I ~,~ O.l ' .. f 3 _' e IZIE3 14"1ia:N0 . .. - -.0 4.0 .-- ci 01 r ~:. MI Pirm!! N w I ~ i : 445 ann"l".' ~ . • rits bawl i sormer to thei Gilliam t laf ,Boayer ealuity that, Maio 11 - , 1100-j , kiktiorskip tinder the avaaaad la of; 1' - : •'. ' •+.,, , 1 NE , OftBL:RQES,SLER, pukpOe of oarrytnion eta ' ' fir 'Dr ~G-oods Trade 'axiom! ,-branehe& TLe largo and 1/ itwk will Ooniriao iielatost and • Ma style of • its sart7 =I • 4( - j- xt.iimsswf 0-co•co it;OP 11 9 , • j ii*4PROX-DESCIIaPIION:'. 4 } _;, i~ 1 ~ ~~ FRENcS M 1 RINOS, y. uvBURGgi - ,5 • - , ;'r SHAW LS,, • ": • and s full assortment of 1 . 13Foci dki. All of thl aboie Goods have beenpurchased at Easte r liarkets, for 'CASH, which 'will enable us-tfo Selljhem at-the lowest prices.l--- Our • assorintent. being unusually large,i- we Would• esp tally invite the ladies toat least give us avail before purchasing elsewhere; as we guarantee to sell goode . at lower rates than any house•a Pittsburg. •' • Ver Ircipectfully, f ' • , NT e ISON ROESSLER, 7 : • • in. plomond F Rochestcir-Za. .L.O ow ,:HE,0141 1 NO • N"LCESSII FOR (GOING • OUTSIDE OP BEAVER TO GET GOOD 'GROCERIES! TAE itindorsigned hiving purchased the ~ Grcery:§tore of Anderson Sr. Son, , . (for merly-oo upied by Joseph C. Wilson,( takes pleastst.el in ;informing the public that he is about::, efitting the store. and: • replen , letting t l e stock, and in, the . future will keep An . ' A d s of -Grioetie - s_, 'A which b 1 e will sell at the Lowestltlices possi ble. Ifitte lint the best articleillt the market • kept: 11, is the desire of the undersigned to please ,all wheimtki favor him with their patronage. Dec. p,6; t66:Bm HENRY VEICIIT. Harvey, : N • - 4 DEALER IN , a' 1 I 3: I - z dc PROVISIONS, Haft received a fresh supply of ;Crank :ri e s,. Homi'ny, Cansitia Pashas, • ,' Turkey Prunes, A' Td tees, ALayar Itabins, - "ts. Green Corn, Seedless Raisins, . 14 PUTS, En g lish Currants, Dried Co r a, : -Goshen Cheeee,. __" ' Fasciae', Sweet Potatoes, ' Floki •: „ ' ' No.l Ilaiikerel. • I prime apartment os Te s s, Su g ar, and 44• P• , , 1 • 115.Temas, strictly CASH.: i ^ ' f A. 8 '/I.AItVEY , t ,- . n 012.8 :., Bridge street, 'Britgewater. , 0 ) 1 ._ • -EAT IL EDUCTI9If IN 1 ) r. 5,1 ,35: 0 RIC 1 33:1113 1' Irtundersigned having established him trit elf 7 in Rochester, Pa., announces to the ettillins 'of that place and vicinity .that he is ortOtre4 t o take Photographs, Ambrotypeo, e e ,riceii in the best possible manner, and at pria aiisch below that charged by the gene ralit4 of a rtists ; For light-eyed ; persons, eltmey, laytiare preferable. - • firms: Card Photographs, of every style, $1,76. pOr dozen; $l,OO per half dostin. Ark brotypes from 25 is 50 eta. each,lwithentease; with ease, from 50 cents to $2,50. All work flu#anoted- •' "o A- T • LOB,. • • jitn9 t 137,. - NSURANCE AGE Aindersigned has been appol l ted agent f* the Mini Insurance , Co patty, of ifotd, Conn., and likewise fay the Niagara In iii#sm Company of New Yort„ end she terpmswlnsuraneeCompanyotTplda. Hach of these Companies insure otti Mannfacto Sok., &e, aglkst; lois by firm on fayorabli taros, for five , yeArll r less. . Lomf o es equitably adjusted ane.promptly paid whett,the insuratiee is effected . All be insa connected with either of ; th ese comps ilea ait.endedito with dispatch and' fidelity. • • 4 JOS. : M'CLUNE;Age , nt. ',aug22! 86-Iy. Bolivar, re. b UtlaDENG;,Bridge, or other timber ;, sawed • fp order on sher!„rtofice,At • • 5,41: l'y J DAIS 9, Sharon. AT • moors-I)mm- )itay be foiqui the best assortment of DRUGS, dmcia*er. A. I.at - itT wiNEs IM And IBr*anulies, JP a Erk g A, I LIM TOILET 411TIOLEs; • ' . " 13,wr3sEtims - . riTista hispicirrEs in gent 'variety?: all - of the best quality, aad sold eheaper than eau be bought at, say • other 11 • g Store hint* eaunty. . . . Dnponoo's Fs *ale Pills 76.'oonts .por box; ghsesemsn's, SX: Clark's. $l.• • • ' . . . . • The'largest stook of . i .Lanip; and iiamp Trimmings. LtsiOnzs, Station a ry,iuMany/ aides . %. '.. . find AMY. - . __. aver offered outpide of the oily. •at lii . oore'S Drug Store , snd. sold qbeeper than, can be bought anywhere else.. Let those who doubt this gall and see,. and at , . will doubt no more ,-- ? . Deolli, 00. 4 . J. _*001!.2. • API'LICATMIS FOR _ THE N - ENF BOUNTY. One 'Hundred Dollars DUE SOLDIEWS-OF-1661-6?-61. 63, • SHOULD - BE • FILED , BEFORE APRIL Isr,-1867. - ROODS, SCARFS arthurs die _Riddle, i 13. 9. CLAIM AGENTS, IGE3 Nicrt.l.rtb. ASP We will, if desired,' attend personally In such bacalities as may be requested for the purpose of receiving these applioations. [deft A.IITI2IXLENV NVELAV, - • ATTORNEY •AT LAW.. ‘• . TIB, A, CTICIN G' • IN TEE SEVER - AI I COUR, El - OF DELVER , COUUTY, will promptly attend to all kinds of legal bueipeee in this tor Oormties adjoining. Collections - will be expeditiously made in all amount it upon all sorts Of claims, either in this count' and State or in more distant lo calities..i . • - _ • ' • • In Conveyancing, immediate attention will be .siren ;to the drawing of bonds, deeds, lessee, articles of agreement, to the furnishing of abstracts of - title, and to the careful prapa rationidt sorts of legal instruments. . Mortgages, , judgments and other securities in all (limp bought or sold. • - - __ ' - • lipp.Office in building of Jos. C. Wilson,Esk. nearly opposite Moore's Drug . Store, Third Street, BeaTer, Pa. tang 15,'66. lIIM ER IN Itt Al' MEI DrE - STIIFF I O. OF APR! AT , ONCE TO f. PITTS'OU . , B. 1DX17411101 11 . W. E. BATZNAIi. •T. e. P 111121,11. F. *M. NDS9N &CO UP, HOLISTERERS, N 08.913 at 98 Third et (near Wood) . P E'T.TSBUItG PA., Manufacture and keep on had every articl in their - line, vIZ: - • Curtaii goods, Lace 'Curtains, Cornices, ' Mouldings, Curtain Trimintings, Window t3t t a e dest c ß o e m d f di o I t illoir e s t s i a;L us Bol re, _ ' 'and Slips, Cots, Springs and Mattresses of - , all kinds. . . Rieanstpais and Holds furnished on shoal flake" . ' ALSO:Di/43U n APIS4/121ere, DECORATIONS, ETC. deio 4mo •• • 'FLOUR A_CIMICE LOT of Extra Family Flour) 1 just reteived sad for eels by the bbl. or 11*RVEr13,, Bridgewiter. h EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. X_l TEna t"• 174" t the at J ft.wx.sc:.,; hats of I maslfi,Beaver vaulty, Pa., dee:d. having hoe* granted to the ondersigamli, all.persons liadibted to Mild estate are requested to Mike IMMediate-payniest, sad thes,e hiving claims age nit the same irilrpresent - ilrese preperly sotheetlested for settlement 4 M W : myr BCOTT T tI mi. , 04teis, 4e026'66 - e a sT . Improved Water Drawer VY lulyi:ly PARRA4,II.3 = C , t r 4 2i11.43V40 •_ • ..4. _or; .a 6. agatrilt-*I:7ALMF. SWISS 'WATCHES, - .ANA. FLY J . EVOLY,. SILVER !WOMB AIM paltICS; PINE:TABI KNIVES, 7718 P:L:ATED WARE, mom mothis as moms, Asiamuotar CLoags, Paike . y . 113-coodu, - . 4ko. • . , 119..8p00ial attention given to tko tog 44 'All kinds of Notches.. No. 22, FIFTH STREET, . infrl4T6:7ly] ' Pittsbur,q, PH: B. mEurrz, 'llB WOOD STREir; nANKFA-St BROKEI, - DIAL= IN ALL lalliDA GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, I ___ FOREIGN.E3WHANGE 4 GOLD, SILVER & COUPONS. 'sr Highest prim paid for COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES. . [sugl'66:ly T. 130 MP.iO'...N" MI GROETZINGER 116, FEDERAL . . :ST RIOT, No. ALLEGHENY CITY; PA, Are now receiving a inrge and eligant stook of VANCY SILKS, .slutrortf.4:lNsi French oit.a.N7c;m•il3. 01—t0A—TCS 65 U • Of . Every DeseViption. ti -They also offer an entire New Stook of CARPETING:B Ak: OIL . CLOTHS, Alt of the newest design at reduced rates. , Ncrr.2l'66.Bnx • • • TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF • I: BEAVER COUNTY, No. I, June T., 1866. JOHN Buiow vs. William Ilarlow; Ann Wax: • burst, David Barlow, Thos. Birk*, Esther . Kenyon, Rachel Jackson, Saralrhßarnes, John Barlow; Thos. Smith; Williteln, John, Sidney and Jonas Smith, Sarah 'Hatfield,. - Wm. Pullen,. James Pullen, Mary , White head, Beier Woolly; Samuel Parkinson, • Lulu Morginson, inn* • Ingham, - Rachel • Dirhyabire, Wm. Smith, Jonathan Smith' and Jonas Schcdleid. . . 4 Sunnons is Iliztruon. BY virtue of an 'order of the' Court of Common Pleas of .Barer county, to me di rected, under proceedings in partitietaiatiii aboie rccited ease, I will expole., to sale at publie ,endue or out-cry, on the premises, in New Brighton, of , • _ MONDAY February 18th, 1867, at 9 o'clock'A. M., the following, describes' lot of ground, being No. 218 in' the plan of said borough, bounded on the north by 10t.247,ea5t by Bridge street, south'by lot 249, ami west by Canal street, or towing path, on which is erected a large two-story frame house!-with brick and stone basement, lot inclosed and planted.with fruit trees. ( TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the, $l4O by the 'Court, the remaining two-third,' .to be paid in two equil annual payments, with intermit/ thereon from the confirmation of sale; the' deferred payments to be sewed by hondfnd mortgage. . Ten per cent. of , the pure, aso money .. will be required in hand on the' skiy of sale'. • - _r ,J. B. LITTELV, Stiff. - - BassoLir's °Trigs 1 Beaver,Jsza6,lfiT ' . / • - NEW GROCEII,IvSTORE I HE untersigned takes pleasnre - in info!tn lng tbs. people/of Iloaiver,and t at he has opaned / s a r ty/L . B'Y ,! 4' TORE in the hidlingin which his Feed Store is now kept, on THIRD STREETV - BEAVER,- PA.,t vrhere will be foundsm excellent assortment of COFFEES, TEAS, SII4A.RS...SYE IJPS,.MOLASSES,'EORGIIIIM. RICE. PEPPERS, SPICES,* s . o . A PS, CAN DI ES. SINS.LEN,GLISR quAßeptors ; rFIGIS ME - ' IMAM& MS-7 lEEE =ME AL.,T32 O ' public Sale. , Bedcorde, Washtubs, &el.* rukeisra, and in fact event article- usua lly -kept in 'a well regolaied ; Grocery Store.. . - - . , in . connactinn with his Grocery, he still con tinuesto keep hie Flour aid Feed Store, fiber*, ' the beet articles .in this line arer:constanpy kept, and offered Cheap fir Cull or Produce. jan9'67fly SIMON aNITGER... MEE • '‘7 . V • 4 ; • - • . -LOWS .-1- 8 am Ate 11l via DIAMOIIID, s igifil t ) :', ‘ -- 14470. TER; PA. (ora do*, 'li e e". e'i Dry Goods Store,) Ca* 14fo itimi ...i . full assortment of .‘ . mispio:tag3,! • - - i ini 4 - an 4 ME LIQUORS; Imioitanent _of , - - also; WINER? I ' , OIL, .1. ' . • 44'8 FOOT OIL, I SEizalt i ."I".:* : .t;Y:11 - ARD '146, 4e, ' ' - ' El BOND QUALITY PURE A ME 414.w.01NE; -41.41 ' TR EANCYAT AND POP F 02.1 iu kindi of Paiaikt, Au*, CI 147 (intim. st4ift CAVIL 1141.-As lin eluTim.d.Cht Way 'upon, bk :rately Med w, Aug. 201.1, GOOD EOWAR . PRO sog29 Bauxrin, TO 1414 _ the successful pt this incaluilat paiu•kil es of Denistn perform modern style.l All wort fifty per cent.lhettcr, th Dent al Establishment J. II.; Ft, lerf URN COLLECTIONS ind naive pOmptr . stt sath,orized *gent,;' psy, pensions, Vanity "Office, Varlet. 114125 e, Denier, rat C. T. WLXTSP. WINTER - • (sac ssota,to 4 r pAEA:LEg, . I SICRLRY.SI I RES, i i iiIISIC4I. TIONS, Ike 1 ., &.e. INSAre(" iog of . Wr StOre4 NAT PI - 1 A xi . A 11711 10 Tarleta Steel end j ek end woul4 call thy et Bearer ear / Plows or rl4 Superior 1 • f tilk_A - 1, VI 0 The . 3..i.pats sea poridinivimbet, :alfrOld'ploe! etke SRI MI I, : orbs. Alarb s : . •• • •• • d r ID Cr • 7 ',itestrrAcitr IttalE/ and • • ' I ANO?ittALENL -to ord . 144sfc ;gives yiz,. elscrrherti.- - ;__ldEk 4l l4 4)llll4 street,lßridgew J 413125, '66:13r, 6$ Dr. Suigeon,Phy. NEVI- ITICE sn BroOvraY 1-f Jr4"434.VAIr . - • f~; i 3111-ITl'll the pale, , „that they have mit received- direct' item the ma;aufsatureia, the lart and beat -• BMX . 1 - Latilial . 4:l3eitti,: Boy's' and Children's = -Scotland Shoal'. ildriltßiilatid OVA REIHOES, that him triterbiiia brought totts ecciuty; wirorld partioult . irly call attention to our . lititilltioarti - kiNimP mid double 16141144 d • :'baits: iloOts. • ‘Princh7Calt double •0041 and Alouble- upper sewed ' , • r- pitch bottom Boat. El Boys' Ireitlue'arid• 01114411'i hoary hip, tap ' I ' Sid 'dot lde 101 l capper, tiped and stieliheeled Boots. - • Ladies! French kid mad Morocco polish Booty, Beissorilcsad Gaiters of the , • at style'', Misses sad.6hildren's pegged and-sewed •pol. ish - Bootsaad'Bahnorals, of the lat. .r. • - 'est les. - aad a great variety of - s copper pp. shoes. Whieh:We' tin , Wholiseis end ' Row, elli*witilit *maw, Ain they eau be teenOt in the eity of Pittsburg. We Would respectfully mite pt dsluisers to teal aid eiszehse out stock, compere our ties with other dealers, sad satiety thenumares beeiripureheeing elsewhere. • , . 1 AU cifirooff Wininted. • • . •- • MUM& STEWART s •In the Thank' end, • ROCZISIVIL., PA. P4ll. • & Wintei-• OARBON • , =I ''LEAD;` 1. . r.I3OAPS, : 1' BRUSAYS; PERFUMERY, ARTICLES, I ,EPARATI9NI3 , HAIR, - .; always of hand. TOBACCO,. purosiod for thirscoo7 • Is. , editestat i&Poth and Aber. can iptiona seal rit & 00. RI.ESr TON, JR- P, ~ 't g, .3...,P4fii,Fq. MI prate:km, heat. All branch:. the best and moat e as cheaply, and any other Steam L tate. Du:9'66oy RAH, • LAW. - .itainess will re- Also "orally eittion of back coldiera' •y's office,Court 1422,'66-29. L. HNC ISON EDISON, Winter,) : ES, CLOCKS. AND PLACED UMENTB,I47O -- repitLr, e eta, Dinn7 C 0.,, CTURING Plain f thO!Faritors of . 4 , o ttV " sa4A 3 fit the coins plows. OIL NV 38:)7 TER &ALICE IN Marble. STONES,'" 4,e., fore, purchasing WOODRUFF. 413.t0j*; PA -.Sur geon, 'at lower gad of jiiWyP4,'43kl:ll7 iwas- smoist M-W .007 65 . - 7 4 7., CA. , Co CP 3CP SS I MIS 4 ' • I , HAVE • a ing . received' a . new stock a G 06, LATEST STYLES:, e , Foa,;-'r41.41, 4 • W INTIM Vi'?,AR. •- I • (tentkeinea's Famishing Goods • un-hand ,CLOTHINE NIDE TO ORDER ; t In' all the latest styles'auctat shortest notice ,; - 1: (1 Wm. T . JEL ICS,i, • ' • . .[Stelearrs Row, :11ge Street, _ lecallY66 . ', PfItiIKINIPATE*. Dr E. C. Prityia. " ELECTIC PHYSICIAN - , AND, . ?IL: di..cal ,Zle - ct rl clan, •Aeg .over .11annen'.$ brug Store, Oppiosito , Steamboat ' Lending; Ro chester; _Fa., ' SUCCESSFULLY treats nil Chronic pisess i es. Palsy, Ibiafness, Blindness. Rhenma4 tisM; St. Vitus/L a nce ; Dyspepsia;Caneer.and / , , all the old knotty diseases that are the curse of the old achool Physic is,'-as u proves their inability to eradicate are by this scientific method comparatively asy of cure. A SPEC IMEN 9r , CANII,ER F LARGE. GROWTH may be seen st *Dr. flatusen's Drug Store . by' thoittinterested. and rikenees given of the cure'. of 'other Chronic diseasest Particular attention given to Female Complaints and Piirate Diseases. • '' . 1 11.—Mercury and Calomel Are not used 1 by he Doetdr. inov2l'66—Smos. , , DWARE J. S. • "i7in::N"..,9.1T; irEFCr BRIGHTON, PA., I) ! A-RI) ARE, IRON, NAILS, GLASS. AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLIptENTS, I, • - CARPENTERS' TOOLS, .BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, MASONS' TOOL& - • - SHOEMAKERS 'POOLS; SADDLERS' TOOLS, , I PLASTEREAS' ,TOOLS, AtINERS' TOOLS lI,t,oLER7f IURDNN ARE BENT'FELLOIWS & SHAFTS, LOCKS, BOLTS & HINGES, PiCKS,MATTOCKS & ROES, •;q4 P.LATFOI3ISCAL TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY., HORSE SHOES & NAILS,. TIES CIRRIAOR BOLTS- & NUTH. SHELLERS, STRAW • CUTTERS. -0, PA,INTB, , OILS,'VARNISELES, 'AND PUTTY. , 1 AGENT FOB , . min, mowtn, -AND REAPER,,,AND NEW BRIGHTON FIRE-BRICK WORKS.' i3.1.4:)33:1131crteir BEAVER• PA. ' J. B. CLARK, Proprietor. OOD STABLING,; Aprilattached .to this 4,1666.--17 's..e ~~ - • s .„ 'mu . . ` H Se - oond door shove the R id 11i* • K STRE ME MEE B.()CHETEI, PA:, BEEPS CONSTANTLY oi NANP PO/SALE ••:iT PRICES. A., CompFt* and will Assorted Stock o . . Dry Goods, 'CultttiL i 1 t. 4 • • 11 • BROWN Si t .: B 3 LL'ACRED MUSLIN, PRINTS, ' • GINGHAM& • -- DsLAINSE , AIiPACCAS, COBURGS. FRENCH MERINOS, FLANNELS; Plain and Bured, • WOOL DsLAINES. 'ell Colors,. r BLACK SILK, TICKING, , • ' TABLING, • TOWELING, 'CHECKS, • • JEANS. TWEEDS. /SATINETS, , CA SSI.MERE, BROADCLOTH, - . CLOAB4O, BE , Awral and ;Hoop tpOrta, NOTIb;NS, r4o*,.!•tc,. HATS' AND. CAPS • A 114•3 andßoy:l' 7 -a larg l stock ,of; the latest .. i; styles'. 'BOOTS, i &SHOBS.", Mer.)l, Women's. and ,olaildretus 'aunt' Shoe s , Carpet &c -; • A , endy,r-MaAl SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY H are. . A"lsrge sn4 well ttssorteid stock. consisting of otufr-r Carpenters' Tools, of all Kinds, BUILDINIi If ARDWA,Iii, BUTTS, SCR!. W&. SHUTTER HINGES, BOLTS, LOCKS, • • NA ILS !to. Of all eize,s, single and double eLtnigth Paid to fining orders of Carpenters, ContrnO tors and Builders for / ' HARDWARE, I • r. GI AS S AND LAMS • : .`. LINsEE OIL, ■ STORE ! ! PUTTY, • I PALN.IS OF ALL COLORS, GROUND.. DRY AND I.X 0.11:. Paiaters will do well to examine our Stook Cud Prices before purChasing elitwbere. I • . GiIrZCO I erl SO • • I - 'Afresh and full supply constantly on hand at very lowest prices. ~Choice Biatqs of • FLOUR, . CARBON zgL,All,h eon goods' , delivered free of charge Alt kinds of grain and country produce taken • in exchange for goods. • - s@`& J. CROSS m Conveyancer—Agent of Simnel Simes and the Rochester Land Co r r. Also-Agent of the Iderchants' Union Eipress Company. ' CROSS' STORE k SECOND BITILIIINH ABOVE THIS .IIAILIOA:D, Rochester, ,Pa. jan2 67-Iyr. ENE miss MEIN Mit - I -, NVindow(,}labs : , SPECIAL T. ENTIoN BENZINE, WATS '.gTENT:DYER; WHITE LEAD, I 1 , • BAR4W,S AND itatii, L4Ril OILI QUEENSWARE. STONE WARE, &0., &43- i ~~ Rentembe'f the AM': NEW YORK'STRBBT, - :ti . l% 1 4 EYEli: --• _ r - - - WROZIESALE* liSTArge - NANUFACTinnnui op - TIN aryl BitELtniON'StAli •-• JiP a PA NNED , PLANISHEDAPRES4 4 • - • WARE • Hine Famishing -Fultales , 41$0, s Emma. 111 0atit of lir r a lb , -ev, coliqsTftt, or cA Bp:sYrEILS", doht ; SHOEMAKRR4' Tpp i:Pt o o te il QUTz4EII2;I* scRERS, BUTTS; LOCIS, . lITBAP ITIVen t it I, T.D7 pies? ,coiv SITELLSII3 irArzs, . • Gl,Aqk i . e., te., i t t. i . , Tin. Rooting,\llponting- and Jobbisiar“ . - 11 order". 1, NO 2.IIBIIOADVIAT, _ SZtO BRIGRIU, Execritor* Salo Of, Roil . , .. . FtY Chine of an authority tautened nth!' N. last:will a William Britten, i n esm ic i - .: wundorsivuetwlilseU avpublbs risen 1/ „ . ene.ory i .oti the promisee,. oi . [ ' y .T UESDA ' Y Februa ill GA, MI , 1 • • Aii Ciedook A. 11., - .the valuable fern sinstii• In 'Darlington township, Beeeer F. .eoma , tbsestate of the said Willitunßnitabl,dev and on - which be resided at the time of 4 decease, adjoizinglands of R. A.: etio6ate /1 i the north, Rev. 3..lohiston on th e mistim e * caugbey on the went, and S.ll. Welsh ft the tenth,: containing 44 Amu. all under feate..4:-- About 80.aSres excellent bettors leat e l e * the balance good lend; with s.B- feet vim e l: ,coal underneath. lmproviniente, aped Its story frame lionee,-fremi.bern, milt lame wash house and'othel oat bulldogs :lio of gocid never-tilling . water at the bassi la the barn ynrdi and a good hearing oreherk on. . the. premises. Said Una is within ni: Ai alf Mile of Darlington, about two milesrase New Gallilee Btation, on the Pc Ft. W. it 'Railroad, with es:boots, Ihurchss, grist at saw mills ail confeuient. TERMS—Twe-fifths of purchase money 4 hind on confirmation . of sale by the Coop, balance in two equal.. annual payment, Ns That date, with interest thereon from sae. date; to.be secured by -bond and marline. For further information.inquire of 11. Esq.•, Beaver, l'a., or The undersigned. 10 Btigliton4 Pa. JOSEPII BRITTAIX• Ex'r of the last will of Win. nrittain, diet jan16'6.7.1 --, - I . VirMnip -1 Sewing Machines. „ FINKLE ANECV.YON't . . . , y. HESE Mashiaei7sre t.itpted teaet cry d. scriptien of family sewmg, tad will stitch rem the finest gauze. to the thickest jlnur l‘anth without any change in feed. 11•Ccr.. ar 'union. and run for two years ttfthout tshisg *part to clean: If the purehuer, alters fair trial, does : net regard ( theme kla. .cLinea as superior-to any machine is the stir. ket, he coal zetaye it and Itarel Ult. utconi...k it makes the. LOCI. STITCH Stitsbes alto un both sides, which, will nut-rip : or rare:- The cheapest machine by 'twenty ,per Mat'A use. Wareanted'for (our.years. It haiNes 1 in (mein this place for lea years, and has fri. 1 en liatiefaAion-in all eaves. ; Plain. Smith sp . I to Mahogany inlaid with pearl, ailysr-4e4 and rosewnod. , • , The attention of tailors,. shoemakers, ;tit ;'harness makers, li called 4 .Ne . 3: - . ,1 , r J i! - '• . r'" ALSO: - 1 ‘..- 1, ' : ~ • • - . I -, ": '. w 243. 4 5 00 ,-f 124RK. ..' ' . : I - t. - ... , SIIIIV , =I 110131 •-S h,« G C HTNESi Warranttci .fi've years, an 3 liceaseir. ALSO, Aiken's. Family. . Knitting Ma:lies, Whieh..is tbs. best in• use, sad will tilt'vq' kfitid of yarn;it will knit 32 pairsilocts A MODEL -FOR CtiTTINO . LAIMES' -- CUILDREN'S BREASES.An . :persie l ios learn from - it.% Also, braid, embroiday;soi - . Slipper stamp,s sale, and stamping done. ), • parAGENTSe WANTED. Addren, stamp, R. H. LONG'. gettergAgnt. 1121:Irani:at., opposite Calltesiral, Pittill 4 ' 4 irena'a. - • peelcla Ljar/Astis Bocco, of . ICe ,4 Brigh t o n ' Agent for Beaver county. • _4...4_ Laughing -Gds (1051 E ail ye that have been euffertnitte untold miseries of toothache, and &Olt extrartion,4ud you will snd that Dr. Cie* ler & t ready to relieve yott by di nse of he. great pain deetroyer—LAUGßl SO GAS.—and make their extraction a mord pleasure, rather.than of gain. • .4.11 dental operationsperfartned in thOett possible manger, and sits , reasonable terii!l by any goodrlDentiat in the county. war Offici - Berroir Station. Roebestetri T. J.,PIIANDISItiyA , . „ . i • 1 • EXECUT6WS NOTICE.:I . $ 1 . i IXTHEREAI3 letters- testataanterrr., ' V V estate of AsVela BLIIII, ie.' VA aor Brighton bore, Beaytii. co.. deal', ___..killig been granted to the tmdersigniti; ell Pt"'"'"..,, knowing themselves indebted . to saill . !" - __, are requested to made immediate PeP', :and those keying claims against thissierT Present them properly authenticate ts IR' dement. _ 1 . , . - . -• ' BENJ. R. IIIADFORD. Et ri, jan9'67 ' . New Brightva.„ • 1 ----------- - - A ADMINIBTEATOR'S NOTIa. -.1 p. .,,TE,S of aditinfatrat Inn on the 7. ---"•.,• 1 I, 4 iJsims 1%11'19, of Moos tiwat raver co., dec'd,• having been gteetei, l l,.,, un lersign ed, all persons" indebted S7":a are requested to make immediate pay -7, these having elltims:stgainst said . • ''' preserit them to : the subscriber pteril * 1 thentioated for eettleznent. ' W. ll' Ti*Vl3.l•Admieittrain.. :jan3Q. W.. 1. '.DAVIS, i . ' - __ -,.__••• ..----- AD.M INISTfiATOit'S :WTI • • ,_ i . . . , . T ETTERS of 1:110101s:ration oti thelestets j,. of- lax ' Bi..‘Nctiano, late of. Retihcl uf borough, Bearer county, deli d., herb% "f granted •to the - *untiersigned. 4lll Persl zl3 7 . debted to the 'staid estate,are requested 11 01 ,_ -° indnediate - payhund, and those. hertof 'f_,l":, or demands isgainet the estate of esidier l " 7 _till snake known the same without tidal, ro • ' Cif 413.11: 111:1hRT, Rochester , 1%4 . SVUDDER' B. DAIitRAGH , BUT" ' r _ C. jan30 . 67.-6e. • -:' . AdteinistrOsrs. - X'XIDP• L . w Ta s Moos* a -itilso l : t his , spassr eigrcosP, $ ,e r * rs t 3 •BUIMRS* ler - th e oalatiel _ Beaver, Lawreaee end °there. 4 00. I.F . ' for sale by • utiois Y. 2 , rittalre44lr ZMIM II 711 .; II MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers