TV' 13 11 Il 11 a 1;:t T 0 817:.!OL a e ,P a3:1.1. a It a*01! AUGUSTlsifi . lB66,''''.• • • 101 ( 1 0V.Elplp11, GEN, , AIIIN W.:GEARY,- pl. cumpEarayi) Union 'County ;krominationt • Congress. 00 , V. LAWRENCE, Watqiitigton -.President tludge.— B. B. CHA.M.B2IRLII•et, Now Brighton • Associafr elddge. • . 4GN,EW DUFP,.Iie,7 Brighton; • • State ~.sealito., CoL. A; W T#Yl2O . ll, -,,13 - orougb; Assembly,. • - • - . 151 / 2 tATTHEVP'Si , QII AY Beaver; .11 R. DAY,"Washigton ' , MEN-EWING WashingtOn co; - ..„ - Sheriff. O - lIN S. LITTEL4, Ro , ;lntown; , - Begiiter dr Recorder. , DARIUS SINGLETON, Raccoon;- ' Clerk of • Courts. JOHN A;FRAZIEft, Bearer. • 'Commissioner . ..l , • JAS. WARNOOK i 'North So wickly 'Poor 'House Pirector: ...TORN K. POTTER; Baeecon; -Auditor. • F. Beaver • Trustees of Academy. Da. JOAN MURRAY : Bridgewater Da. DAVID §TAITTON,N.I3Iighton; F 'County Poor. House. Round dogs and Gaines, pigs are' Said to be still the rage at. the Aleaver counly. Pour at the expense of the tax-payers.--Loca/. - The :Lewd, as well as the whole bernocratic partY; have seemingiy, dropped the , discussion of politic - a subjects entirely; and settled down to the work .of abasing the Directors "of the Poor' I:louse andlts Steward.— , This being the,Case, *43),wish to" invite theh attention ton fe*figures,and beg for them a candid consideration. , Mr. A.. , W. Douthitt, a Democrat, was Steward of the Poor House in 1357. Tti - e expenses for that year were, as' reported ttie papers, 83,202,15. .The &vet age nuiltber, of. paupers for • that time amounted -to .20. Now di. , side this sum of money by the-number of persons kept., aid' you will ascer: taro that under Mr. Dotithitt's admin • istration,it cost the cotintYjust 3160,00 to support each pauper for that year. And beart in mind, too, that at thiii timemuslin was selling, at 8 cents per' yard, Calico at 6 canto; catvccr ei.,ee per pair, and every otherartiele need ed by the paupers o i i n the sam4ro portion. During, this 3.61 r, there were so few insane paupers.whoim condition required • t`beir-being kept at Harrislyarg or Dixniont, as to cost the county but e 4.14,00. This sum is in.. eluded in the above - aggregate. During tbeFyear 1865 the expendi tures for the' support of the. Poor &Ilse, less the 8938,85 on hand, fig motinted 0.88,265,01. Take from this minCs2oo,oo paid on,tbe land as par chase money, 8205,00 paid tor Mowing machine and bay rake f as.recommt.nd. • ed lart4lol.-Grand Suryi 8100,00 for a yoke of oxen, and 81,819,78, the sum .paid for keepiP,6 the - county's' insane - at Harrisburg and Dixmont, over and above what it Cost in Mr. Donthitt's year, and you find the net expense of supporting ,the . Poor House . ' and its 1 paupers to be 85,9 : 1.1:423. Now divide ft-hia'sura by 55, the average number of paupers let 1865, and , you will as , certain , that under Republican rule it cost the county but 8108,00 per pan" per for that year;_ and this, tob,,when muslin' was 50 coati per yard instead, of 8, calico 35 instead of 6, and shoes 83,50 - instead of 81,25'. Hence, instead of sweeping aster . Cons, aPd" . .ona 'talk about "hounds and Guinea pigs!' being,kept on the 'oor House farm, we wish these figures t l y *,'be , \ met anti: disposed of in a business I like way. ,If tL•ei are not correct, expose ',keit inaccuracy and if correct, are, the tax-payers of- the county not; : jortunate instead of 'unfortunate. in • haying a B o ard—of , : otrecte -- TB and - wi Steward who not only manage -the • institution' in a; manner that-reflects credit upon , thei county, but, viho in addition keep each patiper for' a less . stun Of money now than it-cos.t to keep him in , 1857? - WE are credibly inform 'Tun Local ingnires last week wheth ! . the. Phdlipsbut g Do - Moore' , or we were- not at one ,Lime "previst. on:the 4th instant, §amtie tiaishal and alighted in . torturing Beg attacked the Poor B `drafted men.' ''We answer- that we tore, and gr. Shrouds ,; its never had anything to dorwith theft- as roUgh'nnd unhenoming od men. . While the Ardy Oras laying possible., tie is.efigagl in Winterquartera, we: Were detailed up tootterlportito 4og to to set:. as' Provostaarshal inane of expenditurul!) the tinny divisiontsin What waslthen it comes that, wistle he V the Department..' OarqiusiL - and counsel 10 0 the Pooi negs - was to take _care of rebels and tors Oa; ;their sympathising citizen friends; and !jueg , - . 4 . 4 iho uattor. of the: Local Will jrlqll . 4o. 'Pi Ulf in theneighhdi - Onod---az-Ater_tinsbnig labors and Warpeett: Ferry, - Va., he ii s rmA l d O,fiargei that' we performed our duty' to the tie ma( benbfit,of the rmioti Cause; and to the '!1 fava teeriblelinnnyance of Lis present party ;to 310. associates. ' r • . _ , how ti • I " '" _ r. MOO utpra El The editor of , , the - Loe4/ says that'inf i tas made diliigent inquiry concerning] :our..military history', ,btit has not beat able to see any one that could ; _o him the desired infotaationl - 1 -te therefore halls upon . ns to "write o ur , own book," and publish it for his ben efit. We take -off our beaver,:and thank him profonndlyforthis 'willing: 'DCI3B on his part to take our. wordfoil what . we would sriy, - eOnaerning ourself`; ' but ea We are extremely modest, - and ] decidedly averse to "blowing oar own horn," .we' viii.siittply joforni him 7to what-regiment we belonged, wher our, company was formed, and the ram` him ' to others for informatioi tonsil - log our *fonduot while at th 9 .front.". ,;,s. . i t . • . • We were . ri' mealier of the 126th 1, • Ohio Volunteers; and col:mended itii 'FCompanyl f0r . 26 monthS: ,rhiicatri ps:ny was organized in Carroll coon ty, Ohio, and its remaining members ar e, `With very fisirexceptions, rftresidin t it' in that county - now. A leeraddress. ed to its -Orderly Serge Issic 14. Inotts, at ItoiqP. 0., in that county, .would receive prompt attention. T cl e Military Committee of that count was composed of Judge Tripp, C. jr Shober, Id. Ferrell, George Beistt'' and lion. l - Wm. Deford. The fear first named all reside at/ Catrollteti, ,. Ohio,'whila the fifth Brea at' Augusta, smile county.'. Hon. E. B. Bekley, member of Congress from that Dr— trict, also I resides at Carrollton, Ohio. Hon. John , -A, Bingham, a fernier Congressman from the same Dia4t; but now. 'representing the adjoini t ng one, lives at'Cadiz, Ohio. and was 'ell acquainted with the officers anemen of the regithent. Now we wishhe editor of the Local to write to nd inquire of either of these, or' al of them, and if he gets a ieply to the rfehte , that we were ever reprimitiledi court:martialed, or disobeyed omen; shirked s. battle, flinched during Out or failed' to' participate in every tins t j foriglit by the army of the Po mac. during our .connection with it, * beg" him to publish it, and make suciiri. , meats upon it rite chooses. So r rich in relation to ourself '; now.--for the whereahouts of the editor of the ?cal! : If our military history is not intimate. ,ky knoWn in this ''neck_ of p 'Kooks," yours is decidedly _obscure; and we -might very readily assume thal, tor aught anybody, in this County knew to the contrary, you' had n t everibeen in the !service at all. But Admitting that:Eon - were, be kind enough - lb 'in4 forth nesfrom what county you p ten' the bide, in what regiment You ' itL 1 4_ ' your company may be'addressed, who _,, i,- r 'composed the Military COMET° OL your county, and who reprasent that Dietrict in Congress, for 'are confess that we too have an"itching" - to know what your military,hietorrwas; and what kind'of a "boa eci to be. In. addition to this, 4 wish to aslc,.• you personally whether the re. mark] sot opposite to your acme it the .:6,lijutssot l 3 , eneral:s report ozi Ohio, for • the year 1864, gm your retiricg from the service is correct; 'and if correct, why was the jury toldin the trial Of the case. of Beighley 1. Odell . that l y ou.had.served three ye rs and i three menths, and then was "honors. bly ciisaharged" because of "exPiration of Service." The official recbrds dc not above' that you thus got out of the arm}; and -if they do you injustice convince us of that fact; but •if not, please let' t i us heat buseldom from you on the question of vibe were 11,pd who I / r I'were not "good soidiers." - Duaniti Mr. D. thittla 'ad .inistra— tion as Steirardt f the Poor Poore. House, the county bad at so few firrue pap ters to take ea r of at Harrisburg acid ixmont, thatAt COSt aw - but f.4l4 , Ter ,y ear ix:l - keep/hem thei e:' ,i 10-p4s"this number ha ao 'inereadld that it-re (ftiired $2,,ec.--07 to payftheiri keeping at the - iii titations above nired; yet Afr. Shr/ads and the. Dire tors ire rd blaed,as if they could 111(1,4i:tett' tie wilt of Providence in - afflicting • , these unfortunate people, and, conse; petitlr, riet.makii!g it incumbent upoU Lt... ---- 1, 0f cm to prOvpie fb;•nr cow/- forts. It the Dembeyt i- ere iti charge of the Poor House gild they pay this 14)4 r o, would' ey turn ',hose poor beings out an let them wander from door to door , raked. MSS, begging their bread \ i it, d \ a t ie ineeNg ; 1,3. Filtaiii, ... b\lit io* Diree- St ard, in 1 a ntier at, ladi lookir iv (Poor - Atr oriffr "Comparing Notes." Conn, noW, lot' us compare notes, ,and, show- who ' -at was-that. "smelt powder,", and "heard thunder." Yon Attrew down the gauntlet,and the Hai. tlabnrg;delcgatea. tkave'lea4ily taken tit rip and! nowsdareboujo walk up ta t e vratoh. We purr.; thicompart son. aid pronounce you tr' coward-if you shirk it. Trot out your records-- cOmmerieing with yourown. We will sOorfieelltbw the mutter stands.—.Loeal. ...Then let us see how. it: does eta • _There were_three ,delOgateaapp teci from this county, to tend the ldiore. Convention ati.kittsbarg,vir/Sergeant Robe, Dicifey;''§erleant J. B. Harrah arid -durself. Serleant the 1-totk the battle Hooker and ,e tinder I,4ade, was detaifed,'Uot at his own yequest, to-do.dutrin the Quartermaster's De partment. 4 - • ' 1 -- ci a Sergeant bert Dickey was'als member .of the -140th. ,Herpartibipa• tedln fifteen battles; viz:: Chancellors- One, Gettysburg, .Bristow Station , Mine Run, Wilderness; Todd's Perth, Corbin's Bridge, Po -River, Spottsyl.: vania, Itatcher'e Run,•Boynton Plank Road, latherland's Station, 'Sailor's Creek, Cumberland Church and Appe, mattbx C. H. At Gettysburg he was wounded, and again at Spottsylvinia C. a., and has a record ) for good sol dierly qualities . in . his regiment of which any . man might. well bo proud. Now for ourself. -,, We were a mom= l ber of the 120th • Ohio Vols. The emppany with which we were connect; ed participated in , thirteen battles during our connection with the army, In eleven of -these we , took - a 'part, and Vhen the remaining two occurred .we were at home woucded., In four of these eleven we 'commanded Co. F, them w © in five others of them WO cominapded the two right companies of ;the regi-i meat, and'r in the remaining two we 1 were; the regimental commander.—' These battles were as follows; Mar:. titishurg, Kelley's Ford, Mine Run,l Wild,KnelisiSpottsylvs.nia, Po River, ,Ratover C IL, Coal Harbor, retire - burg, Monocaey, and "whirling Early up • the -Shenandoah.", Our company in these several battles lost 13 men in killed-and bad 20 wounded and 5 cap tured- in battle. When these' battles began, the company had been t i e re. - deeed by disease and disabilities that it riumbeied only 45 men present far duty. Remembenng, then, that•fig of these had either been killed, wounded or captured iunattle,it will not require much guessing to. ascertain whether it was a "fe,ather-bed" company or not. I Cold. Harbor we "got'a crack" which kept us in the Field Hospital 'ten days; tit Monocacy we reeeivod another, on account of which we wore first taken . to Baltimore 'froni thence. sent hdrne, and in consequence of which we were "honorably discharged on account of wounds' received in action.", Wo have_ been thus minute' in regard to ourself' because of. our present isola. tion from those who served, with us; and ileour , doubted in a single. particular, we have official doe- Uments at hand to verify its-.' 1 So much, then, forthemilitary his, -tories of those who attonded the Sol dier's State Convention' at Pittsburg; now let us have the military histories of the soldiers who attended the Cly -1 - rner .Convention at Ilarriatiurg. We Wish to ' see these histories , in detail; and as the LoCcil has Bent the challenge, and as it has - been " accepted, we ex pest to•be gratified in the "next _ issue Of that paper. 1 - i . . • Rev. j. J. Id.'llyar, nominated on the 18th_ of Sane by the Democracy of this county, for Trustee of the Acad. emy, declines to Fp rvo as areandidate; a : n a e re f g rm th o t a o eststhe j k the/taking Dr Jamesakingd . o wn E of hid Int:keen, of Falls n, has been ,put on the ticket in his tend. Mr. Ifellyar itet . tLi , leavin a " sinking shiP,7a ig n e d l Yie fi t4 haie i no doubt but what the patriotism°f his ennvegetion will c a yte tlyitt to think more of} Lim for po t sank this Course-than ,f'.or-al-;' most y otbir act of hi s li fe: Ans editor: 4 th° . feal must have 4 cen ind o l l ..dgiu onion:Al%..r ( 03 1 ,, - ©IL that that we wersd tNklit'Jnee "si B. "joh4 (lark'his Clark, 11Bteiventr: p to anythat father.:tAid7G.tfgard usa t re. nat4promwhawi . Jeri ' , : he 4as been a geed soldier; rilef,c-,:winas7e:patritesonet,bavatotiten. jcitohhewinC:lllarmtheker'sosho:l: iers, and that he had never been in : the service, and made no seek proton" ikons. - Can the Local gainsay , this? la BCD: dollars, itional RON. %TORN . . AINOIIA3I, 0110 Of 60 most tafented men of Ohio, was ra. nominatetifcT Congress by thci:Tliion men of hististrict, on Tfmrsday last. 13.' is a statesman of Whom any party, Stato, or country, may take an honest pride. only 'vane() iutiag hear ~s,-'~r.,= ::_,;,: , x,-.-~ : _~., ~-~ ~.-, :,; ~.-.-....- ~..;:-rte MU `airah Arae a membei of T. He partieipital cchancelleravilie, Wilder again UOlfrabarg, _After this tiattle 'be Will Not Accept. QtxitiaTk Ai(' There 'are ./s}eiarsi-,,liiiptiblicans this' county Aih l o aie:..Whit; -is Called' Johneol trier , at. "ie " they claim io' inds lb BO< • '7 o .Pecti : !tract, WcY: iitale-tkeY, do this, t :',-eitheVviitethemaellne for- tied -their edira"'nflue 'tree we_na i.:waY-PO?nlQt9 hie .8n- to hive. within the Sett` few' days,: heat.d. trim two or !Ilene men,- who elaimeir-as v"Clymer— /obtains mes,”. and - tidy make no his itationini.anyVtiVa%hile. they ad; tnirc‘Andy:Ahnson:they detebt Hein—. ter.tlymer; and thatonderno circtim itanceir could they ; "induced to touch the latte with -, a, forty fnot t pole." arr. ,Rditer.: ,„I ses'by_the last Local that. 1 l e am "set down. - mom of the delog.nteq to the ClynntOoldiet7s' con Mier( at Haristairg on the. Ist cif-'.,Attgaig. Allow, me" to say that I was'sisJSS,:tk AtatOgat (to 'said Conyent ion, and Insteadts4Annitortla .plymer for-ti ciiernor, I iritentffn4 irly,* to, : General . Gcaiy , lor that pi10t..., .L T'N' 4 ' " "1. ,G. - EDGAR., -' . - ...,.. •- ' .'i , ' - 4 1- . :aka sa • aguat Irtb,.- 186 . Mr. Editor. - 4,.. , e , my return: home I last. week, rnyiat , tion woo called, to ts ‘ persoLal attar. of a 'slanderous character,- made or a: me during: my absence fn tu the fointy.bY the edits:r of the Local. Aithe ohjeet of 'attOh public attacks ari generally-t..vell tits. Is deratood, but fe en , of any *titles' patty are ever t uenced by them. -, , Notwithstar4 g' this., wii have thought inoper• refuto;tbrongh the colums of the rgsVo,slanderous charges to vilsic w . e en:Urn:4. ' One opecigeat n'.lll I,heq charge is thus J. was'guiß of ,a ,traad. in the purchitiaof a -1 se frone.Capt..p, AU Domihoo, and th Cap.t,',,Y .4 M. Imbrie, of, Wellsville, 0 , who was my part ner, was the Tioir . cf , the. froud v by which ho was B N t.dled tolleapoupt _ of $lOO. , ‘ - • l'heDserious c racier-of this' charge will warrantyu in, noticing the facts in - the case, ho , ver uninteresting' maybe to the erat reader.,• • • Mr. Donaho valued this lease it 00Q, arid assur .me that this was the lowest•tium far bleb he would, sell it. Subsequentlk °feted me one hun dred dollars if woald sell it-for himi or :if I vroultl uti,hase it Mn st - A . 441e. woulii - take seve hundred dollar; Dee,, ing• c as he asiur lets than ho wonld Rell •co any one and that. the - price bould bo considered eigbt ..butidretl °liars,. and that. the I convey anon - sh Id so express, it.. 1 I then " offered t leaselor soy cent:parties,' a .1° Capt.ilinbrie. a-- mntigat.others, expeitted to realize the gium.ona undred_dollare in - the Bat he WiehingArk pututilise the entire tease torwiads bessine my partner in • .th part:base ffom , Mr. Dcinalloo• ' and `, thie'ehinged ththe'pa ture'ot the t Motion, my partner received the belOt , :of • thereJuttieri made in . kth :far - this . be beet \ iseee coltowing ortt . sate trim) ttie,ientleitian hiMself: ' WF.l.\.s•4 'E, Onto, July 104'66. This will ' rtify .that in 'OO pur chase of a le e from D, M. ,ll,purthoo by A.W. Ta.b r and myself, that . I was acquaint with _ the terms offered by, Mr. Dor:a ; to . 001. Taylor, and that he a g r tbl 4 t. i 'Would share equally with l 'Wall the advantakes growl% out Mr. Dor.ahoo's offer to .Iriin, . and -' it ceordinco with _this agreement I . ived of him he sum. of 650 00, bei the / amount( which I had overpaid I also state that so far as I know; cre was' no attempt whatever On e part of Col. Taylor to take any . /imago or me in this transaction. JAMES M. IMBRIE The secon against . me inaeration' . In and the arno , ; dollars; nn;' explain why ed on,:our)m The 1011, may 604 e s. of this' pnr inbmittid fo who may sh pressed by. t ROCH: indictment in the bill that the specified 'con— be lease was changed, r , raised five hundred , .• e aro called upon' to is change WAS request- inrr certificates, which. e. a sufficient diplanation I the' transac(ion, are be consideration of ,att in the solicitkide ei— Loctil. .• • La, PA., Aug. 6; 1856. edify that I: pure h aSed, DT an interest in a lease )onaboo to A; W. Tay. Imbrie, and that al4 the purchase 1 request. tho lease so changed' show what it had cost. wliat it had cost them. on ruy, part was made °rests had been sold.= ont I ant willing to 'be amur.V.T. Bucamoaz. ThllB 18 t.l of A.! W. I ter I had, Ma This inatl6obdoerald'hta:n i ds3- r tt e tejD : wita i l after all the To this State r Th!s toj t ea l :ertify,thatir_purchased the lease above referred • _..ot.titit kilMatiiirtAilliP4 41 R'' ivywhat it had'cost rise: Re agreee to ask Mr. DOnaboo to make out a pew lease. War. Cott. 1 Freedoni, July lOth, ispa.. - r T le ttvo gentlemen-4in Blaek more and Mr. tole-;-are the only•pt:r -trees to whom any. .part, Of this lail o se was field by me. ; . • / After the sales I bad all beeUiriado, the lease was transferred, to the cola , ' I pany.l We may be perMitt / ed: to ask the L Ito name the parties who Were swin led - oat oat of fiVe hundred doliais in th transsetion,? .And if 'there is any . eception-would it be convenient to na e the parties upon whom the de cepthin was practiced? and what coitbi have been the object of. such; a decal). f tionorince the change was made after the parties bat purchased, and at their own , request ? I • ; , ' To , the::contideration of candid, in telligent readure of the . Beaver-Argus', thii.stateraeni;ts respectfully submit ted. ' "A. 'ff.. TarLpa. F+ 4lpt„, =MI . - , 4•ollCity Cone ~ OEIOO- - _ . - " t. Vim We C her, is gets , Ling mo",re, utterable, tad I °kers on ,In i thiflisectiottaayswia*.a uab= better appyrtiriffif looking .4 via -no* strntres,,," , m ush, area reporteC with 'nearly , the . fregionay : rits ,ii the apaTioy - dityir:rif oil..doin, 'rind `lila guite as much trutb, The "Farmer's , Railway" (an.'odd blinby the way for an oil R. R.) rapid! approaches I, t a completion.. - The thud: , it b ,is graded a ire* part - a - 1 a3 }, and the rails laidirsteroii•eity, ,IdeClintootc ville. Thui road is to co n'ectOit City with Petroleum, Ceittrit,' nd mill farm , fah the inhabiutnta of th former place amnia rapid. rept° •ef 1 ' °hint; die* 10 - trk thaa via; Meadville and will ::no .doubttitmliittpopalart 'The Warren and 'Fraftklin R....R;ii , al nearly com pleted, & I ndus aro' ate all3_..ririaning froatiOd CitY to Irvinet n where con nectinh lir -formed. wit the Railroad from Erie3o l'hiladelph, g.• -This - dill also take from the Ail ntic' i ' & •Great Western, and bring to- Inds-the ; big •h , harges:rattde. by them hea'they had it all.theit'uitit way. -,, ", -' The oitize i ns of Oil Ctty have good catiselor *owing at the completion i of the very elegant iroa bridge - which crosses Oil. Creek, -connecting Main and Center. Stkeets. The bridge -isl Very strong and ai the. Same ; time re-I markably handsome.:. 1 The wooden! bridge crossing the Allighany-•-anal osigned to connect Git. City with 14 sister Veraingo—fltleoPilhe ready fq use.- This- bridge! is bridge! - on a`; pla siinilar to many On' thel i Atlantic an Great - 'Western ItailFy,_ knowri ollewe's Truss ßrid' " It -As -sit ported-6y six piers o ' !suasive timbe work-and looks as it do fy both storm and flood. - - ~- Fires, still continuo to be quite fash, ionable and "all the rage." Pit Hole was the scono of a severe conflagratio on the 2d of August-4200,000 la -th amount of the (triclinia 'd loss.' -Ttsten ty-seven". 4 wells , were eatroyed an over 13,000 'barrels of oil. . One- , fir are put down as losers of oil., trifle cif $6O ~ 000. , . _ j i • i , Locating oil wells b 'men of science "who have studied 'the whole subjecit for years" is still practised. ' "O 1 §sisliet 7 3,"„ they are' suady ter ‘ me , and sotuo i re of the- clai most eX • tr i i Ordinary powers, A f iend who had* t t. well i4eidated" a fewaye since 'finds himself obligtd tc, bias 'a huge since; r t) in rdar that ho may i e able to sore LI his ,derrick, over the selected, spot. There is roam enough on his lease f r a dozen derricks without molesting t huge recite, which has lain there 801 otty ' since when- ?at no!----aho font feet from it is Lb "spot"—and i other will do. dt . • 1' Stir•ringtup old tvello by explodin I( torpedo in them, is new a very fav r to pastime. Col. Roberte,the patent is making a good deal of money-by it and so arelnany of those who °alp! 3 him. Idanrwells, already abandon d have been- "blown , tie into good- s o i• oty,. but I have heard of tie instance! of . gotting oil where piste was none , One singular fadt, deserves-rm3ntion,-- ,Since,the patent of i 101. Roberts tie '''' ------ -`l l -11 , .-b4.4 and . his- claim to ho "monopmy settle o,e has recta= -ou prices one half. Itis ..advertisomeut sots forth that ha . { has reduced this prices "anehrin.dred per ,cent."ißoiLgh oh old 4 Taboll," -.New contrivan i ,es I for drilling Wells arohrought out wCek ly; though buttetv,idf the sanguine' in venters go bey ond building a "niodel." Tho "oldtline ' is Ole safest yet; by this I.dont;rnean the time when von used ithe l "spring .tiala" , and "kic ed down" 'that dry wz.11..1 ili ,I,low happy you tyill feel when the I oiectior . is,over ; whos yqu can-"let p" L on that poer octi/.1. 1- am glad ou are Spared ono alllietion that berg be w fallen this district. hich is not k, oiv , . ing. who our candidate lis. Our - is. trio. is favor e d with, twelve confe cis, who are grimly troubled' about, atee ing en a candidate.l Each Count at, L, the'oPeang of the ' , .:onvelition ha its candidate who received the vote -o - bisi 1 three, immediate " i constitu'ents." Of course some ono mist be clroppedAd n l'since then tho v.itinclitis been site .tu: ' six. , The ;old DeMocratio doctignei voting "early and ten," has beeh fol lowed Othont the access which nsul , ally - attended.thus' patriotic e ores; probably for the s eason, that both sides purefled the some tactics.. ' 'tor tiring, out the Bordugh, the Co Vans Lion adjourned freii4 Franklin to 1 ead villa, ' but at Into advieen hacrina e no .prngress. goo - thing is . certtiin.— They, must`clme tol an' understsbding before'October. Seed the day A year ago , the [proper autbdrities appointed a Rev. Hi,! --=--. to-s ti p ply the pulpits of Plritner and,,Pit .111 e.-i. T,h o gentleman offiCiated for som two or thrt.e , months ,a•hen he' informe4 thO chuich. at PluMer that lie' •could henceforth devote his•time to Pit(Hole, as they could pay his salary alone: A Pastor wag soon.'rqund for the ,church in Plurner, although it - was - a 4 eveio tax on the Meal-bora to pay his, lalary, inasmuch as in ill 3 zi•leantime . theifinan. vial affairs of flamer had gone dow,n [nearly'as'rapidlY is those of Pii, Hale `:. ---- "'" 8 -itti.. ' lihis - year, the - knitter ,same gentichliln i t e tt e l phin - and the last year to "At er , 1 48 oppointeci this year',,:sont t liii i l t h ,- 4? f.,, 1 ., t ' • Hl f ' IS cr,!' inasmuch ,a t tc, 42 , 1)--,-4"11 Plum. year ti rodeo Tit l e 4 an ßeci -, t' the tho.par Plumerl Th' to was niatmug,e,to r .the lik It ;of thekretmhers in Plum to cot torgritten the tray ti vas done - list yoar. kltecordi ag themselves of their right 4e, thiSy noti fi ed the Rev. 11 4.1. he. "was not acc,'ePtable. §r stating this concl*sion• of , ,wad handed tb the,!-Clargy 39 occasion of his flitit yisit, )- pointmont. - ii . 4, ipilulOy le services of the church, at leg that, he had ecolved tht. paper aforesaid; bade the "good afternown" ad left: Who' s; head? • 1 ,ii -I 1 - .Nun Ptcri. GOVESNM'EN" wore Milestone t4-fortios 994, s ,Nns,one -13tb, :five twontiolo9/ ott-thirtieo 1151. , Ili , ' ' !rim following Betiver-COunty imi , len were ; to attendanbo at the Ciy ii soklierS' conventioa: Maj. W. H. 'oWers, Caps.l J. J: . o, riway, ~Piiv. 'D., 13 • : laoe -- Fc ( apt. P. • • English, Priv. ;:: A. 'fftl i nOr. Corpl.!. Thomas Clark igt. , L.'a:=Edgar, Priv. T. M. Ander ,. - . w,- and onraelf, breimtiecl- Vital' H i I It will -be seen from a..pard' publish ed ' inanother ' colu mn of inle paper, , v.. , that when tile Leeaff#Tnisties th(3 trail; itary bletories'of Ith'i l above -delegates. that-Seargt. L.. G. -Edgar's may be , omitted.... The copperfhetthMighfto fit. Edgar, but inl i Kea ; got flank. eiliil qmselves. -..' - ' :. '1 • !:. -. ' • . CA ft . M vitA AND - DE.ALEIt in all kinditilG' CLAES; &c. Ihe best qualities of cjawrrio*, SMOXING;TOBAC VC) always :on 'hand and fer;salo;! at the 'onset press, at the corner ofrt hirtk.ctreet, and the. Diamond,BenTer,,Pa. - s Nock. . .• D. A. 4:3,I4ASS,Rew r - B;ighton; P Pr aciteal Auctioneer 4lnd aa/esman. 7rlrAlil been duly ' !notion for.the Counqi of Bkav,er, and will attenajo all sales;orjanetiewrherever his. 'services; may requrvll tlitgheut said - county. — i• • a , • I.4cian s T . ,IST of applicants ft La Sessions; -1866: - . • , EATLNQ 113.01.781L5. gain' Wagner W. (Newt 4 1 arigl.6;66, • I Jppi 111. 1NE(7770 1 1 ?01 PRACTICAL DRAwrivo, l SURVEY/2W. 4 CIVIL4IIIIIVING ENGI NEERING, JIM ;,S7tviel, Rorer . the Alle gheny Bqnk) . - Open . fnx roocloire i r Ist until April It coats about s2s:to-lie a good Draughtsi man; $25 a. practica! Surveyor, 'and $6O a good prietiCal Civil Erlineer.r For a_circular addieswA. VknannEAtti.nri; Principal, or W..S: fiar*N, 8d streets, I'lltanurgti. ji '--jatigls:6tL,Ll . 1 ----- NPAII BARBE R- S HOP. - ..- ~ ~ SEWING, 114111- CUTTIN G 511.01- + 1 1 1 / 4 /01 . 1Ni &C. 'i • 1 .1 ! TOIIII - 151:. wlLl;rksis, . having removed' his t p shop , from Bridewiter to B eaver, 'wish es to inform his fo ruer customers , and the public generally,that he' is riv to be found in a Room ' Adjoininglihi N a t ional House, „ • where he will carr , Y-on in ns former good and fashionable , style. ,11y close attention to busines, ho hopes ,l to merit and receixe a liber alshare of public patronage; Those wishing a clean, smooth - lhaire, I or heir cut in a fash ionable style, just! step inland give John a t .trial. and Le feels iatitified that he can please • them. ' , r. 1. , • - . taugl4 EXTFI A!' BOUNTY IMPOITANT SOLDIEtt, S•! U 4IIII F • • • By. a recent Act of Congress all, soldiers who served• three years, those who were die , _ charged by reason! of( wounds received in the service, ond.titc • WIDOW, tun.n,urs 08. PAItENTS Of any such soldiers who died in the Service of ate United States, or of disease or . wounds contracted while In service.' are entitled to an additional bounty of sloo.] •By giving this matler your, ; • • I.IIIIIED4TE ATTSI7IO3', aDd oh or writing to ; the unersigned, time Clamor. -will -s eov*.orda_ipt atte tiou • . • - - _ _ - L! BACIE-E!AII ,— PENBION ,and all other kind's of chaos against: State or National Governments will receive a safe and speedy; settlemcntr.) I.I . AIdES M. SELLERS, _ Ace. 224 , ,i'0PRT11 Street; & angls'66 A.N.113.11. ENV INVIt I . • . - ATTORNEY AIT IR A-C TICIN Gi , THE' ; SEVERAL COURTS 'OF IIEAVER COUUTY, will promptly attend to all kinds of legal business in.-this or counties adjoining. ; Collections will! be expeditiously; Made in. all amounts ppon. :sort!' of claims. Other in this county and State "or in more distant lo calities. 1 I In Conveyancing, immediate attention rill be given to the I drawing of .bon'as deeds, ,leases, articles of 'agreement, to the.furnishing of abstracts of tiOc,!.aed io the careful preps rationof all Sortsligf legal instruments. • - Mortgages; judginents end Other"secumities' in all sums bought or sold.) ; j I:o3LOffice in building °fides. C. Wilson,Es.q.; nearly opposite Mciore'sl Drug &Ore,' Third Street, Betiver,Te. • . ,;[sng 15,'65.. • , . I "THE ‘NORMAI, Mustc•.SollooL OF .THE BEAVER! AIfSICAL INSTITUTE, will c' ose.with b ic Perfertnances in the OF _ HALL: OP ,1111 P, 1 , 4 J o,n lAtednes af Evuning, Aug. 15th, j ' A.piibiic perfonifince of Chetah Music, Ceti " sisting of Antheins, Choruses, 'l'unes; • • • On Thursday; Eiening,August 16th, • A public perfornianee cif !Children's 41usie by the "Juvenile' Cass, interspersed with • Glees and !tumor us Pieces, by • . . tiemembers o the Normal • Iblutdo cliool. ' : Ort Friclay'EVening, August .17th, The ;closing;performance, consisting of - Opera Choi•usee, Gees, Quartette, • • Duette, A Songi i i &c., • , Tickets 50 cents.! Thlae tickets for . 4 g1.04. •Exercises to cOmtiamice 7i o'clock. isieTicketa to 13,e had of the Dreg Steres in Beaver, Rochcair; .ad j Bridgewater, and at the door. j Notice - in 1 the Orphans' Court. :The tollowtigi aPpralsementa under the Act of 'Assembly, of the 14th a April, of property allowed ;to bd retained by a widow or children of a decedtiet, to the value of $BOO, have been tiled in' he Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' court,l, of glom:fir county, and approted nisi,;:lo wit : Personal pro perty to • nmount- of $BOO, re ,titteed by wisloW of Thos.. bi l Andiew, dec'd. ! 1 /,,, sr I tamed by widiliega 0 1!" °°° ° 1 ' of $BOO, re. clec'd. John Sloes, AdttiS:94er,. Derringer, Personal pro Pert Johnt y ii:,tunorint s3ter,. ,s.- a M twined by wid..- oW of,Saumel 'Gilleland • dee'. 'Clure ( ' d . Perional properly to amount 'of $3OO re tailed by widen , ' Of liberates Small, , Hugh A.nderson, I Personal toned b p.reperty to amount. of $BOO, re-' Francis y widow :of James Wright, deed.— M. Scott, n • Notice le hereby;giveti to' . creditors, hei legate es,' distribetees, and all other:, interet rs, ed, to appear at the net terra of 'said Court, and not later than the,third day, being the 6th day of September,dto shewicause, if any they have,l,againet the; finall confirmation of the above appraise e ats. • . . augls J.044.N rums, Welt. • • 1. .• . • . t eat September N'o , r Licens ..~;..Ne Brigton; . ves Fins; Cl'k; Ji.. ER oRp-trArze CO tJ I'T SNk J r Is - will bell at 'public *reedit° ocheout '''tiltli premises, on _._, . - - . I.lr7 Af crl O ull ; 74 Beaver r. f ,3( a' cnp°l"l:ntl3:'rll theo 1:1etn,rtlYble:1:°;::::;11...‘:' at One o'elock P. AL, the foltoAng aescricei, property, situate in Chippe wa to hip, g el : ver nty,aforesaid, being the real estst • Borneo N. Kennedy, late of .Bearcr c,:weif-,°‘ deceased : Beginning at a white ,i)ak, tbeis,l by lends of :John- and James 'Mitchell, n r il i dekreest vast • 197 -perches fire-tert,ths ')to heap , of stones, thence bY lantrof Ethan 7 . 11 0 ,, a as.nortb 891 degrees, west 43 perches to 4 past. thence by land 'of the Farmer's & lltchanie; Bank, south i dege4s, west 198 perch" t , z , past; thence by land iof -James la white 88 degrees, east 43 phrches to a white oak" place4f beginning; nentainin g ;13 and 98 pabkos, strict,,, _measure ; on which i s erected an goellent pew frame barn, 52 by:4 , f ee t., with thrtehing floor -30 by 211 feet, m e " , &e., and.threa`lstables underneath ; also a ler' and frame house with a frame kitchen, g n i i other piece 4f loind tt,i ..ctuttlg. the fel ligeiag 4t- B ee e i g lar inh un in d g er a .p r a . rt a e iv f ti t : . e t e o h a ° oo k ,f u , ka ; ,, e e t sb l i i : teo e a . 81 i a ; l3 n e 4en i n b i n4 : : e t t o; „ h e rt ri ace i d on s be t i t i l it. '.. scribed tract , of land, situate as iforessid: 'lticharil Walton; south f2p2 Rerehe s to a stain ; thence by land of James lienpedy, iitith tql deztges, weist g4i perches. to a • white oat; * dtheegreinnce by, It pe of 're j . f l o i ft e h e s n e t b y, b ue d of ilittletitott., north £cii. degrees, taini east n 2 gl2 Pt raccees c ' h"- 1 perches, strict inesi sm -- . , on which isAtected *ifrnnie barn 48 by 18 eel. The a - bovi‘descri ed lands are well fen ced exceptabotittvo acres. Sixty acres are . 3 , 4 sl fine state ofultivation, and. tlio balande is wood land.' Tdieie is an excellent yontros: chard bearing fruit on tie premises,consistinl of about 160 apple tree, 10.1 peach tree, and some cherry trees. . There arealso three goal springs of nerer., failing water, and a coal bank opened sad in working condition. • r , Back Run passes through a portion of said lands; thiiiorth branch of-Brady's Rua. all there are about •twenty , acres . along mid -nut which is eonsidered exeellent Oil territory._ There are ' two oil wells now heing put do n „ within half n mile of said preinises,aud prep.. i arations aro being Lamle to put down fourteen in the iminediate vicinity.- . i f TErsii.--One-half of the purchase moaey in hand on the _confirmation of the sale by ti lt court; balance in two iequal, annual payment, from qua date, with 'interest thereon iron -Same time, to be; seCured by bond and Tao, * Pr: SAMUEL M AiA W, ..-• ~:' • - 'Adir the.est4te of - - N. Kenteeay, deed. SIiEI3IFF'S SALES. 15)t;virtue - of sundry writt of FierFRU!, JOI issued out of the 'Court.'of Ceironon Pleas of the countypaver, and to me-directed, I will erposip to puhlic sale at the Sheriff offico, in'thehorougli\of Beaver, in the county aforesaid, ,oia SA t Y, Sept.. Ist' — kwr at 10 o'clock in the forenooi I tho property,lo wit : All the right, title. int ereq n , 1 chim of de. fondant,. Of, - in and to the • folio in; piece or iarcel of and, situ- pg,..,..u, situate in the biroun of New- Brightort,tpayer county, Pa., hinaled .)," the. 1 north by Nevt Castle Se Nex trietton rimfr on the east by public road, onthe - iouthb l Ernn P. T . a . nsend,and on the west by puAlie , areet, *i con illingl3 acres and 14 perches. Also.lot. I No. 15; the: horanzh of New Brigla tbn; being about 60:kr 113 L i - fe et I n l engt h ou t 1 breadth, bounded onlhe north by lot"NO. H. east "by publit..alley,solah by Market street and west by Bridge street: on which is erected a frame building used as a.ilweainglaouse and ~i i carpenter 'shop. Also;iot No, 11. situate u ,-1 1 aforesaid, boul - d . cdnotlihr lat. No. I:l.esdi kr `, 7 - public alley, seuth,b-r-lot N o. 15 and westif '.; Bridge street. Size oildt liti'by 18n fee. Aiso.:all that certain piece or parcel othrA in Big. Beaver tp , hennaed on the invah 11 the tract of the Pitts., Ft. WaYne i C 111,a lZ te oast by land of Jos . Smith and John Best- I - ty, on the• South by land-of Jos.:Smith. and on the west by land at Walter licatly.cont3it ing about 80 acres, about (A) acres dined, ; and" entire lfarm under-fence, 611 which &re, erected/ a double log, house: two •dulfics ii!gt;, , z Ipring-house, and oldc log Itildinf,.:. Tit; • chore des * ribed fardirliFterlaid with a tire; feet vein f coal., dne:lT - i 4 open; prerilr,estrO , watered; vit h gooorchard I hereop. -. I • Seiied nd taken in exception is t r ierrry*, crty of J 8. De Fumbelle. at the stitt - efJud.Cl Wilson, . ilministrut or of! Thos. Cnuningitai deed ' . '4, - - • - ALSO j. - • • - 4 -iil. 2. "- .All rigid, title, ini co:cist and - chiim. - ordite - Z 1 ant of,j•in; and to, the following fitneertni of land, situate in' Mon tp.,icarer coon. Pa., - bounded op t he n'crth by —'M'iiet a the east: by :John Miller and 310. - te,d Willi, on the seuth by Wni. and Jas. Smith. mia the west by land formerly owned by KAI Nevin and Wrri Shrecles, bontnining'sioli 9 acrels;,about 85 acre's cleared, the'wliele k under fence: on which are erected alai' frame:dwelling house, two_ stories 46,1 6 cellar underneath, n frame; horn atoro , buildings. The entire farm welt tvatei t lai ! ti good orchard of choice fruit on die par : 2l , l' Stiized'antl taken in exeCtitiou solhettile ty. of Wm. E. at the glit.d Jtsa §tewtart, now for use nf:Wm.',C. Ilart;t4: . JOS: LEILIE.SII SHERIFF'S OFFIer, Bewi6r, f .01110V-11M A MEETING OF 'TILE STOCKBOLDIi f TiaE 0111OVILLE ItAILMID COMPANY will be held - at the oficif. 6 i Glatigow Oil Company: in Glasgow, Ba,,* county, Pa., on - THURSDAY; AUGUST 1866; • between the .he tars. of: in Aida n'era the parpose of ratify-ingot niteL l i a contract entered ince; between the 080 Railroad Company of Pentoyirnsin; President, J r W. Blanchard, EN., es estO. part, and Abe Ohiorille Railroad .CO °IP , Ohio, bylts'Prolitlent, Capt. p0r 731 1 1 the'other part. : • - By order of the President. ,See'y,Yro•ie'Ll .GREAT..INDUCEMVi • Liberal'Terms to Settlers!' 1 A A • gat ACRES LAND FOR ~, li n I I,ARJ . Situated. iethe fcrtiley,!,'-!%1 ,of the Kantiwhs, West Virginia, lILIS/TPSF. "for richness of soil and quality of _lt: Coal and other' minerals in great q u ' L n,,,,, lr :Some of the tracts but. short distance the great. Kanawha - and Colley Rivers aral_ Farms with - Hons'es, Orchards ae . ... 4 ; good condition. Prices acco rding to lee*:' • and improvements.. Timbered - Im l it,: prcered at the extremely-low price eifg r el p Leis per acre, with privilege of ettac- 511/ g e 4,.. the above number. of acres. ialle jolt meat hits already been. formed and increasing. Clear title warientvi• For ' ther particulars, 'iddress E. s !, at l'at .t DRILL'S Or rll d„ , . DRILL, Allegheny City. D i t tio Na - 7t Federlstreet: • 1f 2Y645-4 ' Beaver- A caderg . . . . .... Hi IM FALL TEllli OPENS ,' D .1 i' Ithu OF SEPTENVIER. . 't , Students may rely upon finding sale, Pr plished and faithful lastriietors. .• -_!..i. A NORMAL, for Tauten, will be foT io i . All y th e advantages of a Commereig 1, lege l abisitiod here:at one-bulb the 017 -„liiitiun- Moderatr. • • .•- 'Board in town,yr in the.titntion 91? 1 . In mutable terms. Address "Sl;Sifr • • . S.-T..7-1)91,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers