’fltf BEAVER ARGUS JUNE 71 LOCAL and MIS' ffeLara uoderjoi C oI Shalfenbeiger Jfoi breys: inVitatjon t4s ■ f the Second Corps. jgpUra. S. .P. Oil jackson'leavo on'TuJi cgateatP tl.oStat? (fbich meota t t>Afo ■ f&ihe Hay hajvi wishjlc an d economically bny jjjko'’from Alex. Gf gotel. Beaver.] Transferred.— Ur, J. jc Levis, fo'sl Surgeon at Pittsburg, has b£en transferred from thp^Military H?spb , a l in that city, to' Capip Reynolds;-‘at which- place a large, nhmber of We 9. tern Pennsylvania frpdp3 |will be edn tonlratcd for muster and discharge. | ' — l ■ -fTon, Joh n S. [ Liitoll, of this county, is at prjemht commanding Iho 2d Brigade,:.'2(| Division, - Tenth 'Corps, garrisoning! lTorth Carllna. His hen|t|j. is jgood. as .is 'that-off his command) and-ho writes thaUlicy nil cxptfct, .o be home by the '.lst of September.:.! , [ ' i— t ' . r —' r I-iodlic, on Sunday lafit, look from t|o person of aifenialo pris* ■oner in hi» custody, upon; a larceny, six packages of alrychmno. She avowed horpurfOso ; to hay© taken Jl ft convicted, pref j yingdeath to|the Penitentiary.' 'j :• OH was Btr|i|cki4tfio PrUcb* at Sniltlrtyw^Hoii last, at ilio dojilh Tho oil i» of'tlio excellent ijualityusuillybb^ „ tained in tliat:|ocal iy,nnJjt»dBhoy is find for n: good wNlli ' One-fourth - of thij Paltoi; Well; at . the same place, was put up at public Vfdalo. on Saturday‘last, 'and sold . to /;]0 11. P Groen at 54.100, / A Strawbeny: Pestiyal Will bo held in ■ tho Presbyterian ■Ch i Bf , »cr ! ‘' 't Fndiay^ Beaver County, abd tlib lapse of time between itsdi|couat d»ja,ahd! wo Ea ve no be Jdptib in i^bostor P to the boneSt of out business tneo. j Capt. Horettiaß tbe p. Wgnisitp capital, energy and 'l■Abnldii«*'‘ l in whleb be wo tbkb plea-, - eareln him to t^ . bago bCpaf reader^ tJoosry is : still receiving subscriptions, to the Seven thirty loan. -The' third, eerie*, no w- befog void, Is the laat. an ttorizod .the Socretaly ofj|thd ? have exhausted his authority to Borrow •tfd.tho expenses-Of ment will bo bo reducedthat the necessity for borrowing -wjll pease. It is trot probable tliat japother ’ loani Will be. offered within flip, next half, century it a rate of .in Lerijst higher than four or five per conL, alnd our readers-who bare funds at hand, would do wsl! to take- advantage Bt the ’oppottunity now afforded t hem for a safe and prof itable investment. The noles dre be* ing taken up" at jtbe rate of ia million and a half per day and will! sjopn bo exhausted. -'•|, - • \ . ■- .J' i■, » ' EaVnes have purchased the right of 18 County for Clay’s Patent Metallic Wealher-stnp, which wo noticed lasi yoek. They have .got a good thing, indjuat whatevery householder wants pe outside doors and windows.- Jt jwill save : double its icost every year in fuel.' furniture; and homo comfort. jihoy will soine. of ilia- remote j townships onlavorablo terms: Now, ; °y s i >b your chi,iicb to goTntc a pay-. ,D g business on a small capital. Call; S 6? lb .!i nvat ' ? nco They will also ■ 0 or^crB and supply the scrips as; °on as they car manufacture them., ■A • J ToWn “ m t ni S> B Wilson, pur-. wr^ 80 tko r *Sh( of i • ;?. aro not informed whether /'he : 1 sell any portion of it or dot, but thfi B^ 00 4’ 08 ko canhoisupply ■ doina D 088 f t1, C*ny and Sray are uS-T - T° rk in inlroduc- - | abun>' 18 * lr ®’ wo wish them i 4bUn ‘-ant success, | j '•■r'-' ’ | Soldiers’ Festival- j. x boyjaafe coming home? atlast. Their good! fight has'been fgagfriLont triumphantly, and they aside the Bosket and with their fellow=citi«ens suits of ci:dl iife< The hide .Jackets andstorpi* beaten faces of the; fighting 140th.-»ro already amongst ns, the mien enlisted last year for. the oneyear service are on the way, and Ihovctei answe hat o'scattered' amongst "Beany ot-the old orgatiw lions tnll so6n follbw. J »' ■ '' ' • ■ : ' : -'- . These mjen have long stooci asa pea.-, tecting waUbetweenjua'and utter ru in,! and now that thiir work is done* aha they hjave sec iyed hy their blood and toil to us nnd oir posterity the heritage of constitutional [ fceedom pur it is but proper (hat wo should testily publicly ourappreciution of their cur rega rd fori thje memory comrades jvho have fallen in our,'be half before ' the pestilence. or; in’the shock of battle. *| ■ |A. mocting is ;alled at the Court House for this earning to-arrange the preliminaries for ajFostival in their hdnor, to bo hclo on the Fourth of July, l at some central point j&nd to be participated in by the people of the entiro cuu ity. trust that a thor ough organiialiontviU be elfucted, eras bracing cv t ery borough jin'; township, and, that jour popple will contribute’ liberally of their time an i' means"to ; make the peinorislrauon wortbytpf it|! t Beaver county giyoit her best jblood Ip tjio can so,an4vlier soldiers have borrioj ovon raorothan their sharp . &h'd Irjyea of war.’ one ’ i re^ilfipiypip^y of our Inpcpondebbt returnedjtotw,ani i;4p?|^i^^ v law garland of affebtiph the departed jbravp; : |. V. t'- BStThp particular s of the accident, which'occurred ujpcM i the Cleyeland dl Pittsburg! Boilroad, belpw YanpprJ' last week! aa reiiablyreportod aye such as demand! the attention 1 « onr District Attorney and Grand Juty! It' sebms that twp r wbpt» : wider-why ,tor ’ witbih s ,a >rt dlsf' See-’ ifcrdtbor.ahAtthait train find] hg sjthb itrtbit iructf »ped, r;^Mdb^rpQW ;od Iwinrijwhiiidi— jisr irvehlnr allies. rfjlJjAh isulJß ipljgations to Lt. ip General Ham ittend his review • / ■■ ' .*.4 mins and J. E 4 day next, as del medical Society* np. ■ est will soon be ;pt,ake it iivfasily • irk of the Uniop i j 'i - OE • r F'U---' Arr s tf hero lives arc.lo lbo hands of theso '"'■* ' g«ted f v first' ssk With, bop; lishov Boatoi ®(f th' the ; eras, prop most si a read sent. _ best, fugitive pieces . fellows, the 'raloslj popula» r jpL- Amerieai» ' j ,wti^^‘;: handsomely illustrated; cents. It will be folio wed by I‘Songsfor all Seasons ” by Alfred' Tennypori? “National Lyrics” by Whittier, “Lyr ics of I life’' by Robert > Browning. “Humorous Poems,” bjy r jbr. Holmes, and Religions Poems'by Mrs.^towo. Boss irl ife:ln the.)Wa.r.-—Official returns in uho |War Office show that the- djeatha in tl|o army sincelhe war broke out, so far a$ heard from, with the estimate tnadcj for those returns not yet |handed inj including: starved prisoners, Tic.,, wijf aggregate about and These ate - W ben wo estimate tbo wounded! in the ratio of three fo| every one killed i—Which is Ic'ss.jthen the - [usual average—wo see at what a fearful sacrifice of life and limp the natipn haa preserved its existence); |■ . •j' ’I ' --| JEff. of the V^oods.— “The World am mighty nnsar ,ain,| my brethren,” said the, ole. negro class leader. “You amwatche ijaill d« time and very par ticular, j * '4 y , * . -1* Broad and narre leads to dc?truclic broad am de road ation.” '"lf dat’s of his heaijers, “c woods.’’ Ditto, 3 %he Farmer come Hjay [Rake 1,1 *@-The the choapost and best, niachine of its class ib iue< ‘4Call at the Union Hbtel, it O. -( A. DiECAItME, TOBACCONIST, ■ COB. DIAMOND & THIRD ST. | mOBACCp & SKUFP always on hand.— ■ 1 Cigar# inanafactarad ;«nd -fiimuhed to ret«iler« atlloweet price*. - DENT i , \. t TEETH! TEETH 1. TEETH i ‘ 5 UTILITY & ECONOMY ! * • 1 • ' Health and beauty! m Finsßtnuj; phuinP tUiaiUi Vnlo«aU«< GttSjfcV’ [igjjjfefofc •strMtiag' MtiiffcetiuL UuOesUl' ,V; V nW# v . IW. » ; ptabe, Hp, 2MPeu &>' »boTßthe SpgpeMiaa' iju&Xr oEi*v : 3Qsiortzs,' ; i iimß IS) SIGH FAIHTEB, '*■ CLorden WTolMooreVDnig Siaro/tt of Boire f, irill o» -promptly jittonded to. j..-,' i' CHAKLES , OF- ISIS' T; iSTof *ppHc»aUfcr Uoeny JLliwa*, • - ■ ■ ■ - Vm. 4 ■ ; Ad>m Johnston.....l ■■do- ■, gSTMrttliff r-’dfrV ips* T it am de road | that >ir, and narrori and that 1 leads, to damn do case.” said, one : is cliilo takes lb the ijefferpon Davis. s Friend —the ‘ ‘jWel \ : 1.- rim 1* v; h ; - lainl^ Robert 01 Personal or less,' ret_ Dr. M. Lawrence, T 'r. ’ • Personrl property to‘amount of $229 t 26. ; it^ li tajn«lby M»ty A.iH*milton, Adm’x.-. Notice is hereby given to. creditors,' heirs, legatees, distributees, and'all others interest ed, to appear at the next term of saldCourt, tend not later than the .third day, 'being] the 7th:of Junonoit,to shew cause, if any they have, against -the final, confinnation'of the above appraisements- ' . ■ ! myio j JOHN A. FRAZIER, Clerk. .TOTSTKS’ t DTE «WJUfiM HI » 6 30 OHIO STREET, - (West of Federal.) ’■ ALLEGHENY, PENJYA. : THE Proprietors ;of this! Establish!len have been engaged for a number of years inHhe most extensive establishments inthia country, in the cities, of New Tort and Phila delphia, where all the improved appliances and apparatus are employed. Being also in pos session of the very latest discoveries and; me thods of European Dyers,; they .dye and finish Ladies’ Silk, Satin and .Merino Dresses in a superior style i In many cases, these articles are made in color and! finish; very nearly equal in dppearancs to new Goods. L Gaods returned in two. weeks ;L:MGISTER"i: . A BE. persons. (Interested-: j 7% A Immigration and C which ktn itM puM^ Be£atort Ofiee&f Bent' Uta.nWealUtntMmeijiih ... . I'the Orphans’Court, to. be 'toßoarer, to and for jthb-coOhty of Bearer, 0d the 7th day of .fane, 1865, fob confirmation and allowance. : ‘i : i> !,’■ The final account of R. 8. Cunningham, and John Ward,Exeeutora of t]o« Last will; of JTamea -Cunningham, dec’d. ■ -Lr" ;■ The fijtal account of Bexin Jfiwgle ;*ad Ra chel Cochran.iExecutors of thefastwiU of !D*tldC<oehr»n,\dee’d. 'if ! ,-i Thefinal accounts Personal) of Jomeo M.' Imbrie and Joseph Jaclcoon.Kxecu. lors ofi the last rfill ofSsmuel Jackson, dec’d. . The acoonnt of Wm. A. Thomson,: Adnunlai> trator of theestate of Tandendaekj Springer, 'dec’dL' j ■ ■ fh ■ i ■ The final account of Wm, Ai [Thomson,’ Ad= mlnistrator of theestate of Peter Eaohel, doe dr, , The final account of Hugh Martin, Admin* istrator of the estate of Maria A. W. Bakin,! dec’d. I • 'J- 11 ; ■ . 4 The final accounts (ReSl mil) of Samueljhnd Edmund Boots,} ' the last will of Samuel B The final accounts James Jackson anV’ df the last will of The account of the last 1 Thr ' 1 •iuil?- the tbnrr.two *qu»PM HU 1 Che hm art; required to .. j pajmew*. am, those haring olaiiAa , ...present them, prop erty authenticated for settlement. j: ' [ ]; HUGH) MARSHALL,Adm’r., ! jmy24’66 ' j ‘ - j l . ’ Big Beiyer'tpi - ; jV NOTICE. ~ OUBSCRIBERaj, who hare not, paid thei subscriptionajto thwetook of the Smith’ Ferry and Little Bearer Petrolenni Company wul please dose immediately. j/ i,' aprl2’6s.] H/CHAB. B.jBDBST, ■ I; , Scp’y and Tresis. Pro. Tm t ■ I B®.PittslrargH tnbscribenß cahlpay to John Aj. Canghey & C(j. _.j: ,'ii J’ ’-' i’ ■ I BXECtJj TTTHEBJUS jW estate of I Economy tp, Be been .granted to indebted, to said < immediate payme against the - samel authenticated for i.' • ■SOP, "; j ’ 1 i - FOB’S JSOTIOB. letters | testamentary on the Oluucrt Eninaa, late] of arer 00.,' fa.,' dec’d, haring the undersigned, all persona latate are requested to make nt, and .those baring claims will present them properly gettlethent. 1 ’’i -• . ■ HU BHRMXS T , Bx'ri, . 1 1 4 Economy tp my3’ho v | Vl t IN9GOJKG m 425 “ 1501 “ i-531 “• 1:026 “ f 712--i* V Mwu' ■ - I Mul t K.BrigSfc Enon jT;... Columbiai Balem|.... Alliance C*nton..-. Massillon OrrVilJe... Wooster . loudonvil Slansfield Mr Bucrcus Kr 935 “ IQI7 “ 1048 1 •• 1150 •* 1242 pm 1021 “ lid “ 32fi •• 7857“ : 812! *\ 84S. “ 939 “ 1030,*.* Ufa* 1139;« 115»“ ililiOpii 1 ’ 115. " 2?4i“ 3121 “ “ I S’«l 4 761 H“ 835 •• 1010 3“ '1059 IF , ,( Arrives ,r , ,20pm ; Bayard, 4.10 f * •I*| >. Philadol.9.25 p! NOTICE. ITTBRsjSjf administration on,then cjtatif 'lsmaii, late of Raccoon ihlp, ;Bosyer county, dco’d., haring beel :cd do tbp undersigned, all porsbns in jd to sai&Wate |apo requested to make jdiatbpawnent, and those having I claims ist!s&id<|imte will 1 present them tb tte irlberl protterly: authenticated fox ' •st int ■L■■ I -|r.' a.j Kennedy, AdnJr.,. | iytO’6s i | Independence tp. . HATtWAi PA«t or Bxavsb Coni rrl ? Feb. 1, 1805 { IE St|ckhW'g/erB| of “the Natiom .IBank of BciwWyponnty?’ iaro hereby : lOtJAed unpaid portion of the Capital Itockis ledtqdie at the Banking he use in Injenta.ia ' rii: Twenty-Ire per thereof,! Wlhe first day ofMarcinext, i like ’ iustaltnent Won the first ,days of i July ahdWplemher next thereafter, ■order of the Board. | r 1 P ] EDWABD hoops, >. B’fisJ;’ ■ - -I ■" • Gaihlei.j -i t■ Ii i - - *1 Will jiftn, disturbance! ot the periodic wheth er arising from or suppression.:— They jact like a charm In rymoring thc pains I Uiat,ajocotnpanv difficult or'immoderate men- islruaHoii, and are the onljt safd am?iPeitable remedy for Flushes, Sick UCadaohc, Eaißs in the Coins, Back and Sides, PalpJt^lioai,q£ the Heart:, Nervous ‘Tremors, Hysterics, Spiting-,, Broken Slecp. and other'iitvpleasanl and dan tqoa cffecti'dfsjan hi>hMnr|U..|oßdlUin of inxual fanhilonikt slii Of dr Atiuejar Whiles, thfyeffetl'sheedywnreo. Dr; Cheeseman’s Female Pilil Have been used oveb a quaeteb. oi a cestOV bv, They are offered as the only safe means or renewing [ interrupted menstruation,, but iadies must hoar in mind that there is .one condition j of the female I system in which: the Pills | cannot jbe taken without producing a peculiar remit.. The condition'referred to is pregiumey —tbs: result, miscarriage. Suohj. is t|it! irtesistibli, tendency/ of the mcdMnedo rttioffethc sexual funotions-toa normal don-, dfllofa, that even the reprodnef ive power of natuTacannot insist it. eatmo( 4o harm! t* otherjway. : -£j tjA~h' ~Cheeß«naii f ji Female Pills lie|only! medicine'' that, married and tingle have relied npdniior many : years, or can oil now. Seteari of mutations !, These ' t the ‘ Final preparation ever put for- Ih immediate and persistent success.— NIVEIK- Take this advertise , and. toll him that you reliable Female Medicine omprisedjn Female Fills!! id are now receiving most sminent Physicians each/ 'C(|ntaining from rtiSfi. remitting, roranyattthori- . ~ IhvMarqnUaid J. H. lestm dphn Hobre, Beaver; and ■ V7T^9 AiOPS. xcepted, W fol ,gt) at 6,50 P. M. ggif ;»Oirrf 415 •• tjßfll m -424 “ 508 “ 585 “ 635 725 750 ■ 828 “ 906 1000 4XBQW 1180 fl ..j.Jxtt 622 ■eoq •» 633 “ 785, “ i 'Steffi 858' “ 340 “ 1016 “ 1129 “ nips 153 “i 236. •*; ,801" ; 5201 “ ..i “ . O 1311 i ' '(i i""'- 7461 805! .815 J....'. ‘f a ~t.:sYo ;.c ti x iE-BEjSlOll STRENGTH TO THE WEAK ;, v . '*:3 T'lTr:;. > ■; HThli preparation »*;,£ B|Ju^' -‘ ■ andHutowr of wasted orlaisrtfaiie~ -.':r:'| r.:y. : - .- The aged iftonld be certain to make the Bio bodaefaold god, inasmuebasit will' tbi in feeding andln '•• to Ita «r«r agab* v Itnotonly ex ' is reall* an la iom who • ■ ■2ssf -30!“ .( t , CJiREAT . -y. !• ■ Fortcsmthe world, CAN BE HAIV ONLY |< :. ' > A 1^ KLEBER MI Cff. H. 122 WOOD St., PITTSBURG; iAg«U : ft(f Slcmwejr’# Piano* for Western Pennsylvania. 1 [mylo’6s ; . lertl Tiokot jlgaa^ I I •* ' 1 • . L‘-i 1 | carhajeit’s 4 j; Parlor Organs /).| , , i 1' ' '■ ‘ - .y.\ 'V- ' • j ORGAN HARMONIUMS. I W-EBTABLISHE D IN 1835).-er . Ti& eld'est uld most popular instruments iif the kind in tills country '. - ■ * For Sale only at 1 , • > H. & BRO’S.' i 122 Wood si , Pittsburg, i 8©“Sole Agents l-for Carhii t's Parlor Or gans fof yfesUtn-P*nn’«. , ,mylo'6s ( j • Mtanni 'iiiP® ME IEtMI = ? i UM tA:, Era u rat f Gcrofiila and Scrofulous r CIS6ASMU JFfom 'Smcrg £l*m. «|«*W»w*ci - mtnUmt.tt tothoMwUotiM It. A« runt tt'aarpmnfo try It.they there : bcwnoiacdteM'Ukoivbumigia«r€iwinaaltr>7;.. ii'-f cen, Diictmtf Ijbilto. I y°6 WwjwtM. I 1 ltdd my testimony to tlurtyoupobnahOf that**. I. dldnal rtrtnee of you«|.BABaAPA«&WLA. jtr daughw h ter, «ged t=n, h«J I g£^i^t&Wi h m f> been well for wmi months. 1 ? ; • # ■': j-x •J - gt- r: f = 'Mi* Mrt;/ane.«. (faMlm.jrf 1% BAu3ArABU.LA, which ioon^MßJMjWßggwt^^; jtVbM- Ckarlet P. Oagt, *7.. ywwW*e*l(, ! Gage, Murray 4 Chj mitvaebww* V mneiwM : ;' haperiin XadutO, M.B. r. -r.fV y.- J. ,J * r bad for eoreral jmi a yiif Uoeltfeeaa* Rumor In my fkce, which grew codetantly worm , dßiaitdtlflirartdm»|ft»Wriir«B4;t»9BJMßU»»« ■ craMe afllloflom I tried alrooct arary tamga mall fcooldofbotli aaTlca4ndtnadlctoa,batwltno«t aay > relief whAtorer, until)! took your BAitaAPABIu.A, -It imbtikuatciy made mjrfaoe worse, aa yontold mo ■■ ' : a might for a ttmdj but In a; few weskk the, new ,! akin bcnn.tb. fond Wader .the, blotches, and wa- _ , ■ ■tlmlcd. until my-faie|ila a» amooth aa mr body •• .'and lam without afiyaymptorai of tha dlaaaae that ■ - : :! kdow of> 1 euJot bSftct health, andwtthout a 1 doubt owe li to yoar BA*a*PARiLhA.” ’ *; f : - Erysipelas—General Debility—Rori^th* 1 4; -'i ' - ■---•■ :,v ; ••• From Dr. Pott- ydieft, Houetoh St., XeaTerh. <• Dr, atwl I seldom BnmHoms anil SenftOaut Sbtwir.br tb# parts* orfcf wef row; Slmapabuxa, andjt bora frai now ourad an attack of Malignant gryetpelae wlth.lt; lid alleratlTS.we possess uu!i too SAIUAPiRiLLA you plied to the profession as well uto luo psopM.v , . ■ Frqg j~ g. Sty., OMfi. . * -I---, 1 «■ For twelve years. 1 had Ota Tallow XtyriMUa bn mr right arm, during which tuna I triad au the h , celcbrated phralelana l could roach, andjbok boa- . [•.: dreda of dollars wortbof maUrinaa. the alcara 1 - were ao bad that the corda baoama risible, and tha , doatora daekiad that my arm,amt bo amputated. I !r - began taking your BXMAPABIttA. Took two bob. ” 1 . tlei, and aomo of your Pili-b. : Together they bare_ • cured me. lam now aa well and sound aa any body/', c !. Being in a public place, my eaasla known to ; «rarr , mbdrin this community, and axdtea the woqd« 1 all. 1 ’ . - * ■ J. . - -M. • fVnMSS i' FrSm. Man. Henry Monro, U.P. P., <|f JTngajgtl ’ ->Sjj ;C. IT, a leafing member of the Cema&miPmllm ‘fmß f ''meat.' , I ’ -fc-v . i ’' " . ''l haro tuod yont SAMAPAItiLbA latari . tor general debility, and for purifying the with very bcnctlcial'jresulta, and fool. eta commending It to the afflicted. 11 - V'• | Bt. Anthony’a JMre,. Roas, Sall^ I- ' ■ Boald Head, Boro ■- From Horny Siekier, Feq., the able. 'edUKtejf) JWniAonnoci [Democrat, FeMUylfame*^ .it* Our only <iilld,:ab6ut thrfo by plmpleslon hta forehead.' Tr fannedtmtU'tlteyformeda loatbaomar aore, whleh eorered hla fhob/and aetd ,hi!eyeaforaombdaja. AskUlUshyi . Strain of ailrarfann other romedW, : we ;■GmdhlearwSlitbta.bc ahouldtaer' diieeE^^awbb .tod^^bcttM^y ontigntragrt*.' : aa any okhori ; t;._., that fenwlytbr'lha and ibr syphilitic ; The profriwlonarblmlebad btatmedMhetbretore.’*-- Jf. A ' t both of Sm .priita>Wiued:eeonietL. ■teal to!pme'etee*lhiß,iwet» Umc. ,*• tobßw winiadWt, i-ldo hotkh>w> 1 i ploy wlthihenaertalatraraaeMtSa 'hatLAnadflilblee? remedy or; Ll' PETR ■j's- Capita: 80,000 Shi worn Ta abo' .the follow; for tbe;ens BRO’S., * M ; -■•I- ’" Matisse Charles James Xiovi B: ■ limil od number ofaharea of Stock of the' above Company may bo hadby appli cation at| lho officoof the Company.! :i' ■ the Biaraond, Rochester^a. my3:6ni ! CpASJß.HTfiS^Sec’ji. ADMINIBTBATOB’S WOTICEv T EOT; IRB of adminiatrati on ‘on the estate bf • I j Racnat fprtiAV, late of iUeebtri township, BeaVef cb., .defe’d, having beengrriited to the nn iersignod, | ill pjrsonsinaebted tosrideSlata are requested to'-maKe immediate payment, dbd those having claims against arid -eatate:Wili present jlhemtolhe aubaoriber. properly au thenticated for, settlement. T s W. i;'KEi(KRDy. Adm r , ' ’ N . 'lndepaiplshcjl if- inaylO , ss i'-v-sj-s tA LI Off COM? % ■ - i ; g?i- MEE .*• k ‘ -j ‘ ICK -$BO/ sxo if Par Value of ires b •itAi;..;.;............. iixw#. '-5 ' ’ v • • meeting of the' stockholders of thy 1 ccompany,licld at their olEoo in jh of April 29th, 1865., ing were elected iti officers ming year; ;'C~ v ’ ’• PRESIDENT; ITT ISON OABRAGH C- CRKAStIRBR * SECRETARY: IfIAELES B; 1 mjßStf. DIRECTORS:' ■. ; V';- cn Darragh, Miloß.Adams, s Bton'c, ; ' _j Alfred C.llurst, lairagh, • . John Bigger, . ; ‘ennaman, .' f RobC. A. Cocbtae, . Charles F; Kendall. ' ’ | =I £■;);: r'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers