El THE BEAV Deoembe 12th, 1866. LOCAL and a., 54 Fifth et., Pitts agent for the AIGUA De**. Dthall A 11, b u rgie ttie authorize i n - 64 t c:ItY• le7Britlz!l prCsept, toys, vasOfy goods of rv icrgis, at Mulb i es, Friagewiter, , i tt ,--r-Tie Deaver A adenty, natv under the t scresefOl manageme t of R. T. .T.lylc4;adver. : rises in another eolum , to open tholirst °file vesr. Lei our farmers zone come in ind fiend : h e winter in School . I'doney expended for an .etinention is always 11.investetit • ' , * DECLINks.—Rev. IL A. Biowne, State Sen ator or tie Lawrence dastrlct t rias tome time ago tendered the Prestdency-of the Westmin rtor,College, but dietnes the position'. The armies of 'Recs. W. J.ln eed, of Pittsburg, and R. B. Ewing, of Xcnit,. Ohio, are now; men tioned in connection wAth the place • I ____ L ____ Tits ,RcirNintr:Ans.:±At the re-union of the Roundhead regiment p.t. New. Castle, Pa., on thC 29th a NoTernb.tr, den. Cameron and • • Representative Liwre ce were in attendance, and both made speech s on the occasion. larßridal present/1, toys, Tariety . goods of all patterns; - titer, Pa. .PEBioNAL - , 'of - NeW 'Castle, formerly , __ t.ongress froni ibis. District, . was in (town on Thursday of ' is laft we l l ek,i :qr. IV., h -resumefA„ the .practice ~,t• t redicipo in bewr nee county , and came ,bithcrtioroa professio 'al visit. He 'rooks as s asheartylapd talks ho ,yant as when we knew him somOirelvi or fift en years ago. . Iron , Cnotaks.k.--Thl i s disease is prevailing' to-sane extent among *the . swine in this local's.-' sho ld be' en the look out lu if, and huteheri' ter it. - 'Op learn th t our townsman John caughty,:psq.i lest tvri fme.hogs last week in consequence of the disorder. * 72 ' I .uirioviteur.-,-Pas tag up street on 8 &tar dily we were agreeabl surprised at flailing a,, neat new boardyradk e tending from the resi dence of Robert Imbr e, , Esq., to the upper -Female SeMinary. I! As thi day bad been very wet, and the streets we e in a very muddy con-• I dition, we could all th better appreciate the 1 , enterprise: of Messrs. Piersol, Wilson and Bence, nada whoseusiiices "this, wall‘. bas been laid:, -•--- • _:____'.............. r the bridge over the 'eon Bridgewater! and mhauled, and th e :wag:. kre now Maid withle-ii 'hila the stockholders would'. suggest that a qat , way would uoi come i I 1 11ei'..(116i47 A BRUM s Big Beaver river, bet Rochester,:Lslieing ov: nn waispn,both sides tirely new flooring. have. their hand in c ve litt.ia attention t, t e f . 1:13671 1 1 . 7 40hu Saxton, Esti., I (tutors', nrha* is now in ,? o n 'the 'resident's ght a Week ago, from .ht, puttirigup within d five hundred ems.— li t that age living who 1 N:ETERAN PICLSTE.• of the Canton (04 I? his 7641 year, set ty 'Mes..l3 go late Mintlay n inidni tloit !ime,thre; i thdusa, Therefore hut fSw men! , • could accomplil so mu. lirtrArtri•priinerte-1 31iddleton i pf Fallston, hundred 401nrit * for the who is• suppoged tp nurdered• in the vici - , - I;rady'p lintt, •in this c rd otnthe night of the 1 AI 31YSTIMY. iraqhill l itlll3 Reporter t ha 01 , iainEd in relation to Treasurer's office in t ha le l ty - also still be sh,id of ..00aty. It I. a gieat pi seta of, : scotindrels (if rilL at large and in all punished. - rarr•B ‘ Cß.ll CoitnigitClA 14 I": it t sburg . h of to-day. The Crammer ly in Pennsylvania, and . est,aad 'most authentic.n of the Country. In this to speak of its merits, to takes and reads it•daily. .frOGF. ArIIE:SON Swoa. the WaAingtort (Pa.) ' that Judge , Achesori, of t was sWorn to discharge lipe to which he was rec llondayi preceding. r Bo were sworn in at-the as ra the regular 'business. ot, began. Sun?:Any ButinlNG . Taylor, s - ho some time Seminary building at the sad hasainee used it in Bearer Fetiale• Seminarj sgo to 11.ev. Dr. 7tieLeitn, of this place. We press the pu t . teaser is to again teparate educational pur - • z.a.isixs•rm.--The a mination of the Sttt dents Of the Beaver Feats. a Seminary and itu sical Institute- 4nunen.- this morning. (the, 12t h) ati 9 A, 31Ji and wil oont•inue 'dating - the f4renooit, and a4olto-mo ow 4 1 the forenoon. In tho ii,fternoon i of Tlitti.day thcl, *Wants of t h,e•Academy will underg a:pubilct_.etamino 1r51.. Vhe everiing the be's' :concert to .lenttaary Hall, wh'ek.will no.ilaubt be 15 ime4stitig affsir,•as e'undorsiand quite a number . of solo players • 'll be in attendatlee ql ocasion; and that the' services .of . Ist Oats vii)liniSt _have edi preellfed• lover!. of g4ol music shou d attend pad enjoy . the treat. ' •• , ; AN ErtzNszve SOAP TALLisnur. --- While in az,e, Re eallod in to see s ihio, Rho are .engaged zn a i; .09K1 artie,e of soap in t establislitnsta is near th they: mate; and get rea twejre!to bfteen ,hundre ,thiir product per week. 111,erior onslity, and is so catoa per pound cheaper t Ilsbbitt soar. The name n Moog ./t Co., and they. tr.Aaortliy gentler firditfriliiiiistrirs.stiA little bb named &Ore, employed office' in Pittsburg, sought anti 'unneeded ill making some money aiihertdine 'ago ? ! l tly tearing up and selling to a paper rifehouse, about forty volumes of the Congressional !Hobe. ilia next made a raid on the bound volunies of t ile Dia paos, which covered : a period of fourteen years, and after:tearft off the re'renifpold them for' waste piper. - As thele Werithe• on: Iy files which tie..proprietors,of the Dispatch had of their own paper, the iss to -them is one which can never be repaired. the lad was 'arrested; confetised his crime, l aid we haye no doubt will:be-severely. punished. • R ARGUS. EN cEriaithtis. ."(tosn Srogrisq."- r The Local of last week requested us-to ceppfetaft4t3ll adsi - ietutoisagl headed "Farm for Sale! We comply with th'e I _ request this , week, Int t in a corrected form,,as we are- quite tute that .Ilr...Wilam.wants bis sale to take - Pier - i Le:ferrenocin;'antl- not-at ten o'clo4 at. night, as the Local has it. Nei ther does our almanac inform us that the . 21st of DeceMber comes-on Wednesday! Friday is the 21st: The Local, If nota cheap ndvertis ing medium, is evidently a blundering one.— But as this is about as close tcl:l.he mark,as the .Local ever shoots, we would - not have pointed it ° i lk. "Were. we not desltetti e~~ieventin the from: belng mused 011 4: if it. stupidity. A COLD SNAr.,--On Monday quite a snow storm visited this locality; and on Tuesday morning we had the ocades't iveitther of Ili season—the., thermorneter standing ai . lB'ilei t greeeabovo zero. ThrlutL;mi the 44,.ye5- : terday it was, also, qui4!friratUtand overcoats. were eagerly, "gobbled . ' up, and big fires were in active demand;, - • ' Issurprz.—The, eacheirs' In stitute of this place, had a pleasant and prof: itable meeting onihursday eiening last,- and adjourned to meet ion Thursday evening,' the 20th of-December. A eonimittee of three gen'.: tlemen has been appointed to keep order at the next meeting, and the suspicion is generally entertained ths t t a'.few unruly boys will either behave themselves. on that occasion or find themselves in'tbela enetody of Sheriff den for a night or two at , least. SAD'OCCLIMINCi ACT OIL Sunday night the 241; as s the 'people were returning form the several eburohes irk6l City. the of fire was raised, and it was loon• discovere i d that the residence of an Irish Man; named Don, ;wan, was on fire. Donovan jumped out of the . windowwith hit eon in Ids art*, and thus es caped: ,Dut his father-An-law, aged .nearly one hundred years, and his youngest child, were mot so fortunate; as both perished in the flames. Aire. D. was not at home when the fire broke out, bareturned in tinte - te see her • t .1 child and father r01l from corpses. Donovan bad been I I en industrious i Dried A] I men, and had accumulated $1,700, which . was do t :Pt in the'house at the time,-.And consumed. The Co fire is supposed to have originated by the up- , o a f s setting of a lamp which was Ininiing,.by seat. iiiiits . set Beans, Potateet,i, Onions,ll Corn 'Mee I Eggs; Better, Shoulde* Tallow, I 'Molasses. Carbon - Oil Tits Porta Maa - air.—The Pittsburgh Ga ':zette of Thursday last says: The transactions. in Hogs have been remarkably, „heally this iweek, the sales, inclitding Menday, Tuesday, Wednesday and to-day up to' 'eleven o7clock, reaching nincihouiandfoter harndre4 anethly.lerv. As compared with last week prices traire-fitrz. ther declined, this great: ballt 0f , .-the-**Opk, ranging/from 51 to 6 cents, gross .ti'olne 'few lots of 'Y.ticked" Hogs bringing 6,12 to 6,25; one lot 0,30. One of Quit _packing hoeses,that of Harbaugh S Co., commenced, buying. this week, having thus far . Imrohased - about one thousand head, at prices ringing from 5.80 to I 6, 05.. 0f the sales' for shipment, the bulk were for Philadelphia and New - York, though' . we believe a few car loads were forwarded to 141- bi.relatiettt:of rem offer a reward. of one recovery of hie body, heinzffrOwneff or of :the mouth of y Hi disappear ot: November. ily an Ith - - We learn from the no clue has yet been :Lim robbery of the county, ',The cam e the robbery lit this i y that both . of these timrrc. . . _ Mr abate' is Wasittxorox Contyvv.--011Tues -1 day night, 4th inst., about'len o'clook,.• most shocking murder was committed in Hopewell townehip,Washington county, the victim being Robert. W. pinsmore;; a wealthy, farmer of that township ; residing. • some six miles . north •of Washington borough. Mr. DinentOre wasjust , retiring to bed, when he wai t called to the . doOt by a knock, and on opening. it, two per sona, apparently black, told hies that the boys 1 weir wanted tago to Miller's, a neighbor's, as there was sickness there.. Dinsmore informed them that he had no boys, when they stated tt was him they _wanted, and pushed .ilitottie hi:am, When - a sue ensued: - Dinsmore wrested a revolver from one of theM, which the villain soon recovered.' Dinsmore then K . rapidly pa , eti through the kitchen and bed s'ciona . .tlie hail, for the apparent. purpose. of getti g arcane hr club, and was followed by` the. men . 4etheY passed through the bed 'r m, Mrs. Dinsmore begged them not to shoot ( er, and her voice/reaching iir. Dinsmore, he l ir umed in the half and was again confronted by the m dererek who 'shot, atj i hint .. twice ; 'both ball entering his breast, end producing i iwounds,from which he died bet Ween two and ' three hoiirs'.afterwards.' After be had fallen one of thern - 'struok hiia with lirehair. The deceased li - ifi_fift:y-five years of age, 'and a very worthy citi z en. , . • During the reacontre the heel of the boot of one of this murderers was tors Off and left at the scene of the murder. SubsequeritlY suspicion attached to a man named,Bobert Fogle, who was taken into custody . ; and in connection with other circumateatoes,, it was found-that a he 4 front one of bis : lsoots was missing, and._ when mesauritcY was asitertiined, that the heel fonnd tici eiactly sited the ;place of the missing One, that no doubts were longer en- - tertained of l'ogle's guilt. After .taking him to jail, he confessed the commission of the crime, and alleged that William' Montgomery, a eon' of Hod. William Montgtnery, of that county, was his accomplice, and' that the robbery of Mr. Dinsmore was their only par pose. Montgomery was also loon after ar-. rested r and both aranow . 4n-the,,jail ot-WaSh -1 ington - County: ---- '" l3 -- --'" '•• -------' ! here were two) are a • robabiliti will go uzi It..—The proipeolits of i appears in. our tpaper !MI itillio largest dai tontaihs the very 'tit yrs from all quarters vieinity, it is useless nearly every persolt .IN.--.-Me learn fro (porter of Dec. sth, his Judi Ail District. t►ie duties of the, of •,ritly elieted, on the of his astateinites `time; after which the Deeetisbet term OLD.—Prof. R. T. •go purchased the Ippee and of town, , onnectiou with the • , sold• it a fetv days of the 1J P. Church the the intention of use the istiilding for ous.: Fogle is a Man or bad. character, and was in the army for some time, where he seried with, it is said, but !little credit,. Since hie discharge he has beeit living NV , iitollon. Wm. Montgomery.,. comt.serunc- ) oiTaxis.—Mr. F. fielder, Deli- . uty collector of this District, .was in town ye.. terday collsotliag United States *es. Quite* number - of ottz-Inoney making :Citizens paid their:respects, likewise a little of their cash.. to him while in the iown. F ANVYACT'VEING Es ocirster a few days e old friends from the taatutfeeture of that vi4lega. Their t viver' wharf, and y for menet from dellire • worth of heir arti c Oe'ls .or 1 d from th ree to Svc en. the eelebriteCl 11 t r e fi rm is Oliver, ' ii always e found en. dtteed himself as John Boswell, a well knikwtit Citizen of Newt , Bri‘ghtori, at! the Phoepti Brewe r u in Pittt,b 1 410an1 obta:in4 . $l5. • • • Julotherviatinkotitto Wild' .- Taawarotit • apiunoapodt. , *34118 66 ligg,kes D. Caldwali. eon_ ilijartent - xl 3 abho th alPrishOol libivintet"ll*.'lB6% the:tire !Otter* Clltk c ibAlYn i * Waibintiton„ , irOunti).:PeosDetctbe 1866.:! ott.OF Prgr4 l l?nihn in, ponNiany e .rnieed Ar,:eek, Virginia, io.itaerer„ '4111); e i igrated to Daum, s not Vlore °Pr for ,tbreit-YW!,jutcQP_I_PL.In3LI, of- th 77ih Volunteetlotiotry, aoid 80re the three, yeatsan first aezgeant,, or the "eksitrau: ' eoteeiinenee -of] ditiosjfFe to rhannAtitt4be Mott of the 112' 1 1 9 11 :4 0 00: 1 Ta Aliontynar, - Ect was taken with ague no,l rtijorin_the -. 1: Alt a l l ii 64 ,, std = ibisailment. resulted in e;;t4 stiiption -arid 'death; 'lfik wai -1 above the i - bidiaiiii,h - olg:li s 6 r*OiOdif 44 4 8 4 1 74411 1 E1dd1Y. , :40 4 00 1 0 5,1 ifila Patel manners. He tarried 14 Bilge. icralli ,ir is 'inanities. and it, s _kiadft. kinpelltbailks-is'kens to tbat better country iittnie the liiked . oesatt - front , troubling andelia.wonry, are :at ',mitt; Row are the ,ituglity fallen, and tika weifiOns of war peri6hadi , The atilt) of ha terrible retiellion will not be fully lindwn'till tbo - great r011:oall. .1 Deo."11 I by*.J l limutur Ohio. H . 111A1tRIEDI , - - . st; 186 e, at Obissow, Bums, leoiiiitt; Petit; Esq.;3tr Icass jioitigiztioXiss isOkh tit - Etas!. dritii,ciol, , lama - place:, 1! ME tllll 0, 31 r.• 1/101111RDIOXi of BeaveTs.ouithX4-, Lin* 8; 'HAltivtoN, of Columbiaas 10140. Deo. ik Lreviutin to M,ioil county,li Deoesal Hamm of Bridg Nov. it restitea!i C. SToup; P. Nov. 1 Mr. Cha r ] Miss M Lber B,y Rey: :lames T.I. tabielde, Mr. Arm to Mi . ise Ravin: 'ioalantatrr, aU l 1 ' , ;ewater, Pa. ' . 1 ,3,,by llet.-E. M. Wood, A. M., at,..lhe i of the Ooom'a father;IIr..MICHAIL I• to Miss Mot: Lurcis, all of B aden, r rn— .... . ' 15, by the se e , 10. the- reaidep e, ' of tles Barret, Mr. BAXLIEC IL:_ - BoAp 10 r-R. Melina, all of near thafa'Tilifi by the same, at. - 1,,1te resiAlettec the parents,. Mr. paarreatc DAVIIEIL, pf I .n d Miss NANCY E. &ern, of North tp., Braver county, Pa. : Dec. 6 bride's Beaver, l Selvioklyi EAVE/:t MARKETS. CORUECTED.BY WM. OUR. er btt • ' l ll4OO pples per totis 2 60 ches " to ••••••••••.. ..... • ....1•••••••••.••;••• I .45 225 MI -- - 1 75 .............: . so ......... .........—..5.: . 1 . 50 1 i per dor. 80 per 1b... ..... 3 ~ .. 35 .1•. f• 12 10 • 11 I‘. • • .. . •••••20 Perms X lOO . • 70 G-I , 9 FOR. -r r.a...e-; HOLIDAYS: - MO 'dal Presents, Bri :611M3EMIS, T R A VIELING CUPS; In slior: every article kept in a •.tardy Store, to'be found . . AT °B. U'LHFI~'S GB ST., BRIDGIW*TIB, PA: EDE The'Bubg . . bar , again . greets his numerous Patrons with the LARGEST, ItIOST ,VARIED & COMPLETE STOCK OF - Chrie 't it New Years presenta br offered in-the county. . B. MULHEIM. ater,g2s,•66—ly F1006'66 _ _ 4 1 Brldgew onto Wanted OS THE 310 1 MPOPUZia Selling SubsoHilion Books L. Publishecil And Best , . VVE are tha - most extend,. publishers in the United situ* *Tin g six hottees,) and therefore can afford tet saltittioks cheaper and pap agents% moreliberalcontmitsionthan any other. company. - Out bookilio victimst throttglr the hands of General Agents, (aa nearly all other subset*. tion works; do;) therefore we -are enabled to give our canvassers the Sett% per teat, rltich is usually silo Wed to Geieral Agenta. _ Nape • :kneed can will seethe adratttage of dealingdireetlywith the paiblialuire.' . : Our aerie% embraces the most poptdarworks on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and &Mi. •• ' .Old age,ute: and oil others, who want the beet paying agencies, will please send for circuit %adios ode ee'rms,:and compare them and the character 4., our "arks with those of other publialtentl Adams, • _ ONATIONALTUBLISHING-CO. ?hiladera, Pa., Bostcut,,ltteek t , -Gluttons . -, ti. Obi Chtcege, -- Nle:, gt: Louis, Mo., or E 1 44 22 5 14 dt. Vat- - 6* cp7;B . (At N6et - St - Clair Pittaiurgh, Pa - .) • ;And Ladies' Furs, ;IlmenTayml - 13eaaar,9Otady, Trade Solicited. .NovcitiVaz 2ii, 1860-43ricis • I • I : . . . _ .• • rt..% • f.:.t • ik• . c' 4 „;; - 1! , -• N. • e w s ~...,L -- t New Fir n•fl MEE MEE , to y g subscriber bemlear,. , 40, Jinn pun co to the citizens of ~Beisvorccousity, that t hare formed a pc-mulitership wader the name and style 4.7 ' t ':- k:•' 4 l -'"- 7 - NELSON4,3I6ESSLER,i r y. ;•; 4 _ • • Tor th e purpose of carrying on the • „";• 4a _ Dry: oods ( Trade rade • - . In 4a Its . eskrlogs • brettAfiee. The large and trash •steek int 414pleprai . th e u teit and moat lesioble style. of nit is C.ii-0CPC).1)199 ) OF VIZET.M.ISCRIPTION FREisteil. biERDtoS, 2: 00 Eltorriestic Groci,ds. , ° purehised at _ Eastern Ilarkets;' for S.Bll, which will eunble us to 801 l thin:int. the lowest prieeis.— Our aseoritnent .14..dng„.11110suallI. large. we would elitmoildiy4ll , M6 the I,adies.to at least gire us 0,11 beforepurehasing elsewhere;( as we guaranty. taselli . goods 4tilower rater than any house In :1 1 i :tfsbu_ . V -9 7 • 1 • • ... • NELSOiffAV,B... E SSLER 1 • : Me 'bisimortit, Rochester, Pa: . -;.. i. • - t , -1; - • ; • 1 ; • NEI 1 1 1 1R•13VT-.117"G- LS B__S Roz_gairOuum; CpAlsiga B =or. MARKET Srs., pIitRIDGEMAT R. 1 7 2Air.13.1423,5tiain.._ Of "ch43 e x iiie=t:iihe chespese.: Velvet. and - -Silk Sonneisi Ribbons, PlOwees,..Plimes;• Orrin:leak iid; ' • _ A! 408'MYT Ladies lad .111isies" Vert t/hesp. Call- end eels them -11 1 1 r1,330.333.111.103 ,41 , of an 111144 - f or Drum! And Cords, I.acee , Bgttoos t ,:dto. ' ' ii.ititOßAL -...t an .k. : HOOP'.,sluxii§, • CORSE;TS. 11A141. , ;NETTS, . 1 .S.OLTS,'BINKILES, ft- .MEN.' .4.15 ii BOYS' t Iti i TS WAND • ' CAPS ' 111.P.NS' KNIT-COATS. ,- - - ----t- i LA-Diksil CLOTHS; ALL- roto , , Tot - ohesp. i : Cotton llaiting, • eountii Rant; ert 1 Genfientes Ilaltishiiig Mack Gate ' . t . an Lagiqs' ,Paper rears, lllatilikiiii'y & • Gioireliii . - - 1 . I. Pinta t" . 'AIRS I T ! ~. PVlltql ! !- Cheaper than - arid. pall anglidc. - - - iirtitiiiN GOODS: ' ...4rikttlEkticgialwisellOttiolittbias, Sontageo • - • ' *PAN 0111111014.511V01. - 'i. . • H - Elg4iTor - A d te, 77 - ti'r — r, ,c.co 5 .. ':.: , 1 : Mlll,l:l24zirii.' . .. - . Bonnets altpiest- eni * Keinisti CliNP;'' L.ltilltptai Pinking gran Gook Olaf" . . - sat =Wag eashqciult*.i ' * mersoirtaawstiaixiie..-mciwstitaing. t .. ;_ ' • -' o 4kze.4.tHprßEsl•Atili •••,• -24• •-• • • ' • ft •1 . Y: Vi GOB/a to Reilielaior the 'tlitfer 'irides SadMarkitiitnette, getclittnatte.i :'•1 4- I 1 • - .WATT Wi t, TT ENNIO S,~ ;.5,..i, ME EN . I , 1 ed.gr:RG§, • - BILAw , p, Lioops, SCA4FS, d i fulL assortment of =1 EAL+'S MILLI E 1 ; 04'4, . .;.V . III IP EMIO,L klpetung! . . _ , ' • • . 4 I ,-. • liVkalt:ClLti iIINM -4 -OV-1:966 a If • - AT. F. Voitu. , 1 - D Ry,.'d OODS 0 kE, NMI '• - - I A URN ROCH&STE R. par , pric,wilt;a%tonilsh .who favor ‘ua..vrith' ik call. . MSS . . thrums of every do cr io t i on .so ld dheaper. °than ever. Brown Wading at )10 cts Bleached - ) de • . 12 1-2 Good - Prints, 12 1-2 a 15 Pantsi Staffs ? checks, ~Gingham", 4 Canton - Flannels" • ' , Flannels, - _ -itarre3X§tTip64 lhainciril'l - AIOI4C- • , Biota and Shots, Hats and Caps, Trintinings,, I Ribbons, ; .r. MiffinerY Goods, Ete:, .elt. etc " The ,pricps of the I a- , bove Go(ids we Warrant less thaii the same class of 'OroOds , cau be bought for yrest'of the .MOtintai4so Dress ; Goods in eridisss •• variety,:'.` _ French] Merinos, Cebargs, = I PePliPs, 1 . • Cashincires, . 'Etc;,` etc-, , Cheaper than ever !, Blankets and ,Blankit ,Slhands, .4.tgrr4 bairgain,s. E 111 •ifiemelpber,l6, roßTurnOs ciffigip - ovii* LN THB DIAM9ND,o. • , FM Come tverOixiy,. - .and see for yourselves. Irforf.purchasing 1 7 NO. TROCAtitt; - *IOIV tirol!).ps: 301 F IS THE 'TIME TO *IT i -- ~ , 1 SERI ~~ n • I.Y, =EMI =Ell =MI , MI ME El EMI I= =A Mr M ME lIMI El =1 ME Mil - PfikilirlirEr-VOTIRT - itit ~..-, I d N l : s peastrance of an of Ititr 'of the an" tiourt•A of- , Beam oatswV, the tend lied. it '`idi id '44 , 110- Tikaittr,otr outcry.. - _it. premises, on 1 ) ' i THURSDA:27, — ;I4IOI.II4: !HI, 18; at oae.o'clock, t. M, the following nes ProPort7e.l4tiate. in Chippewa township veri county aforesaid,. being the 'real est 'Horace N. Keilacti,.late..of, B r ealeF, c deceased.: , •-•1 - . . .. - 4 I Beginning at a' whiie oak, thenc by • iali4l. " - -Jobilt aid Jan.. ea- . Mitchell, hart ti.. li tiaegieeriast-19f ?em ber five- tenth ' 1 I heap of stories theficibirland of_Ethari , oni- ' as notth 894 degreeawest4Sperches le' *tit; . thence by land of the , ki Farmer's slte 'nit's 'Bank, south • I "degreek - west 'l9B perches to - a!I 'post; thence by land of James Kennedy north 't BSdegreissi-east 43 perches. to, •a white .oak, place of begiiininjr,; -ecintitiftingl33 -- sores,- aiid . '9B ' perches, ,strict _measure; .on whiph is'; . erectedin'exellehtnew frame bar n, 52by 30 feet with threshinglinor, 30 by 21 feet ows, I St e., andikieti stables underneath '. al; a log i i t anil frame.house with a frame kitchen, tid 'al cellar under part of the house ; 'alio a cleitain • other piece of land'adAining the foregoing de- I lacribed tract of land, situate as aforesaid: Beginning, at it...white oak, thence by_land of rßichard Walton; ,south - 202 perches to a stake.; I thenceby ;bind Of Janes Kenaedyhieu th. / , I 3 ' degrees, west 24; perches to a - whit 4iiik ; thence by land, of John Alexander, n h ence -3- degrei,•east Xr.tpereheeftoti , etoikanil 1 by land of james Scott, north 87/ d ...Tees,' ' castit2/ Periheite,placti of:, begianing; icon taining ::,9 acres 123 ' perches, stria me asure ; On which is erecteda frtunebaru 48 by,llB',feet. The aboie described' lands are welleitOed except about ,two sores. Sixty, acres 6 iii a fine state of cultivation , and the' bile e e is wood Lexid, There is an excellent you g gr: chard bearing trait on the premises,con 'Sting 16f about 100 appleyees, 101 peach tre si and 'some cherry trees I , '1 " - . 'There are also,three good springs of ever failing water, hail a coal bank opened , rid in working coaditiOn;' I Back Run passes through ,a' port ion ci ,I ;,said lands, the north brineh it of Brady's and 'there are about twenty acres along 4 run which is i considered.excellent oil terri iy.--. There '.are two .oil' wells now beihrpti down . . 1111 IMI HIN 11111 i 4. within half a mile'of said premise/loin: reti arations are being made to put 'clown fo irtore . in the immediate vicinity - • ' I'7lolB—One-half of purchase mop 7 in hand on 4-confirmation of sale by ,the T a ut; balance' fie two equal , annual payment s)rom that date, interest tbeivon Frowiti 'me dale; to be secuted•by bond mid mortgalie.il 3AMUJ L 3I A (.1A ' the estate of 11. lienne4y, Atlm'r o decs,' El QMPSO y . :~ ALIV7ZI ROETZ ING Ell.l NO. lo; !FEDERAL • SIR • EGH.EN Y- CIT- AL retelling a krge and elegant et Aro no IN 81,-liiiNCY SI PLA SILK PQPLINS, 4 e L l i n ' t7 113321.1LW1. moron e'h' pl-AD.A3K6 Of Eicry Deicription They';a?so• offer as entire • New Stock CARTirrniqs.& jou. CIA Alt of the newest designs at reduced r 4,N0v.21,'66.8m & 'Watt , , ,C),,C) :Mt HAV; just reolivellt a as* stook ' 7.4360438, of the ' I i lATBST StYLES, FALL 4 iVIXTER El oolesion's Furnishing Goods Constantly on hint CLOTHIMIIIIOII TO ORDER Iri till the latest stitee initat ehoitest noti, - 'l .1 stmcgrris Itola; Bridge Street, 0cti0 . 66 , • FREE" . TO,: EVERYBODY ! i.'.- , - B • LARGE G pp.!, Catalogue, teaching ho • , emoye Tan, .freckles, Pimples ; , ot Patches, Sallowness, Eruption, 'and !! Ar impurities pf the siin. , How to force Whiske , restore, curl, and beautify the hair, renew i age; cure Drunkenness, Nervous. Debility; other.ueful aii&Valueble - information., E' rybody ` ' - send far its, ,„ Addresss BERGE SUBM - St CO., Chethists, 286 River Stre! TTo7;i 4 c Y. ,.. '•' : 1 , , •'• ' I GLASS DISIISS—Be.,A ,Flint ~ W are; Tit . .. , , • 1 - - blfrs, Gobliiii; Wine Gla, sea, &e e - at. - • : .•, , nor2l • Siiirs & Swim:tsunami's. 1 , Bea- to of , ;on.y. b'ti. - -! - , iiT, I • k a 1 INN 12 iia BRIDGEWATER- . 1 1 . icktria. _ —*l— :.-r~r.-ss~s: .1 • •: .BOOTS • . • VITO UtD .7 k4leettupy TT , th*t 'they baeddju*Cjfitielved frith' llietikianfftettrinr. hitgeit' ;beat` vileeta t.tAlt; AND • Lifirie;.:Gidie.s i - loy'S' Ott eitlidren'a Boats and Shia's.. 3c-: ITE BF ; SUPPERS an dPirliatitkir4, that have,elerbten breuglit tYbrit etotilav = We would pailleularlysalt , ittakifithOo-:eir st6ek4r- ''; tens' heivi - Bootr. Frenctileilf, l'aidwjef ° sole - and ' ,: dotibre sonicl bit'44e.l3l4lots.' ?Fi-. • ' ' QPt ha'. and 'lonian' sole - onp_pee' - ilVel: Yeirif eteerhaeled 'goof*, .. . . ' .. 1 Ladies* Froich kid 'an if 9 4iiilgit !AMU Balmorals . and Oallirg it : 04e ,:a:f ; :;:',_,l 4'. , O I g i ,lti - - ' :''7 . ; "::. '''' . . Atlases and.Ciallaien'ociTkikiii itta .. .iiii*S4' 1 . ish toots 410'llix . 1;wioriit,ii; at 11 . oiltsy:. t ' - • . o est styles., - 7 in ?s groa IcarietY r. Chillretit , " "li7ide:laY: a74,RiCail; as cheep, if, hiltjfiejf . - bought,in the'cVy_ of We wenldieSpectfullyAirlte,tnrchaserito call and examine our stook, loMpani our `pn ces,witb..other dealers, and.satisfri femselves before purchasing - All goods "irrrraiite r 4. I. . , i p tit tois l ontl , 4krififif*Ott• Oett _ :CATIONS ,_ • • , o:4g 1 6..stsijv, - NTEvy Pc-) • • 1111/111 , . iaue ..tu olittrAt DOE SOLOIEIIt OF SIIOULD !BE ArItIL Isr 1807 APPLY AT O:4CE To sirikors 44! ltid4lo, IMII • I -_ U. SI C1,A1.11 .IGENTS,, I lap Wiiciilafit3l3.lllst.• PITT 1 1 .4 lEt U 110131-.. Wel will, if: tiosifeti,; stiead - pervisolip in such lomaitles as. limy - be piques - Nit fer the puiyote of receiving these. aftplic4tions. [den ' " • c 60.0.0 -‘747 'ln': 331 IZO - • 11 Sie=wisig Maehines. Il . achines are , adapt eff for eva-y de scription-of family `sawing, and - Will stitch • frcini the finest guile to' thethickeit Beater cicith without any chaige ii" `fetni; need:e or tension, and run for two years without taking apart to clean. If the Purchaser, aft a fair - trial, does not regard the ‘Yeed !afterS ewing -Ma: chine as superior to .any iii chine in the Mar kbt; he can return' it &id Late • ids atoiley.- 7 It makes the - I.;OCIt'STITCIi. :hitches alike on; both sides,' which - Will niot rip or ravel.— Tha.cheapestinitchine by twenty; . per cent. in use. Warranted for tour years. It has been in use in- this place-for ten years; and ties, giv-_ en satisfaction in -all cases. ‘. Plata finish-up to, mahogany. Inlaid with peail, and roSewood. "4. The ;attention of Whit's; .Ithoemalrere, and harness makers, is called to . . ALs - ia 11 120 , ClarkSewinallachinet. Warn Eited - five yeartP . , Oct - - , Aiken's Family—Knitting Which ie the .best in use; 'aid• wilLkitlit any Aland of yarn; it wiltknlt 12 . pairs-Seekt I►ddy: • - A:MODEL FOR GUTTING 1 14DIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRESSES.—Any Perso#: can long tram it. ezpbrpiAhry.-!ind, slipper Vamps sale, end•stittrtithis...done:- • ••Iifit4C.IENTS WANTED. .] 'A r ddrehs, strit,h "- •• • Gisiral , 112 drat& at:, opposite rittaburgb, Peale& ' tuov2B:3Eti . • .. • . SAW sum, saw .BOAT/YARD • • FOR tit - it • - TUBE undersigned offeiv for sale ilia Saw Mill and Boat Yard, in lidustry, Beaver coctity, - Ps; 'Tbi will iSfin vied - rutults4g-or der; and the Mat Yaid is suffibieittlyliiige fo' the building of all classes of bogs. ' l ll not soldtlytbe Tat 1887, the. pcuperty Will be for reit,' - _ - . CAIRNS: HOUSE AND .14Yr /OR Mlle IN BE AVER. A!ITOOSE, '-'•AND 'LOT: IN, near. the. - .Female Seminar‘k,..- br eel& The haute:ix:a two.story, frame; Oen., taming seven room's. Theie et.lieefik *teh reom with s'oiatern holding liO•berrels.fif wa ‘The. lot:is eevei2eighths of an acie, *lilt different kinds -of fruit. • 1 I*.Apply to _D.. I:. Pov - 14'66e4w - CASH FOR =DES; • . , MBE aubinribei. _Eiio_iti g hi at. price in CASH for bides de4veied,al: • l4 nerY AltigirDAßHA'oll. H0r,,`,28:4E • _ .•1 • '• FRESH HA tHCEREL- - Extra No: 1 :Shore, in al24prily tli pziold; -also' 'No- • ancl.3, bir !Joie by SkiLts S. SIIALLENDICAUEV, nev2l [1 =I 11111
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