II THE BEAVE f" JUNE 14thr«865- ,; 'J lod L. and • gillie ]')i'csor imont of Urn Grand , IIJ i t .rln relation to the Co.unty Poor ;ji juid the communication of “A, : irlr s Fiiond.’T in i.dvocady of Lt. i^° v ; ( {'P, Johnson,, ojT Beaver, foi* t|om- j reached Js -'too lato ■ i I 1" SAI.KM itEPUnUCAN I comes • t! . of tl.is woolv c largoJ andiu a now i It is. 0110T0} me best of.our and‘w|]»p» glad to W •,Ms-evidence of i^pro^^ty. |Agriculti|r4b Soc i et y- % ’ Hutni-day, iusl -> having bcerfl ao ' s i'4uej for.tb'e | li'thJUei>nblicaii| fc aeS t|d.lo stale that lV mooltogSofj 'tho lilai-tl ;of Managers 'of Uioy Agri- 1 Societ ' iJ ' n- that day will j bp Uefi o’" the Saturday,thei first (jay °1 1 \s|^ T e -ha I'roin K»i- rji'l' ot IH-K. ;; l I>u ff htivof l |.U , !l jf «iaici'tl>at k 0 ■ Bt p°; liavif W"' lkl .> in ! • 4 ;r " c i '"" t lH Ucuvul Uimt-r.-S \\ |4Wh'' i"-; 1 -' 1 ; : - I' tj/;i<| ' J.i'-'i ,s " in 1 "Pi ft :• .. • t ifo lit 111 Ill’Hl't-V,!! 'O'ITKV. ' J | jjvi ous Lind li:j -cnino|Hny .Uakuj hot rl.k.s, ,»iat. H *.u iindoustj'.ii imu'olloiL oi'.iho 'Sim; incii, fc! iho/implliM bo is'cJn at tlio UiUo *. 5 j ■» 'n-ianife- Farmers to , o;;:inr.r.M.t i»t;- I' -' _ - _ I Struck c During List*, storm •i.injfjl.iJtf liohso pf Vsftll'n ''Moon toWAahipi was Struck r, r ■'>| 0 “ , “~r ■ W\vLuAn.'. Tlo tghlnm-.ro,d was, vs siune i Aasault andßaitoyt - mvv&owMhe wfntWws all shuttered, defendant plead guil y, and sentenced. . . amlwt.irf at 1/10 galbl 5 end of the i house 10-.pay.BoO and coat*. j ‘J [ ! - in,and thoporch thrown down. ; Same vi saincj Riot and Assault i A.bjaot iree' tulir the housii waal »* d verdict guilty; defend’* 1 siriitlt and com deldy I dbstrojrcd.f acntcricod|.ta, pay a fine of 820 anc , Georfcc.W Shrodpi*luid family "were in costs, and tojhroernontlis impiisom, .the bouse at Ike'iir.o.J Iladj.it not ntent i-i the county Jail. .; havefbecn for the lightning rod ilte Santo vs George Hill;. Assault a|K house .would htlve heen -completely Satiety; verdict guilty, and deiend destroyed. | [ V . antis recotriiizanee forfeited; j: I! f—- -—r»j- ■-= . 1 Same vs Andrew Hathaway; Biga Another Oil stxike at Smith s| n verdi U g , lilly lnolioll for a DCV ii ■ ■ My. -| . -?! l tr J a , • ,- r ° i• | : I Or3Saturday orepi-rig,; 3d first, Mr. ~ j. T iitilc' slracljc oil in‘ bis tl’cll bn i 1 * a,no ' y AHt ji.wviw v. u w<\ vi. , .is ». r nr'» • r f . , r .. n j 1 > '!■■ •:! , , J> While; L:irconv; veulict trinity: d Litllft Beaver, some two or three hun- ■ ■ • 1 J} . ? i i *, * , * j . V. Li *i feudants Huntcncod to thirtcen^monlh'a ured yards übovd its mouth, at the ... 1 I dcptlf of 570 felt. T)ie!fib9'v vwls | unusilaliyfinq. (j)n Monday, iinornirig ■ amC V 9 ~v art oi ; saau ; Sh iLrols .wMpcii uo ‘'« u,lt yi P roBc W Picnlrations aroj hbing made to tilbe ■; ' • • ■ ■■ ' . 1 f. . and Imp. it. and il is thobgl.t by oil Samo °W". 1 “«">« * men fhatit will hjefLid the best wqll <J u ° r contrary to law; continued, i struck in !thki locality- ; Sonic i Sarae v f D .P, Hanforg: |arety 6f. I It it! capacity asihigh as fifty on oath ot .George H.ll;.,defoaa. 1 - per <|iy •>. j ant bound lover to keep the Peace. i._ Ui| has. also*'bben struck in,consid- ’ * crabl| quantity b jtho; new well, at ilaffif's Mills on Raccoon brook, on , jlho sputh side of [i.ho Ohio riyer. | ! r Th(& 'recent stri .cos have oHfeasioned renewed activity aliout Smith's Fcr« , ry, top a numb jr ot.novF companies havo|boon organised,; and areeommen cin['|)pcralious. ,: ■ j ’ ■ ,j Itfis an undisputed fact that-tbc proportion of plying weils [struck thong is tinicsjas largo as in tllo Feu;|)go or West! Virginia oil i-egionb, and pough thcirli yield i is less, they aro'iluch rno'rc : '[reliable. Veiy ' few havelgiyen out,, hr materially :diinins isbeil in thoir projluptiou. So Inc have bcenlflowing stca lily four os-tivo bar rels |lor day. shuo ',lBOl, and others ■ ar< fe ra( J u ally it creased froin year to • yearf? . . / I , ' »•'. , j-- ' - ■/ •' Gl 5 E '-V r KKOucr in Entire Srocic, H PouTU’jE’ji Great iß^hgain ■ INTUIT Fl.VjMo'xi), KoCUESTEK. and f’jmtuj Goods j Itcduccd ij? cc >d. —On and after Monday,' ; wo willisclll Prints;,Mus* b S | olaincs . J Cliallics, Balmoral , SUiiits, Pant Stuffs,Ticks, u°s’ ,annols Shoes,. Hats, Caps. ; g° n | ietB ’ an “ aG llillinery Goods, at P c 4® c ,t '- lower .tkfih since ®|tiiuo high prices j; porsoi s :jq idea bow our Muslins llsii'.oon'U, ibr l|u S t heavy jShooting, Tbcsc_ pi ices cannot lib found Gi S* l%rC U^L ' ' u IjcniiHylvania.—: V;|l“i aeall bc f° r P purchasing, and v. pl4e*"Vft U f' cI S- tko HlNb ion store, ’ - if' D I ’ 'JwlF'. A. Fortune. ; 1,,! 1 • ' B ARGUS :SCELLANEOUI find'etl ii. letter -Joluj, K. Camp, .iilory.’j wliioh we ji}'i.lish. 'lib is on Ft. Jfuni'bCj aivcl Id tiuarii ovor J eft, k'ni'id that bb'was : !• 1 Uiug V> *,bo‘|rebol I'eaptuvedby .1 oil’ j bolbnginjj ip Co., f., is n'ow'i at -bis . : .Vn -bo i-'cch at- an/ :o boy 1 , and was i irivcd at home on I;' r ' t]i hist.,. Idokjn t : ng tit-Pn mufctcvci hululure lib; be vy ' h sjiys that his .“Well-. |j J [ . ,] • | , *5” tu‘o off liku jh it heUlcsiros tb 4 c '' ->cl lie lias tjiili a fe{.v icfSiVyi. Aspect- ipi it in ay aUvayii n Hold, yiiorojio call and, give,it]a ion before p lirybas' t !* :■ aightnirigi j ou Saturday inor- William, .Slirodog, 1 Court Proceeding! -J3ut'little civil business wfis trims- * acled in oiir Courts lasi, week, most' of the. eafees being continuoij uu ac oant'of U|e illness of Judge in. There was no lade of criminal; •e.-i,. bovfhvcr, us will bo spun by* our , e r ort - 1 Mary Brown ys Joseph Kay.; Eject ment for. tijaot of land in . Big Beaver township. [Defendant confessed judg. n)onL I i • .' „• .• .JjWV S. C. Olis, of Cleveland, Ohio, SV)n. veil and Thornton A.'Shinn iflPiitsbUig;'were admitted to prac ,lce law iri the several Courts of Bear: •Or county. 'j '; . . j ■ !?om. vt Sianion Gordon, nl, Perjury.’ jOontinucd. lame Vs..A!dam Johnston njjni',' Soiling Ijiquor |tp pers upiporatb habits. Continue Same Vi Hillery Hemler ;nt, Assiult and Battery. g«'lty.'. Same vs Michael Oamb, jr n-jnt, Sclhrig liquor Lo persona ot ih .emperate. babits. ppnlinued. i . Same-Vn John Uathp. •Indictment, s, tiling He-nor <somt.rf.ry to law. C'on iriiie'd. . |Same V to I ti. Coiil Same vs Js oil’o.prijis] ii<X witiu'jj i same. Indietmoi persons of intern]); mied. ; Josepli' Penny. -Mjui enioriid, the -s having the c s On thaisip: Carl ej ip - ,; verdict 1 Ly;; BlO fine an (Jasper Whilzci; I SI nor contrary to 1 ricked and % ivsj; rued court!. . ] .Andrew Swane; jhg liquor on Snh< nteredy dcfondui ■ Suinu VBj ut:tl sJutcn^oli Same vs.j Silling lap tc next cuijou vs inciit. Soli prosequi t costs. ■ ■ Sainio vs same; Selling liquor .to mi order as in preceding case. Win Johnston;” Selling !i -icn of intemperate habits; iiorf.;i sarnoj Same vs j , I quor to m ejjnUnucil. j Same vs the Peace;; | , Snnc vs |ly of the I Burke; 01 1 '■■ ■J i pay .costs ■■ to keep tli I , Same vs oil of Tobi Sarah j Uenslcr; Surely ol settled by the parties. s John'ilichacls et al; Sure peace on path of Margareh idered that'John Michaels imd enter,into recognizance ic peace. | I ' snipe; Surety of the peace, as 'Burke; sumo 'order. ■' •i Mar}' Diamond and'Sarah ; BSk.We jiavp received from the pub !• Ushers,) Messrs Leonard!Scbtt!& Col, i' Walker, St, MoVYorkpiackwoodlfl j! Jjtagttzine Tor May, and last numbers )' of -the Edinburgh ;and Westminster Reviews.'The {oriiioreontjains its usual variety of interesting. and valuable • matter,' O’Dowd” ahd ’jMi'ss Majprlbanks” being continued, and a new, and excellent j serial, .“Sir | 'Brook Foss brooko,” comfhonced. , Its |lj|olilipnl i.rticlc is upon / the State aAd prospects of Parties, as seen from the iTojy Btandpointj its financial article , ajn elaborate essay upon the sale of -iilcrcst. , . ’ \—\ ' j • The contenta of the Edinburg are ‘Taine’s History of English Literature” /Heraldic Manuals,” “The Australian Colonies,”j “Madame'Poland,” Lcckys 1 nfluo,nce pf Pationalisra &c. 1 1 ° -Tie Wicstiainster Review contains in article on the Positive Philosophy) Comte.” ; St Johns (hispel,, Tjhe State'of English Law Codification,, Modern Novelists, Sir) ]si Buhvor Lytton, aid Reform aild The Canadian Confedorty, with the ilsjual reviews. The Articles are all-able and instructive, written) by the'b< st thinkers and ■writers of ] ingland. The, article tfH tho Ganadiianl Confederacy con fai n s much valuable! .nformatic n ( and should bo road by ovo-) ry Amcri ;au Statesmen. j H These Magazinesiaro (reprinted by Messrs Stott '& Co fromthe British iidilionSjiiimediately upon their issue. Tor terms, see their' advertisement! in another column. „ ~ [[■ *®rTht?Stiawberry festival of the 'reekyterian S. School was generally latronizek and passed off pieaa&ma^ I ' !. OLOIERS’ FESTIVAL ] ON FOURTH OF JULY. A : meeting 6f eiiikcbs wis held; pur-; Riant to published police, at' the Court' £[tij(iso,| on Wednesday evening, Jude f, The .moo Tug- wst organized jy the up (joint mot t of tljie following; ', ‘ ’ j M „ President: Do Lorma 1 ill brie; - V ! Vice Presidents: S. B. Briggs, JanVes, Morrison, Win. C. Hunter, and Win.; A. Laird; ; I , Secretary: Wm. S. .Barclay. On motion, Resolved, That wo cor dially invito the citizens Of tho.county itlo unite with us in; offering; to the re yarned | soldiers of Beuvijr county,j a Free Pinner oh tile 4th of July next/. On motion, agrded that the Chair shall appoint nine [persons a ! s‘ an ■ Ex ecutive! Committee, whoso; duty it shall bo to select sub.-Cdmmittees in, each township in the’ county, ot Ironi throe to five persoris. j j I The Chair named fho followinggon- 1 tleraen i siid Committee: -Messrs j. jS. Butan,; George W-. Hamilton, John 1 H. Boigbley, William Orr, Robert Tallon, Henry lliec, Isaac N. Atkins,; .Wpi. Barnes, DfJA. T. Sliallonbcrgcr and T. M. M’Ctird. < •/ | The Fair Grourids were, on motion, selected as the place of ; [holding'the Festival.. . i. - i ' 1: - | Resolved , Thatfwo extend an invita tion to [our friends in the country dis tricts lo aid Us in our enterprise,.by bringing ihcin noniribilt to the Festival.' j- - . .’ t - ' .On rriotioh, adjourned De LUUMA DIBRIE. Prcs’t \ ' Wm. S Barclay, Scc'y. ; Proceedings of [Executive Committeie. ■ : : ; ti ! - ■' p‘ j[ June 10, -ISGS. Executive Cqhimittcttjpet to make arrnngemopts fir Soldiers' Festival, J SB u tint i ,i_G ha i inn a ri. Oil motion; ro~ f plved thatja Committee of'three bo ippoinlod in'datjh Township and lough to canvass;the r ndjlowitships to proenrj} money for the'.said Festival, with power to ap.. point three) ot more ladjes. to assist them ill said Julies, and tjiejsaid Coip ivnUcoa to ] report to the Executive Poinmikteci dr any meni'her there jfj ndt later than 20lh of Juno, thcra moiint of money, as near j as, passible', that their sovclral districlsf will fur . iiisii, also td report the number of sol diets that will likely beUrdscut from their Districts, } ■ '"d], I;] ,j ' tocAp committees:'- ‘ ‘ \ ; | Borough arid Borough tp—John Y iM’Donpld, Danjk M- Donohoo, James Purragb, 1 Lucian Conrad Jos.Lcdijc; Bridgewater-j—Hr Murray, James orlcr, 1 J 11 Maratta; ■ ! Fallstnn—Win Henry,-’ jjean, 11 |P Coopjivj - )j ■ j Patleison —Janies Palte -Robertson, Wm Harrison; i Chipped a—.Wm Thom [Walton 1 , David!Dunlap,vTa Big Boaver—John Gneb ‘atlerspri, Ghas Wallace, Darlington tp and boro—■ )r Ross, Nathan Eakin, J 1 Recti; - ' -j | I South Beaver —BoSorf Johnston LaWrence,. Sani James McMilliri; J f Ohio—Bohorti H /Bare] Dawson, John McFCrran, Gaffick; : Industry—S B Briggs, [Martin Knight; > jßrigh ton— Jos 'A \Vri Eakin. Wm Johnston; j / Bbchcster bor—J, Cij Hurst, Gilbert Pendleton,t John S Darragh, G. C. Spe Eochoster Mot Whisier, A P Foster; 1 Freedom boro—Cltas Boi Bryan, Wm W Kcir; I Freedom (list—Dr 801 l John Brotyn, Jonathan Pal Economy—John Y Mai 1 Neely, —Bryan; . ■ ** New Spwickly—George Rauschof, Henry Gobhring, Dolmbr.Shanor; , | _ Harmony—Jacob Honrici, Jonas than Lodz, Dr. Foight; J | Marion—J W Boots, Tbps Phillis,' Philip Birabor; I Franklin—F Autenroitb, H Meta, Francis Wilson; j . !; North Sewickly-^—Bov Satn’l Boots, Hugh Bennett, David Warnock, Nit than Hazch; | .1, Pulal&i—E Smith, Henry Phillis, E'B Daugherty; . i i New Brighton—John Beeves, H Beisel, Wm H Power, Wiin Kennedy, F Miner, Edward Uoopsl B R Brad ford; . . ■ **;. ~ )-■ Greene—J H Trimble, Jacob DoihT, Dr Lawrence, Sam’l Nelson, Henry Cowan, Andrew Swaney; I ■•,}'! Hi -"op—Hugh M’Cg l J D' IS 'll' Indicts ) Indici iiH of in- 'lndict ■Verdict Indict- .t, Selling Crate hair Larceny; proseeut ;ountry. ; Assault defendant id costs. hdielinout,; l|ivv: rccog-| ililed until iy; Indict idfty; polio lit to: pay Hug jtcheori, _.!r M’Carrollj Aaron Minesinger, William MeCoj’,ll W Nclscn.DavidAnderson, John A Gibb; i EsfCcoon—rJohn C Christy, Joseph Campbell, Robert Potter, Jas Smith; T Independence—David Reed,' Eob’t Gorsucb, Matthew Anderson, Thomas Standish; i - Hopewell—lsaac Scott, S Shrodds, J 0 Ritchio, David Pattop, Jno White; i Moon—W m Shrodcs, Dan’l B Short, Wm C Fisher, John M’Briei; PbiUipsburg—-F Lo Gouilom John M Shrodes,! Eob’t Eauth. f J '\ • . ~ f v ;• j Address -to the Sub* Committees Township Committees ore authoriz ed and instructed, to appoint sub-com-! mitlocs bf ladies' to. assist in raising j funds. The intention is to prepare a dinnei, for al’. the soldiers of the conn* ty, their wives, and immediate femalel relatives. ! Sub-comraifees are ex pected to t visit every family,and solicit contrjbutiousin money. It is expect ed .that every family in the county will contribute something.; Let the names cf all who contribute and the amount be taken 1 down, and a list thereof be furnished to the Executive Committee;' likewise thejn&mcs of all who rofußo locoatrlbatoJ The money so collected must bo s2nt|to J. C. Wil son, Esq Troasnrer of the fund, on or before the 26th inst. It| is absolutely, essential that' the. money collected ho returned by that' tiuie; and sub*com* mi blocs will see that r.o jdelay occiiije.; Township further in-. i T?/ L atructed to pfsparti a;ilist pf ■[, . 'lf-t- -r -diets who will atcnd Jon the* Potirth, FIT. and inenibets of - Muy l i, 180-3, Drcuont early on ino roarth ,!;irul seel • St.-itior? >Jally, Simlays Iha . all wlio are joillillhd Infm theirili'!’!?«■/:, Ic.-uiiij: On. •several districia-'are j pi-o^eidy cared • lafly.). fur. 'This will (iljrjrolvd| j '' I tiuiss-- entirely upon su'h'eqmmitiecs., ; T.ho'' dinner, will 1 bo prbvidMl by ijie eoiu imttco exclusively lor the soldiers and thejr immediate fticndji, and ihc ciii zonfe are requested to contribute hum oy Only 10 defray- necessary, expiiushs, Several hundred d.ollUis. odfodofray necessary expenses!, and' it is hoped the amount ydl. bo i raised by small [contribinions jfrbm 1 caelij patriotic citizen of ' | Elands of music ( wiH; lie prpvidoji.and 1 distinguished orators jfrom ibijdad will | be present to deliver ad dresses. I The ! waif jis over, and! our bravo boys|have 1 returned, ,atter ’year*);of exposure. '.jb’arjdsbip, suffering and darigoV,! We jOwb j.bcra, a roedption, such- *is' no ! soldiers ever befoi 0 rqdeivo'd, jand we trust .the loyal of Beiiver county will I’iiotl hesitate ■ to provide Every eouiity in the State is moving in this ’matter, and we sincerely trust the pur 1 triolic citizens of Beaver couiWy, will 1 prepare a. reception at j least, tO dhatj tarnished by! othericountiodi Our soldiers have ceijtaiu|V been| equally] brdjvo, self sacrincind and devoted.— 'Letthose who have been appointed to croilio work not jaltcr . Spare neither time nor labor.! Should auy| p!f ; 'thcl| Boroughs or Townships faltor. it will reflect lusting JfHseredit upon the Committee! of: tbit District. ! J Jet all] do the part assigned; Ipt each District ; be equally'active and equally reiircfPh.j ted,J and then jjho, ,appr6aphin£ an-.j niversary will lie d memorable day in the history of BeavorGounty! j. I i • Jlvsl Si, Hctan, Ch’n ’■ l.i ; ' ijtt, ' OntholfStinstJ D.D, Dr; J). Me 10 Miss S;uio- il; Ivobert McCrcci burgh. ' 'i; .. ’ Gn.ibo Ist ins; .ton 1 , ;David|| W. Caroline BaJucl Barclay, Es(|, a' April 27lhj bj Mr:' .JoUERT j-iSA IjAK(jE ); all.of‘.tbi ■ 1, 1 i-iV* . On Frida} 1 ovi Brighton Twp., of Jilin Small,'£ two months. I ' . . '- ' , (St James Dup- •son Arohj’d. 111 1 XIJiX Xv is, Samuel i Kennedy, ng, Thomas ' -Jno White, F Bdyloss, TiSETH! ILITY k ECONOMY j 1 , 1 / _i s Graham, ’•I Mitchell; i ay, Lanier iiobert Me al *• Behj Todd, ■ iyv« Ki^hoy tpss, Ghas Dr Marquis, ■ lyeror;. ire, Joliti ntul, Henry DR. G. W. SPENCER'S STEAM dental I ESTABLISHMENT,- No. ‘2Si Pens St,l iPittsbubo, Pa'., Vtrga t and most, conil plele m the United States. : j A’ine'JiTil-ctast As. titlaiilt always in I attendance; also In lady to receive,and assistfin waiting on! ladies -and children'. ' ■'•j: |j 'tf***' (T • 1 Full upper or. ; under sets of beautiful Vulcanite teeth, Suctionplalo with Artificial | Gums, and icarranud mpenor ta raped to i any mado intho United States,:for enly $l5; plain teeth only $l(9, ,1 . 11' I j-. !.• Remember Dr! Spcric.cr has the!-largest | as sortment of Artificial teethandlllerital mate-, rials over brought to the ioity of Pittsburg,l -thus enabling people Ho . select suit' themselves regarding the' | length, tnape, color j tiit,kc., they require.,, i| ■. ; i : 'A-1 , I . References — TheAPhysieisns, and Editors of the different papers in Pittsburg and vicinity. N; B. Don’t tOrgfct theprice—Only sl6 for extracting the! teeth nndi insertinganewSct in .the best style; guaranteed to fgivo perfect satisfaction. Everjt Operation - pertaining. to the Dental profession executed, with neatness and despatch. :■ |: ■! ■ Only twelve AourP. time required ]to: make you a set] of Teeth i complete So dojl’t forget the place, No. 254 Penn at,', Pittsburgh wo squares above the Suspension bridge. , : my24*65 Marine, Inlanr inson, Tli ;ks. George ad &Fixe Insurance. I ' ;l ’I I I i. ;| 1 INSURANCE ( CO: V OR I NORTH; if til.. -■' 1 ; AMERICA, j ! i-= - I. j; ■ j'j'-, '/ , I Incorporated 17! bt. Carter Perpetual. The Oldest Co. in the UJ States. Over $l7;000,000 Losses psidinCash, sinco ; j' 1 its ' Jrganiiation. [ 'f . C ash Capilalojnd Surplus Jah. 1, 1866, !-■■■. 7l. [ Eifldings, ‘Merchandise and ‘Furniture in-.. Wed agaihaf Loss op Damage by : Fire, || on the nibst Liberal Terms. Brick and Slone' liweliiiufi 'lnsured Perpetually. ' Risks taken oh jlho t most liberal derma, by , || CHAS. B. HURST, Agouti ’ mySI’CS , | Rochester, Pa. Manufacturejra* & Merchants’ ‘ INSURANCE COMPANY, ;!■ OF PITtSBiTRC* Office: 87 Water stßagaley’s building k I J.I. BgNNETT, President, ‘ [ I j; w ; chAufanT, vacs Pi-cs’t. Wm. P, Joints,lSoc’y:., | j . • Insures Against lioss by Fire, | ' Oaryott, ■ ! And oh property in transit! against the perils ;• | .! of!navigation. •'; ‘ Dibkctoes.—Jsines 1.. Bennett, f Jacob! Schwartz, Robcrt iLee, 1. p. Pershing, Mi W- Watson, L. R. McAb'oy k A'. E. W. Pointer, J- W. Chalfanf; tWhh Dickey, ,’VV’in. Walker, R. G. Bushnell, JohriWilsou, Henry A. Weaver I [Risks taken loh' the most liberal.terms, by, Jil. lj • ■ CHAB. B. HURST, ' i myJU'GS j, | >'Rochester, la. |rrßeD:,l'vU ' | by ReV'. JX JlcKihnoy j Jr.,pf lioavcr | .cCukeuy, daughter of : VYy Ef-q., ; df iPitts f.; I, ■ !■; • , ' , i i > '• • Rev,'Mr.j Ilona-; t, Jr ; , to .Miss *•’ h y . , Scot •AYidau gbterjof (ieoi r go ighton i\\ 1 of Bf Bov.-tA iriiAM.j i vC’OUIi t r m. JI. liicbie, ' [ • 1 } to'Sites | Eliza H i -I lED: RIM (inihgjAprilis, iS65,m Beaver to., Ja-N’-e, wife ■ r., aged 80; years and n Copy.) , •; HDEffITRF l • i/ijii i iu i iiii . . ' TEETH! I. UEEJSTqajd ii Pitlsbuitj; lloOliustpr.— : !i. Brighton-' Etfon Columbplaa.'. ■ Saljem ...1.4.. . Alliance Canton .. ...L. ■ Hiissilloi, : Orfvillc!. ..,..1 I Wooster ...... j Louilonvilli .. , j ilansficlJ :Lv ‘ I Crestline! [jjj^ | BucyrnaJ ij U. Sandusky •!j*Foreit..'Ji.|... | Liuia- ...Li... ' j Delpbps.j..l.:. Van Wert , fort" Wayne.. i Columbia J;... Huntsviljlcl.il Pierce tp:i ’ Warsaw. ..1... [\ 210* ;•( 320 428 • 501 I‘. ’ si»l * t)25 ‘ 712 ‘ Bourbo: hi... 11.. U; Plymoul (Wanotiil Valpara: Hobart iblavkc Cros 'J’n. JUC.KK. n Isi.Uß Chicago ! TRAINS v Mau bbicago ‘jU.lßlttt jlll C.*RI Clarke Hobart Vnlpara Wn.na.ta I’lymoii liourbui>. “Warsaw .'.I. I'iercctt ni..j iiUvmtsvsUo....;, ; CoJumb: ai..." Fort WiiyAe.. l . •yan'Woß i. ; ; , fielphqs ’ .. Lima... : .1, K0i'e5t......... li'H.'Samliisny,, .'.i.. I*. Hucyrua ~v. | iilansficlil". ..! j 73 1 Romlou rillij.. a bo : Woosicl... I Orryi’tc...i ... ‘ .Wo i ... : 11X :Cahlou’.... ... 1X0! i Alhanci!..-..'..b 1- Salem .; ii 3UI i bolu'mbiaaa 'Enon ...1,.i... li 3XI ! N; Br;-ii'toh.. -ill 1 Rochester .... i; Pitt'bbuj'g!: ... j;, 01 '■ IJune i . ~Gros-' i 501..... &£"i ; -For ■I'JC'. Castle coinmoijnt on trai Brightoo a. ;4.4&p. k;l 0.00 J). m. ‘Hot New, Cas town, lift | 0.50 p ’ T • ’]: - F:'T , . CLETEi On and ofjerMayd lions daily, SuD' ..'.'i -M •. -j; ' j .i j; ~ r . i :| j■ U; c.zic.jq.z&c j - MaiJl. Exp’s.' MiiL'.' l Accpiji Cleveland ,A. ISIOi-M ■ 800amI Hspm Euclid street Sill “ ’ lit I “ Bil “j 328 Hudk0d....... ■ MSI M 2 ‘‘ :915 150 M Akrifti |i .1.-..’. : ...1. 1080 “.j .127' “ Orrnll? j ..1...... 12£9bm ,643 ,i.“ •MBlersburg,; ;218 700M Ravenna.;..:, j 950' Alliance .}....- I(M9 “ “ .U. Bayard .'.i.'... 1129 451, “ Wsllav|llc|..N | | 110 pm 03$ •‘f...,..;.. ' J ■ jioisa. sorth. i 4‘. "f" —T'-j—r-- c.Zit O.Z&C ' j | •liiAijii. Exijks*. Accoji: Hxp's. AVellsyUlo ■ 185 am ; 'oOopm I|. . 8ayard,....... .614 “ . G4O “ : j........ . JHliance .J....( 710! “ 735 “ y...1,A Bayoni a.. 1 800 “ 825- “ —.%•_ Millers 3ixrg.. . .... J J..., 440 am 105™ OrfrilldU... . ..J £52 “ >O5 “ Akron'i.-L... Id.'. J..a 7wO “ -720 « Hudson.,.’.... 837 “ 859 “ 800 “ 849 “ ■Euclid stbet ’942h“ 950 » 916 “ 949 “ ■Cleveland ;.. 955 . ‘ 1010 “ 930 “ 1000 ! llt■ I 1 . ! ■■■l ;[ • ■j |; ■ ■■ foo^jidEAsjr., _i y ;? • Mail; Expj’e. Exp’s. Accom ■ : - I'’ -■'. | T |jj - a ■.. ~ 8e1aire.,..i... 1050asj .416fm 950 pm . Bridgeport... ItOOi “ ’436 “ 1002 “ . ....!.. Lagrange.!,,. 11,42 m 52$ “ 1048 “ d...:.. Steubenville. 1 1213 pm 556 “ 1105 ■‘. 535 am Wellsville},... 180 “ 700 “ 1200 »? 635 Smith’sPeyry 152 m ...A...; ...'. »05 •« Beaver};..,... 222 “1 ...d. 745 j“ Rochester}... :230 “ 75$ “ 100 am 800, Pittsbuirgh .. 84$ “ 900 “ 210“ 910 V |~ ~ j OpIKO -WEfel. - ’ . Exrs. Exp’s. Mail. Accom! .!. I 1 I I ~ -~ J 1 i_f. Pittsburgh 210 am *24spm '6l Oam 350 IBbohekterj ... .Bss •' 785 slj Beaver 1d... diLi 745 1“ , 521 Smitli’sFerry « ...A..,,, 820 “ ,$O5 iWellsvJUo: ... '430 1 “ 525 “ ' 842 “ 84oi‘f Steubenville. 625 .“ 650 “ v 945 “ i 800 i‘ iLsgratig63.‘.»; « 716. tl 1005 *1 •!•••• Bridgeport. 629 .'^llOOi 4 * Bellair&J.... 640 “ Slf “ 1115 “ 1 ' ' • !_i 'I *-_■ _X— , 1 ; 1 Uty I u * TUSCARAWAS BRANCH; Leims ;1' . . i Arrives ■ ; N. Philadelphia l.ZOpm Bayard, 4.10. ip Bayard, 6.45 pm; \ , ip. ghfladel.9 25 F.!,8. .MYElasi General Ticket Ag<;nt. TH £ LIQHT P BBA B D y -'j- THBi undersigned ia agent' for, the sale,of ■ “jTAcj Light'flltibbard 'Mo'xer,” one <f;the best machines thatjjias ever beenuscd in this country. ,j,lt possesses .qualities of maicriaV and good ipoints in its- mechanism, tholt, 1 are seldom.; cqualed ! and never 'excelled. 1 :' | - IUI Cigala mat relailep at lowe: J JIiJEGi- Qiibrtzs, w HOTJSE AlfD SIGN PAINTER. A LLjorders lift at Jlocirc’a Drug Store, in the borough, of Bearer, irili be proi aptly attended fo.. \ ;j myl7’os:3xa; I i % i I?. iiiyc lit iinis| ; wtU li ceptett,' as ■0 al OL.O _]/ ijiixt; it.' ■: j. ! JUIL. ; ■ I Exp's. Bx 200rjr ;3( Sifi’.o 1.4] 830 “l' -St 424 ■3l t:l' "I, hi l Opm 0 “ O M 5-53; *• OHO. “ UM 3 “ a “ 720 750 ‘ 82$ '1 UuO • 5 “ 0, “ i; “ iiio •• umO ,1101) •• 121:)am 1130. •• 12*5 “ .....'.AM lio “ 250'- 1 ‘W sul *• 4Ui “ 425 j, ** 500 u CJOaa 71.0 v mu ! W-V. 1113 .lot "j ok *- TOO- “ ....'. “ ■ 7 13 .•>* •• K'.j -• “ b f-j “i m “i u )G ■“ ] ... “ 9130 “ .i; “ 1010 : •* ij. -llll) ,j, o 1130, “ J; ".m'J ** i. “jJ3lsra. *_ i ■ L_ EsV’js' l(j|ior:i i JUo “ 1143;,“ 12j39am 443 B2(s 7(4 74i 811 Sot «• i)0l ys'li ‘‘ nr )T. !'*”'! UNOIUA 1 ■ * ExiKs, Exp.’s, 'o2oam O-S5 * l j '*sso “] 7s Vrl -so’V. 823- “ 030 GJT - c %t 720 •' 1210 •* 100 ", , 225 " 745 "• HI! “ 027 MI i 057 •jIOKT *f 71052 :,; ■lllO2 " > liLio , ‘- 57 u l->< ‘ 92 “ 13 !lW7h‘l ttOStll “1 Uni «' I Tildrji! ■; 201 *-i •I 234, •< • 303 l “ ‘ -42 d •; ‘ 50d|‘ r l • 52<i •• i 0,1(1 “! t -0-10 ‘ <37 11225 am 100 I V!0 702 ;• 1 ->24 ‘^.aus". I s'oo “ 815 ‘5 41" “■ i( is-• 1 :.t i 41C.“‘lil7'i", 520 “ 1120;“,] MOO'i>.‘ IliOlrM; <J 10■ ■■'l2ls " 713 «i* |750 ! 59 348-," 247. ■‘>i ■ 017 ‘!l 313'^ ■ 050 "i ; t iT iv ‘ 11)17 *•: 05 ", 1 1130 -‘I ios,'‘j 1 12li5i'jil 53-7 “ •1231 v! 000 , ,112 VjJiS-i ■' 155 r! "10 BM 83'1 “ -OOflj " ■033 •> ,05a “ lOlfj " Ul<i “ IUC| " ,122i|Xm. 20r.M !0 jo •*! t) in hi 220 -M "25, ‘V ii2o j-i »&)' »| Jiric i ,C t -ib . A ins "pave Allegheny foi '<< .m; ;11 .i J : a ra; ■-.jl-j : ci. FoLiKcouoicjj i!Jc, 'Greiuviiie an-V.-Janu : IVE RS, rl icn. Tiokot Ag’t PM. &PII 14.186§| \ t as fol itlays ext m laia'ctaredj and.'furnished to it prices.-' ,!"; -[mySidCra i IMPORTANTto females ip: •f : Tun pecuLar taint ir '• - iiufbcti'ih vvjhielt > if 6 d call Sci;orr’..v lurks g ,' iivthu eonsUtuUons,df '■ \ ■* hmlutudca'of nkn. ; it I] oiSjcr produces- cr, is ’. -V-pf the blood. v'Uercsa • • :&• ijif: T^js^^Scontprtciit IWfPWmffT t * l< '‘vit?l ibrccjtjhthuir vigorous, action. end ■ r-'-* ~ tail l:iU> U:a;,j!u l (leery- ihdscriifulous tynnamhiatiou' L; va».', rjioihiy Piused'lA*' tuetyndnl living", front unjfe&Biy; , fbqd, impure. air;. ■ flti; and fill! y .habits, tjic depressing ' a:ul,_ tri ove''£ll; |iy> tjie vemreab ir.fi-ethiii. -¥i :uvtcyer Ira its orurir* it is iii I i i t*3<‘ w r,- ti tull6n, 4 froiA parents to junto . the third orilfduhH y mcratuuv; ” indeed, it! skids to be the rJdol 1 iim .who Vay.* l . A i'thl ■ Visit "the Iniquities or the fathers,upin their-’ 'children.” The, discases.it •origiiu.Ms ; t;iko" various liun es,.• according toe the-drnans it v Bjtfockd - In. the] lungs, gcrofilty £ todue.es tubercles, 1 and .fir .illy. Consuniptionj; in the ■mauds, swellings fvhich suppurate ijiial he-, come uleerius ls( res ; in the. stujuUehand bawds, den.ngcu tints, which pridnoe indi- EesUpnVdyspepshvband livvr .compb. vV.s , on . tlie skin, eruptive! and cutaniipus- attentions.^ : These, all having the same origin, p quire the sW'.n’e reiliedy, vizi purification iuiibimlqjorj-' ’ t on- 'of' the hloug. Purify. Tie i-Kml. r;rl rtiiesd dangerous distempers liave you... AVUlt_ ■ fvt Wcj, foul, or, corrupted ‘Wood, you carinot 1 avodicalth; vita that "life Of The’ tlesh 1 .viliiiy,.yui: cannot have rerof;pilla // ■ : ‘A yofls 'Sarsaparilla;. T^-’’ i 11 tiie most edeetuol ante ■ , .dates that medical science has discovered for . afflict'd j th«er.!i)elr,!'aiitl lor the cure:of., . Tie,disorders it! el tails. '.That-it is far ! , : rior to anyj'olhOr remydy yet devityb 'isj, iriown by all -ii hii have given ,it a triuh .-i'liati ’ r it-does continue Airtues! truly. extraordinary-, : i':i their cilelet-,upon this cla-s of complaints:;. ; isaiid; -.putullly-pr ivi-n by the gjfoat imutitinh'; ' sj-f•aiub'lielv'(knnjvn and reiuarkahlo cures it : . fins*mode of - the fVlloiving di.-eases': Ku^a” ; Evil, cr Glandular Spelling?, JnmprsjJ; h'-EiSip'ticns, hP.im‘3l23, Blotches iipd Soresii ;. Erysipelas',! Eos e cr St Anthony’s Fire; '. Salt Eheuin, Sjald Head. Cougts froui tuberculous deposits iu tbo lungs, WliiiC, . StvbUings, pefcjlity,; Eropsy, Hep^lgia^ . Ejbpcpsia pr Sidigestlcii, and! j Syjps-iiSio! Jifcc -ions, .Mercurial Dieasea,! I EeiUhlo’We'alcudssesl un/lhindoedl the whole)' j- series Of tohiiphiilits that raise Irinn iilipurity, ■ of the Woo.l. 1 5; ihutc reporl3-.of individual! ' i.-i'Kes'jnay he’, found in yivuu’sj AMEUieaic ; , ,\!.;!uaxa(’, vineli is funu.-lied|to titv druggists- ■' U :br : gratuitous 1 di-trihutmu,. vvherein may 1xi.....' • ■■.•ij-iied, Tie 'directions lOr'it-s u».<3, and,some., ;.-l, •f sthefreiuafliau e which it haS made i[- j.vd|-n all u:ht!r rruiediek had failed toafiopl ■iy:-!j<- •• .h.'! Ji ' **’ i'l -I '.Jr. II .’ ' jvrii^- i STExUCCxEEt U?eJ El'lri \VA.Iv ' -led tislto years in p.erleelmit UTeiiii^iy 1: itO’ilTH TO THE AG* 7 !!) 1 ' vineKia adeofiate to its cine- .Tliis-we iipiyS! . » w tV f r*. ! \ U .\ V ’I -• 'xlieflfd ll.t! public tr.def the r.Air.e of . ■lSTnS.irAiti'iLA,’ although it isj comppsed. I. -. lingr'-cichl.j, reiAo of which .eyelid h jof in alterative jwiwerS.-By-ita- i ■ laid |y iju flirty protect timrself froin the , sin!g:lahd danger of these disorders.' I’uifroi.gy'f'/ lout tno-.fopTcoiruptions.that rot and festery.j b • J;.; lindtie’ blcoll, I'.urgo out the causes of disease,y vj;-'V y jnndl.vlgdrous health will follow, llyte /' liarlvfrtucs this remedy stimulates the vita to I functidnsJiitid/thus expels tiie idistcropetsvil , ' iijyhiuir lurk witiiin Tie ! ylOm cr hurst'oul ; : i«rt of it. ■ a .'-Tt i'NYc know tin public have been, . by many jeompoundsJ. of |.‘ ; iirtoparif/o,.i4jjatr promised much an'd did nothing; bnt tljey^ . willineithdr be-dcccmid nor disappointed! Jn jlhisJ Its 'Virtue! have been provdnf by ahnir !.daiit.trial,|and;tiiere remains,no,(piestioniof / ' litk surpassing,!tkceller.ee for.the ;vurc o^tttctili. | aliileling diseases ‘ it is inteiideel to -^ach.’: ' Althbugh finder the same name,lit is a difftrent medicipe from any oilier wluch ha.y . j been hcfolre the people; and is, far miire,tc£ i e fcctual tlian: any other; which' has S’ 'avaihiUe tij them, j . f ■r'Ziujyx i i ‘. hj,, i“* n * - - ■ ■- ’ jf ■I- hi I ' JkYEB’E : . ■..-./ "" , CHERfit' V&OT6R Tha World’|3 I Great. Eaicnedy &r.- i Cbugiia. Colds, Incipient Con- ! y-, ' 3 ! sumption, and for the relief! ,-■■■■ i. of Conbumptivo patients - y - lin advanced stages. ’h . v ». ■ jof the disease, if T a been so, long used and so uni=- ’■'v hownL that we ne;d do no |e the [public .that it s quality, is kemf i t (best itever has bhen r and that;« j Al lied oh to do all it has CTer.done.- A j. ;'dby,l Du. J. C. Ateb & Co., t; ,_’3> ' !] Practical and’ ■ "j - -i| , | . Lowell, I . Sold by all druggist i cvery vyhepci j b^ v s-j3y ; ' ?; by J Mooiai Beaver;! Dr: Siniffcc Bridgowaler: S. J. Crois, Roohestor; Dr. ! gent, New |Brigl,ton;! md by dcibrs every Wheije. ■ ,K- ij;' _ . ;•. ! U S FERRY ANIJ Tl^^KAyllßO/A' 'LEyid! dOSfBSHY'I j 3 c El ..tedh.Udy without u iin, iill ahccsiot thc.peiiodic’ylischarge. whct.lt wg ujcku relaxation or suppression.^- — j Ut -like'a charm iu jroi::ov:t:~ the pains*?'- couipauy-.uiilieiiii or hu"lvrot e liiejn-J in,; au'd are ike only >at‘e arid . reliable’j dgr F'ushes, Sick Ueadachc, -rains jin fi ns, l>jick*»*.nd Si lek the-j: .Nervous Ti-cinih'';,j] Hyritcries, .Slvisnis, r. ySleep, and otlu-r unpleasant ar.*! d;jp- ; ; ieliects of an uniutural cehdiyon of i %iial functions/ luj tlic.worst .cases jof j! ,iZto.(irWhilcs t thoy effect speedy cuke. [ dh,eeseman’s ! Female Pills, j ijeeii uteJ a .(jvautwi of a cjjxiju-'! rjhcy lire oil'ercci W'tUe'only sirfc meai'.s-| lewinir ii'.terruptijc! hiensmouion', 'ijtit ■! I ‘liiuVit rear ifi miiol'fhal theiv is (flo- > ipof'Uic, femali; FFstoni, in .which -the., (fiuiuit be lukeii |v. ii.li.oiu' fVoiiucinjs a, i j VcFii.k. | Tlic ; coiulitjon r«>fcmr>lj-| is;! i c>j —-i in: : 10.'tilr. ' ■. Such ■ipisijWc tendency| of the uic<licin«|to'j e |the sexual .'functions lu ! a'uonaal eba- j , ■ l!}iat i even tlic reproductive,power'of 3 jciiTFPOt resist: it. !]X?oy ‘cjnriol do harm ■ r jojiicr way. 1 . = •. Jr.. | Ciicescman’s Female Pftla lie Unit,’ /.*«-/ • v^y.7; . . i l\y’e relied upon f* o,*' ninny years, -or tjaa. j ;>ti !i.'W. ’ />■ idlin' */' ii.r'tiiiii.-'M-! rclv u :?ilb form - ; ibo. f Piipn.i-niir,:i n\r y-ui, ' lii'‘u’dy ]w|{ h; du f swtcwl*—J Takeshis advert ba-! EVent tp y cirri Druggist. and that yen* 1 \::r;riih(- IctV L?/a/ 7.i'-si rcl'n'-h : F< m:k Mcd'Mur ' .m //.V <!rorlJ-, jwliich.is coiliprisod-iu.- -j| ; Dr; Cjlieeseman’s Female Pillg!! ; Tjicjj hurjojreccived, arul arc how., receiving hig llu sanctum cf the nlOjN’rfi/iiVri? Physicians j in America) 1 . ' ji ~ ■ t •\. _ : •’I Explicit directions hdtU each Dux,—the pjric|e, }sy. l'kux.vu per containing f:om ■oi) ip i/j rU.is' * ,‘'■ ! -' ’ . 1 ' lipilisp sent hit Mtu-l, hy remitting ttc the Proprietors, any niulu.-hi zled in current funis: S^;d'it/ ». /' '\ \ .I.ILUTCFHKGS.& IIILLIKi:, j - . •\ 1 ; 81 Cedar! SireciT 'S T cw' York'. ■ Wholesale' mid l\ol-iU"by'l)r.|.S. -SmiihJ|jijriage'.valcr: Dr.Marqris itiuDJ.[li. Hanhcnl-.Kpchestcf; soun beaver, sjnd at Sew Brighton![nev2 r ’:iy Thialprepiiralioii’is unequalled as-a Ueiuvo- * uator ulndjlldsiorer|'jf wasted cr inert ■i„ne : ; t lulls; Jl : ,] ' ] ; | ' ;Thc jhgo;t sboitld'jhe certain 'temakeihc Kid- 1 •krene ,J ! a household !(ted inasmuch 'ai it frill ;■ rendem, llicla ‘youthful in feeling. and ill ■ strength, an;l euaiile (bent to live over a ;ain - tile days of their pristine joy. Itnot only ex- 7 hilaraies ijat strengthens, land is really ai. In l valuams- blessing,' especially to; those., who t ' ?*• sefypSJK! sickness'. !Ujsrlw|hat the 'cause, of iho impdtekny of : timnlia j orgdn, ; this /superb • prepan ,tlon j moyetbe effect nil once and forevci bßlolir* fe±LC!>[ Impotcnoj, General Debility, Nor deity. Dyspepsia,; Depression, Lo: lie, Low Spirits, weakness of the i!f Generation, Imbecility, Mental I [EmAcintiqo, linnui. It has a mpsi h dlriifi/i/ejitnrf Hovel ‘effect upon file ysteJn; and'All tvhoarein any way j jbyjucrygtvs disabilities are caral 1 ‘ tjo.i seek a cure in> this most excel Kom; | aa; Cures Inoupd Appetj gous d Icncc.J Hyhtfu\ TOU3 S' traUdl advise and unequalled preparation , ! Persons who, by imprudence,barb lost’tl imp/rai vigor, '■ will fiudi a speedy and per neitt c(; re’in the i,■■ r ■ J 'D3,ij015.3?©33.0. ’ , TbgiFceble,! the Languid. t!io Dispairing.thb’; Old" should;give this valuable discovery a it will be found totally different from all pijhcf articles for the same purposes.; - Ii I ’. TOIFjEifAtES.—I-T lus preparation is iryaj. uable: ik nfervous wed’ ineste of all kinds,- ts it, will restore; the wasted strength with wonder ful pelmaninlce-’ I, • r . [ - It .iaj alsOa igran’d tonic,: and will give relief to Dyspepsia with the first dose. A brief per sistcuie ini its use will renovate the stomach to ft degreeiof perfect hoajtb land" banish iJys j .pepsin forever. p ■ 1■ J ,(Jno dollar pc? Bottle, oy six bottles for $5. Sold b/ generally. j . | Sent by express anywhere, by addressing .HUTCHINGS & HILLTEB, Proprietors, j . . . 81 CE»AU OTBEKT, N»:W i'OB I. ; Sold at Marquis’) Drug’store, Roches ter, pre door 1 below.- Post Office, and whole salonr d. setail by Dr. Smith, Bridgewater, Beavei county. ; ; jj i .!• . [nov2p:iy THE GREAT IOPJI 151“ is>“ .];■ ?EIN;WA t'-it'.. j.. Itc m f ; :• . i ,3 - ■'' i- IS ■ Ost perfect Piano ; Fortes m the. w K I[ !. r ■ ;. ; j | ■ M■■ ; GAN BE ILA 9 OSLY I| •.. .■ jat ; i,- KLEBER * H. 2 WOOI) St., PITTSBURG. ) 'ill ' ' | i- '' .Bole'Agenta for Sleinway’a Pianos ■A Pennsylvania,. ' £mylO’(ssj Westc; ■ ‘ qABHART’S , • ,■ . . J . « - ; _ .•! r Parlor Organs ORGAN HARMONIUMS. IE 1830.- ' ri-~■;jV ■ ■ ■ ■ >' ■ fTUIi S. oldest anti most popular iristru: JL of.Ub kijid in thiS"couatry . • ! ~ For Sale only at VKLI3JER& BRO’S., 122 irooii st[Pittsburg Sojc Agents -fbrj CfU’Uart's I’avlo" fotiWcsiern Peiin'n.; ; utylO’C,' gacs it -!'; li ■ ■' L 1- Her- at ly lent Ihoii ifma- li. BRO’ i for leuts i i: I •> 11 ' I / | .This lia vers ally t than assur lip to the I may berrol i Prepare SMIT LI J PETRC ,r v TT“- CAPITAL Par Value of. 80,000 Sliai WORKING C 3 Of CAIT IXAL '•;i ’i ig of the stockholders"?! the , (iany, held at their in Rochester, April 29(ji, 18(35,■; Tsons were elected (its officers'' rear; A T ;i B f\ above tLcliorougl 'flic follo'wii •fof tbe cnsi eetiii com' Ig PC’ mg J PBKSIDEST: ■ 1 ■' >■ TTISON DAiUIAtiITT i - ' <J f" . ! ‘ " ’ MA' f'i ■/ ’■ xj K ’ Cl HER i SJJCRErAHV:. jES B. HUjRSX. ■ • _ • ■ ; ;• . .EASI LAlii DiaECTOnS; ■; ..J., . ■agh, Milo Ki Adams; | Alfred C. Hural, . h, John Bigger, • ian„ : "Eohl. A- A’ochran,' s irles F, Kendall •- ‘ ' '. l r Maltison jGharla 1: James D: ; Leri Brei • : i • 5 Han ilonc arrag mnam Ch .■ ' r j 1 number of t shates ot. Siootl ompany may‘be bad. by appU- ; cc of 'tho company. r : tbo IHambnd, Rochester, Pa AS. RHUttS?,Wy ■ ■ tfeg“A , 11 tifUlie file) cation at tl ,i£@=.Offi< tuyoiGni- iuiilo 1 ive Ci heoffii ice Vnji • of ktlminiiM ration Ramihi IsjLw, : Into of Raceoqii townslnp.iv rcr co., dee'o, griniei »ji jtlruf •tUJersigtud, aU-Rprsons inflectedjoaW esi'sioj arc requested to aaii .baoso hajrißg cliiifis present > Hem tf the Euh?oriher hrojrtsrly; au-> thcuticatea for settlement; '’■!■■■ t ’| : J ,r . A. KENNEDY” jA.dmV,.. > rnayU/up ) jliulrpeiideijcc ip. -| f U 11 A II 1101 il: .• j’f- -} j' E .r,.• 1 . i: ■,l ' ■* S"■ „$l,OO each’ V $13,000-| ' i •-» ,;j ■ i i"; - A-S EN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers