THE BEAVER . H :RGttS. . . . 1 4. Vir tYAN:O,. T. thAltlit . . A ND 'PAO pil4Vr 011 : Octobe: POI; 1806: The itesL2t _ in this Oounty. ft 'of tirr •• -- • The exult o elegtion in this cettntY t 4n the 9th,inSt.;.4(as gratify:" i rig .to the Union trie aS. luy r ot Lh - t, cduld desire: They :.pp ledto the voters.nt tip county in .bebalf of the prepared danstitutional Amendirient, and t appejl w'a,s ar.,sivered• by a 'tnajorit f ' Of 92,5 in its faior. • - The b emocracy" declito the=' issue tbui tendered by the Union men, and. rriade l "Sarilbo7 their"cbjective point;" - and i lf ttbe Local 'is gond - authority; they !Were sadly repulsed; for it •says 'on the , iesuit.that*".the w:hite man has been Sieved bilek r andtlio.negro kicks up his fheels. higher 1.1-ari: ever. _ ) 'Well done! . Who will. bay here ? . atter! that: . " the riego.ivor:t ftglit It, in r , ..hts' first , "".i..With . the De. 5. • •• • meciaty, he has Oxen' them terrible thro,#iiing . , welt:lke it that his 6ghtiug quaii 4 ties arc not , be',_"speczed at;" and-tqat good-Will, t ini the future, 'will l.i'p.the subject of 4f i ten:tiop on thti part l The Democracy shoth give it heed. .1 '•. • IT4O - w repeat, +rave madel..splendid fight Hand : since the', 'el(tetiem we have beardiold campaign' h ers ati'sert that taking all things into •con4eratiorti it was tnie of the'greati est victories tipt,--11.4 party has seen .in. for.M.4ny years: tono4 Mpn; to the, : working -nr:en:of thoqievdral.tOw . iubbips,fi f vlose ceaselesS offerts and tirelessensi•gy . .brought it n,bout r . • • F = The Elections The.resatt of the - 3elntions on the 9th 'inst., not only Pennsylvania, _but falsO in Ohio Indiana and lowa, ;rill . that the most Sanguine Union - I • ' man scUld desire. ..t • lii tins State we,116.f0 elected Gen. G,dayy qoverpor:'-.41 a majority of '17,000, and, in addittah to holding our' own' on Congres - s - ineni we hare 'gained two r4mbefs—C9 . 4l*o -in the 21st District,: who beats :Diet, (Pam.) ',362, anci•Ge. Cake in . tlo 'loth Dist' let, leads Strouse (Dem) fabOut 200 votes. ' The 'State L'egistattir4 is Union hy l a 'm'ajority of' 3o on 3nint bt llrit.,thus glng ns a UniOn S. Senator in 1 plaPp of Cowan. . electii her Uifior. State ticket a majority #5,000, and s'ende,;een UniOn men. Congress and thiee Democrats SlV(i..vs a Vnion inajo i rity of 16;009,- and returns eight Union 'inen te . !Congress and' three.pcmperat.s. 1 1oWti eoridemn's Policy"; by a niajority 0f .1 25,060, an j sends a clear. Union delraation to . (24n.rress. • ..!!! A will be seen Us tie table - pulish- 1 ,eill•efse*here in , . the ~ rgus, we have , 'gapied largelpft - tins e* unty. Geary has a niajorityf t 925 .ovr;r-Clyriier, rind had it rtott 'r . 'en for our Jiidiehil • ive -- wo 4 have had fu l lly as iLarge ir - niajority . iri, the county . l as we elairned-1000: 4s it is we are ecitiL• 0) j tent,..and !thank the undsunt 7 Urii•in men of l ,fie,aver colirtty for the zeal they everYwhere . . .:.rnatifested in the g9od.cauEe. .G,Od 01 Figures. oprjcinenis in lhip county Mire cer a , ,,titisfke4 the public that 016'y are good politiqa. ..,______Ticai -- liaes The Loca/,beforeitheielectiOn,a,aserted ~t hatlis-partontdieurry the,,(Tnty, and . other copfeTYiiiiiCireldii's --- Were ;sure that - they x'N'Okid h}ild our Majority lin:the county df+in to. 400. The re— sult• shOws - 0441th° Local's 6 I4were only aou 50 out of the b` 't ar.d that that- l uresof thel o— .L ` , friends fell shoitll f the mark. l b votes. , 'lr Borg gh township 'calculation -redtied our majori 70. whilel the returns show :-th, 2 bud 'a majority . 4 132. , Afterl t' suspect that .ttiere will, be l b, -persons ersoni in this Iteality who w' 'rate Democratic figures I . : _i .• , Bear tt in Mind. 1 - ~ - • ' ' UnionlDemoe , eta should bee it in inind that the editor of . the Local,. be iievrngtilat An4y/otason wjts aboat -• 1 to rebel against-i th° verdict of the pee. ...ple'as pronuune,'o at the ballot box on i , the oth !inst., illdorsed - the supposed-' rebellion, and alleged that ".'the Nrorth 'would be the kld of action," and like. . , , tvie_tliat the . ti l4 ht would be a l l'ishort 1 but bib Ody one " - Democrats sed to t have faith in the will of thel!tn joriti' of the pecple,,legally express :' The editor of the Acal now reds this f • ,liiir Inujortty, , as rebels; and insis.s that their verdict ati the ballot-box ,s bliffi . cient cause for linirugfiratiug another civil war..Weihave been 8111.441 g, du 1, , ring:the canipa:igt that tho Loa' and ita party were izif doubtitl leyalty; Abe Local's H ord. . wir •establishes tbis fact beyond,a doubt so far as its' editor is cont:4l . .ried-'it liatAt. ,- MN I j , I 1 , I I 1 El a MI f 0 1 The Local Gets uAuother,s l ParJ .4 e Some-Irresponsibl t,orespondent of the Philadelphia Led c r,sent a tom 4 munieatiOn from Wael t bit l igton, to th 4 paper,-auowing'that the next day after the election the P,restdent: had 'Sent tO the Attorney Gen4 ,.. ui theTollowing in terrogatories, and to 'which he wished replies in writing: „I . ; - , , ' First, lathe present Congress, com posed of members tram', e Northeri. States ulnae, such n piongress as th i s Conititution requires' or is it an illegal knd uneonstitutional .i dssembly r Second, Would exttiog eircumstaii. ces justify the Presid IA in sending hts next_ annual tneS - sagei to 'an illegal and unconstitutional assepablage, pretend in to' be the Congre4s it ,the Unit ' d States? . -Third;Does'Abat 4.uso in ! section, fittli of the first artiCle of .the'Consti tution, 'which' niakeit each lictise tho Judge of the eleetioti returns And Oil ificaiiehs tit its own t members, give ,to the present Congresh die right to air- % elude the members iieni ton States, .or LA impose dielionoiable 'or unponstitn tional terms upon their ladmission? - Fouft h, Does the Preiident's oath of office iequire him totenforeo those pro risimis of the Constitution Ny;_hrich gilve ,fo each State an-equal- right of- repre sentation in. Ckingrtss?• [Article l,t, section 2d, section ail, article sth, last clause.] ' 1 - / ! 'Fifth, What , stepsdo theOonstitn don and his oath o office i•equiro ito President. to take, 1 n °Merl° secure thoassembloge ol a onati tutional COn• e ,, r ss ? • ' [ : 6 I , , Tlie.wholelliing i tUri:ed out to be A I , hoaxa as - e,very man in the country supp Obed, o' be; hilt neighbor of the Li(cal looked upoi r otherwfse, and alleged ,that.the.Prpsi. dent was - "unkieldi 4 ni,l that he would. not submit to The will - nf the ps:op: 1-. .1 expressed sit.thalitillot,box, and as soon. as CongreSti•net., "the e.,a of arins.will 130 tetra us thitt "the ‘9ll t hO a ehort, blood:t one—and Thatl. the North be the field of, acticiti i ".. . - We,confes;; tha t, - 'canard . as the gram ,froth' Waehington eals remarks on ' 4 lthe situalion":r a.cleepitnpre'ssioptiipir. cur mind, irougination, we_again saw the . ' 1 1 i power of tiro country developed; riotie; men once _ntore cams from hill=top - .ii a ad-frnin-- tite—alleys; at hosts once mere' f passe -d hit. er • 1 thither throughll the townh pf lane—Geuerals were Marshalling hattaffions as : of 'old; and the rat' musketry and tl4e, roar '' of ci 1 . 1 I - again resounded-throughout the try, Our cogitations prosentll slimed a more di+net shape, and tri.);the distance—at e tookout.Mot --,4 —we again saw G ' ty and his !star Division." .. ThCy.bad gone !half way up;therlLantain and ,meneed "firing intO.tipace:' l "rh ii; .- 3- 1 , Wits two miles away." Soon and OSterhaus cable 'along: at thc ' of their cohin.nsiand filing i past..l and his trocps,tbey quickly for his frost,. :and lit_ "charge ba **Jou' lit the eAv 4 teith'it tap . - --._„ - 1-..f.,....,-- ' _ mountatti,*.iVing '- t i he er.eniy, , - - - '- 1 o to- of prisotereirtriii,„ --i,' ' ' , •-•- 1 .-1. ly all of his arttlteiy. - Yetit - Atik ''silver-lining tc) file;, cloud" the }Rousing up, we ,tOok it that .the "war Would end:as i did the the o .- "z--in the tri rttnr4 of justice over 1 liberty!, over etc!..*i6n, and thel i L over tbe few. - _'dr faith in Rep 0) institutions wit s i trengriened.J fidence In the virtue and valor' 1 1 MB urea_ 'way: cal's 500 1006* y t 4 t we le we t'few 1 cilz—! 1 . people wasinc eased, ander we,l the conclusionllatl - tf Johnson i followers inaugurated,a war Eo: the grouhd of Their inability r election's; the confliet'would•be and more !decis ye than the o dosed. -, deringl37,'.n re articib 1- '. • , ' i t -• , ' Beave r County Eixiction t.• ,:1" Goterner. 11Cungresa.11P. 'u; g1.,116. Judge 11 Bemate. 11 Assetubly4l , .:_, - . -, OReg&Reenal , , • i. • - -, ,- , TI• ,T, .c. 2 v ..r., : - -tf JP 1 ie_"; Pg 12 . ; , E .:, ~, --_, -,, .v... . 5 , . 7 . , I .1; 4 fr,.. 4 : 4 T4, , I VOI ' • ' ' .--,- . , ir , .. ,I a; " .4 0 1 4 1. . i. t rP 1 . ^ . . . 1 1. : 7; 4 Er ' '4- . Is'.: Ar... .t -1.. a .• a i. I , t... = a : '-; 1. ! ; t : . . 4. • . . - IN 1 _ Q ".' - ' I a , • • . DtsTalcra. • -:.,-. ~. ~- 11. i • I I; • in, , . , ,- • el - .44 - - to : 16.- -- , - • zip ei - I i` '3, ' . r.- . ., 'al " 7 ''''' " A 0 ' 0 . '. 0 : '..:- . " . w p.„ • , .te. .. •-4 . 0 • ,' - . • ' i ' 1 --- Gi, -—, 10 el 1 :' . - 5 t° - • • . 5 • ' i- .1.-- 1- , [ F', : .5, 1. : ..:) .f : ,i i - • : • : : : ' t. : 1 1 ' . 1 , ' , ,_,.. • • m amm44• _I - Big,Be l Oerl " 1 ....,‘ ' 1142 95 141 •96 137 ,97 140 .' 94 1,42 95 140 141 141 96 96 95 141 ,95 141 ~! . 141, 95 141 Bon:milt' tp., • I - - .4::....:. .. 226 94 226 98 226 ;: t r'..9 ;94 220 •96 '226 .225 226,, 97 97 .- .97 WA , '.. 228 • ' 220 .. 225 Bridgewater.... I . , 1 76 76 74 79 78 -66 76 . 13 72 7. '75 75 75 77 17 77 .75 77 75 .77 74_ 7 76 8right0n.... , .... .4.: ....... ...-.1.0.-..... 71-'99-- S - -90 - 4 7 80 - - .82 ;-. 86 80 89 ‘ 6B 88 •68 • 189 68 -87 .67 89 - '. :9 Chippewa.......;l. .I. .. ....-... .. ... ... 1 91 68 89 65 'B2 • ~66 ,89 *,• 66 88 65 88 $9 189 •• 85,-. 65 65 ;89 : „ 69. 65 89 , , 89 Darlingtor. 1 'll6B ' .80 165 84 151 - 1'95 106 . -81 168 88 •158 . 165 164 'B4 88 88 166 •82 '165 88 '166 -:4 165 Economy :.I ....t.l 1 - ; ' 91,,145 '-'9l 147 .91 - 142 '92 148 91 ;147 •91'' 91 .191. 147 147 147 91 , 147 ~ 01'147 91 147 9 1 Pallston . ' - 'I '79 'B4 78' 84 49.149 79 .' _ 78 •• ; 78 Is 117 86 -84 -84 78 ' , 76 '7B 34 78 Frankllni. - -1 -.r ..- .. . ... ...... 64 • .65 50 63 :48 .63 61 • 1 6 5 65.66 50 1 60 60 65 .; I . 66 . 65. , , 1 B 4 Freedom ebor 1 • .1, 69 49 69 -49 64 .47" 68 46 69 .49 0 '; 69 ,'69 -49 49 49 69 49 69 4 88 • 89 Greene 1 I . 255 97 156. 98 261,;83 253 :96 260 .98 7,58 254.253 100 100 100 256 98 254 1 249 op .254 HattoNer(Franktort.Y . " " 107 '63 ,106 '64 106 '6B 108 .68 105 64 - 107 .107- 107 64 . 64 64 107 64 107 '64 105 lO7 (11'Gdire.)..:. — • •96 77 95 :' l l3 '. 94 ' T 95 -77 95 78 .94 95 195 - 78 78 78 . . 94 7 ; 95 _ 7 94 7; 95 Harmony '' -.' . 4.:.:..1...; • '-12 -•.-..::. :12 ; .... 1 - •l2 . -,.. 12 ..... 12 . 12 ,12 - -„, ... i , 1 :12 .- 12 ~.. 12 4. 12 Hopewell - , . , . , - 116 ~ 66 118 67 88 ‘, 8 .111 6 112, 66 , 114 - 114 113 .68 66 '•66 1 114 .6. 114 111 67 114 Ipdependence I . 75087. 51 - . 88 47. .. 87 .47i 88 48, :: 415 .48 148 .8888 88 x , 48 :: • -48 88 .48• :: 48 industry -......, 81 -74 83 • 76 82 '7l 82 !76 80 76 .. 88 83 i-88 •76 '76 . 76 ;84 7 .88 69 80 'l6 Marion . t • , 13 62 48 t 6211 ' 6 18 61 12 62 13 18 118 62 82 82 I, 13 ~'621862 13 " 4... ;1 8 1 Moon • , • 1 - ° •: . 105 . 66 104 . 67 105 "z 6 'lOB .68 100 .67 104 104 104 66 66 -66 106 a 1 1 11 . 66 108 , : 108 New .Brighton - • ..' 333 - 156 1 , 824 '164 • :84 .411 526 '167 808 I. 322 822 617 162 162 160 834 1 100 880 1 t 814 Neir Sewieklyj(Peszles diet) - ,101 -16 101 ': 164 ,97. 13 .101 164 .101 164 101 101 101 . 164 184 164 101 164 101 '164 101 '164 101 " ", [ (P.rfeiloin diet '16.68„ 16 '. :6: 16 .- ~ t 16 57 16 68 16 .. 16 'l6 68 68 '. 'l6 '6B-. 16 - 116 68 - 116 North Bewickly. "...' .. 81 .14 4,81 . 146 .77 1' jBl 146 76 147 80 79 179 147 147 .147 '76 146 .TT 146 ;-!78 'l4 'B9 Ohio .' I 225 ' 83 , 224 8,6 222,822 82 219 - 891 224 V. 5 .225 ;87 86 8 225 8.225 86 225 ~ : 225 Patterson ' ' 4 " ' - ..... ' 41' ' '2l -41 21 '; 36 20 .4 4 l6 41.• 211 88 41 '4l 21f . '• 21 '2l !41 21 :41 21 411 $1 •41 Phillipshurg ; .. .' • 16' 55 14 -67 'l4• 55 14 57 ' 18 65 16 16 16 .55 - 65' - 16 ' 64 16 65 18 66 16 - Pulaski • 1 , • ' ' •48 - ,, 76 46 •76 16 406 .48 .75 46 7 .45 46 .46 76_15 , 7 .46 76 •46. 75 .46 ' .75 ,46 RaccoOrt.... ' ' ..;.....,...1 436, 75 135 - .76 -134 40 189 ''-80 134 7 185 185 B+s 76" 76 76 140 71 185 76 134 16 186 * . - ~...1 .204 ,10 . 203 . 106 192 - 110 2 52 105 200 10 201 201 201 7106* 106 1 '202 104 .201 105 ' 203 104 ,200 ' Rochester tp..l I ' .• . ' , t 40 I .' 46 46 89 46 29 .4 ,40 .46, 89 46 -40 40 4046 48 46 40 47 '39 46 'B9 117 40 South Beaver - I 139 '55 189 ''ss 139 54 189 • '6.5 181 66 138 189 - 189 65 65 65 189 , 66 139 55 189 188 , , , .• . I " -I, -- —",.... , --:- ——4-- —,— --'..- • , , • 1 , .• . ~., 1 . , , - ' 1 3310 2385 io2so 2424, 2869 2660, 8271,2384 "8200424201 :8254 8278 3269 2 - 421, 2417 2414 8296 2896 8281 2404116261 24, .4 8256 2436 i • • • • Trustees of Academy—Murray, U, 3270 ' • - -Podr House Director—Potter, U, 3223 ",' • - Anditbr-61'61illin, U, 8283 I. - ' . . .. . Stanton, It, 11D10 ' 2- I Todd, D, ... 2424 . , .) . Cooper, D, 2899 i -le - " . _ l l B sekson, D, 2420 ' I - . , - . , _ . catty, D, 241,1 . t 1 , t • a 1 • . . El Rtit wo form! gad We relate it ebud• ding ovor _ll6 Local s thtit. it. editor, Odell,in. the proepeetiVe •Onflikt . t wont& • ;be on the side !sitirninst'i us; and that instead of leading us • On, toi: victory ifgainche would noir be a ':blot among the licstA•COnfronting oar columns -This fad grivethe nillitary situation a sad Ostia, and we *chided, : it that communicatiorifrorUVishington bad any truth in its sfyitements, that we were in a Worse "bci*" tban sup, .posed. :In the event of war against the radicals,. we titite it, .that, our i 2. 1 .4 friend, "Gen. GOoltifiamh of the South .I k.. • ' American army " wou ld r etur n to this . , .country, and ° with . , him . and Odell .'•touching elhoWs"!as . gainst: Giant', Sherman, Str„iridan; - Cor n nose , anti :ho the result Wont be obsticate, .long and doubtful Gtd During the enmpaign that_has just elosed,•tho ti Moe: men ,_ .1 this county felt the importance ,of he issues that were before dte , people. llence, after iliorOughli, posting tit ruselVes on the public questions of the,. day,lhey took off their&iatiand wentat the enemy as•if they meant blisines; and 'the 're- salt st!ow6 that th`C'y have not ()illy de : feat O, but likeWista deinorallzad him. While the llntoimen, f every town sh.p and borough. in t.e county did 1, well, it may net beit Sys to . partieii:-. , 1 / err*, those that mad _gains, in' the majdritie!..over !qui. si?ponents eine° 1864. Taking them i';', alphabetical order, we find or analy ing the returns, that I -Borough I to W ns lip, ,gained 15. Brightontowship 9, :Darlington' F, ,n Econopy3,.Faliton 14; Franklic l i 23, Greene 26, liopewell 7, .Industry. 8, M i arion 3. Moon 1, New,Sewiekley 11 Ohio 44, Plitterson 9, Phillipsburg 4, PrulaSki 14; Raceoon 2 Rochester bor ough 18, S•m Lb' Beaver t 3. • Tbe Union men ot these townshpif and precints I • :managed well and labored bard, and . "are deserving in a sp r eisl sense of the thanks (dile Union arty'of the cow.- . ty. . , . • - The "Brest.hre at. War." • Our. politie4l oppo I eats are forced to:admit i terrible " haling" in this , • -.. county, and .they a e just now - en-1 , deavoring to :ascot' in. who it, Was 1 that "struck Billy _ atterson." One of their orators, unti an aspirant for the_ leadership 'ilf 'their party, declaresthat _am B. Wiltion, 241., is •the author ot.a‘l their , l ees ! 1 li , e asserts' that the characterof Wilson's speech. 1I es, toget - or with. th mferior quality' of the m dbe had p t upon the ticket, this , . ye r, brought about the over— whelming defeat, of heir party on last -- fr pesdt4. - Another rominent member bf theliarty asserted•in.oar hearing a few da a ago that it, vies rnot Wilson, but; the:Local that broitilkt .the party .., to I grief on the 9t , and that so long 'as it. continued its 'ersonal •'ibuse of Union citizens and nion candidates, dial, long would'th rnion party in t this. __ etunty conti ue to increase in strength, and, the. inijeratic--party "go .ucdeT ."- 'lle thought that despe rate eases required desperate remedies, and he was therefo' e Oa favor of our AI, 04„: 1 4'.1 : 49ki__ g_ his trunk and ; slitppi - 161 7 fEtitiiiiinwit. -. ---- liow, a ? pk in-414 ti "wranglingaong lhe'bre hran'' we e ter a solemn pro-1 teat; d particularly do wi r objeet to any . e. sop in the ! leaderehip of the' Demo ratio party in this county, or to sny, action that, would Induce our neighbor Odelt to leave ns; We are ,sattsfifid with: the _running of the op. position "Machin " in this comity, and if Our word h s any weight, it is `_herebygiveirin fa or of retaining boat, lir.-: Wilson' and iir. Odell 'in their present positions They are good. I),etnoerats, and hve bsrae the brunt of maUkla battle , and we appeal to (heir party tha they must not he "slaughtered; in i ho house -of their friends." - -' _ - ' pur 4 if 1 sae 1, 1 bat. fiwt, too but will I nnon 01113- thiivr.y nttun 'Bone :bout nom- ene- Odell head , carp ed in onet" ot tbe eking near a ~~ . - new l id one rodg, many . Wean Ur et, n ot, our l ame td mi his eiy. on r. carry shorter 8 j ac.l t The Result in the 'Diet:jet OnTuerida3'‘ laet vrae the day fixed by law for the meeting • at this i)lace of the Return JUdgee of . the District. At the hour of cur going to press- the' i Judge from Oven° county had not ay,- , rived, and we are th erefore unable to give the official -vote on COPO3BB, the• reported inujnrity-for Lawrence in the District ie between fitteen and six teen hundred] - - }'OR JIIDOE.. " • • 7 Washington no I ty—lieheson. U , •, Beaver_ , . . 46 6. r. •. .. Tot al ... Washington county—Chamberlin; Ind... Beaver ' ^ 1 •6 . Totnl Acheeon'e majoiity, 602. . F 4 SENATOR. El WsOringlon county—Tsylor,ll Bearer • J Tot al Washington county—Ruth, D Deaver 6 di • Total Taylor's majority, 1012.' .FOR. REPRESENTATIVES. Washington U' " Day,.o " Quay, U. •. 4 Dab 11 Q5t,9,1 1 .I*3ll, Caßolian; Edgar, U Birch Callahan Edgar Bearer Washington . county 1.1 " tit • Beaver Conkieeernen Elect. PEtiN§YLVANI/i. I. Randall; Dem; 2—Charlas O'Nuil Union; i Myerf; Union; 4—)V. D. KOley, Union'; 5—C. N Tavkr, I.l . nrosi; Boyer.'llem;. Brupgial. Union; -Lawrence Gatz.Dem; Stoyena. Union; • Cake, Union; : 11 7 -. D. M.: Van..Aoken, Dunnison,Dena; 13 : HU.•ttlercur, Union; - 14}---G, F. Miller, Union: • , 15 1 —, A. J Gloasbrenner, Deni; • 16.--VV. H. Kaunti, Union; . 17H-1).. 3. Morrell, Union; .18 1 --F S. Wilson, Union; ' .• 19—G.. W. Secb6old, Union; 26 7 0. A.Fitines. - Union; 21P--John Covode r Union; , ' 1 . • K. Moorhead, Union; • 2—Thoznaa 'Williams. Union; 24—G. V. Lawrence, Union; - 1--Benj..Eggleston, Union; B. Hayes,. lInton;" 3 —IL C. Schenck, Union; 4—Win. Luvrrenee, Union; s—Wm. Atingell,.llem; , W. Clarke, Union; 7—S • Sheliabatge'r, Union;,i • B—C. S jlannitoo. Union: B. Buckland,.Unitin. 10-4". A.Akley, Union;. • U—John T Union; 12-Pr tan . Trump, Drii;. General Morgan, Dom;`' l 14—Murtin.Welitor,.. Union; .I.s—Tobins E Plants, Union;' 16-John - :41.= 18—R P. palaing , Union; ; 19--Jas. A:Garfield, rfoioil; • INDIANA. - 1-17 F Niblack 'Deux, 1 8 —M. C., Voir; 1 . 4—W. S. - Dolman. Dem; W. Julian, 6--John 'Coburn, Union; 7-,=C, C. Wacb i burno. Union; B—,Godlove S. Ortb, Union; 9—S. Colfax ; Ueion; - 10—Win. Williams, rnioa;, 11-4. Q. P. Shaiks, !Titian; . lOWA. l—Jan. F. Witscin, Union; 2—Miram PrifeAlnion; 3--W. B. Atllsoi, Union; • 4—Wm. Longtoidy,o, ',Union; 5—G. n Dodge Union ; 6—A. W. Ilubbird, Union; •ins6,Washingionis Like . ; only De•mb itiL , critic township awrence, county. • CM .4956 - 497.8 4952 8269 32718 3254 -4782 4707 -.4729 .-.2417 .-.2414 2421 it OHM. , ' I l Below will bQ fund a list, of the Senators and memders eleet!'of the neat ,Legislature of Pennsylvinia. ie lose a Senator in the First District, but.; are recompensed by, the gain- of another in the Twenty-sixth District t, *..Taylor Unionist, }succeeding *m. D.entoerai.!, The Senators elected on I 1 Tuesday are as follows:. •, • . I. Wm. hipandle D. 17. S. BOlingfelt, U. I ,S. W. Worthingto,l7. W., Fisher. U. 18. J. D. Davis, "n.Alex:-Stutamen, U. O. C. Burnett, D 4, • 24. T: B. Seartght, D. 15..0. D. lacksod,t D, 26.. A. W. Taylor, U. 16.0. D. Coletna4;l U. 28. Jas. V. Brown, 11, .: :. 1 oThe, members or the Senate holding over r 1:' f • • : 2. J. , E. itidgwai l ' U. 18. .4, H Mats,' it, . 8. C. M.Tonavat%. D. 18. V..l6l'Conaughy,ll. - 4. Geo. Connell, 11. • 21. I.! W. Hall, U.. ' 6.•Horate ,4 0 7 st: U. ,' Kirk Haiies, V: 6. 0. P. James, p., , 22. Harry. White, U. 7. G. 11.; B.chall4 D. : 23. W. A: Wallace, D. ' 9 . W. DI litidfai,r?: 25. T. J. Bi'ghait, U.. 11., Gea:Undon;tlj. ' ' J. L. Graham, U. 12.. L.D.Shotimaker,U. 27. R. A. Bratin, U. 13. W. Calories. iir. 28. 31. B. Lawri, U: . 14: J. Wills, D. I' • ' 't . • ' - • . . , ;novas qv sarasssarArtvzs , .• Adanier-Nickolas lieltsell, D. • . , Allegheny , --Sarattel Chadwick,. 1.T., ;George Wilson, ).1., iy,ptisia Peters, U.,'• George 8. MIKt e,• U., J., 1 , !: Glees, U., R. A. Colville, U. Artustiong-!rs.nk Nlechling. U. • . - Berks=- 1 R. L. gonrs, D., 11. B. Rhoads, D„ Fred.' Rayner. Iv . • 1: -, . . •Bucka--J. W. Headman, li , S. Calvin D.. • • . Bradford and,rBullivan-George W. Kinney, U.; James•H. Webb,i U.. ' • Blair-'-.Samu4W,Camant, U. ' . - ' Cumbria-Jo ha P: Linton. D.. ' , Carben and . Monroe-Allen Craig, T. Cetitre-Fred:Atirtz, D. . ' ,} ' Clarion and Jnileiaon,...WM. P. Jenks,.D.. l , • A.:- Clearfield, Elie and FOrest.T. D. - Hunt, D., Clinten,Camairon and McKean-G. 0. Delia, 1"; B. .. , - ;i f • It L T ,Chestai-Wni.' , Waddell. U.. °N. A. Pen _ nypackeri U.. lit I.' Sharpless, U . [ CraU f Ord--;4,T.•Chale,lJ„ J. - Boyd Espy,U. [ Colutrphin and-Montour-Tpot. Chalfant, D. 1 Cutntierland44 l hillp Young; D. , • • 1 Dauphin-1i; W. lloffMan„ U., Dr. ..T. W. l• seller •U. ,:i - •-. ..1 Delaware-JOhn' H. Barton, U , Erie-LT. B. 31eCreary, U.; 0..8. Woodivard, iU. 1 1 , t' , .. . • . Fayette C: it. Doyle, D. , je Graeae-John Phelan, : D. ' ' ' Huntingdon ; Ildidlin -and Junlita-H.' 8: whartoi. U., 4. MBrown. U. 1 Indians. and Westmoreland -- T.' T.. F. Galls ' gher, ~ wgt.. cs Gerdon,U.,A. W. Biwa:1011,U. • Linesiter-Andtew Armstrong, U., J. W. Lehman, U..-,D. G.' Stacy; U., 1. D. Bath, U. . Lebtion.,'-4acob M. 3 ally, ,U. . i • Lehign-- r Nelion Weiser, D., Jae. F. Kline,D. ' Lyeoming, . Union. and- Snyder - James Mar shall. IU.; Siinuel .C. Wingard, U., J. H. 1_ Wright, U. , i : ' . • Luserne--W.i Brennan; D:, David H00n,.D., .1 John McHenry; D: 1 .• : C I , Mercer, Lavrience And Butler-Josiah . Mo . therrin, U.; Jittnea A. Leech, U., W. C. Har bison, U., Henry Pillowi,U. - • Montgomery+-41 'Markley, D.i Edwin Sitt-' tertja wait, Trk': 1. - _ a • Nortliamptliver H.. Meyers, D., TdT. Barrington, 11.!- .'.. ; 1 -, ' Nortbumbarland-GeO. W. Thorp, D. • Perry and Friaklin--Geo. P. Shuman,' U., F. 8. Stumhangh,, U. 1 - • . - Philadelphia-Cho. W.•,Giteghan, U., W 1 S. G regory; p ; - - - - --- watt 1 U., Win. B; fj 4989 .2869 7858 .4690 :2666 Tarol .4955 .3200 .8156 .4723 4420 5143 111 §uberd, U., .ta‘ ibYt ' Alexanilir Worm'll Marks, U. Collins. Di, Phi Somerset, !Beat srds.i U., Jolin. Susqueliakiit Tiogs nnd 7 R4 - lluniphrey, Ye , .• . cr t ph10.,! Wing, 37 Maine atal7 YOrk—Leit Unioniits = ILICAPITCLATIOL. . . , Senits—Republiesas -4 - Democrats ••4 ' . 1 .3 House--Reptibliesas .' . "1 Democrats . 37 E I I ' i 1114oritr on joint belot Paovinzaca • smiles upon ui—ts weather was beautiful, and the roan of 'tLo election next Tuesday will be triumphant Democratic victory., licrrah !---.T.ocal,lefere the election. From all ,around Pennsylvan Ohio, lodiaoas and lovia—comes t soma news , otdateid, of conservutis and triumph of destructive Radicalis The Thite man has been Shovqd be. and the.; negro'kicks his heels big. Ort n ever.--tor - at; after - the election. I -. LOCAL RISC 014 S. . it. lutaLug, Jat, tb4 li ft )* it., - Ptts . • burg 111 t,be . utho_ rhed , Airys tii.ati city.. , I t. . - I 97 , 71 118 - • 6 6 83 147 ' 14 , 49:: 49: 10 0 : • 641 • 'Bi.. Pozirix. we have;:; TOCelSraa a po— OticallgoOtriliution'-frnnt igoniewnod, "bait a the anth!ir's ream ie . not gi c Ten nap.. 41 not ho Oublia6il tko Ar us. [ *ThattateNorrial Bch at tnborb, ' ndoubtedlyi the beat p fOr_tekehe a to &torsi! SOhnOl; ibeS i t s,4o l 3h ae who are , preparing 4'404 16' . St • ii 76' - • 62,1 •• 67 17a 1 64 68 • 164 ea 21 66 76 161 ' ' Ul6 T . • ' - - 'lst, 614 Ohio for busy is EMM: Corn tow . The 11 and I the , Cassr .—Thosc of Our readers desiieio . erase something that is ed' std e • rite, Are reSpeerally red to 'S isragraph isi!the set Le By teadi g ,the fiftitittent`it the colti; . tan hey will seCior tibut 'IA 'coppery ewspaper heinade Sh . tt, .E;irnt Welooti ten ion pla, e ii run im edif 810 s will i l t 6fti:iyal Mrl Bt:4 4 /BM PitOlELN.—"C6l:ThUr i skday i Itqt f , a r -- litt en sbn. - of Revd , Revd , Horner, - oi ; 'i ho e Bridgeater M...E.1, !Church, tell Lind it bri;lte is. arm. Th ! ol fracture lel quite, 1 - - • sever one, but at. last , accounts lei g well. Ha is tibeut 5! or 6 ypilra O age. Dr. IL C. Levis, of - that s - ; place, i the ' attending surgeon. ,- i , .._..-. .........—l-s •,. j • I 6Jouittizb Couati.--At the adjourn- I le Court, held hero on Sitardai lasti 11 t _ -, , •,.., th re was considerable busineas done iti the i:lrphans' - oon l r!, and but little if Ia; y il. the Common; Ploan:' Th t l e reg -1.; el t•te In comineaces on 1 the ol N ven)ber. • i. •1 f ' 1 rt , In• ne EAVOCARGI4 i : iOcitOer. 17tii, i ZIM 6 ixl MAC or • Litt bait iguin brengbt. up ion fine navigaloe at the laet, fevi, ispir; have ' !Lining up end dawn berni of Donoveo,. of South 88. wits burned a few Oights i tog was a, yeu , vs:Osble re is supposed to have of swineeOdinrY. = .us he ,•or l e that Ileir pipe for an the attir works of i I •tt,.the g uud on the vritti the ;ricer tely on its bank: The e be: about :one buntireci t• di , --betwenh tho .ciwelii d and leirs.teeeh. • _ • I. eat trm i tiON.—Ttio Dttrlingt of S hoot wiil gite n public on I ThUrAdAy ereping, the ,Free Preshyti.rian 'aril gton,Pa. • ' Doors open clot : ,1 I • vperformantr to . rmtni 4,lthitlance,lsleentB, tl rote-h is to -be aii)iieti urPc)s(fr. lAIGN r SUB4CELIBER!V.- T s now over, ind -vie !tin. -week • f' i result. iti!this county, ir. the Thie number, therefore, ntr4ut'bet.W i een us 'and our cam— , lubseriberif, aod- finless other ! rdered, tbcir names will new be fid.froin our laubseriptiOn; book. oA I - I uld be pleattied to have all ,Of continue 419ng, the Arg'us, land dropped between no4l and esday tbisi . will ..usioeiend 'diem gaper "right fII . • I. I , ..; . 2 Union f Mn e oti . Beldgelcater fight on. the tithl inst. titsopponent-a or counted-on y of 10 for Cipner; - but .hainmering close watching .teopha :Ina& a tie vote. This better than Ave cxptetect j as most he 'river men' of he are ocrats, anA theY' were almost to a' h- .41 led our ow,n rhotaXt shall at Once , e a new ittraotion and that a Cab. Orggin." I ' ee adverttse,ment io another column e Demooreoyvei the. " igger " n • the fur l ious conflict through ich the Detuecraey cs, the iizger" • e just passed, it is Clear that! Samh o Lot 'tome Pint, second hest; for the Et Local says that ["tbe whiter man 1- keyed backl, and itliO tiegro kicks heels up, bjgher than evei'..!'The `key ie evidently :'s tougher;cuSiom• than the.:Democracy ihouglit - he We are onxioUs to know hoer own Montgomery" feels tsioce e fight 3 ..., 4 111 ave Me Pnlin i Big r:Cenda ' Ifl ever - there as Jaa man„,h. o I ,: ia I! I , rellSOn, to exclanni.Yave .pie ft /in k . , ii -,' y ft i i etnls,” that man I's eer i tainie c at -, 1 " . Gillis, of this phice. ISunie te.l, - ,! t i v ttvo %COk ago l I ocu ), desliors 0! lartsyng its praise On seine one, marl/ Capt. Gillis che pubjeet, and acconi. ir+ly magni fi ed, a little inidetil that occurred- hetWeen;liev Mr. Stnith's c lit.' • dar / d Capt. iGillis into - a wontle.rfill 'a air, and,then . sought, to makes ehero i . mit of the latter at? Mrs. Smill6 .' 2 ,, p4BO. - A. weeklater the LocaOiseov. "ered its Mistake, aid finding that it s adulation had put 'apt. GilliS. into a very ludicrous pol.ition, itslinfiteted to extricate tiitn,and instead ottlo t i a : gt 60 it only; auceeeded in nlung,itig gentleman deeper and deeper. into [be mire.. .• ~ 1 _ 1 , 1 . If the ecii rcf the Z%) , :ai had Ina 4 little corn n sense he Would kno , T that at:tither' Mrs; Smith nor any ~,,, else connecte.d l arit the mien_part v 1 • • an Beaver had 'an i objecion fit. Cats. Gillis swingiag an America ri fli% eithcr. )) upon . that or any , lather day; -but sh;• - - dil Objecd . to his making.hera party w raising, 1 • it intoner l of i a main kelynier, who had done his iuttnost to dishonor • tt'durinkthe war. ; She was right Ito ', and withiremarkehle minim. / aty the people of" !Beaver surtalt. "her !action in what she, did. ' Butl again. ° Local should have_irealiied vie act at the . outset.hat, the citizens of Beaver know, that heroes are selLiom manufactured'in t,imei, of peace,' at .a Ithiti they are nevfr made x in confliet t Itt 1 with womenland d i ltildren. Its attempt, 'therefore, ,tO iinhanee Capt. Gillis' rep. utation for bravery by Whet took plate between that gentlernan and :Mr. Smith, is °Very *hit awfutile as lit` ii ridiculous. I Had l f Locut, thett;lieeti . in possession of , little_diseretion, i.. never would nevi+ referred to that far. cleat affair at all;' and 'if it is 'mall! Ca!pt. Gillis' frier dnow; . it, will droi) the subject as .fitl ckly tts potiaiWe, an , l forever.'. . • - 1 '.- ..- Ed. lace tate to re 7 ifie jiage, been tir 1 Met • vei• a g o. Re ' (been who efin• efer l - - 26.-- frl a ame. 111.7 1 OX. this treet and MEC 1 and ng. of . Virerespeel Capt. Gillis'i3osithin;a4.l preeunte, that w - would - resPeei, Lila a lso , if we - werelivqintinted with him; antljt isi-in deference 'to •thie: rel.cet that, we novi c s - all his 'it( . 1 t ~ , , , , ion to muter ,thair .seemingly.- iiiciily, , , Ilk . liOnOr liii.B s, fair dealink , nt:t . o l .: represented ) to b r ave told nimidrf :: son in • 14eave'r ,liat,, fe i nting . i1,%, , t-1 . .%,.:ii ! would !Say almethin h '' • i n n garrr. y.t , ,,... 1,1 cation,•with nt's Sr "t 1 ''''t 1 - - - • - ...; ni I, .. , 10 t,:lt the editor and obtained 4 pro . %iii,e :r , ',:i him that the n - .atter 'would 't,:,l ~ : ....-.:%1 ferred to; arid that;-he was extr,'''.l.-1- mortified at, set 4 z it. in,..,i;:: ttio. full oWing day. Or, the othei• hat-. - it 18 -deserted Ithat. inetes , l ~ ..'i '':. , ..i0,; - .paitied, at seeing- i th .. t1etai1,ri.,,0.:0..1, in .th..l,neat, ha - pnettitaAeil tit, • ~--:' :'; dozen cOpies . . tt ofr'. same pap,..i, ;Ind r sent them w y 4l) his. friei.!ls. til . i.. , i ehOwitig that while he . tippailinily,'T.' , %- the ..... f. c ;,% 1i , .1 it 11 , ,:• :: i 1.0 red the editOrl ofl I . y approved ,f what .he .;did l' IV, know Catit......(4iliti ages not ug'i i , :, neighbor's! to isuppose • . .hfin. guility -.t thie charge . of double di.hiing,,itital - it c therefore . resPettully n sugest f.o ilia: , the proptiety of lin OcplitiOi!)U. . - DiAtti Or , Pflor. fl.iitzi ,. .4PrJf - ,1 , ' , 1:: . . S.,Rat•ey, (he :celebrated:. lior§i‘ t t . , , of this , :tor.ntry., died e(Cieye.laile, , on 'Thursday Of last N!ve,ek.!2.1.11ii...1.). - . eemher his - 1101th , wiie.matrially iii.,. . paired by a severe:6o.4e df I li' . i ',.. -.... ;anti aihoe,tbai titne . ii i hau 1 ,, .-:;: c- -- litantiji travbi r i tii i a hprici ))f .i.: , •;: , ;:ii his former strength and ahtivity, - Li: . all 'to no pniPosa... About sir. IN t . i . :.- - ago . he went. to - ,Olereland, . in eh .!...,;• of his neica, j !.r4. Willianis,and gio,e . - itik grailuall; wHorse,lio expireifun t:: li.i . h, hist: llie as in - his .38th . yitr: and . his repti*tiOn as a horse 't::' was undqUalletreithei in . thin . cuutr.:.. orj,f.uropo. '• 1 . .' l- . 7.--- -" "" — ''-- 71 id ' •'. A. Gitoss 0 TaArtz.-,4)n t e (110%... .•, . 1 eveni n;2_ , ,i 'befoi.6 the election, . a • 1.• u% ' • megting Was • held id- Ca,kss"ilie. Ilur:- . i ingthip Codnify, ivithin'. -- tie huudt . - • 1 yard it of the il ; )\?I tl i C l'S' . Qrph. au . Scl leo . located in thnlit villiage. "The ,orphif , of our fallen herOes were permitted '• , Attend! the in i eetilyg,. in charge of tht"' teachirti;' and up4ii reitiralng:t 6 aC if . 1 stittitiOnlto u'ihi s ch they belonged. do' . ' were throWn 'ct thein by the Coppe r heat alq. tteo:t 4 ther . lessi:hilatreha:buyan , yitieieatrlutkaljseriouS/Yiel re t 4 vn r t)e:.cipposlonreBortt : . , l ; contemplabl ontireies th n ,ey only OX -.::: hibit-their lire foy.',trpiOn, and tilt' eninitY to the GOernment, „ to gr' , !'which, the. fathers of the.,ciiihani n il. . - • Iti ''' ' down A eir lives. - , .. ! ~ .. .., . l o i n ' st - lexhibt• 0 etobe i r 1 , ChUren, at', 6 nee at do'or l evolent o cam- ...,,, .k, "4 - AC4EIiS I : -./ICSTITt monthly me eting of th atitute of -porough i schools will be helflin t building--rnO,m * '15:6. 4 evening, 18th - inst., at 6i.o'.'el:c4" -. ' Tt.' eae 4i»ep will. onai.i ,i i taro, Ay- Dr. .A. .C..' arl9 . \s' ; - 't- 'L'. • drill, in m o jntal arithmetic, by •-• Ithodet4 . . Inaa .drill In , - 'reatin „ z: , *Mimi M.inny. Savage ; Bay by: Mirtiliari4Tp ' Disc-nig On OF :6o ' , -1- . methods: ("if,: .seeuring' ;liue'ett.„'Ni,.i. Music. • :The -publie are-cori:•.ti'.••:o„ I ted to attend: By orcl . e.- , ; ' -""' 3 .Ilt:..aoronit n i f,,i,r.: :7.;3;'y ij - r) : 1 - ',. : - . . Ii =I [4: •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers