0 El II E =Ol los in' lasommunious. a , g rVta. BraUtit, _ ow; plus "bug, is the eutberised - spat tos..the 4itatrs -tir dist et/. ginia gIIVO. 111 majority of front , to twelv.e thousand for the const4tniion- - itetudzooll s iisfranehising rebels: 1 . gobert.Wilkinson,of nonuser township, th i s co unty, k illed, during the month of April, hteen foxes. This is reptdmi b 7 oldbun tiro good job. ‘• go6A hpn!e belonging , to Prof. Taylor:o , tbu Place, ran away on.BlrdaY evening last with a carriage in which was twO ladies, and completely destroyed the carriage, although fortunately the ladiesOscapid unhurt.. . ; . !assess a nrsovanzirs.—The Press, of MOT says that the only improvements being tile in that town now tithe weather-board og of an old home; • and that }here has not bees a single l :house built within that borough unite for W.) yin put. Mercer mess be s ..finisbed town."" • I /k ts/1 11 DEiDT AND KILLED BY Dan living in the vicinity qf H Clarion county, Pa., ins shot bis wife. Itlsnerns that the worm in a criminal AO, and he abused on Wednesday he came home esuperated by her former tabus fearful t•if its repetitil as h - boat ibc took up a loa ed gun him, killing him instantly. b o ot:x*l'll'ilearrsa.—The sol iers of Beaver county, Witrust, Will notforget . the meeting i n tbeConrt[House, in this place, on next Eat_ i ir a q eT esit l ig.* As it is the intention to or, itnite Soldiers' League, so that the interests, of tits eitisle Soldiery of this locality limy be properly represented and eared for, it is to be . .1 0 .5.4 dist tlere wM be a geiterate:ttendanee. • , 1 0ffe notice,. that the delegates sent to I At t joldiers' Convention in Pittsburg from 1 I , this county reportedoind were recognized, sad each of ,them participated in the proceed toga of the G'onvention. I . Capt. - J. Weyantl was appointed on the nom- mittee of credentials, Robt. Diekey on perms- neat organization, and J. R. 16.rrah :was. ap pointed. one -- of. the. Vice"Prealdenti of the periaanent Organization. ; .: :_, - , - RElLThe,proprieters of the Fort Pitt Coupon ", _foundry,. Pittsburg.,, intend sending a big -. twenty-inch eamiOn - from that city to the Paris • ..._ . exhibition. It. Will be' 22 feet long, 51 feet diameter:.4.ihe breach, and ,will weigh 50 tons: ' • When completed it wiR be Mounted on i en excellent iron carriage, weighing:. 8 Avis, and will; be accompanied by speeimeni of tolls, shells and cartridges,..., L ite ott of :this inonster Will le about. $30,., -..,..g - :,. - requires 100 tons of melt edTron to castiiiii; and four teen a t yaloeoorit Off properly. • , ger OrM eit i tzeits will-be glad te.leara, from r an advarliseMent la. this weelt's Taper, th Pra t Johnson„.will re-opertlla;Normal guide School thiu summer.• •He was universally popular eith iis class and 7 itb all who had I say into rsourie wi.:ll him. Pof. Ambuhl,who • is quite . at l , home on the piano i and, organ, will Five the•p'ri rate lessons on tlese . instruments, enabling yr. Johnson to give ) ?Is whole tine and ensrgy to the class exercise. A new fea ture of tki. Normal School will be the organiza tion of a Juvenile Class, to meet for one hour daily, under Prof. Johnson's instruction.— This wo are satisfied, be largely attended tionz our town and vicinity, as it wilt rapt at an hour that will not interfere:with day school szercisesj Our compon school teachers should not fail t . avail s themselies of this opportunity '-of fitting Ithemselvet for increased usefulnise and success in - their noble: profession. Send for a. circular. . , . 'r W he ashington County Guests at the National Hotel. At a meeting held on the evening of June - 7, at the' National 'Hotel, Beaver, Pa;, by the guests from Washington county, attending Court to connection with the case of Common-, • • wealth vs.. John Leimox, transferted from Washingtowcounty to Beaver. county for trial, ,oleo. S. Hart, Esq., was callek to the chair;_! nd • lojd firuntrine,Esq., ir as _made Secretary., • After the object of the meeting was : fully, stated, a. committee was appointed to pr l epare a series of resolutions, expressive of the sense ~. of the Washington county guests as to the kind . • treatment sh§irn and, the' excellent entertain 7 iosnt provided by the landlord and hie family 1 of the National Hotel. 'While tie committee upon resolutions was , absent, remarks were made by different'guests,' indicating their appreciation of, and the satis-: action and pleasure caused by the , events of the peat week spent in Beaver, and the fiber-„i ley . and livime-like kindnesi received at the: Hotel at which they had been stopping: . The comMittee upon resolutions, consisting .of Thoi. J. Bell, D. F. Patterson and Addisoiel Wiikters, Esgs.,appearing, reported the follow \ ' , • Intros; Al 4 ge number of - the citizens county, connected with the L.en hoinieide cut*, as attorneys; witnesses. Or otherwise, were fortunate 'enough to Inuit provided for them comfortable lodgings at the "national 'Hotel” in the borough. of Beaver.; end - > Whereas, - The kind and' gentlemanly treett lj tent of fir. Hall, the• worthy proprietor-o, I the Hotel, is esteemed by the said gusitts u firtaandirig . sof . thodi an -expres3lon of their ' thanks Tor the' hospitalities extended to , them, '- during their temporary stay under. his roof therefore, - Resolved, That we, the citizens of Washing-' tea county, unanimously and -most cordially txtend to the landlord, and all pet , ~ sons connected with the Hotel, our warmest "auks for their uniforni 'kindness, hOspitility tad friendly [Whip Whitik added so suck to i be eamktit'lll2 ' l l ut Aelinlie:Cnur absence fruit • ." 11 e1 ef;eur short : sojourn in the' beautiful E llitit of Beaver... •"v. • %patios, the retort'of tits eons.lkigaill i giii . :tietnek:antl: having-been . adopted• copy li *Cirected to 13e.furniaited proptittor • l't/t tie Netionifllotel. : . • Oa in 4 c 416. i • 1 4heeting adjourned, toetit bletter,the firet ti ond ty oiltipterabei next. is . • gEo:t.inanT President.' = c 'nflust. , l49l7- . . = . ~.. Wl l llYalkonritlf.• 'AINO*;? - effliftf Sa t tbrotigh sour eiotaxibii, to .;sia it - Worts oritwo- to- those .oimaking, wardtr Copperhead ledireepentiente lee Beiver...rfood„who-in the - t, ue.pf thest shier Waliad tbir' • i'yta hairnet* .that my family have been kept at , the expense of'Beaver county. If. ;they Wish to make such imprea.. sloes on the minds of. the "'people of ',Deemer _county, lot them come _out over'their OWn - ,signithreivan'of not give vent. to their Malioioua,slander 77 afraid to let their iiiihiei he kniivin. But such is copperhead instinct. And hyi way of! advice, I ,would say to them that...before they make_ sumer lions they had better have more retie. Isle inteligence than • that .xeceivect frcitin a Certain lady' who holde'si-kliol of i "under • ground" correspondence with the Poor /louse Paupers. Ism ever ready to isclosoWledge :that- my circumstanceliln life are nukto be 'en vied; but I stand prepared to prove the "setiertions Of the Local corres, pohdent 'false to all ihtente, by both my Democratic acd Republican neigh bars, who have known me from child.: hOod., If they,:,wials to spew out.their copperhead veeoni in regard to the mauagement of 'public) affairs, limit tie upon those. who have the manage ment. If they are "we'll managed I claim r.o honor, it they are misman ageil,l. am not responsible, and, tinal 7 ly, let me say, to the correspondent of the Local, and to ull , who make use of. that paper to abuse loyal men, that a much more profitable employment , for -them dating their leisure hours. would be-to set down and blood over the dis loYal expressions . lind . actir Of..!.Atidh lio they have beeh'guilly,duri - 's, RiF years. Let thiOrduist, . ere. they hays, offered:oNp eiie fornhe,:defeat of ourAte4.4,_, witiy.A contendift for the preservation o 4 the Uni4n. ~ ...Let. themz - reheirse their mighty efforts' th deprsve our brave soldiers of, theiright.. of euffiage while wean' contending „with' • treasen and traitors 'Let' Ahem Wok to ' , `Alsat Presidenthillfansion, Whose occupant: fell ii victim -to. their -midnight con spiracies--an event whicib -- caused a thinking world to mourn, - but which ' was atheme- of hidden rejoicings iin the breaat of their, traitkirouit leaders in :Beaver County who even nifueed to drape their deers in. token•of, sorrow, and if they can devise a Means by which they Can eiiciipii the infamy treasured up for them. they have clime well; if not, let them hide their brazen heads. G... W. SHROADB. 1 MOON TP. 3 June 4th, '66. • . r,.• =I is Win —A ten Firnice, 'nd.killed by anwsseanght her severely. d runk,' e or perhape ..entered the lad tired st El The Board lof Mun i per • County Alp icoltA et the CoUtt House on Members present: gbripcles, Laird, .Littel ?ü Eóbt., wotr. Todd, Beighley, Imbr liSigemittee on 'Pre t(W., - ithieb, after. , - a,rheadraen:s, was Board and ordered to be published . , and the following persons were ap. i _Ppinted as Committee on Printing:— Messrs. Wm kLaird:R. H. Baclity and Wm S. Barclay. proposition to erect' a Dwelling , House on tUe.Fair Grounds, was ten. ;;!iered to the Board. Messrs. Shit odes, I:Wilson and Wolf. were appointed a ICommittee to receive bids for [ ' the • fsamet, The Board direct a building of ithe folloWing dimensions : Frame. house, two Stories High , 18 by 42 1 feet; lower storY,9 feet high, upper story 8 i l feet; high; kitchen one.,story hig I TC, 16 ifeetrsifusre, .with cellar underneath; I also a cistern to clintain• 100 barrels.— Bid's will be received up to .saturday, I June 16th. Resolved, That cortificate4, of Life Membership of the Society wiff be sold la) the Treasurer at $lO each. Adjourned to meet SaturdayJuue 30. • • JOSEPH IRONS, 1: 1 ;:f3 . t. Vir IRONS, M. S. BARCLAy, Sec'y. . ita:Gsil Hamilton has in therpfeas of .herpublishers, Messrs. Ticknor & llolds, Boston, a new , volumS special- I adapted to summer reading,"and bearing the taking title - of "Simmer !- Hest." Most of the articles in this volume are now' for the first, time • ! printed, and will be found 'equ'al to Any of the. author's most bt illiant ea. says. Halicarnassus appears I again on the carpet; and his exploits lin We way of gardening and other dotrestic matters_ are' made very amumg I.Giul Hamilton is noses ann. Posses sed of sharp and ready . wit, speaking jog boldly. and that too upon! topics wherein, weaken have been supposed to Lave but little interest, she has al ! ready gathered about; heran audience, which,-by its hearty appreciation of her writings,attests the truth of many of her 'convictions. The success. of tier rations volumes of essays has been witbout a parallel; in &et, she is the most successful writer of the ,diy. J, R . Hays, the agent for the Buckeye Mowing Haebtne,having challenged any and all. mowers for is matCh 'trial, A. B. Wolf, Esq:, agent for the-If:Corm:telt Mower, request. us to say to' r. Hays that he iot ready to meet him at any. time and place that is agreeable, for a trial.* Mr: H., may thefefore consider his challenge iii_optiki,cliooise his gtoand and grass, and- -make his arrangement,. for a grand trial. of dinershiener or "for ever after bold has peace.", • .. . , RILT,CUTION ••of Paonsi,—, Anton Probst, -tbe murder of the :Deming 1 family, was 4:tented in. the 'yard of lioysmensing.milMi, Philidelphla, on - Pridgrz - hilt . -. " - Hie l btody , -was - banded- Farer-to surgeon lot , disseetiotkx‘ ~ - I , lllli L irr.4 11 400/..,. . 11 4, • Two hUnialfri.weillin the Chairman a 51414 ifitka tri "Sift,. saver:- M. Weyand; ati Bosh tru John C,qg jams Damigh,,, Bridgowater:,Win. Barns . ;Big BoaqiiiCi.o:ls JP • 'Brighton: David. W. S. Chippeirs: Johns., Bin, ~1 .'''Disrgton: Dr. "Br: C. Shirbilt; Bacononsr. Gorge Neely - ; Ballston: Otorgert: Toy , Fruddlo: *Ash* RoWiloon Breeden borough: 'W. W. - Freedom district;44'64l Green: if:Wilson; • Frankfort: W.-R. NiTispir r IrcitOn John Nolion-.-- Hopewell:. Rohl. C. B;ott ' Indtostry: I John,Wiloon; • - Independence: Arthur olds; . Illarien. Thom,PhA t iSt; • . . Macau D. B. Short, Row Drissit,on: 8.. Wain , John Boyle; B. hoops;_l New wieldy: Henry 0 hilitg: • . Rath &trickly:. -WitAerofir; Ohio: John rents; • •, ; Pit:tenon: lilies Pete - . Phillipsburg: `Robert • R Pulaski: W W. Irsrior, Rochester: it'. J. Cress. Sharenbergen Raccoon: inning Smith; • South Bear e :: J:Oa Robkrts. Jong Y. MAW, Ch's Co Corm • COURT PriOOZEDI PI (38-4—The followitig eases wore F:ihtneeil ofilastr,..s: , , . toir COMlTiOnbfealth %re. arnes _lt. F,kielli, Indietintint Libel . V diet' : -* tilts o n ,fi rs i„.frp 'pelipte, b 'i not gidltjr:* to' 'tbiVbera.' ' _1,4*... :: , illiell ' Santa% va...Tobn ~ init, c ,ndiet; 'tnentiOnMer. Moti ei 4 0 01 018;:: , _,,, dietnientvnmslesi and . cas e 4. i t : 1- ...., -;..., , ,---, • . ~:',. ed to next 1t0ritV44.,_.41. twoo,..Pi Pou _. for defendant: ~;-, z r Is: .i ,_ "f.:.. Same vs,' ilobn ,FergtutorkAndinie p 1 -4;4 Lara*; , Are 4 tOt gllgt:Cl '-': ":Snme vol-ro - IE6I y:-.: - Ittdie'liAiii; Lomon7.l j ITO - let gu . 47. , ,, i _:-_ . ..;* „,,,. About fifteen inehotWA , - . F:tfir# found ty 03edrind,Jpri, i!iiingritniif ly for -4014 and .battery.-, I‘, Ni; L1P144.111pgrej...... .„...irson'a. Peteetor for ! Tipp, gide I.l3e . o'llowing hook eoisnterftl!,s, wllley be of ini,ereat . ,to our readerk-aiiii: should by preserved for reference :--'- Bank of Delaware .7ounty,iplester, c l alves ; one lying down,'_ end, 1, female pt itratt; tle c -eans, crossing agnedna . !.., t„ekgripti Vroleind wires: f - Iron City,Banit, El STRAWBERRY 1, " EETIVAL. —We- are requeated, to say ithat the Beaver Pre hbyterian- Sabbath pool will hold' a strawberry fcaitiii*rkin the lot tvl— joining the res*itge Mra Leech, on the river barikitillOviaing' of neFt,Taeaday, bn ; efit 01 the Sabbath iSchool. OatissioN.—AVe omitted the name of Capt. James Darragh, in the publish ed list of the Unioe County Commit :, tee. His name was, on, tbo list fur— nished us . by thel Chairman of the Convention, bat i Setting it up the ' compositor inadv rtently made 'the omissioe. krTEMPT AT MCIUIER.--A. - little "girl; attempts to,destroy it. whole family.—On Thursday last,' Lila Ann Powell, a little girl, aged about 12, years, was committed to.the jail of this county, barged with the terrible crime ofet: temptidg _to destioy a whole family. We was employed es a servant girl- in the family of M. 1011 m Afackey; in Penn township. , Tbe family bad been _ quite ill for sorni time, bat ware un— able to define the ,Cause. - A.pbysician was' crated in,. pionounced the symptoms that of . poison, A - watch I WAS put upon the girl, and it was l oon discovergd bat she was ' the guiltyparty. She had. powdere d glum which she bad ` pieced in the * ,flour,and iii fact almost, evety article of food , in the house. She Jonfeesed her. guilt, and was -tberetitioh arrested,and taken before - Justice Ketton l ho committed her to jail. The fami ly, although,sur , faring very severely from the effects of the glass eaten by tbem,it is thought by their pLysician that it will not prove fattil.—Che'sfer Co: Republican. _ ; 95trusittit , . . A . . 'llietiiilTi ,_S -I ?"' • Rut= . . . • ... 1. 0 . , J. R. Bursa. ,gi • Chu. 5101.; I • 1 • .. 7.'; . .;:,..V -,.:•.....r. . Ell ' 1 El - • - MARRIED: On JUD 6 sth, by She Rev. B. Bracken, Mr. Lataa Cacao, of Alex andria,-,Va., and lilies Jima A ALEC- Of Beavetl Pa. On Sune-sth, by the Rev. J. Ilia; Mr. Dairlb %Yam% of New Brighton, and Miu Hla- KLs, of North. Sewickley twp., Bea. 1 -Ter county, ttn /1100 6t6, b 6 the ,aanie, Mr. AL f EXA:NOER, NICRIL4, Of Hanover .twp., Beuibt. county, Pa., and 'Airs. Mu ms of Hancock co.; Vs. ' ; I nn's 7th, tv the same 'at the residence of E. , H. Alexander, Mr. EarxegiatifitLitalibt Pallotoli,and Mies Aiariaxpaui, of New, Brigh. ton. ' - Qt. Ray Bist,lby the same at tid e residence of the! bride's father, Wit— liain Cote; BAC Mt. L 0.),r11:r4R, of Cambridge; Obio„ and *hi E' ; Copii:ef-Free - detn, Pa .. NM 'f444 1, 04. 0.--1 1 8 "* L - • ;The new Weehiwteetary dlts:Joe. Pantos twist is radii seidy Se 40111* :hi* • e • seam *I a wgikf hl Ns mtvertisenieut in isitalf.tow iihrecteit. Thee. of oar rossieuffs timhountry Whelan!. wool to work up. !cella 'lout! to g i n , bj u , 10.** itvoitieturor Se. keg eiperio4o in the brusilehi, anteMnitio that tiF4 be second to none in, the country, and farther that, dont *10 1 04. 1 . 0 10.1 1 4#5a. saheb's terms. 'Remember the Owe. nearly oPPosits•Giqns n O Etta"; New /#l.loton,-P&. EL - .II.IIANTER•brIMUCETS: _-. ', cosii 1/11 iielso sr . 101 ii. ... . .• . Floor per bid ..1 :I- ..;:.....::::...:::..'....410 75 Dried Apples per bin .2 50 do . RfAg..oio 1 .." 7 •f• . !“3«.i•—:.:, , spg Wheat - •:-1 • -2 00 • ra .... r Corn 1 .... ••••••• 76 Oats ,I " - - 45 Flax Seed, ` I "....-- - • f -, ..225 Bea,`'ng . - . 4 ' '. " . ' ' r Ite .1 Potatoes, 1",• . - 11 25 . Onions. i •'G 1 50 • Cora hawk , ', , .." • ...•;.. 1 «.... t .,......- . .:: . 80 gg% • Per itis:. - ..-... . '. , 20 /hitter, per 14.... - - . 1 . .....-.... .... .. .-. 18. Boma;I " -...«.:.-..... ;,, - 25 Shoo' 18 Ma( 14 Fa , 16 'Arc 48 Caw 20 Moll 90 Car? 70 pet, ,Derr Goshen. 21eD.14 , . BUTTEZI: '' ®2se. - .., .- _ • 80057,12 ' ' _ T2®23t. pet doz. _ MAP! * * M.. i" 1 . • ' SI pse.glifl'on; Solkust ; 3$ , _, •1 $ -:. 60 ®6,5. ef f galig4 2 ./ . ' i f _ _‘,. _ , 1 Bacotti„ ,, ,l'so batitS, bantam- LB - 4 ,4, 28124 -...,„ 7, . -do. 221®231ei ' ehouldeni. 15s. .' • 7!llairst - BEEr firp?; Pales of 600 The eanvatnied;l'Vluglijeered 25;c; 'plat 24},0. ; - ', _ l l l .r :-.. . CANNED . -Pitet ''sfia---3. Ur cans at 84- 75 VI 4ozen, 2#40,,,34 (X i ). -- GRAIN Ryet-r:eteady; sales 409 hushtlit 98®1000 liKbashel; Efate-- 450,t o vb..„lnetoalore at 60e; 'sales 1 ear , 'triek - at455.2. Wbeat—n .20 ®2 2 ,_, ail, the elevator. Barley-- Brine:is held at. $l.OO Corn 'un -- c..ea'• , i iluekwht.- -$2 2502 30 Aei Foi the Stites Serviee. Also, Pocket awl Belt Revolvets, REPEATING PISTOLS; ' Rin' , CANES,- li'EVOi VINO • EIFLES Rifle and Shot Guns, and Gun Materials, sold by 'Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. • In thett.days of ifoluebreakin:7 and Robbery, every House, Store ; Bank, and offiei, should hare one, of • ,' • • • REMINGTON'S'RNVOLVERS. • Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements it. Pisto!s; and superior workmanship and form, will find all combined in the New REMIIIGTON REVOLVERS. Circular‘Containing cuts and descriptioa of our Arias will be ftlrnished upon application.. E. REMINGTON 4t SONS, Ilion, N.Y. 1 • Moons & NicuoLs: 'Agents, couriland at, N. Y.' 7 --",; -Z-,.-:; - 7 7- . 1 -- . - - 1 j j ; IS OFrLETTEIIB, uncalled for , remain r ing in ItharPost-Offum,'at noel/Ester, Ea., June ', 1866. . ..- . , . I Akens Iliestmma, Abel's- D, An derson Jb sepb, Anderson Toni A, Alexander Mrs - Jano, - Cherry Edgar„ Clever 'Martha .J, Cosgrnie Edward,•Coyne 'Patric Dakin William, Doty DB, Gray C .e. ,hills Ii C, Henderson C .A, Hass Mrs'Wm, Loy 'Miss i lizzie, LatEksw Isa-, ac,-Lennanahomas,,Ludwick C, LymanT ; 0, Logan Jelin, Marshall William,,McCange Eliz abeth, Martin ~.AgneS., McCormick N, Paxon W 11, Rarer Mrs — Ellen;thults Barbara, Smith James, Smith • William; igtoirke. Noland, Sieel John, Sweeny Terence, • &atoll. Mrs Jane, Wenger William, Will6lllllll John, Walrath•Wm J, Walker James M; William Perry. - . 1 T. M TAYLOR, P. 1.1:-. 1 INTESNAL . REVENUE• ANNUAL ASSESSMENT. FOR 1866. IigOTICE ii heieby given that the Annual 1.1 Lists for assessmeit of . Licensee, 11- 1 , comes and artie fieheduletA, will be open for the ill concerned, at the of. t i fines of the Assistant Assessors, is FroeLlho 10Th to the2uth of 'June. 1866' during Which time :appeals maj be received concerning any ersoneous valuation. BeirtAll, appeals must be in writing, and specify! the _particular matter or thing eom 4 plained of, concerning- which a decision biro quested. . BAWL, DAVENI'OItr je6:Bt Aisessor 24th Dist. of . Pa. .1 V.' - COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold on tbe irernises of S. XI Bane & Co., at ; Darlington, Diays county, at public out-cry, On 1 Friday, the Bth day of June. 1866, Pro Stills„onellkeint Engine and toiler, a n . all the Pumps and pipeain the Coal' Oil Bdla ery of saitt! irmi Sale te somm4rice All oVk p. of said dayl DAVID . BANSE,Y,` ' 1 myBo - Col. 24th Matelot of Peale& • • iIOCTOR , - I Latet r igi Wilt Preptioe Surgery & ' Medidne. FFICE adjoining tho new Drug fiterialr O Proudleyi i Duniap's lemma.; Bridgewater, Ps. S .11 - cr 43: xi 3E10% . °- BEA : y*l4 PA. CLAtar, Proprietor. ,1 NjiooV iiTA.PUMG I _ Thlhree, • 11.3 - t •Iwo , 7 SPRING ,MILLENER NEW: .ISULI4 BM o. :_ f tErisnoE Etri;• 2111 per and. il'illl Ibis., 1. 00 200 re's 50 a:a4ies4 9 . f , DlElstie • •- lifkril.ren.7s 1E113,t rge stock; retest Stytes, - all cheap. , • 4 11 t. - 13:3-23:11itig .11 kin 4, -very cheap. - - 114. as, l ll l ' Flow: 4 {.) I Snobs% 9rnaments, Silee Fa cy and 44 . Cords and Tassels ) ! if : 1105, Hiir ...te, ' Fancy Combs, Taney , i d '3lpuruing 1 • rs, Esibrolderies, all kids, 'Bl.lO Fronts; • en liandkerchiefi, CorseW 1,); ess Puttees, aids, Cords and Runlet, old "es' Caps,&e. • • . ..'.-. ' • , ; • 'l -•.: ii OS 31EL'aik. NKr 1 ' 0.. - _,... . Very cheap.! ' , • f q ,4. .. LADIES' fI.NE RAS g s, , otiiery. 4.%r..:. 1 lo h veis., I . i ; 1 11; ' . . LACK • Wli ITli 1, 111101tAL • i _ SKIRTS, 4)f.Els.: & OY ', HATS, .'= . • HOOP , ,SKIRTS. • 144- •• . - DIES' CLOTH, .- 'l. . - ®l7c; Akdj__ ip ~. =III MEE StiLw .Goo , GEA:LY' 1/ ' aiIIDGEWATE PO INT -Mourning and Straw,sll Ui. en's white and • . lerzicom , lam , • _ lasting e n d Gaiters, cheaper. thanaver. gplj.,These goods will be Seld eery T.Rtirfiali, to. 21 . 101 V GOODS . • ThWiliattlrr:. Strive' Bonnetesad Bate altepid and cleaned, Yam ewes's': tamping, Pinking and floiliymitlng and - malibig on 'short unOce. • . lea's shirts made to Order. 11 tine etketting.. BeTmember, the place oirpoefte the ore of -Ai C.ll ore.; Corner.B dr. atid,Mar . et streets; Bridgewater. NV A 'TT G C 0 A. 1 , WILL deliver to the citizen otßoehester, ! I Bridgewater, Beaver and :cinitY, a good uality of Coal, at thelthoreest otic'e. Wag n3 can. at any time, beiuppli at-the Bank, n 311:inley'a. run, adjoining - the i bank' of m. Portei, E3q. • Orders left with John A. razie, Beaver„ i Stiles St Rhille berger,Bridg. • ti t ter, M. Camp, jr., .Rochevte . will receive .rompt attention. • •J. C.. OLTER, ' 'ziovB - ridgewpter. . . ..os - f: rIOMMISSICSERS': RECEI r the Lands in the borough for the years 1861 and -1862. , lenient whir...J. M.' Itarb l Pf Taxes, April 2. 1862, ter erson finding ,the sanfelwill p HOB. ALLlSON,,Treesurer of ridgewater. . • _ ADMINISTRA 'UR'S NOTICE: E l l'TtltS of admiuistriitio . on , the estate I_4 of JAKES lifutinAT,late:of D rtington town ship:, Deaver` co., dao'd', ha [tii been lssn ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted are required to wake immditit I.:*„yment, and those having,clairns will press t Ahern, Imp erly authenticated for. settlem it. 1 'NATHAN EAKIN 1 ! Ad .inistrator. - J apr4'66. • • I t arliogton tp. - I EXECUTOWS.III ... .. . 1 T ETTERSI testamentary • n 1 the 'gate, 14 Of &Lu l us'. Maims; la e of .Hanover t.ownship, Beaver County', , Pa ~Aeo'd, having beiin granted to the undersi ed,, all persona indebted to said estate are re nested to make immediate payment; .and tilos having claims a l against the same will. present them properly • 1 atkthenticited for settlement. 1 W.K.,-.: 'MAZE ~ Planter,. • 4 . 1, 1111140Ter tp. •• marl . : • , • Ole 3R]EW Trim above ieward will be i formatiothat'wili. lead * conviction of a y person nrho— trees or shall;Ommit depreda i the Water Lots,' or shall in ,t Ornamental Or Forest Trees; the borotigh. By order o . my23:llt. WMs FL BA I • ADM IXISTRATOA tXTTERS , of administrate A Jona B. Mu., 'hts of Beaver co., dosed, having bee uniersigneil, persOns lode are requested to make iuunedl !holee having claims against present Ahem to the .enbtscri thenticated for settlement. • ' -BoBERT 8. BALL, I JAMES ORR, Racco mar2B'66. • • •.. I 8 barfly given that ther ing of the -"Beaver co • , the •11. 8. Dov,entra office, on ti Jun!. at 2 e:clook in th e.: e purpose of orgatdsing under • • D. L. • 8. D.49IIIIPOILT, 8,13'74 . WM. 73...0 • -• ".4TTOILNEY A No. 8 F 11/TH T., PI vesiLL GIVE Praii k ire , Cidoetiotis,4itt tDe 1 Eststi. Jtndingt a misiniat4ftis,protTrienril2 RE MI # " %..‘ : -. *lt P. ' , * le iil A - -g f :,.. fiw 11E:11Entellitt STRENGTH TO THE WEAK L, ' YOUTH 'TO THE ICED I , oe ND Thip preparetionic.nirequidied,Ms • R4tive Later and. Restorer eit wane& or •inert flow. The aged should be eats% tornahrthe livens, a household god, :liteasech as it;will readerVieni • youthful. fre !hiding otlf4 ir strength, and enable them' to live over spilt ! I the idays of their pristine Joy. ltnot only hileratenbut strengthens, and is really ,ana salvable -blessing; to to those who hare been reduced to a condition of servility, self abuse, misfortune,'.or ordinary sickness. No Matter what the cause of the impotency of'l any laden organ, this. imporb 'prepared - mil will remove the effect at enciaind forever. , 131.01r..reaike• Impotency, eneral Deb ny, Nervoin ' Incapacity, Dyspepsia„ Depression, Lass of Appetite, Low Spirits, weakness .of the Or gons of Generation. Imbecility, Mental Indo lence, Emaciation, Ennui. It has a most, de= desiral;la and noel effect •upon the; ner voiie syrtem; and all Whearein any way pros trated by , nervous dikibilities' are earnestly idrieed - to seek a curein this most ermellant and uneglualledireparation. /' - • • Persons who, by impruldence,have last their Ja nalli t l alvi e /I '6 w e ill A And, speedy and perms- 11.1 If 73115)?is.reil:Lel. ~ The eeble, e &squid, theOispairing,the Qld should give thie 'valuable ;discovery atrial; It Will be found totally different from all'othok irticiles for the Bailie purposes. .• TO MIA LES.--:This,prepOretion is ;oval s:table in - nemius Weakness of all kinds,, - as it "will restore the wasted strength with wonder. • ful perms:llene:a. Itia also a grand tonic, and will givos; relief to Dyspepsia wila the Aril dose.. 8! hr4f per— sistence in its lisp will renovate the stomach to a 'degree -of perfect health', and banish Dye pePsia forever. 1 One dollar:perDottle, or six bott es for $5. sold by Druggist generally. • • . • • 'gent by express anywhere, by addreising 'HUTCHIEGS at HILLYER; Propriety's', 81 CSDAR STRICZT, Ns w You. isOrSold ist Marquis' Drug store{ 11:Oches ter,, one -,ffoor, 'below-Post Office, and -sale and retail byDI Smith, Bridgeriater Seaver calmly., • , -• • ' Entiv2B: Si styles. III:21 nd IMPORTANTio FEMALES -- qOESE • . • ce,__\ • • , • ‘l ,,g; 1.1 1. , relieve,. without petit, all distnbances of the periodic discierge,l wheth er arising from relaxation or. Supression.— They itet likes charm in removing the paint , that accompany dilßeult or iinnuiderate,men stniaticiirale the only safe and reliable remedy tor 'Flinsheh, Sick Headache, Piins is the Loins, Back and Siles, Palpitation of the Heart,-Nervous Tremors, llysteCrics, Bpasma, Broken Sleep, andlother unpleasant and.dan gtirons e ff ect', of itt.tinufatural !Condition of the sexual.functiois. In the Worst:oases _of, Ruin. Allnw,or Widtee,they effect speedy 'enre.l Dr. -cheesemalfs l'emalty Pills* Have be - en:used oven 'A QIIAIITIS or A carme n', They are offered as the only esfe means of renewing interrupted Menstruation, .but Ladies must bear in mind. that there is One mtclition• of the female system in which ithe cannot be taken without I prcidniing .8 p ecu liar result. The condition referred' td is pregnano—ths result, • mistarruiye. ,Sucb is. the irresistible tendency_ of the' medicine to restore the ffexual, functions to anormal eon .dition, that , even the-reproductiVe pow'er of nature cannot resist it. They eesiniot dolbrm in any ether way. Dr. "Cheeseinan's :Female Pills Are • theon/y i meeikine that _married raid :single ladies have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. Beware of ;imitations I ,ThOmer Pills form the Pinata Preparation ever put for ward, with immediate and persistent success.— , DON'T BE DECEIVED. Take this advertise ment to yourßruggist, anetell ihidt,that you want, be bat and moat reliable Female Medicine in the world, Which is cOmprised in " Dr. Cheeseman'e Female. Pills! I AJX. T- .for Unseat— f Bridge Water, 'lowed on set.; env., Collector I $82,28. Any lease return•tcp School Board, I . tapr26 They baile received, and are.now-receiiitig ing theeanction of the most eminent Physicians in America. _ __l . .1 E;plioit Ditections With each price,- - Oss DOLLAR. per Nix, containing fra r 50 t0,:60 pills. - : • ' Pills,. sent—bp maa,, prociptly,! by remitting the price to the,•Proprietors, or ani authori sed' Agent, in current funds. Sold by Drier gists generally., .• • HUTCHrNOS & HILLIER; Proprietors, , • , • . 8I Cedar street, Xew York. ' !Sold Wholesale and Retail by Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; Dr. Marquis and J. H. Hannon, Rochester; Jahn Moore, Beaver, and by all Druggists st New Brighton. [noi2B:ly IMEIII rpirtrrsEtun.e. - NATIONAL PLOW Co., - ROCIttSTEti ARE iyj AIV UFA CiI(7,RINV , all the varieties of • Steel ; and ', would Cast" Iron Flaw& , and call, the attention of the Partners of Beaver county, wishing-to purchase " Plows or Plow. Points,: the _ _ Superior . Finish and • • . j. Quality of our - Mork. I NY:AIM WORK WARRANTEpIin The Pointa. and Landslides St the eorres. pondiriinnmbirs of Pittsburiplows.. - • . 1 - abrOld plow castingslionsht. KD. 'id for any , in / the'arrest, and lshell! bark anj ions in either of ire i any Shade; rowing within Council. ;CLAY, Cl'k. NOTICE . . on the estate of • granted, to the tedtpsaidrestate to payment, and aid estate will P'itiengt att- Select School., r t i DARLINGTOIr 'SELECT SCHOOL Moridaii June nta, 1.4366. Ft* pateloulars call oaf or address • J. BRADFORD RHODES. B. M. ROBS, jc4:2t, dustrY dilinistratora: E will be a lust y, Oil Co." .at I6th day of eri~oon, . for 411.11 be Detterla La*. Pres't. my 23: • _ D. Stanton, Sprgeon,Physioisn 6, Pension, Surgeon, OPFICB and 'Liableness at lower end Alf Broadway. 1 lieleitik,llll4i. C _ I - OALI i" prepared t o . deliver :. Coal of the b s quality on. 'shortest notice, Orders let at 1. N. At - clothing &Ore, Beaver, Stiles Ac 84silenbevgae'e armegi, Bridiewater, 11. Y. roes, CO:4, Ditti4Od Stose, 'Beeltester,will Z I A ft Cilanigrauttia. ' MOB— 1Et.7310; LAW, , , • , . LTSBURCI, - PA. •rriiitios to iiialiasa and sal. ~ s itend to die 'sr CU. pipes, =EMCf:I MEM Darlington, Pa. NEW BRIGHTON, PA. - rirt r OXIII - V i l l inicrAir i 'l' •;,, • '.r..;-;-•;..- - • ..;: - •-l: c„. . . ..4r• . t,' ‘c:I: -- r •• -••;:••••I .'.-. .:. fl: -.;.t , . •-•_. .• -.. • - •7%-.1:4• - • 41 7 1 2.4. assncladramilivii,:isi taiSibarilloisiii,i - Wood .bstrihSfshtif, I. hnOnaing dainteoo; vibe& dlicitireesdatiewsostaimi bliewnstd-INi.ilinietenifersariatrealtiiiiliw: • lathe charities' CY Orr eaststry hes bees 'vetted Imply biltagreat luau_ : Tbiliabetiels4-e . - aeceriallisseattribittsciestrofisrien4i, -- -, .prtwrnent and pevfection, as applied= si the' onee* amt Hastooliihns, and we :halo t1;10 .- reestk - isremittettrfinat - whietr,r, cesdahlee*. falba& SALT cast; i,4 --- ,: i -, -• v " , -----t-f., , ,-- t - . I f ' --- .44.l4floriecilNtronder., 1 . - . 1 i , The. Casuist Ossittes.Terrastil site Itates4J: Igid, ty Amos a Hamlin. of Boston, has saw. - •. ;.n before tie, public, bat two years, and -.' yet' such are lta aossiteattal-irntilitses:thic,V. i has found into. ishisrehiseloot' and testily ller, i all parte of burS:ry,_ The Art Critic :of, '- the New, York -.; -. ausfk 4 4: - .31' , ifi';,.biti as'-' partment: It has ItAtierni bylikswlrindok. Wale !m o ss es fronvitalWA IsrSintifthenkswo '-. 4 7 :, i .-.! . That'll:4 11. iireifilleaaC,, et- 4 lid malting•a ;better nasal tastinasesteithati; • any.other- - -fidas little bandbox like things:Li • ' those which, though portable end not larss't - • thed a piano, case- Make' themselves felt la's. ' church—is the susiversal opinion of the ,svgs[-; • calitrofeasion. .They apse that ni,.such sea= . chanlcalworkiof the kind can be fosidi4W- 4 equal perfection in Eirrefte. ; .• Tlielbsie is gusra ' . and'; full, _arid:with' an immense bidy for:: as small a, provecative mecheitical force. Ilia?, istand 'rough !travelling, bail usage, and will :•• live in elisesteiwhichlsill: Ihruesioesa.mlesios T . : . - ' The Rev. Dr. PRIME, the well-known 01, , tor;of the New York °bower, in his editorlal••,.. •correspendessee, speaking of the insuilleismisy-,,1, of !the Idelodeon to take the plactof-thel'447 • Organ, says( !But the want is fully astatt,,, byrtlie Cabinet :Organ.. .Iflth,,youx eye* ibid., • yeti. canna distinguish itciound from that Of . the ;Pipe .Organ Waif. _lt ;Ls. admirably: )16- dapted to the-performance of sacred music, . psalms, tunes, anthems, chants, gic.,•„ani4,lt;is . a•grand accompaniment when the thirgrega• lion aings,.and is just the instrument that - ought to be 'used in all churches wher , , .e:tki people all wish to havelia ; priv il ege of. WM; ` ' ing a pert in the prase." • 'I I ' - ' 200 ••Crgonists and Plankitt - + = .-,- • the Moil eminent of_their -profession-' 'iv the country, hairs given ritten testimony i tli• teisuperiority of -these instruments meal ere of then , alas& ' The Cabinet Organ * I 12-' 1 - briet, commending itself to. musieiants ankle the peloplitevery where. -It great - tower. its • purity and sweetness of !line, and its.geopeof-.' expreseion, added to its _durability, and sans!: plate construction, minuet- islet° make.A•e l ' • universal' favoritei 'Such 'is the •ilegre#: - er • 'perfection -to which - thesel, instruments hate been Itrought, that'. it' hi/ alike united ill ,the I• I purposed of - churches,' halls,.eolaols, gaol pri- • vate•parlora, and itt'admktably adaptid - ta i both 'sacred 'and secubst music. and it. ie belle:cif that it will bear no unimportant part iii ids- ' , cation and establishing, a popular musical taste' . wherever it goep.--- ; •. „. -a— • • ..„ The• Subscribers - ire-11s exclusive iritobilat -.. , Agents for the istson At Hamlin Cabinet Orge,i, • , •, for Western-Pennsylvania, and . furnish. t4esn' ", m'exactly the same.'price as' chargeitat; tins • • ,Et , er7rt:::' ..- •-• .. ' - * •- . : ... . Trho ,tabgeribers .)&6 : !1 sdiious to set(if ,S 6-, very person, whether intending : CO : purchalli . ,- art instrument 'irr not, A copy of the Cs:tines '-.- Organ Circulisr,ivhlch tientaisis a great eiltieent Or every interesting information. Sent pest,: pit J,t) itsrOuldresil.,* . ... t_ ' kl, • .•• HAS. C..MALLOR &CO:. t l l ~ Bl, llood Street - , 1 Be eiss-4th St. and -..01anti441 • Allcit,:" r , 1 may 6,'6----lm. - I ,•• - • • z •:: Pittsburg, Pit; . _-_. •• -__,.:.• _ . _, - ~, . 4025. . , THE , -$25: i ~ ,I i - '._.• ' .l- il* t 7 I. k ' Union Bnsin.eb. s . --Colte'ge:i. 1 - „-.- • - ,:h. --) Handel and Haydn Hall, - ;. , : -. -' .t. Eighth and; Spring Garden streets. - • PitILADELPITIA, PA. ' T4O3I[AO.IikA* . :PEIRcE. , 'P_ resider; and ColaiultingAer4iinuuti. ' • I --' • I , Extraordir' Lao Indocerne*to I I .INovel and. I'ennanent Az rdnylement of 134..sinis College Tersa.q, Prom - 2441 4 to tletobet: 1, 1868: AND gI:PCZEDING -TEAM .• Ltra Setiokinsuira, including Boakeeping,, Business Correepondence; Forrna'and Oats, , Commereidl Arithmetic, Dusioeir .Penthanahlt IteteCting Counterfeit Money, and Commerciell. LAW, T WEN TY-FIYZ YALARp. EctioLtagnire, including the smite: ti.Ubjedtti; se aborci Time tins led to aro ns*ho. T.WENTY DO.LLARS. '• Penmanship, Three months rl7 - Pennianehip and Arithmetic, three _ moi . .010 • The saving of Coal 'and gas in the summer mont is an i edvointage 'of such inipaitionee. as enahl ro ;4 the management of this Colle6!tb, Maid a - . `derable reduction-in the summer - rates FOetaber , 1; 1866, to •Aprit 4, 1867, -.- ind succeeding years,•asf.ore,+ - Life liCholarshipal - ' : .........ii.,...08_ Bchtilitishiltes-3 m4ths.. ' • - !i• ' "2B Pennianship; . 4 months - • .i ' l ' 10 Penmanship and Arithinetw 3 months ',...- 12 ' I -.: • '•it ---- . 1 41 '-ial(ens! for Chola, So l diers, .44for• the:sons I of -Miniiters and ,;Teaaksisc-'l4 Day and evetuv *traction for bpthasexelf.all dgei t . In liking, Storekeeping, ,htoplalteepitig,!epen. mans ip, pen drawing;4ltotipgraphy; ariiii: metic,, mensuratiod; algebra; !geometry; .the calculus, navigation. surveying, engineering. 'giou4ing,- mining, mechanical drawing, 4 em -mensal law, German; telegraValtig,l and the .'••gqieh branches, at moderategnoioes. 1,_1 . , ~r . Endoried tykthe publiwas.tha stiont'ati*eadiii lthinesit College of the sOuntrpooto ill ,„,1 evidenced by the fact; that 1 t • -v - .Four Hu - Jared and_ Tivo 'S‘ticrttn4 . have asteroid: in the ' zl-51. FUSSr fSII,*M i pSTI/3 Or ITS Silll2o/911- • ' • • -'.! J, Prinoiiiits of Departmetits '3rowtolm l ty ier, o-* W. George B. Bifyder, , 13 p 2. Bianiee,, . C. N. Farr;i J. .1 . Henry teiin, .A.B.BogersOn Supported b 7 in able CoiTe of Aselstanta.l sirrellimeind for a 'catalogue; °Bele Currency: and Pleroe:s : Practical Eduost OFFICEi.-531' North 'Eighth iSkeet. • AplB:2m- THOS. DE.--PEILICB.f 'Tllls•,,z.ll . 4t,gl"ißpi . - • •• Clro I d•E% G 1?-0 CER TE AND 6ZtrEtiNSWAI* lariA l GgeW WirCodutry produce mol il ted I,l+ 10 8m AD)4I,NISTRATC) : g xwg et: IL• ETTERS of aduttrititratunt on tab estate of /Mos ~JAmition, late bf Georgetown orough; Beaver tionnty. deo'd.. hating_ been granted to ,the undetaigned, allporttqw to debted to.tiOld satatie j sre requested to i nattire mitediats•pityntunt,, and those Itayint Alias against sold estate will premise thew to' tLe aubseribar properly 'tkuthantioattd for set: ' 1 IrtIAVATIT .7A1108031; 44= r*. 1 Zeri PM- ' - ttot gettiwollers' r • Hi El ~' tiALI.IS - 13 Mt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers