’| t°ho 'JSaH >steiW’ i 'l jjeil- rot * ,l i | o.? - | ‘‘ (Ja rtoinly i lb & v o d l V™™ with the raiding into St Aliena which ■of peace” havo< with «& ™ th “J* l^ e could .4fWidjto me atld th<S| Bb,zares oa the lake except braoclloa in mo9toffbalarircclitiBtiai>^,^llll ■ hep- te^'il"TvteW^^eDcv'iiiP K True they ‘ «* n “*' - “ fI H not you soen r it Often h ri i iMiriiiVtS|9^^HjMP^ra^M l |i iiml i I a that it far exceodcfl those tastmatro. oontitnes, is nofe special el«^M WSi WMSCi M i ard to sc ° [L* fe £^«atl^S:'‘ifcdis il ®;'« 1^ «??Sw« 2L >&,; ? wm. ;; •* •RiCVr': 0 Ca “T dislu k tbora - tury 4 cbar our coLuct to* ‘I °“ J ° W y ’ l ¥ n fold °d afad return, jj After ,we 4d traveled miles J S*!."* >r^ ai “°L \ «*«■; woods, i igly, GorMxoh Jr.; : / *ha{' oomfdSS^“ --« 'Kw■ '•® m sct !; 1 ?P 1 ' np'on soil the Sonlb. tbW to restore ° d ,^- mc » -W ,n K : Everybody said to ns “If toucan 'V if"^Vf 9 J h °; pqgion of the^medssUe grassland .}. H,.;' “'"I b y °ur- 'la* s, aod Ihb laws JL State to its formal rolatfion to the i , Tiat pass is all right, .1 >know «8i»ly : find l)in- BlliV' amil'iin ■i ' ‘F hl ° b s^“ n r d tbo l , ecbnck y ft|vW,i ?7ff ! T Mat &?.p rs ° n i Da " olOyers^are Vo;tblinahner ■ they should die ' 'But ft* 1 # wo ' ,iko 9 a handwriting. Go lie tells von-voff ; n k d ? • J see >f thdriVere any guards npbrj Wm^HnSoS'• ■■ W,,,,a “' 80 “. and lfee- '., ESffiE ,lr ’ :,o i dL, IS ? T •y. • A V’bejbog l^!^^s^9 n ‘|^ d ; ? WmJery exouskblejunder > l*bacl k, ; ■Ca.V, dO4B u * oi-long ib Mexico mi^ f tb - e .i^ la^f i l , 9 hart - a off ,di»cricrfn- vhe cirenmstapces, >*and walkcdW.— fciar | miles from nJ. the cpast . >va.i clear. Then she ro'do; 9f M^" n /. rtJ - ./^.'. , ,•/ ±i: • t shootsdo not the sarlkcdUnd 4 O'p.a Sun nnd thirty iosj greatly, a point on jours, when, | ih iv .party ,| prisoners. Ijiors roturo jwjthin, | tke " pnsbnoi'k '6 moao toJ yl.fl I,'pan]'was When our vo ,sai dto gentlomon isfcur.y and bo jbiii iioy. I " f • /Ea, pf, S6iitli ; M;w 3 Ta., fronr :t sheep, hasr. raised ,f -t spsopi- Hfty«-foui' ’• Itj - I‘l.vJ'>;»£ . inid .rc--0; ; lh_J,'.v.ith slipejj.'ai ii'- K Mr. Jacob Wea honing tj>,, Inditii flockp£thirty-f,ii! 'during the. preset .‘This is in plenishing the c:.r , pretty rnpiil r. ! -■ /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers