FPim 11 Quarterly : Mirror ol Fashiqns, irirt “Steallmprovement aii3AiPitliana,i> ' 1 *tt«, tfUMMEE KOMBEECOXTAL'i* "■' , FOUR LARGS FASHION -1 , SLATES, THREE FULL-SIZED •PATTERNS OF DRESSES, ‘ f J; j » L '• •, COMPRISING £HS » l>'eV French Waist, an Elegant Slefevc, and a ( : = Misses Sack, and a Sheet of ‘blew ■ , and Beautiful , - i/'BRAIU AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. -1" Togcthei* with nearly 100 Engravings of ..'all the novelties for 4? Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, • Children's Dresses, &c„ : And valuable information t o Dress I Makers,- Mothers,; and' Ladies eenct-flllyYpre i renting the largest and best Fnsliioh Mttga , .ting; in the World, published 473 .Broadway, N; V., and sold everywhere at 25 cents, or pent by mail, post free;, on receipt of the ain’t i nrUtamps or silver. Year $l,-00 with the fol lowing valuable premium.■'; ._ .. V., i .Each yearly subscriber will be'entitled:to a • receipt for.thc selection of 60 cents worth of plain patterns. from the deSigns in the book, or from the show room, or they may be or dered and gent by j mail any time -during the year, by paying postage. ' ’ B@*Splendid IpditaementsdoCanvassers. j. ready* : XN pursuance of an order of the. Orphans’ IJL .Court' of Beaver county, the undersigned. Administrator of .-Lorenzo Childs, late of isai.d ”VqanEy, ded’d,', wul expose to public sdjd onl j the premises, uu A , ' ' ' j < third, of’the purchase money Ito be pdid in hand) on the confirmation of sale :,| hy the Court, the balance in two equal, onnu ;m payments, with interest from tho same lime, f■ . For further information apply to. John Big. neger.ar.the preihiscs, or to the undersigned.! ; ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. 4 j"D^ r virfdo-ofon order’of the Orphans’ Court ■l. I il of Beaver county, (he undersigned,’Ex ecutor cf thelrst will and testament'of Mat-' : ■ thew Elder, dec'J, kite 'of Beaver county, will' pxpbsb to:-sale iby public vendue or out-cry, pn the premises, onj- 1 1 1 . '. | 18(35,; ; i j l .*- Ip- m., the fallowing described piece or;, parcel of land,' situate in Darlington tp.) Bca4 ycr-cinnty, bounded on jhe West By laind of.l .fiV’m.' Harvey Knight, on the north by hibdof ■ pelah Chamberlin,- on ,the east .by other-lands I pi said Tceiater, and on the South by; the tail j | pace 'off the Woolen Manufactory or other ,f lands of. said Testator; if Korea;,more or less, about 80 aeres'cle-ared'and 1 H |indcr/cnUivaiion, and ,qnderlaid‘with ii good ( yein.pf coal? on'whiclr is erected a bowed lo^ I)arit,, with frame sheds; fruit, trees on the ircmiiijß. -. The form is well watered, andjnib-- io .Schools,’ mills' ujid churches convenient; .bouhfourjnulcslrom Darlington. ~ f' TERMS..—-One-third nf the purchase money.. H J“!.hnh<l ;on;the,,copfirmati,ri the .sale by the ; Court, anil, the remainder in tAvo equal annual v Instalments, with interest on each payment 1 from the date of tlto confirmation of the sale ci, py thc Court; back payments to be secured.-by r jbond-and mortgage. ! i s ■; For further particulyrs'inquirc of the-im ■. dersigned at Elder’s Mills, Beaver co„ Pa; 1 ■f- / REUBEN- WATT, ; jylfi 05- , Ex'r of Matthew. Elder,'dec’d. j_" ■ Notice. ."v |TN (be Orphans’ Coart in hud for the conn ll.' fy 'in the matjterof the parti tion of the real estate 6f Robert Ritchie, late Of said county, dec'd: v?'• ■' i | f T.tjb. 'of I’ennsylvanialA ; To the theirs and.legal representatives of said |Uec’d’ to wit; T Wm/T. Ritchie, now.or late of ;Mhc’|tat<«pf lowafaud Jonas U, Ritchici ’now l]9 r hVte of California,.and all Olliers intercstt ;S‘I —You and each of you are hereby Cited,to be and the Hon. Judges of said fourty af nn'tJrphahs’ Court,; to be held at leaver, in and for the county of Beaver, on he first Monday of; September next; to accept ie refuse the real estate of said, doo’d., situ c partly in .ifepewcll,-partly in Raccoon ami lartly in 1 mlhp c 6 townships, Beaver co. ’a., abalnfjippraisemcut put upon, it ,by an , li'iuesl awatded by said Court, and returned o June term, 18(15,,and found to contain as VjllowS, to wit: _ . . Purpart A - 01 acre- 134 perches, ‘ valued at. ?25 -pc mere;'-purpart B, KU acres Hit perches;' inlucd .at, S4S pcr/acye; pnrpart C, 1 43 acr.es o perches, yalued'at $G3,70 per .acre, and in. hei-.event: of non-aoceptoncc to show cnlise why the : sam&should not be sold. . Witness tic Hon. L. I*. -M’Guffiu, President if our said Coart at.- Beaver, this Ist day of July, 1805. I ■ ' JOS. LEDUE, Sh’ff;‘ ; jniy .is, 'O5. ... ■ '. orphans’ corin’ salk. , order of Orphans’ Court, j ID of the county of Heaver, to medirected, J. will expose ttr public sole, on the promises. ; dn Economy tpi, on ’ ~ | . Holiday', Avgiist 2ltf, 1805, " fti 10..o’cinch, a. in.,.-the, following-real eglatc, date of .Mojy Ewing, and de scribed as follows, to wit: .On the north by 40s .Smith, .on the cast by I! oberr Charleston I nDd-lieir-s'of .GoUcil) ,ou the south 'My • 1 raot So. 48 of Leet’s district, c and.on the west .a by John Dippold and - .Eowler, containing I 'iicres and- . 128; perchesr-ahodt # acres of | which arc., oleated and .under, lienee, and on I "'liich . there -is [erected ‘a- log liviUSG and log | f table; fruit trees on the premises.; t TEitiis.— of the purclia.se. money lon the jeoniitmafion of the sale by the court, |, j aljmce in (two equal, annual with aptefes| thereon fromjhe date of the coufir ■ { (mat ion off the .sale,. f , . . . ’ I, The abbve' described property .Will be sold t strojectlo the life estate ofthc husband of Mary f* <lec ' J JOS. 'EEDLIE, if II . .. -■ Trustee. ' .NOTICE IN PATIjTION:V II Orphans’ Court, in and for (ho coun ul: *y of Nearer, and State of Pennsylvania: In.the matter of (he partition of the real cs jatn of Andrew S. Class,, lale pf Ohio tp. county, dec’d: To thc-heirs and legal rep- Iysentames ofl said dec'd!, to wit: Phodhtl J • rlaft-(widow), Janie 3 Glass, John Qlasd,'Es her Glass, intenna.ried with Joseph QoiTell he last three now’, or- late of Welli Co,'Judil n.tt-Luoinda Glass, : inlertharried -with James laretay.now or late of Black Hawk icouuty* lowa, Win Glass, now or late, of Dewitt eo.’,' rf x . as ,,” n d » interested, ere hercW inlifiedthnl an Inquest to make partition dr' palpation of thc.rcal estate of said doc’J, will P&rramise;?’ situate" in; D(no‘:tp., pounty.aud State aforesaid, on the 28th day of Auguat, ■, JB(j6, at which time and’place you pay'attend if you think proper. ' 1 : - ; f" • JOS.- LKDLIE, Sh’lf. 'Sheriff’s ,Ofwp.‘ > >' j Bdavcrjy. IDj’CoT / . ’A" I ... T N 4 be ( ’ r i> l ><*ns’ Court, in and.for the con fi ll- *y ot -Heaver; and State of Pennsylvania In the matter of tlic petition for partition of file real estate ot Rachel Ifazen, dec’d., and tP-‘o 11th 18G.>, : thp! court grant K'T' heirs am} legal representatives eih*'Tlt.n^ a 8 ’ intermarried felh John-Trover, who resides in West Vir fe” 1 ?’ pO Vi. Wh ° ir , dead ’ lea Ti n? » hua btfnd, Ebei Vfiokham, and twe ohildw; Bim mei and Susannah who reside in'the State- of iow*! and all others interested,to show cause fanyynn hove.-why an inquest to make pari liton.of the r»l estate of said jJec'd should lottje.awardca.aXan court. . to bo Beav«r f fort he county"if Bearer o'n he first September iakt ■’ , : ;r, JQa LEI)LIKi .Sheriff. ' i i NOTICE ■ : ■ r ® Of the Smith’s Ferry ,i and Little. Beaver Petroleum Co .• S^bov^r^' 1 ’ 8 ' .'-° " ie Ca PT Stock of tfie or ill r 0"^ 1 " 7 W,U P! c ‘ as f A the of -3**l£? C «WW ! WlCTOcefolheir-certite V*- _ i CHAS. B. HtJBSI. Sootastar, June 21-,‘65. ' .... / 1,1 ■ v ■'■ r* 1 -I - : • • ~, . I MEM ous sources; both Publip Self-Adjusting and ! Aj finger -pith the 'Patfen tor, for turning both rolll positively, prevents tlie|ij twstingdnthe shafts y fee ( Wringer, but the O po ver which 'renders.jl W( shpr pressing and |s] tin dirt with theC'wate leajving them dryer, whitt when “wrung'’ by hand.! prigs id from large hnd|s; quicker, lind more therm dinary. old-fashiOned -bl straining,! and clolhes"jd The Cog-wlipels prevdni of clothes by the friction ing of stitches by twistatj Without Cog-wheels',Ht he whole' strain of foroing the-cloth through the Machine is put ,upjm the lower foil, and the cloth is made td sot in the place.of Cogiwheels, to drive tlic upper roll, causing a much greater strniii up oti [the loner roll than wtien Cog-wheels, [with ourPaterii. Regulator,are! used,besides the ex tra strain upon the clptbl . AGood Canvasser wanted in every! town, liberal inducements offered-, and cxcliisird siille'guaranteed. ' y •»:^Bjibwn?G,'A g int.; . i> . •! 347 Bttidway, .New Yorkf dV.M. PJ WOLF, Agent, ’M'.-l! ; ; ; | Borough township. U. TODDis jAgept for Universa iDgerin life! Townslyps.' of Mooh;. Independence! Raccoon, "Greene, aim uanoypr. 1 r j '. ' ' -“to , r'lioucisrix; ■ ; , v MANUFACTORY, hOS. 221 EAST ■ T WESTI’-TUliUi STREET: 173 &ITS GRAND,Si REET.ANO 215' ' / J CENTRE jS'IKEE.- EsTAnLisniiD.lB3Br; N.Y. lB-38, THIS J3nabllshmeht;m s lieciiin successful operation iitke'largest ot.the'kmd in, tUeUmtc;4,: tinges,. We have Tin hapd or maaufiicture’ippn eweyory description of Looking-glass, VictuMt OU Portrait JrameS, Plain fiml-Crnamlnfel Rle!, W«l?Ov«l& Mat tel Glasses, Connecting Cornices, Base and; Brioket Tables, with Mirhle Slabs, -ToHot Glasses,&o,, M inldiijgßifor lecture Frames, m lengths suitabl j for transportation eitjier Gilt;]-Berling, I&se woid, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Malrogpny, As."' Our new manufac tory and extensive facilities enable,us to furn ish] any hrtiple irt Our; line is good, ns the best, and as cheap as the cheap ist. ' are invitgd to call upon us When they ]visit( ! New We claim to be able to luppiy.l o-snppj; tt CniWith every arti cle, in our lilic whie|i therein possibly purchase elsewhere. I ; j j tSf" Ord promptness. New. York. I Ojjict ,j- Hu; Mry 7—3 mo tin ns. The pa id in adv no v offered denlly expo will make ii A Swee A What lad! <lcr the “cinj by using tb Bill it could be £ separated! many frj iniLsfurevcr paries Tlje siibjcctus jso.Delicate, your ueareat-friond not meution it: aitfj ym arc yourself ic nrjrant-of tlije lacl.' /T 6 cf ect n. radical cure, uhc tlie Dalm as nigh: aud. morn* ing.. , i' i . "'i . 1 .the MpST BEACTIF.UL WOMEN 1 of ancient tim 23 .used honey to hoiUitify Uieir complexion; jb it the ooml ination with palm oil and other valuable in riedicrits makes it, stjiU niore yiluable. ' Fur 1 athingsafferin’g in fants, afew -'llops poured into a basin of -wa ter will dispel all fever, tetterj &o A few' di’ops poured,( n.yourjshav irig-brush makes a beautiful sift lalher,Pleat ing- 4 t he face pure -and.white. { s. When uset, for washing bight and mornl.i; it eradicates-all 7W imrftr, and Fncik., rendering the skin toft anU white .and -frte from blemisfi., *■ ;'' ' ' ' F( * r sale af IhePrnggt ire'in Bridgwater, I) Y PI G • -I#P Add f.TStt If RN T.' U: OmOYSTREET. ■'’Vest of-.'P'ctleral,) ‘ v mHENY, pen^ai: jrictors _of t jis Estnblikhmen in engaged foi a mimherTof years kjttensiv© esli blishmcnt? in,this he cities pf Now York and.l’hiia- N ? “ fllc tmprt ved appriakces 1 and b employed. 1 ! Seing also in pos b very latest d acbverica |and rae jesn. Dyers, they dye arid, finish 1, Satin end S' erino Dresses in a H 'ln many arises, these.articles, lolor andfinish, very,nearly equal ' to v netvGood i, i * - vodsjfivn ed'in 'tuai weeks 1 ALL The Pro have hb in 1 the most country, in 1 delphia, whe apparatus at* Session of tli thods of Euri ■liadics’ Silk superior styti are! made in i i i nppcaran [■' I SSb.AU [( For -VALL I>J, TO A NITEVH iVHANGII Trade,- and’ prices posalll Vb. 107 Mm r ' f n«trl?fiS ■ , | ~~`.':- Penn SASH & 5 ~ ; : JAai a. gni S LAI Cor. Penn Flooring, i Doors,R Ahyny? T. Tu B. B. CH. (Near I BROAh .TiKOMT'kl x EXEMI com ecled wi jere l, ncknoi jandPrirate. iljustable! The only i .Cog-Wheel Regula- Is together and which, jolfei from breakingor jt'.isii'ntil only a, pet jog-wheels give 1 it' a It a most' : Excellent spiraling; as it does, si -from the clothes; tr. njid smoother than j - The water can be mall articles,- easier;' ; aghly than by the cr ack-breaking,' wrist-, lestroying process.— nil “wear and t[car' > of the rolls or bre.-ik ?S‘- ' rs by mall Doiiot fail to <rooiiii,-iVo.r2l HORACIi V, r ' i interest to Jot nee. This l , is >y the Governt ted that its si (lie ! ‘ ittemlcd (o with call when you visit i Crnfre St. t >V.' T. SI G LK R- Agent. June next will.be lent, ami it is confi iperior lulviintfllgcs md Perj VERSU, tuned Breath i ■ •. T laclts| jr gantfeuiaiJ of ii-dispetj OP A irtfiK . -l^ow reath* r : r would remain un able breath; when (» gIidWKKS,' many lovera il hod \'xn tjliC c i!m i sfecu yes- oir ?• !'V; t’ • SPRI ■tejed * * o i •- » ■ERih mm&i’ ■l'- 1 -IM ,Y ARTICLE N<}'MNE,nr3 buyers Ben or] V CaU Jy, ITTSnCUOH! I JOSI H. \D&V,J •••■ tfS, AND! iSCORATIONS IN TUB PAPER ! now offered to tlic ' at-thclowest and sc? at ■ , J fjcrlir nnJ Firti,i s , PA. ’ ’ V UGHES (c 8,R6. piktii Ao6r] I * I, V . i 5.:... jag*" Mlillj, WTWi, r iKtJI J\ : t < •••ALFRED SLACK: M &S HOf^S. y Streets, SBURG, PA. . acdfiigi r, gash, tsdrMeuldrty'. order/.: [myj7;ly <fc Martini PITT; iVeatberl i«5, Broth lid or.rnadot rm Cord, üblie. ‘ tfary.. OFFICE, WXI >j BERLIN,, j 'e\ Provost Ji AVEjtjpotra: tentibiugiven TIPS it fhe draft;' ki r ' ‘ ATX'V at LAW, inrsluiPi s nee, tUuiOX. }IV, PAT ' to the drawing of 13„ahd allmalters fclso oaths adminis ien*&o., &c. : [dole Igm^atst* 1 ‘ WillFßliil SEWING MACHINES. The Best) Moat BeliableSewing | Machine Nowtonllse! : These Machines Ibck-stioh alike, oh and use less than ha and silks thatjthe Si ble thread loop-stitc do. It;.will. stitch, Qtoiltj/ .Tuck, Pis Cord, Braid, ;etc.; previous basting; an adapted than - any ol Machine hi uso tb, changes and great sewing required in they AVill sbw from ty thicknessesofMa out stopping. and stitch perfect; Or Ire the hea- gauzq cloth, withoutchan needle or tpnsion,, pi jjdjustmbntofrhaachl lt has the. followi ges over all other m ; -Par greater varii beiuty ahd excellent speed and quietness of motioji; simplicity of Iconsttluclion; ease ■kas-r -|-; ‘ ..“ -I and management; elegance .ol design and-finish. • are peculiar .facts, anti »iu\ go far to d-c ermine the choice of- an intelligent- buyer; —Please call, and examine, ■apjElESOL^ V- : . Ij.EAVBU,' PA,/ augfLT] Sole A editor Beaver co. HILADJE tPHIA COMMERCIAL POLLEQ-E N. E.<rbrner of 7th &ChestmitSt, f PHILADELPHIA, PA., . ' THIS Institution,. Which was establisliedih 1844, and,is; now- consequently m ii> eighteenth year of its existence, among jts grat untea, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants an,d Business -Men of our Country. , . ‘ ; i ThAohjcct of the Institution is solely to af ford ybimg.tnen facilities- fo|fj thorough prepa ration for business., . ;j. i I, The branches taught arc, Book-keeping, as Jppliojible to.thp various departments of tradE Penmanship, both plain auvl ornamental-; ■ Commercial Law, mathematics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing;’ Phonography, aim Modern laonguages. a?. '• • • The system of Instruction is; peculiar; no Classes or set lessons are made uso of;, but each student is taught individually, .so thiit ho may commence at any time, and Attend at whatev er hours are most convenient- . . - [ ■ _Catalogncs "are issued annually after the 15th- of April, containing ngmesAf the gt«s dents for. the yeah, and fgll particulars .of terms, &c., and may bo obtained at any time by addressing the Principal,! | * . .' -|f In extensive wide-spread reputation, and. thc iengthy [experience of the 1 Principal, this 'lnstitution offers facilities- su- Perior to any other in the country, for young’ ■men wishing toprepare ; fer I business, and’ to .obtgiijjgt the same time A .diploma,, which will prove a recommendation for IhcmHo’an cantile House. ' .• I" ‘ • . | i #6T Ckxtibspek’st Series pook-Keepjng,, now moreu than any' other. work oh Uuj sal* at Ihe College, TO FARMERS. I will offer at private: sale,- for a few month's one 8-horse thresher and " s in ordc^‘one-hiaf Buckejie?- Mower andßeaper ; “ tfjreelsior’' Mower and; /Reaper, patent- drdp Wagons PaiivS, -{farrows, wh «ded llors<~rske - Grn'n l)Wll hteMSnftrfy new and of the .latest improvement. ■ r • I Stovcirthcbcst ta use an I tv itr'anTe-fin every respect. ~. ... ~ R V G: CQOIJ, * rt . ,ii cfl.J'pft. • mar.29/65. .. , * • AD AIIN ISTRA?'oR’S NOTICE, T ? f ; fld o m!3trat^n W th s estate J_i 91 SHAkE, late -of, Columbi ana county, Ohio, deceased, having been is.; l9 the iinJerelgnedi all persona indebted ap required to make iffimdiate payment, and those having claims Kill present them, rron erly authenticated for settlement. P JOHNSIT^EyVdm’ii. Bri<U»watof, Pa. ; :v JyOTIGE. .. ; ■ P R i? t>o ? ALS wiU be rec by the School of f borough, until the ST***: ( al time We expect the Co. Sup t tomokepahlic eiminations)forone ft™!.' Pwuapxl Mii, into female assistant teacher.; TBoschpol wiU will Uen Sept. 18th, , and con. • Xlnonlhs - i" 'By order ofboard: jy3Bo W. W KERR, Se?y> r Mi Mi 1 Pittsburgh: j, ■ ' . Jidilyjhy f;” , i lie Nefeiapjr and ( f W_ r * 5 -7• H-’ 1 *- 1 - l - -i r . Printing : . v . One, of the Eafqek' find :2ttosf. Wiitefa' 1 ; OiraUat'ed‘ Papers in the-State: iCHtiet' '■ theo JSdrliest tend *’: . ■ • ; ;U: .. JRtiUeet lMtUigenee - , ‘ . Prtispecbs for NewYear. r On assuming conlrbl-bf ihff at thecojnniencement oftlie year, the condno-' ‘j™annofnced their, PEXERMINATION, to i •"*Me a‘neto ?i/f ’etßrf tjgbr 'ikW its columns i V'uK)P r shonld tender tho papcr MORE THAN e -^^c«pt A bee to thE;REaper. j Tuej’Rhpig Increase ih'Circufatioh, flafter ing noticesiiaf our con'e inpofarfes, -and 'Coil*- 1 grjtHlptory Letters from,every .quarter, as sure us tuatour efforts have not* been unsuc cessful. . t :) '4 • fj - .. , Pomm&tiai HAS; 1 ; GROWN. RAILy; i». public favor: Until it' now ranks amorne the RAPING JOURNALS in-'the'MuJrtry/ * ee P pace,'wjlh, the' daman daof the readihg ppblip, saiqe.time meet U»t> increisin’g pressure' t)h ’ : our' ndVcrtising' 80 ”““#»? «Bep INCREASED Of THE PAPER TO THE EXTENTOP fOUR COLUMNS.' 4 : 1 A™oB|f,thelsadipg;f ea U i res are full a reliable' . I TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS; .i ; from all' the deadirig' poinfs of interest. ’ it devhtesf speoUlaUcntionto ■■■■■:, ! MARKET REPORTS, • J di Sf I' 51 ® OIL.' : cItTLeI LUM BER; TOBACCO* and the -PITTSBURGH GENERAL XfARKRTS, Our , ~ . ; , , ; : i ■,* -j /river news, ■ ; ■ : partlctiWrutiontion, nnd in thls Pc-- partmfent has, no.rival. ■ The J, FINANCIAL ANP SEoCk REPORTS, of the OommantialXti prepared'Mth’cairn atid wiU bo fopnd to he junugiklly fhll aad reliu*- ble. , Amo,,the Reports of the • ' LEAPING MARKETS OP. THE COUNTRY emhjaoip&rcportaot the, PRY.iGOOPS and WHOLESALE MARKETS, .anil Special Re ports of OIL STOCK FIN \NCE AND TR VPE . frpm ; IU-y.fp /day. „r v !: J *it*i r,* T 1 /TM? s Trill; bp Riyen.to these Aetdrnl'UßparlWeitS,- the Com^rciul lays claim to rant tUijong, tLehwdmg ioariiaU of the country as a, mod jura, of . , • . -general INtplLipexcjj: r if: <d 'give none Mt' S'kllty reiitfne suited tOithp FA»Rl'f’.CarJ:LE,:an<l to ben.wel-; come visitor to thc' djscriiuinating pii j>Uc -I >-\ t.THEI’ULPID “-f'fN'V-i a peculiar, of A.he/ C.nLcnial; ?y Siring every haturday an ORir.i.NAi. Srn-' ■mo*., prepared exprdsslV f,j- a Minister it *M,V 1 Goapcl r in.-Pittsburgh or vicinity, (which, ali so,gocs into the weekly,') titty two discourses are given in Ihcieitr, ,b 3 { not less than'tweri- Ay or thirty different XRniste.rs,' without* re-’ gard to denominational distinction.. This Pe parlmcnt of the Commercikl lias attracted much attention; andarrangements are being made to in crease its recognized importance and yaluß t As a feature jvt once novel and it constituus not the least of the many claims pf the Cominerciaiilo patronage. ■ In politics. tlio w iU be ah un-' deviating of the Union, ami i earn cstly Joyal to the and ns far as consistent with this aim,,lVce from Vartiian ijhip; *■ mak.e the ■.■■'■-j :: . both sides, f the thread tiglbardop, !L*to . . to Machines Hem* Fell, t: • '• it,., Gather, tt ■} 1 1. allwithoul d are hotter i '• her Sewing top l freque.nl variety of family; or toe to twen ‘seilles with make every, m the finest, ’test heaver ing the feed malting, any ip whatever! BEI ng advahta ~;0 • | chines: ty of work; Ice of stitch; yhs Cownertial isa large folio’sheet,,anil is published in; two editions every.mornine. Sun day excepted. ' f ! Tkrms of lUilt: by .mall, SIQ, p i r annum; tuty subscribers, served by carriers, $l3 per annum,in advance, or, cents per week.pny ablcito thecarrier. Single copies 0 cents. A discount, made to Agents. - Tiik vxatuboat large sheet, containing nil the ; CurrentrNews, Miscellau. cons, Literaty.And Scientific Intelligence, and \ alunblc-Heading for the Family, is puMish cd at §!.30,.(52 issues.) per year. In Clubs .of.Tweniy, $l. ' j , : ,r -If 'ur’/./or- Weekly and Da'd;/ must ahcai/h accompany the order nnd'jn no irstance can these ’Jcrms h: deviated from. - - ES9™l’ostmastcrs arc requested’to act as agents for tba Commercial. i ‘fe'?. FIFTH st’,.opposite Postoffice. G-. 1> WMGKAM ....i .............. .Editoh. 11. D. THOMPSON... JprsixEss Manaokb Address > THE COMMEIICIAT.i ' '■ fPittsbnrg) Pa. -• 3STEW BRIGHTe^IsiETBEA? AN ASYLUM Foil THE RECEP- i TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL . ' ALIENATION OR -i DISORDER Artdotlier Nervous and Chronic Diseases; 'EXCLUSIVELY' FOU JEM ALES, npiHS institution Is new open-for Uie reeop-' I tion, pare, and'freajmcnt of the indepen dent elat* of ■patlcn{g"whp;n r rc laboring 'under mental dciahgeraent; or other nervous anil chrome disease. We make specialniciitmn'bf nervous 'titul chronic diseases, from (be fact fhat sc von! 1 dnfh sof•I h o; female patients that ,%re Committed .toedur puidio Asylums, *q be treated for'disordered iiiin<fs are reduced- to that lamentable condition through previous' physiol disorder, -V? Jo. [well limed and iudi- ' cions t treatmcnt of chronic and norrSris rffs cascs, all physical disorders, in the majority ■Of cases may bo removed]; andthus the mind having suffered through the medium of the' body will when free | from the Jciciiihe physical cause, throw..off. the shackles that has bound it to worse than midnight darkness :»nd reason wijl. once more, resume Sts sway’ | clothed in all its primitive beauty aad wonted excellence, y Hence the necessity of all those ;■ [who are liifioring under the .prcdispiiajjijr' dr ■ezeitlng causes," 'camidMed in the drill to im-' ipair the mind to rcsody to an. early and [judicious course »f rcraedinl'ingenis. The Institution is a large- brick building with a stone Kaseipent—fogr- storjes : tiglf 'and tvell vcidilifed. 'lt is situated oh an elevated [(able land.which commands a view;' of entire —adjacent hiilif^grlives and neighboring streams; all; of which are calculated to pro, dace'favorabio impressions t upon the disorder ■jed mind. J,’.- 1 .1 r , ■. ■ -Jy ;T The. Institution, is-bonpilple iuyalfof djsjaw poirttmftnta,' tlTa'Jh.gfioen iWcfuJty fitted mr at gract expense; Jin it may me<etj approbirioon add vicfijS pf the most fastidi- T!ie, and bathing- apparatus; lhe ; most: -»pp?ove*’ modern J^e'niflio.prjnc.ipj^,,d?iis. department emhrap(<i.not. only; tho. L ]ordinary. batbd iut; I worm,alrand, ascending auJ .dcsccndUig ioMeisi for,-tlic hunts effectual andj successful troatnicht of • oajjiheons and [othericrolpdousdiscaais. ; ; . i , :it We hcg.iimvo to say to all those who may fie, utßppspdr to commit thel. interests : ‘of*, a - dear! wile,, sister or daughter, .j to our charge—em ay; he assured that no means wilj.be spared or efforts wanting on our part to ameliorate their condition or to offict.a restoration to their ac customedhealth and vigor of mind, i yyj’or fusilier particulars spud for a Circular. All comipunieatibas should fie addressed (o - • ¥. KENDIIKIBj M. d! . Supt, of New|Bri£hton Ketrekt 5 New 1 Brighton 7 Beaver Co. Pa. ' of' Treatises. on yidelj-,, circulated for -noTX2-62. 1 EXECUTORS NOTICE: T ETTEBjS"'testamentsry on the'eslate of 1 i .Bekj! Hkno, late of North Sewiekly township,. Beaver Cbtlnty, PaV.dcc’d,. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are-roquested to make and those, having claims against the samowill; present them iproperly nuthoctioatedforeetUement. J V- 1 ‘ • ' TTM " - 1- rnyZ l A, REI MA-BTIN : ' -4i, * !• i' jro. >. _ ;*■ beno, ; WfwOkdUo, fai ■ K VVj .nn* mjjp h ■ ' ■ '.j (•?{*• i BR VE SOLDIERS AND SAtlioS, HOLL^At i . lAncl : 'ji «totiv4ie&[<£«v -3. Army or Navy, shotfld like- espeeial’eare that they, be amply supplied! pith thoke Pilla and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors hare .neglected <U proTideiihepr selres With them; no better pteseht cau bo sent , them by their friends. Theyjhavf} been prov ed to be the Soldier’s ncver-railinS friend in the hour of sieedi v- (■■’!. ■■. v j:>f coughs And.colds troops , be speedily rembredfarid effectually cured by using these admirable roUdiclnesvahd by paying proper aUention-to thu Pirectioba which, are attached to each Pot i i. ,- SICN HEADACHES AND WAnIw^ADPE \: tite Incidental o bolmers.?^:-’, ■These arise fro»i ’ perspirition,- or/ent ihgiand-drlhkfa g -whatever 1 “i'MWhplesome.jthus djsti«Jiikg tiro, bMtt&Wj action of the liyer and stonjichS Thase or gdns relifeved,'ifyou feiretbbe WdlL 1 Their ills, taking accoVdingtifbeprihtedin- will qurickly-a! preriuce a healthy : action in: both'liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence a clear head and good ap petite, ' ’ •' ’ WEAKNESS OR DEBIUTY INDUCED BY , ' : OVER PATIGDk ; '“ . ■Will BOon disappear by, the use of these in valuable Pills, and the Soldie# will quickly ao quirq additional ; strength. Never let the Kent-: els be either confined or unduly acted; upon. It may ,seem’strange that Honowiy’af Pilli should bb recommended for Dysentery i and 1 Flu*, many persons snpposWthat they would! increase the relaxation. This is a great mis*’ take» forthesfcPills will Correkthe Urer and stomach and thus remove all Jh'e acrnl humirs from the sysfepi. TbiameUicine will give Une and vigor to the Whole oifeantt' System - hoit sv er, deranged, while ihcaltb and strength follow [as a matter.bf /course. I Nothing win stop ihe rclaxation>of the Bowels.so sire las this fiim-; ous mcdiqioe. • | . |iT’,‘ VOLUNTEERS' ATTENTION: I INDISCRE ,V th tIONS OP TOOIBj *"• - k'’ :' Sorcs and Ulcers. lilotchinSs aniliSwelliiigs,- ‘catf iwilh, certainly be ild-ealjly i cured. if the I’iHsurq token night, and, imruing, .and! the, omlpienl be freely used ag staked jn,)thc print, ed instructions. If treated, in Any‘of her man ner they'dry!np:m One pSWtb b Tfkki but id Sh-. other::-) Whcrbaa.lhlß Oirrtlnint, •will’ reihbVb the,(iumor» from theisystam ji idienTe the! Pa-: Vigorouaand-healthy Vian.t It will roi; Uses .jo ini .sure 8 lasthiffeur'e. " ;. i J ; :: ,FOR' WOUNDS RITITER 'OrifrASIONED: BY’ , TUB BAYONET, OR.SABRE ORTHEBUL ; LET, SORES OR BRUISES,/ ] | v ' . To which every Soldier ttndfSaiJorarc liable there nrc.no medicincs.sb'aafe We and' |con'- venieji.t as. Holloway’s Pills,and ointment. IThe poor wounded and almostidying sufferer' might, haire his wounds dressed,! immediately, if he' would only provide,himself with this matehf! IcsslOinfment, which should be thrust into tjhe. wound and smeared all around it, then covered with a piece of linen- from his knapsack, I and compressed with a handkerchief. Taking night and morningO or 8 Pills, to cool Ihesys-; tern and prevent jnflamation. I . . j .• i Every Soldier’s knapsadkf and Scaman’sj chest’should be provided will;, these valuable! Remedies.- ; ! -i - I '■ ‘ CAUTION •~N°nc are geniiine unleSs I the words “Jl(iUoway, Xew Ydrk'nnd London,’’ are discernible as a water-mark in 1 every j leaf; of the book’pf directions.aroiind- each pot or box; the - same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light,- A handsome reward I will 1 be given to any. one rendering 'such informa tion as may lead to.the detection-of any party or parties counterfeiting (he mfedicincs orvend-| ing the Same, knowing.l hem tb J)e kpurioui." ■ ; Sold at the Maniffiictpry of Professor BO Maiden Lane, | Npw York,* and 1 by all respectable. Druggists land- Dealers ;in , Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes nt 25 cents, fi2 emits uri Tsl each. ! C@°" There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes; ‘ N. B.—Directions for the ienis in,every diSorderaretiffi; _ J _Jlhy7.' ' ■ .. V y l ; . BRITISH PERIC _■' 1;' •’ WIZ. Titi; Losnos QbARTEn,!,T Rni Tub Epi.vßunoii llKvißw (Wh Tub WItSTMIKSTEB dIEVIBW ( The NoETit;BniTtsn ReVu-.w ( 1. :‘j '! ■ 'J. yh " ■'; Rr-ACKiyoop's Er>ivmu;]! Ma ' . 'J- ' ’ ,-«|l ’ T- 3 - • Tbo American; Publishers print the above-named period,, cost of print ing liny douUrd, f per nctvrly kcbledi and Uses, < : ctc., .largely increased,'tjioyi.i advance tLejr terms as follow 5;, --•TERMS FOR]B6S ? For any cpe,.qfUi^UßyWs^..,„. §4 ih) For any two of tlid' Reviews), ~1 ... 7;iW For any three ofXke Reviews' ,-j iwJo .Fth; all four of. tlitf Reviews... ■_ 12,00; For Blackwood's JfagaiineJ. , hoi) For Blackwood and oncllcviccv : 7,00 | For-Rlackttpod andanytwoT.evieWs,.... Ui.'tio' For Braekwood nhd'l’bre<f/,Reviews 13,0 ft Foiv-Rlackwooiand the four Reviews.... Ifi’tkf !H)e porks will be printed or a grimly improve fd quality. 0/ paper, ami while nearly all American Reriodicals are Vit icr adyaWcd in price or reduced, tnrire^—and very generally both—toCshall continue tp give faithful copies' °f “W (lie mattery, contaipeif iit tlie original editions. Hence, our prostint priced will "be I found, its cheap, fof the amount .bif’hWttcr furf ] ■nished, as those of any of-thu-eonipeling peri l ' iddlcals ip thiaco*uytty.. 'Compared with I the cost of Ihc originals ed| j itinps, .which at the present iremium oh.gold 1 -wbitld'be about sloo'a yeat'; Mmprices (|].ivi are aectdingly li*.- Add id tfeis'the|' fact than! we make our annual pa'ythenlMo tl c- British ( G cojitmg ua at thisUlme! (Jan.. 18C5) nenily $2; 50 in m tbe,st*lawe sbiill'bft en- UrelT justified by our' andMlhe reading-public. . ; I ’ TWjinlcre4t of tTicso Pcriot icals to Amcri ..cati renders' is-ratirerrinWeaseirthalu dimin- tilioyiejihi pin .op our. i< ir«r, and though. soinctiiAes tmked with 1 [prejudice;' they 'may .still,' their*! great the different, siillid-pbints 1 TH* %y, altul': ddvaiitagGJ* by the'peome .if lilts j coui»tJQr,.p| «w«iy «r»wl|aiid!ii'tajtS-q)t-. ‘ TH^6^®^s'fohB63. : A lew copies bribe above remain! andivsiltbo iold at SSifoty tbej wh’filcfour" kr Wforanitopg -.,; ;1.,- yfe also pubfi'sh the . i i , rl ■ _ „ FARMER’S Gifl I>l By Henry [Stephens, of.Jidiilhurgh, hvteiJ. P- lof .Yale C(illegc.|, ; Royal Octavo, TffjpO page's aniy minib; graving*;. ; , PRICK]?? for the, two.vol pos^-poidi $B. LEONARD SCOLT $ i . ■ j A'o. S>B. U'alk(r S/n New' Slarttle ■ V XX Iroi ; MARKK T St., BRI3B THE, Subscriber announce thai he is prepared to fui triers all kind of work intis iin SLAB to s'CAIIVEDTOMB St American and Itali; Kept on hand, and all,kinds as Ornamental ‘ wort dime in manner. . .• ■ ' Mar/xt aly l door north % 411 I ' f SITH'S PERKYSSd tITTLE BEAVER EirROLEUhI cbMf A^rY I 'f ' [ | k; "f CAB|T4L 5TQGK...^...,.,; i ; ' SBP,OOO. 80,00 p sTittfes'bf pur ’aloe 0f......]51.<X); each. eAvjTAi -u.^.>«w,ow. A- -X 4 ; Inoe^> n K i itß ItookhoWers of the r\ iabctve company.. held ht,their. office] .in jibe,borough 6t JRachostcr,, iApril ,201b,i 1805, (be faitaiing persons ivercjjfected itscjfficers ..is; ,' i ; &.,«>; "j ill t j *• ■. ■ i•. ' „ ■ ! .(f ' , : ’ PRESIDENT: “ " - | 3UTTISOK DARRAGH. : . , v-TtttAK&Rßß'i* REORETAEV! : ■'.i'-.f |b. nu,us:r. k: V ' ; 11 ‘j ’' • niiiiictoßs: •’" ! VL ‘ ' ir Mai tison Darragh, ' ! Milrtdi.' , A i dhrnv: ’. CJv rie» Stone, , . A lfred.O; llunrl, i .Inn es John Bigger, if ; f Let r Brennathin, '■ -Hoibt. A. CocKrhUj -if i -Charles hV Kendall.,- ‘_''-4 ■j* .. •- •! • i ,’ • ,V; : j; 't& "A. limited number of shares; of Stock of the ; above Compiuiy may be had’by ap_pli- I calionat (he office of. he company. ... If Bffi„f)iti!ce lil (tie Diamond, Rochester, Pa. myS:pm OIIAB. ; j’Uric ues|tionably the bes } Sustained work of the kind tn the World." , ■ ..j. „ ; ,;j DKff and 1 Dn ni ,i,'" «- . t . ’••• J sent-by jijai), 1 hi# llies can r,mt t f 1 ’f toJne,l.ntyon.s Drug db"reriJiea- I; ■ •{!• "*. f 0 ,Ui f, ' rtl ' U i]V ‘ f Dui/uu, The more delightfulcom r -j : - . v - pnhfoiit r nt»r' themillion ri mote cnfcferpmuig; ■’> , , 1 IMOWJ : friend M( H<M*i:U*>per'i;; j. , ’',i < . j '• ■ .? iyofnianl (Baltimore 1. :, ;. i; ■■ f [ ... ,; ’• 'Arr.--J)r. , Hilrks V, •', Th.cjtnost popular'Atofulily In lh« W.fi-.1i1. |jnifr*est evidcriieioiat thov tm a l * ' r?f | . s i ]'• * 1 -fi™K f ™"'4nWbest £«> .:' ,\y» rnuflt refer, r; in,fp4rmk of onlftgyv|io <.he j b !W«j UHctbfliem lo igest. . 7>r: 11'* /> n’ l ' high, thno anil yaric.il[ox4pUcnt:.of;:llAßPKß’s ian aeminent Dentik of liU>ok,l,vn r "‘ uia JlArtA'TfrSE-i-HjOTiTnal rpth ai mataib|y cprcula- 1 < ! >e ?fcw.;>'«y|t,StJp tfd# cppt'frd-in wh6qo {pages .*%?« pr.cpaWitio'nsMii’vc fccen'arsed „ aretoabefoupd some of the choicest light, and *aie practice for no ia ,r ’ .?h gcncfatrc'adiyg day. [\te speak df ■(Ills of Brooltlyn; or MHartAburghniS”!?*l - .da tin evidence ot the American ; weHenee, whiled imminent yenihiV f v and tlijo popularity it has acqiumMs-merited. -Tbrk recommend tiiem as the lick 1 V Each : (number coatainjj fully.' 144 , pages of Jhe profession. aid ** roadinjg: matter. appropriately illukr.ated with J "ig, dealers h.ave’k'M, them by tie 4. goad and itf. combines in itself the j The Editor of , r.aibf monthly artd: (he J more; philosophical, ‘‘"Vare happy to kno\ftlmt onr! qaartepy, blended ,wit i Clip vbest features (if! is ’sneceedii * beyrtrid 'all lexn> ‘ .Uitv’ -ty. .‘lt power in-lh’ei.'lfcseS'il witff-jiis .MOl'T.lt an S TtVmi-S * “ i lovc j, °f p(|re lityta-itm-e:-—jreraill L>KU/ The -grenfhecrct of hisi Mtciesv 4 ffio .4t7.vnroif IMerhturei Ilondoh. j will the tkct /Aiir I U ar;ichx nre' vrf,-!,,‘-T\ unjes bo.und cpnstitute of ttiem|s«lv.it|VW‘e'/nre rej,rrneiil(.lj, he, an- tre can in-if, F of reading such :i8 t/st." . ' 5 fount! in-the|samc compass in 1 '; ’file well ;knoivn ’ icatibn that ihas come ainder, otiv fbntid your TOOTH !ot/oT Courier] i '■), : have iiseHat SUBSCRIPTIONS; .J’ ', ?*?<*■/<* the mK 1 , • J 4QCC ; %• f;, feet oUUgdd if you ! j ; IOOOi : . :;■ I .. y I'ly.al IbeMuseuTu The Publishers Imvc pcyfeicted of bi’.’..” ; ma«ili(r by which jhey|can supply fhe i-ilacA- Etu thtdyhost is W small tbntover ZISK and Wekki.y/JTOHinth/ tbtho.-e , who pro- test,(he. matter for himself fdr to 'deceive their pepodicifls directly; from ®aj- ! iieware of he ordinarv Too M' ■ theolllceofpublicntioil . ■< |J ;/ I>r. Tooth IPoodcr c'ohtainV 42' ; The iposlajre on llaiu|kii s 24 iior.alk.ali, nor. clitlrcoah nn-l: mdii.iF-C*'. cents a year which must be pat,h at the , So*, h earing (he cnara*!. I Use n<l sbri/ierl post-office: J*. J.V <‘ |; 1 " HAT.j iWll.l, UC HUUh>’ (tn/Em | . Terms: ' ~ effect ? Ultncntfs Maciazink, obe ycar r i...'....,ki4 00 ;,I)r. Htird’s \loitth Wash aiV.lweh-tin. ‘ | Anlfexlra copy of-either (he ; Macazlxe or will.gis-'e voting ladies- th.it fitiiik charm in w?U f be grjiiils jfor .every uvai'—a iwcel 'brcfitjx ijntt pearly teeth: jlllub of Five Si'iiscnsiiiutshit S-l'jfO jeneb in one them; ladies. • ;l . ■ remittance: of.Six,Copies tor S2f).o|). ' Dr. Hurd’s >lOlllll Wash and. Tooth*! U; Hack numbers can be supplied atFipy time. Will -cleanse, tlie nlonih tVnnistll foul c L U C?mplei.e|Set, now comprising Tivctily- tious: and if used >0 the iiiio aing. will , mno Vjdnmcs, l in. hcat|,cloth bidding.] ' "dll be .thc : breakrast'tasl«|-sweeter and the day K senVhy express, freighj. at : espeise , jo.f pur- more pleasantly, j| lliindcyis of persons i chaser! fors2j:2s per| volume.-' '’Siugtervol-, teslify to this, t,Try rhemf gentlemen: upics, by;mail,‘.postpaid, §3 00'. plolh cases, Dr. IlurdV-doiiiii 1 Was!i and'Tooth; Powin for binjding, 58 cents, by mail, pospput.l.’ Ad- are the the best preparations'“in the uSirfi fr 'tlre^s-f . f ■ ' ' curing. ! '*Jrrf b'rfSihl and. giving finudcas in health to'the, gums—Hiindreids of ris ; . i D^*ca*t:(l\ lih\m.iny pVI/m*. .Snfi Month, Oin’i cte.,.have btSiti curedJiy pr.‘ Hurd's nstrin;- wa>h. . > .Dr. .Hnrti JlunUi niitl Tooib PiktJh give aii juMitional clinrm. 10 cnurtsliip. ani niako Imsbhmlfi more agrwaMo to tlujir wiia nftcl to Uieir-ilmsbnmb. ■ They sliyaM li used by having, ■ “ A UTI/It)i.a 1. r r.i’.Tir. NW XKII kr aft cans o|ln not; ice [ of pa each box. ;uida: ;cd ti PI ALS. I= Jonserr,,} Ifrw ■e-) , Rmllcnl. V~ Free-(.'burcl. ] tazis!; (Tor;-, “V I . oomiquc to rejj Scats,j\>tit iifj'tbc; ;lic pi|ice, of pa-s. duties, licenses.! rq compelled to : IlilTr I &r. El'ONflllY I •Ilf 1 f; !. II •1' j ■ IvjG-. W, SPBNCEKr’S.STEAM DENTAI _ ESTAm,ISII jTEN’t, so. ■25 } P ti-tS St.. . mPiti'Jcoro. l‘a.. is nni. rnh.'t com \ pk lc |n the' Ptiitci! ‘Slates'. Xiue Jirtt-ela** At [ si,»fnnJ9 always ih r attendance;,also Jii,lady ti j rcjcuipo and Assist in waiting on ladies nnc I children.- - * »| ' [ : npppr or of.lhose.HoaidiCu - | Vulcanite teeth/ Section plate with, itHiciai Gmiijs, itinf tcarr'ftnfad superior in rcxprcfyVc Aiiyuadn -in Uie United'.States,* for*oilly iplain teeth oijly $lO, „• *1 .r - _ . L ! | - .He uembw- WceSt as - soVtu ent .of Artificial, teeth arid Dental mate.- • ;rials tvep hmughf to (ho Jolty of -Pittsburg thud enabling people ‘,ta select Xeetii) to sui ili.eiu regarding the. Unyth, sfyrjhj, eulor % l they require; i : : - . { Physicians/ and -Editors, *cf 1 ■ the/di'ffe: rentpap'Ora; in-Plitsbnrg and jvicinitj j [!., i ; X. D. bgn’t forget the :p?hic—dnlyf $l5 f*v ,j 'vitraaiiiig the teetU and- inserting oj new sd-1 I W tinrbest tftylcu. guaranteed- to give perfee* L«atisfiction. .livery' operation portainiiig tn the Dental .profession jekecuted neatnesi * land <op.itch. |i j ’• ••. ' | On]y ncr.'rc Jiourjt Hint retired to make yov |.a **cf of Teeiit l3o don’t forget the i I ;;No..ll->4 Pehn sl.^PittAhurg t two squares, | above \i)c Suspension bridge. Pdoi ' & GRiitaii, i, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW, - N ILL. attend to -.legal business- of. nil kinds. Prompt attention given to col s generally. Licensed Agouti for col of‘Pensions,-Botinty, arrears’ of Pay aoney,- Pay, etc.., of Prisoners: of War! I kinds c of .military claims against the iment. Office— . ' ~T V. Market Street and' the'" Diamond, icciately ini-the roar of Court ! ouseA ' :■'! ; BRAVER, PKN.VA. Fia D 4 y~'pxßd ~~~ 'TTTTIIEREAS letters testamentary on. the’ estate Of. X.vx.cr IJalo- of BrigCwateb, Beayer eo., Pa., . dco’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indet Ipd to said estate are. requested: to make’ unmc diate payment, • and those having claims against fhe same will present, them properly authenticated for settlement. : ) I :--M ■; 3AMUET, IUVHDSOS;. Executor. jjhlOSS. . ■ Bridgoiwatet I) J anJ the i. 2 ,vgjg:' irous Bn -hy Mail, ; • *» ’ • i jlbiliers, 5 J ’ork. - I • ■+ . . pes—) I >.,Tu I l e 4 .Ne. ty •ks! !v? • - . 'I i ; K 2 I’ • Ks »' • i DEWATER ' ' ! ' i . is fo <fae pnblio I lush io ohetp gtiom hi BMW ITONEJ'I, -v -aa Marble )f plain as tcell l a - satisfactory, . D. IRONS. Alfiwn’a styte. taaßlTHi, •' ij IIAIiriin.&,BROTHERS, 1 - r. | . F n.\ ski. IK Syr ark. New York ISTRI! DBNTISfRY! ! TEETH! ■> filtli. «ji<l iieaxity.! i-'l' 1 1 COMPIETR «T 0» * raei; uring Toothaohe jft,) Ne| l^js. ■JtM??' *"*?■'■******£ w^.s^*syJ ' Dr. Huftf*MAxi~\r ' ’,’ Prf,*vin£th' T tf ,h; g t { u Z '*«* Treatment af ChVdrh/.-r l noss SILK hr ClZ„! M fiOOTff PICKS, ei Prepared ,at-Dr. Hurd,,, ftflli-tfi St.^MbHVn, ■- ■■■ •• TptX pNEpoT/riellt') • t i y^|SKl s f icle l! e r«4 .The.ifrcas^rwi .Prutrmii, ,k. v,. paid, on receipt 'Of Twi;u e ‘' i! stnnipaU, | t "’ i the ’JratMffiaPltiler. for l v „ ’ Face, Nervous rttpjd.i'clie' m j p '' post paid, on Tecffipr'of kLho.* "l stamps;! ■■; •; :, " Um A * hn* R/ie , Biz?,,) for I'ains in llie Chest sC„ or any part af the body, *« oeipt of h-nrly-eeven eeuu. * ‘Add'refiS, ; ! him/: n. nrs, .... rifiunt i ~~ ~ j i Jy })r. UurcTt'JfOf'TlJ WASN'T' ‘ '.l which are liahljc f n’irnpai t. arnim to l)r.f Hiiril'y Ijoot iiupht* Dronp> ; cur-?;T>;‘t--x| ache jinsirig ies.posc-1 limes, and ve riiJ best tricntls that parents can havoin iliel-ouw to savtrt.hcir chiHreii'.fnim torture and selves from loss ofj'slcro au«l •^ynipfi-taet:c»:?' *,k Cling. , j ' Farmers anil m did i anus cannot wellaf ford t X iitgl'ec t V«»u£ ('eti W. trifling siir-f you can" now* got ‘“prc'sernnTos. than ‘-wfikt Jilothschild-cr Astor. can unit CunswnptivH.e 1 the jTr|;?yj/oft.cn originate.in ucglcci of Teou-, Scjni foMfcc a -Tr#fi>> oteTtnh* and read It .observedipns oa this subject. .If w laTe'f(| arrest decay own teeth) an. your qjiil Jrcn’s* teeth* ' JTurJ'f Neuralgia Wasters arc thel**- pfeasalnt anjj succ.easful reuiedieseTOPjfre?c"* ed for this painful|dijiCitse. The ap* plies one. syon. becomes-drowsy,.tails .iVieep, and awakes)',free from pain, and no Mister n f .other iiiplcasant or sue. . Per .Kafache 'rLn&.y’crvoii* f l?) | ply according, to directions, and surely ifollow. Nothing ban he 3l>tnined e f i' c4 - ■to Hr. Hurd’s Compress" fur Neuralgia.-T? them, 'They lire entirely a novtd, c curio;i?*“ origin il preparation, and■ wondorifnUy^ci.’es - i fnl'. They are of two sizes, one fort-* ,facei jjicicff-dp cents, .and Hie other h>rje,_*- application body, ■py* cw o 7 ccnfs. be minted onrf.ctipl of price and one •„ i Wn-Af-Alßi:- TME I*KOr/.h' OISG[i , Tbe-.vWericu.u'pcople «i:o iniellijsenf«W^“ approftinto.prbpnrnUonstbftlconlrifiun'SOKic to bappincsa.oy tbjose using lliem. ariil \*f. i wont t bcm. Every [nmil. brings u? letter.*. I^' jbrJevyiig some the >&' . \ Vlnstcrsvtiinti not n,few rnelesini:3'^ ! for the "M (nub V,;ish. to he sent by to rib. o* j-lo tbesa we,are cbnipellcil to ‘repi/tlut tki.seud a.balf.pnit l.ottle bf T!.c people! want those ' KeinoJics. . Hit* 1 • svppi>;\thau? 1 , i Now is.thc "I ' ■ ’ ‘ ! I c HANCB FOB AGENTS. . : .Shrewd agems can make a small fnrtnn* * carrying these articles wound to/amiHe*.* penta| Treasury is the neatest article tr* imrt 1 or woman eon carry' around. ' e . n f fl one and see, „oivbetter, a dozen, t will seffb as samples.'lbr $7. Agents sapp l liberally with circulars. jpg^T 1 N°' lV *“, e 'y to to gju into the business,4 odo good, and Ip 5 a.profit, t We are spending' thousands benefit ofi agents.. Nexrdftnglaml men or men ! here is sdmething nice, and a ch.vtf f « take tiie tide at.its flood. Address, ! . i wm. icmmp&ca, . Tribune Buildings. X. c *'} oT \i. That remittances may be .made withf c{l dencvWi.ip. H.\|i C6.;,roCer to the W' X'rooklyn!; "tp G. W. Griffith,, President ** Ors T Bank, Brooklyn; to Joj, ■ ?0.. New! York; to V.lk Barnum,E9q ; » * fork, i do!, etc.* l -’t | m iN-O'TOHI . SCIUBERS, wfio have not P*p,‘ “f,, (bscjriptions to the stock of the ami UUtle. Beaver Petroleum Compw . lease dose immediately. • ■ . 12*65. ]"• ; CUSS. R. nURST- . lo| | SeoiyiandTreas, , -i, CTnrpay “ - nfcWy any. ; . _ , ’ Sue su' Ferryji will pj . nprt A. 01 i ', Si! r m* " AS& I ’ lrj *3ia, 111 --7--- I 'or )F . M, S RA^i '*<*ll J 9 '‘ n,h ‘hi ; fillet: 7; Ell ■ c, Pre<., * artti,' T dse P>r,;,,. ?, 9eal -P<*. ■' Klaa ik, b chf -U K»4'- y«? >■«■» ■Sore*. Jf ■' ''EXTh "' h 'c!i I ', T--Barn.iim-,wr;Ues; l!0\\ D>.R so Koo.r-.lun. iuk'-i, '/•’• used. ' 1 semj me (mothers; nt yVmr coiiTcniqnco,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers