•■ - xi - ■*-, r ; . ' • ’• 1 : f'Ufljq HMtionatkiy-4he.Sustonied * qrk oftoe jclnd tn the; ( | ■■■ | dfitieal JVo ka of the Prest. \ 'j : It is. the .foremost Mftgaxlhe «T Jba Cresidenever had'a morc.dbpgUtful com panion, nor'fhe million a more enterprising, ' friend; tlian Harper’a' MagaVihelj— JMtyaiti ,;-M' V'' ; 'r| Thenqißst' popular Monthly in (he World.—| ' .STew i~?rk OJwrwrr f. , ■ ■■•( (-v *jfi : We hhlst refer tn terms of eulogy." to the ■ high lone and, varied excellent «f jltm« ? j; ■ 'MAOxintß—a joufnal with a monthly ciroulaj ;: lloh pi about 170,000 copies—in whoae page* I i are tobefound someof the choicest, ligh ten q general-reading of-the day. We this 0 work as an cvidence-bf the Amcrjean.Pebple • ,1 and thb popularity itfhas acquired) ii merited! > Bach number contains fully • 144. pages 'ot ; reading matter, appropriately iUnatrated witl^ . i good wood-cuts;! and/it- edmhines In itself the ? Yacy - monthly* Jyidthe more ■ philosophical blended with the beat j features hi irtho daily.- It bps greatpower in [the dissem|> i) lust ion of ,a love of pure lithfauue.—Tacpl 1 bbb’s Ouidr to American hemdon. 11 , il.) The volumes bound constitute of themSclvep j-iVubn iry of. miscellaneous reading sueh as : canno. be found in the same edmjass in any j other publication that hits come under 'bur ; notice. — Jiotioh'Courier ),’•, ■. SUBSCRIPTIONS- F .fcV : v 1865. : I) -The-Publishers have perfected a system bt. by which they can supply the Maofi ■; ; j bibb bnd Wbekllt promptly to those who pre -. 'fer toreoeive their periodicals' directly froc i the office of publication j' .'l,'; ir- Iha.postage.Uß-HanFßs’s Maoaxibb is 2* i cents jaycar which most be paid at.the Sub ‘ teribefe post-office. jH, i. - j' ,- Terms ; • ~[;- ' HaKpas’s Maoazibe, one year..J.«...54 00 j.); An' Extra copy of either the Maoahsb or WssutT will be supplied gratis fbr ever; r ■ 'Club{of Five Spbscbibees at S4OO eaohindn i remittance; or Six Copies for $20’ 60. j i ■ Back numbers can bo supplied at any-time A. Complete Set,-now comprising Twenty .- .nine Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will bo i;senthy express, freight at expense' of pur. , ;i:«h«ser, for $2 25 per volume, I Single vql times, by -mail, postpaid,.sB 00* Cloth casqs, '■•'l for binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. Ad ■ dress • 1 ■' ’’ I -i- • | • / -H ARPER & BROTHERS, i, FbaskUs Sqkabk, Sew Yobk, 600,000 'il MALE OR FEMALE AGNTS TO SELL' j 1 1; Lloyd's New Steel Plate Cqmty Colored 1 . . Map of the United, States, , j ;/ GanadaSj and New -Bnfriswiek, f »J! : From recelit surreys, completed Aug. IC, i 1862] cost $20,000 to engrave it,’ and one i' year* lime. V . I; Superior to any $lO map ever made, by Col - Jj ton or’Mitchell, and sells at the low price jt f Fifty; Cents; 870,000 names arc engraved jo i this map. .• • * I ' It is not only h County map, but it is also : 1 COUNTY & RAILROAD MAR -jr, of the D. S. & Canadas combined inone, giviii I;; Every Uailroad Station anddistai cesbetwcoi j i Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 pi : : day, add will take back all maps that oanm : : bo sold and refund the money. r ■ j lij . Send for SI worth to fry. y .. j ! Printed instructions how to, c .-furnished all our agents.' ■ Wanted—Wholesale Agents foi ; every /State, California,' Canad France and Cuba A fortune : ; Srithafow himdrcd dollars capii petition. .J. P. Lidyn, IC4 Broad, s ; The Wa Department uses out ginia, Maryland, amfcPcnnsylvnn| : which' is ftnarked Antj , LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OV] ■ KENTUCKY, OHIO, -INDIANA,. 1 arid ILL., at Hie only authority. forOen. I.osccrans and i the War Department. Money refunded Ip any one finding an error in iV 1 ' From the Tribune, Aug. i 2. . ■•5," ; “Liotd’b map or Virginia, Mahylasii ask 'j. Fsssstlvanja. —The map isvvery large; iis i eoat is but 25 cents, and ilia theMl tchichcan ’bepurchased." . , . || \ i Lloyd*j Great Mitp of the Miishetppi liiier i V o *? A «tdnl Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wn , non n. Mississippi River Pilots, [of St. Louis j Mri., shows evety man's plantation rind owner's fron > St. Louis to the Gulfj of Mexico— : 1,350 miles—every sand-bar, island, tow’d, landing, and all plaees'2o mile? back frorii the : nrer—colored, in counties and States, PriciL -SI in sheets, $2, pockSt form, nnd $2,50 oi tjnen, withrollers. Ready Scpt.|2o. | .NawjVepartment,- Walking ton, Sejrl.llG, 1862! : ; - Lloyd—Sir;'Send me youri Map of the Mississippi River, with price ter hundred , eopiea- Rerir-Admiral Charles 111 Davis, com , ,manding-tho Mississippi. Squadron, is authdi ued to purchase as manyas are required fe us* of that squadron. 1 , ■', { . j . GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of tbo Navy.) JVI3, GROG ajjd ; i ■> PRODUCE STORE, •flinE respec(fully announces ti> i. CltlxenB of Beaver and Vicinity, that - Wh,", " pe “f d a GROCERY 1 -a* „ room fo ™e r ’y occupied bv v & Tnlloti, opposite the /Argtu office, where we wiipkecp constantly or hand and for sale' -a large assortment of as • t “ vCOFPBB, 4ICE,r ■ y . MOLASSES, s* SUGAR, SYRUP; « J • "-• Algo, FLOUR, POTATOES, and :Rll other articles usually fejjpt in S Grocery store. T ij . produce taken in cxohanw for goods, at the highest market price doc 9. • T. T. McKJBBIN T r KOL LOCK'S t j O o Qeel T i rl?^ araUon ’ ma< * e from Java Coffee, la recommended by nli rsiemns «« T ’ y ’ D j rBpe P ai ?: and all billions disor- Tbonsnndg who have been impelled to abandon the use of, coffee, will use 4 his with* . furious effect ? ne can oft® rffiLehts W ° foUndB ordinary coffee. I Ti.„ „ BOLLOCK'S LEVAr#" : .rhe purest, and best. BAKING POWBFK Manufactured by ’ Comer ef -cets. ' ‘ • AuMElitiCj A/ Sar OOLDPEN COMPANY MANCFACTCBERS of Sold? Pena end' Pencil Cases of every description, and rt i i . Sole, Manufactures of the ! Celebrated ''Angular,' . Nibbed i p 6 * I r^OI UPPy « US ,j recei T ed *Z A *”■ Ba,e at tfi * y ~ u| 1 JS rtd</ewaler JJrua Stnr* / . Andrew iwray. ; ’ v attorney at law j. RVAVrp.; T’A’.V.V.-X, ; i : ii QS;S-->»5i:U - :. ■ , J . j • ■ i. ! f" | jr.rrtirrgagpß'lßgg’SK PITTSBUfiGttGOMM] PuilisHed' Daily In .:~,:_,. Th Pittsburgh Ne\. Printing/C omgan: 'One ofi the Largest and Me Circulated Papers' in tht ‘ Gives thi> Earliest Fullest. Intelligence Prospectus for the New Yeafc " ,On assuming■ control of the CisumotwrVafr (tie commencement! of ttfevear, ihoeondne tors announpied their DETERMINATION tor infuse a nnr life ami vigor inlo its Columns whiohshoUld render the paper MORE'THAN EVER ACpEPTABiLE TO THE I BARER 1 . The Rapid Increase ht’Circula lion, ’flatter*' ing notices’ of our ioon*cmporari ;s, and Con gratnlatory Letters | 'from every quarter, [ as sure us that ear efforts have not been unsnd- ecssfol. - '’'. .• ' !_V : •••"” The Commercial (HAS GROW!’ DAILY in public favor until (it- now ranks among ithe LEADING JOURNALS in the country.: ■; ; In order tia Keep pace with thp demands of the reading public, 'and at the same lime meet the 'increasing pressure on- our} advertising columns, we some months since INCREASED THE DIMENSIONS-.ol* THE (PAPER TO THE EXTENT OP TOtiß COLUMNS^ Among theleading ffcilureaarc full a reliable TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS;' . from. al) the .lcadiing' points of (interest;! - It deTotesspecial attention to | ; v SIARKET REPORTS, ~ ,1 .including the IKON. OIL, CATTLE, /LUM BER. TOBACCO, (jmd the PITTSBURGH GENERAL MARKETS, bur I , RIVER NEWS, I ; 1 receives particular attention; :and in tiiu (De partment the Commrrcici h'as no rival. The . FINANCIAL AND STOCK REPORTS; of the Commercial ape prepared ,w(ilh care land j will be found i‘o. be [unusually full , and relia ble. Also? the Reports of thev. ( LEADING MARKETS' OF TUE CODXTRV, embracing reports (of the Dili GOODS (and WHOLESALE MARKETS, And Special Re ports of OIL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE, from day to day. ,]■ I ■ While special attou'Uon will,be given to .these several Departments,., the Commercial days claim to rank among the lea ling journals of the country as a medium of .■. T■ ' GENERAL( INTE LLIGENCE, J Its aim-ia to give n6(ne but hct.lt by reading suited to the Famil(t Circle, .and to be a wcl- j come visitor to the discriminating public. I ~ ~, \ ( THE-PULPIT I ' j .forms a peculiar feature -of-dhe C mmcrcial. By giving;every Sajufday an r O iicixal Sm ites, prepared expressly by a Ministcr of the Gdsppl, in “Pittsburgh or vicinity; (whioji; al so,- goes into the weekly,) fifty-two discourses ace given in the yefir, by not leSs than twen -1 ty or thirty diffcijent Ministers, without re ’ gard to denominational distinctia’ur This De ■ partment of the .Commercial has attracted much I .a.ttenUon; and arrangemcritsare [being made to 1 ,in crease its recognized importance Mid value. As a feature at once novels and-instructive, it 1 constitutes not the least of theV many claims of tbe Commercial to patronage. I | jffT g l ln politics the C'onineryai wilt be-an| un i. deviating supporte ■ of the Union; arid carn jf estly loyal to the Government,.ind. aS far as t consistent with thin-aim, free, frjotn Partlzan ship. , ‘ . J i ' The. Commercial is-tf large foßd shect/ and is puhlished ih two editions evdVy morning;’Sun day accepted. ’ "i - '( Y, ‘l’ L ■ Teubs or Daily: by mail, sip per annum; i, CRy, subscribers, served ‘'by c.arr ers',' SI? per a anumn.in advance, or,>-2-5 cents per wcekjpay able to the darner. v ßmglo.c»pics 0 oenls.:.'A discount made to .’.gents;- • | : .... • 'Tins SATinbAT OoxiiEitctAL—A large sheet, coutninmg all thp Current 'Nan's,:- Miscetfan eous, Literary,and Scientific Intelligence, find anvoss well. ■ oar'maps i i|n |a, England [any bo inn; i al. IVO com- Iway, N. Yj r map of Vir |o; cost slop'- letam Crock, 1 Itc Jtijiejuor Weekly cml Daily ntutlahiawi ,T,"Vf ' or . dt l‘“ id >»no wluncc cadMusc terms h dtvi'iUil frhni, • | j ■ j - 4'-. c. opposi,BPo " O SoH a. D. THOMPSON 'fe Address J THE COMMERCIAL; . . L. ! : PitksbuAr, Pa. ;NEW BRIGHTON ASTHuUM for the recep. TION, CURIE AND TREAT- - t went op. Mental ALIENATION OR ' DISORDER | I \ ' Anci ; Nervous andi Glixoiiic Discslies BXCLUSiyEL:Y FOB FEifAliEs! rpiJIS institution! is now open for'the reflep- I tipn, care, and treatment of the indtpen tiL ° f patlcn^s ttr ® laboring under mental derangement; ox other nervous I and ncrvm° dls< sf SO l j V . c m^ ko special mention of nerrous and chroriic peases, from the 'fact that tenths of the femalc patients that, arc committed tc.fur public Asldums,’ tq‘ be , treated for disordered minds, to that lamentable condition throilgh previous' physical disorder, illy afwcll tinifd and.judi ■®°"* of chronic and lervous dis eases, aU physicaljdisordelrs, in he majority of cases may bo rcmoTcd:; and tlJus the mind hnrmg suffered through the medium oflthe body will when free ..from the Moiling physical caus S , thfow off the shackles thaf has bound it tp worfc than midnight darkness. *ff. r 'l as . on will. or i c e more, resume its sway’ .clothed jn all its primitive beautya n d wont id excellence. Hence i the necessity of all those who are laboring ujider the .p.&VwiS‘ M «citmg causes, calculated in thh end to Ln- r the mind to yesort to an] early ffd judicious course of remedial agent's. 7 The Institution is a large brick hnil<]tn„ WeH vefe ne t b^ SC h o “ ,rrfOslr high land i*® 11 , 11 i‘ s situated on hn{elevated table labd which commands t view of entire and hoighboHng o - Whlcb - arC ca ' cu l r * , ed to p'ro |?d mind^ b ~ lmpr f SSlOn ? u P° n *|« disorder The Institution: is complete in all of its In gomtments. Haying been tastefully fitted’up at graet expense, in order that : Ai may m'tot the approbadon and views of fhstip- The water closed and 1 bathihe! apparatus have been gotten up uponthenTolt approved .modern This dcpEni embraces not only -the ordinary baths but s-sri’ssi'sgj ..JJ'® leave to sajr to all those who may be disposed to commit the infefests of a dear wife, sister or daughter, 'toour charge-mnv bo assured that no means will he Un»rA>i efforts wanttog on dnf pari condition or to effect n restoration to their ah eustomed health and vigor of mindi For further partipi lirs send for a circular All commumeatioas shonld be addressed to ■’ ■ ■ ' KENmUCK, M. D.‘ ’ ° u P l - °f hew Brighton i Eetrhat iio-r.o - ) N ew Brighton ■ .. I . BeayerjCo. Pa. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. \V H p^uf AS r l etter * te stamenl»fy on thl estate of Gsonan Mrrz, lati of Sewickly, fp., BcarirrUo- p n aJ-.u J N . e,r >een granted to the ’ haYm : ndebted to said estate are reouiJitsrl , perso ° k payment, dnd thosi havihg t igamsl the same wilFprcaent la r ? s i utlienlicated for settlement properly HENRY: GEpimi’NG.'b I. , ' . QEOROR GARDNER J-Exr’s'v.- ■ pNXs^icjciydp,' 't!2’C2, -.: i r '' j'-£ /{ 'K..-.; iper aktl I= :st Widels v State. ; ~ and • -1 ~ " J ETBEAT i i .m 1 SAILOR# Oftffw#rS*PlL II 3,ffl •A KLL -WHO bare Friende tad- Relatives inihs ■f\ Army or Navyf shouldtnke especial oarti that they-bdnmplysupplUd with those. Pills and Ointment ;l and Wberilthe brave Soldier* andl Sailors have neglect ed*lo providethem. Belies with thdra, no better present can.be sent) them by their friends. They have.beenprov ed to betheiSoldier’s ne vert failing friend ig tbelhonr.of need. l. : ' !-' r COUGHS AND COLDS APFECUNGTROOPS • ; WIU *bo. «peedlly TemoTbd and effectually eured.by using these admirable medicines, and by [payingrprepet attention to ;tlie Directions wh{ch are attached to each Pot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OFAPPE- I TITE INCIDENTAL TO 80LDIEBS. r - These feelings which sersadden. ns, usually, arise'from: trouble' Or annoyances, obstructed' perspiration, or eating and drinking whatever is untrholesome, thus disturbing 'the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These or ganamust be relieved, if yen’desire to he well. ' The. Pills, .taking according to the printed'in-? , Btrnotions, will quickly a produce' a healthy action in both' liver and stomach, and 'as a natural consequence* Clear head and good ap petite. • "'--I ■. WEAKNESS pH DEBILITY. INDUCED -BY - OVER FATIGUE,- 'Will soon disappear by the use of these in valuable Pills, 1 and the Soldier will quiekly ac quire additional strength. "Never let the bow eU jhe either Confined or- unduly' aeted - upon.. It may se»m | strange that’ HoUoway’sPills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that'they would, increase the relaxation.. This is * great mis-’ take, for these 1 Pills will correct 1 the - liver-and Stomach and thus remove, all the acrid hnmors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigorto the whole organic : system howev er deranged, while health and stpength follow as h matter of course.■' Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this fam ous medicine. J- - , : ' - VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! 1 INDISCRE ] . TIONS OF YOUTH, Sores and Ulcers, and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured if the are taken night and ntoming, and the 'ointment he freely used as stated in the print-! ed instructions. ’ If treated in any other man nerlhey dry up in one part trtbreak out in on-! .Other. J Whe cas this* Ointment 'vyiU remove] the humors from the system'and leave the Pa tient a vigorous andhcalthy man. It will re quite a little perseverance* in bad cases to in sure a lasting! cure. ■■ I' 1 - FOB WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYGNET, OR SABRE OR THE BUL LET, SORBS OR BRUISES, ; i To which every Soldier and Sailorare liable there are no medicines so safei sure and con venient as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poor wounded, and almost dying SufferCr might have his wounds dressed; immediately, ’ if he | wonhi only pijovidc himself with this match less Ointmentj which should be thrust into the wound ahd smeared all around it, then covered ’ with a piece of linen "from, hij ‘knapsack, and compressed. with a handkerchief. Taking night and morning G or 8 Pills, to cool the'sys \ tem and prevent inhumation. 7 ’ j Every Soldier’s knapsack- and - Seaman’s | chlest should bo provided; with these valuable Remedies. ■ : f}A UTiON • —t*fn? arogcwtlae unless 11*® vA r ew t&k~ctnil t/oniitm,” are (lisccrnabfe a-waiter-mark ia every leaf ofnjie bootuhjlfipoflagi arourul each' pot or box; tie santo trin.y be pTnmly econ Sy JioUing thi Uaf tD the light. i AV handsome retrard will be 'gSjch lotoiy onertmdenrig guch 'Tnfonna ti.c doWfctio'i or ftny party or port ies untcriellingXhcmcdicillca otjVCTd in ; tie B»fuc,l knowing them to be *wiri.o(ia. - »**3!bld at the Manufart-iry of‘Professor, w'siltTydpfi fatdf.VNcw bork, and at: a a "'r T' th^^r^^ n&ider^1 l Cttri "s'^'^!t.S sW^l?' —I>ir H ion3 / or *be of pa i |lay ~ a f 3 , orderarc affixed to each, box. BRITISH PERIODICALS, . = \ •j. yix. ' ,' -.■■;■■ I The Lasi)o.>< jQcABTEnLY Kb view 'Jonsct*=<f KmsdMoh Review (Whig.! "V i I I E WESTMIskTEB REVIEW ’(Radical.) I T “ b i'ORTu Rr.iTißH Review (Free-Cburch.) I \ ■ «. . AND • - , ' EBwnuPGn^MxqAZixß^Tbrj.) • . Am ? rl^n continue to re-- w|n( the above-named periodicals, hut as the ftist of pnitipg hag douSleiL the price of, pa- Si’ W -'**e\duties. licenses. , n!it;'" g ,l ,y - l l u ) crcnscd - «bey nr? compelled to adUnoe theirhermg as follows: \’ * V TERMS F0R1865, FoV any one df the A e, nn Folr any two of the Reviews........ "T v r Tm 1 Fcr any three bf the RcViews.U.-.;.. "“‘Xjn’oft ■ ?JJ *° llr °*l Reviews * lVfw» S°L SL ack 2 00 ?' 8 M B go*ine_.-l.- ARn and oncßeview....„..."‘ -’{X Vnt n nc^ W 0 ftn fJ any two Reviews.;..’ lo'oo Pat m a W °°? and lhreo Reviews: 13 00 Fop Blackwood and the.fonr Reviews...-. IAOO beprmted on a jrtatly improv ta\quahfj Cf \ paper, and while nearly all are either advanced in pride or reduced maife-and very generally of l«The m;' 1 i L eon,,ni!e ,0 giye fai * h f ui copies oi the matters contained in the oriirinni fodind mel ! ' °TP"? cnt Prices will he j f °J tbc amoilnt of matter fnr-J j Comparedw| t hihe cost o£ tlle ori^B!lU C(J _ ) ffora"/ 0^ 17811664 * “ nd copyright fflvl2'T-‘" g - a£ ,hiB ti me (Jan. l(t*Js) [ lieaily t>2,oa.in currency—and we trust »h»f f lively* justified I ad °pted wo Shall be eii-1 SalnSbßeJ y ' OUr BUb3Cribcrs , nnd 'ho OVCi i K U,ese Diehls lo Ameri froTtv h l l y i and ' lhe diffor ® nt Standpoints : THE FOim REVIEWS for 1863 * a lso publish the posISTs; f t li 19 two ,olmnc8 -^yMail - ■ XJJONA&D SCOW & CO., Publishers, 1— *°‘ ! 8 Walker St r "U -yew Vorh -D.i Irons, r MARKET Sr,, BRIDGE WATEfi! THE.Subßorilier announces to the public he is prepared to furnish to cusfo St»t? 1 1; of ? orlc inhis line from a PLAIN SL ABto a CARV|ED TOMB STONE. ■ • ltalian Marble Kjspt >n hand an,d all kinds, nf plalfaS well t* . Vvggr* CT& 1 H norlh ‘ 71 A stoic. •'J . • ■ Toothache, Karachi, , ; |.- 3' 1 DR.WST.B.HURD'S " dentaltSeasurVi i (A COMPLETE :SST'or bsmedi tsroa ! ihe. (ireatfk ■*-. *: s/. - ,k-i v." ' / , vt • •’ •■• I; M: ■ M | ng Toothaohe and Neuralgia. :1 ■Dr. ffvrd’e Celebrated MOUTB H'JIS/r.l one bottle, " M- ; ■. -.■•• • ■Dr>Bvfte UtuguaOed TOOTJT POOKR.D onebox. ! .. J .• 1 Kr, |J7W« KagieTOOTIIACnEDROPE, vneboitif. |ii. ,■' ’ } 1.:.. -t Dr. \ ffunPe UKRTVALED NEURALOI A PLASTER. 1 ' | y p ’ Dr.\atrf* #AXU4Dvom theEeetJMu'of Prettying the Teeth, including Dveetiohi /oi-~the Proper Trtatmentqf Children’e Teeth. i . -v : FLQSB SILK for Cleaning between the Teeth.' TOOTIf PICKS, etc., etc. , PrephWd itißr./.Hwd’s Den tnl." Office, *77 Fourth St;,Brpoklyn, (E. :D.), , >• 1 ; Price, ONE DQLLAR ; or SIX $5. S&T Tub Penial Treaxury makes a packs eight indies b^fire,.andis senLby-espiress.’ ■ - • B®T •# dSttetione for vet iedneaehfriudk.' “ f■: articles we canscndseparale- The! Tnhtue bn Preeerving the Teeth sent, post# paid, on receipt of, Twelt* cesjs, 'or fokt stamps. I.j • : ■ ' ' '■ Tiui Neuralgia Plaelef, for Nenralgi* in', the Face, Neneut Headache, and Earache, sent po3t,paid, en receipt of Eighteen Ceult, or si stamps. :.* j ' The Neuralgia aha Rheumatic Platter (larea ; sue,) per Pains in the Chest, Should eS, Back,- ornny part af the body; sent post paid, ouro .eeipt dM 1 irtg-teven eatu~ I- • ; ■ Adi rcss, ‘ ■■ | J i’ ■ : j ,j; waf. it. surd, co., ! 1 ribime B aildingt, New York j ! ' ; A i.. j —:— ■- .Dr. ■Der sent .1 iainet they, .TRE.' tains HurtTt HOUTIt WA SU, TO OTH POW and TOOTHACHE. DTOPS cannot lie •y, mail, Hat; therein probibly bo Q b-: !at your DrUgor I’eriodioal ■ Stores’. Jr cannot,, aonti (jo, us for the DENTA;; SURY, Dottan,' which «6n : Hem. • ‘ , ■ lil'" k Te Hr! Hard’s Preparation! Good i j The ijcst evidence* that they arc is, that their firmest friends and best patrons arc those.who have used them longest. Dr. Wm. B: Hurd is an| eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer, bf the New York State Dentists’ Association, and theaejpreparations have been used in His pri vet epractioe for years,land no leading citizen of Brooklyn' or Williamsburg questions their excellence, while', eminent Dentists of New York (recommend them as the (best known to Iheprofcssion. Without the aid of advertis ing, dealers have sold them by ‘the gross. ' The Editorof the Brooklyn Daily TVwzsayslJ ‘.‘We are happy to knew thatpur friend, _Dr. Hurdp is isacceeding beyond ill expectations with his Mouth wash tooth pow- DERj Tpe-great secret of his success tests With jtlze fact that hit articles are preciselyirhat they are represented to be, at we con ietiify from their iohy|n*«;’’' ; | I-' | The well' ktuwn P T., Barham wr.ites; “1 found your TOOTH POWDKRisb good (hat my family hbre used it alii up- ■ I Ye.find it the ‘ leu poK-deir/of. the teeth we hare erer used, i l shall feel obliged if you diUschdime another siip biU *’*•‘' **■ convenience, with - not allniir nar eharcbiil, and .polishes, without , hp enamel. ; Use no other. ' W U.ljT WILL . DR.! i HURD'S ‘ REMEDIES ■ i -J- ’ EFFECT? ", ■. ■u r '^‘ UrJ ' B l, ih Wash and'Tooth -Powder will give young Indies itbhl, finest charm in wo f‘ a:i *tv*et breath ind’ pearly teeth. Try them, Udics. .-jr ‘ ■ ' I -j ■ * ■ J lonth :R >sb -and ‘Tooth Powder Will fclcanse the mouth from all, foul j exhalm tions, and if,used in the morning, will make the, breakfast taste sweeter and the day begin more | pleasantly J Hundreds of persons can Tr? ,l ? em ’ gentlemen. | »r^n;i I ) , ! rd ii. ' Vasl ‘ anJ Tpoth Powder .arc! he the Nest preparations in the world !fbr be?l?t , Ac f. l,r i alh “»* giving firmness and /w" i°L* b ? g um *‘ : i Hundreds 6f cases of JMsctdcd hUodmg Gumjt, So# .Vovlh, Canter' entite ■° Cn cur< : l i hy Dr, Hurd’s aslring . Dr. kiurd’a Mouth Wash and Tooth 1 Powder give ah miditionai charm fto , courtship, and mako husbands more agreeable to their wives iM™ t# iheir hu " llnn,Js - They should be I s ed by every person having . . - 4 ; s TI FI Olk L T EET n w u C L X t h ]S ' 0 . i l mpa^ P a ' ! ‘ i " t to the mouth B P ?“r?* Toothhehe Droops cure Tbothi ' h^ ( f - 18, ? g .t r ° m nerves,, and are the i m th x- t i l mr f n,s eenhnvo in the house to save, the* 'childrei| from torture and thbm- - OBB ° f : i C ? and ' 8 j mCp \ a "‘ C J' ! yenennnotiwili af- . your ,eeth ' Foratriffing s U me! ijr A B V P roBe 7 a,i T c «. than which j | Rothsohilrl or Astor can get nothing better Remember that Hy*pej*ia and Conniption of ! Sf^7 ii, *.J aC^ on ? ,nate in neglect of Teeth. ' he T rtatuiyon Teeth , and read Dr. S'Wf whwa nMffa subject. IMoo - , a T y y our o’Tn teeth, save : yomj children s teeth. -l V, ° ■ FEunkLOlA Hurd’s » Plnatbis are tlie mbst i pleasant and snocessful remedicb ever proseri ed for thisjpainfnl disease.' The patient np- IpliM onb. Soon bfeomes drowsy, falls agi ec „ am! awakes.frce from pain, and no bliiltcr. br other unpleasant or injurious consconcnbcs en sue. : For Airache and lyervoiu ‘Headache, 'hr- ‘ I 1? “ebordliig. to directions;; and (relief will: ly be obtained, cqnnij to Dr. Hurd’s Compress for Neuralgia; Try them. Thcy aro cntlrcfy a novcl. curioua and original preparation, and* wonderfullysiiccess ful. They aro of two mxes, one small, ifor tjo face, price jIS cents, and. tbc tothcr r liiiVc l*or applications to the body, : 87 cents.; oe pailed an receipt of price and one tfanm. i . M'UkT THE. PEOPLE OING f The Americfn people are intelligent l enouglilo appreci jteproparntions thatcontribnteso much to happiness of those using themi and they wontithem. Every mail bnngs-u s loltersJsome ordering the Treatise onj Teeth, some Nen ralgia Plasters, and not a few enclosing 37cts.- for the Mouth Wash, toHe sent by majlpibut to these'Ware, compelled (0 reply that it is imposaiblo tp sond a half-pint bottle by mail. The pcoplejwant these Remedies. ’. Who trill topplf tkenif , . . Now ip life '. ; ■ ■ ■ CHANCE FOR AGENTS. j Shrewd agents cbn.make a small-fortune in parryingithwe articles ground to families. The Rental Treasury is the neattst article that a Btan or/vtoraan can carry around.’ Send' ifoi one and see, - br, better, a dozen, which 'wa will sell, «a samples, for $7. Agents supplied liberally with mreolars. ; j|®» No wig the time to to go into the business, tOdbgood, andmake • profit, J We ate spending thousands for th* benefit of agents. New Englsnd mjen b«. ‘wo men ! here is something! nice; and anhauce to take tbe (ide at its flood; :: Address, TT ! ' i i WikLiß. HURD & CO., J i Tribune Bnildingsi NeW York. ’• | That rerfttaneee maybe .made with: nonfir j deuce,: W. 8.. H. k Co., refer to the Maypr ofi; Brooklyn ; to 6.>W. Griffith, President Firm-' # ,Ts’«nd Citiienaßank,.Brooklyn; to Jpy t Coe, Jp, • New York.;, to P. T, Barnunt,£sq., New York,eto.j, etc. ’ , .r ' '- ' ' *' Mi I AI L 11 , 4*. Ng .J • e t: ,:.• 'J • i ;1: ;;;TT.,• n t tioj CO dim •i ;.i Xke] Beat, MoatßeliableSe'wtng f 4 These?, Machines trial ' th 4 ■•’r ■/. ,'; f Icick-aiieh rilike I pp both sides, " •-■'• •••■■•; ••-■•3 aha Use less than half the thread aind. silks that the single dr dou .j ble thread: lopp-stitch Machines do. It will ‘ Btitch/ :Hemi;Feli,i Qu]t, Tuckj, Plait >r G;ather, Cpid, Braid,! etc., all without prerioushasting; and hcttef. ad^ple4,-ihaa, any other Machine in tao to the frequent changes and great of sew mg required in a family; pip they will sew from one U > twepr ty thicknCsseidf Marseilk s w’ilh out and make stitch perfcctj, ior from tin gauzo to Hha : heaviest plolh, without .changing t !j ; ) > 1J • "" - f needle ortension, or rila!k j■J* • ■. ' ’ ! adjustment o machine w .It has thp following ges ’Overall thermachi ■. ■ '! ■■ • trj variety of workj i ! r:' •' ■ T I' fxcol I ence of stitch: i.' ■- I'- n r ■ mctpess of imotiaii; Vr ■ | jJ; ' simplicity of] coilstruclioh; .oasbjj j- 11 'V ■'l i ; il amkrriauagcniciit; elegance pf design aiid fudsh. 1 - ! Far great bciuty and speed 1 and I q| - svjll i go farl to delcrmiJe'i lire chbicq'i of ai{ iiitolligcilii l)ii|yrer ca|l and 1 examine. l s. H-PKniso D, B.HAVICU, ;.'J ; SoTeiAfor Boaver coi ; ph.«| cwL OOidjL!H3<&E3, \ N. E. comer of 7th &ChestmitSt., ■ PHILADELPHIA.,PA. J nstit ‘} ,; . 0 ?’: whicl ‘ was eiftftblislicilia 1 1,- nn *l is how consequently in t • eighteenth year; of its existence,' hiimbcrs' among its gratuateii.lunJreds of the most sue- 1 cessful Merchants and Business Mini loir our Country, . j r: ■ f, j I . i •| • The object of the Institution is solely to af [ford young men facilities for thorough prepa rationfor business]! < " .. : i ! i -The branches taught arc, Book-heiepink Ins 1 .applicable, to the variousdepartments of trade; ; I Penmanship, hbfhjj plain and ornamental; Law, /mathematics, Navigation, I C, 7\ r L Hginceriug,l Drawing; ; Phonography, sad' Modern Languages. ? i .} < } j p The system of Instruction is peetdiar; no' i Classes or set lesspni) are made use of, 1 hut each student iq taught individually, so that he may commence at any time;,, and attend at whatov cr hours arc jmost convenient. . , Catalogues are Issued annually after 1 tho ibtn of April, containing names of the stiw dents for the ycai, land full particulars, of terms, &o.,and may be obtained at any lime -bj addressing the Principal*. - iij, . In, extensive accommodations, jwido-aiireail reputation, aiid thejlchgthy expedience of; the iriticipal, this Institution offers /fr.cilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for ,business, and ,to .Obtain at the same fame a n/rtbsiA, which'Twill prove a recommendation for them to anyMci;- eamße House. f ‘ |j- V»gy* c n , T T ß.TDExi Series ol Treatises oh Bo(>k-Kccping, noW more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, arc for gale a tine College. j r * ,-j - <. •, ~TO;N 10S’ 7 DYEING & SCOURING ' ESTABLISHMENT -: J ' |. 30 OlflO STREET, (West of Federal,) , | ALLEGMEjSrWTENN'A . TIIE havc hcen, engaged, for a number of years tm the | most, extensiyo. oslnblisliments -in this country, in the cities of New York |nrjd Phila delphia, where all tlije improved appliances and apparatus are employed. Bcing kso iu pbs scssion of the rely latest discoveries! and mc tltods of Europeau Dycrs, they dye and finish Xaqics. Silk« Satin”and Merino Drossdo in -n Superior style in many cases, these .articles J*o made in Color and finish' very nearly equal in appearance to new Goods. .1 [ ,\^ Goods \reiurned in (wo weeks J3_hereby of Stoked & Tallon willle dissolved ontheJsl of Aprill G 5. owing, to the depthof air. Stokes. Those ngeiMt said firm will Present them to the undersigned, *nd those Indebted wfl! call and settle. [maB] ROUT. TALLON. , ,A;, tjj 8, MORAND, M. D., '■ i PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, {Lai* A. A. Sury/UJ 8. Armij,-) !: IF IR> IB IB ID , Q 2vt i! : ; BEAYEB CO, PAi pnoij ;> «> »:• I u ~--Belf-!Uljrtßlsng v and; {Adjustable! Tile only Wriugc.rwlth the Patentj- Cog-Wheel Uegida- j tor, for turninghpth rolls together end which'' positively prevents ttc folia' front breaking of: twisting on the \ shaft. - It is not only a per- ( feet Wringer, but the Cog-wheels give it a; powerwhich fenders it 'a most Kiccllent; Washer pressing and separating!-as it docs, the dirt: with the water from this clothes, j leaving them dry er, whiter, nod {smoother than' tyhen “wrung”: by hand. ;The- water can' be pfesaMl from large .and small' 1 articles, easier;, quicker, and Wore thoroughly than by the- or dinary; old-fashioned back-breaking, wi-ist- Straining, and ‘clothes destroying process.— The Cpg-wheels prevent all. 4 ‘wear and tear” of clothes by this friction of; ti|e rolls or break ing of stitches by twisting. _ '.Without' Cog-wKc'els, the whole strain, of forcing the cloth; throughjthe Machine is put' upon Inc lower.roll, and the cloth is' made ,to act iu thc plaec of Cog-Whe.els, to drive the upper roll, caiising a much greater strain up on the lower roll than witch Cog-wheels, with our Patent Regulator,arc lised.bcsidcs the er-' fra strain uponT tho cloth.. j|A Good. Canvasser wanted in every town. Liberal inducements offered,- mid exclusive sale {guaranteed. ’ i .11. C._I!ROWIXG. Agent. . . ■ ;’.17 Rrodwny, New York. . WM; G. WOLF. Agent, . ~|May 11, Vii’. ''Borough .township.- !6Sy“.J. Il.j TODD is Agent for Cnivca?i>‘ < • Clithcs' Wringer in the Townships of Moon, /Hopewell, .Independence,! Raccoon, Giecne, land Hanovcre, ■ ’. ' V • every PHOGEISTIX L(FOKi\(i-|G!.\SS MCTIMiffIE p . MANUFACTORY, NOS. 2-il" K.VST TWn>;T\-TI!TTII> STREET, ]. 173 &nc IGKAXU STREET AND 215 ! r CENTRE SXUEE. } .finest' beaver te feed ESTAGLISIICv'ISuS.; ’X. Y.j EST.tni-ISUKI) ,1833 THIS Establishment has licen in successful , opomtioufcr 24 years, and is the largest, of the kind in the United plates. hand or manufacture toorjlerevery description of Looking-glass, I’icture and Portrait Frames, I‘laiu and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval & Man tel Glasses, J Connecting .Cornices, Ease and Eracketj with iMarblc Slabs,, Toilet Glasses,).&cJ, &c-, ; &c. for Picture Frames; in lengths stiit.ahlc for transportation, ictlher Gill, i Ejcrling, Rosewood, Oak, Zebrtj,' lEjrdseyc, Mahogany, &c.| Onr, new manufac tory and extensive facilities enable us to furn lisli any; article) in pur line! as good as the .best, .and aa,J:3icap as fJro cheapest. ngaay, i,atever: vanta cs: ■* Dealers are invited to call-upon us When tbey risil, New Vorlc. Wo claim to b«* able losupplylo supply them with pvery arti cle in onr line Which they can possibly purchase elsewhere. |‘ . -'■ | J | •'•^s*- i l (jr(h "I by ail j att~~ t' ~* r t h i £f2'"ior(ler3) by mail atlcTiilcu .0 _ with ;ipvompthc.-:s.« Llonut fail to call when you visit jlXqvv York. i | 1 •*' s , CWtcf .j- ICori riiami. JVn; 215 Si., X. I'. ■'l l IIIOIIIVCE V. SIOLIiU, Agent ■ ■ I- -! 1 : V j W HEELER 4 A .WILSON'S r A *\i 1 ] j \ ■ t. 1 ' ' I - ; ■ ! SEWING MACHINES " ‘TH incrcnseil: confidence in its merits aa the and Most J’elinhl-'. lumiily S’Urirnj i ' Miiy/iine note in , M e claim for ii t!ic Inllo'.vin 2; :iilvhnt«g9s over ! , niiy ami all Sewing Sbn-iiiucs; !' ■ ib>r greater .variety ol‘ work; bounty aa,( ox .ccllcnce of and ipifetitcsa of 1110- ! *i nn: simplicity of consWnijtidnT-cafm, of opera ;tmii and management; elegance Of {lexica arid :fniish. It will _ I ' Stitch,' .item, Fcllj Qiiilt. Tdud,; Tuck, Plait .. fiat her; (.'or;!, Is*-aid. , :■ All without ony previous basting. ■ 'voKk*: wcllj on iiic thinnest or : thickest fabne-s; from heavy 'beavor or pilot ,cloth., to the fitostj cnmbri|c. —*[ •** S. 11. PEIHSOL, «n.WEU. pa,", jy2o 6 l l] j Sole Agent l lor fteuvor county. ' "!* 6®nt S^n^Toif^^oTioß LETTERS of administration oh Hie estate of t fc;. Axki:nt, late 0/ Uridgewatei*, Jictwer cb., dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons iudcbtcdloitai'd estate are request ejl to make immediate payment, and those having claim gainst oaid estate trill present to the subscriber 1 prdperly au- Ihenlicated for settlementJ . I : -UEJiKT ANKKNV. Adra’r , ' ■ feMoTSu 'jyii | JVi«is»wa*ar. . ! ■ NOTICE IS hetebygiycn that the parlmtahip here toforc| existing between- A. G. MlCrearr, o. B. Briggs, and Benjamin Todd, under the style and [firm of ■•M'Crcary, Briggs & Co. ” ,for the purpose,of carrying on the business of milling dbalmjt ingrain, flour, feed, i&o., at the Industry Mills, Heave p County, Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books arc m the hands of their successors, Briggs & ■Bro.. nt the Mills aforesaid,’ who uro authori sed to settle nlljbusincES of I the fink ’ i .A. M’ORKART, 'S. B. BRIGGS, ' . I i 3ENJAMIN TODD. fcMiTjj ■j ■: aVO'a'IXXK. Xatjonal ur llr.wjin Corsrt 1 i ... • New: Brighton,- ileli. 1, JSCo. , . ■4. 1 , of «tlic Xatioualßank °f ;Coun(y” rirc. hereby notified | that tho iMfiaitl [portion of lire Capital Stock is ircytjHcd tobc pnjd’nt the Baukinghouso in [instalments as [follows, viz; TSvenly,five per ccnti thereof, on the.of^r arch B £ t> . V>d alike instalment, upon the first" days of olajv Jtdy and September next thereafter ?:15y order 1 of the Board. '■ El k-h o'U-• EDWABD HOOPS, 8 bo,. Cashier r_ AI)MI2sIS:RATOU’S XOTICBi ■ T' ETTKIISJof administraUon on . the cs ±J talc of-WM.! >or.Vß,tlatf. of Baden, Econ omy tp„ Beaver ,co., deed, having been erant. ai\,l 0 it e *“ d6ra l gUed / 611 P“3onsiudcbudto i r l e^ Cq u e ’ t . ed 16 “ akc immediate K ~ hosc having claims against said Trtil; present-them to the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. iln^rS&l a- ••• ; 1 1 ■ , i , • v j muon. OR SPRING of* V 18651 paper, • i: 'Xindow shades, - ], \ borders, and. 1 ; DECORATIONS A IN THE PAPER- XjL artf how offered to the Trade; andbuyersXgcnerßlly, at (Be, lowest piwa poaalble.r add see at / - 0 ' IpT. JlarAcr. ati snd Fifth a/*., v i imxsßUßGll pa. “■ «arrBs"| .: |OS- -R. HtTGHZS & BRO. ALT [■- '■ ■V. Ij, ■ > • -V ' •W«aN 11-.I 1 -. 4 : the combintiiab HsaSsS reSt?t K!CSr*4J .... - ‘?.^ s,or^^ •.. i Mil?: DEiioHEST’S • i •-'"■ • OOMpajjijin tbs SewlFreneh Waist, ai Elegants*-. , j Misses. Sack, «nd a SWjM^t ■ ! ~ and Beautiful ‘ .:• BRAID AND EMBROIDERING Iffi.,, Together with nearly. ■;•-■ ■ 'v, all |the novelties t Summer Bonnets Cloaks Trim-' Childrens DresS,?""* Aii>l yaluabte-.infonryitioii to Millml I Mahers, Moibcnfeaml scaling the best *ir.e m tbo~World, l übliaktl 473 p “T 1 N. V uml. soljl J sent by Doc, ony&eipt 0 f m stamps ofsll^j^i,^£- lowing valuable preaaum, ■ '** I Each yearly subfeijiber will beeniUki,' |cchipt for tho seleiiion of 60 cents S'•■ plain,patterns, frora' bc designs iniifQ br from the sJMw .room, or they a** u 4 Tiered add sent hy min . any-Ume S' year, by paying postage, ' •:. • E-'aJSplendiii lnduccraenta to C&nviuM . No. nbw roadvi' ■■» ~ Wbnt JaJy or’t Ocr the cursonf by using the : <). .it could Uc secure separated! .Hu w The Subject is 30 .w’UVnot mention horant. of the. fac use the Dahnat 1 ing. XIIE MOST of ancient times complexion: hint oil and other t« still more valuahl fants, a few drop tef will dispel .1 drops poured-bn f beautiful soft U and white.. | .R ! *A t ’ When used fori it eradicate* all rendering the ski from blemish. J For sale at th.. jas.mi, arrn lilico <fe -vßntai. ATTORNEYS >AT LAW, atfejiJ -t<> legal Imeinea; if, ' * ”, t kiinls, 'Prompt attention given ut. lections generjally. licensed Apeni- fort' lection of Pensions, Bounty., arrears .elft Prize money, Pay. old., of jot T, and ail klndsv'of military claims agiinfj iovcrnntenl. ORice-4 C oner of jfrrirt.•s) l rrel- and. tfls Dim . Y'f' ; (hnmceiatoly in thbS-car of Court Hoe, BEAVEU/ PENN’A.- [J I*EfrEli ■ ANCiEII IN BRIDGEWATER 1 IS the place to bhy, your CosFiiCTioXAitu: kj and to gel CiriAßs, Cakks|. &c.|) Having *u’,W\»l building to his bld.stjind, he is hm prrpm lip accommodate hia; customers ,i.rl mi cid zena.generally with anything iVMsVmi, l«t ing.the best assortment this side uU'itiiW! and sells chcapjcr. Jlc'p-ill warrant, Vaf quors, ol all kinds, ‘to he the mirest tmUe and those wishing the ’’‘...T ;■ fortut nal purposes,, would do well jln call imi ""‘"■P >US stock beta c nttrctalsih* elseifi • B©“Cairivnd see-the AmreV lieier, * old stand, and you are sure "of a hi.-mf come, and prohibit;albeit.iah. . [Xuii ■ GLORiojus news; i\oi from ikf pi fs .• , . of iw.ver. 4:'.-; To’ New Shoe,. Store; : UK eubsc.iTboi*- vr.otiitl, rc>?pcffiillv fofe the citizens of' IjjsaverC-oiuity that, he ditioti to his iv'di sbledle-1 steel; ofiCtnTlilS lIA TS, C AKS and til BNThEM F.NS Fl ! l!5S ING GOODS.- be has jfaiciy purchase! t P Belcctcd stock of 1500T.S ,-ind SHOES d'fqi kind and variety. My slock-b itflrpl ever brought top lie c unity', and I irr? dnpd tqdfoll -J‘chca pot than the .chtipi*- MinoWe ergo/of the •■big Hat." . ; Sept. ,'1 1 I. S-. ATtß'i ADMINISI\I#rOJ!'SXuT!r LETTERS jof] adiliiitostration, oß'the eh ,■ of Lkvi! B. of .Norik* Wickly tp, Beaver county. ilecU, haring!» granted to (lie undersigned, ail personrp deb ted to said cstalenre requcjied-to iud 1 nunedict b’pnyueiU, and those hating cl»:o against said estate will present them la Hi subscriber properly authenticated. ffrJh tlemcnt. [JACOB WALTS, Admr.. matls’Cs i ’ North Sewicßj- T. McCord. •Notarj l I 3 uMic. +' • .■ orncs =wirn • ; B. B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT'V AT M f ’ {Near, the Bfovo.'t jlfiinjiift ffo . Bit OA I) iri Y, XE * •'' .. BEAVER CpUJfTV, PA- f, PROMT attention given, l to the J|^ r l EXEMPTION PAPERS, .nd connected with the'drift: iilso.oaths jered, acknowledgments taken,&e.« fe'J*"]. , -WOOLEN .FACTO® 1 f ITTIJS undersigned expects' 'Sj '• tMg w.cpk. Gartfing,-; Spinning S>j Fluibhing. and Dyeing: islSo jo inan'jx-, Flannel, : Cl»tli, I Cassimcrcs. Satinetn Filankcts, .at my phi p ace in Fail-tea tydar anddutability, 1 can warrant.imPv| ■ inanufactuhnl not to I c surpassed * accommodation of tbo;a on tho ? as * tho Heaver, Wool,! etc., can listed »• ®J ;ih Pulaski township,. sr John Hoag Store in New Brighton. .I je17,33 1 BPP'M.'SUI^ o.; ADAIINIST|iATp US TTTIIPREAS totters . W ing been granted to the tindemf^ 1 ., __ Ahe estate of JAs.lW.IJPMis.vs. "Ly my tj>,, Beaver county, if a, idcq’d., a .f ;I ,i knowing themselves indebted to s al are requested to moke payment >® m £ and those having claims: against the?* v«s present them to the .subscriber dii'd ,B - oated for settlement, j | - - v< ABBAIIAMjB. WOtF, A«*'*•' . niarl’fS 11 '. , Bri|4'^s" TREES, GBIaPB VISES. ic - Persons intending pllnliug dens, vineyards, or improvlag tbeT, o ,( this coming Spring arc respect fun} 1 examine our stock. The trees arc ,* lr °JiiiS. sixtoeight feel. and of. the best.* j Planters in Western Pennsylvania •“a,* willfind it to their interest to proc .trees .fresh, from the Ntrsory, *1“ - true to name.- . T ■ •’ 10 Ed|f : Parlies coming t,o thq A o, *!! r >T o.il«iJ' Worth station, bn the P. Ft, W. & j.kjire* 1 lit the mornijjg trains, can select trains, and return in .live afternoon. logUes sent to applicants,! ‘ : ■ ■ i • TJ L- SHIEtPS ;; rcblo V •bowiokly, Allegheny «•> . 1 • i '4k -33 IIESBY JHCB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers