- WO .-----.---,----------'7-777-7-7- . -p.;00211i11e..48449*, , Oat and . X . 1 .17 r. V * . t . i ttt1it.7,,,. took-tis,4oo#4 meat, , Moys, 7 -„...... t,) i l akhie of 011 lbest i ,- phalli_ _ iebtain• a Trotter:44lEo Ihe Ftste Nonp al So 04:4;, Edinboro,' . • . __ , A son Ftcstai. i T en Weihissfiity last we bed quite 6 littlieno7 storm hi' ti , .. ' UV. - - 4 pits oUr'excherges we gaiter _. it, prevail ' -. r igour,.4 l Y . r ..!4;t! - . . prevail 'is IS4aA.lii *OO *Sidi wstitar, pii i , : ,po li t i - jitir,ill g ,2 s ?, ttit 44 ..r it !RM„-• 174 5 / N c r cit wai a rsjust;now trying their nuntis at gam igi.:l.4l.o/ "IT' °t*!°°!? s, riPP. I I I 2 I, ax i c 'Cir E i.under" tjuite fiequentip and Ipliessants, o ak, trip4l:l*,;agoillidlilt4;:`itrii'. rswing fire i4ightindleft. • t.,:. r i.s.: os c.--1-, .-... - : Il ...TnKll*- Acheso n ; A , e n -• 14- e lected Judge of thii District, was tin town on Th' g rp4ititid ittddliidfr.lat,tigeft.p 41. 3 ib , , li ti T tsiius Tietil . rcoiiipij, of tkidpisee, s ad e.vilit to that 4entlemen 4 k.rought Mr. icttOitlitierzitt4isiifine IIT 764-.:T 1 e l& fie itdrerqsekaeo!ilh iitorbeiiooknthr of the ceutitiijc.koof:S*rinctidoiii"-:!litiollftii' and i d o s . sl, instead ot goo irt..e . at,o4O. herttoforit,eems to woripiropir..ogwo and a iSt,o be 114,4 ,titill'alt - totOested Milk iT ,fa :c1r411401A1: L . 7r.:111 -ib , • • 722. Li. • T%lc . . , li a orl4.wagrii'.:44 l , AZti l je . of tlanNil:' ot; J. Knowles against W. Cook for breach. of ptomtit—the inrrrottirried•ist verdict in fav or . v o f Oa Knowles - and assess lei , damigait 'at so77..."' Ti rr:l ll -. ' tale )_tillwerritei Warning to gay naafis' lora not to trifle wit tlititteetiens Or r.,.iftktritir,altiar-Awlrgisdiell .4 . , i- - - -- '- . • -- . T ---- ' ..—'7'z'.7' "Bincpi.i; hat ;dirties awn referred to in:ll4.lnatiretseslwani.basting • bricks in their tiles; ' 'ticentsion of the , iisell t ariewketbeintipafforneditiowa , were nearly AU of the' :coppery. pernu,e4ll. Being one of . .literlapeetatorso: ~donbtieas ' knows of ittat 4hickhe • " STATZ:ScuOot,ll9lll';'intristrar.7-sProf..o o- Jere. the 'State, Superintendent of Comiiit* 16 e hoote,91asiendereti:liie renignation to Paw ' ernor Curtin -to take effect QII the.4Bl. of :.No r.teniber. Ile recommends , Viiekers'ania. is hie sueees`sor,:and it is underetoin! that Ger . ernor tyillappoiaL the gentleman thus del . Mr. Wieker4ani is a eitiien of Lan caster county. - . I . • TrAccsak exeralses at. the feacliirs: ItOtii*ti3!oit'neit,l ; Thrira4y . evening will be Giese Urn) .ic, E glish ciraininsarkby: ; 'dea l s : l;o4 hr. gyeetleal:Arith--. rsetk;by Riskily Mr. Rhodes: . Lecture 13i Itsr.:D.!l'. Lowery. - The Period int will be edited arkfread by 'Miss .M"Gattlek.• liubieet tot . blscussion , --"The reciprocal tiesti Tarns - By r order: — : J,4i4.llapatatt, &ley. . • . A.Pcortraats raor.,-,-Joha B. Young, BM., et Rochester, this county, :is the (liner of an' iere of hill.sde - groarni in the' village. just ended, and has it-planted in grapes , of the Isabells" and Catawba varieties , " The vines are toa . youngyei.t n ct •have rescued their full capasity; notwithstanding this, bitgrape Crop thia Yetir'netted him four hun drO dollars, 'and this too without giving it ei. 'tiler mach time or.attention. i Four hundred dollars per acre bn land not suitable forgen-. oral farming purposes; does right welL A Soszertiat DtsouBitos.—=The !editor of the Pitts burg christectli Advoca annotinces that • kliecuss . ipn will be : opened up in that paper this i week between himelf B,nd' R;v. J. B. I)itlerson,quAlua question: , grnmersion not Scriptural Itaptitutt7 - and both aides of the question will be publisbed„in the 4d7cate and The Baptist.. _As the disputants are both able Writeri, and as the q'nestion is a such disetitsed one, the - public will no doubt he touch en - 4ghtened by : theTaCts pointed out , •7 these will posted contestants. • • " r . - . C mum i t !tfoulj t AND -NrCLII!II447 0 i T Y.— the banner.)dwnship in Indiaba- is, P i lumfield precittit, itillinadricks county'. It , gave the loon Repi4ican ticket 621 rotes; uniT'nit one Copperhead. ' In 1864 - 31cClellazi bad f , aadlineoln 575"1' but. the lone Cop/ itta crazy nnd is now' in the insaneias: Ilatouldnot stand so muctimoitditil ligeacc. The Union men increased tit) siacal.s64by.4s. - Tilts . 11 fhi 1 . 411 6/r toltasidp in. the United States, and see to lay also one of the most Indust:Zit *toms anywhere to be found. .2 . ..;:. - L.;,t. - -- .:: :. i '- •..) THY. FALL Et.acrzoits.-'al depen , t uttmnalelect ion, nray i !De! et en..by a g . ne following: bew i'ork, 1 Senator. !!tllesentatives; Mastulchnsetts, TO Rd . mi teu . NewJetsey, 1 Senator and 8 atatireN.Mayyjantv,spy. tor. '0 4 i lt ' Si ttig iVel4. lkftchigain, 6 Rertheititatito 44 ,1 . Sen4tAir and 41f itiistk - taini4tiYe ;tins, I.Senatior iti.llo;Repietentaciv lucla, 2,4epteitintAlyip;"l:4lwen'e. 2 atitiires; Meqouii,":l Beno'.ni and S sultatiTetq kansa N .2 Sanatori And -o! luentatiTe; Nevadaj T ii . matokl and'l niatiti. ' • --- -1. '. ' ' . ' I . ,Ititu.clr Evi,—Ai titkis tallow E, et Mut Wu. young I ,friet;tis will be I It teession; and pCrfcim 4 lto tricks t kith islosi or inktry to fle. ProitertJ - .i • . 'et , Ewe is the. history 0 1 1111110 w E 8: 'i "'" „litte4tow EvaWl4---The annivefia of the led time.h.inortial Allhallow Eve comes' -0s led evening, the,3lit of 'O ber.--- All Saints dy, which will be on theday fO - itistitu*l it the:tinier the apt he-, 41 , of Ron.vvas enlivened into s ohnstion , =eh 10 4 b‘ h r ..... 3 i• i nemor i of 11111 k 1 , reel ,pe. la la , °Y as, but iq acierlimes the . holidays . laving beCome so very' eittnerous, t het adopt. !,1 this day tb do honcrr tttasaints, instead of awing a apeaint daj setnpartfor eiei one.— 1 illtallow Even w ancelebrated• bi It; *jel l °f I°Perstitious pisetloes, many of ' w ich are on ries. * I II °bll tr'. e4l Mthe old co t' - e fait& r'‘tedut these witeitstiep; or theseeilt autki"?' foetus found Al theW performance,- ade the sat is of the evening of 'far mo . ; imper-, g e h;:"`reet .the day itself. But , e peo. ti ll ,. ,Tke de , ee irated_greatiy in its oh . mice ityl-,;1"44.0e78.)nd even we' sou er ik, Allhallovr Even was considero :one of .-, moat ut*th int : and joyfid *vie that r t},lebratidJfereim' dirlcat' • •,,- : lac ---INDH:i n torr—liWi r ashin g iron Y • 112'j AllealiLiditkg4nalfhlttia.t _, ial conduct of Associate. Judge : Med, 6triell, !of fiat _pont) 0; In listifirging r +Ol.-1141411f,*.!0W4- r# 41* N -4 . 771 !lon of Gen. Calohati.orennodfli i on bail orfour . hundted'lnTheal., -titianwuitettit'Ab i , • -1 r Tli • 21 wErZfßtfilr& ..er, ~- ' week, and while iii it was captured by , -lsome -of Ale. etilt*. l ;4 of the College, who no n ce ettfilanroVtrestair, , When 1 • caught he had. already filled:a wk . Witlkshoes, and I, valise with valuable silk goods, which it intended to take with him to .Texasi—a place he had already 1 started 'for in the .morning Kelions, but.retupseit after night commit-9,14- 1 14.6AR- Hi-capto4. l took him to jail that night, and in the morning Judge M'Clrrell was sent for,' who released 1140 on . tke.insuffleient bail above• spet4fie-t6f4ourse the 1 , - thief will never appear. to atiswer the , Charge against him, land no doubt-hirn- i 0 8f44 ( k - )fliblltii? . . o otkidaiiiti 3 It'Altil pelves ,on having got' him tont of al 'very bnd Scrape, at a very trifling , cost. Ihe Gen. Caiohan above refer. red te;, was Otiti l of CIA 'Demoerntic• i , l i candidat.es4or Assembly in this_ Via !ttict nt the iecent election, and as Judge . „+vcattiejj o ix F al t ost,a :4 4)Mperat, We do not wonder much at this judi cial con'nfrante to ilet rogues go un whipped of justice.', - . . EE ~., DEMOCRATIC IRREVERENCE:— We _ • I were pained quite frequently just be— fore the election tioj hear that quite a OiztubdirlftlibittoAte we se*rfyiiSi lid Ch otii efi -them . at, least, was a professed ch'iistian,were asserting. that "God was a Democrat," and they sought ti,ake this irrever— er.t proposition apparent by the fact that it was a wet day when we held our Miss .Meeting, ' rd ti dry ono When the beld t tbelrs. .:If We *ere dinOsed to talk;mueh abeetleri 'absurdity like this, we would' ingtlire of these know ing onus whether they still entekain, their termer belief, and if not, is it, their impression -that - Providence at the last election helped the "radicals?" . Some, of them spoke with much mg..: sarance before the et.ekitiollti, and . 1 1 t. from t 1 em wodesire,ah answer ; no*: Having had. riitheit.ian unfaivrtible• opinion of the m itingement of thbi Poor House of rtekyer' esiunty. front what'll had heard...itiiirfroniibe itation ,of some ladiestA tlittoluded to make at visit to.thePoorTaren in coin parry with three ladialOwid see blossa the. paupers were -situated.. • , And I must say that we were lig'reeably die appointed in finding the ihmatee - as cOm• fort able as - they possibly could be from the crowded; state of - their.accommo- ' datior.s, Speakiail of the - accommo• dations,.rt is . certainly a shAMeko Bea• rev county that there •not.an addi tional building . put , .up, and one that would he arranged with some regard to comfort and, ntility. ,30.1 present frame litruelnre it one of the most'ciut. landitthl, models . for4itinian habitation I over met with. :.As to the efficiency of the inanagers. Mr . ; and Mne Shrodes. I am: satisfied they. do . every thing in i thou power• to make the inmates clean and comfortable, and manage to the best advantage-possible 'ender the cumstanc.es.t .Prof:] A. G. Alcott, about to clove his course of inst ruotion' in. Elocutir,n ut Beaver,Feinale Seminary and Acad. em.f,,bas, in compliance:with the re quest; of his patrons,' consented to give an Elocutionary Entertainment . He beirig a fine 'artist, and very sue cesiTul instructor, his many friends anticipate a large-audience- on tho-Oes ca:sion. •The , ,entertainment wilt.• be given, in tie , ll.. E. 'Church, on Tueiday evepilng, Nov. 6th, r 1866. Adjnission 25 .cents. Doors iipei ap3ll4tock.. Submitted to a litiCre public.. • Very Fl*POPtfPliY+l: sae vote iperhead tilum.— ttd'iniel teir vote Union f ivent ure us and STEAilfin. Aoaoinqu:l4:-Tho. steamer "Star," of Pittsburg, ,ran aground a few - days ago en the shoalfi opposite to this place, where shets stiii ... apehrired with nci l prospect golfing' sway un— til thb 1 river • 'When ra aground she was :on , ' bar 'way fron. ,Louisviiii to Pittsburgh, and had " . a ;couple of barges in tbw. _ . .11 olithe ance at and .Z 8 , reeent- Repre- Repre- Wie • • gin- Repre- Repre; e Rep• Repre- GEo. iW. ALEXANDER, the new In. terGal 'Revenue Assessor of the Ethth District; was Colonel of 'the fourth ,Penalivar.ht regiment. (Slet) ~ual )o at Will of 'any On WetlnesdaY;;Oet.:l7th,..lBB6, at the'resi deuce of 'Wm. D. Sergeant, of Harrisburg, by the Rev. IL Robison, J. M. Ctrxistais M. D., of Industry, Bearer county, to Miss:Strz Sau l ' azikr, of Harrisburg. On Wednesday, Oct. 3d, by the Rev. 8. Mc- Bride, Lsaor Woormoarn, of Nelsonrille,Ohio, to Min Biwa En:lmm, l recently of Bearer, Ps. . t:1 :rn,trisM . 1 9 5 o t t4lBo, I ? " a m .. If. jh.„ Ki m pu p *il k A. B. .tie it of kaitAirerpool, Miss ar orßtalth's Pam, . . t. 1 14. it 7,10114, 'itei. - Mr.troilteafthe - ristlAinee ottiatib'rtde'l father, Mr. Iwo& Bytom, of New Brighton * , and Miss OARY daughter of Bev. Sara.' BoOts . ,"of Beiriehli,. the :residence' of father,-by r. Rer..N. M, Yrood, Tsponoal (Imams And .14100 cfardi t- E..ll:alistisi all of -l'e s ee4onwra, ; '` ; • ' -• Beaver CouOy Poor Howse. 1 'Entertainment. PATA,O 8 N 1, MARRIED:- -.•ekir., .• : 711' , ! ' la Aar ifir,.Tio f'A • .-• ;COMMENCING 2D MONDAY: ... I -... L , n 'i f • 11sna f. 111 .0 Lyi ~rEs. .. tr ee; bee kni gger (Penman° • - Big 1191afiter:' i". '„d obisstolli . - I.',Brid Wisplr ... - - ;-ses a d. 1 ". c , Dart ngton: . Geo W MiCartisay; J 'Ecoaonsy: ' , "tii4lll, r " 1 - - , '•• Freed' " . .. Frildft Giant; t' .n , rill . er; '-(Jihilli . Vileeb.riltumilipei- -, 7 , -1. = 0 Irewe '..ArektbaldJoknston,.*., foh liii * A.,. c 7 tn. i,nl o .2111.... 1 . ::(, -,'l_ ?, I `titrl` 4 . 4 1 ert.- ,kith , Moon:1 Mahlon I-Dotolvt 141,1-4 ., r Ne4 - Sc`wiekly : Chruittatil Blis'elc, Mores AgintlistplipliiNLßOmcigh:; 1 Ohio: Kohl Bart:tail • - -! ,_ 1 4-Biscet*lJß.writ wing %V m Hood Fm B rwin; 1- 14 1 1*. W''';4s l lf , lA c rritt:Wai4me"..t , a pyrrr JuAorta.-2 is; NrilfiF, -. - 1 711. .Big Beaver : john triebing,'D H Wallace, Geo M Young, itii&a.tObap man; . . 1 Borough tptteNidoketal.Lindsey, Patrick Midvanon; - 1 1 • 1 - Bentdi_3 l :ll) - stiltdalitalitker, Jacob Weyandl; ' r_ - - 11 - I', Bridge:Nadir Itlifkilitton Small ; Brightnn: . .A. T, Hays, Isaa , ;:Morgin; •C.birtiistratTlioiDunlap,S E Walton; Darlington: Robi /. Irwin, Jno: White ; ,Jcio:liittieto-1 1 1 . • ! ' Economy- Washington Davis, John I llendrickson; • 'l/..), - Franklin: Jos Phillis; I , . . : .Fre'etinini Jno If Snead ; / - 4 - - l ', Gifts OW: A J Petiti Ht i . . 41414.MercrtirTi- * thinks, John A f.3ibb; .HooksiO4nl.lt4 AIN mble,lttokSoi Swearitegn;,, ...., ~.,-•.- •,,.. , . Ilasrmony' 'at btie 'Shtfas• 3 IT'olruff Wincgartner„. ,_, , ,:,, .. ~_,, - ; 11opoWa: It "C &Of., Ingram Boyd; Incteenndence: Dtifid,Reek ... , Indiistiy Jas 'N i acin, "Jita Potter; ~ 1 1, 93 r 44 119 , i '- . te,• ‘-; • • ;n-6- f -,- ~ Maricir.il• '4scfrrey Yitbn; 1 ,,r :. ' ' Amos Moon; 'k.nios Ening; .;, -T- New Brighton: Geo W. Glass,.Sam uel•Osbisrn; .., ;- • '. -: New Se wickly:Jiro A Mellon, John Wagonir, tawin-Reetlei. Goq Teets ; AnrAb Sewiekly: Jas D Boots, Mat i,llew•imedy; • . -.-. ' , . riki6i Jilfre&Lyon; , . . 2',-Patterson : Win Harrison, Rubert 'Duncan; • i .Phillipsburg : Jacob Shafer; .., Pulasiiii : Andrew M.ettillin, James IWGnire, 'Ephraim Sirtith; RuccOon:' Henry Kennedy, John C . t'hristY, Alei_Ewin).l., Sr;' :-, Kochcs(er boro . : John.R ; Darragh, - shall Hays, Geo .^ Spc.yererv' •• ..*:.: South !Fieaver : David Cowattir Crliiiit,l - Ciifroiliisi Dinn'itiata 4-1 T " • ••• ' -.2D WEEK. ''''' -l' ' Ir- fit * - 011: 104 .61 Q-tbilikValioss4tie . a wirsoii ; , , i:- ... - BridgiiWntert RariO.erir#llol4l); lit'ighton; RicheYlaskin;_, ~ chipperFanDavict•Retigalttn '1 ... t',"; 'Datigk W tilort:' in W ' harf; -' - , ' Econotny : W o..„Dann, Dan! Neely; Franklin.: John Y Zeigler; ' • Freedont': Thos G Kerr, . Greene i tjohnstOrt Calhoun, Jacob II Diehl,Solotnon ;Fronk; ' . Georgetown : Chas Calhoun; - Indepen,lence :.Matthew Anderson, Thos St andish; Indnetty : Samuel Ewing; ' Moon: yAear Conrad; New Brighton: E H. Aiessodir, ino Keetinj, , f, .. t - i .. Now §enickly: vyni Frampton, Jno Garrard, Geo Rouser, ,T- FRoblnson ; Nnrth Sewickli: : Hng%i Bennett, Jno Baxter, Sami Boots, Jacob ! ,Gabe; Ohio:Saw! Dutican,Wallatzellunter; Philliimburg: Francis Le Gotilony Raccoon: Benont D Dends;. Rochester Dom '': - F. A. Fortune, Wm Port ei; Rochester ,1p: John H Whistler; South' Bearer: John C'ulbertson, Wm Gaily, Robt Grahani. - ' N. rWIT. e =2 k":41L414 & . warTmEre. , BOOTS .BE_ SHOES, • WILSON' STEWART. • reliV•eliulty that they, have just raceived direct from the maitifietuters, the largest and best selected FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF Ladies', Gent's Boy's add uhildren'i r`i Boits ina •,, . . GAT:tgitg, surpßts and Q. and- • . • that have ever been brought to this eonnty, We wduldirticutirircalliattention to oar stock of r •- • • *g l 9' jletviAiP,,toP itin# ;dolt* sole steel • heeled ißoots. • FrenclilCalt double fplq tit 4 idonbkr . T. ' , wed li cefch . biltto s m Boots. • • • . t; • Bey.' rentha' and rlilldrees.. heal/741p, tap and double sole" copper tiped And • steelitceled Boots.' Ladies', French kid and Morocco polish Boots, Bibf46r4 l l a 4 Gaiters' of the - •• ' est styles. ' -- • •-• ; • ' - • • Misses•lnd children's peiied 'said sewed pal ish: Beeps in d Ashaqrslp...of ;the lit- • etyleit. !snl g L %Misty } Children's copper tip. shoes. Which we l will sell- Wholesale gad 112staa, as eitiap.. if. not ehiapar, than.. Shay -eask be ltanght la-thaviti of Pittsburg.. - , • Wa.uretild 'resp a ctrally invita7pureliasats call and examine antitank, _compare our. prix cos whit other dealem•and sitiity Umtata's*. linters puschisini elastrherti. - i ' All Goods Warranted. ' ' W.1.1,80ii 4 STEWART., I'. -.• LI 14 / 1 ;O z e - Pi. anf°ll4 ' -11 : MEM ;lirtori,.)3. l 2din d , siddefae JAI -7 'T. GAR . my, : .."CritiriLlilarearl0 1 11*.GE: -:%." tpurimai.... - 4 1 2 4 14 i:o,l4,nii. , Court..of: w the 18th ,44 October. AP& !' lr t h i*Fc°,_ l * - ; s ale by bile " 13- 00 1 Pi ' •1" t he- Frillife!, on 4iitaW i p t • -kri t lk . __, , .... a r. - St lt ti "At a * at ziettfocl; PAL. swingy_ . ..,, wing described lest estate of James, J Wind Margaret, ,1 1 1 , :. Bi,! - minors, under the aprairSeurieen years, imlain the bortattgb 41_ L NWOi• Brighton, Bea,' ver - eonnty, Pa:: 'being - MO ded....balf of all that certain lot sof gawked- in 'the bus of tho m id t t i ro si i i of: ew Brighton ,'al " TO ifiNo,ll l 3.,andbianded Oil 1110, nortli by El trio , - in 7 Allen "mkt jrjr_Biddlipl4. "nth by tot No. Mand_iln tibeiwaMP 01,111101 l Alley. This lot being on the mainstrf l of the borough is a rely. desirabl e location, Cr is a place' for. or 1 t e aci le . 1 on , API crariramall Of salef aline:elm anify.ear, kik intereitfrom datiof the by (.. . , . 1 At the same time and p will be .riposeit 6 sale tigAber. fl*,—.Termal cosh, .wiiirfuly ietir - #11406t. mil the bids will be required , on the day of Sale.' • • ,' : . 1 a IIORLAN. ;diforsfy foe loot. A Pisani*. Guardieut of Mi-I ,- "Ar ed l4retW a l 4l . l6 .?: ° / t the " #e ' 1.1.' 1:9.107,.68 I i . lir . . 1 ~•! T. Cf It PI:1A NW COO - SALK. -' ~ ~ Ili Y'virturtif cilk era . , 0)744 Fp ur t, l el,,:f alioinvi,E,_.r.,l .1, 4 0,1 y •40(tife estate of 'men; Boston and ithcaoeidi *him children of Pat-I ;rich jrhint.-11te of., NA ' tali, deed;will 44 / 1 00 1 / 1 11001U 1 116; -- . . c, ~ -VFW:DAT: 10i . ' ietig,4B66, ' t io 'PriAi 1 ::its grem zkes, Ael 0 'lei.— 4it..4o An i twi l ol.o.o 0 Fillet - Oa; county of limier, aforesaid, rim Lop no . mberid 14 iii .the plan Of thelblifflalqmii'Motgrifirlaifutaid bytrohn! Thornily and otheraff4-Tligirower of the wid-, o:ir Of Petrie& tord,*seased, iillll4, released, tb .- tile- .. purchaser i witlieut sidcUtifinal eharge„ nTsnui.—One-litlf ;;Ofri lit 'orations- Monet, in haid•4l tbs'ookifirenalokef the ''sale bY,'the' coursi:•' , bah‘ooe tIA ; ';oniii-lehro,• ; with interest; therenn,.tcr be n eturealy, _tiond tsua nioitgititto . 05,11:4•66.: i., , , D. 14 .M.81 4 / 3 . Guardian:. ---- I . - OAO-ii ANS:t•• s ICT SA . W. TOT eirtuttiorhyjrrile r nttheOrphanie Court , , I El of Bearer ,' couuty , I 'will expose to sale by publioreatile,o,r iceyley ) , oli the, preatilesi 8.4 TURDAY 'torritabei. .10th .1866 at. 2 o'clock P. M., all; the following described real estate, late or:John D. Stokesoleced.; ; •tii: Lots Nos. 173, 174 and 1,5 in thegeneral plan of lobs' of .the horqugh,oftaeayer, in the qeunty aforelthid: eachlot haiiiii i front of-' 120 . feet on Fifth street, and extending, hick 800 Teat to Canal alley. ,Said lots idiom each other; and together constituteos black; khunded.acirth by"Plfth htietit, east b r yltacceen street,i south by Canal alke,y_and westity_Narigat,ion ;alley; all enclosedaty a-sabstantial.fhattut.r. lio: 175 is .planted with choice fruit tends.' ' I , TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money on the coufinsetion. of AO hale by. the court; the balance in two eqUal, Annual payments, 'from the date of the conftion of the Sale by the court; with interest; beck payments to, be secured by bond and thortgege ' . • 1 rorfartberinformatiokhqulre of the,: Wn-. dersigeed, It Dearer, fa 1 . ,.. : '-', .:1 .1 - • .' • . • - EI•IZABEfa B . 6TOKEB, : 0037 , 66,.." • - . — l:llA4ialoistratra*. 1 • 4.11.111 E COI7IXT.OP..OOIISION I'LE4S - .UF BEAVER CQU.NTir . " . ' • • •Itr t 4' he mallet- ,ihe.lipplication of the' "PellibT*lllll •Ottnitreti4M* of 'Bethleliem7 foT-a•Cha_iter - Of 10cOrparnitiOis And :now,. Sept: SW, 1066,11pfticathlia ,preSented; witsre!. :uptur the- Conk lttetng Sititsed• the Xcalitiops, nying instrument, and -IRingof opinion that hoeentaiss• nothing conerify te ! •law, direct. Said instrument to bmfileititriliit ProtbonotaL• ryls office,, and order pnlliestioh according to law, and unless cause beilitiwp . twthe omit ra ry..,the aforesaid Charter orincorporation will -bp grantedtry theCotirS atibe ieit term. • :c• °et 17'66: SW • 7 M. 4 1fErAND; Pro:- -1 S.fATENORIVIALICHOOL, I EDINBO.4O•ERIEcO, PA, , HIS School offers excellent facilities for. obtaining- a iltorougit;.ptictlial - nglisli Education: The State assists . tlioaa be iiti tend to become teaelsers.',4*•Ceitlifleit firoM this institution is'gooli for life in all 'part. Of, . Pennsylvaitisck and 'eletiipti the".bolder friim examination .by School- offtcersl. , The Winter will open December tali:, I ' ;• For circular Of cs4alegue, address -' '. ', .! • octl9:6w . , . • J. A. COOPER. I NNW ti 3 4 43 r' IN BEA'VE4! THE subscriber bas openhi. a Meat Sbop 4 his house on Secondistreet. in the bar: ongh• of 11104e.7 ,Freith meat and, eautsages always on hind. • . : octl7 ;ORN FORDER. . . EXEpIITOK'S NOTICg. 1 TXTREREAS letterer-testameiitary on the V, - estite:or SAN't Caurrtxx late of Rao coon tp, Dewier 'county, l'it.y dec'd, having: been tglwittOd te ..liehndersigned, kill perions inlebteskt#skid .esta‘tr ate' requested to make knnedint i e.pstYptisnt, and those haring delfts apainstthe'phhie Grill 'irdsent'theso properly authenticated for settlenient. • t .. - * DAVID KENNEDY, Raccoon tp., - , JAMES 1191 D, • Rootstown, - oct24. - •. , Executors. .t-t Asi I A i, . • DMINISTERED „BY - 1 , 014.- - 7 .11Iti REA Y, Biiidrimits,l'i:, In, bitriaing teeth. 'I . ave added tolyky many indica. facilities for thirtisciteisful added _ I of- my kofessioni. thiwinvalnable pair.-killing agent. AU branch #...t.l44;o4#o torfoOliedleAl4 'be47114 moat modern style. All work Clone as cheaply, and fifty per cent. better. than at any other ISteaM to entail Establislinieht in the State. : taiyo6: ly. A: WUJOA.. INUIRANC L E OENCY. - --7—r . 1 r [Mg undersigned has been appointed anen t •-. for the /Etna Insnranoe • Company; of Hartford, Conn., and likewise for the 'Niagara Insurance Company of New 'York. and the Eater Prise Insurance Cdmpany 6fPhiladelphia. Each of these Companies' insure dinellings,. ou l t-buildinga k Stores,. Manifitetories,'&e., ac. against loss by fire, ow favorable terms, fo!•fire pimps or less. ' - • • !.osses 'equitably adjisted and . proMptly •pmd when thainstManee is effected: •All- ha ii, ess connected - with- either of these OOmps No attended "fick" 1. Wgirthoute, : No. 201 zaals-4rofer, , IrIBOLIZAZI rillyiLlti . Maier Aims, Potatoes,'" 'Tour, Cans, Beim, - 8 , ' ' • Grans, Lard' Dried Clover Seed: Egg. • Featiere, Great ela neloaly = do. Pork :11titiatte, OftiOßS, ' ^Li • do. . ;"" • Aid Game' and Po ultry . . • • ' seL,Vaitionlar attention • igiten: to proguoit cotyjoTienta. . ~„ jelB:l3m .DaY ,Flooring and Nuttier , liciarfing,- id Rtututities to suit pnishisers, for sale J.,* R. Psitkost's, Sharon sak .b y g a , r• raceo r! -17: . J. &H. Daumnfe, Misr= Prrrasyttos• Pa. .~ ~• 611 f.-...•f4;: ► :i 1 • • rt 1: " *•1 37.' 're . Sze:1.1E111:4 0-,7•L • • . • , . • • • :v7Qc. , O! AdCea,iTim.et -101111T533 , • - 1 il NODS 111 . .. Thl SG : .LRAVE :- TO INFORM ;THEIR Mends and 'patrona 'Of :Bearer. ~c ounty, Oat their wand 14rge Fall Stack , of Dry_ i ( bitwilli VPlEtiteoo *Aro , eillirgir,,nts , l An* open fortnspection,. at: very popu lar prices , c" - -• :_ ..F., ' - Dr ess 0 - 0.0a.82 - 1 - -* cikti AIWrAOO ' - / 7 1.:'- 1 1 (. --,2 - - ...1 . 1? SA Wet► es, ~. Pla psp nut, - Silk stripes, T.., ::4 D -- 1 Piiiiilieptess, 'Poplin stripes, -- Plaid Empress, Vaiinslasitrittes„) .. *Gift elothil,.,: : 4 i, - 1' Iglatd popllFs, .; j ' Fiesta' reppsc .. . _ t=il a b**--. 1 -. EnOillb Ml+ --...-.., lioplint, - ,7- ->--......: Ereach.mitrittas, s- .. "-- . 'Brocade, Empress - - Gala cloths; 301 4 4 3.0.44'...# _7: .1 (..'' 7 1 1 4• 1 41. 1411 144".': Mawr repPs ' : . - Plata 'llanitheaS,. Carde*Empreal,. ._. C , barattt a WI . plies; -:.) : : peed aile,6l ~, .... _ _ English merinos, And.it'varlely of otbey Ell Black silks. Colored silks, Fancy ailks, Al prices.alsrays - lhee lo.yreat. PIN Oil Bloc] '1 , . Mad ill eel 13Iacl prot Brow , .ir pr, i,Colot la, . Poodl ~,og • " Cassi Mire l'ancy cloths, • Plaid cloaking 'cloth!, I Cloaks, .- • .. : Bis ; Alloqiuip, : Circulars,., Wril All: of ,the latest sqles. . . OM SYIAW Woolen. Tbibet, Single-and dsuble,„ Promenade.. Broched; " Meatiest, Cashinere, Mbnrning, Stella, 'New, desirable `and eluti . p. -1 Eli INE Sialt r rit. 1 Large steck,: betiutiful goods. .from $2,00 . to $13,00. . • 131,4ftnilk - Woolen. - • White Brown, ' - - Front sikh() upwards. . . t Fls,n - Blanket, White' Red.iYel ow, Blue, GraY, Drab, Scarlet, dolferinsb, and •Wbite, sada! kin& of fancy. hirtingtlagnele. Cassia For, tnen , and bop, Tweed. : ,0 3atinetta, Blue . Tweeds; and a. large ock of stings... • laMexL (34::cocIss, HOUSE 397RNISHISia . GOODS, TABLE :NAPKMO, : .UOYI.E4, IRISII • I .1' - 6 . 11E1P 7 CHEAP: t 1 forsotS,- " Hoop Skirts, kid --Gloves, Tablo Covers, " Cotton Bonin - All at . prices which cannot fail . 1%; • , .~.~ ... .:~ ar , ,AL191,-X:11 •...‘-,- ;.AND r I! . • 12021, .21idEitriX; ME , Pittsburg-4 . • . ' . Fier( Facies : . 4 * e• 1 1 64 - tY • A.-nenoitn - Jevietry Aspoo . C ai r! 4 81 - 41 r. 89 — Nassua,. 54156 f piled INSh+' Write office, in the borough of Bearer, in the county I . ca l qp, 4.,4/ger„W . , 1,, aforesaid, on - ' NBIy;TORK M= .!!') ER3 2,, at steL-1:- b tt , 129 ,c ti.O7fl : AZ72 1 . 3:E tR5.3 . - Saturday, hovember 10th, 1806,- ,• Utio Lig piroperty, to Wit: - . . . • t All the right, title, interest' and claim of de fendant; of,,in and to the following piece or ; Parisi of land, 'situate in the borough 9f New „Brighton, BeavercirantyoPaerbounded an the ;north by New Castle A. New Brighten road.on the east by public rttiid, on the south by Eran mat •'-:- • f• flin!°3 s : Hz , ,Xtrwirpfallikablisott.„. l (mate 15 if 1441rdigt. . 4 A l a ni No. 15, eltoate in the boniugh of •New Brigh- I ton, being about 63 14,180 feet in length and' breadth, boian4ed._,oupt wireb b) , ,i o kAh l 4:,. east. by public illef„ settle kir Marker set 1 ind-west by Bridge stroati on which is erected I La frame bonding .Used Ain dwetling house linkj carpenter shop. Alio, lot No. 14. situate as *forestall, bodtleitiarthibil6tllio: 18;ealt liy'l r public alley, south by lot .No. 15 arid west - by 1 . 13ridge street. Sisa:elltt 60',by 180 feet, • . Also. all - that certain piece or pareet of land' rin Big Beaver tp , bounded.,on. Aber : north .14 the track 'orate Pitts: Ft, Wajoe lc C.- 88..0n ''the east by land of. JOs. Smith 'and:John Beat- I ty, on the south by.' land of Jos ' Sm4b, and-1 on the west by land , Of Walter Beatty;contain log about 801 acres, 'about '69, acrpa cleared, 1 and entire , farm under lence, - on' which are , erected a double log house, two stories higli,' 1 spring -house, , _anti_ ?U. lbel building. • The above described farm is underlaid with : a thme.", feet-vein of eottl,iinehankopen; primises well watered, with ',gc;t4'orehaill thereon. • I Seised Orr' lal eli. in. execution as the prop= arty of 'Jae`. be ombelle; at th'e suit cfJos. C. • Wilson,: Administrator of Thos. Cnnningham, sdeed. F :•i;: L , ii!. •". ' ; /11',,..:R.: ::;• :No. i ' . . Also; . - l I AtAs. 11J11,time and t place, all right; tile, intereek and - claim of defendant', of, In anCto thq following tract of laid situate.in Big; Bea- 1 1 ver tjqiilkairee Con $ ; Pi:4 :begiiniittg, at the nertit-,west ccirser•o it tract of land formerly j otrited,l4,. Thomas,. ': Clarke,-iand:running'l titinee - hylanil of the Iteit 4 s of Daniel-Clarke. l l Bntlil 4 l ,deg., east 15Q, perches to a postAence lian of Sanwa and Robert Oifapintin,eaikl lot, erchgs to a p o st, thence by part of the .p... . . . _ 'll ; H E COM RETAIL EMIRS : Ell d6laines, hoods: WOoll Dre Rep. Ni ed , silks antral.. • 1 I trthni. • P .r. oot, 111•11 'Ttei. mats. PP% IMI 1•11 01 EMI Is. 2 Town e s, HEAP ! ! to•sait• --T - Eiti EMI IMMI AEL Ilir 18r Air , ,r,CI.4AIELIKE -- .ATTORNAT - AT LAW, No. 81 'limit gei•PriieStraci. VITHAL GIVE PROMPTt'TENTION TO - CollOctions, aid the nrehaie and sale of Real Estate. And w il t" attend - to the btisiness of his professiOn in 'leaverrap2s • I IL;i2 a..- Toelcv lendilnialy. owned by Robert 64 north 2 . 1.-4 deg. west! 94 'perclies lb 'a post, thence „north ; 79 deg.-east 45 7-.10 perches to a post, tbenee'itortli IT deg. *edit 74 perches to a postAh,enec,nbrth' 73 deg. east 36 perches to 111141; ithertie north west 59 - per to it post,.thence by land of Robert Stinson, south 80 deg. : reeiit.-371 per *bite 'oak. thencely s land of Win. Miller, south 2 IA deg ilk. 7 3-lOper to a post, thence north 89 deg west 99 per to'.thelplace of beginning-4-con taining 148 acres and 141 perches, strict meas nre; shout. 140 acres cleared; the entire farm under fencei on which is erected a log house, log bdrn, and.stortespring 'lichee; orchard of: pod frnit trees On Ithe premises; the whole' feral Well'wateeed, and gilder-laid with a three feet rein of coal.. 1 ' 1 ' • • Seized and taken' in:ezecut ion as the proper 'ty of James •Fombeße - at thei suit , of G. Patterson. 'No 8. Atso, . t , I i;tllie slime limo and place, all righl,:tiile,l lit - ere:it and claim of -defendant of, and to the following lot or piece of jiiinglituate in Pulaiski townithii. v Aeaver county, Pa.,. being Let /No. r 9, of Towaseturs•-trast: banudld Zs follows; .By. a line commencing 'at a maple tree and running emit 110 Teet,lbeing bounded that - distance by land of Kennedy,, and then-E-e -*nth 222 feet by land. of defendant, thence west 11l feet by litind of defendant, thence north 220, 'feet to place of beginning; contain ing cnn acre, 'mere' .er lers, on which there is -erected :a Clay. MilL milli ell the.'neienaary fixtures for grihtlibe clay, embracini a metal pan &bunt,. 8 feet in:diameter, which' is hung oR an;tztwight.sbifq ratiol c sing -en - iirtep. Said i pan contains two large cast ron rti leis.' The building in which said 'Clay Mill i erected is a one story frame, with half basement,,32 feet front by 35...ns -depth, • • '• ,•• • Seized anti Alien-in execution as the-prop erty of Jacob S. Price, at the suit ofCrifyin Tuttle'. - • Sutatres Orttex, 11 IJOS. LEDLCE, , Oct. 25;1866; r . 'Sheriff.' Fallj &. :.IW intev 4:31.'(:) - Co - 7 1:1119 • 1 • I. HAV. just' rOteitett s new stod:: of floods, of the ' . LATEST :STYLES;_ • j WINTEiI; .WEAR FOR FALL . ~, ~{ ~ GOntlesee's tornishlog Goods Constanty on hand: .1 . •i - r • ; 4•1.. • HE CLOTiliNg HAW tiltirtit • In'alttlic(istest styles and at eioiteat: notice, SSteccarCS • • - • 1 • BRIIKIIMATELL octlOte §4TSBO.RY,!BIOTHER4 dQ, ' * tErt;nan.eianufac tures. .j• Importer:Of: l • : I ' (Midit. :. • i : ;•-_ ~' •-•--- -- , j'' ', PialleitigiOreid6 ,i'lAilryi • , .. , , lol3iN7i - ii..l- it%i7 ]re; t ! ..- Aniiiiiiii, eigli s'ii'' IV Gil ' 4 lAoriciies,., I.' - ! ' Ol6 iii ? o MIS 4481: .'7.1 -I P. ' ' : .And eviii, description of .1 Piiiiiiy"gioileriiietrtigerieilitaiiii;' i 1 Estoolaili lidaitit iii id deolialXot Vtintherzt ~ .• an&WeiONr Trode., Circiliiiiiiii fiiit lestriptifii*lts sent free , .Agent*. wiinted irrryi!here. • 'Addrias , .' tiIifIBBITRY, - PO: - & - Cil:. • , . - - 9••Donror. thiszar. liet24l3zi . - • IL . ..." P ovideneo. 11,;.I. % Il '' ti Vtreir • 1 ' , A. .„ . " 41. ii. , • a . ''' . k fle JES 94 1 91 11 -I • ' , la. o , itsistrog .o 'Diamond PULL tam. . '. - lijpgs, gold Ileseelets. Corot , i 1 - Orip4-; L.& alainiohisaiC,.,44l.4oCnall'S 'Luna' SetsGoid Peitsonsitt, old • andERIT.,O.4I4teStIV, M 1.60.—;.41. 7 t-,, " VebViii Via:oak W skudr Vila . . ..,;, ..1%, est apd ' Npck,.;, , . . 1 - '... ' . ha%ii,' , WainWd Lthlec:,,-1 I l_ 71 1:-. 1 . I: ; - . , . ed -Gold Chains,'"itc:„ , , f I i 1 1 lf , I,' ,', ' Ao4llllll . .idat '. .71 ..: 4 : f:. '. 1,0 0 0,000,F0R ONE DPI I .L4F, I whit* , titer • ntied , not fp* until-at is what is drawtsand its value. i 1 fi. • TIIE AAlERfaiii r :frsTFAFP.Eßg e , 00: . 1 CIATION calls your attention to the - het of ' its being-the largest end most popalanAiwglry 1 Associatien in, the Uniteil:Stattist• itho.boxi- ness is and always has ben ciiducted,in the 10 0 111,- - 0004 4,4 lo 3 4'l4 o Vklble - . r eilimer.ii Mut - ) rapidly increasing tratiVis ii, tare gnikrinttiti 1r _ the appreciation of 42nr:pattoifs for.thiirreet hod - / of obtaining ricitiftOgitiVnilecirstlit goliti.l.— . .. 1 The sudden stags:43lbn of • trade in -Europe,' . / owing - to the lati:ffirzi*lVete.ond reclatslis !astrous'financial crisis iii:44nglatid,lhas issued"' j the failure, of a klarge,nussberof,ifgarelry `Houses in London and Parii,• obliging them to ' sell, their goods -a a great. eacriftec t itSiome e l ' instances least ban one-fhird the cOit.of man= , ufacturitig... WO have lately,ptir4tadd v largely .. of J.listi‘lfiiiikri4it Cl*4l6 f ,:iitilief'et - trepiety l'Onipricits , :ttai'vre*lifferd' i titiaiiir away - Flair Goods, 'and: giveltetterl Chiniiiilit . draw tbe-most valuable prizes thatt - inre'filii 3 . establishment doing,a similar business , OUR 'AIM Is TO : l i tlllABEZt i iarid-irsielfildly :solicit your patronage,fas we are - confident of -giving :thee tuiritet4ettisfactisr.- - -During tife Pool , jrp3k4:--itri have , forwarded a._ intibar, .rori . the most valtutitip.prriAtt, toAlz. pt4is T ofc, .114 country. Those who patronize us wilkreceivi, the.futi.value Of.. their,_ Mousy; as,no *lids on our list : s . worth - tess_tTilin Oae'iDollbr, re : 7 tailranyl* ,ers.art o bkrksl,,, cartiai, mitt olt iOtill Otie_ ~ d oOttiviirl pt t ? •.<._ • •-- ' lodine (' - . , 1 ' 44 ,mvitit, nt:ta rew / 0 , t _ s tOctirfra ira ow , le . .diiire:l3/ 'Acid tci en address byret dr _ or - pres. 4 .., .....,":,r - v . $, • 1 .; ::: '',' - r: • TA. "'TVs lollowing pArtleh lia"vcree tly, `valuable prizes fro - 'ooseriest JeWelene 4 E - Assuciatien; 'and lisiVe kindly eAkiled the us I of their names: - --. 2 - ; •-- -.1 '1:. • - Charles J. Huntem-Rsll-(Treiliii7PPlPlP. Intent, Washingt oji. D.:044419. ikatiP . I I s llutP l ' fans.: 'Apt* G.liates,„s2 St.lliirkl . PTa.4 ° . - le__ i Y.. SewiffgplAtine,valiiii 116C4 ;Brig. Gen. L. L llanson,/H. 8.-• Volti...iNeiTeott-, . Stirl. l '4ok Set, value $150; •Miaetifteius Hun ' Lep. tt e , Efront,:"St., y arrisburg. Pti.,' Sewing .- Mash -, vaitie - SGO; Lieut. 'Col. ,Walter pat.. ' tenttezioliottgrioneter,A t eitislilr, K..?itt r,. losk I b - old Witch, value' no; Wm. S. llamas. 247 - I King St„ chtiVeaton f 8. 4,.-. E4lie 4 r2`Watelt- .• I I value sso;l' Alexander.'3Olihsonl Paq.; Editor •'• • 'l.fre.';n:eur Pioneer Mu skatigir, Minn., Ladies' Enetheled. tiratel;, ratite' .1.1 7 k; ?atonal Lee . . j EN:, President C otorado , andlle*B a nk Slim-. I ing4othpany, pal Fpanei,co.:i Cal,.. Meletregn. ftliili - $200: Aaron IS. Long",: 'F.sii,Pritictptil jllkhart _Collegiate Intiitute, RlL:l;nrt, if.1...1e:. ; Diamond Pin, -Value $206, it. :)t. LOn,,, , street. Montgomery, Ala., lliisie Rex., value. S7S L ; ; Rev.- lvaoci Van •Duzer.2l,lbiny,,-N.Y.I Gobi: I Lined Dining Sel,,valiie $3013 ; Miis Clara -F,Luc gun. Dayton. _Gino, I - Piannforte; value • !I 1 1 t antLDiumvid Pin, value .$l4 'f , -111 ' any iinnietionhilhe plhesiVeh abi A lpist - , i f ut 'we publish, no names without] permission. , ur patrons-are desired le Send. United States ' 1 urrency when it is .censenient -- ; --1 .,:: • • - - I. 1 I 1, 1 1) 1 • ' l .- • - i I 4113/..11," 141 . ?)1 1 • F , ANtrcLgs i, • ro -BE 801.111F0 gs' I 11-4111;. . - 1 . 0 Witlibut re - girti to:vithie-tin.l not. t r olaispard' tot I I nntil:you;knuw wltatyht 'are to - reeihrei I . : .lb ;elegant Rosewood Pianos fronal s'2nB to 48 b . 15 eleg't ltielodeons.Roaew`d c.nies 176 to 25t1.' . 60 firsreTasi Sewing Machines I '4 0 1671n4 •76 fine Oil Paintings,: .-' -• I: -3.) to 104 150-titie Steel Engiaving,s, franiedi... 2:Ito 84' 59 - 31usteb,,OXes ' • • I • 1. . Z - tu - •j - t. 150 Revolving Pateutt.listers. silver :19 te 'A.) 5U Silver Fruit and' Vake i lbriskets..- - 24 to .- 64' 400 Sets of Yea and. Tab! Spoons' ..2,1 to 40 150 Gold 1 ntiting case Wilt/Ches. Wei::: sff to 150 100 Diam'd ring, clnst era tling - stone.. 75 to 2t3./ 176 Gold Watches . • .I . • 85 to. 150 300 ladies' ivatclatti •1- 1 .. 69 to lilt) 500 . Silv.er;Wii:shrs-.i.‘t . I t .. 1 1 ....• ... '. . .-.••• ..td. to 7:5 ThainOid Pins; IL-eat: Ceti and - fßai• Drops.. % I . Lidies' Sets of Gold en .I• tleral. 'Jet end Gold, Florentine, Mosaic. Lava and CaMcoi 'set ' s of Studs, vcst and neck - Chains, Olin and'elnuted• : gold rings, gold thimbles, lucketsi nee. st,lis belt huckles.igold Pees and peifeiltil l fandy tiinkt boxes, gold, pens with phband - silver extension ' holders, and '' .large assortment of fine silver I ware andjewelry of every d.escription.. l .. ' . I• • neL.A chance to obtain :any -, -of • the above lArticles for, ONE DOLL.IIt, by puteluising a I sealed envelope for 25 cent*. 1- 1 ;.• ; • 1196.FiVe I sealed Finvelopes .wlll be:SIMI fur • $1; Eleven - for $2; thirty for . $5; Sizti.ilye - for $ll4 One Hundred fur $l5. . ; - • tl.---. , , •-„ i , • i ...., . AOERTS WANTED . ~CIITITIII"RE..I'L k . ~ , I .., Unequalled indueei . lents - offered to 'Ladies and Gents who wilLitet as inch. Our deserip ti.citaiilst*llTlOrsont.Aritiplibition. , . • . JDtstritint ions are mere in the following. man ner:-1-C'ertificates naming each article grid ire - value are placed in sealed- envelopesi t : which : are!iverl mixed. One of these envelspel eon.- taJning the Certitliate or Order, for same arti- ' sale, will be deliraied at our office.'ot . eint I:yr • mail teeny address, withont,regar4 to choice, on receipt of 26 cents: .- ,•-• 1 . -,' purchaser .• -? • On receiving -the e,Ortificate.the rchaser will see irtuit article it Niraws an/ its, value, oxid i c:in then send-Oki DOLLAR, land,! receive. the _article I nterned, Cr can choose any other one article 'on our list or the: same ialue."", I I ": , PnrehaSere of otir - Stazzu Eivizorscivinay, - in this manner, 'obtain -an article l word:. from , one to five hendred - dollarst , • •-• i - 'I ; ~ • Long letters Are: unnottessaryti . Have •tl e kindness to Write i plain direettons,. and in • choosing 'different articles-from those. 'drawn, , mention- the style desired. -'• ' • I ; %11 - Orders foe SEALED ENTiiTOPIgiV4IREIA in every' Case be actioinpanied with . ; '' the cash. with the - natal. of the person sending,.',. and - Towit;.Coustiaatl4tatellainly-titten. ,- - - - Lefties' ellen* -be addressetl--4 the! Maim- . ~ ~ gers, as follows: . •• s'l ' • . • 1- - ..• , . SWERMANI, VATS Dbl* 00. - I . [:: is' - ..;37 & 3'9 Nisiatr er..; lintrik 'olusC4i. ' ' :V4l - ,UABLE; FAB M - F4IL-841JE: ,undersigned" ,offers for sale, tk a law price and on .reasonable,farzu cic, AIWUT . 2OO Aerie; Situate 8- milesliotathl weat of DsrAingtaa, Beaver counli; Ps ; The farm is a good'OntL abotit 110,0ree elecired, and in.a good state‘areultivation. The',,iMProve. , ments,are a' ge4 laige Tiori Stark 51e44 4 D,tre law, Bowe r large Frami. Baia' Barn,' !Wars Shed: Mid • Cord Crib, Bay House,: 'Steal Sprin g . goup.4 ~„ • The buildings. are in good repair. Ple4 l 3l 4 #l . lcdpdAiKtive on - nlinjban; .:F" , further information inqUite of - the underitign-. ed,lresiOarotallus:kretaisse t .-.erlof nice, teaver:VarT- - • • - -c i ietlr66:tf ROBERTS,,J t. TRIAL . LIST NOV. - TERM 4866. . z' ..• ...,.• • ~. - ,4- ,- -1 - 6. - - .. . -- , -,- • .• I : (szcoxii weeil---fn!siosnr.- i , , - •' . • • Elininel4,Moirow v - s_Thomas .Oreenlee • Raniv.teßinsey &.w as -Tliot Poe_& wife 1 - . G. Alexander's lersiA Jackson.o 'embers et al 8. Marker's heirs.. vs. C. & P. R. Co. Michael b i lltin 4 - :ve Abraham unter,' Henry Bair vs - Goo W Barclay, ' , -.i Sauiuel esselton . va :Wilson Usselton , ' - i NC& B V Rft Co - vi John Beatty, Eles Ei'r . satoe ys Wm Joined '• 1 ... • . oollnio ' ;•.= - M. - .WEYANDiyro..., • •. IS BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers