'-'12,7r.: - :".•r '''w.V? • =ME i - '.. , ' 4 6 -* A XPI , . . 1 . - ' 1 ; ? •"!;..! 4 41 9."..a . k. ° ME= MEE at:222E . - • e nejelea • Mi-Grovortror Wm ; fc hiataton-was] Preala f4Otritid 4 . - Ple•iittfntiiil • -• !i'gti - 1 3 1' "the i denCtOnattri'Otlite of Port : CO.l 4 cZ.i.Oil . it' • itaitliiii:l - Tose - pr'yr" -li' la a i - 0 o, th i4iti*Ut lift:.:o4fiy Veifis, 1 _ was, at-abor the same tli e,appoirit_ed Naval Officec...at that pladn: 1 . Samuel .111K:,elvey, tao, of Ottsbrirgh, was jUst then' en tporling.4.'4'My policy," and re •OetVed: • netis in.'idue time to talrg, ci4a!ge - all tic Mapillarsuffiee for the 'Westerri ililitriet of. Pennsylvania.- - Tbise nomiiations, although .sent to tlitiente.,e e r confirmation sometime; eKo i, were'n ver acted ,nrion by ,that hotly Until ithi ti . , 06 past two weeks.t, 'lihat - aution l bas been adverse and 'the trio Will tiaeforeibe - turned out oflpo• bitointt Nvl4 i 'll they . ;have lazily filled :for aortic p o pai4,`-• and, which they ~ tiopedito , fil for seine time tb corri l e.-i The rule of he Se t ate; ate, Wl3 believe,noul . , is'to cOnfir all { respectable out-and/ • I• 1 out .bamocats"and finch Unionists 'as have served honorably ,in -the. army,. . wi.o. may have received appointroenta • •t; -fre , in the P, eaiden u but tile Republi4 , (lire mile have".striggled - into' the ~ . .camp ot th. enemy-, tiMply because or ',`the forage here' tn be Obtained, are - to• be treated with imit at little - political mere) , as ordinary decency wig - allow. Johns ton,Zanigen.and M'Kel.voy be r longed to his latter elatn, and :tha t they hava et i n with a merited easti gttiork for heir 'disloyalty tpprineipl,6 and party ,it as'. ;gratifying. _to thote whom theVeterted, fl 9, it Lo doribt is bumiliatin and disgr i tteeful to them,- nisies. . 1 1 , . I - A Blast !From the Democracy ....., _.' . 1 r oknse.rho think thernselveril rieh 1 . because . ttikylkafe quAntit les' st ii;, it:a • States honks, may some day find that • "their rielles" have _taken_ to them selreswigsand , flown away" ' It 'is only a oaiier wealth'. The man who 7 gets gi-ociihaeks;and exelianges• them ± - ir Unite States bonds, is a' gelid I deal like Tl he fellOw,'Who. iW,apt 811' a ...i, blaelc clo4 fir a ii - nisnkey. ' He thooght' I -11e.waq qv; ug.ly; sharpbitcgain, nut i his . ' expertkinee firiallylaught him that the tnoplze u-as, - if , anything, a little more t'robblesoluii that the dog.— , Wree,4etellp and`five twenties will" be but one. kind l)f ash'e -at, last.--Yea , York . - - Pay Booki '','. . , }. There fre quite a number of bend. Moller* ii this comity, who gaveTreeiy I 1 ',tif their ea - nit-dot:mg the wafts) 6,4 - e the Gove Ument:' To ineh as •the Fie, • , a:pil all otiliers'who hay° a proper , re i.ird for Pio national honor, wt coin- ~R! ;during; the l .means reptaltatioA now itod if the people 7isik to avek ► caleapity so - Bore and' die. graeeful,!they a)ust Lice to it that it ..never otAainx.thec pegsver, l iar carrying • ipto e 1 .t ate vllainCti.spurposes, ----1 . TUE . - I 'Ai gives ,us notice last week that iisiiter piir editorials, r i .nor. ' the ; . Ar , " ' I general inamage lout of the us,stlits ---il,. We sare sorry. that ,ttls is ed. ” Bnt then on Cie ' other hand, if we wrote' such edi oriels a l i • as tha• Local could -iip— 1 • prove, 4 Managed our paper to suit 1 its tast we very much fear that the'' ' public onerallY i ,and our party friends in ,partfeular, "'Would demur. Under theso-oiicumstafices. and, moreover, as . - .we--hav*A.e..aligy, interest in .I.lin succes s of our Ittsiness-and the prosperity 'Of n i , ---- onr pin' y, we ,Sball in future write - just sit , articles us we feel like writ. ' -ing,_it .conduCt 'our paper.. as may seem bet "unto us." Will the .t?cal - ,-y be kincitenough:to give us its sanction I for no d - irie '' ' 2 ' . i - ests of his constituents, is simply false, and as the- editor of the Leral now avows a purpose to changeSlN editoril . al - Course, we ask him is a imple act of justice to Col. Taylor, o publish the following letter in relat on to •this subject, which we receiVed n Monday last, from Mr. liughart,' tb. President i of the Connelisyille Ratiroa 1 CO.: Tilt Intriff bill, sari.tho.New Yorird Editai Argils: It boa be n charged Tribtint4of February lst„ passed the by a Western paper, the B aver Le-, Senatei ‘t, night by, the dcicisiive cote ea?, that the R r on. A. W. Taylor, of .cif 1i7.t0 10 all the Democratspresent I Beaver ' had recorded, his • to against, , the interests, of his constitti ma, in the .bat - t . " "Ong. a g ains t it The se ; Senate of Pennsylvania, the question mere ere Johnson and McDougall. i beins on the indefinite po tponerrtent We:eonkratttlate tbp country on this? of a motion to revive Rula 37.. result, 4ichieved--' Much ' earlier in the 1 'his c . .liarie JR unfoun d. 'I can ' ' k froin knowled el hay n been in eesitipn4,basi was expected, -especiallv - ' [ 'p ea - . g 1 g the Senate during tho wb le debate e; theilate , amendments to -the ,hill !It vas not recognized as a est - clubs! tavet ben generally, for the inereated,i tion, and the friends of the measnrerl protect on:of i Atiteririan indtistry.=, , was advocating ivere, and re,peitect. ili satisfied with the cohav up p _of • voted for 'Col. Yester ay, in clay and evening sesst .• ' Ta Ile would nete i 6 recel'ed important changes. she Iylor. the revival of the Rale'inquestion duty .o cast iron pipe ,ivaa raised to i without such an amendment as irqiiid _1:1 tett per ponndi on . chromate of, havernet the hearty iippri47al of Oar . potassif to 4f ,pents per p o , : ,d ; ~ on 1 1E76 and the _friendsl of , u, .General Law. i haYefrevently talk. ' files'oyiir ten inebes io length toTeents I ' al r . c l i 9 1 i ed with latmator Taylor, - and regard • per poupd. ; After considefable debate ' him asfone of oar most relidblefriencis. the Out 0n.;4-oolen eloths:*as placed ; I sai tbig in Bimpl il Bike to an • .. , Jit 45 ante per 'pound and 35 'per 1 licnorahle man. Rospoot ally , 'and ; eent.atil valorem, with proportionatei truly. - t.i/Nt. 0-nEN Etc FrAllt ' , r q e hPresident Pitts. 4 k. Connell ville it R :increase on 'different grades. drattfl, di on articles used in ehip , ? ll.- ri wag e ended ao_ as not toapp:ly to sies.rn ke'esels,and un amendment ,I ,e7c- r eluding theidrawbae* from Bailin*. , . 1 , reseal/was iejeetetl. ALtiirnale importki ..fottbreekling were placed oti the free iiat. motioni to reduce the duty' or. .I r, coffee, . T-...-Icrat,s -pet% pound was disc. , greed tannif4lan tine to irecinee rhS'dri ty on 4zi,l - .6ll . F,"paper to if, per cent , • Tile)ll4 is rot. the best: that cnjglit 1 h' fil ed,'birt:ls, , paj D lap:4; as ,d5l as w.?_cod.h loPe to sect passed NoW let the Inn go. :proriiptly to work tend -e. tt , z , Flare , toward Protection '4to :.... A - ,l ' :Pl,E' 4 I I . - , . • , • -e«,i,A ~, . • ~,, 4c ,ll s . „.. T. public( generally, understands ' ' Tit!Oast Local sage, if it ianowilet.le „ that, in all eontroversies,the,tr.an . ~.I .l intill -11r 1 rilge ip ..:.111fe 0r• 1 -*to Worsted is•the first to show -• ruOico , ea* gittifitili to h t!J ,gar., ..i Making this the standard; J*: hie; 'i : ,I , Oring,, tbeFAlaiii,,,tipMir _ I h i, Ifeek'e .1, : V shows ! its editor tof';Ve trie4 on o Or Oiee4o. illOaiti). the - i ce ' i 4:: .....0.. .. 0 L .. •-•:• • :badly *hi ped, for we ,have not for a t:nr er tlijit paler 1 - ,i3N . Oie i#lth : 1 I - - •'- long' tun seen. sO 011iell ill'tempar the eireet that neitherilie — Xlo nit ,• ev i n ce d al be exhibits ,n • that' paper. Local should make person al attacks rtaiie ril ---- cOollf • '•neighbar. : :Neither' upon eath other - ;-cie upon-the ,catuli ,, f':' ,-f- , 1 - ! • yourselreer employees ! liave,alty 44, .. dates of our respectiae,.mtiol,„bnii, .111 , *es about this office. • When YOnind • • ,V 0 no purpose., - llelVoitid'eeirdtfekliis •• they Maki .yourselves rilienionii -we liiida of-the - cantpx**st - turite pieasi. shall.njoy the PriVila - ge oli toughing [ed;_aii4otok,khi:ititsoboit:be: would; 1,1,t yo u : wheneier we feel:': like doingin'd at it he went:: .ThielliiitlutiliOth'' eo. • - • . , ~., , ing to. do ; but ta, - ,‘.:rotaliniki in;: r ltine,..,, • - If 'now, hOwever; Oifter.A'lfew*ottittO T olperieotiy,. ;hit "personal :fothiet!limi , •e► dextrose use his own.lweefibiiii4o oth erli and fi;h U . S . taught ar,..it e,- , i.('lce.:l ~. . 84 at going to cover t We 5.Te,,013tet, 14 , and. asenre. the... public -tbat.,,,iweekrill - ,, tr - n ot' to be i hefiret in - tle,fateie'Aa drui.-pereotialities into our Orifureetr.- And • isre beg the readere'.of,bOthi,'pti': pare to note which' of the . . tirol•rties!, I:antis out thisigreciinenViciel:niado; 1 , _ .11,boutsratt,,Po., Feb. i 2, 1867. 'Mr. Editor :-4-1)0ar Sir4-I have been la subscriber to' the '!").us for quite a number of years, apd during ig this ,timel bare often, though that it did net; pay that - .attention o local news *blab our home intereste requir .ed. I •do not 'any. this ti oend or reflect'Upon any 'One. O • But ye ently 1. I, l' have noticed _quito:•'..chatige in Vats reFipect ; and I: wish' to inq ire now whether I .have always been wrong in. my. view of. the Matter or whi°thit+'ti" great many others if:l . th° eorintli shar ed it with roe ? ' In'ether words: Hati this 'ch ange increased; or; bps it de= creased the riumbei of subscribers to the 'ArOra 7 1, •- '' ALISEUS.. -We thank our correepotpleit heart-, ily for his kind . allusions, and - iake plea,sure is in forming him. that our ob seftatiori and experience . te ellea us . '1 _- mat iwthe abscence of a pot it mat cani pixiin, a liirge majority of," our people "would rather lee their home paper fill '-eiw ed with n aof a local charaoter,than burdened ritp pcilitical articles. They have access to, and dap° n d,almost -On tirely„upon the dailies or the large, ' • y. city weeliCes to keep tbetp posted in 1 . . general politics. . At all; av i ents we ' , have believed this to.ba the case, and I have been governed b$ this riew since ' our connection with , the Arkius; and I • juciging from the fact that the paper !has, conlparatitely Bpeaking, retained all or its clii subscribers, and it.t!ts i weekly one-hundred and•sixt : SS43V onty families of the .county tat were •not itspatrons seven month ago; in-, clines us to the belief that fit is the propel-one,and we shail,theretore.con• film° to act epon it,,nntil otherwise convinced. This exhibit of our sub scrytion book , is a• source of . much grariScation to us, and in reurn for this generous pitronage ancl' mark of approval,w.e purpose betwebn now and spriog to clothe' { the Argus in . ngw type, and possibly' pnrchai press for its use. Our eon improvement ,will add at I - columns of matter to out: pre; Wttlithese'anxiliaries, and .j 'atm of the good will of 1.1. ue. - weal pipers in we - sler l Vailla, and to give it• a circa and to , no other county pap this limit. EZ EZEIMES , • - A Slanderer . Rebu . The :Local of thii' phtee weeks agn, in pei foot k t ippini recklessness, charged Thylor with yotir.gsgiinst estst)f hia constituents, and iboae., of the Pentlayliani This charge `Nea; tie fac t , that Col. T voted motion to inn eft nitely postpo motion for. the revival of 'pill, thi's vote letign - 0 him with' •aylvania Central, or' sigma atelievillo Road, or against i Wo fully endorse the Tore g! Senator from Al ROBT ATJDLEY SOnatiir from Lawrence • ro not the auth i or, cal allekee, Of the eitntuu Vat Pittshurfh Commercial, rebnlinityon.of Col. (play •%erith.6; ve Tin GrE,4 jury f Wu , no Moriduyilast prreep dice aiuraer gai 4 To the Editor of the lezli*i For' five years past the public !flied has been almost' ,exclusively occupied: with *ar `and politics/ The war Is . ndw OVet, except the scOief, as the doctors call *We, rodults „,of ,diseases; and *bile we give di n e tention - to politics,may we not indulge 'a little in inatters„ that are lii,eitay? 'Besverfrorn /peculiar adraufageS, has attair.ed qu4p an euvtabfe Om, as 'a placooif educatipu and,a focus of - : futellgeneP . anti , taste. It is . tbs'Atheins of , the, countyva.nd oui citizens feet litiou ' d of the. lapt; outfrom.the Nen- . .CAstio:, iirpit Art 'article on the "Authorship _of Shakespeare," which is the title .4•1% book recently given to the iwot Id by Judge` Holmes, of St. LOuis, and which I send you with ihe •bop that you.'cill find' plate for its. reiroduc. , ' tion the columns of the Arpts. As . the language of Shakespeare "has en tered into ttic SA;inmort speeel of the English race wherever 1t has gong—: Westward to India and the Islands of the sea. and «estward to the •Lt rited States, I tru - st that the. questioit se ablydh-Judgel it pioagsu o mes interest the readers .ot the Argus, and especially the li,cr Lti • of the . good town of Beaver. Respectfully - Yours, . • 88. The Atithorship - of Shakespeare. . This is the title-of a book recently issued front the press of Messrs.;.Lttu r d and ii,onght3ry'of. New. icrk.whinh is .written by. ; the Nathiniel onp of the Judges of the Sti preme . Court: of :Jt . t•tiolmes beim . • "in literalt''&7',or 1aw,•38 entitled to re: _spent. In. this book he under tikes to prove that thd diamatin Works; impu l.ed to , William Shakespeare, and which .have borne has name for. 4 two hundred yearo, were opt written by that person at atl,'but by his .Cotem porttrY,- Sir Francis Bacon. We have- Icvg entertained this opinion, and therefore. read the - Jadge'd work - with the deepest *i_tcrest. and satts2action 0 a TAM emplated ast four ent issue conur.n4 . e I:11) ation er. withirr: iemo two !g with lie! C.)]. A. W: the inter n' ifiOtir of :We think moi4over that, no man - ot ... 0 : , .a L e,ntral 1 candid mind. Capahle'of understanding, .s based- on i . what proof is , , „can,. after , a perusal of • . Judge .11ohne'S argianierit,' cr,rne. to any 1.. avainst . a , c•• • othr conclusion than the one 116_ +jai -,, mtanother! reached. - . I I eTT.. That I . Nearlr fifty - ,), oars agr the diteary . the Penn' 1 World of Eni;laiid wag thrown i J nto - vx• „ le d oh• citement ty the' appearance of the - Yiaverly novels which - were rinoty khe inter. mous.. The 'Cluestion IMS-who - was the author? bill no one wag able to friraieli;an answer based upon pontive evidence. - Ak length a gentleman named 4dolphus, who 1.11/i familiar I with the axle of "Marmion," kiiii ithose mixer poems of which Walter 1 Scott was.. the acknowledged author, ui.dertook to collate these:parts. of' the, Waverly novels which furnished lan indealto the mental, peculiarities, phrasea, habits, studies and occupations of their author and to show how i strikin'gly they correspond viith . the , ,same ear marksinScott's avowed wri.l tinge. It was the evidence of circum stances; no one of - Which, taken singly. , Iwould prove the point in dispute, but ' I I all' together, would, form such an ar-: ray of proof as would be irresistible , !Sir.Walter Scott did ' not avow him.. self to be the author of 'Waverly" for five years afterwards, but the saga cious men of that flay had no doubts on , the question. ,- - ' r+ . The idea that Lord Bacon wrote the! plays ascribed to Shakespeare is by RIO means new. It wai first squareVY ' broached by Miss. Delia Bacon, " . .thett,. by Mi. Wm4l.enry Smith, in it letteil Jo. Lot 4. Ellesmere, and publiilicd I somey rs ago ir. Putman's Magazine 'The late Lord Palmerston, it is well , known, held the' blllllO opinion most ermly. .13ut•,no man has uncketakeii"' bv an elaborate argument to establish tlie point until J edge Holmes appear ed To do justice to the subject itwas necessary to. bo familiar with the' works of Lord Bae.m, which .are vol uminous!_and some of 14m very ~alt- 1 1 stract, but all deeply intereating from the peculiar wit that glitters en every page. ' His• intimate pomMunion with Babon enables' him to see inionninera• bin itistanees the evidence of, his . au. - thorship in the Opp. Besides this o Judge ; ifolmeashows froiii dates. and other S , singular cireunistanees that' thereJattis no, other Martin Oa 17th century ereext Bacon w,,lin:coald have pi z. , :iatied such workt—workswhose author was 'a well read lawyer; , a pro. found philosopher, a historian, acquitin• tea with dead, and foreign ' and ' living langtiages, and eviiiciog a breadth UM rniLt:temefis ofohscrTet:.cn,e,r d a kno,,vll- •ing letter. GUAM, leghen'y. BRONYNt., si Sieicor: thti it - mann._ in tho for Repro- bington D. an . John IL sag 1 .11'.§', - . t.wil , I. Nat 2 it to that • "W.-9Fstl o rrn inf Itenntl• 'digtoottiatiY— sii-inlline4tipp...th itiAthel its:if thiosn- lbeetpiis o Biteledto re `*thr"-iCot - :iti tist 4 infintleky. Milk '- ,*o !in m it inv i n .litiiittikre,titi;b:fistL. ke; upon ..which . . the .hats: igniiro: itikhh7dtsittliiii6 Wt - :vi ina , w4 l 4o, ii6rdf . ,:iii-nius , •Ipit r ;-' tiirts'!, ,;•Ve 40easa -, .tatcleitit:atitt *hy . .., kr,,,Richirt ' • .. tilte'liihtp ball , the rePtitittOri:'or bititit the greatest Shallespearastit, 1 edhol4t irvirs, - etrun.. l tryshotittl baits' nottlb to , ay on Abe subject.Ftrti inisis - 1 : e it'd Veaviftil, esitP4O,o.. o t :ktbp-:linrk ttlf:Shelfeapicire j i g hi...tlill9rfilli ; aeries likpia',ln -thelife: or hie .41i6?hillS ,. :it l 'enngo :to use .shonid Isa - ve led him i t t-prree to scout the. 144 Otakt each a Man, with: ' ' shell fint(e•edOntitl hit_ etaft-ilarrotiOdinge. could ptsseibiy.htlYe written thcsWorke now atticilmitetrrtrhiin.ettisply because that in einnOwn with'', ill the other playayerfortnec , katlhe (hose= theatre, they .wercimold initfir the • naine of. die .roatigger-- ). ThittA,,Lat. "Judge on the bones of 1 sy`66.o and ha l f eitilited State i shoul4 IS* time, its the midst of•his.offleisWihtliti,•tO master the' profound work e ofl4o d Bacon and there find' the key ;is) tinted[ - the 1 OliiterY illich AT. Virlifts' has hung - we--- :muml'th e 4 ! 0 o f Stiiicks , are, tll4 : thie Id ib. :kam ' iOuti Judge ahhtthl be the Milt' to - like* the - ;obturia :lifireticis from the feet's of Mr. Viritiib; aid es tiblials W by -04-liiiii stirliiitg: array Of;Cifistishertititial - dvidenci is indeed somewhat i tiunsillating toMr. White, and ' a Yell oti4ts' upon - hicsagacity. ' 'The other cause for the -seeming indifferdnce sttsi*n -to one oLthe mist ii.terectingi and - retnarkable prodtic -1101E/5 of thi': 4ll ' 4 ~if',:" - ta` tat' oven' . 1 . .1 , ... , f literary men in n'enrr l 2:,;r4 - A, 6, ‘ 1%1111116 about the liporks of Lord Bac.iiti as , out. second fiats lawyers .46 altrist_".Colta upon 7 Lytilothn, ,or is. _th is • bOin trio n run otpreltch s era do of BdWards on the Will, I or "Butlers Analogy."--7 And no porn sari unravel the of Shttkos i peari* unless; hi. that • the Li tt eb thread ln , the works of ....aco - ... ' In his hist will end testuittl cur these tonehing words of Loilk con'sy "For my name and memory,flf •leale it to mcn'e- charitable speetto L .si , to ‘ tor. I 1 , l ei'gn noti ons, and the next ages) it is, truly wimiderrul - that more thin two be.ndied years. bhould roll by before ihe world. was iiirlY mad attqintel tO_ Lii - the ebniattbr of this 'gte: - Inari,; and it is to imi a JRAtterlof grim', pride that MI 14Cnieracan, whoie Aleeetrs was &riot, wr -- .4sys ithon'llite great or rfn:tn Artwment, withoullarw, that he rit - '3ltakespi•are. ,eras th,. l author oil these • Worke, have! tinr.e so. rntWlli to !ayrnoble. the' ,EnrdiSh• race and leoefiiige. '• it From the P@aue ie'appears Mat the Bank was la ;abut of .16is. with Judge liblmes, - ;reaching through ttA ntripher u years. i I ri ) the exitinative way he s d,one the- work . jie. praves : himbvif • hnie fin ;superior :as a "Slia'kespeare'arrselioltir. The' vi,lume' . is-at tract trig attention, among the did and inqui;?itire-rnitidi itn the East, n i nd we hipe th6thinkir.g. men of Alin West will . indalgelthemSeireel k in read— ing one o ;the most iiatisfactory a'rgu . ' r merits that, has • leer been .`pffered to the. literafy World in solution of the qiestion 7 =wilether, ghltiteapeare was or . y4s nut, ilte real anther of the Workb. takeribed 1p him; and if . no:, that!, Who ' .." ..._ 1 1.1 ;....-- . ...._. DIXMONT OSPITAL.-Thiv annual meeting Sir the Oclntrlbutors. to the Western. iPennaylvania. liosPitsd. 'at. Dixmont, was holiklast, Friday: The receipts for the pint year .wcre 8146,- 679,31. - The total; number /if latrine 1111 er treattitent, daring die den yeare,..:, since the sitablisliront. of tile inst.:tit- tioo,-is 1,055. ACUIPliag to Mt report Of the,SuPcrinteudsnt, Dr. 3 . .oseph lc, Rucciot the commencemeni• of 1866 - L i there were 204.patiints in the hoApil: tal at.Dixmont ; I,3spatients*ave been! admitted I inite,raniunt4 the tiotal.of33o.l under tr tineni '!daring this year; of i tbete 133 ave.or. discharged or died, i t leaving 206 in'i a heetiitel Vi the I st ofiJanuaiy. 9 ,those dischaige.d 60 v vvere!restbred, iimp - I tovect o 18 : unim 'proved and 30', ied. .1 '-'1 The fol)ove are the lefeeet4 offi cers of the Ins tuiinn : - ;Previte:lt-- Joh n Haim, 'ce Piesidenti.--.Jolier Grahaip t isaac. ones.- Sepstaiy and 1 Treasnrci--JA A. Earper. t Sallei tiir--Will'iain".i akea - cil, ..Egq. Life Iflkanagel,(by nilempi_4o $l,OOO reach) Jon l G m , J'. IVSkoitinbisr . . ger, A. taws, Mine. .Knap, John Harper, Inaac Ares„ E. ,Yir 414 Schen ley', Jame l ys hfolandless,•, Joseph E'en- i flock.' W- S. javen. .)divotgers by 1 ißbintion i-Onei year—J. J. , .Bennet:, I latiin - i'MarshatlV li Zug, Johnolmes,l J. Park; Ir., J . . Knap, Hon: ii. W. Williams. c i Tyl t Years— li on,: J. g.] ' 11.00 rhea Will m A. Herron,ll, C. I lieetilie. ;If. NtiVfallaco, - J.,T. Kin.. raid „W. .Datington.T. It. giller. Three litiarst- 1 1. H .4i ois•rie, J. 131 ireFadden, D. .?.Bakexvelt, F,' it: Srunot, Georgie f i..Beß..lll.iller,l Jr.. Williantlh . State. itanageral ''.--lion. 'Dante' A I ner,iifßeaverconn 1 . ti; B. '.4 Patin took, of Allegheny county; r, TliosikicKetiiiti;OfsWash ingion t:itty;' s uperintendent' and, Pbysician Di.....*septrA: !toted; _Artn 4Litnet # y!inime, Drt. Wray'"Orir.r. son.Siii_ron,'"Ms!iit,:?!.Keityf- Apt.: -sistant" Xatron. (no ' vp.partitment. ) Su perviSnr, Siintini Cal` voillE-: Cterk, Wesley:George), JPhysibianriir Ninth . Ward Oittabegti--Dr. Cyrus 'it, 1 do 41-1 Jr' re. ;he r&. ritt, be 165. 'lite w- M THE BEAVER =MIZI Z 4 F,si 1•1•2 *W43)1781113E ESE , Tea etteatioset the publleis direaed . t:e the. Alibi ,-161 W - fib Ilitiei sipla ' ti _t : hoPrOr . tUitil in the Arihs t•4l,y: i L. ift.,tieflPti*t2ilinditUreo. Coile is. ' 16 4°..-"14"4* -47.11. .1' I tinet,oe2, 1 eirAtttetitior*iiee I,iciiice-- . 13.111'Cind. AudjtorirNiiiiiie-4. B. .I.b. • 1 1 0/114AVuiti s "ea sifis—Viiiioii '' ishnst!o'n. l' 11161.1.iltsr,Liistr. - 71". IL Terlik :-.,.,.7, - ; k .AI9IIIIIRI TOtIDDLIL—Ihe rid( 14111r,..*Iiiiislia /4 LAW weekli blicited ',btut a half-dozeli ' replie' ll eirrest 7 "The blind ' , beggs;r .tkeedalirio died.'! • 71(!clIfIrlirtiTINQ.--- WS: t6l4o,MuitAge-tridge7ster will Inolito:Olikursdays evening lust-40AI* Jump St Dude' 8.1 full iegesisted. i ' e rfcinu t4d ite Society i ext (the • ith 1 rquiS,.Esq., . , i se is rSsyee , ' I • I ' i • . .--# yiurA - !LI Peels ,+-51eS Rev: J. Hort eer, of the Adgewat ~ id. /1.1 Chnioh, was the seeipienilitsehort timr tt, ient in the shape, of a fine em Ibuthe members of that Oongu . liracaiti6:l4.t l ri Ix le 29th liiiit.:oi bill passel ths itoi itiaives; at Hari isburg, 'vacating in4lea-' T er.*reinonatrance agi __.,4plated raeation has been forw• 6l " L - '" ' Legiela -1 tura. - . • Baio* Zas.o.—Wedni set was. . , ol , d . a ye ry c attuning ii . .'.. The therMotneter belonging was at eight degreaabelOw• • ma, ~. , 'points, more ezpi;lieed, it' ranged from ten to fifteen ~. , . Ogees! Wolr.that point. • i I - . . "_Citsri.xam—We are pleased' to learn that, Reir; .. S. Bracken, pastor of the M.A. Church of thiSplace has raieo.l during th past year two thousand two hundred and f iftyfour dor largfoi centenary pughgcs. ~The grOo.ter part of this sum has been applied / to the bUilding of a parsonage, in which he ie now Arrellin g. ' • "LICOJ.L IX DES."=O ttr crier etio - friond s noolitiatiii,, Messrs/Oliver,. Wathey* „tk. Co., image us e. progeny& few days ago of a box. of their fine .4.:eppil Tfniler" soap, manufactured at .their . works in that place. It. Is a 'most ezo Meat iele, and persoluidoaling in vllat L I will / nd it to thelr advantage call sod g iyit' rie I.s • . _ Vatottirti.---A new weekly - paptr bas re • ently been. started in one of the interior -coun ties of Texas, and heal:s the nemi of "Sarcar tic Bowie- lin ife." We hare no desitle, no ex- 'change with that ithect;,: and if we were in ' ,the newspaper business In thatlocality tire Would , "pack our duds" and emigrate to some other I point with as littll delay and ceremony as pos t• • 1 ' bible. i • , Ait ' iIiPASTAark t he past week at set: et sconsidirable importance to the People of Beaver county. passed the use has, probably by this time,passed r a tine 11171011 — ellk of ilitoxicatiug liquorsj we have not seen the bill, 'but learn, 'incidentally, that it bars the sale of all kinds of liqUors, including ale Auld except for, medical purpoles. 1 - • I Illtni2Nrit.----WF have •received i a commit nicatitin signed: • • d l ood. i Templar," which we will hold over for the present. Let the organ ization of which the persons named in the corn • munication aro members, Erst" take action in the prembios. - Atter that we shao l proliably pulii6h the coimmunication havel something to say in the matter-ourselves • PLAILIC LICTMIII.—Itey: J. A. • Siranny will lecture in the M. B. 'church, in 1 4 :vr lirigh-,I ton; on Friday evening'. Feb. Sth, at 7, P: Subject "Three years in Peru;" pr&ceeds to he ; applied to. benevoleht purposes. Avienission, j 26 cts. Jectu i xer has spent w i number.Of • years in the country pfi which be proposes' speak, and his obsersationshave no doubt been Of such a.character as to enable bit! to*. deliv , : er an interesting and instructing disconrsej . Itz.tscron..,--012 the 23d' of January the -President of the' United States ■eni to tile Senate, for confirmation, the names:, of a large lief of appointees fir assessor and cellector ::.A. vest many of these , were rejected by the - Senate. Mr. Quail. the gentleman whb now fills the. Assessor's office of this District, was .among,thoaewho failed td - come - up to Son aterisl requiremonta. Under theie oircum stances a new appointment Will be in order, and we advise aspirants for that position to be up and doing. . , 1 AIOTHER RIDDLE' —A young ladj ' Sends us the following riddle, and wishes J an aniwer I through the Argus : Beneath the skies a erehture On , te did dwc 11, So sacred per" iters unto us do' tali - , . Ile lived; hn breathed, in- this vain world, 'tie 'true, , / . i , Though he ne er sinned, or any evil knew— Re, never shall in lieaven's - -htgh kingdom • ~ dwell, Or e'er be doomed to feel thepaugs of hell— Yet is him sn'immoltaionl there *as • = That mast "be 4amasd, or live ismoag thejust Parry Tursviso.— Thieving a pp earspa to be the rage just now, almost everywhere, and stifeely `week passes, but what we are obi*, ed to note a case or two of "raiaappropriation'..' ; in our AVM vicinity.. On Friday last,eome per-- i [ " • son sr persona "unknown to the jury,'.: "went 1 i , , through' . Mr. Bruin's barber shop in' thisplace, I and "felon _ onalY. " and with malice , 'afore thought's" it striated all the "atarap3" then I arid there* hand:. 'Tie true thisei "stamps'' aggregated only 10:tout forty centi, but then it; Was the it: tent Of 'the “pile, "and that the thief I or thieies didnei obtain more iseo fault of 1 'theirs." 'They evidently adopted all the means neeassafy, and ran thiirisk, to make a "big:, haul." ' -If M. Bruin 'eantlnd achmittate eon- I Pensition fcir his log in bride tho tights, 'and' is philmmpber enough to sly: l'lle ;that steals'l Ip r p A r f ., steals trash," then he dohs Well;-but 1 if ha &Isnot corns up to this standard ot hu -1 man paefeation, and has no tionUttriapt for tl.e t iltiogs et, this world,we advise hi m in the fit- • , tture'to keep his money ,. drawer loplced while/ I, • about, and never io desert bik 4op during'' - t tkuhinefis hours. ` Aatinvzirt-Boolc;*-SI!illiatiotist -tug oonipany of Philadelphia will smut publish- OrTlOCAlesandell. Slephens,, anti 40 .,, cf the late: War bet - thf e yeing its originloause and 31,1r.iiteitbsiooafessedly. •46 cif the el tho Vie, alitti hiving been a Priml 4issixithiaatst4bellion. it 4swit4c4ly 'id but that this work will 11e ably Wri contain much 141141 hiSiory that has not yet bier made Inns: r GIA.L t IRSP . i . g . I A Des,*, : i3it Coirritseto7 . AAnan , from Oil °,City tells this - story :- 'On Januarir 6th,'lBtl7. John Franklin ; Worley, a resident of thu Blass ,. for niioeit4tr ypaii,2 died from .the effect ofa wound received at the battle of ,Antietairi. hie dyinthed .he stated •that four year's ago he left a ifife and two childras near Janesville, • Cleallel4. county. And now he:leaves another wife and two children in this place, she not knowing that he was "married before. qould nct.,dil. with* reieahng the facts to herind uking for forgiveness, u wellns that of his first wife. I . thought it right to publish this statement foe , the infor mation of his widowed c l ompuion and father lesachildren. - • I le pro pound. , . t Argun , 1' . Th wasa ll sister • 1 1 r -- • : ' - - • (Feb • fiAi. ac 'lrday last (Feb . 2d) t ICandlemaa bay,Tao the legend says that on that day the - wood-chuck, or ground hog,. leaties• his hole and tekee a stroll on terra , him". • If, during hiai peringrinations chances to see hie ittadolX', then- he conclndei .1 .1 • thahrough weather is not yet over, and be takes him to hie hole for a-six weeks' snooxf. If, on the othil l i hand, be fads to see his shadow on that day, he taket it 'that the , i storms have about all passed away, and feels rejoiced that the pleatiat, weather is :nigh.— On Saturday last the !Sun ithone out for .a t 1 • ,1 while about noon, and if his hogship was above greund - at that undoubtedly saw his shadow, and: we mss safely conclude. Itherefore, that six weeks of _! winter 'weather is still in store for ps,l.lperhsipi. II El • ' • A Doo Cass,i•--On• day iutweek a. fine • pointlei - : dog, owned by tacitisen of this place, was as "ii 4 4.ainei to be on a s l rain of ning lbetwi'an! Wellsville lad On the "Owner's niaking.s. demand for the "purr be. was coolly told that ,he - could not get pos , iiession :of him trithoullthe payment of ten (1 . 01 . lore. This he propeily refti'lled to d;,, and the nest morning , thirdps.lty'lwss sent sown to the station to 'negotiate with the brakesmatV l , who app4ied 14hav's i ch l stedy of the - tiogA I • - Land who was offer e d a fair comper.sation if he I Would hand him over.' Thi; was declinediand-i en' the Morning follow,ing th ' e owner proceededi I t- to the station, accompanied by an officer - who , - - I '• 1 ' 4,14 himself in possession of . the animal' . at onee And torthwiibibi-Otight ' •hinato, `'•-••• ' - • .1 l• , • . ~Sportimen value their -pointers too highly . ;permit them to be 4-gohblLd'' ups and spirted : - away witasut making efforts to i;ceover I " A CEIA:N 1 011 is ras OICATEItI P. 01—miss ser. inda J.. M'Claflick, Who yas appointed. - smite 1 two or three months ago tokke charge of the Post office at-this plhce, 'was unfortunately Under twenty-one years o I age. and therefore incompetent to exec4e an ftieial, bond. 1:4:.. der-these circutiastannea L i , sister, Miss Mary ; A. lif - fiaffick, becamwin a i pliant for the PO - . 7 ; salon, anti on Thurqay morni i ng, - of last week she was noticed of lier appointment, and -re quested to take the oath ofiloffice and forward anuffleial bond in tkie sum; A f twenty - five hun t charge of. be i• • i se r 1144 9orla have been complied With, and Miss M-. has bey', , I ' cobie duly installed - as, the deliverer of letter 1 mers. &c.,, in the.quiet,. /, , saintly - town of Beaver. That she will make make :an fatten'; tine and efficient Posimiatresla wehave fie doubt.' .. . Perim Srors Dltun.±-lessrs.Thorntle i y & 1 . Bestwick—the former of Fellston, awl the lat ter of'New - Bright° l n—have attached to ithe" store in our pltice .1 ,"drunC which seems Ous &Arent, improvenient sO far as the caring of fuel is concerned. IThe patent was obtaliped ' by-be Long & Beeoler, August 28; 1866, land ! is termed the "Funnel Bruin ltadiatiir." ; It is 'iwide of hea'ry sheet, iromi The .pii. l 7eiliees! claim that fifty per cent: of fuel is saved b i r its use. The "Radiatoti" itselfl is funnel slut ed. ' about three feet in height , 4nd is set per ien li dieitlir,ly on the store. It contains three dif ferrent ccnpartments, and . tie heat in ascend ing from the store passes up l l the outer one. then down another,. and ha:lf-way up it third'before it escapee to the chimney. --11n.this manner al most all the . heat . .etriitted from fuel is kept in the room, instead ofl-a large proportion of it passing into, the ,iiiiinney, as is the case with out thiardrum: l‘ellrly all of the soot 'La.?, is either burned in thi drum. or falls beet into the fire, there to be consumed,—a very impor tent matter to thosokvho ha••e cisterns,n.nd (AE pend upon waterfr+ their roofs to till their. But little, if any soitt, reaches thereof otthe ,building; when this 'drum i. rased. We have giPen the one in our kelt e a feir,trial, and find that it is a greet "fuel darer." Thek .are of three different size. -onn 1-I:it'd:le in'ttiatri ter, a second 16, and the third 18 and rare made to. order by Me l aka. Thornile & Best wiek,' who have the . iriglit ill, ,inak and sell themin this connty.l 4-1 "Hoacits,u7 Dticusuo:l :—The Local. of JAIL 25th contained thii paragraph; Sow llon.— T /ames Beaty ' , of south Beaver township, brought te market in this place oa Turiday last. a hog of eighteen months groirth, which weighed 690 pounds-.lean meat. - Mr. Border was'the purchaser. We answered in this wise:! "All bosh- We are requested to aaylthat the porker brought to town by lathei Beat l y,of south B . town ship, weighed 61-kpitiklids-7 .] 276 pounds less than the Local has • To this el-Item:ant the Local of Feb. Ist re plies as follows.: 411 Tani iweek we made.s note of a hog brought to tziiirket in this place by James llesty, of South Beaver township, which weighed 690 pounds. This week's Argos calls us a liar—says that the hag weighed butSli pounds. We hive bUtfthis to say in - reply.: We got our informationlln regard to the - weighs of thehog front tWo gentlemen who are known to be strictly. honest and truthful. The Argus we think willnot_say as much for its informant. Now let Mr. Border, who -purchased and paid tot; the 'aforesaid hog "Apeikk his pisoe."- Hare it is : : • I iditor of tat Argu*. '1 wasthe:purehaser, Rs the Local Mates, of the hog, brought to this , place on Tuesday Ithe,22d of January,. by James Beaty,. end its weight wad 814 pounds —=tot 890: • • Bostosi . .. Kow,.bring forward ydur informants, and let doe:public see Whether it was the two gentlemen who are ''Mstrictly honest and truth fur', that. Sold the hog He, or. fain - rig : to di) so, we . will clarge it to your *eel C'Oetersts Am • ouretta:--Ttej, ctc,4 cartat Rdeheete . I'l.i-0 sly"-ct,ningi Wae-eoltsiderett.ipOte*-eui....eiteit. -.lProf,ll. lioore - Pitt f ahlirg wee . ;,., a yi absent, rb.i; reprelienied Shiiijo v h 4 gaverrtiore-ttrititliiiiiiefeetien,• The 4r. thetetfitipe-rforttsd-very•-b p ro d • Oieringtoo - aleo:i. delighted thelMsr ' g e. I.nd arp' reciative a4tiienep, .t iot 4 a - nets uoen tat voc.a,..pertoraeri• Prof. Eth:tri., inid- facCelrtti-e -istrarnental perf thief ,+ ga.yeentire;‘o,;. The roa),euz 4 4141 !vii. 3 „4l' the Choi uses good. At tt .,4 the close of: ,04ert!ttb:(9407- its; : meirkbers. of. the ! t)rehefitra .Antate' l iffe rettr - ,d o tl , e boeamer.l [l.l.6use; *by ,tert.itr„,, epAendid suppPr, by tlilt proj t rr l , -ed ' t9 tO •a r ' Mr. Johnsor.. si j r• •tireqp i oodert , t do im tramen • 1 1r1 0 ,4 at pupr r,I ,died, Fthires .._..- otioiunilrl of, ays that a !, Autopsy tiva. heidq cavern of the, physieiaris cf iti ‘ t ! 116 de .1 red ty.t. ! • -p.ace, :w - •••• I, l d luny l and he - Artl •ii4la••‘.l.. 'elUniettve: i 0 cause death,. : ---.----.---,---- 9n tile, Ist._ iast., ii t: RoeliFeter, i.i i .,- .1 4, - : liitratvA, wife . ofl - Diiniel lipit er, 1„ ; , 4 1 2 . 4 ysiri, I nfontli nn 22 day". ..... 1. !, i 1. NEW ADVERT VALUABL PROPERTY 1 70 Co Et BA.I-1:4 . . . . InE1 nE UNDERSIGNED Otters at prirtiesile . -his houses aU lot in Besrtr. Pa. TN property IS known Se the - Hugh Andlrie pro.perty,"consisting, of one lot.one Brick Dit'el,, fling Jlouse,one I , l l 7arne Diepiti nt 11 m i- sow! ' 6 Large - Store-roon'tind Warehouse. ihe bmic contain.; eight, and the frame 'icreilie iontlii. - 'lia whole propitlyiKin good repaitsad ICI flee l t.:,,ittry,aut-tiui,4lings ftre.sttaebei - 'filter at, the • door - . • . The . preperty Will he Fold p gether, or:separacely, ai jaire . .,avr-i :lily ili. sire..,. If - not sold Lhef.s.re the '2,tah of '31.1a:1„ the brick will hef or 1 en't. ' '; ' febo37.—tf. ' V . i: Zti r 11:. 11. , 11 1FINTOY,•• . . .. T IsT 0F I. IT : I 7 FE 1•;:i • u•licP11•11 toT r , r.lin. • 1 - , n ".e• qq- Wl,' - t..• 'i. , : • ••t , - ...,, -. Eeb.il, 18C7- ' . . -- * •- • - Adants 1) 'S - .. - Co. .. An.rer-an 1... IF.. Ct'i'll.:i II au rialare 11.5 A mare'w. Clark Mi - I. ihrt:aviNl .. Dickioii.Jame.t.Fitte!- John. 'F.4 • 1•1,31`.(;:! ,- ...r • Jaanes. IlogAn Cni - lim•ine. IlAt hixoc . 1:7.. le:: mist h i , W., Krant wl,vtt .I. A . Lakrenee il.;‘i'.. 11 .?.1411.1). J ,McKee 'I. F.. ~,!1,..r, .1.i.,..., ' , ,h,.; ~, .10 SA rs.. No.lran. nri . Pew 4 v 1 1.) , .41 -I ,l'eed : . Joseith, Itnn.say .:'"aria:,. ;::r,,--,itt.1.,..5t0r. lock ? It. 'Sloan: ate pi,tii Jepie.....id,l,ne J41.r 1 .- Thorns' C. 8.. % alter da:ats M .11:::1:cr, tVin, WSltter A. U., Ziel rasn l'a.uf. Za1,a'1,',a47`1...:. .. o • I. ~I. I Aii,tiv:(r.i.. , ---- ' l, • ,Tl l,- :;::. iN 011 C.l- c. , • Court ' or .Bear e r -cam, •r- of' O l io otuseeßtl , ina , I_l ite Mitt, guardian tit 1.1 di Bea:vet I...onntc. dte'ti. Ne , 1.,t1.t. 1:4;3.-4 d;H:..7 in T n.....,,.ei.b. , 1 ,,.. , and repdrt.S,a.th th4i orpkari: U In is4i matte 4 - econntlef Isaac Herring. lato o ° to vrit ..knaust.. Uourti,appoint MI to take testinton fratu..theitecon).• thr et.!hrt. ; r ~cifix t. tir,A .1 1 nixitinept Ceurt t.4aturdaV. the .1:',(1 haift., a! dy. feb6'67. - E A DMINI,S,SRATOR .7 • - !H ER F.ASLlttterm the estafe ,of Netr Brighton; !Beaver icoun ceased, having been duly .trrl dersigned. tat tlfi'St.llS iridrbti are notified to take thoem.havin4 . clalttns against tt seat them ,p.ropefily inent withOtitdelay.. s. B. .)IcCORD .4 feb6"C7 ADJOURNED SALE 071 1 1 REAL ESTATE AT ORP ..CpURT .SALE 11131 virtue - 0' an ord,r .1 ;I: i - . l i • J• • , . , I. 1 Court-of Ilf aver county,t:+e ul Trustees appointed by said t . .',..1a..1 +., of the real esteith of Rebe Yea NI," 11 \ 1 + i under proceedings in parii:i. , n of 1 estate, will; espose to sale by -pal (fir out-cry,- at the Court Hohao :in *1 0 ) — D ' ' - , " 4 i 1 .1/+rr . h. I`‘ ti+' iat 12 O'clock. 311, all tNe fellow in ! real estate; situate in saidominty iof I. Btate of Pennisy vania, viz': I 4. I No. I. ..A cademy ; lot . No. 2.8, in T o:viii: n ; containing ahem . .B , :n eyes, bounded kr_ta lq , lof. the Reserve oast, lot No, 29. f”."2.l"r a . lane, tilt; c nre d end uncle ,! ! er, : v. teerectrctheansi°n_:.,A 4-e ceaesd ; a large "two story brick iihi l e.!l,:l 1 , 8 rooms and hall ;. frathe kitelieirtse.i.t ,l: i good cellar underneath i th4 u-0.,+" - 1 t 0e.,4;*, good cistern undeineath,the lOtch n A!*' l. i frame dwelling 13ouse (I'Wo'' , slorie , n't'i" l.l. ; with four rooms; a large I'reme4`i,anki.c*- (stone '• b4sement) 60 by ;40 feet, wi;tii c 1.1i.:4 1 Underneath H-alt well finished; a..hf:a ciflt house, coal _and bUggy hous4.; 4 0, 'two story frame tenant h .luse;. a a t o,te,l* . ***? house, and - otheiout buildings. ,Ttle 1,04, , and improyerneuts in good ord . . , - • 4r i orchard on the 'premises . ; said prelniFelbe l f designated ae puipart -A"ln the. , lPt*r . playing the return oUthe inquest naklerP ir. i tit ionas aforesaid: - ~ • / No. 2, A tract of land in Briihte ' n} , : et ~ ship, bounded. south by the Ohio' Iten . l y .., I . I by land of filugli,Anderson, north apt T". 4 , ° .. i tract i or parcedNo...K. heat hereini.fte,t de' f 1 scribed, cord slap g- IP 'acres. and ;{5 Pr About' 90 acres ' cleared and in. a i od site • cultivation...balance well tirribered -Fall , ' : well watered; designated as purport-1 1 the return of the inquest aforesaid. 1 ~. `No. , 8. A tCact of land . in tte tovD,.., 'aforesaid, bolmcled iorili by' land yd . Ltj . 1 I •Kenzie and tract No. 4,- her,.. , irtate:l , d e .. *7'ji' ! " , • ~ • east by Acecleirly, lots, &c. , , south. y 1 4 . 1 :,d' Power, and + . Others, and west by p, lest 1 6 : above! described. ,coni aining 114 a les r . : . perches. ' kbou r 'BO - acres clear d nr .., good state of etilltirttion f Wane , te ,. ' , . bered„well mored, A eil+d -bearin *IR' chard 'on the promises, 1.04 on Wilt iTlt ed-a frame harbobse;• designated % - .11 I' '.1:!"• in theland , return of . the !rr , plot 1 ~ mores,ris . u. I --- .- . 1 . 1 ' - 1' • -. The abnie etohriOs some e,..c.ce1.1 , r 0 r ity in good condition, lying within 6 "Beaver beaver: and Will be sold sepai.ate,S 2 '`described, or tWo ,or more . parcels to -I TERMll— One, :thiril of' ,the porch's + :to be paid upon Confirmation of slle Court, one-third in' one year, mail?' t ' in two years . from the date of co , 6 with interest - front same t inteJ b. d If etalments to be secured by bond and T . For further itil'orat a tipe k iaquire 01 undersigned. ' I - ~. JOS,- C. , ."., lIMIN 1 :Acl , tei'..l7 , - Mal ME e C ls A. NA. P - a'rntr IP st i L I (1).1 • r?,,v,ra 11113131 ' d t ±ai.lit<ll ynteg, Uti Er .e lie p p i I ted! 11,0 LU*l e 0- or 4 4‘ I t • Tis Ces d bildTfr I rust e 5 • o . F rystox. . iks4-er,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers