g&rf-; ** <?]*?}% #s*^^ h,(> - % V JemSwli’S: f ' AbertijU. ’ IghiUipaborg #; BimHer’a; IFroedom \ v McCdakeir’s; |H*niiony . .1.; gl, Stored KopheMertp 1 Junel, W ifcJm’, hotel; It? ; boro ; v <M ! <I» Bridgewater . 12. Ankeny’s hotel; .VeUereo* tp; 13, A. B&ertson’s; . Brighton ; ; ; ; 14; K. EAInV : IC *l6: Huron H<Ue; , gorth-SewUklj? . Id; N. Htttenk- . ’ f : > - 20, Ant'criretth’s store. H W*n«m , ( 21, O. HarUeil’s. jBgw,a>wlcklyi .. 2!L Geo. RauSoher’s; \ •j tp ; 28, Geo. .Neely’s; T#ippflOa •: 26, Mrs. Cunningham's; Johnston’s hotel;: 1 |!tdo -;■*'■'■ Galilee 28; Qra»lng’s do | arlingtofi tp !- , 29, J. P^ilWorth’s; S- hd9. f boro; 30, A. J Coo S’s; * nilston J July 3, Toll House; . - Beaver ’ "5, Jpg. Lawrence’s: Ido . . & Ohio 6; Kerr’sl store; ' . " , ■7, M. R.j Deringer’s; pokstown 10, Swearingen’s hotel; do ■ 4 Greene, 11, Ido 1 J ■do Htnorej- 4 Greene 42,.f1., Hutchinson’s;. BrankfOrt ’ ; J 3, H.M.M^tcheon’s; •Hanover . 14, ; Short’l st<sre ; Haccoon , 17., D. Ewing’s; lB- John Holmes’; - V™ .*■ Hopewell 19, Johnston’s store'; Opcwcll ; ' *2o,’ Scitt’s: ’ ' on , ; • i 21, Wm. telliolfs: . • 22, R. Wallace’s; * * Payment can be made in', the i.djeiuing ' " L ’ 'ai d V •ct*. All licensed must bef pa, Ut of July.: JOHN CADOH ,r 65 — v f- :.• [Trei (BPHANS’ COITRT sailk. irtne of order of Orphan; i’ Courtrl the county pf Beaver, to ]me directed*, •'se to | j)ul)lio sale, on tfie premises, :of Freedom, on ‘day, June 3 d, . 18G5, r -'- ' ;in.; the folliwinjg descril * J<d>n A. Brown, : dec’d., of ground, being No. 51 ini bounded and descri ing at a corner of lot , thonjsb by said. strerf< ce by saidlot lOflltf' Cpjthr 4dM«U>od miw children of b^yongb -set, aina teto^ofM|B.atijei; irt ereotedralwbjrtory liwmaldmK I6;by|ieft^ on6-&{fti of fa ccr ibt'ingtone’ipfknoraaai- WiWirt.'J soutlr cm tyhich is 'ertsl§F* 'r.; ‘V, .; J lore being of tbensual 'ngh,. and jhe ahotpfcS \orests, therein being ofElizabeth Murrels, s,:sr'., deo’d. | -. of the, purchase money ■Hof- .the sale by the court, payments from flta intfreSt : thereon from game ;£■-* JOHN MCREELB, - " ' Guardian of said minjoraj. R. T. TAYLOR, President, NS MARCH 28, 18& '■ ' $58.50 V ' ! ' for Board, llcom, Fuel, Light, and Tui- ME ■■'•i p">■ ')i<y , jtion in Common Branches, 14 •(vceks. [lessons on Piano.,Organ, Harmonium, Me i lo F < f on ond Guitar,-by superior teachers. JA I’nmary Department; for small-boys and ? will be opened. . : - j ' . cqrimerhclng music lessons c H^ dreß .hfduetioir of'2s per cebt; on all made .. » o} ipimsters and soldiers’ daugbtenj. ImarlS: MC , -TO FARMERS. ' K 1" “* P*"«te b«U, f« * fWmstuh. ■ .11 potfer thresher and! separator ‘ s i goo? as liew and jin perfect order; one-half /»* flower and Reaper; “ Exce aisr'r and Reaper, patent drop «pgous Plows, Hrrf?ow S . whecle(l Horae-r*ke f nf?K'ift o’, 0 ’, Tbc * bpTe new atra[pf the latest improvement. ■ *. ' J A j 60 ’ ‘A r « e , ! ot of Salem Cook endPerlor , Si oijcE the best m use aniiwarrantedin »v*f» -| ~rcpj|cct. *.G. COOK, * IT. 1 T. on >A tur Dai ‘ Hn S lon - co;, P». inpr.2U/G5. . t| ! Ii ... DividendlVo.. JL4. . • . ! pTioxAL Bask of Bbaver Cocktt, 1 *■ riltap Ti ' V? r M »y 2. 1865. I/' f lu ” re , 3l<lcnt and Directors of this Bank ' .M»r^ a J*„ thlß d!l y declared a DIVIDEND OF Jf l^. PER R. Cf ‘ I i T \ Upon ’*4 Ca P ital Stock, out if e Sv®?v of last $ months, payable • onilmnnd de f 8 °V ileir ,c « al reprosentatiTea . onmemnnd— free of government tax. . *'r ' rK j a for declaration ° f :oK>dends confomablelo the.timefor mak ind reports to the Comptroller of the Curren cy t|»W tnH deplatc a dividend for two tac a|fas on the first Wednesdiyr pf July-next i and jfemUatmtially j thereafter on tlie first Wed- I \!, ,neqdpyßof January and July I ‘ ■ Bjfairdcr Wrtlicßoard:. - . mio , ■ ; . EDW'D. HOOPS, Cashier - i " :.ti..’ j 1 . 4 gWSUdfe Cl toded and TOtheßp^^yiovKo. wmmmm by .the ■ , «nd the '»il lllfe.flfihe t&Jteon 'tgrjtlrt iia* «B titled »• :■ • -d SEMINARY | ANU V ' /j ’ Al INSTITUTE. TO ■;. | fV L at > Mo y?< F.l.fln 'Ji~' DIAMOND, (ifdlll id before ■ey, ; isurer. l||fe ■ K \j Afitto to. lot it. No. Het, .• • , *\.y ■ - .-V>/rSV H: complete assortim 11l V?' 1 . • m v45A,. ■ Prints, Che. ME OM r. SSfc4f;j®gSr iliil 'I ' •’ ; r'J 4 : t -Z >G-X SAVET 1 j- ' 1 \ .1 1 7 Remember the Mlac CHEAP Xu tli© V' . .■ SE I.;.'!" , l ~ EO7H Y ~._r~;: - ....• * ■' ''lf -t/i; Do.. , ._ _ i L.. , i ‘. ~ ,7 -* -. A rjtfc 1 •» ■f-J = ,y £»/<» >* "■x ' l ' '(i I-'- v,-‘r 'V 3^^ins,j|ji^|f" -It’s, Sf-ff ~~~ _; --. I - ... . . , ~, :.-, .;.,.:. ~.. , _ ,_, .•,,,,..., ~. . _ -, ,,,?4,4* . ztti ..„ • '.". - 1.. "1,7 1 .f..,•: ; , 4?"•'•- •- 4 •-• . --.-".,:';', i: --- .:, ,- ....., . it , .. 7 „.:-,.. %.;;; - _-. 7,.,;:. ; - -oil' .- .“: -.,! ,-; _„.z` `,.,1:,., - ;,:::, , , - ' ' '. - f; 1" • I '' -,..''' _, ':. 1.: .-:' .5:11 . ; ,, r-3;-. % 1".•';' . ..P, , ::‘,," - 4 ,;.!:, - :' -'- 4- '... :.. 1 4:r .i. :-,C 't'...'i.:-'.` ,fl.'''S,,• ,l '-`,:"L" .: ',',.= -:.- -' 1- :1 ': , :,'•-:',.:'-.,--:-.: .. - 17.'.: - _ii::::-f,, 1 -.• '-',.:',- , ',: . -;j:.': ) ,'; ' l. : -.- . i , !,;• - ,,, ; 6-,,,,A1,,,,....„=„ : - . ,;,-,....,..,,,t. 1 _,..,• ? -. „:. ' ~-7--, -- i,„i':,..,.,.,,A- ,1 ,,c. •••-_-;;,_-, --- • , - - Ye,:; , ..1.,. • :: . , Is , : ,-, - - ,-,T ...:_e . , c.; - - 344 4 4 f : 4:„.•:-4 , 4.:4-, > tyr(..; 1 - , :- • ..;,,,, 4' , , . , ~ 1. 1-7 ,---4 , , ,'•,,-4 5 _ : 1:* ,1 11-.. 7- Y--? 4 ••••• .. s, '' -, -* ll-- • i - f . tjs EKTY-FIVE PER T'ORTVNE'S ■- 1 ■I. - . ■ I DEV POODS EMPOEI I j •. • - -* i iamoiidv Kbcliestei^ llMAtaMaffikeiVtai 1 r': - ***/■ I I - : -: E :■- ROC ESTER irdE '1? “if-,: , , 4: -t. = 1 1, _ • • • ‘ !; '4- ':4 ' . Ler_ , Mk; gL;' .. '4* - • , , „ _ ME o'V £ .-v» EMI i . . ~.5 ,~ " > i . u OAJuL, 1 1, S'. .^.l/?:$ £:/ . s.. ;.'■?!*; if •' '■ - ;«<-.- ~;~~ i • v V ' ? : , _ i ■;,* t i - OE 11:13 PA„ J “ ! ’ L .-it5.,,,,:4,f3..„, 11- ',&c latti i'j f>3sT* f ffie . ,■ j-* :: Ini Mil ENT. RI ADMINISTRATORS NO: XTTIrtIBEAS letters of admlhistra TT teg teen grantedto ih« undcrf the estaie of Mrsi .VsHA Jacksox, la Brighton, Beaver cb., Pa, dee’4., a knowing themselves indebted tp sp arc requested to !make payment ice and. those having Iclaints - against ‘the ‘ present jthemjto thosubscribcr duly, catcd for settlement.. I JOHN BAKLO.IV, Adm aprW: <: ISAML. MAG AIV, Ait or [CJM PaL o*S*# j:i‘ ’• Puckett EaSy . ; Printing Oottipa f iartfest and $. •*«?«» -m'. t .;.,|^im : t]ie Earliest [ : j: . Fullest' Tnteliiyenc _ ! '•‘Mpeotus for the Nev _ °Q-08suminff control of tjie ;i the commencement of the tors ainounced; their DETERM _infuso a nenj life and vigor into Should render tbepaper J ACCEPTABLE TO T£E . Kapid Increase in Circul: mg netibes ;of our gratnn tory Letters from ’every stirc in that; our efforts have not cessfall •|’ •. : Mho . The '. Commercial HAS GROW P“ b “« f»*°r until it non--rank LEADteGJOURNALS in tho'coi '.i. blo fr :t? . fae PI aC(! with th: the wiping public, and at ,t be sa:: i r ß r r ? a **f 1 15 pressure on ! oui. columnjs. we [some months sirice 1 OP THE THEjEjpENTOP FOUR COLU.4 '^liS e l ea ' lin fe features are! ’ TELEGRAPHIC REPQI leading points of ion to ' REPORT 1 nills—groyi oTwhich are •ble impressions upon tK ed mind.. ■ ' ■ 1 ■ - - * ; Ihe Inktitirtioh is complete in al pointmenjls. Having been tasteful? at grant pxpense, in order that it ,tbe approbation and views of the ir ons. -if ;r The [water closets' and. bathing i have- Man gottonup nnonthe most modern scientific principles.- 'jThis di I embraces not only the ordinary 1 the medicated, warm, air and I and descending douche for tlie more and Btfccessful treatment of; cutan other sbrofulous diseases. {-••". | We beg leave to.say to Ml those wp disposal |to commit the interests fi wife, sister or daughter, 'to our chi be assured that bo means will be I effort s wat, ting on our part to ameli A condition; or to restorition to cuatpmed health and vigor of mind.F •For further particulars sehd for li :AU communications should hp nddri I- ; E.KESDBICH Supl. of New Brighton B[et?i ' • i • New Brf; '• : I Beavei h0T12'612.1 -' „ ..1 FRIE^Di !" I tf CIALt. BRAVE SOLI HQLLOi l,^r L< S| A LLWHoTav -PL Army orN» that ;tnoy he amrfl and Ointment S and Sailbrshavej selves With them] them hy|theit frit ed lo.he the Soldi the hom-| of heed! COUGHS AND cl =I '■ v; ‘; •r.andf r OSt\ I iS;IS( | Widely i'.x , 1 .;p»' '•* • j v: 'Ommcrcial, at. . the; cfhduc n^vfrioNto M'a [Columns EQK'C TUAN' HEADERS,. tibn flnttcr ■gjfr «n>l Con-' jaai bceni'uasiic- Will,.be speed; cured bousing tl by paying proper which aio attachi SIGHT lIBADACI . TIT? TSCID ■These feelings arise from troubl perspiration, or e ig unwholesome, t action of the live gans mu 3). to relii The X’ills, taking at ruction*, will qi action in both lit naturalconscqucr petite. :\ | WEAKNESS .OR UVI jD.LII.YnA ftmAig its .iritrj-. . :>£. ! dcjuanjlskif ae ti;ue miiot ■ ndvcrtfeißei -N’CRYASBD PAPEB 10 INS. |V Ml t reliable iSTS; - ' . Will spi valuable inter ■est,' |lt JpsiQnA 'ISBITEOHI ■f Kfl ( TXlKdTEi^[ Spataßams 'KtvooD’s 'Em: Ihe 1 Anjcrican print the abQvo-i j- cost of printing; . per nearly \irtlr j' 1 etc.,.largely r > advance ilieir 'fj lr<l i For an; oi iEoranTti -;F<m:nU;foii :F<a-Blaok> FopifiJr"' ’ lor, if 1 can n ;ra la, ra, ished _ the art id. il • War, and the prejudice, they hi great' nhilility and from *ivliich they studied with advai I country, of every c: of its i)p rifitied up nayliinest ist fistidl- 1 : apparatus nppt’OTc'd apartment >athij but, ascending ! effectual a ecus lind the four revie : A few copies of t and'will bc| sold [at s2for auj r We also publish By ; late J. E., Norton, i Royal Octavo, IGOU graving*. PRICE’S", forth post paiditrS. !. j. ; LEON’ARD S ' -Vo. C 8 I iQ.BQaybp, of ft deaf ■rgc{—may, spared or rate; theli > ao. circular, ssed-to. . , m. p; rat I ;hlon ISTew jMa: ' IX IIAEKET St. Co.SPaJ ;i,cE. i Uon hav igned/on f of New id estate lediately saiiae wi_ luthcnti , i'if. 'fir : tt’eyl , • j fiMIE Subscriber I that hois prop; mers all kind of rror SLAB to a OABVEI American* ani Kept on hand, and aa Ornamental jrcir jnatmon, Market s(\ I door « f ; >RELATiyES OJjiPHA >USLTvjf£S& : OP cA..b«o pVAf EAt€STAT& . ft ! S PlltS 4js?s? '? ■ ; ■ wgfw Ot '6eot^'y.-!Mnyter,«iii[. ■'7Tn Tynan+ ■« '. MafyAnp luor ohildrcnof Sampson i *£■ ;1 MS&OT,. dt ncpostt to side.by Public toFHehilsnnd Tt«U.* • Ilia Court -Housc/in tW , R| ajatiresinthe bortnfchof ,a.: ;. Vi fyy,pSlioUld take <iapecial cat* ■ - fr€. , : -- ; k Pliu W 1?P». Bti Wb<3re^ ; the,brave Soldiers 1? l 6dm li ! undivided eittthg neglccffld, to provide', tbcm-1 Pf to-»hirds of- the MioAng D( sL bCt !m r P r P sent canbesent; i to ! wit; A’ fisTtfin piece ,®2r been r« parcel 01 wte : ip Ohio tp„ in said er A “aVer-failing frieadpin i c °vnty of B , notmded oii the north- by VT ]w . LiL- m •■■•,; ! : i I“PU of Jamo. Jipssou, on the oast by land of )LDS AFFECTING TROOPS *h° heirs of Rosanna Campbell,. dho’d., •on -Iy jromoved and ■ effpctuaTiy the South by thqolrfb|river, and on the west i ese inedicinps, and by fowl of Joseph; Cdoper, containing thirty -1 antionjWjljo Directions tbrde acres or .thcrcjibouts, -on which are -' va°^hK,S: Eox ' ■ ■ i orcotod -one wifel*. % dwelling bouse and i *uSmL AI?PEi kitchen, about or ‘>l acres cleared and un .NTAL;TOjSOI,DIBRS. <|«r fence. Thd oia an iOrchard on the land, ihichs, sadden us; usually ofn 4ndj-cben-y t.cos, and a snriue 'iuif^SV r tS o s!’ obstructed, ®f flood water, i A jfonr feet vein of coal is bc- FjW -drinking whatever hovidlo.be in bo'land. Tbo Cleveland and Ibua disturbing the healthful Phtrburg railrotd runs through the lower 1 K and fttomacb. These or- hoft T pbi. I ° me lov.cr 'Xt'Jr yok i- de ?' r ®‘^ bo wolL • TRRMS.—i Oni ibirdloflhe purchasb money c Wmg l 0^ 0 printed in- ‘"hand on the oinfirniati.n of the sale by the clvt> a produce a [ healthy. Court, and the rbiuaiader in two equal annual -S«^lsiSSßaftr i44*-.b*& *• raos -?te^: i‘- -t’AMaUEV'' icar byjtlje use of these in- I the ''ldi?r will quickly acr If Never lit the botf- 1 luly acted upon.* Holloway’s Pills and ■»ould disapj ills, alii -»or«t^hiblo ; ointmentiThe Jjtog Euflewrmight , rlomiedUitoly; if he lelf with this match thrust intothe dl around it, then covered from his knapsaek.and Handkerchief." Ttbin. ’ ® KD*> to cool the'sys. lation, •. ; j,;-' Seaman’s itled with these valuable jno arc'genuine unless ,iAVo. Tori and Xonrfon,” \ler-mtrk in fcTcry'Jgftf \s around. each ipiKr ilainjy .by Handsome reward will- IcriM' gUijii informs 'tei t> •itkiesnPTend- tfiicdfoeSoibox. SH I^DICAt^ lifi (Re w.ti; rjoasenr.j) EW'(Whig.) i ' • »pjr. j (Badtci»l,V . ■ KviEw {Froa-Clmrck ),' tpaj Maoazi.nb (Tory.) . ijsheris continue to rc [ipcriodfcals; but as tbo ,the price of pa r duties t licenses, xejjare compelled to V 865... , ;• .. . ..$4,00 7.00 4.00 • •••*♦!' '.-'Tj 00- 10,00. jtrugtthat shall be en ’()rs and tfic sribdieals • to Ameri- jincrcnßcJ than dimin thcyicontain on our <7.t>- •omelihres tinged with iy ptillp; considering their, -ihoj different stand-points |«iro'«-rillcn, be read and tflgi uy Iho people of this' feed and "parry. J " , IWS for 1863. KbOve remain.oa»jiaail, •5 jfor ifco or tis JcuideJ,- i 1 of . Edmbmrgh, and the ’ ale College. 2' vols.- >ogcs aa<T numerous En j ' s jtwoj.volumes —by Mai], ! '-OIjT & CO., Publishers,' l attir.Sired, »Vcic York. . j —i —; —■■ ■■ ~m ? tjle ■ IWox*lts ; Irons* t BjBjpGEWATEE. (Sconces to the public* ii ed to fiirmsh toiousto. ( inhisAinc from a PLAIN TOMB SXO&E. i, i I Itelian Marble i 1 kirids' of plain a» well c ;<ltme in, a satisfactory i MO. lIUJSS. . < rin. lliMn’s stoie. I iuacl ‘’ol ! i h . •' ’ . I '^«II ' x*- 1. JSOTIC.. BEAVER CO UN IN [the Orphan •y of Beaver In tlie matter of! tafe "of, Wm. Pri legaf represent lit Wm. Price anti: re Vested injl ho rcsijdi te, Day ' State [ljo.lsaU’ai.aliotii Bofpdgji of Btk\ K ■' '’l jF{frfo^ llio fqiiowing 3r sdr ■■ jilarmcny, Xhoroagh Basoanci Musical aJtiori, and' will ! continue daily fdrfiye Xlie ottc ntion of taoSo dcairiftg' to bp perform Sacred Music, either!Vocal, ttumcatal. .:is, called. td; this | for implement' :•'] i.Lcssons arc 57,00. BoaWinthdliisti i SlOjGO'for the i session. “For particu ddreSs compel hours. touch ;orlust tuhity .tuUonj lars ac IASURTf rBPARTIfISBSrT/’) ■led two jfchisfei .. under Qrnßan^rtfe|lr^srg ;smonts6f :;jm^m^m<iy.± A ,,-. s- •=* Act to (promo a. ! . ; : ■•^EP^aS^I!P* 1 / *> ’ ' *• ,i| id by a.pledge of ,’■ ~‘S -to provide for the -4 Fourmlti&a£t& *pJWfo» IWt 1 s.r. r i«r;s ■■ ****>itt&**i>t i, M irod to bo complied _„ •• ■ I i.e business of Bank- 1 pursuance ofr«g;wwi i L Court of Bcaver conni y the undersi^Mfcfia igb M’CttUoch, Comp- Attoiiriatroiwof toretrao do hereby certify that expose toßubU«'M»»a| Ifif Bearer county,” in ' ' \ .\ - .f' Brighton, in the county orttimla),, j./jtrtfi J (7^850. -State pf] Pennsylvania, isjau- at U o'clock,-*' undivided fourth imM eminence the business of Banking pictft of land' 'situate [ o'a‘ ihe.hWlc B»t»Sj Act aforesaid creek, in’ Ohio township, Bei.ver county. Fi|||B , In twtimepy whereof, witness the Cleveland &’ Pittsburg day of Bcccmbcr, 18G4, acre ahd tWelre perches, If to the estate *^| I i '\ 11UG-H •[ oil which is d uatothc celcbri-^ I Comptroller of Currency.. I ted. Well,’* how hired to the depU* *of dtKJ feet, and yielding ol; also'anoth^ wellvsuuk tothedepth of lab feci. : There ate on tfie pfeniises a%Steatn Grist. Mill in ■ running order, i and a jDist il ery; 'also; | s-ii'7 : rate engine, initse for bori it and jnimpin'g.'; . Tnitas: —-One third 'if ,fw .puwbWfmowj tojbe paid' in'hiihdbn t|he < oifiriaatipnjof »»■? . by the Court; tfie balance ui bquali annu al payments, wjth interjestfr; ni'ithe saiijo U® ,- L ’ For further information nj ply to Joan Big- 1 ger, near the premises, or f o thKimilo.s gnr J- ; ■ i ..' ■■ : r BEBOHAH E..,Cii!!-l>f. f'. Beaver, may 10,’Co. | dminikni tori ’ COUIIT.SA.LE.. ijirsuanciPbf an order of ttic Orphans’ ifit of Beaver county; the undersigned, ilstratrii! with the will annexed of Cas -76; late .of. the county of Allegheny-, Will exposcjto-publie sale on lhe firem [Xaht}(la;/, Jttni ISGS, '' (|ioclt, .p.jnr.L a lot olf ground situate in ijougli of jßoehcsterJ,Bcavcr.county, Pa M .lot numbered one hundred and twenly +l) in Roald's first snb-division of lots .[borough, and being forty feet uvfront f hundred feet deep, and bounded on iftb by JactSon street,' west by Raymond V lot No: 120, egst by lot. No'. 122 j and Sythe Catholic chfcreh lot, whereon' is la two story frame dwelling house; 1 late iite of said deceased. ra Aa'minj per. Soi dec’ll, < iscs, 01 at 1 o’<] the bot| being i one j iij ini .»aid ahd' on thenor Miller’ south o erected the cstil of the purchase money on the Confirmation of the sale by the court! Imhjncq m two jeqiml, annual payments from that date, with interest thereon 1 from same time ‘ L ' Margaret voelkeb. . mayljO. Cu. ; Administratrix, o ■ • National 1.. New ! f Slookhi 1 ofjßcaver tjm’t'tbe unpaid reqnjietttp be pi instalments as centi tile reef, oi and a Else iijatr May, July and : By order of thi 1131 CI =MA* I’ATITION. ■ rv, SS: • ■' f Court, in and for tho.coun j ahd State' of Pennsylvania, flic partition of the real cs !Cj dec (1. To the heirs and ivf? df said deceased, do wit; John- Price, whose interests oon rad hicholtz; Margaret 'S in the.'.Stale of NewVork; id Price and Mary Price, who of Michigan; Emalino Price, Elisha J. Moore, who rc •onjj Beaver cotfnty, Ceim., " wi‘: Eliza, Francis M.,'j ret, whose guardian ; .and all ’•you am hereby ci-’! the Hon, i Judges ! in and for said j iday of Jiine next ) the real’ estate of j ition piit upon it by by said Court, and ’ •o Jiarch Jerni,' 18U5; j acres lIS perches, j Vhe event of non- ) the same should i \EPUE, Ilf*"' 01 ?. i -Tit'S' - : •-. ‘ofttK^'Orpham ' «, BeaVer Pii oa W^^ ? «.'fB6s, ribfed,' ’ 'L’ICiS. BXxk or Beavbb Countv l Brighton iFeb.j, 18G5. , ( Mere of “the National Bank County” are. hereby notified port ion of the Capital Stock is aid at the 1 Banking hoiife ■ in follows, tu; Twenty-fire: per it the first'day of March next,, f lmant: upon the first r : days of September text thereafter; ie Board; j ■ | i EDWARD HOOPS,; 1 , Cash tot. > - _: - :1t . ,:. 1 4f.: - : , :ii . ::i',-,-7 .: * - - . -. : 11 -;'_ - --,•• .':.1.1.;!=":::,*'':,:-.'''',''. ttAti ■^- r . -,r. .- -; r .- r _; , . It.XIP-. = J). 5. mar Cor. Bridge at. ROCH EKEPS CONSTANT FLaL.VSSOKTMH: ; ! >st ■ r-tV- .!' I" FANCY AR ’. j .. I ; ' . ons •• T .1..;. ‘-■'..l . ( ; IS* THE VIC 3 :?VMM' MEM =I MKpicAl, FOR •n ;tiii: IIAIIJI) .*■•• \ “FLOS All. j Alitr. T FHVisfujiws;’ . > ciSEFCL i y .. ’l';,’. PLEASE hi , , „ thclron CitjkQplUge, as a pria-jv I s*j?~^ckeiv-daid thol ljij;cr«iso 04i%,» pidr ? || 'i4H(BtSge»J inast patiidee Of lSc Goinmercial colleges in'lS k .fyisineiS educaO«./§| ; Qurie\rAoademy jllaildjkigs, designed ei..’rs! pressly:fdt; ;with .gl room,' class.robots,’ sobietj Ihall, eie.nmjty*|y bedapied, though; PS* <mifsjfinishtd: ; histi-’m '; •• j- t ’' ;• ~iX K*;';|S i -xor rates for ciiwUr- -‘a grthe updehigrtA'- ,3 t'slp BEAVER'COU^T IX THE ORPHANS' (coi COUNTY, before the H said'Court; * In the matter Of balar ,:bc . ert -Fleming, Adminisn ato Kuth Scott, doc’d. with tlie u» count confirmed by [the Gout Andnoty, to uritti'Aprtl 17,. of B. B.Xymmherlin,.£fcq., Andrew' Wray, jJEsq., an At tvibmion'aniong the heirs it of said atcojint'. -At - 1 A tmelExtradt. -'JOHjSA Tile Auditor will attend t above appointment at theoffi berlin, Esq.} inNew Brightd 2d day of ! Jqnc; IB6o', 6|tw( and 8 p. m., {U 'which tjine i cd panics may attend, , ] T>OSS BROTHER. & ( II Writing J?l(iid,theb'i Bridgewater Drag StoreJ vinced. Manufactured b I ).• V -.i '1 F r V 4 it ortx. S *».D, inc , 3of "N i ~ , v~-s; • i. ' i -* Inn 1 :1MJEI:v •eus. & PAINTS I ~';ES ti ‘irtiesi, p URPOSI&|si ~ ~_:-.‘, ' ' i URUAX .■ ],"■: : r SCRIPT«M# >csba». vV-i .T THE ;T OF nEAVIiK' * lornble Judge 3 of t account of Robr of'-llic ; estate of 1 onuci%il. A c r; Nov 16, ; 18tcf iBtio, bn] motion ic court Jappcdp. l tor tomake pi*: w of the balance crazier, ci hi ; I he tiniie3!!fi ti) ‘:- ofl!. B.Cbsa J on Frida/, ‘ i the hours.of i[? place intend. , / I\V, Auditor. . SxtratGhe®t c '- nth eWorld » tl; - rj it and h« ic American ’•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers