I rThi,. • tri i khidi st - 'cif - I - o r - All." i - The editor of the Local hi hostile to We alleged •a couple of iweeke age Ins pers3nally, and will not , bei recon. t.hat ono of the speakers of the De .• , i n* . it the 4: -n.O I. .1 • brutic.party in . this county had as- -rt• i t .. h, th Son . •n a •," I ed.that it was the speeches of Sam l ea e Pttj i b g. - . wish Va Wilson, Esq., that brotight ahon .• 1 . pli' rite 'h tip '. - E ., Oil ; , defeat of their part l y; and that to . .-e a ing at* - . ... he prominent Democrat hsserted In • our : woul do him harm instead' of good, hearing that it ,wlts 'not' Wilsonp 7 bu,t he came to'thei4rgus, and 'front Ott Ociell-thar goc thd party overwhelmed' 'day to this the. .Ll:rtl. heti - _been the on ctir . 04 . i v & AF%arld r , Ft - 6 2 t oral enemy, no p 1 fte tepee-. - ,1 siittenit - WS Milierrer , att Oki - ea " for showinine due iitirtiality,,bnt ir - Iry "'WI' '1 r r ----- "V---' 111444ju"1"1"-- --- imthiee • 1 atx.-4/fror - 6 _ NM 3lv eat spa .b.e.:.-04; •Oa:SY3t us" a sot,m4inpy-rs Ifalt Ali Ili °Tv 1 0bitbi . IS* fll6lll - '" ,e 444,1 'Pm , -, . a -- , 1 r - --- .- ay . Pavty lusoienae. .w.i i, ~ - iztt:itietviitlit 'meek - - prniilitiP Ott "do ttifetttniee• - -tbat--thl' 4 ltepublinatv a tif *wet mettaty havoniet , beere-inanient owSlia-alatory—they—bau ishalte . 1 0 0 .SUPPo°17-PPIa l • ..i i, , 1 1 1 1Nridirfol;P‘deo l l ! 'VtiolarP r i b o t ileitintedlidttgb to put- &tire - ti -.i.J - ,L , .. ' • 4 giptitii military tebellioni an 1 ,be n , nilgaaai i inuiii einogh to ofroPrit#o *fibs. *Mona: whb I foiteited theiii 'l4.**lheit tteseinfdprOvideit only tkil!! the/. would .0:,..,, t 9'- 4 f 4rd n lt ii ° l ', Igur44;wd 11 0°100;14,1 1 *14 , 0 bit ,Ppitimielir irtifil, ► ttliltiottilichoF: -bral 4 lotorl' lo * o ' & 4 1 )0 4tioldurtY That hair oeiroolY ' min tt ;' h - tt li%ng alio The 4elhatts for 4 tl e' i s t Atla l ytaitt t , o Libecite relnaTilk• Prot theref 4 ie, .suPeriluOulL , till. We, would= it have lieliTwith, that papiiiiandlits party in 4ila dnfittty - ;in tattethe'eleenon had, ` , ll4oLlieii i fav ' ur f 7 "Ineoleace? It( thaLtivooh It Oold hOre imektio 1 44). at I Plointictai tie life.- - JilO nfir l ell i lIVOI]Id lii'Ve beet '" kindled pro= [O6l 0101 Mr l viiii, whisk y. ;(lr at ti i, and oviirilßePublicilo , in 0° miglibckrb wd , I would: , havelnd ;malt uporil inealt, 1 beitpon upifin4 A im, no matter. where he 4ood have teen round. This 6annot , be gainsayed, Icn... the, RepubliCane of: Seaver had a fortmte of the seeoleoce it`Dittlooratto . victory would bring on the dai of their mass m eeting in tine plAp,--,'Thekir (34olOOlotr,tion at tat time ignorantly, - caused many of,. them to believe that theiv,cium was improv• lag; and this belief induced tittite a number' tot their rougheet ehailletere to bawl at : ,ens •lost*, it 4 ivlicf we ' re; 111 P w0 to .-60 . 0 PP oged to theM• It hot I -1 a laint hope , ot triumphs than Josiled down snail, Mower of eopperi mend tipie, what ' would a friemocratie vial tOrYitaigetve brottibto < WhePuir bearable or unbearable, we-Aire =thank lid we do not have it to bnatti , e; and right glad are We to know,s toe that heither success nor defeat induces ally 904 11 fdersige titirober 'cof olOomcn be :plating _else good ciatens , and 'perfect '-gentlehnen'. ' would be glad if fhe ,LlocaPs pa ty bas inaire rip of:stinilar material:, Tar: last. cohtains . a thice. nter nolnnin article, • in whigh t aw eoaelainvelishowii that at the . recent Alection in, this county some : of : the 11raori candidates ran ithead ,of their associates on . the same leket; ..; that . - some of 'th'e Democrate had more votes ,than -other DemeerAts on the . eopperrticket...NoW, if it is coma. ing to the Peinoeraq General Geary ran' ahead Of l oirr:lOCal ticliek in Olio, courtly, Or if : it it a souro'e of gratification teUrtionists,to learn that Cltinitedifi"pit - run , hie .lull. party vote, then theiLoOrs long al. tide pctssibly accomPlishedsoi s mV good; • but if its infbrination arse neither con solotary nib one party nor gratify— ' ing to the otker,' we,suliprit tbattoe editorortbe Local Would,hare Served the pabliejust at well tu i 'have 'stood upon bib tl!lor-etepad whistled l•Yan kee Doodle" fora trait a - cliciror so, he did in i preparing and priblishing the article referrtdto. ' t The Local's . • , objective point in that editorial eaunrit vein. ll - . - As We Eluimaged. •31. clik In tie'Argus tuned oriLthe on y preceding ths efectiOn we notified our iiiders.that we hadireceived inform. ' Mon from PhilacielPhia .-the effeet. • that. the Democrats in thesestern and 'central portions of the 'State had,giv . en by the electiOid oit''lyniei,i and lot° quietly trading hint off for totes for their candidates for Congess. ;We believed then that qontgomerys , anFl his friends hero . were doing the same thing; and the res in this oounti ter Clymer and Montgdmerrl respective• profes this:belief to hevebeen.rcor roct—for. Montgomery turns up with 89 votes lodes- thaUlwere Oven to Cly. • mer. •-.lkls contemptible i „ tins ireateiterafy„kowsetlajOiWfriend, as was done with ,',lYln i er;lq, meaner Oil lo 'boast about it, l. , Aid . 'n the Local of lut week. • • . • • ~• Playing A•11 - , e , I General George A. , ediiter,•irlieldid 's- "stay,' ng" Atitiy Jiihheen' r • • ). 4.•• yr, bring the summer Ana' rearty :f ikait •. u fe now reported to bel laboring ., pr ;.„the mimesis ot thei Union ilepublioaniiick. in Michigan: ashen:m . oog - ,nbit kr Jo naoo, tt l 4'fi4 7l i Ina ,Ne 1 'Cleveland PrOtiFire.ii:. i is commission L-Coloneln the Wit. •Thir:PPirriniesliii he t a • purchased from rOlv •I°'h the price aboya iilL4ted; and * high • P"C9 At: FAIL I s ijlWil he ;wants. that ' conimineioe Senate ot the triiited‘Statts; body::,Th i a witlnOta t io t i i Xottbg ,Mr easter (Jibe a &ant.: ~ e • ter -party, but he cannot cot tc • bare his bread butiered bn bot • 'sides Tcybd i .” ME sirsorl y ,t. 4 .11J'El3 if Ode yriffi - 'G'Biil'afffiniihr . .0•:“1 le e . tigg ni.4.4.4440 , 5yr ilf,ttkit [taw tyi and titusattitiatiliniii nuustr be:taken. Ttt'AviiiptAitfut , have to eave as. We prigke'agliod' 04Ylotts agiViliiiifeadiis . 4tti"nji doubt sympathise' wi n .we lb (4111? . Q d 9 :1,,,,,w 1 says- that itiU, outaeltAhat, ir praying - for Abe supsest3l,n - ' Viol Leetit' an d the child k , WI tileal! th4iith• gratitude arl er.,go:? :Ave: meant; Nif43#l AO' here is;our reward.' !::•,-,r:J • ' , „ t • Modal* -in : Troiabl •. ~ Lyttelr' l i One or the 'penians 144'4' mer by. the Pa tiadiaps. - hite, !been tried reeently in the Cariacia:COartiV found guilty,' and sentenced 'to , bd. toting: ' Catholic Priest,'Unmed whowas likewnio raptero ay.fhe same time, bas. also , been tried; : .eonvicted, and sentenced .tet death. McMahon avers, it r.d "we - believe`_ it was prdveo in his trial, that ho Was going into panada at the time . of the ii.vasiort private . businees; but onl ascertaining that he Was a Priest, the IFenitins int. pressed.':hlin into their service for the purpoee of "Caring for ~the wounded and dying. " • The Unit:A States Govvirnment has intide'l request of the British Cover*. nicatto be furniSbed with‘ lheiisPer; ar 4 d . the evidence affittlneed in the ttials of,l43tacti andldeMahon; with a view interfiosingitifthey behalf, I - few Republican ,IneWspapors sneer at the nomination "ofJOhn Moe. rtiaar;'pul,, , iliit'enteiatreiler, for Con - i?,' 7 " 4.9 w taloa i not i ‘after, all.a l faness the. sele4ticin / The nominating Convention tbotightio, and we are not ilispesed til'iti4iestii its jcitliin'eni . , the premises. B f itber of Llll3 - lfroqksoi; WootiMunt somereterionAccont plish men ts 41.nrrissey lays met , claim ; to; .but these are slot. thc, things that tha represe a tative,syatem , (ekes account of.. r EI9 tollgsloattc:h con stituencies why should !lA, vac of, their , own sort represent - them ? LOcal clairturtlai its personal - . „ 4thrusts", liccomplfiihed good. during the rent campaign) •WA 'admit tde truill'of the piopositi,.ini Look 'at th's) Tads: these "thrnetel were . oftener made and , mo r e Venom toward Col -Quay than any. eau else; widths returns shoW thlst that gentleman, al. 'the' the third cididatti, polled this 4-P votes mor e than I]ke:i3vor did .before Who will then dare to say that they Locara -- "tht . .usti' accomplish t,ed no'good • Col. Quay is not at I home at'pkesent,,but-we„take the lib .erty of- returning .to • the Local .bis thanks for valuable services' rendered . during the campaign. Please accept TELE Local; in ipeaktng of tholron blo in Maryland, - tqkes.sidts with,the ex -t abets in that State , and says: "We shol floe if ,th e .war does come who•wiAlie humbugged who. will ba ,wbippod this time.' if the Lecars,talk has any.uteaniog. at. all, it is. an saknowled,greent.:that it audits party friends Were-whipped before, and a beast - that: in the next confliet..-they have a peospect pf farieg better. You "helped. to put.the re bellion deem!' with a vonieanee,didn't you?':. • GENERAL LOGAN ON COITERUZADEL•-:- The following is an inteitogatiiiy pat liy a. Cnpperhead to General Logan daring oneof his s:peonhes sad tho answer : • • Cop. -4 few years ago, when you was v. Democrat,. the Ropublicans twAl ed you,..Dirty Work : LOgan-' are you doing.this dirty work for-04 Republi• ,oun.party noWY" - - .- • Goners' Logan.si'f,en, - • sir ; IL; am atiAoing -Copperheads,l. snit is LI the' Airajoot t ,,,Work overdid; but it bus got to oe done.":, . • .. e ... $ ~.!tai,`Agierattire.ot Vermont,' on the 284-inet.;:eleoted Uon L. P. Poland to illfi•Ont ite/reipiiia ter m of Senatni tOlfiiMii;! fit ' Ole T. '3; Senate, and r lP*.:Afie -1. 4 - : pmfic to fill the iiooxpireg In ti' it tileiator FooteLT dt,theisome,Aricr,--iitinj Jaatin Sl'Mor •tillt-teirtisyefited'ilintiddlStiii,e Senator t 10 -1 14 :::3 41 1 1 ii-Itio AbeSAVO. .M.af4il. I.? :ek :f' , : ' 'I F .. *.... : . 1.3yci.)144", lexieg lA° .pest Yillryrlgitt.:. martini Jim, Alice HooperptirlMsrowiifities•r- The' form. ties, wiiile the lattei is noloss diet's. guiibeci for her - personal attractions Ili MEE cr - Rrnrin. for ,mg I a re; plant. kali; .A6i!iire4ll6o 5'1.1 1.1V.P; ! .E: rpreb r . .,Felt9 .I:UP9tO . were in.the army s tand.while , st+owettuneolayifg in-Winter' qnsitere: we *thie'dkalledsickitit `as PH:4 .I vo 4 1farekt!), and t?eo9u,nn:YTl/ id, our Aulr lain* "BaPPrl9n'StAD.,?. - a94: "tame dowarlintidsomelron ;male of , ths , Xocart,politieilltleasts;:blrire bawl ,hecome :ifelioOt:bay like "makes a;,mouth 4ot,4e.trizo repsoo..of his tioatility; then'. we inspect 'that . be -id envious of the AlistinetiOn •thon ac. carded us aid; we do'not 'WOrider,.. that "jown" : 01 011 r*,_ e1f,"."449rn" on tim ? Government an d "down" on. "the war .ritat ?region'', conducted" for nolo baiing mean 1 itnj a riotivost::laarsbat f ' , wipe tier ocsWil.,4l4vaziena.capseity and fitness in inn- feta:position of., this kind and made appoint meat; !instead of making hiria, - they Aid, an aid-de. camp. whOse hasineas itjwila tai bny'his Generafa onaekeraTatid: keep up the ( supply ,:of Iwhiskey i ,mould hate been to , daii the happiest violl at t6 . 4;mcistp?idricts 'IAIO 0 '!lgilyei; Bat the e.Ontrrist .. heiWeen Voit i . volt itarshal.With , powers and' re9 o o 511)M - ti l de -seccind only to. the General contrnarid; 'and an . oliterairi"giggei bOss," too appa re nt,, and the our;se'. quenge 4..0401 becomes excecilingly wroth-whenever he thinks of it; • Swingitig A.raiii34:4&3llV Cot - ;A: - X....breiiire. Cif the Ohanihoras ' burg keposifoiy, who tipeebilis'aiOvell posted in political matters is any man , . in Pennsylvania, in his paper cf a few days ago, in tipeaking of President . Johnson, saps : • We spesa - adviaedly whep we say Ahat he assured a tending lteriblican, M. C.. within' the last ten di?pi that he Would be in harmony lsitli'Congress iti-a•tery. short time, ;'and he,,occused his, removals lby sa ting that 'lie, had removed ha;ifour. comparatively . ;* that he' lo4t largely' b rit:; that every aP poititiniint-offenilud all, vilib Were di*. upticinted,,While him§ appointee* vury• l'Otten voted t' Republican ticket •to save ItiernselVea in the ' Semite: ,Wu know; also, that in _at' toast two in ,ets..iiies he Lint revek,oo ' appointments ;;alina , lilrriade and continued the Re ,publican indtimbents, and in one of the tnstaneea he ',proposed to - do it if a Re• 'publican .Congreasman: desired" it.— 'nein' are fart* within' our knowicilgc. and, we giro Ithem t'o show _that Ans drew Johnson wouta, at, least in some ily . Seemn to enjoy, at , tempt to retrieve his 'fearful. fatal lull. Anotitir Union Triumph. West Vittginia has followed in the wake of Ptinnsytvania,, Ohio, Indiana and lowa, ; and. given . ti "rousing" Union majority .on ;the 26th. The Unicto State ticket bas been elected by a'majorllty l of abent 15,000, three' Union Congresirnett elected,-and the Legislature of the State secured by an overwhelming- majority. Well done, West !Virgin i a I All honor to her brave and indomitable Union men Rom. Joint! L Tnomss, Representa tire in. Congress !pm Second Ma xylard district, find a Candidate for iv election,- had •a, recent, conversation with Genetal.prunt, in New York, in which the latter expliCitly and voltin. tarily'took g r ound in favor of the con stitutional amendment, and declared that, it wuuld he fatal to the South if they refusedto adopt it. -In all the t f , SpieChig pf Mir ., Thomas gives the purticulais this conversations .in Which the General gave bim Wenn qualified asasurartee. , . • Tax Locta tri l ion, and of tbia count for; "up Salt LitU local n 4 ealt,of tb`n him to ,bo calnetatoril d, 064 rel • n IQIIUS etiminsf6o.z-00 - RaV..enCie Comintesitiners estiinateqbat- ove - 42, 000,000 gallons of distilled' epiri ttt 189, 000,000 gall i ons•of fertnented arid . 10,000,01:10 gallone of impt , : . trtec !ignore are lsl nuttily .consumed in this eounity•' coating $500,000,000.'i The Government revenue derived front the _liquor busitiees is eistitested at 06,727, 286 - annually . , . Gattsaat'Joits P. HANTRANTIVAnd. itor. General nf Pennsylvania,- has' Ned osptedthe ito4ntntent - of colonel in the regalar*rmy; tendered him some time ago by thaSeoretary Wsr,, and 'will leave hie, office, -at . •11srrieburgb, on the Ist Ofillovember . - . „ Ttie Btistoaßost says "the election returnado notfnlfll tbe prophoqes of. .tho - Ihit'llo they. answer the expectation of 'the Demoorata?— The Pitts* view is tho latest . case of cold onmfort' - says that next year the the betitoeratio party oomprise4he crew Itiver)r,',, The editor If doebi knows, for-the. re eleetfea here proved o. .of the best pOtical tho nge. His' Brim, cations rttro ways data . .- ,-. , ..... ... •1 ~.. • ... Th e MILTYPInfHIDSMIio• Since our *ii,r - iiiii;j, , . trouble Marylanch ' ‘,.--:-;' ' , , : r ..iii • miter; °ban: ." save ,, ' 7 • " Cf. . '‘.. .1 tot' . , Poll .-A • 4 `'--- a te ' '"igi 4 ' have " r'".. -- rfor . c. ----- ' --1 1 II rell.- . , ., ' , Seal CII3IO . __IMA4II:-L . fo r ;ran the. . -_ . O',IL the CommissioirierOn :the outside , of our paper - will ;Ipeltitild a com plete ist4.o,fi ttrivantgillt+, lt- ) 1 T, "till °beeier. Tb ias Balt imore AfiWeri; it . I , I T 4T-6 § l7 Pilijaiii: 7l7 ., .:r, '7. -7 ,, . ;',1 1 ,61 . eividoiiCa t''iiitiiiciett ' thfi; Police I CdiliniiellffiPiii 4 . 1 0 1 . t be . ePTPIeKr re, i fated. ,i 4 ...4ity . i*, thote,lignioyis , c9=:..Tbcf, definee. ,: : - ' - ' -' ' . -i ListrAfolkE., Octebei',"o9-41: bt ;A r k"- ainin4ion it thi., - ,eharges, 14/14195t AIM , . PoliSa Cominhalopers, was resuu)o44o7 daY4t A.r.bapolis..., Somst,W4o4 , ; Yiitt: C"fiell we r e !!;alnived. 'Oheni ,fti . . , one 440E9 bg- pvcosec9oo 4 : ,ll 4 l ":l!Oggit they ,were .through, but would, have sou.° rebitting evidence. ... ,':' 7 The. examination of ivriiiieic '., s ea for the defense will commence to•morrow., The evider.ce ot to,iiiy,.. elicited Both—' iig important. 4,1 Why not Admit the Loyd? Great'• stress,ft lairtorpou thitignew two by the , friends of the. PresidhntTa iit discussing the 'Bobbin fir Coot grass toward, she lkettbethAfire! sentatiVessent to Washington I.VV. I I' not admittlie,loyrautenand reject the others?" .it . is, asked. :, ,But the trOth is there .are no loyal -,mea .ameng. the ,1 whole conecuiros," it:talent vsbsisa, r , ars called 'loyal who...have i l enbseribest, to the- twit Jutth And: What , it i an astir worikswiten..it -is. known .abut those same men have it estendlif, violated , on e, be the freest and bit.diag obligsiuna everimposed, that to the gonstitotion of tha Untted Statee ? That • waimity riot do injustice.let .us look atilt° list of Representatives to Congress elected froal the South o i, - 'Aisf¢anta -L-TO ' l the Senate r -George S."l - .ldiston, Lewis F. Parsons,!both rebels. 119ase—C. C. Langdon,j3eo. C. Freeman. Cullen A. Baktle, Joieph Vr. Taylor, B. T. Pope, T. J. Jackson:, all rebels. - • , Arkansas-.Se nate--E: - Baxtei,_ W. ID. Snow, one a Cc pperkesi. i'lloarte--- Geo. H. liylo ) J- M. •Johnsors,i*ln. Byers:all. rebels. . ... :4 - '•1 FloriclaSenste —* Call; ' Win. l Mar•ein,. one rebel House--:P;:iMc. , , .. Leod, rebel. - 1 - . ",. • Georgia.—S2nato—Alex: . StepbenS, Herschel V. Inltrol'on, both noteck 34= bels, one of them Vice- Pres i dent , the other a Senator in' the rebel Cote. gress. House-3 Cuban, P. Giok. li, Bochanan, E. G. Cabinet's, j .D.4. , Mat. ,t,hewit',.,J. H. Christy ,W . T, V of!or'4.' rill rebels orttie Worst ( ' or t., - 1 - * laui.siana.--sonate -RaMiall.• Hunt, -Henry BOyee, both%Telrels.: ' HOuse;-;- -Louis St: Merlin, Jacob Berker„,ll.oh'i. C. W;okliffe, Jslin E, i Kiiii, . ,T. 04 p, S. Young, all rebilr. , -1, , , -,1 _ Missinippi -,--, °nate—W. L. SiiaTii ey, J; L. Alcorn, one rebel. ‘yllonsrl-:- E. A. Reyhulde,;B A. .Pierson, Jareei T. Harrison, A.l-W. Wok, E.' G. Vey , ton. all rebels. _ . Noplh Carolina , -Senate—fr.o. Pool,. W. A.. Graham, both rebels. 1101itie— J. R.Stubbs, ("but ICA C. Clark, fr, C. Fnller, J. Turner ; Jr.; B. Brawn, S. JI: Walkup, A: IL Jones; ellrobeht.';;- South • Caroliais.'—Senatelohn' .4. Manning,. B. F. )Berry .1 tln'ite---Thn D. Kennedy.' William i c Aikon; J...., Mc Gowan, James ? FarroW, L. U. Ayer, all rebels. • • .• ' . 1 • • 'l.. Texas-0. M. Roberts, president of the'seceeston convention of Lfifil,•i - has been ebose.n ono of the Senators,: At che State eleCtiOn jillit, held, the yebil ticket's with Throeltinnilon et rte head, '-was.elected by a foor4ittlis ,vote, i ; The eliuractet of the Congressmen tp, tic elected may be 'guessed. 1 : • -- • • Virginia . —gano yet elect. ed. Ltougt.--W. H. B: iCustis, L. 'II. Cbandler, B. J 1 13arbOur, Rob't Bldg. way, B A. ' ...-DsCis Alex. 11. H. Stuart,' R. Y. Conrad, Duitiel A. lingo, all re •i els except Chandler', ' who is ,a,vety bad Copperhead.i . • ' • Isn't this a Pretty list to set before. Congress? Why, indeed, Oti admit the loyal ? Wh7 don't the South send 'nib - to Washington ?, Let them.eted them first.—Commonwealth. ' ::,- • An Open Fight on the R.euikril Question. • It would seem that ;the Seeritary IA the Treaseit end.the postmasteriGeG i oral ere boerinititle . weary of renrving capable men front positions suborlinate to tlieir-Deperttrients.;', Secretary, MG-. Cuilech yesterday flatly refiesed,sena ter,Cowan and a delegation of, Peue. sylvania office hunteri, to tnake places for such applicants - by remotiing r)ther men 'entirely capable lof perforrning the bervice to,which they are asilign: ed. :,,,,. Postmaster General , Raedall, some time fince, made' a sheilaerefit- Ial•tto an application • Presented by •Co*an. An appeal was taken to the President,- - who assured the- offiee hunters that room should be made for affilthe friends of the administration that could be accommodated.; 1 This (Armes the question of removal i to , a :finet.C . oititr •The Heeds' ofthe Treasury and Post Office`Deti'aitelents. who are responsible for thb trarierietien ot-, , the business: confided' to their charge, say that they are Nair/Merl walk the subor dinates .-;under their ' direction C The, President,. on the other ;band; insists; that , all` these- - faithful, subordinates meet be removed; to make mint - fin 'artizan preleranees - Of hte ciert:l PO - , makes welleirlistle betvieen'the'Pre inent-and'tvrG of-hia Cabluet Glficeie. Whinh.of tbeepartisa Will yiefd- IP:- , e. eatinot tell; • 11: will bardly'•-bts be "Sava 'Judaea:"; , 80 look - ieti 'tor: , breakers - in the Cabittet.f---Efitr.l4l'•tl. 081M111130, , ArAgiIINCWON, Oet:i 29.--Seiiretart Seward is seriously;' prostrated with grief at the: death of , his' daighter , today, to i'whoia he 'wait inoitolosely . attached. Miss Paunie Seward, after ari Maass of tiro wycke,died thli _noon. =Mr El cos were, 'June 80,1865 • $ ,• •• • - 4t:ttrtitsiN 64 0,i9;5i0 1 ; video lialw. vay,, At its Talw .tbjkinikkoce:Tata4 over 0004 r . r .:/ r 1 1% 4 4 - 1 !3ipts and nxkoditureifot ctie units 4 Stow.. for-Ahct 64t-year pre foliOws; juositim, • Frets! ittitoitir • ' ' Fronk publii leads ' From direct tat' Priam itternitiantotas From 61a - cameo= • Civil; fareip, miseellaneolis Pensions and Indians War. . 1 i it .. : jatarast' ' -•Toln1 ;.•• ,518 847 887•70 Teta ' ; 556,089,195 08 Total expenditures • • 1519,847,38610 -1 , 07 • . 'Exeess'of receipts • - 691 , 8.)7 36 Aut this excess of .thi4y.tieveittml6 ibitt of receipts .does :trot s how tpje cuquutity Of the :country. to pay og i lte ilebta,.for it . 111 occurred in ,thi-lakt. few.monthe„ Thci war'eXTenstis Of the first, quarter were 81f15.00 ,(108; durtilg the,lask quarter they hicf'dlindled to . 812,000,00. The expen ditures of the War Department duringi the coming . year would be over 8240,000;000 loss, Agit? that ,of the past,.'year, Were it net, for the equalization bountits bill., As.compared with t e brat 6sekl your ending June 80, 1 s,,We'find tn, the past F ear in inereas of receipie frOm internal revenue of 100;000,000,, l and ,of custoirts of 895. C, o,ooovwhile i Iths're has been a dirriinution of expen seifor war of over 8750 1 ,000000, andl for the nr.vy ot 680.000.000. The year eliding Eteeenibei 31. : 1565,` shOwed a. '`after of 8619,000,0_00; tiii . tnonthe 'after that time, the year endiOg June 30, 1866,._showed kw - excess ot receipts ever expenditures of nek 4837,000,000. IL. F. Siorton d, Co.'s ECropein,Oir 7 cOlar has' tliefollowing remarks • upon the roductlon-of the public debt: . The stitternzut - ' of Lite. public debt; for Ootober lat, 1866,i sli e r a a further reduction:in - . tNii liabiliti • of the Gov" erument, amour.ting to $434 . 6,327 baring the month of August, the lotaF 'debt wail reduced 837A16,108; and dur lug the vombined moutb4 of June acid July,. 837,189,091 -The total i l Vilne• titan during, the four imokths ending Septerilbevl,3o. 1866, thuk amour l is to 886 b 51 1 ,426, lAl:cording to the month'. ,13• 1 of !retUrnm, theAmt.unt of pub lie . debt, at the begitin . mg h of reac I month. from ,Okober 1, 1865. 'toiLoa. 1,',1866, has kreen is follows, • i 1865. 1 .., ~, 1 , 1_ . . ckitober 1 . '. '5f._4744,9117,726 ficivember 1 •- . ' December I , • '4 i•••• . . .1866: : ' - ' ' • January 1- ° February 1 - Mareh 1 April 1 - • ' ' ' ' May. 1 • • . ... June 1 July 1 • August • - September 1 October 1 • 'Ly s ' the . laSt''sixi' traordinurg aOgregatts 'of of debt has been, liquifj. ted—a rate of payment which wodd , extir.gniflh ,the whole Indebtedness f the . Gov— ernment within nine ye rs. During ; the last twelve months 171,610,78-5' of, debt has been paid . otT-4, rate of liquidation Which,,thougNuot go lark*, as that of the :an six months, would' yet wipe out the whole debt : within , fifteen years. Thi4 large reduction' of debt 'him- been effected-thr ugh the or.' It dipary -re . Ines, .which h vekeen col lusted Wit out. . any symp ours 'of die= content t, taxation, ;am! which it Would Itp ar, Congress is nut likely, early-. to reduce. ' 1 NMI 'mum iMMIBEE •7 „National Thanksgiving.. • A PROCLAMATION. - - iAlmighty Gt. ;.,.Our Heavenly Fa itrer, has ',been p earred oiruilotalo to ue, as a people,-_notbcr 'year of, that national life whi ch is an indisperemble . condition of .priaCe'i seem 4, - and prog; Mille.. Thht, year, moreover; has been' crowned with many pectin r blessings The civil war that was o • recently among. no, has.Lnot been an i ywra re ] opened. 'Foreign interventi on has ceased to'exeitoralarm or apprehension. Intrairive pestilence has, beec benignly, mitigated. Dom i astie tranquihty hail iirpnved, . sentiments , off': conciliation have largely prevailed, &id affecs,ions of. loyally, and patriotism have_ been widely renewed : Oar fields have yielded quite - abundantly. Our mining inclustryhas been richly ' rewarded. and we have been allowed to extend our railroad system far in or recesses of the. dountr cOrnmeree, has resumed activac ~ ity in , foreign Teas: d fr,hese &rest national blessings demnn •'a national aelindwledgernent. . .1 Now, therefore, T, indr a , 1.1":5h isn't:, President :of the' United States, do . .hisreby recominend,thit T disday, the, 1 291 h .of . .binvember ne.4, - . , sii, set Apart, and observed a:lark:v[l6in .1,0 ,the se!. eral-Stauta,and,'Terzitoti ' nf' the.Thil, led States by the : peOpla,t erecd, as a. a,,, AO cif - thanksgiving and praise t 9 .41. .inighty,God,' with due rOnembranesi , !Agit in ..1ii"J.4 43 a114P ' .4°,0 . every: MOM speakliiaHonor.. -1 roc° ii'mead also, ,thatdn the :solemn oceasinn, Cwi ' do h4mbly and: dimotit:ty inTltire 'tint to grani,,to . our, national cionn . eils, and to bur whole people tikit diTtois, wisddn: ahigh alone can lend any I nation into !,e way or all kood. le,- 'Jring.these natinnal thaoltsgivings, maim:, end MI &cations We haVe the divine.aPen i that,"T4e Lord reniainetit Kit.g 1. ' bent that are weak e.hall ; de dgment. and each dr &re csi l I h H e learn Ilia way. The , a iv 4 strength tO JEN people,; l )Lifird Shalt give to His' people_ se. Of peac" •' - - - : ' Ii I b t r *hereof I have het enr.ti• iy hand and canoed the sent of Om Irnited - Suttes. l ,to be staled., Done at the city of , Washington Otis eighth • disytOfcctoherilythe ygsr of oilperl oaertlb - SinWefiritt:fiiidirci, d,a4ditiify aizotn of 111.0 indp00d,00Ce...4.1.L...02 Usitcd.gtiqMlifiAtAyikit• 1 , /qlDirgly TOMNSON.. Ihn Prelndenk;•/ • - 13 fiiKp IT - Sii4l4ii S' k - ' iirgitlii: - I: • .... -,.....,,,-,.. ~ ..e - 4.,7 . - 858.899 16 180669 ' 816 19 • -'.11 1 11419Ft tbe jt ofd!qp, jkeufpripyi R.slBo, !. • U PAMPHLET,; LAWS: pv4864 Invoi, , been received at the.Prothottotarr,s office s an are'readifordeliiery to - . hifeame. . M. VlEYdhifi, petBl.'66, . Prot litinot sty,. '- " fLocekinaert iitneet iseithairecoicity.) 64: 179,04d,480A4 • :,:c W 1 1;974,74 12 . 809,226;812 81 56,125066.48 ' 3E"cxx• -- ia . . ' anTflli undarsigaed . 64fers for salt a MARE - - end COW.. i lbe !pare laperfectly soupd iittietil years '. old; raoksander the'saddle; trots iii, lla m as. Colt ,:4 tuonths old. .. • ', •. -1 i 'J. . C F IV, "D.', oe$1 : - . ' -VBridgewister Pk; ' 556,039,195 06 41.040;965.98 16268;800 44 284;448,701..82 43,610,082 21 ; 28 , 074 . 727 27 ONE LOT . on the _corner. of Fifth and Elk :41zets,, the'Barough of Beaver. This Lst. frontat , ort Fifth Street 110 feet,snd qn Elk 188 feet. Will 1* Sold low fo'r Sash. For fuitherpartienlars inquire ofS' B. Witson,Esq.i • 0et81; 1 66.',- ' • . • . . . . .. . Beaver County . ; Oil Couipany,. A .1.. AtiEBTING of the Bioalchoidera of ,tise "Beaver County Oil Company" viilt be, . at -tha. Bevenue Office, in '.. Beaver, on Monday. thei bth"day !of illioietitber next.. at 2 o'clock P . AI. - 41 . fu1l aktendance iidesiretl. • 0ct31,!66.'• - D.1:.'1 . 1tIBBIE, Presißant. • .; .' - • - lLotnileopy ] ' Teacher* -Ccituay Institutea. A••FTER holding . our public .examinations ll'and'constilting teachers and school offi cers, we have'cOncluded to divide the county into three t iiiitricti, aud• hold . Institutes in each, continuing three days. By -this ar rangement,•is greater numberotteachers will be.reached, and moire good necoinplished. Teachers I 4 the reSpetitive districts tend the mosti convenient .Institute. - They 'will he held aslfallows;i viz: '• Southern Dirttrict, it IlOOkstown, Norem. - her 15,16 and 17; ; Eastern Dist rict , at, 'Freedom,. Noeember 28, •29 and 30;i 4 Westerd t bietria, at pailington o December 6, 7 and 8. . j!" - , - ; Local committees will hiappointed to make tirrangement-for the mite nainment uT .mem• hers of. Mel tiirtitute, at.d.to procure instru- Arent!' music. ;. : 1 . , - , . In\ : 1 Parenta; ic . 1 officers' anti ministers, are *pelted to utte d ; . • . ..: By Order , oft,F. Cora.:l . t • it J. I. REED, Co. Suet., I' . Darlington,Ta.; Oet.i 29th, .1866. - .I -7- DRS GOODS! F . ' CT 3FI. gEt 1, • Cloaks '&1: Slka.Nkls lc • CAEAP:U E hneajnst received one of the Largest and roost Complete ..,toek of •_ 2;74054,758 2,714,683,214 . 2,716,6416 as 2 716,8 .152 'i,111,856,000 2,705,846,516. DRY GriCl 0 DS Ever. offered •to•the public in this city. , I Mao. a splendid assortment of i t Ladies', Misses and • Children's - • 2,689,689,842 2,670,288,807 no - statement. 2,633,099,273 2,596,683,168, 2.573,336;941 i ntim tho ex. • 132,3t9 57.5 , . . 'All qualities, styles and prices, eil great—, I • ly reduced rates. ~I- • ' , • CAIWETS, OIL CI.4OTIISJCUGS Sze , The Largest , Stock arid best . Assortment of Ceirpets, Floor Chl Cloths, Mirth - Rugs, Mat!ty . -Lo. _ _ ever offered, • • Persons in want of anything in our'**mid do well to give ma call. as we are de tertnined to ielltur stock at psices which will astonish N ser-Reminakr the placer • , 'LATHER Si 'CO., 186 Federil tit,. 4 doors below 3farket-house, octal:qui' 1] AL!..EQIIENY CITY. • 4 NOtioe lia-Partitiod, •- iIN the.OrPhans'• Cou4 in and for the °pun ty of. Beaver, Statefof Pennsylvania. .In the matter of thetpartition of the real estate of Adam drF.hanx, lite, of the borough of I , Fre - otn.. Beaver' county, Pa. To the, heirs and eget representatives of said dec'd ,- to wit: mar ~,Ginkhim, (widow)Thos. 11. Cooper and Minerva hitilwife, Geo. A, Marquis and Mary B. his irife,dames Hooper and Emily his vritk residing iti Grundy county , Mo., Adai Gra- ' I ham, ,residing in Paducah,' Ky., - Theodore . Graben]; and ‘ Thai, 111.1 Elliott, guardian of minor - grand I childres of Said deceased, and all' others inteiesteci: You Jan& each 3f. you are hereby notified that an inque'stio , make , parti tion or valuation of, the' al eitate of saidde ceased will be held on' , die -preriii4eit in th borough of Freedom, onithe 9th'day •of No vember, 1888, at which .time and place you may attend,if "yoti- think proper. - • , . . ' ' .408. LEDLIE , tth'fr. , , , -:. . ..? 1 &Attire's Orrice, .1 ' • Oct. 8, 'lBO6. ~.--,. '-• EXEC , • NOTICE.' L ETTERS . . L ' ETTERS tea meritary on the estate' • of Seam* Goancrit, late of New Sewick-' ly tp., BeaveiWed.l, 'haying been ,grant ed to the mid ed, ill periooa indebted to said estate are iequelittici to make immediate paiment,ald those having claims against-the estate':-'Rill Present , them 'to :the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement.: ` ; . , , -• 1 •, - JAMES C. rEßousox, ter.;.. 0417'86 ... - li New Sewickly , tp the loterit %011ie one enetomery ADMINIS'I'EATOR'S NOTICE. otidnilnirratlon/bn ttoultnte ;• of- ' Ononos &tr in.; late Ofiiotdh)diALTer township, Beater countt:• ' grhnted to the ;Anders' (11; ; _ g y p reasnt properi Aohn CiAberteon, Qf Sou direr . p ik t,' for adminiitiafer, or 1.15 the - alinifnisfrator hipself. 81111 TR; Adm7ic • ' • ;0417'66 ; Washington; , Pa. ~ -rr, 1F yon wont to buy Pure Drugs, *Medicine • PIA Chemicals, go Yo Moore's Druglilt7Sre• I= - , I .VITUS & SHAWLS. and at extremely low pncea =I REGISTERS'Nov' . • . . 1 ,/./a Peen= t otemic,/ in he fam Z • ' . '''Aihrthltstrieldi4 ' ' - u f % inch • hove been Passed and file d to --"' il. egiiteriliblikeintif—Beilittvoilti, .4, s il l "'. take notice:. that Abe WM' v1)1) btlireytent e i: , the Orplittiti7.Cburf,loAtt hitlffntites eee '''' - 1,41 . 0r.:11* eounty,of, Timor, on ly e d n.;,, , • ii, theiMit'44. cff, 'Neittmlief; A - 11 ; 4 1Wri t ; 'epufiematiou and a ll owance:- . '. - " . • .Flist ruid final account of Samuel RSA . " ' talkie /It se trill thila Of Mary tofttd Q .-- First and final account of M. ar., "Asa - 114 , 4 and William HOodCsiiiraerlititth list ,of 1 3 0;1341 0 4,,11eeA 1 , ..-i r.-• 6 : • 114) 1 • Firat'ifitilindricedittit:i3f,Dl,44 l4, tin: salutisietrater-of -the-ostu e , 4 _• 31iirtillf ilee)/- ~ ' ~., L ' "_"g o t .. isleackeed-final accottukolt Stlinupte6'• lexecutor of .the,lsisi waof NUCCaltin.deof ; The ae:connt of. Abaci 1 "-Lacoek,,,d e4 i • ' fritlof 4 .6 f i fhe ' , stet eof 'Alerecier-e4; ..Mona -, Theactint Of *Mimi Patters on , oi,'., he last wlll-Of Eitzobet•b Miler, the'tt•-7" Final account of William Duff, e l , :the last will of'Yohn Duff, dec'd. r • .• , The aceointt.Of'Themtna Nicholsec, if !helot' will ofJoha Faring. deed. ' The account,: .3Largarrt Moody,, tratrix of Joseph Moody, and Salsa Mintinistrators of the:estate . of lota a, deed., who was•ene uf the erecutoei ,r, bait will of. Matthew Glans, !dee'd. .• . 'The account of *A.I), Gilliland, ad ie i i g m ,,, tor of Abe estate of Itlw . Citililank r dee'd., el m ' . was' itttell,Truatt.e. in Petition to ig t , ealept• t: atate of. D. 'Gilliland, do . The taiopliktist of James White, adadeld r i tor of Ibe eataii,..of" , Idilo CiiM•deed. , .. I First anti fliaraccount of James . Stei,,,, o _ administrator of the est at eof Thomas ttrta: .emi; deed., who was, gunrdian of Th 1 ,,,,t . Abrahard, mindr son of Thiunas fi : ' Al4, ‘ dee'd. ' • , • - i - ' '. •r. , . The accounts of J. T. Stochdale, gu k ki, - , , of Joeeplt::George apd Smith Calhooti, ad r .i. „ ' children of James 11 l ralhoom k deed . 7 • • i The accounts 'of Andrew SWaney. gli l it,i i l of Jane' Dawson and. Matilda Datgiod, ei1,,,„ children of Henry Dawscup'dec'd. - • I First and final account of tlugh Martin: ex. eoutor of the last will of Maria A. W. g a id, , dec'd. , ' • . • ' First. and final 'aco.itnt of A ndre w Why. administrator de bonis,t gli of the iestate d i lut es . I A. , 111'1l ill; decd. - , :• First andlnal accoinit of Hu411R../iisie rso i,,; administrator cum tesio.3esto a.nero,of R e i !enk , Campbell, dec'd. ti? 1:1d0011E, Beavei; October 17, lA. Notice.. in; Partition in the , illoh la t tof Beaver coun'y. . • ! In the matter of the parlitioil of.the rut estate of Iteberea.Mulvanon,,deel - B "aVER ;VOUNY, As: I Ili: . tit.I.IIIONICEILTII OF • SEAL I'LNIY.SI MANIA, to ko;. • • . ther fiortell and Joseph Garen ht r husband of Wells eenrstY. India* Joke Glass„of Wells counq. Indiana, Wm. m ap, • of De. Witt connty; Texas,lffisSek.. Beaver county, Po...Luc l inda Barcist! and Jed. Barclay.-.her ..husband. of ilughanan coma!, lowa. Sarah Johnston andolohn Johnston her . husband, Beaver ettity...,,Tra., Nancy duo renee .and Joseph 1 rettes her -holism'. Reacer county.. Pa,. Nancy. Glass, widow et • .I..ames Glass, deed, and the children of sail JameA G*Sl4:dec'tl.. to wit : lent N Glass,` Wilson Masa, .Teny,_ intermarried with David Estseld; Missy Ann - lileati,Andrew Glass,Jalts Todd, surviring'huthani of Abbey Tolid, fqt znerly Abbey Glase r deed., and -- Todd, -minor daughter - of said Abbey Todd, ',10a.!•1 4 blurt ha Glass, inteimarried with Geotgellar- I o r . arid - George Glass, 1,11.0 f whom role .Welts county, Indiana, ezcept JohnS Zilss, who resi l'es in BearirYcoun:y. Pa.), heirs of said Rebecca Nlttliionon, othen interested: Orectingtoannilti* 01 ' 3.. 14 are hereby notified to vez and -ntaatia it-betmetla Honorable_ the Judgen. 'of our - hiiid .Coun st Beaver,' inlaid county, on the second_ NI - whit! ( Pah) of November next, to accept .o.rstast the real estate of said deceased, nt thettin. ' tion thereof bl the iroinest, viz: - Thirport Academy lot N0.'28 - , with mansion house*, ' valu 'at $13.1 1 00; 13. containing 170 acresud ;5 perches, Tallied at So per acre; C enosia ing 124 acres and 22 perch.% at $25 permit • DAIS - acres and-70'perehes,- at - SI-I per urn I k , being part of AcsdeMy lot N 6.20, et $114; F, befitg out lot No. •123 . ,•6: acres and 47 -per. ches,'at per acre.: ,•G, being unt Int No 122, Containing acrelt, at S6O per acre II; being • ont lot'. No. 121,. 6. acces:st sl4l , rf acre) 1, being Academy 1-it No. 64. - a4s4 6 l_ sad j, being lot No. 15,1, in borough of Bridge: vrater,nt-$150; and in z the event of non-pull aticei, to show cause why, the ,saute shaid . bill be sold. ; W:tuesstke lion. 13. B. ChidAtilit_ ►- Pierident'af our said Court st.BestetObadA: day of September, itlfs t. J 4111%; A. FR.l7,llfilt,.W' The parties abolo named - will takes:Wm • seeordingiy. - • 30dE,1. , IL LLOLLE. octlTtiti: . . . Shed . . Ott PHAN S' .COLTRT . .ALE. • BY virtue of -an. order - of the Orphasi Court of Beaver county,the untierAgott administrator with thti • will annexea of Ili- Ham Moore, late of _Monrairconnty. Ohio. dr ceaszd, will expose to sale gy publivenloi . or out-cry, upon the premises, on -. ~ , • . 110.. . :4 Y, aVoVentbei 12th, 1866' at ll'o'dock• A. M.; all the following Ids d grotind, : litter, of said ,leaeased, situate in f t hr• view, Ilhhver county l'eunsy:vithis, to se: . No I, begiarting at the strechglienee tills of K. D:Dawsun, north 791 degrees, west';, perches,'south`l2l degrees, .wcst S.i pectins thence- by lot:late of Thomas 11. oa Sztvgt. south 7:11 -degrees. east 3:9, perches, th' t; degrees, east 2.6• perches, tiouth 794 tierr‘ east 1 perch - to, the street ; - thence by a street, north 11215reCs, eat 951 perches tie the place ` ofdiPilig; on ' w ich is e rectetis good brick .dwiellpig -11oilse, lone ands ha stories bigh.' with %Oar tinderpesth, well %vat er at 4.11 e' door, &u:‘ - = : No. 2,, beginning jet the' streeti thence b 1 I I alle south 861 degre:!s, enstl44 feet: Oleo'. by land of 11. D. Dawson north ridegro• West 02, feet,. thence' north Stil degree!, °re it 92 feet; thence bylot of•Jataison Elltott. isatb 11 degrees, west 30 feet: thencelasit tlBsl , ''' 6- r , e greesi.iWest • 181 lent; , thenne 'IV the PT street sOut h'l2 degrees, West 61; feet 1 0 ,t place of beginuing. -- , 14 . 10 : B,lbeginping at-:he;cornerfor3lrs.Qo7L-5. i let. thence b lot of Jtimison 'Elliott north il degrees, east 261 feet; thence by o!r by James Graham, troth 81 degrees , " I T: feet; thence by hind of 11. D. Dnetsos, li i : degrees, east'3 , 3l) f?et, thence soath fill,. -Pees, west 204.5 felt, thence north 111,.,,g.1 treei,east 93 feet,thendeiby an alley, llo6 , l L i deg., west 165 feet tht4nce south 11,1 det7'," I , west 356 feet, ilien ' oe north 79.1 degr eei lr s ; 128.7 feet, thejic'e smith 111tlegret.e,ltre!r:13i feet, thence south 79 9 de eel, east:l4,oi 6, thence south >3 degrees )'west west 2.14.0„f e r- , ...- Place of beginning. ' . . f y TERMS--One-thitd of-2-the Pin' ttwo ofT-- ; - mitlis ilo be paid on confiimettion of the s s ' e r ds l.- Court., balance in two equal, ;annual - _r wents, With intetest from thatilate, to" . 7 cured by bond 'and imitgage. -?. ~.,,0 , - • Forlurther inforlitation inip ilts.,,sf ou 7A; t dersigned;' at Dearer • Pa. . .rc. _."'./: ir • , • • . 'A ,:ar. al w octlV66 , 4 - i ' ill aw - 1 ' • I 7 . -----:—.-.----.- „ .. 11 :.' ''' s:1--. 0 .1 .1 4 :IC i 1 0 1 Ist T”' THIRD INSTALVIWT on Po P: a h , - attic •af As "Irlaoditatc..---u'ijoilv.cc,;.' ,bp due an nyable at the office' 01:, — , d y Or •ny . .'iti . New rightoit. Ps , onLthe nrs' irti ', rovemlier, 1866. Dj - ' ordtret the 1/ f fi ci, Ii Oi Ditciasiin; Pit..-- )V3l ' 8. i Ha. - 15 .1866 . . -1 ; 1 lieis•P"' - . i 1.4, .iconse:Nlo tice. . i- , SATIN° :HOW. Jahn Warner, . ... . ...... . , .... Boebesna• 1 "i 424-61; 30111 A: FIiAZIEB.O . , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers