I ■J THE SBEAVERARGUS. I June I4tti, 1 —: T —'l p n ■ ! ; State Convention- ; :A State Coriven tic n| will be held at Harrisburg on Wednesday, the 19tb July, 13|5, at 12 o'clock H., for the putpOse|of putting lip domination 4, Sl&terticpet, to be supported by the, friends ofth* Union !.t|tne coining tober election. | V' i l t. The earnest and zpalous labors of a,; loyal people secured! the great vie; tory.in;lp64, and made thb .war, which ■.our denoun ;pd aja a failure, a gloriouSssncocss ,in 1865. j i j •:? Obr flag has been maintained—our ■ enondeslnl estroyed--pur j Government preserved, and peai ej reestablished. ,'Xjbt every friend vho ■ pided in this lake measures to bo reprt-. J sented in that Convp itio|n. Wo must see to itit,hat the frails of our success, ape not |ost to the Nation. • ! 7/ BusinfeSi of vast j i nipprtauce will ■; be ©resented for its Consideration and ri evory district in the State should .bfe ; ; < represented. 7 ! • [ •’•7 SIM|ON CAMBUQtf, Chairman," • r -i i The Suppressed! Testimony • ; It wi|lbc remembered .that the Mil ■ itaryf(|ommiBeion |i;mp:oyed in the trial of the accomplices in tho'assas-- - Zination of our lato President, sat fop . ‘ some lays after it[ ; 'wai commenced \vith closed doors, and; that in answer to the- Jomplaints of the press of the ■ alleged|unjustifiable secZesy maintain* ed as - 1| its proceedings,- it was stated that* thlli lives of the! witnesses exam,, l ined in j&ecret aessiorj' would ; be jeop|- f' ardized by the publicttioh' of their f ‘ lestiraqny. Througli th j treachery of one of the blerks to tbu Commisßiori,- this testimony has leejigiven to the public,|and we print thraf of jng witness upon our Outside page this week No one can peruse it 'fail to Recognize the propriety of its, ' tomporaryßuppreasiin,. bo much cen : pured fit the time, V ills iif reliable, it ; the most! dairying evidence ' yet diiccvered .of and inHu , manky! of the rcj()el|eaders. | j — For ibany months before the mur~ dor of Jibe President, Jacob Thomp son. ap exutnembor oftbo Buchanan ,j -Cabin at, Glement d. Clay, an Ex-Sen' Tpck[t)r,| We consul to Xiiverplbolt under liuodanan, Gebrgd ’f; N. Snndera, William 0. L.Clqafy, apd ! pthera,! Southern men] and recently shining lights toratio par* i , tv, ? have been hartl> J, 9 - near bi ; their fijicni a^d! irthorr. . persustoipn. The j Govornmei have geen 1q possepsio l of Itheir ciil cparactbr* amrpu -poses, but |tp ; tho public, thoughjit'was evident thisy =were dn sPrao mjtnnbr'* serving the' pf the rebellion, tbeir partic pin? feission»'•vaslnpi' so clear. The Suppressed testimony eta in thoiight upon the raystoryp T oeso men ware the accredited agents of the .Confod crato|Governmeni!| vested with unre siriotlid authority'for tho annoyance of our borders, and entrusted within very consider iblo fraction; pf ■the liebel treasury , to bo used at liipilv disciiifion. l it wjrshero that St. 4i“ jNewiiTor c Hotel rations, ks piracies werb , plOt|eil, and Thojnpson seems to h’avjs held? blank commissic ns, signed by ■the Rebel Secrotary pf War, to bo filled up a| his discretion, for the' protection . aj» belligerents, ;pf any of hie hired bravpcs, who might bo bronght before - a Chadian Court, f . v , i, Cpnoyer jip ajnorlhorn man, who, boinL in the South ' enuring the war •' wasjponscriptod in to- the rebel service, and|employod as a clerk in the WStr Deportment. 80-wjbnt to Csnada m ,1861;'and seems 1o have possessed tlio ;• confidence of tb| loading rebels thorp,, though communicating their seerpis meanwhile to thje Hjow York Tribute , flisf testimony ipstabliehos that the | assassination of the President was plo|ted|in Panada, by Thompson,Cliijy ) Sailnders, and.others, as wore the St. AUjans raid;- and the attempted tie j Btrgplion of Nejjv Yprk by fire. r That Thompson-, iv'as personally bn-, ed in securing recruits for the,en terprise, having invited Conoyor, tc participate in jjit. That dispatchci .• passed between Ihpmpson and tni rebel government in relation to thi prlpcsod l murder, wjiich embraced ii itsfplan the deaths of Seward, - John son, Stanton, Chase and Gen. Grant, sn|l,;that but a, few days before the ; blow was struck ajletter was received i 1 freftri Jeff Davip approving the scheme. Tl|at Blackburn of the yellow fever uotoriety, in full combi u.- nidn with Tboropain and Cleary, who, approved and they were warmljs] interested in his scheme. That he! proposed to destroy the entire popu- U lation of flip cjify cf Now York by| poisoning j Lhcj' oi which supplies it with water, bht t la tb| proposition was abandoned be r. c&f ee it was [thought impossible to ; , 'collect-prussic? acid or other deadly . ■ po|son sudie : ept fpr the purpose, and that a piotjis at present on foot to de stroy this reserve iir. Tbit Booth and . Surratt were in communication With them, and that Booth had re- 1 cbived or Would receive a Confederate commission |p prevent extradition in case be- should escape to Canada after t|U perpetration of ibis crime 1 ! The testimpaoy, of Dr. Janies B. Merritt and Eich ird Montgomery was filso taken in secret session-, but it is amply jcorroboK tivo of Coe oyer’s, and Emulative, and wo have not space to publish it, ; They implicate Payne with Thompson & Co, and the latter ktates that ;tbo issassination -was de ferred until the receipt of the appro val of the E|ph nond authorities. | 1 j If there was n the Nor|th any lin gering spark, ojf-sympathy for thesC; outlaw?. the developments mentioned must extinguish it at onoeJ Certainly hot since the days of the Bprgias has the civilized world looked upon such a picture of heajrtlessi ■ cold-blooded depraviiy and criminality amongst the principal men of any of its nations.— The English ppesjsj are unanimous in . their plea for mercy for Davis: Wo ’ invait with somie interest their com •[ - , ; . ■ ’ i 1 j , I ments apon these' revelations. 165. !_ | S®,Trao ami; amongst the fai cf the Colamb; paper was ,ihoi Ijandigbam ere' Lr 'di - according to all poll- jal pi , .jgy ibould have died with the rebellion, lut'Medaryjis jdotorrained .that it is ot dead, aqd shall not die. Whilst ho Pennsylvania) Democracy have ticked the bucket in good order,: I \ , ’| ' 1 ! ’, ! • now await n resurrection in wnicu they shall: bo even more Republican than the Republicans, the OrisU man 'sticis to the jold text in his recent pro spectus as follows; j | The Crisis. Was started in January, 1861, by Gov. S. Sledary, as a j State Rights Democratic Journal, opposed j to the inauguration ofciyil war as de [striictivo to the Government and 1 the liberties ol the people. Itf has adhered ] to those doctrines since and will imain tain them hereafter; and holdingthat there can be no dishonorable peace be tween those i w|ho' ihher,il.cd>- this Re - publicah Government, the Crisis will advocate the restoration lof tho j Gov ernment to Its original purpose, the iteturn to a ’Strict construction of the ponstitutionj dud thV consequent res toration of | liberty and happiness throughout-Ine land. j Wo adipird his pluck, jho mast bo a braveipa^whjofollowa. a ghost.' .We Hie rebpiret for' it»6l ..•tbioss grcon -10 he will; giyo ihem >n return I. „dultoratcd copper. Ho is sound—very sound—bn the goose but ovideutMdont take : the papers— % has’r.t heard] qf the surrender of the rebel armies], and the summerset of the Pittsburgh Post and northern Dcmoeratio.i|, journals generally—and has got jusij! i little behind the'timos. If bo was a?|» )at his bottom would bo covered witli barnacles! 1 J i t V Miscellaneous- \ tl-. s i! [' -s ■: - :ii■ . . Maj. Gon; Steadman is in Clearfield, Pa., the gdest of fifa_brothqr?in.law, Judge Bairet-t. i A Montreal papei says that ten Southern rebels have ton, millions of (specie 6n deposit in the banks of that city,. ■■ ! i /. i ' . Bov.. Josppn Cjl&rk, 1 ;a Presbyterian^ minister (if Chadibcrsburg, Pa.,, had his hand biidiy crushed on Monday; evening of fast week and died on Fri-. day from the injury. ‘ - ■- ( t In answer to an inquiry made by Gov.:Curlitt of the <War Department, be is'finfbrtned that the men transfer. rod to the .Veteran Reserve Corps will " bo hold djitil the expiration of their term of enlistment. A tram in the Pennsylvania Rail road ' which >was carrying the 30th Regiment lowa Volunteers westward, ran bff the track near Sumnforhill sta i r • -I 1 .<* I; rj, \ tionl oh rid ay morning last. One soldier killed and nine others in iarejd. • .if, .j- , . ' 1/ The people Huntingdon! county design erecting a monanVont to their deceased | holdiers. The. citizens of Waynesboro,;'Franklin county, are ; 8 preparing >a cemetery in which it is 0 designed to'.pqllopt: the remains.of their volunteers who have fallen in the war, and also propose a monument to their memory. ; v Wbndel Phillips has boon repre sented as sajring in his speech last welek, at Boston, that if reconstruc tion washed without negrosiqSragehe wo|uld favor the Repudiation of our Jna tional debt. ' tV hat he really said was J -■ It * - - ’ - thatsuchi reconstruction would] he followed By the assumption of the reb el debt, and that he tvouid shake hands with any party to repudiate: that debt apt but-jown. The entire North will n him in repudiation to that extent it becomes necessary. ikst the erring, faithful ithlessia S. A. Med ary ue (Ohio) Crisis: His texUbook of the Yal in that 1 State, and 'bliti \1 lathplo ir jo it if i S: Black, . Esq., is the dele* ie Democratic State Conyon* Lawrence county, ■ Wiluanj ite to « )ri from J Political-' The Democratic State Convention is {Kptpcied farth the SlatVof Jun|i to the 24pL bf August, to aWait th£ao lion- of theJJnion Convention which _ meets on tfae.l9th{ of July. Wanted—A Plateosh; A 0. ii. iWard, Townnda,Pa. Coll J. M. Campbell, late of tjhc 54th I Pi y./ ie a candidate: tor the Union j Senatorial nomination lathe Cambria, Indiana, and Jefferson| District ■ A correspondent of the Phili delphia Sunday Mercury,urges ;tho nomination of Hon. W. Al Galbraith, of Ei ie coun ty,! as the next Democratic candidate for Governor. Fayette county has nominated Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore [tor President Judge of the District comprise 1 of the counties of Washington, Greene and Fayette. * Greene county instructs Jpr A.|al Purman, bat wo' prosuimo Wash ington will concur with Faye lie, and that j our Union friends -of tie latter county .will be suhjdqtcd to Judge G. lor abother term, an infliclior which they I struggled .bard Ito ayot, by a change df ‘District at the lsession oftheLcgisla tui e. ; The Democrats of Greerje .county have renominated Thos. for As sembly, {The Union men placed Col.-S. M. Bally in hominatidt for that position; and have elected] George S. .Wiley, 1 Esq.,! Representative ! to the State Convention, t|ic Senate* rial bole gate being conceded to Fay ettoj or -Westmoreland. ! /. . The Union Conventipn of Alleghe ny] county elected Hon. ! J unes K Morehead and Thomas M Marshall Senatorial Delegates; and I William Peters, R. B. Carnahan, C. W. Bach elor, Benj. Singerly, | W. J. Gilmore, and Jared M. Brush, Eepre mutative delegates to theJQmon State Conven tion! • 1 ' -I' 1 The Man Who Won’t . ■'k ' Printer. . | I May 'bo bo shod; with lightning and compelled to wander over gun powder. I May he hjavo sorp eyos and a chest nut burr for an cyb.stone. ‘iMay every day|Of,his lile he hiore despotic than the Dev of 1 Algiers. ■ May ho never bo permitted to kiss a pretty woman. : ' | , i May he bo-bored to death by board ing school mistresses practicing thoir tlieir first lessons in music, 1 without thoj privilege of seeing hisj tormen- 2,40 night mar#* I: hiai stoma leak, Ills gun jbir.g line break j jiay‘ his coffee be jsvrcote jinles and bis soup seasoned | fdprs..[ ,1 Mayhis friends rpn ; off | Wife, and-his children [take thi iiig cough. | fj | May bis caUlo die jof ihur the.pigs destroy his garden, .j Maya troop of printer do' lank and hungry; dpg his b day,' and a! regiment of cals ( upder his window at night* [ l May the famine stricken an editor’s "baby hau'nt his a'nd' l hiss “Murder ’.’’jin his ; . - ' i i car. - j,' ’• 1 May- his cows give sour his churn rancid butter. j In short, 'may his bush ruin, and So go to—!lho L , | Gov. Curtin toj the Executive j Cham; Harrisburg, June 10, * j To the People of. Pennsplvani | The bloody struggle of i is’ ended. The fircpof rol quenched. 3?bc supremacy right is re-established. 1 treason recorded in histprj beaten to tho earth] Outf saved.. . 7- -/yl ]' | ’ Those Gbd to the nneqnhlled heroism] civic abd military] of the people. In film darkest hour, under tho heaviest discourage. ment, falter who would, ihey j nCyer faltered. : • I i i They have been inspired with the determination to. maintain tho ftW Government bf our Father), the coin*; tinned union of oiir whole c mntry, and; the grand republican principle which it iq their pride andjduty if) defend foif the sake,not only of thorns dyes,bat of the human race..- T , • ■ f 1 j»lory in saying , that tie people of Pennsylvania have been .among the forfemost in the career of honor. Their hearts have been ini the cin test; their means and ; their. blood have .booh poured out like thaler to maintain &•' , J \ ;■■■■■ j ; The i remnants of the heroic bands that loft her soil to |rescuo tlieir coun-' ;tfy are now returning, having honora bly fulfilled their service. They hkvo left tens of thousands *o!' their bro thers on many a bloody :ield.' Their memories will be i preserved on bur rolls Kof honor For tieir widows and families a grateful country will surely provide. j s diet the survivors who ' are now re turning to us | have such ; welcome as befits a bravo and patriotic people to giVe to tbolgallant mm who Shave saved.thc country and shed new lustre on Pennsylvania. | I recommend that in ev« iry part of the State, on the approach ng Anniver sary of independence,, i pecial obser vances bo had of.welcome toonrrotimf' ed defenders, and of conii lemoratibn of the heroic deedsf of themselves and their comrades who hais( fallen. | Andrew G. Curtin. Governof: of Pennsylvania. ; (|or! the Argon. R-kNDOM PAPERS. : '•} 1 < - ’ 1 t & BT BOBEBX EANDOM. : mJMBEE TWOi ; What Shall we do with he Ner ■•■ ; . IfJ. gro? I'l/ T- This most pertinacious and perplex-; ing question- has not a little disturbed the cogitations of our philosophical poi« iticians in these dcgenoratedays.; In deed, the question of t|elncKro,i add 'bis status, is one tqbotreated ginger*, i ly, if wo may look, at the fate ot those political parties , who Ihnyel hitherto dttethpiea to handle-this hating, not to'say odoriferous subject. For Sambo, mark you, | has jfrom the first been an ngiy subjopt. |Ho may very properly bc charaotdriziad. in po- 5 litical life. as “the one thing hot need* edj’? yet the one tbingi alwhys put, Hrat sooty face is a i grinning death’s-head towfi | ers, and has by its p|itimelyprescnco ; spoiledj more than qne:prbtty game of! 'the spoils and their distribution. | i ) In thoKbeginhing tho thing whs thought easy enough; thUo the nogfo, kick him, caff him, slash him, thrafeh him, bpat and batter himj trample nj>- on his rights, ignore manhood,and regard! huh as a soft of machine,some [where between a ; bruto'.abdi a man.*— This trad found not to work so wbli in practice as in theory.j. I Foir.tho the ory vyas most elegant,-Itbe reasoning upon which it was [based; if hot! .coin ! pie to, I was at least coinpfehenßivo.l—, First [therewas tbCißcripinral argju | ment. jtho oft quotbdP“ttartjed be Ca- ( naan,’’ &c., whicbwas hbjd authority till some of; the! [meddling abolitionists began to doubt; whether [.this was exactly thoAf licaasjof the present day,|and in fabt, pretty plainly sho’wodl j that neither this, nor several other passages, could be hold as justifying, jthd ! system |of slavery. Then ihero Was iho author ity of!-antiquity. iThisj I Was a great card for a while, till alhbthcr of thdso same meddling abolitionists began [to ask why, 'since wo bad discarded the, authority of antiquity ip the matter of Railroads, 1 Telegraph s, Steamboats, Newspapers, and matfoni arid things generally, should wo hold on to it so tenaciously fir | tbe presebt case,, afad presto there- was ar.ot her pijop gone. Then the authority! of respectability. Ah, I bis was moatJpotcnt iahd over whelming. Oh 1 what glorious, boh* ofablc, exalted beings jtlio Spnthorn chlva iry wPre ! How- Condescend ir.g of [them to oven notice iheir Northern brethren. .Oh ! how ifcspoCtable j a thing it was "Jp |bo ajjsln'm.pwrier— what a marhTof gentility ! Cow tell bred, what elegant manners, What hospitality, what! hon fir,' what ribblo sentiments, &c., so., nihning jthrbiigh tjie Whole catalogue oil [theWif tucs; lin fact to belong to the class' was te bo a superior being, and thel next ihipgjto the class was to sympathize With'the class, Ah ! yep, Iwo all ri; membera bout this sympathising; and the alao- • i iply to 'siy the *ot quar to every jity! with which both tlio great politi :cnl pafties hastened t > throw them* selves do «n before it is gentlemanly gentleman; <;ba: perhaps the ]oas said about this the better. - Of;jtheso tliirigs we nay slightly, alter 1 Vprgil’s. Jltjiec oliin non mc.minissee juvabit. • ilJnt the respectability argument failed after the,Kansas iipbrogliojuntl t,hq advent of the Border Ituffiar.i|lm of alissouri, and so! on,to the end [of‘the, chapter. Wo all know, that, ope ;by one, the propound supports of [the Divine in stitution fell from arpudjd i.lj till, !at last jit stood forth, corijoSsed jn 'allots nuked horror,a perfect! jMpkan>na, with its "veil lifted,Then 'treason]' .Rebel lion War, Pestilence, [Famine, linbo ciliiy, Bull llun, M’Clclliin, Humbug, Failure, /Emanciputioiv, (Jrani, Dccjis ion, Determination, Energy, Victory, Pcpco ! ■ !■' i! ] , '| v Sp'wc come up to the -present time, ang now tbo-qiicslicjn at the head of this, article dares-us in the dice. Wo have won the olephajnt j in' the hiiile; now how. to dispose, of fi tu is the do*' sideratnm. „ This United States Gov. ] -erumor.t of purs lias, pa 1 take it, per ' formed a considerable mimber of won derful thipga in , tho j t-. Ifojav years, whereat certain natia^ 'of [Europejaro considerably .astonished Xiprd Pali meiston and -LouisliNapolcjon hjivc been 1 regarding us, Iwiih about-’the same feeling that Eurystbeu's may bo supposed to have cipericncjcd when Hercules held up Cerberus before liim. Wb have satisfactorily shown id them made it clear to thdir comprohen sioju, in the words Of) tho late lament. dd ; Samuel' Patch, Esrp, “that some (things can bo done ris well aS others.” It is quite evident injloed that Messrs, ft. PJ and L- N- Mvc comb crilitely oyer [to that opinion] j ,1 ]. ' [• | jjßu't although thorp! pro some things Vo have done, there [are others wo have not done. ; A though Iwo have satisfied Europe, anji | “thelpnblib,. ip general,” wb have not quite satisfied ourselves. Although 1 Iwo have done all' this and considerably [more; we are still in tl quandary;' a, most terric bl'o quandary, and the [essence of [that; quandary Is, iWhatj 'shall we do with.' trio Negro ? (are a good many! things that wc [might do with him, but whether [either [or any of them would be Just tin right"thing ip dot, is] trioequeslion.! Fur ins taiicblwb might! skip! hjm off to Africa; but [then :hbw[ can! we spare his labor. It wont db; to remand him again tjo slavery, (that at least can neve • bo done irithis conn-; try. Why not,, say the Kadicals,[ trioat him I 'just as you would any other; man. Why not ad ( miij hint poall tbcj privileges of cititopship. lias hp not] say they, proved Ins loyally op the] fileld of battle? j po not Sigrializ;] ell his courage iri Spine of the hardest fought conflicts of;the war?. lias ho; not iu a thousand ways shown himself Worthy opr confidence ;and esteem ? Tfhep why not oxtbnd to him the same rjgbts that you extend to every for] oignor. who Stops upon our shores ?—fj Why not on thb jbribad"principloB - of [ justice and humanity ,upon whim both jJpu and he riavp {Ought and! triuniph eo together, expebdj [the hand.’rijf icl jf •i j. | ‘ I bang fir<N iliod will; jwiih spi- [with hp o whoop* ■rain, and ivils, lean!, icols each jaterwabl ghost oi slumbers dreaming milk, anil ’ s less go tc (gislaluro. jublici W \ J 1865. | pur years pllion "are of law at.d he foulest has been is lowsbip to l.i'jn,j! who .in l the your darkest iloeed, stretched bis'helping bland to yon; Those an Wei (piostions which these BndicaJa am baking, lund I must ac knowledge tfiai they are, difficult tn, answer, and jstdi more difficult to say why not. | j", v... ; %-■ jaDelegashun id Visits the Mr. Nasty uy Hisi ' Preside] • •; t J ' • ■ “Make ielf ” an< it. , Saint’* Re??, 'which is ihthyftaitT iW IjToo G eisy/) Mayis,lB(s’>- y All the stjfctej uv the north, bid the heft pv them recently subjopgatid, all the Sosietics, :, Asabolaahuns and Churchrs that) ever 1 hoortl .uv .buy sent dolcgcHbyris fort the jiurpus uv volunlcoTin idlviao 2 Johnson, the nop President. I Eeelin that lloplGersy should not ibo behind in 130: advise hizhbsa, I elccfed'myself adologdshun, borrbrod a cjono; shirt, and' travelled 2 Washiugtoi.; j I whs annoiinst |ez “a dolcgaahun frpni Npo Gersy,” and wusytowuMt ushered in 2 ! the! pros 1 - ents.: >• I . it; 1 ■if j-ho del) oolatld the Prcsidbn' fer' I’Ve thirteen mpip. afternoon.” -1 '• "T" j t'Androo Johnson, ’ said \I, impres sively, ‘Trcpresont ifod GeW,:a stall that hez jes s dun bprior to the deepest President.” j •. '■ I ' ■ | ■ , “Troo retained hjet'slch staits]bonor patriots—atte r they’re dead- iI! “I resciit 1 the inmiiooushun- with' shorn. Bz proof that the murder u? the President wrangt the|(|oplbr hart uv Noo Gersy, let ijno say sir, that the Camden anjd ArabayyDrokjtafs, at a rhbetin calicjd 1 ef the tiurpuslabsldotcly votid 2'cariiy the corps uv the iecees ed Prcsydejiit over the road fir ball fare? ,a boner, bed |a herd id to enny liven! pr] ded indivdjbda). But let [that pars. Hoo Gc'isy needs np. spnsiil ploiider. | Ther ilh's stands. Look at 1 her —ef yo|u bev a inycro» cope. •’• ;|' !'I 'I -j' |’■ #! ‘ . i ‘‘l cumAndroo dz ja origipclj Dimo* leratj, who vfhnticver uilhcr'sijus he inayi ibovi committed, never skraiChi tikkot, lor dilpotidl his whisky. -Ir: hehaff uy' jlhat bimodiisy I speik. , ■ *‘Ez hez'bedn mens land yop iwnnst jor tlwidt a immense responf hility rests ion yourshe IdCrsi T 1 0 Soul hern: stalls Wlriigglcd, tch thein riles, jbutiwqre squclcht. They, fought like! jherbbs, batjfcl, bocoz uy ovorp o w ri h ; riu mb ers ugip cm.: Tho’yei clown—Jopr irdn heel is on 2 their heck i; W btj yfjU yi>° dp?!; Will yoh gvihdyam, or will yoo be magnanlm la? ' . ;,y !Ji J ; : ■ ‘[Wuhst wc wuz a. ha ipy hashon, and we kit bjo so ag in—it rests with ypo. ; Too must conciliate the Dimb cricy. • Our party north in bagnany* mus Wc stand rod|y to, forgive yop 1 for! bavin c nfled usJl'cr hrypp taxtus 1 to support a lueonatposhcbl war.provi diiiyOo’ll itcpnow Wop ohr Sulh«j erh brelhorn back with jolit|o words I They air, a I igb spemtld nhcf-jpcnsitivo race; that T kin pover bo subjoogatid. Thko om agifa 2 yer buzzurh. and dont hobmiliatp chi by dehradih eopdishuns Give: era a chanse I! for 'ivp us for iyhalin uv einL Jle’slore il herj nigger* paly thor debt, inv to, iiagpffin atfd yimeo and Brown and the rejst of the Guvners babk 2 thmr yaiiduii capitols J—igivo Lee and Toriat and Bdro gard ; their .posishu is in the reglar army, and[ ponshun the disabled con" fedrit herpes. , IS‘' r ' l“Ther ipnsh’t be n 3 hanginj Yop’ue got that ,u|nfortiiit stifilsmitn, Davie ! _slic fell i :i2 yoor hand's bccoa lip \vu:: ignoidnt uv the stylo uv yoor (hdt Dinkiu’s) nmynns He mite her khr.do' Unit dhu sojers rover seed ■ woman' i.ahin -to the w iodic witbou 1 chasin' her.; But lie must-'not b hung. 1 DoniPcrisy k oks r pon the mat ter thus.: ' ■ ! ’ i | (;Yop cm aginthoGt arms.; j ■ 1 “Efafcy riSriol,” and when Apu id|o: it, in j! 1 si .order.fv j “Ef a humber of ycvolooshen, .arid tli rrijist bof ireetod cz and pi'isbnprii uv w:i ■ilcrs uv [war,'Andrei 1 “Tbisi : wood prol South. jAI the Non The Dimpcracy ,is Give our Ihedcrs cm support! em , with banagin things 2 trouble is ore. On support 'j oor'Adm iutber tr ap’s corielli) peese rill. agaijm y yuns oVct .the land 2 wav.e eri on til tl again fired.' “1 hev dup —N 0 •T rlathet spec barb frho! Look policy-! ‘ t liang ; a Tiuent- oi ’ take, li no hat ishnists ich cases, v Potro! stcr uv tl pusashun “LaU - Pi ; ' l ) oho .of] the last battles Mexico a French cfficer wits wOundcv severely- ini the thigh. ah(l for four or five'days several’ surgeon's were on gaged attempting to discolor tb'ot'aT fheir Roundings' ;avo hirii excrucia n. * On thh ijfift i day he cc ul fc«ir it noi longer, and; ciicd to tho ;ui goons', ‘‘Gentlemen, itij ; heay?h' name;. .what aire you about?' 1 >‘W aro.lookitigfor th i ball.” | ‘‘Mon Hie* why dido-t you hay |so tot first? is dn hiy waistepa < pockeil”. . IgHPlirify, puHfy purify the h oc .with: jA-vEk’s Sarsai-ajum-a, anti.' tl humors, deiarigementa and distcmpo whichfpervade the systemjdt this sei son will-jdisappoar; Weihavojtri ;d and v?ith Knowfcdgci ' < dispatch Jane lOlh. says: has 1 reached the BrjecHcilridgci at has amved'eal'e ; tpeVietthcy refuse ->•- j . | ‘ union 1 COUNTY CONVENTION. Lli toy il Union Voters, who support the Administration and the principles of the uei3b party., orb requested to meet at their ; ujiualplaceaqf holding election, on. SATUR-i ; ttAY, JlJNE24tii,—in the Boroughs at 7 o’- eiock, p. m., ami in tho Townships at 4p. m. —anil elcctdclcgatcs to aCounty Convention ; ti hi) held at the'CoVnT House, in BKAvr.E,on ; Mohlay, the 2‘6th of.June\ at II a. m., ; to place, in nomination caudidatciTfor Asscm- Trcasttrcr, District! Attorney," Commis sioner, Surycyor/Coroner. Poor House Direc tor,- Audit or and Trustees of Academy, and to transact such other business as niay be brought b'cfdro .then; By a resolution of the Union County Committee,* the several Boroughs and Townships arc instructed, to vote, upon the quest ion of changing the -present delegate syslbm for.j the popular vote system, by which I oniinalioUi shall hereafter be made by the I opiilar yob:, the. candidate having the high-l fsi number of;vofcs to be the nominee, tbei ilcolion to 1)0 conducted 1 hi the uspal, manner (f li'oldibgidections, - or iwhclher, .instead of the marking system, [votipg by billot : hall be substituted. Delegates will comb iu t tructed to vote upon these questions, pud dc- Itcrmine in convention ' whether any change ihall be made, and; if so, which system shall bo adopted. By order: of Committee. :i j ~i JLVS.;-, S, IUJTAN, Clj’n. . Tltc following is the number of Delegates I o Which tsach District is entitled: Bprbugh .1 .;....U Industry...’. .3 8ridg0watdr...........2 Independence.......... 2 Big; Beaver...,. i. 4 Marion 1..-..;....;..2 Brighton! 1',,.!,,....3 Moon .....4 8hjppcwa.............4 New Brighton. '.4. Darlington : i. 4 Now Scv.-ickly .4 Economy. 1 .. ..-..J 4. North 8cwick1y......3 Faßston.J J....... 3 0hi0...... 4 .Frank1in.J.,!.!.......2 Patterson ............. Freedom b0r0!.3 Phillipsburg ' Freedom Idist. 2 Pulaski ~ Greene..,i, 4 Rochester boro i Frankfort , .4 Rochester tpS MjGuirc.U 4 Raccoon ...! Hqpewellu,..; 4 .fjoutb, Beaver ',i Wo ar< tbd folloy, for tho jr mi of forth n?” ejak ry pm, up, isoovo this igashn ~ “bur 3 to -ri decision |j tipn :: j|| : 1 ' lii M. Si Assembly. QUAY, Borough. ,i i'• j . Treasurer. '/ J ■ GEORGE W. HAMILTON, Boro.; JAMES BRITTAIN, Groom-; ; MiLG) E. ADAMS. New Brighton; ALFRED G. M’CUEARY, Borough. MATTHEW T KENNEDY, New I Brighton; j I ; : | Commissioner. 1 JOHNSLENTZ, Ohio; JOHN SIMS, Piittorfion. . JAMES M. IMBRIE.'Big Beaver; HAVTD D. JOHNSON, Borough; JOHN WILSON, Indbstry; |i| District Attorney. , JAMES S. RUTAnJ BoronaL; JOS. II CUNNINGHAN, Borough, j | . j i!*. County Surveyor. ■' ! AZARIAH.WYNN, Beaver; .. 1 Poor House Director. ■ SAMUEL GIBSON, Brighton; : i .'•! ! ’Auditor,. ; iIULH J. MAESH VLL, B.. Beaver; JAM.ES HARPER, | Frarikt(|>rl; •!:' i Trustees! of Academy,' ? A. 1 |T[ SH ALLEN BERGER, 1 Eo -1 clicker; ■ • j ■ - - f> i P. LOWARY, .Beaver; , Rev. J. M SHIELDS, Bridgewater; Rev.l |D., 11. A. M’LEAN, Borough, ■ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. WIIjUREAS letters of administration havL ing been granted td the'undersigncd, on the estate of James Mir, late of Fallston, Beaver bounty, Pa, deceased, all.‘persona t- orrno it tq Vinlv knowing themselves indebted to said estate 1' .* ’ , . _ ' arc requited to make payment immediately ,lTta.ttct, Cop I uniptlidsje having claims kgainst the same wi— jliko jjohli Brown 'present jthom to the subscriber duly artthenti bangiii is alluz .in catcd for settlement. | : f ' !i M -■ iM.' JJ INGRAM, Adm’r., ■ stailß do • it, • it’s a - Wf' ' ' *I" Ke ' v gri s l!ton: ion capcher ‘.j;' • i ; ''lS^-vrsirclj. heliyjiggcr aims,, TT WILL give the above 1 reward forj any in irV I To hung jn’i!- Jl formation that will-tejd to the detection 10 is'- nurdor of the 'person, or who poisoned in' ■tli, l‘.:ssii require 1., m—>. i ... , coaly corisiliatci.l | j Notice to Contractors-: i llff uV llio offisis 2 OBALED PROPOSALS will,be received at ’ tlio prlvylege UV (5 the Ooiiimissloncr’s office,”, in Beaver, up 8001 UB and llio to Saturday, Jane 21, 15(55, for the extension il »-V iiti-mu twill of| Stone Work, and also for Wooden Snper lue.p term We|i gtpuclicm of a Bridge across llaccoon cr’oek tnistjrashoji, or any near Robert. Potter's. ' # ' j hai’.tjally, and -ijßidsj will be received for cncli separate part; hci'f.wbicd pin* of; the jyork, and also fcjr the whole contract, will ii ,By order of Commissioners. pIS3“ ’ ■'VM.a.u-HicL.w. m, iray,litz spoke ly words vil lur itdhango «• V. Nasby, _ irchj.uy.thb - ' for cohsphi In' taiks u i man ihless rave ,sind ic Sc ]’ ,■ Ml • Nbliioe--;,- ■ . ■o' TS.hereby given to all! persons thnt'iny vife ll JL Susiuna Smith, hasjlcft. iny-bed and board y without any reasonable] cause, 'and they |aro warned! not to harbor cjr in any"way givn-irttr credit on my account, Ws I will pay no bills or claims jof her contracting after this date. 1 i J I' Ji-jjS'l SMITH, Greene tp. v lloavor co. eutn io Ci; ableinf'ormation (ids ,pf Joliln, I placn, 1 ,ba. : illoiV-lu' : 'ay; j.-Tf C I ' ‘m. date Eel ; friel , this d to a NTNOUNCEMENTS l.'A | authorized to announce that iving gentlemen; afo candidates. Offices named, subject to, the Ipfllie Union County Conven- 1' 6B| 50 [Reward. * KTlijO!? HEIDIGGEH, late of Cridgewa tCr, Beaver county,] entered my house, asjl ami constrained toiclievc from all cir cujnstanc cs, -and.stole two hundred dollars in money .'out 1 of, my sleeping room. The above reward will be paid for his arrest and delive ry *at tjic Jail o£ Beaver jCotintyt . . 3 . juncld 05.' 1 ; r BENJAjMTN iMTJLirEIM.-* • je 6'po n NOTICE! TO STOCKHOLDERS, ■d I rilJnSCiUBF'inS to the ‘stock of the I’bit' '> jjjj ji’psburg and Hichisf cr Steam Ferry com pany jtro hereby notified that tbt last instal j i mcn.t ou thejstcck is notv due, and payable to; the iTroasurer, Jacob [Strawacker. Phillips- I* burg, or> ' ' —-v 186 r By OI : je”; oi Sale u!. I IN It mill! undersigned offers,at private sale that I valuable farmsifuacc in Chippewa town ship, Beaver county, I’a., on the Public, road leaditg front.Now.Brighton, adjoining, lands id of Rcbcrt Mackey, Henry Wagner, Janies . Ransom, William Scdtij, &c;j_ cdntainingcAboul 115 a :res, about So acrcscleared, on width •B is ere :tcd a logjahvclUngihousc, stable, tc.jl- H Two brehards dn the premises. The pramiijcs 1 underlaid with) (wo veint of coal; one vein 3j 1-2 feet' in thickness, open and operated; also, a vein jj'l-2 feel •thick, \ If not sold- beforeithe 23d day of June, < iiist., it will be offered at public sale.at 1 o’clock, P. M., on that daw, on lie premises. Terms made knownonlimy of sale 6h application ;to subscriber. For fnr j .1 tlier. infonnation'inquire, of Josiah Patterson, '' tl c ofj th|c undersigned, pv'nl tr bf the same, in said Township,' or address liicii at Kdw Brighton, Beaver county, Pu • jjW 7,’*5. i ■ WILUAM.TUOMAS.. '"rh'!' .. : i': i.. ■■■■ '• '■ U.5.7-BCK rapRD S ’l' J I I By authority of the s tfc ury, the undersigned, tl„ ticn Agent for the sale of rifles; offers to tliolpubli Treasury .Notes,' bearin ( tenths perct. interest per SEVEN-THIR TbcU Notes- arc I ilQth, 1 jfiOo, and arej that time, ‘in curn tlie opjtiou of the lj J. s; 5-2 GO I.TIiC! :sbbonds an cmpt, ns fire arc esc from A adds.' value. I h'at'e,: Count)/ 3,- mu from one to tk.eeycr 10 the tCVCijt taclic Bol.il according i'ty. The ini y coupons al’ o cut off and .propc ally I nioy 1 ■ :l interest ampudts ; . One, : cent per day !■ Txo cents ‘i • ! u» •• ■' 1 ■!-, oo “ 1 1- 'I I be pj'OL thus. ‘ , : The Notes of, this.'Tl ■ly similar in fufmjam!) Third fe already sold, t ihent.iescrves to itself t terest In gold cbm.in ‘ 3 lOths iujmrroncy. ductUlie interest in cur nt tiic tinieiavhoujthey : | Tile delivery bf the i ricsof the 7d3os wi'il co Jfune, and will he madj uously after that date'. 1 j Tliejslight change tat, this jrhird Series'.alfeoti terest, Tiicpaymeat ia equivalent lothe currec er rafey v . : -l " Thereturnqo specie t of Whjch only - wilt Ihef in Gpld be availed’ of,! equalize prices that pur per jceixt.. in gold -won jhose made with seven n in currency. i Tltis is .the ONLY LO offered hy the. Goyeniuu udvtuLtugc3.make it' lUc j! I. !l ■■' f: |Groat Popular | Lot n of the Pe | ; .ljcss than $230,000, HlO of the. Lonely, ! izeil by tile last Cbngicss arc now tEaiT 1 iketj This amount nf the rate atidiiq* beitigabsorbed.will all be sub'-evit-.o tin the next sixty days, wheiuic note* uuiiioubtcdly command a pro; .his:, *■ J-« ucv fondly been the'cau’e.jbn clusas the talscrir tioris to other Loans, j In order that ciltizens (if erery uwwwvV tioh of the .country may.he afforded faciV for faking tlio loan,the National Banks, Banks, find Private; Bankers throughout country have generally agreed to receive script ions at par.. Su iscrihr-ra will select I owp agents, in !whom they have cbaSl' and who only art to ! e'responsible for li livery of the dotes for which, they orders. & of all'tbe deno np-tly furnished u ,L ...4 - I , .JAY COOKE, ' Spßscftil’Tloi! ,'AtiEST, PhSaMfia ; sl’iiscuiETiosti will «e uecsiveu hv iti National Bank of Beaver Cor ' [May 15th. inyol Valuable Farm and Goal ' ! |’V.' For Sale:’, /ftONTAIXISGI-tJ ■ Acrk-sa latje localedonj the left bank of the (iWni 4h miles from lbc torsi of Beaver. liras [•Smith's Ferity ami ivitaimig 'tl|e“vijlajre Mil ndu- ry.t’ae sea! ■>: «ib coal operat ions, ,Y yo comlorlaMc hoc s' liiig 'Houses on the farm. Soil we!! a-v td grain- growing ana, grazing. At ’acres'-arc underlaul with two veins ■»! crior ; . ; I • ■ | . IjITUMJ-N’OL’3' coal, . One four feet; tile oilier ihrw-l>!) - ->t? il! ? • well known . Mpott ;r Bank'*. *4*s “**•’ open and worked fir .manj- yeWa Ulc . c ' ia wjhicli;is f cprosenljcd by sieaaihaat iron the best Rmud; bin ween Piijsburp w .- Cumberland. j An 3 acre hi. adued i?ic., tic farm, serves a? an outlet t» U» ■at’-- inclined. track of. 115 0r % 3 ! ) wR * l “ coal from the 4 ifet t vein la the ■ track half thai flis ance -.y lll yan it f.> l ‘- feol or lower vein. . ~J 1 FIRE CLAY and UJIESTOSt. i|y, ; aud in great almuiianee. ;««• '.Vfjj ■ alsojto contain n vein- of excellent 11 - ■ y.. B®»Vor terms;, and further ps«; cl i; - quire, of JAIME!? UKITTAIN. 1 1 (near the premise?;) orfM. IVEVAaA 1 Beaver, i'a. | ,| CHAS Banker I vv-rn Real Estate, ! '' -Bonds, an?i INSURAJfC: Conveyaric r 5 I! E '-subscriber l ; ' llbchcster. (*n. -iiy- F. A. IJon&nt .lronage.of Ins fri ibriil. . .!■ . . I 'Particular and iof Officers' pccou lout of this presfeii '.pensions,' Pufcntj} : ■ • -'f 'Deeds drawn u •Fire risks' Ink Companies.'• . i Revenue stam] | Refers to John )Wm. H. Smith & | , Rochester? Mn A FINI i in 3 |i llemingtonl Also, severj ces low 1 . 1 Im my3l’Csl EX X.ETTKK 1 i Bk-vJ. township, i indebted tc immediate Jayainst .tin auihciiticu! iuv U °ak. xooo.; TrT tlht^ ic t tedsi^s4; f ‘he. third. serita i.- | B ' T on ' ■ TY LOAN 'j 4 al ,. (jf | P® r cent. boxd^ 1,1.1 i«“Vfrnai< a , j.,'.;_ ItriD/j,* #;, T . i ; • » b ; .. ri ’ a '/V.-a,TOi,, o]i r', 10 cact ‘ note, v sl |S?IIC'I j l>ay»' cncy| .older OiSii kiiir o tfb all tii m “ Sil-.,,, sms , ' -S300; Sltwo ~ S5OOO .. ■ 1 niiniuionf niasl ?ori receipt of suliij' OE u-d Sci-ica arc prcciii. ■i-ivilcgcs to IhoSwi; feci'i that iheOow tic option of paying ! * Gfccr'ccnt, instead t " Subscribers \rill p, ■ rcuoy up to July Subscribe. nbtcs of this t’hirj unmenco on the! promptly auJ cool tile in the conditi* > only thcmtlcrol i gold, if made, *f !cy interest oftliel payments, iriihe ei option to pay intf . ivtAlM so reduce :ohuses mails with. il<l be fully ei'iael' mil throe tenths pc. '{AN IN .MARKKTs lent, un<l its sir-sv, li hi rst and JTrolfl ;n i>eai.S’u IS Stocks,'Go* I other Sects k&CLAIM# jer &. General Age^ the room. •c«T>cc*!nl’y ~ als ami , ‘i- it ion giver, Jnts,ftiul * ll it wn'nVucli ft-? |. 'Bourjijs: A,r :*’ .1O'" ' ''‘j , I Jp uml 1,, in first cha 13 -“ is always on A. Cauglrey. M Co.. rilts’Jurg rsrcp <H HAI-f;,', iquire «-HA BoC IbeuvCF Count}. • , jlVra|| (cJ, lojlhc V s ,i4cstate»rc^;, w .tf f “fe'S? *• >/
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