■r un « ® 4 ' r.:T' i .1 "il ” i '*• ■; t K B. lPopgs£|«dM C ' - ! i^-'v | w ® tbl s xriM liberal **&*■ ___ :*• j.J/yf;’ ','; the.^p-^rldN*Sl«^ ' 1. Station— I Grbiwo ; fi*BT.I :iceaa-'j»f|fa^^e^^Ji£M^^M||c^ *)!<***’. D “: I f-' I^~| Va .* ,u : the WMders ofcaj!Upablie. •!ff^GoV- J ?.-j SSSSm^M l -r" iw-' Arrive? ?•*■■ ?? — ?r, !'? : ,v| - J : is -■• * 11 4 ®. ' svba^-seceesa s£»•• ’’1 “ £ “H^i S ?‘ &*• *l. ' - ’.“ * ....J.?:2o'Jx.‘during^rty^Sree, flaw iljcv subscribed ; nd / tbe for one hun^- f.B- * ..■ e- ;: -: - ri. : '■ L' 1 '4ied r and : sixty-pne. million dollars, pf tUo J -'a. r. |~-3ft liOitti., : .-.|rherfl|'can.be.no Btnmgop . oviJence of pubHb in Gbv r; !!ernmlsnt ( securities;. While beady all j other stoeks have' gone down [from a; m. ‘.twenty to fifty, jind even a greater p m. ' P er ceilt - within a few weeks, all forms pj y. jof S. bonds andtstocks. bajye.retnain p" JJ‘ Sj e(^ '^ rm . exce P* fhol slight fluctuations t‘. m. iith.?t fire incident to all rapid changes |in the 'money mai-ket Our readers ibgter. will remember fhal the subscribers.lb. k»‘ M* 1 w J’ 1 ■ I ■• ' *•','■ P . the 7-30 Loan receive somi-aocuil in p. m. torest at the rateipf seven and throe a. m! Moths per cent.,per annamTii eurron a., m. cy, and at the endjof three; years from . p.* 1 u,ie 15th. 1865; they will have the L—pr option of rocoivinj payment In full, or converting their. notes into a 5-20 Six per cent, gold it tercet bond. ' The late great dccline-in the' premium on gold makes these notes more desirable | than ever .as an investment, t,nd it j should not be.forgotten that the r ex | omption frpm state or municipal taka i tion largely to their value. There is no interruption ih the receipt of. j subscriptions or the 'delivery of the notes. All banks, bankers, and others acting as Loan Agents, will pay sub scribers the interest in advance %om. the daj- of subscription until Juno loth. 1 ’ The Lady’s Fbi end.—“ Grandmoth er’s Story Tis the significant title of the handsome and expressive steel en graving of the .April number of the! j Lady’s Faiesd. The story attached , ~to it,-by Bella'Z.!sp£ncer, explains the CVTICIIii ,■ significance of tin engraving’.'' Then U, persons knowing themselves indebt- have the-uaTual richly colored dorthh . cd to mo for subsctiplionito; the Denver i ... 4 . i -prior 16 Jan/Ist,-,1865; willlplc iso call. :f *tcel rushion .xliite. *Tboii ft variety Ipoynpat once if they wishhd ,w:c cost, bf other. cr.gravin/rs of the faduons:- U authorized' to rec£i ro and . .. . P r . . . •Ipt for the same. $ D. L.' Lm jrik. / work-table, &c.h Tben . lor nu.sic, a j! j; r '.. song, “ I ifuilt a Bridge of Fancies.” C}lew Adyeriisomentsi 1 Thor th|o usual anipubt.bf literary mat VTepall the nlten^ofdoflsadora! teg, including “ : liavir.a> Edncition,” a the (nWowing «dvcrtisomcnl!i, in-; hyijJulia Gill;. “• A btoryjpf a llouse^ icrtcd iov Uto first tifiie this week : hold r by Mrs. Itosmer ; “ Larry O’-y Card ol ,Üb«». B .Hurst,!i Notary ,It eal T 8 Ghost,.^^• li>" Emma M. John- P’ultlic. i ■]'i ; aton; “ Two Kissos,” by Ida Mason ; pHr,mm llich, dfercl.anl i’.jilor. f j j“ An . .Everyday. jStory/. by [l.eslio I Executor's police, |Vm. Wa'M l ’; ,;l i'our Bj|rU»days," jbyjFrAn »«right, dee’d. ’ll;';'. , : ces.Lee ; “ The .Statue in the Block." J OrplmW Court Rale of tract c f land /’}'• Eealrico Colonna ; Novelli os for In Xortli Sewickloy Twp.,-EsfaM of P ri b s-Depnriinent, litcc-ipts, Michaels, doc’d; ; t.Ncw &c. I Xdllco 1 to SlockjhplUei'S of if.inilh's Fricc 52.50 ; 2 tjopics ; 9 copies (ferry A Little BoaVoi- i’elroloiin Com- ( 816.00 ; 21 copies SOo.OO. Sp .‘cimen lianyV ' ‘ i i: i jj numbers will to those d ;srroiis WAVNE & CHICAOO ' Rochester Station^-GoiNG.EAs Leaves Rochester Air.At • vn Accoro. 6:52. a: m 7;30 “ ,6:52 la. m.;...; 18:80 12»5?P. M...... 2:40 “ ■ 3:05 jp. M . 4:45 #|Bng“ n , 4:20, K H (5:45 I M .; ( l:oo'A^M...:.^f&2o 2.00. P. K 13:20 * '|r:2B :r. k:...V; 8?30 » S V GoL: Wist— !i, [ leftTes.Bitts.' Arr.atßoph • v'n Accoib. iKOO A. M...... 0:45 l^nghnAccom^ jiDngM t ; 4;30 p. 6:02. u • •'5:30 P. M...... 0:55 ■ <*, • i6:40 a. M....:. 8:05 N,1 r „««. 2-,10. a.3:20 W 1 * . 2:00 p. h..V;;. 2:15 ! jd EiK 688 ! WJI v gniNN, Supt|, E. GXSTLE 1 BEAVER VALEEV B _ roule opened from PillnburgU Cl ,j!e. Youngstown, Sh won, Mercer, Fw W ffi&K«Awg.s:so^.i«ri 4:40 1ft 1 Shipper, nonW </» »o give, fhfa ,eif *««S» ion- Prempl ottontWH ;W: ircn la forwarding freight. j •' WM. I). IHCKSOS, Passenger A| " J (V. BLANOHAKD’, Goto. Slip' THE BEAVER ARC: APRIL sth, 1865.; | LOCAL and MISCELL AUS ■ V - i ; ;■ r: - * ■ ■ l“-.- ' Orphans’ Court Sale ol Townalyp, J.‘ ][ iioc’d; ' i Jay (Jodko, 1 pd Vertisijtiilar.t- iuf" ’ limoi 730 . \ : .ft u. 4 ' rr- ; ■ I Agricultural Meeting. Jhe Managers of the Bouvet Coun>; Agricultural Society met 1 pursuant the cull of tif said’ :ioty, -ti I" thO Sheriff's Qfficqkjon the 'lit motion oloetedteugh idcrson President, and D.jvjL; Inf brio scretaryof said Board. Grounds vroro rented to I-. Imbrie, ho being tlid highest' I'iddcr. f' ' •; : ; • The 27th, ■2Bth and 29th of So'ptetn-j her was selected for the jtinie 1 of hold ■Jg the Fair,unlp es otherwise'6idcred. Adjourned, to meet 'on Saturday of April next. : . R. U. Barclay, Presid Beaver Feinale Seminary. ' , tyia. institution,. wo. arc l g ad to, l * trn > opened for the prese nt, sea-. 10n ®°>ier. the most favorab]e |auspi« C *M twenty-four nowboaiders - in! to some forty prfilty old up the buildings totheir uti capacity. We do, not Jjnpw tbb number of day pupil 4 ; mt un| !| *»nd there are a great many ,«nuni ■ we are. informed, qb,ou,t one and fifty: oi tyro hundreds—■■ J° Taylor has'secured in the mqsi j ‘ld literary .departments; of the th 0< finest' teachers 1 in the to any other niuary esteru Pennsylvania. 1 Ai'e are* °f the great;pro?perity fo |. ; We £nui {t fi )nu , aaJ tlla t Pibff Taylor* will •ion T^ U .^ ?e P a P it B present ieputa- Wei- « er . c^al ‘8 0 wo‘believe i will soon So the Wr l,n K and successful Sem ~ ln the land; "■ ; ' ;' J : . ! end °** he s< »Mler. 6 „ M . &T * 80(1 are being foAgTil,4nd ft JM i; ob ■•' ho wldier his periled hl» »uhtd Reb f 1 l Gapitoi; this f ?««t pr *y® d for -i Cifnyou >>i«»uffTrw‘v g soldier . "bo hw r«<iucin» »v *ccompU*binriyour ili Niem... !_ 7 New nklin re at ires' al- ive at route 11 be )US. i) Bor-- May,. of making, up clulia for 15 cts. i Wheel er tf Wilson's celebrated Sewing Machines', are . furnished as premiums. ■ Addroan Dokcon & Peterson, Walnut-strect, ■Philadelphia' \i I .V Great Panic uji Dry Goons.--Prices reduced.over.-me-hi.ilf at F. A. Fortune's [ Cheap'Store, in Rochester, next door to \.the Pott Office.- —il Bleached rmjf lin on | ly 15 cents ; i Drjowii, muslin, nply 26 cents; 4 4 Heavy Sheeting, cents ; I 1 Case fast colored Prints only 20 cents; I Caso Mornmaclc Prints, only 25 cents; lark Delaine*, only 31 i cents; Spring Delaines, tnly 25 cents.. Gome early and avoid the rush, and get the first chance. Remember the place,; Fortune’s! Cheap Dry Hoods Emporium, in Koichoslcr. ■' X - . ~ / Death op AVitNEßaisle Minister. Bov. Elisha PijSwift, D\ D.Jtho so-i nior pastor of the Firat Pi-esbk-terinn Church in, A.llogiheny, died yesterday at his residence on the North Common in. that city, at aij advanced agje. DfJ .Swift was one. of jthe. oldest ministers in this county, having been connected with his late charge jn. Allegheny! and the Second Eresnyterian Church; of tbiscily, for al period' of about for-* ty five years. Ho also held the pjosil tior. of Secretary |of the Foreign ftlisk sionnry |Society. I For the past few years he- has bojea incapacitated, by disease, from, attending regularly to bis pastoral duties, and ;has'been as sisted by his eldest son-,’ Eevt Elliott E. Swift! Although his death {was no{ unexpected, it wjll cast a gloom «o.yor bis many friends] who have for so lm»V ny years viewed-hi|ra ini the light of a counsellor and friend.— Com. Aprils'. • , -;r| : .'. .• I -,L iccond' lent^ Hash Experiment.—A days ago a young: ( mah;. was. found suspend' oq by ;thfo heck.iiitho noose ofa rope Imng to a peg ■ in a barn, in Oninoyx Massachusetts. He was;ouh down; uncdnscious. Ob being restored and questioned as to why be was! in that position, be. replied that' be bind been thinking about a man that hini self, and thought he should, [like to know bow it would feel to, fie bung; but the rope was not so lon as hr thought it .was,. |., , Smam' Bank llrtl'in stallment of onerand two dollar Na* tioeal Currency fibtos was issued from the Treasury, ilpnday. They. will be givenito the Bankain theorder of their dates of organisation. The P:rst Na tional Bank, Philadelphia, (King the oldest* jvilf be the first supplied! '■' : Ip ■ i ' “ - ' -t •. . ii IMMEHiI ! letter weeks’Since, ! and was mislaid. ■ We ■ •o*NKlsji)N U. S.~GB»: HOSPITAL; ) Camp tyhnisoH,O .Feb. H, >65.. f teemed' time and events pass along, and wS approach neayertho close of life, early and vaMd frlejnds appear the more endearop- .arijl -those from wboni’.wo have beeri'separated, you and vputs, are often thoughts* think‘how grjeat'iho privilege of see 'eK r y ot i[ a Aj fl 4 ttl F' s hd enjoying, your, company! agqin"on earth wbula bo.— But, del irable; as this would be, its re alization jig So uncertain— indeed ’'so' improbable, that we avail ourselves of ihoj .pen, do: have; onemore importecit season ofj communion'with you all.— Weilivo in r lho immediate vicinity o,f this General where' I [have b'eou: ; on|dHty| ; as .Hospital Chaplain, near,- tnrlee years, having : beeri apv pointed [to. thd> same by President Lin coin jin. Jelly, 1862; 1 havebeen alone, except asj aidfd by ministerial visitors, chaplains, Ideal;: ptjeachers. enlisted &c.j in| the great Union army ! KecontlV; the 1 authorities, have given me a colleague, and an excellent chap lain, some time pastor of the Presby-; terian Church in M’ConhelsyiHe, bhid. And it ija well fbr the patients and my self he iisj herje, as I have been confin ed to mj* j house some days With a bad cold aqd jagtf back.; lam noWhotter, and hope sooh to resume my walk and daily lubprs,;iln opr wards,, -jfi have; in’all seyenty five separate wards’— Our present number of suffering and convalescent[then is nearl7oo; but we have numb oped some 2500 at oneltime. Constan t changer are occurring; men roturnit g to jduly at the front ori elser Where, discharges from disability; ex. pirption .of tipie, deaths, and [even dome dtsortipns—notwithstandirfg the fearful penalties. , i ! Oiirjc.utieslaro numerous and [vari ous—vi siting lluynen, correspondence, official and otherwise, in their behalf, attention to! visitcins, &c. The! reli gious ner-icos in our commodious Chapel are two. sermons, .'two: public prayer-meetings, and two meetings for Bible' Cjuss ckercisos each week.: And I rejoice to add that'seldom are! tegular Pastors sustained in tbhir ef forts a; wo pro by pious and exerapla ry chnstianS of many denominations. I have been most happily disappoint ed ;fn t iis jmattei . It would ybp-ve-y mpeh to hear these Veterans : sing, ard and speak Nt ourlmcet ings. I dopbtMf ever ther<w was so much intelhgeuoo and-'piety in an iarniy; yet there is hutch wickedness jand ii difference in our midst: We have witnessed many clear and hap py; ;cor versions in our meetingk and some < n the'couches of the sick and dying, and . yet how many are yet uiisavcl ? the Lord give success to his j\Von| everywhere. “Pray for jis that lifs Word mayjlipvo free course ‘and;ho glorified.” • | I Our dwelling! house is commodious’ and our family small, except when we yield- (jo the importunity of strangers to jlma - d them. tyrirriijs, my colloaf uo. iy now with us. *] * * -* * * [MaryiC. encloses.B2.oo for your, ;avori,lo “Mission church 1 ” If you at o s'.illj able [to write a few lines, be a great favor to receive them. Hoping youj.may nil onjoj- the, fullest .measure of; every blessing (of {which ,j-oii arc cnpjablc, and that the dloso of yojir.lpnf- and useful life may hi tran quil and happy,;l an;, ns over ypiir at’. iehtio'liate brother!;; the host oljbonds, i _ Nx-rn’o. Gali.e^pkir. ,Wc 6ali 'the attention pf oajr » to the advertisctJion t. of Mr, Merchant Tailor, in Bndgewa* o bo fj'urul , in anntUcnJcolu inn ich k.-jops the of J and makes tholii up iii the rashiohable and neat stylo jif any 'n.thq county: Call and silo him. reader Bich, lex, t Mr. Ei goods, mo v st f tailor j • ■ TO i’lioTEST.— rTho Confederacy >no to protest; in England, its having been dishonored in Liv- I. Injtho meantime, \J. S.j bonds quick demand abroad. \Vbat-. ■he Anglo rebels realizof from investment ir. tie rebellion, will no special envj^J; on this tide of ter s!t least. ' • ■ ■oir' ' .doxi Una g drafts orpqol arerin ever I, thfejr ii excite fefaoi wji [Tiiij: Chops in the West.—Agontle man 'who travels with bis eyes open lias, junt returned from Indiana and •Cforllerh Illinois. Seroports Wheat put of thr "’inter'looking finelyr \vhi! ;eildth fins beep sown Cndlana.— The I tuit y sound. • br 1 ', I' - ‘ ;\v lat ease had) boen tnec >h turned a P<>.“ M»o -*'thd word me. horses or the horses only-, it .yas decided to mean the hmer.andthoDdWo of Marl* bprougw, who was thc;piairftiff, lost ■the suit. ,[ ,j _ . PiißsoNAt —General ! McClclli at| present jin Rome. 'The Get .says the correspondent of the i “has icerfaijnly no expectation spcedjy termination df the war is how devastating his unhappy wy.?v ( ■ J. • Bxtehdep^— i dispatch from Washington to Governor Curtin says: The timofor raising new organizations ris horpby extended to April 15th, but I this'does not postpone nor interfere with thedraft. Mustering officers will co:ntii|itiej tq~Tttnßtgr in. -■ j tTHHE: Stockholders of .“The Company for ’ Al- erepting h Bridge over Bigßeavcr Creek, at flr ritorWoJrLancia the county of Beaver,” are hereby notified.thit an election !for one Preaidbnt, its! Managers md A Treasurer* Will 'be held inlhetoll Muss of eaidCoinpany, on Monday the 24th-day of April, next, commenc ing at iO’o'clpck X. M. , i : ■ r:;:l ' ■ kar.ilO,, Treas:-. r 1:1 1 'n DRUG BTpitE. ii . i |i.l .vD^av,.!i ■.* 1| ■ •.! )•- •. f .■ | - i~' : u\ r. .i-.-H £■■:•' AA. ‘iMs D. S. MARaOIS, H. D., ■ ?ixuaS’ Gor.Bndges%alld.t4le Diamond* ..'.■? ROCHESTER,. PA., 1 i-i- TT'EEPS CONSTANTtY ON HAND A l\ FULL ASSORTMENT OF ,' j . IP TJBE •> i> IR/TJ <3* s, '■ [ • X.: ■■' iT DTE STUFFS; ■r ' lev ARTICLES; FAN pnjs : & 4rl23:^3S ; „.; L ]; And. Uriondies, ; ;'i FOB MBDICAD PUBPQgEg. i | THE GBEAT ■u . IN lIA T.TIT> RKBfi) UR, : 1 I.' ‘tyLOltlLiNE'i"'^ : - ■ • - AXL ARTICLES <»F rt} sta rioisrEit rsr i Usually Kept in a Drug Store. Ji< ■ -,i ~ 1 If . . .’ • , PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS ll' ‘ " I I j ■' 1 .1 ■ i 1 . ' OABirUUT qOKPOUVDID, :j [ PLEASE CALL* AT THE*' ROUJIESTPRORUGITORE ; I IN TH E D IA M 0 NO . COUR __ milE Commissioners jOf Beaver enmity wii JL* . attend 1 , ‘or the purpose 'Of hearing Ap peals in the several townships, os' follows,.rh: Big Beaver, Sirs. Millet’s, Monday, March 20; Darlington ;bor.A. J. Oiok's Tuesday' do 21; . ! ido ■ jjljtp, V. do do ■: do 21; S. Beaver, John Bowe s ’Wednesday, ; do 22; Ohio, M. R. ■Dbringer’s!' Thursday, do 23; Brighton, R. Bakin'S, friday,,., 1 do 24; Industry, David Bakin's, Saturday; i do 25; Chippewa,.Aiariah Inman’s,Monday, i, do 27j Patterson, [John Sims’, jTuesday, do 28, North Sew'ickly.NL Huzon’s Wednesday do , 20; Franklin, Jos. Phillis’ Thursday, i do 30, Marion, Geo.' Hurtzcll’s, Friday! do 31; Pulaski, Elwpod Thomas’, Saturday, April 1; Georgetown, ; C Calboun*a,Monday a.m; do 3; Glasgow, John M’Fall’s,' do ‘ p.m, do 3; Bqrough, Connnis'nors |offioe, Tuesday’ do 4; Bdro’ tp, |, ]do f Jdo —do Ido 4; Ni Brighton,Keystone betel, Wednesday do. n; Faliston, Sanil Edgar’s. Thursday,;, Ado 5; Bridgewater; Hanry Aukeny’s; Friday, do 7; hJ>ilUpsburgl H. Bimher’s, Saturday, do 8; Harmony,jEconomy holjcl, Mon Jay, do 10, Economy,! Geo. Neely’s, Tuesday, '■ |Jo 1 1; New Sewickl|f, O.Rausohers, Wcdhes'y do 12; Freedom,. S. jFurnier’s,; Thursday; ’ \do 13; Rochester Roly W.D. Johnston's, Friday do- 14; do :tpl do . 1 do Saturday do-15;' Raccoon, David Ewing's, Monday, ‘ do 17; Greene,’ B Swearingen's,, Tuesday, '■ do 18; Itookstov.n, ,do ; 'do ido 18: Frankfort,!.l. M’Cutchcon’s.Wednesday do' ,10; Hanover, Robl Harshels, Thursday, j do 20; Independence, ,W. Johnston’s, Friday Jo 21; Hopewell,B. house,Scottsvillc.SaturJ’y do 22; Moon, WrpElliplt, Esq’s, Monday, ■ !•’ ; do' 24, ' The principal Assessors of. tiielr respective districts, are required io: attend; pn the day of Appeals, with ;their Guide Duplicates. Also all,persons claiming eicbiptionjfrom Military Enyollment, jwill give thdir attendance on said days of Appeal,' and make known the causes upon which they claim exemption. By order, i ! t w. S'.' BA lie Bay, Clerk. ■Commisloncr’s Office!'l . i , March; ) 211, .ISOo. j j beat eR Jeminauy 4 TAYLOR, President. MARCH 28, 1865 $38.50 . I, KoomJ Fnel, Bight, andTui mmon Branches, liweeks.,: mno. Organ, Harmonium, Me mnr, by Mnperipr teachers. ’ Department, for enmE beyg and ' opened.'-j' ! -i , .’ j • ednction will be mads to' children music lessons.. i, ’•J, ' of 25 peij cent.ion all bills made andaoldieps’ daughters.; [mar 16 } • s Rev. R, 1 QPEJTS Pays for Boart ‘ i tiou in Co: LessonK on I lodeon and Qui A Primary girls, will be A liberals commencing! Redaction to ministers’ SPRING OB' 1865 ! i r|o WALL! V an- i 8 noral/’ Times, iapee, ■■ INDOVV .SHADES, I I BOBBERS, AND i I I ! ! ; DECOBATIONS, A ND EVERY ARTICjjfcHHSIE PApBR HANGING LIHEj offered tothe Trade, end.buyere. generally, U the loweet pnpcs possible. *®rCall and eee »t , A°, 107 i/atktf tL bttwHm J&tr* and fflh tit., | • " lf " m>f VW JDS. (,JU; fllrtTHßQ* *BQ. i • of a which ooah- H'S NOTICE. X: ETTSRB Bfadmhuaiiratidn flu the estate X 4 , qf , GoBKLt. 'deold, late 'of the porp of Bolder, Beavercoonty, haring bee* t 0 ft? ““deraighe'd, fijj persona in dabudtoaaid estateare requested tomake immediate payment, and thoaeharing eleiTpy agamat the saine ■will present them' properly authenticated, for settlement. , ' *. . ■ ■ ■ I ■ , ; I ; P. B. YOUNGMdm’r., P** BBB ■r: . . >.i : Bearer, Pa. TJOSS BROTHER, * Go’s. [Extra Chemical JD .WntjingFlnid. theheat in,the world at the Bridgewater Drug Store.. Trylil odd he , eon, Tweed. Manufactured hy the Ametrcan In j Company '• t s. j} p\ “ J ! I .7 - t - 0, , I, 1%1 =I \, •* s ‘ OF! APPEALS. On md aflqr Dee. 18, 1864; | 1 Trein* wi A~FO.. :! A ! P. iQL^Trefejw^Tfoi enanxs aatsa wmj. : r;.| E»’*i :MAib. E»>. E»’a. 1 , - MAii.jEae's. Exp’s. 1. Exp’? Pittsburg’..— 210 ax 640 am 200 pm 300 pm Chicago..;..7. 450aji ' 620 am 550 pm 1020 pm Rochester— 820805 '*♦ 816 “ ' 415 E.lslilEJnno -520. “ ! C 45 “ 617' “ 1055 N. 337 “ 820 “ .880 “ 480 HIC-ERCrpa [ 530 “ 056 “ 625 <• 1105 “ jEnon—42s « OiS “ -4241 “ 622 « Clarke > 606 “ 718“ 655 “ 1143 “ Columbiana- ‘5Ol “ 1005 “ 508 “ 600 'M Hobart ...Lr.".' '{sB “ 739 “ . 720 “ 1209 am 5a1em......... 581 “ 1088 “ 585 “..688** Vnlparasb.... -SCO “ 800 •“ 745 “ 1240 “ Allianbo ...... 625 “ 1140 “ 635 “ 785 Wanatah—.. ij'itaij- “ 823 “ 814 “ ' 109 “ Canton 712 ‘t 1240 pm 725| “ 825 !“ Plymouth .——BlB “ 830 “ 927 “ 225 “ Massillon«... 735 “ 100 “ 750 “ .855 “ Bourbon—.’.; ii ESO “ 95? “ 957 “ 3257 « Ornrille.—.— 'Bl2 “ , 142; “ ,828 0 --910.“ Warsaw-...;.. fIOOS “ 1028 “.1029 “ 3887 •* Wooster .1;;.. 848 “ ,2lBj “ 905 “ 1016 “ Piereeton—i;Tlo32 “ 1047 “ 1052 “ 402 “ Loudonville - 939 “ 320 “ 1000“ 1120 “ HuntsvillC >1043 “ 1056 “ 1102 “ 418“ Mansfield-.™ 1080 “ 425} “ 1100}:“ 1218 am Columbia—.. 1117 “ 1112 “ 1120 “ -482 “ rwaUinU llAr- tIOO “ 500; “ 1180 “ 1246 «. Fort Wayne- 1240 pm 1216 pm 1225a* “600.“ 1180 “ 640 am 1261!am 5 125“ VanWfert 1 — 226 “ 146 “ 732 “ Buoyrus . 1159 “ 710 “ 1220 “ 153 “ Delphtm— 1 812 “ 202 “ 224 “ 808 “ ,U. Saiduaky. 1240 pm 767 “ 109 “ 280 “ Lima.. 1 ......... ! 847 “ 234 “ :800 « 845 “ Forest. 116 “ 835| “ 144 “ 801 *J Forest..;;'...;. 525 “ 858 « 417 “ 1015 “ Limn.......... 284 “ 1010 “ 300 “ 414 “ D.Sanduaky- j! 600 “■■ 422 “ 446 “ 1047 “ DelpKos.Bl2 1059{ “ 845 *‘ 450 “ Bucyrus;....- 70ft-“ i 506 “ h 829 “ 1129 “ Van Wert-... 842 “ 1184} “ 417 *• 520 “ ,',Ar 730*“ 620 “ 600’“ 1201 pm Fort Wayne-- ( 520 “ ISOpji 600 “ 700 “ presume j| D# , 650 am 610 “ 640 “ 1246 “ Columbia-... 604 “ 228 “ 645 “ 745 “ Mansfield..— 780 “ 048 “ 718 “ 116“ Huntsville.— 624 “ 253 “ 758“ 805 “ LondonrHie-,1 855 “ 737 “ 759 •< 159 “ Pleroeton 634 “ 306 “ 718 “ 815 “ Wooster 1015 “ 880 “ 848 “ 247 “ Warsaw,...,.. 654 “ 832 “ 741 “ 834 “ Orrrille-. iloso “ 900 “ 917 “ 313 “ Bourbon——, 726 “ Att « 817 •• 906, “. MasitiUCn.—.f 1145 “ 985 “ 956 “ 847 “ Plymouth-... 762 - “ 848 “ 980 “ Canton ....... 1200 “ .9§5 “ 1017 “ 405 “ Wanotah..—. 905 626 “ 1011 “ 1040 “ Alliance ...... 120 pm 1040 “1130 “ 505 “ Valparaiso;.. 927 *? 700 “ 1087 “ 1100 “ Salem 205 “ 1116 “ 1205 pm 685 “ Hobart 958 « 742 “ 1108 *‘ 1126 “ Columbiana- 230 “ 1140 “ 1281 “ 600 •' Clarke....;—. 1015“ 811 “ 1184 « 1149 - Enon_... 820 —1220 am 112“ 635 “ IUC.BR.Crda; 1045 *!' 851 “ 1263 pm 121SFm N. Brighton- 466,“ 1258 “ 155 “ 710 •, R IsI.EE J'n. 1055 “ 901 “ 1218.,'“ 1226 “ Rochester.-. 420 “ 110 “ 210 “ 725 “ Chicago[ll2o “ 980 “ 1246 “ 1250 “ Pittsburgh ...| 545 “ 226 “ 820 “ 830 “ "elAnd & : pitts |ee. 19.1864, Trains will leave CMS Oajsifd after MI n ) C.Z&C C.EiC ! Mail. Exp’s.’ Mau. Accom Cleveland.... 800 am 13Qpm 8O0a!m ‘ 315 pm Euclid street 811 11 141 11 ’811;“ ,828 “ Hudson. ,•..... 915 “ 242 “ 915.“ 4501“ Akron-: ....!. .1 ....i.... 1030 “t 527. “ ‘Orrvilic ...... 1 ......... ....1.... 1229 pm 643 “ Millereburg.. ......... 213“ 750 “ Ravenna 952 “ ,820“- ......... .......... Alliance...... 1100 “ ,415 “ ...I. Bayard.. 1135 “ 451 “ ......... WellsTille.... 1 llOpji C 35 •' - aOISO lART. ! '• ' , i Mau, Exp’s. Ex?’s. Accost 8e1a1re........ 1050 am 415ph 950 pm ......... Bridgeport... 1100 “ 430 “ 10(2 “ a........ Lagrange 1142 “ '525 “ 1048 ......... Steubenville. 1213 pm .555 “ 1105 ‘ f C2oam Welleville.... 130.“ .700 f‘ 1200 “ 720, “ SmUh’aFerry 152 “ ..;J L„,| 750 “ Beaver ....... 222 “ ...i;..,. 835 “ Rochester '... 230 “ 765 “ 100 am 845 “ Pittsburgh; ... 845 “ 0(H) “ 210 “ 100 Q “ t - TUSCA&A 1 Leases New Philadelphia! at 1 •• | Bayard at 340 P M IWORTAMTnFQULES sswmej- Will immediately itelieyel without pain, all I disturbances ol the periodic discharge, whcth- j ,cr arising from relaxation or Suppression.— j They 'act like a charm linj remoying the pains t ; hat accompany difficult or , immoderate men struation,' and arc the only safe and reliable remedy for Sick, Headache, Pains in.; the Loins, Back and Siie i, PalpitAtion of the Heart, ferrous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant and j dan' gorous effects 1 of ’an uni atural; condition of the scinial functions. iTti the worst cases of Fluor A thus, or Whites,the;r effect speedy cure, i .Dry Cheeseman’s Female Pills j Have been used dvee it c cahteii or acestc kT, They arc offered as tho only safe means (■of renewing interrupted; menstruation, .but .‘'Ladies mush’bear in mind that there is one ' condition of the female system in which -the I Pills can hot be taken nfithdut | producing a peculiar result. Tho condition •referred' to “ result, I miscarriage. Such : is the'incsistiblc, tendency) of the mcdrcinejto restore the sexual fiinCtiouS td-n hormal cdn- j dition, that even the reproductive power iof ■ nature cannot resist it. They cannot do harm in any other wdy. Dr; Cheeseman’s Ft Are the only midlcinclh it ; ladies have relied upon for ma rely upon nowi ! Beware of in Pills form the Finest; Frenah i ward, with immediate and, pe DON’T BE DECEIVED. Tal ment to your Druggist, and t teani the best and most reliable in the seorlf, which is donjipri Dr. Cheeserdan’s Fei They haqe received, and at ing thosanction of the moat e in'America. ■ .= j, . ‘ Explicit . Directions With pricq, OstE Doxxab per box, 60 to 6Q pills. i-J t Pills,/ sent by mail, prpmp the price to the Proprietors xcd Agent; in oorrent funds.. ._ gists generally., L ,'j I i■ ■ i , , HUTCHINGS * HILDIEE, Proprietors, 1 81 Cedar street, New York. , BSft-Sold Wholesale aid B'etail by Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; Dr Marquis and J. H. Hannon, Rochester; John Moore,l Beaver, and by all Druggists at New Brightbn. [npvilfcly ; JS .hereby given that the partnership; hero . tbfore dieting between A. G.Jl’Creary, B, Briggs;' and Benjamin Todd, under the stylo and firm of/ ••M’proary, pfiggs &, Co.,’’ for the purpose of Carrying on kbo bosiUeea .'of milling, dealing in ifrainj flour, fped, &0., at the Industry Mills, 1 Heaver Cojaijty, Pai, has. been dissolved by mutual nonsept. The books are in the hands of their successors, Briggs & Bro., at the Mills aforesaid, who are authori zed to settle all business ofthe,firm. I | i A. G. M'CREABY, B. B. BRlh"" BENJAMI febs 3sroTic?E. National Bake or Bum Couktt V . ' New Brighton, Feb.:.l, 1886. ! f rpiffi Stockholders of “the 1 National Batik i JL *o?Bearer County” arc hereby notified that, the unpaid portioipof the CapilalStockia jire<gj|iue4 f° b ® paid at the Banking bqusp' in ■instalments as follows, yii: Venty-flye per cent, thereof, on the first dayt f March next, and alike, instalment tiipon tl e first 'days of May,'July and September next t iercaflcr. Bs order of the Board. j ! | ; t , EDWABD HOOPS, febls ’65, ' '-1 V- ,; ' Cashier , ! A. L. S, MORANQ, PHYSICIAN A3T {Late A. A. Sing *H? 12/ E E BEAVBR C . ** -i & CHICAGO RAILWAY. ~, StatloU daily, Sundays* excepted, ■ M follow* -SiSO'PIM. leaves ijlmyi) '. as ieagott: BURGH RAIL-ROAR. - stations daily,;, .Sundays exieplbd; as follows. tit.' ! ! " OOIKQ XOBTB. c.Z&C c.zac Mail. Exp’s, Aoco* Exe’s- WcllaviUo .r.. 440 am 505 pm ......... ......... Bayard.:.' 621 “ 640 “ ...1 Alliance 1 ...... 720 y 730/" ......... Ravenna..v.j. . 805 “ 815 “ ......... Mlllersburg.. 440 am "305 pm Orrville; ..1... ...:, 552 “ ,505 •• Akron ........ ...L.i... 700“ 720 “ Hudson..:.... 839 “ 849 “ 800 “ 849 “ Euclid street 942 “ 949 “ 016 “ 949 “ Cleveland.... 955 “ IQOO “ .930 “ 1000 “ » j 0011*0 WEST. . ' | . Exps. Exp’s- Mail. Accok Pittsburgh ~ 210 am 245 pm ; 620aV 250 EM. Rochester ... 880 “ 355 ‘1 735 •• 515 “ Bearer .; .V 745 “ 525 Smith’s Ferry ......... Jso “ ; 605 •• Wollsvillc „. 430 «« 500 “ 842 “ 645 “ Steubenville. 525 “ 650 “ 945 “ 800 • 550 “ 715 “11005 ‘t ......... Bridgeport. 802'“ 1100 “ Billaire. 815 “11115 “ ....... PBAtfCH. Arrives at Bayard at. 4.10 PM j “ New Philadelphia at 9 2-3 P M WAS ,20 PM UFE-SUUVBUIDfL STRENGTH TO THE WEAK! OUTH TO THE AGED ! This preparation is unequalled as a Rejuvc nator and Restorer of wasted or inert func tions. | . x , The aged should'bc ccrtam tomakclhc Bio krcne~:a household god, inasmuch as it will tender | them youthful in feeling and In strength, and enable them to live over again the dayfe of their pristine joy. ifnot only ex hilarates but strengthens, and is .really an ln- Taluabls blessing, especially to those who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self abuse, misfortune, lor ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impotency of ajiy human superb preparation will remove tlie effefei at once 'and forever. : Blolireiie GjUrcs Impotence, General -1 Debility, Nervous Incapacity, ‘ Dyspepsia, Depression, Loss of Appetite, tow Spirits, weakness of tho Or gans of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indo lence, Emaciation, Ennui. It has a most de lightful, desirable and novel effect upon the ner-’ votis system; and all who arc in any way pros trated! by ncrVcns disabilities "are earnestly, advised to seek a cure in this most excellent and unequalled preparation. Persons who,’ by,imprudence,have lost their natural rigor, will find a speedy and perma nent cure in fte le Pills :d and emg'lt ;ars, or can m /. | These ever put for i i siiccrss. — s advert iae im that you ale Medicine x -[ :■ •. • 8 Pills!! sv receiving t Physicians ■ The Feeble, the Langnid, the Despairing, the Old should give tbis^valuable discovery a trial; it will bo found thinly different from all othoi; articles for the same purposes. ,TO FEMALES.—This preparation is inval uable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore the wasted strength with wonder ful-permanence. ' I- I It is also a' grand tonic, and will give relief to'Dyspepsia wi-h/ihe .first dose. A brief per sistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health and banish Dys pepsip forever. , ‘ Onodollar per Bottle, or six bottles for $6. Sold by. Druggist generally. Sent by express anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS g HILLYEH, Proprietor,, 1 81 Oedak Street, NewVobk. |@TSold at Marquis’ Drug store, Roches ter, one door below Post Office, and whole sale and sotail by Dr. Smith, Bridgewater, Beaver county. £nov23ily Boxr-the lining from r remitting 17 authori [ bjf Drug- MI EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. "TTTHEREAa letters testamentary on the T T l estate of George Met*, late of Now Sewickly tp.,Reayer Co., Pa;, dec’d, harm * ' limned, all parsons requested to make loss haring claims ent them properly it. ‘ I TOO, 1 w t neb, ; Kxr ; few Sewicklytp. Sc CO., mission Agents PALL KINDS Materials, PAPKE CARDS, *C ' '/ ■ -r — * OFFICER—BrCWfi' ißnildinS, Philadelphia: Tribun'e Buildings, ' erk ’ ' mar2«:lT , 68. ' }■ TODD. A. Gentleman cured of Nervous Debility, In competency, iPrematiire Decay and Youthful Error,' actua&dby iy desire to benefit others, will be happy iq ftpmish to aIV who need it (free uf charge) tfifr receipt and directions for making fhe^, simple Remedy ussd - in Mb case. Those wishing to profit by his experience and possess a Valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by retlirn mail, (careftdly sealed.) , ;iy addressing ; v JOHN If. OGDEN, ' iNo 60 Nasfau dtcait, New -York, i augl2:Biq' r 1 ’ M. p., U S. Army,) ■ po b., VA. 1 Op 4 I . - TEAuis ooiao I&BT. 629 “ 640 “ F.K. MYEKS, General Ticket'Agent. BloKrene. .*■ ■' ' T> ■' • <g ..'..1-. , •• ••••; m sm* mm I*4, 8o?o(hl»and Sctaftilptu Ciseagos. ' T ';■ i r fVoni Jbflerjj 'Eila, a o*._ - “T.hivn »pkl SAMArA- •’ . nu-UV, botncvcr yctono botlls wWiii Moil df ilia . ' desired effect nod faltsvllitbrtloa (olliokc '> It. M tint n Mu'people tty It.thcjrngrccdiere has :i been ad medicine like it terdn.lii.fiu; eumnitmUy.”. . Eruption*, Pimples, Btoteshe*. Pastels*. CU ' : cersJ Bore», end nil Didonce* of tod Skin. . / From lir«,lt<ibl.Stratlag, nrttlal.Euglnml. v « 1 only df my tftity td you sod when 1 add my tenlmoUy to tint you publish of the me« •' . dichutlTOtnc* ofyoor BAwriniM. h' ter, aged tcn. hnd an aQlettas homer In hcr . ernTud. hair for yean, which ore were unable to - cure iratltwe trledydur'B.u«mr.VKiLu:. She hdf;'** , becn weli for some mouths!” 1 . JVom itri. Jane Ei Kite, a. mtl-bumn end murk- . ■ ettapudladgo/DtnninWe. &pe M*v Co., S. J, A ity dnightcr haa suffered for a year pint wlth i acrohuoiriruption, which Woa very troublesome! -- Nothing affetaed' nnritcUef until ire tried yowr. -i SAna-vpamixA, whlebiiodn *“”4,““.”. From Charles py Gap; Esq.,. M the Kiriely-knoan _■' Gage l UUrrav <f Co.i.matmflieidrers of enamelled " i. paper*to Nashua, If. IT. r l -;- “f Had for-.-aereral year* a rcry lrai)blc*ome ij tumor In my,face, which grew CTasUntly 'worso • until itldluflgnrod my features and became-mi Into! ' crable jrfflhjuon. I tried Almost every thing £ Dtai|: canid of both Advice and medicine, bnt without aoy., relict whatever, until I took your S.vksapariUa*... It immediately mado my face worse, aa you told m» It might tbr a time; but ;iu n tfcw week* the new. ■■ . akin began to form under the blotches, and con-.'r , . tinned until my face la as smooth as anybody's; : ■ and lam without any symptoms of the disease that, I know of. 1 enjoy penbet health, and without a . doubt owe lUoyonr S^BBAPABti.M.' r “ ! r i-- .Erysipelas—Goners! "Debility—Purify the , v ' ■ b ■- ■. Blood. 3 ■ From Dr. Uobi. Sascity Routtan SitfJ&w , Thrlv “ DbL Ayer. ! I Beldom to* remote *; and by thg persevering ui*oryour: Sarsaparilla, And 1 Qirejut now cured A nUfk ’ * of MaHffnant JSrviipdat watt. Ko dtentiiffw* • possess «qul» the BABSAPAHUU m havo.auon r pUedtottejnofrsrionoa weUM tolhcpoopfc;’’ ’ From /, R. Johntton.Ktq.% Wahtman. OjKtd. ’ “ “For tweivo yelrifl had the yellow on my right «rm, during whkh tfeio I fricdUll the . j celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and - dreda of dollars worth Thfl^mn 1 ; 1 'ao bad that the cords boeamo diibhiibdtti. y doctors dedded that my am moat he amputated. I ■ 'rantaking yonrSAKS'APARiUict- Took two hot* i' 1 Urt.apdßorac of jour riUA.Together they hare. mimktatu •* funaowuwell and covotl as any body, Being in apnblia place,my case la known to; crcrr ' in thu community, and ezoltoa the wonder of IVdn hom Henry Monro# M. P., qf -Xetcccrtilt, _ ; C. >Jf., a leading member qf the Canadian .. . *«c»r r . i ’ i ‘ 1 ** I hare nied yonf SarsapAbii.t.a In mr family, for general (fehuiCv* and for purifying the biood, . .. with vbryjiKniJflcUi rc»ulta;aud fem. confidence, in • conmcaaing It to the afflicted.** Bt. Anthony’s Firo, Bslt Bhoum % S<mid Hoadg.Soro Eye». v From Itnrvey Sicller, Fsq„ the able tditor qf iht 7\inkkannockJHv*ocratv rfim«y/ronM;. 11 Odr only cliild, about' three years of age. was attacked by pimples on Ida foreheads Thmr rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome .ana Tbtdsnt T | •ore, which covered his Ihcc, and actually blfodod . his eyes for somc-dsys. ‘A skilful physidsa applied nitrate of silver ana other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen daya we guarded Ms lumdsl lest; with them ho should tear open the fes- . teriug and eorruptwooud which covered Ids whole . face. I Having tried every tiling else wc had any, hope from, wo began giving your ana applying the iodla<t of potash lotion; as ■ direct:. The sore began to heat when wn had glveit 1 the first bottle, and was well when we had finishcVf' . • theseoond: The child’s eyelashes*which Itad corns ootpgrew again, mid ho is now da henlthy and fsir. ■ aa .any other. The whole neighborhood predicted ;• that toe child must die.” , | Syphilis and Hercuriol. \ •' Prom Dr. Hiram Mitwirty , * k li find your SAKSAVAjtiLt.A a mom efi'cctiml i remedy .for the secondary of Syphilis and for syphilitic disease|imn we possesii. The proiesnion nru tndebted to you for of th*' -' L ,■ best ihcdkiuca wc have,” . i’ioia A. J.'FrvncbiM. D, % on -.y 1 7^irrcu^c l f 3fo« M tc&o u a prominent manbtt'- of « the\l*yi*laiurccfstasMtlrJiu*ttt*^ y , . •‘Du. Atkb. My dear Blr:'f liare found rour BarsX rA ui’i.la an excellent remedy for sppkiHs t s > ’ both of the primary and tccowlnry type, nnu elfeer' , tual in some cases that were too obatuisto to yield; ' th other mmcHlfes., 1 ‘do not. khmv wlpjt w*^fsu’tSri i ,*■ ploy with-morc cc-rtnlnt y of success, where a po WSp> lul U required,^” . . (. Mr. Chax. S. JViu Liar, of Xew l*V. J., \ • had dreudful.iilcen* oiihj.n fogs, caused by ' of mercury, or msrruriol which .and inoxv.aggravated fory<»ar», ih,spite of t'vovy. remedy or triNitracnt that could be applied, untit tlw ' pcrseverlngjtseof Ayf.r’h rothwetf' nim.j Few wises can be found more Inveterate nnd : distressing tlinn this, aud it took eevursl doecn,,... i bottles to cure him. • i_ Loucorrhcca, Whites, Fomolo’ Weakncafii ' are generally produced by internal Surofufirns V}- . ciraitou , and arc v-cry often cured'hy Iho nltifnttTM. ’•* etTocjb of Sahsai»auii.!.a. 'Bonic enses VcNiiiiroL ;. however, ,111 aid of the Sai;<u»aisi!,i'.a, tlw skilful ' • appUculiou of local remedies.’ ... .‘ • From- ti is .nxll-lnvcn mu! intlely reltOrnfeti\ hr. .1 ..lard* dforr///, of fHiirinunti,. ' * §rifavt» found your Sai:^vp,\uii.la an excellent riitlvn ia dis»*ri«es -of fcmaieH. Many hr •gulnriiy, Leurorrlnca, lifienml l lcoratioti, nrfl fdebilitv, arising, from tlie scrofulous dlathesi*. to it, and theK* are fevr thsf.'do noti' wlkii its effect Is properly-alded by local tn-atmeiu.' , A\ lady, unwilliutj to ifliow thr. -publication vj kcr : ■ r p. . wime, tm*/cs : . -i. . “ Mv daughter and myself hawllMvji eurfri of a very debilitating Lcm*6rrlMna of lonk'sfamllng, hr • two bottles of'your SA|SH V^ARU.LA. , .* ♦. • • Bhoumatism, Gout, Liycr Complaint, Dya^ pepsla. Heart-Dlaeaso, ifpuralgia, v when eauKod hv Srroj'n/o ln th\> «v»teru,aro wr*idlv cured by this SAKSAPAinr.LA. ’ ' *’■ : V ‘ Y ER *S gAtiiaiitk’ .vu,lh y possess-sb many advantages over thll oilier ! purgatives in' Utc market, and their superioi- , virtues are so universally know n. tli a t w.e m-eH ■ notJdo more thatl to mspre thy p.qtilip {Kpi£ ■' quality is iiiaintnujcil cqtjnl tolfip'best it ever 1 has been, and fliatdhcy may be depyinlei} oil , ' to do all that they have ever done.', i ' Prepared by J. C. iAYHR, M.P., & CW LoweU, Mass., and iuld by , ' BgjuSold by J. Moore, 1 Beaver; Dr. Smith, Bridgewater; S. J. iWhcstfr; Df. Par- , genf,| New Brighton; Jjin'd by dealers every where, , v» ( ‘ ; nnW'lit* r 1 MME. DBMOUKST’S Quarterly Mirror qt Fasluqnq. . WitKfheat Additions, '■ TOT BUMHBB tItMBSR CONTAIKfI four LARGE <j- SPLENDID FASHION. 1 PLATES, THREE FULL-EjZF.D . ; . PATTERNS OF DRESSES, ' ■ : ' , , ooMPBiaiJJo iriß ‘ Now French Waist,, in Ulefcajit and $ ■ Misses Saokj cif Now nnd’Beautiful 11.: BRAID AND, EMBROIDERING PATTERNS. Tqgel^ririth'nearly 100 EngrtTingsof '• ‘ all the novelties for, ' ■ Sumner Bonnets, Cloaks. Trimmings, n Children’s Dresses. &0,, ; I" And valuable information Vq Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, hijd_ Ladies generally, pre senting the largest- and best Fashion Maga zine in-the World,- published 4J3 Broadway, N. Yi, .and.'sold-erekywhere afSti cerfts, or sent by mail,lpostfrce, on receipt of the am'l in stampsi-or silver. - Tear $l,OO with the fol lowing valuable premium. V. • ; '• 1 Each yearly Subscriber will beenUtlod tg * receipt for the selection of Stf cents worth' of: plain patterns, from the designs ini the book, or from the show rejoin, or they may bo or dered add sent by mail any ; time during' tka year; by paying postage. . J ", ’V 1 *; JgkJSplendid Inducements to Canvassers gp%,Bummer‘No.nowre&dy.' ADMINISRATOR'S NOTJ ; CfS.' ; LETTERS of administration on 'the e*- 1- of Iff*. Tocjtn, latoof Bsden, Econ omy tp,, Bearer c'o. ? deed, haring bp.cn grant - ed to the undersigned, sal persons indebted ) 6 said are reqneswd to make immediate payment, aira those haring claims against said •state'will present them to- the subkoribor property authenticated ihir settlement-'' H JESUIT yOUNfI.VAdm-s.. : - •/ Badon V ADM IN ISTBAffOK'S NOTIOK. il/ HABEAS,letters 01 administration qu VT the estate of fkds;, Hqbsb, Ute if BJfe Bearer toftnahtp/Be'aVfir codnty, Fernis.: deceased, haring been July granted to the un dersigned, all persons indomid to said eslaU •re notified to make immediatepayment, anq Uipsy haring claims against the sank will pte f«it Ipem properly anlhenUhiled for settle meat without delay. ■»*:- * 1 "■‘rJUHN ’..EBKyJSS. /' ■fwbrsi BE i* Sent liij jlit ij?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers