II h .-tbkiatiriiintix:o. ,- 1 - - - rei, ,as Andrew' J Hamiltlon it a-Unionist, .. - ,! ', l"- ; thl , ra '1,131 1 on whose loYalty there is no p WO , Olt. t.lnns- c,t,.,0 ; , . He was elect4.le Congresi;, W 118 .. i . 9tr ing da . , t g h t e l. I c e 0 3,: 4 / over tlie regular. pernocratiept-, fromjrelaad. I date. h'ecanee the latter, with the -01 0 w, - 1 'lf - , . . ~ AS a read tire regular•tieket; - vwas for....segeasion, t - A'meeting Ot; 1• • `When': called' by I 'D;ii While ,the . people were not. , •, ~ . ! Wyne, forAo; the , other Tt - iXruk meMbera se - ceded; 'at the Fenian! 's from Cocgress in k 16 1 1, he stuyed,Tand; of 'Twelfth' arid made *a- hearty Union speech; He; A grandinals - . Went hotnea Unientst;remainedtliere of Irish nation a Unionist; until he lad -tollee 'for bill - next weei• -- I life;'-then ho•vainO;NOrth-a- - ;Unieniet, - : .*•;' - : - - -s , --W - ° . ,' "H is . ! ' and spoke often and .zealously {for the . The tlenittrat of . tile tilert.l . Union and the War:! He. went Il bac i kl . ot the suspertst a Unionist. when - hei could de6in, and; in Ireland.has . was•appointied (lovc7tornis a U.niorT4.l mak: timo.ngs , :And now he Benda la message to the! Major • MICon • Convention recentlylassembled;te re•l MassachuSettS; ; I , -call to the Bro construct the State,; wherein. he; says ti to bald their': .• "It ie ti.:'favorite phrase cf - Many that; immediate adti 'this isa White.man!s Goveirmaint f; - -'•- I .. and it-is - declared to be the main!dutyl - ; IS - r•w - YORE” . ; of - those who represent, the people, - at . eels, one of Fenian .Brethe the-pi esent .time,ito take care tWat• iti .to members to Abell pontinue•to be so. .1 thank- - God England e r he thatthis nisi Whiteman's Geverniiient; and 1-humbly trust that the tiineltvill rebellion.i ; bef,oi never - 'come when* it shall cease tobe filling 1 :4 .i , ”l i so • . 'nu t. lf,: by the deeltirattrielhdt. if,lrishmen t this" is a White mantis Governifient, it' idly 13 . y/ 1 C? is' meant ; that the - Black mini iS to be the comnion ;l l which mint 'q excluded from its benefits, andlfoi•ev4 er wholly'debarredfrern the eXereif-Ui N,ot tufinoritei .of political privilegeti under, it,dhen I prompt issiatd most respectfully take issue With the' take - the VIM ; -proposition,. as matter Of faet.and With men wh9 will the ; views of thoSa-lby WhOM - it is Sweeney; itno maintained. BlaOtt 1- Met do new en- ate seed their joy - ~and have hang' enjoYed;'the-exier, headquarter*, cise of pobtical pnvileges, its- ivell4 is* receive .....d of-civil rights, undet• thq POvarnment •-, w Asn i sol Lo - - , of the• United Stateh. . - • 3 , •-•• , t • 7 1 ..' i.. 71 -tr, • lINI N CONVENTION assem b les .- .• 1 "The-election :. of - a,' Preside . ntr'of the s ifl ' o q in c ' e l t i l i t t p ' g ls t l l3 t, at 121.atriSbutt4 to.-day, garph 71h, for Ut..ited.States might by, possibility' b' • 9- meet. There ' the purpose orphicing in nomination determined Y the votes of Black P.,#.11„ among t l er t i a eandidateffor Govetrior. Th.il, 7 three I in- the great tats' of New ; York, ds 'to be 'a . eotfi l lesding carididates.are .Getirk,letch• ,11-s it, then, n,;in tier e l f * fact that - il.. . lichd•Centre ~ Government, , s not the Government of inlAtthe'ca i f I am and Morehead. • The -f.'we - ,t - ,o r int' er, will go Into conventiongivith a ut an' Icy the Black man as 'vell as ef the.' White:: e.o t; - , l t . o f ' . 0 . , , 1. e F , 1 . And- if, in the get, Black men have) Feniars•were r -eqUall hunthe•V of -votes, and io o of ,enloyed civil rights, and been!adrnit;. l , secret contic 1 them will masilpriabablY be nomina..l tedio the c:xercise of , political privit- b ear ini p .oro t ted' ; 11Orehead has carziiida, number t eges under - the -Government; of the not be mudi3 ); -- United States is it likely fhat.,...the i . _t_. . • AAA . unties-in.:the west. and some in . o " ncip . , anon, 'which ,i regarded by a • The . 1% 1 i -the east, and will go into conventien 1 majority of' the natlion as a gidat and • 1 , -With - eensidelq)le ~' - strength: In the glorious _event, in o th historyf th e'of ~ .Gen. Ilsivi:r, event .of . a • lose contest 6etween humat; race, will not be follo - n-ed, in lowing circUlti Geary ; and; Vetchtrin, . Morehead or due time, by , the efitargenient , of the tell .to • eitcli pl 13 iviliwe - of the people who, 'are de- - -some-third Man, may be nominated.-, ., sioners of the' .. .I r sti•eeto be enfrtinehised? ..' I .. . . :Cessna -has not developed ?.... -.... • • , 4, ev ,• much g , In my judgment,;l2, - entlenlea it is • strength as was w thought; he ould.- the; part of - wisdom' -to - provide i,i the. He, ; is a :gabd man, anti but for the organic law of the State that the freed-- 'hall enjoy eivil rights men in our midsis .., , , ~.. . fact.'tbat he . ' Ito recently came over • . : -o,n an qualify with the It httepoiMaron Iron the Democratic party; migtt• of the State. Mere. than this; _I betiei;c - I, -have been . nominated. Geo. Cleary 1' it motildle uziwiSe to !I.!t•lade the ; freed Me n. - wits 'a Dentocrat until the breaking cm, our Vast from zhe exercise of political • ' out of. the war, since. which ..time ho ' Pro:1/1'947i by Maki4,7 t:he -.enjoyment -of those, privileges' defend upon the 'accident.. has beti.. in the army. do . ing , ; valient , of birth or: Color." I . .... 1 • • • saviee for the - cause of his. country 11 stands committed: on the, rigla... i i Hon. Horace Pliaynad'i,Vitrixr. '• E 3 e - Of alt the important questions ofThe - - Tennessee/Inv .. . Copperheads of ..; the day, and tcitti ilia military record, II ins . arranged for'a CoriventiOn under • • . woulefjit nominated; Make a popnlar-i fain,' metenies, invited •Ilon._ Ho J raec . - candidate. - - Morehead' was. alSe a! 11- - • '; f '. • ; lied, i . aynart.l.to participate.. : He rep • - Democrat in days past,hut . for iht.'lesti T in a seaillit4letien. ill WnCII flies fol ten , - years has acted with.and beenoncl i - ' i• '.` • ' owing parazrap) is consplenous: ; • of aid leading .men' of the - Repnbliean . And ' the c v: he; - .characterizus i •the • party in this Stater His record in- Southern pie- , s: "With sonic traitor • Congress, *and his ability and nsefal., . editors, pardoned .2 i t hey, may be, -but - ness as a, Representative, receinmend manifestly unchargedrin temper and '• - • . I ptirpoxe there is displayed, the same . him.. to all, anewill insure him,. if . sectional spirit and hatred towards 1 nominated, a hearty support from thel the Federal .Government, though not Union party of the State. Of Ketch- I the same - stomach far fight. Untrer • •am. we-.have often \Tritten, and can's . thin disguisc'of Aattering;theTres. iden-t "they assail his ftliends!‘yho liave .. .only: say now . that helis our choke of I stood by him all, titre:ll4h the 'lark . .- all the candidates. He• was formerly i ye „,.,, of t h e . con - flio , , and ritiTy th,93:c. : a Henry - Mit - .7111 g; tin. 4 latterly a whom - tie), coiled Itacik,ll.s!, meaning all r . .:ROhblican, !lc:voted:l l b the principles I Union men ;who opposed t fieir infamous ... Of the party. . His .record as - a mem,. teourse and wheare.no or UnWilling that. they shoutd; agbe reStored to pow - • • borzoi both - Ilitises of our State Leg -I -1 ; • I , • ey over .loyal Men. Tdeir i veriont'af.: Water! is' right on ; all questio . as - s7 I' f or d s the - 1' ' 1 strongest o .. arcomonts a . - i • Notwithstanding Ketcham_ is' :otiy I .stainst,their admission !to the seats of . - choice 4ie will' cheerfelly and heartily I ?our con g ressional rePresentatioa'' r • . support * either lof the others should . ~. We think ,all Union'-' men.l.l en -- Ahe,k;.beoominat ed, helievinc , them to dotse the 61° , 6' of Mr. I_ll,,Ynarll'a ;bit • , I .. s , t ' , . beworthy 'and .capable. ' ' • letter. ' - lie says: - - • ' 1 ~ . ing . . *-/;.-• , (Ph •• - ' TETE 'Sainte of the United States 1 1.--e) ‘‘. l "-' t*•": Ye:Ls-a:49o'l4'k / . ; ed to destroy - the Government;' if they - last wok - concurredm the resolution • ' are ne . wi sincere, wilt cheerfully accept .Of the House, declar:, - ig that no mom- I - the liberalitY aCeorded to their.Nerth , her elect from u•Soutl ernl,Stote should I C-arolinaancestars: They will voltin- I . • • • - bo admitted to a.'seat tintiliConoTess I tarilyt in the lanl..enago:oe the . Presi e i bad considdred and I_,J, ~; ,_,,, 4 ~.,e r„ I dent, .' take a t:,,clc sett. Let...them 1377' .0 on ‘" ' Ihave, the benefit of.; equal laW , s, hut Claims. It' is - thong it ] that the Ten, I , thong{ fake - from them at once hall the noiN. "!3 rnenibers - will- , el admitted soon, it.r ;and; tentpiation trr ten6v their . ; as. tfiF,T.:. , r- , :iogkv.F..ft:=i':7;:focus - : J:' Ti. 4117;* . 5:1 - Itt.7llA.N 0 Axis . ;MARCH 7th, x 866. iii ME Seaver County's Choioe BOR 1 GOVERNOR • - 1 I f' WINTHROP W. KETCHAM OP LUZEBANE. COUNTY., - , _traioa:State:Conventian.! .. • A.Stato Coeventton will held in the , ,* fall of the• Howie of:Representatives, ...in Ithrrisburg,: Pa.., on - Wednesday the seventh day, of Mara, A: D. 1866, at 12 o'clock,m.;• Tor the'-purpose, of nominating candidate for. Gover nor, to be supported by the friends . of the Union. H Theiordeal of war has fried the - strength. of mitt I 4 overnme - 4. Its fire has purified the .The det• • - •-fence of the natieifsgfe has' demonstra ted who were,,,its friends The prin ciples vindicated -in the fled must be preserved in the councils of the na tion. T-lie arch enemy of freedom must be hrucir. once more. All the 4 ,- friends of. our Government, and all_ ' who were loYal to the cause of the, Union, in our late struggle, are earn= estfy requested to unite in sending delegates to represent4them in said Convention. • - • By order of the Union State Cm- Ira' Committee., • SOHIS: OBSSNA, Chairman Attest: ' .GEo. W. HAMERSLEY, RAn a A. W. BENEDICT nesset brit that nc!, Represe, other Southern State during the present,scl stokes and other fleet, from Tonnes*, men, worthy or seat we trust they will 8, Tennessee occupies - tiop from the fest, Srates, and the feelin her. Representatives elwied frvin their se& nnn exclnsive con tr, l n'sq c: we are . content to • the; premises. FREE SCROOLS:Io'4WANTED Ai Tnp SOUTII,—Tnt3 Raul county (Tenn.) Retaid: den?nnees common ' schools I with- groat, energy. } "the: direct tendenryiof all corns moo achools," says Oho Herald, "Is to weaken the ties aol lessen the influ4 erte of the family. What the South needs, .then is some wise - sYsrni, whiolf, r imhile it-.w 611 es - a reasopable amount of ' readinglovriting 5;y., phering, will' preserve the imoralland social integrity Of 6er - character. The system to be administered *by rhen who are th - emselvesibonorel types of .that character W 4 not *shit free s i chools . ;' It is ncedtess!to7 add !that t is jogrnal is in Boor of 'an, imineeli'.. l Ate reStoratioq of tlho' r4els tol their position In the 12Tn s iOn. • lIMM ENE .q* Atplattq, a , Ult . upon' the life of the , ceuntry I J--liorade. Mayna dl is ior.e of the liZepresentatiVCS frorn„TenneSsee.'now clainiirlr(; seat in Congress, and was during the • war one of the most, do. voted meii to the Union to. be found in any 'section .otthe country.-11ar. :, • • J 1 the Pennsylvania Senate on• Fri day 11. - r; Brow . ne 'offered the folloWing: WI:TRESS:. lion. ELighijcoWan.Sen.:, ator oftheitTnited States frOm has `not, nor does he :noNt , ; represent trnly th : e Majority of the as. atative , From any [ will be admitted sion. , 31apir, Representat ves i i q, are good, i j oyal . •7 iiln•Congress, ands . soon bd admitted a differfsnt poi - -of ti SOnthern 3g is general that should r i ot ho ex , - is. Congress hay -1 )1 of this matter people pft he"patriel•ic State that elect ed him in tle,paramottntl h•fsues.row• my out of the recent rebellion, there. I fOye, • • •'• • _Rehired. That ion. Edgar Cowan, Senator •of the United States ! from Penusylaania,'be and he herchy,isr?-_,l quested to .resign. ! • • .1 . . Yeas nineteen; nays ir twelve.. The • resolution t vas passed on a party vote. • l• t, '""` • THE great railroad calse, which. bas been pending for some iril,Philadelphia% was - decided a few 'days agO,:in favor of ; the plaiLtiffs,ln i -tin.elaborate opin jou..read by Judge 'Read. The clods. fin 'will prevent the Atlantio's-quld Great: Western railret,d !from. forming their pt oposed line 'l,liropgh 'otfr, Stat by a combination of or.r4ing , roads and the cOnstractiorriof j new; railways, authorized. for the accommodation of ben!' interests by e4iiiing charters: .. • • I. wait' i zts acpon in i s'l' I= ' # r. , ,nien's Iltiram. has prepai•ed he fo.l. 41`etter,.`to lie tr nsmit-- , frihe ' ast(istrJnt it . nniis.i. 1 , Freedmen's I , 3nrekn: .2 .4 ." Win V}:?t-SME.Ni.' • 1 P j'ILSEDN, lIEFt72: t5,,AN10, . AiL ME ‘NDortiiI.A.Ii r pS, '!. ' i - ..SIItNd, r TO,ret:! f'..: - . , 18:1;G. A . ; • ~ I'o th Ac e s(iai t rvitisi i sitiiter: - • . ' ` • -"' Dear Sin—A.ll.lm mtirig; tile excite— 1111eilli that 11 . 'IIC sarilyj follow the j action of .tlic t o ernment 1 wdth'.reter—' ente to the - i e'W . .frcellineh's".Lii.ll, you • I may feel satewhat embarrassed in the duties devdl .irg upon yrin under the law ;and re l g . lath:nr — already exiSting . „ That - you. tn . oet steidilY and firm() 1. in any crab' gdncy. yOu nitt•t be pre— pared for jar) increased hostility on the part oi I h se who hare 1 ) so pc•rsist eritly'liiinfere( atid l.rout.led you. and your ageir'N lid, it .rliay . be, an in erect-fed ro.tlb( ,:ness amor l i ,the freed— !pen. - j. f 1 - The Prps'd at has assured 0116: the,Com -11 iiissietierf. ahe i•egai.. , is 'pl*CiAe fl t i Vpti as emit a: lag the ex - ittenct. o,', (,11e bureau atil a. t a year from Oil , ' ;i;d ; J•,[.* -.; Ilease . a. c rtain arid - ; report •; - cliitt•J stepsJhavc ic , rt taken in hylAir :litril.t. I bY the Slat, and mni,,tieippljaittlloi it It ! t o provide for tht p,,.) ,, ,,i1tife in , ligi'et I 1 . and S utTeilil g ri , iii -cos and fi•ectlincn, i [ W ko: have', . nit are beiri..; 11,61-o• A •i i al ,ri n j 1 I the.Ciener GONG,•• : • t 1 •':(- '. I , 1 a 11 111011 1 .0/ : . r.:11 , 1).q 1. t enotinni to 'mei every possible ef. • i fort ; to fir: - good hoMes for Orphan j ininasi wli i aro dependeat, and to re* 1 liet•a by in' atis.'of enipiii i yinent, of .1 an :wenn+ atior. of peofile• in the (lifter- I, I eat eitiet; ad villiges, al i dirrg the . un employed o find I I otp4s.And, places of ! labor. Yot have naceeeded in allhying i strife, 'sett ing lalrn.• ar.;cl. proivioLing.), !etlueation ti the midst oflirreat di filT.li i ! '• ties. • 1 -, I -Continh3 with •I•our utmost energy and ability to pa•sue the shine course ' so as to derpor:strate tolthe people (Al yotfr'distjrier the (rood int cations of the Goverrair.int and - . the complete prat,— tietibility of the syz. , teni of free liLlnt. ClivF a _thorough' inspection of every ni o•at for whom you arejresp•.(iisible.— I C I mmoralLieq, eorruntion, , : neglected' duty and incapacity are scnnetinies. I conipiluited. of against offieers . and auents of this -bureau, ' It 'either of ' those ch a rges he stist-lined;o illy c ht,L -i " . , stistarned .. gati o n, !t. to. guilty ageot ill- .he at j ; once removed, whether he eon be re—' placted o.r Fit, . 1 ~. 4 . Thank 'r. heartily frit.tlie etior g,yland Ifidel r gy you have thins tar dis— play - •il,jt to i Aim 1111e , .106C 1* is pleased to expreSs • ii uirwayering confidence in your i i ;lb City to cope) with any dlilielil ill ii that may arise: '. . Very! espeetfnlly, yOur. Ob'l,senv't, O.', (. 1 1 . ll.OwAftn', Mai Genra.), Obininie-sioner: , BuiEAi- . The 3.? an2impO , tIOITB 11_ 6arne prk‘aml:g on ^i MO ,status I that :111 in, Conk 1 ritd I Commi i t, doptedl less go .I parati is so tfr tion, tl4 Tenne4: may be di;batei I vole .%Ili questiO. 111 ISo - era:ll I sic . hej. momer 1 1 , I I 1 4 =I NM ieitement 1 . DEI;PEETA, iiiiirprl2. I xciteneent pi ails Of tilts city arc'. i (,stirring intedi once t, ti,j,elinved't . tkiii t -the i'.,'bOtn iiiiruck,: l - _- he -cirplee tine beep riot eentre - l'Ar drew orrow nigh t,to beihrld s:ll,' South-west cerner ChostEnt etreete.i.. trineting of the'friendn i lity - ivill be bold ently za' ' Zug.' Mirehl 2. [of llussachtisetts 'are he news by Ithe Asia, ,n of the.hab'eas 4rpus caused great , ezeite , the Broth - erhood.— II •tile; State centre of has issued- jet strong boyhood in the State ielres in readineSs ' for In. ' • 1 arch.2..—Coloneißeb. he Presidents hood, issacsl!an appeal this order,;:] 'lre says to crush out a le- it is 'weo(ton, by with liatriots,and - asks America stand forward, then,tO fight o in the: only wa3'l in h • - aid can react •t 'is to be Inst. , Your nt -.via - enable !as to Rhin a;few days'. .Let fight report•to Generlil I those who can eontrib money at ondeitei - these for ~which .;they will : ational bonciS, ,1 : 11,a • reli 2 -LA lark held' to night to,,lient wt the Fenian' ;iru several speakers, raptain lieCafferty,ktid lenti i al messenger from tc ) pliens to (the lonians Fa gave a gloWing, ae 'enian prosir 4.; .The .enuesfed to e Ver.e in !after the in eiin , * to .t 1 . . L t at enign tsittW, could 'lie. ; • essee to be. Admitted.. 1. rAsn ' INII roN, _lf a.reb.3, 16613. eonairiletion'iCOr - mittap held! titnt nert,ion to-das., ofthree urationc dari:g which „they the-conclusion to report a and reE,olution to - the House day nxt,reciting the ilif - Ten esaee,! and' declaring is entitled to repreaentation: es , _!. 'the proanible' . was ear barely a - majority vote - lel ee, but the resolution was'a r H nanimously, and -trill _doubt,! 1 hrough the Houso"-with coin•i: unanimity 1 Thor resolution rd'ed that the teehnithil obje.e.l t it. seems Ito assumo that ;Co has been , ont -of:the Union; urged-against It. - :Not much'muc h' rill .be a lloiyett , on ' it; and . a 1 .prc baby be , had'on the main in thee - Louse on Tilesday.H. of the l lTetmessee. delegation ~ ready. to tal i ie their seats the the reioluticn.paosea.- . :, [ EM fitiziTniOn ; Otate, iiiittl i iii Ocini i " itti 6 e of Califotalit Adeptkresolutions say- ,-- ing tbs_ lieydo not ye 4 pere l tive, an, irrepairtible breabh,'betwelp . n th Pieri.x . idont '4410.'004Ni35; atill until inch breach , einicliisively appnars, they Will contiiiiiii to brim - that the frnits of,che triumph of the 11Jrion.ititniciii will . ,tiot be ltist-4hat lti is ttieduii of 101 ' , •tin.. ion inerrte wield entanglements with the Vialabilightiniii,„ Soymcnrs nod Copperhead sympathizers; that ' When ench men -enders() the .poliey of the -Presichint they do not 'understand . that pOlicy, of are endes:Voring to se. duce the President flora his allegi. knee to' the Constitution ; "; - that the. abolition of ,slavery tvis tle result of rebellion, and it was wicked, senselesi and' cowarcliy.to Withilia* • protection frOm 4,000,000 of freedmen, andper mit Jthem. to be ] reduced to 'slavery I again -; ' that we. believe 'P esident Johr.son will remain. true to ,t e,Con: stitution and his Pledges, MOO i"Butivi4a Tat HA;rattr.T.",— A. 'daY, or ~ t wo - ago we gaee' a report from Virchiiington to the effect that 'Thadcle- 1 us Steeenh hag hnried the hatebet.and in futitie brill work in hnimon i y with ' the Piesident. 'Thia, rumor as ac companied by ... the . statement that' liii. Stevens lig tipped ,for -certOn, ap-- pointmenp whjch' the. President• im mediately granted. J)(:; Philadelphia , inquirer ' Fupplornont this with' the folloWing": 1 :• .*The Prestdent, Ito -day, signed the commissions for two Post. masters. ,ono lii Ensile, Wasitburne' dis trict, and one in tho Stevenslistricri,,', e'o both.' remmended by th e resp ective i l members'f—Pitts. Com. . ' i -' 4 7 , - ' - 1 , .l' -e GENRAL GRANT - narrowly eseafiell a fatal; itecideni.;m- New ;York, - last week, :wftile. . &arming a rv i rwly ii -I, ' vented rifle. He 'took bold, bf it in such a ,manner that. it was accidental. .Iy:rlisclai.ered—part . of the :car tridg' e entering . Rig lett hand and l'od:ting in thejpalni and thumb; wonhd ng him, - it is reported, very . serious y. - The 9cene otthis unfortunate acci s ent was in the- private aparbnots elonging. to r-ieriral Grant, his aids' ad four ehildrbit of the. General bein gresont: '1 itie - !%01 lotl2ed iu the ,\VV. raum. 4 .lireetly o'ppoqite to ez al GlrUnt was isfunding, nt tl the acejdent, wound fully diessed by a ::,urgpon..., , . . , .I. ) PwrSEASTERfiENERAL I)ENNIsrot4 has •writ - ten 'n, letter . to the Net. liatnp • jr shire ';tlelegation'in. Conkres., to deny in t i Ina f ioris whieh ; have; beet , held. out Py . Pettioerals . thet he wou ti realm-el Pestmastet a • who ivoted the •Repithli. can titticetin that :St'at4 flSays he i . 'never. has (Rotated nor:d.)eg, he intend to dictate while in an offiehil position , to anyOftleer,lbow he. shal rast his', vote: ftti b'olieye that the int Tests and' g lory.i of the country l essentially_ deL.l denti,,on the vigorout vaintena nee and' stteee'Ss of the, I . tepuhlican lorganiza— titin„:and Osotititintiii c?ntlrol...of the rri Govement , ,for• ;an indetiriite• term, and henee'never affect to act with ary other"' tiolitical ',erg' An iiatio tt."l A taAmelfrair occurred in Cinein:. itati on the'night.ot•the 22 , i11u1t, ii, A. Edwards, a , well icitoW business ratia,..:,wai met; whilst :cry liiray home at midnight 11 ,. Another hit ines4i . min named 0. 8; Murray-,who d knife anti tate:Vaned 'to,.s Ed wards dreW -a rdvolVcr him dead The , two l l . men ' • - fci , t, : friends, and ..terej p.t4. nift ' time in . Itit.,itieSs. , I bwi;•tis—tli ditlioulties i kid 1., '! , • - - 1 1 hind.-resulting . in th:e.trtig i'l rl te , ,,. • . ~ : i : • G... - --,t--,-‘----Ji-,----- EN. Ftsit, Of tlte!..Fre,r read , In Kentucky, 'Os re L, sia4e mail letters 4 ! :tailin dist inet • ;outrages tiPen Thetto letters are receiVe iM. respeelability and sti l.,ci j tizl,Jts of:iiieniucky,and 11 , ~ sprsotis wile appointed, tin in, the different counties, 1 eon:mend:llion Of iriembl I;elitaelzy .liegislaturo. . __, [ ichirnnu j nig that many as fifty :6 0 1 M'en from. thel.. ; Soutliern Lhom4ulves' Ity seekAinir 'fortunes I vino .t6-.laltimore,l and that there is scarcer 7 ty - any' magnitnde tl nitint...er Stlell rei)rqselitat Smith 'mow , its pointlati A F', l vlAr, i DANergo . lon'g since .there wits a d at_the house of . 3.lreott Lawrence county. Ala. eras ' very ,varm' .irif the 11 the evenialt,but itibeca . ly o.1(111 . hen the party b oil fiad fatigued. The _e . 11010 . . two of ; them Oiechl ing w atal 'sev'en have bins *a are seriously ill, an d 1 participants in .theAtTair. , - ;- THE: President liar; giv, tho Head's of , all beparto piiconsider the claims off plieations . foy elerkships, case ivh . e.ro are equal to th I p - erformi4l t • to tur n out 'appoint -heroes. This great nattering among clerks~~ilih : ; in thei rario the NatiOrial Governme! PROGRE?'S aF SENTDI Th e"Sdyth. • .ern Presl4kriani . phi i.she4 at Col it - bia, S. C.,. tLpeaking of Slavery,. Rays: "o far as we oarMves are cur, eineci, tire are glad - that the -•institirtion is overthrown. We, foci : that , Nee liave bdc.n entaiicipatedifroin an oitoripusland ititulerablO burden, • without irieurriugl:l any respo)isihilitydas to . t he future !:led';!. tiny of the negroea." , 7 • Wat. It;BIiOWNING died in Wtisbing ton city, on the ,2nd inst., actcrisev era( Week's sickness. 'wash Seere•i' tary . to. Andrew iJohnson •lifOre Viand ibile..thel latter !was. Governor: • terward - s - he was 'Private Secretatiy to the. President, and arn,itt twe..weekS ago he Was appointed Secretary of . 'Legationrto the.Republie of MINIM if 4110- 'ere (Ju ke - 0 me: of ‘ 'ai • cure- • kV aflrge I :q) 11 . 11:1 .7 attd, shot 'were one ln iat~it at- . I -and : t violer,)L , ;(1y na:,•revi !hoer:B 111. tifts--tWo reoctplen . — I l frael 'men tniti-ritf; opt iii there •eati-:tgel ! ts non the re .l.y. pi l't'he Lquivi.ll young: States hive asttit;,. 'have suiue ort4ern at (Ides not ve,s 'oE t lip . . ARTY.--r_Not: 4 eilig VlrtY I ilear'Ave.rip., he ‘;veatcher early l part, of 1 e extteechng olze up heat « nipany. went le iiina hiorn died. 01.4- nohd of 'Cie are ‘tell. • en onfers tot 4nts at (ince j solcliers! ? np 7 nni in every it'3 duties to lie C~oill:Ins 'arid ins .causal la tht holders bf rtes bureau's of !Pt. . , ' ' CONGRESS - ' • . ... . !..• , : SENATE: • • li. - T -' - 18 -1- l ir Wil so n --‘..... 11 rk ' '' 'l' '.--.'' rtB, - :"r""4 re introd cecl. A joint resitlutiOn i ttkiinerealie - ihe l Oi,le4 i ' utt'ofttatlleers titikeling . on - Publio dutw 4,ytfa- *lx •to tin cents' per;, mils. .=. 41: . . ,bill..„.tisintroduCeil and:ol64od to 9 ' 98 1; tablialC_A':•hYdrogfapie- r -utei , in'''he Navy. Department., liternorlais. were presented froth:- the California:l:Jews; .latnre :tor ,aniend ments to :the VaciElci . 'Railroad bill; and: from - ihe'...Nevada Legisliture L egninti the sale of ininer: al . lands,and in .favor ,of the-speedy trial of Jefferson ,Davis. The, -Naval' Appropriation billl4vas reported-from Abe Committee with amendutents, and. ordored,tO 'le printed. .T he :,creden litilS-of'!Wiii.F. Perry, elairaing tit'.etil. ,tits Senaterjfrom South Carolina;. Isere •presentrtand Ordered to lie :on ;the "table. - : ;The, iconcttrront , rest:Outten ti-. gaiost•ihe present admissiOrinf.-Clahri . ants from Rebel States - was litiker. np, and debated by - I'f.essrs: .Nye! awl Ste Wart,., and the Senate ndjon,xneilk j. . „ ~ .1 04:1118E. . : ' I 'i . • 1 , °Mr.: RO!ers of'. Ntlw -.Te0%3 .. batted attention t v,a report . represeii,Vin,him L i. as in'fayoir.Of paying ...he ;pehell debt; and wiehed ;to Pule ; • he is nttt in - favor of such, pa meat.'' -The pending, rlittizt i' luttort.,for he.amendmen ;of the Cott.. .stitationa Sts to .secure- `equal rights to . citizens Of the 'several ;StittmiWas debated y'l, :,111.essrs. floav,is . ;-WOlid. bridge' an ' 'Pinghatn' • !hiring:, the address of the:latter,i a long.! discnShion loccurred n a point - of order; and i up -lon its con iusion Mr. Conklin; moved. .tn. postpone the subject till Ithe'second • Tuesday tit' - . April... Air. Eldridge. innv • ed to lay Olio whole subliAid .on. the t:it , .. - hie, -w.hiehl.Was lost;..by-11. it,cillo, l and' 'Mr. Cor.kling's motion to postpone was then 'ftrried hrll3',..te 80. ; The Illonst.'•wtnt into Commit:it of] the. i ; \ir hOle, an 1 efterlthat - Comirnittee rase. I transacted - . seiniy.lformai :hit:pile's iitd adjeu , ned • ; .• .1 - '.l :I.i . : .1 , , ' i - -• .: . .'', ' :.. • ' . .• 4 ( .sE.YATZ. :, . •1 , i-r,• • )1A134411...—A communication t‘ionl, the Ctoinn ission.Or of - Agrittult,ure wa, presented I :concerning . madder, Testi:- inonials Were ,presented fibril thelFreo, Trarle Le4gne of New' York f0i 1 . : 6, Coil-. tinuance.,Of the itreen.C;ll.eciPiheiti,Y . ' Treaty, ntid frbm the 144 !Jerbet Legtsiature in favor - cl 'etaining "the 'Veteran ilieserve 'Corps.l A.. resolii. mil.- wasl.,reportedi from ,tl,,e.Militery ec,. COminitt.ui favor of tHicianding the _Rebel St4fe :tailitia. - Ai , Ipbtition Pt Military' 'officers" for. in-er,ea4, Of pay was preie hied arid referit i edi , X;r'eso.. ! I a Lien to pi i n't 10,000 enpieS br, .eriii, - 4, tot Ores w i ell'li. eulogy' on :'.l3.enryl ,,S Vigin.. ter',Davis was referred..' re'::zoittticinito consider the crsy . etliencyli Of 'a • Post ; Ciao,. Cu.4tem-ll'ouse,..&c., at : Ppo, - .. , :and Oregon, was a , dapted., :The: hill to' . gratiL land for. the cnteiti'iiiiticitvof thfi'Southerii - Pacifitt Railroad w,ai cal• led up. di't,Ctisst - til, and postponed. The ; • act to ardend4he act, reiatj..ve toSthe imporldticia Of neat cattle wnS . i..ePort.' ed and p, ,med. ',The pending coneUi•- rept •res lution ter the - exc.= ision .of , Rehel.el imants, tti seats ,is "onoress came np,Und wai debtite'd lt) •ILl.ess,rs. Stewart,, Johnson, and ethers.: It.'was agreed: .tiat a vDt6 shOuld be : taken to-day, :tr. thcicnate adjourne ;!. d., - ' '110UE„ . I' , . ' ' 1 .... 1. . nesnla ' es pairt't. 'Pa.; who', e.iinil ty . on pa l to cor-'.ti Rions were all4pted 'to .: cOn jexpedieny of OftOtilti . g,tax.! y -.6itizeps of (.! ? litainhersburg, Le property. had: been* destroy 1, and as to reirein!V•Oie du per. A suhsritlitt,,ator f til a. kill rust the. CentrO. Paeitie Mal - road. was reported fronri; coriiinittee.-' llil l; were introduced li:iniendatery of an' act. to ; grant :landlg. iililehigart, tor-1 rairroadtpintp6ses. and ';7g . tilating, aps peals ,in!,pattit,-CaseS.i,l4. •resolitti oh or', the . .Ne5.. 1 ; . Y . ,0rk.1..e , -isl.kr:tire coneerl.ing' a ship rianal.int - OrLale' Superior, was presentep and rferriefb.j : The, Seruire bill to protect allitertAns in their civ il: rightslWasl reirrditedi {'root the Judi .eia6 ' Committee: wijtk ..trißendmen tg, - fnd, Wilk . dei>!iteti t%) , 1 - M.ei;,S.l.S.HWilsoi; -11.0gers, l and others,aM the bill wont [over till, to-day.. ::Joint: resolution or the. NeW . JerSeyl:Jegislature coneern. ing 'bounties to I\7;eiv,!4eisey 'soldiers was presented and rrife'iteA.' 1 . .A...reso• lution' was adopted directing' the.'See-1 rotary of U'ar .to OpOrt :concerningl the'regiments'farmslie.d by ea Ch State dining the war.''--Tlielionse Went, in . - - tn. ComMitteel. of the ; Wh'f - )l‘.l'on .tile Miscellaneous! AppropriatiOn bill F An rinimidinent was -I r,ii:Opt'ed, prohibi ting any • expenditureEin violatiq of the test oath act, and! (he :bill was re« ported. a baci: and . p r as.;:ed. -1.; .resOlti- J. tion declaring eight hours a tull •day's work -was introdueed..anir referred,- rA fier. genie routine hisiress,the 1.1.6u5e , a : adjourned. • ,l j • ,"!..f..ka6n 2 infrodneed at*titio fro;n Cho Officers ot4,tlie."Pa eine Squadron, asking.]for an ilnet'ease . of pay. -, Referred to COrn-: -rnittee. „ Mi.. Sumner presented,a petition of the leading - authersiaiid'pub4sherS of the 'colt n r;y,aSki ng ft'ilrantintertitation al copywright hyv bet Ween. the. Um. 1' ted .States and -G.rd r at 'Britain; Which was referred to -t'i'e' ou • Foret , ;;% , Relations. i'• H.. • offet ett 1 resnlntir;n 'in-- I i , dructing the Judiciary Co i teittee to inquire 'hitt) and rept* npOri the ex—. pedieney of pa . : 7 singi e. ';t iu - w calling a convention consider amendments to the Constitutio4which.WaS ordered . to be printed, • • • - Brown Catlett up the 3)ill ko grant. lands in aid of the construction of a railroad from Spiingfield, Sottri,to the Pacific i Wiich',7li , passed: A lengthy debate ifollowedi,. partici— pated in .I.T.Messi.S.lSaulsbery. Sher man,JohnSon, Fessenden,..Vittn Winkle and others, at the doneknstott of.whieh the question on the paSsago',Of the ras 'F.• - . SevEro .:ittompts: fp aindnii . '. were made but all failed; nnd*the reselation passed, yeas twenty-nine,nays eigh teen; absent five. • • ' HOUSE y . • I • , Mr. EgOeston :inlroduzed is bill further to p vido''fo tb.o Edfeiy, of ' I If , the livoi of paritiengers on•beard steam, iesseikwhich! was ' referred to the _Committee on pOiniiierce. ' ' :'O6 nitition of Mr. Pernrn;the Corn mitteedn Military Affairii was direct-, ed ' io - fiquire into the propriety of . providihk by law that soldier' who enilitedin 1861 and 1862 and served -morettati - a year and were , discharg,- ed . on heeennt, of disease contracted in the -seriiee, shall receive Governmerit bounty,!' to. whiCh ' they would ,. have ;Veen entitled- 'had- they frayed- two years. 1 • - , • _ 1; 1 : Mr l :Pon tweet presented tcpbtitien, of 668 citizens Of 'Georgia,,,Avhieh %Vas read, as follows : . . i. • ' - 1- "We - the undersigned, colored-cid , zeneof, the iitate of Georgie, respent: fully represent that we ,sre, loyal;a1- : ways, have been loyal,and will renaqn loyal, and in order to make 'par roy alty Faost effe4tive to, the service vf, the Government. we humbly petition ,to he-allowed to exercise the rights:of suffrage" , , - . ,- J, Air. 13,Ontwell also presented a,:i•Oe-.. morial from the white citizensf Al.- ri t, abama,,setting forth that-they relin _a, deplorable condition, social! • andmorally, morally, and asking for relief. .IThny' earnestly - petition, the Presidentnotito remove the national troops fro itiiat part b l f ; the country. :. ,They a.lsO . Pro— test against the i organization of :!the militia. , saying it would be officered by, rebels, and , -.they - represent that thOsitiula i f people in Alabanta 'are in '6, - '''State•of the utmost destitution,. SENATE: , El El M r ;Baker akdk d. leave to ..offer San ainertgmebt : to, the constittition, ex cludin.c, from the Presidency; Vice L'reSi4nev; Congress, , the Ariny and Navy, and' Judiciary of the trilled i States, all 'Who have vOluntarilyla.l . ieil the rebellion by taking 'part in. thcl rebefieivil.-military or naval service., . , Mr. Chandler abieeted, ' - 1 . was set] apart ferzene ref .deiutte or•the,President.'S Jlossage, as . cornmitte of the whole, and Mr. Stevens gave notice . .that en Mon; . day he 'would move for e.yening ses-, sionFi for business.;. • • . Adjouyned., ' • MAricti . 3 House was in ses.! 'sion Ito-day, : for. speeches Only. of Kentucky,(lelirerel a very extreme i-neceh, in ,whielt-he denoun c e-. ed . ilresident:' declared - for the hanging.of: il:1` the Southern leaders, : I' the colif*tit.lort of 'llleit In tided ,prop-. I crty, land their ~ inte- Parms and opposod the "admission, of any §olithritin ReprescntaiiVes. • . WANTED-1 . 400 9 hi r),I100,. 10,090 Agents; l male or female, of respectable stand,. ing, Lo:make froui $2,000 to $2;500 per annum, sure, at. home or abroad. Soil 25- cents, and get saMplo and • full particulars. A44ress— • J. it. KENNED,Y & CO., rm.T•lra OYMb Pittsburg. • t.,401:1L.C:3 4 C 10 1. HE SPIITiNfIr 'TERM OF - TILE HOOE&-- . I_. TOWN HIGH SCHOOL wintommence on • • MoTittr . , 2;:n, 1866. • • . Leith of term. fourteen weeks. TniGonfor,..' r eotornori •br;nehei, $G 50; • foi big4oebraneli6, my7i3t SH. , • It. T." M'CREA, A. 11. " 'EXECTJTOR'S ICIOTIC.2. f ETTERS • -testamentary 'on the -estate J q . of Sat!cp, Moottn, 'late of Hanover township, }leaver County, P . a.; dec'd. having been 'granted to'the undersigned,) all persons indebl?d to said estate are requested to make immedpate payment, and those baying; Claims against thet same will present thCmproperly nuthentieated for settlement. , W. H. FRAZER, Executor, Hanover tp. nint7 _LL_ - --- 1 -:, F .1- ,eni, i--1.1- -BRICK' IiOT_TSI.: and lots in tit o viPage tk j Lot' Yanport, Beaver co.. Pa.,, two ' miles' from the Borou g h. of Beaver on the C. e';. P. R; sratiiiiiebr.venienf ; a tine peach orchard antl.. apPle; ,-pr c !Lin: ; , house well, finished, .1 and a;titattle for a large fannty. •• .4 1 % . farm containing -4 +N) acres an.:Briellton towtislnp, BeaTer county,` also ottexe...l, fA rent, ''..X.lo..a . cres :of whieh is elearcti. For information - apply to OM iubscrilier in. Beaver, Air:of Jelin Johuston,Phio tp. ,1. C. WILSON, - - _4...diar of ties Plate Reipreca .Ifiavar.noTi:cfcc'g. . teha l tlf; —2t. . • . . . lial,ST OF LETTERS,lunealled forl remain • ling hi the Pcst-Mine,:! - at Rocheiter,Pa., arch 1:4t; IW. r 413. Bright. 0 eorgel-fax te'r, Anne :Bruin. J. J. & E: M. Bower, Miss. Amanda J.1.:7,00k ,lAnn'ie M. Dearer Maria L. Douds, Miss, Suzan IL - Tue., Joseph Gardner, ! MisS4Chnie lienderson, David Jones, Thomas JoneS, John :Lavelle, John . Lilly, Mai McM I len. Miss' Em McDonald, Thoinea-Meßride,. David C.. 4 7.Marsh, Sarah E. Mereatt;:Charlel Ma t ;Andrew Murphy, John Morrisey, T. J. -Nawling, Albert say, (Robert Potter; .C. T. Patton, 4ames Robisen, Milliard Ranstim, N. Silver, Wm. Stiver, James Sharper, .Thom- I as ,Frederic Stager, Miss Bell Thothp- L seii,ll'ars. Sarah Tea. J. ! • - .T.. TAYLOR, P. M. Valuable Farm For Sale:- • sulizeriber; Executor cof the estate of 1 iN. J. Judy, dec'd., will offer for sale at , at the C'our? Hitze, in the 736rougli 'of Begot:, fi!, I , -March IGth, 1 1866. •0\ HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN acres of good Jarmingland. in Brighton township,Bea Ter ‘eounty. about 2 miles from said borough. This ..land is well timbered' and watered, over 50 „acres of which are, cleared and in a good state of cultivation. - Said Carat is also bbr- - .4.lering on the waters of -lirady's Bun, which supposed to be: oil territory. 3. C WILcOS lor fetid,--2t • - . Executor. P T' _T C S. , .\_.lJE ..• OF VALUABE'REALIE TATE .t „. • , ANT) PERSONAL PROPER.TIr: TIL[; :bt , offered at' public Sale, at the late 7111 , ' reddence of SAMUEL 3100 RE, deed., in Hanover tp., Beaver eOup6-, abibut three miles north-west of. Frankfort prings:-on • ~• TRURSDAY...IIc.thih, ISGG, atllo o'clock, A. 31., the folio ing property., vizt. A , valuable farmi coatai ing abOut 170 acres more or less, on. Which are erected good frante dwelling house, arn and s calier out,-buildibgi3. It, is situated i a good neigh' borhood, convenient, to' church .s; schools, &e. - , and- . in a good state of cul ivation. Horses, Cows, Hogs, 1 Wagon,' 1. Carriage; Fai:Ring Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture; grain in the ground anti grain Irt 'the bushel, hay in the iind other arti . des too tedious to mention. • • lejerins made known on W. 11. Inar7'66 .• T"'bestraint, Scrub, an ialli . qualitiCs and kin Moore's Drug Store, corner arid Bank Alley, Beaver, Ps. mm . . - -,--..ir. i - i'A.GENTS 1' WANT4b I • . , ~ .. Noviin Ptetie and liitt be Rialdiiiit . ' ELEA.I3I.4Ey4 a ., 1 RIST,OI4Iri OP' THE .tri Aik riOMPLETP I in. kwo volumes:, tf l 4, Ls ik . A . .., SUED .rOMPETE IF ONE I'o , ' The BEST, C'tIZAPERT, MORT INLTilt4n34, VLAR and Valuable Illetary of Vie Re , ,,u 1c41 111, hilted, whiCh is fully at - felted tii, et i rk,l l4 moos BAIA it' has reached of 300.000.vatt and is now selling with inereaselltspidjt,'4, Sold only by Suftscription. R;elM4,B,ati.. tory given. For fun Pnrticulara t4end fo- • cular. •Addies4 4 kr . , • AMERICAIIr tl'ZIBLISIIIN(a-00 i , 148 Asylum street, Ilartf,?rd,coro. Scnas•vos L: Bry.r.; Agents.. rriar-4- - u Lill , ,- , . FOR 3.1A - Rpir TER I .1 4 iSrp IST Vath —TIA I la) I • • . MONDAY. 1 John Snick-, vs Rich'd Ba r t; n . William Hays .Vs C. Sill. ~ ' • Maria Davis vs A ll'llillin, et 1,.. sJohnamu Samuel t .3, e w t o a t r r t o w , v , : a s J TA L hb i or t m: t l h e is til i : j licre zze : et , s tr . t Alvat(-Nye - . VS' James Wo o d , -, • David Scotts heir vs Areled loberise d0,%.9' same, et• al; Hamilton Kinsey 4. If vs Thos roe &wife ; CatharineMarker,etal Vs Clete FLlPitta RR wapinEK--L-FOURTII 110:0:1Y. vs Sh^r—,ti34,6 6 ' Ateigh, use, ) , :t p Wi n iu t er t hi e l i e2 s Al o pu n Nls : e D a S4 v i l d ' 1 ' e s o - nv s :I : a ) r i th s s 1 a t:a rt d: , Wit Eakin's Ex'r , vs Ilenrylor,h,a,,ltt flora' of 'Beaver i v 3 13Vf:::Otlitiiiv: ..cTraohittna,nreiSeTsCinOTltzlhimatiosr,ane.tira,l , :Ts: Am it" truad, L Rautden's hors vs •.7pliu T Hoist% Henry Bart' 7 ;"; 3 ... G c Ily . 13 :cell; f-" VE( EREASI letters a t sacotiustru lt , the est atelof ltr.tmeca llftr'av a , of boro to urnshiji,' yetiver .county,. deceased,,b ring, been duly granted to t i, dersigned, all;pefsons indebted to iai? [are notified to make ifpraediato mine, I thoselavingclulisa ag t ainst . the samO xi sent them : properly nutbentlentei for t ; moat tritbeut . - . ; SDSIII'ILC. WILSON. A Im' r,. 1'0)14'66. ; Beayert SELLING' FAT COS' • • y A M rie* s pins off my LARGEST( .A . .tiNSTIPES -AT COST, la continuo to ds Sp - for FOUR. WEEKS. spas ir oliairchase sooA art iclt, er lettered jii this coin:attar do well . clal Stain. BeAver,r - ci;lll 7 £: L . G7i - : ;ROBERT TALL! EQC gSTER . PROPER; 1'0P • S. A L E LH , ,t • utiderSigneil ,offe73 ,eale:ss %FRAME 'HOUSE. and aboli;h11: of ground ,-,siu l Oed on - Pinukiy hugh 'of Iliouhksigr. The lkouse cLt 'rooms and a'lpiehen. and is ple;:.,t:*.b tea.. For further particulars, cali • .!;GEOltqE 'HEIDEi GEES Briigmte.. feI,2ST4 1-4icencte Notice T. J IST of applicant for LiCer.q:,.ilsi 3 .sions, - John (Iraibing , - Gculrge P BtlJ;est:iti T 6 sell lititto itt not Je<j to quart; With 'idutiz, tirtreonnd raercittom Mary. lepTyler ltt)chcater,liot feb2.B' 7,. J. 1.11 TO PEN.2.IONE RS AND ABIAED, SOLDIERS. : F. eluipt 'DP. St...u'Ur.r:.ft.mmission , ha , .c•U• ed. an oMc ' a 07 Fanrll., Pittsburg, Pr..; . :;:.y E:4 f an:. to colleetiiig - Titziom thel it (Marcoo Ith hind same to ing theni thei I.:„irr,C,-.4Ti's the City. Chun:- for l'en.iA.s. I ties and r;1" isrciturtlyt , r.r N. B. For -F.lt:tif....nl.trs, !iv Terms ruorier.e, ' 1r,e112` 4 • 65 . THAT p r .,f.peyty krotra 1 I:N1()N ',/t6TEL, burg, - Beaver; 'e'.)unty. tD.,...ea..tr tiro !tory ft-awe -spletlift.bliil , ?_inz lets. The to delicate he:tlth. retir.2l, inces; ity wlitt.s.`eh the' prol:pr.li . get her, ou , t ert.s. burs. incin;i.?! ; .' , ftite. propritoe at 0..: E. P,llllrp:aburg. l fo-b25 . . , : ,1 1.17 1 ,tt • EX CPO TCITII.IIIIB. at, letters testruzettori .. • lyv J. l;righten'tll, licnrer ecunty.J.?: J.; ; been cranter.l tri the nr.derfisne l .i .:7 knowing theMselves infiel,t6.i to .1;11 are reque-sted :rame.l;ale and those hiving claims agsis. , ,t present thet i n prelierlY tlement. it • " 0 S, F : P I decis: FEI3111: T TTLE43F,A.A .III • • _ 1 , PETROLEIIIO ',COMP' dAPITAL SIOC.K • $O,OOO Stiar!ei of WORKING ICARITAL ...... 1. . • 1-"Otti T a e cO . t r! i t El lTl ' n ( :;, h t the borough 'ot: .the followingiperons VveF for theentiir.g.year: F.511 , f ,57. 51AirTIS()N 11 R.l(la / EIX 11R SECE.ETAR , , aAR LES R. .13-1;15 . , . ' 1' • - lit 6.ECI_'(-)RS: - N'attison: Dari-agli, -N.i',3 1... y,:, Charles Stone;' . .1. . Allrel.;:. 0 James Dat-ragli; ' John. l3il Le - vi Ure!iinanian,.: Rcht..l.A.o ' ' - ''.. . Charles F. Iti.eml-all, . .., itrA.liitniteil nutul , r • of the ahOve fornpany .mny be in) L-s. ;: q . cation at til e office oft corn:o IS,Pffiee. in thet Di:3l •litt:. R 3 l :, M3'3:6llllellAs. vi viz.; , .. . . ~ Dissolution of gartnel rir,FlE firin of I).ltrafths s:l:eciii ll' solved partner hip on the IDC' 18 4, alliiersoits.intlehted to thets, i ! requested to, call . and settle c! without tirtlior delsv. • , ' -feb2l,.t f tis, ~ PAREAar"„:, t —l:' ldar of 9:11e. Flt :::tilt, _ Executor Shoe Brushes ,ds to. be hki at Third st,reet C. F. of "ar
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