j \<n ®l: i s jiv •;jTg^A^»andaiiy:Bt.'aftt^p^r.^g-hvt6 last weekend met with qtfit%an.;o«» ; tnilibh that : woaldbkveifetr witb'as ffe’ceptioft; *T|ey are the - iMMfSttbjdctionatJle' p*rht|p 'of the aiua aro a'o grievous that-tpey should •“ hidajlhojaltalVesi f«r.g*haniiL a^Qigong 5 Ihe’fioppeTbcadaof-New Y|rk treason i , ikan '"We , he baljlidatO tifor ’ Yfca~ President.!' oTha ; jpi|reekhthby ; hin^'and 1 |Wrdtel>r ; itfal they ’ .hkff'fit/ .ceiveb • frpra ilrheHC ' same |l)emooralB Ohe liVhe joi theconHideralion or coni, gfi'^ldt f they now] W ‘ upon •^ifpJio.nsJ! rile was, the /Stephens}, the .would-toidJestfojter .ffi - ithe nation; /-How' long Imotst- these thrrijgs hot 'i Whch will jjebple itf •'. ,6? pf : '■ • ■ pjft»enjL|»e|«eU^lonp; ':■ ;of ;||ke-s'cerres. ' ■_ r/ ~v; . ■—ii; ■■ ", ' : I f»r' " ■f-'| —>j ■•'■ 1 - -• monthly s tat |m crit’j of the tr of the Trea>ii|;^'f?r ,%P~ .. a reduc ti® pot.. Ute, I of. tvFelye : milipna jdttt-’ng j lihe-moifjh. ;Tbo scale Jaslorned at i ftistJ; Wfe are instead -of debt. ’the t nation well aftprd tp/jheanjup ut>?- \ |ler its huavy bardena, eobficioua that \|,he burden is graduall^and-steadily i Showing less.-. Second i|it | importance, of theodinpdiind.ftitpr- I |e6t. notes. .Fifty. millions ofidpllarb '|wil'i than be withdrawr.lirpm the re- circulation. 6pttie r,u c6t|ntrv’, 'r j pand; oh« important atefrmade itoVard j '.tbp: resi ntptiop ot.splcio- payments. ■ iif -Gongress will obm/authorizo the \ [funding! of the legal tender notes at ’i liliWaiscretion ot the of the ilTreasury, we. may ex|ecl,to spe gold jn and Bilvjer in circnhttij|n before ayear. i | > The Secretary is gra’diialh' proparing L: the w*|y, and the ciithtty-can wel* p |rafford to leave the malfer inhtsb'ands : f'-and to bis judgment. J| ( ; . ■' •- ' ■ .. p B, 1 ' 5 ~ H' , I <®“T ho amount of paper money in - I circnlatioh :n the is estimated ■ ift.-%t jone billion, five tumdred million of ii dollare, The State Bepd issues,un der - pressure' of the h'e. l ||?y .tatf, will be . yP retnthetl after ylio 'fpst lot January. •■ # and iljtis including e’ fif|y«million |l .compound Trcasiiry||iotea t'imt wili ;■ f| be funded, will withdraw from circa* . Kp dalion one Hundred'fiftyj millions ■■ nj >£ dollars. • \Ve‘ will ihen haye in eir- If . cuiatiqn pnlyf?ovprhmeht an|l Nation -- ;if- al Bank notes’. ; The pecrelajry, in |»l« - j|> -Fort Ijf ayne speech. |Hy* B jheis in fn- | ■ j r vor of contracting ttnd i 0.-’div darly return to tgeeie payments/ |!i. Tbe'-Withdrawaj of ®te Government .fundsnijist. bp,graduj||,or itf will be rn ' |1| : • inousjlo. .the countryJ&Mr M’Oullough • : on defst pnd k th is ,urc||v ill lit governe'd f € .ncoofditigly. That there will he a fi .. .1 ‘. nahcial collapse we lMy’6 no doubt,piid ff.. .it may come soon, r certainly • jj • will.;. j Speculators,-Sjerehai.U. prop 'll 1 , erty-nolders and tu||inos3 niirn getic i'i. -VitityJ;bad; i.n time, lest til- ', wljii. bring, ruin Kpon 'them. f ,- Fho ".\ i • withdrawal-bf a fetviftundrejd millipns »- - ; 6f; the redohdchi itfcuiotfpni of i the ’f] f ; 'cbunijiy', will prodiiwj a crisis ’V. over*estiina;io and g|ph as .the country .-•V" -"has nJCver paksed| th||ugh. ,; , r !■ Johnfcosna, Cj|iarma'ti of .; the tfriicn State ; (Kplral C/onimitte e, P -I.' desOr yes great chc®t for the jenergy be jeohd acted Much of ",‘A life FJOiirdcrat hiihv self.hut trao to fes counlry in her ; : hoar| of porjlj he ®od' firtuly by the land whilo-i his party . •" ■" drifled into the ||’jrrent dtp secession " . ondl disloyalty. Mjoyarty, j .sbparated . - him from ihosgfwith whom he for ., .naet y acted and'bflied him id the Un ion party. ' patriot, and hits prt hfol and '.suoOTssful my : wor <n: t ip • , f *• • i ; thyjacd.pt tiqn,; we ! -are yery m ic great ... r '■Ufiton ’■ pttr 'Will* not ■ : i soon fir-d ieiihht to v honor. coins for ■ tKe; ypor is,at‘ kll ' points .of tfio' T^ifejl 1 in gold o£, ncjejled to pay tty interest ontlie fond* cd |dobt does nai exceed, fifty millions annually, so tnatVthefe is a large ex .cess ipl gold in thoTreasnry. This j excess .is soli by the .Government jfromtiipetotime, and converted into paper money. The customs fcr this year will obnbUess reach brio hundred /ninibbS japonseqaence, of■ ije», opi nlngjif Iba Sputheio trade. ;i, - • : -.r ■ .'-I: ■-v ,si‘ -I , lo Majne/,Ni*w .Hampshire; mon t, JJhipds 1 Jui^iutjntfdnciee Staves : Irrliieh or 16 w. second TpTOH.iy of the Unptrinvn |{ttLi(e|l in und itifome ln majorls J e In, vaniaj the P4 on^ tboilsanjJ more thariwrPresident; las* year, uiiii s gai o Senators-And si£> We In<)hid, i n prppbKiotT to the vole earl', rflJS^wSnJof^mtfi there! u a^asn^i«; he' ot .the Legi»!atsire>'|iow4jriverirom. tVVonijT to j. t w p-. =Jlion!«h ; d ( ,ina^ jprity,.fiir-tstQmfi ihe JU-niph youinUdald i fop;> !CiriHdifrii»« two? IhWdif *,Of i the liitbre ’chosen J>? U i^oik^i^) 1 a , tfrttte# S fart< Sfindtpr, vi>«fc.»6 give a; ,Uf>H\p succeSsor. Old electsfHompj Id' UdbiibcHi'tif- b’ti't as. they . nieet wUJi. i«9 reiheldoinic.; That' p«>‘r' eaw .ppcceefli ndwliere exeepV wherel traitors SaVoVtt«i'niajorl*.yi«6V certaint; 'lies’'' " ! the -defeat itpbas s^Btulii t®.. . -ay B * e .bail' 1 better not, s.ay t,a‘»vV about tfije, tbirty-fi vq, .ibis horougb.aa tVwciaia aeerethift tory about ■ tbetb ■<wtr might opt ; Hire,| tp "fcei»t t 1 1’nitfn’rtStirJnV of "'tblfc kind pobiisb , tlie eqcrqt history, of these votes| for our. ,b<&»ofit? ; Ttof. were fairly 1 : ond’log;iUy' polled, 'Snd when ;wo get .the;' Locdl-i version, we miiy "bave'soinPthiiig further. to say .a.bpal the matter, •f* i.‘>: A ' "SSuCjp'n; Cfox’s majpMjr for G-ovpr hor.i.jh Ohio,' ori iho ' honfd votpw, 28‘0d0,Thp Legislature is IwolhifUs rj Union. List of Jurors for November' 'Term, 1866: .•• ■ .ii COMIirNCINjO MONDAY. i . GRAND JURORS. Big BeavcnJames M Imbria (Pore 'piaoi; : ‘ '■•••? j - Rochester Borough: Ji.hnConwuy Jait.es Glendennipg; i • USrmony: v HeiVry Feucht; ~ Ir.ikpeodence: iAlex Gibb; Isaac.* A. McCoy; ■> j,£ . N ew, Brlgli to n y St. Clai r Gray, JTno Miner; - >'■; i.' .. Pulaski: Titos Hays; ■ Norih Sowieklcy; J6s Hazec; -.t Haitoven Robert Keefer; ' , South: I£|*i»ver: |JnsLouthon;* ' Raccoon: Cornelius Mowry; Darlington; Mitlor. Mjirquia; i . JessO M’Gufflck; ; • ••'oAJarionv.lSampson; McDaniel, G#o Schoeny; i ' - : . i . ■BriSgewnjlbr; A. J Nicholeor.; ' i • u Mew Sev.iiiklcfy: Jas Parks;; 1 . Freedom: Jiio.B SnoadiJas Talbort; Gr'een:|.Sainu<il Trinihle;.:, : I , .1 PJ-anklij). |Chi'ig B Wilson; 1 ■ Pliilliptburghl Jacob \Vagn§r. . ' »tjpETIT/ MOSDAVj. ■ _ Hanoeefi Adamfi, John E] Gai.others; \ 1 ' ,• |, New SedyicWly: CKus Biinzo,- Jos j’Mtijoiri, Jim Rt>meigh,, Ed ivpn Reeder, 1 Dpme/f Sliftnei.kyep-BftSlgfe!*-’ *• .-I' •? •.t ECn/.i'oniy,; Jri'i R B&wtf:R.obl. Gray; Da |l rn gt on; J os-=SrN3i»t h)*s?Robpri Rrwin, Fergus ;Jol.nsU)r|, Wm ; Nair, -JnirvNewell; , Brigh-tonU Jiesse Carol Loud?; ' - : , Bonyigh. Madison Darratrh, Paul; Hjibevling,'Sbcratos J Johnston, Pat rick Mulyaitonf., A A Robinson;. ■' Fallston:' JukPiMicaii, John Edgar, | Ber|j .PijarddiK; ’•'! ~: 1 n.(Tu?*t.yy: -Ajes Ewing, Jos Hays; ■' Samuel 'Eachtl, Joa'jA! Fjetniiig;'. i ; '/' • Green; John E,wing’ Jaa Montg orn /i r Sf|iHh|Beav|r; Hugh Fcrguspn.Smii fear :Uite)! : Jt».h.i‘.B»Ofij - .' TNow Brighton: Henry Fetter, Jpo jicEhvuin; . ! - , , .' Rochester Bor:-John VV Hart, Bb-* ohezer Pardee; . •'' , • , j, John H Whialer; ‘ ‘ QJiio: Alfred Lyon; i Chippawa: ? Win Lindsay,'Thomas M’Kinicy: ,!1-"f: ■\ irNoithSewickley: J N, Montgomery; ' Bridgewater:,Samuel Morehcad; </• kEacuoon: Jphn MOjWry,- JaS Todd; MfP 1,: Wm McGliiin; i , pßatlppson:, ;Archibald. Robertson; _■! Big Beavers Joseph ■ I 1 - PETIT JljaOßa—3d MONDAY. . BrigHioit:;'jiw Beuher; ■, ! ! • llar.orer: Jils Bell, Diincah'- EldCr. John! Frazier-,iWtn C Carothers, ffm Scott; I'.- " ; "North ; Sewickley:, Edward 'Boots, Jacob Gab?; ; ’ I Economy: J.no E Browni Win M'GiH; [ EbchChter|Bor: Cyprian Bracken, S J: Cross; David M’Creary, John S Darragh;. f .. .New Sewickley: Win Carey, - CliippawairJas Cunningham; South Braver: Oyrnelius Donavan, John B iL’Millin, Kalstoq M’Millm; | -independences Robert Eaton. Sr,- i Industry; 7David; Eakin, -Samuel Gormly; , ii.•. ;Eranklin:7Ainatnat> Hazen;, Raccoon: Reesen R Gamble; • Moon; vtkos Jackson; Green; Samuel Deeper, 1? ke£, Benjamin Maeall,SaiiK Austin' Miller, ■ ; f • 7 .; Bridgewater: Christian Hngh Sutherland; i / Gfasgn w;| Fran k B*Mi llej Darlington; Matthew Ret FreedonxjjJacksor.Sloan; Phtljipsbargh;- Jacob Strawbecker, ■■ j .f- ;( fr ■ , - -,v;Pajl4eki: Job Woisall; | : • ‘ Borough:'Robert Tallonl i N ' -Yv#r- L | ' 1 -iiv v ■■ - • ; f gionsof'S mttli'SPerry a£d yioinlt^l^ft; £ iiijflyiqg Visit tdihe oil xe* aoi» aiwi afaed, liljsHd the amount; of bust g?>i | a«le | jphia;^— ig id) called tlie (iil.TfcVer, aod ithev joined life. Presbylpriuri ITra Sff^ijerf^^rßmg-iisBlußp>T/ar ; once lost, tf&nffiJ UsTi&psAyilf&&’ t V^Veridd ‘ I „*..«, inn,.. «*» 1843—ai- man'jtilwijy^-4- i»nd reereai'bns: TniHffiirQhl tQjßftoifr •I' : ljv* *!!•■>•# s*!Af* Ai V 1 fy Ini labor, -hawas deemed luzyrh^y [For scverfil year?*.. *s**««**?<* j|;|Jf- t> Tiitcraryi Associatlon-or. Lyeqdp) .afi |y & * vv* i llih, tr tt l- wn rtinle far <lijsptUuliot) arid feo&posifibmi I yftnt | HjKI rn*rKM by’ sk ooh^ 1 ®*?iiddeiiWl»JidriShigulari!»euteb« BH '.«s*«* .'4 Sf* -ycaw- flisi education*! : '," imeniH kqbb enabled hifti,lo%ecoW u ss*#■! **’fc^> eCl ’ U ' «Seliool ind-In' that'[ t&W ,fe,W»ft re - Avoe'aticm’lfor, awhile he dMpUW hi* ,bnt the *s*&■- L*** a- , p . awa,ke, we fib* ice- of & IB;- '<f* ” f . but ■« dave fed* ? f„N, C w Brighton-, ,; v weH^J 1 #rjtory ; ft £ade ¥ ' V}»J> wq .&W ;,ff| iardor, intferihitt|ng part 'of : tlio[ I Ini? & drf in the ci.won!9.-bbWi». ! rti itjc : wa, November ufjCupt. P. S. Reiio, or. 1% to t b e Bat dl Beaver county v*; I.hi.j well, .b pm the ,land of f uis - Ci ; ptoPi 'Chamberlin, ;t|.m| 1 '-j• Kab°ut--4Cf jjislaijve RkpresWlaiive..discern-, ..Hand pings com,.* m^rxhe ip lbm fc, bK parts of - ylimi* 1 y*" 1 ?:.. Il - u -rf.rm.es we & W firm of • hve barrel* -of oil. oha’.nVtlin , % CulJ.ljertHpn. -New ' l ;btf.-^e t u«>wii:aUleu bai>| Frii'liibi|i,icdhliriued Vo Ist A.priK I$G3- '. ,il’V HfrWSv r v> ,u . Mr;- Gathb : erWirin ? a k.lVent' to' Vtfe BaV ? ,I< \M.^ l ; t l.'$i betdlceneil*early and bivpet ■ l oliy e .-?.°- ■ ibis! rprpfpoaiwu;he; , ; at Vhiwnotilb of pi>. huti, altkihedrqilviable d.Utinc-j 1 RfodpcM.jr AViJll a pwp. < ; Hibecr|ui„ Tumble convivial eompanidilshrp. • W ,j ( i s i,hicivhat-ldivfclled;tlitn, libw'b^-V, ir- S - '*n 0 .. h .T Tom paths once ehos jW.-J sI ts wen, Bolts Tfae wh rrlof electioneeringeumpikhs ; H ?***■■ •*»’ y«-hio<l had . untortupalely inspired e.x| A* <jDP,barrels per day ' Fhb t | ()|jB H llu*rs t'(T-hopeinl arnbriioni— Sm«t . a wownea bji ni - fod-hnlrt-Wated— Wfilm'ns. Esq, 'pije war iaf- 18fit : at • once .kindled in d*!.P a 'T a ?^ H .hnvea well dowp bim-' putr-io-lio-l-emotions tp. eervejihe .^hundred. feeu that, c - ulU ! rv in j^H^j• Nbw,6dl<Jax>f fyvwor three pth6r welt- hhva fjf oiienbd to tfio d’e> ;kl(j/.vii'above ijliis on the prop| V(Vtvd 'ytizeh' bf tJ/e itepublfC w.n Of which ,*{ . Yit ~ ; . aD i^ no ' W a; ''lmmediate-' na and am,Hb|r,baa M.e.100.V , v 01l Eu skViiier falling.,-l.m pdrt (ra depth of aboijt MX hundred g l8 | tolniUc'priinilitbry Prgan hen they are taken out a| iz!ltioll it ,. ,B eaV! , P cqiniyJ: . .Hp, was (| : be, and thp well-boVed Reeled knd. coni missioned Captain of jpet we expeOl to hear a atiPeen’a Bcscrvi abpxc| y^pa 1 ■ Tfie iWimirtt atid cpmpany | ds about our barrels, per day. 8i the^6Wts !* t Driiinesvillo, te*V? 1° *u 7 ! ,m rH the fi'rkla>bidyertent >lter .the Hull The Rayl:welrflows_Bte«d,ly Rnll dlsa^r *l)co. fiOtb, ISOI.. -The barrels per <tay. ’ft is ownf- HW iHb Co. shared the for partly -tt wW Of “ re T*P Pi ea^ri.i f « M Clejhin, bi l \ has flowed two IvuTtilM :fora time. . Aboveij iC battik of ClutVles,.City . ! 4?pad,; p wefis- oWd by/-paw ? e«,i[ j: . l - )( i B( |j fc^n.;[C;a!hb-i.jt*gntinr N e ." lz - f 6 i.vifibbyi* ldjS| eon)m;l j,;j pf|hub cohijiaiiy, ivas .shot yd barrels pep. day.. fdao, of. jbrot.i'h^-fcoths and fplipir tb t s,betn yielding,for year*,, ami j p- a 9 a .w, isoner .mii;pju iri Ih.o dy d0.r.0 better Whitley & t Ru by Hospital. and snbsetinewlv pa-i twr,| we is Hhovo-np M pj t . aillo 1 1011 , 0 to New rr.lor|-. and Wdl -gift ,a.d‘ was eonval. roduodijf ■; f hero' y,y bis .ibnira'd'es iii the -ii'dil .n l V t ‘ X, , ! Sr"- ei !'' r! wq! ’^^ lir >\-Pt',f>icemher.' i lBd2. sopn to' be'liiinorrtbly' ;^ r . -discharged iifiA'cver, tor, existuig;.iii&' l f- ability. ■•!*.,•<'W a' f.w From developments m,\ile,l)ry' j, Ol . rcMVn.cd his prpfo^.otml-ilur | Unsurpassed other plate : { ]<; . .!• 'i' '• ■;,] eou'ntj'i.-anlr' w.lb soon ijitu-art . >,*v -, no ;; „ -x :r. "•.'■■ ... aiW,,iiow.and , J'f oi At SrpitlVa Ferry U i I !' °'v- ” jvel'l.' that forplmhst. four veafr's Pe.ir.sy!Vab.*,en,hraH .kdi.rt/V.ur per eu.jf (Jfept.e, VVaslnog -m.l Lawrence s!l, (iUftliiy of oil: - Itis ft forf.ihe »"• B'-avcr tsounues , 11,. d.i-eciml hts Ifjnd i/owned! by .ImUI,-4<l ‘fel? ii«.>:- itr"Smii?> has oiheF,wells d* 1 '? I'fw- , L,^n r num- ‘l'! ,, 1 , ! ,^ )f l l |'f campaigns - u ISO?. .04 flquWtl'rwe no .VH s helkriVmmt .ifltertjrfoir-^htiO^nsWBrovoM otheo w.th, frdW.ty.ancl ■4v6lopcd. 5 Wc : i-hn- Kurd!v iml» . ••'de.p.-pdeney. and as e.,U rieiio* i.a. store,for izvn aud|thc S over.ntneu (! ||e| and|.h>f. [Mb \ t now the nan $ the. horoUroKt: l>.)»rd. x'buhtv. mAo khk l«<! tii4iy Wl’f 1 U*6 f Wofld 't b 'J TK ~ *" l P Vi,r,a f'S ?« d •fennot, spoil.,!-iIP as tin- 0, ¥*;comph tnq and ai-bonlmbdaiiiutrirt ever. -Cations, at llinviqap! ers p£,. .is iinij i{e compelled, to^efearmiii.ubxl. . l -!'h Uj’ l *' V-l!'^ vl r" A h '’l‘ ? our njitici;) -of. the ihe .‘r !|hd on Miitid RuriT We ivitl 'f P f SrC! ' LL,^^#, U *t ?iko as full a ieseriplfon as ionr •qffieiatadmUifttraMo.. of I ipaco will bfermit. . { ! Tb'olfalhb.h y ...c.|wt-t«, ml ' ’!■. I doubtle|slj'-.lead to , some ertqrfl and n;ay : h ¥ rtiVd some ill fp4li|iii.' '-ll.wjfs inevitable. I War is,a, severe ordeal jin our mieial'relations.’ . .4 ‘I .k', :' ■'■[ • ‘PoSsfersipo-'a petiilitltly' Aenorons na ture: and, niibhed.wiih a fojrg.ivinit.spii/ Jl t . ho, sehjom resent • inotits. Pblitjicaf differences in no vyay impaired his friendships.- dejip- Aiatjon a! wi.ys marked his'enhda({;i in lus publie orF i't v a[ei nteA‘ 1 >‘sy Hi|i funelloha-pf citfiCe Wtfrj6Sw--c|lf»fi4 l at thp end- of the month.; but yyl few days, sooner-.boih his life’ , ‘pf\ dealfi. PuliiHlic'] ami sy m'pi.t hising,; his; . ierancoH *. <re raised for : rite ho-j i nevnlent ea'i ; e of the Frerd | jneh cp.d jibe, r, cd oeqiiou |ud atp.elio.ra-ji USD.;..'/ 1J .- -...'j I •-/. ■ i Jnsidions ifisease,. nnlfbred afid iih- j fieoded -by’ himself and frijenua, Biiddbn j and. wounds ip ;fch© baitlefj field h?;Md braved-; HdFttd tived lo'j proudly 'fcbaro.in pejoini | ings *p» a hcohqnprea’Vjplapoand of a,' crtoftVty sttvid: fn tlVc Wdtniiry Of a I •fmaßyl brtwc, sorroondod by 1 ing ikindred nud. -friends; be- .yielded' iip his hpld dfvarth and! jU.cafjes.iaud bohort.;The angel of d#|H .mimrapn-; c<i‘ hifd henco 'in tn*c pF.me of |Jlau—; I hood, at the- threshold j)f a now : <-a-. Veer of bb.ne and“ aptk-rpateq happi— ndifs i; 'Afttr^consofatd/wife 1 >nd 1 ybfih£ children mburh 4be IpMdf their-: :protteotoP.iy-A»/ ! Bged fethor; and Va., mother, brothers and i r». fiei ■ .- , 1 ! i'„ ■’ ' • TEe^HI i '/.I lijniiy fi put Sniil\i r B.! triMbarn to mi ory with otii going u Go,have tvellon m n ° w ftqr J tttVt About ;fi iffdod v |! as mm hors, James ijjlio Butler Amep<:aii; ba«. been Kd in tlio and the Wo J yill hereafter appear, as |{mb |tj>« name .of the Jinierican .pjtf riljotrjfttt Robinson, ,■ ». WntVmijesjibe gditor’ of [dho (con .Citizen. . jELe writer, ibldiahesa gbod Union papp^f—- wli'oj from,! i’bo W«,- obas 'been■ the-editor-pf a’ f|titjd Kopubjijean. paper, of Ryder (y.<br, twenty one ymrs. during (i bb bus labored ’faitlilully ;aitcl lor ;bisi poiidoiilffailb i•’ (■ 1 I-I i ( t • • I |ji ; ; .- • ■■ j fjStpnlej’ Woodward, sop of Chief ; be 1 /AVbdJwnrti, ,/lati- popperfiead fqr Gpylerrbr, of ibis j&al*;, dtffealeJ’in :Luzcrno countyjfor, t ibenalor at; the Into ejection'. i La-: P fe^jon^y W bod wards yertaiujy cannot be jiopalnr in; that.region. ’ Just cam was Sial «ern 'em Thp ven iioa Mar el kelson, -SUariey, .-ol, t lMUsi(y|sppi,>l I;^rovifeianat f jSiyenJJP* ‘•dt- j tHnt ipjj hai just ilid [siai.eu\Siipai9 , .,;,,|le ;; j^atioa I i Governor, atidi w#( >fill I d a'good 'Senator, m in itavor i (lowing i iriir.ent Sooth, fj .J .ft? ■ 1 .’1 '• : „ . ’•- T • ■■ • • • .<• \i I i -:• • Moultcr, v y '.. ~•,'...t..-.1- -, .:, ; : , , , . , . - . .:-.- . ;,, t ,ii!, ,;;;-:;:,,;,-.1.-;::-.--T.--':"-.,;..5..;,,, tipi time Ills in >nnt I • i * i 4 ! ■ X - * i ■ • ; ! ' s',; Jie i-nimtv or Beaver .. ""fwlfl fie gß.oiMTaoffiS^.l 8“,/b*^T4'" : ,'7fj;; mi hrjtho ijowfcgn ‘of BtoveVfitf a# edilnty a-i ' 'y’.dH-si i|tiKA>4£fU j;;?- gnfan 1? dehttr-fano h- ;. Monday. OotoberiX3tll,lBBo, I ilii»t. ) ,ot' All the Sight, title, interest, end cjaltif of. flro S U!Vftj&' ijoffl? l f 9 * defra&npW.firaWJCl W*:tli*flftH dynn% tot of B.ne l4otk Roc.- P ;l $4, ajofl mound jjlkf J ii»'t ko’iiiifvice 'ot ilrt it.ofiT Beaver esrt; d^pirvTWft-WwliWlf ,: t&W^ftfllV^J^ «$ &*¥* *w+«te*p affi-jss^iSK^'f tyf lj»ji». v fj lH»''iinsl,ffiv|wn ; OtkttlM eitfeturdh itstiie pWp ,'Wji;’’; be.-wjiAi, dijtpßjtrjsM, -ftf! uud reformed %ne>sMHW&Jlttj ..; -c-v-’n•••»-,-/ -I' f^^ ? ea josßFH tEDLIE. | ■ Qew«fr ( < Oct* 23th, 18UJ?.; 'I.-- ! pioiiths. htyiscijj- upyaad JaUeitded I tty. t n iLJ> - ! "■ ' eppidry’s■ o'pijfljly.dp the TiyeW ,I}. »«“, ! h(4 iihfease'' wa|a aggravafiedU>j* oct oV sarydex poidiro.f 'ail e 1 l&l boi W«: camt>,it|tfi|';Tr<tin Hint time he »Vjik rapidly, lentil de.alit jsial iyi4d :l : iri. ■fecsif'j.V’liw >qß*pwil-jon ; waa. mah'ifef/Wi nfif pgl andfln-i itien tfijlfi p’ jiW inia n eri t; In jed j^«}n l e ri'dd. ha won frieJi'iiia.Svhe.revor a..iafgq-P'relii Rf»Wvj-.iu.■jbixlslamilpt in tdii.eerg gi ipf.. (of ,hhj <;ar.]y {fritilY,;, ■'■ Si-SSItC of dpatp wa»_ verx gfailmiir^di 1 ai 1 ' iii'Ri’" wjiifioni ‘a •WP(l^.l4r''»p| i ti prOßiv hejfelj'kii'iw™^ Cal-miy h<» au alj.eddiiß’cjiminieiolith^; Huiuiiuiriii;. fir u% dif. He jiaU gi'vjeii hi? henry jrp g»d hk'frusiVii all with VaimJ n.fi'«^tfpj«Bioti-' Ift'jf ffejhßdetks'tM';H3.ffc'' •Wt bl’niiy iifid; though' •td'Ktfo- pjiwdSe’."-^ f >r , id:r, tjie i|t^cr‘.. lafr&M'W if/ and ! mjtjisii'ri nr attendance Ip deli vet- it jat hie ftf4 r iiefiil;*;■ : ij t .wiis,! pCtßno'td 4 jjelsft#; Jndw ij ( itl .{AViil heed ’ iiiia,'.!3UTuiu6a> -Isec^i*; eomo -to tljotn from the , giayej?, ;..i4, [ scerns ’'to. youpg ikai ’«tti cklleik «<rfty; 1 the |PJd finger ciri 1 |amoi|g- «.s| [ ;ihe seemingly intangibly ;toh. s,par.edy,b«y tlie ynung, thdj goh/X,- the hprq.-p.eciivtilv useful, are.failing kbickj” | an,d' : " :- ^y j.i '■. i‘ i , 'j 1 , “Death|4ovcs a sliinitig infir^c.”] •. ITLe family ot the decked hat i iieurtlel t ayirnpat By,. in ihei y her; [.went, - a.wt pdr.binpc'po W ifcpinitirii"anil *1 coiisolatipus jbf 4 1 aW4 for ‘the tramc sure ’hi etetnaif lifdjlliut .(‘huricteriicd' 1 sop and hrojlier. •'. ,i.. : I 1,1 I A", suai <){. liMneVi'Which ’ the! own X\_ have hy oaUiat on t,he suhscrib) Beaver.. 1 ■'“jOjrJJi ARMSTK ixeyj-Ft h. of money,-v hy eaJinig at vprowng pro 2*lc» Asjthall su: ' ian linvo m uridgawate for this iidrcrt . Bridgewater , Oct. „ Al GOOD G : rcferenc en. ‘ Apply to ■ Rochester. • 1 ■ 6e125'«i0. ,lUL lo <lo jjcnoraJ' hoi jvs recj ureil. Roo;J w;i [Jr; ;|| :•. . - I ; t _ THE Bnbscihbor 'Would in "orbi thfel-cUlienal. _ of oa;vrer oud.vicinity, that. lit: rill open! on Sot. Oi.li. iBV.o,;in,ihc.Ui Soil •tig,; o. Solflstj Sitdol. ’All liriiieber-iMiially;! ( pursued in buck Eslijiels. wil bcltaujht. 5 lt« j go iThq j patTdhaijo is : refwsfci fiil?y J ' , so4 I licited... .jyr parlicu?arsbi would reier do ! liov,"•!>’ Ibsitiprnry, fjohn (jaiiglioyj Esq.; 'u;:j ! lltce; JJfHVijaridCWirHdrtilion.J Esif. 11 - - i j ;j' . jJL' G. jWQOD. T i Notico ; ta the Oii|li^ii3 i | Court. l . '.Thd following appraieoiuqhtaaiiulir tile' Act ; Assembly, of, the .Uth |6fjdypm, ; ‘V{ioll ol i'pl-iipcrty allowed ;,to be reljaified^ix-A widow} •of icUilducilol’ ltUel i-HliieJ of ; S:li(i>,.haye tw|en.tilsd;ih tlieiQiEco o| llto Clerjij : of the Orphans’ .Coiirt. oB -iloaveiv coiirify,; and.npproTd d- iIW. lA’ Alt' i’ j | ■ -I>. ° |'llj ■itcreonni W. amount of 3'3op, reiiined.'j'bjj widoty of .William Ileed, do;i'il. A .Rahtdnj . lAdmlnlitratpif. [• •' -‘ . ; i-i’] ; -'-E" | .1 .I’crauinl properly l slpl 89*100 ■rotnmedjby widow ,pf,E. ,‘.,15.!,,C011in5, dcci’d Margaret A. Odlliha, Ad uiniwlratrif.' • ' |"I Notice ia'beseby given t(|' icreJitjors, heirs. legaVtesj distnhuiers.ar.d riU.Ofl:yry interest!' W, lappcar lit < be, next term of laid .Court aaJ. bc®>g jhlit lalft' thanhiltc, ijjlh daj.d ,NoT,etfff|sr,tjo'. feuin* c'aujtd.l if • j£ny : have, tgninft the final confirmation oTch above an icnts. ~, ,|f : i'v-1 f. octl's; Ip UN A. FjIIAZtEB. Clcfljl AC' TO THE LADIES’ Dr. Dnpdhico’s .r -''.; >j ‘ Golden',Periodical sIPUJa,; 1 I',';, "{-TOR jiicatiw Against acfims. . Cjt e*> {)csciiyii!>,i. ■; - • ■ I ■ '.,-1 ' '• • ' ■’j"; > 1 • '4.:‘ ■ V*y \s ’ Arictbcr lot o _ <?£XSRAL -ACCIDENT r'pJjWWS dren's sliceCo * $5OO in. Wen>f fatal nctiJenlvir SO per week[- 1 .; (, conipeiisaUtin by accident, iifttyji.t jp ._ t j;be [hail-’foi 1 cm annual premium of t niREE f r , ; mT > J tudLLAKSiJ-' .:i:-.V- j ,1 SO TBOJJB ■ ■ i' ~—r,„. .: p; •■.•;, I jr£*v. hqiums annual: wmttSM* ■ EepioV-'j Be^ulH . 3 p 0 lmy for S2.oiHlvbr-$lO V Obstructions of the ifonthly Turns,* *. -j WJnocnsVi'tiinj for any kind of disabling acci ..." I l' .frojn hntever Cnuse, ttmlj , ,i,.i- kdont, JvlfeiSier traveling*or otherwise, at, the Al,WAVskliCCosS>'ur, A 9 \ P2’.SV.NTITI. f J ordiniirVX'iH —si- ,‘lt |■■ 'll c ciebipfed'il^flit wire Tirsl disport jied' by; £r.'i BCC ures a ‘ policy ; ftip'sy,l.Hlo, witk $25 per i ; DUpUXCO, ofl’nris, dilriig ihev*: Veek : ■oonipenSft’liiirt, it- orrfiii(i>y 'TiUi>-i-$SlO;I ' ha|ve been. «ij,eUsiv<Jj nnd .suqccsifully Used ■;.■ ~ ■ ) o-sj <! iin most of this 1 pdbUa insti riiUAna. fjw: \ F secured a |nd onratppifa'ofcice i .of-:botk.hcmis]iuetos, withi ■ i • ~• ■■ " a,,, A ;J." ■ " i . I unparalleled in dyyry caljc. and it! is '.*«s' Pobyy. ■•*?*! Tj/’v’lr 5 v J In-i] finfr aftlid of ‘1 eilipuaaids oojni.enwtipn at the Kfnary rate—sbd M-f 'H iof Ladies who hare used them, t int ht is in ' Jniuta at rate, i-i ,■ - r ;*. _ [iduced jto make the Pills ; p\;bUo for the,nUeyia-T .; j|^.: X- J. / ■ jj : i ;,Vr. . , ii. I , —77- . i tionVof tbbae siiffertng !»».: any trrcgulari-] pny frpip ADMIN ties Jharfcyerv•*/weirdUrt pye wnf.an: and or ftvayears; „ creasd ?»&*• «. California 1 ETTERB 01 HC •• Females 'peculiarly j isltditii .or ttlse ; jMf J " aB 3 ,s^ s *•“» nt I oa^a^aiiat' R*‘«s- >Nd ntedical iusiTgltie»BjKlla> wl>i|a, *W«*. ** Company^Agyntal; ed t,o rtnderi yti'epiioprictbr aisaimcsndjidgponiibilitms ]af-J f .'-j i !•► ■jL Jr, 1 .-; I 1 {jj* iMe 'Hvmdred : Claim# /dr-'Co)»i«|tkoseßajJtog;el» pdldiiss ryoluld prafeutanjj<k|»jpUiof to‘hoaiM*>J f ~f ■Vpe)lS'ltioW , t : i-sUtl. otlicrwiae the Viilif are reconiiudyd. ;■ j:Tfad;beon.j paid ,by .the TRAVELERS IKSU; ! .- VPrife Rdkr |if J B<)’ics ssibo;f : . up to August 1 'V'** *»• ;, 3dld.lga< % & and’ Thailand PxHiita issuedii I j namilton^BeaVer,.Si HanaiiutßbeJiosper.; J, , „ IPATTBIiSON, rpeq’ti Wf \ I!;- 1 ■ Zailu!'- By^lending SKOOdo feilker of tho, RoSSEX UENSI3; Sec’y. i , ; V. 1 aborei hara 'ibe pills pent:(co'p3-- ~ ’j. 'MeCLTOEv A'genJj dentilUyibi^iaiV. td ot tbojcoTO-, : <: 1 Uqa^er.jCai r.l£cl4»!«»» Ik* 'KcApcMtjdg: > " %.'j.. ■']' ' ’’ "'j 'i "' ■ ' ' " U . '.|p, '1 ,'lfF-ydu «nit {o : l»uy' I” r' l ":' i!! 'jii -I'i’- ‘ 1 ’■ ' 1 r""- K ■’[ | UOURT-SAL^, ■ Jfjk i r Tiritko -pf nn j 'order of flirphjvnsVCourt-, J.ftS county of Beavpv.l safe by piiblio vonijun or ou>-cry, On ' . j' rirSntli’fdaif, f jit|.|l o’clojch, p.V. 1 . all (Tie foUWing Tfej»lJecita.tje of Sii«iuelUlau; M laitc of BijcYhcn-' veil township, BeaVer Cwimtyl IV-JIU-, eiiiiated jh’ BeivOt towhiliipV yiz: '.l’hiit‘fAMa of land. urualty I nown'. aa, htockman, Fj>W, !boundcdja»rtb by land oiVAmlrey.ijmUcyj on !tlif “cnstrby k l>y ftig' Uchveri Ctcok.j'on-the jtoijth’by Ibtnidstof MiUon/Beatkyi aud'[p!k;tfie. I West by;landof Itobert ;Stin,spu[B i'taining ihf> Vcrcajhidffe' or aboii't 4'J AercaJ. ! cltttAtd 1 1 ]ind - ■ i»'.olil log hii«o nnd'sdme fruit, trees anjthe premises.';^, >• '! 'Ono'third of 1 the purchasi; ‘money th ; :be phid ; diptm ! cdßfivniation of- sdli-byj' tbe I Court, the' balnncfo in -1 wh efpiol,, annual ipiiy.r mints,'wif-b’interest from thq same irielterrUdl Instirtlmjenfii:ta be secured by boitd -i.v V. ■; iiFor. furtluse information injure of ttyabclla Blj-.tr, .'‘(idVit’k.* oh : Stfmicf : B!iilr;. : deo'd'-. B>k jliiavertplv Beaver county, i >_ !;• lT ’ BJJ.Vt2,,AJia:iyt r . - 'T; 1 ' reoui 6r chi* I>ivirie )pof(>y| , their j EMU ■ V, i i ipr, eih t, r, tiuar-r. )NG. I : ' >und| •hieli the the Marti Ibrty and i r. offß^r c shop, pnj-iag If VA, 1F; ; JE' I*CB giv- ’iomonJ, lira i 1111 'Xfe'iMafk'ntit ! da liaud a supply uf th»] «* Krarae) iQlbthoa; Wfingot;, attention to the Mannfaotur t for the UnivcrsaV Clothea foil; Agent. Mr. W. having b Sjialo and transferred hia wifi keep a constant supply, iy onhapd, Crude oil by M lO i oil' burners. j -' ! • " M^UHE.Ag’t.BeaTer. ifr r , .j'k.r- •). |i--- ENTEEPEISE JNSTJEANCE €o. j;|.| ‘-|itoo'Tr(J/j|u/ ifPhiladelphia:, Cipital-Lpaid nj in fa11..5200,000 00 ) [’.( I Assets., June 28,'i&Go:-'-'. Honda and mortgages—all firsjt liens i . lon real estate n Philadelphia...s22B,466 81 1 Ground] rents—pineal eat d 0...... |7,4C0 001 States Liens... r,!. ;68,'360; 99 Girard hank : 5t0<t..........' !| 2,525 00 ]phila-;.pity,ji pet ct L0an............ i 4,080 ,Qo' Peal estate —office b.dildingJ&b... 38,134 71 Ijaslt.in Whl: at I on brjnd.i-...• 4.398 57 ’3geut5, : ;..'.....■..1-'-.... •. 0,814 30 j llntcrest acerued, but not due...... ;] 4,0 : '5 21 i dntefeli - 'dub and unpaid....1i...... .■> 'BB4 00 El i ■ , , -S'jJ4o.ttv.B 49’ ■pcf'uaKlnsurances (jljiapted ty | rates of !ptjenytt>fe' asi iripariy. aiul /to the iijwirod. tv ill j iKTCUFOft'rt STARR,, fres. . [>NTOOMERY, V- Pres'V, ’ 1 >!>, Beo~y. • • ’■;l , - I MIC LI; HE, :Ag't, Beaver, Pa; | NteMCl:: GO. Term anil per] i his company at nl'cty to t Ue'OOi admit.l" }F.\i THOS.n. MC • B. LOGKAVOO >..ne2o| JOS.; ‘I :iSTi iV\ r YORik. CITY. ■-.t OF N: il stock.. Capit; Surd ! Assets... tit hi - '• .l ''; .“y »} • s . ,i the affairs on the 'hit! ! oo| jti.oiT 50 ScUli iont of lilies UB iaiibi ! Sufp t , 1 L ; 'jk i ’ ASSRTS: | Cash! in baiik and in0fficc.;..*.......$ Gl.OiU V: J I’omis ’and ni0rtgagc5;..J........... 275,fKitj (N • Stock Trans, rinipfy secured...;-;.... 421i,410 Ot) ' | tywijk and stoclvH owned by the Oo 45'2.'573'87 11'lmercst accrued lB,B-18 Oil j, V;. , ! 1 Vreniimus in courscof colloctioriv.. '8.112 nO r -v ! i j 9*M- }• arrWftfa I - tiialkseta: ...... i .,k:..;'.Sua4C.*!:n 30 Globes, -Bowt*. - < ] • j i l - M ajm[ i ,h(UI rcii *»•* 1 *• ? 1 The nda declared since .the; prganiza- .• J' Unchha Sc.. Sc : i\rior .c..‘ j tionj of tlte Cv cipaay, ug..Vat. 180!),' 24-/pr v'-Leccs’lh.Js f..r M i ' € A -naJ.,ek.4-t:^ \\ ’ H^ 3 " \i' : - - ; . feeavan. : j wfe y gteejVll jtft&S «-V 8 «>7;? ■.j INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENTS ‘ GOODS- S 1-1 ay ■•; zepiiyV dkik;ihav^ ■ •!’ t Cnijc«,Sonta-gs,. 11 o-ads^x,‘wcrc Jr ,■: i ■ , ■ ~, i ~ ! , x ■ en '.Talmas .&c.. TUcso, gov.<us ywer |y [.■ '.-!OF - HARTFORD' :-ppNN.'-ii? W,4ii.d. w in-ticVp *» ie £*jP-’ ■’ Agai’ist ;iVcfitfc ! H{s of'Et- 1 ~S;' ->. .-1, 111 ?t , ' • ":„ 4.11 ROCHESTER •*;,. t;U|sf' ::.,u jt^rfyr : . '••!■ 9? be^ M mnm ( niot ■■■"■■■ ’ ■ "... I r :"''-fm r- • -I. - 'Ol i ' 1.• PrcrcßaNi Di .E , " ' I 1!1 ED.71:#144*U .1 -.' . ; 1 ' : 7 .$1.01)0*000 po 310,831 31 ;u 3(1 SO -•* J ■ ’ ; jy Corner of Brio 1 V «oainlHeistt.B,tf >j I i-ortli . '>"vr > ' ' "■' ' ! ‘ I- . ;':■ >: ■'i-i- i i; !EMI S''* •' cnisftcc ■f-% ! and' ■ : F li_ktl'Oß's MIME io, a iult I ■ ' '1 XDO\V T GLASS, .asortment'of lEEE Mi=l . W;-.' Bit OIL,' ~ j .aJ'XJEAT'S , ' SFB EMI ItA ED 0i1,,. MEI ON’O BE A*N'P SKU •-1 , JE'jEAI):' IV ET 'SOAPS. , . [ iso, BINE Toil. j'i&BtXAßtE' i-ksbhush.es,'. THE »E ;T. PERFUMERY. ANXJi'&TGILK AiRTICLIiS.: JXD POrtJLAB RKPABATIOSS :• - FOR TH’ ; ’i’;- i 1f..-' II of.Jwhich.. is gffere ithsiincling,late adyo E HAIR, sI" (it low pricei, si MI jytAttention of PI ysioians .it (ilsa cttdi ■ioeo prescription* w: • '■ *'. ! - I r* '■ ■ II be eejtarete'.jr es*. noded %i all hours. STORE IN T 1 !«’s Dry. Gwbjtn.l r exf door to Firti L;%XE ‘Ayrju ■ IVE MS -A: CAf. pctSSsly m know) Dp T'H£ P ; KtIOTV What 1 i \\iC cheapen*' Mffliee ;.6eoiu.ilyT coaair/— I* Why. wlicre to £ou .Trimmiugs aud SI -T.;l. .L. 4-• 11 - i NBi>V 5' ill .I'.^: 11 JAN EOT h' v &TIT (ji * /o£X2<rG- I T-- Aa- D /HO it; , f inul Murttt lire* *■ ■om y • MiU’. ,«ms; ha-M*' 4 W ;occo.,oalf.-to BUT8 UT cheap. 1 \LEio SHOWS® ktijg Clo®fc Done . in the lattit aiylcs and oo Silk -and' Straw Bonnet Hals Alt. sredand C°l ort TB, tki T^ c ‘" r? i« REES' (0jf 33lt * Stamping, Pic' j ; occdpied'by ' of •*. Cl Ifdbst); f.j, • - - 1 w i •:,„ ME ty6 A DIAMOW ; f a," - '■ • E.Mx (fsr.s*’ II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers