, -”' El :'.€ 1 if . 14141111141 , iPlikakiiiikAii i ; 1 11 ; 11 3! atO ,-- A na KINCJILLANEOI7B • 14 " °- ' 4 ":...„,1,_ e g r i b' / . . , • Mad ..........- -0••••Iiiii1011144Mt. '. ' _ s o• ADYEItr.S.PIENTS• , ;...i,disisoraraiiii ' . --'; -"' V - '--- ---." .1 if • ititi 1 :lotion, of the fki.Aailo id ilireett4 io * the I 'lll3 wc:OVeitiementi leifgh appear !teak th 6 .a°l rs t wee in the. rims to- ay , !got tbe las' !. .. -. 1 toil ilia' „ ad closing --Watt X1ea1y.... - _,l . ' 11-.iie's Court ~litli--4603,4 w i lt j . 'mimed f . . fe ward--J. I.'. B. Diiilson. .... .. 1 her 1!,- • 1 - , 14 ec t u l ib • 1 1 ay. # - 4EO :. • iintlary 24d_ _ .7_ ..I.t r t:,,G4 Fifth at:, ritta..i the itutl,ori44-',e#Blt Arr. oat Altus • - • f I 7.. - • , Hommel-0u Tuttl. oaL ek; 11 . ,1 Ft:14;1621 : d, tell-known died,of ioatiaiivp. 'Tiorsiky t9to buried in this pliketif; Sit , el leavesca isite such ,I.;1,1 1a p to mourn his loss, - • •-•• ,tcle be !Fejigiotis stervicei hatii v,;(1.1m fp, the rcestritittilitt AE.) of till'i)tThke 't; , jostoto:i1:1114 ,d by Der. Ottief• ;htikicrtat Chura . ; . t oy cif i,• • N relfirettce toi oar ry :eg,lslattte flews, be see* . , t ur. u 1 tlii4 county,.~a 3 ~rtfitsi the - v3 4r,eit sures! to 11,a*Ye 1)8 of an i!iltaliK by wlfic~i,Lenritiz; of •-brothilit: ler° for 31/ , r d er• WO' trust ien ti) thCTlopbsod repeal. ,t_ Salt/n(ly last st• widow letly , of i „,:ti a o Ives the 'needle t'or , pocket=book, eoiitaining "bent el!ars. Shet.strposee thaif.wss drop lectern bettven the store of H i s: pp (~7ld laid ' odice., knit :ersen finding ek•t-,1),4, kavinz itokt thii . " office, Ilberslly.yr4rdetl end nitrinlythettk., ==anlail , P Dotialloo, Esq., pIsFO. bas-olnplned » pateitler a bri .tich iinntitliately check nr-r, ,nsposed run sitrai. It . 4an Le cithor ptirposei. 2 1:••fccti!1nt will sooner or later of Aiteso bridios, or n yr ,, ott n i . :t ; n indiftuite period of I R. • I ,Beerboa ...... to tlescrifie maw'. So .. ' • • Ifantsvllle ;,, . t ', ,•111040 an :=4.011 ~} .4110.n1y of Iklb► iqt .;... !I-136p' x l 224 tiaiis:is, ii I 4 ;L'l Plull i -- ..1 803 o.;it 45a• 1 Sstattr . . it. ' 2 ' • .'I 21 9 " 832 ' - 'ion I pretty shar pman, wit, r•SO ' - 36 e 1 i 't 459 '1 , ,-, t led at the libop of J. & t 11611445k Y- il 41 ! "! " 8 " f •./ ' 1 to look at sometoves. l Aaoyras ...... w 522 ..1 588 1 224 . . . • h aI. ~ . ,t. 1.--. , ;Ar;;.-6110 fil 606 .. .255 dickering, ean . ' reit l l ' 6 rte ',I 61 - aatil 646 " 1 816 , -)ngld a - itoTa- - for $ 2 lairtaatielk...ii 65 •“I 65 7 "; 343. ;.., it in the morning. Liotitenville .. ;75 "f 745 si '425 ~ ,s ' ', • ligastar....... 4 $ 3O "I szt. .. . ix* -.. ii"" It r- B. a bun. i ,„orryin e ., 9 920 141 goo ~ oso 4 6 &nal Bank of Bost 4.- .14as11/0n....;!.1000'..,1 942 ." 600 ", 48noney, in chanti t'antna..„.... 90M " 1 1003 .. 616 "' ' 44the ' slotP note i • AnEvop • 4,1125 '4llO --• --- ~!1 laltii..--1„14267,-..,-m2i4-44--,f66* a not been os ,Colotublala 2. 12;i5i31 , 11;6 ..; .d 845 ,'''- 'I - '''', lll r,, ,_, I ' Ilan .4....... II 122 "'l2:l2a' 72 'F' 7 i TT 1) 74.. JA 1T..- .N. Brigliton.. I 217 4 ' - " 8 0 8 ; „,oldo C. Bart, Zoeheatbr .... '. 225 "' 125 " Fi2o .. t o aid,Vale? - . • - ..... - . 77--- -._•••,--_-,,----,-- "--------••- II so or Darlington, this e minty, were I At one time it was prop l os:el to put Quay for- - 1 ward as the eantAidate of those Who ;opposed XrieleUd Pittsburg Ospreys Taal') li t afe s ,N ow . to, jail bY , Justice Edgar'''. The ) - Democratic - • - Cameron, and :senators :ma 'cep e ainia lit 4:05 p.m., *arrives in Pitteburg at' . ;lost them Is for taking an,tl carrying e:46 p.ea. Returtring leaves Vittsbunt - at 6:oo.reseniativem fell tin with. the movement, and a uphe nighti of the . 16th, ftinn the I '+reilii to elect hitr, but be wisely declined to • . J 44., arrives id Nen{ Castle at B:66ant "lt. Ir, 11.,„ Island -ls (in Ibe a eantlidate. believing that as an honorable . New qutte and Pittsburg Accents/iodation i ii• n a""'' -4r ''' ` tr)ll ‘ t _. • a .00 a.m., arrives ,•s•' Train leaVes Veer entitle t'' 7- ' t l'" • man he was hound by the party nomination. Til he. , atount „token 10 abou - i • Ger. Curtin conZuctea .himself nobly' is Allegheny at 9:4::t a.m. Returning leave;autl 'is nile,F,l to Lave Lee 4 carried Dr Allegheny at 6:30 p.m., arrifts in New (;ear ' ' i ktreughout. Ills, defeat apparently,didnotteost at 6:20 p.'ut. - , •,..t., I:egs', &c. j • '. • him a nismeles, uneasiness. I wo e present • .:. 'I I - .-•••-- -- , : • •- ; when the Legisittiure called upon hitn in' a bus ----__-- --___.-- - L .. -I'•F. R. Mr.EftS, Gen. Ticket it I .. . . k r , ..f eu st_.:_r,y e Et e alLe r e of , the t, dy. to •p4kN: their respecta before his departure, .INTI . ), ... . L VE. pirr• " . 4-- - ae4'itfter Dec 24, I 866. tr". , nuns`daily; Sunders elf:•' 1 1 0 "*",7 Rotso i. church of • evening, is e"it , . II -tort'. The audiene, 1 / 41 ti.c procte , l3 .ftinounted A n 'lli loner to the Eti t tP • -rsla•4 d gentlemen r u wliolladellarze • -The result ut' n., ttatie maliy rt 'destitute one ftti friends who users instru- I7L ving tine helping limid . ext ended. V., , ,M,s.—We have just raturned ,eta ei it t ; this plea., which , iron) n quiet rvlrtimlel , tvco years ago.has grown: , t:/e a tes'i'vritle-awake, live town. New i•va tered" over the broad level acres airFc'eiqMiiatid,souie very heavy iinprove om are e:;firi.,ed to. go forward in the Rice: a contractor, ie on ''.e ;rolir.?l, and en thirty diys' notice 'n , tilwelliugi:and have them ready for oncu retiple there a Literary 15n - :c , i•FforistMn i. where bothseies take part in '.e , ocas.,ien:Of all subjects, moral, ta‘rtkial. • • 4 !` . • • 4 - rEvcry Parent haring a child to ecttioate )ould m.ti flea ei l reular of the state Normal , Goof. Its' 4idraitages are Baia • to be wig3r "sed. For circulars addresa the Principle, .Cooper, Edinboro, :Erie ecnintyPa. Tiara.—On Friday 'after -3711 frieihe train on the Pktte l , Ft.:W. tk. C. it. it. WAYiutssing between - lCots Bright neuter efotion, on% et - - the rails , on the 't.y.irlitrpt t'Wein,,ttnil jtbrew BIZ of the are off the tiitele.. It was- tmuntlnme.nr four 104 btfore'nmtters e:ere . riihted, and he 4.... ". time pine a number of othet trains were tecome to it hnftnntil the track WAS r ut Ileyond.etlint, lithe ,or ri.S damage ",rs dPn6 to the train. • Cos ukt. - §uoot. :Nlovr.tater.-.'-tourtng the et-1 " of thit 'Coacher's 6aunty ' Institute, at i;etlom, the , ill,lect of Normal soltoolgtitnnd the deintmi for Vile in our Normal Dist ridt i k Iff a 8 i Amount of deb i t less cash in t; - .., ___ _ . c osePti,tetth e close of which it was on 'no- f trtapury ' .1 6 4 2,543020,172 0 4 r •Vrt , o . be f i "'t bat'a committee of three per- i i:ot be sppointel, whose' business it shall hal -!'"Dater hit}, similar c ortntiiien's in Alieg"" NT w VI l'u,i Ilutlet etyabtles, in refer - env° to the time f At t .. e . ill izd pllce fur the establishment of such n• i Th°mAls M. , nitno. - - On Tuesdatl .. Ile follouiti pcnions Lacs been fimmint ed, Bri,dgewater; li ' .-- fiss, 11. P..Losiary. ileurert 8. J.Crosi, ( f ems well kngti . p=. a nfil'apt:tieorge S. Barker, New ! Aieni Jl . l l 4 17 ~ 1 1411. • . ill; Rtso. Co. Sol,'t. 1_1: E,, u...z I . ,;•1, • p ^- • l'' ' , 4.- ' - '' . 4%' 1 4 .„ ~..,,,,i iiiii„ l l. l ~ •..z.ur tiireeriaser 1 -- o 1_ .9 , - • . c - I ....... 77.7 121 “,r..ii Ysi , Ott 1 -4 1 " 1 ~..._.1 7 e. 12 41 44 •_ .rA, r"..itle4i y101'1454 twas-bape- I Abwet t!Otas weeks ago,hs ; l 1 tiezltat lwasMrighwrosistert y j r, suld r ef- ksztrai tinufetilattl t,r ail- is -ohe from.Dir,„Etii e of New ..kirigh.= . Edgar bid - tuit.'trititi's'imiitl dr, lelitt4T erred)t!..ii: t imuk,:ikiviogistj , ytroDAtt: rtrueltatteriitetitUfirl of weeks—Dr.:Mtkianey -ant dutittz Iproisilie HUM *II, ii/d Vit: Shell ini- I • pro,#s that he bid ttritight.Let ia , West I tia. At this `stage of ithe - Preisidings, a doubt arose satemhsther-tbe animal in ,1 Jon Was realie:the_:Vti ' ...MCI _had. boei fen. Theso4oubtabeesin fratheretrength mid ALA a. reference . to , be man who had mined thOuireirbitattlelioetor bad formerly . ' . otiiiieN;--ho declared that be did not. think it' . wait tllVeante. ' - • - • • 4.- . IN.,,..thiniatte.r waiihtiti finally cornpromiseThy the Doctor hiving thruutri; whit:the . premise that if upon fuither sintn)r.atio3 she preset), -te be tbe.etolon'aniutal; the. Doctor was not to pay anything What. ma es the matter more ielagular is that . spoe, thelfirst apiSearSno,:e of 1 the animal, every one thought that there could [heitio doubt ~of the idevitk --- Sttmitut the Doc ! for rimed is getting the Other 11100, he will hare a - very eseellent 'Soli, i:.f . matches. _ . 1 . 11. 1. Emal t •I :. .1 .7 1 able Ilitii gray que A Losto.l beautiful younil beirese, living* tie westeim part of this soun ty, whole father had *fertaddenthe addresses of her ievor,(lt young genlierann ft'ori Canton) went out talnilit . the 'wither morning; but in. stead of doing that f , threw dery the , bicket, • -•:h went 1 3 Re l .. jettnped into a sleigh in NY ling -vicinity, .1 tee against4him backed by the }patronage of l i an d i equ i r •pmeqls ,di, . _ to Smith's Ferry , 3'a'.; ore' the knot was ! the Governor elect,and-in the end Only beaten ir hasti gio n - i s i !, re in] by two votes, is worth almost as moth as 'sue : . tit& Ma Won It •sr rittelseesl heme--Athe'fat her ; unanimonhir ad )pted. w . la ' disin iAir. , ilia, while, why Mery was so ; cess. _Ai the writeehnows, tiney's onlypbject . rr. 1 ~,i , th t. „, Icut, was to aid Gitlin , anti iF - WaS his making that ;IWO te• 1- teicimAking. ~ The beautiful heiress went i fact too prominent that defeated him. 'lt is I Committee vOnirttlqlSlT with a milk pail, ant lama liack with a bus- t said it was not Untiltifter a bitter perkenal ; N e b ras k A . i te nj tt io.olr w .. 1 1.141 band te! - -;;Vew Lis?oli Buzle*e Siam :- i encounter with Cameron himself , in which hee l rnimvion by - Cotikitoil • -positively told the old chief he could and would t• iae Btittee 'fled Pal :WQ goggisi.--:3l 2 .Thtiredly morning , Captain; tie elected in spite of, Isim,• that his defeat , t oft ; seas determined upon. expree". to . ,the iliegtsle Jon-Tiepedd Waswelieved of the burden 1 This contest will long lee rem em ber e d by : States thelir eenilideni h twenty-file itundraddellcze; with Very little - the politicians ; of the State few its . etfort on his pqt. Be bad drawn the money.} the energies put forth on both ant es, and Ihe fierenen• desire tbn:t. tie eels of I Congresi 'iriii:i-..)be :prr., l from the bank l'or boat purposes. ,and put it in , faithlessness ,of men to 'their pledges. ;Ai ;,, ~ Li ..! . _ et-- ' i was to be (spected, inner places in the house • 'J.) them , P' 4 t ." ~..6 '" 4 ”?"' kis oyorcoat pocket, w!till he throw ovor . eitalitbask, wiiilethe tule::: breakfast at his 1 t•fiinds of , ocil . ti • i• were disposed of to secure victory, and the lop . on-the true , isreuttd•Tef Quay were ;assigned back seats:- altmen et pr istuned mother-in-laws,li• Bad n, with. the fatuity, 'Quay was not appo:uted to his former, place—i and the additcart. of a tion Of Indt.pe tlen4o. ""stranger tl ia t, was I otie . he filled so alliy—as he.siMuld have ,be e n. 1 , .gii 3 „l 6 -M , t i t t t hig • '• But to-dav he is• the recoznized leader of the i.- ; •;z- • t Within their gates." ' aid stranger•.*o4.• in I - House in mint of abili6• - sind'poptiarity.,-; olbse tjuarters'with the 4:o7excoa.t., and,leTt very ; -gre]tpi t ate l t_tto eititlntry Your Itepresentntlie lost nothing by treteat.i grow 1 ,11 anti Piingr 4ll !• shortly sifter' accepting Itte ;hospitalities of the 1 beeacse, under any other eir'eum%tanees defortt 1 patriot ief P.if..ti t tljnentA w unlit have -been imptissible.. Although this ; house. Butwhen the Crietaitt came to look for , Union,' eridt!ne , .l in . . virtually settled the tionitorial question, yet •• e i ct ,ti mol l an d 1,1(1*A iv his money, i t had also dtparteil. 'iliest:.mtg . ,2r • hopes; were enteilaieed that Cameron conld t , ..' - - • i ,i took the curs for Freedom', and thence walkod :• - atili be defeated. Stephens sad tit ow whit?! tue... 111 "?.." p.a •tYa d 4 leisurely along the rail road track, but nn fur : - ; _joined with Cameron to deteztt tblay,beliviieg - , B ' l -efttlei-I.'i - c'evi kftk ,` 3 ther trace of him has beat ilisceyercd. • Ctirtin was the lell . d:ng conditiate,. now united' . -iienuil,cll, that 11!"! . :t1'- , 4 - In r pi , WTICIL—One day this week,. ii : iilii,ris,, business nassuspended entirely, + " 1 e-I:oro,t1 vO.ttstr.i • Cos feit! 311 ,‘• ;,.1 1 Ifg, 4 1 017 i IMIZI Mill BM county completed thew', sesSion .this place on Saturday lam.. • q continueg tvlo weeks They transacted there.trlness thig iear . in a much shorter time th!arrtistial744 those. who were brought int.fyhkikite'ss conk: with them during their sitting, ipeak in the em terms 4 of their accuracy anil busness • I I 1. 4 AD.IOT-TILINED CUUtt:—Adjouimeil Clihrt be-. • gins at ibis place to-Flay (the 23d.) •Up to the . time et 4;3 r going O c press, his honor, •Judge Achesen,:had not arrived. , lie has bien quite ill fiw the last feW ytesks, but thought - ; a shart t 'dm° ago that his 'liLith stitte:tnt)y •- I - restored to be presrtfto-day. there I fs quite t nn amount of business on the .dechet..rtanil hut t little of it 'can he 4tende.d. to: in the t'abs'ence Of the law judge. 1 I . • .1 •• • 1 —News jest recelrod info:7as "us ;that! his illonor Judge .Iteliesori, will certainly be het, tolaehl the Adjoted Count Ao-day:, THE POBLIC The folloWing isla ; statentent of : the. public debt of-the I. 7 .nitedi Seates on, the rst. of Janus ' rv, 130 : - Debt hearing coin- interest. 6 per cent. bonds $.198.001,360 00 tlpi• et. konds . of., 67 arfil '6B 16,703,441 00 0 per cent;.bondslEtt3l. V3,740,3:30 00 6 - per cent: five-tsienty bonds R 91,125.100 00 • 4 Nary pension fund 11;750,000 op Debt being eurieney in terest at per cent Compound interest notes: Three Tears. 7 340 • ~~'Cotal..r:. Matured:debt. not pm:tinted for paYotent,,,f Debt hearing. ,nn interest— U. S. N0ie5:,..1., Evictions:l currency..... _ Gold eertificat*Wil . " deposit.. - 1 1- Total • • $425,0 t),334 82 Total debt' t S" 675 052, 505 43 •• • - Amount in treasury in coin.. $07,341,t36"‘ 75 Amt in treainry in currency - 33,8f , 54165 64 Tots!' E!Eil ME ---.- : the,politiciank who throged the 'city tio'roted ; a very shirp nose,call thenselves' to the' ieterests or their feiVoilte ; 11. lieFitwick,fintl wished ; candidltes. - Alith n large number this deco- . , i After a good ' deal Of Ilion conststeu - in loud talking, iweering and sec. Made ..,a deal—be , al'inllrrig• •• -.-- -- • ' ,and said he would.call..4 . There was never a throe after the election of Speaker that Cameron could have been detekt. In. paying for the steVe, i ed, Whilst der' in had the positive pledge of , a red-dollar tfote on -th e 1 m ajOrity of tho ilepitblionn memberi of the n. Isaac garebim 77. i ; Legislature, and more quart that, maay mew- ' $ , ' bers were instructed for him, and while it was and /2°7 finds o u t' admitted be wonid receive piaety-nine mit of isle couitte4eit-, The every hundred votes in' the : Stete, could the a tsar.. : ~--, :. ..., .1, SOLECtIQII be risfeireskt t o the•ProP l4o - 'Tilt Aloe itt.,_ tsar. • - -.. - Leempidentio . nit' avelleCtetbieg - Ceeeerea.l* 1 --On the iith 'inst., en +, ilactel,andlt iilinialeiriiiiiTrhindo,bi - iMT i mai, a raviusfert, Geo. ro . p/....saant a ! sereili tably 'aid . faithfully, and in ~. ste w of title it will do no r good to dwell upon ,tine Vaughon,liviug in by - ., one .. I ' - . . Total I ' . , PIED: ' 1 -> . iti co i r. to:, ,, P se a ; 2 J B an; e a a r r t 1r) , 1567, t... . ,1 ~ ....„ • I , . Lii?ta itist-i ALL ISLANCHAZD, 01 gad 50 yert. •!ilr. Blanchard .. • • to our 'Community 'as Tickat ,heater, t 4 the P. Ft. ' V. & C"... I=sl -•--. m. 4 'ILURIAZINtIn t riVAig UST: . 7" Ar 4 brerkir i* NOttbat 111 01k 1 F44 intileetioireflh dtell Ststeilhotiteilst . perhaps li eA l eYr t i 1 4* f r. e l illi e* t ei,V be uniniereitbig.: hit yoir Itorubilr g 1 Ithibeett the serene of ~ istense oicittmentiince tioc+l oo _4_ ilei&re of 94,, m Loitoi, 'um. The szettetneateommenced With the ntsed Te ' Pt 7 4rea 404 _bets" sA,` titk - teilliftur% dare war,bar 17r potitician in the State who did not *teak the'kpealgertiltip to Celt Qdii t 'ef 7 anFa s l l *7- We was popular- with' the old members, and I was admitted all hands to be the most ea- Pablo of this sspirints far that position. As OhafrmattA Ways and Means of the last' 110 V -Se; he won for himself a State,reputation :or oapaelty. industry and met as it leader.-- ~iltitit. Snturday berets the totatrettion t i.bete I was no organised.opposition' *artily, of the name. Thera were three er four aspirants,but they: could not muster more than a dosen Sup porters • in all, whilst Quay had about fifty pledged to him. ' At - first it was di.termined not to contest with him at all; but the leader. Of the Apposi tion saw, as he thought, danger to Himself in this, and determined otherwise. CombinatiOns were speedily 'Made:, pieces promised, to the 1 other candidates to induce them to withdraw—.l WO4ll being promised the ChairmanshiP eft' the Committee of Ways and Means; Nt'Creary,' l AdjutattOenered; and satisfactory cotaidera tions being- offered to others. until, in two' days before the caucus quite a formidable position wits discarerelin John P. Glees, who for four years has been successfully re elected member from Allegheny county: -' On . Monday, the •contest began an earnest s end !nett a con test has never ;been witnessed itt• this State before. loth parties were sanguine until about 'A P. L., when Quay's friends diseovered they were in a minority•of two and. yielded To have contested single-handed against Gape aspirants fot United" States,Seitator, who . tis speech upon that occasion was moat beau- eAt , a t , 'sn e hinennniin t itior t i •ne ttful, touching arid eloquent. Certainly as a (Neat : exped i ent, . • i 41, 1 054 t i t speaker be lies few equals. lie left initucall- , , ~ i _. ~ ..1 ~.,_ Bht.ii bb ~ u ntattra, cut vt nteiy for Philadelphia, where he will remain:' wi ix a tov weeks, ant then return to Bellfonte,his..Money and le 7 bal tender. :Auld 11 old home. to Ike . until the peop'e again call I be used only in eathange ,fur i upon labia to serve them ivoine othercapiteity. . ks governor he.dial more for Penniylvania-- i -bond. bal. k issiteEi and fn - purebartes c mac/Wit of Ull more to advance her prosperity and greatness, ; lio nedessitr t t the and more fait her citizens, than any of Lis pre-. = a r decessom lie hate left monnmeut s that will tent of thiriutet :plaits pdrpetuate his name and fame through all of nationalt , l7 tat'_ pu 3 - onto. l • th e treasur i ;awl bf , Without Governor'. Curtin, how could we a e i rati p at i at q a - i wary r have passed,as we slid;through years of war, a 4 oat arel:lna! I prutec and bow would ouribrave soldiers have fared. , ,-a „,. a • WI 'le a soldier, or a soldier's friend, lives to ismdel• -A LP , " it ,WPM speak, or read, the history of the late war.), within thirty .'notei his name will he spoken with gratitude, and tame i in I.V "..., .wh his deeds with praise. Ills defeat has only , tin 89,f namnata a ea endeared himio the peoplo,and will, 1 believe, '•elary ent tlii , •in in the end result in greater honor and prefer- . P . res 1 , . ment. The members from year district all Cullal l iam, ty 1 lc to.°•11 stood by him thoughout. , prooortiorinte airnolunt of Unite Col. Taylor, in the Senate, atilt:l;ls closely : •bond's depOsited; tat eveurity to business,and,giN es promise of taking a high stand in that body. It is, thought a The he; t.iontni4 • other - Pr "f etal !It. t' f • ' ' ' s " IC " 1 iil 1140111,9.' al ela railroad law will be enacted, although there . ,„". , ' nt' is some doubt about it. s ' Tha L tier-a ary of the freft, I fear tt,bill to . prevent the use of crude oil ney 13,eneial, i'77 . 6' , Cli tury of she will be passed in some shape. The are busy, and out side of, Beaver county r e finers ' Trel surer anti en nptrolleT of there', reno!y, are appoi ited Coma will not he much apprehension of ouch a law. ..,.,. the. 6 . 1 . . 1,, , and by Doubtless your readers have all had an ae- ."` li , t ll Itt ~, count of the scenes of the . inain f oratimi, 1 whose duty ttshit I he • to. rest Goy. Geary has now fairly entered upon the Ill,t SeerOttry all )oll , is and 's discharge of his duties. Ile is a man who ' rinnLes oil debt ' ureitneed, atearts•Trell.andochon moires it is generally .1 scum p tb'ont and receive ti conceded lead bite in the right direction, and . accilaint , itpon th m till,thei although not a great statesmen, yetmf decided I opitiens. For a resent conyert,bia inaugural i ty, raid in torost t lie invests had the right, round, and lhave little fear of., or other interest hearing d , ; his proving recreant te- ate party that elected IT t ilted Stntes ant be,,torno i hint. A SPECTATOR. I sinking fund. $1 , 400,41/9, 741 90. $111.022,060 00 144,90'1,840 00 676,855,G00 00 —A horiible intirder was committed near Valparaiso, Ind., on the night of i.he 15th. The .perfietr4lor of the deed is named Page, who killed his wife, mother-in-law, and then dangerously wounded anothei young lady*bo was i living with the murdered woman . Page and his wife bad been living apart for some time, and the latter had filed•lier petition for. , a divorce -wtren the tragedy l ocenrod. Re went to the house, stealthily, when they, were asleep, sad shot them both in their bedsrafter which be _ . 'set i the house ,on fire, bat fortunAtely the itlarmk . was given , and the _mutilated budieii taken out before th,ei - building was nonsdmed. Page bas yet bceri arrested. • • $832,379,440 OO $16,518,989 al ,:,80,407,842 00 28,732,852 32 10,442,650 00 $131,737,332 79 y. S."=—The murderer has since been ciOnred, , stid is now coo6ned in the Sall at Laporte, Indiana, some 20 : iniiiis distant from the.scene of the tra„,--r•ed7.• !; - ''• - - BRII EMEI ElSi ;;t0m_,,,......_,4 Inf ie 7." -- : '-'-' - --t, WO al la' ol.•''. . , • * - 4 4; . ~ 24,, 4feet . iag in rtaiktll4: - L' " ',li, rtii 1 - ' t• k lik4d.Pf_ikiettr al ief' York . : , ifisivii* it t: ' , Siala Union Nati4cal:C4iniii , i, es matef&r. l n :ivant to adjpurtml"'l4;', addit4o4 t o 'time Olson% ye s Mar ere >prevail. Kireely;'-cit ife VP; 16 4; : d at*hitiail, of Arkinlituii - Th - e Tell ig pieiiiiihre 'and resolutions •Neketi' • almouely. A dopy& rI , , , • Wirsaitit;rl l 4 ,.. , , • —l4 the Preeident, of, ,thimitt* , .47en.erous confidence Placidi Jai ' Its= high trust bee brOughtltire ' , omit Uu . ilti I Party into a new find u , ; d positicin pu 1, 1" at a time otigt•clt.rilt• tieliicirerty. taunt, • thereby caliplg f 4. ie eicoreise of the - great'Fat Tiane ,-,-: , mcii, n and I patriotism on the part ': t osii whi o would uphold tliii i :prini P lid fills.. I tale the messuyes whit I, carried the ilatioil ihroug I ate_ lir; eeffore, I Resolve; ITbat Ii be 1g Oen e ;Com in' tie. Itedireerad and - rid& ,ed to Make 'a to.onglilergedizati for the ek future to , con fi rm ttte !ince 4t the Flat, !ad Ai) fiCerire tb frill or 'Our .1. fairly Teri" triumph's, a d ffir st,pur • pose they may rtabl 411 tt r head quarters iii , the ei y tit Div : lc. ap , .. point a SetTstaryi ainfetich ' hi l t...ante as they 4 na7 deein. proper.lsh oiake such other tneastlrea Its may b mess- J Peary to gire py effecc : to Lbw roe° Rm. - i Resolved ,( The mil, b.sri " , the union anuo. la o i ery rt of tt goon. try be requested ts, (.. i f reqpo with •this_ Cciirimittee' by:' Mires its I s Chairman it the 4) . eetlq, , utters. Ititid Committee; -trig:Ltrifortitatiol 5. , i o the state of iiiitsi 4 - 11.1 Ireif sort :o calitles, trti It Ili ev - gerltrid •to Lien . , , . ...... Union i and tt rop . t . oalenl . nt lon tt - 1:6:1 of ' . groito) . ,);iti . ii:o", 24S s io 'w th irl o g p ti l e a s a cri o b t i tt oLt i ,IA ly o l . o , t a •- n 4 d 7, ,, ea el a t e. tiress :it:, the n 1 ile,At 1 dav eo , t , lti dteur r h.lboundedLon tswing .03th,.ett e(hleir is Whit 114 tßitin in te 4 t t .. 1 p n ti, ' natlr) b y .9l,• u ß,.. iii kitill id e, st e r t e r: t e . t• sout t t b y vrui r i Le k te!rt a large . two-story frame hou4e with i •. i . • IseenriLyi, ataelut nun tdi -. trnpulsto it hs t :oment, let eneltoied and - - T-Citl.l6--'-Olot-thirtl of .the pastimes money vepgt,ttnet. orl reeent teti:i, I Vso tespeetcully Etib . tt:ii7 0 COngres3- - it Inuteil li ait B h ti f i r 3 tl the:eouritry his' ali•nlnfetnr -tscrtl i:or..victioil ttot . 4it,T tujimrnetioxi-.4. abe pat on oontirrosititlit et :the sill. hy' the ~.__ _ :Ir/A equal annual payments, with intermit be s af e or. ja 3 4 erbtn. itictiit tikt.• *ell ' n ourt,: tbo i remolding' two-thirds to he pii4l iniptartuti OuTr i nge t - att , ... - iny.al i . r . - . eferred ilitymeittalo'be secuireol by hoed 40 of thosU, Stithe . ..' r ... _ , 17-4 h re?7i I.°4 " he "ifirsilatiPin .1. °Ale ;; the - The' Ootiiii tip" it , jakvised;ll26: . * , ,se. , _,..,,:.....1.,.,_•1uet.............5.t7 - • 4.. . Ildrrißandall'i Bill. ' [be requu l leii in, hoodoo lite day a iiridt" ,- . A.l ._.., ,1. 1. i 7 4 4 'i t. J. S. LITTELL, ShlLi' s til,e,pu ß .te IS 3ust iir4 nett a 1 ., '_.Sl.9l<:ips s Orrtea, .1_ --n'r•jaoltS,'67. t great deal . aid currency bin, tro j tl turioc: . l . 1 From: and l after, the tuttgige hill it fihil,bUilula,ir ul tuifidsue• riey #nY . notes Or this not aieLl b 9 Cot - 1g rose' ihttit'ic Sei:rrturi Treastfryutiiiitiried - t4‘itt.tke ;:eeciink . thkleit • - 14tudred,.'.tnilli U cited, Sta g s notit not tiCurin; r (PETROLE The oils Imsiket Fit'sburg, ras . Bl to sh for rebnofi. At Oil Cty '4.0? 'At Sinity'tf fort ' 11T , , 1. CLOCKS l ir - LILY SHWA P.A.IN Q GEC M t .: • 1 • L .' USICAL BOLE 4, •• 1 , 1 i 56 FIFTH S ET, •'. ' 1 - • , • - , • 3P1. - time - 6-11.r . 7-..pPiEL ii _ .1, Li, • I __‘ 11111-&-atinte fdr die A.merialilattob COM P an f il 7 ftele! ', ,I • , . 0,18:65:1y,.. . • _ • • . ' 'it. 7 *%..i. t.) ' t. )' • 1. 4, ...-, 1 `„; -- i, ii. •,..- -.-- I R _, l :tepee MUI, tindeisigaed would . thlA - t i lm. , fur the tublie that sifter the liteltrJal. 1 1 14 1 70.88 hit:vriliVipiiiiiiel tigivelteivatt: Ita Jetfoil' 114 i Mimi* to air. etka igai Amor with' tried? uattonage. 'Lesseitajpveitt it ''s ' ris *P. 6 , l l79Tl Pui .lll 6 pr-. 4., tr, PIP I . - -! *4 94 sibMwthier4,..ehasireaufikest '.. 1 .1..„.• 4,._____..;;.3,.. .k.'::: - i' I I' EDWARD' ASIIIISHL. ''. r A II ° l l#lg le, RAE MX s leskrleptDiiliw.' win receive prompt attention.. (dealW66.qat NEIVIROCIERFri HE •"[ MEI tbeypeople of Beaver end viehsity,' _ . G OCE R-Y - 7D the.buildierit in which his - Pend atere kept., 'TRIED - STREET. BEATER, PA., where will 6e :toted as excellent! assortment of COfFEE, MEA.s., - fivoimtiLlcur UPS: l i fcoll4ssllS, SORG Rid-S,Z . [ • - SOAP% C4IJ.DIVaS. * • . O. A; I 5115",. Blialit • '[. 0131iRiNTk1 :..0 • FIGS' do [ . - • •[,•, isids 6o ; ll lt#sidullih : Eielmi. in feet every aficele usually regtilated'qrooery Store. Ia .-- - - connectipniifitich4 GiOnery,, be still eon- ; tiitnre to keep "dein onr and Feed Eitose,..whers, the lieseartieles in this line are conittlittly kept, and 4tfersit chbap for COW sof pkoduee. 10n.6•67:1y SIA/OX SNITGER.-_- . - CO - -POTSESILIP-.VOVae.: • • int . dirs . fgned.tus ' 'in 143:ZATC1.1, CLOV•K; - . AND.47P l itgr,-- ICY PRJSI. SS, si the eorner of Broadway, and Apirle.Eltrepti; New Wigton, Pp. -Cept. Wt. Iscdisan, wh o will be one of LA part tiers. of Aim t h e future.l. Persanit ing nisi* against- •me • will:;Plesse - *resent . tliein for payment, .and tiinse`knowing them selies,indepted eaiii out deity, se tlie . tione must be closed 'hone- Aiately.J: ii Unlon lase ,. .. Solis weimi s o 11 • 4 II - I `Ttinal i 4_41,e. pelt of ~(: ) n 4 .Aleiptd.; nto the . firm tita rettp..!emy . tiste.,..ol•DbP otit'tir.d enist ,admi4siolEy Oliptiy aced titeiveJa 0144. 4cputi ,r ' i.,hi c , , n :he De[l,., TN TUE 'COURT OF COMMON PLEAS or, :BBAVER COUNTY, No. 1 . 4 Jane T., .888. r. Jons B,,itt,ow vs. William Barlow Ann War horst, Daill Thos. Ba rlow, Bother' Kenyon, Rachel - Jackson, Sarah Barnes,' John Barlciw- Thos. Smith, IWllliam, John, Sidney' and ' Jonas . Smith, Sarah • Wm. ; Pu c llen, James Pullen, Mary White head,. Rat} er Woolly, Samuel .Parkinsoni l e acina Morginson, Jane Xngham, Rachel Da•rhYshire„ Wm. . Jettathan Smith and JOnaa'SchoSeid. - 1 • Srxxows BY , iiirtuo of • an Order : of Common Pleas of Aearai. col ree,teii,i under proceedings in . ( above recited case, I will public vendue 'or oui..ory, on Nei/ ISFtrhton , o , AiIaNDA - Y February at '1) i'clo l ele A. M.. the folio, 14m:11i:tee ,un the stty . of l'iat:onstl tlirofighnut our ht.t, confilene4l esßeeiully to cR r! . dpNirousti _rest- shl.ll bto ?ecisition 1,,t1 likai'ore. 1 1 !out jy os-ma' OLTAIITERLY. STATEUENT Of The Nsttonal Ba nk' of Bea :, 1 ver - County. _ . i_t A 1315 - /MUG TITON J GB. 1.1. n, 1166 C. • , • , • 4.5.5ZT.5.-1 • ' onus and discounts' 404' "'r . -under rrot r est... 2,750 . 00 -IJ.S.W as deposited withU.S.Tress air (0 'secure oireulating ,t'otes.,. 120,000 iOO IY.S.Ronds and Securities on hand 50,000..00 Furniture and office haturea . 2,955 95 E xp ens& AccoUnt Real , Esta _ Due , by ba 1'C0in.....:. Legal Ten ar - notes, bank notes checks EZIM his the Icx- er— say five fat ° I'• • Capitallstc!ck $150,000 00 Nsitipnal circulation • - L 87,770 00 Circultikion Wk Beaver Cu., 155.00" • biciderkles Ainpaid 6,98587 • ' Contingent - funtl 7,000 00 Due Depositors: ...... 1 160,667 - 98 • • Discocatt,exclattngfi ineist. 897 79 ere said und canr '4.certify that the abol of the Quarterly returrO troller of the currency. • I. • • • Enw tbe .l .1.9614 referJ tVI ttor- tcrior, e Cur ion bill, ; MEIM evi opory ntoren4! atnri-1 n bonds of,the t of tho, GB AND CL 1B oats Ea= Ai Ed week in tiring . The 4 caper for cruse. barrel 2.25. - En LER* IN \I N b.@~i ` R~, ' . _ ~. JEW oro, ic. M " $413,426 'l4 • at is a true abstruot is.. sent to the Comp . : Efoorsi:Cash:y. (4~Tt A. • 140 W IS T a TIME FOR ; JEiciEt : 0 SING cirr • I:ad. Shoes AVER , IN B - . , .7 7 • . s • i IV ILSON & DICKEY C'OUL'D BESPECT- - ` T 7 folly inforni the. publ.l 'in genorni of , their intention io'l close,. out ""their entsaeiva atoOlk.of . Fall and !note? Boots and, fthoes, to prepare fors Spring Stock, cOneinting.of ' .. .'t t . ... ladies. Gent'sj Boy ' s and Childish's . . 1 , Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &e., . at foot, or below eolt,' ss eep up tbeftrade,•tand tbat actiouiof our ouototeergil-- which will be sold we are bound to 16 to the entire elitist! dtt goodi irattante 'UT do WILSOIC; .8 DoomEaat II IS. 144craon's Staya. esie Bi, Pa , ' EMU -HAND) PIANOS, Ybat.bays lofty for teichiog. for 011 e, R. T. I.kTL9R. WO BY.PYS. 'bon , s4•O c ..• UM . WI = 0:01 _ ' • •,>,_ • • • • ;. • . „IN rrifiii*re; - and apt in s ' 09T -prices ho favo*ul tell OtNitis OF evir -Cl}ea per I MI tbe• Court of• Unty, to •me di= partitioir . iri the xpose to sale at he premiss", in , . . . 'Bw M ron usli B,torichod do ,G,Oori , • ;• 15ih.:1867; - de• ibea , ' F'ants St] Checks' Gingha - Prints, r. Canton!, -; '.-Rtta &ix, Ttimmtli - Rp'ho . ,9 l gill)ner; c .c et -71 27 S 5 1,500: 00 47,758 62 *1,995 23 .67,42 a 59 Tlie .L Gove , 'liLicos "than: , Ihe73 .can i • I. • $418 ; 426: 14 ‘R.. 'Ni'lLsob! 13as 1 111 FE RO I dpme you =I , k •r 4 RE ~;;.~; al‘,,c, - . 4r, 1• ; ., - MIN CZ • .. _.?* " E i . • jztrtetn.p.._ , . . • • 1. 1 _ ~. -~ t ~ ~~~-. 111111 f v4 -Va - - ....., • v, ;SLiR, - • , • - • 1., :i•I ;4•,) • -*. 4 • - I - .-• t - \ ___ •' ' J ,`" I O,OIIIIIBI9CLi . • :: i . :7 _%'• _.•-•,..,•,:--, • : .1.-:...-,......:.... - . 1 i-: - . . ~ , . ,„- I--- --- __]*_ . ,e' - - i • '1 IV )6itimisif-s'All witty a _ iicall.. 1- 1 1 , • , 1 lIMMI lON Li, Dm NEE 111 ■ ■ r , t I • soli than eyet.i ME® EM 12 1.2 12 1-2 a 16 • • ; CZ =1 , ianrielo, • t • eltorii'Flattnels; Bs, l iToia figefp. Riots Hata ah Skirts, do 1 Shoes, Caps, gs, 1 Goods, , etc , ' prices of 'Abe 'a— . wo warraO•less me . class of Gob& tit for west of the * 7 tr. 1 Goods in Areas iety, va, reli t ("'obu h Merinos, gg, p.es, F - 1 i Caslimeres, 1 A te. ete., i etc., I , heap' than ever t ' i f..i . i x 1 1 , , • nkett and B/ankrt Shatv.s, ( t gre a t bargains. • emomber the . place; - . / 33 IN- TO 'DIA M.9ND, • , • f, ir ever'xbody, and ' SSA ler 'selves before purda ing. ouBL to ,SHOW GOODS. NOT t 8 TRE: Ti? err EU • l ' . . 4 _ lltstopt - - :• ;4 1 24:1 . • Ci• 4- 7 V {" • `,;;;;17;9.,.V . :.54.:y `->f -- • ^-• ! IF'. .1 .. 1 . 11 K: <a►ctsaeF:ae„ •; - i ~~n~i to, "' ; - 7'4. , r: r) c i " , t - , ‘• • •-•-• atd,trirszwr-ntor*Aitt-'; , • - - Ass • Haute turaistitni ktiolres Getter lir. Akio, n ginilnaigliMiwteni! el 341 ri ^4! 4 %, 1 7 . 1T 4 )* - „ • i dig .7: 1 1 -4 4 *.teal 7 ' 00; ,!s*l?Di..knir.-' • 'antrikE.Nuirß _I 1- • • able , 1 EM Si 'T MEM IMMO i.oetikr I ;C2 , 7 r `TAIST-Z550: 1 'l,Eitt 7174.0/20.2 AOM . • , IRON, SAHA GLASS: 4" 4 •, J!,oollath Briaptit ant .7 abbillit *hie orgoi. r fi. 16 17 -441 : 4f II r IPERRS"‘": ' ~ . , ' • :.-:."..tWee Sale of .itealEitatir, f'. lit . i c..-:, - -.-7 , .4%.• ...,a- i - ' - et - :;- .7 :4V.f4i3' ' ,;. 11 d. F iirtas of is ii,uthoildtolialalaed la tie i ' 1 -i • lalkwill_at -Wityita ' rlttaltk' . 4aoes s aft4 . 1 . , l' , , ~.1 ,;.. aadiirailoodregrtelt at y tuldick veadtte;*o! .;.-. ~, ! s i ; 1 4i -3 4*„.0 3 alieitPSikeVolk : - 'i •-' . ' • .. 'sift:it • : 1' • ,' • 1 at 11 (cloak A. If., the vat WO fkrta ct-', J ' to Darlington. township. - er settnty;;Pa.,..l.`', ~., . 1 1. . `'-'. * estaiii of the 'aid Willi ittain,dire'd.: I' ,- '-- q and pa which Immix* at e Aim, et ititi :' • ...1, , \ , ir Aiiineim. laioinulsll644:if lick-4 0 14m: - . .4m l }). _., - . • '!'i \ • iiiirtkilii. J. S f itins t onaikla l / 4 0 4-Atlt " .;".' Ciughey °albs west, 'and it 1 .'' Willa in - n , -, , , ' . • Entail donna/sing 46 acdrs; all under fetica,-6, i 4 - •?r . - Mama 80 esreiresoellent bottom laadoslearek . . the Wane* good Lad,. with,* 3 .Test voin-et; 1 easlntidernesth. Iliroveilents,,a, good twat_ -, - , • •-• • story tsp** hopie, - ,f1; 1 444 . Jbutioa - jifitK...,. •• - %'"T, is wash - house and other out •huildiatej rjenty 1 _ -. '; - of good, naver.-faltini water at tif ,omt lad r... • • , in the barn c ard, and a geed bearing oroltarldl' " . 7 • . • be premises.' Said farm is within oatt, 4 ,, ~ iiiilf mil*" of Darlington, abhut two miles:frois New Galilee Station,,on;t3e P. FL W. & ft. 1 Railroad, with' sehckds,'obare!lep t , Filk.alliiira itatv mills all convenient. " • ‘ ; - TERMS--Tne-tlftim of pnrabase money is -4, hand on oonfirmation-of late by j the_ eeert; „_ . ,', ' balance in two equal,.annnel payment*from 'f that date: with' irktinfestf*iiiiereoni,froin empul ~ _ • '' V I, -' 4... data; t• be eocared by bond and mortgage. '• ! ', ' t• For.furthir information,inquira of U. ilieet4:, rm., Beaver. Pa.,. or the 1131141014111 d. ;Svc ; ~. - Drighton,Pa-. -40 3EVIIUDittriat!:-- ; i KV'. of the last will of Wildkyltlaht, deed. if j0u1e:67.1 I- '" ' 1 1. 4- • *-"- , '.• MI BS 10'cia i AOIOURNED SALE OF vALtholLe. i- REAL Wait AT.' ORPHANW . f • 1 - COURT.O3Atit- 7 ,7z , , . .I• . - 1 . 13) 1! ~. s i t C t is til a. ; I. :R *1 1; 11' n ' t re :4 111 : 1 ; a I Icii 4 i t r7 P ; 0 9 i t t t41 : 4 : 41 : ; 5 11P A: : 1 1: :,' 1 of theyeal %State of,Rebe4ies. Ilitivenoti;4oo,,=" - - - -i:' ender proceedings in partition .if ei.ltr. roil, 4 -: '',..• , estoti, will, !upon to' sale by puliiin reeds+ " . er out-cry, at - the Alourt.House in Beaver, on • I A S ,i_rEsll.4l Y Februati Aapiii-4 1 114ii- , ---; ' rem estate;struAr.-.—.... - ! -... State of Pennolionio, viz: . - 1 , --..--,•,...„ No. 1. •Academy lot No. 2S,lii Ilitroughl tit a• Ontaining shoat S sods, tibodrldedbY thir hie of e , thlteserre.trset, lot INO. W. GoOlgetreSit7 . - lies, &c., all cleared • ajid " un4er team id;? . which are erected the mansion. - house at - _ 4*4 • . ceoesd ; a large two story brielidwalliugorith,": 8 rooms and- hall ; frautakitchert ottached;-f a good eellsr, underneath Ole : Iwiutk• hckise tl a good cistern tindetneath the kitchen.. •Altai, 5 '• frame dwelling house (tWo Stories) ittaehetli „ - - I with four rooms ; %large frametank borO 4 _-, ! (atone basement) 60 by 40 tent, with stabliiiC 1 underneath—all well finished; a brick. emu • , • house, coal houserind bOggy house ab- 14 :4 1 , 1 '.l twittery frame tenant , tinny; astable; sheep house, and other outbuildings. The tetdidlrigal • i end improvements in 'good order. - A gate orchard on the premito;itaid preutires-bchtg,33 idesignged is piipart "A" in the'plotoecoa- - • partying the return of tea ithittestistalting per , i. tition as aforesaid. 1• ! . No. 2. -A tra'et, of land in Brighton ien , it::- ship, bounded south byithe dila river, west, ~ by land of Hugh Anderson, north east by M4i - i tract or parcel No. 8,; ne=t herecntsfter, ,',/te , • ': scribed, contalnnglTY tares •u0: 75 reeel!e& About SO - Ores cleared and WI inet 964_0 cultivation. balance well tireheret4z-tpremloan,',l t - ,!, well watered; designattesinsitibrfntrt,- "Jr air;:..t h = it, return of the increstofirehaid: `.- - i l. ' ; ''. .' : , --•1 i c, • Nb. 8. A tract of ;laid lit'ilialowtiolii# I oforisaid, bounded north bilinsliFit - ,:iv i wr--- 1 'i _ Laurie and 'riot s ct 4; - krrstristoir daiiievinsti - , .. 1 east by Acadeniy lots, Ae4riysiouth by _laiSti_zof ,I , •i - I Power and others; " sad wait by Wind No. - 2, , '- - , , .i 1 t above described: iontainisigl24 iserehAtlN- ' I -,., perehee. Aleut -SO inns Idearitd, st-lw geed state of ciillivattod l* bylaws Well ‘,:tir, .. 1"1 'fie bared, • welt watered, a good bearing apple or!" • .1. -0 11 Fi - ' chard on the premisee,,sudin - whielt rouge;ill lir, .e 4 q 4 , ' . RR.. ed a troth° hay rouge; designated as Priers _ ,14 iik eyne... "C" In the plot-and rettlett - . Of 11 0.144. 1 .07. 0 TAte,•nia n *forest'ia . i -.-: • " . --.-. se i t i of irt No. 4. - Lot No: 04.1 in the pion A sst,-Arst , - , . • lots aforesaid, adjou' tinglando-of Petrie' :blo6(4ttliSi it vanon on the west, lends of -D. Minie, l . ;and . iiiigivireit lie alley on thelast, Zhe Bearer ond.o* to loon ti Vie . ! food on the north, and an alley ou.iii. 0. Vrisooltifai containing S te•es and 27 Pereltetti ; ( v i m th r... 04 - 4 _ . • and enclosed— & good bottom land -......„..., . , i . .. • F, , ,_ as purport "I" in the Plot and r e t••)• -4.- --:zi._ :' , - . .. , No. 6,. • Lot No: lb; in ti'''' I,' IVO i soniteig.,4 • - lots of the Boteugh Of Bride bees .,.._ , t 2... 4. . Is., ~, - a by Walnut street Water ilk' a t ProP 1 , 10 ; Ae.,being 1.80-by'SOfietienia.7a . 0 15P.5 1 0,,,, 11110 rifii l jfi bid a s purpart - "J"'initltept uirgea. aolirkat4 .• :US 4 said- ' ' / " . ,, da Y. iit 1 44 0 00.0 . , Th. • ituTskuet:Spbro;serstmylilrnoaa.,gese,otaohti o : f li ng o v e 0 ,, :r. uit:ph. 0 utlithil.. . ibtr , 6,:slitt i t??.tilioacit ...:.. to 2 miles of Betsveroq. t h e ..,_ .Yi• , Itely as oboe describe , I '•uurl , "rtt, id' Ibilltabo, eels - will be sold Tiows—Oue,-third OE' combination. . , 1 1 , to he paid upon,-ioiifitit.. i r ''-,, :.. Court, one-tkard it: 0 " llftApttrehrgis4 . traiiii, "ti t c - ~ in two yeah _ front the:lnt of griiiid 1 - - Wit' with interest dem same ,„,,, a • —, . 0 F Iff - : stelments to be secured b ''' ."tepbese 2i.- :Di t iebe " 1 : -- ,4 or ,further inforuisti ol .li,Pob4sifile the a g a i s Cosigned. - • i • - ( 4 oa - governoririOr 010 by m . AM oo 'l ; nos. C. 'OrlitiOf 10 in d th a Jour__ ", k,/e monument ' . 01r7 '", u ,brihile'• - I.Jtiiiirf,_, .. .12 _ ----- 7 -L---- th4;lllcititititili , ilfillillbfr.' .. I/ • WA...1%3 41 2' 15 , 0 W istihitialkied A6gNirglui inspois\ 4 99•o lo f*Mi_NlOS .. sb iii,o 4 o4;piasaa 1 rim liyircit bail too • i ‘ , Ati )ICitlifEßS. for Ilia earl : i ' Poorer, Loicionatand others.' ~ -- ' - - lo I ' . foroale by " JACOB ilrg :AA 'I mi t d . lig iu 4, L . 2 St , • NO ittr eip . i b bay lic.iii .i enit St: in 7- 7171. . -,.... iticiiiialtiliPat 1 • 1..... • :FOR it Abed. sivrautigiiiibt b y p„, 09 .50.4titEg i 111.4.1rk,_,P 141 . 011 -„ • vabit' ) „.liiii a notg., Ibis atoorvoso, 60nria i agod -.- go interest oi the invent. Illitibllll- in 7 *rod tbbtibst er. !olsze. Bulakinilig 4 . l ' , 411ja k -:•tit & ;„ ".. ' 'AV!" .* • .. -1 '-. , • . Ni vi l .- 4 . 46 cliQ • •.:". '.. i. ' • i n rgi, Oa lila& - "Ittickfiet Tsjit• 1 1 1 It endless janl6,'6l ,~.., i , • : DA BM 1 1 B I '~-F-~, ■ EEE - • Ell BR E i i ' I I I, E IN IN ■ M I Y,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers