s&g&sm- MSSSu Ro^« Bs *p« w *. &m£&Sk !Si3^^^Sfe^ro ; : nc|V .* Rfation —Gorso-P ast. Bwer. , This InstrnmeW oWitwefve fSVff S t * Otunraina. iaL D v ia 1 H* /£(’. * -¥^.^’film; W*l*«r be lwifonM, D“- 18. 1864.—TWroii stont “? — —: £ •■*' ' ■-• r° Q 'r ~ ■ ’ dfa !^.ai v tnf qms, W. m Simpson, D. lCKinneyi Cof-Blidge A aild the IHaimwfli Brtumbian*,;R «H.i *i 100$ •• 608 V* «»« fiSSrt e*a ♦• '•**!••*‘ *E k ■ Bocbester..„.&ss p. ; i JL. £ YWWW W*f* wbtof-,|w*Bfct«rnor6f the'military ..,vtf Mva MkLdllontD:, 735 « W?. .. M ! Wjri»«|^.^ !V W,«. W 0.:« OS ■ “ ...;J3:20 a, m[ M*°?®i:Ot the softest flute. . .{iji is nn- pnst at Cincinnati, being present; and '■ ■' ' !"! ,::t ;i _: - '! ■ Orrrais ..ii’ 812'“ .142 <‘ 'EB ‘< 940 « wi^ n ‘ i "'* ,; .sS2 , ‘ 957 “ 95 4 ; Iho jmost oon.pleithinslrd- s^ft*^n *“k % *b l o i *»lalldA 1 0l anhonorary -t>-kVpV roWsTAN-TTv >m) ».*• ' Stti'.tf <2Wi« IDA •• 1016 «< Pie»»«^n*‘"'; !! !! }^ i^s&asr^^^ii 5 l^rf^BsSsTv * kas&zuito i S!«^&S ! SSs ®fe»la%BSte s: SS^fßt-g:" : Roehester. ;te. at Pills. *»P, ..BOkUm, whose lre t:mo\boing aS a corresponding mem I „ "'.- ■ : jj* Sandmky Smomi 757' •» aoa !*• 280 •• Si? «i f **--1 now apknbwledgcd by tho eiiis :\ ;U >V- •.".•■ F0nHt,........ [ai6|« 885. *s 144; “ mi: •• SrSt.llj!"!: “5 H 5 m 5 v “"■■'! V i Mi -tbooonniry. to bo . soW current bn, ,\'v.. “ v i’|>CT.-. iiWJgjiS^- r V-MpW^7l ns g*%M»9k>“r-» A( l f ,422 » 4 5 tht Taylob *aa grohasbd iT J “ * T * & u 5 B 8 1 4:20 r. ......, 5:45, p. u. n the ose of; thb yoane ladlea in of -tho Socioty/ tho 5 sovrcrSl 111I 1 1 l *Mgy ■ Port Wayße_lj 520 i“ isOrk <OOO ** 700 « Cl ' e “<li“C ! ' * f r.n««L . UOO A.. M , 12:20 *. ■ bis-Setainaiy thlat wiafa to rfnHv fir- copjmiUeoB\\vere called upon to tea ’ I '.' li 1 : ' ‘' " 't"'T *'•"■ 9 G<»limWa_„; 604i*s 228 .. <MB *# 745 » ’ ?S*S “!?•'.! . ■ whichpojttrgd ..ft«on'-of Jh^. N S;aiir. --SS m « •• pac&m :•■• a.good -Borvica toward tholmnrouicH qo|s, tho.-SaWiy; Ck>mo.|ttee Were T I !.'. r.o---• I4L. .. -If S! “ W0q««r....... i,i<3jio f 830( , niinih-rnttr on t ot‘church musk:. We oongrit- “VfJ ‘ffW'Njltt th.O.aondal report ' -FA[N OY A« TIC t«B.‘; Bourbon mt« 4ic » 817 - « •flOO.-«- "'•£ \%M : %doii:'ii ‘.:;.10i45 la. i*J u | ale binton having, secured ho aptek- ho State Medical Society as fltriaa I'•-;, ;i l i ;'v : - ■' r ‘.-f -■ ..•--•■■■; TS2 5“ 443 41848 oso >• Osinton on "”'i linn ‘,‘ i iißrifhn “ 12-00' «;"...’. r. m. did An instrnment^-ono .that moetsall This . ' ■>■* '. •■ l ''.ij"' %'t •' ; ' Wanatah...... m, •* 62ff:« iou ‘‘ilo4o “ iUiaaeoHIITJ- 1 &)fm 1M? » 1 ;^'£S=||J:; fes&teslssi St? iiirElit !‘ El f ~s \ H j:“rifeu6." gbld copies down real estalo goes up : t T; : «» ? ■ «W *m *m “ SS^K'J ■; : ■ '■'■-■ ip this’vicinity.' iProperty id thobor- W OB / our «fß wdstin motion ;• •..'■• '•;:*.{ l| V' .. .i ' ■‘.- *= -I--- “■ " r • jeir rsate opened from |»g townshjpa is tebangiqg ha^V*]j«|furlhor ; or advisomdnt from r : ?' - ’?■ . Trains will iwre r ensile. Voungstuwn, SliKi-on.MePeer.-irankhn idly with a ijifge l ,SSsS» , W‘'t'2i T”!" i ‘ '.jrf ■ ■:' «k! sirt! a-iafc. ssscr|'fc t 3s:,w M ■ a ; n,e '‘ l i ? f . 1 f^ 1 distant, 1 ®bjth| .'Thio:P,atboiogy add Thenipedtifis of ii-f.i-!,-..THE;ChBAT 4- '• 5n........,‘ 015 }<• 915 •< -450 •• 720 “ -IJI “I T M.iarrive wo "| d havo t>r6l |g | about jsi xty having boeo sot apa>t ata %. -ir , ; ‘ : 1 . . " '-..V/' !,-«H' 'JSL“ ‘ 6B7 ’ *• Ravanna"’."; 805 “ 815 ..1"" uKitdMniTiWP-M' - i ''l : '^- d l“ r « in l§Gi,l are ndw soililg|l > . re f ,^ ua l P e ®V?»g f6r special Idelibera* AIR JO RE fil fiR, s,V^i“‘ : ‘‘ J*” ler8b "«-- ••*:..... j " a»j*« Juniet atliew at 8150 Wo pSWa» tKni iw' I,''- 'W® B .-B'°' w; Called up for discussion. I.!- •.;• u-f-y- 3■. -? uin e “ q-,‘> ■ ” I *i. 7o ° ■' Orrrille i ......... dipper,wool,No well toeWosl ‘: thal .j w ? : h *f«foii(Lojfi%tbjth'e -iki VpiiOßlLlNfi l" ' ««••"•' liw •••■••••ri...;.... aw keir oiteut/on. attention; Will be nonctooffet. . . feftdr aifew iildidontaf' remirlcß in ' i' 1 .ifW ■ W , rd v’ •* 111? “""VJ **vd Hudson...'.... 839 “ 840--i ifen to forwarding friighl. •] ~. .'■ ,' v|, t ;,".'. t / t I which th 'PriinffAi'd ItSi 'r W-' ’ C - ’•! ’ i LIL AllTTri PR OP'l ‘ > rllle ” r ( 1 *r”' Euclid street 942 “'«49 “ i B-M.D.'■ HICKSON. Passenger A gH. ~ "T hf?** '■ T-TV - - l wn l|tn the 1 resident and DrS. I.; Win. | , AIL ARTICLES OF : i . “ lc "V ' 1 Cloreland.... >»6s‘ •• 1000 •« 'Ob ,i. w f . OLANCiIARD, Gen.-Sup't The Income Tax fbr 1864. |anaj ilarqms, M’Kinney, Langfitt anti ■■■ i .' ’. — i -- f —-' l ia oa ß MßmniiiHi Copies of the amended/otm- of M.l^i®? n d i P rl^iP®t ® d > ,i tho subject was *7?ST 4^* Kt'-'X' —-11-—. L wsst. i THE BEAVER Afitus |“™V f or the, of waapUt " Khpt in a %re; - —"iW :-->— h*ye by pi ofitlblq'.' The friendly g«.-ct- : ' - . low” T'L S™- ''■■APRIL- I9IK 1865 'I / H' ,or af tins Disu-jet, and the mateml!|ing» enjoyed fay each otbhr on .those , /.) l ”B e ;.v 1048 “ .1..;j.. Bokver ... ii| i . ’ " 1 ipoints in the sameViW as! fellows. in^ oce M ion,i . coblributo .to smooth the PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS SS?' IJIPS;y BmttVaFinT;i('.;.Ll”! wir otwl ivrrcn-TT r aw-C-ftTrol'-ho form of questions answers Ul a “^ e . t Y> toii and asperities of nrofes- ..■ .4 - v | J C -.1 I , ' ,>bfV ,1800 •>} Wollsvilie ..." |. 430 •• 500 “ OCAL and laISCELLA-SJIOuS» , . - r - I ’ “1 " eIS r*asionat life. . ! !IT . pabsi-Cllv coMPouiosn, . - ......... ioo *■ SteubenvilTS. 1, . r )25 •• G5O -.- •-| Wh *® U suppliediy| Alter the transaction of some fa/. ‘ "/ 1 - ! ,ll' " v , ‘io^: £5 « ii “9 “ NOTICE.; , .|cvery person hab|e to assess,bent. |ihe^bhsino3s.; the-Shcioty ailjouniod / ■'! ", j.j V J /* >■ »;[ >« ~SW .‘j;Soo e 8*5;: jli $ •"■ I u pcrsonaAnowlng themncli cadndebt " iastyoar?S to 1 lOP'l at tlicl Mationdl flotel, in Bea , ! PLE!aSE CALL AT TUB ! .'■ 1 =r— : - •■! ! _nl 1.1 mo.for subscripiiim to l'ie Bearer ’OUI’B r®'« Vll On. the second Thursday of July .i')n I . !; - »;»«. Jirilir to Jan. Ist, 1805, will please call BliCXt. 1 . 'IOPM ix c rd retail T: -_- i; , jllUtllfipiDlllJll|]«piVflEi| .-y P , , • , 1; W.foribo-sart.e. l>. LJlnnniK. j . | 1 -.I- H- 1 .. ;» !.: '• '■■'.■•- 1-i.; ' ./ -V. -j 1. ! •' ■■ ( bV 1' F. F * i ---7-.;—-:. a -i ' r^-1 i diamond. \-r 41 " '■ ~ -"T ! i - + T ~ Tanthu,—An,intelligent: boy,'filj wlult ar<}s '• : * | ~ ;i -j . " * II oraiitcen yoarM of «g6 t ! to Jcanlj / >* g J iQUI. * h iieprinting business. Applj’ at tb» fi l f apls „J,L j^ • I ■ S nEjCominiBBioner» oi _ mw ■ 1 ■ - _ i I locks Ops l . *&*¥•> IT«L *»•••• pb»»Meßor nJ _ y» " I . iervicoin| _ ;es sejf ' to dai-Mnlies ? <che»tar bor, W.p.JoHnatoa'g, Friday dr Sj Ilk v '’ iho ! ,o | n ji oyouro - u, ‘" L fng Tsoc-b^ uj^ ,<y on ireebe,! B SvwiQfen f i, «*" i.- \ '-P ■■ w * J isecuritios? . dockiletrW t! dt- Bo 1 0 ' • I f le<m»m ! r^. n t. -B rr»,« -.- “ ’ 1 1 ' |STRHNQTt. »»nome fasti mated i. ||y wilt bo .Divine 8i \o M. (.’liui-d), Conv.or, I'oduenfarjat 12 o'clock, 11 •nec wjhc or the nut '.iry of Sun?; r r Oil Strikes. .'lo» I < irs. i Ji’Donald and Bailey, struck, on Friday last in' their Jicvr >vcll rjpollcr’s Hill, Bitccoor. tji., in-tbife ly, at thoydepth of 183 feet. The the ‘.heavy lubricating |oi!, of a nk red color,' mid shows in] pronvis ig («anlity,_ They are proceeding D 111 he’and pump the well. 'J, J \v|o learn that a -Rhode Island Com «iy made a good strike oil Lillie] uf?r,- about four wiles above tbej wli,! oh Thursday last. ‘Purlieu a,notlgiven. ' j . • -J A Xcw'Yoik Oil company,' boring] uhefarm ol J.obn BoJ’io.i Esq., ira -hippewn tp. f struck oil ob Friday] l«l: st ihd depth of 347 feet. Tbeyj sre laid 4,0 have ar. excellent; show., j Tlio Beaver Oil mak-j ! ?B preparations to commence sinking] , *dl immediately on Two Mile run,] 1 short distance above this place, | Thotmdividod-l wo-thirds ; of forty] *crw,, uojV Smith’sjJ'errjvwere sold i«i week to ntt Eastern company for : ■' ■■ - A j. Rochester Car. Factory. 'U lcarL that the; Kocheator Mam hare ilold their jctory in ItocßesUsr to Mess rs. Graff, «»Keu 4 and N_. Holmes & Sonii, yil'shm-g' for §10,506, and that the \ Proprietors will immediitely 6up llu* neceßsnryrinachincrj and pco -1 to the manufacture ofca rs; They *pi einploy a large number of hand* ! circulate a considerate amount Hpital amongst the citizens of oui village. The known enterprise reliability of the two firms war ts us '« predicting their s 1 Su. Seven-Thirties. Series of the 'i I i' B g-la|fon up at the j;att ?f* r ntillions per day,and w i WHcd. As the notes boar L C ° Ut - ir >tercst, and-mo f p lhre# into 5.205,t stock, they *?«% U- S. seenritf W l ' '° long u * the 0-20 pisscut p romirim of Li abov 11 any of n T e,,t in (iov< rh r UM Sectro the "-30. *l,ad at f leaver County. 'b; D ’ .|ha to .,' 5 ,°® cc f |o ni the Sharino b " ildi, ’^ ad j oiDi "i ,0u X etr ,t U . y OCCU P i cd by Samj ll ° 'fagi. 8 paUcutb uotic Had your wife any,income Did any minor child ot'-jf coivejany salary lastjyear? ’ Haro you included in tl jtlia income of your ,\yifo ai received by* minor chilpron ? Have.you any stocks, and, they ? 1 . • !' Is your report made' on tin goid»_ ' • I ■. '■ ,1 • liavd you bongjit or sold a other property ? I Have you any United rilies? , ■I . • T . " , Do you rot urn’the premium bn cold, paid-yon a»-intcrest on Unitdd'States securities? ['. I . : I j - rf --. v tL- - Is your income mu mated or taken! Vom your book ? j . . _ | | Have not the expenses, &c., claimed ; as deductions, already been taken out of the amount lepoitod as profits ? j | Did' you estimate any 'po .•Lion df‘ your profits in leaking y J ouir returns (tor 18(i3? ■ i . ! \V■'' 1 ■ ' ' jrortiojj treated as wort less, and if since paid, have ybui inclu ded It in this rein hi 7' - . j All incomes ambunling to ess 80,000 pro sut\jeci !to pay a ti.x of five per cent, and thofje more, than 85,000,1 ten, per cent. The following} are the authorized, deductions!: , ,| ’ Exempt by law!, §6OO. f i All National, State and local taxfas paid within the year, (which includes the deduction of the income taxes ac tually paid in 1804.) J . Losses oh sales} of. real "calate pur chased within the year, , - }, Interest paid oht or fulling i life. with in the y6nr. ‘I j . Amount actua|i)vpaid. for rent ’of homestead, store ior shop. j'■ |, • - Insurances. rcpaiVs, fuel consumed in carrying on business, wagjs of era plpyeoB,and interjusti; on mcnnjbrancea. All carriages are taxsd. from 81 to 810, gold watches 81, each, if worth lesa than 8100, and&2 if worth more than 8100; pianos, 81; yachts from §5 to 3100; private billiard tabloij.SlO; gold plate ‘5O • cents per bunco Troy, and Silver plate 5 cents. •; | ; The tables iiil the blank form are very elaborate, but thoJferegping a!re the principal points. “ [ [ Eviery person failing taake re", turns by the loth of May next, will ho liable to bo assessed bytbejassistant assessor 'according to the best infor mation he ban obtain; and in such case the assistant assessor will add twenty five per cbnt to the amount c f the tax. In case any person shall loliverto an assesspr any false or franc list or statement, wi^h-intent todefeat or evade the valuation t>r enumeration required by law.thd-assistan, assessor win add one bun|drbB per cc il.to such duty; and in such base the 1 st willjbe made out. by the 1 assessor, or assistant assessors, and ftjom the vale ation and enumeration so rebate there can be |no appeal. , : -j ’■ President. Johnso a- Kc-v. D. L. Deinpsoy, D. I!)., whe is Well known throughout this county, informs, up that lib recently, met!‘a gentleman who jhad lived few thirteen years a near’neighbor lo |President i Johnson. From him ,we learned mj|cb of the conduct and habits of him who is new our. Chief He Elated, in answer lo an inquiry, that Johnson was nop an intemperate man, bat on the contrary sober and temper - ate. That be irisd never kqown him to be iptoxicaMld. This gentleman stated that thb’cbarge of intemper ance was untiu|e v and became indig nept QQ.beariogU alleged. The char acter given him by this-gentleman was an exalted sole, and so familiar was be with the history of President Johoaou, that he must bave beeu i ibic matelv acquainted Iwith him; _ } i-' ICCCSB. r3O loan s of Ibroe] Hi soon bin |i 3-lOtbd convert W ,t(bo favor] are tb< ies ia the rule ai to 8 pan our'.roadr »rn mentis J at once. National Obituary. [Among, thosio who fell victims to ■Southern cruelty, while in prison at jSitu Carolina, waiJbSKbn jW. Taylor of [this comity, son of Wil jliani and Mary Taylor, anc v brother oi' ,Col. A. W. Thylbr. Ho was captured iwlifc the Onfc-hur.dred-and-first Regi jihODjt.,- at Plymouth, Horth Carolina. |April 24yh, -18,6-4'. Although be win 9 nly a siUlc-rs jclerk in thgifoiuirtracnl both belligerents to tit. ho tfas was hold and treated as those . who burp arms.- ’; Alitor months ol priyalipn and iulforing liis delicate constitution finally gave . wtjy, mid ho dipd july 10, 1864. Mr; Taylor was well -known in parti of 'this {jouhty, having taught echo Ain dltt'pr|ont parts ot ( .lbo county Ho loaves h wife and two i children to mourn his los'p.. As'a husband and lather he* was kind, pleasant and a Hoc* ■mate; as aßfio, loving and dutiful; as izen-respected by all,-who knew Jtor his modeit, upright, moral and 'ious life aiid conduct. For a num pf years h 4 was a consistent mora of tbe Presbyterian church, and lj Jb the.faitjh of (he gospel. May his ijtcra ever instate his spotless chrfsi* pxample r »nd leave n nnmoas'-uns lished and pure as lib. a m. [him, ■relig bor ber i turn MARRIED: j Bridgewater, A pril 13, by llov. los 11. Shields, Mr’ Joii.vH Eff« of Wyandotte cbi, O'., and Jitias nie Hunter, of Boavor co,.JPu. >ll the Gthj inst., bytllcrfs John wa, at tho|reBidcneo,of bride’s lor, Mr. James L. CoTrhu Ao Mis* scr Jane Peiusol 'all ftTßuaroi for- ‘ ' ■ ,3a , !l [Jan [iso Jen Brd fatb t»A; cons ARRIVAL FRESH OP PRING GOODS, ■ v. * AT SBCHANT TAILOE, BRIDGEWATER, PA. | x , ( ■ 'i V: SPLEN DID - OF ■ "! L~ - . ,* • 4- * i esoring Cassimercs, ling style of fashionable goods, n>7 made to order in (he ru&tett and most'.fushiouahle stijle.\ : j C»li and sea bu goods before piff; chasing elsewhere. ' . ' 1 , [apra NOTICE Iff PARTITION. IN the matter of the partition of tfio real j estate of Robert Bitehie, deo’d. To the heirs and legal f eprcaentativesof said dee'd., loj wit: Jane McCorauek, Franei» RUehie, Alej-J ander (the petitioner,) T:] Bitehie, residing in the State of Bitehie, JamerfO. Bitehie, Elizabeth Brown,] Jopas D. Ritchie, now or lato'of California,] and all others interested Y o n a n d, eaMi of yen 'are hereby; notiSed that' an! inqniaition.to fpake partition ; or;'»aUiatß>n of] the real estate. of 'sjdd dtceaied, vUlbaßaid onjthe Iprcmisesr on- Friday - the fith-day-of May, 1860, at Iwbiohtime.and . piape yeumay ptiend, ifj’oa think - ‘ - JOB. LRDUh.So’ff. ;6ptaifF S Omez, \ ' Beaver, apr.]i,’6s, J , '-r ' tr COURT OF APPEALS. ■_ .- j - . j ,! . { ; "* • i - » THE Commissioners of Bearer canntj' wii f 0?. porpose.of hearing Ap j.e» w Wrte.eerertil township*. a* follows, rii freedom, S, T&nuer’aj Thursday, April 10; Soche»tar hor, 1V.1). Johnston's, Friday dp 14; Uaccoot, David Greene," B Swearingen’s, Tuesday do. 18; Hookalown,; do; . .Ido.; : >5. - dd' 18; Hope wo 22;, Moon, iV’hiE|UoU,-EBq’», Monday, ;do 24.1 : The p rincipaj Assessors of t heir respective] districts, arc] required to attend on the day of Appciils; with their Guide Duplicates. . Also all persons Claiming exemption from Military Enrollment, will giro. their attdndaaed ->n said day* of | Appeal, and make knownthexauses upon which they claim exemption.-- By order. || J I W. S. BARChAYi' tlcrk. Commisioncr’s Office, > ' 1. March 2d, 18do. . j ‘ % . 5 ' 11 , Til E Spring Term: of this Institution will commence ; \ , ,v ■ : j Tuesday,; April 4th, lStfoj, under Uie'charge' of "! 1 Messrs, fl AGNEW & NLrCANTZ, • ! as Associate Principals. : r.i ' , It is Hie desire, and will be the aim, to make ibis a thorough'English,: Classicat ajnd. Com mercial School, and to sustain the. high , char acter it has had heretofore. ,' ■ ■■! ) ■/' To those!who desire a good English educa tion, and to those whohaye bcßm orjeontem plate Peaching, in our public schools, induce ment isjoffcrfd from' tbs faeit.hat.tbe talter hf the Principals, for the last years, his been Principal of Newj jCastleUniOn Schoofl*. Both] are graduates lef,different college*, and vi*U acquainted with thewants of o'nr higher; Institutions. - Person*, therefore, who design; themselves for college, willfind this a suitable and desiiable place. • '■ / The former having beett f° r SQB W time con ncctcd ivith -thc Iron City College, as a prin cipalteacbor, and tho latteralso belaga grad uate of Duff’s College, j advantages superior to most outside of the Commercial cringes are offered, t o those deriring>at)Bsine»iCdnfeatiou. Our, r ew. Academy . Buildings, derigned ex. pressly for..the large j school ronm,xlas« rooms, society,: hall, etet,.are now occupied, though not quite' finished: -. Uis ex pcctcdj’hoivfcyer, to have them wholly so at an early day.. : f ■ i'cV-- :■ ' t. For, rates of tuition, Actveend fop- circular. Address' the Principals in llni nail«nijj,u d : I: ■ -u.' h. hicb. ! Sec. Beard of Trustees, Beaver, Pa. f treasury DEPARTMENT,) Office of OompiroUer. of Currency, v W ashington. Deo.^2o, 1864. i ) W 1 lEBE AS, by satisfactory oridtnee pre ■ented.-to the undersigned, i I Am been made to appear' that “The National Bank of HearerCounty*’in the Borough at New Bright on, , in ! the -county of Bearer,: and. Slate of Pqnn*v:lrmtna,, has been duly'organised under and according to the requirement* of .the Aet of congress entitled “An Act toproride a National Currency, securedbyapledge dfj Umted Statoa Bonds; and to : protride for the circulation and redemption thereof 1 approred June 3| 1804,nnd'has complied with ell 'the provisions of said Act Required tobo complied with before commencing the bueihenbfßank ing under said Aets 4 . !• • • f.t» i-'V Now thereforo, ;! Hugh M’Culloch, Cc rot' ■ ‘ trailer *of the Citrrenoy,do hereby certify (hat “Iho National Bank of £ut« eoonty,” ; in thy Borough of Kaw Brighton, intbeoooaty of Bea|Ter,|and State of PotmaylTama,ia' aa thorixed to commence tho boaincM of Banking under (he Act aforeeaid ■'' > -jTiJ. i -In teetimohy; whereof, wrtaeH I SEAL. 1“7 handand aeal of ofllee, thix aiith day of December, 1884, . \j! .. . HUGHM’CCbLOOH, - ; ; ■ . Comptrtllerof Currency. - K A.jjL' S. MQRANP.M.Q.. - r !AJID n^Q-SQH^ , i (Lat& A. 'A. Svrg i.. Artitv,} ■■ I IF I& E ETlb o; , ; ;:, BEAVER Co;, PIT; ,[j’an4| ; . -' i sobrn. . « ~ic7^&6 !"•- ! Maa. Exp’s, j Mul Cleveland.... • 800 am i 180pm' Euclid street [ 811 •• • j4l ,*• Hudson. ...... ' 015 <• 242 Akron . ...... ( Orrvlllor.’?... ;} ..’1...... Millorsbuig.. Bavenna...... 052 320 *‘f Alliance ...... 1100 f*j 1,415 Bayard v..;.,'. 11135 ■“J 451 ; Wellwillc.... I 110pmI 035 —... i. ; ' ! ; i| oou|g hast. dUnj Exp’s.', Exp’s. 8e15ir0....:...-1050am 415 pm '' Bridgeport;.. 1100 v 430 “ Lagrange...... 1112 J* ,525, “ Steubenville,' 1213 pm 555 Wellsyille 130 “ . 700 “ Smilli’BFetTy 152 *• L....... 1.. Beaver ,222 '.J...... Rochester 3?- ;230 “ 'YSS Pittsburgh ..j! 1345’ •» : 000: ••! IMPokrANTToFEMALES ■ .vyjl. i .in TtothedUtoly relieve, withotft pam v i. djst urhanccs ot the periodic discharge, wheth er arising from' relaxation or suppression.— Tiiey act like d chai pi in removing the pains that accompany difficult or. immoderate men struation, and-are the only safe and ; reliable remedy for Pushes, Sick Headache. Pains in the Loins, Back and Silcs, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Treipors, Hysterics,! Spasms, Broken Sldcp, and other unpleasant and dan gerous effects, of ah unnatural condition of tho sexual functions. In the worst;eases-of Flaor AUus,or WLites,they effect speedy eure. Dr. Female Fills Hire'been used ovke a uitAtiTER or a ck.vtu ny, They are offered as the onlysaft means of renewing interrupted menstruation,! but Ladies must ,bear in' mind that; there irons condition of tlio female system in which the Pills e'annol be taken without producing a peculiar result. The [.condition .referred io-li pregnancy —tbs result, mucarriage. Such is the iitesisiible tendency of the medicine to restore the Sexual functions to a normal con dition, that even theroproduetive] power of nature Cannot resist. il. : TA eg cannot doharm iit any other way. j| - } | Dir. Cheeseman’s Female Fills Are the only, medicine that married cnd tingle ladiet have relied upin for many years, or can relysupon now. Beware: (/ imitativni ■ These Pills fonn ( the Finetl Preparation eiicr put for adrd, with inunediafe.anJ : yertizlenf tueeeet. — DON’T pE DECEIVED. Take this ladVcrtise. menl to your Druggist, and tell him that you vcant'l/ie.birt and mott reliable Female Medicine th the tcorhii which is.comprised in [ •' ‘ Dr. CheesemaiL’s Female Pflls!! They hnqe received, and are now ij,receij»ing ing the saUction of the most ontneatPhysicians iuAmerica. , 1 .! Explicit Directions with each'; Box-Mhe prlce, OxE Dollar per box,' containing from Wto-’COiWIU. .|’V Pilla,'i seat -cmittim . by mail, promptly, bj-Tt ~.Jg .he prieelo'the : Proprietors, or any suthori ted.Agoni, -in current funds. ' Sold by iJfnig aisls generally., -j ; HUTCHINGS & HILLIEB, Propiictori,\, ■ 81 Cedar etroet, New Vork; - BQuSo|d Wholesale and Retail by Dr.S. Smith, Bridgewater; Dr. Marquis and J. H. Hannen, Rochester;! John Moore, Beaver,! and by all Druggists at Sen Brighton. [nov2S:ly AQ • i ' *1 ■ 1 ■I • I icman earcjdof Korrotrs Debiptjr, In- -uek „sf.. jompetenfcy, Premature Decay and Toirtht Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others wUlbcialppy to furnish to all who [need I; {(free of charge) tho receipt and' directions foi tasking the sitnple {Remedy' used in his lease] [Those wishing to profit by his eXperienfco- and [possess s'Valuable Remedy—will receirsthe Same, by Iretarn mail, [carefully sealed,) bj (addressing [ JOHN B. 'OGUENI ] | . i Kb (50 Nassau,Street,-New yb k.' I Jr v'-l-iT’:--l . TO FARMERS. [T will offer at private tale, for a few niontbs one 8-borsc power thresher and separator!, 'good ttb new andin perfect order; cne-haljf S Buckeye” Mowcriand Reaper“Excetsiorr Mower add Reaper, patent dropdeKrerj;-f Wagons Plows, Harrows, wheeled Grain Drill 4e. The above aioall nearly new and of tbo.lateat improvement. ■•]•] ■ q ■ Also, a largo lot of Salem Coo* and Parloi Stoves, the best in'iue and warranted inJiror respect. ; • --.j »• Gl COOK. ' •'.r : jickrDArlingioß, B**rer co:, Pa. . niar.M.'SQ.' .. j ij Ij -’ ’■ Election. TTIHE Stockholders of “The Company fpl ,'I . erecting a Bridge orer Big Bearer Creek, atbr-neariWolf Lanbln the oountyOfßaifrer,; are ber«i>y notified' that •an 'election for- oni President,'! six Managers and a Treasurer, *ili be held in the toir;bousc Of said Company, a: Monday lie 24th day of April; ncsL ins at Ip o'clock A. M. - }' ' “• ■■- ; J JAMES .thiUSON, r - | Trtas. mar.-bj *oi. ] > j i '! I .autteM diilj, a«a«*ed, «a follow.: l«, 60 P. U.ttwte ■ JIJRGfI R,AIL«-RO4D. stations daily, Sundays excepted, qs foliates: BRANCH. Arrives al Bayard at 4.10 PM . : ~ c 'V Philadelphia at 9 23PM F. li; MYERS, General Ticket, Agent, ,10KRE #4 ,_ UFE-BEjnSUniR. STRENGTH TO THTB WBaW i aatdr ilim,- libna. ■_ - ■„] | ; , I' ■ ;The *giJ sliould be certain tonfokethe Bio-i krone a household god, inasmuch as it will render them 1 youthful in j I'celiug and in strength, and ,cuabj<rtheia to UijC aver again the days of their pristine joy, It not only ex hilarates but strengthens, and is really an in raluabig blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self abnso, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause ofjthe impqtency of any human Organ, this, superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. Cures Nervous Incapacity; Dyspepsia, Depression, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, 'weakness of the Or gona of Generation, Imbecility, Mental.lndo lence, Emaciation, Ennui.- It hasa mast de lightful, desirable anil norft effect upon the ner vous system; and nil whoare in any way pros trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek la cure in this most excellent and uuequnUcd_prcparation. ■ - Persons who, by imprudenoe.have lost their natural vigvr, wiU find aspeedy and perma nent cure in the ;; ' j, ■ i ■ ‘ -J . .■■V‘ Blolsjpene. , The Feeble, the Languid, iheDispairing, the Old should give Ibis valuable! discovery a trial; it Will be found totally different from dll other articles for the-same'purposes., TO F£>IALES: —Tbu.preparation is inval uable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore,the wasted strength with wonder ful permanence,' " j - It is also a grand tonic, . and will' give relief (6 Dyspepsia wi.h the 'first (lose. A briafper sistence in its nse will renovate the stomach tondegrec of perfect health and .banish Dys pepsin forfcver. pne-dollafperßottle, orjiix bottles for $5. Jold by Druggist generally. Sent 'by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHIKGS & 111 LITER, Proprietor,, 81:Ciuab Stb.het, Nbw Yqbk. B®*-Sold !tt. : Marquis’ Krug store. Boohed er, ono dobr below I’oit Office, andwhole ,aiC and:sfclail by Dr. Smith, Bridgewater, Bearer .county. J ! [nor^&ly croir, COB & co., I Advertuing and Commisrion Agenti 1 AND DEALERS IN PIiINTING INKSOF ALL KINDS | Type, Printing ‘Materials, WAITING ANDI’BIATIjSGPAPEaCAEDSjJIO ; - -i ’ I ill t— I -L I OFFICES—-lirawnl QuihlinG, PAitatolpUa; Tribune BuUdiqgs, j" ’irk •, j ■ marS&lr | -[ BEAVER SEMINAR , ' - ‘ ' AND [■ ~~v| / ' MUSICAL KSTITUTE. Rev. R. Tl -TAYLOR, President.] QPENS MARCH 28, 18631 ■ | $58*50 ,v . | [Pays for Board, Room, Fuel, Light, and TniJ I ;Hon in .Common Branches, 14 weeks.- I I - Lessons on. Piano, Organ, Harmonium, Me-J hodeon and. Guitar, by superior .teachers; I I A Primary' department,; for small hoys, aind] [gills, will be opened. ,| I ; A liberal reduction, will be made to children] commenetng masielessons. - ' I Reduction, of. 25 ;per cent, on all hills niadcj to ministers' and soldiers’ daughters.' ’ [tparlS i ; ■QOSajBROTHER, i Go’s. Extra Chemical WriHrigFluid. the bast in ibe world at the Bridgewater Drug Store. Try it and lie’con I yinoed. Manuisclurcd i’y Hie Amen-cm'ln I [Company. ! 1 1 * 0 „ , B<ffofriX&"axitl 'ScroiKilougiDikirtii*.' 1 „ !**?•** ' '*’ **•**•’ ; '.‘ r *•’••'*./-'•»’ -Jfs — Brnpttons, JWgiplCT, ■ ■ ; e*rm, 8or««,«W«U Disease* of the Skla,. K ’ : JbM, StriiUttii i :(lri»!tif^£ngtn<i4'i4 “16i)ly do my duti to you and Hie, nubile, wUm I wd mr testimony to that yon pphttub of the tnoi dlrinalnitseteryoatP*n»APAßii,i.*ri U* " ter, cyn.nidiuir tor>yecr<,.wblo!i no nvra'uiMqtc id core until wo triedj-oar S.ißSAPAiutbi. Tbuo Jisf Ut« WelltofoomoWlmtlui.” ■. • n 0.. =-*» - "iVw» Mrt, Jane tL !tlee, ic tutU-lnntm md nine*) , ; XiJ... '■".,, “Mjr daughter ha* sullcnsrtot; a y 0.-i r niul wltli a - v Kroftuaid onspUon, Which Jffai Very troubli'.onle.'. Kotbisg sflbpaod' nr ruliof; mitil T)-c tried your euoul cqmplqtoly curyil Ucr/i. -■ Gnf*,. Hi'/., o/ lhcrtciiidp-£noial. - '-*-•• ' . p- •■•••.•• . ,fX had farwararil years s)p*y troublcrunor h*"°s s}' JV flMe. 'S'iili. gTuw constantly .woroß - 1 Si® ■ * dWlAnid my fiuturysanj becamo on iata\- , 5 I mble tHM »lm.i«'«bry thttMonurf' • [ f aaldof both sdrtee nA mrillefakj lmfelri««oUt,j»r-; J .reboi tybrierer, nmil, I toyjt.yout S.vu».u-«tn It Immediately made my fhc* worsc.aa.yntftWfl-V - It ndeht fora Umc; bntXn a few w*»V» tb#-'W>»f . •nd 1 am without of tho t jtat I know of.. I enjoy-writet* licaltb; r<)U without It ■* ■ doobtoiTcittoyoarSUasAPAiui.uL’* a,! 7 ’ Oeagna DobjHty—l»uwrs: spa. "■. j , t .jjßoodjj’g!■ 1./.V 'stm ItVb'-.'.'y • AW>* i \ -I-'. u Dlt At ml 1 seldom jail :in winyw , }'[ [ and Scntfubmi Soni brtnb por*eyOTln£nwpfjMuir .* f S.lßSAPAttnxk, bnd I fiare just aflar eafedie SlEck ot’J&UinaaiU JirfHpdai Mith If. Ko altrt'aUye’n.: I possess equals thet SX'imapa qibRA. you.bare.siu>, , piled to the prolcsaloajna to the ;• From J. K. Ifakfmatt, Oh<(>. ' “For twclTe yesrs, !■bad tbo yelkud tryripolii; «l“j^%iri=la^^td 0 ‘ o«di of dol&i« worth of modidncß. - • won! sd bad'tlifMhe Mids became' -' dostors derided my arm mpat bo amputated. I began Ukliig yonrSAfcs.trArlu. v. Tob> Iwo Wf ' ties, and some of ronrl Pir t.s. Together have ' cored me., I imnAwaajrell aiHl aouatlaaßQjptJotfy.. IWojiaaijMiblifrpliocjinjreMo i« iuouii to «rerv~ oodjr in thw commutiilr, and excites the \roatkr or * ■ - •ll.* - «■ -i M r. ro ’ p: / ‘> e -tXttccntttt, • C. ir n a leading of tke Cuutuiia» J’arlia-; . _“,i hare yonpS.\R*APACru.A In ipy CiiiiilT,: - - tor general rirbtlity, aid for pmrihHno (hf UoadS wilh.Tcnr bcneaetnl reialtsvand feel wutoktlco la eommeoding it tothe siUirted.” “ St. Anthony’s Pino, Bose. .Salt Shovin', , Scald Hodd, t J\rom ITcrrey, Siclter,\ Ktq., r/ tht .. Wemoeiwl, IVsssjlmsfwX - w-f ‘ “ Ouf ouly t*hil(i t about lluvc year# ofiagfli|Wti« * attacked by |)ltnplrfio;»[liU farohcjtd. . apreadmtil they fonnwt a loatlKomc an«f virulent' •sore, which edvvrort’lila face, and actuallv.blliulcdv. hIM cyea for scute UaVs.} A skilful nliysicUu nppllcd J nitrate: of silver und* ether without any appiiivnt effect. ’ Kor fifteen days nv jfiiordrd In* hands; lost with tlnma ho should tear otwn Ihu’fcs- UTingjuid corrupt wound trhleft wlsd »ec. .Having triedreyrry tlUng dsc we.had .vur’ ■’ hope from, we began giving your .. . nnd applying*tin? iodide of potash lefiou, ht: ?\ ct • direct. The sore begari to wV iriH gi>«i the first bpttlej and xsnk well when Wi* im\ ;u . 1 » the second. The rliiUl/« cyobwltcs, which had certt"? . - Out, grow again, and he T’t'now «■ 'ltcaifhv nhA fii* ’ ' ?• •» nny othiT, The.wholc udghborhwa i •thatrtlie child must *' -•• • -*. • •; ByphlHa ond ttorcurial “ I X/ri Jljrtim .5/tlfif, c>CsSt, Xo»Aj. Miss&urf. 7I- 1 • _V I find your »Aiis».iirAi:iu_v a. mure remedy for the secondary t-ymptoius of mid for syphilitic disease than any otlh.? wv. T|»e.piWiw<au nro Indebted w you Jbr seme of host medicine* we !mt tv» i->mn A» J. XVc«c/l;' .ir.]z>. t rovc«/iin. , .'Ai ihijj& irA ff ® "■• Lmrrrnc+y JPfM., <rAu|> ix o jfromh,tHt *f i r the Legislature of MiiimrJituett*, - . . “iMti ATKit. My dear Sir: I Ua>;c femid yzmr- - •S.VRSAparili.a ah fav* -r -. .liotikortlieprumiryluid ‘«’dWs. tnal ia.Bomo nweslhut were too obMinide'M rich? to other I do n<»t know what we e-ii on moy wlUi tnvtvcurlaliitiyoraucceafctWla’w nAV'jt'.V.' ' ml dUtdiw Is r ' : f*; , djr. f7uu* Xifsf/% «/T.vX» f?r«n»»r*iW ’ l«ad on hU h*gm eanaeiOiy ithe ahriic or rmrewy, or nicnrurivl dUttur, whl«h Kfirr , ■ ahd more oggravated.for year a, in spite of rVVn remedy «* trcnttmnit that «idld ha aptilM, untiUh*^ 1 t Kraererfcignre of wcasercan- bc tound raoro iuiffllcraihAn i-> eerauout anil dXfed' t'hrt'lf .i effect of this SotnernwwfcqMlrv'.c howorcr, in aid of tlicl ?*AnsArAhit* sfeU-uit ,? application of local remedies. ‘ ; -. ' 1 J-'rovi .iu* trcU : ln''i(*n\ At* - ,v Jncot) .ir rnli, . ‘ “ T Junx found your'Kl\nsA«*.uti4.Li..ui v\*vljhi. alterative in disease's" bf feuudeX' t ;eß*es, ot. IrregubrtifV. lntern*!* nVcstfen. p»rl -. local debility, tlh‘><roail«tu*Pl«tln*si i *i | have yiclded fn It, mi«V there, are few that do no. • > when Us effict Is properly aided by , ' A lad#, to jtWnip ih* vuhVqitioH cjthy~]. d |dy daughter and thvaelf har»* Iwni cured.of a * i very debilitating LeucofrhoA. of limg. Ka»uliog < , *i 1 twol»ttlwof7onKSAkH.u*AßlM.A.*V 1 J* v Btoumstiian, QoutljLjycr CimpXgix*, X>y»-'.. ■ ‘ .pepoia.'Heartj piacaae. ITeuifllgii, wbnt cimluHl l)-.- SVr.;r.l|.i In thf . cnrjd bjr this i’xr. ■ ' Ixr!a 1055 <- 1105 “ 1143 « 1209 am 1240 •• ;ioo •• 225 ■** . 267 •• 887 •• 402 • • 413 “ 433 “ 600 782 V 808. V 845-“ MttoV 1047 •• 1129 “ 1201 pm 1243 “ 116 159 •' ..■247 i 313' « 847; *< . 405 505 f 533 A 600, f 685 “ 725 *■ 830 r < C.ZfcC c.z&c Accom Exp’s. 440** 552 “ 7uo “ ,800 “ Olt! •< 9do “ 305 pm 605 - '720“ 849 040 “ 1000 * Ma [L. Accos 620 am ,360 pm ;515 “ 625 “ 005 - 733 > • I 745 “i. ! Ba> “| 1 842 4 ,* 045 » ■ 1.1005 « noo Ilia (545 “ 800 ‘ AYER’S V'-v,-.' CAT If A-IITIX ’ PILLS V possess so many advantages W.t <U‘‘ oth«j!,‘,' I purgatives inrth'o njnncd' it’iwl their mtparW*, ". I virtues are so unireival.lyknown.that,'yenned ■hot do. morc'.than.tu the jniblie fliei i is maintained eiptalAd the best U rr . e • Phok'Seen.nnd tlnit they may deiKuded or; _ to do all that they have ever done.;' ,* . X , Prepared by J. - C. AYEK, M. I).‘, £ C0,.- I Lowell, Mass., andjroldby i ■ I ‘ Bst,Sold by J. Moore, Heaver;- l»r. fniiiii., • 111 ridge water; S.J. Cro33,Roclie«tet; I’>‘. Sen' . Kent, New Brighton;' and' by dealers overy [where. ■ e ■ ‘'novV’Bl i-s.■l I -.- t ADM IX ISTRkTOirS MOTIt'.Kj \\ T HEREAS letliers, ot'adwtnisl ration '.>W, IW- estate of lau t;£ Big Reaver to u nship,; Beaver entity,.-I ebns.ij. ! deceased, havinghet it duly 1 e tli < : nt\. i , deraignea, 'all'iiersb is indclU«J to, fl»ul, -esUi*-, are notified to niukc immediate i>ayiiienj,;»iil those haying elainis agnii at Jhc seihbAjiU.vtiv sent them phopcrly aulhmlioated fo^r' feltls-, mentwithwtdoiay. !. . vi ' ! ; ' J(.»n|X REEVES, Adiii’r.. . ''■ . . year ißriclnmv. fibres;' ADinjn.STA;U'£OK;S SOTieK; ;T letXERS Of adminill ration on llii'.osioio' I I'i'. of Aujlu GonMkT,.deeM-,;4ate:'of^lllr_ Boro’ of Beaver, IWarOt Bounty,- having he«ti r • granted fo. the undersigned, all perioda-iO debted to said estate; afe requested tqunaVo immediate paymen , audthoge baring olaUna against the same tv ill present them proper authenticated for.jiettlimqht.' . ;.i ‘ :-/j J'i-i. ■ ; p. B. hrocijq, Admit- 4 v - 1 marS'Cu I ■■ r. . | ; 'gjtaffir, 'Pirr ■ EXfiOU’iCQB’B NOTIck LETTERSteatqtnentary On the axial*' oj jJ'ouH ’Thomas,' Tatjc'of .'Kprth ijqVjcttj- . township, Beaver fondly,' P»., 'SeC’d, '{raving been; granted to tl e pertobe’ indebted to said feitate are idquesled' to rnnlU,-- immediate payment, and those hiring sgainst thesame ;rill present thenp ppopri j,, authenticated for settlement.'' .*, " ' ’ . _ 7 fi •J. a T iOM'XS, North SewicU. ( : J.-fe FaliUloii, mar.29,’du.3 ;|.. / ’• * ®»ifc«l«r<'' Lakid. .' f IMiE undersigned haVing* eatiitiffshe i no". ,1 AGENCY F<!)R THE BALE 'OK. RE Ad. CStAXE.'the OV 'BOoSA'n.U', COOPBR f QVJtiy. no.v jronid-OaTi thVHI lention ofbi<Yaieiida Til c ’Weatem'Pcnnaylr(i. - nia to the unprecedented low prioefopeMdli'T land, qf the can he bought at I life'- : present time:' desirpuapf .huyivg., cheap? finds aTil£ recelv*/doe attention/ i)v calling it my nffiee in ytOoneville, vwherothfP . will find all descriptions of farms dathe; eki-.?-' #r, with prioe,-mmti(m > &p. OfidejlSorgnn, “T ■jMISdS.’V: p JOH^mtC^Ll.^3; *' S '*■ ATrtOUfM, AT',>jeA\Vx .' i'idrt'/:, /■/iY-V.i.:, v, ;; OFFICE in tnc Soff:liovn oxlicmil v : **V ‘ ‘r«- Nftiionnl el fnitprof.’''.*-'.'* * *' "Tv- UWE r? El ? ■ r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers