$ ft % THE | BE&VERti ABGOS. ,ji; -'Jv ’■ «‘ r ■ >i**j f * p’i 'i'* *i f M RiQ}unond is Ours.?’ . |i;’i •' n ; . Nevq| mnce its natal- -day did the heart o|illhe nation bound aa When a few hqpra ago the telegraph flashed this intelligence from the front.- Almost four ycars’baVe elapsddsince pur firet moved; Against, of anxiety and pl,ternUp failure and‘hhjfcchßß’hope find dcspoiliicncy,, during wjiich the treas ure of j|le nation was lavished without stint anil its best blood poured out like wqlqr, and the people had almost ■ oeased tb hopq the fulfilment of the > often made and broken by "> our military VBut hour faqa cotpe and tbe.|aah at la3t. The I stars pod ptripes float over tbe Rebel Capitoi'again; and the last hope ot the Confeppraoy flies with tieo’s be- fore Qfant’s victorious bayonets, i Ttp capture of Richmond does not iramc|jftloly terminate the contest.— , Leo. unite his forces to thoapof - . and protraetthe struggle; for n.jfpw months in ,the monhtains of Nortf>| Carolina or South-western Yir - giniaj put without a Capitol, without •. railrdpd communicationsj with a Gov , ernm'jeot driven hither aud thither by the accidents of battle, with a dispirit ed and defeated army and a* despond ing pqople; the end is inevitable. The robel)jor.'s has received its mortal I wound, and wo' have but. to ■ guard against,its dying struggles. , | , All honor to the Generals and to the bravo army whohave given us crowding- glory of the war! ■ ii *• •*. "V . v The River Bed Swindle. —-The ed-. ilcrpf the Beaver Argus, a member ■pf the late Legislature,- In - deploring the dfefeat of the. river bed swindle, sayajftliopfeaa have, by their oxcqssj jvo mwor of bribery, contributed to the_lh|jury of the State.” He contends that ipme bill of the kind.should have pass6a; aa the percentage paid to the Stat| ; |vrould have made the Common*' wealin'richer by millions. Re does rioh|rwonld bo the parties who might obtain the Tight to use the bods of the rjve|p. It some conscientious | and respbhsible parties would be content If* receive ten per cent- of the profits ibovi'all just and proper expenses of ope|||>iiig, and pay the residnejover to this State Treasurer, wo do not know 1 .but what a proposition to lease • the liver beds would be favorably en tort||ncd by the people, provided we wer|||to yield the vital principle bl no /■ * obstruction to river navigation, which ■ can hover be done. As to the pay racn| bf the State debt on fivp orjoveh ten jper cent, of the probable products, it wpuld, require a life time Ito j wipe tut the ‘ thirty-five or forty! millions for the State is obligated. " ' : The above, appears in the PijUaburg ] Commercial of the 30th ult. “The ecu itor pf the Beaver a member of the .late neither (wrote ■ nor suggested tho article alluded to, and was not aware that it had been pulilished in the JLrqus until his ptton tioqjwas called to this comments of the Commercial.* In'cotnmon with! every tax-payer of the State, wbb under stands the. question and is not con trotted by any countervailing interest, , wofijegrot that a measure, which even t. its pippionents'admitted must have ad. de<| | largely to the revenue of the • ’ Stdte, should have died in-'a factional Cgb on its minor features: Iffthe un told; wealth ,^alleged to sleep: in the ( / bef ipf the Allegheny, can be reached’ ■ - without obstructing the public high way: and interfering with ’ vested rights, wo desire that it should bo de veloped, and will vote again, if oppbr- J ta|ity offers, as we would have vpted j, ' op||i the tho late sossion j. Wo neither know nor care how ma” 1 ny |imUions night be made by the per ficmh in whom the title to the river-bed . mik vest—certainly not nearly sp ma nypu have been made, from lands in for which the State received . ’«jj4|ut fifty cents per acre ahdl pb roy _ Wo have never niidoa calcu lation of, theprobable profits.; It was lately asserted, however, by t|he oppo . nents of the measure at tho!late ses sion, that this problem had- bepnsnb ''. mitted to .some of the Pittsburg dai« •lias —the Commerciar included— and that they had ciphered it to a solution ... * satisfactory td themselves. Some * pjausibility wa* given' teethe state* . Tpeat by the fact that the gentleman Who does the virtuous for Com . mereial seemed, to sleep Upon bis post ap|il forcibly aroused by the public s||timent manufacturedaby the Pitts biirg oil interest and tlhe dirty, water protest of the Board of Trader * As us, theknown probity of itbe Pitta- giving slight- Wji credit to. the assertion, and we re- it only as one ottbe monstros ities invented by the ftnemies of the fetll to impose upon 7 the credulous and ft: - - ; ; ■■: M • . . / Coerce the weaknerved of the Legis aturo. ■! If tjbe Commercial can find conscien* tious and responsible men to devsop \ the river-beds in behalf 'of the Stktai ’ at a compensation:of ten per contain, : we will urge in these bolanips |hat the privilege bo granted them, and. ; such men can certainly be-found in Pittsburgh, whore conscientious and rtssponßrble A.nd traVi ng trust jibe’Cmmercial' wßl~ptwhll upon the energetic capitalist!, "Who: havomade that city what it ; is, to |kntnnd to the Sfate all except .ten per i centum of net profits, of the proceed si of .‘the. coal, iron, and oif,'developed i|»y them upon lands adld fpr a pittahceVby the State', and from which they have realized their 'millions. If the Commercial can convince them of the porrectness of its views In this regard, the Slate debt will he paid and it will deserve the lasting gratitude of every citizen of the Commonwealth. As to the obstruction of navigation iftho writer for! the Commercial ever saw the,hill,; he knowe that it provided -that navigation should not be obstruct, -ed. If the privileges conveyed by it could not bo exercised Without inter fering wiib navigation, ithe Courts and ’■ Juries of the oil regionsjconld prorapt ,ly nullify the law.: ;| j V-! ■' Warpebt of the Iloyal States. occasion, recently, tp In quire into this, amount qf indebtedness incurred, by the loyal States in the prosecution of the wajr for-the.sup* presßiojvdf the rebellion, The aggre gate so large as jwe had suppos ed it to be. The statistics] are official add wo have thought ■ivouldbe of in* teres tto cur readers : j|' _ , _ 1 , The total bonded war debt of Mich igan'is 81,122,800; Th(j; total military expenditures of the State 81,601,0001. .The war debt of Wisconsin is 82,071,- 000, and of Delaware 8480,000. ] Connecticut in 1861 |\jras out of debt, and held , 8400,000 interest bearing stock. Her fbnded debt! Is now 88,000,4 opo, unfunded debt 88,000,000, total ,Uu»» War indebtedness, $1 The disbursements mount to two andofie of which bassoon pa nary rpvenuo" except ds-fandcd debt. ; * Without creating York lias paid from I enue/or military purj . The war debt of 774j600 The war debt of K This does not include ges! suffered IhPrice’i ject Is now being invi The dobtpfi Yen for war purposes is S Of Illinois §2,050,0 Rhode Island has ( itary purposes §4,00 includes all tcwn ; >8 for these. purposes, 1 assumed them. -, The expenditures mount to 8411,408,31 red 'in protecting ho: the Indians, j ;The funded war §4.800,000. To this a million for aid -1 families in 1864, but iB6O. . J •Kentucky Has boi war purposes to the 000 pf which she hi\ leaving her present 000. lowa has expended §BOO,OOO, her bonded debt for which is §300,000 pay* able at twenty yearo|. / - The war debt of Mjissouii is §6,526,1- 575. *' - '|it- -I Massachusetts' has expended since the breaking out of [be war, §27,207,' 652. Of this sum thbre are now 6ut« standing liabilities to the amoii nt of §14,506,000, | [ \ The war debt of Ohio is §670,713.-^ This js explosive of claim's for damages; from the Morgan raid, recently idju dicated as follows: j 1 | Damages by robijs,* §428,103 I do by U. St troops, 141,856 do by Militia, 6,202 ' The war expenditures of Indiana have been , 1 ; The war debt'of iPennsylvann. is 3,- 000,0006 percept, ajonds payable in'’7l. ■ ' A. large I portion <if this indebtedness has bach incurred ijn making advance' monte to tb oUni ted Slatosfor thecloth ing and subsistencoiof troopsproparing ior the field, bo reimbursed trom the National [Treasury. Penn sylvania has already received from the General Government some tw > mil* lions ot dollars, by a credit for the a» mount of tho direct tax of 1861 and by direct payment fr i n the Quartermas ter’s Department. : C - /»' * 4 I V ,000,000. (ft Maryland a-> ■lialf millions, all id from her ordii 11501,000, wh ch , - Lj“" t . , any d&bt, Njew dr ordinary rsv loses $14,353,035. iw Jersey is s2,* ipsas is 8676,4 51 claims for dama. i raid,whioh sub setigated. font, contract gd 1.400.000. )0; • szponded for aul. 1.000. This ji in rid county dcbti the State bavin; 1 ' - ' of Minnesota Jj, mnehof it in;u !r borders aga ni \ debt of Make ijS lo bendded hi urmshcd Bold ic hot payable un •!■■ i' -= trowed monofy fi anioani of 82^10, f repaid 81,705,000 indebtedness 8505- SBVEtf-THinriEB.-4-Tho su b scriptions to the 7-30 loan halve avoragodaiboal 12,000,000 per* day-, notwithstanding the momentary crisis, and there is on ly some 810,000,00j0 or 812,000,000 of the loan left. Thej number of! small subscription? have; steadily 'increased,. esMciauy in tho West, which {shows ib»;ihe popple are taking the loan, which’ BJtich mikes, up for any defU ciency iy the great financial centres. GB ANT’S OBEAT MOVEMENT. ,• : Crir f^«trr|April^.i Hon. E'&£\\Bkinto§' JSeifet&f of TFaip C ■! A dispatjeh'lß jut r«eivW showing that. G«o. Shanaahj'-iaided-by-’-Gew 'Warren, had at 2 p. the enemy back so as to retake the Five Forks, anpl bring his own fleadquar .tera np toFortfikdasnAy *V The Five P6rka was' barricaded by the -enemy; and w*W carried' by Gen. Diven’s Ibyisfonjof cavalry, i This part of ttip r iseern now to be trying to work along the .White Oak road] to jojn the maid force in front of Grapt.whilo Sberidaln and W arren are pressing them =,a«| closely as possible.' | ‘ f-i. 1 A Lincoln. -, - :C|tt PojNri'ApriiZ, 5 a. m.' To HonrE. M. Sta Mo n: : , A dispatch from General Grant says that Sheridan’s cavalry and infantry have carried all before them, editor ing three brigades (if' infantry, a wag on train, and several batteries of ar tillery. The prisoners captured’ will amount to {several, thousand;' * vV' ' T. S. fiOMBH, . ■ Assistant Adjutant General. Pity Point, Va-, April 2—8,30, a. m. Ron. E. M. Stanton, TFrtr: LastjaightGenorjtl Grant telegraph ed that'Sheridan, r with bib. cavalry | and the Fifth Co^ps,. have captured three brigades bf infantry, a train of wagons*- dnd several batteries, the prisoners hmoantin’g.to several thous and. Thiso mornihg, Grant having ordered an attack) along the whole line, telegraphs as' follows; ’Both Wright atjd Parke got through the euemyjs lino. *'{The battle now fa ! ges furiously. Shdridan”wsth his cav alry,-the skh corps! and Miles’ division of the second corps, which was sent to him Ibis is now Sweeping down from'lhe west. 'Alt- now looks highly favorable: Gen. Qrd. is enga ged, but I have not bad any report from bis frifnt. { A. Lincoln. r ; ' CiTY jPpikT, April 2—ll a. m. To E . M. Stanton ; • - , Dispatches are frequency coming in. All is going op finely. Generals Parke, Wr ght and Ord’s lines arc ex tending from the Appomatox to-Hatch-, ops Run. i They have all broken through the i enemy’s er trenched lines, taking some i forts, gun 3 and pHspnors. Sheridan, with .hls pun cavafry, the ,sth corps and part of the 2d is coming-in from ' thP West on the enemy’s flank, and I Wright if already tearing np the ; Southside Railroad. A. Lincoln. ' i Pity Po nt, Va!, April 2—2 p. m. ■ Hon E. M.. Stanton: > ‘ •' , At 10:41 a m., {General Grant tele* graphsas Everything has ' been carritd fromjtbe left of the ninth •’ corps; sixthjCorpa aloro captur - ed moro tian three thousand prison ers: The {second ] and twenty-fourth corps hot! > captured a fort, guns anp prisoners il rom thAonemy, but 1 can ■ netj tell tie numbers; -We are now • closing art und thjo works of the line immediately enveloping Petersburg, j All! looks 1 remarkably well, .1 have not yet heard from Sheridan, Ilis headquarters have been moved up to Balhks’ Hpuse, near the Boydtown, - road, about thre|o miles southwest. of [v Petersburg. j A Lincoln. b City Pmnt, YaL, April 2, 8:80 i>. m. g Hon. E. M r :Stanton: At 4:80 p; m,| to-day Gen. Grant telegraphs as follbws: Wo are now np and have; a contiguous lino of troops, r - and in a few hquts will bo entrenched st {rbm, the below Poters • burg to the nver| above. -The wholes j. captures since tho army started out will rotjam;onntJ s to loss than 12,000 ‘ 1 mlon. and piroba|bly fifty pieces of ar-j '* titlery. J 1 do not know the number of il men and guns accurately, however-: —| Alporlipii of Poster’s divislou of the ; twenty-fourth corps made a most gal-| lani charge thisjaftornoon, atW cap-- throd a very important fort from the, enemy with “its entire garrison. All seems well with , us, and everything quiet just now. A. Lincoln, . oionil in. OnrPos* ' session. I I. 'I - - vi" ' • ' ' ' liicll i .■ - • .'f 1 ■ I in Command of the City. I . , ’ i M: [ ■ i ■'' Gprrrt in Pursuit |of Lee. . . ij ' j! Weifcse Gen.' :'r ram jyoEi:,, April 3, (>:5O a. m.| I Prcskenjt Lincoln report i that Re tersburp is and 'Jen. Grant jhinits Riohttiord is also. 5e is rush* ing on- jo cut cff the Rebels’ retreat, j . wksijiNaTiN, fibril 3 10 a. m. Maj. Oqi. Dix, New York: . ' \ ; It appears from a dispatch of Gen.- jWeitzell, just re solved by tlis Poparj mont, tjbat our forces ,und sr : his com mand are in Richmond, htvitfgtakon it at 8;J 0 this morning. . I. E, If. Secretary of War. Was PsPARTitENT, Washington, ) 'p Apnl 3, 12 A. M. J or Genial Dix: . ollowin jfoffldial < onrfimation apture olßiohrao id, and an nent jtliat the city is onfire, i peed robeived. ■ ‘ j : j_ v E. U. Stanton] , | Secro ary of War. ' Cot ■Point;' Ya., Apri aJ k. E, Mi Stanton, Secretary of War : ■ i General Wei’tzel telegraphs as fol- We: took Richmond at 8.30 this morqing, and bapturod inany The enemy left in'great baste! The city islon firo jin one place, and. we are making evbry effort jo put it but, r The people received us with enthn siastipexpressions of joy -Gen. Giant started early | thismorui ag; with the amyl towmda the Panvilleroad to pat off [Lee’s retreating aimy, if pos : Bible. iErbsident' Lincoln haff gone to tbei fropt’.l f ' [■ J ; ’ '■ll i - ! • ' ! i ‘ To Mai Thoi of thec nouncei hasjofll - * \P Bhenn%p?io bln .Troop*.' , 1 { V: GeaenlSherqihdhssissued the fol-. ■ owing congratulatory Murder to hit Hxaxhwastbu Miutaet J>Hrni— ) row or tbs lijiasn iw thk Volo, I . . nepr Bentonvllle, N, O, March ( „ : ffljisas., .*» : j .The GeneraicoiUmandibg: announces to the armylhst yesterday it beat on its chosen ground the. concentrated armyof the enemy, who fledindisor der, leaving his dead, wounded and prisoners tnonr, hands, and burning his bridges *Oll 'his retreat. On the same day ! Major I General Schofield, from Newborn, entered and occupied Goldsboro, and Major General Terryv from Wilmington, -secured COx’s brig ade in crossing, and laid;, a pontoon bridge across the iNeuse river, so that our campaign has resulted in: a corn* plete snccess. After a. march of the most extraordinary character, nearly fivf hnndreJ'inilea oyer swamps and riVere deemed itnpassib|e to others, at' the most inclement season 'of the year,* and drawing our Supplies from the poor wksted) country^:we reach our destination in good health and condition: i t thank the army and, as* sure it it oar | Government and people honor this new ; display of their physical and.! moral qualities,' which reflect honor npontho whole nation:)- lf«fcwill now have feat, and after receiving all supplicis that can be brought from the rich granaries apd . storehouses of our magnificent oonni try, again ossbar kon new and untried dangers. ). . j. (Signed,) i WT. Sherman, ; ; , ' Major General Commanding, r Our Troopa Moving on Mobile . ■j[ ■' j! • ; ■ -' -> New York, 'April 1. , [;. The] .Her aid’s Mobile,Point corres* pondonl of the) 20th Bays t- Trobpa commenced movjng in transports from Dauphin Island on Friday, tbi the main landTOn Mobile Points The Thirteenth Army Corps were! the first to move; The Tenthfollowed!.,,Gen-, orals Cabby And Granger with' their Raff's, l‘Were pearly the last to leave paqpbinj Island, j- Tbeweatberisve ry fine' at present for railitaryopcrar dions.j Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, of General Canby’s staff,' ;left Dauphin Island on Fridatr morning, for Bar acck’S, Fla., j with orders for General Steel’bcolumn to, move fthmodiatoly. navy is- all ready, 1 and will open fidApnMobub' as boon ns tho ordor ig givorK "Three desoiters arrived to day Mobile; They! loft Mobile on th|o cycmnjg of thb 15th nit. They ( state | that the rear c 16,000 troops in and aronnd_Mobile, including the mil itia. Of thoyetorans. there are not morothan %OOo‘ ! n and’ around. the city.; Gonoial ManVy commands this force, and in Hn| address Which.] ho re cently delivered to them, ho! declared ho would ncyetpall the flag doivn.-r- Tho troops are mostly ini the for tifica tlbt.B.. ■ i . r.'s ; ■ : i ,!•. 1 ? -j rUjiß.. • '> ; j-■ ." ] ■'New YodK,.April 3.| ■ The Comakrdars Washington spe* fcial says]: Intelligence received, from headquarters; efi the army warrants, the assurance '.hat Mobile is" in our possession. impoitairt positions had been taken Which. promised to place the city at onr mercy. h, Important Alovbmknt. —Tbe liich. mould papers confirm tfap acpoant al ready received of an important/move merit by Genl Thomas. Alluding to it Iba Sfy'ntinal says,: “Thomaahaving transferred lyport'otr of, his army i to Knoxville, and united with GillCm, is' said lo bo moving in the direction of the Virginia line., At the last accounts the command pad icached fho vicinily of Greenville,! p little joyer half way froni Knoxvilioito Bristol. The expe dition ik accompanied by ad engineer corps of 2,000 nion. engaged in rebuilding the railroad l as fast. as the enemy marches. : Communication with llie base)at Knoxville will :thus bo kept up.j' The object of this is, no' do'Ubt.Jio possess and bold south west ern Virginia] land, if practicable, to move dn anii capture' Lynchburg/ and thus co-oppfii|to witli. Grant- in cpm« polling the evacuation of Richmond: The scheme, is well conceived' but. it will bo apt to miscarry’ in the espeu j lion, jdpt ap others have.*’ ' \ The Draft to Proceed. I New YoRK, 29. jThe. Commt rcial’s ’ Washi ng.ton spe cial says: Th o public iinpre>asi6q that thej present draft is unnecessary; in view pjfthe impending end of there bellionjis obtj shared in by man id an. thority herd, although the military situation isieminonlly favorable.—• There ispb intelligent belief jhero tbtat we shill be enabled / to relax our efforts, out armies for at least d year to come. The whole nam? bpr ofjmeni called for by the President will, therefore, undoubtedly be repair ed, and oven now .needed in the field. GenorafGrunt will modify the cdtf ton dodo jpi bhibitioi.L The pressure upon ‘ihe au .horitioa jn reference toil has been immense. i Unic p Prisoners' in the i South. 1 • i .■ [ m New York; March; 30. ! Th» Turner publishes extracts, from the deport of the 'Committee of the Hebei Congress on the treatment of XJniob prisoners at itiebrobn'd find in other piacesi Thbcommitteamake confession that Ijibby prison was do-, ally mined, by order :of the anthbri tiia, who pretendod ed be afraid that .the prisoners: would break out ‘and spek the entile city. Anyformidabte attempt bn their part would have sent the poor fellows, whirling in the kid. lAs to 'general j treatment, the oommStteo claim ■ that tJoionprison en were aa-well fed and ckred’fpr as their own soldiers. -J • i iThe Turner: ojrgan years ago;hy_ theGaitnana of Savannah,. Tor physical develop* moot and benevolent- parposes, has survived tbewar, i and emerges jprbs poroi>-arid loyal. * 1 1 t 1 :*! - iritis stated'that the robel Gen eral Whiting, before his death, sent to General Butler, in writing; a state ment of/lhennmber oftroopsin Fort Fisher St that timeot’the firatatxaofr, of the Confederate force in snpport- Ingdistance.anci of Bragg’s troops in Wuuington, i and j describes. minutely 'the ineffectiveness of Porter’s fire [on the ineffective that the emit qoniera-were not driven from iheir guns—and made a> ease generally that pVerwhelminglyjaStlfleaGen.BntlerV Urithdrawal from the, attack on Fort Fisher.- -Whiting .said, among other thiogs,tbns itwas a,matter ofroproach against Bragg, in his army iand at Eichipond, that Butler’s small force w.as. not.captured bodily; that Bragg bod the troops .and' the, position to have made the capture, i -and he, in terms charged it upon the| snpiponess of the Confederate commander j that every soldier that BuliedlandCd was not taken. This frank statement •"of Gen. Whiting is in testimony, before the Committee on the Conduct or the War. ' ./■ : | . t Nonxn Carolina.— -A good deal has I been written abpnttbo loyalty of North Carolina, and ,tlio' disinclination of its people to continuothe struggle against oar government,bat the following from the ISaloigb Progress would seeilti to indicate that there has been,very- little foundation for such reports' I The Progress says“ We are gratified to see that the people of our State are responding nobly to: %tbe call of Gov ernor Vance for contributions for the, support of our armies. Mootings are being, held in all portions pt theJStale hot within the Yankee lines,.and lib* eral donations made. North Carolina has done her duty in sending then to the field, and shp will not tie outdone by any. other supporting the men in thoi field. Her soldiers do ing their .duty, and the pbopjo a!re do .ing-theirs.” Yet these-are the people* whose, property was rebonl|y ordered to bo respected by one of ,oc r Gon'erals on the plea that they wero dragged { into the rebellion against their I ,wlll, arid were anxious to return to their loyalty. ; i | SnocKlNQ Mubdeb.— -Brief ujlueion has been made to the murder of Gapt. Thos. A ; Wallcoy at fiia home an Anne Arundel Go., Md., by guerrillas: It appears that On Saturday njghti about o’clock, three men went |tp the Cap* Sin’s house] and rapped |at the door, e opened it, supposing the caller to be his family physician, ex pected to visit aside child. Ae soon as the doqr was opened tbrejo men rushed in.and told the Captain his time had come, and] immediately fired at him, the, ball ■ passing i through bis heart j. Uo staggered idwanda the stair stepswhen another shot was fired. Ttofiistball had done jls|dcad)|y work and the Captain {fell to rise jno more. Ilis wife and a lady relative] Weio up stairs. Dr. Welijh arrived at the front gale just as the pistol wa« fired, and harrying to his house, was shot at six times by . the murderers:. Providen tially he was not struck lie < was compelled to surrender, and. hib horse, with one of the Captain’s, werjejtaken ,by the'gang. t I ' J*- 1 " j~ I 1 _ A Good Arrangement.-— The War Beparitrieut,' we understand, Has cori'- seated tf> allow, a person w.hp wishes to save u relative oi friend from-the draft to volunteer -in his steKp, and! nob be Classed ns, a substitute, [who are usually allowed few of it o |u}iviloges| pf volunteers. ’For. .instance, if the; head of a familyjbo drafted, itljnny bo rnueh rr.ol‘o convenient.fdr a sdn to go. I>r. .Saunders, of Pbilaaelphia, last wjeek visited Wasbingtonl and obtain ed the consent of the Department to allbWi such persons 10. 1, be[ classed among thevolu’ji leers, receiving from the Bourtty Fund Comraiksion,. a cer tificate to that effect. By this.tnoujus a bettor class of. men are obtained py. the Government ( than the Isu bstitiites • w.ho usually .present themselves, and whoso only object is lo get the high est amount ot pay. i I v {©"The financial sticrigtl\ iof this country, says'tho 2fc\y Yofk Post, Ihe stability' Of our, and public credit, and, our ability [to resist the shocks incident to a, return of ponce, with a gradualresumption of specie payments, have, just received a most gratifying illustration; I Du ring tile past week, .notwithstanding the goto-1 eral derangement yal ires, the spas* j modic movements ingold the heavy fall of prices, and the -interruption of business, the mercantile have been very few, and subscriptions to the' popular seven thirty loan have reached almost seventeen millions of dollars. Now that: thiol.panic is over the demand for these attractive secu rities will no doubt increase! - ! > . ■ ' I —;_J j• | ’ ’ DaiTisij JugTidE.—The release of the St. Albans raiders by the ilontredl court will Jbo received' whht surprise. The decision is not very likely to.pro mote good fueling hetweotl the two odijntrTes, will it dohsrm _rccont expectations jof j fairness and justice from the- (British side. J The ! robbing of tho St. Albans bank and shoot ing of unoffending citizens, [according to this decision,' was a [justifiable act, and for nil the pbjectibns. British law and authority will interpose, wo may espect other expeditions for robbery and murder/ from the Canada sidel— Ilia evident that we have expected too etueb in the. way of justice from, that quarter . 1 ~ [ ,{ 1‘ j \ s ' k ' General SnimMAS.-— The London Daily /News Says of Sherman: “His business in the Carolinas is to over* throw the> : Confederate and this he is.doing most effectually, Ho leaves municipal and county and State Governments bohindhim, Ibnt there is noConfederato Government in his rear; There, Is nobody in Tennessee, Mississippi,Alabatna,Georgia or Sooth Carolina;;,who is not alware , that the Confederacy is a. failnrb and a rain.” *®*ltis believed tbat in.the month of March 5,000 mendesertedfrom Leo’s army. [ ■ 1 i ■ ■ CHARLES B. HURST. -, r - .VOIiRT ' PCBUC. ' •>! >' -..V ' 1 -’’ ' . ' ' .1 ' cfcFljdE ’IN THE DIAMOND; . #OjckE»TKR. PI., ’j. In the Roes Ulrlj Occupied hj >F« A.Fertane. [aps:om EXECtTOR’S NOTICE. THTTBEBSAS,| letters, testamentary on the W estate of Wx. Sisjuoht, Jr., late of In dependence tp, Bearer county; dec’d.,hexing been granted to the undersigned, sll persons knowing themselves indebted-to said estate are requested to made immediate payment,, and those haring claims against the same will present them properly authenticated' 'for! set tlement. ■ ■ | aprs aSTOTTOF!. Smith’d Ferry arid Little Beaver Pe „ troleum ..Company, ;|. THE subscribers to the capital stock' oft he “Smith’s Fenyand Little Beater Petro leum Company,hereby notified to. meet at the office ef Cnas. B.Hnrst, Rochester,' on ; , Saturday, April 29fA, 1866, | at 10 a. m., for the purpose of electing Direc tors and other officers, adoption of By-Laws, and organizing |under.{ the General Manufac turing and Mining Laws of Penhsyiranie. - j jQHAS. B. HURST, i- . Secretary and Treasurer pro torn.. ' ' Roehettet, AprUBS. 1 I , LIST OPI.ETTBRS | i REMAINING in the Post Office at Roches ter. Pa.. April let, 18G5: Anderson Martha, Ammon Minerva. Beard Richard, Briggs Bros, Blake J I) & Co, Barr Miss Ann, Barr Jeremiah, Bowers Charlie, Bradley Clarrissa, Burke William, Cochran' Richard Clement William 2, Cabbage Catha rine, ’ Clarke Heber B, IDcrling Wm A, Doutt Miss Anna, Bay William, Fitzsimraonds Wm, .Findlay Thomas,' Fishor Ann E, Gray J W, IleinerAnn, Jackson Mollie, Lewis Harriet •Ann 2, Massey Capt, McDonald Maria* Mellon Mr, Mountain John J, Reddick Harriet, Smith ! Isadore, Smith! Perry, Temple & Dean, Whit-, comb Adeline,' Wilson Mrs. Ann, Winter fCharlesi ') | , T. M. TAYLOR, P.M. airs, during! the .winter, from ag&.offic 7a. m. to 7 NOTICE IN PARTITION^ IN the matter of the partition of {the real estate. of .Robert Ritchie, deo’d.. To the heil-sniid legal; representatives of said dec’d,, to witV 'Jajne McCormick. Francis Ritchie, Alex ander T. Ritchie, (the petitioner,.) William T. Ritchie, residing in the Stale of lowa, . Robert Ritchie, Jaines C. Ritchie, Elirahetlr 'iirown, Jonahs 1). Ritchie, now'or late ofOaUfornia, and . all others interested —Y.p u -a n’d each ’of you are hereby notified "that {an inquisition to make part it ion ;br' valuation of the real estate of said deceased, wtlljbo held on the premises, on Friday the Sth- dhy of May, 18(Jo, at which time and place yoiimoy attend; if you think proper, , .'i ‘ . JOS. LBDLIE, Sh’ff. Snknirr’s Okficb, ’ •• * Beavcr,apr.s,’i)s. j I . "f f- .j ORPHANS’ CO Bi' virtue of an' ord# of the county of § I will expose to public' office, in Beaver,, on Monday, at JO o’clock, n. m., _ described real estate, Tote of G .dec'd., to wit: A- certain piece of land situ ate in North Sewickly tp., B&tyer count y,l4ui| bounded and described as ■ fpllws:. On t||? north by lamf of -- Zimmers and-Sifthmonrh Hart, on the east by land of' Thpmnis C. Mc- Donald, on the south by land Fer guson, and on the west by land of Richmond Hart; containing 18} acres, all uridjAicncq, with about 15 aorcs cleared—on ,ii erected a two story frame house, containing* four rooms, with cellar underneath. Also,'; a double log bam.. The above desetibod properly is underlaid with a‘vein of good coal three and half feet thick, ■' 1 J®.TEBMS—CASH. JOSEPH LEDUE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office,' apro’64 , FRESH AUWVAI,) " . I ' ''OF ' SPRING GOODS, - ■ AT -■ • ‘ J ' ' ■ WM. IR/I S, ' f . ; 1 __ <Si:, * . MERCHANT TAILOR ,■ ER! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ’• ’! ■ . i.. i Spring CiissimeKCS, comprising every style of fashionable goods. Clothing made to order in the neatest and , . most fashionable style. . and seo ins’ goods before purr I chasms ploewhcre. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP x VALUBLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order- issued out of tlie' Or phsns - Court of Beaver county, theunder signedVill expoae to' 1 sale by ‘ Public: Vendue or out-crj, on the premises, on r ' ; , Monday, May'Bth, 1865, at IQ o’clock a.m., t the following described root estate,! of John H. May, late of the coun ty of Beaver, situate in Borough town ship, Beaver county, Pa., being the undivided one-sixth interest in that.eertain lot of ground, bounded North by Old Alley. East by Water Lot of theltown of .Beaver,'South by .lota of John Barclay, and West' by an.alley, contain ing about six acres and seventy perches; also, the undivided one sixth [of all that certain oth-' er lot situate as aforesaid, and bounded on the North by Old Alley, on the East by anAlley, on the South by an Alley, or lot of -Boies, and lot of John May, and on the West by pub lic road eohtaining about twelve and one-half •res. ‘I TERMS.—One-half of the purchase money in hand on the oonfinnati.n of the sale by the Court, and the balance in one. year, with in terest from that time, And to. bo secured by bond and mortgage apr.5,’64.] LETTEBS testamentary ontho estate of Joan; Thomas, late of North Shwiekly township. Beater County, Pa., dee’d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haring , claims, against the same will present them properly suthentieatedfor settlement. .t THOB. STANMSIi, Ex’r.l ■ . - •> Independence tp. J :141' t; ; ' 7 . 4k . -017 |c ' BRIDGEWATER, PA, I JOHN MAT, Adm'r. of said dec’d. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE, J. S. THOMAS, North,Sewickly, : J. E. JACKSON. FnUston, mar.^!*,’6o ; ] TJ2S. -30LOAK. - fc o j/l By ittlhorlfy of the’ , - nsy. the undersigned has aesua.d*"!***- al Subscription Agency for the , SUtes Treasury Notes, be.riW ' cent, intcrcstiper annum, known SEVEN-THIRTY LOAM. These Noteoiare issued under date of i ‘ tsth.lB6s.Mdarep.ynbu th«^^ ! thnttime. in "currency, or ari the option of tho holderinto I • c ! .. u s. GCWLD-l 5-20 Six pr cent. bearing bonimj. ■" e w6rth * p*oU X‘, , actual profit-on thW-301,' mfrdmStaUormani^ tone to three per ’ rate levied on other prop’ ’’ . > PAyrtle in' ourrenir ions aTthclied toeacHaoto AA , These bondi increases the and its exempti ichirfi arldt 'fro: jcording to the .The interest ii niiiilly by coup may be cut ot or; The interest amounts to per, dap on a $5O ' I ’* ' “ $lOO j“ “ $500,: <• - “ $lOOO “ “ .$5OOO - , One. cent Two cents 10 , “ 20 .*■' «» $1 4 ' Notes of *ll the denomination) named «ig - be promptly furnished upon receipt ' 1 tions. The interest to ISth June next paid in advance. .This is IBCE ONLY LOAN DT MABKET ,•I • • how offered by the Government, and'iliseoii. X dcntly expected that .its superior'a-lvinim, will make it- the Great Popular, Coan of the! People ■ Less than ‘5300,000,000 ofithe Loin ixedby the last Congress are now in the n» f . ket. This amouht at the rate at which it is f bein absorbed, will all be subscribed for with- ■ in the next ftur'mouths, when the holes will • undoubtedly, command* prcihiuntj' as has u»i fdrmly been he case on closing the subscrip tions to other Loans. - In order that citizens of every town and set. Von of rite country may be afforded fscilitin for faking the loan, .the National Banks,.Stated Banks, and. Private Bankers throughout the" country b.-ivcgeiioiully agreed to receive stth soriptions at par. Subscribers will select thru own agents, in ■whom they [have confident/ and who onlyj aro to be-responsible for tie di livery ‘of the fbr whicli tbey . reeotvs ordeps.. ■ ■ ss>' ScßScnip-noa Aobkt, Thiladtlphia. SunscimTioKS wius na nacarvwn’bj th» National jßank olf > Beavor County, , -i -' A_V Ht Hgj B S pring Ttrin of this Instil at ion wAVr menco , .* ■■ * . " * April, 4fA,.1585,‘ p'efcuge of : \ ■ . F. AGNEW ,4 M. QANTZ, S 3 Associate Principals.' he tiesire.and will be the aim, tomtit thorough English, Classical and Com- and tdsustain ibe high char- lifts had heretofore; i Tdthose who desire's good" Englith ednoi fion, nnd to-those rvli o liavo been |or‘ec.ntn».~ clateteaching .in oar public schools,-induce ment,is offered from tin fact that the latter of. the Principals," for the last twelve years, hit, been Principal of New Castle Union Schools Both are graduates of different coliegei, l and Well acquainted, with lhe wants of .sir [ higher institutions. Persona, therefore, sii design fitting themselves for college, will W this a suitable and desirable place., p , ; ' The former having been for some tint*.mi nccted with the Iron City College. »a a pr.ia- 1 cipnl teacher, and the latter also beingagrsl irtte of Duff’s College, advantages superior" most outside of, the .Commercial co]l<%et to offered to. thoso desiring', a business, cducati*- Our new Academy , Buildings, deigned ex pressly for tlie purpose; with large sciion room, class rooms, society hall v .ctc.', tiftO'' 1 * occupied, I though" not quite finished, ft t»el jiected, Jiowovcr, to 'have.them" irhol.y.s® »> an early day.' i , ■ •| Fqr rates of tuition. &c., send for C,T . CU - ' ' Address the Principals or thgundcre-.gaei , H. HICK. " ( See. Board of Trustees, Beajter, 1“■ ■* M J ‘ r TREASURY DEPARTMENT,) the Comptroller of. Cuirn[•'</■ ' ' \VAsniN<iTON. Dec. 20. DM- • WHEREAS, i»x.B#iu*»«%y-« , Pf c *£S; : acnledto the undersigned; U-h»» , made to appeal that “The National ■ .Beaver county” in the Borough of New ongo . on, in the county \of Beaver, «ml Site Pennsylvania, has liecpduly organized w and according to the requirements of of congress entitled “An Act to pro* l National Currency,.; a , !.v, United States Bonds, and- to provide for " circulation and redemptidr thereof ‘PP.- June J, 1864, and has complied, with »u ~ provisions of said; Act required to jJLy. with before commencing the business ot «*“* ihg under said Act: " 'I„ ! , . Now therefore,.'l* Hugh M’Culloch 1 troller of tha Currency,do hereby esn J... j a “The National Bank of Beaver . : the Borough, of New Brighton, tnp* _ of Beaver, and State of Pennsylvania thorized to commence the business of underlie Act aforesaid »-«ilseß —■ In testimony whereof,^ 11 w • V, J my-hahd and-scal of .o®s.j ; ' aOth dny of-Degember; ' j ■ • HCOHM’ChI.UX 1 *- : Comptroller of Cvrfjl - *' '■ i SEA ' 1 TO FARMERS^ I will offer at private,sale, for a one 8-horse power thresher and s P good as new rand in perfect or “ ?r .L,,uiiT" “ Buckeye” Mower and Reaper; Mower and ! Reaper, patent drop Wagons Plows, Harrows, wheeled !!<>■, Grain Prill &c,\, The above are allneari; “and of the latest improvement, f i . Also, a large lot of Salem Coot a 1 Stoyea, the best, in use and warrantc . . respect . *• „ p*, , near Darlington, Beater c•> mar. I £9, 65. " Land Algety* FTiHEI undersigned having f JL AGENCY ESTATE, in the CITT QF ~ t he » l COOPEB COUNTY, MO., would .in tention of his friends in Western ,tid ni* to the unprecedenled (i» land,, of the first, quality, can h<K"’ I present time. Persons ■ desirous m cheap jiferms will reeeite diie s , s,} cellingat my office in Bdpnevule. _ will find aU. descriptions of farms Executors, I * v. 4 s'sj^. IBM JAY (COOKE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers