>-VKr;‘ l/ \ '?**s tfljf*. J^eTwli, r.nfc H&.«;. j 7. ■ ':«<fV J ;5S •= \ <2 TT£ Slfflf w k<&fr*ir.i£mm? Jl: ' ~ w vis vP y JJ wf 'ml' ii .r 0 Ml - r ‘ THI" etPO. - jgjpletie'™ Id. • . i i>aisn)SST«ii|9^»i, Toihe Senate aniM&.o/ iiiices- Atraii) ihe bletwiogft Ofhealth Z. harvests dm- Tile cbnditioh of-OUT, (breagn, - „ a 4o..aitl r t ; ir , u(B Lo buthre \V>.iie our polilicalrelatjon* With that vouutry have ai llie stirae time strictly W*UO‘ „iLcd miutraiUj between tbeheUigwy utn ALHlie request of theStat«a:of , t'.Kia BieS and N,ft»bagnV.a w '<^|^' , t.rj.incer lias, been fiuibobteed jif niiike a;■ urvey; of :.t lie »;iyer San Juan,; •-j jl,.* pact on San ivltMSrAi *'„ rt . e of in neb falisfaciinn that the Hiffruliies which, for a mbmeht; !dvsonic I.oliu.'alap.ppehensioxii.and, ..r. d a closing of theipner-oceanic . it route have been emiwibVy ad . rjlicU end- that ththfe-i;a-«PgWßd*n>^B. .•Jihiid'fl'a route -will soohbe re , LoJvd w3th an !dt|reW\^j^KUlt3?: ' I i ..\ye would .nft* Wfftfc ■ wiienther ibo. commarmalor the Miiijieal importance oi thafgmat im- SSW m »™“ atknowledge>l?fte4j I ».«et'r, I ( r .,iv< aeieT.a'u'l • cordiality -. with.. ■ iv'iiir'h Ibis L'ui'nel States Columbia' ■ hilii wic-rcd ;oto ‘iiitimate ipelafiona! jAi tin's ijm-erument. A claim ton vffi'i'ui iuis-been constituted to com ffrte tlie- unfinished worked -the one ■ Idii.-fi closed its sessions iu 1861- The r. t nv liberal constitu.lion of VenexTielia liaviijcr com-- nad effect.with the uni ..'versfipacquiesceuce of the people,lbe gAVrriiiiieui under it has been njcog iiii'-il.and-diplomatic intercourse with; ■ |i: Has 'been opened in acordialand iViioiHv spirit'. long deferred 'Ayi» Island claim , Inin.ljeeu saiisfaCr t-.i-fly ' paid arid diebarged.. Mutual p'. incuts have beer.* .'made o,f the claims awarded by the Joint Comniisr cion iop ibe settlshieqt of claims be twlien the Onijtod States hnd Peru.— Ar. e.jrnest and : friendship cOnti lines, to exist between’ the two countries and such effort* as wore in riiy power have been used to remove irnund ‘istanding, anti ayerta |hreat cncdwiir between Peru and Spain." Oui. relations arc of the most friendly, na lure. w,\i\» CUdi,the, Argentine Hepnb- VuV lidi-ar. Costa Rica, Paraguayan „ Silvc'd; and Hayti; ‘ During, the past year i«> difference of any kind have sW»vn ivir li any of these on liit* otln-r hand their.."sympathies, u iili the United Stales aro eoustantly exju'essed. . i.■ ' - The claim arising frptn the seizure jot the cargo oflhe btig Macedonian, ho 1861 lias in full by the Guvertim. tit df Ciiiii. Civil war con tinues i'n the Spanish coast of San "Doniingp; apparently withoutipros-, pretiof ari early cloac. r ti-A ' Official t s orr< spnndonco hag been (|-i-cci! with Lirx iiji. iu.d rit gives us a pkj.v-aiil view-of -ociai and political ]'r.”gir-s ;h that Republic. It is CX p"cud "ciicrivn tew vigor frotnAtiiet iran intliicncc, improved by the rapid lii-atpcaratee of slavery in the United- States. ' i ■ I M.'licir your authority to /urnith ibc Republic a gunboitt at a.moderate '•*"•■>'l, t<tb« reimbursed'to the United by im-faliments. Such a vcs-i '‘cl h luvriecl (or (he safety of that State ' Sjriioj-t thir.AfHeah race; and in Lr» Urian i.jioriM. it would ,be mo.ro effec- Tti'r arresting the .African Slave •T; ;U‘e Uniii a. Squadron' #a our. owri liiurU Tbs' pension of the least or j;!o 'zi d i iivni force should stimulate a.-t'Ctend ambition on the part of the Republic, and llio confidence which T ' c ' ,i "uld manifest'by furnishing it w, 'ii i win forlnWanco and. fatidr to w-nb-tho- colonies from all the oivili z'-’l muujr.s'. I - Thu proposed overland' telegraph miw,fen]America and -Europe, by-way y- Straits? and Amalie jlfyis wtiieh was riahctioiWd'by T Con *-re's 4 at the I.lst session','>ha« been nib* . itirtakeu. under very favorable cucum -f.aijce,- i,v an association of Ameri citizens,w i.l:h -I fib cot dial good will #>". Mipport off this Vgbpornmhm, as k, as tho-e jofGreat As--urraQfes have been -re* rtet*!ve.u from most of the Arnericarf h'ates ( ,f iheir high appreciation of 1 'lftM:nU>rprii-o, and their readiness ; r ‘ tu operate in const rudiVig lines tri .ainry- to that -world encircling coin* f-'Utiuaii.M.. [i learn, with' mnoh sat. ‘Siaciioi, tliat the mble design of a | 'criij-l'K! communication between o'® tPESI of America and ■j? '•> ilrition i laM been renewed with i espcciation of its early occom- U' Thus it is hoped,that with 'trv JVm 11 ’ rai!! ' lic peace,thecptih ■ J u p , ante io resume, with enbr ' ai!Vu "ta>;e, its lormer high (j,‘ lp '’ , , u " m, iserce and civilization;- rvop.,, 1 ; V lintl estimable rep* An | Vl ‘ 111 died in April lasV b'live,. C: "i |llU i ul ‘i rC ‘ 4li °" v ' l,ich nnoso .tlic riffs!!’ , ‘""‘porary incumbontrof I‘nsL ir, tt 'r ' e S ov ernraent of the ©fl n- | ■ [ ’ ‘ °- n liw Vmv,| Va ’! T Qrn f ),, - v Co WPftsd Cwsfli ale ', l, ’ e ’'hcccs'or.tft'tfi.e b>’-i' relations' yUh bi"bui v noJ V' e * elation with' tli£ j t,,r >- * re 'entirely aatisfae- ! (l1 " heorl fl>i which haa.ro la “t be .e'» l MrinL ra -‘ t j in Cfaina Cr atiji» > •}}* 'fith the co-op- the Crovern ■ £su t s s , 01 thc.otbor- commercial ifisubtmb come **r <umiau • -v- i. • pOotoiMt nd it: tfilLweatf i LegiBliiioii4 ;vq to.odaptUi>totfae teutonu«frt«nd4f I cotameroe audto iM intercoargo wbioh bu-Jroniifat&iAoitj hi j ibejlr" .u-, sSSEffi^ fctnang treaty: i«ti]tadaliotaB taftnt iourcfei 3 ajant:-andi cappfcioffftj • sWftlary giood tprogcMsihia lieen &&&& ;’b£ tbfe WeawriffpoWers, njpvirig witli on *«!h' od ! - - ■ - -... ljghtenfid]coneen,«arowirpMali«r ufairna bayebeen allovredor putim course of leettlenieiJt; »nd ibb- inJaod yea ■has betjff td commerce. ; Tb e M i9' r6a,9of», also, to believe that thefie,;;p)Pt>oeedin^9'have ] Irvcf ea*ed ratbep, thaa. diminißb&d ; the?, 4i lendv abjp of Japan'; lowardsthe Dnileil .SlateßiJ.vr .rilabjiu-! i-'ii-J *«si ■■ t.:- ’ The FPll*’ 9$ or fol6“Ferpandiha and Pensacola have been opened by I Pr^*>MtioailK3lilbbPe(L&>S£2br -1 ,i»pv.' ppyppde* < npt Jafer jtableto tbemselvea,. os wellf'aartiore Juet'tp tHd: U. State*, to -report to rites©and •rither open porta, than it is ( to pursue Itibybrigb ’ ihany baaards und at a;‘vaat|' dost. a oontrabaini with other porta which .are closed, if not by ifnilUary Operation, at •east by-a lawful ‘‘and' effective olacdc* :ade..; r For f no;dotibt sj | ltd power audduty ofthe Exeisuti vg under the law pt nations to exclude the enemies of ibe bmnan raee ait a«v* lutr. iu the United-States. ' If Congress: should think that ceeijiDgs in eaek ctfsfetflaek tho'au.Uii ority of law, or ought to be further re pudiated by U,jl reeomniendthat pro vision bo iuadojfor effectual .prevent* ing foreign fmnV acquitfc i«g domicil ahok. facililiei' loij ibes cri miiml occupation in ou r,co utUry.-fr; If ia poeajible. that if it were a new aotk open question, jtbe maritime powered i with the light they now, enjoy,' would' not confeeab thepririloges'of a navy bjligerontj to the inaurgentr pt the United,.States, | destitute a* they 'and jilwaw harebeisn'.equally of aliiM of of harbors. • Disloyal tail iritaries have been neither less a*aida»; bun, nor more eaecessful daring the lust year than they were that time in tljeir efforts, uiider fgvoc; of that privilege fb embroil our- ciiumry in foreign jwars;l The desire op'd dof termination of the maritime Statetf to defeat as sincere and- canhot bo “rimra earn- .Europe. NerWtholess unf forrioou diffipufuea Lave .Arisen, cially in. Brazilian and -British:points; and or. the northern, boundary of the United States, Which hate red aired id —a r '■ ■ • * - an(| are jo continue to require, the practice of constant Vigilal lce nnd a jnst.aiidl atid conciliatory spirit on the partoflhe United States-as well, as of the likiignaxancetuod and their governments. Commissioners have tperi appointedundop j the treaty with: •Sreat Britain on the adjustment of the claims! of. the Hudson Buy and Puget s Sound Agricultural Compan« ies, in Oregon; and ate now urocedind to ’he ■>«' - • - ■ . ‘O the execution cjf the rrust assigned to them. la viewpf 'the Insecurity of life in tjbo region, adj acent-tot the Canadian border.-.by rooentWssaults ana depredluionß committed by Mail, mical persons wbofare harbored .there,! it haS' been, thought proper to : give notice thataftor.the ex piratioff, pf|. the period condi|ipnal|y stipulated by the exit ing arrangements wititGreat Britain, the United States rausthota tliepf selves at liberty tjb iiiijrease their nays i yal.artnampnt upon t he lakes if they shall jfind that proceeding necessary. I f The condition of .the .border will rpgppssarily cobjo ? into , consideration |n r connection j With the question,of continuing or modifyiing the rights of i transit from Canada through the'Uilft pf trapdrU t^rgjpTjunly established by ( tha,,reciprocity, trea'y on the fifth of Juno, Idol. X (iowrf, hr '.nderstood while male (fitj colonial Bbt deemed tp The * in ist or unfriendly to? id, Sts on* the is every reason to ex tha approval "of-fli e merit they will taki measures* to proven^ gi the bocder~ last sessionfbr )f immigration hle.bceupEt in .l \set>mqJ to, need ia ■h will enahJa thcofl|. - —"is. -'nraont to prevent the practice or frauds agitfust the Immi grapu While <iri; theg -way gml 1 <pi Jheif ;; «wnvM,di» jtKa ports, jfcas i «ecuiothemhcre:%/reechok3ai»tav<K j cations and places of}* settlement.' ' af liberal -disposition towards this gneat nal ioual; policy,, Js mapifesipd 7 bfe “mbit SuW,,WhdoUghptq he reoiprpnatedJoapattpan byrgieing the immigraiit effective national pro- I tedtioni: ‘•B-regapd-bub immlgjaptfry jo'iP. .Ah ;W« ;repje|([bSyng | ; israateAW { stwn|j(t : tnd|istithipAfbteWe !( M>i that end the cry. Way?- «Wr«.*tsnu»iifo<t that it: Uofyf#SS** deigns U» i*ja*4n ''Wflfti*. •pj’wenta' »ii « » Mlancq in the ,a» i Deduct forty -these#rnou o t*Lbe amount «f, iocipulof(itMguyrii^^irt^J iSGpmM derived j r(irri cii»tprns'SlO-.316i*l oil 99:1 frbai, 3antls $583,333 128: 'frytu clireut .taijfs, $4Y5,648 96i frjjiro intornai nU6, |511®,74l jO> ( frPrft raißwifa^fe-! |itsXi.4 3 ’« J;>4 appjietf tb actual expenditures. inufudwig'former jjafttnce,; |&23,443,* 929.13; |Thoraweredihbiireetl foci ba civil wtflc* >27,595.599 Sfcffprjm uiSnU;, niid indinm*' ; $,57,930 97,if«r iba; War Department, JSBQ79I J&3 97; for \liej,.N.ii,vyDepart man I, $95733,- 29 % 79: lor'l nierear «53;630.42i €9. 1 xKi - ' 4* . to S'ttbi. -i i ll^'. *££ ro § a J°a amount of: isitill and dlijddrjatiiin,- s«Byet(obe rei - TreasuW. of >'nl:*' •-"s- i: : i 7l - ? 9 ,; For H>e ;sictuaf, 'The tbtai'expondUa& 6f Navy receipts; aod ; fdc.'the Department rn ;hr«t | fmtfr &Bd;tne estimated f ; ce , pt ? tt. l d dHb.UMelnent9 4or L Lha threo.ron* exist .wyisiil.encd from the 4tK df‘JJ&cH.; I& JI. f 0 f“.MW-S"* il,je liVAf Novotnbo^, J ls >l, • are *J3,- luo Treasury in Safari, T refyr yon 19 8G4726235 ' " V l : JOTUU&BP&&' 1 opfojiif thal the’ppoportlo'u.of the mo- ' ' nios: ; regai,rc4 .to meet tfie, expends % •? cohseqnjiit -upon the war, derived ,tab, f ■ fnoiiii iaiiitiah,.«hoald'b9 st:U further 1 ,!1 ,*“;■*■■ increase£ ; and! e&fnestly Hiviteiyour £££■ '!**■ ‘ l Wi Uw £«s•*-. atteotiof.to'.thU subied? tothe,edd• “ly^^ ata n>rf<n:rpjir s i.ps . 10 iSlalion-U. shall tt.nggf&i V ‘bejuVrteeytuliou^tWs^vsSr Th«J»jisie.. debt oM^firU four,jhhudf cci<,aqd -.aighi&iinio'dulU™ l &e Ad *C‘ /op>- tripe Prpbalk' >«)>•. «uiVul, |. , y-• • . shp.ud ,11)0 war, continue I fdr another - ' attention iti tnvited j.O; the re«, year, thUl amount | may : “be increased P"t(’ t ; ot .r 1 * Poatri>a«tw t Ofli»«il toy a - , by ribt I9V from) - fdalafledjaeoountot.'tlie ioityfidti* and -*> t'jjl' Heta ; as lit iji ior tlTpTmost part by ;'cu,r. ] own pfcOpVo, i),- Kai jbeupjno a sub-* tan ti'al brauen of national though private: property. i For obvious .reasons, tlrt more this property can .be dis tributed among all tbe'people, the betl t6r;tp ( favor sufob general Uietribmion, girejiter Jfiduceiueiits to. become own era. inigjit perbaiW }»oo”d effect, Jind AyUboiit injUry, be presented to pftsbm jof* Itmtuid" jin'er \Vjth thi , -ans, ..Ith thin V !CW.; I suggest whether U,might not bo" bbtblexpediPbt fend competent tor Ctfogfei* to jscpvid4\thaV;« limited amount ,of some futurcisfeue of pub-' lie se|iuritics' mightf be- Jichf by any bond tfde purchaser exempt from tint anc| from seizure/op debt, under sufch; restrictions and . limitations as •“■•KM l .*!?. abuse of so imppqta*it‘.,a privilege. enible prudent persons to set aside; a' sin all konuiiy against a pbssible.'|iay bf Vstitei*' Privileges lik,o these wbmd "render the possession of such to the amount limited, to Vv,4iy person of W)io. misfit be able to save ‘fpje'!.the‘•‘i&tpibse; ‘Thegreat hdvintage J pf citizens being creditors ,T ! deb,tori;ff ith 1 feiatibh to. the public, debt’, js obvious."" Men readily, perceive' that they tfp'.ihtu&iqp* pressed by i debt" ilrKie.h'tHey qw6 to on the d,ayf brJuly ra.St,'hT[tlii»aghfeb'mq.' ?®?ding tbo"esnrrt4te- of tbb of Congress at the of hist, session, lall^^ariJ."p£, I thjp estimate of that officer,in'Xhrpteceding I>e comber, as totts nfebbßble. amount at the oegihnlng of .fys yearly, the gam' pf «3,995.67d:33;: Tlus exhibits a ana .conduct of the bpgrktpnfe s Treasary.. , The |Binl|ting aystejn isprbving to be a^jtyb^«;ipi ; .^|)ii^iisis' , .nQd to the people. On the/SjOtii br,November &8d ITfiti i*iai had biieh organ!.- ijed, £; winch Banksi ’ ‘ ’ 'item to the dly 'taking vary snoo I Stiites ' nQ ad by Con cirpulatipn neat. .That iebplo will this change hotoountry, na ‘".a reliable .Buppbrtbf j eclthopea preasioDioi ouue oamc-uscrae*. will be . »di so fcUi;nsJ»*!3 MM« iiißrtsisb'a" PWWWW'WtW twfik-riiUtf ■"■ W*r amliiW acaampiiAv! ta'wlll £ ... i«' tie MeUvta&aberiKui <^tti 9 ;li«t H hnaari {meeiigoff nnd «f' pe War thfrilaap! »»*n ! { ■» ttve Paabnatt idefenw;} 1 ■Dditt ktep fef ani aurtolyi an4 ;e*trrfiictjQry jdxhitiv l|hat n* valuer. |#lcol ' ItiKa^bjeot laiion Ijand t«a<3abEßipHde to o^Wonlryiofcn) 1 l ijOTjriif | c{.<|oniiu£ led ‘ w i tbjiomniih i imcTirttlaUcoesii; . ®rtfc&erili ex!iibi it ofthaj navy,. ti n.lep. cgnstruottarHon ibe fyiu)? 4;BI0 ga na;aaifc sjt» ? 398 ton*, be-' jug aa. ajotaaliincVeaifb wring tWy«ijif> inilJkbpjre: all 3«sii£; -y t< «i»^ p trreuk, Wi-ih biijula of;B3fvttwaMlft^iiuris4'ii 1 I ( 44l:jlplfik.; a..j :r ,>vj : I The total number 'W-rrten ‘lit ihiV tibia! .inLtlw':-niirhl,iholudtijg jftl’O.n.t 51.0fV1f., TJrtre,bav«.j bi<iei| captured by the : dunng the’ year, 32|4 voxels, and •»>*whole' nnm cdmraenced is one ihdu&rjdihreelian drou; ofjwliich 26t arS'jitearaera. 'The jjrofji'proceed^arbnfitf Worn the nile of fnr' rc- [nm6unJf ''tQ 5ttj896,200 51. . A . fiii)*abci:iT condition |of '&stOtUfa | ; ■ ii"... V t ! ;Tlla Ifostal-Rftrennoit fotvllie 3- par j en d i n >r J| 111 kv3Ot h ,1851, (itnoiufxod to atfd |i!i6 expenditure* to; pl 261.477.621). . The excess «if pencil lutes oyer receipt* being 820,633. • ! "| ■ ‘i ii’j '. TI»o ’views pceeen ky ,the Post inuster Guiioral on ihe subjeetj of,-fcflo» oiaj.gra,ills b>’tlte (jin' yjjf r 'id .-p* oy the iipvHihmon'i; in ait. oftneeslahl'isliinont of :i)aw lines of joceah rnfail steumships.jand this policy be recommends for Lhedeyelopcmen't of increased eomir.yreialin terceurse 'W i ith| adjacent and neighboring oOqii. j'triea 1 should receive the careful .consid oration pi. Congress. It,j is bfnote worthy interest expoA rsiop jof:|r»pnlatipn,; improve meat and ‘gpvjeyptneiiUtl- in-iituiions . dyer -: ilie> no-w|amjl. unoccupied portions'of out .count fyjhave scurool} - ' been Abb eked much ilejts impeded ior, destroyed;. by ■ouri great civil . war,, .which Tat first glance Wouldseem ,io.hiivo,a|)sorl)ed-. almost; the entire energies .of| the' n»-! tioii. Too organization and admission ! of ijl e State of Nevada’ hai.bejm Cola pletjed ito. conformity *Tith,jaw, and thus ourloxcelleul eyrttom isfirmly. es tahUihea in • the mbunfaijiSj j which once seemed a. barren aod inhospifa bio as to belweop the Atlantic and thpsa which-havevgrbwiruppn the coast ot the Pacific Qceap. .-The jterr i Lories, of.; the United States pre generally in.tt,Condition ofprihpsrity and: |ruhid growth. Idaho and M;»p tans; by reason ofihoir great, tjUslance add .the (interruption -ofi epminunica tidn iwith jlheiA by litdian bobtililios, jbalvt been only partially organized, but |t is {understood , that those-ditficul tioa.are about to diaappearywlich will po^rtriSL tjheir gorernrnanta, like those of others,. to- go intp-speedy -jind -full j operation. As- intimately, ,cp inectod i 'withlj anjL proinofivo; .ofthismaterial | growth Af the natioii, I ask tlVe alion-1 ition |of Congress to j the valuably in-; formation and. important recofnmond ations mating to the publiV laWds, In dianaflsjips, the Pacific Bailrobds and J mlftcral I discoveries, contained, in the report m Ute Seerolary of ihe Interim or;- whiyh ia : . therewith transmitted, and which, report also, emhracos the siibjecUjof patents, pensions and other topics of, public interest pertaining, to 'his department, The quantity of puh liO' lknd[. disposed; : of during jthfi five quartcrs|a tiding on the 30lh of Septeni dwsV. Ipst pr**4,211.342 aerosol’ which! j:d*?7S.®i4acrbs wone.enlerod nnder. the j j-Soipestoad Jfttg; ‘The tefhatnder was' . Joetilnd |with,D>ilitUry land, .wart-ants,-; agricultural. scrip; pettified-.tp Staths iur-nai(rAwK and •did tor cash, i .; - bMhVreceiVed lrom sites -and 'felar during jthb fit salywr ..frd ..ti,trtrt ■ " TT,^.. 1 , ! .‘Kill .l-|| 11.1 li iT^T endio gi J a tie i804hr,. : 1864, > wtisl 367,800,- 7-1, against 3L5,60 7,785' :rocAi veil dur wi*i ibeiprectdiflg yenn -Tlieeggrb-. £» te ac^4^® u ; r **yed d bring 4h b y ear bd»?n_eqfl»l tn t iwqq amity disposed ’ itberq ■ iiopen r tnyleltleinenta i^ U j J 13fi,©00i0c>0j act-ear b£ :eurvayedr jaiiO. “.Ibei i®ntj|rpil«e(b«t. cor/'i States by • railway* and,telegraph, lines haabeCO :oi>tcrid:ihpoii| with- a vigor not withstanding fb e eA* ba trass i gents nris nig : of maieriul anddabor-U t>t tbo ■a line of- ienl<jefif»itely antes'we-1« mi 4t Omaha) fb, irtioarydo- Ipwol dli.Oalw >m Sicramyrtr* •eajtjßyuU .-.of .; Numerous, ir audvofrinafl iod tb:ihe n»A. idlbAcountiy Nevada and .—tL tbosabor -7 -,4rtgi tqems.MUi enter pilwiiti? labor, wt[icb fin- riuftjy remit* ner«tjve. : ■ beliovbd: tbN ihe proA dnoli-, lof, tl»e,! ro iiof i reli inetuls ip. ihab regioiifaas dhtting-thovoar, reaW ed,. if obi filOCCoeded, 5100i0()0,000. ! iii< VAhie,.-- -,|:k ... /.-! ' ;. ( was recoin mended' i 0 my last an-, f.rtual, raessAgb that oiir Indmt system-’ ! bo, iCongress, atr its last, 1 Hbssiop,. noting* opnln the pecomitiondaT I lion, did. provide for reorganizing, the I ftyolera in California, and it is beliov ■ oa that under the present organiza tion the management of the Indiana there will -be aiteiijlcd wLibjreaaoi.able success.. Much yet remains tb bo done t° provide for t)io proper government of" tho.l liidliina in!-6tber’p.U:Ja of tlrts! country, to render "H tecnrA for iho advaocirfg 'rfottferA-and-io prb-Hdq for 1 : tbo'welfare if the Indian.jrf 1 ‘' -i ff, . Tim libbraf provision* te-iitvtSalfdehl diors and sailor* and to the widow*, orphana uwd dependent' niotljeri,! bailie,-&r or of wounds!received in the service ot tb’eir cbuntiy, have been .diligently administered, ! : ■ , 1 There bad been added tothe pension fojli during the \ - ear endingtheSOth | day .of Jun<v last, the hafnt»s. fijf iS',77O i invalid soldier*, -,aful of 271 i diiaabled seainen,; making the , pfeaenti .number of invalid poimionera|22;767i and of navy invalid penaiotieH 712, And ibat: of widowa, orphans and; mothers 22,193 have been plaoed -om.l'be arimy rdltti;>lmr 243 i ootltrb navy pensioners 793 At tho beglnhing of the year t'He-numher 6f reyoliutioimVv Was 1,430. Only: twelve of them were aoldiers, of whprf. seveil |ftA'vc sineb diedu '-Tlif retiunh ier uro j life Uw, re«;eivi9 pen i sions because af .reletionshrp' to flev j piulio,nary aolilinrs. During the year' lending 30th of Jifne, 1861. .$ 150,461,- fr 32 have ;bea'n.paid :lo! pensioners of -ail bliiNsesj ; ' ' r-jr.\ i’ j; ,i I eheerfuijy commend to;ybri ‘.con tinned; patronage, tbei beneyrllrnt insti, dbtiopa. jof the ’Distwot -jfj Ci.lumhia, which |bav«i. hitherto’been uatabliaued i <>r fo!stiered 'by -ji ‘ . | [ Tfio'iAgncisltrual Djjpartrnent.under i thtr stj}>ervision- : of its preaeili therget . ic -And • faithful, head, menriing itself lo ; tiio inlc,rc,st ii iva* created to uljl vA;bbb.’j It is popullarly the peo{ilii>, : dipArtVne.hi, iin wbieh they fool mVCre tfifebtlj' cbn bofobd than in any other; J ; it to the conumied atleiitiojii and fbs ■tefingi Janj of Gdngress.: I _ .i ' The jivar has continued . since the last annual mes-rago. .'All lihb iifipprr, tii.nl lines and theln.oe.eiiiiied i.by our forces have b.oen maintairied | and onf urmiqs have steadily jAdvanc j ed,' thus libcraiir.g the negroes.loifl] in j fho rear, so that Misso'iri,il£bntacky, 'fronnesee;-ja^lpa.fib\or«^edj^Siatles,' havejigain:pfoduc:ed remurkalily lair corps; The most reniurkabie feature in lha tnilifAry qporations tbo year is General Siiermaii’s uttornpted inarch of three.' hundred miles directly through the insurgent region.-' jit tejt.ds ip show a groat increase of <>nr ■relative etrengtbv that oufj gbiiviral in chief ~shodjd,feel Able to, coiiljcont and' hold in cboek overy aclivo fojrce of the enemy and yet to detach a jjweli Ap pointed large army -to more on such an'expedition |j ■.,;■* , j ‘.ij -[. Tbo result notyet berng knownjqon jeclitre in’ Regard to it iS;npt'||bero in jdulged. ..Important mnf emer.ts; nave , also oocffrred during the year tfi the j effect of mouhlering society' for dlui-a -ibilityintho Union. . Although "sport [ot complete fmeces|», it is 'much in’ihe ini the ■figbi;:direction r -tliat|. twelve hundred citizens in each of the Btales of Arkansas and 'Louisana JliA.vej fall jganized loyahS'Ato; ;G6y6ritnJiint, wiib. free Got.slittttion, AniseAroe<tly iitt'n]r gl ing ' to-. ipai Otaid ■* i i.a*i<|ir.jsdlw iffi Ater them. The; moil6ment i 'jntnihe' same d i oiii hiovst .* jtihbugJflßSS sluflr He l ib ; 'Sl , i',siih Hi-i KssiiteVky Ond ■Tenne<soe >HftOtd juot betiSovcrlook" <nl; Bat iMArylanjf presents|;tlie i;x amp|e of complete siA.coss.ii Marj’iaod inHeoaro to liberi}’- And Uni bn forjal! j time to opme, The geoius 'pf 'rebel l lion will oo tAore jclaiih -Maryland:.— ' Like'another' four spirit, hoirigdriven • out. it luajr fibbk jto tear jljqr,,butk it will woA iher no more. ,At f[tho last session of CongroSa.a propjijsed amend - ment of the CjonatilutniiO abolishing staverythroughoattbe UAt ted States pMaedtbO rtf si c^-C'rS: l£ «’Jfin-biifot'l etff inj, fee RMHsb';•>>£•'■ Kij/fi J( ici 4 bap t (rf- nr*i<cuN?t- ,;i -;!i>jji'; f rj'!'*>T i-ii/y’-vyk, ods nt 9i*j\f , -'. .inhj" l.> .-sill • .ijOifi mb'-jn-i-t >»? ~:;n^irisil tJr/tjyllr'r' r-J,i b "J I'J -J* " • - -tabi/oh „1 ed,.818 i ' rtfrtb«;peqtUNiie.tWfO in lbs Sautte ;of, .Repre»onthi £lthpagh the preeentrs the eaijae ju'd ’ sifnio 1 ,ineirfbel*B, wj tbodf ijueytWiiin£ tbi br patridtism'' of tboßeiv whoelood/ia oppaei tinny! Ventre tp the reyonridera^; itneasnre f «ji; tlie pfeseu t' VeS'didji.; 1 Qt ' coarse' .tlie abstract itf'rioi 'changed;' showxtilmos;; ■ certainly tbat[l he next jQongrehawil pass; the ; if. does, not, hence a question of time trMn’ J the, prdpOsed ’ anreiid mdht' will \gayU tiid-Shito* fOr tbeip iaWionV i ipt ?g£s% tlyitfibe ftponeiuibe jbojv,- %ry,' It .i 8;. npt ‘ela|med tbatihe eihe- 1 ; ticm[balB imphsiidjaf' dttty'on' rhembeot W> chalice tß<Hr i; vievrij or tbefr rotes any I fur tberit haiPas an udditional eld-’ WtPV.Vf' ; .bS{ c«vp*jdesed». thfit,' jqtfjft may be effehte.d ,bj;£ • rt-Isf. ttfe. yoli’h of, Ibe' peppto’’ i ho'w for tl>Q ; Sr at time’heard uponthe question. ‘"j ; : In a grcat'iiktlonalcriKj* like: onts ananinsityiof wnionamongthose seek ipg s^cpipmpc, eitd^ixerjr,desirable, almost ’ wuiSpehs’ablaj] and: "jr’et no pip.? pr«Vii6h to' Bucb uhahirtifty la:attamji ble; ' Unless *on& deference: sbailtie ■pa'«d ! loathe will of. tbe’majority., aim* pljysc*««e it ,ia ibe.wiliof Iheraa ... -.^f 1 . f'V cane the. co'mtrion end. is': the 'jijehanco of'the 0 moti'/and amohf# n»ans ; ~to secure ihatond.sncb '%»ugh the election is mostclean “dinfayor of sucb'constiujj- Tihoent- The most reiia \d public purpose in tfus eyed (jbrougli our pop- T by. the recent idi, the purpose, of •yoyal, States- to of the .‘Union '(inofer.cai (y exiraordi ■w with rn'di r, thetrit will ithr Ijf taclareu tio'nal ‘ansiii ble indication country!* delivt ular electh.n*. J canvass and its res the-people, within,the , Imauilahi \ VeVer ifttfre ’Sr’m; -riorji Itna-ni mnuaftliah' no#. ■ tfbe nary i cabnucaii; and good air,. ot' } voters in, ,**'£«s• jliplifi gt»ye strpeg' 's'urar.e'e df f. v ‘ r : . Not onjy alt ttose; who sUppartba ithe Uiiibß |ticketi so called, but ft great khajprity ot the opposing party olio way be fairly 1 claimed to entertain ■sit'd! to be actuated; by the.same pur pose.' Jin* anunanswerableargument Co Ibis effect that no candidate furaUy office, however high'or low, haf veil tiirtld 'to seek votes bn the avowal that be was for giving up the Union. There has j been fmuch impiigmnbicf motives, ?md ( ini}i:h heated controversy an to tho 'pppper means ai;d best mode of nd vanning ■the Union 'cause; but oh the distinct issue eft thei i' politicians ' tove‘shbw.n 1 [their'inr Mnctive knbwledgoihac there- is dt> fording to 1 the people tb’e fair bppb# tunity of "bowing,- one to another! and to- tlie world 1 , this firmness,' a!nd ana' himity of purpose, the' election', has. been of-vast .value to the National Cause. The election .has exhibited an other fact not less-- valuable, to be known, the fact that we do not ftp proftch exhaustion in the mosftimppr tant branch of National 1 resources-, jhatj of| liyiug men. While li is mel ancholy to reflect that the" wardias till-’ cd bo many graves and carried inounc i.iig lb: 80 "'any hearts, it Is some relief to know that, Compared with; the, hffrfj ylying, iho I’allop have been Wliile.cbrp* and divisions and brigades and regiments have formed and fought and dwindled and gone out of dxi»t bnee, a great majority ot the; men who Composed them '.are still jiving.-r- Thejsi a». f is true yof, the'naval aor- ' yicei "The election prove j this | iSo manyf. Voters could not else i be found. , jf : * | I The Slates regularly holding elec lions both no.w'Und four years ago, to : Wit: Chlifgrnia, Delaware, ’ Illinois, Indiana. Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,- Minnesota, itfi S f)ari ir Newi|ltampsl,i?e, New. ; ! Jer scy, Nyw Yoiki Ohio, Oregon) .Penn, sylvan is, Rhode Island, Vermont, 'V-eat Virginia, Wisconsin cast’3,9B2;-:l L)lli;voibs now, against 3,870,222 gait ihcin, .showing an aggregate); nosy ipf 1.932,011. T<« this is to .be added 33,- ro2.i-a!*t now ini the nevy States that lid iio,t vote in 1800.thusswelling)the iggregate to 4,015.773, andtbh net in : ire'asecf during the three and a talf of | war, to 143)551. A liableMs tppendjed- showing i partieuihrs., ; To ■his again should . be added luo Vnngi« iier otlspldiurs in lbt» field from) Mttai-, iachusoits, Rhode Island, Kbw Jor leyvDolaware, Indiana,' IHitjois tod Jalifornia, who, by the laws of these States, cannot vote' away from thyir lombs, and which, number capnptf bo ess than ninety’ thousand.Jsor yet is this all. The number in tho prgan zed tHrritqries is a trifle now lo wliat t was four yea While fl)ousauds —wliile'and blabk—join,l)s,'gi ihiq :na ional arms press back the 'insurgent ' hie*;.'; ■ ■ ;f;' i : *! much s* : ahd ■ iVegiitivuty by' the election, It is hot iViutbniitVfo•inquire hbwthe jiWroase ; !ia'»hb|fen'j>W>difeed, crirjtq tfiWtv tbul it Would hhtfo been' greater but |t©p the ;<rur| ; lithiohira>prijhubly’ triib: : 'epifb rnpdrtttht l fact reraai m id'emohslfSt**! that; we have more meni now 'than We hud Iwhen'llie war began;iiiutwie ate (ioi exhausted nor- in the presence of exhaustion. 'That we, are gaining Strength,and may it need be, maintain the ! contest r: indefinitely. This as to men, and material) rrtsnoroos are now more complete and- 1 hundunt than-vever. The ■■ national. resources then aro Unoxbausted and, a 9 : we be< qerhblfib .swjf' nudntaio' th* p>> ’hit*] : ! ■ ' •-! -*V : ' ~I SEMI i ■ ■ • .‘ - - ihfctker Kotlcei publl9i«Q^^'«- : . J^rgsvygat '*hnf *n,m‘\ : I ■ r .- tm cf; K'tsi to ssiii.'aJvs wa*»vt' yi«»t u !s«Sf^%v^BwWSS^. toi?^iys«%4f^i-|a ,^ s # : *. : : choose. On careful cuMiddtftfpn «T . ih&,.itiat r :iio atfofapv^Sl l ! -Wi tb r ili «i ,-i ri s. :f4e -'- - ■ skyatorietf of-< tteapy- .'> His declarations, to this dfTeot.a* , qi.e>»»f t plrcit he does not ,attempt to deceive, u r> ctivopurselves. lie cannotj&g&ptfgg liy reuocept the Uiiion, we cuDnajijyopf ujctarily, yield i>. Between ,o|m and at i - the is*ae j 8 d istl ucii“slh^le'‘itrftf nnSSti. iicied 'by \fraiVhnd* deidd^^j^-'cßfto'i^ t-If we yield we are liedßiifi 1 $ tfpcofth) TuH b*ae*n. I Either way it wbiVld be tba wjptorj# ; add dereal‘ ■titue, however* of ' | jbsurjfßr.t jJeaasst iai natloeccfttggr true of those who fallpw.: be dauao^reaccept^ih^.l^np^^llfjr; I dans ■ desire.peace and re-umor., ber of such m increase. TboytJaa (i4r<;thb 5 ' tHe"goyeru menlTkbd^ mktntaih.war?iigaii»X!X^ 9 jds! yTlio lbral people, wouldcnot, aostais ■ r.pr altp'W it.‘ If questions- siiohid-re-*. majn,.j we would ac^ubt ‘thoin; peaceful..means;of legislation,.'eohtfr. lyflu'cbtfstlttttioriul and',lawful ncl^ 7 4-, •. -> -7i| • ; [Some questions are and* w6'nld : bo” b'eybnff Ibe to in uahee iihe admissfon ofFmw«tißfi*3iii( to Congress, and whatever might re« , quire the -apprepriating of money. ***** „ .-p —. T ~. : > t- 1 ."rt^ji) gijeatly dinlinis be d, by. 1 h suo n of actual war,—phf dd|)a ‘aSd - mrfeitinea, corns when duty Shull vJoinarid that j,fi videed,. anll'iliatiVlieu, more -riitcirou* .tueai hrd» than heroUnoro be-,eldopte .. I the abafidoi;incut, »:1- ly ra r: edjreqisianiGje U> rho national authorT-, ty jo*i‘ iSjo- 'part of tlie liisarge'ntft'BS tfip only indrupensablo cdiiiih'Hi- l<|. ending the tyar on tbe I part- ofjUip tofore w»|d as ipslavery. f 1 repeat Ui4 declaration ; ago,' that ivlilhi-I remaitfi :i niy-pß'Seht rpo4:tibn>l- Bhalbndy uid-etiraet < or Modify tho .atioriy 'nor ■ ehn.ll L.retpr)!'. ipfjjiitvKrj . any person telio, is freef by tepn| ' of tlial pfoclaipatipUj'dr lb[y any "of-the acts of ..O'oijgress. < f -*> o’ 1 ’ I «st~*>sh'. If the people should, by \y!l,nt<wfiS. niodeor moans, inaifo itan 'executive Uuty.to fe-inalavesuch persons, anoifi- ’ eraud riot I triusl bo their iij.stramaui - to' I perform' 1C ''tin stiitirig' condition of-peaeb,' I nioan sirapjy. to sayhlhat tho waj Pyill csjsasji^.yn;.pjie *• ifje Government jvyUejiever .iS ehail-huvo ceaseth 9S ibp part pf Uipsb- v who began it. J ' ’i-," ‘■“j" ‘ [Signed] ' ’•: • December 6/7i,1864'.- : ;’’ v/.; , |®,An urchin suffering irpmthej^-' pUq'aiipu. - of, tfie" .-.bircllj ■ said, ' . .rods are sai l l. j d boaf uilohg.’ " Iknov t bdtfei; let anybody get girch-ri liekinif! asl'Jf’yb hud. aiiri Tfe’njfiiKlioiittUat onS ; rod'makes anpeWl” . - ‘ ■-•.I-:.-. . • • .. .. p ■An author who hadgiveri-acoraedy ' intothe:hand*'of Foofo hi* p€n»- (•ahlculied on hint lbrJiis;3|Hp|pj) piece.' -Foote reiuraojl ; , W.ioi ■ a f'rayo fate, saving: “Sirj J tTepend - ! upoir it--thi9~, is not 'aTlLing to be • i |-i ? 4.0 ■■ , • ’ ■ 10“ An atrocious rennuhdram ifr.cmi \ the \ Bwtemitfs ;• rja than raiuipg_ pilchtofka iii^ ~ij ■'V.?-'. ’ !' 1 ildod' caUed this pf aj ddorhy'V perwort hi pulsßiph- ; *‘& :< AVoadolSjatb.'- f M>>Bt r moo- Ptrekr- *ar ■wiirjd pr and Uiew pariicuiur differeitco.';ib VUeSiiifu Inert - ortjid ntora Wo ifcl mir a: t b Keoareilot? takera tw,ehij>centji-j!{«r:.(ra;ro li ivmPi'V* t;|p grumble,- ,at paying* five £ebts. r ic{r .a morning paper, “ ' ■ J bfiec stolen w.uch should bo kept open its guttu. liT ' ' ~~t. , s* • 11 ■rjf >6 ~?r U m : U I ■* • *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers