A U ~1 L " - lie Waite Published E : r.. nv. rEE .41: G • ' TIIIRb•ST., BE. 02:00 pier ann Letters' and: ono 'Oa, prompt attnnt It j." - ,,VVEYA , j i RA- (in awl %tier StAiorl's flail 10: iTra lea.4s .'T..' NV . Sr. I C. R. R. my 29; I,Stiti, Trains, will leave •., iintift)s. excepted, 'as lea- L itiaviug tlicari . at 5,35,r. M. _..,;___ • .., Tit - Arl co”fp::i ivEsT., . •:. -....:., REM ME IBM pitie s Bright ... ..... . EMI [EMI A 4l 452 " 519 C o lumbiana ; 4 :.l”ni MINI Alailt orr 'ilvi:-. 7 ,110n . ...: e i jlr . rsille • MEI ESE 1 , 82 0 6 3:3 . 6 " Woc , -ter I, oll 3.;ncille lr Crctilne ELI 11:5Ar 117 " .110 800 ." 336 " rate.vitis U: r~t'eF• A . . ;Wt - yn.. •• •i • 1 7 ieceon; "W.ftl - sa'F 1;64r11,11 405 !, 545 628 r 813 g, VA:PAO • h ..... !! 4 .58 " YatraiaiSCl. Jfrlptr!:. • 4 . •I;i:tav • BEE Slt Cros : q ! h h • 1;.;.il 1 C:1 ERE ifirio ill O.. 7•:11i.11~,~R V.1:1 Weil ... MEE C . ) r Lhie . H a.. , .11. l a.l Er,an 1114-hion...h P1:1 Nk! Ng •lL;iy • Aliyg eny at . 2, Ir, Ji_ra. =, MEM t .. 7 , I:: 4 01:1111,1., Jti ds . iß S .• I i - 1. 'Elr...s.. I,tlt. • Acc wi' -1, ----- 1 ,--i.--- , 1 Cley,;:l. iv:3 ... f.',4,0 . rm40 r ;33c .i • .., V.L;"isiljti. sired '231 6 :.;53 " ; ... ~. i. 11 tsl : 44. 1 3151 t'l 500," ! .. I. (1,..,i1 •I . 1‘ 4 4 '' t . i : '' , liii.,..‘.n'ttirg . ... ~......1 - ' . ;• 1... ~..;1 j..i..... .... ....P.s.-;n1.: - .1„-:". 71f111 4 1 t' 4 5' "'' i 3 41 `• I-• • r --. A! 1 .- . 3.1g'..6- ..-..... llto a. -Jr 34.:.,, ,, ,- -p; u,,. i ~ ' - . IlaNlni ........,11!27 ; -5 1 t "1.4.... "1.4 ...... ,!., I . • • lycli.',ol'.e ..... !:1 06 P:.,1! ('))!.; -, 1 ..... .... I 1111 II - :%.I.‘zzi..! • WeihvVille ;•• 847Akt :•1617 • 111,5 ‘• j , • , orrviT4- ;; 1 1 ........!;1211r4 street 147 '''t] elevitatid ' l' *2OO .4 1 • • -_L' - Guist!: = '• . - .13.J1,1.1t,....!,......- I ;ti , lgcp.,rl.. , • S:*Plll:llvili,' lr 1405 P3t I 121 •",1 , 510 4 , 4 1 , 743 H '52 5 L 1) 1..,1; S 4 4 , 1 4 4 i smizlii:Ferry ; 147 al 4 .97."3 i7;P2 "I at Pr 950 1 81)5 . `! + 119 - ",1105 4 4 i 1915 - . ' Gomo lir,Sti I• • -• t Exrs.kAJr. : 4:"sr.m' 1 00AN; 11 , 0; • 8,y., 725 .•1 I. '1 1 33 S 1:405 ." 4.41 r0..v.0• ..iilicl:l•,..evrry " '0• .•. •J2O 5'S ,4 1 ‘S3 'I 4 E 4 s' 1 '~• t . 6: 4 1) 4 , 1 -- TtSCARAWAS - • 11 4 , 1,j1. 11.15 a in, • .2.C. C..3IIITC=, — Ci (7117.; • . 3 „ ATToitNEY, ev)raz.:TloNs pr.bni2: nitenti fqr the it••,lq• ns , buunty anti Wi2'l!lee. District Att' , • . • 1•4. , ery Wednesday, US BcTILDING,- VEN PA:, • m it: Advance. rilmqoas, lip: mail, on. r & pro'priietor, OADS, BM ISE! 1100pu 1:110xm •205 Am 915 .; '322 " 350 4 . 427 460 .. 63.8 .. . Gl4 .. (P 1 J 4 700 f. 72f1 1257 i‘ 152." 230 , 316,i " 333 4 , 1 410 r \ 443 "1 547 ." I 643 720 735 si BUO (834 4 , 901 " 1005 1036 ~ 1103.". 1233r3f 114 ' I " 802,. 'Bl2 " ,910 "1 'O4O " 1 1008 " 1048 " 1'179 " ft 111114r 4 112 " 144 " 330 " 1 415 " SADI o It to ~ ME 507 ~ :...t. - bob - Eli 25 - " ~# ME ME 0,3 *, !El EMI EMI 1 . 930 ~ GOO .4 ESE MEI I= IBM EMU Lxi'... 53:51.31 1 020r3t 4.14 Am 720A3 7•••• ,J 1 ••••• t.t 1713. "i1.245Am H 3 3 " i IU34 " I 41.1. 4• Ai b 36 2n,“ 1 t1' 4 8 . .<1 345 - "" • 11008f , i1 1 446 " 055 1045 " 11,1 1 5G/ 1 . 1 737 " t2'2.14m1 814 " 4. 4-7 k.02-1 848 " 153 "JUN " 21,5 , 41041 0 249 "11;35 010 ~il23orx. ,320 "i • 7,-17 1 "I 200 " 4*,,15 215 " to 7.. t [11.1.9 •P.:41 I , C* o'n; 426 ~, i 1 ; 1 . ••.,;-, - .5 'll4 l 2;2.4 ; 12: 1 421 I •• , 1 :••• ();i3 7TI • S•;•,) •.; , „4j - 063 ‘.l i ll; lc • f• 37,...•; •• Psi, I= EIMI 115 )..t. 1010, ttl 715 555 tt Hl7-17 tr, .2:311 , :f.11•17' "; 'BlO ttl t'.52 - tt 12 4 2. ti , t l-7,122..t& 1 ;k43,45 . ;:tt 211 " ";.0. 1 112 tt; ,SOB "; 110 tt;,' 9%5 - t• . l t• ". I_llo 4 0 . 11110 Itt'tEirt I_l_ M.i.vs- I: y.. 1 res3Taainll'arz.•.F. 1'5;,..,‘ , on., artives In Pip-,hurg at it:rtring leavits - l'itt.tlptrg at .".:;.) - 1; `tt'at- j l-le fatill I'li.t.:. , 'Airg 4 ccommnrlation LwlC.istie at ,:iii,,.) ;Lon., "arrives I . ; ~:1- 5 . a.-in. Returning leaves 1 : 5 p.a.; 4irrives l in New Castle . • 1 I I41Y1:11,10f. , n. Fiektt Ag't. .. - -- --- T TS." R , yFtt, fert.ce sta 't (19. - ys,e:ticept e 4, as foltov. th! _ ---t . . GOING NOT.'"OI. •I Ex !9. I Accot L., • 535' 11- G . " I I 728 14 ; 1 ,it 1'.2,., )21 " lIIN ELM 1414).,V 10,0 11:19 "1 ;;:;< <r 4301 a .• . " 1 ‘: •o, " ii " 47r ge 4 11 •••••7 BRAN CH. Arfira Itayar,d,. 0.33 m. Tioket Agent. .A.. ki • L ' er bnliness will re ,on., Also' legally' collectiori•of back tilers' claims. oflree, Court raus , 2,'G5-Iy. - • ENE MIMI •. _ VOL MEI RE .ADVOCATEkt, TE-E,..141 PE4QHIVIENT Or , THE PRESIDENV., • • • : . , .. . I that.. the Atnericatt : people-would no-' Opt sotne man- at- .the. - ':head of . : the Government, - And lay down - I err lib:- cities at his' feet', %in rettirtOlrey should reeely,i'Oi and.onjOniei;rt . g, ..• 'peace and happin items nmolesi d:, (Tha t tlatig'er 'is now- threatening tr i ,.apd we need .r.ot heUlarrtied tiblen we' lok'-it . . in the face: , TO trial, the Sebil,etttry Of • . . Arit . there fsic g e n er a l &Sire fn .. read' State reterred:Whett he asked whether General' tit er a - sp ' Mr : 'es Preei. ech,•in• whiell bei . " . l9.Woula htiv•P 17• .... .1k ai .' e a l t!n l4.ii44ii;e g lif e •n-i4 .for .• m , .. h .an yn • - earr " ~;1 de n t l or Kt rig. , : Tot that re retro is: , I tide b • Mr. , ,Inlinsonr , When We 'are , ~, .ee,-4..ii.,! e _i• -a .1 1.• , ' -...1: -r• , ,-.:.,,- On , - - m igh t .. . - • pr I.n. omee, n a ins weea g lr 's. I t n i • told by ,him that lib•have beerr l • el - in' - - ••‘c, .--,,, :: •-...0, . , ,placo iti our tiiltlinna -.lt •was delit• ; dietator. ,Thepeople Of_ the . ir lliiited 1 "red 'in Cintifinatt;.(o:) A _few daY6 113(fVtPS. will reply to . biro, in % 'it, judi:. I ,ref-;re the • aivetion ..... c.. __ ~... ..... il : , e, ,,,, 1 1 meet, th at . hei - is!hot:Lbe stuff -- aut of; • .-, . . ; whien inetators•, are made: • [Groat:) : Illettertli -Beller rti , maktrig bis ep--!nlicer,„ -nt still' it calls upon tis I .i li pearineOph 'Mir: st i a,"was:rateived , ! 2 fOr I wa.elifultiossyfer care, .for - vigi- . 1 - 1 f- - 1 - a .-- . With mar 13 .• in -peolorigrdolteerS -;-:.T lane°, fur security , forl aver to. -you,l 11 , f-• . 1 .... L, o ,a, , a 1 fellaw-citizons, that a series o ExaCti4l Ile 1ir°13.6861 ' .:1 ' 13 ''.6l „ l 7; : i i - * t r o ' - ii,. ' ' '' .e .:::',, - . Ti. tv itiVe usurpations have -been .geltig.on qii6stien of nibmetit, ~. in " a- for, th b past yetir, -arid are threatened peeple;whielr__,liad net . bcen. discussed • • ' I.tO be contirmed,•stich as .never were .tiiiii.:fr. in this canipateu. Ile as ine. attOmpted before, in any goveilimetit; , - w b e _ expept in sual..as contemplated revo:. pelted to this he iPt.", , tu...P..ibi, 3 .,„ , ~„ •• . desp o t is m. ' .. u. 1 tion or -• . UT . la . M ( 3 , lie'Vell r 41'6 issues . irpeir w filch this Fem.,' leciirling out of revolution, thernselies' pitigt,l started , w ere, alietay. dee: ded..i i„. re immon against.a.conatituted gem . - INothing more ,than' the formality of i,erlireerit..,. - p . reir„government, born , of 'etiating . ballot s was necessary to emu. ! rtiVeltil.l6 - n; 'Our Constitution, framed . 01ete this Work. 41 •we could ..stop by''those who abhorred . 4ny.il.nng like I there-if, When .thol,'People have spo- 1 cOncentrated; power- framed Ito pro keit. when their . ..yin am !have been . drf, vent any thine; idit if . la possibility of known in the-n - Anney provided by thelptiwer :I)einel stiized by thneXecutive constitution,--throdrh the , ballot:box .to "tne . c.xteTt 'of endangering the lib. +by.the b4• 11 ( 4 . 114 1 1 ,? f, 311 - 1 . . ....."Like snowl.tiakts on the sod,. -- •• feared, - prineipally, becattse fr ni that .-. And_.peCtiteii ti:free inaw's,will, - ' -:,they had -suffered,., wai a. Ministry .' •': As lightning doestlie will of 90,r, 7 • IwiLich bilbuld carry oh , the . vern if alfl men would loyally bow - to,. I la- t I . -inent, under' -, the tame,, but r ally in high , jutignient,,of,.the great train eabl ~ skto . oP:;•the; chief eXecutir , as - ea Ito wifizh •all, thiegsliih. : this cotint.r.y. Grest•Brittitn,fand in'order to recent reustibe . setiniitted,:o.ur tail; Wotild no eXeCutive - usurpation th'ey , pir :in, two done; 'VA we hive heen . throatened sitree - iiards ' Whicli, to them , seinted fikrin lii , :rli euarterslas to-what would suf e cian ,... : Ina, first . : w „„ a. „ awisiaa I/311 ° 141 ' 6s°' We; V' p en p le ' if • tli . ° tiiat ti3ets . eCative shourd - ,bo r. elected United States; ext,r, , ssed our. will iti• -okilY for ' fryer years. TheY hardly electing a Congre s s Of our own choice, se.emed t i have entertained . he idea bud in putting.tuth . tiMbers in the . 0 - . 1 r I,eleetion,i;but . during :these four fraineef our Governnieet as we choose, 1 vea.rii they.left. him with more power; I W6 have -been' telill . in.thefirst brace , inore uncontrelled power tha is geld by o'ne• who is highlin the Pri4ident's, bYan . y . ..potentate under heave ..They I:confider:cc-we . .are - told :' in Various relied solely upon -the tregti iicy of 11perts . :,of the . couolry, by Mr. limit- 1 ele . etioni They made no Mild ters,no !igamery Blair, that if we elect a C o n -; i Cabinet, officers . responsible to them in, leress'i•ot in' necordanee with' the . will : r „ . .. __ . ,-, (->t the - ''resident -4 ~ We • insist -upon i " wa) ' r 1" cc u lst:itutbm s 's ' left ' I til l ; 111 Mere' servants to do is will. the constitn tienat amendment-stile:tit nur 'fathiirs, .foresaw; howev r, that :wc:l§laii'llavo eilt'i N t ar * '•_ - s • ' there :c'ould ,be nease even in t e.shert .I. it were the deyiration Of. 'a sin- ! period of hint-years ir. whictr be ex le---tnan; if it were onlyAllehented: ce .- m i x. , 01 .1,i,,, - , m i,,„ ; ters"Might seek to speeell. of discussions upon the stump, l i pel;Petuate their power;and :11 reupon it might pass uebeeded t but 4 do e s 1 they pitt i .ha, - One great safe,- lard 'dr not reit there. - ''rot dent Johnson in 1 -thel C7onstitution,'one. of the pal adiums his recent tour thret gh ilie,W 05t91.11 1 ' Of; the rights_or the people, on of the !States, has more than once hinted at ',- • • • • the Annie thing; 'and t i 1 Contest between t e - ' President and .she; remedial mensurcs of the cp n _. 'P' a"lng.of ' the 1 stk l utiith one;ot the great cli6rdts in off bill'ation -of governine i-,-the i (OngreSs, his•Seeretary of I §tate:has;i, ' l ‘cdea with a ,s , on remember,. iSkerf - rn itltiolOmtityk 7 "it . Y psifanti, .in Michigan,,‘'Whict I ta,T _":',u- fa. [: . pp f nuse.] 1. :.ill .you Live, A telrewi-4 ()basun for; -I NoW,.thoti.jhe (petition has mot un• i Prc•siilent or- Kind?'What -mean's' tieneently been - put. -to meiti Private; that?. , At_ejin; we hear that the South- i Hii4 President Johnson really done ,'er n - States RI e. iene.Wing-th - Cir organi- , 'anything worthy of impeachment!- I• z ati o of armed 'bands, Snell. as -were' it so: what , eonstitutional provision dislicinded nfiontlie Isbrreader - of. the - be.sl lie violhted? To-that, - if.you will Confederate' laces -hire - learre•from:' allow . ted;.l will answer, ti.alt-i i ng my , t New Oilcans. by the .official report of ,liiisWer oneerand for - all -to yon; and,' 1 the Military (oreiression appa,i,nted to therefore., - in: answering, I will' say: I investieate the feas'sacre.a.t N , ~,s . o r , i 'w e ', the people, of the Vitlit4StALLeh, (leans, that llay'S brigade' Was-in full' impeach- Andrew 'Johnsen because he organization there;l and -- that, that' h.ii sought 'to overthrow the Govern. ,brigade . toek parTl, id that most cruel,l me-nt of the United States, tistostah foul .and' cciWarely . massacre. .Mote i ho l ed by 'the Coestitution... 'rot- the 'than tl i at,'tve kiiow ithat in the , arino- i.parpose of bringing a te-ordinate ries aid ar=enas of ~ , the United States I branch r f the Government-the Coa• at Baton Rbugo,there are,,:or there 14;*4.0f the United States-into rich- . Wert3 a 'feW days . f1k0,t46 - .llandre'd cute, and 'COntempt s lie,the ExeCntivel thousand stand .of .arms, and that thel of . the Uhited States, has, both drunk s eo in in andith t of tha t!arson et is pledged - , and fieber, - Datighter,i proclaimed - that -openl3 l ,to the policy- 1 6f And reWolln- i .the' i Cong,ress.of the. United States= sou. W c knot further, that in . Gal- the Setiato of the - . United 1 States, ariill I veston there are alinost.lialf a- million I , thel.l.l,ouse .bf - Peenresentatives of-the !of small arm.S,an.lit liufEcient.quatitity ';• ti sited, States'ln'Oongress- asiembici l d . of field artillery ,to sUpplv an army of ; 7 .=-Were,a central directory-a . factioe half a million of men, • We knok,itlep, --.1,it 1, -traiteroirs. body-Lao anconatita. 0141 it- is openly .Said that, in , case .tirinal body,--a .fragment of a'-Cora. President Johnson. !can elect 'a sari- LureSS,r 7 a bOdy hanging - upon . the tient• number,- say twe nty' or thirty I verge; of the .Government-a - Coo men in the North in,the plaCes of out k, , reSsthat liar( no right to pass laws, loyal 'Representatives, that - be pni-pa- 1 or;SubMit a L eoustieutional amendment , 1 • sea -to recognize them, with their ! tol the whets country. Now then' Southern allies, as -the rightful Con- kither thisls fib or it -is not so: If a r t; . ; grass of the United Sl'tate ' • No inan-i is-ere so; one branch. of' -the. Govern. -s een kno w what- may be done,*even if , merit has no :constitutional right to ..)i.z: 'tlsat suflicient • number is not elected,] bring'into,. ridicule and contempt an• !,and, therefore, I . prOpose 'to discuss,l . othertitarichef the Government; but for a few moments, tie dangers of the , ri it is not; ,kip:!--and that W . O will corr. flepublic and the remedy for those ' . sider' - .19 a Hre.ciment„ . then. -certainly dangera. [Ap p lause,] - • 1,... • Isueh denuntruitien in - ,publie; for the - Our foreign enemies, headedipy . the ,iilti:pose of .stirring up the people to' _Laudon, Tiaids, . predicted that this,' insurreCtiani.:iiigainst Congress, to the civil . war. Weald - not lend ,without the overthrow of constitutional dringreS.. overthrow of our., institutions.'.. The, siOnal antlicirity-that declaration, t first threatened and IPredieteddanger l •saY; is a . high 'crime ,atid .'misde,. - . was from the immense nnruber, Wench ireganort within the 'Meaning'. of ' the. to be aiSbataled at ,the close of the itonatitatiou';'. .[Applause.] flow the_ w-ar. One million,foUrlinndred thotis•i . loyal . tnen of the country • who tit and men aiere.hornotipon the rolla eft Icsiked Ito- Congress for four year s , the • Anierierin .. tirmy at the close of the' Colngress eornpospdor this same Min? , war, and it Was,staid thE„these hosts bers i the ,satite,nutaber.ot States,- the of men inured to war, in, lops . with., stone _distriets,'and sub s t antially _the camp life. and soldiera'.'privitCges,with l_satues men -Who fought through this .nfllcerS fond of the'glory of the battle whr, Whe Vettat_men and rttor.e.Y, and fieid . 'and the exciterpent of theeeam-rtrew front the body of the comp - turd. peign, under sOme•bad . leader.,. .would tylbe best blood of its eitizens..lo.6e. seize upon the liberties of- ,the people poured bat like-water , upon the altar of-the,United'Statesi• But, hat,army of-,anonatiori country-Who have fait melted-away•,•and has becoine ii por-. edibYtheir laWs• every mite's proper. tio,n of : tlio citiien4, et the ,Ucited ty,' *he raised, loans to, an extent un 'StateS'.; . dfeit' 'man 1 - wfroAhs lieon a - -heard of before in Any country what. soldidr becbriiing it better citiien be- ever" -t l•Congresa . . that-bad received canse.he was a b frood Soldier: . . • the me s ages of-the lamented Liecolh, ' • r• 1 :' Th . t . danger: ' has passed away.--e 2. that-has reeettred , tbc , ,plauditiof the. Agai , it• was predicted' that, as. all; whole people-4 • Congress. l , , tbal, : was !great 'civii*Commotions of so great 'an' efected at the same -hour,„by the same extent , as, the one - throu gh which 'we- niera , inlthoirame , balfot bOxesi by•tlie , ~.._ [ haVe est passedhaddfseen i at afttimes, suns' •v,Otes,..oatite t a i t the !stems instant Hfollot ed by. some Men seizing . the ice thos t l, which ,electe,l Mt. Johnson 1 1 - • i • Gov: nmeat ; as- the .peoplo, tired of, VICO I P eisident, and O . Us' Onabled'him, 1 . Hivarl . .nd commotier, tired of exeite--. by . a ts.i . e.keid'aCcident,l6 becoMe Pres merit and con - ten tion;• had been' ready, :dept H-I,Say, Le argtie the constitution ;:to riecePt'anY ro a n 'w ho - should ptom . - alitYlof au* a Congress. ,A9,,n, . y . them ... . • • - • !ise peace and quiet and the en-- people. is ;'warts: ri. of supererog ation; joYtutint uf life,. li burly and property ) ! Ivlll6li I shall' bo I attempt. (A 1 pplause.] • - -1 ~. .i - • - .1' . Butler's , Ari - Ei lkiareeiht , •of :the , • ' i.President. • - 1 - 4 iiiii ECM lccom CleAm (;45 " 733 715 "00. Accom 350 e It 445 ~ 455 ,% 544 ~ ego ~ 4- gi.,zte.r.V. , ' # • I I I fir b s , ' 7113' n b •• BOaA ) eav F- e r Wedl t' '-.. 1.t e - sd e r ft .. ,, l . te. lk `4 . 4 # 1.E4 • 1 • t • = , E • :. ctobst: MI GOMM Nay, more. Coopers at tive bills ivh, lAise 0 t 4 - by CopognittOP , , bOdy,-.—to Mr. Job . deot ed. his eti . gd oher opine migb be tb of", Mr. DA , Stephens 10 :plead; :Ands page of tb that 01103 - 11:p an Undo C it office te c kor the whati little take it. _ [. dressed hi gale the au due to bis Ncw, th. bar - eh ar aLe, t Jat y ou will remember when .. AVM s • This is our m „...ta kca mi e , inated Mr. Van,Buren for Minister to in all time o r em s ay.' England, and iiir.Van Bann3 being ernment, u Mani es then in. England: his nomi ati n was on° one branel irnMent has rejected by. the . Senate an wh n this , ever, tient' met, Gr in e . was done he was rec alled' Al hough, isorirteay,' Or. ._ ' bring into he was A great. fliviitite of . he' Id he , ridicule, or diegriOiliqinyother-bia&h TO, yet there was no atte pt force of the Govern' - t'. Even' in the hits upon the , Senate, b ups . you • time of the sever contest ' about tjie will see ' , under thdConstit non I pro. United. Suites k . ; When General vision, that if , a' President .cari do as . , JaCkson fought ' . .the Presidential Mr. Johnson . has been doing; 1 en ho chair, a fi ght 'ag net what be name g • eaelayl aside the . Stinate,•lso tilr• as it the great. nicniop'blyi such as , never has any eontrot over his aptiointments' was hefore fougb+— on the 4th - of March, and ithe 'Senate ~. y ou w in o p t ,. M i d to office. For instaoce, Weenies in in ; any act, of, himr any' public; 44e. claratkori, nay , Woru. which is not 'ie. ,is not then is dessibo. Congri.ss haS United indjourried, spectful to the Cofigress of iho and' may or may not call States, • 1 . ..-L)t,'"J• .. . , 1 '.. an executive Session Of the. 8 t ate. l 4 0 . , Now. let es ..e;etiswith what ;(inlet He appoints his Cabinet litii ter to office, 1. , these attacks are Made upon Congretis. and - they-come int° 4fll pon his, appointment, bneauseliel s nude a The intent is obvigns, beeline° We. figcl these attacks weretnet made until Btx. vacancy; and under the cnetitution Johnson' . shies teetieparate liiinsblf ho can fill that, vacancy, an thty bold froin the great,.party to which he'tle- office until they are acted on by the' longed, and chose' to .'throw himself- senate. •• • . ' :' I 1 1 into the arms of those who wern'ils• _1 T he S li na t e comes togetl,,Pr next De. loyal, who had fouglit the fight; ortbe Fember-` It must-adjourn iheepire ' the; South, and thiOse'"„tejaally disloyallin 'next December,'ot.; at leastb ii s ule, it the Nortli,_wha'-'*ere afraid t o fight does: adjourn: He may ke ep th se ap any one. From Am bout these tit- Peinauents back until the last ay ;of: tacks were begait , isponCorgress, k , the session: 114- may eedd t em in ..,. I - then on he Ina aend them ' ,w _ in 4 efore. Now then hisiory shows that lo In ' en the, Senate • rejeeta• th in, he, monarCh;honrevitidespotic lib v 2 we ,e ' waits till it adjour ns , and - their -reap ltniited might •be kis commit, his legii no i nts t h - !mire body, hiaAjlarliament, his dibi, .4t, ii-- em, a d fid they 'hold ocr an-1 t orus schatsver name, in the various oa t ; nti s t l ' i l r li Sl 'so on . fmt° Y sr W countries of the :teerld, the legislative ` thu s theiz e gtos , out of ,ciffic , and bodies under ,monarchy . .or under ;nn of the Serll . t eat laid bnstituti al power o . no ef empire may be designated, ri° rode. o f ,Nets, e aside c .v then; we can awl con:. arch yethas ever Ononneed thatlldu • 0 , hid made 41, el e thatthe_President m yse cause islative body unti, to appoint a mun whom •th Seri to hail Ilia mind tti, overt ' ;it andneize tip - r e jected. lie Can littrdlt however' otr the. goVernMe _ - *MTh' sipite'of re " . t:• 'l iv '''• 2. I see ;cause. to pnt 'limit:it° ata fano it: . [Applanso }'No parliamentary l i ons e f, thenffiee, and .I c n net: aeo history can he found , where such. le:. a - ease , in whieti the PreSid nt: e' en .ex= nunciation. has -not -bcdn f ound m- lam " tty e l power to the ' ' f ex nt o put. 1 mor.itory of the,,rtorm of.wrong .and 1 • • - • I , e, Ling his, own creatures into &Rea with outrage T.chic,h was to.buist upon tie ' out . the consent of the quite, and country , wh re • l ' c all this took place: . I - , keeping him there without: ts•ctonsont, Again, yoa will observe that these , without,commiting an imp acatle of same denunciations' of Congress weir° I fen Ce. I believe that"Mt'' jo nson's accompanied with t b reate that; it this Attorney General, Mr...lihnry Stan- Congress would be perpetual as the hery, who is well known to y a; has representatives of ;the people, eihil given an opinion''on this . so "ect.— , we t . should ensue- 'Again, yob Id . With that opir.ionifind nii'fa t, be 7 I t I the President of the 'United , ,Sta es cauSe - he t ileCides every ipsesti ii, bit lin:eking to bring Congress into err the onellair. endeavoring to so s ol ve 'I I grace ky refusing. to execute or . reeky ;agree with him that the Pr sident out any law "pti T isidl whieb does. clot, must have unlimited ,p6Wers , f ap. snit his purposesi, His' disregard Or i pointment std removal. 'the onsti tho Civil Rights Bill and the Freett. tution must put that po'wer, some men's IBurenti Bill shOw this interitlL. where. When this provision w wells ' Therefore. we ,say that, .upon , t.filis etssed by the • framers of the gonsti.. W-0 charge, , the people of the Unitbd tution it was objected that if th spow t tStates,impeach the President-:-no, the er was given to the President f re -1 Vice President; holding the' office jof mova,l and appointment withOu cause, the President ;of the United States, he wbuld exercise it for the p rpm fit or not fit—flanghterl=for a.high of PUtting his oivn creatures i 6 of crimo or misdemeand,r, or on the. flee, and thereby seize th e Q Vern - charge and specifications which F nienti,frOin the people. 'Tothat it was 'Tot barn'unade.' [ApplauSe.] , ' ; ' l answered that undoubted! it might Let us . pass on. We, the people oft be 80, 'lint the i ptiwers inust reside the United State's, impeach the;Presi.d s . ome Where, arid it was safest t have dent—no, - the 'Vice President,' of the it withfthe .Exeentive,' and if , b • used United 'Statei, now 'occupying . the ;it for,unlawf u l purposes then ' e was Presidential chair,' because thatil take guilty of an impeachable ranee, for to be the;e.xant 'constitutional defirri•which fielnight be triefrind convict tion of his position—livith high crime ed.. What our ferefathersllear'd and and misdemeanors, in this, that Con, foresaw, has come to pass as an actual raptly and wiekedlyjor the, purpose fact in •tbe Government. . Alth gh it' ofinterfoiing with th - e great !birth,. may hi a little abetriuse, yftit th re IS a right. °l i tho Aniericaritcitizen,freedom distinction between the exercis of • a; of•election, ho has used the power of PoWer and, the right to exateise pow aointthentand removal to offiee; and 1 cr. : The President has a' right . a ap- Pp, our specification upon ,that charge lel point who he pleases and; to r 1:11ov° this:fthat with' lhe intent , to' ‘ltivilsis whiainti pleasea. Ile - must ha a the means b3r:whicli - -hersatallide the great powar te appoint; because vit the means power vested in the must, beoqe4l in order that this yarn.. Senate of the' United States, of ad- men may go on,2and - so long, as he oxl. l rising and consenting to appointinents erci es that power for-the best - ood of to' office. ho has; in thirty.odd instan- .the Country, with an ey - e_sibgle o the ces, appointed to Mee and , put in ac. constitationar rights of every body tual exereiso,of office those men who, and thelbest interests of tle co ntry, haring been nOrninateit to the Senate there can be rui ,•complain about its. of the llnited States, be Senate has exam's°. But if , fie exis cities! that solemnly tried and rbjected ad unfit rightftil•pewer Wrongfully or e.o upt. 1 for office. This;question of the' ' pow-. 137 for'pny improper purpo eii, ten it: or, of appointment and ,removnif at beeoinc . s the" exercise . o : n cower first sight, does not strike the popular 1 1 ,1 17- h sa.kilearly as critni I sl. ail any judgment with the . fallnees and iclear- °t it . ", 7 i°k°o l3l : l °°rTuPt Irtk 4 - nes - with, which, in iny,judgmer.t . , it is 'Having discussed this 'lsoirt. little' invested. ....We haVe ; bedn accesbbmed, further, General Butler nellaigq d . the since the time of 4ndrpvi*Jackiiim, to 'Prbsident.fOr declaring peace Wi h the ei t appOintMOnta an d removals in . Olice. 14e rebellious States without th can. But' upon what .t teary did Andrew ssnt - or Congress; for making edrrupt Jackson 'procced!.l'lte' made the first use , of, the pardoningpowerfibr iiill4g innovation- eioce estilogion=fer, let ' i ts enforce the' civil. Tignts.,hill, iipd for r ir me s a y,‘b e i.4 .4', • wi l ig gi .that, W a sh,. :cOniplicity in the late Newi Orleans ri." ingtcii.bnly 'in O • instsuco ;pia again ots. • In conclusion„ba'said•that with before the &Anita the name of - a map out waiting until the Preakdent I,th,e whom theY.,'had 410 to confirna,-and, :United States ihill dta'any i kodto overt in his mestiage •di‘ing ,it be pipressedi, act of .tmichiet, to the Goveriim et of great doubt , and does it With the ut.:, 'the Ignited States, it wai tiled ty 'of most hesitancy , su ing ;04 he. thinka Congress to impeach him St on :. 4 • the Senate wee: , istakeu in the•facoi court of impeachment Can ,on y• sit upon which-the iictesh and solcs that{' when the, true sense. of •thd. peo to is they revise theill action; or, in Other outtaked: , The'questionlraust,. rst of words, thatthetiitant the man reject ; . ail 'be abruitted,to the ,people, and, e.d a new trial- h I lie did not:attempt; last , of 'all, it meet be subinitted o the 1 i- , ' • •i'l • -. " nortlid_be - dare - ' with the new, Which he took , of the Constitution . ; to' put a 'man in o ffi ce it the Senate had! eject. ed }him'. He only gent 'hi? n me to 014 SchateAmit did 'not Ince t Itim with any o ffi cial power.. So odyety i Jackao,n, although he, remove many men,from o ffi ce, proceeded; up n this, theory—old upon_thil theOry ply, in my itidgment, eati`the rem ca l in his time• be jaatilled—tbat tbal pe ple by their vines being , clearly I known; in (thanking the head of the Admioistra._ tion desired it change of 4dministra tion, slid theretore, that they tient de- a men in t i 1i ig logi ..! le net% Ld inson'e ke:- iegitilidvo %poi non, igninlnflixl , whntver ~ whilittror .11er map" -a :sander] 11. . rebel mtgbt, In the. San pod to _tipsy Istitul.ional sire that all parts of the 4dnnistra. tian shOuld be in unison and hairaony, and that therefore be wOrild lemma his ! eitst tied strut stered Ith Id nc4: hytv ' even With ing, h *lid iv be lido coin• it-fhe these men wlio were appoised eh that all the executivaOlfi.ersrsh°n uld be in'harmony with the - A:dmmietra• Lion which 'the people hid ehdhsen.— Now, aria that ihaciry, itlivout the not to the to me tide action .night be,eapioked; but's° chary 'was be of• • 131.0 bring with the iireiogative of ,the enate, lir II br b ' iir .... ~ ' i t L. , II ' abOs.heo .1818. people: Itlis forthopople to 'emend of their Congress that lint(tice 'shall be' administered to ihel .President of the United Stata, or it may mot 'e• done. But we•havo been asked this uostinn, Row can the President be i. ' euelied? He is entnnlander in4cbiel at t o army 4 and nary , and the oni3titution of the United States says 'nothing miliatever about who Isbell hold t e 'offic) while he bt beinglimpeached. .ITheilefore, if. l ie You -comn?ncc the'' i and cut he will order the army and _navy to 'dis- ; perse I:ingress, and; lil will s -ize the; reins rif goVeinment. ! Wherel is the! remedy 7 Mere it is The.. House 'of Repre.scintitives, unde ! the ! lonstitu- Lion, is thesgrand inquest oft, e notion, perhaps I might say,for illu trat;on,' the grand lury of the nation: It pro, l intres the bill of iinpeachmen against the-Preifident, if itiseei cause, and it preeents Lil l e. bill of Itleachinent to the Senate!ofthe Unite States, which then beComas a high' court-of impeach ment,. and the i Chief 41ustice of the United States - flits in; that court, as • its presiding pfficer. ' It isl, thus iic, long er for that.purpose the! Senate of the United States, bet ii the hi r llii - court of impeachment of the' United States.-- What . shalll they do ? Wherilthe in peachmentlis ready Ithe Semite _sends out its messenger or, sergeant-at-arms' to biting in kin. oriminal r be he i ligh or low. [Applause.]. Tboy -set,4l,lirri at the bar 'and read the bill to i llhn. • If be plead guilty, then dry - Koceed to. keittencohi,m, whicl i i se tence iii, depo- Ation and deprivation of office. When !bola brought before;the bar, the Ben. sae - of the ;United States • may order bun to be imprisoned, Pr to find bail, lor any other proper orderthat a court might adopt in a criminal case. AO when the Constitution provided this mode of tr i itil, did its !framers . menn that a man _who is before the Court 61 Impeachment as a criminal shall be At the same time. Chief; Executive' offieer i, of .tl,lO Government ? I By no Means -.., From that moment lbo _ceases , to be stile to exercise th ee duties of that of fice until he is acquitted. 'And then comes the case ofi.inability of the , ,e P r tes is i e de tti l'io ffi f t c h e 7 o. :l;n p u re ed b i d S e ta n t t p ; s s t o o e t 'p t c ,; , Vice President dn.usi take, the offiee,, and there i tieitig no Viep Presiderit,l_it Must deiOlVie on-the President of the Senate forpe time ()Ong. [Applause.] If, in any a those steps so taken..tie cording ,to the Constitution, the Pres ident does not •abey'as a good citizen; the behests_of the high Court of lin ! lieuchtnepi; then that court, like any ?that court. in the 'land, pan call upon the whole Power of the body of •the ;people to fiid it in enforcing its right ful anthiarity. •[Applause.] And I:. now serve it notice on Andrew Johnson, that when, a rightful, constitutional ! Court of the Senate of ; the United Stiltes calls for aid in their behalf on the pcopleicf the 'United-'States. the Boys in Blue Will answer. [Great ap plause.] L '' - - - .- , ~ .We are ;told that if'congress Shill! proceed 'to, exercise-their rightful au.- theriti that then and there will be. tried the strength of this Gov,ernment; that the . Preeident , Vill• call upon the army and navy, and ; the army and na - - vi *ill obey him- Let , there be , no, fear about that, because the army ‘ arid navy, ot, the ,United. States are not thPse few men that are a , in the regular sqviCe. [Aprilatti3e.] 1 - I II have no desire (6-disparage eitlici ; I the patriotismior the integrity of th i 'e ! army of the UnitOd States, but if tire ; army, as such, or any portion of It, or : any officeri of it, shall •s l otfar torgetitlie difties he Owes to his flag,'and tie) ibis, profession as a soldier, ,es 'to answer any but ibie legai c' 11 offils country, that small lbody of men will'be stirept troml. the Ripe bf-t ' country , as 'a cob -web is swept airs before rising ot. the morning sun [Applause.]• . Moro thin that. We are told that this will bring on struggle. !You , ; well.-', I alit convinced of one of two thing s. s Either thPt,the struggle, if it should porno sit all, Must corne„ j c this way, or it will he pilecipitated Upon us in the nest Presidential election, when' we conie to inaugurate our Preiident —wheP.the States still in, rebellion, it -they shall not have accepted the terms of Congreie to' come; back, will endea vor by aided' their s,ympathizers North to foist upon the Northern States B.f President, el-their choice; and In such a.citse it might not be so clear_ where exactly was the legal right. If I am Correct in my statement of the law of impeachment and the form of- trial; the right, land form, then the way is Clear, and therefore if the trouble must come, which God forbid', lei it cone in March; 1867, not in March. 18691 Let us hive thiii thing . done with. Til l ie wintry has been tr. terrified and trop. ble difficulty and mm cootion kaig enough front traitors, arid their sym pathizers I[Greiii applause:]. Let is Bat t le this riuestion a once and, ferey. er. If, Bail" be God,llet us serve him I —if the Lord Gcid be (led, let us son's Rib, , [Great cheere L .] 1 ' 1 him. seem A. New Orleare „ Rale tbe uhlnose made Icon,tcsets tweati thensed there tirde for A. FARMER( 1n 2600 lbs. of ;wool! for Ir/lieb be wee two years- ego. rise. ' I LIRE CtRiS L 1 4 troih Vel3tlVilfl ; for Cruptiho . lAdveri s iSements inserted .at. the rate per square subseq eta ins° , 4 1 0 cents. Afilieral dispoint to'yi aavertieeni s and on long-Atd•C teem:Lents: IA spice equal to r lines of. tliis riessurett ai a e nu I I ' T!' MI II 1 s . Special uotioei '25 Pcroent. addition t• uar rate. ' *,:: '• 1 -• •1 ' - - _ . IBuainese earda, 75ialnis a t l ei pet . I Marriagee: . c.rid.Deatie, Rel*lous, Pcl' aria other Notices oes public natitre„ fr 1 ;, M. L. Sullitant's Illinois. ' The exaggerated hta tert7.ent ig eukting-iri the papers that lion - L v .. . I I. Sulrivant, of Chainpaign con Illinois ' nas ,(ifarm "of sctventy th I • , ( ad acre* there, and that over tayi thousand acres are under the Plo' We know thail this statentent is, neYing to Mr.Sianyont, Who carat shuns all notoiiiety as a- fernier; a misstatement. of 'the-character of ekaggeratieo; is, especial yip:aura him. • - - , • *". I Thu 'fact . is, whether hi(rge t aye any Credit or benefit Ao individt et the State; must del:iced( upon Manner in, which `they.yre - Juana And , eur,lllinovi farm tire quit :-Ii rgens they' shofild-be p l ebdut m tfptying act i4l figures b - three fi. paper "Story-) . , , ..1"1 - Mr: , Sullivant's, ()ham is - '0 e , i cou farm "Broadlanda," con 'ate of 22 cc '. ares.:k This is all be has :had in c ounty::, In 1863, the , Writer -he visited this farm. Then - 14,000. a bad 'been enclosud LTA board ft. and B,ooGClacreif - had been broke the plow. . Mr. Sunk-mit( bad' been on'tt.iieYeri years.. It is- no little more than three - years sine visit. , Mr. Sullivant has(probably bteken more than Ebel - I'l,ooo' a originally( enclosed; ale Ongh it been his, policy to extend tea pied turn of tame-grasses and corn eel Mita means of supporting largest; oilcattle and• horses and Mules. ~. llt is not le.pg (Since thejoefe of. S - a farm wannotinced in -t e l „ R f fpubli 11' was sOld . to_John I. l nAie lander Morgan - county, at 811 tri,a re- bare s§on it stated thatvit ml it at per acre. -We 'incline't' i litank, - ti faces in our iiessest:ion, that the named price is the cone `i - j' lne .' Mr. Sulky:int hai,ft rm• li or go nOes 'left Vim for a home in Vord tivingston ccanties in his Stet • , . . tritil redently no portion Of this 1 , La's.been broken.' pat . io the pro , . • 1 to ail) Tim s !nt agent bz s o 'detiyery of • !Mild * laborers t ear's. Crop. bpri emigr fort t d Ce 1 Ines Enlat.! at 0 I, Poffered recently sold entg a pound, 8105 a pound held 'on for, a 'elphtir .comes ore it is good WEI NoTto.E.TQ ADVERTISER , - season he has prepared . it li. ring the 'grourid for from Miles of .osage Orange proposes .to .inake 0)1.4 ' farm his •licitno:t removi rll, • leis family, Tills traet . o ' ti) l be-of rerharkablelertih t.-:. u,ndulliting, marked. and well watered. If . .5 1 sparkl,'„it,..l"ill ;quickly b pit in .rorn.•L'aMi mine p alb systeniaii6 buginess - oil detailgwliji:h obtain fitere 6perationa - wiil be fir • slycei,s,wltere other Men!' Chicago Republica h.. I . I••• • - • I 1 . • The- Constitutional A . • . The b i tter oppositmTl stltutionai—Anelidnlent arpse• frOm -tlinva6;:urtil ;: 3 i•et..ii.knt, the Denioerai sy regret; to nld, 'Tow ttie lctire-en,ter,t'ongree•s sj in‘r It. ht isHstill ?-oppot4 tiit). leading , fpnpors , Jpuge, .onarKeynas T I'lll rate :,ari,rtlatt:..nt to the- 3 1 1.1ssissippi to show thairts.tnioi,l would cont.. Tr y theligiaty. -1 ‘volfare of the... South: f.lort..untitl _there Is a*- better Teen tigl among] since - the' eleeti . last month. tall we :titly fir I earnest 'ond influential tioventen ohtmr. RS rat:la:4omi bj the South! liegi3latures. I,i .N . brth qurolinit, Onion party enters ;the canvass. the Oonatitutional AmetOntent.as. basis Of . its.pla:form, anti some of, influential pape,r,S ably" aoVocatee '.The • .Nqwbern 7'intes.' is .it the Charleston Dtntrat, r ungs • as :the best tertas,the - S uth 6 h to Obtain; the Raleigh Steindorii , . opon it as •It - necessity 4 Dr. Least. North - • - Carolipn, says; justly,. iliese terms would have been- wele, tid as ',A Gotr-seni eighteen 'me. ago. ,In Georgia; . the Savannah pOlican favors 'it.:fTheSe `fieti indicate . ..that- . nothing mor needed to gain, the ratification of: AMendment _by the Sot thernoSt than the firmness of the:sorth in Taring Y. Tribu4i. .At 1- t 1 • . A Total r.ea Bk. . . • Mr. Ili:yin - snd, iin the .New ' s lick Tiniesfurnishes unmistakable proot of having cut loose frOm, l the - Prost dent, and wo knoW from Chia own do. claration, that he deelin/ii to teavel c longer with Ittr.,Weed. 'fad he,nev, or set out: with the lamen t s manaker; 1 i far better would it have • gen for him; asp ho probably with Kitt mesa realii 7 eS.. Of the mistake he !committed, when he gusted Me • P esident, t hf.r., Raymonnd'ts probably' painfully , ion sible,and it IS through suchparagraphs as,thefolloviiitig - Lhat-the Times reit t ti-• I feats a wholesome i dispo Ilion to e:. tura to rightmays,iand . pays, a foripi ble tribute to *tho of Ilublie 1. e pwer'! I , opinion: , : - . . I I' "The violence that wonid -solve the I :diffietilty between' the gEsectitive• nd Ct l ptigress by the iinpeaebtnent of, the former, has its cOunterpart ! in the O lds:ins ithich ,as sails the istliorit H of, and proposes - tfr]i .recur to the South I . admission } :it 0.. , pct ot .- I the bayonet. , Both i.:,r-. - foolish; 'both.to ii . , w ;eke ;'I both : -Lt. i fraught with peril to, the peace tit tl: cOnntry. -,Thc3r,w'ao couti4,ltho_P 4t. id n$ to,ircat the,law ?Wake > glpoteer r c. I, It rpngiess,". to_pilt olFr: by, )." . . - a ho Ay &lick he has offidal yr e cogn 4... , a7,l'd to etsregatiil as illegal todyw ii:-., rights are sat least as valiill as iiis o u a coniisel lttrn to suicide:" _ .' ' 0 iu.S I !ft $.l I tionA CM = !TIMM ME IBM cir= :, tki,` AtY -.-: W:--. . an- oily,, d a '4n to rtttel ale, the ed. PLIA tlll- i r ,11 000 hut oaf ea i, ri.i ,„ ii ck t 18 71. cf Ye 1;7 • ni 11. 1- 150 , to. he ! lge,... • Bttrr' thither 12111 , 1 is 4.y and h stOe.l - • ,ra.6 Into/ ,f ‘ might' W I II • f enciin :1 111 • Ito t 1143 tie So 4,2;34: . 6f - Ff ikt. 04 1 :4' , jomprz!t : s • 113 e -1111/,iux. :4cl ; - 'eqi,r6 ult cei tit :gni; i.i.or`prno ion- I . ' it... 1 i' l bo 1 Vi air to . rat hp fh the At, ,m- Om ►'e. her the I:e6 Te-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers