d • i i' '-r ~ . S .._ ~ th# .Minora 'hereby oof- . ttCf that thoiDruifglafs'.'jiiwtl eoarias, nucl ghyitoliiw of .our savernl cities have algoo 3 • tpjia.'l b*t AVBSt’S-. j BABSAPARILTifc, has ‘bean'' Ebjmd .to ha totoollenoa taA motOa' ■ tnaooafldonoa ofth* eaftnmtu tty./ ■ ''"nom: jaicbs coos, X;-V : .li ' | Mayor of X*>W! SUU, SU3S,J ■ aOHi'AI.RIW BEARD, •■•’ • '-i -j. .-! : r ’ 'j:'i£ij. W 6f lfAaHtrA, W. S. ■1 HOW. E. iwT. HABBIWC TOW, V j ;' .■ ’ -.j jlajrpp,- <&. MJIKOHH£ TSB, W...R. J'Etozsrd’ irojaw- abbott, ■ J:.- [■ Mayorof CQN'CPiaiJ, Jf. H. HOW. A. &. BTTUjOCB * ■ • -i I Mayor of OHCESySB, MA.BB. ; ■ HOW. KdlfrH’L SILSBIE,' / f • j,- ',l Mayor of SAisai, MASS.- ! SOWv LIWCbIiwL Jr.', ; 1 ■- .. of JJOSpOIT, MA33. • how. m" m. BOiittiw, ~i, •T' Msyor of PBOvlHEjroi!,’ 8.,1. |IIOW. AMDS 'T ;. V Mayor of COHIT. ’ fHOWJ 3. ,W. ; HARRIS, k''' ’ Mayor oi; NBWLOJTOONrCOIOTi. how. ohas; S' ißopips, • * ittayof’-of MQjITKEAI^.. ROW. IJ.'k TIEMAWW;' : ‘ - ■ Mayor of ITBW jfOBK CITT.\ HOW.; H. lu. - v ' • : J Cay or of 'HAMXLITOTT, C. ’VT HOW. ADAM WILSOW, ! ' ..J. Mayor of TpHp HOW. B. M. BISHOP^ , 1 Mayor of GINCXiSj HOW. L H. CBAWPO! m •:*j j' ' ' Mayor of.LODj , HOW. JOHN SLOAN; - 1 -i!Mayor .of L" HON. JAMES,McPEE . Mayor of BOWMAXT HON; JAMES W. NO ■ . Mayor of] A] HENRY COOP 3 Mayor of jHATi JAMES & BE ■Jlaybr of ijBEDE: WILLARD N ayor lof HEW BE J.'BLAISDEL Mayor of FAI.T. HON; W. hoit HON. L HON. UQN: H. CRANI Mayor pf N! ED STAHI Mayor of cn hodg: [ayor of; DCIj V * * HON. f; J •? HON.JGj DMAS OR' of CHATTY HON. TH Mayor HON. B,b •BERT BLfl i yor of TUScj D. BAHOH Mayor of HE 1 ; Hi HON;/B. OS Ha; H. HON; tot of NEW D. SCRAN .ayor of HOC WITT C. HON.' HON. Mtjrpt o :0.: WILSO M»yoy| of V H. BUHIj, : Mayor'; of K COST. now,- c 'MAN L. 3 Layer of MIL W. VAUC Mayor 6% HON. HON PARR. EON A. Mayof of B >IIN C. HA Mayor /of , J. A. ICE. Mayor c EQ:i . HON. ,TTON. J. NOBLI •or Of MONT . S. HPLT Mayor of C EON. don ?ARTERO Mayor' STRE DE ( ;MS ‘EPKANIE "• Mar CON £fO’N ES' TCmO BOSEVEBA, asiayor . if laMA,‘PE3O. G. MILAS GiSTO,' yoriof VALP VHAISO, CHtLT. 3302? MARO - Miiyor of mp JAi mjiO, BRAZIL MJtei-IUV thft th<* have iAMoied thsm ■ , K ; , •. ; *• Ayer’s Sar I* an cxoplt ent remedy, ai tUo.con* =1 ut’|tho\cc . \j ‘ tor Sprint Dlieakttiti ' Kor Purlf lup the OIo« d. For ScrofuJn or King'i Kvll, ■ i>, S Sores. lons and Fiuplca* .. i©r, Blaln*. c nd Dolls* :ihon> > Kin Rose, er.Ery *or Saljt Rite am. . Head aud iti r *ind Cancel ■j m f Sorc Ea DON All DON- it r mi »r, ,t»uut Fur For tiki A For Tciloi For slnld Pbr Csvuc< Vor Hvve ' PorFtmo Fcr feupp F s or Sj i>U e Diseases. ■rsslounnd Us or Ycncr. Complaints. iM Of the Hi I' For I*lver | Ftfr Cliicii Tiw, Mayors of the ch<e teities of the Uni ted Stales, Canwjiti, and British Provinces, Chili, ; 1'0n,, ; IJr&sii, Mcx co, and in fact al ;a}l the cities: on th r. continent; hare signed this dce-jnsent, to i ksajirp their people ,tjr£nt rciue dice they may tse witi/safety and ooiilidencC|. Eut tjnr spa :e will only admit a portion of them.!. Ayer’a 1 ' 'Aye Sarsapar p’s Ciierr; iyer*s Pi .-Ayer’s rihif-aßi:'.’ 1 ■ /' / ! i 1 ;jfc fi. A; J.m7KLT„ M U*s ;!ji t.o “a ; -icu! }• •M't -v+i L; |l vTvyeif". prey? Ap; jw i* ! -* /; - ‘ r ! - I ■!■ v’.y j • .T-y H -WMP'S :;: Mi ! WM '“fbta'i* s•,ificat 7«rjver<&ij« joarhftliwg ;hu'ito3s»il«»*f Stid.reaily (£ever ft-is; • >lt isft botk iU<n'p ak(l',n9i afraid-to aiiy lhaf Us Soul is l{» own—wKcli shows .tiiat : U'M»’_ apuL •■’ OttjT readers will bo glad tblotoj* wlie^ 1 they oon fijid aati»e iuntlisl 'baa. scmiell.irie better ia v te tluai, mere.• \ j.-•.■%•• . *‘7lll* pave; is excellent. . ..Remarksbli for originauWi"—AV I'.Tracelltr.' ,K* • .' , “Vajwtj Fmw iscondQctedby a»Tivncious, witty and intelligent corps of journalists.”*— LilckJidd(C6tn.),Eijuircr^ '•Will wibld a^poWnt an infliieuce as that qf Ibe London PMch.”—Jhaion Traveller, “ ••Whosoever finds : himself laughing at th «■>»( of Visiir f AtS, -and 'dobs' not.return a. qmU-pro quo', is fit for •treason,- and -spoils.-)’-’— x. r. drat/oti. , _, »j '• ■ / /' fy'/M’: ’’ . The has” ;.tlm*.’,far attendedilie publication ol •' /; /" r •;.■) v* .< Enables-thepublisher -to announce flint, with’ of tlie Second Volume, ii r . sued this 3oth JnnC,-' New Features,..both Litefary and Artistic, willic introduced, which will lhe ; value {tnd! interest’pf. thepn- p f e?, -;-nnd iully.maintain the proud- -position unanimously aooordedtp it, ap the leading ; t s :. ■*,«. •, y -•- : tv ‘-' poMdd of ,.f ; ■ VANITY FAIR ' : 0. B. ■ ISSUED KEOCLABLX EVEnr Tni’asiUt. and is for Sate; hy all Newsmen,;ijiiii- at tbe office 'of Publication, Naaaaii-Btreet, NeirTbrk. ;■ . W3BMS.:, •,• ; l Th»ee dollars perannum, in Seats single copy. 1 .I,'-I • ; V ' terms^oii-ctOTSi, • '4^. . Two -Vanity Fair will be sent to: 6no 5 addrc55f6r............ ......'.So 00’.. , , Fi.ve copies. .00 Vi < « rfp, c. yr. .j:TATX,vOHx6. to r,. ■ • 1 Ton 'copies.!... i .will be allowed to thegeitef;- j*up, of of not less tpan'five cpjtei, :: !. ' Thin paper is Electrotype<l,. and numbers |> may be procured at any time. I V~i i iTiB, QN3, lOWA rEHS, > . - , : -Louis ;h. Stephens, Publisher for- l3 Nausau-st. - j N^r-Ygrk. VTLLB, 0. W. (BTH, ' i'V- ~ , : A D^SfOK^ST’S Quarterly Mirror of Faction?, Gieal linj\r<wfmentii and Ad^itioif^ hll KltMßftt COST At** '■£ .^1 '' fOVR LARG% .j] SPtE^mb’ FAintbk. FLA TER, TJHIEE. FUIjL-SIZED- 1 . PATTE/lAS OF:vRESS£S, "‘ , New French tYMstt. an Elegant Sleeve; andft Misses Sack,' and a Sheel of. New y\ • .1 -and. Beautiful"! ' %' t ' i' fSH.VIO AND EMIiROIDEIUXO P'\T,TERNS ; Io. ; T«gelKer tvitli nearly l(K) Engravings of li / "all the'novelties-for ■ ' • ■ - Summer Bonnpte, Cloaks', Trimmings,' J• ' Children’s Oresscs, &c..., $ Ap.fi val.iab) 5 1’ufornifiiioli 'if o' M iUiuei>. pjfcm* : Makers, Metiers. au-i I.rptocs generally, jo’e [scuttng the largest and -Jfccst Mnga ' 7,i,uc‘in the- JVprld, published 473 .Er.oa'lwny, : N. Y., and sold everywhere at ipVecutij, .or j sent by mail, post free. on receipt of the ain’t’ in stamps ot; silver. V oais 1,00 with .the fol j lowing vain# Me premiumt!;'’. : f r ( ; ;• Each yearly subscriber.) will be entitled to"# . receipt for tl; e selection pf 50 centuf worth of 1. plain patterns, from the (designs M]lhe book, 1 or frpm the<»how room,, lor they may be'or i dered arid scjtl by mail any time diiring-tbe ; year.i by paying postage, J ' . ' - 1 JgSuSpbtnjlid Inducements to Canvassers. 1 tif».„Siimnlcr.N<i. now rcadv. " 1 GL 0 210 USN E W sf' .traysTA,- me. IR, Jr., DWELL, MB. IK, ICTOW, N. B. E, FOBS, MASS. ivEE, MASS. ■ON, E. X lALBE&# ALL. IEN, , pfttJß, lOWA. TCETETEIiD, lOOQA, TEEN. 1R,.. ■ ALOOSA, ALA. ■3, TEKN. IItT.BAWS, EA. L ! ON, :sTEB, a. 7. GROVE, r UTICA, N. T. TTSBUHQ, PA- i A’ui irofti t :’«• Am-n but prom the B‘‘a:Cr. • ~ 1 , ' )Jew Shoe Stote. |V .i - , rililK■ s.uj^■criiim' n’oiilU rosj'yt fully iufwfn [3, -I pllto cit.i tens of CenvorCounty tlwit. in tul* 1,. • . d'ition to Jrf* well sJdetft’ctl-Mook’df CBOTfIINO, SIT, , '-,i- ! 1 fiAT.< rjWjSand OK.VTLKMF.X3 fTUNtsH SACI£nS,..CT[3, TNG GOODfci, he fias lately pnrc'lmsO'l a well . selected of of ovei v .ENOSHAi WIS. S ll ' 1 ' 1 vimety. My siocli ■is the lurget t. f ' over to an4 I am uet-enn- EKES, , inedto stjll |“chc!iper tijhti th» Cheapest”!— CHICAGO, ILL. Mind the sijrn of the -Big Hat;’ - ’- ‘ ' ..... : SeptjS.'ilS. . IN. ATKINS. imtT i i « f SELMA, AtA. : ICE CREAM SALOON > 1 In BT•icig■o^vaiE■r;l'■. aOMEBV, ALA- ~ 1 , * ,THOIT. MICH, 'AGE, | . WAUKisr.'w ’ HE sub tender has fitted np. in an elegant 1 ’ ’and' modern style,! for ah ICE CREAM i SA LOOS,.IIia house on jibe' corner of Bridge ! and .Mulberry Streets. I , ■ . | Cakes and’ Cdhfectionaries, ! ■ i i • | •. ' cf all kinds.. constanny icopt on hand. . ORDERS FOR TLR PROMPTLY , „ • FILLED. •' . -. May ‘ib, 18i>4—It FJIfJdEUICK WALZ-. i j ICE ChEAM SALOON, i sul scriber has Opened, in connection | 'with his-CONFECTIONARY'. an , : ' I6E VREAMSALOOX, j in UIS North-East. corner of the Diamond, 1 • where., perjaons ran lie accommodated.’ , A •share of the public patronage is solicited. I uiay2s/ils EHED’K..WALTER. ' The said election will! be held through the | '■). ‘ sad, i 'OIiUMBUS;, GA. MANUEL, 3i VERA CRUZ. ABALIiO, ■or of MEXICO. RODRIGUES, or of' HAVANA. Estate of Jqhn Imbrie.dec’B, % ] LF.TTEf S of administration oh the estate' of John mbrif, late of Big Beaver Town, ehip. Beater County,!Penua., dec'd, having been grant id to the undersigned, all persons indebted I t said estatej are requested to make Immediate payment, and those haying claims, against the-same will present them properly authenticated for settlement, i D. L- IMBRIE. Beaver, i i H. SJ IMBRIE. Darlington, | jc29'Gl , j . Administrators. •T; M. MoCora, j I aVibtftfryl Hr*uf>lic. jj •; . : j , OFFICTS WITH -- -n • ; ons Sortis Nf and Uttmori B. ; ,B. CHAMBERLIN, ATT'T; AT LAW,! {Sear (he P.rovoH 2lnrsfui!'“- •'Vice, | r; ivA-n-, . j u i 6[y, : . | beaver county, p v v; ■ ' \ PROMT attention given to the drawing of EXEMPTION PAPERS, and albnmtteijj connected with the idraft; also oaths adminis iered, nckr owlcdgments taken,&o., ie. [del( A GentTi man cured of Nervous Debility, In- 1 competency, Premature Decay and Yomhfu ■Error, actuated by a desire to benefit;others, wilt be haj py to furnish to all who need- ii (free of clri'ge) the receipt a{td directions foi making (h t simple Remedy used in his ease, Those Wishing to profit by his expedience* ant possess aI.V aluable Remedy—will decei-e thi same, ,by return, mail./(carefully sealed,*) bj | addressing JOHN li. OGDEN, ’ ■ : J jNo'fiO N iissau Strcei, New York. . ! aiizl-:3m * . ! ’ rrpgnlarUyo al Diieaicit RrU - •Ha, •; ; : r Pectoral^ llsj tindt .gue Cure,,. i EXEOTJTO liS K OTICK.i WHEREAS, the Probate Court of Qolum county, jo., ' haring gmnteU t? If beundersigned letters testamentary ontfin •; estate ofHoratia H. Barker, late .of Perry tp ; C6l)iipbmpa county. Ohio, dte’d-j all iptysori i knowi’nglheaielves.indebted ip said esta'tt i:Y - -r. r & Co, \sss,. • where. i; ' ; ! ME . f j hie requested to .-uuide -immediate-pavinwitT’ n > and-those! hariug cUixns'Rgainst tbe sank# will : ,«£e.oV li Hud in • jnWent^theniproperly! authenticated for setp ■'■cyirudc?~pru>iing • tfoinhit; *j r-. */ *i •‘it rtia; P»««h’!rg 5 . j' - O ■ •' *i j i ' ._ .L:. Ell= I f . 1 , j* —-— ~ i-,..-'l ■ £<} i-ag.-ap -(,w£fl to ie jc it * f j ! ; ; i.j •|v^sj?£‘3# s iiA-/ is'i-i v*.: '?••)■; 1 j i i.'.a » J;.«va £4 : ■* r J' vj& ',4- "i-'v -v I'rubfO v;i ;• ■ "*. C A* -jU V/ft '-J - feii f..M7b:]*?&'-!>■• v ;<r* ?. U'.-.-v-’U^v \ ■ | ! ' tb-- ?''J|-'--..-.-<ii. ! v^’;; '.vp-t •• • -Kf >.:•• - Iffc |-'] :-• r,- •,-, yi AT-- : :.• :• j .>•• 4-MM fipm Varf-; t •.aliyjMr >.J vsl' : e . |:.*^6^ v |“ !«,'■■.-■>;: i. s - ; ~1 Sous sources, bpthiyufcMo.lind Prirate. ‘ _••••• i .»%. \ , ~y " , ." I ( .Sdf-Adjusting 'and Adjustable! - The only '.’fl II) ||ll7|j||)' n y!flj|| If r I iljlOo - ■Wringer with'lhf' Patent Cog-"’heel Regala- || /1|V Hj-V ITilv XV. A 1 j11TIJjjI ‘| -ililV• jtofj for turning both rolls and•which. Wi Ul/ia*is>a i iposiUr'ely-jjrclreht'a tlie rolls frdm brcaVing or j J'J-',' <jn they shaft.l It is not only a;per-■ -r-J jfect Wringeiyfcat the- C^og-wheels * ■powtfp' it, a. most Excellent Washert-prcasl separating. ji'Bs it Jthe dirt' with’ tlie ..welter (from; the cjpt|ies, leaving t hem d :yeiS wmter.nidsmbothetnian ;whcn'“w'rung" by band. The -water cab tie jpressed frqm lprge hind smail?articles, easier, ‘quicker, andmorC thoroughly thanby the or- Jjdinaryi old-fashioned hack-fy-oaking. wrist- Jstrqining, and, clothes destroyinihuteflcess. jililtpPpg-wHe'ejß. present all ilpjr clqt.hes by; the*fri'ction of the rolls or break ling of stitches by twisting. . I ' \\ Without CogAyheels, the whelp strain of. {forcing the , clotfi through the Machine is put ‘ upon tlScHower roll, and the'cloth is made. to aotinthe place of |Cog-whecls, to drire'the, juppqyj-oH, causing.a much greater strain np jbn fbdilower roll tlipn when Cog;wheels.'with ■ jour Bat erit Regulatot, are nsedjbesides the ex tra strain;upon the doth. A Gobd'Canrnsser iwnrited in ererytoWn. Liberal inducements loffereti,' and eidlusire saleguaranteed. i j * I R- a CROWING,*Agent.. ! t ‘ ‘ 847Brodway. New York. ’ I I . | WM,G. WOLP. Agent, | [ May 11.'’64- ’ Borough township. . ,1 iTODDis- Agent- for IFnivorsa 'jciolheatWrihgi r in the Townships of Mopn,” Hdpeweil, Inc epehdcnce, Raccoon; Greene, ahd Hanoveri j :-1 ■■ '■ ' >■ '■ l ". ■ •- i i i I - .. - =I !■■ w ■•= :> MARRIAGE.' ” ; r ‘ ■' , 'I ' •. j (i . ; - . ■* . jT'FSvlovcs 'sorrow! ami angers, 1 1. hopes, and: aria' jbys; i list; how restored; the’ nature, I ftire ofspermaterrncea •or weakness; involuntary 'emissions, j sexual debility and’hnpcdlmtpita tomnmage ([generally • < nervousness, - -consumption,- ■ fits," j mental and physical incapacity, resulting from; tiSKI-F- , AlUjSEr—arc I'ully explained in the’ 'iSJAUKIAGE [(I CIDBj by VM. YOUNG,.M. D. ivTUis most-extraordinary booh should be in the Tiands 'df every young; pew,on contemplating imarria-re. and [every’.; mar. or woman, who.de cjs’res'to limit 'the number ,pf their offspring to iitbeijr circumstances; 'JOvcry'pain, disease and < ! jacbe incidental toyoutlf, mat unity and old age, Ijfi lijllir eirtilained: ieverjr'fiarMolfe of Knowledge’ J-iliQt alioiilti be known' isdwte given. It,is full j of engravings;—Jn fr sccre’ls that 1 cyeiy cne shpuld'kiipiv; still if,is a 'book th*!| in'isthciockcrl '»:j> y :L’id irctlio about the house, i It | Will he senl, to,' i ny one on> the receipt of *. t ivdiily.-fivc Cept S in\specie.t>r postage stiimps. j &. .Vdiircs* Ifni Won- YOUNG, 416 Spruce sf., j abovelboavtlij Rhila felphia. „ •' I tfifrJJpirie# itiid'l 'n/crlumteS no latter jjrhUl j may be your discasf, before yodoplace j*o(jr- - 1 f Self under ttie-.care of any of the notorious Quack:? —native nr advertise, in this :br any: other aper, get ia copy , of I)r. Ypungj’t book, and read it carefully. - U will be fh t^--deans | of saving you niahy: .a. dollar, t your health’,! and,possibly Vour lifp£, .• ! . can 1 oconsalledoir ahy of the described: :n hiapoblicsiton; afhis {office, 7 !<m> Spruce-St feat, above Fourth. VhUo- pours from a'to 3. daily. f.maa26 PHOCEISTIX • S' j ] MANUFACTORY. d NQS. 221 LAST X.WLXTV-nillil) STREET, 3 ■ 172 i. 17? ftKANLSTRKET AND 210 3 ; •;] -\ JC|KJrXUJJ-STUEE: ‘. - . v ji ►..•iTAtitlsllEbiSia. .X. V. XsTAtIUSIUtb 18J53 t rpuiij! 13stablLiiu eut has been in successful ij j , operation Ttr 21 years, 'and is Uie largest •! of thejikind-linj tlie J Uailed Stines. We have on,! hamiuc moiituacturo to.ordercrery of .Imokuiig--glass, Picture and Portrait Frumeo,; Plain niul Oni? mental Pier, Wall, Oval & Man tel (llajsscs. Ooudeiting Cornices, Base and; Bracket Tables, wi'ih Marble Slabs, Toilet; j&Cii &o. Mouldings f»i[r Pictured Frames, ini lengths jailtablc fortrabsportation,! v eiihei|uiU{ Rosewood, Oak, Zebra,, BinUi'jj'b, \ln|iogauy, <xc.. Our ns&i mamifnc-i torv and exteiisive facilities enable us to Turn-] ! ish aiiy urticlje in our line as good |ts tbo‘bcst, : ! uiid akjcbeup|as fhe| cheapest. ' ; Dealers pre invited to call upoh us * : i When! they visit New York. We claim to be [able mi supply.to supply thijm with every arti j do in our hue whiclt they can possibly purchase i elsewhprcd j ■, • - . . , ftsSH'OWjebs hy mail attended to with. ■ promptness. Itonot fail to call when you visit , New vilrk, . . , “ , W'arfTi'oiku, .Vo. 21 ;V i-rnlrf St., -V.l I*. I! ; [ f HORACE V. SIGLER, .4ycr.it j! NllQ-7pj-BipOS' ? - . .; " Town ■ itTI-lB GREAT;CAUSE OF Il'u u n ]VX ise v y . J.uw\ Published in a \Sealed Envelope: Price G cts: ! J ■■ jm • i \ j tEfjTlhtE. cr I)n. CULVBhWEI-Li \ '• -I 1 J\. iOX SE ANIM3l T iU5 of Spcrtnn j BALMORAL UND HOOP SHIRTS, to IT lire a, Cunsmiipl lull.. Mental and Physical j ; : ‘ ! I t ' ' • ' Debility. Nervousness; Epilepsy; Impair ;d Nu T ;of nlieh jwc ;ars the sole agent of; several frit ion; of‘thc Body ; Lassitude; Weakness of; celebrated nmkcs.wbicb we will sell to our tbe.Limbs ,ajid the Pack ; Indisposition, and 1 customers at wholesale prices Incapacity fpr study and Labor; Dullness of I I; ‘ : Approbenedon; Loss of Memory/: Aversion to j ' bociqly: Love ofTSolilude; Tumidity; Self? I, Distrust ;Dijiipess; Headache, Affections of) the Ejfes^Pimplesjon'lhe Face;’ Involuntary 'Emissions!, a|nd Sbsuallncapacily; the Conse- of Mouthful Indiscretion, &c., &c., B@iXbir idmiralblo Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted ' evils) may bo removed without medicine and < witbpi-t Dangerous surcical operations, and ,■ should be read by uvery youth and.every man ! in the! land.' , Sent under seal, to Any address,, ini a plain sealejd. enyel jpe, or Hie receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, -by addressing, if j CHAte. J. CiIfLTNIS-& CO.. 127 Bowery New York.PoaiOiSee 80i,4d86. j PROF. DAVID GORDON. HAVING devoted a number of years to isuoceissully curing TVnaor*. &c. ; , from Jmotives of humanity, Offers his profes sional; services to thejjnblio of this connty.-i- Hia system is simple—inevitably •produces a Sure without producing pain to the patient. riire n.-j /M’/.' Post official Clinton, Alle gheny, co., Pa. - . jesirci. j. ; , ,'i AMERICAIS GOLDPEN COMPANY -|V/f-ANUi|aC.TL;UERS . of Gold Pens and JI'JJ Penc 1 Cases of every description, and , j ( S ale Manufactures of the nelebrnfcd ■ Aifgnlor ‘ Nthhet Pen received and for sale at the" ,;v2o'l j It ridge tenter Drug ' Conjrestilp- AiET . BARKER. Efr., r K*'* Brighter)). " | « ■"‘l’ 1 * l njiwfc.r. ■»■ if*.*—-- -■■• ':^, { -' te "«» **V- !s >- t <■*■ r. ; .;<»' t'-'i;’'.l?J* "ST «T /erienoe o£ari Invalid. :oe-oeneHHm<t as a warn m to y/ranjj men who' snf. )iDty,Pre»hthre ‘Decay time the mfcahs y* who has cured- himsett :at'expanse mtd inok?ry. By enstomngn’ * enrehipes,' gjnrle coni** ift M t*lbtW KATffANIBL l*dford, King* 06., V: T. r fT ! r > i l ')' f i, I--'- !' -■ ij • !:••{• «I>CCMBOES TO - ;-i - \J.J ■ ]■ •{■• V■.|i ’ ■/ 1, l\ "'K -'.j '■ ;V kj. R. GARDNER & CO.* ; 0- -L-i , ".'s' 'jm r- i-'iV- ' ■•■■■'■* ■i ..l. 93 •Msa.x'lset'St„ 1 -■ -j/- 1 i ; " r. ; vv; 1 ;; , ; tJ'-M’rl •.:.•••, ■: ■'■■■:'■ J? : XT T sfatr ‘HI, ir- Jiv ' '* • ' s Between Pifttrsfc Diamond.' j- • . t i < t I ..If# : fi I--. •■'l i l ■ t I b ’ I ' bXTT-Etake the! liberty to inform oar friends i" coitMj. that we Ihavcblargc ly ineroaiedoarfacilities for carrying |on the D*ry Goods Business. is.' l - t : ■ ■■ ■ r;.'' I ■‘Vj; ,U-n. ■- ! : r : old’sjknd.' ‘pur entire tUtqnliou]yi’ill be !be diivotedtothe increase,, of our r husiricss[ in which ihetnterck: of \our ettstejners will be sustained and promoted by every means in our'power. ; . V" ■ J V :-~-r '.-I'-, (|ur At (git wiil ;CpmprN« .all nil the : if,bc NuVclt'icV.iu latest; jmpprtHiloji.i, in', repps in j all col«W. plain .nn-ljiiijriMl Idnfcks, plain r «tj« 'in fill;<ro)*»rs*„ check-j\n4 b>opsids silts, .S<yiss and iVultrd ol wt will seR atrouen low pricedrlilu non* cua;fail to be suited ! k'v. 1 r-yj. •• | . HKKSS t:Oons fount! ivplorp, comprising over dijr.rcm st vie?...in French, French, Kiigl-sH. and German fabric*, v‘of ].tt- ir.ijiortation«; at prices as low as ago. 'J 1 ,• ■ • .!• i' i. i •-•,»• |■ ■ : . I CLO A K s, S II A \n,;S . ■ i ; ] ; a\» : s'- v ■ r |. 1 •' . I ■ J' . , LACK goods. , v jj * ; -' ■ , ■ ' : - -1 i' 'l* Wti shall be -In fcteip: of dalljr frbjm Neiv York, slid oiir' Assortment, and prftics. for cheapness.;■willjbo fbuml sevbnd'lo ri()ii£ ire the city.. To this department we call particular aliciUionJ- :V . i tIO'USE h C RIS IS 111 A’G GOODS 1/meiis. *liceting and-pillow linens’ toilet', Mftrcailcs and : liuntfy comb quiltii. ini ivliitc, bliic' and 'pink.[ i-owlra, liicii table covers, and IritliLlinens, always''on' Hand, at thilowest I-necs.^ ’• .i’j. 1 ] CLOAKING CLOTI'IS.; . iU' I '(■■l i -i, ■ ■.!■ ■ ; r Casaimercß ini plain nnd fancy, union cioihs, tiyeedi, snUinrtri cordurrtyn, and uien and boys wear-of all ] kinds; .the best stock in.t be city, at tfcie Invs'ct prices. ; J | ■ 1 -; 1 • '4 ", ’ 1' \ I ,T~‘ 1 i: i; f |' : DOMESTIC G OODS. ; i Domestic andUmporte<l flafthels. ■ Cfur stock will be found:.large, ami .well' selected, and our prices will ! be model so - moderate, as' to place them within reach' of olsscrt : ■ u '■ .7:; t, - ‘‘l jlioiiKNisri' GOyiiS;! •/.' ■, JV:r 4 4 - CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP i I !-: i I KID GLOVES AND. CORSETS I r -'i ’ ’ r V msjriaiting tie.oily for the jiurjoge of ling Dry Gxjda, are rcspeoi fully invi «U, asour ewire stock will l|e found! [Ntw, Desirable Ond^hsap. 'I V ■j Peril purclii! ted to c J ' ? j L ■’ i' . 4 1 . fTIHE' undeks gned expects to cjotnmcncfc', ] ; ' r i ; this wet .Carding.,,.Spinning;! Fulling; , ] , ; j Finishing and Dycing: also to miijuifncture' •(' •’ !: ' " : , •' i. Flannel, Clolh . Cassihieres. ’ anilj j’’,f ' , J'. : Ulankets. »f. m; ; old pjaoo .iuFallstcn) For Xirn i 0 P f*IJT riT ”D . w.ar and durak lily, I caawurrauV'the goods • O.lislUloll L l»j I manufactured not .‘tobo .surpassed. j|;sor t lib ’|4 1 j-'. ! J I' |accommodal of;thoi f on the side of 14- ' . ' the Rearer. Wotl, wo., oan helcft Atjmy house l : ' Q O in 'Pulaski tow aship, or Johnllodgkimjon's ~ >( ■ Li.'.:, Ivr - afore in Newl’higbton. || ’ . j’ : - ' je17,88 ' _ EPHISI. ' Market Sityc.ol;,:.: 4 jk . r i | , . .. jofferk ki»|prohs ctnir r«n Enstr airs Diuforr ' - i . l*l *'■ )> l 1.! 'i. i CAI ?■' V fv; Mal ; -■' 'Q! ■ * t . t*. ■"S-H. * teidgvis BRAVE SOL KOtLO A/LL.wilOJi.'. /\.:Army or M thaK'tbey beam and Qintnient'ki, and,Sailors Usvi geires.with then thorn by tbeir .fr edto-bethe Sal the hour of noe< COCGUSANDJ , Will, ta . spew euredbyusingt; by puyiitg Bar«»p«( ir|iiohiiro'»tt«ct) SICK HE AD AC . tite inch; , .These fee'.ipgs arise fifom perspiration, on iaunwholeSome, f Action of the lire gens mustbe rel i The Pills, taking struct ions, will <j I action in both lip natural cohsequep petite. •.I WEAKNESS OKI .... OV’ Will soon (Knap ■valuable Pill's, aj r ,i\ .Vj|, quire additional strength. Never Jet the bow els be either confined or unduly, acted .tipon. It may , seem sltsftige. that Holloway’s Tills .should be'recomtpended for Dysentery and I Flili, mqny ptraojts 'supposingthat they would :increase the relaxation; ■.j.This is a great, mis take, for these Pills trill correct thq -, liver and stomach,and tbusjrcmove all the acrid humors from the System.' |. This medicine trill jjive tone and vigor, to the! whole organic, system hower while health in?(StrtneJh'ißltow as a matter of coarse.'. Nothing wluist’op ,the relaxation of ihe.jp.owelsj so sure as this iim ous medicine. 1 | ; . i ]■' - •VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION I ; INDISCRE ' - j TIONS OF YOUTH. >• 1 | : ; !i Sores an’d Ulcers. Blotchihgs and Swellings, cad w'ith cert umy be radically cured if the ,Pills are taken night anlf’morning, and the ointment be freely ueedas. stated in the print ed. Instructions. 1 If treated in.any other man ner they dry up ijj one part to'break oiit in An other. Whereas ibis Ointment will! remove the humors from tjhe system, and leave the Pa .’tient a vigorous afad healthy man. : It’ will re quire a little perseverance in.bad cases to; in sure a lasting curte., ■ -Ji i(.? l 1 / FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BT ,= THE ftATONET, OR SARTVEOR THE RUL -1 LET. SORES (|R BRUISES... "‘ 1 ■£ ; i! MI n To, v.hich-ererji|Soldler arid Sailorsiri liable tfreno medi pines so safe,, sure ;aud . con venient as Hollow ay’s'Pills and ointment. flic : poor wounded ana almost dying sufferer might nirirr immediately, if he ■.would only provide himself with, tltiM matcli- wljioli should be thrust into the I wound and smeared all aronmlit. then covered ; with « j»f. Ifngn Trom his;,kriapffack. and fsoaTprcssod: .tviUfj A .handkerchief,. lj Taking .■light and radeninkl) or 8 Pills, In coil thesy?.. ■cm aml.prfyrnt |a riant at ion. . ;!|- ; I;' Kvcry ■ Soldier's. knapsack and chest’should be provided with, thro: llcmediei- * V , ;. ..•1 ■' *| . ; r =I CA <J TiOXi. f—None are gcmiiik'- unless jl'O words jVf»*? Pbr** •uc a|ji water-rcark in pr**ry leaf •if the hook o| earn pht cr - iv ox; the same, nMy ho plainly seen by holdi*tj ■lc iUcf/e the V/Aji • A haiHsorno regard will be given to any .rjne rendering such ;ion ns may loadhjo the dgt.ectioTi cd :i|hy'parly or painies. count cnieiimg the inediciue? or vend- 1 in«r t lie. s.ame, knowingl heni to be sj fivions. | ',**• Sold at-tWc Manufactory of Protestor} IJoi.i f)w : \Y, 80 Maiden Luncj -New. •'fork, und | by nil respectably 'Druggists ami * Dealers in j Medicines! tLroi&hout the civilized world* in'; boxes iitcents! 02 cent s and $1 each; , I ja?£p* There ts.coiusiderable'aaving.by taking '• the larger sixes.| ’!. ;' ■! j N\ for ili f e jguidknj?* of pa- | ireit.B in'erery duorder.arekffixed 19 IkchAiox. i il"1.; .Cjl - 6(|s.do(j) n MALE OR FEMALE ! AGNTS 1 T,o si; 1,1,; . 'teA'Pijile County. Colored [ the. United Sfufes. and. Xcic JiruiiS>eiek, survey-v conijiUt'iliA it. If', L*oo. .to engrave; itJj und' pno fJutjd's 'Xew , Map o '•* p From recent 1802; cost S2i* year’s time. . 1 Superior .tfe'ai ton or Mitcboll, Fifty Co at a; XI this mnp. •'I I, '■ Printed instr fUrniabedTvilimr Wanted-i-Wiik every - Slate, iti France and Cub with a'fetr bund petition. ' J F. v The Wa Dep: ginia,' Marylandj IKiO, on which-i Sharpsburp, Ma Feray. llborers-t iothers on ,tLc..Pa I in the above nan |. i! LLOYD’S f Tp| ! kkntuckv, ( 1 Hi the only aid j tlie War Depnji I any fnq finding From] 3 ■ Itt/v . : 'V'■' ---r. ' : - •' f '%t <S AND ’SAlfcOftb. Ointnml. . !? -:A} .v 1 T.l-. jje Friends ia tU« (brSVidioidd Uikeespccioloare Itlp&Wiiod viitk iPiite ton.jr.lteee' tbe 'drove* Soldier* | I)noiietter present capbe sent lends. The; ha** been prov ttijar’a, new-foiling friend fin mBSAFFECTING WOOPS iiljy remoToJ ond jeffeeUiaHy haseji(linir|»ble medicines, and |r Intention to tbe Bisections \ett_td taoh Pot or Box. '. - . AND WANT OFJ APBE WTAL TO SOLPIBpa web so sadden ns,j usually, or annoyances,; obstructed ting and. drinking whatever thus disturbing the .heellhrul ur end atomeeh. Theseor ojredr if job desire to’be well. According to printed'in- produce tf J healthy rem and stomach, end ,09.0! ojee'e deer head eqd good ep> [dEBILITV INDCCED BY 511 FATIGUE. ; ; icitr by the use' of these in the. Soldier will quickly ec- ik- SlO in; and acllli I.OUO na it is not only COUNTY of tUe U. S. & t.. Every Railroad i County k HA madia : tnti ( on Guarantee an day, add will tn be nold and refi >vomiir tye bnek i ujid the it worth to I uutions 4< Send fur $1 j agents icsnie A tllfornia a A-.'. red dal! lijitii, lid Broad way,-N,.' Y. ■ irtment' uses' our map of Vtr i and I’e msylvania, cost $lOO,- |ia maned" Anlietara Creek, jryjai.d lliglns. Williamsport (He, Noland’a Cord, and all jtomac. and every other piece icd ejtntns; armnnjey refunded. IPOGKAPUICAL MAP OF tlllO, INDIANA, and ILL., jiority for God. Itoseeransand junotit. | .Money refunded to an error in'itTT ’ i ! ' 1 1 1 tie Tribdne, Aug. 21 .1 ’ 'OF VIHOIN lA, .V ARYLAHtt - -The map is' very large: its t nts, and irit the bat which can- I Map of the Mittititpp River.— i rreys bjjr Capts. Bari and Vim', • f>i Hirer Pilots, of St. Louis, ■ >• man’s plantai ion and Owner’s ; ouis to the Gulf of Mexico— ■ery salad-bar, island,, (own, places 410 miles buck! from the 11 coumiWaud Slates, 1 Price, i i, pocket 'and $2,50 on ara. H dady Sept: '20.1, • , i'Washtnyion, Sept. 16, 1862. s{r; Sedd mo your Map.of the. idr. With price' per hundred I dinirat CharWH: Daris, com iisissippi squadron. Is author ie[as many as are-required fo-. i dron.. : .■ 1 ,s. ; Secretary of the sa»y. “Ltoro’s'jrv PENNSYLVANIA.p cost is but 25 (i bepurehiued.'.' Lloyd t Oreo’. From Actual £; Down. Mississi) Mo., show? ev< i .name from St. ] ■1,350 miles —q landing, and ali rbrcr-j-oolored ii St in sheets, i linen, with roll* iVarv D-partm\n ! J.‘ T. Lloyri-j-, Mississippi Rh I Copies.- RearjA mantling the ?jli ,iied to pnrehas use l of that sqjuf OIDEQN Wf,l -■■■& A WOOL LUiSTOlsr. IITFACXOiIY, 06i Wl! liif i;, {profefii ‘ *Tj Mil Xoi «o*Ug' tiITU; Inctitig riV U. tliß Armyt having returned in i . -’ni . r,wB«i»!Wr. ’ . jiional Mi-vices to the Ipubltk ’ [PSilpsJ building [ruhlß’SJ V-lroTt of iu^rijnnatio7i.again ■ X *L« : - MSffZwa s!i^XSntai& I’ ;v. ~ t ■; ■ ' otm artillery \ DR< : #M< B. 1 HI _ V te|,OiMKW* : r >R KSEltV4X«J;'jnU^ t sutfflling \ ' i Ac % %mK’i ' i t. . th. Enrte CtlebnttdMOUT. j ~.j. — ]•_, ■/; -.r.: DtJ' ITurdfe VneqvaUtd TOO', -one to z, r "'TV. Dr'. nitrite Magic TOOTBIi onehottU.'?’ • Dr. ITurd's UKRTFALEI) PLASTER. ’ I' - ■ Dr. Hurd's MANVAL on the Preeerving the Teethi including ]}) Proper Treatment of Children’e Te FLOSS SILK for Cleaning bet TOOTH PICKS, etc,, etc.. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Den Fourth Sti, Dmokljnl (E. D-V , Price. ONE HOLLAR :dr BSP The Penial Treasury male i eight .iniejms by tire, and is sent jgf* diriftimefbr iue is on ' The artielca we can ly, by inail, sir: . r ' . The Treatiie on Prtteroing theT paid, on receipt, of Twslvs ci .stamps. -.. ; The Eeuralgiq Plcutir, far Net Ftcc/h’ervous Heidache, and' I post paid/ pnrreceiptpf Eighlefn stamps. ;• ■;} | A *s'’ t. ’Tht.Neuralgia andyßheumatk size,) for Paina in-the Chest) She 'or any parf *f the body, sentpo: oeipl of Thirig-eetotk cents. r ' Addreu, wh.hhur ~ ' ■ > J Tribunt E adding t. Dr. Hurts MO UTH WASH, Tt PER and- TOOTHACHE 2>ROI sent by 'mail* but they .can'proi mined at your Drug or Periodica they cannot, Bend to u» for t TREASURV*, Price, Oka Doila* tains them. r j -■ NOW] I ' ,-tre tie. ISiird'e' Preparation I The beat evidences that they are j firmest friends and best patrons ’ have used ll.eiii Hr. I) an U-iainertt Dentist of: Brooklyn | the NeW York Stale Dentists' As j these preparations have.been its.i [vale practice for years, and no li ; of Brooklyn or' T UUamslJurg i| | excellence,.while eminent Dei (■'York recommei;-.! theta as the b j tiie profc.ssion, Without the an jitjgj-. dealers have sold then by i The'Kditof of th* jirooklyn ■"/) j/AVc are happy to know that ,on ’dlurdris succeedin'; hovond a!i I withjliis' MOUTH WASH 'and • ADlißi The- great secret of his ' with the fact tuar. Xxt article* are '’hep are represented.to It. at %-e e. Tc.y -. ’ The wen known p.,T. Hamm: found yenr TOOTH POIVDKU at fatuity have used iaall up. -We _ piArdrrfor' the ’refit tr* Kate rverf fed obliged if you will .send nr ply'at the Museum, an your conv 5 hi'!.” , ’ f t Piii, their cost is eo small (Viat Uqst flio limiter for himself. ■ IrTß'" Beware of tjteordinary -'! ; Djia Hurd's Tooth Dodder ennu ' nijr alkali, nor ctiardoal, and p< j wearing the enamel ! iUsc-no n j WHAT WU.i, DU. HUJID’i ' - • EFFECT '! J "Fr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and ■ will give young Indies that Cue jpinn—,n sweet brcntli and pear J them,.ladies. J Dr. Hurd's Mouth. Wash and j will cleanse the mouth from a j'lions, and if used in the morni : (ho htvakfast taste'sweeter an.' 1 more pleasantly'. - Hundreds 1 testify to this. Try them, gen j Ur- Hurd's Mouth IVash and are tho the best preparations U j curing-' $O.l breath »nd_-givint { health to the gums. Hundri d ltlfjdinj .s'eirr bio.. l»ve been cured by .Dr. ' out.wash.- .i [, Dr. Hnrd's Wish and 'giro an additional'. charm to make husbands more agre'eabli and wives to thclr husbAnd*. , used by every person!having ' A R rf vrb't a L t n which are liable Ip Impair ata Dr. Hurd's Toothache Pr.-,o ache arising from rvpi'Sed net ; best friends that parents can 1 to save theip children from! Col [selves frqmdoa? of,sleep and • i criag. ' v in)/ever mule hy Col s af ILc low;’price of imca 1 are engraved on ; - v ’ ■ 1,1. I ■ 1 . nvap,'but tt is also a L RO A D ombiiiecl in citio, giving or limn $3 to $.O per ftU maps tbit cannot i lonoy. ■> • ' . i tr y* i'.i!. Off to canvass .well. gents for our maps in C .Canada. , England," 'oriune may, bo made' ara capita!,;' .Vo com- Farmer* and mebbanicsf-y ford to neglff! your tecl'u. P you c;iii now get prcsc.rvat'iri Uoflischild or Asfox- can got,' i\i-Mi r-niber that /> ,ir,ri‘ Me Longa often originate in n Send for the Triatitt oh Teeth Fitch.’a observations ou this s late to arrest decay in 1 your your children’s tcecb. NEmtAlr&IA PLASTBnk— Dr. Hurd’s Neuralgia Non-Adhcsivc Float era are 7 the most pleasant and successful rented ics evep pro.sori .ed for this painful disease, ’’he patient ap plies one, soon hfcomes drotv iy, falls asleep, and awakes free from pain, a; id no [blister or , other -unpleasant or injurious ! onsequenoes I en sue. ■ i'orEaraehe and .Vernot r Headache, ap ply according to directions, and relief will surely-follow. Nothing can w obtained, equal to Dr.;Tlurd’* Compress for Neuralgia. Try theSr.’ They are entirely a novel,. edrious and. original preparation, end wonderfully suoress. ful. -. They are. of two sizes, qnesmiJl, for the face, price 15 cents, and the other [large, for applicatidn-to the body, price! 87- cepts. TPiH be mailed on receipt of price and\one etamp. i WHAT-ARE THE PEOPLE EpmOt- The American people ire inteljifent|isnddgh'ia to happinese of those using ;|shbin, and they wont thorn. Kvcry-mail brings us lettersrsome ordering the Treatise on Teeth,-some the Neu ralgia I lasters, and not a few enclosing 37 eta. for the Mouth Wash. to be sCht hy mail; but to these we are compelled tot reply that it is' impossible tp Send’a half mini bottle by mail. want these ' Remedies. i| IFAe %cill mpplg themt -[■ 1 -v ■' ' 1 Now lathe-. ■ j|. 1 | . CH ANCE 1J0R ! A . Shrewd agents ,can':make a carrying these arliolcs aroun | Deiital Ttcaaury is the oeate man. b^-.wojaan. cancarry • ar one and see,; or, better, la will'sen, neeamplps, for St. liberally with circulars.. to to go into' the business, to a'profit, ■ ;W» arespeqding, benefit of'agpjjt*,' Nc>'jjn) lien'’ 1 here Is something nice take the ltd? at it* flood. . J !. KM. B. : ,1 ; ' i. l ' Tribune Bnildi Tbut.rcmjttancesmay be denoe. K. B.'IR &Co., refe: I'l -- . ttringTootHach* 1 ind^f - . ;•/ =I P woklyni- 100. W. Griffith, 'ra'and! Citimia Bank, Broc 'o.. N«w York; t« P- T ./ork.fj* ,' ippr 'jitiUTuih i , ! 'At JAY tAi. -i-i is .. RD’S , , W • andeniignesi, •:1 ''SUBSRPAPTiON z". 5;.• - N 14 ,1 Iihe"areAilary,li s unit!, at qacp,,tkp ind Jloulh ~Ytir* « i rm:-\ « ' of tbs Stales, de»V~ ■ 4 Onveramfetit,-after u ‘! •' ’K- si«S 9 ' ar? fcKtS ,' I The REGISTER R^n, SlOO, $r,00,83000 a E d|^- a «*. * .£■ ■ 1 Intent : at s , Six p rt . ' : "■ ■waawcfl from date of „2 k ter ’ J »^ i'f Setpl-Annually, whichi-GeLf ° L D, know and remember fhat 1 ? v^, .sir, effect; & FIRST, MOHTgU; ,f ‘ l " li Vr. j.' bpado. Canals, Bank 8|oV& “ r ‘ a a!i rj, rand the immense£roduet so r a ?/;f turc.B,,&c., &c„ imthe ooJ r “! tlle^<m: v : and ample provision made rLV)/ U 1 !'■« it;, the .interest 'and, liquidation :S # *V»*kt t i Customs Duties, Kiciee StiJ * Revenue.,serves to make uuemi Bm, JUdsl Available and l/>lo ll" 1 ■ t in I Subscriptions received at P U i ' - tier,. Notes, ,ot,notes and 'check par m PMlSdelpbia. Snhscribtr, « recede prompt attention, and Vvl 4^ 1 ' and oipWlion will be ■ affixed lion Bt this wfticfl. . , 01ll rp^ :• A , M 1 wpply Of Bonds win b* L. .i : for imrQedi»t* • - 'JAY COOKK v 3ubscri*f’ EMI eurafg|a. : . , S ", ‘.i S, rWASOA&nt "irrooEß.b HE'DItOPS, r EtTBALOtA BtitMtaruof reetiont for At - tteen tht Tttlh: • ■( il ; Office,' 77 5/X s's. package jy express. each aftictt. end separate* eMserlt, post-, are, or four ralgia' in tba •raehe, teat Ctnu,'oi'»i PUtitr (Urge : aiders, Back, i t.paid, on re- DYE IJNTG; & SCO |U RIN rB « ' ESTABLISHMENT *■•'■l SO OHIO STlii'p-rP .. :=:••• . Weetof ■•'-•• 'LLJiEGHEN S* PBXV\ »* Itire Proprietor? of< this! iNv Ist JJ hate been en S a ? & .for* nWnertftUl in tho -most extensive ■cs'isbliijimn- ■•: country, in the cities of Sew ,&ik .rKi ( aelpbia, where all Hie improved , . are employed. Tleine aW H r „£, ■ ,!« e »wonx.fitbeTery, latest discount, ,£’*■ fioad f . . j mod* they dve a- i H li.s,Jlint their; ( Xndie*’ Sfift.-i Sttih and Merid ire those arlio-j superior atyle| In many i aS(i . the*:-.'* m. Hi Jlu.Jin I are made in color ami finish, very neariNH Treasurer of | in appearance to new ; Gooda . ' iociatlion. knd.j Goo.ls rovrnul In .!« intir.* pn» ( —■ —U— _*> s-^M i a.lini citiien j'■ K,o'l! -L 0 E K»' S 1 liSfe-sS: OaiidfeiferiGbfiil icat' Vn>Ank to ; made! from the Kerf: I Of AdrcrriaJ ‘ 3. Toffee. fl reci)m'mrjid«d by phvsici'-i>'.iH the grots.' „ , ; I'TJUTIOUS BEVTiUflEforivl lily Tnntraari, : r ’ 1 .Dyspepsia, and-alf <bii!rou; ihs-B II- fridii'i. fir. Thousands;who oompclNrl exneeialious : 'bnndon the use of coffee, will. u j.„- t |,;„ n ’o.tVfll piOW..: injurious effects. One can cijutiUna iJ succes? rests i strength of wo pound. of ordmarj cofir* 'nrteaefy .<cha;': !>r -«» eentr. ; .■ 1 •’ KOTj.OCK'S\ I,E VAIS'. The purest and host BARISfi POIHII if'SrflcS? I “1. ,- | enown t- for makin'g.ligliti sweet and .nutr.tNj good that‘iOt ! lb-cad an'i Crakes. Price 15 eenti.'.- :3 unditthtbe*t"\ Manufactured-by- * .1 Me* 1 1 eliaiit , .’ M. IJ.'KflJXOß.ro,.'nis.. -I ■ another sup- ,1 Corner of Broad and Cbe* , iuiT.v.vtetic|g wiionce, ■ With i fi/ /' ‘.'xPHILAUEU’Hiafe ’-j . } Alyl fold by airpragpat* apdiGrooeral# Crorr onemaj i _rpmrllfi , , ** iTtetitlElli p-nh i. ■in«f u>> acids, I ...J / 'H listt.“[-without,V ; ' ■ rticMEk 1 * produce■jsT.dp.Ef.V i J I Tooth Powder bt cbarialn wo jy Jry X CO. A'tu Tori' r ~ ‘- v ••■•1 lOTsfo'tr ’Scennot be sablj be ob ‘ .Sure*, i •. DENT/ . wlijcb ro.. ■\ ;■ i 1 rj^HF-NihVcriber respectfully : j‘ JL '-thfr cfiisen* of Beaver 1 Bii-1 i he hits opened a OrjQCKKY: i ; STORE - in Oi* rnniti | fnrmer.lV f'CjrtipK ‘ .'.Stolen Su Thuou. and ..l-recitv f j office, where w»* wjP, >'■ i-iuiad. arid ; ‘fo/ aak- .a ; f j Groceries. V.ich ‘at { 1. COF’FKK, I ; TEA. .'••■ I. SUG A u FtHvVler 1‘ foul! px'uii’,:' ug,’. ■'Will';, make. tue Jsy begin of l.'.’r-nnf ran leiheai •.. .r, i ihfdlSrUi Tor firraiesj . and IN of}, cases ot Ifo/.'A,. Canker, lurd’sj astring- j iso;'r flo.uk, _ ro i V; j (ill .othor articles HMialiy, K^'V 1 I Grocery sf»v.‘' : j: L 1 ‘. Goyiiilryjifodiu-e’takiv; in.rrcb'’ 1 for.tsuKl*, at the l)i^ln->-t' ■ jdeif; • ,r;; -t. t-. ; ! wholesale oavcoc: 1 T.i.jtK Powder eburiship. arid toTtEeir wives They should be • [’ t ETHr. ,n»*to tj’ae r- - {o>itc ’S vure looiu es, aaHt-are l!,- avc inltliebo'is; • i . * 1 . • i.. tmv_ah(i sl'rin ympatfletie «! 54 /vy oo<l : pSt-l J'CATir.JOt v"II rsf- i *ratrifling sunw l 5 V lliiu fioOiicrj: ' better, j ai : gleet ’£>f 1 V«"‘fk.", 1 QFF-ER THKTH i 'sprustg- !in«i !rc:i<] r*r. . Il* t';rt )'wn teetb, save t I At thk Lbn-KfTl 'fear'; 25,’CS. ’■ Bounty qt^ lack' P-y-AgM ; > i ARTHURS & BIDO& Xo. lS.j- FOI7RTH ST. , , - ', • PITTSm'R%i.; CIPECIA-L »tfpnlion fjiVim tf '•^■nlrv;- of-the BOUNTY UP Xy, EU,Soldiers 'who' Ink? ■two team, wliioh' Sj ' commnnfoat idn? ti romptly »n»wered hy reism of‘ . JQY, C0? 9% Advertuing and -Gbinmiseion ■ ANIV v p; PRINTING IN.SSjOF ■ . j Tjrpe,’- Printing WRITINK ANDTBI-SriN•' ■ .iV . ''■ T — rj~ V T Biuiaisf'.' 1 - ■* ■: c/i. ‘ i ma,r2<>:lv. .V. L J tj —*■?'' 1 M»rbl e o 1 ■■; THE ...Su&cribpr «* that lie is preN r Ji l,^frora», Fl; ' qiers aU kind ofiwoik in i‘-' s .ib T i W'E. f - SLAB to a CAEVEDjTCMK SK.- ■ American and'ltalian^.,^,,: Kept on hand,'and A'.l fcind’ 0 :, , n ii?;»fV' 'as Ornamental wort done (n manney.y,' j, -J <i\:ioni- ? ' V 'Market st, l dc-vnorth I■ 1 ; • jwiclS’Bd, _ ~ j ff wliig; ■N.Bam c(^P|- \j 5E*T|Sr i small fortune to >1 to families. ; Thr ist article thst « Kind.. ‘ Send foi ioien, jwjiich w« Agents.supplied ■ NoW'to -the* time. * o gooi'sml mak» ■ thousands for tbt lllpnd pren prwo .andajchance to ddressj-* URD 4 GO.. ’ , igs, Ifejw Yoi-k. . made jfrith confi to itch Mayor of Presidents Fdrnß [lyn j to Joy, Coe, fcfew ’ . ■■if:: '.■■l ' - v *'“s 0- J ;v i.’-s ■ t i'-> ' j-,‘-?SS - SY IU'P; . _ lIN PITTSBURGH,;?* fo.qk.ro'r-*'' OF.lScf I. ‘ : 'M.tsstr ' r» KI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers