itia ,Fallatort Pottottr i ry—Jotitt Thornitcy, Spring Ftisitiolux—Ntrs. • 1 0„Local Netice—it'ilson Ste 4, ,, it Notice—Wm. F.. Clarke.: • ~;„ *Local Notice—=Wilson BL , BrOVIIII *Vika' Notice: l —Wilsoult. Dickey: riTtlf.oa. 4!.e4t!st:t . l3' , !9 . LtAti, ,to'' getesp Boots ail,' .Sitoes; ' i• , 1 "A Boos. Fee THS Mitties."—ln another. ?contain will be found an advertisement of I P. I Garret t &ed., Pitilislutra o;,Pliilsielphid i zitE ultich•they „ offeititi the liiibli6; olio- 1 44.1re , Integi interesting little 1 1/I:dames that, wts : Apver.aunil I , the good larl i tintrto see for_ a long tisttli i:lt , —4, contains ormhaticted choice SeleetAitisatiijii . et . —On Friday night last, from Mr. kg ,,, j' 4 l 7 . the firm .of , Scott, Doyle & Williams, I and 1 1 . 4 "3 " :!titttleTai the wlO4 paplittir* . ci d •b e ncen of Rochester PIC, a ',Agri: • The t,;, A Je pursuit', but eiko this date he rd el quip of the age; 4;4 'ls ,s t ; liiiiiq i 'that wouid.lzelequliarly valtishits,3olStudifillt i . who are t r ainsifthemselves for public •spesilir:L ir I t 11 ir has been heard oTea n ' n g ) no n e it 'in ' kin" • tliet;e' 1 • ' I'"Dlril-'' I g. eng- ,se echoing, we net ee " j bare Fitt chle,'''-"llingen 'on the Ititittelt i ert ' --- • - •s: • .4 • 0 .- 1 • ',IN is.—Aiehibald Robertson. Esq., 6f . itlausEide," xtractisfrOraltebsteys,sittechci,l ;.,,rev county, appointed- and confirmed *as ; from Everett's, and many oilier voutribuitionsr f,,iiti Slates Collector of Internal Revettim I toaiteveture that Arilllirerlong after lire inei-•1 lode Twenty-fourth District, received his ent genet-nth:hi bat passed -away; Painplil4El re m filed his bond and waa sworn bite ode° I , edition 33 Cents,eloth gilt heck 75 cents. Mail- , wil d,y-by United States Commissioner 13.1;•ed free, Address P. Garrett & Co. No. 702, ' e Csadless.—Pitts. Com, Aterchl. . jiChestnnt,street, Philadelphia, Pa. --' ' ?,ik ;•-;.,■•••::„. ,_ 17.,1 - 4 r?! Fast ilrgrstfoiftseit.+ln•Ssiti, - nkat, the i citizenskitet4r Lk viciiillilii *fitness' ; ,' a free exhibition of "trained hone flesh," 1 byl l Profs. Magner & Dudley, who w il l - appeari °ni' onefef our principal streets with their cele t bral ed,trained stallions,driviaglhem ; to dog* I ble and single carriages; withetit.hrldst; reAsit*,l breeching or traces; with heads and ttedlis ) eti.l 1 tirely free, contreling them alone b,f,the *Ca) ; 1 !Aka of the *hip, and ' teal:trig theinerferfic !ship the evolutions known to the '•horseman- l i 1 !ship ; fraternity. These gentlemeil propose opening 34mheallieres4 it v ,view - ',44, teach , iti4 some 4 o,olepp,ot t"-_,. e the c I ti 'i;.... . -44 i ~itar,y, o ter i i ii mocutot ,,, t o. , ,, , Tki k ely;bi. ti•Jri takes place at 1 P. M., near the National ll'otel, in this place. These gentlimen "tir' l e very flatteringly spoken of by newspapers published in towns visited by them. , o r gent N, .b. Molasses, „ : at . %linen „ l dr, p rown 'Hl;evi 9reeer:6 Bridgewater, ta. g an Dutsri!Ntalict - ,lpsa Of Mr. Mode, :t DideitTeaver county.. was destroy-, db, ire on Satkidaymarning, together wltl/ 1 .. ertrithipgin it, , ! ow! . i4ing of threabitti . .n2a:ol Aj a r ; cider pres s,_ grainery t all the farming empleswiti , liarneas ands qiuintiiy, Ot.hay f 4 ,.. Ur. MoCTistoss. will innotinttO about ono thou—; Li it! dollnrg l " • /Cheap 13,iots and Shoov, alt lVillon .Dickey's, . • •: Svoten.—The . barn Of J. W. near'Hubbard, Trumbull . county, -Oltid, 11!1 entered 'early Friday morning,. and ti'val sable bay \ lhorse,stolen.. The thief is supposed iu have voila: in the direction 'Of iiitslinrgh. The hoeee ',silk, en years old, mein liiina,.hi o ,- and long, black mane and rail. re siird , of Ifiy:)aulliss . irifierikt it t recovery, The undersigned, appointed ' hi' prepare a hiaturrof sita - Petuisylvartia volunteie and-. mi . 1 ' iitia 'organizations, having discovered-many Anorr A DViRTISRIIRITtI --The Argus is just 1, un_perlctional9 , the-_frips,terout rolls of the ; ki ; now filled with local' advertising. There has inkti. lei; desirASiiiittiaclinciditirlyili; sari: i j riot iiiiii -Ai - .eitniailiine:Sind:liittieruCi . ia noir, red i n any organization from this State, would 1 a patent medicine, gift enterprise or lottery 'furtiish information in his personal history per .l advertisement ili) it; If a farritet of i4eKtii)anly ! taining to the following points : ' • deair,,ep i teitteldbdadanil L s a..ar , ht:lfitbrJr.: t . 14 .7",t1,74t, I' I.t 116eitits::r-lintiiiretieli silvt r Zl tisi t ialE r k In , laininnFeTrtinizalqa ll ;linnsea asi taein;lar -lf; what qzgagernent received; nature of wounds; tf capital, and hy wimiXt pyrnrited• ," ' our merchants manufacturers and inplianies 'lresult Of the woirndir, nature of surgical opera= are anxious So iiiiittase\thar tiade or extend , ntna. , 1 1- i - 122 hiyirierdidietits it .1141diettetZ: Itileamite —=-_-e-,--- their business, jiist,_ now conim unicite ~ date . they , . .-- • -,: 1 , anu place of capture; where imprisoned, aeLioawts.--qa MenlaY •of lad w en ir . :s, ;these desirei through th . e:Alms,:wemsnewing nature of treatment, and the date and manner lasAYTsekVll‘ftio‘ , of . rallnu?n , '.!" 1 . , (1- ' that in this way i class of „periorui Ait. re l ach i cd of escape nr,rplease. . , ~. (7 the index fingir el: Lie right hand so severe ly " who ki w i mewls_ tit loromati k,,: iirid , 01 ,6 e lie ali?,desiresitai: the relatives or corn ' deceased soldiers would itdlit(d ;hat amputation was at first thou& patronage jaaiway , deo i rowe. ~.T ho, , ,hoive u. , Pinson n , give tut i can a se rms , d ate , place of death and Place ww""*'l.-b." we. ethrt ta-T-0 it 4 tike to 'certained it lobe Is sdrirceof p - rolit' td de 40,1 of interrnett of each and any facts in his bio psy. mei:earful, as it was doing well ‘ on_ i ° ' remained the result is; as we hive already ittif4d; i ierTtinichingthes aulieetasibove referred e, ; thy, , He otugbt it in 15010 of the • machinery Writei at'the head offile page theisitme Ottles I our columns tire filled to overflowing with this i of the Wire Factory, in which he wag cmyloy. 1 efts , ,of advertising.. . i . . ,1 .. , _, . 1,... person to whouribetelbithation pertains, the ~ E . , Welsher of regintetit and letter of eMapeny td ed. . . ~ I . I But our up-street neighbor , the tocet,hrii , which he tielented. - Mite jill &entitle terms in on Tuesday,of last wersi Air. MeManaway, 1 different class of readers; and necessarAll I f ni a Wain hand, on letter papill., anti MOM.' one an employee In the itucket.! and Tun Factory; I an"olher . kind of advertisements and adlvirtial. aide ofa , lelif: ' - . -i•• • - • •..' . • in /Udine, 'had his hand smashed by a tub'. ens ~, - . - - The undersigned alimfiemire inmate a collec s. Some one tells the readers of; that Sy lug treat Ili° Machinery. Pepe': lion for present atilt ferfteureititer of— , ___L._.____ : ...„_____ i __,.___ I that ho haidiscoveredti medicine that 'itliakes • 1. Complete files offill tiewsilaners published Pasitoots and Shoes at. lesa th.ia cost a x, the mis erable happy ; 'another thlit he Isii-c,.. ur the, State freertho.beginaing lit 1861 to the %hos .k Dickey's, Beaver; l'a. • - 2 - ' prietor r of a .I,tair exterminator," atiotherittiir close . of /•865, to - . be bound - and permanently . i . kept i se-tite techtees - or the iiititte,-, !MVO ho can make. "whiskers grow in th,ree•Weeks fiblisoo, - ..str . 'ini - friadliesstiVilig lime, fur Niw (.;.12,CRILI Stou'E.-,,Nir. Win: F. Clarke, time," another calls upOn.the,"eillicted;te ' ,M.' f- nigh tmisitillest- -"F1-". ' 4 . •-' - ' .- 1 yaung gentleman, welt anti favorably'knohm 1 fer no More," as` they can be cured:by' his 4el. 2..Discourses . dommemorative of fallen ,a,ol - the ReoPlo of Be'ver B avicinitYl •on .11 ° 11 " iir" ticru:ediatelY, • another diat lie -nmitairia diere; pamphlets pertaining in any Manner - to 1 [ tne rebellieWorlta ontes; articles lulished, ~lay Intl, opened a fine grocery store„ in-St -- — 4 1 104$, -gig tiii that "retrioveV,.tan i fe..el;. cs, or in maddierillt,'Conlaning historical facts. building just above the Post . officei in ctsis, 1 blottillea' f in c ti giveit: . tkViiiiiii tieeittifittie rl 7 3. Published himories or sketches of regt. 1: 40 - lie designs' keeping a !UPPly r of'”ie I like tiitOaitetherilint ha, s 7 00 .itt ' ; merits, batteries;,or companies; printed' rolls 'Cry hitt articles in . •hiS: dine on.liiiinls And ator Capilli," and iusiste-positivety that it Will and, descriptive-matter. : , 4 :3; . ~,1 p7 ',.,, :':.`: . . nViders- le &pet tivii. purpo!Cli selling them' t a very-moderatelad. make h a i r . "bah d s o •elmDetth minter fife r-. • c . - 4/ , gr. on. . ea •is .. 11 lailitary Ire, con aining inforination of perms- TatiC e U rn "St • Cell mid see ritall . _` . ' l. - twinkling of - an stye, and Curl itUnto.,..4twaty uent historic value, or descriptions of interest andl glossy ringlets," arid last,' I:4iVittit'ierast, lag Incidents: plauslot bataes. sieges, forts; comeilelladinie ii. A: fet:rigo - ', the-vtirld re- an d °Una ' al en g''g em r fits • ' , - i o. Complete villa. of students and „kraduates' nowned.Astrtilogist i who says 'llake reveals of tfirdirtiedritairiztlie:4lari' WhiTiver`e Salle settetsno mortal &sit bier' w.'l ' - S t lie . 4 res+res ser l vire. • - : • to Itippiness'the'deki;oriderit, ling -all' Arent ~ 6. Card A9 l ograPha ( 71 8'neite) of each 06' Asia hiveis; ti p.;„,,,...,-,.. __,, , ,„:.., ; ',i . .L._,_ cer of whatever grade, tr . ho at any time acted " ' - . 7. '" ''' '''' ...l I V ' ''" .--- as A.,nonnuander of,a regiment, battery44r- liar rY , ,eefrils'elsiedtAYe • istinli-siel itaieitovie - therserdeiti•cotiiiiiiii,lneeirbed-iiiiit 664441 ties oc 4 * Pernanil:an - 4" . aidllar niiialf We l imp. number of regiment, &c.. dates' of period dur. pose 019 generality, pf . t h e ,z 0ti r,,,,, , rea d ers lug : width ltelrbldiedtittitined; *BB kW "efirliltr. postoffice address: Tlte i rehitiveenff deceiae# ..gulp do w n o '.'forwaril theii ; .doliar, and, lire in • ,=, _ : ..i ~. . , , leifteerkaret uttteaStdtltrsi fotwoxd the.gthoto. blissful ignorlinCe.'iii„ being iltii i iii. the belittle° graphs of such offieerwinscribed ati..abess: of their lives. •"-.-. '- '' • ! ' 1 £'d tont,will -'letyleade '.of. these - photogripirs 1 Factslike thescrietinire-itut few corrituco.. Without.the express pertn - issionwtthethenders, they sliCw that the .4r,gusis Eu gr on ii s 4 an d futtbtr titetEl,4 .arrangether,sl ha' allturbstfor T eapportel byllte'teatitkrefiectiirti men* the mneVif thitalatteieitljecklar., rtecletfrit community . in which itis ptiblisbedf' 'it'lttlatti ges t 'eciatlir e edity ete6e.ne t 'fe i tteildrej e aTig the'r,,,,:alis.palidat:ed . , • eitil auktirteil i iiiditx use, but the day will tome when it will be in humbuga 'and bit;ettn4aod - itip4iniits: regarded as a , 1 favorable time for eommenein the collection. shots• that. the Atittos b Teetiby mien :sib, er irt . .4, 4 ello r lk ~.4......2.--e s , Will .....juw=yll " 14 - 61i 1 13 engagedin len up a d developing theta- iiallifitrylli se,b;ana I ereby rescue fraii rources of the county.;_pad *4 the 4 4 0aa is °biome etatg-,,,sareeriels of itermetsiotisor and readlTYYeitiehlt rebel esangai - ed le 4 siciAiya.. her Iket ;o6 . 16 - '..1- a . 1184 1SteS.:41 trtize; State Historian. ting whiskers," "exterminating hair,"l and -. t „tell _. ~ __ 'burg, Depart rittattnt WU tit* lintrri who believe in .egtiaitt," WI have usiimited Feb. 22, Iger: '. ' - . t• / , . f1 4. L1 4r 1 It! lor4 l / 1 04 14 %; 4 heli4sK-1 93441. ' 'liewliParyttSTS,SheTeetltte tlie e ..4,4ailir iictr eiiiiigse iti: -- iileiraniiiVrig4 th10: ---- , : pandering ,to the tiekuus, anti helping. t o im pose upon the igniirant ; while they 'eattiblish beyond 'a doubt-11On the Loco/ is de 4t and taking-Icy. fait, t•-ot.';. .'t In • • ::7.: '" -.,.....i.- ~„ ~ ....-- 7 .12,• , .- , Ccilltifirilitr . iti lt jtVlOLEAeleb.-L-Oit •fr:tds7 lest it'oeiire'd t 4 : , pretritiatned llateilotR11401: watetz,di, t.killaicii l / 4 xe believe,,rif:_ec! ) , and committbd to the jail of Able cottesY . ,'M ' ' belated - niiiti isfiliiitiventli-U marrying a a white girl bytlie , tystup 04 ,Fit,.;rtk...l`WCa ded pair" treshieipoKneiv: Fat on, wad bave forscats dime zbaek beewecionpYing t.liti Dille hquelb— I Riero ol fi g 4 P difiti ,- .o o JsetSol4ll64 l erl weiCtiefdeitt 4 tilAringettite , mission oCtltglafir,ln ajulfieltigertisde end F. o . l 4! d i:O r 1F 4144 1" 1' 4 4 4 4V f' ( 'i Vi,l l '! ll f fivA 3 ol l 7lVir 10014.* iiiilligewl, 4 penile" Whife;blaek,,- or istimitt, l piterldetd:melyi that jhity are; of fell itto.:,` tr s pg %lies , atleiied it kia4thetii.ilit iiii#44 liiiaiiioS iti : ;. - it, to Peittill.44iikei, denies keek t , Apin . . the parties in wedlock it &U. If married lergs one, he alleges, Ile ceremony zialy'WOride4 t;:yaniise - One else. POiny 4 s a id ar -' *4 1 4 4 whit.-iiei w9PTalinnith 41: :”D544M.L. lint Util• its•ineel•Ottakbirtliallialls 'ila i lil zit r .tik k i u m ..•,.::,. , ••• :...,.` ; ,,,,tr.% ... - ...., _-_-..;,,c ,, r, ; .. - .•:,.. "LI - tim,l-4 t ... . . • , .4 - --, .....- r: re- , :-:Jr.fr.;- , 4 tll •;•1 i t Or tiOkl .4 .44 t sT AIM S ** ts DOW ii. Steilire. f - it* w Groceryi,liri#get ~-%.e ► 31 ARC It - ' 8611%. icw Stoat; yoti wig,' to 'pure:base tile; Bea fir...c4iiett, yen will find only: suali,4t2 t DC. Dew Gr. -k ory Store, 2d doOr aboyre the • POWt. .01Y/Ce,: L' ' • AY3I. F. CLARKE. re- Booth. mut' .Sktote a litsei 1.1t sd ost; at Wilson S'Acwaira. • , • ' !!'t . EUVIDIST, 1111IDWARE &11.-7-31 r, Ty. of filllstan;lhis week, - adiertisciat length lathe It will be ieenoll reading bib sdreilisianclit that lie.rrianufaetGres aAcjYoope en band for ionic; enginee , it9vissiidevrei jsnd in fief slmost every thirik lean wsre line, iersons ,in erant!Si'arti r ele.s .. .oe,t)iiii kind '44u , ancise'e •lii?ak and ;401' Gin his Tiricia, befdrelnirrying O11",lb• burgh or.elsew.liere. , = Mtßun'. •.: - • Nv.vr Gicocenr42;onrc, 41 1 -st Ittittly prime 'A Filet " 'sold st::!.ket.New rety, 2d door !ibilvitt , iihe Mite Office: • • F.-CiaitiE. NioN reillicated to nue 'hat ihere arireeting ofif. the Fawn Repotliquo of BOronly..toansiliji, raid house Tb:uradai . e•eiii4g; 404 1-867, f9v ot•leptir , pasi of rionkinatiag s ticket •to be anppried 3 4 the Friday followinv A genetat'af i tead 7 Ince of thi maruhers the 'pithy . . ntaninatiaiongb•oltaiiaa will' trade it tba . allite'lime and place. • terntpt winteriviiat raiartrjo't4, d?sper for isam6qaality. than any Othni,placo crin!.) , arolly jr‘ at • IFitsan &, Itrowttla hew '.:;';:i . . . . SENA TArl. 111 IT T f At 6 6' the outaido eiour paper tfiia week rilj be fottrtd lett speeili• :ly tokT/Lir* 6ellat oftern'this Dietrikry 9 11 Alie CanneW Railroad- The . riblithing this speech: ittaltert:rtse ! Ot !lb! or mplimentlney 'le print, to4aY, lbe.tirst;ppecpli 4.e..4).Y The puppet SenatOiin • the State Strretit=: R fm• A• It ie . la 'favor - '{ IWe Crntleitsyini mikoad, ; tinti'sriti bear femora sersparitiva witivthe eficeitrof Alto oaths iloozlefir4Zertit oht '!l•'e legal ittiittei e tiguris deals ciadi4ll* traoyYlvith 014,0°. Freiza pte ehltriter of' iirie OseilY $0 frr,Setitior tsylortgltim* Omit ikattgussstritiiliei.sA Ike a legitlaveiVlr, • • -- kRGU T 4tln g elestions are held on' Friday next. It eli i3 Ould be our duty here, as well ae elsewhere, 1 iolsee that none but pru . dent and safe . men eifgiiinliesition* of artyltindfL'in 'tibiae ottot4triU - diTiai's eta) ditty otoinietheiliti , I diebursmg our local taxes, - the niaintaining of liber all geed orier, the selectioni of teachers' ricl:'L n,. s 0 mi . se. , tber 1 t` S oikeuttenir s '' eto i dil a t e rig * ' zigLt alai =HE IBM EXPILLRD —4lshe minutes of the Con ference, at present in se:soil:oil it Massillon, Ohio, sholrtfita tininteday 4st;=. I~6tin` Aiken ; jralec siid.fiofft the Church. ttia offeisio, as"We airstand it, was that of bringing false anemia lions against, his wife. Dr. Cox, well I . 4 )4441 k VklarilAng d e gt" e • Viti- • of tUii 4 OrdikllefgeaMll-0) I IEI Bocheiter lailigaNsumstliirigielthfut and •besatifuleites Ourisreiteuil thor44lll Etrit l ' & AA avir. - th Susiotioti of the Bea reit, some _25 miles 'north west of Pitts . Its scenery is Ulll.- D llPi O ritit. t atum *Marti saltier can seareely be !equalled sitywharitoP:Mitth* ode landing at i itsifine Itirt /MIT eilleflltPl" • . tal It *tti,gf,e6 Itorromk•Pkiwriert ftlf; can ,see for 15 rattbs pure statel7P4ter,Pl7- ;ing 441141144-tide--.4iltrlElCltiararigrigr ' .There - are f/Eipress . and ISlsi! A(Momodation trains (it ys . ;eznepted)i i ...tted;;*lgntj 11,telinw, number . of Fielghit•P'4l94, • lih t etr pbse:is Valtiti , improving in popula Akrt„ ece, haVO„bcenitrA- 80.buildi AletedffiV*.alint,sk pr of a • ' number the present year, IThe sale of uuimprea,4 3 mlikihel.,i4 person alone; amounts to $43,469 7 ....ythav0 erected and in successful dpetkoret gleam fiaw and ClauingAlys t - T 2 j ollelek Mann- I f : ILL. 2 litetitt'onnArtte r s,`Viit ' elisive Plow !Factornllo,lthtlielatpkikOpyitural Imple ;Tent iractoro 810 pod prr Factory,! Look attifilliciatirCiifte Factory, 2 Soap Wand Cindlti ) FaAturipsl Marble Works; 8 Tin end Collie f r Stith Wablishments, the great l',l"”ll,l6l?,7l'illiburgh Pocket Cutlery Ftto lioryc.' *hale iforinianship can't. be surpuscd I 'll2 any country, an4-alise products alone 'am:,unt to not less thaw a' million -of dollars AlliotrrAttSact 12 Shoe and Leather, and 211 rug Stores, . to- Ig e t r i 'ml!_ket , Jl4 4 !!tr. li*4lll 6 ll7:vfes4 mica ;branches, 51. large hotels, besides ft, number of • P rivftte M ,IPAPAO, 0 P.4 1 Af. 1 . 1 9 1 0, ittf*Foti a i d gaft i . !tut? und, I red'Ofleg,lives employed m mention e4,tateldishments, In..adclition to , these; we • lfaveiortr chureh'es; the lithettiit,' Episcopal, Catholiic Z 14 1 .4 .9..1114112.1.1'1 ' Tfie Ptettt; !,odist zpi'scopal congrega t ion has'just organ ' isedrs ll4 . .sTP entegkilke A rtle•cher-,IQ be AP: fi - eintedler4. l and , bid—aefi*e fit 4.bit Town mai upto zi rl y /4 .4 buit4 skcpurch. We have also aVery e twe &lAA Lirdlis‘, with about 37b,pimi t ia•Ixt , aittuninehellit:4itteStreimii,-,tanK This [own under,lcid :with coal and ere brick eloy;'Which iirtiilii-takeir out at poinl •ht. 0u4571.54g. AN SPPE:I *or iglisdlynotal Cho attientidn of Our!reidErs to. the folloodag appial,.. sod* trate; tbey Win reitpOlato it;:• Emr 111. • thi Si lite lijuir to oodketitlimin faittierino of its 'oblecti: Tb - _ lisolicnvioJsm:----on Monday night ,the , following s lifyghtfoe, by con stable 11:ninderson, on a commitment of th tok.littiingsgrimAlk 280 E Gllt;"Zalt RiiilloiT,Tharrediliti e' E;e- Howl ItsibC dhessititralsdi , nhibted -with fireilihig into a house on thlriktri f lit Si instn#4-.effiteVlvivtileorn, and from which he had removed. Lis family andrust ofcltrsn thatt &OW nearishiltiro‘gh committed/Oa' jhrprno r traconced themselfresirilgul oompfsinanti VI, Mfotarete ; =,, 4 111 /V s s t i liaTzt found- out,. • . - ded„aid p • • rterirsaitali -~theliklan ' Ufa: !:!= ! ,: - . ligig*P4l4lo tie FOUTte4ntliatatOligipg of the Pols tf4grAkititriatott7rP4l ;fi c 1 49's 01: 11. 44 1 0 44 F, I'l i ;r i . f';'! '4ll "t r ni ill4 OUNl*4 Bo / 6 4. 1 1! 14 004. 4. 11 4 . ; . otbss tilio4lllo6ll9irp will be brought Infos tbeissitisi .14—iisers1 atiosidaso• is . 7h. ) • - . 1 4 1 -4 1 04- 41 4 5 410 . -P ' 1 04 - Go . .4. 11:~ II Fo ler .tl7 • :who kid beer rE2M afro in Mildred joisttly - tadiet the Cow*, it A wbether lk at M. caAndOrko %ad Raking led not o teal t hink to ail, Ida . Sestettd. It beinglhus _ testit\wirdnlttndre - .... ime, the Court room was filled t, utmost icaPaaitftlittibfigik ykt dPISAL P II dip NEIL ?At 2 o'clock Fogler was brought in by f3heriff Smith and took his .se t aterit bin the bar. Th e !Court being opened, anudia profound . silence^ Psis IlonorJgdgajt4 son addr essed hi m as ifonows LI 4. 2 - I(I ,tßoberi 14 , 1t57:-- - -You have been "tried, and, leouXie&WwjOteg tirs433K kfttn Mitfidttg,lbt, }"murder of the first degree." . Ilp.re you any-. hang to am wig stye ggs Ogdisok.shelad uot, Ihe IrifiheolpolooS 4o,,l Thffi..priaostar,rpts,eptatent. ‘ ,. int • Vitoir •) th -*elate d% theseit tence ; • . _ bi rtteire6llat Ilroveetwite:aittt' t3it Vitale leommuniWz: ctlStflielfietitsiAlYoitr *US was leo clear and conclusive-, 4fitteite effort of pouf eewheTelo4l4 - 44eityistradiilaeiptfaimosli• ;tion. : This murder of ',wbitiryon hare been :found i lguilty was Ofeta , erdinitferlitilet::'?lt. was • not Opt.ttitdt. if,atefildt .4asiia 7 e- .:°(1211 , 11 10 groviht ihsCdflaut4iOr. l .lo4l 4l *.taceased. but. it proceeded•frunt an.teci" Mite lest after i •yon.liad 'gained oirO ok. dec t i l e o 4 1 4 *0194 r clislgrhola44o Pi'siftirni. 4, ;Finert4b.Viliuf li9il:64o4;Ayereif ' Ottitiol, 4r, tr. -- criti . di"cetteedlorneSwo, ,week.S' bef_dfis, 1 yea proceetle&tplaeyompluth' • pint, 440440 ;purpose.. On, the evening . of the murder You seteloout i ,.teue,..pimpiplitione ivith delitters4 104, yorlifelf with the bahilidete for'the . pistel you designed 'to make' use of ly.Alrof -• Our felot hest 'Stiff Illtieit'etteeyotlf thus 'ffllitglupcd' „mt . Wunk_etty wit§ your.,,,ge4foeritio I ,.dete we ons. ydg 44 . 0 I t your lunrecentins way-for sis miles, tie dtwitiiaos niglit4P4 lo- 4"Le - dtb!teCrte*- 410 ' - 4-i,-140117 .1 X 9 3 1; A4 ll .4 1 04 1 11 , 1 14 19 14 .9:A1 f ite.a' ditor,aoyi ..111111eArettieg, ptstol trihatt demanding fatimoney; when a slitiigTO ern me(' ilaqy : !ammo() . wilich not °eas t er unt feiikolrlittil-disehargedittoiesiteitte tot twice agnimit th.tiieseoW...the- deceased,' thus in mortal-yetmds witioh.oCna-- E his death: let c'entent With - Ttitts'," yen yOuti ceete4trittri4- 1 44Le—fbe 44T; cle4se4 Otr - $9ll 4.41 , 11,A0 was brutally struck upon --the head wiik.a. put.with a ktiFe.aprosi the - breast,. rind - cn - :the. hind. iri . a,veto effort dOnbilesir his part, to • Wrest the knife fieni theakiisSin's r rasp, _ • • We do not recite these facts to harrow up, :hitt fo'iltoir Year lufw jtitst: rightemis has-heeM the- verdict -ecitidenthing fyou,to death: Consider, likewise. that f a mysteikiiiiPsovidenie pertnittkd thir ofAliis: great crime, bent the same Trinti:.. dence interposed onerwards..to bring yoU to I the, bar of justice._ In • imagination foti'thoutht that, the derkitesS Of the night:and the disgaiso.yott woritWeiildlieTeen'ittn"from all bunietrobeervatiort, but_lon "feria that the eye ,of ati all-Seeing Utid; •to . whom derknese is alt eras Ineking, dorms i,',Yoti and 'that by ills inteif olillitin-Alfe evident's - - oil year guilt weileilrettfitt the dwelling you 4isd d'esblitteitr7 sy; th&wp pitiinitlYinsignitfeanteirlentistineeo-of the less' of the beef front ofrene-z of : year -boote,l the ! clue wait gtverrtertiettewit-aktil..yet*L-Cesitlf. was traced out, so clearly - Mut in • the , qtrieon 7 - you exclaimed tollte - natibiteetireligiOn 'who united you offertnripiritual coneolatiot4 have ilo . hoPoet nild to them, as nit - : , to others. au freelx_ confessod yourself deretople.,deesstrd; • ?. - Fbi your own pesiiiiirelittsCience TeNteuld have been well you had remained unwavai-ing • ingly in that frame of mind. Unhappy man? By these confessions:Of vat! gitilt, you had taken.' the first step, which every . sinner must take, towards that fountain which Washei away all human - transgreisione however great.i. By wtytrascsuioirmunirectyvir. Itertir typiont Aseek nat'enittftro'hour; Nit irtil - tttebe'rtil t membered agaiast-x -i eu, f, y ou ,b r re-.. newed: confession- tied -04* 'tor • meter, to • • seek after it again. Your only reliance in itati,the4nerits _of Chrittes ilAttod, winch ialbi44b 11mA :Akira your stain zof the human blood.you - have so .unrigh.: tously 3Thintids .free: .Iyenteritind all hope of escape the punisbwtnt which human trefei of iiiitellowiaen.„ ere Ishope for w you in this 0r1t1.,. - •I • The tiettience•Of Is; A that 'Y, , On be taken from - henee to the jail m the county. of WeshiNgton, wherel .l xonisame:., and:lee t a thence to The plait cir eitecutionivitliinlhe walls oryard of the said 'jail, and. that • you j t h e t 4 l,l4 l .ag l an u i4o4,., E 4.4*- 10. • Pa may- f!.. 'The prisbner stood and listned to his lawful doom altpa . ttoilt - reitbertieett and self-possession he tirdmaintalrce:tkiriolighout the Ivhole progress of hia,„ trial. While „his ilotitsf „ many in the audience were moved to tears biptintieetenin mons, tbiortoetto Nuke--w be ing consigned to the skaffojalapileird'tti be not: in the leastaffected.- Setint:o! hare undeitone so moat unaccoutttnblu-Phaßgar-n. Almost inimediately_after his'airest he _tidy coeftlatitithielgeWteCto tint saellifeitedjsificieeetMenoeY •NatiwAlife the last few weeks, throngh,some,evil influence, a marvelous trinettirtnatithiliies tibee r nr., wrought in him, Instead of eihtbiting any fee Ml lings r nee Ichate-Tat.hninirPerblifidiP thstir ithanittety sinidwfuW Kitold ..&-fs Trash lireizAPPVerj. r r • • * 13 K4tVX11, isUt3lX=6. .2:3-rrltictc-T4WAUT4. sts, , - Flour" per bbt . '..c- .F.N , atil Agasz co DriesLAir .$1 00 diiqWri4""st r Wrisittfrt 00 °° • ..• ~.., • •••• • . Oats E 110(1 1.4 - t - f 1 e !...tirrti.;481.446.%614;4 • C'4241. 25 BePiti-; ! . ..i .71 " $ 9,41:44 - 441 . 4.41,10101) ,1 - 4, ...........................1;. -- -80 ODD '..1, a .‘Q . kt.--.....—....5tn - ; : u:,-4-1 2.30 srtr":—. l 2. Or dkit- 1 .1131111# Batter,. ~, , .. - , , peT4-,,,-.pxvtiPpery 85 Ramo ..,, VI , •a • ... 0 14 4 al. a.. ...f..... , , 12 qemid.l 11% 5-15:1: 4 5t i 41" iii• 'll'3ll4:Per c 1 11/ i. t: iltIIIV:V111:151`ntt - L c' wv.l 4,111: - .3014 *PI.7 •,• !4T •', - . ... 1 31 4 r7X1.;: f . V l Tl i t elg .^:ll of 1 , - `t:. -- rit . "ll,4l.l**Attl,Te3;;.,, °1.114911, .. -- iM ro :VItl"?"A" , !••??, v ~. -, N. - ... r . .. * ,a 14 . ) . , ._....... , ....=1.. i iie %.... _...... ...... ,_.: EXIICV Wilititilge ' gkikatifouiadialiAidation- the ? • • .4-:44 kr4g -v ' 5r 1 5 . 11 44 1 ...* "t 4 liC* 1 • • ` J l o ll b • . ' I*-'444,rts „ - •: 4 -wt; fhTgr r - .g * lsar* -. 1 / 1 ';-•rIs' ; 1 14611-a D. : • , • • b oa . Penino• • OUladaitsi s .4 . • .. :r#4..zacto •• FOR., THE t; M. lac ,ZIAMak 'VEIN 'es 'rb at e k- T WA.: .1%-la " ri Itc:istrt :ma tr*Lis i • • ' iqte jApsi e z4 , via F tt 71: Apt:T:lo74* , 177 • •••• " Cr di ..117,:7T ri f'''69s4:ftit? . ".ftfitx .I•Tt r. .1;71. • ecru -' I • ; . • i ,s' . §li,-.1.0114,1111Wi1tg ..Rileilig s s 4 rlCß.i.l_:7' ;::;:: - ,-: - .7._E,:.1 ; . i •.,,,,,,,,,,-.,:.-; ~.i_.- ..._. : ...; :... -- • .• : ti -.1 - ,;. tP, 1 ,41+V-tfleft . vnli Milittnlteir—ti wile favor. us with a Oa - , : . , ir T I'l3' 2 • 4 't.f. _t_ Goods ariVfity.'desorrii)tion sold ' s -ctiesfiSf th4,I9YP/P - - 1.t.,x. 1,0 ‘.c . ,ts:. ; Dretichbd-'' Good. -P:ritits, 12-1-_.2 4 . 15. Pants' Stub, Tiekings, Checks, • Gin ghaintt; ' • - • Print: 4 4' • ; - Canton rian - nel'S, Rtd<& - Yettow :Fiann els, ..,114rrect, Zit. Striped, -do tarmi.fal H9PD dv B3ots and • ;Shoes, Hat 4 and` Caf)i;' 1 : Trimmings . , ' • -`• Milltoer3r Goods, etc.; etc. ilio :a— G - oeds` than thi . 014:88 of;Yaiiods cao:bol tumght -for . west : pf--,i the aionntainS.." : _ , J. 7 7 - , ; • ,; f Diess GoodS in • endleas 'variety, z5l - ; : 1: Trench Monroe, • Coburgs, ' Dekailt*. Poriling;" t , r . "'"' r ^I '" ? Plaids, Ca a htneres, Etc.; etc., , cheaper than ever, - 7 3; • - !I ?..'''. 71 :i -; LIA. T; . 1: • ,1 ; : ‘•: ;. f . ,: , •! Blankets • mid, Bl4nkft.. Sleanks, • • I -. - - At great_ bargains. rm a 7 4 ~;PTrv,"irt Remember the place: % FORTUNE'S 'CHEAP STORE 234 M :MI Ms. raTOP - tit ebriciffftfti taxs~uc~F °ftif • ..1):641- 0 .110 4 itCO x-arvr7.l.llTna . • t! 'r'i`'i: .1: r t ztt*';'2l4B asa,s twzd Md: sx at : 4 .:iroiA, lo brrtfajxv. ,411'N'tdtotr.# 148,112.1u5t-iliact, -. 1 -e*") -*X l 4AP:4;git /fiv rrat frat Mohaeozi tow tte...l t vox ow Lt . e.t j Url. .10 Z,....13: CMS 110 " 3 , e11e.1401 1 .0 151411 .44 **1 1titill ' I " ~ i t .."1 Alit-, A.% es g . 41 i 3 iilt io r `s!4& 41 4 M , (73 411.11444,214.1. .I*, • ,t1....1' , . k',..01:,, • VWIF.k 7?;Z:;Q-S nrn 441 L t).5:11 ~_., ~,;'=7-:.T.7T,T .. 7, - ,'';`,7,7 1 ; V, . . gt,t. ,/tlaSiTz 7ifiqn - i - 71 u: G.EA.LYIS Nigir4 • I r i I I?? . .I3S4NEING &ND 8110 E ° Y . AW& JATIiET;2,t_DOGR,S w STILES it Sil A 14LEN BE lit; 12,'..1; • BRII)O.E1V 'ATER. • . , AYE REMOVE T ) vinali;Al diC *mei, lit.,, Bridgewater, • OFf 4 ER MYritißE taTOCK AT ITICES THAT ISII ALL. 1 • ,is , 7 1 € 43,titt,. e k at I Of every , deseription, cheaper than ,the icheapeat. Velvet and Silk Ilonnettq Vlowere Plumes. (liatti‘gtOtteote• • A JOB ' LOT of Lailies end Misses; ,Ilatc Very Cheap. jetal 11(1 Ely 91624. • °li iii . ,l3-41431 4 014.3.3tLaggi. of all kfrids;lor •Di4ies;antllClositi,•Oirope, 'vortriet44es, long, £J, f • • AL3IO A.• OOP. sMATS,' COlZBbrit:- 1j llt • Icgrra, BEL% IV L tog, • , • ' - BOYS' RATS' AND , CAPS, BIEN'S': . KNIT OATS. '141:445' iliar.lls;..aLi, '}totp , - . , • - I".cuitoit .Battiny, Qountry Fiatpicls, MEM MEI ME Gentlemen's Pur4shing Gootlg,. Gents' and Ladles' Ittrprr llogjer ' coves, FURS':' .- prfitS rttng ! CLOSING WIT AT COST • 'wool l Erf , .crpoDA. Zelpityy ItnitShaals; Mods thiliiiii,lontags: . - Square and : • ISIX Selling oft - tir 'Tess thaa > cost Itortnets-allori4, anal elealsti4 let4P4: Stamping, Pinking and Cloak Cutting and making-On abort 'notice. I m "! o 2: 4 l ol M e 4 o •P,sk!—%?taf.lo!slitching 11 t 7 • TiratirSZE lo.:StiOW a:DODS. EI • Aelt bet 4114iik4Wsiai,*raidi. Bridgewater. • , t " ; . 'WA TT GEALY;',ft: Iteetteeier Marble *exits „” •• W. .11i - ';'- M A B,IIIA • ••, • • I - 111A.N.UFA , cTUR011 OF Monumentts. itc *ttul Stones: BALER 'EV ik • ITALIAN dt 161ERVO'l1iARBLE Marble .I!dantle e , Marble and rie : 1 8teViiiielhg% ant PAK!: - Cemetery pots Made -- . _ .~:"! may.'. T ANfair4rainetl_to.,2ffer to Ulu/One, a lergeanXimpesibgitoeft..irgsissaitd or nallillntig 444 stone&of,the Tery.lateet stiles .aria superiar'llilili, antler, whiejt I - ton: sel r ling 25 per east: leas for•eash3ban firm in , the Stste. 4 ,l respeettnlliinvite these _Wishing anything in my line, to' call and es :amine Inv stock' and -prices betotaAmr •elassing elsewlter,tc“ sto determine 4 not to be iladehiailds , st. 1 • mnr6'67.-3mos.t . • . ) 'License kel: •'-- ':,., T IST of Applicants forjacenso at Marsh I j Term, 1867. ? 0 3.1 p :;..c - tis.,,,i - Utrg"l P., 7 - .t. r 4 ., , „II , I ,NT", e l illen Rttfek.±'?".' `PMUlptlfafritioro. ) ', Babes:ca. Allibud, 4 _,Niak .. -VALICtar42/.. 44 Francis 810unt4........kinw Brighton 44 W. P. Alctorti..4 Bridgewater) 44 .11411 nu l 2l ) Beaver Falls,City. 0 ) •.I.;)l:clßioneetflotekiLt 4.0. 11 4 1 “44)4•PA10P5F"Pc.' rfl, :'i ' 11,4 - - Atinktxtkozetti f ect,,- - , C. Haller' .. Prnedom bore J. B. Clark ' Beaver. " ' IT . ..: C • • • atialaea ` ) ti 'As..:;• 'r 44::./4r ‘ Ol l Ol 4, -: , ".- i', • • . , 'i t . Xi* Si* Ask ly tirp );. William Roi4; `Z ...,....lndustry i . - t.ss ..)- )._, Jonathan I. DaseemnSig Sasser 44 :wt. Roes Industry( levy , wit. Widslitc44 4ro Cbrietisa ilasiset New It toft Moro . IT- rafill-13-• Ito o wilams IN ASllTrill ROT Lass IVAN ' - 'll cilliattla Asa x ! n105i1eiT 1 2.712,47 Kay Absconder Rochester bore , • r. 'TORR.*. FRAZIER, CFA., i . o• 'T.,:fs:;' , l ! ~:btA j lY E A?fNl,:~BY,.'~ p ''7.:::.~:~~:' ° ,_N'(~. - • _ , , wi-‘'7IIIS I I I VASs it EtEr' TIBTEIPCO ,it A-.. ... ~}... •.4 at:-. , _. - !:rt; 7 •...q. .r.:-: • ; ; ;.;. ,, zl_ , A 4 ' 1.;-..).:4' .i.l ri, .1. , !i- 4. , : , , :.;•-•-•!.;' ...-. .4_4 .-;• 1. ant ',,--., ...ac l ...1 -...i, , t ' .:i , ::. '.. - , „' , ..,::..-ti p....:=.k. fti o/16rEdi22.1111111 •,- ,-,, . . • •Jk• :•).• • ' - ' .7. ck• D xNet Its t ' , , ! ; i st.i . .). — '.... ~,....41,,, - *:.:; ;?,, -, ~..; i t r, S • , '. - .tt - ,:-111,4, ',';,,4, ,,, ',.. ' l . . ..1 .- • ~? '....,,,,,i, - , ~,....;, , LIT . B:oo : tA .:.' ' ' .l.V:kit. 3 S . IcP ,Ei ' i • . • : ". : . - nt WILSON & DICKEY WOULD Ft ESP.IOI4 N Will•• infor-di: the; nibtio'4*.gesersill.:64. tholV huentiOw eliw.'s , oirt thelrmxitultdie st eels ,ef Fall and W er sots inct - 81iiish", , pr - Spitle ft* u-$p 4 . sex' Gent'si f.loy's and Oblldlifics t S I . I 9.Oh:O449.O'SIIPPeP) 4,0 v,. • . 9; _ Y 4 lurhieh srllth, Geld- "at: cost , of below. Alost,:t% - we tire bbundliu keep up the triflltvand OVA tcr the oath:a sai r sbfaction- otZtout 0,0111)/QOP$14:` !AM floods warrrinted. - ' '4 l /UILErN4sf:. I 6II4I:IONi Demi - • of H. D. Anderson's Store.t.,--..., 01413,67. ..C3kreat. -JELargaisk.l-.L. 1 0 04,4 Pe - C:r1.11 figto:• Alkkaid is-lOtnated- iti tidOp•ma tomtit: ,0 ship, nearer counts,Ps4=is - bakilf . tallada from iiipwarifihtini;eandtaalia:lll a ftwatafiiry hetve4 . log house,. ettingletkoook ampan ptiif four rooms. ThAre are also kW, alailipiph tt [ on •• ttitr promises. er..seenitity_ arwoleaeoil.Viilitty olietirant4 Hing farm at - a barktinV Medd migi:-:$o: arid eiestninitfeE.l.Sainaettrasattla IL de - sell int *hole lush acatiaistitig4t two hundred acres .of land—a geoilLatOokad4 l .' fkgit -ia - anis: , - - IdOCt , I:Unholy: 144 Vitplea:=Mitik*, '. - greuirtala this &ant Chats:nit aisasim:;, 'Polisher+ pears and cherries in abundance on for farther lmfoittudioil apply "to 4- to_AV4II - .111(0141,14 : on the Pregoitics,:er , refet to 113 It ICENNaDY: „triai6n,L-111 : - ; itznise: axrc Imt v oat, 111.11F.Andersigusd•dosigutak to. relinqubb,, ' 1 4 4180 4 7 tefiiPg; Ilion- for Sala his ottagoite able and - - -etmeenient two . story ;brictrl situated-oft 114d:it.; Tlid . house amiable, Az rooms, newlf 41,00 d-sad let'26o 01J-frost h3 l :llo6haillt.t: shade =trees is heat and: Isaias at the door. =Would.prefer ta , aelt , furnishedi. ' Furniture bas only beim. ist 1n e. Apill• I; 1666. r. Posseasiiiititivea at elm if deiii*d:".!•• : • - ?fl1tX8: - •at tho store-OThas. M'arleryti inar6,'6l%,44 TOE rruu,. _ .. . .... . . , , - GE undersigned fake pleasturti..in isernsra , - , i...-iligig4ine 'Ladiaa,Zofi - Bawer.. nuoilithist Brighton and vioinityythat.they , IFULepteUeet yri the - .let "or al pri4.lB6Z . alarge antwatll~, ed meek of new 3SILUNERY, TRIMMING and YANCY_,(I99P§, whiek-ther*Rituiftw-ie tkol. int hire al moat lotririltandatektwest-k,. • Their room will be on the corner •of . Tank and / I °,didrnlititilttittfkagliiii%Soori to be ootiiiiiieft AS' Strbtery;StbrceiAtt APelt. Renew). inl'onver,l 4 nlls, Beaver e0:,,Pi1.,. • - , i • :- . ... • - -irri.m, J 1 R. • plara, , 67--astoip ,„ l-. 1 -,'...aq17 . -: . .%..„)::, ~-' ' ,_ rigußi'Bito*A.474,o4.: , .. i , SP Bio'illi, - r- - :-.--- ' , ..:,.=-- - :,:-.:.T;asi , ;•'=•: , ‘ , .1,.,-,. -.. 07i4;15. -- V - i- ,. .0t#-.*41:).--...,-0 - it.e 1 . ‘. .:-. 1 .. !--7,-- , -- .-.v.:,--1i.i.:,---, ~.: wilottowii : (l4:ll4o4..iiwitt . ~ksft rare v v -, ,prt i tnod Riteek Irate Warer * Und dealers in J apaiiid:llliniiiied and*Preisied , wares And btrutwfursiebiew athober. grbreilyistm fitOl‘tP_ and Hard rtra .1.44,11 ortielkPTlMM. l 7-1 1 4ti1d,.., 1 - ta: _- .1 :- . _- - • -.., . -4,MATI3t. T 7 , 4)2 . 10 44 - " • . : BUOtt i .b triS ''- gektiela• - :. :-. - • - • , _ . - ..- . _ . 7. x ,.. lialfEltßAS -lettere teetanienterritillt • estate s.ouis goiatlalr; tate - W1 &hover. tivp4- i lletiyer.,eo.; &Wife been grnnted-to tti r e underelgna; all:Peretote knowing.themselves "indebted to eeld' _OAS. are rettuasted , :te= snake tiainediatetleirlOkt, and hose having claims agatnetlkeleetne;will present theca properly, autkentioltteti tiv• liet• dement, _ _ . El r JOB.' 4.• qxßily Extetkior. • tnerreeds . iiiitnoter • ..er.7, - -:!:' SUPVTOKS NOTlqt' '., • rillgAB letters 4411110.1... -Belkier „t a t ,/ t ot Jou,,,- Idt. Tid.o timii. , borokl.V4l-14"W etiaill Y' r f aile &" . i I:llV4ted- (A Abse VICOMFINI r—,7,--- 0 1 4 r. e a " :154.i . 44,1 e itu Pipe 4 Ag" Tilt irtWeifir: 4.ol.eavie;l4PrP4k „ 6 ::.,... f e... 7. 9lli - 'naiad fOk*All4ll4o-' '• : - "...: "...: 1—."! ' .', . . ''. '. Ittqlt-,.4N4' 41.it.910- -• ,: _ rv~ ' • - o)t ,ttivit , Asx Xsimittuzir - 474, nelbleT PR- --4 1,130 . 4- . tigi'vhCblen- l edkgto.444.6,4l ll Sn.ear',_ ierion+l n jildis :fit said estateamrsviutitssl:P IPSO , paYnsent,sn t these 44n g .cliains viukto. ..rin.:powpotAke, mkodAll ,Aso, *4* properly authenticate d for se iti • _;;; THOS HiLTH t il4”**c - • I 032:1_:012-4, _ .nkt4z. • tywnatuifiguit Vritalsorigiffiez-magocoirxii4rsr or striamicsiaior Painigtale4 raiigWoUrbwik 41111 k UtlikWlll, l 4 l 4 iminicq,die4-44 aski liarimistg. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers