I Is D !I Ira B lactlt r kli tit Jpokrff.st . tut *A T 0 . 464 nil .1 - • ' El itimpaireth - - I t. • " "7' • - - I.'• overnor S wann.waifsleeted s r:lli_4,*o*fici• some fl* - „ itkcilhy the tliiieniatik. : 44 that State'. Ills 14ailty uniptibt4:id at pat ` fititia; land it Pas at the flask wail 104440.nd Oust any,Qliiiiiies 410igiroW Vial+, s„ . • d e ve loped 4flzoielves. litut .'th , ,,a , „ close. Of the etraggliii.btouttit'home hi'rge num bet*`'Of •eic ribEllai'end,}6isin the fa vor .1 , nembraced. tisv"erPor tswan :Tobnimnistri ;" and As ha bad lireevievely -determined - loyalist,- iso ha :new became the yitterest, perse teiitoF P n ion l inen n , Mary lan . Rae only _ ~iid ho,aontove,..*ith the rc— tUrned them into 'phices of proOtliiii.doWori_butlhadeliberate ly about a condi. , ori!ot h iii'in l ;ll.lti that Slate s',Cthe last letectioii, - by ;which i ‘ he Union men lwaro rivce to the waif by an open, boliC•Oilation of its Constitution. The .1 Unionists submitted to this rather -Aar. have violence anarchy in. I angiirated at. the polls; and hence IS wa..n re helfrierids had their • way , ana elected whomsoever _ they would for z.opresentatives to the State .L egisli4uVe. this manner, and . by,_klosopbraotis„ a l!egis ore wa s , chosen that recently er#:ted; Governor Swann to ,the ‘t'iiefisti)`from that I - Ste:to:l - huff' far_ thing: went to ',suit the Swann party: since thon nattier& haver- taken, a - nhw turn. The . onstitution, fit the' tate of hieryOul provides that nn.personl*ho has borne i-. - .1 - , - !' - °• P` - . .I.irtpB n i gaimit i tho, Tfartc4 States, or i given aid and ; comfuyt I? the rebellion,. 'shatfever le; allowed fp- vote in that , :State; ' and .itls,rituriom s that Govern. 'or-Swann, hiti t had of lguardingithii Provis ion tifi4i : gdly, thitnitoned bided , lobed If reSist4tide,to ibi i violation was _ op- , . mhdo at the ie6ent elet;tion. Np 1 Tionition - tias S &red . by - Ith° Unionistl, filit.iii;v; Gov&.norSwattn learns that . when he proposes to tare the scat in .tlictSenti:e.AP,which - he l • was lately i * ~,t,lccted, objetton will ihe 4 mlide, and t the facts pal-tabling .t` the election referred to the Judicia r y Committee of. the Senate. This pixispeetive ae- . tiou gives maters a.diritibtful appear. , !, - inee, and l Gofernor Sv' i tan, who; too -1,. tiered his feargnation a the ,Executive , i ! of the State some two reeks ago,now ; recalls it, evidently et4neluding that tl.it Unittict Slates'.Betqte will .declare I .ltre"Olection t 4 that bodi a fraud upon . the people il,";.kfitrylluitl, and in viola. ; Lion -of Ihe COnittitutioft of I,bla State. i "iA. bird in the nand is worth two in tli,elinsh,'.' thinks Governor Swann,an4 • lie:therefore libacludeisilto hohl on tri 'the' Coveritukship ofl - the 1 State unti MS' term, .expires, or Old ; is assure r :'that a seat iti the Se i cale is in Iv' ,tin - for him:: i, • ; . 1 ~1 --Since writing the i ttbove )) l.6 lsw won appet(rs to.ha given ti se ototial pretto-isions ei't e irely, aid i has 1 1 1 ;ei.ignetl' - tlit t i , doubtlu i ,seat :co l , that 1 , ody,-,referrlii to, -. xi 1 . t; . '1 ' - i ott ' ' , ~. • ' -,; State TAM snack 1. venvenzton.; I --, . The . -,frieli4ii 1 of te4einnoo -efery *here. litive' .- Causo..o Nolte over tle !, result of tho.ll.tint.,nt Scats ; T,timperalice -,Convehtion,ifeld at 4ftrrisburg. It . • Avite largely iiitetidod,#d the tiorpro -1- s at "isf- ; l4s.4 ; tats;presidtd, : cover its tern- ; I poritry- - ,orgaif4atitni. 1! 1 1.'11•3 C?Siren:- I, tion. 'was forrvatiantly - ,clganized by . tho-ei:leetion ef'Generili Luis Wageor 'is PireStdest t iltesolifttsnsl wore, adopt I ;ed, ..very iii.distiii in their 2 totib; and ', ti imiug tuwatd s totiil ptobigition of I ',ate sale 31 liquors 190 drinking _Tar.: ;poses in Ithe S.ste.,' . Avcolmittee wa s :appointed to thaw. up #, in I expressive :el the genets bi th'S peirivontion, which . - I ;will be taillight boforeilbe [Legislature ii . i ~, ~; , 1.. 4 4 , 44.enT1Y,'1ay. JaLete.f.rosn Vesans,of r.'rilledinid. coons, is- c h airman of this 1 comniittnel - ifid 'the' fiot that men so [ 'distinguiShod in the to !VI Mr. Corn na,..tlovernor l :c i fery, tip Wagner• are ..,,t),..„....,..,..,„4 . moveme n t, givei the i . 1.,411 - Aer..tities C'sitifae in if liver a 1 .prestig,e that le rarefy , if liver bad be '4-1-uri?'.-,i-t ' ' i [ ••• =,, - ' '... Vet.oo. t - - ' . 1 ' . Vlie President, truelto . lis instincts, ihnit*atised theireconsf.ructo bill,after [ the: , moat •bolob‘n asiiiranies on the .partot'som;acWho . weri3 go/ orally sup: posed .tcl be ab - thoiiztkd 't bpeak for him...4* . -c i - t ' The Veto nt=otisago - tyaa l eceived at i r halt past 1 o'Clock,--11. M ., .and read i I,ltrough - atontie by tke cli7k. -Thad. Is 'ia'tole ~, 15," ~oig the . co'pcluaion 'Of the t ,rtaidttig,,ro,iti grid deri!andOd a vot e on the iii•to. , A ft;ik some- litl(3 delay . on the pars of lbe_Peinocrst7, the bill sFASso,4,oytn• th a 1 o only yetolbyte of 135. 1 r tti 47C. :The oilly gepablicon Who rot I;iid tigitio,t it rii, All ; Mr,. 11. 1 1 e of New I.Tork. •i . :l' - ' l . I At, the.sarnii Limo bll the tenure 'nffice i ad r !!,:the - se - ntite;' the bralitib ji in which At bad orWrtite li,wied with a - veto ine . , , ,o4 f te. n (ewe buviT.g been reait, the it, .1 media tely paiiseti ok. 0 0: the f;ife,'„.nu'yok rote of 3!.`i, 4.4 IL • antic ane thOefore diApite the objeution4of Lb pi : I• • ii is sufivage in the District. of Col'' f , • 0 . 6i - . Congress, durin git! last Beni ~ in vested the hlacks of the District oil "Cokinibia with ruffrage.. gins - ,,iiissi done in the face of a tnauntaita , 0 1 . ,0Pi) position and abuse ; bat the blacks,if& , der the advice of *bite friaiids, ' 'went skadify to: work: is , trying 'to' Pro Pare '*!nneke!i.Aor Oa iirw.44tiel - that .liitte . `detolied upOtr thorn.- ` ' Behil'o4 , ifeste,:itt — einfiti OViniset, -- ef-1 'finest ttielierii Proof/reit iiioV!ini so. cieties edablisbed,aticl Old and young, , male lad 'female,' pirticipated , in- 'all ' these **mins Of , acquiring inforwiation o and with a facility that su4rieed: all; 1: who jiitereited themse:Tes.intheir bis. 'init.: . They applied thenielvos gloset*, not i 4nly to show the Govern meet, that its kindness was::worthily; bestowed, but also - to disarm tlie ; re— judice that = existed against ' - the ' as O. a race. - • • ' The first ' election .. in Which wereallowed to take a part, was in GeOrgtown last week, and s the-selection' of a Mayor and '9 Council. At this election the "Con.. , servative ra whites acted an nnly part. In the use of insulting epithets, and lew - vulgurity tfiey first attempted to keep the blacks frem attending _the election at all. But faling ,in this, laidfetiting,lo resort .to violen 1 Fo be,. Itause of the 1 law • and . police, hay: turned in to contest the result, an the I ,city was ca nvassed as, it had over been , before. TIM tame noted ith, e. the radical w-hites, cd had lists fall the colored voters prepared. ith ttse they stood near the witdo ,arid la :a rotor , deposited his - ballot ' - hit r name was scatched-from theat, :and , _ • ~ • . night _aproachud the.. alu l m tut* were sent for and hurried to title oils. In-fact "every inch of gronr i ul vrai fought over," and ;th b 'contest c ded in the eilei-Ttia of the radical cand data forldnyorby arajority of 96 t i n the election of 7 radical councilmo to 4- of the conservative - order.' The, `cg istr showed i p 70 negio' votriyand 1350 white.'l .1 ` -'• ' •, , The behavior,of the ,black lin the Diatriet of; Columbia, bsfore and on the day of the election ;in George tewn, is an example Worthy 4f omui lation by all thopegroeS in 'the coun.• try. They are represented to have boon remarkably studbus, industrions_i sober,lkind to each otber f and in their„ intercourse with the i whiteii acted modestly, patiently' and endured more than was expected of them: -By this coats° of conduct they ;hare -hold fast the friends they had before,*and anlia.. tad 11 sympathy lion 'others who bore them, no friend hipf a few months afro. • - :E'r a. , 7 . , ... 7The Tariff" BM Defeated. The tariff bill , which has beenaefore Congress for so many weeks,. and which was turned 'and twisted i nto - do many 'different shapes,•suffereil de . feat'on the 28th inst. :Nothing; more Will, be Attemptecftin connection with its passage for some time to conie,and itt the meantime the Manufacturing, hitereste of the, Country/Will suffer AA they priver . 'did &dere. ' , The N. Y. • • 7:ribeine 'in speakingOf the defeat of the thus showir how it was b doue The dilbate intll4 yest rday, did not tura upon the provisions of the bill , 'but, uPoii the possibility of . • passing an; bill this sessiop. Mr. 11 orrill.moved to discharge the com mittee Of the VirluAo- foie the .purposa of bringing the bill - to a vote, .and it the discussion which followed, Mr iShenk intimated that the Piesident ,Would Veto it, while Mr.. Allison ed that, he had Modem) tact'ious l oppo r tsition to the bill, hut ;voted agatnst ',the motion. ,On this. test vote, the motion, , whic h required twq4etirds to pass, was defeated-bilos Yeas to 64 Nave.- Mr, tovens' then Moved' to disellarge the COmmi ttee of the i r lYholo, And to toneurwith th 3 &mate, .with t - ,he ~ainendmeats alreadi passed by the liOuse ' and an additional canoes m - on JO the wool interest. Thus all. the 16300410 - eta of tho Committee!' on Ways endltemi s e not acted upon would be abandon ed: The House red fused to adopt. this , mation - ,. by 102 . ; Yeas to 69 Nays., Aloint resolution ,Wlte• Owe offered by Mr. Morrill, Ira- - posing an additional duty .of 20 .por, cent, of the duty now paid - up* All goods, with _certain specified excen tons,. which - was lost, by 94 to House also rejected, by 9t:, Yeas. to 64. Nays, a joidt resolution offered! by Mr. liastion in regard to wool.--; After these decisive; votes no further, effort will be made in this Congress to. pass' the bill. it flied in; units, Pf 'lts friends, who, in arreling about the 'means of cure, experilnentH ed till they Inflect the patient. ,if the open,. and still more ...he', covert; enemies of the bill, escape the, retri.' bution they deserve, we do not Mean' it shall be for want ofexpsure.-.-- They , 'shall have full credit tfcr the mischief they have wroul44.;f'or_.t he t . loss that is to fall upon the onntry Vreason of their hostility or_ treach-I ery; for the dolay, erery'dAy.of which' takes the broad out.of the months of workingmen; for. thesioseci• mills ;for' their ruined owners, for the :wrested : development or maul:totem's; ikvid -for{ the blo.w they have aimed at the -life. of Atiterican ' ' regulating „turned to' Co ngreas s , accopipa.d 1 1 , The:incs— bill wia,un , eco by. the SENATOR Wang of Ohio . bas been norrinated in a Republican caucus . for President of. the i:initte from! -Mara' 4 by a' V 0143.01 22 to 7 for At''. Fesben den. Mr. Wade was elected and , as sumod Lib duties on Monday. w laws esidtint. . hey eld for. WA ill Vt 2 were in errociast reek in scat ins , that the "snake hilt" bad beini lost in Rifetiiillsarg. • ifin ote ot6t in that Wait' 40 11 ea iikft lair* lb as . )I , Irma what was !6 sub)eaf t :ft ie . l'iltb* • little opposition wilt •be " made • to I • it4a Tenelked•_ , - Nn, PeniOlt- *kik tipparently, sees l a "stake" in it bti „ . the •LoCakan4in stA atak-4 11 4m 111 -4. 0 4-". 1101 0 . 11 SIXIMo n I ,4 2 a.it.wiW _M 1=4 ' 0 ;0101 !MT 4 11) .! 1 ;,Wii 14ipaia) *Ad, bad a. emits aocak7, "the ordinary eonrse- of legislation 'brings it up ' • ' ! • • I That the'lailibihat is 'nail * to m be eu bill is l opt from; ;tile fie!, that:, ouini or -.144° acP;C*P"? tivee from the•adjoining counties; limo irotii those' larostof voted • for i fthn suspension° o of the mnioii' just as ;Biti Quaidtd,Ond not one of tiiirtil•hit been ehatztd by' hjo • 'conetittiefiti . W it being goyerneotiy i prap '"inotrv in no cbtnEr and , tint. h . tiowieapar t " either-111,y_ in, their ' retetaVoontta4 ties, (exeetti the, ti );_ro eireitta last, week) liar - "seen 'nit talked ! 'shale " either before, at' tbo time, or einca the bill was' brought into the Tiegielatnre. This cirCa m etaaaa - Itaelf;Ougk,klto sat iefy- the ..pocitt that, it had, ropostted , the error "stop thief" when nothing bad been _ stelen;and if iii r editoi had 'sty sager:ley, •he would? hive abandon ed pareuit this, and seeing y otheis ao On. ' • • I Tom Dernioratio Meinbc'raof CON.. • grin, on the 4th int:, ipresa' . nted a Oroteet against the asiseniblink of the Fortieth Congreee on that day, on the ground _that soyeateen of. the States were.not, and wculd not bo represent, ed in it. - .r_ Tar impraehment eohalrattee made its report before Congress adjourned, and its 'investigations appear, , •to amounted to but little. The majority' of the committee htftiret!er have retiona- Mended *the continuation of the "sift, ing".to the Fortieth Congroes; which met on , the of March. BAnitiiiiir Ittutpasied Congress st the close rf the sesainn, and to now a law. ItirProvieions will bemblieh ed in pamphlet fo rm in a low days.. NEttnafixA baa been admitted into tbo Union as . ; a Stato--tnaking, Itho ,thirty-aeventhin.tho family of States. • Washington Correspondence. WAssitierrort, D;C., Fob. 26,1867; Dress Aims: The Thirty Ninth Congress ie about to windup itsvvent ful end we . .might enumerate among its 'many important nets the one last passed 1 - loeking [ toward Ith e permanent reconstruction of theire— vetting States, known as the"Sherinan bill," ar.' act that seems to sleet With less - ob t jection than Mr. StesPeders ni j tart' bill, as thee' bill points out the way and mode by which Sl' civil and republican-frame of sonworaent ',hell be formed and sabmitted to the people for their Approval. 'arrespeetive or race or color; (excepting the leading rebels,/ - who are excluded 1 from- office in the constitutional amendment-.)itris indeed considered too lenient; se the rebels are-allowed to-participate - in're constructing a governmen i t - . , they, so persistently- strove to destroy. For it can hardly he expected tluit ; good can co - Me out of evil,. or that a rebellious peeple could -institute a"gdrod- form of Government.' The meamire is regard , cd by some as one of neety foe Universal suffrage." •I • be. neve tbe South will accept it. : sun sure they will Johneot. , does not advise theni to reject it, which he MAY' do, for - lin-is bad enough . M 1 do 'any thing; ithat the light..in whleh luir held hire. The Revenue Lax 'bill ,'a& coniplated and purled yesterday. 'The bill making appropriations forteerilts fenders' (army and navy) was ,defeast ed in-the-house last evening by Awns— in oat, the. °canting, clause, was moved .by Mr. Scofield; antivarri. Ad by a small majority.: i. . • The Tariff bill will likely come ulr to-day, and, I am sorry' to sty, I hair° my feariins to. it6'paseage-tbissetsio n. It -is really ti4coishinitio, wituesa the diversified sentimentsthat 'tire . enter tained by.,, the membere oft the - Hoene all-iteportarit.subjectiand l ot sueli tercet to thn Imerkan people. I,SIM still in hopes it will pass. I I think - the 4tikr 9 ptbill will not be.reached this Cession. : Our I - Democratic. • frielids favor its passage, 1113 they well I recelleorthe harvest they reaped from a similar 'bill, Passed.. by • -the • Whig party in the administration, of PrOPI. den Ilarrison. The coinniittee• on iniii - eic . hment. -will not -likely make any,report this aession, although ihfcirmod,there are ,startling evidences of his gnil t in the,prasessirJa of the.eoM .Piarb'aprtft haw of impeach ment:may be left tit %he_ friarjess and Intrepid 13utier dining the ''Fortieth Congress. ' • Tee tree 'Mentor the ei ty of George; , town, with tho ahl;of thenolored till Sens,' (alike loyel;) carried; their - mu niciple election Yesterday ; sleeting a, Maybr'and.,seven outnT eleven Conti nitmeii' for #iri fist timis- - frie riorne years; tie theilty three;dnerthit eat and - ,Mit traitors to, their Goeernment ; as, they - pub - Way rejoiced over -ou r der feat at the battle of Bull R , an. It ie maid - til - paised'off quietly; the negroes behaving theineetsfes its s 'eery beernst.' ing manner,' by Imitritigloi" hoine 'after: depositir.g their yore, so it, seems Ss the ease of their being thadefrei in4he Distridt, no . blood was Abed, or harm bait folle*od etcher 'one et the long withheld :feta of justice now granted to 'that . Cipprreised • race. IA true has been found Against Surratt, atd4. isuppoSe he 'Will helpiit on ,hie-train a, few. daya. If ',anything ',of interest connected wi th hie, trial; Or,ivitli- the expiring Thirty-Ninth Congress shall transpire, you may heir - from m.r again. ' A. VETERAN. En OM matdonal‘liera.... 'XI 80)Trilti - di Yiteeiglif q ui * e... l 7e*oti: tbliagtliintii 0 mils and o ralki t ehteeelefi *km led et" ad) 1 eeee , 001; Griiiis toiinistip;: to 1. lir 10444eia,tiallisir, con nta; 86 --, -141 itchoW4.1 14 / 1 448ca eh inkisetth;annital,nlol%. d _ Arofeal sidiciateon of man."-- . l ellee'w h:Wtirs points irastanifiayand 2 , oolelld= ig SbOwknk to !.eacters thhfy - the*Ailieget.Vaith ..:::„. of being able to fy! eettW Renato 1,00 minds itisiv. 1 Via...lrigast to Ate ASM . OII Well-be. tag er' r loutigi and ,to see thaktha APtelf.poircas are not allowed to be. I tl e ditaKed Impacted 1 0 4 eeibt ee;. he: - acted - s ee, a strOieg and Voclftiskietelkiet iiiiiiiiied In r weakly /"-Itike . :- 2 - 4 -.connection isith' - these ' II ;Reed - of' points, r.spoke tab impor taOee of having good School . - botises, I well nonstrePtetd and Ventilated. 'Great imPortanne was - Alt attached to the location of the , ho ,- as respected' health, 'convenience ini ',and desirabletiss. And; indeed, the remirk respecting 10. eatiodisroanitidalti the eight fdaee-- Of.. the Atte" *Moot bowies in'-ibis ibwrishili, .oa : dependent, ' of the two borouilur • itookstovirr tind George toiin) nit ono is desirably located.— Sothe of tbem itniek deep down in some ugly ravine, othersigain - , roared on some high, bleak point, exposed to the Tittle blasts 'of winter and the-scorch ing beat of summer.' No playground attached, nothing at all inviting to lit. tie folks.. We-said no attention bad boon paid to the location -of these houses. - In th,is wel are mistaken; in. died,4 innetiusve required gonsidera. ble ingeemity to seek out such hideous locations, bat we dope for- a better state of affairs ere king. Wohope ere long i& see good school houses proper. ly , boated, take the ptude of these naserabletcld shells which are by no means fit i kr the pe pose destned.-10 the course 444auldrese s the special training of teschera was particularly Otieed. 'Pm grciat importance of having 'a -tiormat.sehool speedily C. tablisbed iti thisllPrmal district, wen earnestly dhuminsed. How much our teachers neaspeciiii training for their work. - And, indeed, we might say it has become an established fact inthe minds of thinking ei t eople,,thatthe on ly place teachers n receive this epee= tat training islet normal sehoale.-- lieleet schools, as Oiciy aro - generally coedogted, do not:, give the training= that is . demanded.l Teacher's Insti ttites„; propllly condneted,' no doubt, effect mething,but thin is not enough. I r it th ' considered i ndispensibly noces sarythat Ministers.Lawyera and Doc tors reqett'eleing' end c areful training to prepato them fpr their respective professions. why should tot teachers be required to prepare themselves for their work? - .Why don't the enlight. ened community *A Beaver county 'Ms -to it. that. every tea hoc. in her common schools hue been p operl* trained,and only give _ her seh a, to those who have spent their ti e end money in acquiring a Um, ge qf their p ro., featnon: Ti iel- oft .qaored o2i that. "any ,persOn ;can j eack echoot,'! 'Will ' -no:. loiger, ' *id ,Alie main' heard ritieving A i iregaiiiedits a relic of past aged.,, - Nile are glad to.learn' 'that tneastiti are tog "need to .soon !have _ii . Notriil sehoot O s tabliabed in this district, And we sincerell hope the. matter will bo agithtsd IbY ails- those Hwy) earnestly desiralhe preifority of' [ our Coininon schools, until, at no dis c tent day we - Will be enabled to-reap the full benefit of such aninstitntion. The Schoorelioir, _co nducied *their 'teacher, Muss . Ma ggie , (teed, favored the audience . . with some ' excsllent songs duriog4i, nimatin*. A.' A. IL -T Hopkstown, Pel,. 25, '67. ' i. .: 1 • • I 1. 1 ' Suffrage in Tennessee. 1 „ 1 :V . 1 , • -;.-__ i Vox State of T!morals has roeci lv- ed Ito coinodo" t he'log cal cal 1 fruits of treason's -Wantqn- ierir, h gen:env-Aid - I filg the freedihee I and tilielrantihising rebels. One Of iliff -first. actS cf. the e. loyal legislatbre of that ptati3 \ was to, deny suffrage to - those ho had made war spell the goernment, and last weak the tegislat , re paused an het,..e„x -i tending suffrage all,lesal men .with oat regard to caste or celor, , arid it'll) Governorims approved it, The fafth • fat men of Tennedsee - having 'felt 'the fell measure of rebel barbarity, know wiabow essential to the peace and leafety of the- iii..lpls: is the .withdraWal of 'allpower• from thosewho have so tertihil ab.llBo l l and hey m arc ni, i featly in earnest) i s they have. paed a military bill to provide State tr oops when necessary to . enforce the laws and maintain order. The nc4roes of -Tennessee, in by-gone days, voted with the whites, and once chose Cave Johnson to the Senate, and At anoth -er time decided* contest that • sent. John. Bell , to Congress,' Now they reeern to the exorcise of all the rights,' of manhood, and 1 -will i*orrimand nf spent and' proteetioli by their pelitieu • power es eitizene. How long isltl 4 require the Democracy Of the Nort4 to. learn. that' the world moves T-1 chambersburg 42epositor9:. .1 ,' Politica in 113471 and. The Marylan d; Radical St 'C°" - ver.tiop mot in llipitiniore on. Wolfson.. `day: •It brut nu erouely .attended Dr. phr," of Allegheny • county, wee •Preaident. ; wore resolutions;wo re adopted as a nia!form.for the party in she State. , Unitirerfal manhood •enf.. *ago Wag Twroelarnted; i arid the Coal servatiees of the State Owere, threaten° . ed=with • Oen greetiotal in torfere wee 1. the plan of milling a State Chinserrativ.', , Convention 'is carried oat excePt o n ; tbe - broad rAskirde r k .of runiversiranf fraget" Seel's:party held . a lurge, mane''Meeting tat .=the same ,p&& Wedneader idea, •The boese, was Spoesbes ;wern • 'made by Rorie° May °aril Tenneseee ;• Hon. Columbus Delarip,tbf Ohio, and ethers, all' in* faitor-oi • bekio r suffrage. 1 - Tbe Preeklatit was denounced; •and ~ the course of Congress' , commeaded. in mmrs' LEGISLA 2t, 18 t . 31 1 1 4" OP '- '0 3131 -nliitS . , : • ..... spiripiw wo . 1 .0*(. 1 BILLS IN PLACE. ‘• , 1 Mr,,llliglisni—Act to annex a tioti of Lowir Si. Chit - umnshi to ttriTborougb or:Birtningintni. " I Itor iiso, ',to ,' - 49.este* -Wired :, le 1 ' psblio:bsdidisalpi-is_ Pittabiiii;gh M Griharo T et, ,to tit,k s d reit , sell tie' nibibtod4sr Waist; greima n Seventh - ward, Pittsburgh. , - -1.1 1 ' Alio litupplosunitio-art sin!, rebuilt* to streets and soweirs, juL Pittsbsi h. Also,set 'giving adtlittobal pow e r the Councils of Pittsburgh. 1 Mr. Brown , of Lawronce—Ao , e lativd-to Oblication ' of-the la* , lid i legal advortioetitonto in tbo Gomeln wealth - - 1 t . ' _BILLS Tri PLACE. Act to repbal the fifth aection 'act relating to 'roads and bridge Lawronc'e county. - - Act roh:ting to ' fares on •pe 'passenger roads in the•eottnty of gheny: :Act relating• to the Antics of rarer in'Lawi•ence county. Tho, afternoon sespnon was ink with the eonsideration Of the Fu mcnt to the school law.: • Speaker. !Glass amended the hi strikinr , out the provision in tii making teacherN certificates inl Pending consideration of tho Ibil House adjourned. i Feb; 2S.—The speCial order o day was the free railroad law. friends of Mr. Bigham's'bill ends ed to amend the bill reported fro committed, making It the same bill drawn by . 4r. 13ighOtn, bikt ! 1 by , 19 inayii and 43 yeas. i ~. "Messrs. B igham. , Billingfelt, B, of 'Lawieneo; BiOiivn, of darter, man, Davis, Grahain, Jackson„l 'T J aylor; Wallaco W , hitO and Speaker, votedior amending Mi l mailing it alieriginally icitroditee, : 1 Me4rti. ! Burnett, Coinell,lptvis, DonoVan,risher,glatz;lliiir.eshic son, iC JeTTICS, Landon, McCandless. M on. ritigh, - Ilandall,i ,11idgeTsay, oyer,' Schul ; Soaright; Sbeeniaket, tuti.. man, and Walls, 'voted! aga in the amendments. i I 'l .' RIPORT OF COMAIMBEq. Act to prevent i the ,depo min i unwh,lesomo matter _lin rui streaks, of Allegheny county., To extend the uct rotating to ' Imes of mechanice'iu Blair and Armistrong \ : counties.' ' ' ' ; Tb"bxtend the term of, 'item °riot Westmoreland' county. •P Act rolaWo to the MicritT of tiff odunty for boarding prisonerg. I i Roiatmg to pawnbrokers . in gbeny county.. . Relating to paving in tho. BOTOI McKeosport, ', To diyide New Brighton into waids. - Supplement, to act meorporati .g .e Borough . „, or, Latironoorfno. .The , Frv4,Raitroad, LuW, I l k a , negatiye Tecomme'odation. To sat:bonze, School —Direc ts In In Harris°i M township to ,borrow Money o for sch I purposes.. '" • ' To '' i Corporate tho Eagle. Cotton Mill, CoMpanyi ." !. ' - . V To incorpoate tho Oil City Petro , leant Company. • ; • P -• • To ireorpor.twthe Pittsburgh Tun. nel Company. • - To authorize the R eco rdered of Deeds to record 'discharger.'of honOiably &el charged 1 ;soldiers of ' the ' Common— wealth! --; ) •I''' . For the better protection' of 'if:pla— ters id Ithe gospel ' in aelemnizitig feat _ rintony. " • • • - I , The aprigg_ Elections. Erection's in: Hittite States are now at ;band 'Now Hampshire! leads off on the second Thesday in ' .March. A Tretleir;cit:, ‘hrcie Congressmen; a R&M* ,road Commissioner, member of both noses of the Legislature,. and some lountycfficersitroto betty:wen. %Val. for Ilarromaa is the Repobliesn,' and Aohn G. Sinclair the •Detaccratie car.. didatel tor- Governor. The .Iteputili- Can candidate for Congress aro JaCeb IL. Ela, Aaron :F. Stephens ar4l . 3aecti renton. „Their election aelem a Very great change of public' sentlT quint has taker' pines sumo last 3',ar. The vete • wits. then isaullows • '• ppqbllcan . 'lsembratte Republican - majority - 656 . , • Connecticut will hold its electi n fin the First Mondey in April., Tit Res ublicstr Is have nominated Gen. Joseph . Hawley, tbti. present ieoumbent,fer d r, Governor..Tl e Demberatie • • nonuneo m for the same o ce, is •i Juea IE. En: glish; formai a mcinber of when he ,was. 0, 'War ', Democrat. lie bas since got) ,over -. fo r the Coppet;= heads • . . ~ The' wadi ite for .. • Gongress .are C. Henry pt. ing. Cyrus Nortbup, IL R. Starkbocatiter ; and •Vi. T. Dara rum,-Republiestis, end.R. p.m übbard, Jtiljus - Hottiticise.• Earl. Martin, and W. H.-Barnet% Dentoorsttin IThe veto stoon last year :, Republicans ' .. • to nocratie • . • : - • 7 ,-- . Repßulican - Majority - I, --, •Rhode iarid. will , hold its 91o,etion „, the first ' wiedr,esday. In .April.—f The Republicans bare nominated Geu' r .Burnside , - forGoNiernor,. .Tholl. A. il :l Jortcltei3 and Nsthen. F. j ixoe. 1 0,6 p . °sent, Representatives-A _Congress were also tenominated ,l . 1 , I The ,vote . , last year for' Gorr Wis : ll,l7l3.•Gen.. _Burnside hay ir eppenet4.--,-Saient ( o.)Jouriali • i - Tux wedding of James Gordo itott. tti Itheit-Dix will take Paris, early nc.xt- April. - • HOUSE. , ri Up 'pie , 1 by slid. , tbo the The vor- tho ailOd " w i ry, • all, bill o ,1 novas. 1 fof ning IMI ” :137 80; 481 .48, 433 43,,947 IEM craor "b no Jisso place _ ../ iltlLl a.. - ...JIM' I HAZi/CMD 1 - 11011 S. al , ~ k • 1 , r..., - ;1 I#ral •• # ielr,'L Son,. r (laiour , i i • ,: 1 , R.. • ,P 41,• - , 1 _ iv , e 7-4 r tr. cv,i• , str St vre ) .m,z......, • vil SOMALI and tail sninufseturern V V of MI and Sheet Ira ware, and drillers . is ,ispenettePissiebsi ass Mimed, _ wars aid house insileling anti; Igeneesli,y.sleo Stone isd itinkliWars i. 7141" istoptirleiidid to.' , .- -- I * -1 ' -- i - tsWIT•z-Sition.)l II k nt ~ynl`=~N • lart - ntrity sup of miuguragailem !asp ARAM sainak try ebestiri.s — Pa ?Mae Al ,1 ,IParee67.+-313201L , 'mit , [ I t RE • 'gwd.titke p . lasenre in. inform ing. ~ T. th Ladies ot 'Bearer ' Falls, New B ghton vicinity; t h they . willeoptut,:Om the lit of pril, 1963; slargsand well assort ed stook o new IIILLINBRT; 'TRIMMING and PANc BOORS. Whiobitliey will offer to the public riees lower that the lowest. Their will be on ! the corner of . ;Usk' and lifinkad vs (ii the building sootto be occupied a s grocer* store. hy Mr. Rsater,) in Beitrer lii• Reiser ea, Pa... • , • • • ' t- Mrs .P 4 J. RAMER, inarti,l37 cm. • , 1 Mrs J. -110d11. fan in Ho. House ' du, Lot ' ^. , ore ei.A.7:30. 1 , • RR 'n dereignedkiteignin to relioquish house . .eiping. Offers for le his comfort-, stile an d c nvenienti Pik story brick ;hone?, I s situated On Third M. : The house contaiim six reamai ne ly papered and painted ; lot 2:4 feet front b SOO back, shade trees' In • front and. water t the door. Would prefer to sell furnished. Furniture has only been in use shwa April 10866. '',lPoseestkni given . at. once if desired; • , 'HMI. S. MARRS, 1, - tho store of Thos. Irereery. s i • 111 ,ar,C,'6 7 - 1 • Beaver, Pa. • 11 ' , ,EX 7_ll TOR'S .OTIC.E. TITRE '. AS letters ?testa entary an the - VT ..,, - to of Sanaa B. Cos SLLY ) late of lianOrer. srp.. Beeler' eo.. eed„ - having been grant , to all persons i t kiewmgl iss • emiate undereign I emissive*. Indebted , eta . estate are toques - to, Make :immediate payment; and those . aving Malt:nal again*. the same Will preient th • m properly authenticated for let.- dement: , I - .',' , JIMIN:A. ttillßß, E x ecutor,, •• mitIVCC• t. i ',Hanover tp. , , ~. ' EX "U'POR'S NO, ICE. - : • • . , I[II[THE LAS letters testam ntary on the • VT Alit , oof dons NBRI.T. ate of Ecotto ..,r-itvp., leaver cohnty,.dee'd , having been graried to; he undersigned,, all persona know ing theorise Ares indebted to satd estate are re quested t . make . immediate payment, and there having: claims against the same ,will present th properly authenticated'-for set, tleinent." • , ' . I •'' ' ' .'.- ' . - • JAMES NEELY, Rxecut or, . ~, marrfri. t• . conomy' tit. • , • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE:: WRE EAS , letters testam ntary on the est to ,of Jon's Mar, late of , Beaver bore:: Be verl County, Pa., dec'd.; having been gran ed to the undersignfd, all persons indebted t !said estate are.requested to' make immediate, payment, enttthoseilitring claims against th name will preeeitt* hein - properly atithentie,s El for settlement. I - ';' . • : .' . : ' . REN4rftlell, Ezyjt' tor, marT67 —Ct , ~- '• - I . - Beseer. ...., the CCM ff 3 .Gt eat neat- afire: • loo l ko roe t, Liii 7 tor Efate. casill la .1 'is eituatidAnl C ppews town ship. Pettir county; ts but ':if idles from New Brighton. and has 'a:slit a tWo story hewed log house, shingled roofokrutenataini four ratans: There are also peach and iple trees:. on the premises. Bis4y •or'i seventy iseies theismd Are cleared. Any one want , fag a Dirti at a •bargaia, would do well to les,Stnint, for theme see; or if de sired, I.wtll sell tuy whole fartir.consiiitingOf, t:Wolnitilrediacres of "land=g ood tit ick sad fruit farm. 11(00 bushels of,,apples 'were grows on thialirm the past satuton. Peaches, •peitra - and abort:kat - 1i abundance ont . it, • • IR or further imformation apply, to ." ' • - • ' DAVID tIIONAS, • ' • • - ,on thePressises -' d . I refer to WM KEhNblrf. 'New ,Brighton. , . • , 'um __-_!„ EDWAIIIIrozat3T .•- DEALEB *Al i t PAPER, if -4 FA L NCY GOODS AN. Got& Commo l I pert Paper; :;Oil. and 'out Windo'w Shade , .; Fixtures, T.IIIIE OIL c-LOTHS, 's 4 Ii'IIO'LESA LE t t RETAIL, • . 1:164 Smithfield St.i r sbur CARPET S O. Re J.Tiov rosum • L, 1 iti//, : rewore lon March I, Four Eared,: new aid, • de; Warehouse' 5' .61. Jura s Si 11. 1 • • ABOVE IdOOD -%1 I.I=IITTSI3 =I Built by, ibenz eipiaaaly for tba acconono -mot al, tbeir-largasad inc lag bupness. HllN7lig New ,superior.4sailti:- for b Ibex wil4 kaap,unntlantly on di ala go as bort/neat of all good* ng ' CAR " PET;BBSINESS, witiclithey or at 1 1 ( IDLE. SALE-- or BETA IL - to thotra o and p bile at lowest: market rates. • •MO CALLIJ ,BR VIE ' , . , - I E itTISEME ~ ailo 101111 . • _._ ]-- : ,- • AP , - ' • RrEtil : ' I V j _ , IVNR & WATuari Ilarill *Alit -.bait t. . Wits,. afraid...Bo aiesimboat landing. EB; I I? TO Itli Ws' !Trans • and COI M RS I t; 1867 o iisei laltt 1 from ;.; Itoobefoiitlei.; ur i • of Fffi F.SCT : • =I Monahien VIM. • • .41f. *ME • : • nth's, Marble id nolni and Poste for ery Lots Made • to Order. Marble • Stone Pe Qeme AM now prepared', fp- offer In th e poi ; I large and superior. stock of plain and o r , namental head' atones of the very latest I t# l , and . superior finish,. and tor iyhich I - au , ling 25 per cent...less for etuth, than asi 0 4. firm in the Stale. 11 respect fully inrite thai wishing Anything In my line, to call amine- tnyi aktok and prie,e.s . befttre W t c h as i ng .eliewhere,aa I am determined netlto be under . NEW ;ARRI M u,l h . e i ' w e • .R.' IN isSIDGEWAXiit i . VA. ' ."1 =I 111 , • 25i00.9 Boltd of; WALL - . - Ctf the latest - styles and patterns just from • • . 1: The subterliter flpiß thatik , , bis euthereus friends for their former patron:. ge. Anticips ting their *mats aid' tastes,. Iricited N , ew York and closely seletitrti °Delo! th e Isrgeot !stock of. , . • y. , VAIIIET, GOODg . AC . . 4. • •g • ' Bier brought to the count COliiSiatliqg of : rratiling Sacks, .r.ailicilSatchets, 'Farsay - Goods, /rfallren'S Coniaget, Books, ,stirdo..ary,•:,,./ Car iinj, Oil Coda . Drushit; AU of th"..61; eau' be Purehrifed for- in - 4he city.ire • mi call beturibtr.ring ohiewbere. .1'1" .! Bridge rtrect Br.itlgewater, Lmfir6;'67 • PROPOSALS Pennsylvania Agriou[tu'at Lind Scrip Poiz' sA.mm. Hoard Of Cosumisedoners no}r are f fe II sale 520,1Ael acres of AgrioUltural Coup ,14atidSci i p, being dr' balance kilt 'the Sc ri p granted t the tlotiunhaweelth ut'Petiesylreca for the endowment of Agricultural Ilollcgccii this State. ' ' Priiposals for .the . purchase of this ital Scrip, addressed to; nrite heard dna& sioners• of~ Agricultural Lhnd • Scrip.' ; ' 'Till, ha received at the Surveyor general's office. ,s 1 Harrisburg, hell 12 o'clock, M., on Weisel daYt4Prii 1 0 ,-1•867- - _ ;• This land initytowlocateij ip apy,Sfate ee. Territory,: by the hhblers of the IBefip, art any of the unappropriated lands (eacepttet• end lands) of the United States,' which tat be hubject.vo sale „at private entry. Eschpiece of Scrip represtints a quarter section 01 00 hundred a and sixty nores,is issued in •litiolPcil .wilt be tratittleruble, without entior9ornvat forritai-tissigilineur. blank need ni , t the sari') prinwited for it.ltiO and efltrititela the party holding it. rah tk the bfauk and enter.the land iu hi4c..4;0 301 1 Bids roust be made as t per acre, a:l4 nn l bid?. will be received for- less:than one tion. - „ „ • I ] ^ The :Scrip • w ill be i si44 ad imtnedistelyont he FaYment.ef the money to the tirreyer Ocean al. Ou all bids for a tens quantity Own ' 1(} ^•• 1)00 aeres,,orin:4liiird, of ,the purchase toosei Must lfie paid" within ten drys, sad the roi mooning two-thirds.within thirty d*l 6aft , „, e f . n'otificatioritane of the °"' bids by the HUM OCConuniisioners. JACOB' CA1119;11 1 .; `tuar6;o7--ilt: Surveyor ficueral -For. the Iloard of Cormaissiond'a• VALUABLE 'PROPERTY." S A L :YOB. ►PIIE undersigited (tiers for sale at s k• sortable price his meant resideacesitu ite ott First or fiver'eireet, .in the • borough of Beayer,_ Dearer The lot is Obi feett the bou.qe was bitilt about two fora since,' is a Trams 40 by Bg.feet, jiving 4 geoa rooms and ka l oa first. flier, 5 rooms and belt on second kottr ' good - Cellar utiderheath• house is a good one, and roil f t nislied; cistern ands. out-builtlinge. :T he planted la - apple, peseit and pear trees. straw'. berries and-smell fruit. The whdle is in ea cerstat order - . This property is ve ry Jesirabil . located on the bink of the; Ohio, within three minutes walk of the Itniiroad statton, l i)r further, information inquire of the iln id; f or of flee k Rasa; iSeitrer. Pa' rearG,'67-4lt. I EitiTlN ICR.III- • 01 : 1 SAIX . ossi 1171 HE anbscriber o ffers for sale Li s house lot in Beaver! . The lot i s 1t..)0 feet Third itrect, and 800 feet back to. an'ialleP, There is abundance' of good'fruit art i!!e The bowie is $ substantial-brick builds end Myth eight roomsof town. and-good cCßar', and isln the !I.' : Also. hiti - farnaof ioll' acres, knOWn ae- at e Josaph A. liiirar . fatirt;" it ?itoso idles north Bcaver 7 -liaagood iinprovcnientsAtid ' 541114. dc.rlaid with a thrueu foot vein; of bitumino us ecial;for tOich there is a good: !market •the suiroUnding towns. Terms favorable, enytits of tbe subscriber in Beaver. - • ' f.IOIIS SLESTZ. febl3'67-6c ME MI li /8 Works—: HALL Aii l l OF MI El d stone I EU !.GAN.,Mit' 1111
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