BEAVER .1 4 It."calANl JUNE= - rote itcnruftoi, GEN, JOHN W. , GEARY; of 01111BNIMAND COUNTY. trilion Comity NominatiOnst . I • . :,.. . , Con g ress., Gjgo. y:LAWIIENCE, Washington; 1_ President Judge. - B. B. CHAMBERLIN, New Brightoni . - ' Associate Judge. - 'AGNEW DIOIFP, New Brighton; ,'State Senate. • Cox.. A. W. TAYLOR; Borough; 1 . Assembtg. . • . MATTHEW S. QUAY, Beaver; \ . • ilterif. .. _ 1 - 1 ) '.. RN S. LITTELL, Holkstown; • .Register dr .Recorder. ARIUS SINGLETON, Raccoon;. ' Cleik of Opals. ' • -.. , ' . 1101 IN A. FRAZIER, -Beaver. • 1 1 . ' - Commistrione. • JAS. WARI4OCK, North - Sr:richly; 1 Poor Rouse Director: . ' JORN B. POTTER Y Raecc on • • ' ' • • Auditor. 3. F. M'MJLLIN, S. Beavek . ; • - Trustees of Academy. ' Da.-JOHN MURRAY, Britigewater; , I ,* Da: DARID STANTON;N. Brighton; - PRESIDENT JOHNSON elaime to be , carrying out the policy of President Lincoln and the platform of the Bal . titian ConVention of 1864. The IFloatocratie party denounced Lincoln'e, Obey - it. the *overeat terms, ansil could not refrain from irejoicing at hie • iseassinationl and denounced. more , bitterly they Baltimore platform on - which he:Wae reelected President.— Now that ere party professes to en -dorm) the samc policy and to support, his succeesor , who iellresenta it., The Chicago platiorin proclaimed the war a failure and differed hvevery panto. War as ninch l from the Baltimore plat. forin did the Baltimore platform -• trent tho pl a tform of rebels' in arme.l B.aa tic; musses of the 'Democratic' party,, together - with the corrapt and chingerous leaders been thoroughly converted, or pi this more pretense ? WO' •can - not believe that the leaden are any better i pow than they were in 1864, when. ,they met, in the city 'of Chicago, and counselled and' con ,. • spired with the emissaries of the Con. ---....•••••••••117 tlendered itself :so during the war that to Lope of re- gaining; poiffer could be entertained without same.such summersault. Naj thinking man can be deteived, how. ; over, and w i e are certain the President regards the[action of his new friends, in its true light. Clymer in 1.86.3 , dolled 3 7:gilandigham, and in 1 104 waslfourd opposing the Government andl,assertibg the war), a &Hare, .and the di uppreision` of rebellion imposethle. . !ants ,be elected Gov,ertior now, and des anybody believe hello *Deere- in ndoraing'Johniot and the 13altitnre ,platform Ws are credibly informed that a _ Deinocrati speaker of this place charged, ai a Democratic ineeting,la Brighton township, that the present Board. of Commissioners—namiit each . of them -were stealing the pea. plo's money, ecause• they sat about ' .two hundred sad fifty days in the year, sad that is Democratic time it was not so. The , charge of stealing is rater a sorions one to make, and we wo "surprised to learn who bad inade it. , But let us see how this , matter is. Frim 1840 to 1854 the Board of Com. 1 missionerS were Democratic. The average' ilumbe4 -of dayi each year charged for by eat% Commissioner was about two hundred and fiva, , and* their wages amounted to six and a half per geol.. of ',amount of; receipts of- tffe county. Then the receiptefimointed to 114;000. 'Now they are $94,000.--- * /lumber - Hof • warrants granted then, , - 1000 a year; now they, amount to 1600. la addition to this, the Com• inissioneri l i,of the present dif have Igia duties of the*Relief BOard • .to at. ..t.end to;'which requireait least thirty addltfonal 4 days. The ainount paid • Commissioners_ Dow amounts to but -- ssio - aad a half per coif., lost fcur per ment. hute Unto iiniter Democratic a 4— infotistratlon: the tazablea of . the county have..ineregased largely, and the ;duties of `the office torrease se ' coidiogly. If it took a Democratic Board 20 1 [ 5 days each to superviie the collection and -- ilisbursement of ,Illf,'• 000 - xyear ? how many days would be required diAt l i the collection and disbur*e ritail crit of 694,000? We leave thi'queetouor candid ' men to wnewer2 4 '' Agair, fa 1 $ the Democratic tfotri anAssioners, chaises and received-1278. In addition to their payfor:::fnei-' AffiAlki.iskiate;:idet u traielioCac., , :a041,1 /*V!I9O-werd charged and miKie . A.' • X iss base : the companion. fi giskercep, %bat trti joa thinlc of it f -4 1 lIMMI Oirthe. evening : of - . Tuesday._ sth °~aARG~'~. inst., according to previews. announce- ' menu Col. Chas. H Shriner favorled the people Beaier, county with hia views upon the vexed gueition of tb* ipconstructien'olthe rebellions States. The COurt Howie was well tllleci - by itn audience in which the Dumooratid meat - predominated decidedly,and bag the trontseats._ ?The Colbnel bad an nounced hiniself a troitm man ard' a supporter! ,of . tba- . -Union ticket, digit be was.a friend 9f the President= and of his policy, the *dee &ndeOnstitu tionality - of which his Speech would demonstrate, bat . tbat he desired 'the election of Geary as did'lOhnenn, and that' hts argument would be concilia- i tort', and directed to strengthen the Union cause. 'The contempt end ha: triad of the -President he alleged to the copperheadfaction, was too deep and sincere to admit Of &possibility of of bie affiliation withAtietn,.or of his ever ablindoning the party. wilich . _placed him in power. With this un—l derainding, it was not stiange that l i staunch 'Union men w ere - betrayed in. to giving him a welcome, and officio. ' ti , ng as officers at the meeting. 4 1 , 'But t -it resulted that despite his pro. feasions, the 'Col. bad been whoring 1 with 1 the Deraocracy. It: 'is alleged that - be held private council with their leaders, and that the resolutions read and passed by the Democrats at the meeting , were prepared upon COLDS. 1 . i tion - with theideadera, - whom in 'Re lublican society be was pretendingo , Onounce and" despise. It is certii n that these gentlemen :were, active in filling - the house, that they knew that i• resolutions wore -to be passed, and their nature, and that they were pres ent in person to indicate to the noon phostleatod;of their followers wben-a good Ihit was made and where the ip- Olattse carne in. The speech, of Col.• ,firiiier justified them in: their efforts. It .was not rui_inneh a .vindication of the President as an attack upon Con lgress, a bitter personal tirade against the true, and , tried men of the Repub lican party, who were denounced as conspirators. ' and revolutionists, de serving places in Hilitory beside Murat,' Denton and Robespierre, and aiming at- the dbposition of the President, . 1 which, unless the people -interfered would, slid the spe&ker, be attemptid Within forty. days. As .a result, be I 'gave us•the picture of the litreets of; our towns and c ities running itilblood; ~ which we had heard - poitreyed •by Gibson, of,Wishingtori, in his - triitor. Z 73 . • taking it all iiftill,.waa snob-ap One ae MOntgomery, oi Gibso% Or 4 liTils.on could hive made, - without Toeing a ,man of their folfowlog. ' If the De.= mocracy had employed an emissary in the guise of a Republican, to come here and endeavor to distract and di.. vide the friends of the Union,ba would iv, have tal ed ;as Shriner talked, and they cos not haverapplatided him more' be, rtily . than they iipplinded Shriner. ' If,in the two hourei occupied by his %.1 refully prepared effort, he uttered a ord to m indicate his gy. patby wit, the Union 'party,'or which in the most remote degree could en= courage iti members or strengthen its candidate in - the campaign- now upon us, we fail n d to detect it. - - . . There are perhaps acme members of the Union party in Beaver,eonoty t the-policy - of President every feature; there are who ado Johnson i otheri who endorse the most - radien propositi 1 4s of Sumner and Stevens 1 and the I aders of the majority in. Coogreer. •The masses of; the loyal people, h wever,look upon the present imbroglio at Washington is a conflict of, opinion between statesmen alike, loyal to the Union, add striving to the , came great end, and look fprOlard confidently to the day when the pres- i ident and Congress shall meet upon some` safe middle - ground,and give the' country that ; peace in the capitol' which it has conquered in the field There aro ione, we think, ready :to' denounce Johison, SeWard, Dennison, and Stanton u traitors, nor, to rank Sumner, Stevens, Wade l ab& WilsoU with, Such. conspirators as. Murat and B:obespeirre, even at the' biddlng'of Shriner. Those who listened to hie invectiies against these tried and patriotic statesmen. could not but re flect that when Freedom first *V het Emits in 'amity against Slavery and 1 calkoithism,' these Alen bared their blides in the front of her battfle, - „ar.d that Shriner was then and long• afttrr ward a dapthin ifs the ranks of her enemies, and doubt , his sincerity and t i.O deny his right to pass_jidgnie upon them. And we think there ar none of whatevei fhade of opinio ihe !Mao& agree that the man w at • tempts, as Shriner has done, to use and- exasperate Abe Union party ti. l 7 - gfunefi either - their President or rep 7 -1 reeentatives, if dot inteptionally; ii Idirectly , ministering to - the - Poems Of . .1 their enemies col, orbli s tittle - fe 9 iiiiric f . iniemind be is revolvintrabciut a Bled point MEM M=El=l traction and . very, - sorely a intik* yhtioaklAft,aa We knit himArsWikii 13e etraightest seet;,stit. for ity to 'hat party, ,rea s of th 6 - , Whiskey flusiiieet • PbslifielObisi daring the ter Bigler. Tan xears ago he inent in the councils of of this section; hitOsee ;sea CO . those will frequented t -snd-Cciunty Conventiontya if we mistake not,, on one .o Awei t oc casions i‘beirirlioatrienial can . idate for Legielatire preferment. :us when . the sce ptre. of powei 1 depit Led from the Democracy, Shriner ''o l liowed its glittering lire into the ca pe - il the opposition. In 1860 bow a lisle-- pais" to the Reading Dine ntion, and l an aspirant ' for the bone .of repro. I' emoting the lienicocrits of this Pon gression Distrh3t at C ha lestor is 1862 he joined etbueiastic Ily in rat-- h iffing' the - non fnatiotsi So , Coebran and Rosa. Wi, in the, i. rue 'brief terrnoc.m a bitfer and d. nuncietory enemy or§iinon Cameron be became hoe -admiringalitierent, an d - :that gen tleman characteristically rewarded hie new born devotion by an Assietunt A l sseseercohip in j lluion. county In 1864, though not, a candidate r before the people of his district or the Un ion nomiontichyfor Stets nate, thro' seine adroit jugglers' be .turned up t - uppermost. on the Benet° ial Confer ence, and run4ing as Ca eron's car.- , didate, was decisiVelidet ated. The GoneraYsoothed his isortiification !).y the present of the District Collector ship-lot U.S. taxes,whichicomfortablel berth the Colonel now en'oye. When earomo, true to the 'ea inal princi. , _ i pies ,of Republicanism, a id. believing the position of the Presid nt to, be in.. 'Consistent therewith, par ed coinpapi with Johnson,he had no 1 nger a voice in the diettibution 'of t patronage; and , Shriner pany. with Cameron. . almost completed the c and positierik His ape day evening, as was re leading. Demcocrat, "w enough Clymer speech 9 imidre many months ho be delighting 10 Democrat 1 with the DemCcratic e delighted thorn of Yore. Censorioul' persons, in Colonel's political record Iris opinions and pr,olessii l ed and of little importaq shoilel charge bim wit' He has develcpail in rol feetiob the.facUlty of to ly such a political summ, exigencies of the 4ime rf i and lighting n erringly This -time, ho awn., wg lerred wofully. , His Wit for s mance can scarcely fn upon his back in the slot ed Democracy, beside i champion of the people' is the special object of THE Local charges th , t the soldiers will assembled at the mut House a• few evenings smse, to •:lee!, Delegates to the State r ponventinn, wore all "feather' bed sAdiers." This statement bTa just` as much truth and justice in it as we might expect the editor of that paper to it dul e in/ einwhen. referring - 0 the defenders if thercn. try. NearlY all present at that Meeting. do far as an remem ber, had Mien severely w .unded "at the front," in the servi.a o the coon-, try, and - were ftll bray: diers, of wbbse record 'inerris Proud. This is effort on the part of t I tract' from the. merite of the'brave defenders becaise in ;defending well ,they mined th mod-On Democracy. where the true soldiur. Mr. Editor. • Tsa Feoian war tur b;eo a fizzle.l The in die has beet abandone , of deluded Irielimer. Bah:glee, St. Albans, awaiting tranettortati. in the United Stain aid numbeil ; .1 reached Boston at Albapy.giod elAtewh tirTha trial •of •• eff. Davis . has been postponed anti - Octobe,r. Ef forts are being made by hi&connsel t.i have him released on bail and parole. They have had. :sev.rul Interviews with te Presidenkfo this object, and it ik reported that th , y are stangaine sr success.. - • ' . .. 'Tau Ittieigh (N"O4 &Mine' •Tiews . with .ponaiderable favor - the per plan of reuesitvnetidn. - . It saya:•"lt ie OUT deliberate opiniOn that the above terms aro the dery beat the Southern States eta- obtain. If .• these serail aborrld'be rOjectedcheavier and more i stringent=mearlreo will be required; Dell- .in this matte . , wilf-be danger— , i one. ... , . I ,i, . ~, , i I= A corree:pondent,'Of, that West Clies i ter .11epub4aknigee Om John Hick limn, of Chester C 4312 ty,,:as i cloth• date foz) the United 1 tatee Senate. _ 1..•. ~. 1 - • . ',-. ••• .-.. , . 1 ", - -.• 1 - , ' "... -,- ;'' 1- •-•• -_, .: • -4.,--- i'.••... - .,..,--,..."--...-.....---: , ;-4.6;.• , ... -4 ,...••• - • - "•.,...*•: ,--,---- ..-• - -.... ~ . . . -7-• . J. , . . .11kairilkir• 1114 1 , A 4 1" T . ntiffeilersiltiiibbarir Tel* The - :8011iifilfe - 0031711111ttial at 1 4 10 4 10 0 " . • -41-5 ........ - ..,R 0 -A.- 'l 4, h• F .L .- - Audio*..` ,-.. " ..... ...... - . E.4,". -, l4 . - eoe rn*r -;- - 7• - r - 17 - 7., „ •:- ' , - -',4rl . , emite i t Ea - . l' i, ' - h Int ' '''' .- ' ''''- '' ' ' f I '4l`. 4 whirlitm allit lhelt 1 1 • • 111 " Itir * - &:-Co it. .' • , Via' fatliireY:tet „awn t i ._ L i n _.. ~.. atb., . e sma l, bou ,, treolion. It_ri e. ., b _ met t . ~ . 4.... .. 01 . comeaskiiationo, searimwas Rath; t ~ Wairrit, mak Twilit ; a, . ~-.i. . , L •• ---, 7/ 1 : 1 0 .4 ., e' i •lfir b t l -; fi l t i liat histatosimiliststa Matip. Itatt p. mi tt th ande • "IsPlititen .ese . h ir i . litlilb usna . ( 4an trabi " y lliii Bl2l :en..:. 7 4ll l a . bl eev a st :si t it* .- 4 ,.. 1 e0 , 40 04 ,- 11111 - t , ri , f : ii :t o ilin ,: , • , , , ,; t il r: ‘ i,i l l em - 115 . fr:a'. ; • o f rasrerw_, eiscfiti_ ‘ ittimrrgi ,. '' pe -..iiiiilielve r'lainhirri-for la r g esta - , . ~. , ~ . nd Mat respects s-aVe e -. ~ mitre out or. the so a , ..,........____ . , , . .. ~ :, , , it rt. 3, s city _' • e h a ve n •lt 7: 6 11 1r-- ; °- --a7ft -er- - ...-t-68: „ i ii- was :ic• 'lu • , ;:l givei ti' t l e n gt h y 'W .*Cconnt, 4 of -' th imu'i e . pro t t- laull urer tbe iti r mi llesa . ofl er i C e u iai eve riast:tr ins4 4 ti t peopb r i e s iabtriak et wkil. the lt Tra" ; a. lB aa , i - -21" ti -11--;. 5, 7- 14 - L i. "- : - . .. -1 . •, ~ . 210eit tr im ' s "*".• / .44 . _ 1' il i Supreme .... - tereSting and ....harmoniouti. That, tbo wo mkt -hate some Mr, HO; WI as liv.biect eir t [r=:: . .t 820 s, b 1 ,. 2 , 10 Am 12014 , .. n I I :Darlington, ensiled the report. - Bow b U. 2--, ., S A . Brighton-1 330 ** eso .. 829 .. Hi. ;41reys .. in,„blitis' 11 ., wlll-4_ 0 .... .111 . tter .. ,1 OW. ar e ' l6 inhraisi that. 1)r " L 2 ° • as) .. ' _ -, , ......,....1 •sis •• iiis .. el -:..0i plect, tnat.tnie artg_TorllPA „Wm ter, ~yae . A dger c oos a t i o eee4 Awe& - - . , ,__,,,,„_. , ~,,,, ~, , 2 0.. th. , , .. 44t ... --.... rm., State John .W. Geary, and defeatell is r ~ -. Dm i g a nnystia„.jime vsnosouo.- OM ...:.,.... i 6 / 9 '1 1 .. me .• Ms rt- the-coo .. atitti h o i n e rty .... '.-. Ce °dings. illie-inee4ng *ill Tel" -ii tit have ; 11°i. tier" bees 7,4 4 :0,.. Ca11 47..---: - --, ----- 144 1 ' ngreise li r - . ----- - 7 Clymer wet:haven° doubt. - -..Thle fo - . E lmo( o p Apo_ sc . _ it chance As ed: IK'nliee'inVOlvtng - the • 2- 615 41 Ito . eee : 2 .11.. 11 . ii ito Cannon -.4... i 7 . nab; ' eu . ' Ili% .... 1 ii-ke'dien to' the lowing resolutions • were ado to am.,(l' Local containing the a ve , , Tell , us___t ike , ....1 g. 4 .- a .. 41 ) ,, ‘ 1145---; -- `;.-:-- 4 •GI ttatits ; Of EPPIAUIa:' :. i ' :l'. My bands to-day. I' deny being the :us - I ' u .1 1 v 4 ,1- • 718 •' at. • J " ;57 .- 61,2. to', the 60"---,°- the 6 1 1 ':'' - • • 2_---..., % `•• 1 .. ' " 4" " .airthor of the charge is pabllsbad Wooster 1 835 • .• 20 I, 82 •, I ~ - lown,for argument I ,' ;,„ '' • ,a l , , ,e H Earxiericsab.inirvge than;edlTsimir:von,,,,:..ftorinaue4iiii,:l7:ll-I„:iL:eini:lsioVrwww.alinen,t,innvilsonnantsoaluisra.- o[ the i tt c a P t v , , itl n p d ers ta ti k ti 'ei t w th bo ll i be afo r r lY med °f• t e h il e Y e in i d e g -: ! reatho u4711 : 1 1 :7 : 1 ;11 -211: ;t 2 • : I L : ; mu ::: e s to -1 .,1 1 i h °4-518 6 4 ., ,_ . T 1 y *ad 'up° . n throu b gh id ce t t ib be e : - Bu • , j ll25Ar 6fie ~j,,„ ,j . i i t h a f t r o m t e i. d he Loan has either' b een m, , h ie ,111 , 114605 . 4. 1 ,:,:0tt . ‘ ‘.1.3.24... ,, i1itii: _,. . "ilici. q• wilich steering. and, trial' endured in thitim cessfut• . 1-- *. at i l y i ., . me:- Dur o in r g e t a b ei e tcl re l e d ett fa c i a l ti e v h a °4lxi ii there ut) . 111 hada* ;1; 107. •• 7 . .1n v- .' l• l '"') l°' ' l l se i .. „..-- . was someting - said in. Ourlington tp. ,Forest `- it 140 Wl .• 12,4 ri • s ,!, ', 41 , i• - • - - -- hat ' ,• yr bintrd, D .,_ elp w hos ert , , ..- .... I , 6., 955 . 255 :-.! 4 . '‘ fil'tlel. Lbptiyililtrhestetele_eabnnbioiodallrsulbednifesdttour:byPlTP:ollBt2tees't:l7deariolligrloillectli_ttilbeede-1-, about 'the Railroad bond* sold by I N rP• L lT.ort i r - v ::::: ie . " .. 3 8 646 " 8 ::,,, i 7 O , ' , . 1 f 2 :: . 1 : 1 1 1:10i: . : 6arp6w6ininstir'veiboct°llll7lcoll ' Seep .! .„.if t h e , s _ ~_,.. guit nra stoi l' th bn e t ti w ni e !e vat rie ur o t i te s i. n tLs I : . itint, sio lP he t art ent . isolterdpilt'staheehraitc.dti7pir•etchiesintiohn7vairindgtibore i• - O ita • longr r .., . r • - ly . . sfte l. rward coming up .t.o their par c o hnnah,, - .... 1 528 1 •" 1285 i f 11, 1 '"" 4 illy s k 1 • is: . Ba fel f t ed thr o t f r or ff . tholes value , naturally gave rise to name p? . .- E pi n e n r t e s e v to ill n e .. ........l , ......;.• ," -. .......7: ........................... 1 eulative COmmenter• and I ; to 1 .h s Warsaw 11, 1. 7 .4) " 130 ~ bac ~„."-.4 \n . ili. r nom -Re •-blic4,4 .. - .. I. . in speaking`ot the matter 'a few.wee had fotrits object, the destruction of onr v: v uhe e ich e h t . lit,ica .spe t Bourbou ...... ' ••••• " ....... '" " 0 b • •••• .-'...-, rii ,".. ~'• , •-•. • cement tender care e xercised by since to two or three of the citizens of t __ Plymouth__ I 819 ~• 21 . 5 „1 - ,:,;:: `.•l ..... - --* . , ' • • - ' innint Ana Peeplef.. _tbe!Te . able, of Darlington, said - -by way Of i .I°'s-1, ,I. 40 41 Li,: Wanatah .- .**! ...... „I .. - \ --• 4 ' that possible Win Henry had made valparaiso... 1 , 500!"; , .415 •• ........ -- 4 . ' e ' 1., '_ .... I' S .. . r iii e m d an heroe ds our s, for . t ..• ., ...-._ :1,, ,,,, ,, . 4 1n0 or th' . ... •••=. ts' no - -, That i t ii , --_l l -e' • •no 'some money in the Operation; but it Robert,- - - . 1 , • 1 -... •. 1 ' ; 1 .... 6114 . In , ; r.1 .,,,....,..,.- , _,,- ..,...- ,h„ r nt o ' ti' - r" I.•'-''r', •- -, •'by n 8 time,tclid I ever make the asserticin Cl in * J. k it e g.7e nt l';.: o . ol „,:.: ol : i l:.:..... - ] .-'''''s ". . 1.--* A-1 •'. ' r ''' ' " ' ' ''' '''..: * ' ' ,-;.•••'„,='• h', -,S :that he .be received one Atm/Iraq an t i It 151.131 t J' n. 1 ,, ..... .., "'- " at "-,•-:-' - - 1 :0' •- ' •'' ' 'fit " " ' sl " :-: 51 )11.76 •• -' nil dediarsl n o r any particular chicagO ....... 1 1 1150 , 620 "112.3..',.......,4 11 , -i I OA. ••`''' ' ,r te . 11 1 - • .„ < "-,-,..;51i.,. ~.. _g a r sl , - - _,,---,4 - , .•. --.. ,- • . tii . • fact. • Dir. Henry beard the --‘.:.•..,-. .- , .. 3 ,--. - ~. , di .-, . -- . ~/---, ~, •-•-., • ,-- •• ..„, t„.....,•: c 1 -..!. ,_i - - - ""e+. 7 ,1 1 : . ...' ' lZ"':f - -"" .', tor or-tbei Locals and -m,,,, I p a p) ! E r - ; :-...: n ., ' *.''.l '." .•c' ' ,... , ' ... 1 ''" . . a 11 .444 -I v.i , • .- • •;.; , ..-,` ,- ._--.. - ' 2 ,: -. . , -. -I 1 1 4 7 1imr _ ... , , l ' -- ;: , 11 'aid., -"-'•:'''' " ll netierted criedtion, as. • , i , wheni -- itte.RßCrosir - I" '. " • • ••••* . 4' '''-': :4.: :'; ' - ' - ' ' :' 1, 1 1;-4 V 4.'"-:''1'kri"''I'''''''''‘ ,1 4 . ':7:64.4 : 4 - '. : : , ( ' ' ' ' . --rt L., '''''''' 4 1-14 „ 1. ! PI , :::---/::"*.:`.. ' ''' ' 's -.......-• ; 4tiepvoenramly''Paefirc,°'inoili°eXiiplua! CJcago• ' . 1• 1-1- 440 . A l ;a ----- 7..,°0•1t . ---"- zi 3 O% " 1 1 , 1 1111 N .I. ) .:......... - ..- .- .*s' 7 0 -' 412 44 , ''' iV`if, -'' ''. •- '' • --- II ,1.,.. nitelßßJunc 1L... 1"i ~ .., -.. I 1 .r. r d r i,,.: - .-- r i - „ , --"»,-,,,.;,- ...--,. - , -1 -,,- t- , ,• - •- , e 4 - .4 , _ • -..‘ Arc- ..". -,.,.. t t l. .can sate' '' .1 .....- ' t... ' '''' ••^ A.. , , a .. , , : . .... ~.'.. 7.Zikk r t .. lZ. , :a . •4,: • "itF.74 , i •-, ... '. -.4,•:).:. tOrY, I tifi t '_ Clarke .I! .... ." 1 . " t , .o .. i . .... t., - " mly k..• - •`.. , -' 7 .„.7 . . ; .4 .„ ~; %4 : . , ', ~.....:.... ,t 4 r.440 " ' ~-" , - "1: 11, ;. - clriir.'.,.' ;• • sa,tiall-, , t nothin 11 g hal Robart-.... , ... IL ‘• ~;-:,-,,,:..,•••... , - _ dis ',- r.-• ~.J, .-' ',..!,--' ' 2 , : e ... - " `' l / 4 •• - ..':.: t 4 / 1 64'0/:" .- ' ` .., 1 0 .1 ~ * . - ild by m.•,, , , , ... • :hers relativ to valasgaeo...i 11, 1350 " 905 ~ '763 . .• Ile , "t , 7 -- ,A' - _ ~ 7 - , • .' • ',.; ' ... '. - .3 -- --.•-•.• rimontal t taw wanstrsh -..,....1., " 1 •. -. _ !...5.4: 51 06 ,djx.i4.-..-4•... -....:', !....-7` . ''• '- .• t - r•• ---:,•-••• '.''',:.• ..... d- b ' • - -1. , ,- ,2 officer . • . thr. ••*.f`t• r' , "l-c - - ,- - • •',. .s.!--i4. .--. 4 - --. .: - - ..-.., , , ~,h i - , • raCtPr • . ,.,... • , PlymOuth„,----11 838 •••11033 ~ ing •• I. Bourbon •4.... ', l 1 " ') ... ~- -,-.,--- • -:•'-:;'..?- ~-,;,..., .., -- • . -•; - 4.1'1, 1 - ;.? --, -• ' , , - had . h"o• - • . ... ; -;'• t - this matter w die - _ -... .1 , - 947 .. 1328 -436 • ;. 4 .- 411' 1 -4 •,. • . • llnitY . - - , _ ll O i. ...' -,..,,,- w w Pierceton-... 11 . I.• .....e.-"1,.,.., i) 4. C Fo ol n um w b a ia y . lire ...... 11046 515 .... 121i10.7e.".1.1=m11•11 41142 Huntsville...ll , ", , 1 7. • -; 3 11. -6 ! ) . - r 44.. .c . 1 , 1 ": , ; ,1 4i - 2.i. , ..H ,:„, fa"pnis * . ciple,.compro ins. mt , .2 ; ~,..• ,_,a- be alloive. ,to ' drop without fur li t er ; 2. .., • 07c4itition, bit dines the charg [ c a. -- '' . 4 6 1.1 . • ! .1,: " "' We biotrhas been made by the:Local; ~I4v-I'- ' ;'-ir`. ' -'2- I. • - ...- •'- :oath 4. I given as its author, justice to % in-. • P 'e.... .-„,ph.,.. yre..i ' - l '" I,' _ Ni__ - ' -' r : ".... _t'onst ,' ",.. are , T „... nn -k.'l . .4,7,,. . : 1 1 ,7 :1 . rR -t • •• ••aswoc!- ,;,,,vtc ‘, ; ....i. , f ,„,. ~.r - ~. ~ ,„ ~, ~s b tire - a „; ~,n e d i , i a myself loftm dei e n ri a ri p ar,% . - s t s ha u , b i .. v„,- . 4- ‘„, We,rt' r• •• • I; - - 1 ,°. 61 1 . 2 - 13 . "I 188 "'t , u iphos , :.10 . 260 .*; 1,09 •,, 7:, 4 i, , Linia -• - • !i 250 ” - 225-4 • , 210 ~, al'. ' it.% -.o'• '''''l'. ''..-.4-....' . "•'-' ..,r• e i e. ,- .7 ‘• „ dialo •''. , c dons; and Y. Li. 40 0 t i i - '1'., ,, , , :7.. 7 J4? - '4' i z ‘..,••''. '.,-*,::;,.*: ;.., 4 ',liistion:'' r„:.`;,,•'.Fro violet' .11 . .. t. be ' l , - .,f , ..:1 . 11 i•!:*,4,, - .m .,, , aiii4iihout the t Sandusky - i, i i i t 4 1 ‘ 1 ,. :: , .' ~... ~c....: 1 , ' . .1Q1 , sac. Bucyrus azo . ~• Ill: AM , -•••""'''' '-'•:. ' 1,,* --; - ' 4 . 4 o . '' '.._ .i. -,', I it; '. ,4110/ ,- ; ift:qtliet Iri. 1 .. • Sal W . 4 Ote s itlin ape { 1 ' l4oa* can ` l- 610 "1. • t ' .4 4 " -:''''' '''''' ' '' 4 ' - ' '‘' :' ', 44 ,4-,4- 4, Irt.'it,,lb.• -,,, .-°: ~IP . trai1f0ad.....,.. . ....49,M0 .1114-hol!„1, came to, ~, ~..,.,,,, .. ,,,ir it Go ~, - ea " .:,, 1 , 1 „liii u rn ixi i :2: - • It: , . . ,- _ . . . . -,:".."-- ' - ~.10.Tw,, 1. .. +. . • .111/ reeetvealTnr,exp an on. , u. A I - , ~ • Std.. - - :sl y •' !„,- • ~-eicri-..;•1.,- ' --,.2.',--.-. Y-: ••-';'....- r i ,.` f et •- A ''''''' .".11 . * r - v .-h tf- . tritst I;.,•: . is 7--: ' - ' 7 -'it - 922 " 6.11 m, 'II , 0 . ;i, ~. :L;,, , - • .. • • -moo ..)..:,• - c." ' 'i.; 4:4 Y l'' adAkri..4.., ( 4,;.4m5e * - -..... .,,,...i.5.. • „-• 0- • gm , - . ..,--. -'-A•'- • " • - - --- - -_- 0, ,-‘. .o• of tote Local- and. Ms inicr,,.mattriAnci ....._ .. .- , . ..1. ~,, • ~;1 ni .- .-, \ •• u ,'' 14!•••* 6 tili^-41‘.- !,- -• 4 . 'r : ; I :. ' ' -',ar-: :;-..,.i" ; • - :: -..'1 "";-: 40° . iit . W , w i 4r . , . ' -.;-...' ,-.-'.'...f* t rNarm . ' ..,.-' Wi 11 i%: satin:llM to satisfy' the ...ditor .: '-. • 4.4;4.; 1.025.,, ,, ~ - t, l, • •end forever .. Zlr ,l ' .s '" , ,; ,, A • - - I ' 4 . - - 2. F .- 5 , ::t -, - ',..•... -, -.. . -4,,,,03 ..e ,-.. .:3 2 c-... . auk .oat thrill:latter may now 4 . 1, L , ..,.f ort '7l '‘;A-f . • - •' - ':•• - •!A-' 1 •1 -. t.e-• 4 '- ": ..7 - ' 'Fli•gl, . -,- a g 4 ,- „.,i 1 4-..- ,-.•-, - 2 , ._ Yours, vi . y: • d,, . Rance ... • .1 . ..., • 16 1 - 4,, - 4. 1 ,: j ' 1 ,71:, ' . ter 'dif oi it 0 . .1,,,....._„•..!..,,„, ~ ...-.....1 , -.,..;,-..•;,... , • • , ....:„...r.r - -.....--..- ~. i.,, -,- --..4,7, . ----- -- ~.., - . z li wic. ~- .....,- ,, , , -,-,- -... i 'v4l . ..-,. iv,i..- - are' lab% • ~ m t. .. •,,--„ - f •....,,,,,.; - .R , .:',774-- - - ••••*4.---. (•''',,',- . -- • • , .--, .---,-, -' - ~/3. ~. 1 ;, , ,r- ~,z-,t 321 . t 2 ut , 112 ~,/ in !-uer -••• 4 0 1- ‘ 2,4 , c: -'..... , ...'d1 . .-., , ,-,, - •-•.---,! , •-r-,,, : „. -F-,......., -- ,-,,,, - ,„ ...0-,- , - , .....,•• -.--.;,, -r - • '- ' * .rant ....,?; ::'lr .... • =•- *,... • ~.•.•111 . ` ='41/1.4 -..- 1 t - - • i • = B Iton ' 410 ..1 ~. E H -.:1 ;17 . . Ito-. I- tart. , - - .. ~ - --,-....:Ad0,,, , ,- ., -,-.....- - t- - . ...),Z, , ~ ,--.-.....,,a•:-,, ,- nights _ •••-•,,-,_. ..,... -, 0 ....- - - 430 " ilti - to,);:i Pi. - the ~ - .-N.,- . • , '...„ -- :* , :te- - .' 'lx .'''-'• --r .1"..k.• ' ',, we et' r* .t-- r , ' f .... -",--. ,-- 600 ~ 229 ''• 3W I-1 910 : •• 't " :,-- - 2;- :.,...,",; 1 • N , , •• ••1• - '1 -to+' " ibia • ;•.'". on .. ---• ..,,, ~ ..,--- . -,,, -,- . . .. .--- -.„ -,- h ft,. . '.'"•.: Pitteborgilispressliamkecs 1 , -. - -..,,, - c og *- • • r .k.. ...., I. : , ~.. • - Anuses la at,,,,, 1 :. of ,t 4 . • . _ , . . . ~ . ~ , • .... , __ .. - • , k ...... ad ~___ , 7. . 6. , Tei ß s et e ur , a , :ng li es: : ::::77 tr' " ii - 'l'l ".' i g l3 ' . .- • ..I .' • b '` bib); , Ii iof • : r' - r ntin . o - _n rem ~ , : . r ., _..„,.,....,.,. . .. '43 ~ ',.',.' ' -._:, , de and:Vittatln 4'wcutout' ' he now • I reri • I. . ...., ";,, don , : . ....- T ➢ • fitly° Ifrom that county . to etip -. ov. curtn.for the Senate.. . due front the country to c 4ii asion 41r*Ikr''' ° 1 ...- itsit m ee .: dv - e r ib o o r tni b at ..... l -; gru fro ti m tu a d l e trtiese w . • o a .knoWledge walked be smoked-rissidtiouicy. I.oc- at 6 :' 15 P ia ' ally he would stop to chat with 'l, F. R. MYERS, Gee. Ticiic i i. I Tenth.. That the soldiers of Pe . usyl7a nia - his , boy; occasionall a war-worn vet- -- E -- . 1 .- - - . Political. . -' . I - • • ,- , recogiiiti no *tarsier or truerfelen. thsu Gov- , era's would salute hi m ae hepaased,and - CLEVE.& PITTS • RR' , . • .---i • • ernor Andrew Gregg Carthi. • His . *mob oar more than once to ths apace of half an Oa and after Mayl2o, - 1866, tralss afflict i) Democrats' of Illinois confess watchword: his tame oar hope,,au . hiiiMerit liput ,we noticed him talking pleasaiitly Siting daily,, Sundays exeePtetl,agfo'd , iaelves "dead broke," and their our.gbry. ' Thennswerving love o the_,sol ial Committee have deaided riot 'diets friend will be reciprocated' b their an- and listened with apparent intereSt to -" -- — GOING sorri7l - veteran who was 'recalling, Pere ' r ' ,I t a State ticket. in the 6eld this talterhi g 4 " l : 66 ° l6l ' `' - ` • ' an incidebtof the l earl) , South- 1 1. II 1 - - • .Akseata, That. we appeal hope lly to Con. baps , I , , gressfor a speedy decision on the • uestion of western battle •of the • campaign of I C II -__ . mmt • I .. E ,L P. _ i i 3l ' n- rr 11 ”: Tuesday' ,progress sane of Pea:lnge,. county I nnani- , Twelfth. That believing treason a a crime, Atrough . the Wilderness - ' , . i Euclid street' * Bll .1 251 "1 353 ": ly re-nominated the lion..Thos.'Jo .. and that traitors should" be punis. ed, We di- : ~.i.- -'' . - has . Huth,oo; I 915 "i 05 "- o ', - ...Ten. grant rapt in .repose a con ted . . kroi, ... i •1 for Senator from -tie 28 1 th ,• die- • mind that the lending traitors she Id be con- - Cleveland .... i 800 Am; 24Orsi 3loss, :illersburg-. 1 1 ,•• I " ' -• ' I-- 1.4 - 1 •victed and executed as an clamp'. to traitors wince that-coni•eys no idea of great- - Odle 11- ' • Mercer and. Warren have yet for all time to come.. •• [ item to the beholder. liis eye 'is a 1 1 1 ,tt, on the su b ject. •;.• i • •; 2 hirieault. Thatthis conve ntion is able to , ono or the Repr d • express its sentiments upon the w .oin matter mild-blue, and has a benevolent ex- Ravenna •i 950 "I 415 "i 53ti ,': . L. Whann, and candidates in a ow. words, p i . ressio . n .. .v,heritiii is conversing with Alliance 111045 ~'; 51K 1 ";I 61) eaves in the . last Legislature ot iwhieh may answer for our banner nscriPtions ale . soldiers. .W e ohserved that he _B*Y.,or_4 l i •••••• i 97 " 1 535 "1 ' ; 1 1 10 1 a - 1 655 "1 ...... : .. '- lrenango and - Warren distriet, ha* the Coming canipaign God*Grinit Geary Vial BtoOpS v e ry, much as he walks, bat in " e" s `" e •••• 'I , fx - . _ n re-non - toryll l. 1 . - ' , Fourieenth. That the legislatio•yw h Hi eroy o v t ig h o e r r ou respects lii ihe 1 n e e is s n e o em ai e r d ine l a i s al o e r l p a r n e d s - ...' _ . I_ , - _.' _ ________ ..... i__ . t _ GOING NQILTIT... __... Penang( !Le Gee Congress attempted to defend and protect our tense about-him , n r affectatioo.! lie .' ,• - • 1 . h i Fmo, • lAcc , a'' . allies, the loyal men of the South, gainist the lain ._ L , I s ° 1 : - , • ... . t lion deadly hatred of the common ens .. ies,to make is p,. sitripio, andunostentatious-- ..,_.•____........., ......--- ~ - ---1 .• , I reee good fora race freedom proffered a the price The recenrstory that be is learniog 10 Welltiville .... I 930.0 t 1 415 rs .....•.. ... .t . , COnt of aid and awarded as the due of ioyalty;=de-1 leave tiff strioking, and bait succeeded 8ayard........ ' 1 10441 -11 - 535 ::, .•.. :, ic . into serves. our unqualified apprrral. ) so far as to get along with - ten to Ed.. 1120 ." 610 . ~,, li. : - Bfteenth. Thad we require Con : ess, so to Alliance teen cio•ara a,.dav n.ust be a mistake. r y4ls " 700 " ' ntn th legislate as to protect American ' .d - ust7 by a ''' - • ••• • lie smoked three and had begun Millersburg.. ...... -.• ' ...... ... , ' ....... Gant w high protective tariff. - I I Col. Bayne, of Allegheny, ofTe - ed the fol. fourth in ther,brief period that elapsed' Akron ....:......' ... ..:. ........ .; ••••••••••!. ong oc • 1 • • 0 . --5, ~ 514 1 lowing-resolution, which was &clop d: 1 . while he was waiting in.the depot ' Hudson ......... 1 I...turg ~ o, .‘, 0 , 6 ; iticki the, Orrville ... , - • ......... •:----.• I Resolved, That. theloyal majokit in Congress .. ' - . . Euellii street 0 152, .. rB.l ~, • ,,, I, I , •:. Lffl l tigtl ; deserves our gallant.gratitude ;t . • radical --- F ---- 7 ---- -- -- ; '- - - 1 ----. Cleveland.... 1 2,05 ~" -",83 5 . •'' . A B D T li T E I R N s I. o S f T s d ß m l i n T i a t O in ; A .i T n i tt ee i s o r s t i lri t i a dt:atzialidi step stia , I d th it th e . 1 ITtbl i• a il : i S o ri N o ° n T ib e t, 11 1, E st . .iit .: a .? ' ,le, oils =aril to the grandlestitiyihat a . rely !awaits I_4 of SocaArss SMALL, late of Brighton tp., VS r. • iff l. ,Lagrange:.... 1 1189 . . f . 72,1 „ i 5, 1 1 ,, ,. .• oh! Ate•xatfiltaring and persistent ash : ronciS to the Beaver, Beaver eo., Pa., deo'd, having 'c ' ' I, T -,-- ---. . 'I I :Cause of pqual freedom. I 1 ` been granted to-Ale undersigned, all persons -! Beicire......: 1040Aml. 610A41`'Or: - The 1 1 , - l im* ndeb ed ted iate to p s a s ym id e e n s t ti . ii s e nd an th r os eq e ura sv e i t g to ro m s a imi ke ,1050 ‘.l .625 `•l; ls '' ea di . ..- hi ,ii ••.In Cho House of Represe tativos,on arainst the same will present , hem properly Steubenville. 11158 '. 4 743 " : SA• I i t .e "MsiAday,' Mr., Boutwell- ask • d,consent - authenticated for settlement. - : . I ' 8-45 ; ' • 1 723" ' ~ - , , . Wellsville ;...' 125 rail . 4. , . 11 ,.qg •HUGH ANDERSON. Ados 1 , .. . Smith'sFerty 147 "' I F 901 I ' .1 sit rl . . ' ' in to offer the following.. pre , mble and . junelir 66. ' - • B berg - Beaver ....... 217 "T. . - . 1 .• ... -.,.....-• • , 6 s i i -11 . :`,, lit; b ig resolution: • • 1 - - ferson Davie was the -leader of the late an" ' Produce an" C o mmission Merchant: • -- . - ~.. : ..A .): , •*0 1 1 .. A . •: ,. . . 1 ~.. ~ I 61511,.' - - Rochester ... 225 "1- 94v , n - . , 0 II r c prigs- . 1 • . • Whereas—lt is notoriou• that Jef- •,. CHAS . 13... BALSLEY, Pittsburgh .. 1 340 " 1107! 2 •-''', I.i 1 • .. ,„, '. 00150 Wiwi'. rebt.lhoti and is guilty of t•re -onntder . • , . 1 - i - 'Fi r a• . l 1 , , ..E...• . i Errs. 1 -_,... .., Ili:I . -laws of the . United tares , and' , i Warr/souls, No. 201- Liberty Street, 1 , - 1 , ----",- --- AOO whereat!, by the pro' cla4tin ion of the r - , . •,, ' ' • itteburgh ~ ' lo" 'i 4351 ' 5 ~"1 , • . ,- , ! 0 , . , . Preeiderit, of May, 1865, aid - IL is , . 1 PrITSBURd. PA. 1 ' ' ' °cheater "... 1 600 " j • 545 . „-' . 4 .`, 1 1,! 4 0 was :charged with co mpli -ityi : Jin , toe. , i •. . .1 . I. . B vet ' i 1 ......... I OA . assiesaination , of PrCaident ice u,and ' 1 i • mummer.' DZALIII. IX , • " 0r....1 , I • ellsville .:. 420 "1 71 5 .41,41,0 „ , S ith'sF.erry . 1 336 "I 6ffi "I ~c - li said proclamation has not . een revok- Butter, BacOrr Potataar . Poio, S 'eubenville.• 328 u! 813. • n ~.,., •-• 4 .. ed nor annulled; therefOrti + : ---, • • • . - „ :Resolved as the Opin on Of the ,v gg ., Feather*. .., ' Cheese, -Beans,, Honstay, • Grain,. Lan& Tallow, Dried Fruits. C rimo /ort iv ffe ao eli . B La r f d r i a ;: e a r ,."':'! . . 68 54 ,, - 3 , :•1 9 , 8 : 0 17 0 - ii, , i 1 i i i 9 1 2 . 1 ,,, la .... tet t : . Greece do - ikle- '**Pontli Houle of Representatives: t at said 2:. ,t,', :13 - 0,,4„„ Flei , - do. Bell,te• 6 0 ''l . - __'----_ Davis should be het: ip c _' Y ' ass ' • _Ala Giants futer-rpultry, 1 1 • , -,--- 1 . • • r prieoner.and subjected 10 ial accord- • als., !' articular • atteution -given to produce . _ 1 • iim ,,, - TUSICARAWASM F:A • NCII : tog, to the lavie of the I l an . • - T: , eoutuzinamts. ' .1.1•3 18 : 61 a - "-uavee ' ',' - ns s rd, 9.5i1 , • l'he reseltalou was d ted by* • . , N na .. • P s h id ilad ,,, e' l l . p 4 h s is a 6 m .s . o, a ts .li--po l. dei. s.a , vote of yeas 165, n it 19. "he promo. A NoRmAL clic SIJH Q O . .. . T .cksir Wel wits agreed .to • withOut a divisiora. 1. , 111 1,1 F R MYERS,'Geoeral 1 • - • ... I . 1 I ', - - • • ,'' I 1 •- , _ .1 - Eli g: WOOLI--4 be' wool ruaraet, in . tale • WILL BB OPENED AT TUE . ' Al, __ .. irlA . PER - elelg. 4l eity,for the iesion bia epehtid,' but as • • ' • - ._,_. . ' . , 1 _:. • . 1610 . .11 V V want, Agr i l : o , l3 l,, yet .bat fen, sales will not eixoeed 8000 . - . .11E1TER iIIiUSICIL INSTITUTE; sell our .1 tow) So' fiew ' p eel • 1 45, to all' -t o ld .. Prices ange- tojvi . • _. • . • ~, _ • ! i ,Threene dve years. qi 45 to 50, eta per pound. . But, troni "lily 17, and continue rive Weeks, ,en trial. . Warranted ..,. _The o. . . , ~, - i TY or • conunissions pititi,,._,.,,to what we'are able to learn, wool grow- • ' - -.‘ ' ' ~ " • Ath ol ,' .cl in United alto, .71 0 ; - ,, 10 4 era will ' not' sell, general' , at.. those •• , • 17,11/?.12! TUE DIRECTI•N or, ...4 ; A l a / s ay &emelt 0Y .-,t a. ito , P.m' - ei prier's, and a majority o .them will - •• " . - ' ' 1 - - I ° wan% row ' t - .. tdiolirl., honether it ear ~• bold their clips over- unl they are MOF• As Igo 41-01 -- 1N N. 11 4 aw e sTtO!' .. . , , --•-• - 1 . - • "01 r_bor ' lug ged '''' offere&MOre renitioentttve. The mat- - EOM dail - Insiinetion d p tae . - rettja. , L pvi Vet has opened in Other - 'risi of the . . g e n I n . gi g i ns ib eroug h B. wa n . sw i m =U 3 :I 'IP : ' gL 1 . kinds. • Under and uP . . 4b ,,' ~,, State,,and prices raltiltbei* VIII* same on if the Vole's - , Reading MaMe. l&e: . at. Bl i dd • .ord, Maine, 0. ~---° k. ..- i , hi sgo• r ,,,,, as in'Stpubenville. The, Satidusky A Childrsn's Class will hitorsmd.. to - meet may ! '6 O . k ..--_,.• Register . states.. t hat the 00l ilettion /St 4 41'0104111 * LEL .. . „1, -.1 , - ~..A6s.r was inaugurated on. Frid y,. .a,t,' that , I.l3l Besed ia n ua kil einall t° Teee r l 6 . j i •• . 4 - , -., 1 1 0 ii ik riP s ia N satimig T II . .."---. , cr ir,oti place, by, the sale 3f, I MI, . thousand l'i *ray limisoni ort.-.70m6 , et , Orlisrl. f aint 0 1... A mei, 0. T• ils , "- - • ponnd ak_fifty cents. ' T e.wi)6l was trot aashaht $O; ' ;.1, ~i , 1 - Bob ... ill . ' . . ( I ' l in very fine condition l- I P ioca ' arn.ral. 1 Cbildroef4lash $2. -- ' I 1. - isii . , 66 ! - . . i log frOM- 16 00Y % 4ftif — cgii L.-..viStai bek- ! l lirP 7 . . e ,irm6l4l l. - • 2 . , . 1 t . .. ..„. iAlsrus,.. ' ..i . , .1.1 • wet 'se WY PI ,ree jilie. ' . m li s j vi'lle'Fletaid; . • i - . • 1 . i s es i n o.i.: •I. . and , . • ts, r 6 . - ' ~. .. , , . . . :. 1 .•,'f - . . • - _ :, _1 . --,. • - '.' " . 1 • I islE:ltt • : I 1 ENE vorg . not eraPh 1 Ct!rtip paseed - ,Wi °hieing' seal 4;- kf day ; oi !T t r u o r s e. et . b e. : . oenitibf his Milk , e peg Ate si - 4)60v; t0 .' I - rom• ntenified familiar State ally aignt and s , The bil was retained, very , proper- Jy, by tb Aiovernor to aviait,the .13,9 7 cision of lir Supreme Court, epon'tbii . 1-tineation - , theconatitutionslity of tk4l ..act; of agrees upon. Which one State' law was ad; 1K oirefinvOlving the princiPle was well knOirn to the Goir..' ernor, aye .well . as to, the editor of awl Tetegrap , was set down for argument at the:lf Y term, held ai, Ifiarrisburg a week r two agoOtrid the Executive anticips d speed, detison, which wonhi , b4t -- sive of the fete of the 111 * The argu.. ment wr but the Court deferring Gove!nor_de. termini PiroMPI is the sum al is .of fence be was; graph• against one, ni will•dei as beet It nt ern in Court if the 'tit Al Bench 1 of :the posing for ' Curtin nently last f that the We be\ bents tl tul Co! dignif terred e Executive parted corn- - e has cle of party la of Tuee arked by it •s. a good r bun," and ill doubtless andier.per, nenee.wbich cent n tlema, graph anppoi East bettel dined paper In view. the resy r jegard ns ebcrt•liv.. , e; but if they treachery to tion' in pn totionl of Lal ...:....,,; region 1 port firlcoble per- ping precise. 'e • • rsauly as the quire of:him, pon hie feet. fear he has Icrobaoc per• ii to land him gh of defeat thae,.."ekillent rights." who pis adulation. Tb therm Centi LO pi year. On publi moue Hog Wet. LIM NV sent the been re-nominated by the RepubliCans of Venango for re-election. , TL e Greene County Repatlican: Say.' that Hon. George - V.' Lawrence will receive the nomination, in that county without oppositiou— "whie. insures his 'unanimous nomlha tionnthe District: . • . LLst week the'Republicans otArm strong county nominated- the follow,. log ticket.: PreSident lodge, Joseph Bungtoe; Congress, Tlinrnm Wil -1 liam ; Associ a te Judke,,lt M.'Beittyy tlll i Ass'Ably, R Heckling; , Registei and Rec rder, •i P. K. Bowman; Pro;honota .ry, The G Parr. - . . ~ The naine of Gen. T. F. Wiliiestas a ca didate for Secretary . of. state, of Ohi .is.mentioned,. The Ganeral'seri• cif itli distinction in the war foi the Uni n; He mitered the service in 186 a Lieut. Colonel, and rough - Chia wa i 'pp to the rank of Brevet Brigs -diral. -, It v . W. - T. MeAdamii,lof Mercer and true sol— ver Loyal eit °oly ,another e Ewa/ t.odep bin& of the of t i lle country, he I country so hopes of Abe, You trill . seo are in October, ed out to have fusion of :Cana• and theasands re. at Buffalo, and elsewhere, to theii.hom . es A. hags , party, appear to have y; also others re. . " ' • lotinty, will ito presented by his' citi zen litho soldier friends as a candidate for iiii-gress in the 20th Dist; ict...sub jecti _to the 'decision of the ,Mercer Union Convention.. Willtain • 'Acre ' . "Emi, ot Greenville, is also a biotech comity candidate for Congress in the sante distriet. , . The Democrats of the Nineteenth distiot having rut . Dan Simi fair Stit'te Senate and nad hint defeated, nove propoNe to rim: Congreinizt- The 'Girard Se4ator anntiuncestblit a call is tieing circulated to bring him out for Congress' upon the Johnson platform, and understands that.. Ole call is "numerously , signed!? The' Clymer Copperheads ; propose to bold a Mace State Convention. in Readitig on the lith. of July. called by their. State Centriit Commit': Wberenpo'n the ..ReadingVournal remscks; "There was 'a,Mass Copper; head Meeting here three years ego, but it didn't iimount to much.. Some of the back-township falksi when - they %SW the big crowd, thought Wood watil would be, elected beyond all doubt and talked of twenty - thous. and majority-41a when the vote came to ,be - counted the twenty. thousand majority turned upon the other side sor Andy.. Curtin. So bo The biligeat 'port ,of humbpgs, in Berke or elsewhere, vnll. not save ' Clymer'S bacon. •
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