CIS en=lEMM== ! ORY - 1 11011 4.44 , ,.. *...EdsA., fiiiithiasit, net WELR Y DI KSON • ti No. DM BV,R4H; T=3 FALL STOC invite hi at* tor thew r*ir Courzsm, ~tfefuHV Sal P . OFFERED_ AT Anortme,d 1 0 . 4 . 6 -IT'S.I: POPULAR PR ' lll O .frefilmtAerniotiont vitae of sociptiona of Merchandise; renders it tee of upteist iri,triety Abet purektpeca befreptentsnd therefore thp nearest me comae the one best adapted to suppl - dentine with Goode they -sell. Pnrchasera•from Weetern,Penn'a., Olde and Went: - Virginia. ire invited Pittsburgh and hoped this • 'STOCK, OF GOOD • ,• Initek kept 1 ft Dining ihe TERMS, N CAS CS s It E . „/41.0 N A B DICKSON & S'ELItOY, No. 54 00D. STREET, 331:73A. EN 'C J- (OM Door Beloit' the . . 3B3!!ULNM7 M 0 as .on hand, and 'offers for stile. ja I. carefully seeded stook of 1/11MICING.S, • 7' r EMBROIDERY A PAIFCY Go IldtbOns, plain and, fancy asidker. bats, Bactkles, , ,Hair ;COW,' Dress T sings, 146,4041*. Trimmioga. Bogle Butt One, Velvet Ribbons, Canasta; . Bilmoral and-Hoop - -, Marts, Embrold'd Edg , ings, Ladies Collars and Curs, Tidies, , , Woolen Table-6'th%, Vaskets, llm Lisper,psikis lead Child*'s W . -' • • 11 . 411 kinds,. . ; :330N - I\TM I Ta I 1111101.austiNr, e4d Strew, all the the styles, cheep. *LIMON% FiA)WERS: RIK :AND ORNAMENTS. 41410 , DRESS MAKING IN SY BRANCH: 11.`We burs constantly on i4snd SI Dienorest's latest Tuition Patterns. P Orr We. • • 1 • I 14'soll below Pittsburg pile's. , Gtio uslo coil and satisfy yours/U. not . forget tits *4e. one do. Sominsrh.-Stottrer. sopl2:dus • • •J. 11. BE. GOOD OROCERI : DWA*D AZLETON, E - P, I 001E112, AID PRODU E- DEALE aegitaly] . No 21 Diamond, Pitt NCE I AGENC .restuntur s i .ed hea been appoints for On ISt Insurance Comps Hartferd, Coast-. d likewise for the X InsosAnoe Compp.ap y of New York. $ Naterprise CompanyofPhtlad Eaoh of theseo_ompanies insure_stw 1 out-buildings. klanntseiories. & againc(loss by Am on favorable terms,, years or less. I Loises equitably adjusted and pr paid ;when the ins,uranoe is effected aoineeted With either of ileac iiiiittended to with dispatch and fide 1 0)3. 3rcFas, A 1aa52214.-17.1 Beaver. INSUB L CHAS. 13 BALdLEY. Tivd and .'Commission rptinsui„ Aro. 201 Ziliery • • .1 PITTSBURG.- :••• PA. - WIIOLUALII DEALER nit /hit" I*011; Pitgafti, Pour, CAoeie Beans; Hominy. , Grain, ZAret Dried Frogs. Clover *gil Feathers, •Grua do, :Sect 4 7 1 41 48 d. ia t m= i'oldtry Plas , sttention given to pt ✓ ie MUMPS- CZAR. • I AIMANRY AT LAW, 1tp,.85 Furs Sr., Pl;rrsituaa. LL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTI ia l aT i rt i ts ."4, sad earjeshtirend business of !thi vitifesslon in Bonier C 0.., TNRY. ilOorini and Nuttier tiara' ptkrohsomi, for !Ark ly , - 44.1dr. DASULAOII . B, Rhs - 19 Bisbels sale liy ' r.f . y. ' of Corn received a R. Duriiivs, mit 1111 E== eIIuiIELLNI, WINES, 11.A.RD*A.11E G giefULTURAL OE CARPENTERS' TOOL ~~ fl de mat- ehould t be retail SADDLERY HARD astern o shift PICKS MAT TO , COUNTER & PLATFuIiM SCALES, , TABLE & POCKETI".JTLERY, H6RSE BEOEB &NAILS, " 1 TIRE & CARRIAGE VOLTS & /ha*, • . I TIM Ell 31 CORN suBLLERO, B A Leo, PAIN TS, AOINTB t - PECELSIOR MOWER ANO REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON PIKE-PRIRE WORKS. D0c13,'65. 1 - =II vitutial e_ • NEW it WI'LL StICLEOTED Stock T of i*Goods, AT Ilse, i $ 3. IZETTI4Eirjr,IIS4E7S. IS DS. shiers, !!! MHZ imbeeribar takes assure in %ferm i lug the, publio that ' te now tae, and keeps constantly on hand, the ,fiEs il2l ES3 21=1 i I JR iiiiti i spn I•Y, 0 4 the ttit . I 11 or tiro ; mptly ; a bn '-olitps .tY' 1021 !=l3 I MI jr d•i t tto it" ERI IN TO deals o the f&P2S .f• ui le la on rri RE . . .... . lAt NEW BEIGHTON. , Dusan sz I IRON,' NMSI; sups, AND IMESUUgIiiZ MASONS' TOOLS, ) SHOEMAKERS f SADDLERS' T, PL ASTERE MINERS' BENT, FELLOW - I LOCK; BOLTS . 1 OILS 1 / IN./ 11111111. i OF A BRIDGit • BT . . BRIDOWATER. Pa. ......... 1 Ntost Eichmsive Bnd 1-Complete As sortment .of BOOKS, WRITING LAND WALL PAPER OIL 'CLOTH.% CAR. -. PETS. MATTING. - WIN 4 • DOW SHADES, AL BUMS, WILLOW. • • WARE, • MANTLE ORNAMENTS,IOYS,&c,, that have ever been brought to this county:— In fact he' keeps everything thitt -is Usually kept in a well-regulated I and well supplied variety store. • , : . As I purchase nearly all my GoodOtt NEW YORK, and pay cash for them, I am thus en abled to sell, arid do dispose of my goods, cheaper than they can bit bought at retail in Pittsburg. Give me a call. B. MIILHBIM. Bridgewater, July 28, 1866-1 y BRIDGEWATER Marble Works. , , D. W00D . 4 u g, '3lrJurvrAcuniss Baia DIALIII.I3I Italian , and .Antroiican Marble. N[ONIIMENTS. RE ID STONES, &0., to order. • ease give me a eal _before purchasing eleeiwhere.-, . . i - . Shop opposite Dr. Smith's Drug Store,Bridge street, Bridgewater, . Jely 25, '66:17 ,D:WOODRUFS. JAMES .T. BRADY & CO., . Successors to S. Jona* Co., COL o Wood & Fourth Ellifietzi; PITTSBURG, PA., ISankers,,,ar. Brokers, DlLLLip.leili ALL KINDS or ' GOVZIRNITENT SECURITIES, F?REIGN EXCHANGE, 4 Gild & Silver'oupons, lEghsit rate iaidf a r Coisipinind interest Notes. nOLIX.C I I6II3 made •on , all , accessible k . ) points in the United States and Coolidge.: Interest. allc r iaod oofiin!deposioi. ..0711:6oi FOR. SALE. ONE LOT • oa,the corner of Fifth ard.Elk• Etreettt l igt,the Bormzet ofßeitier..?Thie t lot traits oib• 111 ft-stria faibbiarittleilllk 188 feet. Will be sold x . for cash. Pot. furtherpartionlsreinquireVB B. Wilson,Esq. eet3l,'Bll. ' - CHAfirli Xit'REIT 13ankker and 'Broker, • , Aitutaasdaszuf 'WM% I 6, Chia* imeiit $33.115, sad otluiiSimmodaes INSTIRANtrot eipiCtozirr, .04)mieru10er & piners!wpat.... lES subscriber haring opened an ollicent Rochester, (in the 'room lately Occupied 17 .F. A. Feeenno) - _respectittlly solicits the pa. trent* of_ktilltisadis aid the public is Ora ital. , li i rartisolar attentiosfiliin to ilos atoitmens Ot r OlSOrs' itecOunts, „netax,g, ohms arising Out of the _premed-War; tench as * - ..1 Passim, ,Paiiss, A s e . M Boa4ity, Arreiiri...Ric-filf, . • • - ~• :Prim - Being agent for the Mao Insurance . Co. of Stratford, Ct, ; she North Amnion of - Pidhl-i debsitia, and the lianefeeturer? RiferciusaW.l of Pittsburg, I will isms policies in either:ill ea l e the Farm Imbed. , , - • F houses and lots for ' : ,' Shares intim oil lands of the leltrated Lel ani Run region for Bala, where ry well has proied a success. Alio share in wells pro ducing or under way, anal , I, will also sell my residence la Rochester, beautifully situated, and within **few minutes walk of the Ohio ricer and Itaillray stations. Tenni liberal. , • 1 Deeds drawn up and itelnowlsdged. LEMENTO, 'OLS, OOLS, Pin risks tekim lt hit ;hub Jusorsaes Companies- . -I , stamps sin/ion bead. _ Eden to Jct.& Csagkey, Pliunner , 7m. IL Smith & pa, Pittsburg. I ' • It . ' CHAS. Ea:heater. Nov. 29.'66 113 ' TOOLS, OULS. RO. STONE & 431- Fruit Ja SHAFTS, SELF-SEALING CONI, I I . * TIN FRU IT. CA Fr nit J r fJ SINGES, gs & HOES, BUGLES of VARIOUS A Choice Selection T HE suliporiber invites tho' in want of any of the shove artieles ' to give Min 1 - a call. , ~ Motto, i•Spiall Proft4 and Qwack ikdee.", .' Beli.Ternisi, atriotlilCASH. I , . ; A. 8. HARVEY; anglat r Bridge, street, -Bridgewater. CUTTERS 1 Dunsea - g [ l - 1 Co., DE 4 LZILE IN = ' ..W.1.13.e• ' v art ` leB . . .. CLOCKS; - JEWELRY, . . - sILVER-WAIE. FA.N C'Y GOODS, MUSICAL BOXE , ko 541 FIFTH STR ET, I - ii rbittglib •61 4 1.11.1, Pa. agIL.A g enie for the, American Watch Cam= pany'e Witches ' . • D ylB'6s:ly EXEpIITOB'S NOTION. ISHES, 6 AND PUTTY Et IVA L. UT lIERE,AS „let tars te.tamentrry on 'the V V ' nstateint Saler. Carman late of Rao -coon tp, Beaver. county, Pa., doo'd, having been 'granted to , As underingned. art persons indebted to said estate are requosted to make immediate psymeint, and thou, having claims arsinst titre sami will presenli them properly authenticated for settlement. • ' DAVID K.ENNEDY.,aacioon tp.., JAMES BO D, Ilookstown, . - 00t24 • 1 t Executors. ' LAUGHING . GAsi DAIINISTEDED BY DA. 11111111 IA I% ..IBRIDGEWATXR, Ps., in extracting teeth! . eve added to my many other facilities for the successful , prosecution of. my profession; this invaluable psi.. -killing age .t. AU braneb es of Denistry performed in the best and Most It:o modern style. AU rk done ai cheaply, and fifty per cent. better, than at any other Steam Dental Establiehmen in the Mate. Eniyir66o lj 1 WILL deliver to the citizens of Rochester, 1 . Bridgewater, Beaver ;and -vicinity, s• good quality of Coil, at the.shorteit notice. Wag ons can. at any time; be supplied at the Bank, on Minnley's nut.l adjoining the bank of Wm. Porter, Esq. Orders left with- John A Fratie, Beaver, Stiles & fiballenherger,Bridg jarater. M. Camp, jr., Rochester. will receive prompt attention. J. C. MOLTER, novB i Bridgewater. NOTICE TO BRIDUE-BUILDERS. 0 EALER PROPOSALS will be received by the Commissioners of Bosver , county until Saturday. Oct- 27th,1 lint.. at one o'clock p m. for the erection of $ bridge across Brush creek, in North 'Sewickly tp.,on the site occu— pied by the bridge known as the Piersol or ThaophoUs rombell bridge. Proposals to be for-en iron or wooden'etructure. By order. Conatestosna's Corms, I J,o. CAVOHIY, Beaver, Oct. Bth, 1866. Clerk; Lloyd's New .Map of I. Ame;ica, • OR . The U. States Continent In 1900. THE. moat Oomprehensive and beet map ever I published. ' Price $B.OO. Clintairks twirl of &U-tbe counties is the United . States. Wll. REED, • eepEsSm Sols gent for Beaver county. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WILEBLIS !utters testamentary Ilnibe estate of MILO BAIINZII. ha* of Free dom; Beaver cOnnty, deceased, haying been granted to th Under: o lll6d, all persons knowing themeelve l indeb to said *gate are requested to blade immediate payment,, and those having cla ims against the same will 'present them props ly authenticated for sat. dement. J. O. McIALL: - Adger.. • Oleagow Borough. Dr. D Stanton, SurgeOn,Phyeloian &Pension Surgeon, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. and Il i esidenae at_ ~lower eed:et k) Broadway , . jan724,'66:17 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EDIN,BOI/0, BRIE CO., PA: aIH t IS School offers excellent fasilitles far obtaining a thorougb,' 'menial English unstion. The State assists those who in.: tend to become teaehers. A certilioal• from this institution is good for life lb all part akt rentaylcranik Andl egad - pit the bolder fro"' elitetination by Sdhool officers. The. Winter Tern; will open Thictunberfftl: For circular or eatalogne, - address ootl9:tiw J. A. COOPER. El i I f ' . HURST ASS ON TOP rks. Es. C+ - of Teas. COAL - 71 - " • • • , r. • I • • `;seataw - • oter • • • I' C . ' ( -,- ., q. - Aii - - - 4.*P5.:,. , .:1 EINE MEI NX*-, ,MILUN'Egt ' . • • ' m..ek Air <3. ~~ ' - --`` SD Illitg EMPORIM 1 CqRNER RRitfh4EkARIERTSiis r i I I - BUIDGRWA I ER 1 I adr aMeergets l.37 :l Lm!-' . sim: l 1 I illL IMP MN - 1111.4 '...- - 7 1 1- ---- __, _ Dior Mlllimay ‘ • ' • , Aver. brought I to Beano Camay 1.1 !Liu:lies' Velvet, Bilk. Mourning . sail 'Maw licinetia LAW% Misses and•les !!d; 1114,11lik, haga boss krvi . w_" Main and . Turbos,* Bilk Tesireti, i Flowers,, I gybese Inuastl,. Oniumente, fiords, i sad Tissid Be: • ____- - oranril ii.n.Tvii 1 irs itip„ i _ of aft kiuk .. I Dress and Cloak Buttons, Cords sad Raft des. Hair • Netts, Embroideries, belts and Buckles, Bilk and Bugle Gimps., , , Infante: !alas. Fancy . _ Sad Plain Linen Handker= chiefs, Collars; lit Ladies' Cave, Sco., Sce• ! RALMORAL & 00,01) SK.InTS, i COSSET, 4 -DRESS , ' LININGS, II , MEN'S i 'HATS LINEN t, SE IRT 4 4,111 RT 'P RON 'I'S, ; MENW KNI I' COA TS: ,1 k , LADIES'- CEar, RS, FOR SACQUEO AN I) CLOAKS, ; . ' -, } I !Ten!' cheap.. 1I 1 I - i I - , Cotco* Batttfig, - Co u ntry .kannel4 1 • 1 , , , 1 i , I Men's Inidershirts • and . r , brawers. lEtosier3P- ' Ltiertplir thau 9ver. NO TROUBLE to SHOW GOODS.' .42_4 - _ • • _ WRVNERY. Bonnets altered iinti cleaned, CHU!. StaaSlLt, Pinking :au.' Cloak futtlig, satiii se short uolice• - . Aloes shirts . mae44torder. Mu:bine stitehing.f CAL 4 A.N.D•SEE I lir iteuaeinlrer_ the plaot.-L-e omits Bridge t , end Ateirkt.t. stieute;iliridgewiter. , • I - WA TT GEA 1.r." b. Q. .A.EGEO, =I Ak. 7hit 3E11 2 L X CY A.w . ' AND SWISS WATCHES, MI p.m mcr Q .w .,1 4D ANA,PIAE, SEWELY, , &twit Robin AND PORKS, PIN i TAUB IYES SILf`ER PLATED - WARE, i • mote's :CLOCKS dti BR9NZES, A 2 70 C 1 A N bLOCKS, Fancy- (roods,.) Bic. Igg.l3pecial` attintion given to the repair ing of all kinds of Waiatee. . No. 22, FIFTH STREET marll4'66-4] _ Pittsburg,)Pa • , PSI. ~.MERT Z. 1181) , VQ15D STREET, RIM PIT I X 4 w3D - z,c3-I=l, BANKER.& BROKER, DX , *AIR lar , ALL ICTICiit G F OIMILN]NrEiTT SVCIIRITIES: FOREIGN EXCHA.NGE4 GOLD,, sum= & COUPONS. air Highest pries paid for COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE* - • taagl'66:ly- NEW BARBER-SHOP. SHAVING,I SHAM - POOiNG. &C. JOHN B WILLIAB titriag re moved his shop from Bridgewater to Beaver, wish es to, inform.hie former customers and the public gemerilly,th4 be is now to be found in a Roots Adjoining the Nationit where be will earrg pn to his former'. good slid fashionable at*,. By dote attention to to Merit and ietieire a liber. 'al share of public patronage:, Thane - wishing selean„ smooth shave, or hair oat in a task -Onside style, just stop- in. and give John' rial. end he feels saUsfied thit he - ean.Plessii hem ! - [aug A.1V1:01-1EW ATIIVINET AT L i ike MO A d-T au tl i N4l' IN TEE - I ElantilAl, - :d0171t 8 OF ~ 11SAVElt - COddrY, wail proMptly tq kinds of legal business in thin or counties adjoining. _ • Colteetionn be.expeditiouily leads in all &Mounts npon'alfoorts of debits, either in *this county tied Stein or in more' distant le. entities- ' • In Conveyancing, immediate attention, be • given to the draertug, of bends.-deeds, leases, arti_oes of agreement, to the turntables of- abstracts of titia,end to the iniefnlprepq. ratiotiif ill I Carts hlortgag* JO/pito* and other securities in al sums Unght eiriold.' • • 111%.0SOCA! budding of Jos: d. !neon, Esq. near y op is Diitt •Iffori„ Thi Stretet Beaver, len _16:11111. II ' SAYE : - YOUR -HEALTH- • _lit InAlso fur*: M Old ar ~. ~cl<_ .Ulantvlißaallt CO* it(WiliXEMlLlit• PAN. . • (On• door frank Fortune's Diry asortni•iitof P.- NZ. lEspiatizo, iincf FINE LIQUORS; - also, a foll -j Asoortmont of wINDOVi:,q49A B fit PAfinK. •-F LINSERD - OIL 7 •; • , - NEAT'S FOOT ,OIL, BPSY 9th, PURR AND SECOND QUALITY WEEFICEI4O4.7): Auo, FINE TOILET .SOAPS, . ALL VARIETIES BRUSHES,. THE BEST PERFUMERY, FAN*Y-4,TOILEI I ARTICLES, AND POPULAR PREPARATIONS FOR THE mink , AU kinds of Patent idedieineialways pa hand. I= Alio,. CIGARS . 4_ TOBACCO. My entire et** hes been parebiss fee Gun and is offered - at the very Lovas? Pumas. 11116A11 IMR thoroughly educated Apoth. sa4-and Chemist. phylieisin sod others ca. rely upon having their preseriptioio neon-. ratilylilled-wisE /*lv Medici's:a. only'. LOUIS BREHM & CO. Aug: 2ib, 1866--17: SMITH'S FERRY AND LITTLE BEAVER PETROLEUM COMPANY I CAPITAL ; ITTOCIL... -\ ' 'so,ooo Shities of iarTaltie of • SIM). oiieb WORKING, CAPITAL • - $lB,OOO. . A i : a. meeting of the' idoskikolderi of' the l abirro company. held at their dice in the rough of Rochester'. April-29th. 1966. the following persons were elected Ito Milan for tbe ensuing jean . i , • PRESIDENT; MATTISON DA RIIAGII TBEASLIIIM ar.cnitAsy: CHARLES 8., RIIRST. • ; ' DIAECTonB:I . Mattison Darragh, . i t . Adems, - Charles Stone, Alfred 'C. Hurst, • James. Dar.ragh, John Bigger,. Levi Brennemn, Robt. A. Cochran, ' Charles E. Kendall I ' •, • ; , • , ger A limitedWmber of of *Bock of the above COmiosny mss , be bad by 4pH : - cation at the office Of the company ..Office in the' Disinond, Ilochester, Pa. my 3:6m CHAS: B. I LIU ROT, Seety MOORE'S DRUG Hsi b. 'fond' the 'bait Militant fir DR - up -9, M.e4:ll43lxLess, PU.R. LIQUORS, *LINES .qua Brandkee, Paints; 'Oils, STUFiritt VALET. ARTICLE SOAPS , B~RUS IEFJ_, PATENT . MEDICINES in great variety, eli of the beet quality, 'aid sold cheaper than eau be bought at tiny other Drug Store In the county. t, Thymuses Temalisrills' /ft coats per box; Cheesemsn's, $1: Clark's. bl.'. -- . The Largest'dnek .Lamps and :Lamp Trirnmixgs . La;d r e ns , Statio'Aery, Witsdow Glass - • and Putty. eye! oty„ :MAWS Drdt.Bicort4' snit ehenteri than Gin lie Dock ; t` su~rtb 1401;,:let those who. &lib! au earl and ate, ana &mat somata • - rn/411,•06: .. ' 3', MOORS. _ LARD . OIL, CARBOY OIL, AND : s. ememl. • $13.0,00P EMI ORE, iIN BEAVEIii AND Grand Fa - "CIS' - . tall • IiNCEI . tr-, NEM 7. :_ ' ..,W.' • ..;:r:i El !NEM - . , - Mini r: A. Fort .. GOODS 0 IN . TRH DIAIcOND; ROCHE illl Our ~.prices will •a. `who - favor us with m of eTery , description sold ! Cheaper than 'ever. Brown Muslin* at .10._ots Bleached do '12,'1-2 Good Print., - 12 1-2 a 15, „ „ _ Pants Stntis, - Checks, .Ginghams, Print!, - Canton Flannel!, ficd l 4. Yellow Flannels, - Barred 84 Striped do) .palntoral, Skirts, Hoop : do Boots and, Shoes;r l . Hats, and Caps, i.l: Trithmings, ftilabons, Millinery Goods, Etc., ()WI-etc. The prices of the _a— hoy!) Goods we - warrant ( 10s than the same. °lasi of GoOds can be bought for west of the Mountains. . =I --.lYress Pools • i‘ variev, Freach IMericod, Coburri, Delainee, Poplins;' , Casnmeres, z!c.; (etc., etc.; Cheaper than crier • ! " Blankets' and Blanket Shawls, • At grewbargain!. 1 , - I Remember tbe= FORTITI 4I / 1 1 13 CEERAID Sl'Clllll, . IN TRH DIA Pif2NT), 1 • nCOCEE.V.S'I`EIEL,- Come, everybody, and; nen for yonmeivee _ before purehaoing. TROURZE ta SHOW -igiacna. iirt. is. 'Ng': 14 fir El i I ~,:_ ~,_ ' !!t ~ . ., - ., . ....1 1 , - • 1 ~:,I•,_ • t I - NM nes ME =I ORE', ■ I 1 Ira talk' OM endless IMM t; ' 1 11.1 D Ry 'Ds irva rt. elkollagsp, 1 4 1 I 8 IklSitli " v ia C 1121 4 0 cu nik 7: 1 _ ‘filkkp. I= =I . . lisvOtlft. reeeltell Gas etth e t:. Wtati most Complete itto 4 k i t - - 90, , .. ... • , R s, * Otero; te the pabliii ki k thi s slit ;.. 1 A 4 4. e .4,ttgraid asiortmtrief 146 + 44 •,' anti 0 141 4424 - , OttitS at 'EWA:I4%i ; in 114 prie d ,• Alkquilitles, stY . - 6 ,rnt. k i Teditfeed rates. CARPET% OIL elliiii, I. Rt SA, . , The 4riest Stook sal • testi I ; - e t gyipett, Floor,Oil CiatDa , sytui Rap, Ket !itirfft4,. est at extremely km Oleic p ers p es to went of • suyttilig i s 'mit% would do well to give cis tell., a , . h tangoed to sell our stook it prices okial ostenikil "a* • rti Nrßanartber . g• p4e, _DI7NtAP, & to., IS6Tederal et, 4 doors be:ow !Arsaltst-114- 04:431:tjall)• . • ALL.WHENIi-Clll. CSATII A. ... .. Ifuot WILSON * bi.C;Xrs ' - I 3 ~„V'Ext BOOT, SHoy, It:W011.. 115P.4 C:ri a L o u Vilia ptokll tar 7 h pads . WHOLES4E 4 RETAIt j • BOOT .1 AND , OHO7l' 13TORA- ' IY rit . . k-vEn, FA 'parthasei'. a largo 'oaf - oohoo•ii • •icesk of - . • , Ladies', Cones,, Boy'a and Othittik‘l Shoes, Galtern i ,Slippre, &0., Oopper Tip Shoes& Boots.) I - dlret-from the menntacteter'e; are're pared to sell se elieap, if -not &tenet...ll%g any establishzuent in Pittsburf er - thie tansy. As we' intend .o remelt' permanently lade 'buliness, we *ill endeavor to alwap tril • cheep; keep as icreat a variety-and %e psi % article as the eastern market , afforde. . Pun:Posers *ill do Ive11"to ceU &lad mole our good* and prices k.efore pUrcbscisi slat where., AFlfsoda . wc , •#asteta. • DICERY WILL - 05, " " • •E no..lrs'lsn V ndrirset'i Bt,rs, D • fIvST/rETTE nRACTICIL DRAWINO. 8 EFRVASTL4II 1141 : 17 CIVIL" AND MINING-LW 81. tlith Street, (Mg ila - A2P them, Bank) ritisbuypA. • - . 1 Open from October lit null .tprt IL. It costs about. $25 to he s good Draugle min; $26 a gOvictice. Surveyor, ud t good pvastioalcivil'Engniet. Fora circular address A •Vaissinuat, • Principal. or W. 8. likvzsi corner Wooled 14 streets, Pittspurgb. 8'26'63 ' • .113 A-11. WA 111-D WES 4TAMES JIRCIN is Kapp his old customeit, the; c urged from the service O and opened ii shop in tie joining Wm,;-Orr's there. - 1 the moat approved style.. friends will renew their carried the flag of the 45t' for almost a year. in the 1 terabnrg, he thinks him . I share - of the public patron' ge. - lie has also opened, a branch shq !II room in - the worth part of the Market !bitoc pwater, which wil be in Brid kept open Pi. , ;" i l stasis:table hours. : . 7 • Ladia? and Gentlemen' Hair-cuteing al Shampooing pretnptly attended to, anti eljz . r.-' ted in the most approved styli. 14:15'-' '''4 l * . ,PrrrrsttunG I ( NATION tow Co AL I ROCHESTEM ruitlNO Aa 1 the 1, arieties : 441. . - • Steel and the Cant '. lion *Plows' and would call the attention at the Feractfof Beater county., wishing to . parefiso • Plows'or Plow Pointe, to the Superior; . Finish awl - , . Qualittof our . -• • Wn.k. IMILA LL • NY ORE ti Tae Points and Landslides St the t ern* , ponding numbers-of Pittsburg 0..1. war Old plow castings bought. ,raprlg4 • Fresh ei.rrival of PriMO•C•I 6 4 /' MOLASSES' AND Loverinei Ertra --""pri*--=...,_.•_,,. ~... .. .., r heen granted. to th undersigned, all VT' I Atelebted. to said er:: e ate 'toll r egoested to tau !, itertietliate payment]. and those nasini. e1*•:44.,, retgainist the same -will }'reseal theft profr"` .1 Ottthentiested for settlement. 1 . El..ti.tic•...iiiiii..A.OE S. Executris. . . . . Inisco n ti -• . i —,___--__----_,-.- 1 -,-r.,,7, • l a i, A'l).ll.iNlSl .I.t.V.rUti].`NO.,.tl.;-. , ~.,.. 1 .... ETTER.'of sdininistrattOn otl the 4 / 4 T. it,,, 31.t.saue :klieg, iattrot Nevisistig .•,:. , eaiii co., dec'd, tinting been itrantedto.. ~..1 : nn lers i eted, ill pet-est:Li T t'o'= e.l t o said de 1:.1 tare requested to , seas itauteliate Km91:11',2.; r those tiering edeiros ngininsi said eot 4 .-. et Y , 11 rctlient,them to the Obscriber •proV t ~. • : kitentice,ted for bettleteerf., ' ' „, +' ' elgiii-e5 • N VE. itd'r ''' . , .Nly.1 • ! . " ti UZI t0ina014110142 14 I IS:E IC" ; he hts boa dit ti Criltpi Use, rathe bllet' lair eras triaa Lie tl istrAnap. afsi Reg. r. 5. c. 7. *ale.; IMAM N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers