El 11 &CARD. THE[ LADIES. 1 17) - i1 ' • PlkiThinPa's - *older' Periodical P4lls, FOR FEMALES. -- ine,orr,:oting Irregulartieti, Reniev 1 lig obitractions Or the "lonthly Turne„ • •fVout Whatever Cause, and itaviesSUCOISSIFL AIaA_PANViNTIVI. ; It is n w over. thirty years since the above oelebrtft r 4 Pitts were tirstkliioevered by Dr. I/UPON 'O, of Paris; during which time they have been extensively.and successfully used , In, most-of the pnblic institutions; at well as id Orjea.tePrictice, of both hemispheres, with unwalleled success in every case, and it is only at, the "urgent request" of thethoneands of !Attlee who have, used them, that be is in.'; diced to make, the Pills publics for the aerie • Lion' of* those' suffering from any Irregnlari fies whatever, as well as to prevent an in-; areas() of fanilly, - Avhereltealth will not permit` •• it. Femeles peculiarly eituated, or those slapposingthetaselice so, are cautioned agains using' these Pills while in that condition, as the.poprietor assumes no responsibilities aft ter the abate admonition, .-Jilthough thei mildness would preventany Mischief to health* otherwise the Pills are recommded. Price $l , O O per Box. Six Boxes $5,00! Sold„tiY 8,, Smith, Bridgewater, Noble & Ilimitten, Beaver, 0. 4 Hannen; Rochester. . 4adies By. sending $l,OO to either of the abote'agents, can have the pills sent (cons- dentiallyyby niail,"to any pert,of the . coung ry, or address the Proprietor, S. D.'HOWE, New York. set.26'63:lyi CHAS B HURST . . Bariler' an d .7AtEIL IN, Red Estate, Stocks, Government Bond's; and 'other 11 . 401:1RANCEiCLOy.1711 . Conveyan p er i & tienorar age!iti. frllll. subscriber having'opened an Office at ,- Rochetter, (in the room lately occupied by F: A. Fortune) respectfully solicits the pa " tronago of his friends and Abe ,publie a gen t ,Tsrtioules -attention given to the adjustment of Officers' &amounts, and ALL. CiAll9LAlaiising out of the present war, such as • • Patent*, Bounties, Arrears ofPay, Prize Money, .te., .f Being agent for the Zino Insurance Co. of 'ilprtford, Ct, the North America of Phila difirada,Und the Manufacturers' & Merchants' of Pittsburg . ; I will issue policies in either of the compantei named. h?uses and lots for sale. - • Shares in.the oil binds of the celebr ated f Isl and Ruu'retion Sale, where everymell has prov.ed success. I Also shares in wells pro ducing, or no!der way, and leases. I will shit) sell my reside4ce initochester, .beautifully situated, and within a few minutes walk of the Ohio river and Railway stations. • • I Terms liberal. Pensions, Heeds drawn up and acknowledged. Fire risks taken !in , Prat llass Inenrance Coni:Panies. a' • . Revenue stamps always on hand. Refere to 301t.i. A Caaghey, Jos. Plummer, Wm. & Co:, Pittsburg. CHAS. R. HURST. 1 Roo/tests!, Nov. 20,'61.; 'it'll. I. ITCH !! ITCH !! !. Borateh'? acralcii! I Scratph WHEATON'S OINTMENT W ILL CURE THE. ITCH IN 48 HOUR. ALSO - cures SALT • RHEUM, ULCERS, CILILIILAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF SKIN. Prieti a 0 centsl''Por sale by all Druggists.. • ' - - By sending 60 centito WEEKS &PO f TER, Sole - Ageuts,.ljo WatihingtOn street, Boston, 'Mass., it will be: forwarded :by mail, free of postage. to any part 4; the ItiitedStates. sept2o'6s-61nos: _ _ • J A. 1. 3E4 - IBEII-1. h. 9 H SE R&C TMES 'BRCLilis happy to announce to his it; A his old customers; that he, hoe been dis charged from the service cif the United States, :and opened a shop in the frame building ad joining Wm. OresiStore. Jadies'.hair cut in the most approve l d style. He trusts Lis old friends - wiltrenew theiepatronage. Having earried the flag of the 45th Reg. 1 , 11. S. C. T. for almost( a year, in the battles around 'Pe tersburg, the thinks himself entitled to a:fair 'share of the public patrdiMge. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of Beaver county. N , 448, June T. 1865. Foreign Attachment. . GRAFT, BENNETT & CO. v JNO. THOIIPISON Jai'. 9, 1866, Narr being filed, the court give judgment against defendant, in fav i or ,of mr. of claim filed- for. s2o7p 77; with „Interest frill) 14th Dec., 1858, with $B7 90 costs. Rule on l!rothonotarfioliqUidate the damages, at his office, on the 17th of May, ' 1866, r at 10 A. Mt. M. WEI4ND,- .... -aprll,'66-. 7 -6w. 1 : • Prothoiotary . TN . THE COVET- liP ,COMMON PLEAS ofltettier county; No. 38 of June T. 1865. 'oreign Attachment. , i , Ls Livitax & Co., now' for use of N!)loutzs Sows, srs._ Jonit Tuppsos., A Asa! 9080 Q, PUT ftr6lll,*id'ilie eehrtiOS judgmintAgAiinsPefeidhOt;infafOr of plain, ti 7. 40.41f,ilairoOfilmtior$4182A 'with-11;1x terest from Dec. 14, .1850, together with .$B9, 46 emits.' Onto on Proth'onotary triliquidate the damages, at his office,on the 17th of May, 15613, - at 10 A. M. M. WEYAO, • Prothonotary. • • 11. 1 i THE.. COURTi OF COMMON . PLEAS OF , BEAVER:COUNTY, No. 270, Ilar..T; 1858., - n the matter: of thti voluntary Assignment. of Thos. VRinley.to Roberts.: I • „Notice is hereby given that a Suppliniental and Final,Account,bas been filed to the . office,, bg IVillja.6i - Henry, Executor : of the last will and tutement of r. IL P. Roberts, dec'd., and that the same will be confirmed 012 the firit day ofJune torte,. unletis cause to the contrary be then Blown. . - may2.,'66:3w M. WEYAND, Pro.l • 'Ol 0 k.re LETTERS Testamentary on the estate" j W. N. Eras, deo'd., late of Reccoo twp., Beaver county, having been gran • ed. to the: undersigned, all persona in debted to bald estate are requested to make Immediate payment, And those having claims against.the same will present them properly anthentiated for settlement. apr4l.6. RACHEL BELL; - Execiatrix. Itsectoon-tp Nelkvl3arber-Shop) SHAVING i'HAIR - twriAriG, 'SHAMPOOING. &c. . TORN, B: WILLIAMS having just returne d 0 front Me array, where he has served for almost three years, wishes to inform his form er Customers and the public generally, that he has opened his shop in the north end of thel • MARKET ROUSE, RID GEWATER, ' where he will carry on in his former good and fashionable style. .By close attention to businee, ho hopes to merit and receive liber; al after° of public patronage. Timis wishin g . clan, smooth shave, or hair cutin slash lonilible. style, just stop in and give John a trial, aki he feels satisfied that he can plead, therr i i.' • • [deel3:2m Icyou want to buy Pure' Drugs, Medici*, nad - Ohomioala, go to Moora's pros Sore lEEE El • • i •• • SU t 1101 z 'IN ARTITION. 13 ii,Avia.CoUNTir e *y r - - THE ;`COMMOAWBALT f . OP= ENIVA:-..- To iloslittikter of sew Cotrstr, Ozer?. neat If John. Barlow mike you. secure of pros ecuting his claim, then we commaed you that you summon, by good and lawful Commoners, Williata.Barlow, Anni Warhurst, IDavidßar low, Thoinas Barlow - , Either Kenyon, Barhel Jackion, Sarah Barnes, John Barlow, Thos. Smith, William, John. Sidney and Joist' Smith, Sarah Hatfield. William Pullen, Jam.. Pullen, .Mary. -Whitehead, .Either Woollei, .Samuel • Parkinson, *Lavin( Morginson, Jane Ingham f Rachel Derbyshire, William Smith; Tonathatt Smith and Jones) Schofield, so that' they be and'appear before our Judges at Bea ver, at our county court of Com i lnop Pleas, there to be held on the first Mon arof June next, to show wherefore, iwitereas.lhe the said John Barlow and the said defendants togeth 'er and undivided& hold S tertaih house and lot of ground iituite in the boroegh of' New Brighton, Beaver comity, kbewn and de scribed on the plot of said town etilot No. 248, bounded worth by , No. ;47; east by Bridge street, south hY'lot No. 24 , and west by Canal street, towing path, of which they-the said defendants deny partition to be made between them, according to the form of Act of Assemuly in such, case made and provi ded, a nd unjustly pe'rmit OS the Iseme 10 be done; contrary to, the laws ind chstomsof this Cammonwealth (Mt it is &c.•,)], And have you then there the names of these summon ers, 'and tide wnt. . Witness the Hon.s:,. B. Chrbt dent of our said- Court, at' Beare day, of Meech, A. D, 1886. • • MICHAEL WEI - AND, A , trne copy of sontmons, publi der, of Court. 'J OS. LE, Beaver,may266 . I . ~ •A.. vidit6i. 9 4 .- .N.citl N the Omhaitte Court of Beaver 4 il_ the matter- of the account of Hi administrator of theestate of Jaeoh „decd.; itecount confirmed. ' And now, td . wit: ' April,26, 1866; : -of John B. Young, , Esq., he, co Samuel Magee", Esii., an Auditor i eevcral patt)eschilinent,.ao repoii, ey in the hands of said admintstrat 'big to the saidrestate for dietributiO tribute theiitine to the par les enti same, according to law. A true Extract from the Re Attest: ' JOHN A. ERAZI The Auditor will attend t • the duties of the above appointment at the Clerk'li Office, in Betiver,'on Thurtday, 24th of biay, 1566, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at which time and place par ties in4interest May attend if they see proper. moy2'66 j• S. MAOAW, Auditor. - --- - BEAVER; COUNTY, 78: - • 1 ric the Orphans' Court in and s ror said Coun ty, before the Hon. Judg es of said co u rt. • In the matt*? of the accoun t'of Thils. J. k'orr• er and Josephl H. Wilson, I admintstratots - of r the estate of Col. David Boles , ec'd.; .ac count Fongrmeil April 2M:1,118664 1 :1 And now, to wit: April 20, - 186 d, on motion of_S. E. Wilson,' Esq. ihe Court , appoint J It. Harrah, Esq., ae Auditor to •marshall• the as sets amongst the creditors and Ina 4 report to court' rccordinglY.l a -[Fro ti the Record.] Attest: JNO.r A. 1 HAZIER, crk. • 1 .. 1{ . . The Auditor .aboiel 'named will' meet the parties interested for the poirposelof .his op pokritment;• at his office, in' the borough of Beaver, on Monday i the 2lstl day of ;May, - 1866, at which iinle i and_ place all perions having claims • against the estate lof- the 'said' David Boles, deed., are hereby notified.tir at tend. apati ' i J. R. HARRAH,IAutIitor. . r . : ______l.________i__ o. Y. ouddiorataN . , i ILI WINANS. _ _ . UIRMBERtIN NEW BRIG . • HARD IRON, NAILS, I. • , AGRI ''ULTURAL IMPLE4ENTS, CNR BL f ACKS4ITHS' TP0148: MASONS' TOOL; SHOEMAKERS Ko,OLS, SADDLERS' TOOLS, PLASTERERS'. TOOLS L . • MINERS TOOLS. . . SATIDLFAIV ILARLiVr ARE LENT FELLOWS' i SLFTS, I LOCKS, BOLTS & HINGES, PICKS'itATTO COLTNT.FR AT.E TABLE &POCK,ET HORSE SHOES k TIRE & CARRIAGE BO CORN SELLERS, ALso, PAIN TSI ! ; OILS, MEI 71 AOZNTS a EXCELSIOR MOWER A I NEW BRIGHTON FIRE- DecO3'6ss. WM..113. C.1.1-kri..W.E, '., - - o - ATTO.R.NEY AT JAW - , - - 1 . f .., , i• 4 _ No. 85 Firm Sr., tITTBBI9I4I. ?A. ~ ._ '• iivild, GVE gROMII ATTENT IO N TO Collections,' and the puieheee and sale of Rea) BsUqe. And wilt ' lso attend to the business of has profession in Bearer Co. rap% COAL ! ' - I. " prepated toto deliver Zeal of the b s quality 06E 1 - shortest notice. • Orciera let at. I. Pt Atkins Clothing - BtOre,Beaveh; &i lea i_ &Shallenbeireeery, Bridgewater, S. J. roe's' a tlo.'a ay Good ilito r S,lßocheater, will Osiiiisifomp Mutation: 1 ' sillt - ~' rlta, Presi ' this 81st Proth'y 1 bed ,by or- VLIE, Sheriff. county. In .l enry. Nam. , Aon; cr.; pn motion il , appoint i bear the • - thift Mon .r belong . p, and dig 4eiii.to the :ord. ;R, Cl'k WINANS, • . ON.PA., F 1 ITIMED ARE ME GLASS, AND I I ~~, CISS & aVES; o SCALES, CUTLERY, NAILS, 3723 NUTS, AA • CUTTERS ISHES, VA.II. ♦ND PVTTY. - REAPER, AND RICK WORKS. ~ P 0111111i: EMI 66 1U,Se laestt:'2 . E. xc ELSTOIL: HAM REBTORIItIit THE heseerer - ',tiered to the'r laime or 11 publiiiititd,th orilyOnepassessingtall As merits c— ,,. It resiore4 gray' haw to its 1 oeilinitt co , Wage hair4roto on bald; heads when filling offlrom i .disease-xemoves Heruff,Dandetiff. etc.;iirests ItsfaUdty.ef or be r ning gram bete s Act ;head. ache and all diseases of the ice* fistulas harsh, wiry heir to become soft,''pliablei and luziri antly glossy. h is elegantly per:famed, and all I that can be desired for *dressing. It con- tains noiilaar.ti leisd or Our, mineral so .1* Agri -Qui to the head :and hair,' and of "which most preparations now; in use are composed,bilt Is a purely oegetabk..comPonna.. Wm cuastanliz tee Holum to . produce an instance where the Re storer has failed !when usedasccordiog to di- rectione. Among the thousands who have used it we have yet to 'learn of one who is not. per fectly satisfied with its reiuls: Hair white ai snow is with ntart4icass rapidity restored to all its pristine beauty by its use. It is not a dye, but by supplying he secretions of the capilla ry &nets acts as, restorer : Mothers, whose children's hair is !harsh, Wiry, or thin and; scant, will find by usiugithe Restorer, it will iotniedi (ugly improve grid nay be dressed in aiiy desir ed form, thus, laying the foundation for a good head of hair, ao desirable in after life.',The I proprietor is sire of the many . Who I have been dThappointe by the high sounding pre `tense of the numerous preparations! with (which the market. has been tilled fors few ,years past, but stich entire Confidence- does he place in the merit's of his Restorer that be of lers, ,in all cases ,' o refund the money if, after a -.thorough trial of t l o,bottles it fails to give per fect satisfaction. .A single trial Will convince. II the ( most skeptical I f its merits. Put'uP itilitige b4tles and sold by all druggists at $1 pi. hottle. • • DR. P' B. CLOCK, Proprietor, ~:. I r , ..: I i .. I.llancheliter,ll.ll. . ' LJ. MOORE, Druggist, Beaver. Ageht.,ihr Rochester,Bridgewater and Beaver, Metier . reit A. hltennaii,' Wholesale Agents, Pills. 1 biirg Pte. -d i :H., , clear 66-43 m; Woolen • Factory IN NEW BRIGHTON ? - ' • I I r • HE subscriber haring 'thoroughly,i.refitted r b dis ed ei t i h y e ti 'ppe o ro posit r e ty th k e n p owiti oia as u , , ;Factory, prep ar ed in New Brighton; pa., is now prepared •to do all the work generally 'done in a first-class Factory, ancIiNANUFACTURLY9 BLANK ETS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS,CASSEMERES SATINETS, 4-e, 'SPINNING TARA", CARD IN .: ROLLS, FULLING 4- CLOTH FIN= ISHING.„ , Emplbylng non using first-class rest assured that and promptly deli Hire its a cant i prices before goit ranted. • I New Brighton, r i N . F. W. e but the best workmen, and machinery, the Public may their work will be well dens irered. and examine our goods and elsewhere. All work war-- JOS. PONTEFRACT. Apr. 3, '613:3m. • R IV . I-4 Good-, Of El r Li MI MIICS B: M BRIDGE BILIDGEIVATEL: • liE seribet• respectfully informs the T pnbl b i u o that I . hel iy now, receiving NEW GOODS consisting of . • . WALL RA PBR- AV :1 X DOWI-ILI ki/S. ; VAR IFTY lA4owsp, wiLLow • W .000 1}1.• CALS, STAT,IO . X.ERY, c. Haying thoroughly refitted toy Store Hoorn, and in daily reeeirt or . Goode from New York city. I offer to the pubho cheaper than can be bought in Pittsburg, or any neighboring Til lage.' An eiamination Of my large and varied stock will sonviime, all that what I Publish is strictly true. ___ 1 1 • ;In.,..liemember, the Once. apertlti . . AGENT WANT-ED I t Now'in Press kind will be Ready Soon! . . IifEA.TVIAV4I( S Ig • HISTORY:I' . OF, THE WAR, COAIPLETE in two! volume's. AhSb r SUED -COMPErE IN ONE VOL UNA The BEST. CHEAPEST, intir INTERESTiNO, POP! Clan and . Valuable History of . the Rehelliop pub liehed,:which 'is MOUS SALM it ha ifullY lattested by the ENOR keatilidof 300.000 VOl9. s and id now selling with increased rapidity. Sold only by Subscription. Exclusive terri tory given. For full particulars tionti (Or -cif cuter. Address I AMERICAN PUIBLISIIING 148 Asilnrn street„liartfird. l SCRANTON St Bung, Agent's. I[r . 1- - -..--. }lice 1!&0, ri., - ataii, ATTORIMYS AT LAW , IA/ ILL atterid• to, :tegs: business 1 of all ‘4" kinds. Prompt ;attention gi,ea to col tectiqns 'generally. Licered Agent for col lection of PensiOns,' Bolin y.' arrears of Pay, Prize money, Pay, etc.; o :Prisonersdf War, and all l kinds of military.-claims aga i nst the 1 Government. Office-1 1 t . - - Goner of Maria StTeet. and the On:mond, ' (iiiimeeiately in'the tear of Court'illuse,) 'BEAVIER, 1 PENN'A. I[jain4 . Perin P'ltkrting .Iyllll, SASH & .600,R FACTORY. / JAS. A. 811 AMMO BLACK., SI, A CIS & SHOL ES, Cor. Penn &, litarbitry Streets,; I. PITTSBURG,\ _PA: • • Flooring,Weatharboarding, 1 Sash, poorit,.Pra7nes,Br4ekets,& JitoOling always on bawl lei matte to order., 10,17:1y AL g i a i v .M.Tht l i ll XC:o4l, - 1 r lAVE const a ntly on hand a supply of this Putnam (lion Frame) Clothes Wringer, and would call' attention to the Manufactur er's advertisement for ;the Univ.eritat Clothes Wringer, W. G. Wolf, Agent. Mr. W.lhaving `removed from the Ste, e and transfetted his machines to me, II will eep a constant supply] Also, constantly on and, Crude- oifby the barrel and crude Oil b Inters.. l l_ bc26 - _ JOs. M'CLURE, Ag't..Bettver. ' _____ STILES & SIAAL ricuaras ix CR 0/C , I Gil? 0 C - E RIP. RS , i r .; . .): 1 .. AND 41J.EN$W - ARE. . E . r, . •1 • - ..1 • . 1 itiri.etaNgapteer. .1 - - : .! , •] se -Country pTosiuc t wanted , ..0110:3T. - ADMINIST,RA TOR'S NOTX CE. ETTERB of administration On' the estate , , ofJansts Hottlay.late of Darlingtktow.n -14 p. Beaver eb.',. doo'ol., having been inn * tit the undeisigued,!. all - persona indebted hi iire ieciitired to !mare immdiate poymezit,.and ithotglaving datum will present thain; Imp i.rly' authenticated for settlement.. i-1 :'..., ',"!NATHAN &MN, Adniinbitrator. - 4466." • J I . Darlington tp. 1 1 . Wf hi*e just Ireoehald:4fle of the Lars 'diznos domple btoek gfi' . • I .• 1 - i 1 - - 1 • 'IN 7i‘ . DBES GOON , Cas e!es, w is; GinOams,, heck, •:I - - )ifered tlo the lei) 'o' ••1 i • ...,.% }: l •' a frndid. - i k ,8p ..., (18 1 12 Ever Or Ladle EEC CARP lirtip MR B Person would do termined astonish i ter 136 Fat apr3:2m] IE! , - SIL SIL ~_ 1: , /f1 ,1 in y•of al NI 1 i marl4. SPRI y Goo 14t: Foa • S CO., ICorin. .ar7l4t la all th apr2s',' DIE Rev.R. T" T i . TAYLOR, i - le.lt Term opens 1 r • 1 Every, oPportnitity for.instruction in nny branch; f Science,or •,en ny musical instrn ment; til.o . { vocal music, p ovate or in sissies, i r is afforiied here ii 4, reason ble rates.' - Lads' rec l eived in ,the P imary pepartment; 11 ,;, it also smnll 'iris of any, de gr ee of proficiency. Drauring and tinting Of every style 'will Teceivelt e special 'attention of a first-class 1, artist. b . 1 Tull.' : 5;50, $8,50, ing to t tpartment.l. Nonet utl' thoroughly qi eased Te t itchers are empl4 pent. 1 or fultherlinforn mar2Bps i , lit. T. T. ENBEfOUT, - PAT ago . .a.____ !1 . '' • Aaperitkr will Canvass Beaver 'Cott's * he o e+ of Townships, to sell the se t malt Ind vend, . , ' ' . ' . 'Healy's, p!. Se fleetly! ; ,Wagcm-Bralie , !an ;nven son perfect in every respect, for the useof all inch sof Tirogons, arriagesand Boe r ilies. It, is a perfcet rgul iion ',to every vehi cle oh to wh chit is attacbed; °atm alike prottpt. and certain I, ! undet - , It c" niastances, on 'all 1 kinds of ro ans, b; a night well! as by, day,. ; with the..gre*st Fay, 'e -e: and Comfort, tp t f 1 horse and passenger , - wi liiit'arif _attention ' whatever from the drver. I I willielfindivid nal rights tOttse i !bia pate t brake, or Town , ship anti3orcing ;ES Hide:tics. ' ' 1' • ' :` ! Bess *Nov22'`W ! ' CAUDIITICK r., 1 i i . - -.!_l ..• THEIS I to Tight to OD - ip,_. l .. G . ~ i : NO =I 'l3 in this Sityl ortment of ',' Misses an. - Children's SiIANVLS 9 's I -t 1 , 1 ' 1 il I islities, styles iiid p i ces,-at at gr,estt L - 'l,` b ethical-re es, " ' t 1 1 1. i .. EtS., OIL CIAO' HS,,RUGS,k i .st i , largest f3tLit. and - Aseor . iMeil 4 ... • ' - ~,,- -- . . 1. c' 174044 ilotii. Itrdl'elotlis; Hearth - L.; ZZI2 I= ==IT int want of any welt to give us to sell our stock a hing in. our lint, I 11, as lie are de. price. "lick will I member the p • I DUNL.e.P, LIT :c • Vic CO., Market,ho,x4e, (CITY. - , et, 4 'door's bel ALLEGHENY ..'AL DZALTA I' 11. 1 iss si' CI AL TV. D SI • 11 TellES, I FA ND ix N - .3D S AWELY, 6oNs inz FORKS lABLE*.g.NIVES I SP I I NE T' PLAT LEI D WARE, 'CH C !iTT:7I INt.E EM LOCKS. s, I i c: ,)1 Ell Cif 0 a .vcrt to reairl, 7 1 ial a nds o t ent ion g Watches. 90 1' "', 1-lyj IFTII HYlSburg, Pa. , AND - • . * 4 2 I received Just .1* the ma ST ST In; & SU I! tmen s IFurn taialy on 1 Con II THIN t l ateat II IDE l ety l lin 1 r: I '►cares I MI2 ridge Street, r. 1- 1 s MI i MIN JtY 1' AND CAI IN lIEL ME t At ~~ "'"I hest I JAMES I ' ,• • 1 HOC: 1 n - ; d oor from .1 &at; booi TT . EDICIN 111 II ( CHEMICAL ry I i 1 I ' , :• I' , -.... ~,,,,,...4.---- ,• . i . a i-fan.., . . .:,“.N 7 ~ c'DoW 'GLASS, : ,• • PAINTS, ' 1, - LINSEED OIL 1 ' pnces. ( jEt D • SECON D' WI - X.1.T.0 EO, io, TOILET-5 I 'ALL VARIETIES BRUSH N I CY Si IT TOILRT ARTICLE.I,- 1 i p dPO .LAR PREPARATIO . ' OR -TILE ;IA ii,aB.of atent , Meillei4s/ . ALSO, CIGARS & O T I / y l *ntire i storilis been . icAeulan is erered at 1 LownlT PRI4 1 . . -2 . Ae r 4 assistant, Mr. Ir t ,uts 13 nan i st, of oughly i educated ee3ry and G A L 1 l pbysicians and others y canl rely upon b tli I , eir',prescr i iptimA aCcurately filled • BRONZES, I s _Vedic:lies only , = 000 sqm,ME,Fj- t SS I ~' .., a. new :stock .of LEs.. 7 .' NI 111 ii. - W.Ezili ECM Wing Goods' 4 hind. OEM • _ TJ ORDER • si'shorteat Ratice • I , ICI3 ; RIDGEWATEIf, an and tic rtEl'. has go by any I 1 16; 1 , ivomt For the . President. pril 5, '1865: - t ' • I aDIWINISTRATOR' NOTIC. i . ~. I ETTEIiS of administratm l n Onthe estate I JOHN U. HALL, late op Itacccoon,t,irp Beaver co. deed, having been granted to ti n.lercign . all perions mdehted to ink' estai t; l t, ,request ' to make immediate payment, ar .h se! havi g elaimi against said . estate 1 41 pr s ar e , 6 2 t BßJ, t A6o h r m Et to To, s t ß h .R e 7 su lt bs cLe c ,o r li ll: hil e l i uDins p .tli : t p rat e r r t l eTtL a: ',,h talcs for settlement. , I ~ . 1 d sl2,so,tieocird- I lined . 11.ndi expert ed in any depart.- tion address YLOR, • 1 .1.D.11.11 1 / 4 TISTRATOR'I NOTIOS. _J. _ 1 1- ATTEtV3 of administiatt ri. on the estal of Janne jaissms, late s of Geerget l r c ( Uerough, li, aver county, deo' .; haring , granted t the undersigned, all person, 'mediate, io s id estate are re% ested- to ii I A 'nimediate ~ ayment, end those haling:Tel spinet sat estate will ;present them to subscriber properly authent cated t ,for s tlerehi • I- s . i.X1.1 BETE JAMES() ~.Adm'rs. .. 21A 4 1 , -.. •, , . Geo getewnllo , B VER I7 COUNTY OIL! COMM '— •I :r , OTIC is hereby given thak 'thers 11l be 1 . a Meeting . ot the Stockholders of 'e abeiensmed company, •on the' l9tk . .dny I i i My.nest, et the. U. S. Revenue offieVßeaire . fill attendance is requested, airbusihe of importaiiie is to be traniaicitD cg d. dint„' •-1 ' K , .L. D ftsi 4pcsirs. Elici”:.. 1: - Espr4a . . -AC Time rake. . DA, I- ME OD INEAT'S FO . SPERK LAR 1 AND 11HE BEST PERFIT3I Mei; lf , i 7 reb 14, 1868--1 Y S ,t -A N D ,AOE .TO NM and . . NM :ON ' ' >l. ,e S F. WE . . and Shoes, Enid ANII I Boot M I RRIDGEWA n excellent suppl °tic constant*. on CEO does made to ord and most reasons .41 worluren, and ther establiahme and . childnin aniage-to give hi est eAd cheapee ' LOUIS r..* ' Bridge et: 7 illgil I 1 irrits ruse' i ldivrtE 13141Ar.F.R.' LTH 114 r'r PETROLEUM COMPANY I • i n el 7 T CAPE AL STOCK ' - * " Sharis of Tar Value , 4 *. • • • WoRKINu $lB,OOO. t • tiflit,T A meeting of tbe stookbelders •tke above company, held it tharl,o. •b 1 e 'prough Lot Itothester, 1185, the following persons anAtii'etect'ed its o cers for, the entinil4oollir • • I i 1" - • 'r j • ' *; PRESIDENT. - I'. DARRAGH. a SECRETARY: • CHARLES 8., IHVRST. ) DIRECTORS: .; ; Ma l ttisori Darragh, Milo R r i Adams, Chides Stone,t AirredlC: Hurst, james Darragl i , John Bigger, • I l evißrennaman, • • Robt. A. cobras, . , Charles F. t • agrA . limited fibmber of Babies lof Stook of the above Compiiiy may be ibad by, appE. catlon at the offioelof the company. • 'lM.Office in the Dimond, Rochester, Da. my3:6m CHAS. B. HURST, See'lr. STORE ! - • IZI ii .~~ . „en T OIL 1111 p OIL RBON , MOORE'S QUAL, ~ \ I'. May be fociii4 the best. &wee. .A.3D APB. DRUGS, ct_iimess, •. QV 0 R S, 1 WINES ;1..A.n4 Bra tidies, .., HS =2: ,lPß.a.itnts, " e ' ACCO, %urebaseoo the very II DYE , _ , TOILET Ali - TICLEri,I SOAPS, I • I II ILT . S ,PATE.N 51EDICINEs i ' •• • • 1.. 1 • - in :gren.t.variety;` all or the hest quality, and t o ld ellc.e'perthairt•can be bought It any I I other Drug Store in, the county. • Dfiponco's Feptalc Pilis . 75 cents par ; box Cheeseman's, $1: Clark's, $l. ' • , . The Largest stock of - Vttnpi (Ind .tamp Trimmi Latiterns, Stationery inticloW 'GlasS • Tana rutty. . ever offered ,outside of the city. at Muore's Doug Store;and sold :"cheaper" than can be boUght. anywhere else. Let t ose. who doubt this call and see,"and they will doubt nomote] J. MOORE. ' • I •• 'ta". HOES! Ma fl EST En , , -1 Ica 1 I , urabl, 'Mar s. -CAL I 1 II W. H. 1' 4arshall EI EXECUTES 1 1, KINDS OP • i~~~~ Retail Dealer is e street; • Piqin andi 'Oritamenial E R. • is . MONUMENTS, Head and. foot'. Stones, ' cf e the best:ltalian and -Americin garble, at the shortest4totice, and the lowest prices. c • hare on hands over One Hundred sets of Plain and Ornamentid. Head-stones, itilitch I - • antoffering at per cent less than city prices. -41 l those wishing itnything in my line, call' d early and ektitaine my stock. • - ,{ ' • Also,the best iinality of Orind Stones onlands. • - Itochisiter,,yar. 21st, „ • of ready-fas r on shertes le -terms. I 1: , ',wet be; one tin West:. P 1 And it toi 32,* A I v ASR ' •• • -EL CI AIL 'X) !lailC , n Engti4, Classical and Comini,ri cial for . Young . 1 • . .men and Boys; It B.*AVE.R,..' URN article go to ;•B!.l4geti*,.t ii NE 4 T H. Springleeision of thisalnstit 'Olen *ill n • 1 H • ;Wednesday, April 4thi, 18G6, ' - and close bit ',Wednesday, 27th June, 186. 41!or =eider and, other partidplars, id ' drape tb,b Princfpal, M4Gawrz; New itlrigbton, Pei," or l if . Him 13e64. Board of 'Trustees, cßeaver;Beaver;Pa. • ! rgar2l,'67.2m ,-- r - - ' e I Xi - - I ALI . 11 r - t.o ri DENTIST:, , . OFIMRS HIEONERV/CllB TO THE CI 4 V-, kENS OF BEAVER AcrD QICIIVITY. , eon aka - - I s ' AitTir ;TERTti: PERFECTLY r TED,' AR I ICCLATRD, 13RAPED,'RIZRR A COLOR -IS, to . suit .every individual, mounted on fine Gold, Silver, English__and American vulcenite. All the new styles of combination work warranted tu g giveperfect satisfaction. No charge for extracting, !!en teeth are to be inserted. I I • Also, a fine :Assortment of ' Tooth I Washes, Powdera, Brushes, 4.; kept donstantly on !din& I 1-• kali n olfiee on Third street, 2d door Sue of R. B. Atillerfe*e tfre.; -r, Ifni $BO,OOO. sl,oo.eacy. ME Vil DRUG lii BEAVER rtment of EMI lill if ri NM STATE & COM Tit firtHß County Treunreri will attend in ti,: . - . 1 . , -,oevsn'al Townshipe and Borougl4til purpose Lot - teething . the County zed i ti .! -l'axes for 1866, - st the tither and 1 ' " ~nsited below,afia l w - . I• . !. k cal d'-'-r,g, Phillipsburg, ' -Nay-14,-; Dim ber'Shotel ; . ' 1, Freedothp .' . 1.5 _. 1 Nl'Vaskey' a; • • ' Harmony , -• • lti,' Store; ROchester bor, 17, Doncaster hona.. ; BOchester tp... ; • 18, -do d - Th IBeaver,;. •"I 1,9, Office;, Bridgewater,, ! - 21,•1Pratidlay's hotel, Fallston, e!-- - - 22, {Toll hen*, .-.-:, oir , rßriOttizt, , 211.:4!iltaionflions ' Pitt ersot, ,-..,4 , ` _' - ;-23 !:. ( . D t a c r i o r r e a q ih,.storr..71 . saver,-,' I:h .. . , 28,1 Hotel; G &SF* gnd Ohio tp; ; 29, I Jean Snsithi, ll ls nil a u n s a tr ß y lan , ', •, 1 ' • 81,:, Aber store; t!:'• - Pulaski, Jane ,1, 'R: Wallace's: % 1 , 1 Ecotionty, • _ . . , Aft,•G., eel ys; . ! Franklin, • • ... , ! . IV Aittenreitli's d Mariou,. , _ . . 19, GI linrtsell's ; -' 0., I Noeth Sewickly, • • 20, N! lia v r i fy, , ,. , • --', New Bewiekly, , I -21, G . ' Rauschers; 7 . ilDarllngton,,boro, . -.1 25, A. J. cook's ; . . Darlington tp, 't - 26, J. P. bilwortirei ... B: • Bearer,Gal ilee, 2.7,- 1 G rat; ii g' s bolsi; ' i 13: Beavei,ipaineirpod;2B,lJohnston's liotil Chippewa, ! 2* 'INIrs Cunsiitgliee,ii. Beaver, , I. • ' ' 10 , Office; t Brighton.. ' . I' lalyl2, R.Etii ns.S : ia"r 5141'47ea se I;drind Otis , 6, rr'lloret Ohio, -' . . 7, 1 ‘ 1 • It. benign's:, ! , HookstoWn . 19, Swearingen's hotel ' 40 and °llene, 10, do - de, Hanover and Greene,' 11 . ; H,iiutchinso u r t _Frankfort,— ' 12, 11:31A1'elltchseee Hanover; . - . 18, Adams' store; teaver; 14 ' ; Of fi ce:. - Raccoon, . ' 1.6,' D. Ewing's; Indeiendenee, ' 17, John ,Ilelines'; • HopewellEandepen'eelilli Johnstotee'sterst Moon, all, . ',. 2,19:1 Wm t Sco t t i t i ' 4 s t i .i. . ..Payments. can be made in the adje tag districts. . A All licenses must be paid lor.e the Ist of July; 'si M. It. ADAMS, ' 1 April9'66:2ln. - . -.. . Treasurer: . , er . ! 01 'HANS ' C01.111,T SALE., ' i L Y"virtme.of an order:of the Orphans' COO , of Beaver county, .the -undersigned , ardian of. Mary Mitehell„Jahe Mitchell 4 Ju 3 James Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitebtll, , Margatit Mitchel', minor childrett.Of. litltehniel AMA.' ell. late of Borough tovißthip, deed.. will lix. pose .to side by Public 1 endue or outrcry,-lit the' premises, on -- . I . -.4. •I, I • PVIDA Y May l'eth 18G6, - : • at ro'cloeic, p. iitt, the Ifollintving &scram' real estate, situate in Ilimough township,llea• ver county; Pa., rthoutli inile west of the ho.. rough - of Beaver,-'on die road leading* I pat said , borqugh to 'V an port.,l to'-wit ; , Ist. All that certain .I.4,..houticied north hy: land of James Waters, 'West.* land of•J am i el Witt ers'and other land, south by i. uhlie !A and east by Atte:F. separating it. from Beat!, Cemetery gr tI ntl:. 4 : ,449utuir . iiiig four . acres, more or less ,. all enclosed; o n ' . which is a t s t : alory frame dwelling. heri l 4e and hut,huildin -2. d. All'that certain ; ' Other: . lOt of paid, being part of AcadeniylOt. numheriug !arty ; revert in the general plan- ot • Actvietiy tersJ i near the Borough of Beitvet; eontaibi nv i i i i , , acres. more or less.all 'cleared and rec! , ;el. • TLicxs.--thr-thiril. ‘..). tlikkpur4v,zonss on the con fi rmotion of the . sale !;•; ;j„ twa,l, balance in two equal, annual payatetc.= btaai that dale,' with interist. 014reon fr:)al ease time, to be seFure.iliyyind-iitl looitkagi. ' , . For further information:. iii4 , iire of the up-- - dersigued. : IP. r i . 1348R1F1,.. apritititi. i• Caalhla of said minor'. -ORPIIANS" c!(,),1:11"K .- • •. N pursuance .of an. pttdln. •of the Urpharis' ',Court of Beaver ccu,niy,...the nrb!rsigned - -will Sell ut. public • ve:,7.l.ie . 4. onLqry. on tin • premises, on " • [ . , , - TH:C 7 R.S7).4 3 - 1 .- 11:1? 11:'! Ivi' 1 .. . ' at one o'clock; P. M.. iliel following described 1 property, sit uai e_ in Chil..p,ewa township, Doe , . Ter county aforesaid: heing the real estate A' • i 116race.N:: Kenne(l.:: of Retire!. empty, • • ideceased ,;: Besidnipgat la wi4te val . ,. t nenee by lands of , John :itud ./smes Mitchell. nollt • r i degrecs„'eest 197 .jorrches ,fire-ientlittiin . heap of stones. thence.. bY land of Etlim - Thon- . as:north p . .li degrees; ' r em* -14erch es io I post; - *hence by. land of the firiner's 6: llechanio'l . Rank. south i degrees; .t'vest 11's perches to post; thenci by lat d of 'James Kaneiy.horth . '<i degrees, east 4 . eloperClies to a white , sat, place o'f beginning; cobtaininz ,-.,;-: nvireiSini , 98 perches, Strict leisure; onl4,hiela it erectCd an exeellent new frame barn. .12 by 30 - feet, with thishitig floOr 80 by 20 feet, pots, ,5 . , , ,... and three Stables underneath : alp , x log . :;nil frame, &Mae with.-a frsnie kitchen: and I ' cellar under part of the house; a:so it certain :ot her piece -of land. 31,i j pini kg 'the foregoinglor scribed .tract ;-of . of bind [ situate as nfoiesi!': Bcginnin g, -at a whitek . )ak.ilien6 by kind'et ' .Richard Walton. s.out M 402 perches to a stale:. thencelby land of Jantek Ktnuoily. sOudtl,7l degrees; west44l per Che's to ••4 white 04:.. *hence by land of Join . Alex niter, north ... ' degree , " east 2(c3 perchia 'to a sti,ne.and t4entt by land . Of -lames S4tt.lior'h 57- degrees,, east 221.perChes to pla*C" of eginning,' Ott ' taining 49 acies'l,23peilcites s rict maw!: on which there is erected a [franie barn ISIbY IS feet. :- -' • ' '1 t l t : . The above described IntidS are we:l fencel '• exeept about tWo acres.d ; Sixty acres ore ite , , fine- state Aft: eultivatita, and - the .bAlanen ii • wood land, There is an excellent young 01 . • chard bearing fruit on *,tte premisr.consintg ci et about 160 apple trees, DO peach trees and "• :some cherry trees. • 11, • r • There are also three?good springs of.neiet• failing water,; and 'a ciial• bank opened ants :working conditiPn. 11 •- ' 1 ' Back hun plisses through a portion Of la lands, the north' branch of Brady's Rua ta. tfiere are shoat/ t wenty 'acres along said.ra • .. which is considered excellent otl tetritotr Theie- are twol oil wells ,noW being pLit (Iti ..! Within half a mile of Said:preinises, and pr 7 arations • are, being 'Made to put down St more in the immediate, ,Viein!ty. ' • - lit TERMS.—One-halfnf , the purchase mai I in hang on the tainfirntati:n of the sale Wits ~ .Court, and' the remniudlr in two equal ta9o l instalments,. from that. date,' with ill -from the 'emigrate , talba'secuied-by bond, m mortgage. . .11 . .- 4*14111.EL MAGAW;i,, . ' Adm'r of tke estate of fit. N. Kennedy,.dr - miy2;'6l3; ,1 -. . ' I , 1 - Work. I-1 4 . . - VALIIA.. BLit RE.ALw ia i-- - 5TA ..... 1 . 1 FOR 5.4 LE - rpHE undersigned, ;;having been defy intl.- . I: thoriied,l offer at Priviite-sale the.folloir• ing described real estate.-situste in Raccoon- ' township;' Beaver Countli-Pitl; late the pOlt , erty of John 18. .Hall,Aee'd., beimiled les by Inman's, east by 4exander 3leKtlit;el.. south •by Kennedy and L Morrow, west by Jo. -, Ewing; containing abbot, two. hundred•°! two aeres, over one hundred and twenty s'. under ‘ cleared, a getoff . state of. cUltivatton• -• Well' watered , and ~ ' a ilexcellent orchard: . A si l ie `large two, stoa3t fr ' house, barn, and It' d , out-buildings,onth premises. . Hill ,be l'. It ' in one body or dtvidado BUR purchasers.. , i ' For terms and furiher particulars, iroV ist ~, ' ROBERT S. HALL, '• • • ;• .- Near_ Industry, or - I JAMES ORR; (near premises.' : RaCcoottioyrnebip. 1. tote of JoalPiWAtitersottleentetitri rri, ton tp:, Denver • county, diceseed, heywir• been granted to the ,undersigtied, all PO I° knowing thennielves indebted to said , mat. sre-requested I to made inunediste Ps7 1101 :, and those having Altus egainst.the arms/im: Present dwelt inopetlranthenticated 10 tlessent. - , ANDREW WAT • , splS'fte. ' IfFigtte MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers