13 - --tft„ t IMI ' •' I , k-'i a. '' IMROE. - '•>■ .' - v '. [[ / iTffigi ■ THE BEAVER ARuUS will bo the I bjmn' wrii ten byiUrii■-'•*■ eveclngi Jdno 2<*. ****** ' |: : •tTil-O'clock, for th* benefit of the BMt.Mbhmirtyr^tWinp,sec: '. -J TflflAlTand IfI(SCELLAWEpUB _ j k ,L . T »mir of County Committee on exhibition' at the Union Hotel a - ‘ - ' Vii '. i iJ , ** - MeetWß - i j .ji * , r j. , ~U.- , o L 1 . nr .'. Tby name *b»H lire while times endures ,‘ Members jof- “ljue. Union County Model of s.Patent Metallic Wea- And men shall say of (bee. ifo. - - ii Pe arcTcincsted toimeotat thcrStrip/’ for prtvehUngrain, snowi i '“*• ■ 'rffltfhiln /•(ininnltee arc J T ■ ■ ■;: f f ; vT And bade the slave be free.” „ ijME}" 1 . Cnirl Beaver, on Salur- dost, and hold air from cntcring 4weU paSßtto»l lopSd 'f P. m -. lo fii. tne ling* andcf outside dolireand windows. these d*eda aball bethymonument, ; -httl^cbraii, £’ J boldjiig (fonniy Convention! ?Woj cannot fetter setj forth the excel* xh^^wtfy^hl'S^l.light. j f II oltendanccj* requested. leone of this invention than by quo- DariraW and alone., u ' i i s Rutan, CA'n. tingfromtheßradford County Repor- . ,-r- [ ■ V ‘ t ... J ' L .i .. ■- is | • This consecrated spot-shall be J; . ‘ Kinilt is SliH Agent foi #er *^h ,c * , |*•»«»• dwqdhraea .. J -. To freedonrererdear ; L g©*Alex. Ciailj sII * „ “it is a thing that dvery man wania Andfreedomssons of every rate i of tbe 5 Welcome Uaj KaKO, w ho hasdutsida door Is or French Win- Shall,weep, and worship hete.\^ tbi» County, iind >ve understand dovfrs! Jtl is both ornamental ’and use* ■ .••••■' ; ••■• . 1 meetingexcellent success in fql. Itjotokhneat, and effectually pre- ° T”’ -ir '• i ntr (jr f. his macUiiies. Our ex* venl6 snpw, dust, and cold Grant that the cause for which he died aispotus . l n . frofn onteting d.weliirigs under .ouisido . May lire for oTeraon. • ericncc lr. implements m 4 ndowa> , * lt j 8 choop and 7 ji Riiffieient to. cTutolo us to P ro " durable, 1 jn fact no nan car. afford to Monthly IbrJunoia. nonrico upon its mfrits. butjit is reoom- do without it on the rcoro of comfoi t be , oro us an( j fdllj ma intai r.s the repf mended ask Rocld invention urfd we and ecotprny Any.porsonol ordm*r tf ■ of the Magaaiho. Rofek m r L, iL mmifrv will ry Iskili can make and apply it. ln ; 1. i ‘ trust our friends |n country wl(1 f „ c tyo U must see to fully appreciate Erowne’e, sketches of his j travels in c ive it ii trial. 'j , | j- it/’ ' ' . [ the : Washoe;c6untry,with Cpllin’s “A^ ***"*l ,Thit* Putenlco has only the counties j madal’e,” and Dickon’s “yarMalnah of Beaver and Allpgketiy unsold in are continued, ; ' this parti of ithoStatie. Jf you want bolt’s “Heroic ' to >crvo the people and .make diocc-y, Mr. Abbott , fe «, i wo! Advise } - bu to call and si neight, black above named geatleraer,. who w „ 1)U wore aj bluc blouse, Canton mian in town for a few days. ’ • ■J 1- .-:. tt.il / *" man wall-found drowned in Uio Vivet bellow Vanporl, last week, And mi inquest was.jjeld.on the body by Robert-. Potter] Esq- ':He wasabocl ;w.ciiiy-tivo -or. thirty years of age, fifo feel led mtbes; jin,height, black l air, ami wore a blue blouse, Canton flannel phirijand cassimcre pants. Had a ' braes’ring on jefV finger. Nothing was found on his-bois >ii to enable ‘.he jury to identjjfV; [mp. j •i- # teotures • d Tiiosdaj' cvj ’ (iwige ; M. , Clsan| V* thc subjuet pf Chemistry, » n K , ‘« Society room of f or tl,e So<acty ;> conjWteq that ; will fwgin at ! ; v; tßhce ■• J inform'» : lah) on Th&rsda|^ : lings of that week.; On.; Tae^ay; •’■ Thursday and ’i week one dollar for art ex}><^fnient^r^-'jiWi of the iwiU.jbo abtfe to' both -ncibtaandHow. ' one'of tbe!,moBt :inieresting: works of its nlasr wivich tho'war hOb produced;, Tliobook is published by the. Ainer-- ; - icau Publishing! Company, Hartford, Conn., arid as dt oniy'^^Bub' a eeriplipn, they djesire agents for every city, county apdtpifnsbip: in the Uni The Steiuway Pianoiparchaiiedof ~. you.in' anal* ness ncv believe it 1 - instrument -■,-V ■' J3kusen, D. i). rhepiaub Of Stoipway ’em ak o I pur ; KChaaed (Voitt yoiji some five years ago', ;'s[* ail'yon■ .rbpiyteiijtcd and we like it : r .-. ’bpitcr the ye' barb sp‘ fys tone : if" fe:noi in the,jleast impaired, 'and no can delect [in itanypf those old rkotllo or tin pajn sounds so common in ? "many pianos after th ey have been used -T_l •• • • . r - : Rfcv.J. McMillan. The quality' ot tone of Stein way’s .Piano approximates more closely .the tenderness and sweetness of the hn-| man voice Ilian ! any instrument li have. ( heard. 1 I have; placed two of Mu»m under i ; six hoiiirs hard practice, each, daily, jin our Seminary, tbjey ‘maintain their fielsbness and purity ■of tone in a remarkable manner. I . N. Rider, Rector. The above letters are addressed to .the Messrs. lIJ Klcber&>Bro., of Pitts* barg,. Pa., who nr<i the sole agents in ■Western Ponoja., for the Stein way Pi ano*. - '...1' - Agricultural Meeting. ~ I Tt£ Managers of the Beaver County ; Agrwflltural Society met at the office of (h e clerk of Courts, 27th May. V'. if, Dt: Bobert, Barclay. President, "Birragh r^°S [ Potter, James ! o >r t t^' utnB for Cross, between the ; opamsh |and oithef breed ofgheop will ho same ui offiered for the Spanish. - T ..; ' e amo premium will be given for COfl r er 4 0wn as given for the c °arse wool Sheop. . "um ro port of various commit accepted as amended. U °4iK i C ( Ur T ned ’ l to raee t on S&tufdav the managers should i. to tlio v* u i 8,D688 of importance ■ ° I °K? c,et ;t 1 ko transacted ; Sen. protcm. *M|. • \ Ji' >■ .1 , MI f ig, Juno 6th, Dr. Alloghehy city, k'mn; •:- -~::&zf4-r ' -f': |i'2BV]| ; !«| .? ? Smith’s Ferry Oil £~ To the Editor of the 'c/a/:—Sowing fcomr every issue of of certain . coveriea; of 01 ask space in the unqheeti Ferry_ region, cotnmencod bei ago.beginnim ous 6f Uhe ' woj war ■ifeafhSkiK pMttehrflV# '■ 'eiterpritt : bhenprcsorved and ] the Ariihings of rel Ibroos yrill hot < ' Thcbustleand act i- W -ho seen here h; thor feeling comnW :|X>h Smith’* Feery ’ in»V distance <ghtbanfept,the bank ojthh /Lit :h.putar £itOthe ;,arning nr this ikis dotted with id of more than tii.. Thred miles few years ago ■f the traveler says; frowning hillVand ati occasior.o) nhlrienUly Jopking hutj where! emi- footprints,and the liartd nf -sojolnrnors /fewer improve mdnts.are several/wells of great val- f The first well was bored tnr%yeiarsjago, aijdhas been }Mpjding two;parrels a day 'ever since.,]'The soeond wcll was bored fourteen months aghjandhay givenan average of five barrels- per\day. [ A third welt bos heeh ih/opbratiop j Bijc*month» diving a ydeld of' toc q.day. ’his wetlits ownerabaverofused ’ sah“d-dollfi^^‘' The expoTOo/j! well down tbK sinall-ftlio total; font thousand do) losd irj caso of ii counted on,'woal< sand dollars;'as can bo;sold for' long as the dot supply!. These * ed four op pense accorapanyii than five or ten do) The; Cairo Cityj struck, a vein of oi From the month depth of 585 feet, pronohnco it an The FairviewOil J more than 400 feet peCts for oil. . , IhiWiistance of five, miles from the mouttpof. the cr«ek—where wo once traced in melancholy and .rnoodyand solemn silence, th|e me&ndorings of a narrow, grass grown road, with no sbufadjs falling on the ear hut the rip pling of the silvery current dancing over ilsroek bound channel, as if eager to .mingle with more company H-ample C reparations faaye \ been made for oring sevchty-flye or a hundred wells,-which will fully idevelbpe; this regiop. The land on this -creek is a» bout all leased cirsoid. Two; farms on tbe Little B toten and the acres;,i have'bee companies for t dollars each. The ojrobtaiaM bore is amber col ored] end usedJ for burning lin the crude state. It is used entirely! in that BUtSj 1 in'this neighborhood. The fad of its being always used here, free frdm all accidents, ought to be enough* to diepel fears jwherever felt, with, respect to its safety. It is used* ex tensively as a lubricating oil,! and jn many woolen factories fot greasing woolj fid. The: Smith’s Fjerry oil sells for as much {with packages relum ed, si Allegheny oil is worth packages included. ~~~ .` ,_ eavor, one of. fifty others •of forty five In sold to Pittsburg wenty five thbusand Notice I in | the Orphans’ The foll Wing appraisements underlie Act pf Assembly, pf the 14th olf April, 1851, of property allowed tto be retained by a widow ,or ichildrOn pf |a decedent, io the raliie of $3OO, hare been filed in the 6ffiee ofthOiClerk of the Orphans’ Court, of ] Bearer county, and approved nisi, towit: ■ j I .Personal property io amounfof $131]40, re tained by widow « Jos. Gillespie, deceased. Margaret Gillespie, idm’x. j ’ ; 1 j Personal property to amount of $3OO, irelain ed by widow of Wm. Young, dec’d. jennet Young, adm’x. ' ;I • j Personal property to amoi nt of sBob, re tained by widow; of ffm, Sdaright, deceased.; Thos. StandUn, adm'r. .. ) ■ j Personal property to anuunt of $3OO, re tained by. widoWj of James Tennis, dec’d] j Jno. Reed and Olirer Tennis, adm’rs. , i I Personal property to- amount of $3OO, re- 1 tained by, widow of Dr, J. G. Elder, deo’d.— Robert Olirei 1 , 1 adm’r, ■ i-’i Personal property to amount of $2OO, more or less, refined by widow of James M’Kinley, Dr. M. Lawrence, adm’r. i J.‘-i Persons! property to amount of $229,26, re-; tained by Mary A. Hamilton, Adm'x.; Notice U hereby given to creditors,; heirs, legatees, distributees, and all others interest ed, to appear [at the next term of said Court, andnot Uterthan the third day, being the Tth of Juine next, to shew cause, if ariyl they have, agiinst the final confirmation [of the above, appraisements, ■ j . '1 : mylO . JOIIN A. FRAZIER, jt|ierk. I ] ■ I . 1 I ‘ ! AS which. take Mil theOrphi and for tbe'Tlh - ijf and’Snowaheei V-.-Visaafe-’. . Hie final accrual rf B. and I ■ on th* ual agME James -ham, dec’d. Tipi’S • ' account of BexmNoggleandßa nht an,' Executors oiithelast will of DaTtdCdchran, dec'd. J -i- v < , Thefilial a<jCoaata“(Beall and Personal) of James M. t««fio and Joaeph Jackson, Execu tors of the last will ofSainiiel'Jaclcson, diKs’d. The account of Wm. A. Thomsori.Aduiinis trator ofthe estate of Vandemack Springer, dec’d.- - ' -■ ■ ■ .• The finil account of Wm. A. Thomson, Ad ministrator of the estate of Peter Eaohel, deed. The final acejunt-of Bugh Martin, Admin-, istralor of thp estate of Maria A; W.Eakin, dfo’d;:, ■-, , : ."■■■i:- ■ ? .■, ■." Thie c final accounts (Beal and Personal) 01., Samuel amlEdipuad Boots, Executors of the last will ofTiamnel BSxterlr dec’d. ’ >.■ . .The final accounts (Beall and Personal) of. 1 dames Jackson and Edmund Boots,Exccutors \ of the last wilt of James Aiken, dec’d. ,‘; - The account of WilUam Porter,” Executor of the last will of George M'Kean, dec'd. ,t The final account of Amos Eomeigh, " ‘ministraior of the estate of Alexand Bomeigh, dec'd. .•'fl- The final-account ! ‘lrator eaai - leo’d. Iff Wii T» AK**n ifi* fame, ev . jtk, Ju'Bajt neater tb W G Wolf; Patteij..- k Daiidaoa if' Martha Bonders, * CharlfesThom, jig .Margaret Higher; Wm Gakin’s. Ex’r . -a Henry Jordan et tut; Philip Bentel ' r A. Bansmanl et al; Thes H. Mason - !▼» Noble Graham, et al; Joe. M’Bermitt tb George Baker. mylQ ' i 111 WEYAtiu, Pfoth'f ADMINISTRA-TOR'S IfOl’iUJfi. '"I ETTESS of administration on theestate I i of Qbobob M. [ Uncsaui, late of Big SesW Ip., Bearer co.;J doo’d.havinj been is sued’to theundersigned.allpersons indebted are required to' make immdlate paym jpt, and' those baring claims will present them, jrop erly authenticated for ’‘settlement. { j * HUGH MABSHAXL, Adin’r., \ my2l’6s , . ! [ Big Beaver tp, To Sipckhdcfcn in Man ,, ufacturing Company of JRochester, Beaver County, • Pq. p—"v, fit HE property of the Company havingibeen I sbld, the'Stockholders will receive their dividend on presentation of thdir certificates to , GEO. C. SPETEKEKj Treasurir, , my!7:Bw ( ~ ‘:;.j ; ; Hoehesjer, Pa. EXECC TTTHEREAB 1» YY estate of I Economy tp., Bei, been granted to il indebted to said ei immediate paymei i against the same authenticated for i I , SOPj myS’&j • ! ■ r~~ PHti Coe Enbi r .... Goli mbii i !Salim .... hAUiince { [Canton .! j MataUlp i j Orr rlllc. Wo >ster London*! Ma isflcl: Crcstlin i Buiiynu L’OB’S NOTICE, j ; , Mters testamentary on the cuEnkt Ensues, life of Uer co., P»;, de(!’d, haring he;undersigned, all persons itate are requested' tomake it,' sod those haring claims »H 1 preisent them properly settlement.' V '"-j ' j|:’ UA EHBMAN, Bx’rxj il j Economy jlp."' j' f v i tv i •i L 3. FT. W. & fit'lL I [ter May 11, l&io, Traipa arllLlea k daily; Sundays excepted, .'as. fi [Train leaving Chicago at 6,50 P. ind i I atioi ma «u at (H tUa. •!■ ;r i • .t- {;2lO*») *B2O "1 \ton_ i , “ 425,“ iniV'i 601 “ ...1.. , 531 “ !*> t 626 “ '...L :■ 7i2 •• J...:; 735 “ fi, J SI2:“ 700 am 830 “ i- 843 “ 935 •• 1017 “ 1048 “ 1150 •• 1242fm 102.“ 142 “ 218 “ 826 “ 425 «• iburg iliMta IfrighJ iJ...'r'B4B “ line i 11,939“ 1080 “ 'life ; SUQ “ 040 am 710 “ 757 41 «35 ‘‘ 1010 •• 4050 “ 1100 “ 1130 “ ....... ! ; 1159 “I lusky ; 1240 pm ' 1.7. U. San' Forest, TUSCARAWAS BRAN leaves ' ■ , Armes' ■ . Philadelphia 1.20 pm . Bayard, 4. »y»rd, 6.45 pm, - N. Philadel F. R. MTEEp, General Ticket. ■,! I', ‘ ‘ r] License, Pi - otic; IST of applicants for License at - j sions, 1865: i| hotels, *c. - Via. J0hn5t0n......... .Roghes tdjun Johnston ' : do! Camp, jr..... .do Dim'S, Anderson...;..’ : do )avid Johnston Pig Bea )ayid Mdgaw... :.New Bi lehry 8imber.................Phi11ips JeOrge Pron d1ey...;....7. Bridge f Slanry Ankeny................ ■ ; 3o V. ;J. Cook i Darlipg S,jL. Baker, (Trustee)......Econonf Franfcis Le51ie.................R0che5l Fa sell-liquor in quantifies not less art, with geods, wares andmeiehsi S'J d Spey.erer JRoohf Peter Angel Bridgt Wro.Breitenstein Econoi Andrew 8wancy.........i.....Greene John S: Ditkey Bridge ioylOvt I , JOHN A; FRAZIKI ■.r -i I •'’■ ' '.I . -I T-.n 7 mm 0 EN= '4'• Sxr'i. : 200m» 315 380 “ *24 •• 503 “ 535 “ CB5 “ 725 “ ,760 i jB2S 1905 “ 1000:“ 11001“ 1130.1“ 1 ......AM j .. Wi3l imihedht distqrbaneaiMk erWri*inj{ : fr6i* > Thtey actilike tSAt accempsi atxjnatioD, am remedy fpr -F’i the Loini, Bai Heart, Nei-voi Broken Sleep, gerous -effect the sexual fu Hiior Atbut,o Dr. Cheese: Usve been uSe<’ By; They: are of.' renewing- 1 interrupted menstruation, bat Ladies must {bear in mind that’there is one condition of the ’ female 'system in which the Pills, cadnot be taken without producing a pdtuXiar retult. The condition referrbdjto is taney— tbs result,, taitcaniage. Such is iriesistible tendency of the medicine ire the sexual functions to a normal con ion, thateven the reproductive power,-of > cannot resist it. They cannot da harm ' •r wajf., _ ■ ; ''-j , Female Fills marriedand tingle ■ years, or can iom ! These m ever pui/or fent succeu. — ■' advertise ! AT H, jKLEBER & PRO’Si, 122 WOOD St., HTTSBUBO. ■ ■! I ■ - .. ■; ■ , Agonls for Stemway’s - Pianos for: 'Vtatern Permay Irani*. - [inylo’6s - . GH. ,10 p m; 1.9.25 P. tgent. line Sea* ter, ■: K ter tp. lighten; trargh; eater; r: iter; i than one indue: liter; tewater.' any tp. f tp.. (water. I, Cl’k. •j }CAHHABT»S i i ■ i-. ( : Pqrlor Orga/nsr = AND . v { { ORGAN HARMONIUMS. IN 1839.-®! ||C i ■ : . , / I oldest and most popular inslruittdhta il of the kind in thip country.. ji. .It i I '. r ' ! r , For Sale only at H. KLEBER & RROJS., [ I'** Wowl st, Piiisbu'rg. > r '{ - \ ' .! ' lit (S*Solo Agents for Carhert’s Parlor'Ori ;»is fOT Western Penn’a. rojlO’Ga come ulcerouif sotcs ; in towels* apnmgctncnts which prwluco jndlfm the ftkih, croptfvo and cutUH*ooi nffcttiMi.' •11^,1^.fci^ijtylhesene |> tamo reinedy,Ti:t{t ur 's L ‘ a li®h“dinvignn- I tioh of tUcj blood. Purify Mood, will j these dangerovu distemper* leave yon- ..WttU | feeble, foul; or corrupted blood X you cahoot ] have health; iilji that liehlthy, you cannot have tcrbfaTous disease. Ajar’s Sarsaparilla is Jfcnpoundcd from the most effectual a?#* j" dbtea that medical science liasdiscorered for 1 this afflicting distemper, and .for ti tlie disorders it entails.. That it i* ridr;to hny other remedy yet ' . known by all who have,given ita it; doc* combine! virtues •truly, <r 'in their effect upon thiaclass of ia indisputablyi proven liy the r of publicly 'vn and. rctii law made <if >Uo- Evfl,>«r ' tEe“bon the fall' for t|>o i PRESIDENT; TISON DARRAGHI iSußkr4 secret art ; v Rles B. BURST- ¥ “ son J 9MI j■ ,• DiaiciWfcß:-" '-r-'-nl 1 -:.. : Oarragh,' SliloB;. Adams, , • tone, Alfirod! C. H|ural|i : v Mali Char Jamc Lori raeS, John Bigger, i (aman, Robt. A. Cochtaa^ Charles P. Kendall. " V > . tSfk lii of the abh\ cation at tih< i IftiOffiei my3:(m.| it lited number of shares of Stock vo Company may be had by apjdi - 4 office of the company. .*•;] k in the" Diamond, Rochester, fy>- OH AS. B. HUJRBT, Sec'y. MNIOTRATQR’S NOTICE; TEBS of administration ,ol .caltij late ofßpqcpon tontuh ip. col, dec’dj haring b'e«s granted to kfit igntah all perpofis mdohled tosaid««i»t t nested to. makeunmediato pajmcnl.apc taring claims againiteajd pptaU j nil thorn to*’ the subscriber properly ad ted ifor settlement. ■ ■ ... , / I j- W, A.iKEPIJEDY, 'Adm’^. - 1 ‘! ■ Independence tp 1 / J-ET jßj, unlersi arereqi those I present thenlii ilO’jlo shyi r-’.-i ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers