1-114-BEAViIt AR r MAY 24;1866:' and ptiaium, Ja.,, fit Fifth e t ., Paul W i rg, iS file sucliorise4 agent for the Asetre tket city. • i i.9en. Vm. IL Koontz Is annotthosil se s pia didste for ra.nt loMgreess, in the Someriet Herald. 1 1. sew M.. E. CL )!bur& be -dedicated. on Sunday, 31ity 6;1866. ; j . Natio ; of Novi Brighton, will' preach la the rioarninge , and Bev. J. Horner at /P. ht. girThe editor °fan Eastern paper remarks: F e here adopted the eight h•ionrsyritem in this oh...tie:We commence work at 8 o'clock trithe, moo i n g, and'end work sit 8 in the c:iening..., Wm. Mo . Enight., Esq.;ff ' Mercer, has bier Appointed 'District. De puty , Grand-Master, i f the M os onielDietrieV r eoreposed of Mercer, pier end lovitence. ifirPILIZS Pion IN PITTSDPII4.I Man day night of last week a - prise fight occurred I n a too" of ,the Bull's Heed . tarern, in Pittir; ! A i*. The combatants were , two Englishman eased Thomas Rogers ' , and'.6-eo. Brownlee: . Sixteen rounds were fought, and, we are glad ~t ot e e rn, both came out 'considerably punished. An parties were arrested aid placid in 'the loet-op. . gar:lt meeting of the !tockhhlders of -die'Oltiorille Railroad Corpany, held in-New Brighton On Raturday, J. W. .131aitohiircl was e b t ,e‹ President, ..and A. T. CraWford, C. O'Rourke, Charles K. Cbeinberlain; William rszedy. F. W: Williams :and John . C. Boyle v a t elected directors. The eiunipany pro vosi tp build. a short railway froin the Ohio T i m . u p to the MO Rio oil regions. _ .: ' The bcogr Tsx.- . -It was announced a few tp dist the aaserment, of -the Income To fir 1565 would, be postponed for sixty dip, 0 thsethe expected action of Cimgress upon the Internal Revenue might be applied to that .asseastnerit. Orders- hate sines been inued directing the Assessors to proceed with , their work without further delay, upon the vtd system. The :assessment ! of la/( year'a Incomes will therefore be Mick with,oo • 7 _ - / (1 FEATtPT . DEATTI AT Tibtfirrt.—The l I ead .lttLi ii'i 4 raL :can says : A ihanfy was burfied on Dennis Luu one day' last 'week, and'a help = ' less invalid wke occUpied it was literally roasted alpre.Hlt apPears that one of the mays chilokren„a little 'girl, attempted during the absence of her mother to start. a • fire.— Remembering what she had seen others do, bot knowing nothing of the quantity, she threw a quart of, crude 9 .11 in the stove,' and in a mOment the place Was in flames. The chil:. /fen barely escaped—the man was left to ,fiis fate, and socin a few bones only remained. Ilt , 'et totor,--IC:e understand, says art exchange, •. lat Il 4 he lllegbeny College,, at Meadville, • taot I . li.aly l'o • derive thti advantage from - the , Aileral - donations of the Hon. C V: quiver, which it has expected. "'gentleman, it .will be recollected, gave the institution real', eststo and ereeted.thereori a college buililing totting $30,00, but he neglected to transfer de title, gni the property now appears among tlie arse" of the Moral miridld. gentleman. What makes.the 'natter worse is, the institu tion, grateful for his generosity, invested in one of 31r. hanks : to the extent of 1'70,000, which is likely !n prove a dead loss. , . . • Timms Int , usANntoiics.nrs.-- - 11. Gottschalk ltx gitrn during the; last ten years more than 'brie thousand Cmicerts, at which he has al wsyst.sedthickex:ing Piars. 4fowthey stood ,. t.nd latisfied hith,lik expressed in t;he follovriug qiietat ion 'from a recent letter of his: -in a period of eleven hundred concerts I Lire never broken a string, although my Pia, froM 'constant bane of locality, are upset: to , all the wear of,yansportation,and often the - inclemency, af- the weather. The iirchanism• of the Chickering pianos is so eimpfti, asto secure them , against any derange- ' mew. of. the action . tsektilk also says . • that ecnaiders them“sapetior to any irh the Mid_basdecided; to dee no other than theChickering during his tour through Cali and Maxim and his contemplated four ssy to Europe. - I Bee advertisement in another: column. IMI Esirois Aactus: The Exhibition given oh ', •Iliraday evening of last week at the Metho- 'tin Church in 'Freedom, was a grand success. eieicisei were thiracterieed by piety and ratrietisia. • The audience was composed of from one hundred and fifty to one hundred end eighty well conducted and orderly per. wax fiint whit the society would realise from eighty to ninety dollars, which' is to be 4ppliei ,to the purchasing of it Sabbath khool library. The entertainment consisted of literary performances, music, tableaux, _charades, b.c. ?diaries Bedtel , . Kerr and Mc- Denald disceursed some fins music fromj the Hato and/ Melodeon, which added much" to tne entertainment, and reflected credit upon . I nesselves. The • music by the string band, koonartnied by the Piano, was all- that could' Et desired. In the play "Persons are not *hat they seem,"we thought Miss M— /Wormed he i r. part • well—perfectly riatural, ling herisearcely an effort; slid; "Kate the ;Tent girllproduCed repeated outburst . 1 : laughter ,throughout the aittilince. .tfhe "tipsy we think succeeded in pleasing al Ind seemed quite a favorite. The oration hid been carefully prepared, and was certain ttrell delivered. The “Literary and published by Mis;s Kerr, waa•rather'a 917 p ro duction—neutnd on politics and.oil 14ititotn,but devotion to Iliellgion and MOH-- binf,the "Gem" long live and set•ther• ada ofrthei good people of Freedom right on those two grace subjects which it T: advoca h As liave no programnie kesinot 'refer, sit different songs, playa, charades, to the performers by name; • but suffice "7 each I.a . former in each Performance 147. "tin satisfaction tke audio:nee. The . leeten leir tation of "Websttre' 117Abtitiged" by to kr. Snead, steTed to be a r -17helhut the goodf eeling In which it • si wis .IZ!' an !totalize" highly reeproeated,--- - "help miring social spirit the 1 irit and , • plc gh at se emed to a i with the , •;terft._ leile it in the a& 4•Eftst ' 44 901# 1 - • . . Oa . szir . eate • p • . --- .7. - Ittaitt 414 -- fa tt r4*-9 6 1; 7 1 1 / - r 4l4° the titiM -6f - She preeintritiontn ti; man" named 4... H.Jiatientatr, iesidingi at . oellevernon, Payette county,- ' and ',end gagedin Abating rind;- left; bin' lxittse , at; ,in atitlYiteitir initfie'tn.irningOincli went down tk, the river to leok alter ; his boats. He had in his employ a man nimf3d _Richard Thairwell, who . boatded, with him, and whir . . had be. Coma so inti Mete withXre. lineman oe/to cause gossip in tpe neighbor:. hood; Houseman was. never - seen a— live'after the morning mentioned, and it wwi suspected -tiat Thairsiell and 4fre,. Houseman Wed in some manner reeitl ' awat With him! Shealleged that he sfrat'subject to' fits; and: hafinieet ; likely fallen Offone o i fyishilati,iiird!the , river. On TuesdaY MOrning,lMivev.' er, the dead body of the missing man . ] was, found floating i 4 the river, and on; examination it was discoxered that he had, been' killed-4 . hullet having pu tted , entirely through hie' head: A rope weenie() fOundlfonnd attached to I timineek;tand the hody had evidently been held - patter by a weight,' which b,ad been cut off , by Ithe action of T,ba the. water. ,s the " ysteriousldisap. pearanee", was ele red np, and the murder brought to ight. The, Coro . ner'e jury found t a t the 'ileceased came to- his death t the hen& of -Richard Thairwell and Haryl.Hons maa; and they were arrested anneorn. mitted to ;ail for aTfirther hearing. . • i ;.. - ._Since the above l was in tyre, we hav t e received fuller particulars of the murder, which; as- near Mean be as. rt ceained, are as follows: . 1 The murde r was committed night of the third' of April, by and ,Thairwell and lira. Mary Mae. The 'dees'ased tesitiehot t the temple with , a Vifla:f ball, t entering the temple art{ comi on the-opposite side of ltlie he hind tbe ear, after w ich the ni 1 era ;procured a tab and . drer .head of Housman ober the hal loW; the blood and gains to rue After he waii dead ard the bliir ceased to fl ow, the tub and ii :tents . , was thrown into' the. fief consumed. They ontl on [del vest and .socks; bJrned his OV, . .r.bil, hat, and Ore* hist boots ii} ces4 pool; they then ldragged thi to the door and rolled it dowh 1 , I bank of the river tn_ihe waterlA incl after making tilt hy meat rope attrielfed .to th neck of tai I man, and an axle b riff a coal C body- wan taken in , skiff to th dle of the river, a sl l ort distatfel town and sunk. , 1 - Airs Housmar. a d her husband did not live agreeably together,,a,nd she ci frequently threaten ,t.O . kill hint. On two or three oecasicins - ,-she attempteil to poison lam, but failed. . ' ' Thairwell.' is an Englishman _by birth,. and' is but 24 years of itge; served in the army throe month, i s; 'was I a !nine!' by occupation, and l*orked I for Ilhusernan about; eleven months. _____ ;D or ,„ . „ 11 2 i 1 ace - II:go £FR, v —.. e l ear n ' :51.Oriday that a yo un g man byth nam e , of Alley lirKean,wrho'lived - with his mother below Glasfrow l was killed on Glaser , `Little BeaVer • Creelf, on Saturday hilt 4 ,Our informant )3kals LIOt able to give i us all the ,partienlars. but frola what In we could learn, ii, a - pears that .1-oung ;Si'kesiyand a enthral& whose name We l did not learri,'had 'been dOnking -petty freely, and i the evening.went I ib the eating hone kept' by a' Man by 1 the get s+e ale. .ThO'sa, name of Busse I, to loon was closed,and adraittanke being denied, the two young men com menced-stoning the house. This pro voked the inmates, rid some person inside, whose name we: . did not learn, tired a. revolver, kil ing Si'4.can and ii. Wounding his co rade threugh! the ,firth.. As this depl rable affai i r will ~ cloubtless he fully in ' . estigated,We will lakrait: the - result •)f iinvestizatiori With !Sonic) anxiety. .31: lean was a boy of some eighteen years of age, the !son of respectable parents, and leaves a Nla 'd. . owe mother, drvi sister to mourn hie untimely . fate. Anothne aid .in— stance of; the 'demor r alizing tendency - id ' ' --L•ies-* an , fearful - results' „ intOxibatitig litinors.. Wouldtbat the Maine L a*". .wean the' law of tie land. litarWe' call atter. tisement of Chamb `New Brighton, deal 4 Irnn, Nails, Agriculti Oils, Paints Varnlob Farmers, mechanics , can. find, O f t their n4ded-in their. lino I• • , quality ; And very only store of the k' and we recommend reinize them as they sure our readers the:, calling at the atom( Winank and if they' certainly do so theri leer' The Lawrenc County bl o So- • ciety met a few da a ago, and reer . ganized by the electmo of. the follow, ing officers: Preside n t, Rev. R. Audloy Browne; Tice Presmlents, Jes'aph !cis sick; Roy. J. C. Bigharn; treasurer, William Wation; Regording S'ecr'etary, ! lathes M. Knester; Corresponding Sec. retitry,:Davia l SankeY; Managers, Rev. Jilines Greer, Dr. Mi. P Barkrni , Jos. XiSsick, Samuel D.l Clarke. .John N. ii;sr, Elder John P. ,Phillips E v. Mr.-Miller, Ron. L. L. McGUffl and White see " Goicicin wee site! . committed to, jailo)i Mgndayl to await trir ll fir: eqsattly / told on h ;. wife. WifeiiJ.. , is i : very with the inside Of aof same is .veit well.; pl eased quarters._ /, I#l6Jobri Meyer, an iriean cornaittetienicide it the Bear House, on Tawkiay of last by' elating Iv with a rasor. I • 'APAR 10 1, Tirmaiii;.26* . t4i i ii.•42 ,pruius ../puzz, L: • • township. apd -10 . 14:15A141 . it** B 'tr. Pa. ".., '.— - - 1-1,1 t ., - -r" 1 ---- -- - -. ,i - .1 Chi We evenbig of thol:(l7iliT.l6si.,4',Slo foehlinee,in Ohio ,toiiiiiiiipoireo., Mr. DANlSLprikundxklis goxii, " 1 J.4 . 101 igkit March 0, 1866, M. MistYliiiii M'Cu4 . ;, LOUQI, repot of:Diß'lfiii., MT -. nigh, in the 90th ye.art9fc!mi,ep-r•fi l ; i • - 1 r i . 4 The litiMdy reduction or the pi • Las smitibly affected.overy bruit he. ef merchandise-hi igent lug less to the' consumer every Shallenberger announce their customers 4111ve•-•Or!a47 heavy nitinction in thet,Trice of They give no liuotitlons, as most daily changing,tand with tendency:i, • This-, muhti, h i ew. 4l v say.: With a full knowledge of business, 'they. buy the be-i. to be found in - the best mar kets, i cash rates , and have resolved to an unusually small prcht. 4 , • Goods for , distant points, packed, plainly marked,o4d del. charge,* either of 'the Mott , on board'the l trains, when freig . Sings & tkustsNa Dealers . in Groceries' and Q • • -• Bridge • I i ,COBRECYRD BY WIC' 0 Flour per' bbl Dried Apples per bus - - , n the Rich.. 1: OURO- I I ough e bail g out cld, be urdet- yr the to al in it. bd bad do Peaches Wheat Corn . Oats r Flax Seed, Heans, Potatoes, Onions, Corn Meal, Eggs; Butter; • Hams, • Shoulders, Sides,. Tallow, Lard, Candles, Molasses,. Carbon oil, : eon d . and pants, ,ereoat to the botr) i to the i% edge, i tr TILIESbAYO , IlAY—Sales. 4 tone Wharf at; $2O, and 1 1 . 1 eicalea At 323(26. Burriii-;-Suies are variety ef prices, rang , 45c. Sales to the exte' !ages 6h,.an,ged hand a . 1 1 floas--S ... ,ttles 16 -b i' , 17c per j d/ I .,ze.n. ' ! oTArnia,—Sales of 83 'OO from store, and depot -at 8,7001 00. 1 I I . Git A is--i-Oats -sal Ca Ic. is: 60 cents.' .Wheat market !arm with - light jalubf—Sides l 2.ooo bustiall, a I Winter lied - at 82 152 I I el. .oorn ;F1 geld at tither l i may be: , :quoted at ( 15484 • wharf and 'from Store. t , 1 deinaint Ai'ii.: , improved`_ will • i spring at7s®3oc. and f 11 a R3,-o was"selling at i-9 5 ib- il', . o h at ' ilir.—Sales of To tent. of 45' bbl at at St 83 gallon. ' Cnr.zsE-- 1 3ales 60 lir 9 4®25c.. ; • .1 1- 41.3Ac i oillams, Oil 10,00061b9! at 21®21fe; cased do'ati-22i(A23e;1 1100! lbs iii. 13l 14c; F , 3,ooo'lbs. :it Of (5170. It APPLES--Sales 110 17 00. - ' Mil l a dead ar, th e ,e mid- above ei. l on FLoou-LExtrarliimil wheat, 810 75®11. 00; HL 8,1 , 1.5902_ 00 'f flour vati held at $1 bbl ,ion to the adver• ;rlin & Win . inayof l ira in .14'ar ware, iural jmplemeritti, les, Pu4:l&e.-r-- and trad amen I I store everything of, an es' ellent heap. l l i t is, the nd in the e our peopia pat deaerve,land as ly will never r e g ret of Cham,oerhe & 'Oncocall.th9y will • - eafter ' ' • ths latest styles &tad' ~d and ening • - P* :rim for Stuet. • . eist end of the - ',Fiktin, kntwWzik u the And.-ew t hese ,property, situat . e in Ohio township, 'Beaver .County';l cont t iming - One -Hundred :d d and Fortyem; e hundred acress - clesied mid under good sta of :cultiva tion, is offered for sale: I A good e irchard on. the premise.. It lays on l i the h Waters s of ,13eahler's.Rum.within two miles Of the • cele brated Isbind.Run oil regions, and Is said to be good oil territory. 1- For' partumlars, in quire of ,John Johnston pear the preniisim, or of _Joieph Loiwren •e, South. Beaver tp, • , , • • El I ' .-- Imposts= to Howe: .t • - V3 . 7W 9 7‘ .: T:1 1 1 C 4 ESINI •• • per do: • ii per lb. ; - Per gall I PI'XI:SRURG .., 1 ~..,. ~. . LARD— VY c note sates 21c. SPRING. AND cz• c>l MI .• ; i IRAVE • :just rem:livid Goods, : of the , I Z=E FoR SPRING •& SU Centimes's FuOls Copstuttly on !MI CLOTIING Win". RE Stewart's Row, Bridgt S ;IDGEj spr26'66, El i, • 0 ~, V"t"i -' ' ' ii '' '. :' E , :'3 : I ES . • 101141Z.0011 --- FAlt'T,i. --- C -------- rIII I OMH I 01101115.0 F Taft HD OIL . CA"' r at 7_ minted -lb ,meetiag of . ds ' ..ail 14 'held it :Oki .OFFICE OF A.:f . PE TIT , Eici., ii - the bor paglas,of:Glisio t-BaaviiaAaxialp,- Petra 4 . 2 „ mineci the iii 7 ,das.etfraghlB64, at.,10. ollik. si„ - mi;for the purpose of ,- said eoui piumPuader. li alaeir..of 4: . ~• 186 k: jaw saattratuaLotint Otiiii' • - ' **t ) . ii: • , ;: . , u i s it i i s , . . fittorObigir Lett" - Patill, up :. er said act, and-Pie:.sappleriard,. approved 4prilfi 4 i.kii, -1 1 :: - - ) .:-. - I .priess : ... •:: - ' ...I.' • i i . A t : . -VPISTTIT, I : ), '' ' Bt.-- . Cites. 8. u r,'llleotatary. i 1 [a :Bi . i. opera. CURB A, 1):::1 1 '• VRIPATPRE • - - VVIA-63NatE7i. 11 IPrv)poBA4 tire invited foci the wholi'or part of 24000 feet of Curb Stone Six (6) ohni Amt. tigrd (;) rest dePtb; kis* ferlity thousand (60,000) sena* yards lof good' river paving stone::Addixo, , MONAGHAN:hi SWAN, aPrlB:st Box 297 Allegheny City,F Pa. RA. ti ROAIJS- • inm on 'gold b.gr ,l) - 1 4i n ePst y. , Stiles it • public, - What aisiovervi, a oroaeries. , Mr!r!! tiewnward ttieg; will the Grocery t' of at the lowest ll' them at PITTS. On and after,N , Stations dill 1 - lows:, (Tratn liaves daily. rof direfully 'ertid free of stitions, or is .prepaid. VittAtirg Roobeeter:.... N. Brighton.. .toltionbiana Salem Alliance Canton Massillon ..... Wooster nsware, er. Pa. 1 . 7 13 . 1 4. • $lO 7 5 5 20 300• I 200 I 75 40 2 25 173 1 00 1 60 80 15 450 **** ' 2s l6 18 ••• , ••• 20 90 70 Loudonville Mansfield , Crestline 11Ar EN! Bucyrus U 1 Sandusky Forest... L... Lima..... Delphos. Van Wert Fort C-Wayne.‘ Columbia Hunt 5vi11e....1 Pierceton Warsaw Bourbon .-... Plymouth Wanttah -4 ,.. Valparaiso Hobart ..... 'Clarke --- ... 111C.RR.Croe! R IsI.RR Chicago KETS. :1866 1: I , d, .on the tly I. I ;at the ,male at, a iroM 40© f! 14 pack. . I fitires. ' Eil luil ht the: els R. liklßlUgno 11l CAI Cros Clarke. Ilo'tart to lota, at VaiOaraso.... Wanlatah Plyinouth Bourbon %Valium Pierceton..... Huntsville Ili batrels at sickeditt ! l a at depot, ' s scarce; 1 el j 7ingx.— ! 8:100and gpe;rebsabbct. Columbia Fort •Wayne- Van Wert -... Delphos biros Forest cin the ar F ley 7 —The Ith oiales of 1 5@,81 00. 1 10 per U . Bsoduslr,y« Bucyrus isAr, Crestline a e! Ltiudonville 1 tO tI.eOX• 'pet MM!! Massillon os?:iou ut Canton 'Soler./ . - Columhoians, Erten N. trighton.4 Rochester Pittsburgh .4 i lOir,curPd , 00 Ibk can ' ulders, 10,- ribbed.-- IM2 t $6 50@ For'New(l' , commodation Brighton-4 4.gu p.irn; 5.• tn. For Nea l town, Pa , I bbla at i winter lets Hold ring Wheat rii/10, 50. fa;R r 00( CLEI O'n and after 'lois daily, .MME•R . ' •.1 i • ; 11. . • . . MAIL. ExP's. .3411- AccoM Cleveland .... 800 Am 22,5im 1 L 3400 m , Euclid street - 811 " 286 , '" ' 3sB` " Hudson. j , 915 " 833, " '- 50Q 44 Akron ... , • • , Orrvilhi - • 1 l . ~ is Millersburg,. r; " Ravenna__ 950' " 405" ~1 : .i. . '586 " Alliance-...... 1.049 • .4, 4501" 1 ' ..! 636:4. 8ayard,...... 1124 "r 52044 , ! 77 Wellsville...: 1255Pmi p 55," .4 ' • . ' " - . GO ' ING iipaill. li, . I 1 !' '. ! ' li • 'I ' '' ' • i , _ 51,tia. Ext.'s. Accost Rap's. I- • ,__.-.- _.;_ l -,,__ ~...7 . --.. Welliville .... I 440 dim 615 PM 4 1 ,.4..; .ii.',. • 8ayard........ 1012 , 44 653.14 ..., - Alliance .....4 1100 44 728 " 6 0/tx .:. Rmiti Millersburg.. a e i ;ta n u . r . . g ... . 1 . 1150 ", . 817 ", 726 • " •1 ' Orrvillo '...... • • I I, Akron -........ . Hudson...-. 1227px 851 " 800 " II Euclid street I 132'." ' 94%." 916 " l• Cleveland.... 145 - 44 1000 '44 930 " .4..., I aI I • gobta ZAIIS. ' 1 .. • I ~ 141 , I MAIL, Exes. Ext.'s. #cox 1 i8e1aire......:-.! 1040 Am 606iiis .405 Pm I Bridgeport... ; 1950 44 6151" 415," - Lagrange...k.l'll39 " 71I; 44 , 610 14 , i ' Steubenville. 1158 pm 733! " i 528 1 4 Wellsville .... 115 " '8401" 715 " :".710Am Smith!sPerryj 187 41 , 90+1 " ~ ...1 . ...4. -' 755." Beaver .. / .....1 2u7 4 0 940 " l' 885," iitoahester"..:4 , l 215 11000 - '44 815aii 850 " Pittsburgh . .. 1 830 44 1115 "I 9110." loop ... • ! °olio wisT. , :1 . .1 , (Exi.s. Exp'i. Mial. I AO i com . , 1 . , ---D--- Pittsburgh ,1; 1 280 Pm 505Px iiktx 84,1px Rochester ... I 840 4' 6201• lig, ~ i • 5i0 1 ,4 ' Beaver -1 '' I 723 " 52 511" Smith'sPerry' 426 4' l .../. , • 755 44 606 1 . 4 Wellsville ...1 520 . 4, 720 1" 'B_6o " 164; ; !` Steubenville. , 626 " 81044 940 j '1 ' Lagrange 648 " 888 44 1000 ' 4 ll'.- . ,'-, .. ~ . Bridgeport... '787 i‘ 980 ." 1106 • i i . _ ... ," 4 . • I 8e11aire..:•...: '750 44 940 '4i 1120 4 ' 1 '' - 111 stock of EMI MI WEAR El!! 1 oods En I fm M = !!!!!! est notice . , . treet, C I ATER'. Leaves • N. Philadelph Bayard, 11.41 NMI - ' ____. _ , C 1 T. W &.' 1{....R. T . , 19, 1865, Trp.iiix will' isollgs ,rBandeys' exerked,i tin M. leavim.Chia* O. 5,50 P.• fgt. .. • ~... -)- t - ' ,Auts Goma wits, BlAu. DM 1250. x 400 " 442 " 517 " M.. .114 706-"" 780_•• 802 .4 880 92€4.. 1(10 44 ,1,045 •• I 1/115 .4 ,1145 44 1224pu 1 1255 4 4 218 " 253 44 '824 66 500 t . . 4 545 " BE 4 • 216 •i !MI 689 1. EMI gt 741 4. 322 4, BE EEZ 922 .. PIM 700 120 a EEC ISO IA Eats. 440 I. 11 650 11 1 844 r 001,i ‘• 6201 x 7.••••1 ..~. ~. 805 " 1038 . H 46 I 1 1 i/01 ,i1.235ex 1 1 .1 211 .. 253 4461" 625 “ 609 " 641* %OAm 810 a 922 u ,11025," rITOO I .1 11114;)1" 111205 rm t l. l olu 14230," 320 " 410' 430 " 600 " tle and Erie, 6.40 a. ;tie `rains leave Allegheny ter New • n„ m; HA a in; 2.05 to, m;: p'.:4l. 'For 'Economy, 10,80 p. h Ostle; Greenvilie l and James ? pai.l MYERS, Gen. •TicketAg't.‘ • &PITTS! RR*. z ec, 11.105, trains frill Tenve eta gandays excepted,'els fellows • GOING aorta. TIIISCA AWAS BIAANC4! . . jPirnvi l lsl•,l • m Board, 9.50 p nt:l ni; 'N. Pitijadel. 2.20 P.M Rs, Genfrel 1 144 et A) F. 8.. M SPlttfq :1 $E*:-..„30.,L1 LADAIIII . 9 . 'E . EMP , .. • .: '.Brii.l) EWATER. , • , 33 ._,... 7 ......, !•,". Silk.and Straw ail the latest styles. , ' ' • h " i . • Iralitii.eB', . .*iilfll3 8 EL il d i - • , i ,Childr4in's ats o 'I f Large stock, latesf Styles, all heap."' "" - I . . 1 . :'. _ . 111 71 :k L " 433:L j ' e h ,. tal ir" ; . 1- * ' i! .. g r al6 w . ; Ruches, Plhmes, urn . a i me i nt b s, b l rency l9 Stur rs' er and Mile' Cords and Tassels, flrr Boils, Hair Netts, Fancy" - Coin* i Fancy nd• Mounting Collars, Em roideries, all kink, Shirt Fronts, Linen Han dkerchiefi, Corsets, Vress Buttons, 13raids,Sortt,s Ind Balflles,' L old tOdiesiCaps,&o. .1 . 1 it.f I 1 LADIES' F. :BLosierY , IaTZI MI BLACK,L& 820 SKIRTS,'HE* & BOY '-. .. HOOP . SKIRTS,- . 2 '. .. . ', DIEB'I.CLOT 1 Lasting and id Gaiters:eke I .These i iw ge/„ese goods liasci i ld . . _ ill I VO !TRpUBL to 4 .3 Hr I • , tV1.1111.12.01,1 .. Straw Bonnets ar.4l Hits alteri • ' ' ' VZler;Citsar.;- 1 StaNlPli : i • g, PinkiO 1 tg Anti G• - • and .niakingoll. shoit lden'a shirt a made tO order; ma/ i'''!' Or 7 Rerriember the ~ place Store of A.' C. Hunstl, corner idl ket streeta; Bridgewater. - • • , -! i • '. W AF T.GI 888; • I • ,1 4401 66 92 ' 0 I' 19111 630 4. 19!11;1 1052 t 4 ~ ~..,.. II ; ' et 4 4 1260nc 840 i. NMI Ear's 650rx 111121 020P/I 411 248 ' C EM 225 •' 940 1 1035 ~ ! ‘• 837 s' i.«. u $23, Turf. Unibil Busjkies . s. > Handel jind Hay j " . 1 Eighth and S ring Ga • _ . , .rillp 1 TELPHI4 "'EMMA'S MAY PEI Extiaoidinary, Novel and Pernianeni A) '• . BusinessiCollege Proto-Aprill to Oct AND steCLEpIND Ltry ScnoLsitsntrs, includi , Business Correstlondence, ' toms, Copmercidl Arith Penmanshif;.Detecting Co and Commercial Litw; - TWENTY-IVE-.1) ScueLsisittes, incliiding thei: as above: Time lint ted to ••; • I TIVENTIi DOLi Penthanship, Three months.'.'l iPentaitiship•and Arithmetic, it • • Theisaving of cent arid ga in the summer months is anadventage of sue importance AN enables the managethent of thii college to make a" consider able reduction in 1.4 e summer rates From, October 1, IMO, to April 1, 1867, • ' ' And succeeding years,. s before,i Life Scholaiships Soh olanshirsi 3 Months - • 1 • 25 Penmanship, 4 manikin r ., 10, Penmanship, and Arltitinettc, 3'months I S ie cidi (ems' far Club . s,'Soldieril 11"Ortheeo . ns of :Wirtiatets and *Tidcheili •• Deiy and evening instrisetionybr both sermaqaget, In banking, 'storekeeping, bo i lickeepingi pen manship,'; pen _drawing , pho ography, arith metic, mensuratiou,l, algebra 4 geoinetrY, the calculus, navigation„ surveying, engineering, gauging. mining, niechanicalllArawing; s am. mercial Istsvj German, telegrakting, and .the English branches, ni moderate,' peices. Endorsed tiz the public al the ;most sueceieful Business College of the conntry„as is . ' evidenced by the'fac that . • ~.Four _Hundred! and Ttfo Students. have entered in the'' I. 4. FIRST Six MoNTDS 01 ITS Prinelpilo of Dept, WHOMAS MAY Pr.taciq George B. Snyder, R. S. Bar C. N. Parr, 1 J. T. Rely] Henry Keith, ,A.E.Roge Supported by an able Corps i 4 boy-1101,0r send for a cats Currency, and Pietce ' a Practi OFFICE--531. North E 418:2th ,THOS. EXECUTOkgS 'TICE. ) , LPLltestaments, I. on th • fate Jolts to of Rio e coon " twp;, Beaver co. deed.,.hav" g: been `rant ed the undersigned, all pertidni indebted to saidlfristate are requested to Mike immediate payMent,and those having claims against the . 1 estate will present .1 them to [the eubseribeel proPerly authentieated for imtGemeat. DAVID - EWING, : I I • AtEX., EWING, f ' aPr4'66. • 'ld .H . ELEP.TIOIi. T _ • BE STOCHHOLDBUS or "the Company for ereetinic a Bridge elver Big Beaver reek, at or, near Wolf Lane in -the. Coady of Bearer," are hereby notified that in 'Elec.: Lion' for tine President, six Managers and a •Treasurer, rrill, be held .in the Tolliffousavf skid,' cima 'pany; on the list Mtindsio (lhe 30th day) of. A-pril.nezt, iormenoing at 30:0'eloek, 4 1 1. M....... , JAMBB ALBiIION, Prime. i = mirlvl3s. , I - i l , , CM EWE Incg NM Go Mil rig GEL EM MI NF BA ITE B leentori, RaCcoon ti 4 . I ' MI Ell _i itinD •i"1 6. MS ,trE s. .0' Y. 1".; • Pl= r,. dg, • ' ' 8S "instruments now manametared by - this . well known, long .estAdished firm, are . theresults Of , nearly' half , oeiteskry of study, experiment and improvements. '• Possessing greater advantages than all oth- er makers through this long period of in-, *creasing experience, twd generations of so= jive, energetic , mind . hive been assiduously Irioployed•in acting their,productions. , THE CH oCKER4VG PIANOS' Are now'isiihe head of lal the instrument& Manufactus iai , atiii country. for purity and ionoritY _of tone, elegance of dash, thorOughnesi_ and durability at structure they Tank foisMoat of ill. • With i tke Merely meithaidcal excellenee which multi: largelj fr om the ingenious in ventions of I Messrs. Chickering themselves they AM:thine a biauty, 'delicacy, and poetry of - tone whietr - is a rare•lebann, and seems to depeid as much on, the intelligence as on the. handiwork Ot the maker.' UM ' S E.Y. I C+ Mil ' • Among the leading artiets who have 'ki ted this touchy and well-known Pianista_of. Beattie and; ew York who use the "Chicker-, ing Plano'! in preference to 'those of other makers in thi country, may be mentioned, , 1.1 Thilberg, r Gottschalk, •Wehli, Be Jaell, •Music', ' &Merlon, ' Hoffman, ' , Pychoirski, Dress', ' ' LeonhaO, Rakeman, • Searfenbell, Lang, -Benedict, &taint' Warrenj . Btrakosch, Parker, I Bristow,. Gilder. 8~11;~I~ CH:ICKEELING & SONSPIOOS. . . (Es!abtistd in 1831, by ! IJ S 111E40;4 i -LI . i _L 1 IMYOR SETS, ' 141)ves, CHORAL .'' ; HATS; S. = I The subs sale Agents_ ; for the Chie)cerinit,Pianoi. for Western' Pennsylvania ;. ;Eastern 'Ohio, and West Virginia. Specialarrangnments enable them . ' to'l sell at exactlyi the' same price as charged at the Factory itVßostoti, thusigaving freight, insurance and risk of transportation to purchasers residing in or west'of thialcity. The ; Subscribers give particular attention' to the selection of their stock, visiting the . Factory nearly every month for this purpose; theiti experience in; the business, musical skill, anti pitietTcal knowledge. of the -manu-• facture of'Pianos; enable them is select the very best instruments that Messrs. Chickering produce. I Every instrument warranted for 5 years, by' the manufacturer and the subscribers. Per sons at 'a distance Nesiring 'further informa tion should' address - the subscribers, who. will be happy to send them 'lpost pard,) 4raivings of the various styles of 'Piecing, prices, I Olci Pianos taken in exchange. - • CHAS. C. MELLOR & CO.. . per than intr. very eheaj)._ qpi2D3. 1.• 3r. nA cleane d, oak 'Cid'log notice -L. .hive stitching. oppoSite the • dge end, Mar- ALT. 825. Colitge! Between aprlB'6. HO 1 i Hall, , den Ave", = PA. . ' CB -J . ~ • ecou;nant. l • , ments !-1 • . Em-PCO7ELIU3.I EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION ", • - • • . . it . angcment of 1731 -r 1, 1866 ' ABS. TO :PUR6HASERS a _ Bookkeeping, orms an& Cue. etic,l 'Wetness terfeit Soney, t !; 1 i . 'I - ' I • AVID G just received a large stock of A 1 A lEs'; RENT'S BOYS' &- CHI.L— -) DEEN'S SHOES BOOTS:: • - ' 1 GAITERS ' PERS SLIP— • '•1 • I • • • i • &c ' • i For Spring and Summer Wear; - . ' itobt i PtiILADIMP . IIIA, I sin prepired toiaccommodate my old husto-' mers and the puhlic generally .' I have, the. beet selected stock ever Offered in Beaver. lair.' chased at t!hsluced prices,land will 'belsold at rates so low !that purchasers will - be reminded , of old time.t - T - df any of the stock sold should rip, I ; will ihriir it free of charge. Thankful for past faforS, I still claire a liberal share. of, public pltronage. .'RCiBT 'TALLON, i . . p. I (At Old Eitand,) siorlS il' . '''' I', BEAVER, PA.' 4- . ' FIT'TISEST..7II,Gr . - I LLARS came Subjects, ree inonl4, ABS.. $ 7 iee mos 10 NATIONAL PLOW CO., ROCHESTER, PA., AlEqw.Altt UFA CTURIIITG a 1 the varieties of • . Steel end - 'Mat Iron Plows, : and would 'call the attention of the Ferran; of Beaver; county; wishing to larches* • • f Plows or Plbw Pointe, to the . Mepenor Finish and ' • . , Quality •of bar. - • • 1ek.A..41.4 INN ORK WARRA4NTED-liii . , Thd Points and Landslides fit the corres ponding nuzubera of Pittsburg plows. Milert i •Olißplew casting. bought. [aprlB:ly I= =3 &I 12 'ies, molds, 0 e i reort A I. of Areistaiote. , • 14egue, Celle ge al rEducator. l ! ghth • Street. P.E RCA. '• : ' 4. --1-10 St. .COMMISSIONERS' It*EIPT fortruseat-• ed LandS in !hi borough of Bridgiwater, for the yes:1411861 and 1862, allowed, on set tlement With . .I.' M. i Barbour, Collector of Tases;' Ap ril 1862,i for $42,28.. Any person 'finding the saMs will please return to THOS. ALLISON, Treuurisr of School Board, Bridgesisitisr. . ripr2s C OAL I IWILL deliver to tha Bridgewater, Beaier and - vicin4y, g good quality'. of coal,• et the sliottest noticS. Wag- On" can.. litany time, be,stipplied at thwßaak, on. MlOnt,ey's-rtin, adjoining the bin* got Wm. Porter, Esq. • Orderslett with '3crtat Praxis, Bower, Stiles & Bhallenharger,Efidg4 , water,' M. ranip,jr,, Reeliester;,lo ,prompt attention. C. MOLTER, 244 • ' Eridgewatwr. • IILOVER SEED-"-Prime; :14UISVILLE Lrmt;. WHITEWASH ;BRUSHES; ' SELIP-BISI-Nq PLOIJR;. , For, imile!st MU& t SHAMENBICROVreI 1 • - 4- • ' I - 4ie-sciirivz 11E1 11111 Pittsburgh Nieney 0,40' MEM TANT TO PIIECNASEII.3.t • . bers are tie' exclusiie vtikoli4 • - 81 R'o'od Stivei; 4th St. and Diamond Alley. m. .Pittsburg, !EVERYBODY t. lIMI ' BOOTI Aft .kkot •-• 4 • . i 7 / , - 1 A BTATIV-14) , - 111111*.coolatyln111 416 - . oiiiiiiialloi~l9lll,ll l Brllol 4 T -of Lk_ „gollitS7 sok Tate" 1tn•18436,41t1N0!*•04540 , listed *We!: - 1 41:ifflfteh -041 k 2- Free‘Oat " - Z13. - 11' 4. 1 .18!r - "' Rargdony, ; • . 16, Store; ,- Rochester bor, •• 17: DotiliftdrittOulif - Rooheator tp., , "." • 18,- do' • ''}'u` ; Beaver, 19, Office; • Bridgewater; ' 21, Proudliy - FaUston, 22, Toll Muni Now Urlghten, 1$ e 2 linewtt lidless; - Pattsrson i ,,26; - 1 si Dest', - 02114 ' Georgittotrit; Glasgow *4d Oltitip - ; 29, June Island Bung ; \ ' $O, Darragh!" ate* Industry, 61, Aber!" Pulaski, ; ' Jaae.l, hasß. Molise* s; .• . Ruonomy, ' ' 16, G. Ast nr dy's; Aoefth!" sts,P, Marion,' 9, Hatlzets; North Sewiehlf, - - New Bewlekly, • 21, "0. Ra • Darlington bore, -. - 26, took'k .* Darlington tp,il 26, . 4 7, , • Bearer,Oalikeo, • 27,-Graibimei Wash. ' ; 11.. - BeaiorMoinswood,26, -johnstotes Chippews, j ;29, Mrs.Cuntilughoyeit BeiveT, , ' • 30. tees; Brighton, • i , July 2; R lakitt'iLL 3. Beaver, , • 6, Jos. Lawrottooiss„ , do sad; Olio, 6, Herr's "tote; *, ; Ohio,' "' 7, 111:: R. Daintier* . HooltstemrS. ' ' 9,---13weariegstei beta; do and Groom', 10,. do' • 40.• Hanover and'Gresne, 11, li. Hutehlitaties; 'Frankfort, : 194 11.31.WCatelietia's3 Hanover, • • la, Adtims' storey. **- Offieo: , ItaecoOn,- D. Farinese,- Independents, 17,• Johniroluke; Hopowellatlndopon'oelB, johnstoei der% Hopewell, - 19, Scott's - 7 h. Moon, .214 WM 11114t's i . - BlL;Piimenti . 'Atitmile in '11414,111- lag districts.. , AlLlisiMass inst. be .Pailbot..t. fors the Ist. ofJulj. 4. IL A. ADAMS; April9'66:2m. ..Trossprer. E. , REAIMCITCRE, . 1 4 SONS , M anutacturera of: -. . j • - . • ; . ..1. • : , . • =REVOLVERS,o=REVOLVERS, la f Ntiii . , 11,17 S IC. E,T S & C - ARA I IT131;'; • For the 11. States Service.. Also t 1 •• ; • Pocket and Belt . _Revoltiosi, ,_._ .-- - REPEATING PISTUIsB; . - 'i," . RIFLE CANES, RR yOL !LNG•,li*lr , ld R$ Rifle and Shot Gana, and Gun Materials,:aold. by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally:* " In those da;s of irousettreokisig and_ Robbery, eiiiy Rouse, 'Sksre,Bo* and qfeett,: ebeuld have one of '! 1 ...., . i REDO:N . OI I 6W it REVOLV ERS. ~ Parties desiring to avail tkemselieit of the lite intproveMents is Pistols, and iluperlor , wdrkmanslup and form, nill fitid'alt combined . ' in the NeW 1 ' l' : - ' -_ • . . .. REIIIN,C7'ON REVO,DVERS. - . Circulars Containing cuts and'ileictritteit'ef our Aims will be-furnished upon tappliitatitia: E. acmoolomit, SOloiS,' Min, lir. Y. Mom. & !inutile', rA kenaii, - • • - 4 - ORPHANS' COIIRT4AII... f.j: , 110 Y virtue of an order .Of the harm '. Genet L ipp of Beaver. count*, the undersigned; - '• Guardian of Ma ry _Mitchell, :Tana 'Mitchell: - James Mitchell,Blissbeth Mitchell; Margaret Mitchell, minor children of Nathaniel. Mitch , . ell. late of Borough r township, deo'd.„, vrill es.. Poe.e..tp s salkby Public,Vendie or oat-cry, ea the Piemises; on ' ' _ ,r '71 4 : 1 4 - K, - AIM 18th,-1566, --- , ID at 1 o'clee , .o.;ni., Alher-foMoirins. described' .real estate situlite'in BdrimskAownehip,lies ver county Pa.i•about,l,Mile.wo . .. ofthe be. a rough of Beaver, n • the road Ittadin* likipei i said- borough id Vanport, to-wit: . . _ • i , let. All that Certain lot bOunded north b 7 land of daiinte Waters west by land of . Jam•m: Watersslid fothet huid r south.by public road. and east by 1110. sitparating it front Beaver • Ceinetery grOunds; Containing four 'acres. more or, less, all incrosed; on which, is a two • stou,frame dwelling houne and ont-bnildiagni. 2d. Alf that certain 'other lot ,oU ground. being part of Academy fiit, inmbering fatty,: seven m the general plan •Or*eitsf 7 i:tmy lb* ' near the Borough of Beaver, contaitung g right acres, more or less,all cleared and_inislosed. • • ' Terries.—One-third of the.pirchaee.money on toe -confirmation of the tale by the co o n, 'balance in two equal,- annual' payments from. that :date, with Interest thereot-from ease, time, to be secured by bond aftikniortgage. For : furtherinformation, ingnire of the ua- - dersigned. ' ' D. L. IMBRIE, - . • ' 1: iprlB'66: . ' Guardian Of said' minors! , _• -• ___ Ccierehip Notice. HE undersigned have enteredii i k Co-Psit-‘.' _ ne rship , under the firm of •Wild l / 4 13kielili 71 Co.,;for the purpose of igsiiutitettiiiiiikg Woolen GoOds. I ~:, BENJ. WILDE, - • JOHN R E EVES. THOS. L." SHIELDS, - WILLIAM FISH; W. F. FUNDENBURG, S. B. MALROY, HORATIO W. WILDE. New Brighton, April 2d, '66.=4t: ADMINISTRATOWS . • LETTERS of ad misty:mon on 'the . satato of JAMIIIeMIIRRAT.Istiof Darlington town; ship., Beaver coS, deded., having been' Mai ed.lo •the undersigned, all peisons indsbfitil • are required to make jitundiuStpaytien,t;.siiii those haring elsiins will Present thorn, ;riqi . .; erly sutienticated for settlement. NATHAbi EAKIN; Administrator ? " .• • spr4'66. ' • I Darlington tp. BEAVER,-COUNTY, OIL COMPANY. „ N:rica is hereby given Oatthorn, a meeting of the §OckhOlers' op the above-named company, on-the 79th day of May next, at tholl. 3. Reran:re oftice, }leaver. - A full attendanoe is retueid'eld;as bnoinass of importance is to be Arausatted: - A IMBRIE Piesidenti. e. DavniroatlSecretary- , 13 . XL 1 C 9 is 'CO 7t.e) BEAVE,R;I PA. ' _ . J.. B. CLARK, Propritterr,; it'-i w• GOOD attached to tMfi Hcrnoe.: ' ' April 4, 1866.-17 - 4 c; ue en s - vvA,ria:. TEA SETTS ,COHPLETEL- - Arit Qrsargi &of!. Chimu, t • ~ DISHES !OF ALL rrNifs: _ LAMPS! 1417 CHIMNEYS:- Sold lg STILES . dr. BfULLEsE.tEltailt. ' : ECUTOWS' NOTICE. L ert ETTERS Teaimagatide n.thit7fialiitevel: part' dio'd,,• late of 'Raneoesi": twp., county - , having been. g i ant: et a the ,-undeveignad. all . ppiip4s . tiebtea to 541 Opiate are ,regpeatiof to mints= inioiitUVOkruntrlind t 1101.19 ,p - Oillinname will - prepent thena:,ptepaylyi . authenticniedloi settlement.' , • RACIAEL - BELL.**eputTlx..:; -. • - I ;- t , . . . stti,tutOtt:' / NEWS .eßrairroN; PA.. ; tir , -*- I.llllBDrit 'fiLOGIC. mu • • • pinkokte;fslikl,.2.7. II II U FM •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers