:•}L. , l3ollipletoritieteffstriiistay:latlN* MEI , _ ur %‘g best chariest, and most siteceitia Pastry. Paper inike-Union.:".-, , ARPER'S-WEEKILY - - • SPLENpIDLY CWaest.Notitie" of the Pr4l • . • 'll4 bear Family papsr published is the States.".—Yes London Adrmititer;...- 'Thu xoost.Nzwioarza of , eur toiantry-!- -oarni-I•Ae in all the departments 7 ef is Allier'. I:ri ?slily Paper—llwapan's *silty has Il='A :1 for Itself a tight to its , titlo 30tfit .11{ CIVILIZASIOII.' Simini - . • This Paper furnishes the but Mann:gime. !future hisioristut• enrich themselves 61' Esiper's Weekly long after writers. .a,bol. painters,' and - publishers are turned to Ins • "0--Yete Fork 'Evan/east, nooesslty in every honsehold."—Borton Cr script. • "It ;sit once a leading political and his -alsnitilist of the nation."--Pula. Feist. ,The best of its oleos in •Laterica.."—Bot 'LA Trovelks. . _ ... - suescßirnoNs. .1 8 6. • Vie Pathogen have perfected s j oyesem of mail;ing by whilloOkey can supply the MAGA ?..IszI and WIISKLYTfOmpay to those who pror• :nave their periodicals' directly from • i)alce of Publication. Postmasters and . • .7. %estrous of getting - Clubs • will be ak;. 1.1 :1 with s bandsonie .pictoral The - stage on P • --- • W. • portage on Han?En'a WINULT 15 ,ens a year. which taunt be paifi,et the tab postoffice. Terms Ii tirsa's Wissr•roniyear . . $4 00 ',in :Extra , Copy of either the Witztv.or. ‘a.tilai will be supplied gratis of every Club ezys Souscatsgas at $4 ,o 0 each, in ens re sniannee4 or Six ,Cvies for $2O 00. .C.ielilirumbera can In supplied, at any time. ".the -Annual Volutae3 Of liar.rin's Wirxtv; next cleat binding. will be.seiat bv express, free of expense, for $7 cacb. complete set, egg 'riaiag Eight 'Volumes sent on:.reoelpt of at the rate of $5 25 'per vol., freight ei exii4ue of purehaeer. Address HARPER. & BROTHERS, FBANULIif SQUAUX - , New York. A CARD ' TO THE LAVES: • 113. r. iattpOilgo's tiVolden Periodical • FOIL FEMALES. Infallible InCarreoting Irregularti .5, Remov lag Obstrucilons of thelMonthly Turns, • Pons Whatever Cause, slid . ALIIATIISUCCESSFUL AS A PILSVENTIV2. It is nati.over thirty, years si.ce the "hoe celebrated Pills were first discolvered - bylfi: D.U•PONCG, of,Parie,.during which timer gm have been extensively and successfully, used in most of the public institutions, as well as in, private practice, of both hemispheres, with unparalleled success in .every case, and it is only at the "urgent requeit" of the thousands . of Ladies iyhe have used; them,ftliat he is in. duoed to make the Pills public flor the alkyls 4.iJa of those suffering from any Irregulari ties. 'whatever, as well as to pi rent an - in crease of ramify, wherehealth will not permit it. Females . peculiarly situate* - or , thrme supposiag themselves so, are cantiOned agains t using these Pills while in that clindition, as .thirproprietor assumes no responiibilities of-. terktie above admonition . , - altlinugh thei mildness would prevent any mischief. to healthy fithirririse the Pills are recommiled.l .Price $l,OO per Box. Six Bo4S $5,00.• Sild by S. Smith, Bridgewater . ; Noble is Liarnitton. &fairer. S. ilannen, grmbester. L siiet By sending, $l,OO to either of the ah iver agents, can have the pills; sent (confi• ileatialiy) by mail, to .iny part of the eeun , ry, or address the Proprietor, 8. D.IIIOWE let CHAS B. fitTRAT 131sulreir ar;cl. Broker, • AND 'MALTZ 1.3 f Real titate, Stooks, Government Bonds, and other Seemitiee., INS MANCE& CLAIM, AGENT, Conveyancer & tienerailment. • i f VIRE subscriber having, opettedian office at Rochester, 4in the room .Is(cly occupied b,y ; F. A. Fortune) respectfully solicits, tlie,pa'.. trotutge of , his friends-sad - the ia gear oral. . • - t I -. Partieulsr attention given to tL ,adjustment of 9.fficers'accounts, gall ALL diiiO3 out of the presient war, such as fissions, Patents, Doanties,kars of , Pay, Prizi Money, • !Being agent for the .lEtna Inatirance C. of Radford, Ct , the ;forth . America' of Philo • delphisi and the Manufacturers' & Merchants' ofPittsburg, I will issoe policieslin either of the companies namde - -,ompstu." _ %Farms. hiS.usessind lots for sal e . • shores in , the Oil lands of the celebrated Isl and Iritn,region for sale, where erery well has 'in:wed 'a success. Also sliares tn!wells pro dUcing or under way, ondleases.l I . I will also soli my residence in Rochester, beautifully situated. and within a fewminutes walk of the Ohio river and Railtray stations. Tenni liberal. I I ! • Deeds drawn_up and ooknowledgedi Fire risks taken_ in ern llnsuri4ies, Companies. . • ReVenue stamps atsays on hand; • Refers,to John Czaghey, JOs.lPlupuner, W. R. Smith &Pittsburg.l •_ CILLS.B. HURST. `Rochester, Nov,.,' • ITCH 1 -ITCH 11 ITCH 1 • ! ! , fioratch! S:o,ratoh! I Scratch ! 1: WHEAL N'S OINTMENT WILL CURE THE - ITCH IN . 8 BOIIR diviSO • cures SALT RHEUM,' ULCERS,, CIIILISLA L INS, sod all ERUPTIONS OF lib SKIN. Printi 81 cents. - Plail3lle by aU • Drugests: , 1 . , • . By sanding 80 cents to WERE'S &PO f TER, I Sole Agent,. 170 1 WasAington street, Boston, Ma.:".., it.: will be 'forwarded 'hyl mail, fres of postage: to ally part of the Unit/d States. ~ 5ept20 . 85 , •--Cmos. , I - • ! ' L qat'Alt EtEAt, - I 1 ,! i , - • _! -- WA R-0 RES S . F R.' IL C. =IN is happy to annonnato his Lis old cnitomersi that he has been dis charged (rem the service of the .Viited States, and, orneid a shop iv she frame building ad joining:4i. Orr's Store. Lidiii' hair cut in the most .`approved (81yltt. He itn;sts &is old friends will r^new their patronage. 1, Raving tarried the flag of`the 45th Reg. : • for 'almost a year, in the, battles around Pe. tershurg, he thinks himself entitledta.• a fair shava.of this public patronize. : . Dissolution of Partnership! "WOTICE ie heteby given that! the partner - *kip heretufme existing , in the Milling, business between Robert Kite; John Aehis• son end Z.'S. Mason, of New 61nlilie,Ilesver °shut Y,l:tl;',nitder the firm Ot t Aeheicti, Portly ac itudsen; wits' dissolved' O r itliti. 22d, 1866. Robert Potter and John Acheson !wring , pur: shased , the 'entire interest.-of J. 8 . .! Thsdson, -Ihslesnlness trill be . totriutited is Astute imder she trip of Porte!' . 4 iSehesou.' EfOr66. • . I iiilEfit I . 1 NEW BRI I ' .7 r H'A I RONi..N% AeRICVLitiR CARRENTERgI BLICK.I3)IIT V.ABONS• T, SHOMIA RS' TOOLS,; TOOLS L 31INEtiS' T OOLS. ' SADDLERY HAIRDWARE ° t • • BENT FBLI.I I & WS SHAFTS,: t, ' LOCKS, BOLTS a; HINGES, MATTOCK'S & HOES, COUNTE I R:&P.d - AT;OI4SCALiS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY 1 11_2 I LIORsE,SHOES & NAILS,' • TIRE. CARRIAGE , DOLTS A Nun.' CORN SLIELLERS, STRAIT CUTTERS - Pills, • t '. _ • NTS TON EXCELSIOR:MOWER AND REAPER; :AID NEW BEDiti.TON FIDE-BRICK.WORKS. Dec6,'o4.. I ( 4 . BOOTS A t' THE PLACE CheL - ' Hew York, DON'T 1111•111 LOUIS F A NUFACTU .L Boats and 13 • He keeps an excel4ut supply of ready-ma - de nark cc.etaatly on head. • Boots and,sboes m delta order on ahorteit ao iiie and most rlatninable ters. B. has, Enod tiorktr_eti, and can't br exesiled by a ny other ca.ablisb,ment, in Weit. Pa. • • Mon, women and c advantage, For the, ,best • an octll'66 HiceL & R tthi • • ATTORNEY'S AT . LAW! uti ILL at4end) to legal business of all V Prcimpt attention given to coI 7 tections getierally Licensed. Agents for col lection of Pansiotti, Bounty, arrears cifj Pay, Prize money, PaY,letc., of Prisoners of !War, and all kinds, of Military clitims against the Government: : a rOfFice— • • Caner rkef t , Street arkd the Diamond, (immeeiately in.the rear of Court klouse,) BEAVER PENN'A. Ljan • A. C., BARLOW •M. D., I SURGEON 'AND PHYSICIAN 1111[AVING permanently located in BEAVER tenders hip professional- Services 'to this citizens of Beeper and adjoining villages and country. . Having had; twenty years eiperi - ence (over four years as-an army Sufgeon) fedi% coMpetent •to command the confidence ir those who may Wish - his services.; Callsoday or night,' proirtp(ly attended gek - .office in the National Hoed buildin : • where he may bertound at all honrs, day, • night, when not professionally engaged.l ' 5ep2013.5 1 SHA4LENB,ERGgit, .D I ZALXIIII IN 1 • I 41AND QUEENS WARE, r. lEirlagewisite serto4try pio!luce wanted Davi EXECItTOR'S NOTICE. ETTEM3 Testementary ,on the estate of T, W. N. Banc, .dee'd., late of Raccoon twp.; Beaver count haying been ed to the ' undersigned, 111 . pertonal in debted to kl - -estate,mi.e requested to Ms* immediate payment, eta - these having claims against theant te, present them properl,. anthentiest for settlement. • RACHEL BELL, lisin apr.4l6: - failsoon "7:. • ;17• ;":1111FlOrig 1 tit • ~. ._ , IrICON.PA• v M! 123:1 WARE GLASM.,' 1111 L IMPLII&ENTIS, I TOOLS, S'_ TOOLS, 6.)0L5,, i. Tr§ 'TodLs, SADDL I • , PLAS ND SHO ESti El I ; TO GET 7HEM I I • ~ I 7 IMII 1. 1 - d: Du rable. Fill IL I T9 CALL. 1, I- =I • WEINMAN in,' of and Ratan Basler in nes, Bridge 'EWATE.R:: !, GRID i iildren will find. it to ilk's.? to give him scall. • _ I ctieipoot article go, l to UIS (Drudge at:, Bridgewater. h - -I ,4 l74.Arthe'llo4lt i rr v * *9 '' L l, l Tl ai, X_e r :T. : Bl::: heis kil it it , -- "kll iittin ST l :R lib Eß:B ot : s f mna lfil lhebtwer/011te *he .-pablbrand , tlh exit esepesseseisig eilint s *estfits etaistri(or it:•-- It restores parktfikib original: alOr, make. itsfellieg 01 or .:t> trill*, gray ; tures tdelf head.; ache? and ell disease; of the scalp; harsh,-1 w hiillule iry lut ; i 1 : - t ul o ° 1:4 84 me raff sft, blin plia dni b ir le ;1" i ''llliii4l.llll luxuri.. l by glossy. Itiiii *Pot* le i. tad all hat can be 'leered Itir 'a 1-' sing.l 'lt eel. i no susier4 khdai*ellier miners! to • *cirri- leas to - the Amid - and; klth', and of whirh, most , iptipsrationsow la ' are compobed;but is* 0 1 Irlyely.vegetabie c 1 . Wa enatabutue . eua Woato to produce a Instance where the Re storer has failed wh a used according 'felts redtions. Among thethousands who haVennetil it !re have yet to lei lof owe who is not pet feet.ly satisfied with • Iresuls.". Rai white Si raw is with ssarechnu rapidity restored' to all its pristine heady by its use. It is not a dye, but by supplying the secretions of the capilla ry' glands acts as tt,festoref.,' 'Mothers, whose children's hair iqufre - li, sari', or thingnd scant,' will find hj using the Restorer it will inentedi ayly i4prove end may he dressed in iy &shr ed form, thus laying the foindation tor ,ayoefl Asst.°. 1 hair, so desirable- in. after e. The treirietor is *wire - of the many who hate been disapPointed by the high sounding Ure tenrie of the numerciao preparations with llwhiFh ther.market; has been tilled for a few ears past, bat such 'entire eon/dotal does he. ' place in the merits pf his Restorer that be of fers, in all cases, tof'rijand the money it,i after a thorough trial of ttro2ootties, ft, falls lo give per fect; satisfaction. A single trial will 'convince the Twat skeptical of iti 41erite. •Put up in large bottles and sold by all druggists at $1 pi bottle. DR. P.. B. CLOCK, Proprietor ' Manchester; N.H.I J. 'MOORS, Ihtrgglitto Beaver Agent for Roolrecter, Midgewater andleaver. 1 )IcClar reit. & hlctennaft, Wholesale 'Agents, Pitt's burg, Pa. ' •I . Ejen3l'66÷-Gtn. l - • t ORPHANS' do U Ili SAtE. • •• 1 i , • — Y virtue of an order of 'Orphans' I Court; .._ of the county of Beaver, the ntidersig*- ed,. guardian .of Columbus May, I Clareqi [May, and Ida May, Minor childreu* Ellen I ll.play, dec'tl., will eipose to sale bye Public NreEdue or, out -cry, on the premises, on - ' Priday, - .llcly 11, 180, .. • I at 1 o'clock, , Ii m., the interests of said rui -1 nors; being the undivided. three-fdurths of the renewing described real estate, situate hißor ough township, Beaver county, Pa., viz:. • to. *Allthot certain lot tounded north by an alley, (separatin." it from land of I. Cole and others) east by 'by the eastern Water Lot or Itheoongh all:atter; ,south by lot ofJohn Barclay, and west b an, alley, containing been ter' 4.11, more or less, all enclosed; part thereof Cleared and pa in timber.:. ; : • 1 No. 2. All that certain other -lot ground, bounded north by an alley ,;1 separating I it Dion lands of I. Cole, ton the`east by an alley, on' the sodth by Boles' heirs and alley, and lon Die west by Public road, leading,froin Beaver toAchortown, 'containing about 10`, acres; morere or less, allencloded. A good spring up- I . on; tile lot. - . . 1- 1 '•The above t sie . lots lire beautifully belted, juit back. , of ' the boroitiLh of Beaver and em. bracing the slope or hill-side. overlobking the town ._ 1 ' - il . I. TEAMS.—One-third of the purchase, money in, hand on the confirniati_n of the st•tle bi Op eciait., and the remainder in twir.eqqal annual inst4ments, from: that date, .iritli interest,l the deferred insialinients to - be secured' by . bond and mortgage.] I • . .. 1, For furtberinformatcon, inquire of the un-: divsigned, or ofl , Capt.` John May, Beaverj , ,-- - _ 1 DAVID FERGUSON, ' .1- 1 • ' ; G'uiardian of Minors, &c. • Nora.L-The other Undivided one fourth of the premises above !described belonging to Mrs., Susan Campbell ' will also be I offered at same time. •.. Ll • 'I. ~.,. 1111 . \ I W. .• ' - NotiCe. , , I N the Court of Co mmon Pleas of II County. 24.13 - Nov. Term', 1865. Amelia M. Moore. . by hernext friend. ; . I - It. IL Agnew; • • I Linn, IS litroaos. i _ • Charles i ,Moore. To Charles A. : Moore, the above insured re. spondeid . : You ire hereby notified, to' be• sad appear at the neat tesm of laid Court. to be held. at Beaver, on the. first 'Monday, of. Jude; 1866, then and there to answer the complaint of the libellant, and Co show cause, if any you have, why her prayer for divorce-, a vins,ulo matrimosii, should noilbe granted. : - - . 1 . I JOS. LEDUC- Sh' i f I &mares Worm:, Bever,'aprlVlA. - Woolen IN NEW B , . I .! HE suliscriber bari n g thoroughly , refitted and prepared the property knave as the ' Factory, directly opposite the Post Office, Tin in New Brighton, Pal, is now prepared to do all the work generally. done tin Afirst-Oaas Fedor', such „1/.4N0P.4 CTURING 4ILAN R EVS, FL:INA:ELS, CLOTIIB,,CASSIMERES SATINE.IS, 4-c,'SPINNING YARN,C.-11tD 7 IN.. ROLLS, PULLING 4- cLetra PINII: ISHING. Employing none but the best workinen, :a nd using first-class machinery , th e. Pu*li - e-6' ay rest assured that their work will - be:well done , and prbmpily deli-vered. , 2 - Gite us a call and examine t , , ou -glade and prices before ping . elsewhere.. All, .work war ranted.. 1 JOE.. PONTBFRACT . Neer Br: 1 ~ I New Brig4ton, Api. i B, '66:3in:- I • + • • ' ~ :‘ • , .1 ; HAT p Of =.," MT? 1 - 1333±met'6 BRIDGE OT.,IBRIDGERAtER, DM . . , 1 -L-- , • .1 HE subsoribei: - respectftay Till T. were respectfully, informs j the , •public that hei is now receiving NEW . GOODS consisting of WALL PA PER L INDOW lALIN VARIETY 'GOODS, WILLOW . WARE; 800K5..1 . PERODIfi CALS, STATIONERY, , --, EXEC UITOR'S isTPTICE. WriERE $ letters testamentary haring j i • 1 . been flied to the u dersigned,or. the - ' 'i 0 state oeRICH all Ararat, take of Brighton•tp. Haring thoroUghly re fi tted myStere Room,' ver eon ty,) Ps, .dece siu), all persona and - in daily receipt, of Goods freei New York knowing theiuselves indebted 'to said ; estate city, I offer to the publio.cheapee than - can bti are requested tot make payMent Immediately bougkvin rittaburg,'or any neighboringlvil-1, arid those ha ini claims agalnsi the mune* will t,lfett lags An examination of my large And yarled l ; present the to the sribiterlherdulyvithenti stcck will convir.ce all that what I publish lel' sated for set A east. I - c-'-tt..4 strictly true. I • 1 • . 'ikN It W.WATTER ) KN. Ex . r. ligi.ltemember the place. 7, - . - I•apr3'B6 j janBl'o. • „ , i r , " Brighton . CP. -,. .-Farra :for Sale. Tin want end of the Farm Iniawn" is the - ' And*ew Glass 'property, situate in Ohio, township] Beaver county ; containing On //mired qnd Fort.y' Acres, about otie hundred acres cleared and under a good/nate of ettitita *Eel*. is offered for sale. A good orchard on the premises: if Isis on the head wavers of Deahler's Rue, vvitfifte . two' miles of the cele,: . prated and Run ' oil • •vegions. and. besaid to be good oil 'territnry.'. For particulars,: in quire of. John. Johnston neu..the pienisa4 or of Joseph Lawreneel South Beaver tp. • i • - i;iej and man • LADIE Cassimerei 1 21 Prints,ll krer `s,ffe I Ladies', cABPETS, • the Lvergest Stock and. heat 'Assortmeit • of Qi Carpets,^Aloor• n Hearthl - • I Rugi,. Kitt* &ci, ever: ofiere • • • 1 I • • *and at extreulely Tow prices. - • • Persons in ant of anything in ouriine, would do well give us a calt, as we are I de. termined to se our etocliAtt prices which pill astonish all. • • i ~tr iiiir:Bern Me place: • • U DAP, L LIIITER "Sr, CQ., 186 Federal at 4 doors ttelow . Idal:ket-house r sprB:2m} • A LEGIIENY CITY. LOSSES $ 1.,, Faditbi _ L IGHTo , ,PA, El Ea MEM `.- 1;7=1 DU col i st , . ..--, - - .. :77- 7 - : =7 fl,: . l r ii r i . figisilillsi , :. . 1144 fins, ChOks, 10, q ....: to. the pure . f!t t4ii city . : _ - :Also. a , 1; 14. Atiooilmint 4f . , - 111 41 Childnies 1 A 9,154, I•yles ;old prices, it , ,IF4 reduced riktes. IL tL6rloW; GSAci. liiiiii A 01 46 YEARS I OVER iNSURA CE ICOMPANY Ii KTF ' ORIt, LT. TETI% 1665 1 , I "'7;3:6i2,7,1 NET AS, $ 3,6 FEB EOM INT V tio ler Agenci and Towns in Application; attended to. oe r ii nni sii uer a lid t CHAS. C deetra. IA MIN II Di A-4,1g1t MI lupoffAmiij a~ AND. ; DI CM ANLi SILVER :MOWS . ITABLE ME SIL YEIf PLA llroltr cs to ._..; AM CAN ~...' t I . • .; .. i - 411:17 Oro • : Speci , . - attention lug of all kinds of ' Wald - . . N0: 4 2 . , FIFTII marl4"66 yr gill ~i~'~~~ CM JAL INP I ITUTE', . Reir.R. T. I TAYLOR J A. M., Pre i sident. 1 THE next. - r erm opens April 5,F.1866. ',„4 ~ . I ' I i ' Every oppitunity for instruction in. any branch of sc ince or on any musical instru '.oitialsoTy I music, 1 p , ivate or in cidetes, . is afforded lidi at reasonable rates. i ___ , -'Lads recrei d in the PriMary Department; alS i t im small Drawing , / of any; degree of proficiency. ring an painting of every style will receive the s cial attention of; a first!-class artist. _. I . Tuition: St?, 10, $8,50, .in,d $12,50,: accord ing to departnient.. I ‘ .1^ • None but tkaroughly qualifie d and open.. ensed Teaehe s) are emplo ed in ant dbpart merit. ' For f r her info lion address mar2B'6s." It. T.: 7 , , YOR; President.. f AD.II.IN I LS tRATO.,'S NOVAE.. LELTERSof•adriunistration on the estate Jaci 1 MINIM, late of Industry tp., 1 eater, Bee e co ., Psi, ' dee'd, 1ia1 ,1 413 ' ir een grants t ;he undereigned, all persons indebted to s idestate -arelrequested to , make immediate pa. el:it, and 'those having claims i ~ aiming. the 8 Me will present them properly authenticate for settlemer4., ' • i JJ C. WILSON , Adm'r., :-. marl4'66, - ! - ' B Teter bore L I I 1 ,I in Dil3lloll lIIE firm solved p , all pen requested to without, fOrth feb2l,'66, . 1 . __, ign of Pirtnerahiri. .f Deatirghaih Boot shaving-die rtttership, on the litt day' of Oot., one indebted to the late firm are oat and settle eir edam:into tirldeley._ • 0A.11240118 BCOFF. gtant • 031,, BAIGWri)N,". - PA; • wit. BLOCL •I 0446* O FFION A - gtt r a•T urt to: Arytki GOOK ii • • I I CHESTER, , iron! Foitnne's Dry Gixidillet '_ • . efound a full assortmar . , - . ." • .Ro 311 l• 320 •IRO ci-1 ' , 3 LBJ: )1 91/IES, 1 ': • -I I One door Maor ~ - 1111 PtTRE' A Lso, F SOAPS I , IHE B i pSTIPERFITICE '-• , • FANCIIXTOIVET,IARTICLES, AXD. P I All kinds dfy,ent i c L. 4.51) IS.A Risks.. a tholou e piinapsl Ciao int. physiCians and others can rely upon h theiiipeseiiptions aserately filled w . - 1 • • p ut . Ilea imes only ' 1, .1! ' - . • , • H Roaheitet., March U, 18067,17 preedptir . ALE. Agetit;:' Few Brighten_ GEO, T . IST OF LETTERS, uncalled for, rem j_j• ingni!the'PostrOffice, at Rochester; April 1,, 8043. ' • - - t. Mrs. Belle Armstrong,•John C. BTyltss R. Bityrca iillarnard Bricelin, Mr. Dard; DigrlY., s Freeman, William Francis; - CI Grosh, 111 t ry Greenwood, liooker,& AnnicH44 l ,d, IL I F: Lelb.dicob "Longited David Illerhson,lMiss M.. E. ANlcGown, Tar'olinc iller, 'William Pinder, Samuel I terson, 'Mies 'Jennie Patterson.. Miss Roder, Miss Mary. Bell Reno, Miss Mary' no, I J. Stover. Miss. Mollie.Shaffir, Sarver., 41in 'Shaw. James D. Taylor, , Thompson,Belle George Wilbert, Rev.lSti ,el W4rner,,ll.llrs. A.! Withrow', Miss ienniel ,Lson, 't, T. M. TATLOIL.P. ~ S RWELY, 'AND Pomo ' KNlvEs_ 'c . a., MNTUVICIOXV 2 l • • 1 I. ' - it . '. t 'ti hand i l ' 'ithil 1.. Pu t . luili c :' ll (li a o r il. Ira lo m n F rame ) C lot h e s aud';wo l uld call attention to the Manufnctur-. "er's adverlleenient foil the !Universal ielothee Wringer, • l iy. G. Woif, l A gent. Mr t W,. hiving rcracvell"frm the State and transfericil his LI ( .i .ulachines o ine,..liivill kecii n constantle 4:1 1 7+ f Alsio;' - constantly on hand, 'Crude Oil b the ' barrel eil crude'oil burners . ; '— I—, 0c!.5 li 308.14:1'CLURP., Agl. Beal', 3F° WARE, , & BRONZES, mocks, ! • dm, Yi glvin to the repLir 6. •1 STREt7,, PiOsburg, 1;',61.1 ;e4i. D9OR !ACTOlti' , , J i A I. . i11f9T..T.11 ; .! ~... ..... ••:I••ALFILED . I L OIL ' S i l l I ACK & SHOP 14 g 4 , . L . 4 I._,* Cori /tam de; At(irbuis, Street.i,i - T i'' ' I. A . ' ' IPITTIBURG Pt.. !. ''. . ' poorT s ". ...Wfitherbilirding, I , ash; I ,Poo s Aiz;neidiraektl, & Mouffirg '... ebiaya Ton;bend or euide to order.' . rimy 7:17 c_ . —IL?, HE] SI'ItING(' TERM pF THE HOOES-= TOWN HIGH SCIIOOI. iv ill domino4e 1 , , 4crxDkr,' ;A _ A mu.. -4ND; . 1666: 'lLonith of term, foutteen ;weeks. • Tuition 'for' r cothroon branches, $6 5 01 . • insherlbrorichos, ,$B. TeaFber— mr7:6t . 1 R. T. , M'CREA, A, L0T.1.0 °' stl • opened for subscriptions to 13 the' Capital' ,Stock Of the' 4.ohio*ille it ailrotid,'•lat. the flew Brighton Post-office, on, Virecfriesday, -the llth of between the hohre - of - 9 a in. and 4 p. ni+ IV:m.lG,'Darley; C. 0. 'Bernice, W. 11: er son,EWnt. •11. Green, John, C. Boyle. prank W. ,Williams,{Conimissioner#. apr410642t.. - 'll' ADMINIST.R.I.TORS • 4 ' . . • • I T FT El t. of admuns tration on tbe i estate of LA ' Jlng LIALL', 'late' bt- Racecoon Beaver s co.,liieed; having . been, granted to tho unlersigned, all persons unlebtedtersid esiat, are reglies!ed tO make iounediat o paytnent, those. tavin t g laims'againit said es4te . preieuc the subseriber properly xi thentioated tor settlement. I . ROBERT 8. 1iA14.; Industry, tp.,. JANIES ORli, 4einion ' 1 ' Admitiisqators I AnourlisTE,A.TOli'S 'NOTICE.; TER§ o administration on tticestat T . •,, . . JA3OII. 'JAIfRIION, lilts of GOOTgOtOWI j j OrCo3o, , l3tMver couniy,,clec'd.,•hayinglle es grttsfed- tolthe undersigned, all persons till debted to iald.estate ari s i requested to nimbi mmedlate payrient, and 'dines hafing pleas -- againiit 'lab:test ate will iiiesent 'them to le subauriber iinftert7 authenticated for et-1 tleinant .p, - :1 . , : •- , 1, .f.i - LIZI,ilBIT1:1 — .110414501.1, Adserx. mitTlefifq ' ' Getagetewillorol, WANTED-1,0 1, 5,0004.10.4M0 Agents,r tea female, of tespeetsble iniplatali‘i"rom 52,000 to .$2:500 per atm sure r Aorta orythrolAL - Send 2t tate,' gee otp i and. full partiealanr. ' Ad. - Ictsrtrtgark; Mr :111 I 444 iftliti f il it, Pitts. .. • Qq8,4141.-T o',IL Oceor • 1 1 ::' .7 ' , :" /C:PAItDEE'I3, Can CHE'MICALS, and • ",'1 l FFNE.LIQVO s • ; AssOitaient pINSEED OIL, I 14TEAT'S ,FOOT OIL, srkftk OIL, LARD . OIL, Chtligol;l OjIL AMY 'SEC4D' QUALI: T X 1 i; BITE • E I A. 1 1 1 3 14 _ tNE TOL.- PE PULAR PREPARATIO OR THE HAIR, PateAt bletticiries alyrapi on it TOBACCO, I! Istock has been 7 inircbasea r• '!and ie °need it the very ,Lowstr Pawn) • • assistant, dir, i totas Diann, ==2=! cslesoi Slo3at:) ..,.. ,, is iN e, 47 ----4.0 -, , • . . S' 111T11.5. ,Atitltx A1)11:): i '''''.. L ITTMS *ATE ' - • tt , ' - 1 EOMIOL .; li i . tA . , t-cll tAPi.4 srocx::-4., . .- . ' . sBo•Cat, soiraroisi,7l,4lipt r, .$1,00.•so: EM MN :r •', • . -• 4 ... .. CM =Mill Vneeting !of the innikholaeri ihe .ishoVe'coinpaiy; held et . theli 'ollie' In fire hgrough iff.UtNtaintr„:Ainil 290.:1885; the fellowlng.iiireens were'bleefed int °Moire for,the enirlkeer; • - parstnitir: 31A.TT1S.).N PAR.RAG.H.; ><, TREABUREB azetttrAny: ' CHARLES B. HURST... i' ; ; DItIECTOR'S• ). neon Dairagb„ Milo R. Adams, tie? Stone, , Alfrid C. Hurst,' es Darragh; John 'Bigger, ' i Brannaman, Robt. A. Coebra*,, , Charles F. Kendall. • • . . • Ch Ja . 1 Le • A limited number' of: !mails ofjtock e above - Company may be had by appli iat the office•of the company. s - Mee in the Ditm - 6iiid. Rochest er, CHAS. B. HUEST; See'y. if th Cat io MI AT • ' ORE' 'DRUG STORE; May- be found the best assortment Of .DRUGS,.. `E; nek ola 1e 1 12. El, aftMIVCIO.44I42-DS • 17Mo I • LltLipons, WINES A.nd 3P a'l kits, Oil , A- I AND I , !'• D TIE S TAT'F•F Ss , A • TOILET RTICtitS, - SOAPS, It I,LT j 'A "E fRi . 1113 .r - ATEN'ir MEDICINES: - i n great 4a*ty, all of the best quality, and . .11old than eau he bought - at, ahy ether .Drug - Store itt the hounty.. • - Dhponeo's Female Ptlls , 75 cents per bolt ICheesareatt'it, $1: Cleric's, $l. , ' The pargest stock 0f.4 Lamps and-lam? Trimmings'. iLanterns, Stationery, Trindout Glass • and Putty. . ohil , . eye!. offered outside of thi ely 1 • at id oo• a re Drug Store, and sold -cheitper than can 'be bought anywhere else. Let these-who doubt. ',.thist call and see, and they will doubt nomotas i l pecl3,'Gs.!' ' .. J. MOORE. /11 er, ties at_;' s., Re- 4;26.0 :40 j TO 9[11331 mu- ROCHE*TEIt EMI Works. ■ MI 'illy; W. H. -A . • ! , EXECUTES iLL KINDS'OF = - , Plain and gicnanwital Work. VI _ ANHMRSTS, Head and Foot Stonee, of lyr:jihe.-bse,t Italian and Antericen Marble, UV the shortist notice, and the lowest prices. • I have on 'hands over One. Hundred sets of. Plain -and OrnaMentnl Headletoites, wh s kch I am offering tit' I 0 per, cent less than city . prices. All those wishing anithibg in my line; cell early and examine my 'With. Also, t h e best quality of Grind StenOutt Rochester, Mar. 21st, '6O-11111; . • '012,8 BEAVER, An English, Classical and Commsr- Schpol, for Young • Men and Boys, -• I At BEAVER, PENN' A. 1 . ME firlHE Spring session of this Iriatituiirk will open On 1• , 1 - • Wal?lesddy, April 4fh, 1 186i1,', d !and . 11eic' on Wednerlay. :27ch-Jurie, 51865. gidr . Por circular and 6Ilior• particulars, ad. dress tb*Principol, M. 41.6Tz, New Brigbtoi, Pay, or H. 'Wi t t Soo'y. Based of Trapooo, Beaver; Pa. niar2l,,67i2m T. ‘, 1 . 1-1 a r - t Of 32: DpNTIST: ), OFFERS 11IS SERVICES TO THE ,ZENS OF , BEgIVER AriD ..__ . . 1„- ; RTIFICIAL TEETH #ERFECTLY, FI T TED', Alaxcin.Aitito tiGAPBD, WEED i A• 140 COLOP to "Outt, evcry , indiiithmi, mounted:on . rfi e ;Gold, Silver," linslidr end i l F L e Anierican. vid Ito. All:, the net •st : les of t combination: wgrit Warranted tolititt. Infeet; leatisfaction; , . No charge for•extractffis Lwool2 - 1 *Kilt are - to . be " Med. t -1: . ',l , 1(1' • : :?• •'i All; 8:-.1tne, ' ortment of Tooth -140bee,' rc. 4 .24111. Btu eis,' Be., kept oothitsutlY. kz, 02,0 d: • 'Y •- • .1_ . • . ' ! ' 11160 4 :414 oti . Thira *itirst, - 2d deer Issiit . g.;il.-Andwrion's' • item.. -, • rmselB4lWitia: 1 1 . iNail XEAVER''' y + ..„. ME - — 7 1 : 115"1"8 ' , i1VONt ''' , 4 0174 . f?d In I.ltie"iArli I ,_. 1 IMA I R*IO Elte.s. .TEw.moN:rartyL - Ig t -r iaz 7...1utx-rtit, - 44 - ter,.47 - 4th itTii, . 4 t 4 rk i VultOtinf*ltiiiiili a r otoi Ifillreside never:had a.ttrely deli' *onion, nor ,the "Win s k m 4. Mend, than Heroesl ?da ( Protestant (Baltimore). I . , , 'The snoaPpopubir Mon ly in the *Oki' 2 ..-Nes !lark 06 . 8 frvek• •-- . 1 •- - '-'-' :. 1 • we rout refer in rata of ,iniegy• to t un .. high tone and var. ,excellefit 'of Hsos sr , • MAktiAlllll2---is ion al With . a .ntoathly city& lion Ofabotit I copies. ---n -Wiwi. so y eo he fon" siome of the choicest light W A , senizat rs!i&rof, the dai: We speaker 11,....• work wan evidence of the American People': ,Teowsillh/yood du Alidlfr° ri o ai tob Y: ut 41 4e ---%"* ite a d , '7 . t : a p .t u te lati rts,. ;y p it L e a ip iiiceijiribleiedssir:tattses ri ifw tei tilit;_ , : d o tub 'nutither 'el:retains fully. 144 peps,. of trssj.c.ie.ontily and the Own. Pthilossphiesl nuarterly, blended with the best, f eaturea — - AsAsny. It hap great• power" in the dissetS: ,* .ination• of a love; of pure lit erati/ie.—T ara; ••' feixi's Guide to, Atizeiiran,zo, ature, l o,74.;2, ~. - The *felonies horind•coestifUte 4 ,/ kt, c 4:0, 4 _ a.nbrasy. Of mtecallarieous reading' imet4 cannot:ha found / hi the‘ao,me compoqs hi & other publication that- ,Inio come nada od, . • notice.--'2P8192% t:_oieri4.; ..,...., ~.. . ' SITYBSORIPT/ONS. .. . , 1 -.... , . . • , . I 1 186 b. The Publishers hnve.perfeled .irrtein a --1 mailing by-which , t ,r iey can eti ply th•.!..M.os. '-. maw. and War.st l x - * otaptlk to . th je liliolic for to receive thek perfetlicalsi directly-teen 'the office'. of pubilaltiae } I it The posta ge . oilimzPsit's MAGAteta is ; It ' ' cente a year which must lle paid at the 80. i seriber'i post-oice. '. i -• . * .. • , - . I t I ke ' inf.% : • ' ' HAtf. sal i * SEtaikilic,, one: ;c l ear ... ; ..... $41011. , Niger . • An Eatra;copY of either he'4ilsoizis s s , will be .eapplied ` , .groge ' for 010'7 Club of •Fivz Sciscatazas ni s4oti eachin One • remittanee;_ortix64iii ° for $2O 011 . Back sintriherti,c,a / ..n - be.::siipli e d at any.tiow., A Coreple6.Bet,•,toosi *comprising Twentj.: , nide volumes, in -tertt clo t h. binding, Wit bs sent 'by express,:freight et expense of, tur , chaser, for $2 25 ' per vplume. single' iol. limes, 117 tint!: postpaid, Is 3 CO. Clothesiet,, for binding, 58 cents; by . mail,_ postpaid. A4l - . dress . I • '. r * - • ' HARPER't. BIWTFIERS, IFit,tikalw Sot - Aak. Nair Tear., Mil I IEIA_FY'S 1)/TENT TIYO. "%Vag - E l .:tn. Etraka. 1 ~ 17-- , -,--, •• - THE subscriber nnil oilvass E .1101.111. , ty, in the ordA of E roWnships, to seLT the right to use, 'make and vend - ,.... . . ,.. ~ _ J ; I ' ' - .. • Heolys Pt . wsitzticti n g wagon-Br a k e ; - 1 an Invention perfect In every re spect; for its use orall kinds of liCagon't, Carriages and Bet gies. It is a text I flit regulation to every van.- cle to Which it is S taehed, acting alike ?vino and certain imie .tll"circuinstimoces, ta..*l kinds ol . rotilleky 'lige& as well sslydly, ~ withl.h greatest Safety,'lee se ay& comf,, rt to horse and 'passenger. in ithout any aiteviie whatelver from the drive*. - 1 will veil in l iirki. ual rights to use this patent brake, or Ten. ship - mud Borough ti liteliisnlcs. Beaver, N9v2.2' 1 65 , ' . 1 .• C , . . . . , AGENT,' AN Nowln•Pre4*.td wilt be Ai ' HISTORY OF! OF! TEt:E COMPLE L . E. Irt two ~ v olutes. SIITLIVOMPETE.IS ON The IeoST tart rum and 3a/ua4'e td, iialgd, wlikall is; u'ly aktestpd. SOUS SA it it has reached or 30i and is nowiSelling - frithlincreas Sold only by Shhscription. E; tory giseti , . Forifttli pariieulars ,4,3 I • C 1.11141. A AMERICAS Pr:Br.ISIIING . 14S AsYlurn etfett. Ilartfird, rens. Spaasrox 'it 110ta. Agents. rinar7;4t Now • SHAVING , I : . - CU TOIIN 13. WIJILIAI4IS' having lust returaid 0 . from the army. •teil.4re he has served hit almost three yiMrs, Witibes to infdrin hiy form• er customers aad the iAlublitt gen'trallv: t h at he has opened *is shop in the north end of the • MARKET HpI.7SE: BitIDGEWATER.; where ho riil eario lin in hie fernier-O'A and fashicnabli 'style. By elose attention to businee, he . Lelia; to rn'erit and reeeire n al•ahare of pulillc patronage. - Tho.e gitbitj a-clean, smooth shave;•••or hair in a faoh' ionahle style, just st:oP In and gite Jolias trial: and. Le niala ealia4 . ed that he can plum them. • f..[de . eli:lit , • LI:ir•TS I'OiNTED 10 •1! AKE7OI'AR ' for the b e t eelling book no' publithed; A TIIR...t. ALI ka! TONIES OF 7711: Gladf • ' .oERE . . thici.v. CotnpriSiug, , beroie adventures tad 11,ii ! breadth escape l i of soldiers, Scouts. Spiesati Refugees; daring explohe of.Sniugglers,Gut illas, Desperatitea and othcrsi Talem of Loyal and Disloyal lVOmeni and of tae- Negro,; &c., &e., - with incidents! of , Fen , and-, Nerd mint in Camp.andlFiell. B, Lieuttosat Colonel CharleeiS. Orlerie: late of the Caked States - Army . . IHandimely Mutt:a:el la • engravings on sleel.and in oil colors. • Send for eire lars and seo the kberal tat ll - altered'. ' ' I '-; - • - 'l CHAS. S. GREENE;St. CO., Publisher , . No. 134 S. Third; Street„Philadelikis• ,mtirl4,'66.- t.:•; ; !..11 -,• - • '• ADALINISTILITOR'S ICOIICE VHEREAsteiters of adtonlistranon l ' the estatje 0 it%MECCA Nit:moms , 111 i, of boro. totenshiil, , Bearer count ;. I cls, deceased:having been iduly eraleted to the 'ago dersigned;• all Olson'', if:ldaho:no' said eitett are notified to Ike iinmediate paymest. l • o4 those hating el inis against .the same millpri• sent them prop rly anthenticSted for settle iii toentwithoatde ay. ! • febl4'C& j°S i r ' ' - 11 . 113 W I ,, rfS° B N e ' * A y d i n ; ;roil: . • , sx4c - k tp4'B NoTiO' li• r . - - f_ik',,,,‘,... [ 1 • rt.r.ti. testnaneii,Ary on the—gitili. . of• SPtur`,ij 'Mopes, ylate of( 1/60,°"! township, township, eavr Count?, Pa.',. deed. Patin/ been granted tq the tinder:signed., all tersoo .-. indebted to.Said•estate are reiutsted tpreski itnnsedister payment; and those baringjelsim i against, the sat I Will present them pVla rl i. authen jested f r settlern.ent. * . -5 ', ' •• '' ':. 11. PICAZEit Exseue 4 i... taar7 •-• - : • -; i ' il sorer r-----6, EXECIAOR'S NOTI c E.. .letters'testamerCiary on tit estate' df IgAncissi grightori county, decd.„—ltsli n n been granted - tot the Undersigned; all pert* knowing themiehres dndelited to said set t are requestedep! tni,de immediat e arid those haiingiclabris agairist t van e z° present them ptopoli authenticated for 1 7 flu:neut. - I , , iostpri c. WILSON. ter. i I ' awe , - dein AM .preparitti ..tq &near toal 0.A.1J ! at .. . the ' quality on ihsititivnieficte ' 0010.1 y, at J. N *Atkins' Clo th ing .fgare, lieivae , 81 27 AShallembeegarraGrimaty, tridgateetfri,U ', toes &Ws Syr Otiii4111111:0, liteek""! ' Oaailtiliti tattlidiiti: _,... 1 m 61' eMliellYllll.l46![* —. l '-' :•-illit--ru."7. lil M Amy*. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers